Club Manual

2008-2009 Lions Clubs International

* TO ORGANIZE charter and supervise service clubs to be known as Lions clubs.
* TO COORDINATE the activities and standardize the administration of Lions clubs.
* TO CREATE and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.
* TO PROMOTE the principles of good government and good citizenship.
* TO TAKE an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community.
* TO UNITE the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding.
* TO PROVIDE a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members.
* TO ENCOURAGE service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors.

Lions Clubs International Vision Statement* TO BE THE GLOBAL LEADER in communities and humanitarian service.

Lions Clubs International Code of Ethics
* TO SHOW my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service.
* TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part.
* TO REMEMBER that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another’s; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself.
* WHENEVER a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself.
* TO HOLD friendship as an end not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given.
* ALWAYS to bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state and my community, and to give them unswerving loyalty in word, act and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor, and means.
* TO AID others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy.
* TO BE CAREFUL with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not to destroy.

Lions Clubs International Mission Statement
* TO EMPOWER VOLUNTEERS to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs,
encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Club Officers Manual
A. Resources
1. International Headquarters
2. Lions Clubs International Web Site
3. Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws
4. Periodicals
5. International Program
6. District Officers
7. Lions Clubs International Foundation
B. Club Structure
1. Officers’ Duties
2. Committees
3. Membership Categories
4. Club Financing
C. Lions Clubs International Trademark Policies
D. Limits on Authority
E. Leadership Skills
F. Status Quo and Club Cancellation
G. Financial Suspension of Clubs
H. Club Mergers and Single Club Transfers
I. Club Name Changes
J. Club Officer Orientation at the District Level
A. Beginning the Year
1. Preparation
2. Setting Goals
3. Making Committee Assignments
4. Selecting Service Activities
5. Determine Record Keeping Methods
6. Know Your Forms
7. Fiscal Responsibilities
B. Throughout the Year
1. Running Meetings
2. Communicating Effectively
3. Handling Correspondence
4. Understanding Membership Topics
5. Attendance
6. Financial Responsibilities
7. Promoting Your Club
8. New Club Extension
9. Attending Zone Meetings
10. District Governor’s Club Visit
11. Attending Conventions
C. Finishing the Year
1. Recognition
2. Transitioning to the Next Leadership Team

This manual contains helpful information to guide you through your year as a club officer. The association recognizes that each Lions club is unique, and people have different management styles. To accommodate these facts, there is a great deal of latitude in how you choose to manage your club—as long as you follow the basic club requirements set forth in the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws. Serving as a club officer is a privilege and honor bestowed upon you by club members. Through your election, your peers have recognized your leadership skills and potential to manage the club effectively. Your term in office will offer many opportunities to learn new skills, improve others and grow as a leader through experience. By taking advantage of the many opportunities to learn and grow, your term can have personal and professional development benefits that will last a lifetime. All the members of your club are part of your team, and it is the club officers’ responsibility to guide members toward reaching the club’s goals. Every member has his/her important role to fill, and by working together, your club will be able to meet its full potential and serve a vital role in your community.

A. ResourcesThere is an abundance of information, materials and people ready to assist you as you serve your term in office. You may take advantage of these resources as needed.
1. International Headquarters: Familiarizing yourself with International Headquarters structure can help you use this important resource more effectively. Visit the Lions Clubs International Web site,, or refer to issues of THE LION Magazine to find a listing of specific contact numbers. International Headquarters has many resources accessible to you. The staff is ready to assist you in any way possible.
2. Lions Clubs International Web Site: The association’s official Web site located at, is an essential tool for club officers. There are hundreds of pages of information on the site. The Club Resource Center includes many documents that are useful to club officers. Club officers can visit the site at .
There is basic information about the association’s programs, contact information and e-mail links to International Headquarters, various directories and an online Club Supplies section. Many publications can be downloaded, which saves both time and money. The Web site also offers a unique membership reporting area enabling club officers to view and update their club membership records. Adding a new member, dropping a member, transferring a member in from another club and reinstating a member, as well as updating a member’s address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc. can be accomplished through this area. In addition, club officers can update their club officers and view and update information related to a club branch affiliated with their club. Club presidents, secretaries and treasurers will annually be issued passwords to access this information. For more information regarding online report filing or passwords, visit the Web site, or contact the Information Technology Division at International Headquarters. The e-mail address is
3. Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws: This publication, available on the Web site is another important item for club officers. The Constitution and By-Laws outlines the structure, duties and responsibilities of Lions clubs and club officers, and is the ultimate guide for club management. Information contained within this constitution is the club’s primary governing guidelines. If your club has its own constitution and by-laws it must conform to the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws.
4. Periodicals: Each Lions club member receives THE LION Magazine. Lions Newswire, the monthly newsletter on the association’s Web site, keeps members throughout the world informed of important events as well as Lions Clubs International policy changes and news of current Lions events and activities. Encourage your members to visit Lions Newswire each month at
5. International Program: This program, which explains the international president’s focus for the year, is available on the association’s Web site and in THE LION Magazine. It is suggested that clubs choose some activities that are outlined in the program.
6. District Officers: Club officers are encouraged to work with district officers to achieve shared objectives. Your district governor, vice district governor and region and zone chairpersons can help you with questions and problems that may arise during your year. Many districts also have materials for clubs, such as a video lending library, that may be helpful. Often, past officers can offer advice based on their experiences.
7. Lions Clubs International Foundation: Located at International Headquarters, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) accepts donations from Lions and others, and uses those funds to provide grants to help meet crucial humanitarian needs of communities worldwide. It disburses grants in several categories for humanitarian projects, such as SightFirst, Standard, International Assistance, Core-4 and Disaster Relief. Please contact LCIF or visit the foundation’s section of the association’s Web site to learn more about the foundation’s programs and how your club can become involved.
Essential Resources for Club Officers
• Lions Clubs International Headquarters
English Language Department
300 W. 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842, USA
Phone: (630) 706-6919
Fax: (630) 706-9273
• Lions Clubs International Web site
• Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws

B. Club Structure - Clubs are composed of several leadership positions. Working together, club leaders manage club operations.
1. Officers’ Duties:
- He/she is the chief executive officer of the club; presides at all meetings of the board of directors and the club; issues the call for regular meetings and special meetings of the board of directors and the club; appoints the standing and special committees of the club and cooperates with chairpersons to ensure regular functioning and reporting of such committees; sees that officers are elected as provided for by the constitution and by-laws, and cooperates with, and is an active member of, the district governor's advisory committee of the zone in which this club is located.
Immediate Past President - He/she and the other past presidents officially greet members and their guests at club meetings and represent the club in welcoming all new service-minded people in the community served by the club.
Vice President(s) - If the president is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the vice president next in rank shall occupy his/her position and perform his/her duties with the same authority as the president. Each vice president shall, under the direction of the president, oversee the functioning of such committees of the club as the president designates.
Secretary - He/she is under the supervision and direction of the president and the board of directors and is the liaison officer between the club and the district (single or sub and multiple) in which the club is located, and the association. The secretary:
(1) Submits regular monthly membership reports and other reports specified by
the association;
(2) Submits upon request reports to the district governor's cabinet including
copies of monthly membership and annual activities reports;
(3) Cooperates with and serves as an active member of the district governor's
advisory committee of the zone in which the club is located;
(4) Has custody of and maintains general records of the club, including minutes
of club and board meetings; attendance; committee appointments; elections; member information, addresses and telephone numbers of members; members club accounts;
(5) Arranges for issuance, in cooperation with the treasurer, of quarterly or
semi-annual statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations owed to the club, collects and turns dues over to the club treasurer and obtains a receipt;
(6) Gives bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in the sum and with
surety as determined by the board of directors.
Treasurer - He/she shall:
(1) Receive all monies from the secretary and deposit the dollars in a bank or
banks recommended by the finance committee and approved by the board of directors;
(2) Pay the club’s obligations authorized by the board of directors. All checks
and vouchers shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by one other officer, determined by the board of directors;
(3) Have custody of and maintain general records of club receipts and
(4) Prepare and submit monthly and semi-annual financial reports to the
international office of the association and the board of directors of this club;
(5) Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in the sum and with
surety as determined by the board of directors.
Lion Tamer (Optional) - The Lion tamer has charge of and is responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the club, including flags, banners, gong, gavel, song books, etc. He/she puts each in its proper place before each meeting and returns the items to the proper storage area after each meeting. He/she acts as sergeant-at-arms at meetings, sees that those present are properly seated, and distributes bulletins, favors and literature as required at club and board meetings. He/she ensures that new members are welcomed by other members and sit with a different group at each meeting so that the new members become better acquainted.
Tail Twister (Optional) - He/she promotes harmony, good fellowship, and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious imposition of fines on club members. There shall be no ruling from his/her decision in imposing a fine, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the board of directors of the club, and no member shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting. The tail twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. All monies collected by the tail twister (optional) shall be immediately turned over to the treasurer and a receipt be given.
Membership Director - The membership director is the chairperson of the membership committee. His/her responsibilities include:
(1) Developing a club membership growth program and presenting the program
to the board of directors for approval.
(2) Encouraging the recruitment of new quality members at club meetings.
(3) Ensuring implementation of recruitment and retention procedures.
(4) Preparing and implementing member orientation sessions.
(5) Reporting to the board of directors ways to reduce the loss of members.
(6) Coordinating with other club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities.
(7) Serving as a member of the zone level membership committee.
Board of Directors - The members of the board of directors are the president, immediate past president, vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, Lion tamer (optional), tail Twister (optional), membership director, branch coordinator, if designated, and all other elected directors. The board of directors shall have the following duties and powers:
(1) It is the executive board of the club and is responsible for the execution,
through the club officers, of the policies approved by the club. All new business and policy of the club shall be considered and shaped, first, by the board of directors for presentation to and approval by the club members at a regular or special club meeting.
(2) It authorizes all expenditures and shall not create any indebtedness beyond
the current income of this club, nor authorize disbursal of club funds for purposes inconsistent with the business and policy authorized by the club membership.
(3) It has the power to modify, override or rescind the action of any officer of the
(4) It ensures that the books, accounts and operations of the club are audited
annually or, at its discretion, more frequently and may require an accounting or have an audit made of the handling of any club funds by any officer, committee or member of the club. Any member of the club in good standing may inspect the audit or accounting upon request at a reasonable time and place.
(5) It appoints, on recommendation of the finance committee, a bank or banks
for the deposit of the funds of the club.
(6) It appoints the surety for the bonding of any officer of the club.
(7) It does not authorize, nor permit, the expenditure, for any administrative purpose, of the net income of projects or activities of the club by which funds are raised from the public. It shall submit all matters of new business and policy to the respective standing or special club committee for study and recommendation to the board.
(8) It appoints, subject to approval of the club membership, the delegates and
alternates of the club to district (single, sub- or multiple) and international conventions.
(9) It maintains at least two (2) separate funds governed by generally accepted
accounting practices. The first fund to record administrative monies such as dues, tail twisting fines and other internally raised club funds. A second fund is to be established to record activity or public welfare monies raised by asking support from the public. Disbursement from such funds is to be in strict compliance with item (7) above.
2. Committees - Committees contribute to the success of a club by concentrating on a specific area and making sure that the club’s goals in that area are met. Typically, committees are formed to focus on areas such as club meeting programs, community service, fundraising projects, club finances, membership development, public relations and constitution and by-laws. Clubs are encouraged to appoint an information technology chairperson to coordinate the club’s use of technology. Clubs may form additional committees as deemed necessary.
3. Membership Categories - There are seven types of membership:
• Active
• Affiliate
• Associate
• Honorary
• Life
• Member-at-Large
• Privileged
Please refer to the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws for a description of each membership category. No individual can simultaneously hold membership, other than honorary or associate, in more than one Lions club.
4. Club Financing: Most clubs use the budget system of financing. This is a practice of anticipating in advance as accurately as possible the income and expenses of your club for a specific period and then preparing a budget on that basis. Budgets should be used as guidelines for spending.
Clubs should have two budgets for their fiscal year: (1) an administrative budget and (2) an activities budget. The administrative budget is what finances club operations. Its income comes mostly from club dues. The activities budget finances the club’s activities and projects. Its income should come from special fundraising projects held by the club in the community. Income from the club’s fundraising projects cannot be used to defray the club’s administrative costs, even if the club advertises that funds raised will be used for the club’s own purposes. The club can, however, deduct the direct operating expenses of the fundraising project from the funds raised.

C. Lions Clubs International Trademark PoliciesAs a matter of legal protection to the International association of Lions Clubs and its members, clubs and districts (single, sub- and multiple, hereinafter referred to as “districts”), the association name and emblem (and variations thereof) are registered as trademarks in countries around the world. Under the association’s trademark policies, Lions members, clubs and districts are automatically granted permission and license to use the association trademarks in the promotion and furtherance of the association’s purposes and club or district operations, such as sponsored programs, projects, community service and other events, so long as such use is done in accordance with the policies adopted from time to time by the International Board of Directors and the trademarks are not used on any item to be sold or otherwise available from the Club Supplies and Distribution Division and official licensees. Lion Members, clubs and districts are authorized or may seek authorization to use the association’s trademarks for certain items, projects and programs in accordance with the association’s trademark policies. For a complete copy of the association’s trademark policies, please refer to the Lions Clubs International Website, or contact the Legal Division at or (630) 571-5466, ext.360. For any questions on licensing, approval for specific use on products, goods, etc, please contact the Club Supplies and Distribution Division at or (630) 571-5466, ext. 6798.

D. Limits on Authority
• The club president has no absolute authority. The president’s authority to act must come from directives from the board of directors, the club as a whole, the club’s constitution and by-laws, or the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws.
• What the board of directors can and cannot do by itself is set forth in the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws. This information is published on the association’s Web site. Similar information may be referenced in the club’s constitution and by-laws.
• Any club rule, procedure, by-law or constitutional provision that is contrary to the constitution and by-laws of the club, district, multiple district or the International Constitution and By-Laws is not valid.

E. Leadership Skills - As club officers, developing and nurturing leadership skills is very important. Club members will be looking to you for guidance, for motivation and to help solve problems, if necessary. Together, your leadership team will help keep the club moving towards its goals. The Leadership Division at International Headquarters provides several resources to the district leadership development chairperson to assist you with developing critical leadership skills. The Lions Leadership Resource Center, accessible via the association’s Web site, offers easy access to leadership development tools and resources. Visit the center at

F. Status Quo and Club Cancellation - Status quo is a temporary suspension of a club’s charter, rights and privileges, as well as obligations. Status quo clubs should not submit a Monthly Membership Report or submit changes in membership. A club can remain on status quo for only 90 days. Within 90 days, a status quo club must be released from status quo or its charter may be canceled.
Justifiable conditions for placing a club on status quo include:
• Failure to comply with the objectives of the association or conduct unbecoming to a Lions club;
• Failure to fulfill any other obligations of a chartered club, failure to submit Monthly Membership Reports for six or more consecutive months, or failure to hold regular club meetings;
• Failure to pay district or multiple district dues;
• Verification of non-existing club;
• Decision of club to disband;
• Decision of club to merge with another club.
Clubs are encouraged to consult their zone chairperson, vice district governor and district governor if any of these conditions exist in the club to prevent being placed on status quo.
If a Lions club decides to disband, the club is strongly encouraged to first contact its district governor, who will begin procedures to cancel its charter.

G. Financial Suspension of Clubs - A Lions club can be suspended automatically if it has an outstanding balance of more than US$1,000 or US$20 per member, whichever is less, over 150 days old. A suspended club can be reactivated within 90 days by paying the outstanding balance in full, or committing to a payment plan and making monthly installment payments. If not, the charter of the club can be canceled automatically after the suspension period of 90 days. Suspended clubs can hold meetings to discuss the future of the club and to identify actions to take to regain an active status.

H. Club Mergers and Single Club Transfers - More information and application forms for the following may be requested from the English Language Department at International Headquarters.
• Club Mergers: Two or more clubs may merge together, provided that both clubs are in agreement with which club will be cancelled and the name, officers and committees of the remaining club. Each club’s membership and the district cabinet must adopt a resolution supporting the merger. The remaining club must submit a Merger Request Form (DA-979) and required documents to the English Language Department. The request form and club merger procedures can be found on the association’s Web site at
• Single Club Transfers: Clubs may transfer from one district to an adjacent district. The club’s membership and the district cabinets of both districts must adopt a resolution supporting the transfer. Both governors must also authorize the transfer. One of the governors submits the request and required documents to the English Language Department.

I. Club Name Changes - Club name changes must comply with the requirements established in Board Policy. Requests should be sent to the New Clubs and Marketing Department at International Headquarters.

J. Club Officer Orientation at the District Level - Districts are mandated to offer orientation programs for club officers. These programs are beneficial to skill development and personal growth. Club officers are encouraged to attend these programs, which often take place during district conventions or special district, region or zone meetings. Contact the zone chairperson, district governor or district leadership chairperson for details.

II. CLUB MANAGEMENT - Teamwork is one of the keys to successful club management. Club officers can collectively shape the way in which they work together that will be best for all concerned. There are, however, specific responsibilities and areas of authority for each club officer. Using these as a guide, your leadership team can determine the most effective way to manage your club throughout the year.

A. Beginning the Year
1. Preparation:
Many officers find it helpful to begin preparation for their year before taking office, using many available resources to learn more about their club and the international association. The outgoing officers can be most helpful during this time; however, make sure that you do not interfere with their leadership until you officially take office.
2. Setting Goals: Most people will agree that setting goals and developing a plan to achieve those goals is one of the keys to success. Working with your leadership team, consider creating a strategic plan outlining your club’s goals for the year and how you intend to reach them.
3. Making Committee Assignments: One of the most important responsibilities of a club president is making committee chairperson assignments. Experience worldwide shows that a member who is actively engaged in club activities will continue to be a club member. Presidents should confer with their vice president(s) before assigning chairpersons since the vice president(s) may work closely with committees throughout the year. Consider matching committee assignments to your members’ skills and knowledge when choosing chairpersons. If the current club president agrees, your chairperson appointments may be announced before you officially take office. Throughout the year, the club’s leadership team should work closely with the committee chairpersons to keep them informed, encouraged and motivated.
During the club president’s term, he/she will need to form the Nominating Committee. Please note that, according to the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws, the committee should be functional by March, and club elections must take place by April 15. Information about elected officers is to be reported on the Officer Reporting Form (PU-101) or through the membership reporting area of the association’s Web site.
4. Selecting Service Activities: Generally, service activities fall into three areas:
• The annual International Program, which details the programs the international president will emphasize.
• Ongoing and traditional activities of Lions Clubs International, such as blindness prevention, diabetes awareness, environmental services and youth programs.
• The unique needs of your community.
Most clubs try to achieve a balance between these three areas when prioritizing activities for the year. It is also a good idea to review your club’s goals before choosing activities. Most importantly, look at your resources closely—time, budget and volunteer support—before committing to a project.
5. Determine Record Keeping Methods: There are many ways to keep records for the club. It is a good idea for club officers to meet and determine how meeting minutes, and financial and membership records will be kept. At the end of the year, records should be turned over to the succeeding officers.
6. Know Your Forms: Take time to familiarize yourself with the various forms clubs submit on a regular basis. Please note that most of these forms are available for submission online via the association’s Web site at
• Monthly Membership Report (MMR) - (C-23-A): Every Lions club uses this form to report monthly membership changes. The report is submitted to International Headquarters either by mail, fax or online through a membership site on the association’s Web site. A password is required to use the membership site on the Web site. Requests for passwords or questions can be directed to
Paper reports (MMR) must be received by International Headquarters by the 20th of the current month.
Electronic versions of the Monthly Membership Report (WMMR) must be filed by 12:00am Central Standard Time, by the last day of the current month. A chart of the dates that a report can be filed is shown below:

Month MMR Reporting
July 1 – July 20
August 1 – August 20
Sept 1 – Sept 20
Oct 1 – Oct 20
Nov 1 – Nov 20
Dec 1 – Dec 20
Jan 1 – Jan 20
Feb 1 – Feb 20
March 1 – March 20
April 1 – April 20
May 1 – May 20
June 1 – June 20

Month WMMR Reporting
July 1 – July 31
August 1 – August 31
Sept 1 – Sept 30
Oct 1 – Oct 31
Nov 1 – Nov 30
Dec 1 – Dec 31
Jan 1 – Jan 31
Feb 1 – Feb 28
March 1 – March 31
April 1 – April 30
May 1 – May 31
June 1 – June 30

As a club makes changes to their membership online, the changes occur automatically. Changes can continue to be made online throughout the month. The report is cut off on the last day of each month, and no further changes can be made for that month. Additional changes must be included in the next month's report.
PLEASE NOTE: A club cannot file future reports months ahead. If a month’s report is missed, the transaction should be included in the next month’s paper submission or entered into WMMR. Either the paper and electronic Monthly Membership Report must be submitted each month even though there are no changes in membership.
• Club Officer Report (PU-101): Clubs submit their officer contact information on this form annually on paper or through the membership reporting area of the association’s Web site by May 15. Clubs submitting a paper copy should return the original copy to International Headquarters and forward a copy to your district governor.
• Monthly/Yearly Club Activity Report (A-1): Club secretaries can report their club’s activities online directly through the association’s Web site by following these simple steps:
- Log onto the Lions Web site:
- Click on the banner that reads: Submit Membership and Activity Reports on the left-hand side of the page.
- Enter a member number and password to complete the report.
The online site:
- Allows a secretary to report activities monthly or at the end of the fiscal year.
- Automatically tabulates each club’s information in a year-end summary and eliminates the need to submit a separate year-end report.
- Provides space for supplemental information about club activities. (English Only).
- Allows governors, vice governors and cabinet secretary/treasurers to view all club reports in the district. The online report has replaced the paper report form. Secretaries should use the online report to ensure inclusion of their club’s accomplishments in the year-end summary that is published after July 15, the cutoff date for activity information from the previous Lions year. For more information, contact or call International Headquarters at extension 6924.
• Club Supplies Order Form (M-74): This form is used to order club supplies from International Headquarters. Remember to allow plenty of time for orders needed by a certain date. Only club presidents and secretaries can place orders. Clubs may place orders and download the order form through the association’s Web site.
The Club Supplies and Distribution Division at International Headquarters has many additional forms that can be very helpful for club management. Please refer to the Club Supplies Catalog.
7. Fiscal Responsibilities: There are several important financial issues that should be addressed as you begin your year.
• Preparing the Budgets: Developing the club’s administrative and activities budgets is one of the most important responsibilities of the treasurer. He/she works with the Finance Committee and club president to prepare them. It is important to anticipate revenue and income carefully and prioritize spending needs when developing the budgets. Monitoring them throughout the year will help ensure your club remains solvent.
• Handling Banking Issues: The treasurer and Finance Committee will recommend a banking institution to the board of directors, as well as suggest officers for signing and co-signing checks. It is also recommended that a signature card be on file with the bank, limits set regarding the amount of petty cash the club will handle and a system for reimbursement established.
• Setting Club Dues: The treasurer, in cooperation with the Finance Committee and upon approval of the board of directors and club members, sets the amount for the annual club members’ dues. When determining this amount, consider how much money will be needed to maintain the financial health of the club. The club dues should also include district, multiple district and international dues. Club dues are typically collected in advance, semiannually or annually. Invoices are usually sent to club members approximately 10 days before the start of the dues-paying period.

B. Throughout the Year
1. Running Meetings: The club president presides at all meetings of the club. Preparing and following an agenda as well as using a recognized system of parliamentary procedure (such as Robert’s Rules of Order) will ensure the meetings run smoothly and productively. Parliamentary procedure will also help you assert yourself when necessary and handle disharmonious behavior. Handling problems that occur during meetings is not always easy. Your members expect, and have confidence in the club president to lead during these times.
Agenda formats vary from club to club and may be tailored to meet your club’s individual needs. A typical club meeting or board of directors meeting format:
• Call to order by president
• Introduction of guests
• Program (guest speaker, entertainment, etc.) may either precede or follow the business portion
• Reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting
• Treasurer’s report
• Old or unfinished business
• New business
• Adjournment
The club secretary typically has numerous duties for these meetings:
• Creating an agenda in conjunction with the president
• Notifying participants of the time and location of the meeting
• Recording minutes during the meeting
• Recording attendance, makeup meetings and awards presented
2. Communicating Effectively: For a club officer, it is vital that the lines of communication remain open among members of the leadership team as well as between the leadership team and the board of directors, club members, district officers and the community. Keeping these people up to date on club news, issues, etc. and helping them work through challenges will be an important part of your year. If disputes arise between any member or members, and the club, consult the dispute resolution provision in the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws (LA-2).
3. Handling Correspondence: Club officers often handle an abundance of correspondence. Correspondence should be answered promptly and professionally to ensure the efficient running of the club.
4. Understanding Membership Topics: There are several membership topics of which club officers should be aware.
• Eligibility: Any person of legal majority of good moral character and reputation in your community is eligible for membership in your club. Lions club membership is by invitation only. New members are recommended to the club as prospective members by using the Invitation-Application for Membership Form (ME6B). Any member dropped from membership may be reinstated within six months by a majority vote of the board of directors. Where more than six months have elapsed, the member must return to the club as a new member.
Membership in a club may be one of several categories. A description of each category is found in the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws (LA-2), which is available on the association’s Web site.
• Family Membership Program provides families with the opportunity to join a Lions Club, upon invitation, under a special family dues concession. The program is designed for either existing members who wish to invite other family members to join their club and for clubs that wish to expand their community service by involving more families from the community they serve, subject to the provisions and regulations as determined by the International Board of Directors.
• This program is open to family members who are above the age of majority, living in the same household, belonging to the same club, or wishing to join the same club as an existing family member. New family members must be invited and approved by the club’s board of directors. In case of young adult family members between the legal age of majority and under age 26, the same household residency requirement is not required if attending an institution of higher education or serving in the country’s military.
For the purpose of the Family Membership program, the eligibility definition for “families” shall be as follows:
- A family includes all members living in the same household related by birth, marriage, adoption, and other legal dependents, including such common family relations as parents, children, spouses, aunts/uncles, cousins and grandparents, and in-laws and other legal dependents.
- The first member of the family shall pay the normal entrance fees and full international dues (as well as any applicable club, district or multiple district dues). Subsequent family members, up to a limit of four more, who meet the qualifications, pay one half of the normal international dues and are exempt of any entrance fees. All qualifying family members shall be active members with all rights and privileges.
- To qualify for the family membership dues rate in the semi-annual per capita billing cycle for Lions Clubs International dues, existing qualifying family members shall need to be certified and reported as family members by May 31st and November 30th in order to be billed at the discounted family rate for that upcoming respective per capita billing cycle.
- Additional information about the Family Membership Program can be found on the association’s Web site.
• Student Member and Leo Conversion Program provides students with the opportunity to join any Lions club, including campus clubs, upon invitation, under a special student dues concession. The program is designed for Campus Lions clubs and for clubs that wish to expand their humanitarian service by involving more students from the community they serve, subject to the provisions and regulations as described below.
This program is open to students between the age of legal majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside and through the age of 30. For the purpose of this program, the eligibility definition for “student” shall be as follows:
- A student is an individual enrolled in an educational institution. New student members must be invited and approved by the club’s board of directors.
Student members, who meet the qualifications, pay one half of the normal international dues and are exempt of any entrance fees. Districts and multiple districts may exempt or lower their dues for student members as deemed appropriate. All qualifying student members shall be active members with all rights and privileges.
- Graduated Leos, current and former Leos between the age of legal majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside and through the age of 30 shall qualify for the Student Member Program upon the submission of the Leo Club Completion of Service Certificate and Student Member Certification Form. Enrollment in an educational institution is not required.
- Additional information on the Student Member and Leo Conversion Program is found on the association’s Web site.
• Transfer Members: The club may grant membership on a transfer basis to a Lion who has terminated or is terminating his/her membership in another Lions club, provided that:
- The member was in good standing with the former club
- The transfer occurs within six months of being reported as a dropped member
- The transfer is approved by the board of directors
Both clubs involved in a member transfer must report the member on the MMR. It is no longer necessary to send a copy of the Transfer Member Form (ME-20) to International Headquarters.
• Reinstated Lions Service Credit: This benefit will allow Lions who have had previous breaks in Lions membership to claim their time served, “in good standing,” and apply it to their current Lions membership record as prior years. This benefit does not apply to former members who were dropped for “non-payment of dues.”
• Recruitment and Retention: Membership recruitment and retention are vital to the success of a Lions club. Planning and implementing recruitment and retention strategies can help your club thrive.
Please contact the Extension and Membership Division,, at International Headquarters regarding membership issues, including programs and resources for your club’s important membership recruitment and retention efforts.
5. Attendance: It is the responsibility of the club officers to monitor attendance of members, establish make-up rules and verify that members have fulfilled attendance requirements. Through the Club Supplies Catalog, perfect attendance awards are available for members who have attended every regularly scheduled meeting for twelve months or more, making up missed meetings in accordance with the club’s policies. The period may begin with any given month.
6. Financial Responsibilities: The club treasurer is responsible for making payments for items purchased by the club, as well as district, multiple district and international dues.
Each month, the club treasurer will receive an itemized statement of charges and credits from International Headquarters, if transactions occurred, or if the club maintains a balance on its account. These charges and credits may include per capita dues, entrance fees, charter fees, and prorated dues for new members, fees for reinstated members, dues for transfer and life members, and club supplies. It is the responsibility of the club treasurer to review the statement for accuracy and submit the statement to the club’s board of directors for approval.
Payment is expected within the established terms for all club account balances. Effective July 1, 2007, any club that has past due balances in excess of US$20 per member or US$1,000 per club whichever is less, outstanding past 150 days will be automatically suspended, including the charter, rights, privileges, and obligations of the Lions Club for a period not to exceed 90 days. During this time, the club must pay the entire amount billed to the club before the suspension status is lifted. If the club does not pay this amount within 90 days, the club will be cancelled.
Club treasurers should comply with the following instructions to ensure that the club’s account is properly credited with payments.
• Lions Clubs International Payment Instructions: After the club’s board of directors has approved the monthly statement, the club treasurer is responsible for submitting a payment to the association’s bank account.
In all instances, please write the complete club name, club number, and the purpose of the payment on the front of the check or deposit slip. The club number and the complete club name are the most important to ensure the payment is credited to the club’s account.
Specific payment instructions by country are available on the association’s Web site. These instructions are also included with clubs’ monthly statements. Club treasurers should visit

• US DOLLAR PAYMENTS - When making payment with a US dollar draft drawn on a United States bank or branch, the payment should be mailed to the association’s lockbox:

The International Association of Lions Clubs
35842 Eagle Way
Chicago, IL 60678-1358 USA

US DOLLAR WIRE TRANSFERS - Send US dollar wire transfers directly to the headquarters US-based JP Morgan Chase Bank, N. A. Account.
Include the complete club name and club number in the transfer instructions. The transfer should be made to:

Account Number 105732
The International Association of Lions Clubs
10 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60603, USA
Routing (ABA) 0210-0002-1
Swift Number CHASUS33

• Clubs submitting US dollar wire transfers or non-US currency drafts or wire transfers should fax deposit information to the Accounts Receivable Department to ensure accurate and timely crediting of payments. Include a copy of the wire or deposit slip along with the club name, club number, amount to be credited to the club account and purpose of payment. Please fax information to 630-571-1683.
• NON-US DOLLAR PAYMENTS - When making a payment with a non-US currency draft or wire transfer, the funds should be deposited in a local country association bank account. The local country association bank account location and account number can be obtained from your district governor, Accounts Receivable Department or the association’s Web site. If there is no local association bank account, contact the Accounts Receivable Department at International Headquarters.
• CANADIAN PAYMENTS – When making a payment with a US dollar check on a Canadian bank or a Canadian check on a Canadian bank, the payment should be mailed to the association’s lockbox:

The International Association of Lions Clubs
P.O. Box 2425, Station “A”
Toronto, Ontario
M5W 2K5

Direct any inquiries concerning the club’s account to the Accounts Receivable Department. The fax number is 630-571-1683. The e-mail address is
• Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Payment Instructions:
In order to ensure that your donation reaches LCIF, it is crucial to indicate that the donation is intended for LCIF.
US dollar checks drawn on US financial institutions as payments to LCIF should be mailed to:

300 W. 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842 USA

US dollar wire transfers intended for LCIF should be sent to:

The Northern Trust Company
50 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60675 USA
Account Number: 79154
Routing ABA #: 071000152
Swift International Banking number: CNORUS44

Beneficiary Name: Lions Clubs International Foundation
Please specify on the wire instructions that the donation or payment is intended for LCIF. Please include complete payment or donor information. Notify LCIF via e-mail, or fax 630-571-5735 of an incoming wire transfer.

The following options are available for non-US dollar donations or payments:
- Non-US currency deposits made to a local LCI bank account
- Donate online with a Visa or MasterCard credit card

The association’s Web site contains valuable information about:
- Exchange rates
- Payment instructions
- Unidentified deposits
To access any of these pages, log on to and click on the preferred language, Resources, Financial Information. Then select the page needed.
Exchange rates are updated on the 1st of every month and the unidentified deposits are updated on the 15th of every month. Statements sent to club treasurers contain the monthly exchange rates established by the association. Remember, if a payment is made in subsequent months, the association’s Web site posts the current month’s rate of exchange. Unique payment instructions, by country, are sent with the monthly statements of accounts. Payment instructions are also available on the association’s Web site. Sometimes a payment cannot be identified. The payment information is given to the district governor. Unidentified payments are also posted on the association’s Web site. Contact the Accounts Receivable Department with proof of payment for payments that are not credited to the club’s account.
• Preparing Financial Reports: Most of a treasurer’s time during a board meeting is spent presenting and explaining the financial report. It is important to choose a format for the report that is clear, easy to follow and accurate. Some items to include in the report:
- Itemized income and expenses for the period since the last financial report.
- The amount budgeted for expenses.
- The net monetary assets of the club at the beginning and end of the reporting period.
- A running total of the amount of money the club actually spent on community projects versus the same figures from the previous year.
7. Promoting Your Club: How your club is perceived in the community is essential to its success. Developing and implementing a comprehensive public relations program will help ensure that community members support your club. This program will encompass both ongoing club publicity, and promoting special events, such as fundraising and service activities. Equally important is internal communication. Many clubs worldwide find that preparing a club directory and publishing their own newsletter help keep their members informed. Another communications tool that is becoming essential is a club Web site. The site can reach your audiences—both internal and external.
8. New Club Extension: Organizing a new Lions club in nearby areas is an effective way to bring additional people into the association. New clubs increase the number of Lions who help those in need. The association offers a variety of options for forming new clubs including: new century, campus, Lioness/Lions, and traditional community clubs. The club branch program can also reach new communities. Please contact New Clubs and Marketing Department at International Headquarters for information on the different types of clubs, as well as, club organization kits.
9. Attending Zone Meetings: Zone meetings are often very helpful for club officers. These local gatherings allow clubs to exchange ideas regarding programs, projects, fundraising, and membership issues, and offer a forum for establishing cooperative relationships between clubs. Zone meetings are also an opportunity to meet other Lions from your area.
10. District Governor’s Club Visit: District governors or his/her designee visit clubs in the district to evaluate the operations of the clubs and discuss Lions business matters. Clubs are encouraged to use this visit to strengthen their relationship with district officers. After setting a date for the visitation, clubs should give him or her time on the agenda to address members. Throughout the year, clubs are encouraged to inform the district governor about major activities. A governor or his/her designee may visit clubs in the districts individually or jointly at the zone level.
11. Attending Conventions: Attendance at conventions—including district, multiple district and international—is a wonderful way to learn more about the association, get motivated and meet fellow Lions.

C. Finishing the Year
1. Recognition: Recognizing club members, community residents and those who have been helpful to your club is a wonderful way to end your year in office.
• Recognizing Club Members: Recognition is an excellent way to maintain morale in the club. Clubs may determine guidelines for honoring the service of its members. The secretary is responsible for maintaining accurate awards records and ordering awards. Suitable awards honoring outstanding service are available from the Club Supplies Catalog. Awards should be ordered as early as possible to ensure timely delivery.
• Holding Appreciation Dinners: Many clubs choose to hold an appreciation dinner for all community residents who have helped their club through the year. It is a good opportunity to say “thanks” to everyone.
• Applying for the Club President Excellence Award: The application should be completed by the club secretary, signed by the respective district officers, and returned to the English Language Department for processing. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered for the award. The deadline date is printed on the application. The application can be downloaded from the association’s Web site.
Club officers are encouraged to work with district officers to achieve shared objectives. For example, one of the criteria for the Region and Zone Chairperson Excellence Awards requires a specified number of clubs in the region and zone to achieve excellence.
2. Transitioning to the Next Leadership Team: Just as you may have looked to the sitting club officers for advice before you took office, the incoming members of the leadership team may look to you for advice. If asked, brief them regarding the status of the club, and any other pertinent information. The transfer of club records to the next leadership team is necessary and important.
Enjoy the opportunity to be one of the leaders of your club. You not only represent your club, but also the district and association as you work with club members and the community throughout the year. Your term as a club officer can be a rewarding experience, personally and professionally. Your efforts are highly valued and appreciated. Have fun and good luck!

We Serve
The International Association of Lions Clubs
300 W. 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842, USA
Phone: (630) 571-5466
Fax: (630) 571-1693
Lions Clubs International Web Site:
LA-15 2008-2009 Printed in the USA


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