Officers' Duties

The President shall -
1. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club.
2. Preside at all meetings and is chairman of the Board of Directors.
3. Issues the call for all regular and special Board Meetings.
4. Appoint the standing and special committees of this club and cooperates with chairmen thereof to effect regular functioning and reporting of such committees.
5. Call and hold regular elections.
6. Cooperate with the 24D District Governor’s Advisory Committee.
7. Co-sign club checks with the Treasurer.
8. Appoint a nominating committee to put together a slate of candidates so that an election meeting may be held no later than April 15.
Goals of the President.
1. Attempt to have his club be a 100% (or greater) club by accomplishing the following:.
(a) Promote and excell in the 24D Governor’s Achievement Program.
(b) Comply with the Standard Leo Club Constitution and Bylaws and the policies
of the International Board of Directors, and refrain from any action encouraging
unauthorized use of the name, goodwill, emblem, and other insignias of the association.
(c) Show a net increase in active membership for the fiscal year. (Net increase is
not affected by transferred, deceased, or at-large members.) or personally sponsor one or more new members into the Thalia Club prior to the end of the fiscal year.
(d) Conduct at least one major service activity. This may be a joint community service project with another Lions club(s).
(e) Conduct at least one major fundraising project with substantial membership participation. This may be a joint community project with another sponsoring Lions club.
(f) Certify that all new members have been properly indoctrinated and assigned to a working activity or service committee.
(g) Be certified that the above requirements have been met.
2. Be a 100% President by promoting and excelling in the 24D Governor’s Achievement Program.
3. Ensures that new members’ induction ceremony is impressive so that they may take pride in joining the club.
4. Ensures each new member receives a New Member Kit.
5. Ensures all members have Lion hats, vests, and pins.
6. Ensures that the Constitution and By-Laws are available to all members
7. Ensures that new officers attend the District Officer Training.
8. Attempt to attend Region III meetings, District Cabinet meetings, the Mid-Winter Conference, State Convention (May), and the District Convention.
9. Attempt to visit/attend the Youth Exchange Camp (July), Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation Annual Meeting (July), Eye Bank Annual Meeting (Aug), Sight and Hearing Unit Meeting (Aug), Leadership Forum (Sep), and Governor’s Ball (Feb).

The Immediate Past President shall and other past presidents shall officially greet members and their guests at club meetings and shall represent this club in welcoming all new service-minded people in the community served by this club.

The Four Directors are members of the Board of Directors and are responsible to actively assist the President, officers, and Board of Directors in overall policy and operation of the Club.

The Vice Presidents shall -
1. Occupy the President's position (in order of rank) if the President is unable to perform the duties of his office for any reason, and perform his duties with the same authority as the president.
2. Under the direction of the president, oversee the functioning of such committees of this club as the president shall designate and assure that these committees are serving only the administrative, fund-raising, and charitable needs of the club.
3. Report verbally or in writing each month to the board of directors the activities of your assigned committees.
Goals of the Vice Presidents
1. Be prepared to replace the President when senior officers are not present.
2. Delegate responsibilities to your committees - don’t attempt to perform all these functions yourself.
3. Assure that all activities are documented by the Committee Chairman for your monthly report and to accumulate a history so there is no need to reinvent the wheel every year.
4. Encourage the chairman of each committee to engineer improvement in all the processes, not just do what has been done before. Careful documentation and thought should make all projects more efficient every year.

NOTE: In 2012 committees were re-aligned into a more interrelated group and the previous/old Vice President responsible is noted.

The First Vice President for Fund Raising & Misc shall oversee the following committees:
Holiday Fruit/Flags/Fund Raising- Old 3rd VP
Extra Fund Raisers/Special Projects- Old 3rd VP
Finance/Budget - Old 1st VP
Club Socials/Recreation - Old 2nd VP
Member Care/ Health/Social Services/Greeters- Old 3rd VP
Leadership Development - Old 1st VP
Lions Information
Lovf/LCF24-D- Old 3rd VP
White Cane - Old 2nd VP
Constitution/By-Laws - Old 2nd VP
Membership/Attendance - Old 1st VP
Website /IT - Old 2nd VP
Phone Tree/Meeting Coordinator - Old 2nd VP

The Second Vice President for Sight, Hearing & Diabetes shall oversee the following committees:
Sight Conservation - Old 2nd VP
Sight and Hearing Van - Old 2nd VP
Diabetes Awareness- Old 3rd VP
Blind Made Products - Old 1st VP
Hearing Conservation- Old 3rd VP
Journey For Sight- Old 3rd VP
National Vision Walk- Old 3rd VP
Audible Easter Egg Hunt- Old 3rd VP
Eyeglass Recycling - Old 1st VP

The Third Vice President for Community Services shall oversee the following committees:
Youth Exchange - Old 1st VP
RAM /Project Homeless Connect - Old 1st VP
Public Relations/Bulletin /Publicity- Old 3rd VP
Educational Services/Scholarship - Old 1st VP
Environmental Service Projects - Old 1st VP
Twin Lions Club St. Pantelejmon- Old 3rd VP
Programs - Old 2nd VP
Bland Contest - Old 2nd VP
Food Drive - Old 2nd VP
Traveling LEO- Old 3rd VP

NOTE: In 2012 the Thalia Club created duties for two members to assist the Secretary, i.e., Reporting Secretary and Membership Secretary. Below is detailed description of the Secretary’s duties and those of the two assistants. This in no way changes the Thalia Club Constitution, ARTICLE VIII – Officers - Section D. DUTIES, (4)

The Primary Secretary shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and the Board of Directors and shall carry out the following duties:

A. ROLE –The club secretary is an elected club officer whose role, as the key communication point of the club, is very important to the present and future success of a club.
 1. The club secretary is also a member of the club’s board of directors
 2. The club secretary position is under the supervision and direction of the club president as well as fellow members of the board of directors.
 3. The club secretary is the key communication link between the club, club’s district, and the association. All correspondence’ includes questions from the public, correspondence with the district and Lions Clubs International Headquarters, notifications from club members and other types of correspondence.
 4. Advisory Committee Member -The club secretary cooperates with, and serves as an active member of, the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which the club resides.
 a. Attend zone or region meetings of the committee
 b. Assist in compiling reports in preparation for advisory committee meetings
 c. Assist with preparations if the club is chosen to host a zone meeting

 B. CORRESPONDENCE -Since the secretary is the key communication link, constant and efficient communication is vital.
 1. The club secretary is the officer in charge of responding to all requests and inquiries. It is important that correspondence responses are immediate, prompt and appropriate. Not communicating promptly can lead to club status changes and missed opportunities for club involvement or recognition. All communication from the club should be professional and use proper language. When writing about a legal or constitutional matter exact quotation from the appropriate constitution and by-laws should be used. Copies of all correspondence should be provided to the president.
 2. The club secretary may also assist with public relations for the club.

 C. REPORTS - Yearly - Club Officer Report (PU-101)

 D. RECORDS -Establishing a well-organized filing system is one of the most important responsibilities of the secretary. Record keeping should be simple and logical so records can be easily recovered when they need to be updated or reviewed.
 1. Bulletins
 2. Correspondance
 3. Club Meeting Minutes
 4. Additional Details -Club supplies (membership cards, name tags, etc.)

E. MEETINGS - The club secretary is an integral part of club meetings, both in preparation and during the meetings-
1. AGENDA - The secretary creates agendas in conjunction with the president. The agenda should be prepared in advance and distributed to members prior to the meeting. The club president has final approval on the agenda.
a. Notifying participants of meeting times and location
b. Recording minutes during club meeting and keep copy on file
3. DUES –
a. Issue statements and collect membership dues in a timely fashion
b. Turn moneys collected over to the Treasurer
a. Provide guidance and information to club members to help solve problems.
b. Communicate effectively
a. Lions club members
 i. Past secretaries or other club secretaries
 ii. Club officers
 iii. District leadership development training chairperson
b. Publications
 i. Standard Form Club Constitution and By-Laws (LA-2)
 ii. Club Officer’s Manual
 iii. District Directory of other clubs’ officers
 iv. Lions Clubs International catalog (Club Supplies)
 v. Club archives
6. REMEMBER – Be familiar with each of the following publications
a. Club Officer Manual
b. Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws (LA-2)
c. Standard District Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws (LA-4)
d. International Constitution and By-Laws (LA-1)
a. Send reports promptly and accurately
b. Keep accurate minutes and attendance records
c. Issue meeting notices
d. Prepare for and attend zone meetings
8. SHARE Share information with the club that is received from the district, multiple district, Lions Clubs International Headquarters or Lions Clubs International Foundation
9. END OF TERM - When the secretary’s one-year term is over they should do the following:
a. Help the new secretary begin their year.
b. Ensure all reports have been filed
c. Review records for accuracy and placement
d. Apply for the Club President Excellence Award
e. Maintain accurate awards records and order awards

The Reporting Secretary shall -

A. REPORTS - Primary Monthly Reports
1. Monthly Membership Report
2. Lions Club International Activity Report
3. Governor’s District Achievement Report

1. State Achievement Award
2. Club 100% President’s Award
3. 100% Secretary’s Award and 100% Treasurer’s Award
4. Yearly Club Activity Report

C. RECORDS - Monthly Membership Report

The Membership Secretary shall

A. MEETINGS - Recording attendance, make-up meetings and awards presented.

1. Club Activities
2. Dues
3. Attendance
4. Club Roster
5. Award Pins
6. Committee appointments and elections
7. Member information ( address, phones, email)

C. REPORTS - Yearly
1 Charter membership information
2 Member transfer information
3 Club Roster

The Treasurer shall be
1. Responsible for Finances of the Club
2. Assist in formulating the Club’s budget.
3. Pay Bills as incurred. All checks and vouchers shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the President.
4. Receive all monies, from the secretary and deposit the same in a bank or banks recommended by the finance committee and approved by the Board of Directors;
5. Maintain financial records and prepare reports as required.
6. Have custody and keep and maintain general records of club receipts and disbursements.
7. Prepare and submit monthly and semi-annual financial reports to the international office of the association and the board of directors of this club.
8. Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in such sum and with such surety as determined by the Board of Directors.
9. Perform other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors.

The Lion Tamer shall
1. Attend all regular Board meetings and Club meetings.
2. Have charge of and be responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the club, including flags, banners, gong, gavel, song books and button board; and put each in its proper place before each meeting and return the same to the proper storage area after each meeting.
3. Act as sergeant-at-arms at club and board meetings to
(a) See that those present are properly seated,
(b) Distribute bulletins, favors and literature as required
(c) Give special attention to assure that each new member sits with a different group at each meeting so that he/she can become better acquainted.
(d) At the end of each meeting, make sure that all Lions Club property is stored in
the proper location, and collect any articles inadvertently left behind.
4. Maintain a rotational schedule of Greeters and advise greeters of proper
procedure. .
5. Ensure that a supply of New Member Applications is on hand at all times.

The TailTwister shall
1. Promote harmony, good fellowship, life and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious imposition of fines on club members.
2. Impose fines, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the Board of Directors, and no member shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting. His decision in imposing a fine cannot be overruled. The Tail Twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present.
3. Enforce the wearing of the Lions Pin.
4. Conduct auctions or raffles or drawings.
5. Turn over all money collected to the Treasurer


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