

The Club Program Committee is under the overall supervision of the Third Vice President. The Programs Chair is responsible for obtaining a guest speaker for a presentation at all regular Thalia Lion’s meetings. Thalia Club Committee Chairmen are also encouraged to present programs about their committees. The club receives 25 points in the District 24-D Governor's Achievement Program for each speaker and an extra 25 points for a program relative to Lionism (sight, hearing, diabetes, youth exchange, etc. - see below for a more complete list).

PROCEDURES and RESPONIBILITIES: The Programs Chairman will in Preparation....
* Actively engage his committee. The Chairman should hold meetings and assign each member with duties and responsibilities. Obtaining guest speakers should be a responsibility assigned to each member.
* Obtain a listing of names from District 24-D of certified speakers who can provide an extra 25 points.
* Ensure that during the year every Committee Chairman hosts a program discussion.
* Schedule guest speakers for meetings starting with the first meeting after Installation, i.e., the first regular meeting in July. The club does not have a guest speaker when the District Governor visits or for Charter Night (2nd meeting in June), the Holiday Party in Dec, or other special events that may be scheduled during the year such as a picnic in lieu of a normal meeting.
* Schedule speakers a few months in advance and followed up near the date of their presentation. Have an outside speaker or Thalia Committee Chairman on tap for short notice if there is a last minute cancellation.
* Forward the list of speakers, their subject and date, to the Secretary.

Prior to the meeting.....
* Inform the guest speaker that:
- The Thalia Lions are a congenial, pleasant group that serves the community and interested in subjects of community interest.
- We have established approximately 20 minutes or so for the speaker with a little while for Q&A if any.
- Meals are complimentary, and the club presents the speaker with an umbrella as a token of the Club’s appreciation.
- We meet for a social at 6pm with the dinner to start at 6:30pm. The guest speaker will either give the presentation at 6:30 if dinner is not ready or shortly after dinner is served. The speaker will not stay for the business portion of the meeting unless the speaker desires to linger. The President will not obligate the speaker to stay and will make sure an exit is courteously provided after presenting the umbrella.
- Subject matter of a product endorsement, religious, or political nature is not to be discussed. If this occurs the Programs Chairman is responsible to step in and remind the speaker that under the Lions Club charter this discussion needs to be directed away from this subject. Be polite but firm.

At the Presentation...
* Present the guest speaker. Ask for a short Bio from the speaker - whatever the speaker wishes the Programs Chairman to say when presenting the speaker. It should not be long, just a paragraph.
* Inform the guest speaker of the time and establish a hand signal to alert the speaker that about 3 minutes are left. If the speaker continues past the time frame, stand up and say, “We are running out of time. I’m sure there are a couple of questions from our members, so please try to wind up your presentation in the next couple of minutes.”
* Monitor the time period for Q&A after the program. If necessary, stand up and say “one or two more questions.”
* Present a Thalia Club umbrella to the guest speaker after the presentation.

50 point programs can be from external guests or from a Thalia Club member as long as they relate to one of the following subjects:
District 24-D Governor’s Achievement Program,
Lion websites,
Pin Traders Club of Virginia,
Proud Lion Awards Program,
Lion Sponsors, Lions Club International,
Lions Club International Foundation,
Lions of Virginia Foundation (LOVF),
Lions Charity Foundation of District 24-D, Inc,
Youth Outreach / Lions Quest,
Youth Exchange Host Family,
Youth Exchange, John M. White Youth Camp,
Traveling Leo,
Michelob Ultra Golf Tournament,
Lions Area Medical Projects (LAMP),
Remote Area Medical (RAM),
Project Homeless Connect,
Melvin Jones Fellowship, and anything on Helen Keller;
Disabled Children;
Sight (Preschool Eye Screening,
Sight Conservation,
White Cane, Eye Glass Recycling,
Lions Medical Eye Bank,
Edward M. "Moon" Kosjer Endowment for Indigent Sight Care,
Blind Made Products
Hearing Aids Recycle,
District 24-D Hearing Aid Program,
Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation,


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