I am Lion Bob Perrine, administrator of this website in Google. You will notice this website is not posting any updates until another Lion creates a replacement site. It's been fun - Lion Bob...............
Lion Roger Snell takes over from Lion Jack Wagner for the 2025 Year. Lion Jack Wagner served for two years (2023-2024) ...........................................................
*Officers and Duties - a listing of current officers and their duties
*Bland Contest – a current history
*Scholarships – awarded to the Princess Anne High School and Adult Learning Center
*Hearing - applications for Hearing Aids
*Sight - screening of preschool children with vision problems using Spot, a breakthrough device.
*Vision Impaired - Vision Walk, partnering with the local libraries, and Journey for Sight.
*Diabetes – The history of club involvement.
*White Cane Days – The clubs primary fund source and a history.
*Broom and Peanut Sales – The secondary clubs fund source and a history.
*Club Responsibilities – Club Finances/Budget, Leadership, Website , Constitution and By-Laws, Phone Tree, Socials / Recreation Activities, Greeters, Drawings, Public Relations, Member Care, Health & Social Services.
*Meetings 2021-2022 – Secretary’s report of the Board and General meeting for the past year.
*Yearly meetings from 2009-2010 to the year before the last.
Board Meeting, Wed. July 3, 2024- 7 p.m.
Members present: Pres. Roger Snell, Lions Vickie Kennedy, John and Nancy Watters, Stanley and Jeri
Furman, Jack Wagner, Rhonda Skaggs, Jon Halvorson, Ellen Turman,
Lion President Roger Snell: Call to Order 7.PM
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy –
Presentation of Proposed Budget – Pres. Roger Snell – please see attached. Budget was presented by the committee and will be voted on by the membership at the next meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Beach Bag Grant report – Lion Nancy will write the grant for $12000 this year in o get anticipationof getting $10000.
*Cook Out – July 24 th - Lion John & Nancy proposed that we have a cookout at their home on July 24 th instead of having a meeting on the 3rd Wed of the month. They will provide burgers, hotdogs,wine, beer and soft drinks. Please bring a potluck dish to share. (dessert, side, appetizer)
*Dues Collection – There are still a few members who have not yet paid their dues but are expected to do so by the end of the month.
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters signup sheets will be sent out with minutes and available at July 24th at the cookout.
*Red Cross Blood Drive – Sunday August 4 th – VBCC 11-3pm – see attached flyer
*Jump Start – Thurs. August 8 th – 9-3pm – Larkspur Middle School Back to School Care Fair – August 17 th – 12pm-4pm Va. Beach Convention Center
*Sight & Hearing Van – ALC – Wed. Oct. 23 rd
*Meals for Kids dates – Jan 22nd, Feb 26th, Mar 26th, Apr 23r. May 28th
*Lions Medical Eye Bank Dinner – Norfolk Yacht Club August 28. 2024 – Lion John Watters has 12 people registered for the dinner. He will solicit others from the club to complete 2 tables of 10 each.
*EGRC – Lion John Watters – July 11 th is the next date. Please meet at Best Buy at 9:30 to carpool. The address is 204 Broadmoor Ave. Chesapeake, VA 23323
Fundraisers: Peanuts & Brooms - Lion Jack Wagner and Lion Mike Coren still plan to try selling brooms front of Uncle Al’s Hotdogs on Va. Beach Blvd. They are waiting for the weather to be somewhat cooler.
Programs: August - Lion Bill Austin was not present. The program for Sept. is a DG visit (Lion Dr. Kristina) August is possibly Lion Mack Stevens.
From the Floor:
Please remember Lion Jack Mallery health issues and Lion Nancy Nelson. She fell last Sunday evening and was hospitalized thru Monday. She is home recouperating.
Adjournment: 7:46pm
Upcoming Events:
Thurs. July 11 th - Eye Glass Recycling Center – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake Va 23323 or meet at Best Buy at 9:30 to carpool.
Wed. July 24 th – Potluck Cookout and Lion John & Nancy’s -6pm
Sun. August 4 th – Red Cross Blood Drive – VBCC -11am-3pm
Thurs. August 8 th – 9am-3pm – Jump Start -Larkspur Middle School
Sat. August 17 th – 12pm-4pm Back to School Care Fair – Va. Beach Convention Center
Wed. August 28 th – 6pm Lions Medical Eyebank Dinner – Norfolk Yacht Club
Board Meeting Minutes, Wed. June 5, 2024 - first meeting of 2024-25- 7:20 p.m.
In Attendance: Lion President Jack Wagner, Lion Incoming President Roger Snell, PCC Stanley Furman, Lion Jeri Furman, Lion John and Nancy Watters, Lions Rhonda Skaggs, Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Bill Austin, Lion Bob Perrine
Incoming President Lion Roger Snell: Call to Order of first meeting of 2024-25 BOD (7:20pm)
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see attached reports
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters asked for a consensus about meeting at First Colonial Inn for our future meetings. It was the opinion of the BOD that we should try the new location even though we must pay for reservations in advance.
Club members will be reminded that when a reservation is made, the total is paid 7 days before the meeting. Members are obligated to pay for the meal whether they attend or not. Meals will be paid as always.
Give Lion Nancy a check, cash, or Zelle the amount to Lion Vickie.
All wine and beer must be paid for with a credit care. First Colonial does not deal in cash.
Lion Nancy discussed the option or ordering new eye glass recycling boxes from LCI. The order would be for 10 boxes for almost $90. The Board decided that the order should be placed. A new box had been requested for the Great Neck Recreation Center.
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters noted that the services projects are as follows:
Red Cross Blood Drive – VBCC- Sunday, August 4 th – 11-5pm
Jump Start – Thurs. August 8 th – 9am-3pm – Larkspur Middle School
Back to School Care Fair – Saturday Aug. 17 th – Convention Center – 12pm-4pm
ForKids Backpack project – Month of August
Eye Bank Annual Dinner – August 28 th (this is an event, not a service project) We usually fill a table for 10. More information will be sent as it arrives.
Beach Bag Project – Oct. to be announced
Sight & Hearing Van – Adult Learning Center – Wed. Oct. 23 rd –9am-2pm
Meals for Kids at the Methodist Church on Pacific. Dates are Jan 22 nd , Feb 26 th , Mar 26th, Apr 23 rd , May 28 th
Scholarship Report – Lion Bob Perrine stated that Lion Jon Halvorson is assuming responsibilities of the Scholarship Committee. They are recommending that we take the money used in scholarships to Princess Anne High School and award it to the Adult Learning Center. PAHS seems to have any big scholarships given by large businesses. At the ALC, we are the only donors. Lion Bob asked for approval to give the scholarships totaling $2,500 to the ALC. The opinion of the BOD was that we should use Dr. Elizabeth Herzog’s advice in deciding who should be given the scholarships. The Board of Directors thanked Lion Bob for his years of service dedicated to awarding the scholarships.
Fundraisers: Peanuts & Brooms - Lion Jack Wagner had no report due to illness.
Programs – Lion Bill Austin has agreed to assume Lion Jack Mallery’s position until he is able to resume his duties.
Adjournment: 7:50
Upcoming Events:
Wed. June 19 th – Juneteenth Installation Meeting – First Colonial Inn 845 First Colonial Rd.
Sun. Aug. 4 th – Red Cross Blood Drive – VBCC – 11m-5pm.
Thurs. Aug. 8 th – Jump Start – Larkspur Middle School – 9-3pm
Sat. Aug. 17 th – Back to School Care Fair – Convention Center -12-4pm
Wed. Aug. 28 th – Eye Bank Annual Dinner – Norfolk Yacht Club – time tba
Lion President Jack Wagner: Call to Order of final meeting of 2023-24 BOD (7pm)
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Installation Night - First Colonial Inn, 845 First Colonial Road, Va. Beach 23451, 6pm Wed. June 19 th . DG Homer Cook will present the club with the Kindness Matters Award. PDG Beth Stevens and Lion Mack will do the induction of new officers.
Club members will be reminded that when a reservation is made, the total is paid 7 days before the meeting. Members are obligated to pay for the meal whether or not they attend. Meals will be paid as always, give Lion Nancy a check, cash, or zelle the amount to Lion Vickie. All wine and beer must be paid for with a credit care. First Colonial does not deal in cash.
Lion Nancy will send out dues notices this week.
Scholarship Report – Lion Bob Perrine reported on 2023-24 presentations only. On May 22 nd , scholarships, one for $1,000 and one for $500 were awarded to 2 students at the ALC. Those checks will be sent once the student’s ID numbers are received. On June 7 th , Lion Bob will present a $1,000 scholarship to a Princess Anne High School student.
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters noted that the services projects would be covered in the next meeting because they all take place in the new Lion’s year.
Peanuts & Brooms - Lion Jack Wagner had no report due to illness.
Programs – Lion Bill Austin report will be in the next meeting.
From the Floor: Adjournment: 7:19
Upcoming Events: Wed. June 19 th – Juneteenth Installation Meeting – First Colonial Inn 845 First Colonial Rd.
May 15, 2024 - Membership Meeting, Wed. May 15 th, 2024- 6 pm.
Bay Lake Retirement Center 4225 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Lion Vice President – Lion Roger Snell
Patriotic Song: Lion John Watters
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion John Robertson
Invocation: Lion Susan Sumnick
Introduction of Guests – (Other than Speaker)
Recess for Dinner: 6:35 pm
Reconvene for Program 7:00pm
Introduction of Guest Speaker – Lion Bill Austin
Karen Forget – Lynnhaven Now.
Karen acknowledged that what most people love about Virginia Beach is the water, the parks, the beach and the wildlife refuges. Those are the things that set Virginia Beach apart. We are the only place in the state where there are 2 State parks and a wildlife refuge. The goal of the city is to have a park within 10 min. walk from anywhere in the city. During the ’70-’80s, Virginia Beach was one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S. We were an agricultural and architectural center. However, the fast growth caused us to build out without understanding the effects on the watershed. Water accumulated because Va. Beach was flat with no hills other than Mt. Trashmore. Buildings were built to accommodate the runoff by routing surface water into the nearest waterway. Those waterways were creeks, coves and bays that impacted the water system as a whole. And that impacted the health of the ecosystem.
In 2002, LNOW was formed to help mitigate those problems. The entire northern part of the city is dominated by the Lynnhaven. At that time only 2% of the seafood from the Lynnhaven was safe to eat. Today, more than half meet the standard.
People are capable of making important changes in behavior. Some of the things that has helped are greater restrictions for septic systems, dog waste pick up and recycled plastics. Though most plastics are only down-cycled instead of recycled. It is estimated that by 2040-50, there will be more plastics in our waters than fish. One of their major goals is to remove all plastics.
Karen gave example after example of what LNOW is promoting with Pearl Homes, schools, churches and businesses. The work of LNOW is more important than ever and we can make an impact by doing simple things.
Thalia Lions gave Karen a large bag of reusable bags for their plastics project.
Business Meeting:
Lion Vice President – Lion Roger Snell
Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Lion Nancy reported that the Board of Directors agreed to make a $3,000 donation to the Lions Medical Eye Bank toward the purchase of a new Slit Lamp Microscope. A letter of appreciation from Dave Korroch, Chies Executive Officer, is attached.
USA Canada Forum – Sept. 5-7 Louisville, Kentucky
Kindness Matters Award will be presented by DG Homer Cook at our Installation Night.
*Installation Night Options – First Colonial Inn – 845 First Colonial Rd. June 19 th .
Members may bring a spouse, partner or guest. There is no charge for either member or spouse. The Club's Admin account will cover the costs.
The following is the menu – price inclusive is $35 (covered by the Club)
Social Time – 6pm (drinks and appetizers will be set up inside the room or in an adjoining room, depending on the number in attendance. Wine and beer will be $4.00 to be paid by the member with a credit card.
No cash or check will be accepted. CREDIT CARD ONLY
Coffee, Iced Tea, Water will be available
Social Time 6:00 pm
Lemongrass chicken pot stickers
Roasted red pepper hummus
Cheese & seasonal fruit
Preset on tables:
Strawberry spinach salad
Chef choice dessert
Ice water
Oven-roasted salmon with mango salsa
Chicken Marsala
Roasted eggplant & spinach lasagna
Oven roasted potatoes
Seasonal vegetable medley
Service Reports
*Meals for Students – Lion Susan Sumnick has compiled a list of dates for our club to sponsor the meal for the Homeless children at Beach Methodist Church after school. The dates are as follows: Oct. 30, Jan 22, Feb 26, March 26, April 23 and May 28. We will make the volunteer assignments as each date approaches.
*Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters met a group of Lions from another club at the EGRC on May 9 th . He trains each group in using the new equipment.
*Eye Bank Trip Tour and Program - Lion John Watters - On May 14 th at 6 pm, the Fil/Am Club visited the Eye Bank in Norfolk. Lion John gave an orientation and tour or them and their new members.
*Vision Walk – Lion John Watters -The walk took place on May 11 th at Mount Trashmore Park. Lions Steve Eggleston, John and Nancy attended. Our team received public acknowledgment for our donation and had our club name on the T-shirts this year. Lion Bob Perrine was also acknowledged for his donation with a medal. Thank you for all your support. We raised over $2,800 from our club. The total donations collected for Vision Walk past $58,000
*First Colonial Inn Health Fair – Lion Nancy Watters - Wednesday, May 29 th – 2-4 pm. We will use the Eye Acuity equipment that is used in the Sight & Hearing Van to screen the residents of First Colonial Inn. This equipment would require only 2 or 3 people at most. Lion Roger and Lion John plan to work but another person would be helpful.
*Red Cross Blood Drive : Virginia Beach Christian Church – 2225 Rose Hall Drive, Sunday, August 4 th – 11-4 pm – A sign up work schedule will be sent out in July. Oceanside Lions Wine Tasting – DG Homer Cook – Thurs., May 23 rd – Zoe’s – 5:30 pm - $50 pp. Please contact Lion Joanne Dickson 757 724 6937 jdpupstar@aol.com
*Atlantic Shores Spring Event – Lion Roger Snell – Nine people volunteered and about $300.00 of peanuts and brooms were sold. All had fun and enjoyed the beautiful day. We enjoy working with Atlantic Shores.
Programs – Lion Bill Austin – June 19 th – Installation Night
From the Floor
Tail Twister – Lion Stanley Furman
May Birthdays – Lion John Robertson (14) Lion Rhonda Skaggs (18) Lion Nancy Watters (27) All appropriately serenaded.
50/50 – Lion Stanley Furman, Tail Twister held 1 raffle for $45 won by Lion Nancy Nelson.
Adjournment: 7:54
Upcoming Dates & Events
Wed. May 29 th – First Colonial Inn Health Fair -845 First Colonial Rd.- 2pm-4pm
Wed. June 5 th – Board of Directors meeting – Zoom 7pm
Thurs. June -13 th – EGRC – Meet Lion John Watters at Best Buy 9:30am or 2040 Broadmoor Ave. Chesapeake, VA 23323
Wed. June -19 th – Installation Night – First Colonial Inn – 845 First Colonial Rd. – 6pm Sun Aug 4 th – Red Cross Blood Drive – Virginia Beach Christian Church – 2225 Rose Hall Dr. 11-4pm
May 1, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes, Wed. May 1, 2024- 7 p.m.
Lion President Jack Wagner: Call to Order – 7:16
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see attached reports
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
State Convention Report – Lion Nancy Watters reported that the convention was an excellent experience. Past International President Brian Sheehan was inspirational, fun and worth the entire weekend. It could only have been better if more members had attended. Kindness Matters Award was not presented at the State Convention as thought. DG Homer Cook will present the award at our Installation Night Celebration. USA Canada Forum - will be held in Louisville, Kentucky Sept. 4-7, 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity for members to attend since it will be held on the East Coast of the U.S. More information will follow as it is distributed to clubs. Please see the attached information. Installation Night – Because space at Bay Lake Retirement Center will not accommodate our Installation Night meeting, Lions Nancy Lekberg and Nancy Watters explored another option. On Wed. afternoon, May 1 st , they visited First Colonial Inn on First Colonial Rd. Va. Beach. The facility has a large meeting room with audio-visual equipment use at no charge. They will provide a special meal for an upcharge for the club members and guests. Lions Nancy and Nancy were invited to eat an evening meal with their residents which was surprisingly delicious. If we choose to meet there regularly they will provide a salad, entrée, dessert, coffee, tea, and water for the same $20 we pay now. They also have wine and beer for $4 but do not take cash, only credit cards. A menu at a specific price will be submitted next week for the club to choose for Installation Night.
PDG Beth Stevens and Lion Mack will attend our Installation Night and induct our new officers.
Lion Stanley Furman moved that we have Installation Night at First Colonial Inn. Lion Jack Wagner offered the second to the motion. The Board passed with a unanimous vote.
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters
*Children’s Hospital Lion IV Wagon – Lion Nancy Watters showed a picture from the State Convention of a “Brady Wagon.” The wagon was built in the shape of a Lion and is for transporting children in chemo treatment. The wagon accommodates an IV pole and allows the child to be moved around in the hospital or play areas while attached. The wagon is $1,000 and Lion Nancy was in hopes that we could consider a donation of the wagon to CHKD. However, Lion Vickie Kennedy checked with Child Life at CHKD and was told that there was no storage room for such an item. But she will follow up with the Cancer floor to see if they may be interested.
*Atlantic Shores Spring Event – Lion Jack Wagner will be at the event early Friday morning to set up. The schedule is full of volunteers and we are expecting that the event will be a successful fundraising event.
*Eye Bank Trip – May 14 th – Lion John Watters is scheduled to provide a tour and short talk to the Fil/Am Lions Club on May 14 th at 6pm. There is room for any of our members who wish to attend.
*Vision Walk – Lion John Watters reminded everyone that Vision Walk will be at Mr. Trashmore on Sat., May 11 th . Our club goal was to collect $2,000. As of today, we have collected $4,080. You do not have to go on the “Walk” to attend and enjoy the booths and events.
*Sight & Hearing Van – ALC – April 24 th – Lion Nancy Watters reported that 80 students were served through the Sight & Hearing Van and with blood sugar/blood pressure screenings. At least 12 members and friends volunteered their time and skills.
*Reuable bag collection for Lynnhaven NOW. Please bring these items to the meeting on May 15 th .
*Homeless Children Meals – Lion Susan Sumnick asked if the club would like to continue on a regular schedule with the meals. She suggested that we dedicate the 4 th Wed. of each month from Oct. – April for the project. Lion John Watters moved that we do so and Lion Stanley seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Fundraisers -Peanuts & Brooms - Lion Jack Wagner has sold about $500 in peanuts and is in hopes of adding more sales at the Atlantic Shores Spring Event on Friday.
Programs – Lion Bill Austin
May- Lynnhaven Now – Karen Forget
From the Floor: Lion John Watters informed the club that a critical piece of equipment at the
*Lions Medical Eye Bank died and had to be replaced. This slit lamp or biomicroscope costs about $53,000. But the Eye Bank has been able to get a bargain for a reduced price of $48,000. The District Foundations has approved grants of $18,000 other clubs are stepping up to assist in the purchase. There is still an outstanding amount that needs to be covered. The Lion Medical Eye Bank is a critical part of our District. Lion John asked the club to donate a portion. Our Activities account has a healthy balance of $10,759 with nothing else to come out of it this Lion’s year except for the remaining scholarships. Lion Stanley Furman moved that we donate $3,000 to the purchase of the slit lamp for the Eye Bank. Lion Vickie Kennedy and Lion Roger Snell seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Lion Stanley Furman moved that we transfer $1,000 from the Admin Acct to the Act Acct to help defray the expense for the Slit Lamp for the Eye Bank. Lion Nancy Lekberg provided the second to the motion and the vote was uncontested.
Lion Susan Sumnick suggested that we start a pill bottle recycling project. We would need another member to assume the responsibility. We will bring it up at the next meeting.
Adjournment: 7:55pm
Upcoming Events:
Friday, May 3 rd – Atlantic Shores Spring Event – 11am – 1pm
Saturday, May 11 th – Vision Walk – Mt. Trashmore
Tues. May 14 th – Eye Bank Trip ( Lion John Watters will send out details)
Wed. May 15 th – Regular Membership meeting – Bay Lake Retirement Center 6pm, 4225 Shore Dr.
Wed. June 3 rd – Zoom Board of Directors meeting
Wed. June 19 th – Juneteenth Installation Meeting - TBA
April 17, 2025 Membership Meeting, Wed. April 17 th, 2024- 6 pm.
Bay Lake Retirement Center 4225 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Lion President Jack Wagner: Call to Order 6:30 pm
Patriotic Song: Lion Ellen Truman
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Mike Coren
Invocation: Lion Vickie Kennedy
Introduction of Guests – Traveling Safari from Aragona-Woodstock Lions Club - Lions John & Dot Subasavage and PDG Donnie and Lion Christine Johnson
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvene for Program 7:00pm
Introduction of Guest Speaker – Lion Bill Austin
Shelly Averett, Development Director at Horizons. With seven years in the nonprofit sector, Shelly brings expertise in social change. Holding a Masters in Human and Social Services from Walden University and a Certificate of Nonprofit Management from Tidewater Community College, she combines academic knowledge with hands-on experience. Shelly is dedicated to helping sustain and grow the funding for Horizons' programs, where students identify their passions, thrive, and develop into leaders of community impact.
Horizons Hampton Roads offers impactful academic and enrichment programs that encourage students from Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach to realize their full potential. Our Mission: We advance educational equity by building long-term partnerships with students, families, communities, and schools to create experiences outside of school that inspire the joy of learning.
Research shows that students fall behind in their academics every summer, and those who fall two or more grade levels behind, never catch up. Students of Horizons Hampton Roads in grades K- 8 make significant measurable gains in both reading and math each summer. This steady growth transcends to the traditional school year classroom, and students continue to grow academically – maintaining at or moving above grade level expectations.
All children thrive in high-quality, enriching environments, but too many fail to get the start in life they need to fulfill their potential. Horizons Hampton Roads believes in the potential of every child. Our engaging learning environment and community-centered approach are proven to help close the opportunity gap for children and put them on a path to success in school and in life. Horizons Hampton Roads is a local affiliate of Horizons National.
Business Meeting:
Lion President Jack Wagner
Officer Elections – Slate was presented at the last meeting. Lion President Jack asked for other nominations from the floor. Hearing none, he called for a vote. Lion Dick Kreassig moved that the nominations be accepted by acclamation. Lion Nancy Watters seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously approved.
Lion of the Year Selection – Lion Susan Sumnick distributed paper ballots in which members were asked to select 3 nominees ranked in order of preference for Lion of the Year. She will attempt to reach all members not in attendance for their input before the selection is made.
Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Thank you notes: Lion Nancy read thank you notes from 1st. VDG Kristina, for inviting her to induct new members at our Feb. meeting. Scotty, Lion Dick Kreassig’s nephew wrote the club a thank you note for our contribution to Juvenile Diabetes.
*State Convention: April 19-21 – Dulles Va. – Lions Nancy & John Watters, Vickie Kennedy, Jeri Furman and PCC Stanley Furman will attend. USA Canada Forum – will be Sept. 5-7 Louisville, Kentucky. More information will follow as it is received.
*Kindness Matters Award announcement – Lion Nancy informed the club that Thalia will receive the award. Our club is one of nine in the U.S. to receive this award. This is quite prestigious for our club and much credit and appreciation is given to every member of this club!
Service Reports
*Meals for Students – Lion Susan Sumnick – on April 29 th three of our members will provide an evening meal to designated homeless students of Cook Elementary. Lions Nancy Lekberg, Nancy Watters, and Bob Perring will prepare the food and serve it. The location is Beach Methodist at 4:30 pm.
*Bland Music Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy – State Convention
*Recyclable nonplastic bags – Please bring these bags to our next meeting. The program is Lynnhaven NOW. They have a project to replace plastic bags for retailers.
*Adult Learning Center – Lion Nancy Watters - Sight & Hearing Van – April 24 th, 9-2 pm –Lion Nancy Watters offered a sign-up sheet and encouraged everyone to volunteer who is available. At least 5 people are needed to operate the van each hour.
*Atlantic Shores Spring Event – Lion Nancy Watters - Atlantic Shores has invited our club to be part of their Spring Event. They will provide a table under a tented area. All we need to do is to set up a banner and peanuts to sell during the event on Friday, May 3 rd from 11 am to 1 pm. Members will assist Lion President Jack to set up a table to sell peanuts.
*Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters reported that the next EGRC visit is May 9 th . Please meet him at Best Buy at 9:30 is you wish to carpool. The EGRC is located at 2040 Broad Street, Chesapeake, VA.
Eye Bank Trip Invitation - Lion John Watters - On May 14 th at 6 pm, the Fil/Am Club will visit the Eye Bank in Norfolk. Thalia Lions is also encouraged to attend. Please contact Lion John if you are interested. He will be doing the tour and talk.
Vision Walk – Lion John Watters -The walk will take place on May 11 th at Mount Trashmore Park beginning at 10 am. Our team has met and surpassed the goal. We have raised over $2,800. If you wish to do the walk, please be there by 9:30. This is lots of fun with raffle prizes and activities.
Scholarship Award Chairperson – After many years of service Lion Bob Perrine is stepping down as Thalia Lions Scholarship Chairman. Lion Jon Halvorson has volunteered to take Lion Bob's place.
*Princess Anne HS - application pick-up Tuesday May 21 at 11 and Awards Ceremony June 7 at 9 a.m. in the PA auditorium – POC is Cathy Delany 757-648-5612
*Adult Learning Center application pick-up Monday May 17, 9:00. and Awards Ceremony 22 May at 6 pm. in the Adult Learning Center Auditorium, 5100 Cleveland St. - POC is Elizabeth Herlong 757-648-6097
-Lion Bob is scheduling the scholarship evaluations meeting for Tuesday 21 May at 6 pm at his house 2416 Whaler Ct, 23451.
-Lion John Waters has indicated that he would assist in learning how to update the website and blog.
Peanut Sales – Lion Jack Wagner as always has plenty of peanuts to sell. They will also be available at the Atlantic Spring Event.
Programs – Lion Bill Austin – May – Karen Forget - Lynnhaven NOW
From the Floor: Polo shirts – please see Lion Nancy Watters to collect your shirt
Tail Twister – Lion Stanley Furman
April Birthdays – Lion President Jack Wagner (7) Lion President was serenaded appropriately!!
50/50 – Lion Stanley Furman, Tail Twister
Winners were - $34 – Lion Nancy Watters
$25 – Lion Ellen Turman
Adjournment: 8:05 pm
Upcoming Dates & Events
Fri. April 19 th – State Bland Competition – State Convention – Dulles, VA
Wed. April 24 th – Adult Learning Center 5100 Cleveland St., S& H Van - 9 am-2 pm
Mon, April 29 th – Meals for Kids Beach Methodist 4:30pm
Wed. May 1 st – Board of Directors meeting – Zoom 7 pm
Fri. May 3 rd – Atlantic Shores Spring Event – Red Wing Point 11 am – 1 pm
Thurs. May 9 th – EGRC – 2040 Broad Street, Chesapeake 10 am-12 pm
Saturday, May 11 th – Vision Walk – Mt. Trashmore
Tues. May 14 th – Eye Bank Trip -6 pm
Wed. May 15 th – Regular Membership meeting – Bay Lake Retirement Center 6p, 4225 Shore Dr.
April 3, 2024 - Board Meeting Minutes, Wed- 7 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
In attendance: Lion President Jack Wagner, PCC Stanley Furman, Lions Nancy & John Watters, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine, Vickie Kennedy, Susan Sumnick, Fran Scott, Bill Austin
Lion President Jack Wagner: Call to Order -7 pm
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Kindness Matters Award – Thalia has been chosen as one of nine clubs in the United States to receive this award. It is a tribute to our service record. More will come when the actual award is presented to our club.
*USA Canada Forum will be the first weekend in Sept. the forum will be in Lexington, Kentucky this year. More information is to come.
*Polo Shirts are in and will be delivered at the next meeting.
*Melvin Jones Award- Lion Nancy agreed to check with LCIF to see if we have funds in reserve for a Melvin Jones Award this year. Our Activity account is healthy enough to designate $1,000 to honor one of our members. Lion President Jack will appoint a committee to select a candidate.
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters
*Bland Music Competition – Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that there were 12 contestants. Our pianist, Lydia Li won 1 st place instrumentalist and Naynah Berkley Weems won 1 st place vocalist (Poquoson). Both will go on to compete in the State level competition. We had at least 10 members to assist despite a member’s funeral the same day. Lion President Jack commended Lion Vickie Kennedy for the excellent job she always does with the Bland Contest.
*EGRC – John Watters will head up the visit to the Eye Glass Recycling Center on Thurs. April 11 th . Please meet a Best Buy is you wish to carpool.
*Eye Bank Trip –On May 14 th at 6 pm, the Fil/Am Club will visit the Eye Bank in Norfolk. Thalia Lions is also encouraged to attend. Lion John will conduct the tour and description.
*Vision Walk – Lion John Watters announced that our Vision Walk team has already surpassed its goal of $2,000 in donations. To date, we have collected $2,500. Everyone in the club will be sent a link to set up a donation page. Please encourage friends and family to continue to support this cause to fight retinal diseases. Please see the attached flyer for the kick off date to be a Greenbrier Country Club next week.
*Peace Poster – Lion Karen Austin was not in attendance but is continuing to search for participants.
*Sight Report – Lion Susan Sumnick reported that we authorized 1 person last month for exam and glasses and we are processing another one this month.
*SPOT-Prince of Peace vision screening was done this month. Lion Dorothy and Lion Nancy Watters screened about 25 children on two different days. There was one referral. The child referred was 3 years old and a very high astigmatic, meaning everything she sees is very blurry.
*Sight & Hearing Van – ALC – April 24 th 9-2pm – a schedule is attached with these minutes. We need 5 people working on the van all day. So please sign up to help. You can be trained.
*Reuable bag collection for Lynnhaven NOW. Lion Dorothy will take all reusable bags to NOW for recycling to retail stores. The idea is to rid retailers of using plastic bags.
*Peanuts & Brooms - Lion Jack Wagner and Lion Mike Coren plan to sell brooms out of the trunk of Lion Jack’s car at Uncle Al’s. They will pick a warmer day and try not to interfere with his lunchtime business.
Programs – Lion Bill Austin
April – Horizons
May- Lynnhaven NOW
From the Floor:
*Lion Jack reported that Miss Alice has been out of commission for the last six weeks because of her back. She is very appreciative of all we have done and she is now back in business.
*Lion Nancy Watters announced that Atlantic Shores has invited our club to be part of their Spring Event. They will provide a table under a tented area. All we need to do is to set up a banner and peanuts to sell during the event on Friday, May 3 rd from 11am to 1 pm. Lion Nancy and John will not be available but Lion President Jack agreed to head up the project. Lion Nancy will confirm with Atlantic Shores that we will participate.
*Lion Stanley Furman asked about a venue for Installation Night in June. Since Baylake’s capacity is about 34, he suggested we look for a larger space. Lion Nancy agreed to discuss the possibility of returning to Broad Bay for the event. Broad Bay has again changed management and seems to be more accommodating since we left them last year.
Upcoming Events:
Sat. April 6 th – Vision Walk Kick Off- Greenbrier Country Club- 12 pm – 2 pm
Thurs. April 11th– EGRC – 2040 Broadmoor Ave. Chesapeake – meet at Best Buy 9:30pm
Wed. April 17 th – Membership meeting Bay Lake Retirement Center 4225 Shore Drive.
Fri. April 19 th – State Bland Competition – State Convention – Dulles, VA Mon, April 29 th – Meals for Kids Beach Methodist 4:30pm
Wed. May 1 st – Board of Directors meeting – Zoom 7pm
Saturday, May 11 th – Vision Walk – Mt. Trashmore
Wed. May 15 th – Regular Membership meeting – Bay Lake Retirement Center 6p, 4225 Shore Dr.
Tues. May 14 th – Eye Bank Trip -6
March 20th 2024-Membership Meeting, Wed.6 pm.
Bay Lake Retirement Center 4225 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Lion President Jack Wagner: Call to Order 6:30 pm
Patriotic Song: Lion Roger Snell
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Ellen Turman
Invocation: Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion President Jack: Moment of silence in memory of Lion Em Davis
Introduction of Guests – Traveling Safari – Lion Steve Rosnov, Kempsville Lions, Linda Harrison, Bob Leshendock, Dick Chipchak, Clifford Gimbert
Lion Dick Kreasig – Spouse, Ellie
Recess for Dinner: 6:35 pm
Reconvene for Program 7:00 pm
Introduction of Guest Speaker – Lion Bill Austin
Presentation of Quilt of Valor to Lion Dick Kreassig
Tricia Capone with her husband, Army Veteran Frank Capone, is with the Patriots Triangle Valor Foundation. She is the daughter of an Air Force Corporal and stepdaughter of an Air Force Captain. Several of their relatives have also proudly served. The Military is deep in their hearts. As representatives of the Patriots Triangle of Valor Foundation, Tricia and Frank presented a Quilt of Valor to Lion Dick Kreassig. Lion Dick is a retired Lt. Commander serving from 1960-1982. In Vietnam, he was part of the 1st ANGLICO Air Naval enemy locations. Lion Dick received the U.S. Navy Air Safety Command Medallion, U.S. Navy Air Medal, Joint Services Commendation Medal, and the Bronze Star. He and one other of ten crew were the only survivors of a helicopter crash in Vietnam. Lion Dick was in the last Marine Corps in-country in 1972 on the USS John L Craig.
Lion Dick was presented and wrapped in the Quilt of Valor in a moving presentation. His wife, Elle, of almost 62 years, was invited to join Lion Dick as we honored his service. Tricia and Frank also awarded Lion Dick with a Vietnam Veterans Lapel pin. He was also given a flag bag for the quilt made by Tricia from a flag with a manufacturing flaw.
Lion Dick responded with his gratitude and consideration of all those who served.
Business Meeting:
Lion President Jack Wagner
Slate of Officer Nominations will be at the April meeting.
Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters
State Convention: April 19-21 – Dulles Va. – The voting delegate's credentials were presented to PCC Stanley and Lion Jeri Furman, Lion Vickie Kennedy. Thalia is allowed 3 votes.
Service Reports
*Meals for Students – Lion Susan Sumnick – April 29th – Lion Nancy Watters, Nancy Lekberg and Lion Bob Perrine.
*Bland Music Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Semi District contest will be held Saturday, March 30 at 2 p.m. at Thalia United Methodist Church. Please come out and assist Lion Vickie. Be at the church by 1:00 pm. Five Lions Clubs are participating.
*Lion Jack commended Lion Vickie for the fantastic job she does in organizing the Bland Contest.
*SPOT screening – Prince of Peace, Mar. 25 & 28th – assisting Lion Nancy Watters is Lion Dorothy Young and Lion Karen Austin. 9:30 am
*Adult Learning Center – Sight & Hearing Van – April 24th, 9-2 pm –Lion Nancy Watters will send out a work schedule for you to sign up. Needed are 5 people working in the van each hour. Two people will do blood sugar screenings, Lion Roger Snell’s wife, Mary and Barb Iman from Virginia Beach Christian Church.
*Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters encouraged all members to become involved in the monthly trip to the EGRC. The new equipment makes reading glasses easy and much more productive. The next trip is April 11th at 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA. 9:30 am – 12 pm
*Vision Walk – Lion John Watters – Kickoff for Visionwalk is on Saturday, April 6th, 12 pm-2 pm at Greenbrier Country Club 1301 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake, VA, 23320. The walk will take place on May 11th at Mount Trashmore Park beginning at 10 am. It takes 496 dollars to form a team. To Join the East Region March Challenge, a donor commits to supporting a single square each day of the month. The donor who selects March 1st donates $1, the person who snags March 15th donates $15, March 27th= $27, and so on. When the days of the month are selected and paid, the amount comes to $496.00. Our club traditionally forms a team. If you wish to select a day of the month and make that donation please contact Lion John Watters.
*Lions Medical Eyebank needs a new Slit Lamp Microscope because the 30 yr old one died. The cost of a Slit lamp is around $30,000. Our Lions Clubs are asked to donate personally or as a club to assist in replacing this lamp. A used lamp has been donated by a doctor closing his practice. But this is a temporary solution. Many other pieces of eye equipment were donated by the same doctor for use in the new mobile eye clinic that is to come in the future.
*LOVF Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman reported that everyone has turned in their money or raffle stubs.
*Peanut Sales – Lion Jack Wagner
*Programs – Lion Bill Austin – April – Shelly Averett, Development Director of Horizons
From the Floor: Polo shirts – Lion Nancy Watters collected for most of the polo shirt order.
Tail Twister – Lion Stanley Furman
*March Birthdays – Lion Bill Austin, (7) Lion John Watters (10) Lion John pointed out that our Traveling Safari guest from Kempsville, Lion Steve Rosnov also had his same birthday, March 10th. All were serenaded by the club.
*50/50 - $45- Lion Fran Scott $
28 – Lion Nancy Watters
Adjournment: 7:50 pm
Upcoming Dates & Events
Sat. March 30th – Semi District Bland Music Competition – Thalia United Methodist Church – 2 pm
Wed. April 3rd – Board of Directors Meeting – Zoom 7pm
Thurs. April 11 – EGRC – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, Va.
Wed. April 17th – Membership Meeting – Bay Lake Retirement Center – 4225 Shore Dr 6pm
Thurs April 18-Sun. 21st – State Convention – Dulles, VA `
Wed. April 24th – Sight & Hearing Van – Adult Learning Center, 5100 Cleveland St. – 9-2pm
Mon. April 29th – Feed Children at Beach Methodist – 4:30pm
March 6, 202024 - Board Meeting Minutes, Wed. 7 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
BOD present: Lion President Jack Wagner, Lions Nancy & John Watters, Nancy Lekberg, Roger Snell, Bob Perrine, Mike Coren, Fran Scott, Susan Sumnick and PCC Stanley Furman. Lion President Jack Wagner: Call to Order- 6:59
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy was not in attendance so Lion John Watters recapped the report.
Lion Jack Wagner: Nominations for offices are to be presented to the club at the March meeting. Lion Jack appointed a committee to fill vacancies. The vote for the next Lion’s year is to be held at the April meeting. The committee is Lion John Watters, chair, Lions Nancy Nelson with the help of Lion Nancy Lekberg, Lion Fran Scott and Lion Mike Coran. Anyone who wishes to remain in their position should let the committee know.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
State Convention -April 18-21 Dulles, Va. – Lions Stanley & Jeri Furman, John & Nancy Watters and Vickie Kennedy have registered to attend. Delegate requirements for State Convention - Our club is allowed 3 voting delegates. The number of delegates is based on the number of full members in good standing for the last Lion’s year. Family members are excluded from the number. Polo Shirts – Lion Nancy Watters asked that she be allowed to place the polo shirt order using the Club credit card. The amount is $769.86. A deposit may be required. Members would then repay the club treasurer. Lion Stanley Furman moved that she be permitted to charge the shirts. Lion Nancy Lekberg seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously.
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters
*EGRC – John Watters reminded everyone that the next visit is on March 14th. Please see the reminders below for details. Please consider joining in the project. Lion John will send out a reminder.
*SPOT Screening is scheduled for Prince of Peace on Monday, March 25 and Thursday, March 29th. This is a new location where we have never been allowed to screen.
*Peace Poster – Lion Karen Austin was not in attendance but she wants to attempt the project again this year. Lion Nancy Watters attempted to order a Peace Poster Kit but the postage was $17.95. The kit was only $11.95. DG Homer advised that the incoming DG may be able to provide a kit or two. We will find out at the State Convention.
*Sight & Hearing Van – ALC – April 24th, 9-2 pm. We have a volunteer to do blood sugar screenings along with Lion Roger Snell’s wife, Mary. Barb Iman is a retired nurse from Trantwood Elementary School. We will need 5 volunteers to work on the van. Lion Nancy will make a work schedule to sign up for the next meeting.
*Reusable bag collection for Lynnhaven NOW. These are synthetic reusable, not plastic bags, that are to be given to Lynnhaven NOW to eliminate the use of plastic bags at retailers. We are also collecting plastic bags as well to be donated to our church to get a garden bench.
*ForKids has put out an urgent request for toothpaste, cleaning supplies, and towels.VBCPS Family & Student Wellness Expo at Bayside High School – has requested our participation again this year. Lion Nancy has decided that we do not need to participate in this project again this year. Our previous experience was not ideal with the location and number of people served. This health fair is redundant because we already do Jump Start and Va. Beach Ed Health Fair and Expo. Lion Nancy will refer them to another club in the Bayside area.
*Bland Music Competition – Lion Vickie Kennedy was not in attendance. Lion Jack remarked that the Club Bland was a wonderful success. The Semi Bland is on Saturday, March 30 at 2p.m. Lion Vickie will still need lots of support and assistance.
*LOVF – PCC Stanley Furman – All tickets, money and stubs need to be collected at the March meeting. The State Convention meets before the meeting in April so all must be finalized. Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner- We have collected $4,443.00 and expenses are $3,098.96. That is a net of about $1,400. On hand and paid for are a bit over $1,000 worth ready for sale.
*Broom sales are $270.00 and $316.00 are on hand, paid for and ready to sell. Many peanuts have been given away to participants and judges of the Bland, some to the VB rescue squad and fire departments. By the end of the year, we should have a net of about $2,500 for both peanuts and brooms together.
*Programs – Lion Bill Austin - March – Quilt of Valor presentation to Lion Dick Kreassig
From the Floor:
*Lion Jack asked if the Board would like to offer Seton House a cash contribution for their building fund. The thought of the Board was that we should continue to support them with in-kind donations rather than contributing to a building fund.
*Lion Susan Sumnick offered a date for feeding the kids at Beach Methodist on Monday, April 29th. Lion Nancy Watters, Nancy Lekberg and Stanley Furman volunteered for the project.
*Lion Susan, as Sight Chair, asked how far we should go in covering areas of service for providing glasses and exams for clubs that have closed or merged. Lion Nancy responded that the clubs that have merged, are still responsible for the areas of both merged clubs. OLG is now Virginia Beach Host and they cover both areas of service. Bayside is now Oceanside Bayside and they cover both areas of service. There should be a sight chair in each club that accommodates requests. The thought of the Board is that we should always consider providing help. If help does not come from other clubs responsible, we should step up and provide the service. Dr. Ferrara will do 3 exams and glasses for us free of charge each month. Lion Susie has gotten 6 requests recently but not all are in our area.
*Lion Jack revealed that Lion Mike has a possible contact for a broom sale location at Uncle Al’s on Va. Beach Blvd. in their parking spaces. Lion Stanley suggested that we do it on a Saturday during lunchtime. Lion Jack will work with Lion Mike to plan the sale.
Adjournment: 7:40
Upcoming Events:
Thurs. Mar. 14th– EGRC – 2040 Broadmoor Ave. Chesapeake – meet at Best Buy 9:30pm
Wed. Mar. 20th – Membership meeting – Bay Lake Retirement Center – 4225 Shore Dr. VB 6pm
Thurs. March 29th – Semi District Bland Competition – Thalia United Methodist Church –
Wed. April 3rd – Board of Directors meeting -Zoom – 7pm
Fri. April 19th – State Bland Competition – State Convention – Dulles, VA
Mon., April 29th – Beach Methodist Church – Feed the Kids 4:30pm
Membership Meeting, Wed. Feb 21st 2024- 6 pm. Bay Lake Retirement Center 4225 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Lion President Jack Wagner: Call to Order
Patriotic Song: Lion John Watters
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Dorothy Young
Invocation: Lion Dick Kreassig
Introduction of Guests –Lion Nancy Watters – New members, John and Kathy Robertson to be inducted by 1st Vice District Governor Lion Dr. Kristina Ramsey
Additional guest: Lion Terri Miller from Craddock Lions Club
Guest Speaker: Michelle Broady from Seton House
Recess for Dinner
Reconvene for Program
Introduction of Guest Speaker – Lion Bill Austin –Michelle Broady Director of Community
Partnerships for Seton House.
Michelle joined Seton Youth Shelters six years ago, moving here from Williamsburg, Virginia. Michelle worked along with family members running the Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport, Charley’s Airport Restaurant and Waltrip Recycling, Inc. the largest wood recycler in Virginia. She also has over 35 years of volunteering with various organizations such as Avon Breast Cancer, WAC Swim Organization, Ducks Unlimited, Junior Women’s League, WASP-Williamsburg Aviation Scholarship Program and PTA. She specializes in community events while community youth outreach tops her daily routine.
Seton Youth Shelters provides 24-hour emergency shelter to children ages 9-17. The program serves runaway and homeless youth and youth in crisis within their schools or community. They accommodate both boys and girls in gender-specific shelters in Central Virginia Beach. All shelter youth attend local public schools or parent-provided homeschooling. Shelter residents are provided with youth advocacy and individual or family counseling. They facilitate community referrals, services and any other aftercare needed.
The Youth Outreach Program conducts direct street outreach up to age 21 throughout Hampton Roads. Seton House Mentoring program is available to youth 4-18 years old who have been affected by the incarceration of someone in his or her life. The youth and mentor spend approximately one hour per week together, with the commitment of a year’s partnership. The mentors are 20+, have passed a background check and are fully trained by the staff. The goal of the MCP program is to make a positive impact on youth by matching them with an adult friend who will foster a sense of self-confidence and positive outlook for the future.
While always in need of monetary donations, Seton House has needs for Household items, food products, kitchen items, bedroom items, arts and crafts materials, medical supplies, school/office supplies, athletic equipment, hygiene needs, and miscellaneous items. A list of those items are attached to the minutes.
Lion President Jack thanked Michelle for speaking to us and offered her the gift of a peanut trio.
New Member Induction: 1st. District Governor Lion Dr. Kristina Ramsey's induction of Kathy and John Robertson as new members. Lion Nancy and John Watters sponsored the new members. (pictures attached) Thalia Lions welcomes Lion John and Kathy. Lion John is a retired engineer and Lion Kathy runs their storage facility business. Lion Kathy formerly owned a flower shop. They are both very service-minded and are always involved in helping others.
Business Meeting:
Lion President Jack Wagner
Leadership Possibilities – Need for new members to volunteer for positions. The new Lions year is approaching and we need new leadership in our club. There are several online classes and information sites on the District 24I website for training. Please consider the opportunity to offer your leadership in any office. Those offices to specifically consider are President, VP, Sect. Sight & Hearing Van – drivers are needed. If you are at all capable, please consider reaching out to the District and offering your services as a qualified van driver.
Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Winter Conference is Jan. 19th – Holiday Inn Virginia Beach-Norfolk Hotel & Conference Center – 5655 Greenwich Rd. Va. Beach. – (7) members attended and Thalia was awarded a Club Excellence Award Patch for our banner.
*Lion Jack, as President, was given a Club Excellence pin. Lion Nancy presented the pin to him.
*Lion Stanley Furman, as LCIF Chairperson, exhibited the Model Club Award from the Lions Charity International Foundation, also awarded at the Conference. This award, a beautiful plaque, represents our club’s generosity in supporting the Foundation to meet the Campaign 100 goals. Please read the attached letter to learn more about the award and the efforts of LCIF.
*Lion President Jack also received the yearly patch to be placed on our banner below our Membership Satisfaction Award. Please read the attached letter describing this award.
*Region Meeting – Region VI meeting – 6:30 social/7 pm dinner/ 7:30 meeting Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 5181 Singleton Way, VB – (6) members attended.
*Lion Nancy read thank you notes for donations from the following: King’s Grant Elementary School Clinic for $500 Ronald McDonald House for $200 Lions of Virginia Foundation for $500
Service Reports
*Meals for Students – Lion Susan Sumnick reported that she, Lion Bob Perrine and Lion Nancy Lekberg fed the children earlier in the year. These are children who are picked up from Cook Elementary and bussed to a church at the oceanfront. There is a regular schedule for these meals and Lion Susie is going to see when we may be able to offer the service again. Our club is interested in participating more often.
*Bland Music Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy spoke about the Bland Music Competition to be held on Thursday, Feb., 22nd. She needs as many volunteers as possible to assist. At the moment there are 4 vocalists and 5 instrumentalists. One contestant is playing a special traditional Chinese flute. We have 3 instrumental judges and 1 vocal judge. The program starts at 7 pm but please arrive early. Semi District will be at the same location, Thalia United Methodist Church, on Saturday, March 30 at 2:00 pm.
*The State Convention is April 19-21st. Attached to Lion Nancy's email are the registration forms. The State Bland Competition will be held on Friday evening of the convention.
*SPOT screening – VBCC Preschool Feb. 1st. (54 with 4 ref) – Lion Nancy Watters We are contacting Prince of Peace to schedule and will also add Emmanuel Lutheran Church. In addition, Seton House has requested that we screen their eligible children.
*Adult Learning Center – Sight & Hearing Van – April 24th, 9-2 pm –Lion Nancy Watters reported that the Adult Learning Center will hold another health fair. The Sight & Hearing Van is scheduled. We will offer blood sugar screening if we can find qualified people to assist. They also have requested blood pressure checks. The van will require 5 people to work at each station.
*Beach Bag Project - Thurs. Jan. 19th- DG Homer Cook for International Director – Corporate Landing Middle School. (10) members participated in the event and packed 1,322 bags of food.
*Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters will be on the second Thurs of each month. The next visit is on March 14th. Please meet at Best Buy at 9:30 if you wish to carpool. If you choose to drive directly the address is 2040 Broadmoor Ave. Chesapeake.
The new lensometer is fast, fun and easy to use. Processing the glasses is much quicker than before.
We are able to supply glasses in quantity to Gleaning for the World.
Our guest, 1st VDG Kristina, described how she took several hundred glasses on her recent trip to Cape Verde. Because the demand was so high, she is now sending more to the area.
Fundraisers: *Peanut Sales – Lion Jack Wagner has plenty of peanuts. He plans to give each of the Bland contestants and judges peanuts tomorrow evening.
Programs – Lion Bill Austin
March – Flag of Valor presentation to Lion Dick Kreassig
*From the Floor: Polo shirts – please see Lion Nancy Watters if you wish to order a new polo shirt.
*LOVF Raffle – Lion Stanley promoted the LOVF raffle. The books are $30 and the club keeps $20. The raffle is a great fundraiser. LOVF was formed to aid in disaster relief but has grown to support other needs of the clubs. In fact, the foundation has assisted with the purchase of many SPOT devices.
Tail Twister – Lion Stanley Furman
Feb. Birthdays – Lion Mike Coren is turning 91 years of age. We sang happy birthday to him and he won the 50/50 raffle of $63.00. Lion Mike donated the money back to the club activity fund.
Adjournment: 8:01 pm
Upcoming Dates & Events
Thurs. – Feb. 22nd – Bland Music Competition -Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
Wed. March 6th – Board of Directors meeting -Zoom-7pm
Thurs. March 14th – EGRC – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA
Wed. March 20th – Membership meeting – Bay Lake Retirement Center – 4225 Shore Dr. 6pm.
Sat. March 30th – Semi District Bland Music Competition – Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
Wed. April 3rd – Board of Directors Meeting – Zoom 7pm
Wed. April 17th – Membership Meeting – Bay Lake Retirement Center – 4225 Shore Dr 6pm `
Wed. April 24th – Sight & Hearing Van – Adult Learning Center – 9-2pm
The Thalia Lions Club was chartered on April 20 1966, and since then we have served the Virginia Beach Community continuously helping people with loss of sight and hearing and with diabetes. But that’s not all. Our club’s history is rich in community projects. I’ll start with Lion Eli Chertoff, our sixteenth 1981 president who passed away in 2010 at the age of 96. As a son of Russian immigrants Lion Eli set up our scholarship account which has grown to over $50,000 and is now used for Princess Anne High School and Adult Learning Center scholarships.
Our club has been packed with notable Lions and a wealth of service projects. No one represented these folks more than Lion Dallas Divelbiss. Door-to-door broom sales started out of Lion Dallas’ garage, followed by a picnic at his home. Then there’s Lion Ed DeLong serving Thalia Lions for 23 years. For dozens of years Lion Ed handed out scholarships for a selected Adult Learning Center student going to Tidewater Community College.
We’ve had some wonderful guest speakers, some of whom have become Lions. In October 2009 Irene Conlin from the Virginia Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments related her perspective as a parent of a blind child. Her causes immediately became ours and the following April Thalia Lions were volunteering at the Audible Blind Easter Egg Hunt.
Through the years Thalia Lions has received recommendations from Social Services and Thalia Lions Club members for a variety of diverse projects, all of which the club has accepted enthusisatically including collecting clothing and children’s books, cleaning the side of a road, music contests, blood drives, scholarships, tree planting, food for the needy, and parking cars for Homearama. Some of these projects have been undertaken for a few years and others provided continuously up to present time. Following is a description of some of these projects.
*Miss Alice Project. In 2021 Lion Jack Wagner told the club about a woman, Alice Harrell, who has her apartment loaded with food and items she takes to people in need. Thalia Lions have provided personal funds to Lion Jack to give to Alice who lives in the Emerald Point Apartments.
*Jump Start. Started in 2019 Social Services invited Thalia Lions to be part of public school low income students who are bused in for services and provisions. They are provided haircuts, shoes, clothing, and weekend book bags. Thalia Lions stepped in providing over 200 vision screenings.
* Ronald McDonald House. In 2009 Lion Vickie Kennedy solicited the club to provide a dinner meal at the Ronald McDonald House for families visiting their hospitalized children. The club responded and provided supplies and donations, with similar follow-ups.
Head Start is a national child development program for for under privileged children from birth to age 5, which provides services to promote academic, social and emotional development for income-eligible families.
Thalia Lions provides vision screenings for all locations, screening all 1st and 3rd-grade students in the entire Virginia Beach School System covering 15-20 of the 56 locations.
Head Start is the most successful, longest-running, national school readiness program in the United States.
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — It's that time of the year—the Beach Bags drive, an opportunity for the community to drop off food. Thanks to those donations, that food helps families struggling to put food on the table. One person who helps out in a huge way with the program is Nancy Watters with the Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club. She helps raise money and rounds up volunteers to pack the Beach Bags. News 3 learned she would be attending a Lions Club meeting at the Ynot Pizza off Great Neck Road and that's where News 3 surprised her with an Everyday Hero award. We told her we've been hearing what she means to the Beach Bags program. "Well, I hope it's what our entire Lions Club means to the Beach Bags program because we're all in this together and because we know that there's this need in Virginia Beach," she said. "We know this organization the Beach Bags is funded totally by the public and by volunteers and donations and we wanted to be a part of it."
In 2012 Thalia Lions' interest in the Beach Bag Project began when White Oaks Elementary School had a class of children that seemed in need and was not being served by the Beach Bag Project. A member of the club, Lion Susan Sumnick, had a daughter, Michala, who was teaching at the school. Michala was providing snacks at her own expense to her students. The White Oaks Principal asked various organizations, teachers and volunteers to step up and provide these children with bags of food. Thalia Lions volunteered, packing 120 bags. A month later, Thalia Lions again packed 50 more bags for White Oaks. Seeing the need firsthand, Thalia Lions became involved with the Beach Bag Project.
In October 2016 Thalia Lions received a grant of $2,000 from Lions Club International (LCI) and Anthem which provided supplies for 1200 food bags. Thalia Lions organized teams of members and friends to assist in packing the bags with the food supplies. Since that time Thalia Lions has acquired grants each year to fund the project through Lions Club International, Anthem, and the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia (LCFSV).
October 6, 2022, Thursday night 6-8 p.m., Virginia Beach Corporate Landing Middle School, Beach Bag Project.
On an ordinary evening Thalia Lions hosted seventy-one Lions and friends spending about two hours preparing weekend bags for 2000 school children. How can this happen? How can there be hungry children in a prosperous community school system? The lamentable statistics are that in the 81 schools of the Virginia Beach School System, almost 40% quality for free lunches. Teachers and administrators identify children who may be malnourished as manifest by lack of attention, listlessness and behavior in addition to direct complaints of hunger. In 2022 at least 1200 children were identified.
Beach Bags has grown to a Thalia Lions annual event that can in one evening pack 2000 to 3000 bags to help the continuing effort of the school system. In 2022 the Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia granted Thalia Lions Club $7,000 to pay for the event. Though much of the food is from suppliers who can provide special pricing for charity, in the current economy this generous grant limited the number of meals packed on October 6, 2022, to about 2000, instead of the usual 3000. A well-organized gathering of six local Lions clubs (Thalia, Bayside, Kempsville, Town Center Blind, Filipino American, Oceanside and Aragona-Woodstock), Broad Bay Ladies Golf Association, Virginia Beach Christian Church, Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) members, and many friends and family totaling seventy-one people met at 6 p.m. in the Corporate Landing Middle School lunch room. After a brief introduction describing the event, teams manned nine tables with packers, quality control checkers, recyclers and suppliers. A large pile of food in boxes was at the head of each table. Two persons on each side packed food in plastic shopping bags, each bag was checked as correct, and then groups of 10 bags were packed in plastic totes. Every bag had a card giving credit to the Lions and the Virginia Beach Education Foundation. Clean-up crews flattened and packed empty boxes for recycling. Every one of the 71 volunteers busily worked for about two hours in this very efficient system organized by Deborah Hughes, Director of the V.B.E.F.
As Lions, we serve by example! Because this project is so meaningful, finding volunteers is easy. This is how a heterogeneous grouping of many who were strangers come together to serve the community by packaging meals to feed 2000 hungry children in two hours!
Aug 24, 2022 - Lion Susan Sumnick delivered the book bags which went to four shelters serving 130 school children. . .
This activity is continuing.
This program continues periodically.
Remote Area Medical (RAM)
This program lasted until 2018.
Norfolk’s Homeless Connect in Scope’s Exhibition Hall
Thalia Lions has been assisting with this blood drive ever since.
Aug 12, 2013 - The Annual Red Cross Blood Drive at VA Beach Christian Church
Thalia Lions started their food bank program in response to International Lions Club President Wing Kun Tam’s (2011-2012) call for local Lion’s Clubs to help support local food banks in joining the fight against hunger. Thalia Lions chose the Samaritan House food pantry program. Thalia’s generosity has been exceptional and of great benefit to these abused women and their children.
The Samaritan House at 2620 Southern Blvd, Virginia Beach, 23452, provides families with food, shelter, toiletries, supportive services, personal needs and financial assistance for about $13 per person per day.
The Samaritan House is a non-profit organization providing families living in a domestic violence environment and families without a home
- a refuge.
- freedom and safety from domestic abuse and homelessness.
- education in regaining control and becoming self-sufficient in order to begin a new and better life.
One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Almost one-third of female homicide victims that are reported in police records are killed by an intimate partner. This information is provided by National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
The Samaritan House at 2620 Southern Blvd, Virginia Beach
The story does not end with just one family. Thalia Lions stepped up with their own private funds to provide the same type of Holiday for the other four families. Each year Thalia Lions have been providing a Holiday for families chosen by Social Services. For 2018 Social Services increased the list to seven families. Using their own private funds club members again provided a Holiday for all seven families with toys, food, winter coating, plus funds to purchase a turkey or ham.
Through the Years
Happy 90th Birthday Lion Mike Coren. Born Feb 1, 1933, in 1961 Mike joined Lions in New York. Moving to Virginia Beach in 2010, he transferred his membership to Thalia Lions. He now holds the distinction of being the second longest serving Lion in Virginia, a service that includes volunteering for just about every project that has come along.
Lion Nancy Watters has embraced every Thalia Lions Club project that has come along. In a nut shell Lion Nancy is not only the engine and the caboose of Thalia Lions, but everything in between. She has kept the club from derailing, and is the steam of a club noted as one of the best in all of Virginia and perhaps in all of the 47,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographic regions.
When Lion Bob Perrine became President in 2009, he asked Lion Nancy to be the club Secretary, a job, he said, required little work. She quickly hitched up to the most laborious job Thalia Lions has to offer. At every regular meeting and Board of Directors meeting since April 2009, Lion Nancy has meticulously copied down the accounts of the meeting (available on the Thalia Lions website - see below).
Some of her more notable efforts are:
*Began using a new PediaVision (now called SPOT) screening devise in September 2010. SPOT tests pre-school children in detecting a vision condition that, if not corrected, can result in reduced vision followed by poor performance in school. Lion Nancy was subsequently appointed the PediaVision Chair for the district to organize training and use of the devices. By 2022, through her promotion of grants and donations, about 17 SPOTs were in use in 24-I districts. Together they have screened more than 200,000 children under the age of 10 with that total growing every day. Lion Nancy sets up SPOT in school and pre-schools. Along with just a few Lions volunteers, as many as 100 or more pre-school children are tested in a day. Lion Nancy could not have accomplished this using old photo screeners, but through research and grant requests by her husband, Lion John, the new SPOT was first obtained which is much faster with more accurate screening.
*Traveled with her husband to distant Wise County to participate in the 2009 Remote Area Medical (RAM) Expedition, attending with other Thalia Lions and in several years to follow. Some people waited in their cars or camped out all night in line for free medical and other free services they could not normally afford.
*Researched and found organizations willing to make grants of 100's of children’s books. Many sparked their reading interest such as My First Book of Trains by Kristina Holzweiss, a colorful introduction to trains for kids ages 3 to 5. Lion Nancy not only handed out books but sat with children making a fun game out of each book.
Lion Nancy has participated in National Read Across America Day since 2015, an annual event, to make the world a better place by emphasizing children are never too young to start reading and highlighting that learning by reading is fun.
Pictured above is Lion Nancy Waters (right) presenting the Lion of the 2020-2021 Year award to Susan Sumnick
Lion Susan Sumnick's high moral character, strong empathy for mankind, forward and creative thinking, and volunteer spirit makes Lion Susan a true Lion at heart. She volunteered several years with the Thalia Lions who worked the RAM (Remote Area Medical) project in Wise Co., Va. and other locations. She packed many bags of food, at her own expense, for her daughter’s classroom Beach Bag Project. She has been sight chair for many years working with doctors in our community to provide eye exams and glasses to those in need. In 2019-20, she organized and brought to fruition the Vet House toiletries collection, the ForKids cleaning supply collection, and the water bottle project for three elementary schools. You can always depend on Lion Susan Sumnick to offer great ideas, experienced leadership, and a willing heart.
Lion Commander Dallas Divelbiss (Ret.), No one represented the club more than Lion Dallas Divelbiss, President in 1992 and again in 2000. Door-to-door broom sales started out of Lion Dallas’ garage, followed by a picnic at his home. He attended meetings even after his hearing completely failed as a result of service in Vietnam. In his final days his daughter took care of him as his Alzheimer’s disease progressed. After a long battle with dementia and heart disease, we lost a loving, Lion Dallas at the age of 87, Saturday, March 9, 2019. Even near the end, his quick wit and smile blessed those around him.
Lion Edgar E. DeLong, 2015, served for 23 years and twice as club president. He was instrumental in establishing the District’s Bland Competition and directing their Bland Memorial Music Scholarship program for eleven years. He was chairperson of the Adult Learning Center and Princess Anne High School Scholarship program for many years, and also for many years he organized trips to the Eye Glass Recycling Center. Further, he maintained a data base for hearing aids. Even with failing health, Lion Ed would still attend every club meeting and work most service projects. He is the example of what a Lion should be due to his dedication, his passion, his love for other people, and his willingness to serve. Lion Ed made every situation more joyous. Every Thalia Lion who knew him will miss him. He was a true Lion. He served to his last breath.
Lion Debra Laughlin joined Thalia Lions in 2011 and began advancing the idea of having Lions participate in a Hampton Roads Visionwalk. Lion Debra must be given a Lion’s share of the credit for the first Visionwalk in April 2012 when 600 Lions and non-Lion walkers showed up (the largest inaugural Visionwalk ever) and on up through 2014 with the Hampton Roads Visionwalk turning over more than $300,000 to Foundation Fighting Blindness for their three annual walks. For the 2014 walk Lion Debra brought the whole district into the cause by having 24I challenge other Lion Districts to a fund-raising contest with 24I winning by raising $10,032. With all these firsts, it’s no wonder the Foundation Fighting Blindness awarded Lion Debra as the 2014 Volunteer of the Year.
Through the Years
Following is a list of presidents since the inception of the club. Those with an asterisk (*) in front of their name, are deceased (that we know).
Roger Snell 2025
Jack Wagner 2022-24 - serving a two year term
Nancy Nelson 2021-22
Jeri Furman 2020-21
Ellen Turman 2019-20
John Watters 2018-19
Debra Laughlin 2017-18
Nancy Watters 2016-17
Irene Conlin 2015-16
Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club
Slate of Officers 2024-25
President – Lion Jack Wagner (GAT) Global Action Team
1st V.P. Lion Roger Snell
2nd V.P. Lion Susan Sumnick
Treasurer – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary (GST- Global Service Team) Lion Nancy Watters
Administrative Assistant – Vacant
GMT – Global Membership Team – Lion John Watters
Marketing and Communication – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bill Austin (Program Chairperson)
Lions Clubs International Foundation – Lion Stanley Furman
Lion Tamer – Lion Mike Coren
Tail Twister – Lion Stanley Furman
Sight Chairperson – Lion Susan Sumnick
One Year Directors - Lion Fran Scott and Lion Bob Perrine
Two Year Directors – Lion Nancy Lekberg and Lion Stan Moss
Continuing Directors serving 2nd year of a 2-year term require no nomination or vote
A description of duties is on Lions Clubs International Officers Team Manual
See Club Officers Manual - http://www.frostburglions.org/files/clubofficersmanual.pdf
Extract from Virginia Beach Thalia Club Approved By-Laws, 18 Sep 2018
Article VII - Officers
Section E. DUTIES
1. PRESIDENT: The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Serve as chief executive officer for this club.
(b) Preside at all meetings of the board of directors of this club.
(c) Chair the Club Global Action Team and ensure the following:
(1) Ensure the election of qualified Lion leaders for the position of club service chair, club membership chair and club first vice-president, who will serve as the leadership chair.
(2) Ensure regular meetings to discuss and advance initiatives established by the Global Action Team.
(3) Collaborate with the district Global Action Team and other club presidents to further initiatives focused on expanding humanitarian service, leadership development and membership growth.
(d) In collaboration with the club officers and committee chairs, implement a plan for membership growth, community engagement, operational improvement and the fulfillment of humanitarian services as presented and approved by the club’s board of directors.
(e) Issue the call for regular meetings and special meetings of the board of directors of this club.
(f) Appoint standing and special committees and cooperate with chairs to effect regular functioning and reporting of such committees.
(g) See that regular elections are duly called, noticed and held.
(h) Ensure the club is operating in accordance with local laws.
(i) Ensure proper administration of club operations by ensuring that all club officers and members adhere to the club’s Constitution and By-Laws and the International Constitution and By-Laws.
(j) Encourage diplomacy and solve disputes in a fair and transparent fashion utilizing the Dispute Resolution Procedure if needed.
(k) Be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which this club is located.
(l) Serve as a mentor to vice presidents to ensure the continuance of effective leadership.
2. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: He/she and the other past presidents shall serve as mentors to the club president and vice presidents and may serve as the club LCIF Coordinator unless this position is filled by another club member.
3. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Conduct an annual club quality assessment and collaborate with the club officers, specifically members of the club’s Global Action Team and other committee chairs during his/her term as first vice president to develop a plan for membership growth, community engagement, and the fulfillment of humanitarian services to be presented and approved by the board of directors during his/her term as president.
(b) Serve as a key member of the club’s Global Action Team as the club Leadership Chair and along with other members of the leadership committee:
(1) Ensure new members are provided an effective member orientation.
(2) Identify potential leaders and encourage their development as future leaders.
(3) Encourage members to participate in leadership training offered by the district, multiple district and Lions Clubs International.
(c) Communicate the need for training, the names of potential new leaders and leadership development activities that club members attend to the district-level Global Leadership Coordinator.
(d) Take a key role in membership retention and ensure organizational excellence by measuring member satisfaction and utilizing feedback to improve club operations.
(e) Understand the club’s role in district activities and events.
(f) Network with the officers of other clubs to gain ideas that may be applied to the club.
(g) Gain in-depth knowledge of district, multiple district initiatives that support leadership development, membership growth and the expansion of humanitarian service.
(h) Be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which this club is located.
(i) If the president is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the vice president next in rank shall occupy his/her position and perform his/her duties with the same authority as the president.
(j) Oversee the functioning of such committees of this club as the president shall designate.
4. VICE PRESIDENT(S) If the president is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the vice president next in rank shall occupy his/her position and perform his/her duties with the same authority as the president. Each vice president shall, under the direction of the president, oversee the functioning of such committees of this club as the president shall designate.
5. SECRETARY: He/she shall be under the supervision and direction of the president and the board of directors and shall act as the liaison officer between the club and the district (single, sub- and multiple) in which this club is located, and the association. The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Submit regular monthly and other reports to the international office of the association containing such information as may be called for by the board of directors of this association.
(b) Submit to the district governor’s cabinet such reports as it may require.
(c) Be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which the club is located.
(d) Have custody and keep and maintain general records of this club, including records of minutes of club and board meetings; attendance; committee appointments; elections; member information, addresses and telephone numbers of members; members club accounts.
(e) Deliver, in a timely manner, at the conclusion of his/her term in office, the general records of the club to his/her successor in office.
6. TREASURER: The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Receive all monies, from the secretary and otherwise, and deposit the same in a bank or banks recommended by the finance committee and approved by the board of directors.
(b) Arrange for issuance, in cooperation with the secretary, quarterly or semi-annual statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations owed to this club and report payments to the Board of Directors.
(c) Pay out monies in payment of club obligations only on authority given by the board of directors.
(d) Have custody and keep and maintain general records of club receipts and disbursements.
(e) Prepare and submit monthly and semi-annual financial reports to the board of directors of this club.
(f) Deliver, in a timely manner, at the conclusion of his/her term in office, the financial accounts, funds and records of the club to his/her successor in office.
(g) Serves as chair for the finance committee.
7. LION TAMER: The Lion Tamer shall have charge of and be responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the club, including flags, banners, gong, gavel, song books and button board. He/she shall put each in its proper place before each meeting and return the same to the proper storage area after each meeting. He/she shall act as sergeant-at-arms at meetings, see that those present are properly seated, and distribute bulletins, favors and literature as required at club and board meetings. He/she shall give special attention to assure that each new member sits with a different group at each meeting so that he/she can become better acquainted.
8. LION TWISTER - He/she shall promote harmony, good fellowship, life and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious imposition of fines on club members. There shall be no ruling from his/her decision in imposing a fine, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the board of directors of this club, and no member shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting. The Tail Twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. All monies collected by the tail twister shall be immediately turned over to the treasurer and a receipt be given therefor.
9. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR (GMT): The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Serve as a key member of the club’s Global Action Team as the club Membership Chair.
(b) Collaborate with the District Global Membership Coordinator, district leaders, members of the club’s membership committee and others to develop annual membership goals and action plans to recruit new members and to increase membership satisfaction among current club members. Present the plan to the club’s board of directors for approval and support.
(c) Develop and lead a membership committee to help implement action plans to achieve the club’s membership goals and to positively increase the member experience.
(d) Collaborate with the club service chair as well as other club committees to promote membership opportunities.
(e) Understand the different membership types and programs offered and promote membership programs to club members.
(f) Ensure each new member is provided an effective membership orientation and is provided opportunities to be engaged in club activities that are meaningful to the new member.
(g) Attend the district governor’s advisory committee meeting of the zone in which this club is located when appropriate.
(h) Participate in Global Membership Team meetings held by the district.
10. SERVICE CHAIR (GST). The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Serve as a key member of the club’s Global Action Team as the club Service Chair.
(b) Collaborate with the District Global Service Coordinator, club LCIF coordinator, district leaders, members of the club’s service committee and others to develop and communicate annual service goals and action plans that address current community needs and align with the Lions Clubs International service framework and/or district service goals when relevant.
(c) Lead the service committee to implement the club’s service action plans in order to achieve the club’s service goals.
(d) Incorporate opportunities for local youth and Leos to engage in all aspects of service activities, including goal setting, implementation, project evaluation and reporting.
(e) Report service activities to Lions Clubs International.
(f) Serve as a club resource on current community needs by monitoring the service activities of other service clubs, developing community partnerships to expand service, and utilizing tools and resources offered by Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation.
(g) Increase member satisfaction by encouraging participation and engagement in service projects.
(h) Collaborate with the club membership chair and other club committees to promote membership opportunities to non-Lions during service projects.
(i) Attend the district governor’s advisory committee meeting of the zone in which this club is located when appropriate.
11. MARKETING COMMUNICATION CHAIR. The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Develop and implement annual communications plans for internal and external audiences, including club members, news media, supporters/sponsors and potential new members.
(b) Publicize club activities, including service projects, fundraisers, donations, Lions Clubs International sponsored contests and other newsworthy accomplishments both internally and externally via the news media, social media, and other effective means.
(c) Expand humanitarian initiatives, community involvement and membership initiatives through social media.
(d) Provide communication tools to club members and to encourage all club members to participate in promoting the club’s activities via social media, referral and other effective means of communication.
(e) Assist the club president in communicating information from the district, multiple district and international headquarters with the club members.
(f) Work closely with the club membership chair to target and reach out to new potential club members.
(g) Attend the district governor’s advisory committee meeting of the zone in which this club is located when appropriate. Participate in meetings held by the district marketing communications chair.
12. LCIF COORDINATOR. He/she communicates the mission and success of LCIF and its importance to Lions Clubs International, implements LCIF development strategies within the club and collaborates with LCIF district coordinator to promote LCIF in the local area to ensure alignment with district goals. This position also collaborates with the club service chairperson and the Global Action Team to support club initiatives.
13. DIRECTORS: The four (4) elected directors shall serve as advisors and voting members of the Board of Directors. Generally, two are elected each Lion’s year for two-year terms, thus each year two will be serving one more year (“One Year” directors) and two new directors will be elected for the two-year term (“Two-Year” directors). However, vacancies for “one-year” directors unable to complete the two-year term may be filled by electing a director for a one-year term.
End of Extract from Virginia Beach Thalia Club Approved By-Laws, 18 Sep 2018
*In carrying out his/her responsibilities, the following are suggestions that are in addition to those duties prescribed in the By-Laws (see above).
*The Immediate Past President: To assure members become better acquainted with each other, he/she with the other past presidents greet members and their guests.
*The Lion Tail Twister: In becoming better acquainted with each other, humor and laughter can be promoted through jokes, puns, witticisms, mimicry, acting, singing or dramatizations. For example, special presentations to members can brighten the meeting. Give a hairbrush to a bald-headed member, a set of curlers to a curly-headed member, and a gardening tool to a gardener.
Fining is a key element of a successful tail twister. By fining, the tail twister involves everyone and assists the president in general management of the meeting. Following are just a few examples of how a tail twister can raise funds for the club or just promote fun and camaraderie at meetings.
1. Call on a Lion to give a spontaneous joke on-the-spot. A fine can be levied according to the response.
2. Announce a Lion pin or name-tag to be worn on the left or right side for the next meeting.
3. At the beginning of the meeting, announce a word. Toward the end of the meeting ask various Lions to say the word.
4. Give a slip of paper to the president. On it is written a word. The first Lion to use that word will be fined.
5. During meetings, call upon a Lion to stand and formally introduce another Lion pointed out. Any mistake will earn a fine.
6. Fine members who arrive late for the meeting.
7. Fine anyone not using the prefix "Lion" when a Lion is talking about another Lion.
8. Ask a tricky question. Go right down the tables or move around with the question and fine the first one to give the wrong answer.
9. Stunts are important at every club meeting and, to be most effective, the tail twister should have a different stunt or gimmick at every meeting.
10. Finally, the tail twister should use his/her imagination in handing out fines. Just going around requiring each member to put money in the bucket will not enliven the meeting.
2023 Competition Winners
1st Place Instrumental (piano)- Isaac Li, Princess Anne High
2nd Place Instrumental (piano)- Kobe Quino Langen, Menchville High
3rd Place Instrumental (piano) - Ethan Jackson Kane attends Lancaster High School
and Lancaster County Lions Club is his sponsor
1st Place Vocal - Zaynah Sarene Berkley Weems, Poquoson High
2nd Place Vocal - Ashton Taylor Hendrickson, Poquoson High
3rd Place Vocal - Niara Rain Ashburn, Salem High
Sub District winners at the State level James Bland Music Competition!
1st Place Instrumental - Kobe Quino Langen from Menchville High
3rd Place Vocal - Ashton Taylor Hendrickson from Poquoson High
At the State Bland Contest
Kobe Quino Langen won 1st place Instrumental - $3,000 (Kobe was our 2nd place Sub Dist winner who competed at the State level because our 1st place winner had a conflict)
Ashton Taylor Hendrickson won 3rd place Vocalist - $2,000 (Ashton was our 2nd place Sub Dist winner who competed at the State level because our 1st place winner had a conflict)
2022 Competition Winners
*Anna Hubbard, 24-I - 1st place winner (Vocal)
*Jenna Ng, 24-C Instrumental first place winner (Piano)
From left to right second row
*PDG Ann Ragland, Vickie Kennedy, DG Greg Cole, DG Eric Mills and PDG Clark Vandergrift.
*Gabriella L. Waite - 2nd Place Vocal (Mezzo-Soprano) Maury High School
*Olivia M. Carey – Instrumental (Flute) New Kent High School
*Matthew J. Fan – 2nd Place Instrumental (Violin) York High School
*Anna S. Hubbard – 1st Place Vocal (Soprano) Poquoson High School
*Bradley R. Song – 1st Place Instrumental (Piano) – Old Donation. Brad will be representing our club at the State Bland contest and in May at the State Convention.
Anna and Bradley went to the Lions of Virginia Multiple District 24 level competition that was held at the State Convention in Chesapeake, VA. where Anna won 1st place (Vocals) and Bradley placed 4th (Instrumentals).
Special thanks to Lion Vickie Kennedy for all your hard work and thank you to all who attended and assisted.
In 2021 and 2020, Ava Shedd was Thalia Lions Instrumental 1st place winner and represented the 2021 State Finals winning 2nd place and a $2,000 Scholarship, and at the 2020 State Finals winning 3rd place and a $1,500 Scholarship.
Ava now attends Cincinnati Conservatory of Music where she won a concerto competition and earned the opportunity to play Gagliano violin for this performance values at $150,000 to $200,000. She thanks Thalia Lions for being a part of her development and growth!
1st Row: Gabrielle Pinkey, Angela Zhang, Bradley Song, Blake Armstrong, Jayna Deeb, Isabella Rosario
2nd Row: Emily Wu, Rose Zhang, Jessica McMillian, Amanda Suh, Isaac Li,
3rd Row: Ava Shedd, Rafael Viray Ava Stevenson
Back row: Thalia Lion President, Ellen Turman, Lion John Watters & Lion Vickie Kennedy
Bland Contest Winners 2020 -
1st place -Ava Shed (violin)
2nd place - Blake Armstrong (violin)
3rd place - Jayna M. Deeb (flute)
1st place- Ava Stevenson (soprano)
2nd place- Gabrielle D. Pinkey (suprano)
3rd place- Isabella C. Rosario (mezzo soprano)
*Special appreciation to our Bland Competition Chair, Lion Vickie Kennedy, our Emcee, Lion Dr. John Watters, and our Thalia Lions Club President, Lion Ellen Turman.
*Judges: Bianca Hall, Dr. Brian Nedvin, Dr. Alexander Trevino, and Dr. Brian Diller
Second Row is Austin Mo, Kurt Kannetti, Annie Liang, Rose Zhang, Emily
Wu, Ava Stevenson, Rafael Viray, Kevin Wang and Alyssa Reichard
Third Row is Vickie Kennedy and John Watters.
Feb 26, 2019 - Nine Thalia Club members attended and assisted this year’s Bland Contest.
The talent exhibited in the performances was absolutely amazing.
Judging this contest by professional musicians Sondra Gelb, Brian Nedvin, and Dr. Alex Travino, was extremely difficult. Thalia Lions greatly appreciates their time and efforts.
Bland Contest Winners 2018. The 2018 Region III Bland contestants are from left to right Donte’ Thompson, a 2nd place Vocalist from Thalia Lions , Kurt Lannetti, 1st place Vocalist from Bayside Lions Club, Ava Shedd, 1st place Instrumentalist from Thalia Lions Club, Rafael Viray, 2nd place Instrumentalist from Bayside Lions and Nathaniel Zhang 3rd Place Instrumentalist from Bayside Lions. Along with Lion John Watters – Master of Ceremonies and Lion Vickie Kennedy, 24-D Bland Chair. The 1st place winners will proceed to the District 24-D Bland Competition that is being held on Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7:00 pm on the campus of ODU in Diehn Center for Performing Arts Choir RM 1201, Norfolk, VA. All three regions will send their 1st place winners in both categories to compete to represent 24-D District at the State Finals. State Finals is were all six districts will have a vocal and an instrumental compete for scholarships starting at $2,500 going on down to $1,000 scholarship. Every contestant will receive at least $1,000.00 scholarship.
The Annual Bland Music Scholarship Program was established in 1948 to assist and promote cultural and educational opportunities for the musically talented youth of Virginia. The program consists of elimination contests starting at club level and continuing through “State Final Contest” and is administered by the following rules.
1. Any boy or girl, vocalist or instrumentalist, properly sponsored by a Virginia Lions Club, a resident of Virginia (or within the club’s jurisdiction) and attending elementary, middle or senior high school or is home schooled is eligible to participate.
2. Contestants
a. Are allowed to enter only one club contest annually and may participate in either the vocal or instrumental division but not both. Students who enter more than one contest may be banned from future participation.
b. Shall render only one composition and is allowed only eight (8) minutes to present it. In order to keep within the 8-minute time limit, contestant may eliminate part of his or her composition. The part cut out shall be marked on the score for the information of the judges. A one-point penalty (per judge) for every five seconds exceeding the eight-minute limit, with a grace period for the first five seconds, will be assessed at the state level. The point penalty may be enforced at the district, zone/region, or club level at the discretion of the Contest Bland Chairman. In case of a tie, the judges shall determine a winner.
c. Must memorize his or her composition.
d. Shall furnish the required number of copies of his or her composition as defined by the club, zone/region, district and state chairmen.
e. Lions of Virginia shall provide no instrument for contestant other than a piano. Instruments other than piano must have an accompanist, if dictated by the composition. Accompaniment must be provided with musical instruments played by live performers, other than the contestants themselves. No pre-recorded accompaniment is allowed.
f. All contestants must compete on the date and at the place and time of the scheduled club, zone/region, district or state contest.
b. When appropriate, there should be 2 judges for each division of music (vocal and instrumental). Two judges for each division are required at the District and State levels.
c. Shall score the contestant on his or her musical ability.
d. Score sheets shall be given to the contestant after the contest.
4. Awards shall be furnished by the State Bland Foundation Committee as follows:
a. Official certificates (1st and 2nd places, and participation) at the club, zone/region, district and state levels.
b. State Scholarships for BOTH Vocal and Instrumental WINNERS are:
First Place SCHOLARSHIPS - $3,000 each
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Place SCHOLARSHIPS - $1,500 each
d. State first place winners are NOT eligible to compete again.
e. Scholarships are payable only to an accredited college or school of music, summer music program or to an accredited private or public music teacher. Requests for payment to a college or school must be accompanied by the winner’s course curriculum, which must include a music course, and a statement from the school indicating an outstanding balance at least in the payment of the amount being requested. Requests for payment to private and public teachers must include a signed statement for lessons previously given the winner, showing the dates, the number of lesson hours, and fee per hour. In order for payments from scholarships to be disbursed, the aforementioned information must be submitted to the Bland Foundation, 402 Scott Street, Baltimore, MD 21230.
Lion Vickie Kennedy
507 Blue Moon Crescent
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Email: vkennedy@rmhcnorfolk.com
The Lions of Virginia first became interested in James A. Bland in 1938 as the composer of the stirring song, Carry Me Back to Old Virginny. Impressed by the patriotic fervor and nostalgic quality of this lyric, the Lions began a campaign that resulted in the General Assembly of Virginia officially adopting the song in 1940 as the Virginia State Anthem. In 1994, the Virginia State Senate adopted a revised version Carry Me Back to Old Virginia. In February 1997, the State Legis-lature of Virginia voted to retire the song for reason of political correctness. The Lions of Virginia still honor the man who wrote hundreds of well-known melo-dies.
In the 1940’s, Lions delved into the life and career of this distinguished composer and discovered that his grave was unknown and unmarked. Through diligent investigation they discovered his grave in a cemetery in Merion, PA, near Phila-delphia. The Lions of Virginia erected a monument over his grave and at the Convention of Lions International in Philadelphia in July of 1946 the monument was unveiled in the presence of many distinguished representatives of govern-ment, the world of music, and Lions International. In 1997, at the Lions Interna-tional Convention again in Philadelphia, the Virginia Lions rededicated the mo-nument.
The Lions of Virginia were not content that only a granite monument memorial-izes the author of the official state song. Hence, as a continuing memorial, they established the Virginia Lions Bland Music Scholarships Program in 1948. Since the beginning of this contest, the Lions have continued to add to the value of the scholarships. Today, the contest is spread over the entire state, commencing with individual club contests, and escalating through zone and/or region and district contests to the final state contest at the Annual State Convention. The project is financed entirely through contributions from Lions Clubs throughout the State of Virginia. The Thalia Lions Club awards trophies and medallions, but at the state level, scholarships are awarded in both vocal and instrumental categories in the amount of $3,000 for first place, $2,500 for second place and $2,000 for third place. Cash awards of $1,500 are given to the 4th, 5th and 6th place Winners.
The Thalia Lions Club is always looking for men and women of good character who would like to help their community and humanity. We meet twice a month for din-ner and fellowship. Our fund-raising efforts include sale of blind-made products, a fruit sale, a raffle and other activities. In addition to other donations we provide eyeglasses and hearing aids for the needy, hearing and sight tests for adults and children and scholarships. If you are interested in membership, please speak to any Lion here tonight.
Following is an article by Lion Ed DeLong, Thalia Lions in the May 2010 24D's Knight's Vision.
"Aundi Marie Moore, a soprano who won first place honors in the Thalia Lions music scholarship contest some years ago is now a successful opera singer appearing with Virginia Opera as Serena in George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess. She and Virginia Opera conductor Peter Mark attended the Wells theater the other evening and during a discussion with them Miss Moore reminisced about her win with the Lions and how much we helped her in her successful career. She has sung the role of Elvira in Don Giovanni with Monte Carlo Opera; Nedda in Pagliacci with Sarasota Opera; Rusalka in the 2008 Salzburg festival; many events with the Washington National opera including Elvira from Don Giovanni and is scheduled to sing the role of Serena with the Atlanta Opera. It’s not often that a star of her caliber returns to our area to tell us about how much our efforts helped her along the way. Our Bland program is working fellow Lions. Please keep supporting it."
The purpose of the program is to award and fund scholarships and thereby demonstrate to the community that Thalia Lions Club is interested in furthering education. The Scholarship Committee selects recipients of scholarships awarded annually. Applicants should demonstrate financial need and be committed to their education. Two college/university scholarships are usually awarded each year as follows:
a. A $1,000 scholarship to a Princess Anne High School graduate to attend a Virginia college.
* The 2024 winner was Roxanna Shiffler (attending Radford University)
* The 2023 winner was Elijah (Trey) Simmons III
* The 2022 winner was Allan Cheng (attending University of Virginia)
* The 2021 year was the COVID year with no applicants
* The 2020 winner was Wan Ting (Ivy) Wu) (attending University of Virginia)
* The 2019 winner was Sage Thomas (attending Regent University)
* The 2018 winner was Leigh Mante (attending University of Virginia)
* The 2017 winner was Rand Gabriel Buenaventura (attending VCU in Richmond)
* The 2016 winner was Lara De Haan (attending George Mason University)
*The 2015 winners ($1,000 to each one) were Peter Nguyen (attending George Mason University) and Amanda Ponack (attending James Madison University)
*The 2014 winner was Erin Bryant (attending Randolph-Macon College)
*The 2013 winner was Isaiah Simmons (attending William and Mary)
*The 2012 winner was Amy Cohen (attending VA Tech)
*The 2009 winner was Regina Stallings, (attending the University of Virginia)
*The 2008 winner was Lydia Michailow (attending VA Tech)
*The 2007 winner was Devin Prater
(see http://www.princessannehs.vbschools.com/)
b. A scholarship to an Adult Learning Center graduate who is successfully enrolled at Tidewater Community College. For 2011 the Thalia Lions increased this $600 scholarship to $1,000, and beginning in 2016 Thalia is also awarding $500 to the second place applicant set up as the EdDelong Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of Ed who served as chairman of the Thalia Lions Scholarship Committee for many years and died July 16th, 2015.
For 2019 and 2020 the Adult Learning Center (ALC) did not provide anyone. In the interim the Scholarship Committee reached out to Seatack, an area that is in crying need of financial support. New Jerusalem Church of God in Seatack provided two candidates, Amanda Montalvo and Mar’Tyria Hayes. Ocean Lakes High School serves the Seatack community, and their scholarship coordinator provided one applicate, Jared Plaatsman. Finally, the TCC financial aid office provided two applicants, one of which we chose, Jacob Reese. These four individuals were approved by the Scholarship Committee. For 2021, only two ALC students applied, Meagan Murray and Annalisa LaZar. These two were approved by our Scholarship Committee. Again, as in 2019 and 2020, no ALC student applied for 2022. ALC Director Dr. Joey Phillips has appointed a new scholarship coordinator, Elizabeth Herlong who was Thalia Lions guest speaker for our Jan 2023 meeting. She has promised to correct any short comings and provided 13 applicants for 2023. Elizabeth has put new life in the Thalia Lions/ALC Scholarship program. Lion Bob
* May 2024, $1,000 awarded to Emily Weeks
* May 2024, $500 awarded to Tiffany Wilder
* May 2023, $1,000 awarded to Brittani McLaughlin (ALC)
*May 2023, $500 awarded to Michael Hernandez (ALC)
*Aug 2022, no ALC students applied
*Aug 2021, $1,000 awarded to Meagan Murray (ALC)
*Aug 2021, $500 awarded to Annalisa LaZar (ALC)
*Aug 2020, $1,000 awarded to Amanda Montalvo (New Jerusalem Church of God in Seatack)
*Aug 2020, $500 awarded to Mar’Tyria Hayes (New Jerusalem Church of God in Seatack)
*Aug 2019, $1,000 awarded to Jared Plaatsman (Ocean Lakes High School serving the Seatack community)
*Aug 2019, $500 awarded to Jacob Reese (TCC Financial Aid Office)
* May 2018, $1,000 warded to Hunter Perez
* May 2018, $500 awarded to Gianni Miranda.
* May 2017, $1,500 awarded to Giancarlo Gabriel Balarezo
(one applicant - both $1,000 and $500 scholarships awarded to Giancarlo)
* May 2016, $1,000 awarded to Winda Kerr
* May 2016, $500 awarded to Jennifer Smith/Barongan
* May 2015, $1,000 awarded to Erin E. Snyder
* May 2014, $1,000 awarded to Tina Martinez
* May 2013, $1,000 awarded to Kelly Yarbourgh
* May 2012, $1,000 awarded to was Ayotunde F, Oyedele
* May 2011, $1,000 awarded to was Steven F. Hulmes, a 54 year old gentleman.
*May 2010, $600 awarded to Jeri Gussman
*May 2009, $600 awarded to Skye Fibish
c. Sight Impaired Scholarship. On July 7, 2010, a special scholarship presentation was made to a sight impaired student from Ocean Lakes High School, Sahara Gooding. Sahara's vision impairment began at birth and as a result of albinism. She is attending Virginia State University. She plans a career in the medical field.
d. Local Elementary School Scholarships. Three elementary school clinics in the Thalia area (Thalia, Malibu, and King’s Grant) are presented $200 each year for health related needs.
Jul 15, 2009 - New Procedure for Applications for Hearing Aids
When we have an application for a hearing aid, fill out the financial forms and send directly to Lion Sammie Reid. She will process them, set up the appointment and refer to the Charity Foundation if required. By centralizing this process it will make it easier for everyone.
Lion Sammie Reid
600 Briar Court
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone 757-340-5223
Email : powerhearing@aol.com
The Hearing Conservation Committee is responsible for providing hearing aids and exams for people in need of assistance. Applications for assistance may be obtained from Jeri Furman, phone 757 422-5877. When an application is reviewed and approved, a voucher for an exam and purchase of a hearing aide is given to the applicant. Thalia Lions has negotiated a generous reduced rate for both the exam and hearing aid for about $400. Depending on the level of need Thalia Lions covers a portion of this cost.
Thalia Lions supports the Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation (VLHF) located at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, VA –
http://www.lions24b.org/VLHF/ and http://www.lions24c.org/hearing.htm
by promoting at regular meetings and in the Virginia Beach community one of VLHF’s prime objects, i.e., “To conduct informational programs to educate the public on hearing disorders and to encourage hearing protection.”
The Thalia Lions Club provides eye glasses, exams for people in need of assistance, for screening preschool children for vision problems, and drawing attention to problems faced by sight impaired and blind people.
The Lions Club is using Spot, a breakthrough device that quickly and easily detects vision issues in young children to help ensure they have an opportunity to reach their full potential. http://www.spotvisionscreening.com/2011
The Human Services Forum features Lions Nancy and John Watters in their talk about PediaVision - http://www.whro.org/home/html/podcasts/cityofnorfolk/player/?p=HumanServicesForum&f=HSF1122111
“Vision Impaired” helps those in need, raises funds and draws attention to problems faced by sight impaired people. Currently Thalia Lions are engaged in four areas, (1) VisionWalk, (3) partnering with the local libraries, (3) helping the visually impaired youth of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the Virginia Association of the Parents of the Visually Impaired (VAAPI), and (4) Journey for Sight.
VisionWalk supports the mission of the Foundation Fighting Blindness working to find treatments and cures for over ten million Americans affected by blinding retinal diseases such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and Usher syndrome.
“Vision Impaired” helps those in need, raises funds and draws attention to problems faced by sight impaired people. Currently Thalia Lions are engaged in four areas, (1) VisionWalk, (3) partnering with the local libraries, (3) helping the visually impaired youth of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the Virginia Association of the Parents of the Visually Impaired (VAAPI), and (4) Journey for Sight.
VisionWalk supports the mission of the Foundation Fighting Blindness working to find treatments and cures for over ten million Americans affected by blinding retinal diseases such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and Usher syndrome.
The Virginian-Pilot, April 21, 2013


/\ First Picture - A clown hands out goodies to a visually impaired child at the
The VAAPVI Easter Egg Hunt was a great success. The
Oct 17, 2009 - 11-12 noon,
Journey for Sight.
Each year the Thalia Lions Club assists this 24D sponsored program. A sighted person guides blind in different events.
The Lions Diabetes Awareness Program was introduced in 1984. Lions became involved in diabetes education because diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among people between the ages of 20 to 74. Nearly one half of people with known diabetes have some degree of diabetic retinopathy which affects the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. The primary objective of the Lions program is to reduce the number of new cases of blindness caused by diabetic retinopathy through diabetes education, early detection and treatment, and support of research. Lions are especially encouraged to conduct awareness activities in their communities throughout the year. Lions Diabetes Education Month is celebrated in November. The Lions Diabetes Awareness Program Mission Statement is:
“To conduct and support local and large-scale effort leading to the control and treatment of diabetes and its complications through education, prevention and research.”
The United Nations General Assembly on Dec 21, 2006 passed a landmark Resolution recognizing the global threat of the diabetes epidemic. For the first time, governments have acknowledged that a non-infectious disease poses as serious a threat to world health.
It is estimated that more than 230 million people have diabetes world wide. This number is expected to rise to a staggering 350 million by 2025. More than 23.6 million Americans have diabetes which almost two times more than the rest of the world. And more than 20% of those Americans or about 5.7 million don’t know that they have the disease. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in America with over 200,000 Americans dying each year of diabetes-related complications.
24D: Clubs desiring to do Diabetes screening in conjunction with the use of the Mobile Sight and Hearing Van should contact Lion Randy Foster @ 757-416-8337. Lion Randy is responsible for seeing to it that the Diabetes Kit is filled and available for the Van Driver to pick up the day of Thalia's event. If the Thalia Sight and Hearing Van coordinator fails to contact Lion Randy at least 3 to 4 days before the event, Thalia might get a kit that is not well stocked. The Thalia Sight and Hearing Van event coordinator needs to contact Lion Randy and keep him informed.
IMPORTANT. Individuals cannot be screened if they have not filled out and signed the Diabetes Permission form in both areas where they are required. Also, the results of the test should be documented on this sheet also. This is very important and will protect us from any liability issues. Please take the time. Also, please collect and retain these sheets for our records. If you use the Sight and Hearing Van, place completed sheets with the kit and they will be collected by the Diabetes Van Coordinator. If you have an independent kit, please collect these sheets and find a way to get the completed ones back to Lion Randy Jones 421-3006 cell 450-6118 (Diabetes Coordinator for the Region) or Lion Ed Novak 410-2823 cell 268-4668 (Diabetes Chair). Please call District Governor Lion Gary T. Rapier (757-469-5493 cell 757-967-9970) if you have any questions about these sheets. Also, Lion Darlene 483-0199 cell 535-6827 can be reached if you have any questions about Diabetes testing and issues you find. Remember to follow protocols and be safe in all our controls and practices. Every effort should be made to put Diabetes screening on the Thalia schedule.
Thalia Lions Club White Cane collections provide one hundred percent of collected donations to Thalia Lions charities which include for the blind and visually impaired: * Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center * Lions Medical Eye Bank of Eastern Virginia * Leader Dog Program (Lions International) * Charitable glasses and eye examinations * Sight and Hearing Mobile Screening Unit In the Spring and Fall the Thalia Lions Club holds their White Cane collections. During these times Thalia Lions publicize and educate folks about blind people carrying white canes so they will be courteously afforded the right of way when crossing a road or in a public place. Thalia Lions want folks to know about the aspirations, hopes, and abilities of people who are blind or visually impaired.
History of the White Cane. Blind people have used canes as mobility tools for centuries, but it was not until after World War I that the white cane was introduced. In 1921 James Biggs, a photographer from
Paul's Auto Service is located in the heart of Virginia Beach offering all your automotive repair needs including VA State Inspection - see Paul’s Auto Service @ http://www.paulsautoservice.com/
From Virginia Beach Blvd go south on Lynn Shores Dr for 475 ft and continue on Happy Street 400 feet to Paul’s on the left.
Each year the Thalia Lions Club members sell brooms in the parking lot in front of BJ's Wholesale Club, 3712 Virginia Beach Blvd, 23452.
Brooms are all made by Industries for the Blind of Greensboro, NC (http://www.industriesoftheblind.com/io_blind_e.asp) where both blind and visually impaired workers staff the broom making assembly line. One hundred percent of all profits go to charities.
#4 Virginia Special Broom - $15
Hotel / Patio Broom (plain handle) - $20
Witches Broom - $9
Push Broom 24” Black Bristle - $30
Push Broom 24” Brown Bristle - $30
Whisk Broom - $7
Toy / Hearth Broom - $9
Peanuts in 20 oz cans
Gourmet Salted Peanuts 20 oz. $14
Gourmet NO salt Peanuts 20 oz. $12
**Sea Salt & Black Pepper (Best Seller) 20 oz. $14
Red Skin Gourmet 20 oz. $14
Honey Roasted 20 oz. $14
Peanut Brittle Squares 20 oz. $14 (only in cold weather)
Chocolate Covered Peanuts 20 oz. $18
Gourmet Cashews 20 oz. $20
Butter Toffee 20 oz. $14
***Christmas Trio Pkg.,(1) Salt & Pepper,(2) Butter Toffee, (3) Chocolate Covered Peanuts,
10 oz. in each tin, 30 oz.total for $20,
20 ozs. in each tin, 60 oz. total for $30
The Committee Chairman is responsible to keep an inventory record and order the blind made products through Jim Adams at 874-0055 prior to Dec 15. Status of order can be tracked by calling Industry of the Blind in Greensboro, NC at 800-909-7086. Delivery to Paul’s Garage is in April. Upon delivery, the committee is responsible to unload the truck and place the merchandise in storage at Paul’s Garage.
Broom sales were quite different from years past, when Thalia Lions Club members would sell their wares door to door. Lion Dick Kreassig recalled those days - “There were a lot of long driveways and then nobody was home,” and 81-year-old Lion Ed DeLong added, “In our area, a lot of the houses are a quarter-mile apart. It’s just difficult for people our age to go around door to door.”
The Thalia Lions Club Finance/Budget. All club fund raising activities prepare budgets for summision to the Board of Directors at its August meeting for approval. Separate budgets are prepared for
the Administrative Account and the Charitable Fund. The budget is based on the best estimates of income and expenditures to stay within the yearly income. It includes such carryover items as previously approved by the membership. The Finance Committee reviews the financial records kept by the Treasurer at least quarterly and recommends to the Board of Directors any adjustments to the budget it may deem necessary. The Finance Committee recommends to the Treasurer, subject to approval by the Board of Directors, a bank or banks to deposit all monies and, as required, financial institutions for the establishment of money market accounts, purchase of certificates of deposit, obtaining of loans, and such as financial transactions as may from time to time be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. The Finance Committee selects and recommends to the Board of Directors an accounting or tax preparation firm to assure all books are kept in a proper manner and that all tax obligations and tax reporting requirements are met in a timely manner.
Thalia Lions Club Leadership Development is a responsibilty of all members of the Board Of Directors to make new and current members aware of a variety of leadership development oportunities by Lions of Virginia as follows:
* Officers' Training at the Sarah Hudgins Bonwell Center - 2009-04-18
* District Leadership Training 2009-9 (to be announced)
* Lions Learning Center Online - see
The Thalia Lions Club Website is part of the Lions of Virginia, District 24i (http://www.lionsdistrict24i.org/) Region VI, Zone O. A direct link to Thalia Lions Club is by web subject THALIA LIONS (http://thalialions.blogspot.com/), kept up-to-date by Lion Bob Perrine. The site is a resource for club description/history, activities, meetings minutes, future events/schedules, local news, activity descriptions, club rules, and officer/member duties. It is an important introduction to new Thalia members and for Virginia Beach residents exploring and investigating Lionism for the first time. THALIA LIONS is a District award winning site that stand out as a vital resource to Thalia Club members, other District 24i Clubs and the community.
The Thalia Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws is under the overall supervision of the Board of Directors responsible to
1. Keep up to date on any changes to the standard Lions Club Constitution and Bylaws.
2. Keep up to date the Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws Manual.
3. Prepare amendments to the By-Laws for presentation at a special meeting called by the President.
4. Mail the proposed amendment(s) to each club member two (2) weeks prior to the special meeting.
5. Bring to the attention of the President any procedures being improperly administered by the club.
The Thalia Lions Club Phone Tree is assigned to a member by the Board of Directors to ensure the Member Roster is up-to-date and mailed to all members.
The Thalia Lions Club Socials / Recreation Activities are assigned to a member by the Board of Directors for ...
1. The Christmas Party (December)
2. The Charter Night (June)
3. Ensuring that the one half hour socials prior to regular meetings are well attended.
4. Encouraging and hosting informal get-togethers.
Thalia Lions Club Drawing is assigned to a member by the Board of Directors to
1. Conduct auctions, raffles, or drawings for the Charitable Fund as carried out by the the TailTwister.
2. Turn over all money collected to the Treasurer.
Thalia Lions Club Public Relations are assigned to a member by the Board of Directors to provide information and press releases to newspapers, radio, bulletin boards, clubs, community organizations, business establishments, etc. about Thalia activities and its web site http://www.thalialionsclub.org/
Thalia Lions Club Member Care, Health & Social Services are assigned to a member by the Board of Directors President to
1. Keep up with Thalia members insuring the club knows about sickness, celebrations, births, and other major events of club members and family.
2. Send out appropriate greeting cards.
3. Coordinate with the Phone Tree Committee to ascertain absences.
4. Notify the President of any extended absences from regular meetings. x