
The Thalia Lions Club twins with Skopje Macedonia

31 May 2012 Update : Thalia Lions host Guest from Twin Club in Republic of Macedonia, by Lion Nancy Watters, Thalia Lions Club:  Lion Teuta Krasnica Cuckova from the Lions Club of Skopje St. Pantelejmon, Republic of Macedonia  joined Lions Stan and Jeri Furman and Lion Filip Cuckova and Ana  Samolov Cuckova for dinner at the home of Lions John and Nancy Watters on May 31st to celebrate the second year of twinning between the two clubs.  First Vice District Governor, Lion Stanley Furman presented Lion Teuta with both the Incoming District Governor’s pin and the International Governor’s pin.  Along with gifts of wine and woven textiles given to Lions Nancy and John, Lion Teuta presented the Furmans with a clay relief tile of Mother Teresa.  Mother Teresa was born in Skpoje, Macedonia, Teuta’s home.  Lion Teuta was in town for her son Filip’s wedding to Ana Samolov, a prospective Thalia member.  Thalia Lions began the twinning process in January 2010 after Lion Teuta’s last visit when Filip joined the Thalia Lions Club.   While sharing information about activities, projects and fund raising, both clubs recognize that there efforts and objectives to serve humanity are much the same.   After an authentically American summertime dinner of barbequed ribs, potato salad, coleslaw and cornbread, each party exchanged club documents and signed twinning forms for another year.

The International Club Twinning Program is a reciprocal program between clubs of different countries. Its purpose is to give Lions of different cultures an opportunity to learn about one another. The Twinning Program is a voluntary and mutual agreement between clubs in different countries (see LCI International Club Twinning @ and LCI contact for information about international club twinning is @

The Thalia Twinning Committee has the following responsibilities:
* Register with the International Club, include Thalia and Skopje on the LCI club twinning list, and apply for a twinning patch.
* Sign the International Club Twinning Recognition Application (IAD 603) to become official club twins.
* Trade information learning about each other’s culture.
* Maintain friendships through long-distance correspondence.
* Work to create and foster a spirit of understanding and friendship between the peoples of the United States and Macedonia.
* Nurture Twinning between the Princess Anne Leo and Skopje Leo Clubs.

The Lions Club Skopje Web Site is @ (give the system time for translation to English). Since establishment in 1998 Skopje, Macedonia now has eight Lions Clubs and one Leo Club with around 300 members. Skopje’s motto is “We serve.Past projects of the Skopje Clubs have included the following:
  • Worked with children, the elderly, and the sick to fight against drug use, aids, and diabetes.
  • Obtained funding through auctions, concerts, and cultural events.
  • Raised funds for the Kosovo crisis.
  • Provided assistance in the form of money, equipment, and food. for victims of the Iranian earthquake.
  • Organized round table discussions for diabetes and the fight against drugs.
  • Donated equipment, blankets, toys, books and wheel chairs to the Cardiology Clinic in Skopje.
  • Participated with ambassadors and experts from the European Union, USA, Russia, United Kingdom, and Slovenia concerning Macedonian, regional, and world political and economic issues.
  • Established a Leo Club through which eight Leo members went to the Lion campus in Germany, Holland, Slovenia and Japan.
  • Supported a special Olympiad for handicap children during Christmas by giving the children several computers and applying for support from LCIF.

On January 6th, 2010, a letter was presented to St. Pantelejmon Lions Club of Skopke, Macedonia, charter member, Teuta Krasnica Cuckova to hand carry to Macedonia as the initial step. The letter follows:

January 6, 2010
Robert M. Perrine
2408 Ketch Ct

Virginia Beach, VA 23451, USA

President Vlatko Gjorgievski
Lions Club “St. Pantelejmon” – Skopke
Hotel Kontinental, St. Aleksandra Makedonski
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Dear President Gjorgievski,

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach wishes to establish a special relationship with your St. Pantelejmon Lions Club of Skopke, Macedonia, a formal Lions Club International (LCI) relationship called “Twinning.”

Our newest member, Filip Cuckova, is the son of your charter member, Teuta Krasnica Cuckova. We have been fortunate recently to host Mrs. Cuckova at our last two meetings, since she was here to see Filip receive his Ph.D. degree in computer and electrical engineering from Old Dominion University in our adjacent city of Norfolk, Virginia. She shared with us the activities of your club and presented us with your most impressive club brochure.

We hope to enrich both clubs by the exchange of customs and events. If you are receptive to Twinning with the Thalia Lions Club we will submit an application to LCI to formalize this relationship in accordance with LCI policy – see

Enclosed please find our club brochure and some other information about our activities. We are a small, but a growing club (with the addition of Filip – 25 members). While small in number we are among the most energetic and active in a District (24-D) comprising 58 clubs in southeastern Virginia.
We look forward to hearing from you in a very promising new decade!

Yours in Lionism,
Lion Bob Perrine
President, 2009 – 2010

Thalia Lions Website:
District 24-D Website:

1. Brochure of Thalia Lions Club
2. List of Supported Charities
3. District 24-D Information”

The above letter was read to St. Pantelejmon Lions Club on or about January 20, 2010. St. Pantelejmon Lions Club of Skopke looks enthusiastically forward to twinning with Thalia.


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