
  Membership Goals

The responsibilities of the Membership Director as delineated in the Club By-Laws;
The membership director shall be the chairman of the membership committee.  The responsibilities for this position shall be:

(a) Development of a growth program specifically for the club and presented to the board of directors for approval.
(b) Regular encouragement at club meeting to bring in new quality members.
(c) Ensuring proper recruitment procedures.
(d) Preparation and implementation of orientation sessions.
(e) Reporting to the board of directors on ways to reduce the loss of members.
(f) Coordination with other club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities.
(g) Serving as a member of the zone level membership committee.



Host a Lions Open House.  Twice a year, organize an Open House, where Lions Members can invite friends, neighbors, co-workers and other potential Lions.  This would be a social event, with light refreshments.  There would be no formal presentation about the Lions, but would be a casual event.  There could be Lions Brochures and talk about the community projects we are planning for the upcoming Lions Year, along with previous events. The end of the year cook out would be a great opportunity to host this event.

Create Portable Recruitment Packs for each club member.  Develop a packet for each club member that contains the Lions Application From, Club Brochure, and Club Member Business Card with meeting date/time/location on the back, as well as the url to our blog and how to find us on Facebook.  Encourage members to keep the packet in their car, in their gym bag, in their reusable shopping bag so they always have the information available when the opportunity arises.

Go Digital.  Publicize our community involvement on social media.  We already have a Facebook page, but how many of our members have Facebook accounts? If you have a FB account, be sure you ‘Like’ the club page.  Post our community events well in advance, and invite people you know through FB.  After the event, forward pictures you may have taken to the Club Secretary for posting.

Wear the Lions Club Membership Pin.   Wear the pin every day in a prominent place – where it will easily be noticed.  Be prepared with your ‘Elevator Speech’ when asked ‘what is that pin and what are the Lions?  What do you DO?’

Hold Training Events. Invite members of the Lions GMT to our meeting to hold a training event on how to recruit new members.  Training combined with scenarios and practicing talking to new people about Lions Club will encourage club members to recruit new members.


Reach Out.  Members of the club will periodically contact members that do not frequently attend meetings to keep them abreast of what the club is doing and encourage coming to meetings. Contact of members that do not attend meetings is the purview of not only the team leaders for their group – any club member can make contact.  If you have sponsored someone who has not attended a meeting in a while, reach out to them.  Invite them back or to a service project we may be working on that you think they would be interested in.

3. NEW MEMBER INVOLVMENT: It is the responsibility of ALL club members to ensure new members are actively involved in club activities.  Learn about what interests the new member may have, think about events we may have on the calendar, or what committees we need help with and encourage them to participate.   

Membership Goal Statements:

Thalia Lions Club intends to recruit one new member per month from August – May of Lions Year 2016 – 2017 for a total of 10 new members.

Thalia Lions Club intends to retain 100% current membership during Lions Year 2016-2017. 

Irene Conlin

Membership Chair


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