Meeting 2021-2022

May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting, Wed. - 6pm
Welcome and Call to Order: Lion President Nancy Nelson (6:30)
Patriotic Song: Lion Bob Perrine- Lion Bob led in Thalia Serves, the tune of Mickey Mouse.

Who’s a memnber of the club that's made for you and me?
Hey there, hi there, ho there
You're as welcome as can be
Forever let us hold our banner high
High, high, high
Come along and sing a song
And join the jamboree

Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Nancy Lekberg
Invocation: Lion Roger Snell
Introduction of Guests: PDG Scott and Lion Mary Durbin were unable to attend the meeting.

Presentation of Club Award: In lieu of PDG Scott Durbin’s absence, Lion Homer Cook, incoming 1St Vice District Governor present our club with a framed certificate for becoming an LCI Campaign 100 Model Club. Becoming a Model Club means our club has raised and donated at least $500 per member to LCIF. Thalia has reached the $750 per member goal which places the club in the Visionary Model Club category. The club may be recognized for that status at a later date.

Recess for Dinner: 6:39
Resume meeting: 7:09

Program: 7:10 Region Chair and incoming 1st DG Lion Homer Cook introduced himself as the incoming 1st Vice District Governor. He thanked the club for allowing him the venue to do his presentation, part of his final commitment for LLRI Training. Lion Homer’s topic was “Time and Money.” Very informative, he discussed basic principles of time usage and money management. A qualified financial planner, Lion Homer explained investment options and planning opportunities that made simple some complicated concepts.

Business meeting 7:39

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Nelson for Lion Nancy Watters
*State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake – April 28-30 – attending the convention were PDG Stanley Furman and Lion Jeri, Lions John & Nancy Watters, Lion Rhonda Skaggs and Lion Vickie Kennedy. The classes were well presented and were well attended with approximately 200 people registered for the convention.
*World Wide Induction Ceremony – Lion Rhonda Skaggs was virtually inducted into Lions by International President Douglas Alexander. On hand and in person was International Director Jose Marrero who presented an inspirational speech.
*Final District Awards meeting – June 18th Providence Forge, Va. Lunch is free but a donation of $20 is requested for attendees. An email will be forwarded with all information.
*Broad Bay Installation Night – Wed. June 15th – 6pm – The Board decided to make the meal for both member and guest gratuitous. Absolute confirmation for reservations will be June 4th. Please be ready to respond when Lion Jeri calls with definite answer.

Service Reports
*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy – State Bland Contest April 29th – State Convention results were amazing. Our contestant, eleven-year-old, Bradley Song came in 4th place winning $1,500. The winning vocalist was the winner of our Sub Dist. Contest came in 1st place. The talent on display was truly memorable. Lion Vickie thanked the club for the support we have offered.
*KidSight – Lion Nancy Watters -Re-certification is required by all this year. Please go to the KidSight website and follow the instructions. Recertification requires that you watch 3 short 10 min videos and then take the “open book” type test. the instructions.
*Beach Bag – Lion Nancy Nelson for Lion Nancy Watters -Grant has been approved by LCFSVA but we do not yet know if it will be fully funded. Information will follow after the June meeting of the Foundation Board.
*Scholarship Report – Lion Bob Perrine – Our club gives $2,500 in scholarship money. One thousand five hundred goes to the Adult Learning Center (ALC) and $1,000 to Princess Anne High School. Applications for P.A. High will be picked up on Monday for review.
ALC has had problems with finding or identifying students who qualify. The Director, however, ` promises that next year, there will be applicants.
The Board will discuss what we should do with the extra $1,500 unused money.

*Broom/Peanut Sales - Lion Jack Wagner – May 21st – B.J.’s parking lot. Schedule is available but please volunteer for any of the time slots. A minimum of three people per shift is required but more would be welcomed.
Lion Nancy and John packaged 100 seed packets while they were quarantined. Everyone who makes a purchase at the Broom/Peanut Sale can be given a “Go Wild with Lions” seed packet. Then we can consider the sale an environmental cause as well as a fundraiser.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson – 18 reservations for the wine tasting have been Confirmed but there are 20 paid, (donation) If anyone wishes a reservation, please let us know immediately. We have room for 25. Lion Homer gave some encouraging words about the wine tasting and how much you learn, laugh and enjoy the occasion with Marc Sauter. Marc is an advanced sommelier, soon to rank in the top 250 in the United States.

Lion President, Nancy Nelson presented application for membership reinstatement from Bradley Furman sponsored by Lion Stanley Furman. A motion by Lion John Watters for the acceptance of Brad Furman back into the club was seconded by Lion Jack Wagner. The membership voted unanimously to approve. We welcome Lion Brad back and look forward to seeing him very soon.

From the Floor: Program for Month of July – Lion Bob Perrine – PCC Chet Kramer – Diabetes Camp

*Birthdays – Lion Em Davis (16) Lion Rhonda Skaggs (18) Lion Nancy Watters (27)
Lions Rhonda and Em Davis were not present. Lion Nancy requested Lion Homer Cook sing Happy Birthday to her. About $50 was raised for him to sing.
*Raffle 50/50 - $14 – Lion Jack Wagner $15 – Lion Nancy Watters $20 – Lion Nancy’s number was drawn again. The money was returned for another drawing won by Lion Homer. Lion Homer donated the winnings back to be given to LCIF.

Adjournment: 8:15pm

Upcoming Dates:
Thurs. May 19th– Wine tasting Zoe’s 5:50pm
Sat. May 21st – Broom/ Peanut Sale – B.J.’s parking lot 9-3pm
Wed. June 1st – Zoom Board Meeting 7pm
Wed. June 15th – Installation Night Broad Bay Country Club

May 4, 2022 Board Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 7pm
President started the meeting with get well wishes to Lion John Watters who tested positive for Covid-19 and to Lion Aziz Selahi who is battling a severe case of Shingles

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Stanley moved that we accept the report. The motion was second by Lion Nancy
Watters and the Board approved the report.

Lion President Nancy Nelson was encouraged to select a Good Samaritan Award for a member to use the designated $500 our club has budgeted to LCFSEVA.
Our club has almost $1,900 on reserve for our use at LCFSEVA. The foundation has approved the Beach Bag Project. It will be determined at their next meeting if they will fund the entire $7,000.00 requested in the grant.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Installation Night – Discussion involved location, attendees and charges per member. A motion was made by Lion Jack Wagner and seconded by Lion Roger Snell to invite spouses, partners or one guest and to make the meeting free to all in attendance. The Board voted unanimously to pass the motion. Lion Stanley Furman will conduct the induction ceremony. The location will be Broad Bay Country Club. We will need confirmed reservations 10 days prior to the evening on June 15 th .
*May 18 th Meeting – Incoming 1 st Vice District Governor has requested to speak as the program presenter because he needs to meet his last requirement at Lions University. At that meeting also, PDG Scott Durbin, PDG and his wife have requested to attend to present our club with an award.
*Polo Shirt Order- It has been requested that we consider another club polo shirt order. Lion Nancy will assist in organizing someone to head up this service to our club. This may be an excellent project for our new Administrative Assistant, Lion Rhonda Skaggs. She made quiet an impression at the Convention. An International Director spent time talking and encouraging Lion Rhonda after the World-Wide Induction Ceremony.
*KidsSight – Everyone must be recertified this year to participate in vision screenings.
*State Convention Report – Lion Stanley Furman reported that the Convention was quite a success. The schools ran on time and were well presented. The Bland was well attended and the talent impressive. As at most conventions, the food was barely eatable. The general sessions were slow and mostly painful. Lion Chet Kramer received a Presidential Medal for his work in Diabetes.

Service Reports
*Bland Contest Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that Anna S. Hubbard from Poquoson who participated in our contest won 1 st place vocalist. Bradley Song, our instrumental contest received $1,500 for his participation in the contest. Lion Vickie described a touching, personal letter written by one of our members apologizing for not being able to attend the contest. She praised Lion Vickie for her work on the Bland and she offer praise and encouragement to Bradley, our contestant. The letter was read by Lion Vickie and present to Bradley, father before Bradley performed. Lion Vickie did not reveal the name of the member who wrote the letter but it was not me, Lion John, either of the Furmans. There was on one other attendee who had to leave before the Bland Contest. The Bland was very well attended with more that 200 peoples. The talent was extraordinary.
*Guatemalan Embassy Health Screening Request – Sat. May 14th – Lion Nancy Watters reported that Lion Randy Jones contacted her about the request. The location is at Cooke Elementary School on May 14 th . Though Lion Nancy had planned to work the afternoon at the project, she is now quarantined through May 14 th . Hopefully, someone else will be able to fill the slot.
*Go Wild with the Lions – Seed packets – Lion Nancy Watters picked up the materials to make wild flower seed packets to be distributed by the club members. The packets include cards that need to be trimmed, pasted, and filled with the provided seeds. The cards have “Go Wild with Lions” printed on the front and a bar code on the reverse directing to a Lions website for information. We have 100 packets to be distributed as part of our environment and membership projects. The plan is to use them at the wine tasting and at other events. Scholarship Report: Lion Bob is working on sending out notices for applications Princess Anne High School and the Adult Learning Center. Lion Susan Sumnick, Ellen Turman, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren are on the committee.

*Wine Tasting Progress - Lion Nancy Nelson reported that we have 22 participants with all paid except 2 couples and 1 single. The tasting is scheduled for May 19 th . Our club will receive $22 per attendee and a percentage of sales.
*Broom/Peanuts Sales – Lion Jack Wagner proposed a broom sale for May 21 st . The sale will be from 9-5 with 2 hr. shift increments. A sign-up schedule will be made.
Lion Roger Snell related that his source is no longer available to make labels for the peanuts. *There would be a charge of over $1 per label. It was decided that we could make our own labels. Lion Roger will design the new label and we will print ourselves.
*Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine – Lion Homer Cook, incoming 1 st Vice District Governor will present the program in May. The July program will be presented by PCC Chet Kramer.

Adjournment: 7:59pm
Upcoming Dates:
Wed. May 18 th – Regular meeting – Broad Bay Country Club 6pm 1 – State Convention – Delta
Thurs. May 19 th – Wine tasting Zoe’s 5:30pm
Thurs. May 21 st – Broom Sale at B.J.’s parking

April 20,2022- Regular Meeting Wed. 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Welcome and Call to Order: Lion President Nancy Nelson – 6:30pm
Patriotic Song: Lion Rich Edwards (National Anthem)
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Fran Scott
Invocation: Lion Rhonda Skaggs
Introduction of Guests: Nancy Lekberg, Emma Davis (new inductees)
Recess for Dinner: 6:45(approx.)
Resume meeting: 7:15(approx.)

Program: Lion Debra Laughlin – Lion Bob Perrine introduced Lion Debra Laughlin. Lion Debra was recruited by Lion Bob in 2010 because he saw an article in the newspaper about her vision issues.

Lion Debra, a former member and president of our club. She is President of Foundation for Fighting Blindness, VisionWalk Walk Chair and Region Chair for District 24 I. Lion Debra informed the club that over 20 million Americans have retinal diseases and 10 million have macular degeneration. She and several members of her family have blinding cone/rod dystrophy. In 1996, Lion Debra was diagnosed and forced to retire from her job as a nurse anesthetist.
Lion Debra organized a health fair at her church which attracted the press. The article attracted the attention of Lion Bob Perrine who invited Lion Debra to speak to our club. During the program, Lion Debra expressed her desire to start a VisionWalk to provide research funds for Foundation for Fighting Blindness. Our club immediately offered her the support she needed and she became a Thalia Lion. Lion Debra attributes the beginning and success of the VisionWalk to our club. Eleven years later the Walk has raised over $700,00. Lion Debra expressed her gratitude to our club for taking that very first step and in believing in her. As we say, “where there is a need, there is a Lion.”
Foundation for Fighting Blindness was started in 1971 and has raised over $860 million for retinol research and community education. There are 40 Chapters in the U.S., 36 VisionWalks, and VisionWalk has raised 58 million. The Foundation is funding 92 grants, 90 investigations, running 72 labs worldwide, and conducting 45 clinical trials. The Foundation provides free genetic testing and tracking for retinal disorders. Through this service, Lion Debra’s disease has been genetically identified. Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer, present Lion Debra with our Club’s budgeted donation of $200.00.

Installation of New Members by PCC Stanley Furman – Em Davis sponsored by Lion Rhonda Ska Nancy Lekberg sponsored by Lion Nancy Nelson
After installation, each new member was given 2 minutes to speak about themselves.
*Lion Nancy Lekberg is a retired school administrator with 3 grandboys. She loves people and has many friends in our club. Lion Nancy believes that life is boring if not serving others.
*Lion Em Davis is originally from N. C. but has lived in Virginia since 1965. As she says “Tarheel born and bred but when she dies, Virginia dead! Lion Em described her 50 years of extensive experiences in education and administration positions in Virginia Beach. She served 12 years on the Virginia Beach School Board of Education and loves Virginia Beach. She has 4 grandchildren, one granddaughter who lives with her and is student teaching in Williamsburg. She is very proud that her granddaughter will be teaching in Norfolk next year in a completely Spanish immersed position. Lion Em is an advocate for the Arts and encouraged our club members to attend the water exhibit at MOCA. (Maya Lin – A Study of Water, April 21st – Sept. 4th)

Presentation of Slate of Officers for 2022-23 –
Lion President Nancy thanked Lion Jack Wagner for his efforts in filling the slate of officers for this Year and asked if there were any more nominations from the floor. None were offered.
Though the slate of officers was only presented to the club a few days prior, the club generously permitted the election to be held at this meeting. The slate was elected unanimously.
The motion was offered by PCC Stanley Furman and seconded by Lion John Watters.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*New Member Zoom Orientation – March 28th – 4 participants, Lions Rhonda Skaggs, Em Davis John & Nancy Watters joined the session.
*State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake – April 28-30. Members were encouraged to attend the morning classes at the convention and to attend the World-Wide Induction Ceremony on Friday afternoon.
*World Wide Induction Ceremony – Fri. April 29th between 2-3pm. (State Convention) any new member or sponsor since last July 1st is eligible to participate. Participants from our club are Lions Nancy Nelson, Rhonda Skaggs and Nancy Lekberg.
*Broad Bay Meeting – Wed. May 18th Lion of the Year Ballots – all members were given a ballot to submit before the end of the meeting.

Service Reports
*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy – State Bland Contest April 29th – State Convention
*Our Sub District Bland was held March 25th. Bradley Song 6th Gr. from Old Donation, playing piano, placed 1st in instrumental category. All 3 judges scored Bradley with the same score indicating confidence in their opinions. Anna S. Hubbard, 12th Gr. soprano from Poquoson H.S. placed 1st in the vocal category. These two contestants will represent our Sub District in the State Contest at the Delta Hotel in Chesapeake on Friday, April 29th 7pm. The contest is open to the public and Lion Vickie encouraged all members to support the contest. There will be 6 instrumentalists and 6 vocalists from the three districts in the State.
Lion Vickie explained that our club was asked to pay for the Bland expenses with the understanding that we would be reimbursed. A plea was extended to the District and money was donated to defray the costs. Our club will be reimbursed the $622.26.
*Recycling Paper Bag and Toiletries Project – Lion Susan Sumnick made deliveries to Thalia United Methodist Church Food Pantry. We will continue to collect items.
*Recycled Holiday Cards – Lion Nancy Watters is collecting holiday cards and plans a “Christmas in July” project to remake and recycle the cards for the USO or for Luther Maner.
*Miss Alice Donations – Lion Jack presented a thank you note from Miss Alice with many signatures of recipients. She also insisted on presenting receipts for money donations that were made. Miss Alice continues to be most appreciative to our club and our generosity.
*Lion Jack Wagner (clothes, baby products, gift cards) Most needed items are diapers sizes 3, 4,.5 and clothes sizes 2T, 3T and 4T. Thrift store finds are good buys. Egg cartons are needed.
*Wine bottle corks – Lion Fran Scott has agreed to collect wine corks for recycling to Whole Foods. After suggesting to Lion Nancy W, that there is a cork collection box for recycling projects and for promoting the growth of cork trees.


*Peanut Sales - Lion Jack Wagner reported that we have plenty of peanuts upon request.
*Our sales at Lion Billy McIntyre’s place is going fine.
*Brooms Sales – Paul’s garage is beginning to sell brooms again.
Lion Jack is contemplating another broom sale in May or June in BJ’s parking lot.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson reported that the wine tasting which has been postponed twice will take place on May 19th. Eighteen people have signed up to attend. There is a cap of 25 people. If you want to have dinner, you will need to make dinner reservations prior to the evening. ($50 per person.) Our club receives almost half the ticket price plus a percentage of sales.

From the Floor:
*Lion Bob Perrine has invited Chet Kramer to speack at our 20 July meeting about the Diabetes Camp for Blind Children.
*The Scholarship Committee, Lions Bob Perrine, Mike Coren, Jeri Furman, Vickie Kennedy, Ellen Turma, and Susan Sumnick, sent out Scholarship Applications to Princess Anne High Shool ($1,000) and the Adult Learning Center ($1,000 and $500) with a suspence of 20 May.
*Lion Dick Kreassig reminded everyone that we support the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Our club gave Lion Dick a $100 check, our budgeted donation. Lion Dick’s grandson, Scottie, has lived with diabetes all his life. He is graduating from college soon and Lion Dick plans to invite him for a club visit again.

Birthdays – Lion Jack Wagner’s birthday was April 7th. He requested Lion Vickie to sing happy birthday to him. She offered a dollar not to sing but was overwhelming out bid even though Lion Dick offered a measly $5 for her not to sing! On request, she sang a “recordable” version of Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday! Thank you, Lion Vickie and Happy Birthday, Lion Jack!

Raffle 50/50 – Winners were - $17 – Lion Rich Edwards, $18 – Lion Roger Snell, and $25 – Lion Nancy Watters.
The Tail Twister, Lion Bill Austin raised $31 in Birthday money and $60 in 50/50/ raffle (this money goes into the Administrative account for club expenses.

Adjournment: 8:15pm
Upcoming Dates:
Thur. April 28- May 1 – State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake, VA
Wed. May 4th- Zoom Board Meeting 7pm
Thurs. May 19th– Wine tasting Zoe’s 5:50pm
Wed. June 1st – Zoom Board Meeting 7pm
Wed. June 15th – Regular Meeting Broad Bay Country Club

March 23,2022- 7p.m., Board Meeting,
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order: 7pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – the Treas. Report will be updated and sent separately from these minutes.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*New Member applications: Em Davis, Nancy Lekberg
The Board unanimously voted to approve the membership applications of both Em Davis and Nancy Lekberg. Lion Nancy Watters moved to accept them into membership and Lion Jack Wagner seconded the motion. We are so lucky to have these two fine people join us in service to the community.
*New Member Polos shirts and name tags: Lion Nancy Watters explained that the cost of polo shirts and name tags for new members has increased. The Board approved continuing the policy of providing new members these items without increasing any charges at this time.

*District Governor’s Gift – Request from District to contribute to PMJ District 24I Secretary requested that each club contribute to a Progressive Melvin Jones in honor of the services of District Governor Gregg Cole. Lion Stanley Furman moved that we donate $100 toward the PMJ and Lion Vickie Kennedy seconded. The Board approved a contribution of $100.
*Nominating Committee for 2022/23. Lion Jack Wagner as incoming President for 2023/24. He has some people in mind for offices and will select a nominating committee. Because we are running late, the slate will be sent out in April before the meeting so the club will be able to vote on the incoming officers at the April meeting.
*Account reconciliation committee and questions out who is the proper signatories on the accounts. Lion Vickie and Lion Stanley will organize the reconciliation to be done after the election of new officers.
*$1000 Raffle prize – Further discussion concerning use of funds. The $1,000 was temporarily placed in the Admin account because money may be transferred from Admin to Activity but not from Activity to Admin. After discussion, Lion Jack moved that we transfer the $1,000 to the Activity Account. Lion John seconded. The Board approved unanimously.
*As an additional comment concerning Admin funds, Lion Nancy Watters informed the Board that Broad Bay Country Club has increased their dues by 12%. Our banquet contract expires in November and we should expect an increase in our meal prices.

Service Reports
*Bland Contest Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy announced a time change in the Semi-District Bland. Because people are coming form New Kent and Jamestown, more time is needed for travel. The new time is 7:30 pm. Lion John added that one of our judges for the contest is from Lviv, Ukraine. She is one of the instrumental judges, Oksana Lutsyshyn.
*ROC Solid Foundation: Lion Jack Wagner reminded the Board that we should consider supporting ROC Solid. Lion Stanley moved that we purchase two Ready Bags at a cost of $50 each. Lion Jack offered a second and the Board unanimously approved. LCI added Childhood Cancer to our International Initiatives several years ago. By supporting ROC Solid, our club falls in line with that initiative.

Fundraisers: Wine Tasting Progress - Lion Nancy Nelson has received no money but has about 8 people on the reservation list. The event has been posted on Nextdoor and Facebook. The flyer is attached.

Future Programs-
*Lion Bob Perrine stated that Lion Debra Laughlin will speak about Vision Walk at the April meeting.
*A suggestion was made to contact Lion Chet Kramer to speak at the May meeting. He is heading a new initiative in District 24 I being set up for blind children with diabetes.
* The June meeting will be Installation Night and no program will be scheduled.

From the Floor:
*Lion Nancy Nelson reminded everyone that the State Convention begins 28th. Please register soon if you plan to attend.
*Lion R honda reminded everyone that the Zoom New Member Orientation is on Monday evening, March 28th. She and Em Davis plan to attend. Hopefully we have more members to sign on. There is always something new to learn.
Meeting ID: 846 2457 7091 Passcode: LIONS

Adjournment: 7:49pm

Upcoming Dates:
Fri Mar 25 – Sub District Bland Contest
Mon Mar 28 – New Member Orientation Zoom 7pm
Sat April 9 – Vision Walk – Mt. Trashmore
Wed April 20 – Regular meeting Broad Bay Country Club 6pm
Thur. April 28- May 1 – State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake, VA
Thurs. May 5th – Wine tasting Zoe’s 5:30pm

Mar. 16, 2022 - 7pm, Regular Meeting Wed.
Welcome and Call to Order: Lion President Nancy Nelson – 6:30pm
Patriotic Song: Lion Rhonda Skaggs
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Stan Moss
Invocation: Lion Aziz Selahi

Introduction of Guests:
* District Governor Greg Cole
* Nancy Lekberg (guest of Pres. Nancy Nelson)
*Em Davis (guest of Lion Rhonda Skaggs)
* Traveling Leo Bayside: Lions Tom Walsh, Ed Winters, Bud Jones
*Speaker Stacey Malone – ROC Solid Foundation

Special Presentation: District Governor Greg Cole introduced by PCC Stanley Furman District Governor Greg Cole attended the Thalia meeting to present Thalia Lions Club with a check for $1,000 to use as the club sees fit. The money was the winning Service Raffle award from D.G. Greg from his Governor’s Discretionary fund and can be used for either Admin or Activity. DG Greg is also offering a New Member Challenge. For each member who recruits a new member before the State Convention in May, will be entered into a drawing for a $50 prize. In addition, the winning member’s club will also receive $50.

Recess for Dinner: 6:45 (approx.)
Resume meeting: 7:22

Program: Stacey Malone of ROC Solid Foundation.
Stacey is a VCU graduate who has always had a heart for children, spending most of her life babysitting and nannying. Now with two children of her own, she and her husband live in VA Beach. Stacey joined the Roc Solid team in January of 2020 as a Development Coordinator and works to engage Roc Solid donors and sponsors – the perfect fit for a people-pleaser. Stacey told us about Roc Solid's mission and all of the ways that we can support their cause.
ROC Solid provides Ready Bags for cancer patient children and their parents. Each back pack is filled with necessities and comfort items that might be needed upon hospital entry. The largest project for ROC Solid is building playgrounds for children with cancer. The goal is to make their lives as worry free as possible. The stated mission of ROC Solid is to build hope for kids and their families fighting cancer. Stacey presented a touching video showing the reactions of children with cancer and their families. ROC Solid is a non-profit organization that will accept donations of any amount from both individuals or groups. If you would like to make an impact on the 16,000 children diagnosed with cancer each year, please go to the following website: Also attached are a couple of videos provided by Stacey.
Lion Nancy presented Stacey with a can of our famous peanuts as a token gift of appreciation.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*New Member Orientation – March 28th 7pm Zoom - Lion Nancy encouraged all newer members and old members alike to join in the Zoom meeting. There is always something new to learn about Lionism. The link will also be sent by email before the meeting.
*State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake – April 28-30 – Registrations forms were on the table. Because the convention is local this year, you have the opportunity to pick and choose the activities in which you wish to participate. Please seriously consider registering for some of the events, classes, lunches, or activities before the end of March. The registration price increases after April 1st.
*Broad Bay Meeting – April 20th meeting 6pm

Service Reports
*Bland Contest – Lion Nancy Watters for Lion Vickie Kennedy – Sub District Contest March 25th at Thalia United Methodist Church 7pm. There will be 3 instrumentalist and 3 vocalist each from separate regions in our District. Lion Vickie needs the same jobs filled as our last club contest in Feb. at the same location. Please try to be there by 6pm if at all possible and Lion Vickie will assign you a job. Come out and support our contestants and Lion Vickie. We will have 3 instrumental judges (one pianist) and 2 vocal judges. You will enjoy the remarkable talent in this District.
*Recycling Paper Bag and Toiletries Project – Lion Susan Sumnick – Thalia United Methodist Church Food Pantry. Please bring paper grocery bags and travel size toiletries to Lion Susie for recycling through the food bank at the church.
*Recycled Holiday Cards – Lion Nancy Watters suggested that we collect all used and new holiday cards to be used at a “Christmas in July Party.” The cards may be recycled with messages of cheer and sent to deployed military, USO or nursing homes this holiday season.
*Miss Alice Donations (BEACH BABIES) – Lion Jack Wagner (clothes, baby products, gift cards) Most needed items are diapers sizes 3, 4,.5 and clothes sizes 2T, 3T and 4T. Thrift store finds are good buys. No Easter finery. Lion Jack gave a brief explanation of how Miss Alice works so tirelessly to provide for homeless babies and those in need. Please consider providing items to Lion Jack who will deliver them to Miss Alice. She could also use empty egg cartons because she has a source for eggs but must pack them herself before she distributes them.
*Vision Walk – Lion John Watters announced that the Vision Walk would happen on April 9th. Our team now has 9 members and we have raised over $2,500. If you have not seen the link before, he will send it out again before the walk. The money goes to the Foundation for Fighting Blindness for research and treatment of eye diseases, particularly those of the retina. Lion Debra Laughlin will be speaking to our club next month about some of the research.

*Peanut Sales - Lion Jack Wagner
*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson - described the Thalia Lions wine tasting on May 5th, Cinco de Mayo. The tasting will begin at 5:30 at Zoe’s Seafood Restaurant on 19th St. The cost is $50 per person. Our club receives almost half the ticket price plus a percentage of wine sales for the evening. There is room for only 25 participants. If you wish to dine afterwards, it is highly suggested that you make those reservations prior to the tasting. Please contact Lion Nancy Nelson for your reservation. The flyer is attached to these minutes.
*LCIF Raffle tickets – PCC Stanley Furman stated that we are doing well with the LOVF raffle. Only a couple of people have not yet turned in the stubs and money.

From the Floor:
Program for Month of April – Lion Debra Laughlin -Foundation for Fighting Blindness

Birthdays – Lion Bill Austin (5) Lion John Watters (10) Linda Eggleston (21). Lion Bill, Lion Rhonda and Lion Stanley were chosen to serenade each of the Birthday Lions. Lion Aziz Salahi graced us with Happy Birthday in Farsi! A total of $51 was raised to celebrate.

Raffle 50/50 - there were 3 drawing of $15 each. I (Lion NW) won the second drawing. Can’t remember who the other lucky two people were and can’t tell from the recording! You may have to hire a new secretary!


Upcoming Dates:
Fri Mar 25 – Sub District Bland Contest
Wed April 6 – Board meeting Zoom
Sat April 9 – Vision Walk – Mt. Trashmore
Wed April 20 – Regular meeting Broad Bay Country Club 6pm
Thur. April 28- May 1 – State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake, VA
Thurs. May 5th – Wine tasting Zoe’s 5:50pm

Mar 2, 2022, Board Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 7pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion John Watters for Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that we had some money, we got some money and we spent some money and we are going to get some more money!

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*State Convention voting Representatives – Lion Nancy asked for 3 volunteers to be the voting delegates at the State Convention. Lion Vickie had already volunteered. Lion Stanley and Jeri Furman will make up our remaining delegation of three voters.
*Governor’s Visit March 16th meeting – Raffle prize presentation of $1,000 will be presented at the March meeting by DG Greg.
*Reg Meeting reservations at BBCC – deadline March 5th – thus far we have Business
*James Bland Music Semi-Dist. Competition – Lion Vickie Kennedy was not present for the meeting. We assume she will need the same volunteer jobs filled on March 25th for the Sub District Bland as she did for the Club competition in Feb. There will probably be no more than 4 contestants, 2 instrumentalists and 2 vocalists. Lion Vickie has engaged an additional judge who is a pianist to help solve any judging issues.

Peace Poster response – Lion Karen Austin read a lovely note from our winner, Kaitlyn. In the note, she included a link to order Girl Scout cookies to be sent to the USO.

Melvin Jones Award Committee – Lion Jack Wagner chaired the Melvin Jones Committee. They have met, chosen the honoree and forms have been submitted to LCIF. The award will be given on Installation Night.

Melvin Jones Historical Record for the Club Blog – Lion Bob Perrine has completed a very nice club record of who is a Melvin Jones Fellow that dates back to 2011. The list is on the Thalia Lions blog at

Update on Paul’s garage – Lion Jack Wagner reported that broom sales at the garage may not be a strong since the loss of Nick. There are others in charge who are not as motivated to sell our brooms. Hopefully we will be able to sell brooms and do a White Cane at B.J.’s when the weather becomes warmer.

Service Raffle winnings designation- Lion Nancy Nelson – The raffle money being presented to the club by DG Greg Cole was from his discretionary fund. Therefore, it could be used for either administrative or activity fund. The Board by consensus decided that the money should be placed in the activity account for future projects.

Service Reports
*Lions Bag Hunger response– Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson read a very grateful note from Thalia United Methodist Church Food Pantry administrator, Gail VonMosh.
*Toiletry and Paper Bag collection – Lions Nancy Watters reported that Lion Susan Sumnick will collect the toiletries and the paper bags at the meeting on March 16th.
*Egg carton collection- Lions Jack Wagner will collect all donated egg cartons to give to Miss Alice. Please bring them to the meeting on March 16th.

Vision Walk: Lion John Watters said that we had 8 members on our team at the moment. We have exceeded our goal of $2,000 by collecting $2,289.00 to date. The walk is April 9th at Mt. Trashmore. Lion John will again send out a notice to join and/or contribute. Only one team is ahead of us, Beach Eye Care.

*Peanuts/Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner said that Billy McIntyre has been selling 5 or 6 cans peanuts per week for our club. Lion Jack has peanuts on hand and is almost ready to replenish stock. Please let him know if you need nuts…other than the ones you live with.
*LOVF Raffle Tickets – Lion Stanley Furman is waiting on everyone to turn in their money and stubs for the tickets. If you have not done so, please bring them to the meeting on the 16th.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Nancy Nelson – The flyer for the wine tasting is attached. Even is you do not drink wine and do not wish to come, please tell you friends and pass out flyers to others. Our club receives almost half of the $50 per person cost as well as a percentage of wine sales. The event is limited to 25 people.

Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine
*March – ROC Solid Foundation – Stacey Malone – the organization builds playsets and distributes ready bags for Children’s Hospitals. Their mission is to build hope for every child fighting cancer.
*April – Lion Debra Laughlin will speak about Vision Walk. She is a former member of our club.
* May - A program has not yet been made.

Adjournment: 7:33

Upcoming Dates:
*Wed March 16 – Regular Meeting Broad Bay Country Club
*Fri. March 25th – Bland Music Competition Semi-Dist. – Thalia United Methodist Church 7pm
*Sat. April 9th – Vision Walk – Mt. Trashmore
*Thur. – Sunday - April 28-May 1 – State Convention – Marriot Chesapeake
*Thurs. May 5th – Wine Tasting – Zoe’s Va. Beach 5:30pm

Feb. 16, 2022, Regular Meeting Wed. 7pm Zoom Meeting
Welcome and Call to Order: Lion President Nancy Nelson – 7pm
Patriotic Song: recorded
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Jack Wagner
Invocation: Lion John Watters
Introduction of Guests: None

Program: Lion Bob Perrine introduced Lion Irene Conlin who will speak on bees and beekeeping. Irene Conlin is from Long Is. New York. She is a middle child of nine and is her father’s favorite. She knows because he tells her so all the time and he and her mother moved to Virginia Beach because she lives here. Irene came to V.B. courtesy of the U.S. Navy and traveled all over the world but never changed ports. She served on ships, aircraft carriers, Seabees, Explosive Ordinance, Navy Dive Command and Joint Staff Community. Lion Irene broke all kinds of barriers for females in the Navy and took advantage of every opportunity offered. She retired after 24 years and still considers them the best years of her life. She works currently as a computer security Analysist for a private technology firm in Crystal City. Though her husband, Steve, is from Southeastern North Carolina, they have survived the language barrier and been married for 25 years. They have 4 children. All four are pursuing careers in medical, computer or customer service.
Lion Irene came to Lions asking for financial assistance to host a Virginia Parents of Blind Children of which she was president. Lion Bob Perrine met her at a VPBC event and sponsored her as a member. She joined Lions because she saw it as a way to give back to the community. As a result, Lions of Virginia hosted the first every Audible Easter Egg Hunt for Blind Children. The first year was great fun and there were two events. Lion Irene is no longer with the organization but as of 6 years ago there were over 23 events in the state.

Lion Irene's program, Honey Bees and Other Pulinators (also available on the Meeting Minutes as a Power Point).
There are three types of honeybees within a hive: the queen, the workers, and the drones. A queen bee is the only female bee in the hive that gets to reproduce. Queens are reproductive and are larger than the workers. Worker bees are all female and are all offspring of the queen. There are males in the hive called drones. The drones have much larger compound eyes, and do not have stingers. Drones fly off to reproduce with other young queens who will start a new colony. Honeybees start out as eggs, which then hatch into larvae and later turn into pupae—like caterpillar cocoons. The pupae then develop into the fuzzy adult honeybees you know so well. Developing from a larva to an adult worker honeybee usually takes about 21 days.
*Honeybee colonies only have a single queen, and every bee in the colony is her daughter or son. Queens are easily recognized by their large abdomens and the retinue of workers bees that follow her around. If a second queen appears in the colony the workers will either force the invading queen out of the hive or the two queens will fight until only one is left standing. A queen’s primary duty is to lay eggs. In order to maintain a large colony a honeybee queen lays on average 1500 eggs per day.
*All honeybee workers are female. These workers change the tasks they do as they age—kind of how we change what we do as we get older: first we stay at home, then we go to school and then work. Young honeybee workers first do tasks inside the nest like take care of the queen and young larvae. Young bees also produce wax from glands on their abdomens and build all of the structures you see in the nest. How long each bee works at a certain job will change depending upon the needs of the colony. Usually after a few weeks inside the nest, workers will transition to outside tasks and take their first flight. The last task a honeybee worker performs is foraging. Forager bees leave the nest and collect nectar, pollen and water. Adult honeybee foragers will usually live another 30 days after they begin foraging, about 51 days in total. This is because foraging is one of the most dangerous tasks in the colony. Outside the nest foragers are exposed to all the dangers of the outside world. They could be attacked by predators, lose their way back home, get caught in a wind storm, fall victim to diseases or pesticides in the environment, or any number of other dangers. In that time, each adult visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey.
*Male bees are called drones and do not have stingers, unlike most of the female bees you see. Male bees are only around for a few months out of the year. They can look a bit strange with their large eyes, which surround almost their entire head. Their eyes are big in order to spot queens while flying. The male’s only job is to spread the genes of their colony. They leave the colony every day in search of potential new queens looking to mate.
*Pure vs Fake Honey: How to tell the Difference
-Thumb Test: Put a small drop of the honey you have on your thumb. Check to see if it spills or spreads around. If it does, it is not pure.
-Water Test: Fill a glass with water. Add one tablespoon of honey into the glass. Adulterated or artificial honey will dissolve in water and you will see it around the glass. Pure honey on the other hand will settle right at the bottom of your glass. Pure honey will stay intact on your thumb.
*Pollinator: A pollinator is an animal that moves pollen from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma of a flower. This helps to bring about fertilization of the ovules in the flower by the male gametes from the pollen grains.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Winter Conference- Feb. 19,2022 Williamsburg - Our Club is to be presented the Model Club Award by Past International President Frank Moore
*KidSight Award – Our Club is also being presented the KidSight Patch at the Winter Conference State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake – April 28-30 – Please consider registering for some part of the conference especially since it is being held locally.
*Broad Bay Meeting – location for March meeting 6pm – the menu entrée for the meeting is Salmon. If you have seafood allergy, please let Lion Jeri know when she calls so we may have them prepare alternative dishes. The deadline for reservations is March 5th. Also, masks are recommended unless eating.
*End of month reporting – please send your activities to Lion Nancy as soon as possible. Feb is a short month.

Service Reports
*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy announced that the Bland will be held at Thalia United Methodist Church tomorrow evening, Feb. 17th. She has 12 contestants; 3 vocalist, 1 violinist and 8 pianists. Lions Stanley Furman will assist the instrumental judges and Lion Nancy W will assist the vocal judges. Please arrive early (6pm) and Lion Vickie will make job assignments. We are so happy that Amanda Suh, Lion Susie’s granddaughter is our only violinist and will perform. Lion Vickie thanked Lion John for his continuing support in being emcee for the program. Attendees will be asked to wear masks unless performing. Lion Jon Halvorson will provide the club banner and scarf. Lion John Watters will bring the medals and the participation certificates.
*Sight Chair Report – Lion Susan Sumnick reported that Nick Bounopane died before he was able to use our services to provide him glasses. We did, however, refer a young ODU music student to Dr. Ferrara for assistance this month. She is a student of Patti Watters who expressed great concern for her. Her mother died, her father is imprisoned and she is trying to get through school. This is a special referral from our club.
*Lion President read a note from Gloria Liston, Malibu nurse. She appreciated the water bottle contributions and wished to express her gratitude.
*Lion Susie said the company from which we ordered the 100 water bottles made a mistake and sent us the wrong bottles. They have shipped us 200 more without extra charge. We have those at our disposal until needed.
*Recycling Paper Bag and Egg Carton Project – Lion Susan Sumnick will be collecting paper grocery bags and toiletry bags to donate to the Thalia United Methodist Church Food Pantry and other targets. Egg cartons should be given to Lion Jack Wagner for donation to “Miss Alice.” Please bring these items to the March meeting.
*Miss Alice Donations – Lion Jack Wagner explained that Miss Alice Harrell works full time as a nurse’s aide. She starts everyday by furnishing food and clothes to the homeless. She seems to know where every homeless baby is located in the Beach and sees that they get formula, diapers and other necessary items. She accepts anything anyone donates, even if outdated, and finds a person or place for it to be used. Lion Vickie has sent things from RMCH, Lion Nancy cleaned out her closet and sent bags of clothing, our club gave her foodbank money and Lion Bob Perrine has generously contributed to Miss Alice over the last year. When she received these things, she was so grateful that it brought her to tears. Miss Alice has a brother with an egg farm and she goes once a week to get eggs. The egg cartoons we collect will go to her to distribute the eggs. She specifically needs diapers size 3-4 because most of her babies are older. Toiletries are especially needed as well. If you have things to donate, please contact Lion Jack.
*Vision Walk – Lion John Watters stated that Vision Walk will be April 9th. A website team has been formed and we have 6 members. Lion John will periodically send out information for you to register for the team and possibly contribute. You can join the team and not walk. The event will be at Mt. Trashmore. If you have trouble, please let Lion John know and he can help get you on the team. This fundraiser is to support Foundation for Fighting Blindness, a research foundation that focuses on retinal diseases. The kick off will be virtual on March 2nd. Lion John will send out that information.

*Peanut Sales - Lion Jack Wagner took some peanuts to Lion Billy McIntyre at Billy D’s restaurant in Portsmouth. We are hoping that he will be able to sell them for us. Please let Lion Jack know if you need peanuts. Lion Jack will visit with Paul’s Auto this week to make sure they will continue selling our brooms since we have lost our old friend Nick.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson reported that the Wine Tasting at Zoe’s is rescheduled for May 5th, Cinco de Mayo. Marc Sauter, the Sommelier, recommends reservations if you plan to stay for dinner. The price is the same $50 with a limit of 25 attendees.
*LOVF Raffle tickets – PCC Stanley Furman reported that we are doing well but everyone needs to fill out the stubs and send him the money. You may bring your money and stubs to the March meeting is you wish.

Programs: Lion Bob Perrine reported that Lion Stacey Malone from ROC Solid Foundation will speak in March. ROC Solid provides emergency ready bags for families of patients at Children’s Hospital. But their main purpose is to find ways to build hope for children and parents who are going through the most difficult time of their lives.

From the Floor: Birthdays – Lion Mike Coren (2/1/22) Lion Bob Perrine (2/12/22) Very Happy Birthday to these two dedicated Lions!

Adjournment: 8:01pm
Upcoming Dates:
Thurs Feb 17 – James Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church 7pm
Fri Feb 18-19 – Winter Conference – Williamsburg
Mon Mar 2 – Vision Walk Kick Off
Wed. Mar 4 – Board meeting (Zoom)
Sat April 9 – Vision Walk – Mt. Trashmore
Thur. April 28- May 1 – State Convention – Delta Hotel by Marriot Chesapeake, VA
Thurs. May 5th – Wine tasting Zoe’s 5:50pm

Feb. 2, 2022 - Board Meeting 7p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Winter Conference forms
State Convention

Broad Bay Club meetings in person for Mar.? – Lion President Nancy Nelson
Peace Poster recommendation – Lion Karen Austin
Melvin Jones Award for 2022?
Update on Nick (Paul’s garage)

Service Reports
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lions Bag Hunger – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson
Toiletry collection – Lions Nancy Watters & Susan Sumnick
Paper Bag and egg carton collection- Lions Susan Sumnick and Nancy Nelson

Peanuts/Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner
LOVF Raffle Tickets – Lion Stanley Furman
Wine Tasting – Lion Nancy Nelson

Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine


Upcoming Dates:
Fri. Feb 18-20 Winter Conference – Williamsburg
Wed. Feb. 16, Regular meeting

Jan 19, 2022 - Regular Meeting Wed.- 7pm
Welcome and Call to Order: Lion President Nancy Nelson – 7pm
Patriotic Song: recorded
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion President Nancy Nelson
Invocation: Lion Bill Austin

Introduction of Guests:

*Peace Poster winner & parents – Kaitlyn Salway and mother Heidi.
*Peace Poster presentation by Lion Karen Austin: Kaitlyn has been Girl Scout since kindergarten and is a 7th grader at Old Donation School. She enjoys gardening, kayaking, camping, dancing. She is always the top seller of Girl Scout Cookies. Kaitlyn earned her bronze award by making a complete Christmas video for St. Mary’s that included cooking, singing, and art work. She plans to apply to the medical academy at Bayside High School next year to pursue her goal of becoming a nurse.

*Lion Karen presented Kaitlyn with a certificate of appreciation and participation along with an LCI Peace Poster Girl Scout Patch.

Program: Lion Bob Perrine to introduce Terri Gorman, Pearl Homes and Pearl Neighborhoods Coordinator for Lynnhaven River Now.
Terri attended Virginia Wesleyan College where she completed her liberal arts degree in Sociology and Studio Arts. Like her liberal arts degree, she brings a broad base of experience to Lynnhaven River Now. She has over 20 years’ experience in business sales, management and development. Along with years of experience in sales and event coordinating in the Arts. Born in the Appalachian Mountains and raised in a rural town in Connecticut, Terri has made Virginia Beach her home for the past 30 years where she enjoys the beauty of Virginia Beach natural areas. She credits her father for teaching her to respect and protect nature and the environment. In her spare time, Terri can be found creating art or walking her dog Coco along the Virginia Beach waterways. Terri presented a well-done power point explaining the watershed of our area, our influence on its health and what we can do to help improve, maintain and protect our waterways.
For information you may contact Terri at

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Winter Conference- Feb. 19,2022 Williamsburg – We may not have a representative but we will receive the Model Club Certificate. We will also be presented a patch for our placement in the KidSight Program. Multiple District 24 (state of Virginia) placed 4th in the nation and Our club placed within the top 10 clubs for screenings in our State. We were the only Multiple District where all Districts (L, C, & I) placed in the top rankings. Our MD 24 will receive $500, and our District I will receive $300. Thalia Lions alone completed over 2,000 screenings this last year.
*Broad Bay Meeting Location is canceled for the Jan & Feb meeting. We will meet each month on Zoom until it is safe to return to in-person meetings. End of month reporting – Feb is a short month, please send your activities to Lion Nancy as soon as possible.
*Zoom Meeting suggestion – It was suggested by Lion Jack Wagner that we send the $20 we would normally spend on a meeting meal to Lion Nancy or Lion Vickie to be donated to the Food Bank. We did this before when we were meeting on Zoom and were able to make periodic donations. You may use Venmo if it is easier than mailing a check. The Venmo address is ThaliaLionsClub@SereivceIs OurMotto and the phone # is 757-319-0017.

Service Reports

*Lions Bag Hunger – Friday, Jan 21, 2022 Thalia United Methodist Church 11am has been postponed until Jan. 28th because of the threat of snow.
*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy is still scheduled for Feb 17th but we are on alert. There seems to be little interest in participation at this time because of Omicrom. Lion Vickie will keep us posted as things develop. She will need a few volunteers is the Contest goes forward.
*Sight Chair Report – Lion Susan Sumnick was not in attendance. Lion Nancy reported that Nick, from Paul’s Garage had contacted the club to request help in getting glasses. He had requested no line bifocals which is not normally provided through our services. Considering his assistance in selling brooms at Paul’s for our club for the last 20 years, we are attempting to honor his request. Lion Susie has sent him a letter to authorize the exam and glasses. She has also contacted the eye doctor requesting that an exception be allowed concerning the no line bifocals. Nick has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is undergoing treatment. Just last week, the club presented him with a certificate of appreciation.
*Lion Bob Perrine brought up the fact that the tree we planted several years ago is no longer there. He suggested that we plant another tree at that location in Nick’s honor. We will put that idea on the agenda for the next Board meeting.
*Recycling Paper Bag and Egg Carton Project – Lion Susan Sumnick has suggested that we collect brown paper bags and egg cartons to donate to the food pantry at Thalia Untied Methodist Church. Lion Jack also indicated that he had a source that needed egg cartons because they pack nearly 400 dozen each week. Please begin collecting. When we meet again in person, we can organize a delivery.


*Peanut Sales - Lion Jack Wagner reported that we have a good supply of peanuts ready when anyone wants them. He has delayed taking peanuts to Lion Billy McIntyre to sell because he is opening a new location and thought he may be too busy at this point to handle them. Lion Jack also said that he has brooms at his home and can supply them to anyone who wants one.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson reported that we are postponing the Wine Tasting scheduled for Feb. 10th until a later date because of the risk of Omicrom transmission.
*LOVF Raffle tickets – PCC Stanley Furman said that he will be mailing all of you lucky people a book of tickets. Each book is 30 tickets at $1 each. Please rip off the stubs, mail him a check for $30 made to Thalia Lions Club. This is a fundraiser for Thalia Lions. Our club keeps $20 and sends LOVF $10 for each book sold. The grand prize is $10,000 and the 2 second prizes are $500 each. That is not bad for a $30 investment. The drawing is Sunday, May 1 2022. These tickets will be coming in the mail. Lion Stan says “don’t put if off! Just fill out the stubs, write the check, and let’s get this done!! Our club can make $600 if you do as you are asked.” LOVF is the charity founded for disasters and other things in the State of Virginia.

Upcoming Programs: Lion Bob reported that Lion Irene Conlin will speak about beekeeping at the next meeting.

From the Floor: Lion Jeri asked if anyone had heard from Lion Jim Healy. Lion Jack will give him a call to see how he is doing.

Birthdays – Lion Vickie Kennedy (1/8/22) Lion Stan Moss (1/28)

Adjournment: We sang Happy Birthday (in the key of Q) to Lion Vickie and Lion Stan as we signed off at 8:15pm.
Lion Stanley Furman requested that each send $20 to the Tailtwister! (Good luck with that!)

Upcoming Dates:
*Fri Jan 28– Lions Bag Hunger – Thalia United Methodist Church 11am
*Wed. Feb 2 – Thalia Board Meeting Zoom 7pm
*Wed Feb 16 – Thalia Regular Meeting Zoom 7pm
*Thurs Feb 17 – James Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church 7pm
*Fri Feb 18-19 – Winter Conference – Williamsburg

Jan. 5,2022 -Board Meeting, - 7p.m., a Zoom Meeting

Lion President Nancy Nelson: Called to Order 6:59pm and wished everyone a Happy New Year!

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Winter Conference forms were sent by email to each member. Winter Conference is Feb. 19th in Williamsburg.
*Nick’s illness – Nick Buonopane who has sold brooms for our club at Paul’s garage is ill with pancreatic cancer. He will begin treatment soon and let us know that Stewart who works with him at the garage, will take care of the money from sales for a while. After asking for ideas of how we can show our appreciation for his 20 years of help, it was decided that we would present him with a certificate of appreciation. Lion Jack will also talk to the people working with him at Paul’s and see if he has other needs with which we could help.

New Business to be addressed
Club meetings in person for Jan. and Feb. Lion President Nancy Nelson posed the question of in person meetings for Jan. and Feb. in light of the recent wave of the highly contagious Omicrom variant which seems to be breaking through to even those vaccinated and boosted. There was little division in opinion that we should return to Zoom meetings for the present. Lion Stanley made the motion and Lion John Watters seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Lion Nancy Watters will contact Broad Bay Country Club of the decision. According to the agreement, they will be willing to suspend the meeting obligation in light of the situation.

Service Reports
*Lions Bag Hunger – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson announced that we will move forward with this project. Please meet in the parking lot of the Thalia United Methodist Church, 4321 VA Beach Blvd, on Feb 21st at 11am to deliver your bags and make photos of everyone. It is important that we be able to prove that we have at least 22 participating in order to qualify us for the $1,000 drawing at the Winter Conference. If you work and cannot possibly make the project, please arrange to deliver your bags to Lion John and Nancy or to Lion Nancy Nelson before the date. Please note that the bags should be filled with at least 10 different items not 10 items of the same thing.
*Toiletry collection – Lion Nancy Watters stated that someone had asked about toiletry collection. Lion Susie Sumnick has headed up that project before. Though we may not have as many things a usual because no one is doing very much traveling, it would be good to just collect and keep those things on hand until we have enough to donate to the different organizations.

Wine Tasting – Feb. 10th Zoe’s restaurant- Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson will ask Marc Sauter at Zoe’s if we may postpone the wine tasting until things settle.

Future Programs-
*Lion Bob Perrine will contact Terry Gorman with Lynnhaven Now to see if she can do our meeting virtually for January. (She emailed Lion Bob and will provide the progarm via Zoom)
*For March, Lion Bob is considering one of the following options:
- CHKD Diabetes Campfor Blind Children,
-Aid Now sonsors of Jump Start- Ann Richards Montero Missions,
-Health Equity Campus - POC Lion Jon Halvorson
-Vanguard Independent Living - POC Lion Irene Conlin,
, -Lion Billy McIntyre, President of a Diversity and Inclusion Organization

From the Floor-

*Bland Contest - Lion Vickie said that the Bland Contest on Feb. 17th at Thalia United Methodist Church is still planned to happen. She will need MC, judges, ushers, and assistants. After discussion, we recommended that we consider Covid mitigations again and eliminate the use of practice rooms. Hopefully we will have enough participants and we will be able to hold the contest safely.
*Caution from Lion John Watters. He reminded everyone to get their flu shots. There are many cases of Fluvona that can be prevented with the Covid vaccine, booster, a flu shot.

Adjournment: 7:27pm
Upcoming Dates:
Wed., Jan. 19, 2022 – Regular Lions meeting on Zoom 7pm
Fri., Jan. 21, 2022 – Lions Bag Hunger – Thalia United Methodist Church 11am
Wed. Feb. 2 2022 – Board meeting Zoom – 7pm
Thurs. Feb. 17, 2022- James Bland Music Competition – Thalia United Methodist Church 7pm

Dec. 1,2021 Board Meeting, - 7p.m.
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Broad Bay Holiday Party reservation deadline Dec. 6th
*Board Meeting for Jan. 5. Unless there is business that cannot be handled online, the Board meeting for Jan 5th will be cancelled.
*Lions Learning Institute – Lion Nancy emphasized that there is a great potential for Lions education online at the Lions Learning Institute. She encouraged everyone to explore the site for information.
*She suggested that we have an education session for a program at some point.

Service Reports
*Holiday Families – Lion Stanley Furman and several members described their experience with the families thus far. All seemed to be positive and rewarding.
*Lions Bag Hunger – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson will bring the labeled bags to the Holiday Party on Dec. 15th. We will designate a time and location when the bags should be collected and delivered. If we have at least 22 members participating, our club becomes eligible for a $1,000 prize being offered by District Governor Greg Cole. Please consider filling a bag or more. You may also give them to your friends. We have a total of 50 bags.
*Peace Poster – Lion Karen Austin – District entries for this contest are attached to these minutes. The winning poster is designated. Lion Karen will invite our winning poster contestant and her parents to our meeting in January to present her with a Girl Scout Patch and a certificate of achievement.

*Peanuts – Lion Jack and Roger – We sold $141 worth of peanuts at the Shop Local Fest. Lion Billy McIntyre will sell peanuts for us in his Billy D’s restaurant. Lion Jack and Rog will deliver them to him. Thank you, Lion Billy. If anyone wants more peanuts, please let Lion Jack know immediately.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson has the flyer ready for our wine tasting on Feb. 10th. The flyer is attached to these minutes. Please circulate to your friends and encourage people to attend. We are limited to 25 participants at $50 each. Half of that price goes to our club profit and we receive a percentage of all wine sales.

From the Floor:
*Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine
January – Terri Gorman Will talk about Lynnhaven River Now
February – Lion Irene Conlin speaks about Beekeeping.
*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy announced that the Bland will be held at Thalia United Methodist Church on Feb. 17th at 7pm. Please mark your calendar to come and enjoy some remarkable talent.

Adjournment: 7:50

Upcoming Dates:
*Dec. 15 – Holiday Cocktail Party – Broad Bay Country Club – When you arrive, you will be asked to write down on a slip of paper something that no one in the club knows about you. That slip will be placed in a container and drawn out during the party. People attending will try to guess who wrote the item on the paper. This should be fun, interesting and maybe revealing!
*Jan. 19, 2022 – next regular meeting.
*Feb. 10 – Wine tasting – Zoe’s 5:30
*Feb. 2 – Board meeting
*Feb. 17 – Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church 7pm

Nov. 17,2021 - Regular Meeting Wed. 6p.m. Broad Bay Country Club
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 6:30pm
Patriotic Song: Lion Bob Perrine “America the Beautiful”
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Fran Scott
Invocation: Lion Jack Wagner

Introduction of Guests: Joanne Murphy guest of Lion Nancy Nelson.
Mick Sumnick guest of Lion Susan Sumnick
Betsy &Steve Moison guest of Lion Nancy Watters
Channing Becker guest of Lion Jon Halvorson
Ellie Kreassig – guest of Lion Dick Kreassig

Recess for dinner: 6:35
Reconvene for Program and Meeting: 7:08

Program: Lion Bob Perrine to introduce Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion Aziz will relate his life experiences and exit from Iran. We are so grateful to Lion Aziz for his informative talk and for sharing his personal feelings and experiences. A video of his program will be sent out to you soon. If you would like to hear his presentation again or if you were absent and missed his talk, please click on the link.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Pembroke Mall – Working Class Karma – Shop Local Saturday is Nov. 27th We will be vision screening, selling peanuts and selling brooms. Ten percent of all vendor sales will be donate to the Lions Charity Foundation. Clubs have been asked to support the project by volunteering to work, thank the venders and promote Lionism. This is a great opportunity for Lions to be visible. Please see sign-up sheet.
*December Holiday Party – set for Dec. 15th at BBCC. Lions Susie Sumnick and Nancy Nelson are working on party activities for the evening. Reservations must be confirmed no later than Dec. 7th. Members may bring a spouse or guest. The club will cover the cost of the evening with the exception of a cash bar. The menu is at the end of the minutes.
*Fall Conference – Nov. 19-21st. Lions Vickie Kennedy, Nancy and John Watters will attend. As part of the ROC Solid project, there will be a collection of toiletries for emergency hospital admissions. If you have travel size items that are suitable for either sex, please give them to Lion Nancy, John or Vickie before they leave for the conference on Friday. ROC Solid flyer is attached.
*Region VI meeting was at Susan’s Kitchenette on Nov. 9th. Attending were Lion Vickie Kennedy and Lions John and Nancy.
*Sunnybrook Day School Donation – After screening their students for 2 days in a row, Thalia Lions were presented with a $500 check as a donation in appreciation of our service. Their comment was, “ This has been a hard year for charitable organizations and we appreciate what you do for them us year.” This donation is twice the amount that the school usually donates to our club. Lion Nancy has written them a thank you note for their generous donation.

Service Reports
*Water Bottles for Elementary schools – Lion Susan Sumnick reported that the elementary schools in our area have expressed a need for more water bottles. The fountains are still not available to the students. She as said that the school advised that when we have projects, they would be happy to inform their parents. Lion Susie made a motion that we purchase 200 more bottles and Lion John Watters seconded the motion. The vote carried unanimously.
*Thanksgiving Holiday Family Project – Lion Stanley Furman reported that all the families should be taken care of by now. Please make certain you deliver your Thanksgiving items and get ready for the Christmas holidays as well.
*Lions Bag Hunger – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson will have grocery bags with Lions logos to distribute to Lion, friends and relatives. A list of non-perishable items will be provided to those participating. You simply fill the bag with those items. We will be partnering with Thalia United Methodist Church Food Panty. Bags may be delivered to them at any time.
*Peace Poster – Lion Nancy Nelson reported for Lion Karen Austin. There were 7 Girl Scouts participating in the project this year. The judging was done by 6 club members and the winning poster was selected. The posters had perimeter requirements and a theme. All 7 girls will receive a certificate of participating and the winning poster will be presented at the Fall Conference. That winner will go on to the State level competition.
*EGRC – Lion John Watters announced that we are temporarily pausing our eye glasses recycling activities because of excessive amounts of glasses.

*Peanut Sales - Lion Jack Wagner reported that broom sales are booming. One peanut order has been placed and he will place another order before Christmas. Please let him know you needs. These are great gifts, especially the Holiday Trio sets.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson reminded everyone that we will be hosting a Wine Tasting at Zoe’s on Feb 10th. The tasting will cost $50 for 10 wines. Part of the ticket price will be our profit along with a percentage of sales. A flyer will be ready soon.

From the Floor:
*Tail Twister: - Lion Stanley filling in for Lion Bill Austin omitted the birthdays for this month because Lion Karen was absent. We will do December birthdays later, probably in Jan since we do not have an official Dec meeting.
*Birthdays – Lions Karen Austin (11/7) Jeri Furman (12/3) Irene Conlin (12/9) Jim Healy (12/19)
*50/50 Drawing - $45 – Lion John Watters; $25 - Guest Betsy Moison who donated the winnings back to the Club; $11 - Lion Aziz Selahi

Adjournment: 8:20pm
Upcoming Dates:
Nov. 19-21 – Fall Conference – Farmville
Nov. 27th – Pembroke Mall – Working Class Karma – Shop Local. 10-5pm
Dec. 1 – Board meeting Zoom
Dec. 15 – Holiday Cocktail Party – Broad Bay Country Club - Menu; Scallops and Bacon, Italian Sausages Stuffed Mushrooms, Chicken Sate or Coconut Chicken, Caprese Skewers, Brie and Phyllo w/ Raspberry, Blondies.

Nov. 3, 2021- 7p.m. Board Meeting, Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order – 7pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – The report is attached to these minutes. In the discussion about the budget, Lion Vickie requested that the club consider donating some money to the Bland Contest. Lion Stanley Furman moved that we take the $300 budgeted for Children’s Services and send it to the Bland Contest to assist in covering Region and Dist. expenses. The motion was seconded by Lion Jack Wagner and approved by the Board.
Lion Vickie took the opportunity to read a thank you note for our support from Alyse Brown, Administrator of RMHC. In addition, Lion Vickie also read a note from the McFaddens who were staying at the RMH. She emphasized that our help made it possible for families like this to have a positive experience during traumatic times. The McFaddens stayed at RMH while their daughter had a Nuss procedure. This procedure is for correcting a sunken chest.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters Broad Bay Contract 2021-22 – Our Club has contracted with Broad Bay Country Club to hold our meetings the 3rd Wed night of each month for the 2021-22 year for the same price as this year, ($21.00). We also have the option to cancel meetings within 30 days if we choose to meet at another location.

Broad Bay Holiday Party- The following menu is suggested for the Holiday Cocktail party on December 15.
Fruit and Cheese Platter
- Scallops and Bacon
- Italian Sausages Stuffed Mushrooms
- Chicken Satay or Coconut Chicken
- Caprese Skewers
- Brie and Phyllo w/ Raspberry
- Blondies
Lion Stanley Furman moved that we make the Holiday party free to both members and guests. Lion Jack offered a second and the Board approved.
Lion Nancy Nelson suggested that we appoint a sub committee to provide ideas for things to do at the party. Because Lion Bob Perrine, Program Director, had a couple of ideas, the committee may be composed of Lion Bob, Lion Susie Sumnick, and Lion Nancy Nelson.

*Region VI Meeting – Nov. 9, Susan’s Kitchenette, 1270 Diamond Springs Rd. -6pm $10 – Lion Vickie Kennedy will be speaking about the Bland.
*Fall Conference – Farmville, Nov. 19-21 – attending is Lion Nancy & John and Lion Vickie Kennedy
*November Meeting deadline – 11-9 for reservations

Service Reports
*Holiday Families – Lion Stanley Furman reported that all 6 families are covered. EGRC – Lion John Watters reported that the storage area at the center is full. There will be an EGRC Board meeting soon to discuss pausing the collection. There is a need for reading glasses but not for prescription glasses. Lion John feels that we need to suspend our visits for the present time. Lion John has sent an email to every processing center in the world with no response for need.
*Lions Bag Hunger – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson – reported that we will participate in the project in January. The bags are ready upon request and we will fill the bags with items from a provided list. Our bags will be donated to Thalia United Methodist Church on any Monday –Thurs.
*Peace Poster – Lion Karen Austin -Judging of the posters was on Sunday, Oct. 31st by Lion Rhonda Skaggs, Nancy Nelson, Karen Austin, Steve Eggleston. The winner of the contest was Kristin Gallaway (sp?). The theme for this year was “We are all connected.” Kristin’s description was “as the world and society changes we must continue to pursue peaceful connections.” The poster is attached along with all the other entries.
Lion Karen suggested that we present a certificate to her in the January meeting. Lion John agreed to reproduce extra certificates to recognize all 5 participants.
Lion Karen’s judging committee suggested that we start working on the contest in January to encourage more participation and possibility offering a monetary award. So, Lion Karen asked and received permission to form a Peace Poster Committee.

*Peanuts – Lion Jack and Roger – Orders may be placed now. Lion Jack will place and pick up orders before the end of the month and will make a second trip later. Interestingly enough, broom sales are picking up, possibly because people have been asking about brooms when we are doing projects.
*Southside Reverse Raffle - Lion John Watters -Status of Southside/Thalia Reverse Raffle
1. Tickets for sale by Thalia -- 100
2. Tickets sold by Thalia -- 89
3. Proceeds of sales -- $4,460 (44 pairs at $100 ea, 1 at $60)
4. Profit to Thalia Activities Fund -- $2230
Thanks to all who both bought and sold tickets for this fundraiser. Winners will be announced Nov 6.
Lion John Watters

*Wine Tasting – Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson reported that the wine tasting is scheduled for Feb. 10th at Zoe’s. Lion Nancy will contact Zoe’s and see if they have a flyer that we can use. We will sell 25 tickets earning about $24 for each $50 ticket sold. Plus we will receive a portion of wine sales from the evening.

From the Floor:
*Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine –
Nov. – Lion Aziz Selahi
Dec. – Holiday Party
Jan. – Lynnhaven River Now
Feb. – Lion Irene Conlin – Bees
*Other suggestions are: Lion Chet Kramer – Diabetes Camp
Aid Now – Jump Start
Montero Medical Missions
Health Equity Campus
Vanguard Independent Living
Lions Medical EyeBank
Lion Bob was commended by the Board for the excellent job he has done scheduling programs for our club.

Adjournment: 7:47

Upcoming Dates:
Nov. 9 – Region VI meeting – Susan’s Kitchenette, 1270 Diamond Springs Rd. 6pm
Nov 9 – deadline for Broad Bay Reg meeting reservations
Nov. 17 – Regular meeting – Broad Bay Country Club
Nov. 19-21 – Fall Conference – Farmville
Dec. 1 – Board meeting Zoom
Dec. 15 – Holiday Cocktail Party – Broad Bay Country Club

October 20, 2021, 6pm, DISTRICT 24-I GOVERNOR’S VISIT, ZONE O
Broad Bay Country Club
Hosted by Thalia Lions Club
6:30pm: Call to order - Lion Vincent Medina, Zone O Chair,
President, SE Virginia Filipino-American Lions Club
Pledge to US Flag: Lion Jeri Furman, Thalia Lions Club
Song: Lion Mike Coren, Thalia Lions Club
Invocation: Lion John Watters, Thalia Lions Club

6:35pm: Introduction of District Governor by
Region VI Chair Lion Debra Laughlin – Lion Homer Cook, 2nd VDG, a member of the Oceanside Lions.
He has held every club office, been Zone O Chair, hosted the Lions Leadership
Conference and District Cabinet Secretary. Lion Homer holds a BA from Lions University and will soon be completing the master’s level.
Lion Homer Cook introduced District Governor Greg Cole.
Lion Greg Cole has been a member of the Farmville Lions Club for 15 years and club treasurer offering his experience as an accountant. He has held many club offices, been Lion of the Year, received Presidential Leadership Award, Melvin Jones Fellow, and holds a 10 key membership award. District Governor Greg has attended RLLI, ALLI, local FDI and District Governor training. He intends to achieve his goals by working with the GAT team, clubs, to increase club engagement in 24I events, enhance education and communication with clubs, revitalize clubs and members with opportunities to serve and focus on leadership and development strategies.
Lion Greg has been married to his wife, Roberta, for 38 years and they have a son and a daughter. He is currently the President and CEO of the Woodlands, a Healthcare and retirement community.

6:40pm: Governor’s Address, Lion Gregory C. Cole
District Governor Greg began by saying it is a great day to be a Lion and to share what is in his heart as a Lion. He focused on the singular need of Lions, service to the community. Lion Greg emphasized that Lions impact the community by our services, pointing out examples of children’s eye screening. Our services touch the lives of people.
Two ingredients are necessary for a club to grow and succeed. When these two ingredients work in tandem, success is assured. First, we need to be seen, not heard. Second, we need to equip Lions to be leaders. To be recognized in our communities we should be providing services, not handing out checks. If we connect to our community, our service becomes meaningful and effective.
His slogan for the year is Growth through Leadership and Service.
The foundation of Lions needs support. 3 years ago, we had 2400 members and 98 clubs. On June 30 this past year we had 1,937 members and 90 clubs. That is an average of 150 members lost per year. We have brought in over 400 but lost 550. Dist.24I is very large but we risk being redistricted by LCI in the future. It is not out of the question that we could become a single district state.
Our motto is We Serve. We need to remember that our service does not depend on numbers but on how we use what we have to touch the community.
Small things make a difference. We have the opportunity to create a vision for our club. Lion Greg related the story of when he first became a member of the Farmville Lions Club. He wanted to put a Lions sponsored play ground in Farmville. The cost was to be $100,000. His club felt it may be impossible. But 3 years later with the assistance of an LOVF grant and a partnership with the town, the Lions Playground and park became a beautiful reality.
The club benefited because the membership grew during that time from 28 to almost 80. This is a perfect example of leadership and visibility to the community.
Lion Greg described his professional title a CEO but in as District Governor that acronym means Challenge Everyone Often.
Without growth we decline. Lions must grow, lead, and serve.
When people see Lions, they see hope. Lion Greg likes change the phrase, “where there is a need, there is a Lion, to “where there is a Lion a need has been met.”
Clubs need vision and purpose plus passion. You must believe in the mission and vision of the club to create passion in our hearts.
This year, Lion Greg has instituted a District Governor’s Distinguished Club Program. A 3-year process, he hopes to enlist clubs to participate. He offers the follow meaning for the LIONS: Love people, Inspire hope, Offer help, No is not an option, Serve from the heart. Our international theme is Serve from the Heart. Lion Greg’s message culminated with this request. He asks clubs to adopt purpose and vision that instills members with passion for service

7:00pm: Recess for Dinner
(Thalia Lions Club business and door prizes during dinner)

Lion President Nancy Nelson asked for any important club business that needs to be addressed this evening.
PDG Lion Stanley Furman: Holiday project this year of 6 families still have one family with single member and 2 children to cover with food for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Christmas gifts for children. Lion Stanley asked for volunteers and Lion Rhonda volunteered to take the family.

Lion Nancy thanked BB Country Club for a very nice dinner.

With no further business, Lion John Watters moved that we focus on “nutrition!!” There was no vote, but we assumed consensus since everyone was digging in to their salmon entrée.

Raffle prizes were drawn.

7:30pm: New Member Induction –
District Governor Lion Greg Cole inducted Rhonda Skaggs into membership of the Thalia Lions Club. Before Lion Greg started the induction, he made sure everyone remembered the Fall Conference in Farmville, on Oct. 19-21st. Registration is only $25 for everything including meals.
Lion Greg has had the privilege of inducting over 100 new members.
Lion Rhonda is sponsored by Lion President Nancy Nelson.
When the induction was complete, Lion Rhonda thanked the club for inviting her into Lions. She retired from 36 years in public school education from teaching to being principal. She expressed the desire to offer 36 more years of service to Lions. Lion Rhonda attributed her interest in Lions to her affiliation with Virginia Beach Christian Church where she has observed so many Lions members discussing and planning service projects for the community.
Not only was Lion Rhonda presented with a membership pin and kit but she also received her membership polo shirt.

7:45pm: Zone O Chair, Lion Vincent Medina thanked Lion Greg for the induction ceremony he conducted recently for his club where 20 people were brought into the Fil/Am Lions Club. Lion Vince passed out a flyer inviting everyone to participate in a Diabetes Health Expo on Nov. 6th. November is diabetes awareness month.
Out of respect of time, Lion Vince asked that all clubs in Zone O to forward reports to Region VI chairperson Lion Debra Laughlin.

Lion Vince asked for announcements from the floor.
*Lion Homer Cook announced the Oceanside Lions Club upcoming winetasting at Zoe’s on Feb. 8th. He also reminded everyone that Thalia Lions will be sponsoring a winetasting on Feb 10th at the same location.
*Other events are on Oct. 23 at the Convention Center with the Police and Hispanic Community Center and PDG Scott Durbin is “Rolling for Dough.”
*Lion Eddie Ackiss is looking for assistance in the Special Olympics which will occur later in the Fall. An email will be sent soon concerning the event.
*Lion Beth Stevens announced training webinars on Oct. 26 and 28th. The topic for the 26th is Reading Between the Lions and the 28th will be training for Jerry the Bear. These are Zoom seminars and links will be sent.
*Lions Bag Hunger service planner is on the website for those who missed the training session. Lion Mack Stevens has the bags for the project available upon request.

Lion John Watters offered “last hour” Reverse Raffle tickets for sale.
Tickets are $60 each or $100 for 2 tickets.

8:00pm: 50/50 raffle
$50 – Lion Dick Kreassig – Donated the money to Jerry the Bear.
$25 – Lion Ernie Guarin
$25 – Lion Mack Stevens

8:05pm: Adjournment, Lion Vincent Medina

Oct. 6, 2021, Board Meeting, Wed. 7p.m., Join Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order – 7pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Vickie reported that she has submitted the State Corporation fee of $25 and filed our 990-N e-postcard for the IRS.
Considering that the Admin account has enough money, the following actions and motions were made, seconded, and passed.
a. From Children’s Services – Lion Nancy Watters moved that we purchase a Jerry the Bear and I Pad ($135.00)
b. Make budgeted donation to Plaza Rescue Squad
c. Make budgeted donations to the 3 Elementary Schools.

Club Business –
*Membership Application – Rhonda Skaggs submitted an application for membership and a check for entry dues. (After some discussion that involved blood types), Lion Bill Austin moved that we accept Rhonda as a new member. Lion Stanley Furman seconded, the vote was unanimous. We are very happy to have Rhonda Skaggs sponsored by Lion Nancy Nelson. She will be inducted at the Zone O meeting by DG Greg Cole.
*Holiday Party- Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson -reservation count by Dec. 3rd for Dec. 15th date. After discussion about the party, it was decided that we will have a “Cocktail Party” for about the same price (tba) from 7:00- 8:30. Broad Bay will prepare heavy hor d’oeuvres.
*Meeting location for 2022 – Lion Vickie moved that we remain at Broad Bay and negotiate a contract for the coming year. Lion Bill Austin seconded and the vote passed. Negotiations are underway for giving us the same price point. Chances are good if we allow the chef to make the dinner choices. We will remind Broad Bay that we are tax exempt.
*Wine Tasting Fund Raiser – Lion Nancy Nelson asked the club to consider confirming a wine tasting at Zoe’s on Feb. 10th. That date is near Valentine’s Day. There would be 10 choices of wine and the cost would be $50 per. The club receives half of the cost plus a percentage of wine sales. After discussion, we found that most of our club members are not wine drinkers but Lion Nancy Nelson, Nancy Watters felt that they might muster up enough interest to make the event worthwhile. Lion Stanley Furman made a motion that the “girls” do the fundraiser. Lion Nancy Watters seconded and the motion passed. Thalia Club Patch Award – Lion Nancy Nelson announced that our club has been awarded a banner patch because our club has donated at least $100 per member to LCIF during 2020-21. The patch is an honor and will be placed on our newest banner.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Zone O meeting – October 20th – at this point there are 15 club members and 16 guests from other clubs. The agenda is very tight and will include the District Governor address, dinner, raffles, DG new member installation and Zone O Vince Medina remarks. The meal will be a buffet with a salmon entrée. If someone cannot eat seafood, chicken will be available. On the program, there will be time slots to help keep thing on schedule. Masks will be required when not eating.
*Raffle Prizes for Zone O – Pres. Lion Nancy Nelson reported that Lion Karen has donated hand made note cards, Lion Bill has donated 2 autographed books, Coconuts for Hammocks and When Your Security Blanket is in the Dryer. Lion Jim Healy will also donate a signed copy of one of his books. Lion Vickie has assembled a “Hot Toddy Basket” which included Jameson, teas, cozy throw, honey and other neat items. We will hold the 50/50 at the end to encourage people to remain through the meeting. Additional bottles of wine will be added as well. Service Reports
*Bow Creek Flannel Fest – Bow Creek Rec Center – Sat. Sept. 25th- Participating in the event was Lion Nancy Nelson, Nancy Watters and Lion John Watters. Thirty-five children were screened with a couple of important referrals. Also, one hundred x dollars’ worth of peanuts were sold for our club.
*Beach Bag Project – Oct. 7th - About 45 volunteers have been recruited and are expected to attend. The event starts at 6pm and we plan to pack 3,000 bags of food. The location is Corporate Landing Middle School. There will be a sign in list and masks are required.
*Food bag Project - Lion President Nancy Nelson has been in contact with Thalia United Methodist Church Food Pantry. We hold the Bland Contest at that church every year. The District has the logo grocery bags for us to use. We would pack the bags with a list of designated supplies and donate them to the food pantry at the church. After much positive discussion about the project, we decided that the best time of the year to do this project is in January. Because we are doing the Beach Bag, Thanksgiving Families and Holiday Projects, tapping our club additionally at this time of year is not recommended. It was also noted that the food banks receive lots of support during this time of year anyway. Lion Vickie suggested that Ronald McDonald House may be able to assist when we are ready to do the project.
*Peace Poster Contest – Lion Karen stated that the schools she contacted have not responded to her requests. But the Girl Scouts of Colonial Coast want to participate. On Oct. 24th the girls will work on their project with local artists. On the 30th, they will submit their work. On Oct. 31st there will be a judging at VBCC from 1:30 – 3:30. Lion Karen contacted the District Governor for permission to participate in the project. He needs the submission by the 15th of Nov. We appreciate all the time and work Lion Karen has put into this project.

*Southside Reverse Raffle – month of Sept. - Lion John Watters reported that we have sold 84 tickets. We have 16 left and hopefully Lion John will be able to sell them on the 20th at the Zone meeting.
*Charity Foundation Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman reported that the drawing will be held on Oc.t 18th. The Foundation has cleared the expenses and our club has collected and sold all our tickets.
*Holiday Family Project: Lion Stanley has received all of the names of six families that we will cover for both Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. Before the discussion was over, all but 2 families were assigned. The remaining families will be assigned at the Zone O meeting or before. Lion Nancy Watters asked if we want to participate in Thanksgiving in a Basket and Secret Santa this year through ForKids. The general opinion was that the club members are being heavily taxed financially this time of year and we should not commit unless someone makes a request.
*Bowling Challenge Fundraiser – PDG Scott Durbin Oct. 23. 1pm Pin Boy’s. This is a fundraising challenge. Lion Scott is requesting donations to challenge his ability to knock down 1,000 pins in 5 games. His objective is to raise money and encourage Club participation across the Region.
*Wine Tasting by Oceanside Lions – Lion Homer Cook is holding the wine tasting on Oct. 12 to fund feeding at the JCOC. The location is Zoe’s.

From the Floor:
*EGRC visit is cancelled for October
*Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine
– Nov. Lion Aziz Sehali
-Jan. – Lynnhaven River Now
-Feb. – Lion Irene Conlin
*Lion Vickie Kennedy announced that Grace Coldren at Thalia United Methodist Church has resigned. But her husband will remain Sextant. We are still on the calendar for the Bland at the church.

Adjournment: 8:04

Upcoming Dates:
Oct. 7th – Beach Bag
Oct. 8th – Kings Grant SPOT screening
Oct, 12th – Wine Tasting Zoe
Oct. 13th – Diamond Springs SPOT screening
Oct. 14th – Hermitage SPOT screening
Oct. 15th – Brookwood SPOT screening
Oct. 18th – Luxford SPOT screening
Oct. 20th, 6 p.m. – Zone O meeting Broad Bay Country Club
Oct. 22nd – Shelton Park SPOT screening
Oct. 28th – Bayside SPOT screening

Sept 15, 2021, Regular Meeting Wed.7p.m., Regular Meeting, Broad Bay Country Club @ 2120 Lords Landing, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 - also on Zoom

Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 6:30pm
Patriotic Song: Lion Mike Coren
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Karen Austin
Invocation: Lion Ellen Turman
Introduction of Guests: Rhonda Skaggs guest of Lions Nancy Nelson, Lion Nancy met Rhonda at our church, Virginia Beach Christian. She is a retired educator and administrator in the Virginia Beach School System and wants to join an organization that serves the community. Channing Becker guest of Lion Jon Halvorson. Lion Jon explained that he had know Channing since childhood and that she has a dedication of service to others.

Recess for dinner: 6:35
Reconvene for Program and Meeting: 7:08

Program: Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Bob is the historian of Old Donation Episcopal Church which was started in 1637. Just by the nature of his position, it draws him into much of the history of the area. Lion Bob presented an interesting talk about the Lost Colony. Please listen to the video sent separately for the details of his presentation.

Also here is his presentation in word.
-Most everyone knows 1607 is the year the Jamestown Colonists started the first permanent English settlement in America. But did you know there was an attempt to create a permanent settlement around the Chesapeake Bay 20 years before Jamestown? It was known as the Lost Colony. If you’ve heard the story, did you know it was supposed to be along the Chesapeake Bay?
-So here’s that story.
-It all began when Walter Raleigh, as favorite of Queen Elizabeth, persuaded her to fund a trip to the Chesapeake Bay. He never went, only organized trips.
-The first trip in 1584 missed the Chesapeake Bay by 90 miles landing near Hatteras Island. There they met young Manteo of the Croatan tribe. After exploring the area as far north as North Carolina’s Roanoke Island, they took Manteo and another Native-American back to London. There the strange looks of Manteo so excited Queen Elizabeth that she knighted Walter (Raw-lee) Raleigh, Sir Walter and gave him money for more trips. In return Sir Walter named the land Virginia in honor of Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen because he mistakenly assumed this first trip had been somewhere near the Chesapeake Bay.
-A year later in 1585, Sir Walter sponsored the second trip, this time with 600 soldiers. Led by Richard Grenville, he followed the route taken on the first trip which was assumed to be near the Chesapeake Bay. When Grenville landed on Roanoke Island, he realized this was not the Chesapeake, but, anyway, a good place for a permanent settlement. Grenville’s 600 soldiers spent the summer building Fort Raleigh and houses. In August, Grenville sailed back to England leaving Ralph Lane in charge of 107 soldiers.
-A year later in the spring of 1586, Francis Drake stopped by Roanoke Island. He was surprised to find the 107 soldiers starving after fights with the Secotan Indians. When a sudden storm hit, the starving soldiers pleaded with Drake to be taken back to England. Drake agreed, and to load the 107 soldiers, he emptied his ships of 250 captives he had taken from exploits in the Caribbean.
-A week later, after Drake had left, Grenville returned for his 107 soldiers. Finding them gone with no word that Drake was taking them back to England, he left 15 soldiers to hold down Fort Raleigh and sailed back to England. As for the 250 captives, Grenville did not report seeing them. They apparently were received warmly by the local Indians as tribes in the area claim to be the descendants of these African and Native Americans.
-A year later, in 1587 John White came with 117 colonists and Manteo. They were families, not soldiers, willing to settle for life, not on Roanoke Island, but along the Chesapeake Bay. These are the settlers who would become the Lost Colony. White left London at a bad time during the Anglo-Spanish War, and what happened next was heavily influenced by Spanish warships on the Atlantic Ocean. The first stop was in the Caribbean to get supplies, but the ship’s captain, Simon Fernandez, cut short the stop. Little did White know Fernandez was planned to pick up the 15 soldiers left behind the previous year on Roanoke Island and leave the 117 colonists there without taking them on to the Chesapeake Bay as he had promised. Fernandez sailed on to Roanoke Island with the 117 colonists. Finding the 15 soldiers gone, Fernandez finally told White he would not take the colonists on to the Chesapeake. After five days on Roanoke Island, Virginal Dare was born, the first English baby born in the New World. After her birth, being low on food from their quick stop in the Caribbean, the colonists persuaded White to return with Fernandez for supplies.
-Four-years pasted before White was able to return because of the Anglo-Spanish War. On his return White found the 117 colonists gone, with the only clue, the word “Croatoan” carved on a tree, Manteo’s home on Hatteras Island. Fernandez, again as the ship’s captain, refused to stop by Hatteras Island to look for the Lost Colony, and, instead, set sail for England. White went with Fernandez never to return.
-In 1591, to avoid being killed by other Indian tribes who had taken control of the region, Manteo travelled north to Massachusetts where his ancestors had settled. In the 1630’s he served as an interpreter and ambassador for the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop (1588 - 1649). Manteo died in the 1640’s.
-More than a hundred years passed with the Lost Colony all but forgotten. When explorers did return, they found Indian tribes, some with darker skin and others with blue, green and hazel eyes. This marked the beginning of a strong possibility the 117 colonists, the 15 soldiers, and the 250 African and Native Americans left behind in 1586 had left Roanoke Island and joined up with local Indians.
-Again, another hundred years passed when in 1858 Maria Lander became interested in the long-forgotten story of the Lost Colonists, especially young Virginia Dare. Lander labored 14 months in a Rome studio to create what she though a grownup Virginia Dare would look like. In 1860 a ship carrying Lander’s masterpiece to the United States sank off the coast of Spain and lay at the bottom of the ocean for two years. The Dare statue was rescued by a collector who bought it for $5,000, only to die in a fire along with the Dare Statue. In 1923 the statue turned up in a Raleigh, North Carolina public building. Seeing a nude woman near portraits of three Confederate generals, the public was outraged, and so the Dare Statue was moved to a basement where it remained crated until in 1951 the Dare Statue was given a final resting place in North Carolina’s Elizabethan Gardens on Ranoke Island in 1951, the same year the gardens opened. Virginia Dare was paced in a beautiful private site.
-Local Indians created a legend telling how Virginia Dare grew up learning the ways of the forest. When many Indians competed for her, a witch doctor had to step in and transform her into a snow-white doe. For years hunters told of spotting a white doe claiming it was actually Virginia Dare.
-In 1937 a musical play, “The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island,” began. Not willing to include in the play any speculation of finding clues about what had happened to the 117 colonists, the play ended by saying John White’s 117 colonists were “lost.” The play brought capacity audiences year after year.
-In 1937, the same year the musical play started, a stone, known as the Dare Stone, surfaced. A California man found the stone while driving through the Carolina coastal region. The stone carving says Virginia Dare was killed by Indians when she was four-years old. From there the stone past through several places. With several claims of authenticity, the message written on the Dare Stone has turned out to be either one of America’s most important artifacts, or a remarkable fake that duped some of the country’s most respected scholars.
-Recently there have been discoveries that have kept the Lost Colony in the news, not mere speculations but real proof as to where the colonists had gone and what had happened to them.
-In 2009 Mark Horton, an archaeologist at Britain’s Bristol University, while searching near Buxton on Hatteras Island, found part of a slate writing tablet and other English artifacts. Further, Hatteras Indians told Horton several of their ancestors could, as they put it, “talk in a book.” Since Hatteras Island was Manteo’s home, he most likely took a group of the colonists with him in 1587.
-Another group most likely moved inland to a place shown on John White’s map. Before John White left for his 1587 trip, he marked a location on his map west of today’s Edenton in case of Spanish attack. An overlooked patch stuck to the map remained ignored for centuries. In 2012 the patch was examined by using special lights which showed a faint image symbol of an English settlement where English artifacts were later found.
-And finally, in 2020 Scott Dawson discovered why just about everyone on Roanoke Island keeps saying those 117 colonists were lost. In his 2020 book “The Lost Colony and Hatteras Island,” he says that if the play had ended with colonists inter-marring with Indians and Blacks, the public would have torn down the stage. The legend was put out to cover up a very simple explanation. They were never lost. It was made up. The mystery is over.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Zone O Governor’s Visit – Oct. 20th - Broad Bay Country Club- This event will take the place of our regular members meeting. Reservation invitations have been sent to all 6 clubs in Zone O. At this time there has been only one response. Lion Nancy Watters will follow up. The charge for Lions outside our club will be $25 but Thalia members will only be charged $20. That difference is because the Thalia Admin account subsidizes our meal cost.
*Lion Nancy Nelson requested that we offer raffle prizes along with 50/50. At least 2 of our members have offered signed books they have authored. Bottles of wine or baskets are good suggestions along with any other ideas you may have. Please bring the items that evening and have them display ready (packaged as a gift)
* December Holiday Party – tentatively set for Dec. 15th at BBCC. Ideas about what to do at that party can be discussed at the next Board meeting. . Service Reports
*Bow Creek Flannel Fest – Bow Creek Rec Center – Sat. Sept. 25th – SPOT screenings, and donated give-a-ways. This is a rustic themed event centered around the great outdoors with a hobby horse race, cornhole, nature skill games, and of course, “Flannel Fun.” The event will be held inside and outdoors at the Bow Creek Rec Center gym from 11am-2pm. Vendors will be in the gym and the adjacent park area located just before the center’s entrance. Attendance for the event is expected to be between 150-200.
Lions will be located inside in a space allowing vision screening. Please let Lion Nancy know if you are available to assist.
*Beach Bag Project – Oct.7 – Lion Nancy had a sign-up sheet for the event. Corporate Landing Middle School, 6pm. We will be packing 3,000 bags of food. Because of Covid mitigations, we are limited to 30-35 volunteers. At this time, we are up to 29 but we still need all our available club members.
* Wine Tasting – Oct. 12th Oceanside Lions Club – Zoe’s 5:30pm. This event is a fund-raiser for their club to finance an important food project with JCOC. Please consider attending. You only need to submit your name to You may pay ($50) when you arrive at Zoe’s. Thalia Lions is considering doing the same kind of event in Feb. around Valentine’s Day. The club receives almost half of the cost of the event plus a percentage of wines sold.
*SPOT Screenings - Elementary School screenings have started. Lion Nancy had a volunteer schedule sign up and asked for volunteers. The schedule is attached to the minutes for those who forgot to sign up.
*Thanksgiving and Holliday projects – Lion Stanley Furman announced that he will have names of six families from Social Services by the next meeting. Traditionally, we pair up with each other to support these families by providing both Thanksgiving food baskets and Christmas Holiday “Santa”.”


*Southside Reverse Raffle – month of Sept. - Lion John Watters has the last 20 tickets left to distribute. We have sold 82 tickets at $60 per ticket or 2 tickets for $100. For every 25th ticket pulled wins $25. The last ticket in the barrel wins $5,000. There are other $100, $200, and $500 winning increments as well. The drawing will be held on Nov. 7th and we are invited to attend.
*Lions Charity Foundation Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman thanked the club for turning in their ticket stubs and money for the raffle on Oct. 18th. If you have not yet sent in your money, please send it to Lion Stanley Furman, 4004 Atlantic Ave, VB 23451. Please make your check payable to Lion Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia.

From the Floor:

Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine
Oct. 20 – Governor’s Zone O
Nov 17, Lion Aziz Selahi will give a very lively talk about his family during the exile of the Shah in 1979.
Dec15 – Holiday Party
Jan 19, Terri Gorman, Pearl Homes and Neighborhood Coordinator, will talk about the Lynnhaven River Now mission.
Feb 16, Lion Irene Conlin will give an informative talk on “beekeeping.”

Tailtwister: - Lion Bill Austin - $71 total – Drawing
#1 - $5 – Lion Mike Coren
#2 - $5 – ?
# 3 - $10 -Lion Vickie Kennedy
#4 – $ 10 -Lion Susie Sumnick

Birthdays – Lions Stanley Furman, Fran Scott, and Dick Kreassig-
After a bit of discussion and dollars flying, Lion Jon Halvorson and Lion Dick paid to have guest, Channing Becker off a lovey serenade to the Birthday trio.


Upcoming Dates:
Wed. Sept 15 – Next Regular Meeting – Broad Bay Country Club 6pm
Thurs. Sept. 23 – Windsor Oaks Elem SPOT Screening
Fri. Sept. 24 - Head Start Academy SPOT Screening
Sat. Sept. 25th – Bow Creek Flannel Fest
Mon. Sept. 27 – Malibu Elem SPOT Screening
Wed. Sept. 30 – Thalia Elem SPOT Screening
Oct. 7th – Beach Bag
Oct. 12th – Wine tasting – Oceanside Lions Club – Zoe’s 5:30pm
Oct. 20th – Governor’s Visit – Zone O meeting

Sept 1, 2021, Board Meeting, Wed. 7 p.m. Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 7:00pm

Treasurers Report - Lion Stanley Furman suggested that we add a line in the budget showing the amount held in escrow at the Charity Foundation. Another suggestion was that we should also add a line showing what we have in reserve at LCIF for Melvin Jones designations.
Lion Stanley moved that the treasury report be accepted as presented an all present approved.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Zone O meeting – October 20th – Lion Nancy Nelson, Lion Nancy Watters and Lion Vince Medina, Zone O Chairperson, held a Zoom meeting to work out details of the meeting. Lion John created a flyer to be sent to the clubs detailing reservation requirements. The flyer is attached.
*Our club members will pay $20 for the meal as usual but meeting attendees outside our club will be charged $25.
*Raffle Prizes for Zone O – Pres. Lion Nancy Nelson asked for donations such as peanuts, autographed books for our authors, wine, baskets. (Lion Vickie describe something called a “Corona Basket – Have you got your Shot today!!”

Sept 15th Regular meeting Broad Bay- reservation deadline Sept 3rd (Fri) – A list will be sent out with these minutes.

Service Reports
*Adopt a Student Report– Lion Nancy Watters – reported that we filled 36 bookbags for children in local shelters.
*Bow Creek Flannel Fest – Bow Creek Rec Center – Sat. Sept. 25th – Information will be sent out for those who may be interested in helping. Screening with SPOT will be offered and a few give -a- ways donated from Ronald McDonald House.
*Beach Bag Project – Thurs. Oct. 7th at 6pm– Corporate Landing Middle School. The grant from the Charity Foundation came through for $7,000. The 25% required to match the grant has been met with some extra. We acknowledge the generosity of our members in donating to this cause. All money raised over the $1,750.00 will be held over for next year. Because of Covid mitigation, the number of volunteers will be capped at about 50. But that number should be ok. Masks will be required. We will pack 3,000 bags of food and possibly include little cards with our club logo.
*EGRC – Sept. 9th 11-1pm Lion John Watters – Scheduled from 11am-1pm – I you wish a ride, meet Lion John in the Best Buy parking lot at 10:30am
*FOODBAG PROJECT – Lion Nancy Nelson - Lion Beth Stevens told us about the Grocery Bag Food Project. The club would be given a supply of club branded grocery bags with a list of items to be placed in the bags. The bags would be distributed to various people along with a list of items to be placed in the bags. At a designated time and location, bags would be collected and we would partner with a facility or organization to donate the bags. Lion Beth wants a test club to run the project before the State Convention to work out any kinks. Lion Stan pointed out that the Food Bank of Southeastern Va. had more buying power for the dollar than the individual buyer. He suggested we search for other organizations where the project would be better used. Lion Nancy Nelson suggested the Eastern Shore Chapel or Samaritan House may be a better donation organization. Lion Stan Moss suggested PIN (People in Need.) Lion Nancy Nelson will investigate before we carry on with the project.

*Southside Reverse Raffle – month of Sept. - Lion John Watters reported that all but 20 tickets have been sold. If anyone wants more, please contact Lion John. Please make checks to Thalia Lions Club.
*Charity Foundation Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman – Everybody in the club has received their tickets. Checks should be made to the Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia. Please bring your stubs and checks to the next meeting.
*Wine Tasting – Lion Nancy Nelson reached out to Marc Sauter, sommelier at Zoe’s concerning the possibility of doing a wine tasting in late winter or early spring. They will meet in a few days.

Future Programs-
*Lion Bob Perrine will present the Sept program – The Lost Colony
*October’s program will be given by the District 24I Governor, Lion Greg Cole.
*November’s program will be Lion Aziz Selahi
*December will be the Holiday Party at Broad Bay Country Club – no program
*Lion Bob is reaching out to Lynnhaven River Now for January.
*Lion Bob asked for suggestions for future programs. Some of the suggestions were:
-Lion Chet Kramer – Diabetes Camp for Blind Children sponsored by CHKD
-Aid Now – sponsors of Jump Start – Ann Richards Montero Missions
-Health Equity Campus – (suggested by Lion Jon Halvorson)
-Vanguard Independent Living in Princess Anne (contact Lion Irene Conlin for information) Lion Billy McIntyre - Pres. of a Diversity and Inclusion Organization

Adjournment: 7:45

Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 9th - EGRC
Sept. 15th - Regular member meeting
Sept. 25th – Bow Creek Flannel Fest
Oct. 6th Zoom Board Meetig
Oct. 7th – Beach Bag
Oct. 20th – Zone O meeting Broad Bay Country Club

Aug 18, 2021, Regular Meeting - 6p.m. Location: Broad Bay Country Club
2120 Lords Landing
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Join Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 6:30pm
Patriotic Song: Lion Vickie Kennedy
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Nancy Nelson
Invocation: Lion Dick Kreassig

Introduction of Guests:
*Lion Nancy Nelson welcomed and acknowledged our guest speaker Past District Governor and District Global Service Team Leader Lion Beth Stevens and her spouse, Global Membership Team Leader Lion Mack.
* Lion Nancy Watters introduced guest Venus Marshall. Venus visited the Virginia Beach Back to School Care Fair at Pembroke Mall on August 7th. She has expressed interest in membership in a Virginia Beach Lions Club and plans to visit many clubs. She was especially invited tonight because of her interest in what PDG /GST Lion Beth Stevens has to share in our program tonight. We extend a warm welcome to Venus.

Recess for dinner: 6:35
Reconvene for Program and Meeting: 7:10pm

Program: PDG Lion Beth Stevens – GST introduced by Lion Nancy Nelson
* Global Service Team District coordinator, Lion Beth Stevens is a member of the Virginia Beach Town Center – Blind Lions Club. She served as Club President in 2012 – 2013. Thanks to the members’ teamwork, the club was honored that year for outstanding community service by the Virginia Beach Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities, Volunteer Hampton Roads and Lions Clubs International with a world of Service Award. She went on to serve the district in numerous positions including District Governor in 2017 – 2018.
*PDG Beth is well-known for her passion for service projects and is bringing that enthusiasm to the district by initiating several new service projects that she will share with us tonight. With your support, we can make the LCI Presidential theme, “Service from the Heart,” come to life in our district this year.”
*Lion Beth congratulated our club for continuing our service and meeting online through the shutdown. The theme this year is Global Service Team in Action. Lion Beth started by introducing Jerry the Bear. Jerry is an AI bear with indicators located on several parts of his body. The indicators denote places on the body where a child can give themselves insulin injections. Jerry is designed for children ages 4-6 who are first diagnosed with type I diabetes. A companion app goes along with the bear that teaches the child how to monitor and control blood glucose levels. With the app, Jerry can also teach the child how to select the proper foods to eat. He responds “yum, yum, yum” when proper selections are made. There also 26 different lessons for children and their families who are first dealing with juvenile diabetes.
*Our District is partnering with CHKD and with the Children’s Hospital in Richmond who will refer families to us who could benefit from Jerry the Bear. Our club can help in a couple of ways. Jerry the Bear costs $55.00 each and the Amazon tablet is $90. Donations for the purchase of the bears and the tablets can be made to Lion District 24I with designation to the Diabetes line item. The other way to help is to become educated in using Jerry and be willing to meet with a designated family to instruct them in how to use and benefit from Jerry.
To purchase a bear, a tablet or both please make your check to: Lions District 24I (in the memo line please indicate “Jerry the Bear”)
Mail check to: Lions District 24I, Evonne Green, Treasurer, 1420 Ski Lodge, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23453
*Another new project, sponsored by a $20,000 grant from the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia, is a sports and recreation camp for blind and visually impaired children ages 9-19 years. The location is Triple R Ranch on October 22-23. Volunteers are needed.
*The next project presented by Lion Beth deals with pediatric cancer. The Rock-Solid Foundation provides readiness kits for children who are in crisis from cancer and are entering the hospital or who are returning to the hospital. Comfort items or kid size toiletries are included in the kits. These items will be collected at the Fall Conference as a service conference.
*The an additional project presented is a food drive both as a District and as a club. Grocery bags will be presented and branded with your club’s name. Our goal is to provide 3,000 bags of food throughout the District.
The club may select which foodbank to choose as partner. A list of items will be presented to be placed in the bag. These bags are handed out to friends, co-workers. The bags should be collected at a certain time on a specific chosen date and the food partner or foodbank should be present. It is an opportunity for the food partner to talk about the difference they are making in the community and for the club to talk about the difference Lions are making in the community. A service planner will be available. Lion Beth is looking for a couple of clubs to run a pilot version of this project. She and Lion Mack will work with those clubs for the trial and may develop best practices for the District at Fall Conference.
*And the last project presented by Lion Beth is dealing with the environment. The District plans to purchase 500 trees on Arbor Day this spring. More details will follow but it is hoped that this project may be conducted on a Region basis.
*Our standing projects:
Diabetes Camp – goal of 50 children with one parent each ($350 per camper)
Children’s Eye Screening with SPOT – goal is 5,000
Peace Poster Contest – Theme “We are all Connected”
James Bland Music Competition
Disaster Relief – Lions of Virginia Foundation and Lions International are available as source for events
*Lion Beth thanked our club for reporting our activities on MyLion. She noted that as an international organization we served 350 million people last year. But the reporting average was 40% meaning that we may have actually served many, many more. We are making a difference. Lion Beth encouraged everyone to download MyLion on you phones so you can see and share our work.
*The Governor’s Distinction Award is outlined in the District Newsletter. Lion Beth encouraged our club to work for this award this year.
1. Conduct a community needs assessment by the end of Dec.
2. Start a new global project announced tonight.
3. Report the project in MyLion.
*Lion Beth concluded by asking all of our members to watch the video by International President Douglas Alexander entitled Service from the Heart or Heartbeat of Service.
*At her conclusion, President Nancy Nelson thanked Lion Beth for an inspiring presentation and presented her with a small token of appreciation.

Lion Pres. Nancy Nelson – Reminds the Board members that there will be a short very important meeting after the adjournment tonight. Please stay.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
December Holiday Party – Set for Dec. 15th at BBCC

. Service Reports
*Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Nelson – Aug.1st Blood drive at Virginia Beach Christian Church resulted in 24 pints of blood. A few people were rejected for the usual reasons. Eight Lions assisted with the drive.
*Virginia Beach Public School Back to School Fair – Aug. 7th - Pembroke Mall – Lion Nancy Watters reported that 5 Lions Clubs participated, Thalia, Oceanside, Princess Anne, Virginia Beach Host and TCBL. Two SPOT machines were used to screen 235 children. Lion Homer Cook enticed children and adults to play a bit of chess. And Princess Ann Club gave out several hundred children’s books.
*Jump Start is tomorrow at Larkspur Middle School. We will offer SPOT vision screening to the estimated 500 children bussed in to receive services and goods donated to AIDNOW. Lion Vickie Kennedy has offered 300 Teddy bears and over 100 boxes of crayons from Ronald McDonald House for us to give to children as we screen them.
*Bow Creek Flannel Fest – Bow Creek Rec Center – Sat. Sept. 25th – Vision screening will be offered and a few giveaways will be available.
*Beach Bag Project – Oct.7th- Landsdown Middle School. A grant for $7,000 has been written and submitted to the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia to fund food to pack 3,000 bags this year. Because we expect the grant to be award at about 75%, all the Virginia Beach Clubs have been contacted to help by donating to the project. We will need 50-60 people to volunteer to pack bags. Please put that date on your calendar. (The Beach Bag project provides non-perishable foods for students identified as food insufficient to take home over long weekends and holidays. Over 1,500 children in Virginia Beach depend on the schools for nutritional food.)

*Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia Raffle Tickets: Lion Stanley Furman distributed tickets to members. Tickets are $5 each and the drawing will be made at the Fall Conference. This fundraiser is the only one for the year for the Foundation. The club keeps part of the sale of the tickets. Please bring your money and stubs to the next meeting. Checks should be made to the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia.
*Southside Reverse Raffle – month of Sept. Lion John Watters has the tickets to distribute. The tickets are $60 each or 2 for $100. Our club is again participating in this Reverse Raffle with Southside Lions Club. We keep half of our ticket sales so this is probably our most profitable fundraiser for the year. Please buy or sell as many tickets as you possibly can. Last year we sold 80 and this year we have been allotted 100. Last ticket in the barrel wins $5,000, 2nd prize is $1,000, 3rd prize is $500. Every 25th ticket gets $100 and a special drawing ticket at the end wins $200. These are really great odds! Only 300 tickets are sold. We have had several winners in our club within the last 2 or 3 years.

From the Floor:
*Future Programs- Lion Aziz Selahi's program for Oct is switched to Sep 15 to allow the District Gov's program Oct 20. Lion Bob Perrine will be in the future. All previous programs are on our blog. (

Raffle: Tail twister Lion Bill Austin - announced the amount collected tonight is $82 and that there would be one drawing for ½ of that amount. Lion Dick Kreassig’s ticket was drawn for the winning amount of $42. He generously donated that money as part of a donation to Lion Beth for covering one Jerry the Bear. Thank you, Lion Dick.

Adjournment: 7:48pm

Upcoming Dates:
August 19th– Jump Start – Larkspur Middle School, 4696 Princess Anne Rd. VB 9:30am
Sept. 1st – Zoom Board Meeting
Sept 15 – Next Regular Meeting – Broad Bay Country Club 6pm
Sept. 25th – Bow Creek Flannel Fest
Oct. 7th – Beach Bag

Aug 18,2021, Impromptu Board Meeting, Wed. Aug 18, 2021
Broad Bay Country Club (after regular meeting)
Join Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 7:50m
Secretary’s Presentation– Lion Nancy Watters stated that the District Secretary has requested that our club hold a Zone O meeting to host the District Governor on Oct. 20 th.
The Zone consists of 6 Virginia Beach Clubs and Lion Vince Medina of the Fil/Am club is the Zone O Chairperson.
Our club would be responsible for confirming reservations 10 days prior to the dated and collecting the meal costs. Broad Bay has agreed to serve a buffet to give cushion to the number of confirmed reservations.
After discussion, Lion Dick Kreassig moved that we hold the Zone O meeting for the Governor’s visit. Lion John Watters seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Lion Nancy Nelson, Pres, Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary, will coordinated with Lion Vince Medina, Zone O Chair to work out arrangements and to assure that Thalia does not incur expense from unpaid reservations. They will report the progress at the Sept. Board meeting.
Adjournment: 7:55pm

Aug 4, 2021, Board Meeting, Wed.- 7p.m. Join Zoom Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 7:00pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Installation Night July 21, 6pm - Broad Bay Country Club – Lion President Nancy thanked everyone for their attendance at the event.
*Lion Jeri Furman said that at the Installation Night she forgot to thank Lion Dick Kreassig for his contributions throughout the year as well as Lion John, Ellen, and Bill. She also especially thanked Lion Stan, her beloved.
*Decision about future in person meetings – The club overwhelmingly voted to continue meeting in person at Broad Bay Country Club. Lion Nancy will talk to Broad Bay to assure that they wear masks and seat us apart. We must wear masks except when eating. And we will ask if all personnel at Broad Bay are inoculated.
*August 18th Regular meeting Broad Bay- reservation deadline August 7th
Lion Jeri will make calls on Thurs to confirm the number of reservations for the meeting. That number is due by the 7th and we must have a minimum of 15. If you make a reservation and do not attend, our Club still pays for your reservation so we ask that you reimburse the club for the cost ($20.00)
The members present for the Zoom meeting were polled for a total of 14. With guests, Lion Beth and Mack Stevens, that will make 16. Lion Jeri will contact all those not in attendance for confirmation.
*December Holiday Party? Broad Bay Country Club will allow the use of the club for the Holiday Party. Lion Nancy will speak to them about reserving the room but not being obligated if the current state of the virus worsens.

Service Reports

*Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Nelson reported that 19 pints of whole blood and 3 pints of power red were collected making the total 24 pints. Eight members participated or worked at the drive. One pint of blood can serve a minimum of 3 people which means we helped at least 72 people.
*Virginia Beach Public School Back to School Fair – Aug. 7th - Pembroke Mall – 12-4pm.
TCBL, Oceanside, OLG/Va. Host, and Fil/Am clubs are all participating. We will give out water bottles to the children screened as well as Coloring book and crayon packets.
TCBL may be giving books to the children as well. There will be at least 2, maybe 3 SPOTS.
Set up is from 10 – 11:45 am. Enter at the Kohl’s side of the mall. The store front we are using is just on the right after Bit of England. Please remember that there will be more people than necessary to do screenings. So, this will be considered a Public Relations Event. Extra members may be asked to help with the organizers of the fair.
*Bow Creek Flannel Fest – Bow Creek Rec Center – Sat. Sept. 25th – Health Fair Expo where we can do screenings and sell peanuts and brooms. 12-2pm. Lion Nancy will complete the application for the event. Lion Ellen, Bill, Karen, and Jack volunteered immediately for the event.
*Beach Bag Project – Oct. 7th is the date. The event is at Cooperate Landing Middle School. About 60-70 people will be needed for packing the food. Though the date is set, Lion Nancy has not yet written the grant because she is waiting for the budget from the school system. The Lions Charity Foundation has set aside the money already. We will also need all Virginia Beach clubs to contribute funds and participate in the event.
*EGRC – August 12th 11-1pm – meet at Best Buy parking lot at 10:30 is you want to ride.
*Adopt a Student – Image Services that administers for ForKids is doing the Adopt a Student Project again this year. For this project you are assigned a homeless student and you provide a bookbag and school supplies from a list provided by the school where the student attends. Lion Nancy asked for 10 students to start. Before the discussion ended, 14 students were requested. So, Lion Nancy will reach out to Image Services and ask for at least 20.
As soon as the information is available, Lion Nancy will distribute the information to those who asked for a student.

*White Cane/ Broom Sale – Lion Jack and Roger – Lion Jack thanked everyone for selling brooms and peanuts at the Blood Drive. Hopefully we will try for a White Cane in Sept. broom sale soon also. Lion Jack does not want to do both at the same time.
*Southside Reverse Raffle – month of Sept. - Lion Nancy Watters reported that Southside wants us to again participate in the raffle. Since we made more than $4000 last year we will be running the raffle during the month of Sept. (the total made last year is corrected from $2,000 to $4,000, the actual amount netted.)
*Wine Tasting – Lion Nancy Nelson reported that the Oceanside Lions Wine Tasting was a lot of fun and was profitable for the Lions. About half of the $50 ticket was profit. The wine Sommelier handles the event and we just need to sell the tickets. Zoe’s restaurant is an excellent location. We also receive a percentage of wine sales.
*It was suggested that we do something like this during February possibly for Valentine’s Day. Lion Nancy will look into it with Zoe’s.

From the Floor:

*Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine reported that our next program, August 18th, will be Lion Beth Stevens, Dist. 24I Global Service Team Chairperson. She will describe the different service events that our District is supporting. In September, Lion Bob will be the presenter, the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island, and in the Oct. Lion Aziz will be the presenter, his adventures in leaving Iran.
*Lion Bob was complimented on his recent additions to the blog, Person Making a Difference.

Adjournment: 7:43pm

Upcoming Dates:
August 7th – Virginia Beach School Back to School Fair – Pembroke Mall
August 12th, 10:45am - Eye Glass Receycling Center, 2040 Broadmoor, Ave, Chesapeake, 23323
August 18th, 6pm – Regular member meeting, Broad Bay Country Club, 2120 Lords Landing, VA Beach, 23454
Sept. 1st, 7pm – Zoom Board Meeting
Sept 9, 10:45am - Eye Glass Receycling Center, 2040 Broadmoor, Ave, Chesapeake, 23323
Sept. 18th, 6pm – Regular member meeting, Broad Bay Country Club, 2120 Lords Landing, VA Beach, 23454
Sept. 25th – Bow Creek Flannel Fest
Oct. 7th – Beach Bag

July 7, 2021 Thalia Lions Club Zoom Board Meeting
Lion President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 7pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Installation Night July 21, 6pm - Broad Bay Country Club – reservations have been made for 25 attendees.
District Meeting and Region/Zone Training - July 10 – Farmville – The Zoom link in included in this email. District Zone and Region meeting begin at 9 am.
Lion Vickie Kennedy plans to attend the meeting because of her responsibilities for the James Bland Competition.
Dropping member – Lion Marsha Montgomery has resigned from the club because of school and work obligations. She will be dropped in good standing and allowed to rejoin without penalty of initiation fees if she rejoins within the next 6 months.
Dues – update
Lions Charity Foundation Meeting – Lion Stanley Furman and Lion Jeri will represent out club and the Zone. This is the Annual meeting. The information will be forwarded in a separated email. Anyone is encouraged to attend. Lion Beth Stevens will become the new President.

Service Reports
Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Nelson – August 1st, Sunday from 12-5pm. People are needed to sign up to work and to schedule a donation. Lion Nancy W will post on Facebook and Next-Door Neighborhood. To register please go to If you have trouble, just contact Lion Nancy Nelson.
Virginia Beach Public School Back to School Fair – Pembroke Mall – Lion Nancy Watters reported that as Partners in Education, Thalia will set up a screening at the mall. We will include several other clubs at a store front. Town Center Blind Lions will be giving out books. The date is Sat. August 7 from 12-4pm. There will be more Lions than are necessary but we want to be there as a presence to the community. We cannot sell any items.
Lion Stanley asked about the give away event. That event will happen in September but we have no information on it to date.

White Cane/ Broom Sale – Lion Jack and Roger – The Broom sale at the American Mall is still pending. Lion Jack would like to wait for the weather to turn cooler for a White Cane.

From the Floor:
Future Programs- Lion Bob Perrine will present the next program. His topic is concerning the 1619 Project. Lion Bob has written a book for his church on the history of slavery in our area.
EGRC – Lion John remined everyone of the trip to work at the EGRC tomorrow, July 8th. Be at Best Buy at 10:30 if you wish to ride. Lion John is working on a process to distribute more glasses. We are stockpiling too many glasses as this time.
Lion Bob Perrine announced that Princess Anne has until the 22nd of this month to submit applications for the scholarship.

Adjournment: 7:25pm

Upcoming Dates:
July7th – Zoom Board Meeting – 2021-22 Board
July 8th - EGRC
July 21st – Installation Night Broad Bay Country Club
August 1st, Blood Drive – Virginia Beach Christian Church
August 4th – Board Meeting Zoom 7pm
August 7th – Virginia Beach School Back to School Fair – Pembroke Mall

June 16, 2021 - Thalia Lions Club Regular Meeting, 7:00pm
Thalia Lion's Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
PresidentLion Jeri Furman-Call to Order 7:03pm
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation:Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag
Welcome and welfare check for members

Lion President Jeri - Introduction of Guests:Speaker:
Sean Flynn–Horizons Hampton Roads Scholarship winners:
Annalisa LaZar, Megan Murray. Both of our scholarship winners were in attendance and offered their thanks and appreciation for being chosen. We are very proud of them and wish them the best in their coming college year.

Introduction of Guest Speaker– Lion Bob Perrine,

Sean Flynn explained that Horizons Hampton Roads serves Title 1 children ages K-8. His job is to raise funds for the program. With a budget of 1.3 million, there is an executive director, a program director and adevelopment director.They strive to cutevery overhead possible. There are 3 locations, Norfolk Collegiate, Chesapeake Bay Academy and Peninsula Catholic School.The program promotes education, enrichment, socialization and recreation. Students are engaged 8 hours per day for the summer months when they would beat risk of “summer slide”, a time when they may fall behind because they are not engaged in enrichment activities, summer camps, or other activities affordable by their more privileged peers. Horizon provides experiences in sailing, and visits to museums and the Aquarium.There is a 4-1 ration per student to teacher. Many of these students feel intimidated by their school peers. Horizons aims to bolster confidence and promote learning enhancement. There are typically about 400 students in the Horizons Hampton Road program. Sean would like to seea partnership role with the Lions to reach out to the entire families of these students.The program was initiated and is by funded by Horizons National which includes 63 affiliates. It was formedby a group of Harvard graduates in 1973. A substantial part of the budget covering the limited overhead is funded by Horizons National. Sean’s job as development director is to raise remaining necessary funds fromgrants, business, and individual donations.Thalia Lions has offered vision screening to the program for the last several years and will again engage them after the first of the year.

Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Vision Walk–June 12th –3 Lions logged into Zoom and made a screen shot. Thalia raised almost $3,000.
Wine Tasting–Sept. July 13th 5:30pm –location is Zoe’s and it is a fund raiser for Ocean Side Lions District/Cabinet Meeting–July 10th Woodland Community Center, Farmville VA–the classes may be offered on Zoom.

Dues-Please send checks to Lion Nancy– Venmo is available for use. Please make checks to ThaliaLions Club Installation Night–Broad Bay-July 21st–6pm– Reservations must be confirmed by July 7th.The club will cover thecost of the member’s meal ($25) Members will be charged $25 for guests.

2. Projects:VBCC School reusable water bottles–Lion Susan Sumnickhas delivered 100 bottles to Malibu Elementary school for the summer school sessions and will deliver others later.
Peace Poster Contest–Lion Karen Austinreported that the Girl Scouts will again participate. She will also be contacting ODC, Plaza Middle and Independence Middle Schoolsand work through the art clubs. Lion Karen is attempting to work through the art clubs. Lion Jon Halvorson offered contact information for Thoroughgood Elementary and a couple of middle schools in Chesapeake.
EGRC–Lion John Watters was absent but Lion Nancy reported that the next EGRC visit will be July 8th from 11-1pm. If you wish to ride, please meet at Best Buy at 10:30am. Lion John has been asked to serve on the EGRC Board and is at meeting in Grafton.

Blood Drive–Lion Nancy Nelson reported that the Blood Drive will be Sunday, August 1, 12-5pm at VBCC. Please register to give blood at red cross Both workers and donors are needed.The information will be posted on Facebook and Neighborhood Nextdoor.
Lion Roger Snell will create a poster.

Lion Jack reported that we did well with the broom sale. There are plans to do a White Cane at B.J’svery soon. Lion Roger reported that there is a possibility that we could use a vacant store front to hold a broom sale at the American Outlet Mallon North Hampton Blvd.He and Lion Jack will investigate the possibilities and report back.

From the Floor:
Lion Jeri thanked everyone for their help and support through the year. She encouraged continued support for Lion Nancy Nelson as she enters her year of service as President. We all thanked Jeri for her dedicated service a President for the lastyear.

Upcoming Dates:
June 25th-29th International Convention in Montreal-Zoom July 7th–deadline for reservations for Installation Night at Broad Bay Country Club
July 7th–Board meeting (2021-22 members)
July 21st–Installation Night–Broad Bay Country Club–6pm
August 1st–Blood Drive 12-5pm–Va. Beach Christian Church
Sept 9-11-USA Canada Forum

June 2, 2021, Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club
Board Meeting Minutes, Wed. 7p.m. Zoom
In attendance: Lion Stanley and Jeri Furman, Lion Nancy & John Watters, Lions Vickie Kennedy, Bob Perrine, Stan Moss, Dick Kreassig, Aziz Selahi, Roger Snell, Jack Wagner, Nancy Nelson.
Lion President Jeri Furman: Call to Order 7pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
a. Lion Nancy will look into subscribing to Zoom with a yearly fee to reduce costs since board meetings will continue on Zoom.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Vision Walk Zoom will be sent to all members to join in on June 12th Thalia Lions has met it’s fundraising goal for the Walk.
*District Governor’s Gift – The District wants to award D.G. Scott with a Melvin Jones and has asked clubs to contribute. Lion Scott has served for 1 ½ years finishing Lion Pat Jones term of office. So far only $275 has been raised. Lion Stanley moved that we donate $50 to the gift. Lion John seconded the motion an it carried.
*Broad Bay Club Meetings – Aug -Nov meetings will be scheduled with a minimum number of 15 per meeting at $20. The count must be submitted 2 wks. prior to the meeting. We cannot go below the contracted number but we can add to the count.
*July Installation night will be at Broad Bay at $25 per person July 21st. Reservations must be made by July 7th. Lion Stanley moved that we pay for club members and only charge for spouses and guest. Lion Jack “inferred” a second. The Board voted unanimously to charge only for guests & spouses.

Service Reports
*Scholarship Report – Lion Bob Perrine reported that the committee voted on the two candidates. Annalisa LaZar from the Adult Learning Center will receive $1,000 and Megan Murray will receive the $500 Ed Delong scholarship. Candidate application deadline for Princess Anne is July 31st.
*Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Nelson reported that the Annual Blood Drive will be Sunday August 1st from 12-5pm. Volunteers are needed to work the drive. The flyer will be posted on Facebook and Neighborhood Nextdoor.
*Diabetes Ideas – Lion Jon Halvorson was not in attendance. The presentation that was prepared by Susan Abate is still in consideration. We are looking for ways we can support diabetes education that will not cost our club to much financially. Hopefully Lion Jon can offer some guidance and we can take some action in the new Lion’s year.
*Water bottles, Toiletries and Cleaning Supplies – Lion Susan Sumnick has delivered 100 bottles to Malibu for use in their summer school program. The other schools did not need any more at the moment.
*ForKids - Lion Susan took toiletries to Vet House and a good supply of cleaning supplies to ForKids.

*White Cane/ Broom Sale – Lion Jack and Roger were very happy with the success of the Broom Sale. Lion Jack gave much credit to Lion Roger for making a large banner and posting it on the cart return at B.J.’s several days before the sale. He also designed new media images and signs for the sale. Lion Nancy W posted the sale on Neighborhood Nextdoor and Facebook. Everyone was asked to “Share” the Facebook posting which made it reach more people. The Neighborhood Nextdoor site was reposted every few days prior to the date. Several people who purchased items referred to hearing about the Broom Sale on social media.
Lion Jeri thanked Lion Roger and Jack and all who worked the sale. Lion Dick apologized for missing his shift…. he actually thinks that’s the first time he has ever failed to show.

From the Floor:
*Lion Jack thinks we should get more club service participation now that the pandemic restrictions are decreasing.
*Lion John reminded everyone that Eyeglass Recycling is scheduled for June 10th Thursday form 11-1pm. He would like to meet at Best Buy at 10:30 (even though on the video he says 9:30) John finally made an error!!
*Lion Bob Perrine reminded everyone that Sean Flynn will be our speaker June 16 from Hampton Roads Horizon and will speak on underserved children in Norfolk.

Adjournment: 7:36
Lion Jeri thanked everyone for their reports and time. This is the final Board meeting for 2020-21.

Upcoming Dates:
June 12th – Vision Walk Virtual Zoom
June 16th – Regular meeting Zoom
June 25th-29th – International Convention in Montreal -Zoom members
July7th – Zoom Board Meeting – 2021-22 Board


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