Youth Exchange Camp


       The Lions Youth Camp and Exchange Program (YCE) 

The program gives young adults, ages 16-19, the opportunity to experience life in other cultures and gain new understanding of the world through travel abroad. Participants are encouraged to use this travel opportunity to represent their home countries and share their own culture while learning about and embracing a new one, forging the way to becoming young ambassadors for peace and international understanding.  Thalia Lions provide dinners for 25-35 youth each year at Virginia Wesleyan College, a small liberal arts college located at 1584 Wesleyan Dr, Norfolk, VA. Here they have a hearty meal and exchange ideas with Thalia Lions. This is just one of many activities in their month travels around Virginia and D.C.

Sunday, July 9, 2017, 5:30 pm. The dinner was in the Virginia Wesleyan College Chapel. This marks the sixth year Thalia Lions have hosted this event. Students from Italy, Germany, France, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, Sweden, and the Netherlands attended. They introduced themselves, as well as the Thalia Lions Club members. In the picture above lions Bob and John are seen serving. A number of other Thalia Lions brought food and helped out with serving. Before and after the meal the students did presentations about their countries. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016, 5:30 pm. The dinner was in the Virginia Wesleyan College Chapel. This marks the fifth year Thalia Lions have hosted this event. Students from Italy, Germany, France, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, Sweden, and the Netherlands attended. They introduced themselves, as well as the Thalia Lions Club members, describing the food they liked the most. Winner - pizza.

Above: Thalia Lions provide dinner for youth at the Youth Exchange Camp Dinner, Sunday, July 13, 2014, 6:00 pm. The dinner was between the Parade of Nations event (a five minute presentation about each student's country) that was presented before and after the dinner. The dinner was in Blocker Hall, This marks the third year Thalia Lions have hosted this event. Students from Italy, Germany, France ,Poland, Hungry, Turkey, Yugoslavia, USA, Sweden, and Netherland, attended. Students introduced themselves, as well as the Thalia Lions Club members, and a girl from Sweden, sang a beautiful Song. Dinner was rotisserie chicken, pasta, Italian Dish, Coleslaw, Green Salad, seasonal fruits, cookies, drink, hot tea and Coffee Served.  Lions who attended were: Lion Stan Furman PDG, Lion Jeri Furman, Lion John Watters, Lion Nancy Watters, Lion Linda Eggelston and her husband, Lion Brad Furman and two children, Lion Debra Laughlin and her husband, Lion Jim Healy, Lion Mike Coren, Lion Aziz Selahi.

Above: Thalia Lions provided dinner for youth at the Youth Exchange Camp Dinner, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 5:30 pm. This year dinner was between the Parade of Nations event (a five minute presentation about each student's country) at 3 pm with the second half of the Parade of Nations commencing at 7 pm. The dinner was in Blocker Hall, Virginia Wesleyan College, a small liberal arts college located at 1584 Wesleyan Dr, Norfolk, VA.

District 24 D John M. White Youth Camp Exchange: For between four and six weeks a family hosts a foreign young student between the ages of 16 and 21 who comes from one of 190 countries to learn about our culture. In July of each year the camp provides two weeks of educational and recreations activities, camp outs, sightseeing trip throughout Virginia and Washington D.C., beach trips to Virginia Beach, James River and Chesapeake Bay, fishing, talent shows, and more. The Thalia Lions Club has been invited for the past several years to host dinners for the Camp’s Parade of Nations Night at Wesleyan College. Thalia Club members cook food (enough for 50) and bring it to the college for a night of socializing, entertainment, and exchange of ideas.

Contact for the Camp is Lion Jeffery W. Jacobs at 757-569-8808 or 569-4421.


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