President's Award

2009-2010 CLUB PRESIDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD APPLICATION In order to receive the Club President Excellence Award, each club president must have the club secretary fill out this form and have it approved and signed by the district governor. Charter presidents in clubs organized during the first six months of the fiscal year shall be eligible. In undistricted areas the Coordinating Lion or provisional region/zone chairpersons should sign the completed form. The completed form must be mailed to the English Language Department at International Headquarters, or faxed to (630) 706-9130, to arrive by September 30, 2010. The award will be mailed to the 2010-2011 district governor for presentation. In undistricted areas the award will be mailed directly to the coordinating Lions or directly to the 2010-2011club president. Requirements. Please confirm completion by checking the boxes and supplying requested information. 1. The club has furthered the association’s purposes and has adhered to the association’s constitution and by-laws as well as its policies. 2. The club has conducted at least one service activity during the year. 3. The president has attended all of the following Lions meetings during the year. (In case of emergency, a representative of the club president may attend on behalf of the club president.) (a) At least two zone meetings. Region Meetings will be allowed to satisfy this requirement. (b) Club officer orientation/training. (c) District, multiple district, or international convention. The District Convention mentioned will be the Fall Conference in October. District 24-D Cabinet will assist in meeting these goals if desired. 4. The club has submitted each of the following reports to International Headquarters by the due dates: (a) Monthly Membership Report (C-23-A). (b) Annual Club Officer Report (PU-101). 5. The club is in good standing with Lions Clubs International, the multiple district and the district at the end of the fiscal year June 30. 6. The club has achieved a net gain in membership by June 30. 7. New members were properly inducted, oriented and involved in service activities and/or committee work. 8. The club has made a contribution to LCIF. What was the club’s most outstanding accomplishment in 2009-2010? Request for review of award eligibility from a disqualified club president shall be considered only if received at international headquarters within 12 months after completion of the club president’s term of office, provided that the original application form is already filed at international headquarters.


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