Traveling Leos

Thalia Lions Club
2012 - 2013 Traveling Leo Schedule

*To encourage visitation among clubs of District 24-D, fostering a spirit of friendship, fellowship, understanding, and sharing, which leads to club strengthening and improved service to those in need.
*To earn the District Governor’s Traveling Leo Patch we are required to visit least five (5) clubs in five different zones with a minimum of four (4) Lions required to make each Traveling Leo visit.

Zone C
Hampton Mercury Lions Club
Hilton Garden Inn Hampton
1999 Power Plant Pkwy
September 20th, 2012 12:30 pm

Zone D
Southside Lions Club
Greenbrier Country Club
1301 Volvo Pkwy,  Chesapeake
October 4th, 2012 1:00 pm

Zone E
Oceanview Lions Club
Mom & Pops Family Restaurant
331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk
November 19th, 2012 7:00 pm

Zone H
Kempsville Lions Club, Holiday Inn Select airport,
1570 N. Military Highway, Norfolk
January 10th, 2013 7:00 pm

Zone F
Smithfield Lions Club, Smithfield Station,
15 South Church Street, Suffolk
February 12th, 2013 6:30 pm

Visit dates are subject to change due to unknown club meeting changes, District Governor’s Visit’s, and other clubs special events that may be scheduled. Additional club visits may be added when we have club members speaking at another club, to meet Proud Lion requirements or there is enough club member interest to visit a club.

Yours in Lionism
Lion Aziz Selahi

District 24-D Traveling Leo Rules: July 1st 2012 – May 31st 2013
I. Purpose: To encourage visitation among clubs of District 24-D, fostering a spirit of friendship, fellowship, understanding, and sharing, which leads to club strengthening and improved service to those in need.

II. Rules:
The traveling Leo Award will be a District Governor’s award given to each club that completes the requirements listed below.
A. Minimum number of clubs to be visited
1. All clubs must visit at least five clubs.
2. Clubs in Zone A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H must visit clubs in at least five (5) clubs in five different zones, none of which shall be in the clubs own zone to qualify for the award. Visits within your own zone will count towards the clubs total visits and points but not toward the minimum requirements to earn the patch.
3. Clubs in Zone I must visit at least five clubs with two (2) of those visits being to clubs outside of Zone I.
B. A minimum number of Lions required to make a Traveling Leo visit:
1. For Clubs that have a membership of twenty-five (25) or fewer members as of June 2011 MMR, a minimum of three (3) Lions required to make a traveling Leo visit.
2. For Clubs that have a membership of twenty-six (26) or more members as of June 2011 MMR, a minimum of four (4) Lions required to make a traveling Leo visit.
C. The traveling Leo Trophy will be awarded to the club which accumulates the most combination of points earned by visits, mileage and crossing the Bay Bridge Tunnel during the contest period.
D. Traveling Leo Points are based on the total number of clubs visited, traveling in excess of 50 miles and crossing the Bay Bridge Tunnel.
1. Ten points for each club visited.
2. One point for each club visited over the Bay Bridge Tunnel.
3. One point for each trip in excess of 50 miles from the visiting clubs meeting location to the visited clubs meeting location.
4. One point for one (1) additional Lion only beyond the minimum requirement going on the visit.
E. MapQuest is the one source guide to determine mileage for obtaining points for excess miles. Mileage for all trips will be calculated using MapQuest with shortest time as the default setting. In the invent that the Traveling Leo does not have access to MapQuest, place a question mark in the check mileage block on the Traveling Leo form and the District Traveling Leo will determine the mileage and enter it if earned.
F. Credit will be earned only once for visiting an individual club during the contest period.
G. Clubs may be visited only at regular meetings and not during special events such as Charter or Fund Raising events.
H. Traveling Leos may occur during an official visit by the District Governor, but only if both clubs agree and the District Governor’s approval is obtained prior to the visit.
I. Visits must be coordinated with the clubs at least 48 hours prior to visit, but it is recommended that clubs make initial contact a week out to facilitate caterers and reduce conflicts. A final cutoff date between clubs can be negotiated.
J. To complete a visit, visiting Lions must be present at the time the bell is rung to begin the regular meeting and must remain until the meeting is adjourned.
K. Traffic back –ups at bridges, tunnels, and on major highways will be judged on an individual basis by the Traveling Leo Chairperson & the District Governor if necessary.

III. Rules of Conduct: A. The Lions code of ethics shall be followed and the club & /or personal equipment of the clubs shall be respected at all times.
B. No “special fees” shall be imposed on the traveling Leo club beyond the usual fines, which may be assessed against all present.
C. Cost of meals to the traveling Leo Club shall be no more that the cost of the meal to the host club members.
D. Visiting Lions are encouraged to be seated next to host club Lion or a Lion from another visiting club. No visiting club should be seated as a group among themselves.
E. The visiting club is to be Courteous, Quiet, & respectful during the meeting. Remember you are a guest at someone else’s meeting. Always show respect to the Program Speaker.

IV. Responsibility of the Traveling Leo Club: A. Contact the visiting club secretary or president at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting and receive agreement to visit at that time and date.
B. Have at least the minimum number of Lions required for a Traveling Leo visit present for the entire meeting. (See section B- under rules.)
C. Ensure that all traveling Lions pay for their meals at the time of visiting, no charging.
D. Bring with you and have completed the Traveling Leo Visit form at the time of the visit. It is the responsibility of the traveling club to have a form with them. Send a copy of the form within two (2) weeks of the visit to the Traveling Leo Chairperson as identified in District Directory.

V. Responsibility of Visited Club: A. Agree, whenever possible within the listed rules, to the request for a Traveling Leo Visit.
B. Certify on the Traveling Leo form the visit of the listed number of Lions.
C. Assist in any seating arrangements to allow the mingling of the host and visiting club Lions.

VI. Award: A. The winning club will receive the Traveling Leo Trophy to display for one year and a check from the Traveling Leo Sponsor, Wards Corner Lions Club. The Trophy will be presented during the annual District Meeting in June 2012. The check from the Wards Corner Lions Club will be sent to the club secretary with instructions on its use. Engraving the trophy is the responsibility of the winning club.
B. The Wards Corner Lions Club sponsors the Traveling Leo Contest and awards a check to the winning club. Their rules and requirements for the use of the fund will circumvent any policy stated in this letter. Funds awarded to the winning club must be used for 501c(3) charities. Funds cannot be used to reimburse travelers; pay for meals, gas, oil, or tolls; or any other non-charity expense not previously approved by the Wards Corner Lions Club.

VII. Controversy: No waiver of exception to any of the rules will be granted during the current Lions year. Controversies will be resolved promptly by the Traveling Leo Chairperson in consultation with the District Governor.

VIII. Achievement Program: On the Achievement Program form, your club will receive fifty (50) points for each official Traveling Leo visit. The Host club will receive twenty five (25) points for hosting a traveling club. To receive these points, they must be reported on the official Achievement Form.

Thank you and have a great traveling year.
DG Stan Furman


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