Melvin Jones

Lions International recognizes outstanding individuals by bestowing on them an award that is named for its founder, Melvin Jones. This Fellowship Award Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) was created in 1973 by Lions Clubs International (LCI) as the highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual's dedication to humanitarian service. Whether a Lion should be selected to receive a Melvin Jones Fellowship award is decided only by the Club's Melvin Jones Fellows, and then the identity of the recipient is only disclosed at an installation dinner.

The Melvin Jones Fellowship is the backbone of LCIF. A recognition of humanitarian work, an MJF is awarded to those who donate $1,000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation was made by others. Melvin Jones Fellows receive an attractive lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter. Melvin Jones Fellows who make additional US$1,000 donations to LCIF, or in whose name US$1,000 donations are made, become part of the Melvin Jones Fellowship Progressive program. Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows are awarded a new lapel pin and congratulatory letter for each subsequent US$1,000 donation. (The first lapel pin is a one-diamond yellow gold pin. For each US$1,000 donation thereafter another diamond is added to the pin). For information on Melvin Jones Fellowships, contact LCIF Donor and Financial Services Department at 630-468-6954.

* The Fellowship was established in 1973 and the Progressive program began in 1986 in response to Lions' request for a way to extend their commitment to LCIF.
* Donations through MJFs provide 70 percent of the Foundation's annual revenue.
* There are 261,900 MJFs worldwide and 46,695 PMJFs
* The MJF luncheon began in 1984 and has been held at each convention since. All MJFs are invited to the annual luncheon and their names are on a rotating computer list of donors in the MJF room at International Headquarters
* The MJF is LCIF's highest honor

See also

Melvin Jones Lions International Memorial Fort Thomas, Arizona, USA

Melvin Jones – Founder of Lions Clubs International –

Thalia Lions Melvin Jones Fellows
Ashe, Ray
Clemmons Sr., Marvin *
Conlin, Irene *
Coren, Mike *
Divelbiss, Dallas
Donnelly, Bob
Edwards, Richard *
Furman, Brad
Furman, Jeri *p
Furman,Stan *p
Joseph, Martin *
Healy, Jim *
Laughlin, Debra
Kennedy, Vickie *
Kreassig, Dick *
Perrine, Bob *p
Rosnov, Steve
Selahi, Aziz *
Snell, Roger *
Wagner, Jack *
Watters, John *p
Watters, Nancy *p

Melvin Jones Fellow after 2012
* Active
*p - Progressive Active


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