Recruitment Ideas

Wherever, whenever, and whoever you see - recruit, making eye contact and telling the person the Lions' story if they would like to help those less fortunate. Every human being is a potential Lion! First: Talk about something related to the person's current situation. (You break the ice.) Then introduce yourself and extend your hand in friendship. (demonstrate you are genuinely interested in the person.) Second: Ask if the person belongs to a civic or service group. Get the person thinking about humanity. Become involved in the conversation, i.e., be a good listener. Third: Tell the person you are a Lion belonging to the world's largest service organization, Lions Clubs International with over 1.3 million members in 202 countries and/or geographic areas. Tell briefly about Lions Clubs International's founding, motto, slogan, objectives, and your Lions Club. Ask if there are any questions. Fourth: Tell the person the date, time and place Thalia Lions meet, the cost to join, your dues, and membership types. Give your recruit Lions literature, and invite him/her to attend your next Lions Club meeting. Even offer to transport the person to your next meeting, i.e., be hospitable. Fifth: Follow up. At the meeting, greet the person with a warm handshake and introduce your guest to the members of Thalia Lions Club. At the conclusion of the meeting, ask your guest to fill out a membership application. If not successful at the meeting, make arrangements to meet to talk one-on-one about membership, i.e., be persistent, but tactful. There is no substitute for personal one-on-one contact and persistence! Membership is by invitation only, so one-on-one recruitment has been and will continue to be the key to grow our Thalia membership. Do it now! Today! They are waiting for your personal invitation!


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