
Lions History of the Ginkgo Tree

Thalia Lions Plant Tree at 2011 Fall Conference Arriving at the recent Fall Conference of District 24-D (Oct 14-15, 2011), the Thalia Lions picked up their tree to plant (a nice Live Oak tree from the Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Services). A few minutes later, a chance encounter with the head grounds keeper of the Cavalier Hotel resulted in his request to add it to the Live Oak hammock on the grounds of the hotel. A few minutes later, the tree was planted. The above photo shows Tom Corso, the grounds keeper, with Lion John Watters of the Thalia Lions. (Photo by Lion Nancy Watters) April 13, 2010. Pictured above, with the planted gingko tree (carefully nutured during the winter) on the grounds of Paul's Garage in Virginia Beach, are the current owner of Paul's Garage, Lion Kim Vakos, Thalia Lion Jim Healy, and incoming 2010-2011 Thalia Lions President, Lion Steve Rosnov. (see May 2010 KnightsVision Article submitted by Lion John Watters) Oct 24, 2009. Ginkgo Tree Planting Committee Chairman Lion Kimberly Vakos. The Thalia Lions Club is planting its Gingko Tree (given to the club at the annual 2009 24D Fall Conference) in memory of Lion Paul Sutton who died in 2009. he was a charter member of the Thalia Club. Also the Thalia Lions are purchasing a plaque in Paul Sutton's honor to be place by the Ginkgo tree. The Ginkgo Tree Planting Committee has been charged with finding a location for the tree and arranging the dedication ceremony on April 4, 2010, Arbor Day – see Sep 2, 2009 - District Governor’s Annual Club Visit. During the District Governor’s (Gary Rapier) visit to the Thalia Lions Club meeting Lion Gary passed around one of four Ginkgo pins given him by the International President to be awarded to worthy people. One pin had already been awarded to Lion Pat Kerr for identifying four people to attend the leadership school. The second pin, Lion Gary awarded to the Thalia Club which was placed on the Thalia banner. Thalia Lions Club was much honored to receive one of these Ginkgo pin. Aug 2009 - Club Officer Message from President Wirfs. My presidential program takes its inspiration from the ginkgo tree. Your Lions Club will not survive for millions of years as ginkgo trees have, or even for the 1,000 years that a single ginkgo might live. But I hope that your club will possess the resilience, longevity, adaptability and sustainability that distinguishes these magnificent trees. Most important, I hope that your club reflects the ginkgo tree's need to move -- to flex with the wind so it does not break and to grow steadily, drawing resources from the soil in which it is rooted. It is a basic fact of nature that all living things must grow to survive and prosper. You have my pledge of support as you strive to grow your club so that it may better serve your community. Thank you for your service to your club, community and the world. 2009 - President's Ginkgo Awards Recognition and motivation are essential components of leadership in Lions Clubs International. This year the President's Ginkgo Awards will be presented to 100 special Lions in recognition of excellence in public relations, service projects, fund raising, leadership development and selfless service to the association. Being aware of these and other opportunities for recognition can help inspire outstanding performance from your fellow Lions. See LCI Move to Grow Special Highlights - See LCI Ginkgo Awards Program - Message from 24D 1st Vice District Governor Donna Weiler – Sep 2009. As our new International President told us, we must adapt to new environments and demands of our communities to flourish, as the Ginkgo, our symbol for Lionism this year. This Lions year, our District Governor Lion Gary has asked us to plant a tree. I now ask you to not only plant a tree, but plant a Ginkgo tree; perhaps in a park, in front of city hall, or at a youth ballpark. The ideas are endless. Please send pictures of your environmental projects to the Knights Vision. Remember: We are here to help you help others to serve those less fortunate in our communities. See Knights’ Vision Aug 2009 - First 24D Ginkgo Tree Planted in Honor of Nat Hardee. The Deep Creek Lions and District Governor Gary Rapier spent a couple of days out at Deep Creek High School planting a Lion's Garden and Ginkgo tree in memory of Principal Nat Hardee who passed away recently. This Gingko Tree was given to District Governor Gary Rapier by Lion 1st Vice District Governor Donna Weiler at the 1st Cabinet meeting in July. This garden will be maintained by the Deep Creek Lions Club. The Ginkgo tree is a living fossil and is considered to be the oldest tree species to survive on earth, with a history dating back over 200 million years. Ginkgo leaf extracts have been shown to have a wide range of biological activities. The most well-known use among Americans is the perceived ability of the product to improve memory. The planting of complete harmony with his character and will be a reminder for many years of his dedication to education and to his community. See Knights’ Vision Sep 2009 -


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