Join Us

The Lion’s Club is constantly seeking civic minded citizens who are willing to donate some time and effort toward making our communities better places in which to live. We meet at 6:30 PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month for our general meeting (social hour at 6 with dinner meeting at 6:30). Dues include the meal ($75 quarterly - $100 initiation which includes the first quarter). If you are interested in visiting us, please contact Thalia Club President Bill Pope at 340-4372 or e-mail to receive an invitation. Also any active member of the club would be most happy to extend an invitation. You can join us and learn more about what Lions really do to help their fellow man. Membership in the Thalia Lions Club is by invitation only; however, the only requirements are to be of legal age and good character.

Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but they have opportunities to develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills which can be used in their work or in their personal lives. Our major annual fund raising activities are broom sales in May, direct donation solicitations (White Cane) in April and October, and holiday fruit sales in December. While we are engaged in multiple community service projects, our major ones are
* Eye examinations and hearing tests using the mobile Sight and Hearing Van -;
* Project Homeless Connect at the Norfolk Scope to help homeless adults using the Sight and Hearing Van -;
* Pre-school eyes testing;
* Yearly Remote Area Medical (RAM) Wise County, Virginia volunteer service;
* Scholarships to the Adult Learning Center and local high schools;
* Annual school student music contest (Bland Contest) -;
* Donations to people in need, especially with hearing and sight problems.


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