Meetings 2016-2017

21 June 2017
The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a Board Meeting at The Hilton Garden Inn, on Nov. 02, 2016.  The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Lion President Nancy Watters who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:

Board Members in attendance:
Pres. Lion Nancy Watters
1st. V.P Lion Debra Laughlin
2nd V.P. Lion Marvin Clemmons

Members in attendance:
Lion Jeri Furman
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Roger Snell

Treas. Lion Vickie Kennedy
Sec. Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Tamer Lion Steve Rosnov

Lion Mike Coren
Lion Bob Donnelly
 Lion Jim Healy

1Yr.Dir  Lion Stan Furman
2 Yr. Dir. Lion John Watters
1 Yr. Dir. Lion Dick Kressig

Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Shelia Romm
Lion Jack Wagner

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:38p.m by Lion President Nancy Watters. Lion Rich Roberts confirmed a quorum of directors (9) was present.

1.      We received a membership application from Tommy (Tuffy) Leeman. Lion Bob Donnelly is his sponsor. He has submitted the required information and membership dues. Lion John motioned that his application be accepted. Lion Stan seconded and his application was approved unanimously.
2.      Tuffy will be installed at out July 5th meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
21 June 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 21, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Tommy (Tuffy) Leeman

Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy – “Grand Old Flag”  (in honor of Lion Ed)  
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jim Healy
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

     1 Guest
17 Members  
49 Percent

Rececss for dinner: 6:33 pm
Reconvene: 7:01 pm

Program:  During dinner Lion Nancy had the slide show that didn’t work at installation night (probably Lion John’s fault) going with all the pictures she took during our year. It was her first power point and Lion John didn’t help her. She had added pictures from installation night to it, but they weren’t in there. She theorizes this was also Lion John’s fault although he isn’t sure how he could be since apparently he didn’t help.
Reports/Board Business:

            Lots of Good Stuff – Lion Lame Duck President Nancy Watters
·      Lion Nancy announced this is the last meeting she will preside over. It got an ovation, but it wasn’t a standing one. Basic ovation.
·      We got some patched. One from the Foundation for Fighting Blindness for our participation in Vision walk. She also had some patches she thinks she acquired while secretary (~ 6/7 years a go?). She turned them over to the Lion Tamer.
·      ALC sent us a thank you letter for our scholarship.
·      Summer Library Screening
o   We do this every year at the Central Library
o   Will be on August 7th (Monday) from 10am-noon.
o   Will set up the SPOT.
o   Will need 3-4 people.
·      Jump Start
o   This is a one day event at Corporate Landing MS
o   Jump start provides all kinds of good stuff for underprivileged students like health screenings, certificates for shoes and school supplies.
o   We set up and do eye screenings.
o   Need to sign up in advance to get in the school.
o   Date is August 16th (Wed) from 10am-4pm.
o   Contact Lion Evonne Green if you want to work a shift. You can get her contact info from either Lion Nancy or Lion Rich if you need it.

·      Lion Nancy forgot to mention - Again this year, Lion Susie, John, Fran, and I are collecting new children’s socks and underwear to take to RAM USA in Wise, Virginia. If you would like to donate these items, please bring them to the next meeting or to the board meeting on the 28th.  The dates for RAM this year are July 20-23rd.   Please bring your items to the meetings before the 20th.

·      Beach Bags
o   Last year we applied for and received a $2,000 grant from LCIF to buy food for underprivileged students. Virginia Beach Schools matched with an additional $2,000 and we packed all the bags in conjunction with employees at Anthem.
o   Well, LCIF liked the project so much that they called us and said we don’t need to apply for a grant again, we’re just going to get the money so we can do it again.
o   Don’t have a date set, but we will set it up with the school district and Anthem.
o   LCIF is also going to fund VB TC Blind’s USO project again this year.
·      VB Christian Church has several Lions in the congregation (a few from VB TC Blind and a few from Thalia). The church took up a collection, raised a few bucks, and donated it to LCF-24D in both our clubs’ names.

White Cane/Broom Sales – Lion Jack Wagner
·      $505 in donations
·      $682.63 in brooms
·      $324.00 in peanut
·      Not bad for a one day event

Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         2 more weeks of selling then we will submit our order
·         Will collect everyone’s orders at the next meeting.
·         Going to order some extra because they sold so well at the broom sale.

EGRC – Lion John Watters
·         Lion John said a bunch of stuff about clever ways to say when EGRC is. It was all very confusing and not worth writing.
·         EGRC is of course on the second Thursday of the month, July 13th.

Vision Walk – Lion Almost President Debra Laughlin
·         24-D had 94 walkers (109 if you include Lion family members).
·         24-A had 52 walkers.
·         Hampton Roads raised $67,000 with 7 Lions clubs donating, and NOVA raised $88,000 with 6 Lions Clubs donating.
·         So once again, we beat them soundly with walkers and they got us with cash.

Scholarships – Lion Bob Perrine
·          The TCC Scholarship for an ALC grad only had one applicant this year, but the applicant was off the charts good.
·         He was homeless a year ago but after the encouragement of a mentor, he deiced to turn his life around and scored the highest possible score on the GED exam.
·         The PAHS scholarship had 5 applicants and we awarded 1 a $1,000 scholarship.
·         PAHS had 5 million in scholarships awarded to 150 students.
·         Our winner got a full ride to VCU, so our scholarship will buy him like 1.5 books. He’s been invited to our July 5th meeting.
·         Since we only had 1 applicant from ALC, we didn’t have anyone to award our second ALC scholarship (The Lion Ed DeLong Memorial Scholarship) worth 500 bucks.
·         Lion Jack motioned that we give the $500 to the winner of the $1000 ALC scholarship for a total of $1,500. Lion Marvin seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
·         Lion Bob will invite the ALC winner to our next meeting and we’ll let him know he won the additional $500 then.

Youth Exchange – Lion Lame Duck President Nancy Watters
·         Lion Nancy asked when this is going down and figured it would be the 3rd week of July
·         We hadn’t heard from Lion Jeff yet, so Lion Stan reached out and found out that is July 9th.
·         Panic ensued!!!!
·         It will be at Virginia Wesleyan and start at 5pm.
·         We need to plan for 50 people.
·         Lion Nancy has a 150 gift card she needs to use at a BBQ joint, so she will get a bunch of BBQ. Since the Youth Exchange will likely have Muslim students, we still need to have none pork options, so Lion Marvin agreed to get some chicken. We will also have vegetarian options.
·         Menu:
o    BBQ – Lion Nancy
o   Chicken – Lion Marvin
o   Pasta Salad  - Lion Bob 2
o   Cole Slaw – Lion John
o   Cookies – Lion Debra
o   Fruit – Lion Stan
o   Serving utensils – Lion Nancy
·         Lion Rich will send out a list with these items and the items we have provided in the past to get additional sign ups.

Treasurer’s Report was given by Lion Vickie Kennedy

From the Floor:
·         Lion John – There was a piece on Stan Brock in this month’s Lion Magazine. We are doing a RAM in Emporia this year, the first one in Southside Virginia. We got a grant for 50 eyeglass vouchers to give to people if we can’t make glasses for them on-site.
·         Lion Stan had the president’s gavel. We don’t know how he got it or who he got it from, Lion Jack had some information on who stole it but Lion Jack is no snitch. Lion Stan is an astute businessman and had the gavel up for sale. Lion Marvin really seemed to want it. Lion Nancy was able to reacquire the gavel, but it cost her $75 which was donated into our activities fund.

Secretary’s Report
·         Lion Jim 1 received a gold centennial sponsor pin.
·         1st District meeting is July 16th at SNGH.

Temporary Recess for Board Meeting – 7:38

Reconvene – 7:46

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays –  None of our Birthdays Boys and Girls showed up L.
·         50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings: $30 – Lion Bob (we had to wait about 15 minutes for him to get out of the bathroom though.) ; $17 – Lion Stan (First time he’s won in like 6 year so he says. Guess he needs to start buying as many tickets as the Watters!)
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Nancy’s ticket was pulled but she did not get the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 48 cards remain in the deck and the pot is a whopping $34 bucks, so Lion Mike will probably win it at the next meeting.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:58, which pleased Lion Bob 1. Lion Nancy passed the gavel to Lion Debra.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events

17 May 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 17, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: None

Song – Lion Rich Roberts – “Grand Old Flag”  (in honor of Lion Ed)  
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion John Watters – including interesting factoids.
Invocation- given by Lion Nancy Watters

     0 Guest
17 Members  
49 Percent 
Rececss for dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvene: 7:00 pm
 Program:  None
Reports/Board Business:

            Lots of Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         Install Night
o   A sign-up sheet was passed around for those who want to come and their spouse.
o   Need to let the hotel know how many are coming by May 23rd.
o   We usually buy 20 spots in advance and that covers us for meetings, but we need to know how many guests to allow for.
o   The cost will be the usually $20/person. (cost to the club, see motion made below).
·         Shirts
o   Can still order some if you want.
o   Samples were in at the meeting and you could check them out.
o   They are about to be sent back to get embroidered.
·         Peanuts
o   Have brochures
o   Will sell through the month of June and then place 1 big order
o   Most of the cans at Paul’s garage have already sold
·         Rec Center at Kempsville
o   Grand opening is on June 10th
o   We (VB Lions) have been invited to do SPOT screenings
o   Lion Evonne Green is organizing.
o   She needs to fill three shifts: 8-11:30, 11:30-2:30; 2:30-5:30.
o   Volunteers will be needed to do screenings and to round up children for screenings while telling their parents all about Lions.
o   Contact Lion Evonne or Lion Nancy if you want to work.
·         White Cane/Broom Sales
o   Sign up sheet was sent around
o   Date is Saturday, June 3rd.
o   Lion Rich placed sheets on each table and that was a really bad idea because we have like 20 lions signed up to work 10-12 and nobody to work any other shift.
·         Security Checks
o   Lion Mike, like the good Lion that he is, went down to the municipal center to get his background check and fingerprinting done so he can get cleared to do screenings in the schools.
o   Nobody at the Police Station knew what he needed or what to do.
o   Eventually they decided he needed to be fingerprinted, so they did that and they handed him an envelope with the fingerprints in it.
o   So apparently he was the first Lion to try and do this.
o   Don’t do anything yet. There has been some miscommunication (maybe some alternative facts) about what we need to do. This is still being sorted out and more information will be communicated when we get it all figured out.

Flags – Lion Jim Healy
·         Lion Jim 1 has a new supply of Made in America flags.
·         Also has a large supply at Paul’s Garage
·         Cost is $23
·         Three got sold at the meeting

EGRC – Lion John Watters
·         Only 2 Lions showed up last time.
·         87 glasses were collected.
·         Next time will be the day after our installation night, AKA, June 8th.
·         Show up at 10 or go to Best Buy at 9:30 and get a ride.
·         Lion Nancy also reported that we got a nice thank you letter from Lion Pat Kerr for our recent donation to the EGRC.

Vision Walk – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         Lion Debra fell ill and couldn’t make the meeting to give her report
·         We did get a banner patch for our participation.

Scholarships – Lion Bob Perrine
·         We will be receiving applications for the PAHS and ALC scholarships on Friday
·          Our ALC scholarships are for ALC graduates who have enrolled in TCC. We offer 2 scholarships, one for $1,000 and the other for $500 (The Ed DeLong memorial scholarship).
·         We are one of only two organizations who give scholarships to ALC graduates. The other organization gives $500, so we are a pretty big deal to them.
·         The PAHS presentation is on June 6th. We give $1,000 to a student with a severe financial need who will be attending a Virginia college.
·         The committee will meet at Lion Debra’s house on Sunday to review all the applications and pick the winners.

Installation Night Cost Motions
·         PCC Stan noted that the club has collected $1,700 in birthday/fine money and that the admin account has approximately $4000 in it.
·         PCC Stan motioned that the club pay for all club members and spouses who attend installation night on June 6th. (Second – Lion Vickie)
o   Motion passed unanimously
·         PCC Stan motioned that if you RSVP for Installation Night but don’t show up, then you will be charged the $20 for the meal since the club has to pay for it. (Second – Lion Marvin)
o   Motion passed unanimously

Treasurer’s Report was given by Lion Vickie Kennedy

LOY Voting   – Lion Rich Roberts
·         Lion Rich passed out ballots for Lion of the Year voting to the Lions present
·         Votes will be tallied up and the winner will be revealed on installation night. 

From the Floor:
·         We discussed doing Otis’s birthday (5/31) at this meeting since he missed the 5/3 meeting, but we decided not to since it was a business meeting and elected to do it in July.
·         Lion Nancy reminded everyone about the board meeting for the incoming and outgoing board which will take place on Wednesday, June 28th at her house.  The meeting is open to all members. The main purpose is to set next year’s budget.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays – Done on 5/3
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $20- Lion Nancy; $15 –Lion Ellen, $11 – Lion Rich
·         Progressive Raffle: Not held. 49 cards remain in the deck and the pot is a whopping 26 bucks.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:50, which pleased Lion Bob 1.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club


3 May 2017 
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 03, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: VBTC Blind Traveling Leo (6 Lions), Guest Speaker Lois Boyle and her guest Lion Jackie.

Song – Lion Rich Roberts – “Grand Old Flag”  (in honor of Lion Ed)  
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Mike Coren
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine

     8 Guest 18 Members   51 Percent
Rececss for dinner: 6:34 pm
Reconvene: 7:00 pm

Program:  Lois Boyle – Access Virginia  
·         Lois is a court reporter by trade. Her mission is to develop ways for the disabled to experience the arts.
·         She got into this due to a friend who lost her hearing. Her friend used to love the theater and was saddened that she hadn’t been able to enjoy a show in many years. She also wanted open captioning for her church services.
·         To help her friend, she started Access Virignia, which provides open captioning and audio description for live performances.
·         Most venues only did sign and only periodically.
·         She first worked with Chrysler Hall to provide open captioning. After some education, they agreed and she provided the service to those with hearing loss.
·         At first only did captioning, but then started getting request from people with vision loss. She learned about audio description but no one in the area was providing it. The closest venues that had it where in DC and Raleigh.
·         She went to Raleigh and the staff there taught her how to do it. She saw it was doable and developed a local program.
·         Audio descriptors have transmitters and the patrons get ear buds. The Audio descriptor talked in between the actors lines to give descriptions of what is happening.
·         Typically patrons will show up early so the descriptors can describe the scene, the settings, the charatcters, their voices, their clothes, etc. so they will be better able to understand all that is going on with the show.
·         They also do “touch tours” where the patrons can feel items on the stage and the costumes so they can have a better sense of the imagery.
·         Set up a program with the Virginia Stage Company to help educate students who have never seen and can’t fully grasp the descriptions about the theater.
·         It cost about $400/show to provide audio description.
·         It cost about $1500/show to provide open captioning.
Reports/Board Business:

            Lots of Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         Shirt order form has been emailed out.
·         Will target another white cane/broom sale for June 3rd. Will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.
·         We need accurate head counts for the hotel. We can’t have anymore “maybes” when Lion Jeri calls.
·         Lions Nancy, John, and Ellen were at Journey for Sight and it was a lot of fun.

Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Lion Irene Conlin
·         Spent $172 on prizes
·         Only 2 kids showed up.
·         Need to think about how we are going to do this in the future and looking at rebranding it in conjunction with Journey for Sight.
·         Low participation due to more location options for parents (which is a good thing)
·         When this started, there were two in the state so kids came from all over but now there are 14 and they are staying closer to home.
·         Lion Monica was all over the place helping out.

Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         Sales brochures are in
·         We need a big sale, can’t really do small individual can sales due to the having to buy large lots of labels for each type of peanut.
·         Will restrict our first order to 2 or 3 types and take orders on these.
·         Lion Steve will have a list of which ones to sell at the next meeting and we’ll have a sale.

Visionwalk – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         77 lions showed up
·         Our team raised $3,905 with more still coming in. Ynot hasn’t turned in the money from Dining in the Dark yet, so that will bump it up quite a bit.
·         Over 700 walkers totals
·         Over 60K raised with more money still trickling in.
·         Final numbers will be available at the next meeting.

Board Meeting – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         Will hold a turnover meeting with the outgoing and incoming board.
·         Date is Wednesday, June 28th.
·         Location is the Watters’ Residence.
·         Will establish next year’s budget.

EGRC – Lion John Watters
·         1 week from tomorrow (aka, Thursday, May 11th)
·         Show up at 10 or go to Best Buy at 9:30 and get a ride.

Boring Secretary Stuff   – Lion Rich Roberts
·         RMHC sent a thank you letter
·         The final district meeting (according to the Knights Vision) is June 7th. Nothing has been sent out yet with details, so we are not sure if that is legit. It’s an odd day for it and would conflict with installation of officers.
·         Will need to know in advance if you are bringing a spouse to Installation Night so we can inform the hotel. Will vote on meal subsidies at the next meeting.

 From the Floor:
·         Lion Bob 2 said something about a dog at ODU. I didn’t really follow.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team
·         Birthdays – Lion Monica picked Lion Bob 2 to sing to her. He rocked it like a champ. Lion Nancy wanted Lion Aaron to sing to her. Dude has some stagefrieght or something because he forgot the words part way through. He got his second wind though and was able to recover and power through. Respect that.
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $25 – Lion Frank from VBTC Blind, $20 – Lion John (wouldn’t be a club raffle without a Watters winning)  , $10- – Lion Frank again. I don’t think we should allow him to visit anymore.
·         Progressive Raffle: Lion Marvin’s ticket was pulled but he didn’t get the Queen of Hearts. 49 cards remain in the deck and the pot is a whopping 26 bucks.

Meeting then adjourned at 8:01. Lion Bob 1 said it was close enough.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

19 April 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Apr 19, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: None

Song – Lion Jim Healy – “Grand Old Flag”  (in honor of Lion Ed)  
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

     0 Guest 20 Members   54 Percent
Rececss for dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvene: 7:00 pm
 Program:  None
Reports/Board Business:

            Lots of Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·               Security Checks for School Screenings
o   Called CoVB Forensics department about getting background checks and fingerprinting for club members since we will need to do this before we’re allowed into the schools for screenings.
o   They won’t come to a club meeting to do everyone at once, we need to go to them.
o   If you want to do children screenings, go down to Bldg 11 at the municipal center on 2509 Princess Anne Rd.
o   The cost is $10
o   You will get a certification card which you will need to have on you in order to go into a school.
·               Eyeglass Collections
o   Lion Aziz will be out of the country for a few weeks.
o   He picks up glasses at 4 locations every 2 weeks, so we need a volunteer to cover his spots.
o   Lion Susie volunteered to check them.
o   Lion Nancy will sent her the list of the locations she will need to check.
·               LCIF Money
o   IPDG Ray called Lion Nancy about funds we have at LCIF and informed her that we need to do something with it.
o   Lion Nancy has a list of club members who have made donations, those funds could be used towards a Melvin Jones for those club members.
o   The club has $250 at LCIF which is designated for a future Melvin Jones. We have budgeted an additional $250 for LCIF this year as well and Lion Vickie is about to send this check to them, which would bring our balance to $500.
o   Lion Nancy asked the club if we should allocate an additional $500 to LCIF so we could award a club member a Melvin Jones this year since we haven’t done one in a while.
o   Lion Dick motioned (Lion Ellen seconded) that we spend an additional $500 to LCIF for a Melvin Jones this year. The motion passed without opposition.
o   Traditionally, when the club choose which lion would get a Melvin Jones, the current Melvin Jones in the club would get together and pick.
o   Lion Dick agreed to head up the committee of Melvin Jones, with Lion Irene’s assistance, to select which club member would get the Melvin Jones.

Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         Lion Steve had a display of peanut cans. The personalized labels looked great.
·         We changed vendors from our last sale.
·         The price is much better and the product is high quality.
·         We get personalized labels with our logo, information on what our club does, and it list our website for people looking for more information.
·         There are 10 varieties. Each label is a different color.
·         We need to pay for the labels, the cost of which will be absorbed into the cost of the cans. We will need to order these in lots of 100 and each can has a unique label. Our margins, when including label cost, are still very good.
·         We have a stock at Paul’s garage.
·         The peanuts are very fresh, they don’t roast them until we place the order.
·         We volunteered Lion John to make a flyer. It’s in the minutes so now he has to do it.
·         Most cans are 10-12 dollars. The gourmet cashews are most expensive at $18. Redskin peanuts are only $10.
·         Our initial order was 40 cans, we have already sold 11.
·         We decided to get a brochure together (reiterating again that Lion John was volunteered for the task whether he likes it or not) and then we will go sell and take orders. When we get a lot of orders, we’ll place a bulk order with the company.

EGRC – Lion John Watters
·               6 lions worked last week
·               405 glasses were collected
·               1 hearing aid was collected.
·            Next EGRC trip is May 11th. Lion John won’t be there, but Lion Jim will be at best buy at 9:30 to give anyone a ride who needs one.

Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Lion Irene Conlin
·            Flyers were placed on the table.
·            Will be held in conjunction with Journey for Sight on April 29th.
·            This weekend (April 23rd) for 4-7 at Virginia Beach Christian Church, Lion Irene needs people to help pack the eggs. It probably won’t take the full 3 hours.
·            She has some volunteers from VB TC Blind and needs about 3 lions from Thalia.
·            The event is the following weekend at the same place as last year. (Travel Park KOA Campground)
·            Starts at noon and goes until 2pm.
·            She will need 3 or 4 Lions to help set-up (around 11:30) and 3-4 to help clean-up. Volunteers can do set-up and shut-down or just show up for one of them as long as we are covered on both ends.
·            Coastal Virginia Magazine will be there. The reporter who wrote the article about Lion Irene in Tidewater Women now works for them and will cover the event.
·            Volunteers from Anthem helped decorate the eggs. Lion Irene invited the local Anthem Employees who took part to come out to Journey for Sight to check out the Poker Run.

Vision Walk/Dining in the Dark – Lion Debra Laughlin
·            Dining in the Dark will occur at all 7 YNOT location on April 27th (Thursday)
·            We have volunteers covered.
·            DG Tucker is giving 25pt/hour for location volunteers and 25pts/diner for those who show up and eat wearing some sort of Lions gear.
·            Ynot is donating 10% of their revenue for the day to the Lions Pride 24-D team. You don’t need to tell them you’re with the Lions in order for them to do the donation for your ticket, it is straight off the top, so show up and eat…and order a drink….and go ahead and indulge in desert.
·            So for our team has raised $2,040 and have 61 registered walkers. We’re easily beating district 24-A in walkers but will get crushed in dollars raised.
·            Overall, Visionwalk has raised 25K and has over 300 registered walkers. This is the point where the funds really start coming in though, so those numbers will shoot up quickly.
·            Date is April 30th. Will be at the 31st street park again. Registration starts at 11:30, the walk starts at 1pm.  

LOVF  Raffle – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·            Tickets are coming in strong.
·            Only a few books are outstanding and he’ll track them down.

RMH/Bland/Treasurer Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
·            Red Shoe at the Zoo
o         RMHC is sponsoring and this is a major fundraiser for them.
o         Not at the zoo this year. Will be a BBQ/Golf Tournament.
o         The DeLoreans will be playing
o         Lots of good stuff will be auctioned.
o         Date is Monday, May 22nd.
o         Will be at the Hunt Club
·            District Bland Contest
o   Date is April 28th at 7pm
o   Location is ODU in Chandler Hall
o   Will have 3 instrumentalist but only 2 vocalist since the Region I winner won’t be able to make it.
·                  Lion Vickie gave the Treasurer’s Report.

White Cane/Election of Officers/Boring Secretary Stuff   – Lion Rich Roberts
·            We had to cancel the traveling leo vist to James City County on April 27th since some of the crew had some stuff pop up.
·            Lion Rich read the nominations for next year’s officers from our last meeting:
President – Debra Laughlin
First Vice President – Marvin Clemmons
Second Vice President – Monica Sturniolo
Third Vice President – Ellen Turman
Immediate Past President – Nancy Watters
Secretary – Rich Roberts
Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy
Tail Twister –  Stan Furman
Lion Tamer – Steve Rosnov
One Year Directors – John Watters, Aziz Selahi
Two year Directors – Nancy Watters, Fran Scott
Membership Chairman – Irene Conlin
·            Lion Marvin has since informed the club that he won’t be able to serve as 1st VP next year, so we needed to fill that spot. Since Lion Monica and Lion Ellen are both new to the club (although not new lions), we decided to insert a seasoned Thalia member into the 1VP slot instead of moving everyone up.
·            Lion Mike was nominate by PCC Stan to fill the role; however, he declined the nomination.
·            Lion Rich nominated Lion John to fill the role. He didn’t have the most enthusiastic look on his face when the nomination was made but in the end he said he would do it because that’s the kind of Lion he is. The nomination was seconded and approved without opposition.
·            Since Lion John was slated to be a 1 year director next year, we then needed to fill that role. Lion Mike was nominated. He accepted the nomination which was subsequently approved without opposition.
·            Lion Nancy then informed the club that LCIF has a new requirement where the LCIF Coordinator for the club needs to be an officer of the club and therefore elected and entered in MyLCI.  PCC Stan has already been doing this job, so he was nominated and his nomination was approved without opposition.
·            So this made the office slate look like this:
·      President – Debra Laughlin
·      First Vice President – John Watters
·    Second Vice President – Monica Sturniolo
·    Third Vice President – Ellen Turman
·    Immediate Past President – Nancy Watters
·         Secretary – Rich Roberts
·         Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy
·         Tail Twister –  Stan Furman
·         Lion Tamer – Steve Rosnov
·         One Year Directors – Mike Coren, Aziz Selahi
·         Two Year Directors – Nancy Watters, Fran Scott
·         Membership Chair – Irene Conlin
·         LCIF Coordinator – Stan Furman
·            PCC Stan then moved that nominations be closed. This motion was seconded and approved without opposition.
·            PCC Stan then moved to elect all officers as nominated. This motion was seconded and approved without opposition.

Installation of Officer Night – Lion President Nancy Watters
·            Installation night will be June 7th.
·            We’ll be doing it at the hotel during a regular meeting this year instead of having a big throw down at the County Club.
·            Spouses will be welcome.
·            We will need a headcount early though to let the hotel know we’ll have more than our standard twenty.
·            Will still be a buffet like a normal meeting.

From the Floor:
·            Lion Rich asked if anybody was going to state convention so he could register them as voting delgates (he was actually going to do this right this year!).  The club is entiltled to 4 voting delegates.
·            But nobody is going. The standard crew is opting to go to Lion Nancy’s Birthday party instead since it is the same weekend. I think she is turning 40, so she’s having a big shindig. Club members are all invited.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team
·         Birthdays – Lion Jack. Although Lion Jack said his birthday isn’t the big deal but the fact that he is also celebrating his 62 Anniversary this month. PCC Stan noted that Joan deserves a lot of credit for that feat. Lion Jack picked Lion Steve to sing to him. If you could see Lion Steve’s face, you could tell he was fuming; however, not fuming enough to reach into his wallet. It is Lion Steve afterall. Some members paid for him to sing, others for him not to sing and in the end he sang.  
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $25 – Lion Nancy, $15 – Lion John , $9 – Lion John (an all Watters affair!)
·         Progressive Raffle: PCC Stan’s ticket was pulled but he didn’t get the Queen of Hearts. 50 cards remain in the deck and the pot is a whopping 18 bucks.

Meeting then adjourned on a dime at 8:00, which allowed both Lion Rich and Lion Vickie get home in time to watch Empire.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
Ø  April 22nd (Sat) – Camp & Education Fair (Pembroke Mall, 10am-2pm)
Ø  April 23rd (Sun) – Filling Audible Eggs (Virginia Beach Christian Church, 4-7pm)
Ø  April 27th (Thurs) – Dining in the Dark (all Ynot Locations)
Ø  April 29nd (Sat) – Journey for Sight/Audible Easter Egg Hunt (Travel Park Campground, noon – 2pm)
Ø  April 28th (Fri) – District Bland Competition
Ø  April 30th (Sun) – Visionwalk (31st street park)
Ø  May 3rd (Wed)  - Regular Club Meeting
Ø  May 11th (Thurs)  - Eyeglass Recycling
Ø  May 17th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø  May 18th (Thurs) – LMSHU Meeting (Angelos in Newport News)
Ø  May 25th – 28th – State Convention (Hotel Roanoke)

Ø  June 7th (Wed) – Instillation of Officers

5 April 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Apr. 05, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters VA, at 6:15 at Lions Medical Eye Bank in Norfolk, VA with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Rick Edwards guest of Lion Bob Donnelly
Jim  and Patti Watters guest of Lions Nancy and John    Watters
Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy – God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Nancy Watters
Invocation- given by Lion Marvin Clemmons

ATTENDANCE      3 Guest  12 Members  

 Recess for dinner: 6:20 pm; Reconvene: 7:00 pm

Program:  District Governor Lion Tucker Cassanova gave the group a tour of the Lions Medical Eye Bank. At 7:40 Lion John Watters spoke about corneal transplants and showed a video demonstration.
Reports/Board Business:
No business was discussed at this meeting with the exception of the White Cane and Broom Sale report.

The collected amount collected was about $1,175.00.  Lion Marvin Clemmons donated an extra $25.00 to make the total just over $1,200. Thank you Lion Marvin!

Lion Nancy Related the following story from the White Cane Collection.

“A gentleman approached Lion Nancy and said that he joined BJ’s Wholesale to save $20 when he shopped and then he gives the $20 to folks like us.  He reached in his pocket, flipped through some 20’s and handed Lion Nancy a $100 bill.” 

Meeting then adjourned about 8:15

** Important Notes

Eyeglass Recycling is TOMORROW – April 13th!!

The Leadership Training Workshop is this Sat. April 15th at Oak Grove UMC, in Chesapeake.  Please consider attending this workshop especially if you are an incoming officer.

Election of Officers is to be at our next meeting on the 19th.  This is an important meeting so please make every effort to attend.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Nancy Watters
Thalia Lions Club


15 Mar 2017
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: None

Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy – “some Irish song nobody knew the words to”
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Debra Laughlin
Invocation- given by Lion Nancy Watters

    0 Guest  21 Members   57 Percent
Rececss for dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvene: 7:00 pm

Program:  None – Like EPMD we were “Strictly Business”. Lion Jim 1 did use the time to collect fines from those who did not wear green.
Reports/Board Business:

            Some of Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·               Birth and Beyond is March 18th at the Pembroke Mall (10am-2pm)
·               Flyers were passed out for the 2017 Camp & Education Fair
o   Date is April 22 from 10am-2pm
o   Also at the Pembroke Mall
o   Contact Lion Evonne Green if you plan to attend

EGRC – Lion John Watters
·               2 words – April 13th.
·               Lion Nancy asked about our eyeglass collection sites. Sound like we have them covered.

Region III Bland – Lion Vickie Kennedy
·            We’ll have 2 vocalist and 2 instrumentalist
·            Please arrive around 6:30
·            Location is Thalia UMC on VB Blvd. on March 23rd.

Vision Walk – Lion Debra Laughlin
·            45 people were at the kick off meeting
·            Wavy 10 was there and got face shots of Lion Bob and Lion Karen Brown. They also did an interview with Lion Debra.
·            Still haven’t heard back from Ynot on organizing dining in the dark.
·            Brix Pizza (landstown area) wants to host an event. They’ll donate $3/pizza.

Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Lion Irene Conlin
·            Will be held in conjunction with Journey for Sight
·            Same place as last year. (Travel Park Campground)
·            Starts at noon and goes until 2pm.
·            This year we are going to put toys in the eggs. Lion Irene will buy the toys from the money we set aside for this in the budget.
·            Coastal Virginia Magazine will be there. The reporter who wrote the article about Lion Irene in Tidewater Women now works for them and will cover the event.

Peanut Sales – Lion Steve Rosnov
·            Lion Steve and Lion Jack checked out 4 different vendors to see if we could get a better deal than the one we have been getting.
·            They decided we should go with Belmont Peanuts. We won’t have shipping cost with them since they’re just outside Courtland and we can drive to pick them up.
·            They will make personalized club stickers to put on the cans.
·            They don’t roast the peanuts until they are ordered, so they are very fresh.
·            They’re very good quality and provide bigger cans than the old supplier.
·            Nick is willing to sell them year round for us at Paul’s Garage.
·            Lion Steve suggested we buy 3 cans of each of the top 10 selling items to be sold at Paul’s Garage. PCC Stan motioned that we do that (Lion Rich Second). During discussion Lion Jack suggested we pick 5 types to start with. After further discussion of which type/quantities to pick, PCC Stan amended the motion to allow Lion Steve to use his discretion on what types of peanuts to buy within a $250 budget. (Lion Rich seconded, the amended motion passed unanimously)

LOVF  Raffle – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·            Sell your tickets.
·            They’re do at the last meeting in April (the 19th)

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
·            The admin and activity budgets were passed out and reviewed by the club
·            We have a good amount of money in the activity account, but there are a lot of expenses coming up. We are going to cut loose our remaining unpaid charitable obligations in the budget.

Eye Bank Meeting – Lion John Watters
·            Our next club meeting will be at the Lions Medical Eye Bank at Sentara Norfolk General
·            Due to all the construction going on there, we can’t park where we normally park and should use the garage at the Heart Hospital.
·            A meal will be served. It will likely be a sandwich and cost 5 or 6 bucks.

Samaritan House – Lion Jack Wagner
·            Lion Jack read a thank you letter the shelter sent to our club for our continued support.
·            Lion Nancy informed the club you can donate directly on their website and designate what you want the money to go towards.

White Cane/Nominating Committee/Boring Secretary Stuff   – Lion Rich Roberts
·            Lion Rich passed out the sign-up sheet hoping to fill up the last few slots. We needed help in the 12-2 slot, but those now appear to be taken care of.
·            Lion Rich passed out the slate of officers that the nominating committee came up with. We had to make one tweak, but got it straight.
·            The nominations for next year’s officers is as follows:
President – Debra Laughlin
First Vice President – Marvin Clemmons
Second Vice President – Monica Sturniolo
Third Vice President – Ellen Turman
Immediate Past President – Nancy Watters
Secretary – Rich Roberts
Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy
Tail Twister –  Stan Furman
Lion Tamer – Steve Rosnov
One Year Directors – John Watters, Aziz Selahi
Two year Directors – Nancy Watters, Fran Scott
Membership Chairman – Irene Conlin
·            Lion Rich motioned that the nominations be closed. PCC Stan seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
·            There are several constitution and bylaw proposals which will be voted on at the State Convention. If you are interested in reading the proposals, let Lion Rich know and he will send them to you. He will also send you IPDG Ray’s break down on each proposal, which is an easier read than the proposal themselves. Most of them won’t affect club members and have to do with how the multiple allocates money for candidates running for international office. One of the proposals is for a 2 dollar increase in state dues. If the state dues(currently 16 dollars) increase, that does not mean club dues will necessarily increase. The club pays the state dues on your behalf and we currently have a buffer between what we charge in dues and what we pay to LCI and the State for dues.
·            Leadership training is April 15th at Oak Grove Methodist church in Chesapeake for our new officers.
·            Lion Stan asked when the Region III meeting would be. At the time of the  club meeting, Lion Rich didn’t know because no info had been distributed about it. Since the meeting, it was announced the Region Meeting will be on March 29th. The meeting location and time have not yet been announced.
From the Floor:
·            None

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team
·         Birthdays – Done on 3/1
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $20 – Lion Debra, $10 – Lion Steve, $10 – Lion Bob 1
·         Progressive Raffle: Lion Mike wasn’t at the meeting or he would pulled the Queen of Hearts on the first night. Instead PCC Stan’s ticket was pulled but he didn’t get the Queen of Hearts. 51 cards remain in the deck and the pot is a whopping 8 bucks.

White Oaks ES Beach Bags
·         We cleared the tables and got down to business
·         We had tables set up for snacks, entrees, breakfast, and milk and started working the assembly line.
·         Lion Susie was QCing all the bags as they came off the line and loaded them up.
·         We did 50 bags this time, so this will handle 2 distributions and meet our obligations for this school year.
·         This is a good project!

Meeting then adjourned at 7:54 which made Lion Bob 1 happy.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club


1 Mar 2017 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Mar 01, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Lion Shelia’s Dad, Jack and Guest Speaaker Bill Burke

Song – Lion Rich Roberts - “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jim Healy
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

     2 Guest
19 Members  
51 Percent

Rececss for dinner: 6:33 pm
Reconvene: 6:58 pm

Program:  Bill Burke – Hearing Loss Association of America
·         Bill Burke was introduced by Lion Steve. Bill is the VP and Outreach Coordinator of the local HLA (Virginia Beach) Chapter. He has battled hearing loss for 40 years and done non-profit work for the past 4. He does a lot of outreach at schools teaching kids about the long term dangers of loud noises. Most had no idea loud noises are harmful and some are receptive to the message.
·         There are 10 major causes of hearing loss. You only have control over one, loud noises.
·         Exposure to loud noises is the only cause which is 100% preventable.
·         50 million people in America suffer from hearing loss (2016 data)
·         40 million people under the age of 65 suffer from hearing loss.
·         Hearing loss is the 3rd most prevalent health condition in older adults. (Arthritis and Cancer and number 1 and 2).
·         2.3 million Veterans receive compensation from the VA for hearing loss. This number is rapidly rising. About ½ is caused by blast inducement.
·         Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a growing epidemic among young adults. Society is getting nosier.
·         24-25% of people in their 20s have some sort of hearing loss. Most of this was not caused by work (the traditional cause of NIHL). This number was 7% just a few years ago.
·         80 db is the level above which NIHL occurs.
·         Bill then went over different types of ear plugs and ear buds to help prevent NIHL.
·         There are several reasons hearing loss doesn’t get treated. It’s painless and gradual, so you may not realize it is occurring. Less than 16% of doctors screen for it. Hearing loss is often partial, so again you don’t notice the loss.
·         Once lost, you will never get 100% of your hearing back. The best hearing aids restore to about 75%.
·         Wearing hearing aids slows down other cognitive impairments in seniors.
·         80% of people are afraid to wear hearing aids due to social stigmas. 

            Lots of Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·               Reading Across America Day
o         We’ll read in schools for Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
o         Several members have signed up and have their schedule. (7 total)
o         Wear Lions stuff.
o         The book is I can Read with my Eyes Shut.
o         Have the kids take the “readers oath” which she recited for us.

EGRC – Lion John Watters
·               You know when. You know where. Let’s do this.

Bland Contest  Recap – Lion President Nancy Watters
·               The contest was last Thursday
·               We had an instrumentalist (Piano) from grafton win.
·               We finally got a vocalist! And since there was only one, they won by default.
·               Lion John was sick, so Lion Vickie stepped in and MC’d like a champ.

Vision Walk – Lion Debra Laughlin
·         The kick-off is this Saturday. 11:00am at Schick and McCormick.
·         There will be a talk on clinic trials at the kick-off lunch.
·         24-A has challenged us once again.
·         Lion Debra is signing everyone up. She isn’t asking. She is doing.
·         Currently $13,000 has been raised and 15 teams signed up.
·         Date is April 30th at the 31st Street Park.
·         Our team is Lions Pride 24-D.

White Oaks ES Beach Bags – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         The school asked if we would continue to do this every other month.
·         We would need to do it 2 more times this school year.
·         It cost us $120 last time (25 bags) and it didn’t even take us 10 minutes to pack them all at the last meeting.
·         The club was all-in on the idea, so we will make it happen.

LOVF  Raffle/Bid ‘n Buy – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         LOVF Raffle
o   Lions are selling tickets. Lion Monica has already sold 4 books, so the rest of us need to stop slacking and start selling like her.
o   $20 out of the $30 from each book goes to the club.
·         Bid ‘N Buy
o   Lion Nancy mistakenly missed a meeting and therefore wad tapped to run the thing. Will need support from the club.
o   The auction will be in a different location this year since Oak Grove was getting funny about the money. Will be a church in downtown Hampton.

White Cane/Nominating Committee/Boring Secretary Stuff   – Lion Rich Roberts
·         White Cane – Lion Rich passed out a sign-up sheet. He then forgot to pick up said sign-up sheet. Fortunately Lion Nancy picked it up and emailed it to him. Thanks! White cane will be Sat, April 1st at BJs. ½ the Lions will do White Cane near the entrance and the other ½ will sell brooms near the gas station.
·         Nominating Committee
o   It’s that time again. The committee is appointed at the sole discretion of the President. The past few years that has meant the incoming president, the outgoing president, and the secretary.
o   We need to have elections prior to April 15th per our bylaws. We have the eyebank tour on April 5th and then our second April meeting is April 19th. We will work to have the nominations prior to the second March meeting. We can then vote that nominations be closed and elect the officer via email.
·         Leadership Training Day is April 15th at Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Chesapeake. Incoming Officers will need to attend. New Member Orientation is also a good thing for new members. Secretary School will definitely rock since I’m teaching it, so please line up to take the job. Don’t pass up such an opportunity!
·         At the Feb 18th Cabinet meeting, we were awarded 2nd place in the Governor’s Achievement Contest. Tappahannock beat us. They sponsored a new club, so they deserve some props for that. This year we are slacking with 5 clubs ahead of us. Some I can see, some are head scratchers.
From the Floor:
·         A card was going around for Lion Linda.
·         Lion Irene had jars of honey that she harvested from her hives. She was selling them for $10 per jar and donated $1/jar back to the club, which ended up being 19 extra bucks for the admin account.
·         Lion Dick recently attended a Type 1 Diabetes conference and spoke about some of the amazing technological advances being made. Next year a lady from Virginia will receive the first artificial pancreas.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team
·         Birthdays – Lion John and Lion Steve both wanted Lion Bob 1to sing. Lion Shelia wanted Lion Debra to sing. Lion Bob 1 (being a man of action) offered up $40 bucks to cut with the chase, sing really quick and get out of there since 8pm was rapidly approaching. Lion Stan didn’t take the deal and we did a normal b-day. Lion Debra tried switching things up a little with a Birthday Cheer which required club involvement. Out of the box thinking should be encouraged. We should look for new ways of doing things. But this isn’t it. It failed miserably and Lion Bob 1 and Lion Debra went ahead and sang happy birthday normally, which actually ended up being only slightly better.
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings, $20 – Lion Jim 1 had our guest, Bill, pull Lion Jim 1’s ticket. I think they were in cahoots. $10 – Lion Nancy then pulled her own ticket. No surprise there. $10 – Lion Nancy got another of her tickets pulled, but at least this time someone else pulled it.
·         Progressive Raffle: Lion Mike is the luckiest man on Earth. He is ridiculous. Last progressive raffle he pulled the queen of hearts when it was like 35 or 36 to one. Well, he pulled the queen of hearts again when the odds were 47 to 1. He takes home another pot, this one for $50.

Meeting then adjourned at 8:08pm (Which displeased Lion Bob 1)

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

15 Feb 2017The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb 15, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:27 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 27 pm

Introduction of Guests: Diane (Lion Jim 1’s daughter)

Song – Lion Mike Coren - “Grnad Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jack Wagner
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine

     1 Guest
18 Members  
49 Percent
Rececss for dinner: 6:37 pm
Reconvene: 7:04 pm

Program:  We had to work for our dinner. Before we could eat, Lion Nancy drove us to forced labor. We formed an assembly line and packed all the beach bags for White Oaks Elementary School. It was pretty easy and took less than 10 minutes. We should definitely continue to do this. 


            Lots of Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         The presidential e-mail account
o    Lion Nancy made us all get out pen and paper and write down her new mail account because people keep sending emails to the old one.
o    I won’t put it on here since Lion Bob 1 puts this stuff all over the internet, but you can look up the correct e-mail address on the most recent roster.
o    If you have lost your roster, contact the club’s most excellent secretary and he’ll hook you up.
·            Reading Across America
o    March 2nd is the day
o    The registration form has been sent out, but Lion Nancy passed out hard copies for those who send the secretary’s emails straight to spam.
o    You can’t pick which school you want, you can just tell them which area you want.
o    You will be assigned a time slot between 9 and 12.
o    The book will be there waiting for you to read. Each kid gets a copy of the book you read to take home.
o    Wear your vest/lions stuff.
o    Lion Bob I and Lion Monica have already signed up.
·               Birth and Beyond
o    This isn’t a mini-series on Lifetime, but an event being held at the Pembroke Mall.
o    The date is March 18th.
o    Lion Evonne Green (VB TC Blind) is organizing the event.
o    The plan is for us to do children eye screenings.
o    The event is for new mothers and will include a lot of different vendors.
o    Event will run from 10-2. We’ll run two 2 hr shifts.
o    Contact Lion President Nancy or Lion Evonne if you want to work.

HB 1408/ EGRC – Lion John Watters
·            HB 1408
o    A group wanted to take over school eye screenings for the state and charge money for it.
o    3 members of the legislator are Lions and worked to get the bill amended so schools can get screenings from non-profits and 504(c)’s (like the Lions).
o    So in the end, the bill is now better because public schools will need to get children screened and we will be cleared to do it.
o    This should make it easier for us to get into the schools which resisted us in the past.
o    All Lions going into the schools will need to get background checks and TB tests.
·          EGRC
o   We had a good turnout, even with EGRC stalwart Lion Jim 1 not being able to make it due to illness.
o   We had 5 lions work.
o   343 glasses were collected (which may not be a record, but it is definitely up there).
o   We collected 11 hearing aids, which I’ll go ahead and claim as a record.

More Good Stuff  - Lion President Nancy Watters
·         Lion Nancy reached out to the Police about getting background checks done.
·         They will come to us if we have at least 10 people. If not, we’ll have to go down the Princess Anne Station individually.
·         Cost is $10.
·         For the TB Test, you need a letter from your doctor.

Bland Contest – Lion John Watters
·         Date is Feb 23rd.
·         The contest will start at 7pm. Show up at 6:30 to set up.
·         Will need Lions to monitor the practice rooms to make sure things stay cool between the contestants (or more likely, the parents).
·         We have 6 instrumentalists but still no vocalists. We’re pushing with local musical directors to find some vocalist to compete.
·         Lion John then gave the history of James Bland and why the Lions decided to honor him with our music contest since some of our new lions may not know about him. I’m sure Lion Ed was proud.

LOVF  Raffle – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·        LOVF (Lions of Virginia Foundation) began as a way to provide funds for disaster relief but has grown over the years to do so much more, such as matching grants.
·        The foundation helps clubs do projects they couldn’t otherwise do on their own.
·        The raffle is also a club fundraiser. There are thirty $1 tickets in each book. Of the $30, the club keeps $20 and LOVF gets $10.
·        We hope to sell 50 books this year.
·        Lion Stan would like all the books back by the first meeting in May.
·        The drawing is at the state convention.
·        Last year our district received two $10,000 grants to help with the tornadoes. One grant went to Windsor Lions and the other to Tappahannock.
·        When Lion Stan was DG, he issued 2 disaster relief grants to the district as well.

White Cane/Traveling Leo – Lion Rich Roberts
·         White Cane/Broom Sale
o   We need to pick a date. April 1st was the winner.
o   We’ll do another 1 day, white cane/broom sale extravaganza.
o   Sign-ups will be done at a March meeting.
·         Traveling Leo
o   James City County is confirmed for Feb 23rd.
o   We have 5 lions and 1 Son of a Lion going, so we’ll be rolling deep.
o   I hope the Old Mill Waffle and Pancake house has enough coffee since it’s a long drive and the meeting starts at 7:30
From the Floor:
·         Lion Jeri sent a birthday card from the club to Lion Ray Ashe.
·         Lion Linda is doing better. Her speech and mobility continue to improve.
·         We got a check from VB TC Blind ($39.95) for our half of the 50/50 at the combined zone meeting. Looks to me like their jipping us 5 cents. I’m going to charge Lion Beth $20.05 when she makes her official visit next year.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team
·         Birthdays – Done on 2/1
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings.  $20 – Lion Nancy . $10  – It was Lion Marvin’s ticket, but he left early, so he needs to talk to his sister if he wants his money. $9 – Lion Rich (boo-yah!).
·         Progressive Raffle: The pot is up to $39. Lion Nancy’s ticket was pulled but she failed to pull the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 48 cards remain in the deck.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:48pm (Which made Lion Bob 1 happy)

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club


1 Feb 2017 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb 01, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Lion Jeff Jacobs (W-burg Host)

Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy - “God Bless America”
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

     1 Guest 16 Members  43 Percent
Rececss for dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvene: 6:55 pm

Program:  Youth Exchange Camp – Lion Jeff Jacobs

District 24-D has been doing this project for 35 years. Lion Jeff has run it for the last 15. The goal is to foster cooperation and understanding amongst the people of the world. Each year they bring in 30 teenagers from around the world. This year they hailed from 18 different countries. They spend time with host families for a couple week and then spend 2 weeks together in the camp. Lion Jeff showed a slide show of pictures from this year’s camp and talked about all the activities they undertake and the individuals who participated and how they come together.


            EGRC/Homeless Connect – Lion John Watters
·         EGRC is at the same time and same place. You know what to do.
·         Homeless Connect at the Norfolk Scope
o   189 people were screened at the S&H Van. Most opted for vision screenings and were not interesting in hearing screenings.
o   48 people received vouchers for exams.
o   123 reading glasses were handed out.

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
·         Date is Feb 23rd.
·         The medals have been ordered.
·         No vocalist have signed up, let Lion Vickie know if you know anybody.
·         We have 6 instrumentalists.
·         Contests have until the 20th to apply and we normally get a lot at the last minute, so maybe more will sign up.
·         If you need an application go to Virginia Bland Foundation website or our club’s blog.
·         The judges are lined up.
·         The contest will start at 7pm. Show up at 6:30 to set up.

Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         At the next meeting, we will pack the beach bags for White Oaks ES.
·         One of Lion Nancy’s friend’s grandchildren never had their eyes screened, so she brought them over to her house and Lion Nancy screened them with the SPOT. Her friend then gave the club a $100 donation.
·         Reading Across America Day
o   Date is March 2nd.
o   Reached out to the sponsor to see if our club can participate as we have done the last 2 years.
o   Many club members were interested in helping.
·         Traveling Leo
o   Going to James City County on Feb 23rd.
o   Lions Nancy, John, Steve, and Rich are confirmed.
o   Lions Jack and Marvin are considering showing up.
o   James City County meets at the Old Mill Waffle and Pancake House at 2005 Richmond Rd in Williamsburg at 7:30 am.
From the Floor:
·         Lion Jack brought up that we should do a white cane/broom sale again soon. The club agreed. We will bring it up at the next meeting and set a date to do it in early March.
·         Lion Vickie thanked us for coming to Ronald McDonald House. Lion Otis really enjoyed it because he ate 3 plates of food. One of the guests (from Belize) talked to a club member because she was having trouble reading and Lion Vickie got her a pair of readers, but she needed an exam. We got her to Dr. Ferrara and he gave her an exam and bifocals for free. 

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team
·         Birthdays:  Lion Mike wanted Lion Vickie to sing to him. Lion Bob I wanted Lion Nancy to sing to him. Both failed to buy their way out of it. Lion Marvin threw in some money for his sister to sing as well. Lion Sylvia shot him some pretty mean looks and he should watch his back at the next family get together. Lion Vickie arranged the trio so Lion Nancy was in the middle and named the fab group the “Oreos”. Since they can actually sing, for once the birthday song wasn’t awful.
·         50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings.  $20 – Lion Rich. $12 – Lion Vickie.
·         Progressive Raffle: The pot is up to $28. Lion Rich’s ticket was pulled but he failed to pull the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 49 cards remain in the deck.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:57pm (Which made Lion Bob 1 happy)

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

18 Jan 2017 -The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan 18, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:25 pm at the Ronald McDonald House, Norfolk, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
 Call to Order at 6: 30 pm  ATTENDANCE   2 Guests 20 Members   56 Percent


 White Oaks ES Beach Bags– Lion Susie Sumnick  •  Lion Susie ran down the follow-up items for this project and priced everything out.  • To do 25 bags would cost $100. • If we substitute in real milk, the cost would increase by approximately $20. We agreed this was worth it.  • We could shave off some cost by substituting Ramen in for one of the entrees, but we decided this wasn’t worth it.  • We can’t use the food bank because they don’t do individual servings. We can’t use Sysco because the order is way too small.  • Lion Marvin made a motion to proceed with the project and to authorize the funds. Lion John seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

VB Homeless Project – Lion President Nancy Watters • Lion Bambi with VB Town Center Blind is organizing a health screening for the homeless • The location is the United Methodist Church at 212 19th Street.  • The date is Thursday, Jan 26th from 8:30am-3pm • This is separate from Homeless Connect, which is in Norfolk on the day before  • The S&H van will be out there and they also want to do blood screenings.  • Contact Lion Bambi if you want to work.  • Lion Rich will send out an email with contact info.

Induction Ceremony – PCC J. Stanley Furman • Lion Stan inducted our new member, Lion Ellen Turman, so she won’t be listed as a guest anymore.  • Lion Susie is Lion Ellen’s sponsor.  • Lion Ellen is a previous Lion from Kempsville, so she knows the drill.

Recessed for Dinner at 6:35pm

Reconvened at 7:20pm

 Introduction of Guests: Lisa Roberts, Ellen Turman (for the last time)

Song – (we didn’t do it) Pledge of Allegiance – (we didn’t do it)  Invocation- given by Lion Marvin Clemmons
Program: Ronald McDonald House – Lion Vickie Kennedy • Lion Vickie played a 10 min. video on the background and purpose of the house and then went into her own personal spiel.  • There are 363 houses worldwide in 49 different countries.  • There are 182 houses in the US.  • The purpose is to keep families with their children.  • The Norfolk House celebrated its 35th anniversary on Dec. 10th, 2016.  • The house has served over 19K families in those years. It served 1.048 families in 2016.  • The average cost of a hotel in Norfolk is $115. They only ask for a $25 donation which is not mandatory since some people can’t afford it. Since some families end up staying for over a year, they are saving people a lot of money.  • They do fundraising to cover the rest of the cost.  • A lot of suppliers donate goods and services to help keep them going. Marva Maid donates all their milk. The hospital linen services comes over twice a week and picks up all their linens and wash them for free (which saves a ton of money). George pacific donated their paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, etc.), ecolab donates all their cleaning supplies, Temperpedic donated all the mattresses, and coke donates the drinks. Not to mention plenty others.  • The house has 17 rooms. The two biggest rooms can sleep 5.  • Every house is different. Each room at the Norfolk house has their own bathroom. This isn’t the case at the Richmond house which has a communal bathroom.   • 91 stores have collection boxes from Richmond to OBX to collect change. The small donations add to up a lot. The collections add up to $10,000/month.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team • Birthdays:  Done on 1/4 • 50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings.  $30 – Lion Susie. $20 – Lion Jim 1.  (I think they’re in cahoots)  • Progressive Raffle: The pot was a whole $18.. Lion Bob 2’s ticket was pulled but he failed to pull the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 50 cards remain in the deck.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:58pm (Which made Lion Bob 1 happy)
 Respectfully submitted
 Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

 Upcoming Events  Jan 25th (Wed) – Homeless Connect (Norfolk Scope)   Jan 26th (Thurs) – VB Homeless Project (United Methodist Church at 212 19th Street, VB).   Feb 1st (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting  Feb 9th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling   Feb 15th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting  Feb 17th (Fri) – District Governor’s Social (Crowne Plaza, Hampton)  Feb 23rd (Thurs) – Traveling Leo (James City County Lions)   Feb 23rd (Thurs) – Club Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church)   April 5th (Wed) – Eyebank Tour

4 Jan 2017 - OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan 04, 2017, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:28 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
 Call to Order at 6: 30 pm  ATTENDANCE   0 Guests 16 Members   44 Percent

Recess for dinner: 6:31 Reconvened: 7:00

Program:   None


 Good Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters • Beach Bags o Lions Susie and Fran are working on developing a new child focused project for the club.  o The current idea is to provide 25 bags of food for at-need school children every other month. This is similar to the VBCPS beach bag program, but would be aimed at Seatack ES.  o Lion Susie’s daughter teaches at Seatack. They currently have 25 children who would qualify for the beach bag project, but because Seatack ES does not have a high enough percentage of at-need students, the school doesn’t qualify for the program and don’t get beach bags each week and therefore these 25 students don’t get them and probably don’t have enough to eat over the weekend when the school is not providing them with meals.  o The school requires we provide certain things with the bags. 1 serving of oatmeal or cereal, 2 servings of milk, 1 serving of fruit or fruit cocktail, 1 juice carton, 2 entrees (like dinty moore stew or chef Boyardee), and 2 snacks.  o The initial thought was to send a sign-up sheet and individual members would be responsible to provide one of the items. We would each turn over our respective item to Lion Susie and she would bag them up and deliver them to the school for disbursement to the students.  o PCC Stan suggest that the club buy the items so we could use our non-profit sales tax exemption form to get more bang for our buck. He also suggest we look around to see if we can find a source who would cut us a deal, such as the Foodbank. BJs and Sysco were also suggested.  o Lion Steve supported the project, but didn’t like the idea that club members would be coming out of pocket. He said this is why we do fundraisers. He also brought up the point that we write checks to a lot of places that we don’t have any involvement with and they don’t even know who we are. We’d be better off putting club funds into something like this where we are actually involved and the recipients are local, so it is more meaningful to us and more impactful to our community.
Introduction of Guests: None

Song – Led by Jim Healy – “Grand Old Flag” Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Mike Coren Invocation- given by Lion John Watters
o After some discussed we agreed that we need to get a better grasp on what this would cost. After we know that, we can figure out if we need to do additional fundraising, such as an additional white cane.  o The school would like us do a delivery in Feb, and Lion Vickie stated our activity fund is currently very strong since we just did the peanut and fruit sales.  o Lion Nancy said she would talk to Lion Susie and have her contact different suppliers so we can figure out the cost.  • New Member Application o Lion Nancy received a membership application and application fee from Ellen Turbin, who was a former member of Kempsville. She knows Lion Steve and for some reason still wants to join our club, but we won’t hold that against her. PCC Stan moved that her application be accepted and Lion Steve seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.  • Lion Jim’s Niece sent him a nice letter and a $50 donation to our club for Christmas which has now been turned over to our Treasurer. Now we all know what to ask for next year! • Lion Nancy updated us on Lion Linda. She is doing better and is walking around with a cane. Her speech is still rough but is slowly improving.

EGRC/ Homeless Connect – Lion John Watters • Lion John tried to trick the club by asking what event was 3 weeks away. Unfortunately it worked and he fooled many unsuspecting Lions who assumed he would be talking a about EGRC, but he was referring to Homeless Connect. Mischievous!  • Homeless Connect  o Homeless Connect will be on Wed, Jan 25th and the Norfolk Scope.  o The event runs from 8-3. There will be 2 shifts, 8-12 and 12-3.  o Let Lion John or Lion Jerry Phelps know if you can help.  o The details are in an email sent out by Lion Rich.  • EGRC o EGRC will be on Jan 12th. (2nd Thurs. as always) o Meet at the recycling center at 10am or the Best Buy parking lot at 9:30 of you want a ride.

Holiday Project – Team Leaders • We had 4 teams: o Team 1 (Single mom, 5 & 3 yr old boys) – Lion Aziz, Lion John, Lion Nancy o Team 2  (Single mom, 4 yr old girl, 2 yr old boy) - Lion Rich, Lion Vickie, Lion Monica, Lion Aaron o Team 3 (Single mom, 10 yr old girl, 9 month old boy) – Lion Stan, Lion Marvin, Lion Sharon, Lion Dick  o Team 4 (Single mom, 11 yr old girl, 7 yr old girl) – Lion Susie, Lion Irene, Lion Fran, Lion Bob 1 • Team 1 – The mom said they had plenty of warm clothes, but the little boy really wanted a bike, so they hooked him up. The house was very clean and the  mom is about to graduate nursing school, so they are heading in the right direction.  • Team 2 – The mom only wanted educational toys so Lion Rich got a bunch of age appropriate educational toys, games, and books. He also got two coats. People from his office chipped in to help. Lion Monica and Lion Vickie loaded up so much food that the trunk of his SUV and back seat was filled to the roof.  • Team 3 – The 9 month old was premature and very small, so Lion Stan bought a bunch of educational stuff which helps with their development. They family was hooked up with clothes, food, and gift cards to Walmart where the mom does her grocery shopping.
• Team 4 – The family was provided with a bunch of gifts and food. Lion Bob had to make trip after trip from his car to deliver everything.  • Lion Steve talked about the $400 donation some club members made to the Jewish Family Services of Tidewater to help families during Hanukah. The Jewish Family Services sent us a nice thank you letter which Lion Rich sent out to the club.  • PCC Stan talked about what Wards Corner does at Granby HS every Christmas. They do a luncheon for people they receive from Social Services. Each person who shows up leaves with either a present or a gift card. He suggest that club members attend and help.

Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner • Not sure of the profit yet.  • We have collected enough to pay our bill, which was over 3K. (which has already been paid)  • Has a few more people to collect from. We’ll make over 1K. Will be ~1300K if all the collections are made.

RMHC/Bland  - Lion Vickie Kennedy • RMHC of Norfolk o Our next meeting will be at Ronald McDonald House (Jan 18th)  o Show up at 6.  o We’re looking to have the meal catered by Ynot.  o We plan on over ordering so we can provide meals to some of the people staying at the house (the plan is to feed 15 people in addition to club members) o Ynot is only charging us 6.50 per person for Lasagna. If we change club members $15 each, we’re paying less than normal and the extra money will give us enough to cover the extra meals for the people staying at the house.  o Lion Nancy will bring a big salad and RMHC has drinks.  • Bland Contest o Date is set, Feb 23rd at 7pm o Location is Thalia United Methodist Church on VB Blvd. like in past years.   o Letters are going out to round up participants.  o Lion Vickie is trying to line up judges. Some of our regulars have conflicts.  o She is also looking for past contestants to entertain at the Governor’s Social.
 Traveling Leo – Lion President Nancy Watters • Lion Nancy’s cousin is a member of James City County (they were at the Holiday Party) and they would like us to come up for an extended Traveling Leo.  • James City County is a breakfast club who meet at the Old Mill Pancake and Waffle House on Richmond Road (just north of W-Burg). Their meetings start at 7:30am • Because of the early start, they have offered to put up Lion John and Nancy and potentially another couple if they want to join. The idea is to go up the night before, have dinner, and then have a place to crash before heading to the meeting the next morning.  • The target date is Feb 23rd.  • Lion Rich will show up to the meeting if we have enough for a traveling leo since he is already on that side. Some people suggested he bring Lisa, but Lisa doesn’t do anything at 7:30am.

From the Floor: None

Secretary’s Report: • Governor’s Social reminder. Registration form has been sent out and is on the 24-D website.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy/Lion Steve Rosnov tag-team • Birthdays:  Lion Rich wanted Lion Sylvia to sing to him and Lion Vickie wanted Lion Bob 1. Lion Vickie’s choice was highly profitable. Lion Bob 1 was determined not to sing and he was slinging around some big bucks to make sure he didn’t have to do it. In the end, the 99% overwhelmed the 1% and Lion Bob 1 had to sing. He was a god sport about it! He sat on Lion Vickie’s lap and sang his heart out. All of which was recorded by Lion Nancy. We may have a hit single on our hands. All in all, we clear $101 for birthdays with a small crowd.  • 50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings.  $20 – Lion Bob 2. $10 – Lion Mike. Lion Mike needs to buy some Powerball Tickets, he is on a roll.  • Progressive Raffle: The pot was a whole $8. It was a the first night, so we’re not going to cry about it. Lion Jim Healy’s ticket was pulled but he failed to pull the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 51 cards remain in the deck.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:59pm (Which made Lion Bob 1 happy)
 Respectfully submitted
 Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events  Jan 12th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling   Jan 18th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting (Ronald McDonald House)   Jan 25th (Wed) – Homeless Connect (Norfolk Scope)   Feb 17th (Fri) – District Governor’s Social (Crowne Plaza, Hampton)  Feb 23rd (Thurs) – Club Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church)   April 5th (Wed) – Eyebank Tour
7 Dec 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Dec 7, 2016, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:30pm

Introduction of Guests:Lion Susan Sumnick introduced Ellen Turman.
Lion Bob Perrine introduced our speaker, Leroy Bailey and friend, Sarah Seekins
Song – Lion John Watters led It’s a Grand Old Flag
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Jim Healy

      Guests 3  Members 20  Percent 56% 
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34pm
Reconvened:   7:03pm

Program:  Leroy Bailey – Walking Around the Edge of the US to Raise Money for Homeless Shelters
Lion Bob Perrine introduced our speaker, saying that he’s been interested in those who walk long trips.  Lion Bob gave several examples of those.  Mr Bailey walked 11,200 miles as he traversed the ‘edge’ of the US continent this year.  He walked for the homeless – the millions of people who sleep under bridges at night.  Mr Bailey is trying to do something about it.  He spent 884 days doing this.  He is married to Lucille, a day care provider for the Navy.  He is a building contractor associated with the PINPeople In Need Ministry.  Lion Bob emphasized we should all be ashamed of how we tolerate and treat the homeless in this country.

            Mr. Bailey then explained the PIN ministries, the reason for his walk.  The ministry provides a meal for a homeless person if they stay for the religious service following.  On Saturdays a full breakfast is prepared followed by services for the addicted.  Sundays they are fed well with donated food and then medical and hygiene services are offered.  There is a raffle for McDonald’s coupons that is popular.  Homeless persons themselves are donating money to build a homeless shelter.  Mr. Bailey got word from God that he needed to walk around America to get money for the shelter.  A book called The Circle Maker gave him the idea to walk a circle around the US.  He started June 30, 2014 at 7am, even though no media showed up to send him off as promised.  Finally by the time he was in Savannah, GA, the Virginian Pilot picked up his story.  Statistics about homeless veterans are not true as they don’t include homeless vets with a less than honorable discharge.  He met a veteran with a large shopping cart full of blankets he used to keep homeless warm and this was only one story of how they take care of themselves.  He returned home twice – both times to take care of personal problems like his wife’s injury.  When he left he had an 80lb backpack which he dumped after being reassured that he could make it without anything except $150 and the clothes on his back.  He avoided a hurricane and was able to survive.  He was given a small backpack and some clothes by a passerby.  His home church supported him with small donations of $50 – 60 a week.  He kept his faith that permitted him walk the whole way – including crossing the Everglades that he was told he wouldn’t be able to do.  While the bugs in the Everglades didn’t bother him, he became seriously dehydrated.  However the next morning someone gave him a cheeseburger, fries and bottles of water.  A woman threw him a bottle of water.  He didn’t shave the whole time so he could experience how people might treat him differently – and they did treat him very differently.  There are many cities that don’t allow homeless to be fed outside and actually prevent them from being fed in churches or places without a commercial kitchen.  Many shelters only operate a night and make people leave in the morning.  In Las Cruces, NM, he saw women with small children thrown out in the cold rain and not allowed back in until 6pm.  Here in VB, those sheltered in churches are also dismissed in the morning not to return until 6pm.  Circumstances in some shelters are intolerable.  E.g., in Florida once it was 110°F inside a small room with 90 unwashed men – the smell was incredible.  He saw hundreds of homeless sleeping on streets in Florida that had been arrested and then shipped out of town on buses.  Towns give homeless the choice of being locked up in jail for 90 days or being bussed to another town.  There are many more homeless vets than the media mentions.  They hide in woods to avoid the terrible conditions in homeless shelters and get no real help.  They aren’t able to fill out applications for work because they have no skills and have no access to the internet.  A number of young people are out there because of family problems.  Many homeless are Vietnam vets who were rejected when they came home and now may not be able to be rehabilitated.  The VA system is not good and provides inadequate care.  Why do we treat people this way?  A well-run homeless center could actually help them.  Many centers have high overhead – 50 – 80% at times and donations don’t reach the needy.  While sleeping in 12°F in Minnesota at night in a bright yellow sleeping bag next to the interstate, no one stopped to see if he was OK – people just don’t care.  We care more about animals than people in this country, mentioning a new multi-million dollar animal shelter here in Virginia Beach.  This is seen all over the US. 

QuestionsDid you collect money for the homeless?  My walk raised a total of $9,600 – all of which to PIN.  I raised more with a go fund me site than with my ministry.  Lion Bob Perrine mentioned that he will send out information for members to donate if they wish.

Did you use the Salvation Army?   Once or twice.

Do you work with JCOC (Judeo Christian Outreach Center)?  Mr. Baily doesn’t like them because of his opinion of the way they treat people.

Can you get people out of homelessness?  That is the reason we need a proper center.  You can’t help everyone, but many can become employable.  The best program I saw was in the state of Washington that had a two month training program.

What was the total you raised and what was your goal?  Total for the PIN center raised was $9,600.  The goal was for a million people to give $10/mo to build centers all around the country.  We need them all over the US.

Lion President Nancy thanked him for his presentation and presented him with one of Lion Jim Healy’s books to read.


Ø  Holiday Party/Other subjects – Lion Nancy Watters  Details discussed.  Dec 21st at the Watters’ home.  Bring finger food. The second meeting in Jan. is at Ronald McDonald house.  We’ll discuss food there later.

Ø  Eyeglass recycling – Lion John Watters who reminded the club that it’s tomorrow.

Ø  Holiday Project – Lion PCC Stan Furman    Teams are out there doing their thing.  Lion Monica made knitted hats and scarves for all the people we are providing Christmas for and distributed them.  They were all handmade and beautiful.

Ø  Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner  Order was placed today for 145 boxes, delivery date still to be determined.  He can take a few orders more before tomorrow.

Ø  Peanut saleLion Steve Rosnov All are paid up.  Our profit was $1100!

From the floorLion Susan Sumnick asked that the club consider packing school backpack lunches for her daughter’s school that doesn’t qualify for Title One category.  There are about 25 students who don’t have food over the weekend.  We might do it about once a month.  Discussion centered on where we might get the food and whether the school system could provide us with discounted items to use, but this wouldn’t work for reason of qualification.  Lions Susan Sumnick and Lion Fran Scott will develop the idea further, maybe to do this every other month.

Birthdays:  Lions Deborah (12/2), Jeri (12/3), Irene (12/9), Sylvia (12/12), Jim I (12/19), Aaron (12/31)

Present this evening:  Lions Jeri, Jim and Aaron   To sing, Lion Jim H chose Lion Dick K, Lion Aaron chose Lion Monica, and Lion Jeri chose Lion Roger.  Bidding for and against the singers continued until $28 was collected.  All sang Happy Birthday, but Lion Roger sang an English version including squash and butter in the gutter.

50-50 Raffle:  Substitute Tail Twister Lion Jim Healy   Winners were Lion Jack Wagner - $20 &$9, Mike Coren $10

 Meeting then adjourned exactly at 8:00PM.

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Temporary Substitute Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:

Ø  Dec 8th , Thurs – EGRC – meet at BestBuy at 9:30am for a ride
Ø  Dec 21st , Wed – Holiday Party (Watters’ residence),usual meeting time
Ø  Jan 4th, Wed  -- Regular Meeting
Ø  Jan 18th,Wed – Visit to Ronald McDonald House, Norfolk  6p social, 6:30p meet

Ø  Feb 17th, Fri – District Governor’s Social (Crowne Plaza, Hampton)
16 Nov 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov 16, 2016, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:29 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: 1VDG Beth Stevens, GMT Lion Mack Stevens.

SongLed by PCC J. Stanley Furman – “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Mike Coren
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

     2 Guests
21 Members  
58 Percent

Recess for dinner: 6:32
Reconvened: 7:00

Program:  1VDG Beth Stevens  
·         Our international president’s theme is “Climb New Mountains”.
·         We are celebrating our 100 years of service by focusing on four areas, vision, youth, hunger, and environment.
·         We’ve served 121 million people since starting the centennial of service challenge which will continue to run through June 2018.
·         Some of the sub themes are “leading through service”, which is something Thalia does very well.
·         “Invite for impact” is centered on engaging new members. They’re looking for each club to add 3 new lions this year. We’ve already had 2.  
·         They’re also looking for clubs to engage in legacy projects, which have a lasting effect on the community.
·         We did a lot of “commenting with the community” by helping extensively (especially Lion Nancy and Lion Stan) with the Bid and Buy and the work we did with the Anthem volunteers with the beach bag project.
·         The proposal to redistrict the state by merging the 6 districts into 3 is going to happen.
·         Our district did not support this and the cabinet authorized DG Tucker to file a letter of protest with LCI, but LCI responded that the protest was not valid.
·         Our district and district 24-B will become one on July 1st 2018.
·         There is currently no transition plan in place.
·         We don’t know if we’ll elect new leadership of if the 2 2VDGs will come to some agreement.
·         We’re not sure how district assets will be divided and what is going to happen with the foundations.
·         The day to day impact to Thalia will be minimal. We’ll still serve the community. We may need to re-zone and it will be unlikely Virginia Beach will remain 2 zones.
·         The new district will have over 23 hundred lions and over 100 clubs, we won’t see the DG as often due to the amount of ground to cover.
·         A transition team has formed. It consists of both district’s 1VDG and 2VDG with IPDG Ray as the chair. If you want to be on the transition team, talk to DG Tucker about it.
·         1VDG Beth recently attended the USA Leadership Forum in Omaha, NE.
·         There will be a new strategic plan rolled out in 2017.
·         The goal will be to serve 200 million people annually by 2021.
·         This seems like a lot but right now only about 40% of clubs report what they do (not us, Thalia has a ridiculously skilled secretary), so if all clubs start reporting, we’ll be close to this number.
·         They want to rebrand Lions since the perception of the public is that we just sell brooms.
·         They’re looking at new and innovated ways for people to serve. They’re developing an app for people who don’t want to join and come to meets, but will show up an pitch in on a service project.
·         Looking at new ways to attend meetings, like google hangouts and skype.
·         Our new IP next year is from New Delhi and his theme will be “we serve”.
·         The year after that we’ll have our first woman IP. She is from Iceland.
·         The year after that out IP is from Korea.
·         Our incoming IP will be at our State Convention in May (Roanoke), so you will have an opportunity to meet him.
·         Our Governor’s social will be Feb 17th. Lion Vickie is contacting our past Bland winners and inviting them to perform.
·         Fall Conference will be the second Saturday in Sept. in Chesapeake. We will celebrate out 100 year anniversary while keeping our eyes on the future.


            Beach Bags/Holiday Party/Donations – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         Beach Bags
o   34 Anthem volunteers showed up
o   24 Lions showed up from 4 clubs (18 of which were from Thalia)
o   Got in at 4:30 and were done and cleaned up by 6:15
o   Packed 1200 bags of food.
o   Buying they food would cost $7/bag, but the school district works deals and ends up paying about $4/bag for the food, so they really do a good job of stretching their donation dollars.
o   We received a $2000 grant from LCI to help buy the food.
·         Holiday Party
o   We talked about doing it on Dec 7th  but we’re sure if we were obligated to the hotel. (this wasn’t known at the meeting, but we did confirm that we are obligated to be at the hotel on Dec 7th).
o   The second Dec meeting is Dec 21st, so it is pretty close to Christmas. This date was fine with some members but others wanted to do it a little earlier.
o   Lion Rich will survey the club on whether the club would prefer Dec 14th or Dec 21st.
o   Will be held at Lion John and Nancy’s house.
·         Rose & Womble Donations
o   Former member, Linda Harrison, reached out to Lion Nancy.
o   They are doing a collection of goods, blankets, and cleaning supplies for the local shelters.
o   Lion Nancy passed out flyers for those who want to donate.
o   She’s also going to try and get her to buy some fruit. One hand washes the other.

EGRC/ Sight and Hearing Van – Lion John Watters
·         7 Lions worked EGRC, including our new Lion who got the opportunity to learn how to wash and read glasses.
·         99 glasses were collected and 11 hearing aids.
·         2 Lions attended the eye bank’s “The View from Here” Luncheon.
·         11 Lions worked the LMSHU at the ALC on Monday
·         92 were screened in the van with 19 referrals
·         77 received blood sugar screenings with 3 referrals.
·         The individuals served by the LMSHU hailed from 37 different countries.

Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Lion Stan received a list of 4 single mothers with small children from social services.
·         We have 4 teams (feel free to jump on a team):
o   Team 1 (Single mom, 5 & 7 yr old boys) – Lion Aziz, Lion John, Lion Nancy
o   Team 2  (Single mom, 4 yr old girl, 2 yr old boy) - Lion Rich, Lion Vickie, Lion Monica, Lion Aaron
o   Team 3 (Single mom, 10 yr old girl, 9 month old boy) – Lion Stan, Lion Marvin, Lion Sharon, Lion Dick
o   Team 4 (Single mom, 11 yr old girl, 7 yr old girl) – Lion Susie, Lion Irene, Lion Fran, Lion Bob 1
·         Each team will contact their assigned family and buy clothes, toys for the kids as well as food for the family. Recommend getting food staples which will last past the holidays.
·         Lions Steve and Stan will also help out a Jewish family for Hanukah through the JCC.

Children Project – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         Lion Nancy is still looking for ideas for a project.
·         The group threw out the following:
o   CHKD
o   Children’s Harbor
o   USO Homecoming
o   4Kids
o   Barry Robertson Center
·         Lion Nancy wants a committee of 2 or 3 Lions to come up with a proposal to present to the club.
·         Lions Irene, Fran, and Jeri agreed to form the committee and will come up with an idea.

Peanut Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         Looks like we’ll make about a $1,100 profit.
·         The shipping cost was more than expected, but still not too bad.
·         Lion Steve is going to check out a few more outfits to see if we can get a better deal next year.
·         All the peanuts have been delivered.

Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner
·         The price list has been sent out.
·         Lion Jack hasn’t received any brochures yet. They’re not on the internet.  
·         We need orders in by Dec 7th.
·         Delivery should be between Dec 14-18.
·         Start selling.

From the Floor:
·      Lion Nancy got our plaque we used to have hanging in the Crowne Plaza with our info. Lion Rog refurbished it and the Hilton is going to hang it up for us in the hotel.

Secretary’s Report:
·      Lion Rich announced the LMSHU board meeting. If you’re finding out about it by reading these minutes, it’s already over. Sorry.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays:  None
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings.  $20- Lion Irene, $15- Lion Steve, $9 – Lion Rich (in your face!)

Meeting then adjourned at 7:56pm

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
Ø  Nov 17th (Thurs) – LMSHU Bd Mtg (New Buffet City, 4300 Portsmouth Blvd, Chesapeake)
Ø  Dec 7th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting (Fruit Orders Due)
Ø  Dec 8th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø  Dec  14th or 21st (depending on what we decide) (Wed) – Club Holiday Party  (The Watters’ Residence)

Ø  Feb 17th (Fri) – District Governor’s Social (Crowne Plaza, Hampton)
2 Nov 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov 02, 2016, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: None

SongLed by Lion Rich Roberts – “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Jim Healy
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine

ATTENDANCE      0 Guests  18 Members    50 Percent

 Recess for dinner: 6:33  Reconvened: 7:00

Program:  None.


            Beach Bags – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         18 Lions have signed up
·         Available slots are still available and we need people to sign up
·         Time is 5-7 pm on Wed, Nov 9th.
·         Park in the bus parking area.
·         Try to get there 10-15 min early so we can start packing right at 5pm.
·         Anthem had 50 volunteers sign up with 10 on a waiting list within the first hour of sign-ups being available. 

Calvary Church Health Fair – Lion Marvin Clemmons
·         Several children and adults were screened. Approximately 25 to 27.
·         Had a very high rate of referrals.
·         Lions Marvin, Sharon, Sylvia, and Debra attended.
·         The police and Bon Secours had booths.
·         VB Town Center Blind Lions had a large presence because they were doing the low vision technology expo there.
·         The event was very well attended by the community.

Children Eye Screenings – Lion President Nancy Watters
·         We did 3 screenings this month
·         Lion Sylvia shows up in her lion suit and the kids love it
·         We have done all our major schools and headstarts within our window (60 days after the start of school)
·         If you know of any daycares or private schools, let Lion Nancy know and she will set up a screening

      Broom Sales – Lion Vickie Kennedy
·         We collected $779 is cash selling brooms
·         We collected another $50 on the square
·         We collected $403 in white cane
·         We also received a $25 check for LCF-24D

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
·         Next trip to the recycling center will be Nov. 10th (second Thursday of every month)
·         Show up at the recycling center at 10am or in the Best Buy parking lot at 9:30 for a ride.

Sight and Hearing Van – Lion John Watters
·         We’ll be doing a screening at the adult learning center on Nov. 14th (Monday)
·         A sign up sheet was passed around. We’ll do 2 shifts. 10am-noon and noon-2pm.
·         Lion Nancy will do blood sugar screenings and could use some help.

Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Lion Stan received a list of 4 single mothers with small children from social services.
·         We have 4 teams (feel free to jump on a team):
o   Team 1 – Lion Aziz, Lion John, Lion Nancy
o   Team 2 – Lion Rich, Lion Vickie
o   Team 3 – Lion Stan, Lion Marvin
o   Team 4 – Lion Susie
·         Each team will contact their assigned family and buy clothes, toys for the kids as well as food for the family.
·         Lion Steve will also help out a Jewish family for Hanukah through the JCC.

Peanut Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         Lion Steve collected a lot of orders.
·         He is going to extend the due date until Sunday because that’s the kind of guy he is.
·         The order will be submitted to the manufacturer on Monday.
·         Based on his quick math (which should be trusted by no one), about $1,915. We keep about 60%, so we’ll make over $1,000.
·         Hopeful more will submit orders over the course of the week. You can email your orders to Lion Steve.

Fruit Sale/Brooms/Samaritan House – Lion Jack Wagner
·         Fruit Sale
o   The price list has been sent out.
o   50 brochures have been mailed to Lion Jack and he will distribute them at the next meeting.
o   The crop looks good and did not suffer a disease.
o   We need orders in by Dec 7th.
o   Delivery should be between Dec 14-18.
o   Start selling.
·          We were down to 4 brooms, so Lion Jack placed an order to get our inventory back up.
·         Samaritan House
o   They received a 750K grant to start helping girls who are subjected to human trafficking.
o   Will be housing these girls as well as continuing to serve abused women.
o   This will place additional burden on the pantry. When donating money to Samaritan House, denote the money is for the pantry so it will go there instead of going to the general fund. 

 From the Floor:
·         Lion Jack stated that the lighthouse has been closed and there is no place for the homeless at the oceanfront to go until they build the new resource center on Witchduck rd.
·         Lion Nancy wants to do a children related activity. She doesn’t know what she wants to do and wants club members to submit ideas. Please send them her way.

        Secretary’s Report:   Jack-squat
·                                      ·       Lion Debra was a little too excited that the secretary had jack-squat to report.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays:  Our birthday boy was not present. Lion Rich threw down some cold-hard cash to call his wife, whose birthday is upcoming, and have the club sing to her. So he called her and of course when she saw the caller id did not accept his call. Lion Rich didn’t know what to do and someone in the crowd suggested we sing on her voicemail. The phone went on speaker and the whole club got to hear the dreaded “the mailbox is full” announcement. Another really smart lion suggested recording all of us singing. Great idea! Lion Rich being a borderline Millennial should know how to do this, but he needed some help and the first part of the song he was recording the wall, but finally got it straight. Lisa really enjoyed and appreciated the video. Thanks everyone!  
·         50/50 Raffle: $25 – Lion Vickie; $15 – Lion Marvin; $7 – Lion Stan.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:42pm

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

2 Nov 2016

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a Board Meeting at The Hilton Garden Inn, on Nov. 02, 2016.  The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Lion President Nancy Watters who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:

Board Members in attendance:
Pres. Lion Nancy Watters
1st. V.P Lion Debra Laughlin
2nd V.P. Lion Marvin Clemmons
3rd.V.P Lion Susan Sumnick

Members in attendance:
Lion Jeri Furman
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Roger Snell

Treas. Lion Vickie Kennedy
Sec. Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Tamer Lion Steve Rosnov

1Yr.Dir  LionStan Furman
2 Yr. Dir. Lion John Watters
2 Yr. Dir. Lion Aziz Selahi

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m by Lion President Nancy Watters. Lion Rich Roberts confirmed a quorum of directors (10) was present.

1.      We need to approve the new contract with the hotel for 2017. The hotel will renew with the same price per person, same minimum of 20, no room fee, and same menu. All the terms we had this year. We need to let them know which dates we won’t be here by Nov. 9th.
We discussed doing a meeting at the Ronald McDonald House (since we haven’t done that for a while) in January. We decided to do that on Jan 18th.
We’re schedule to tour the eye bank on April 5th.
We plan to do installation of officers on June 7th. We decided to do it at the hotel again this year and will invite our spouses.
The eyebank dinner does not conflict with our regular meeting dates next year, so we will have 2 meetings in August.
We’ll do our annual pool party in place of the 2nd meeting in Sept.
We’ll do our Holiday Party during the first meeting in December and have no meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of December.
2.      Lion Nancy suggested we pay our charity obligations in the budget since we just did a bunch of fundraising, so Lion Vickie will cut the checks. Lion Stan brought up that we have around 500 dollars earmarked for the club at the LCF-24D and we need to use the funds before the end of the year. Those funds need to go to 503(c)s so Lion Vickie will coordinate with Lion John Cranford to pay the obligations we can using those funds.
3.      A couple lions have not paid their dues. Lion Rich will send them letters to pay their dues.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
 Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
19 Oct 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Oct 19, 2016, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Anthony Ellison, Monica and Aaron Sturniolo

SongLed by Lion Vickie Kennedy – “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Rich Roberts

     3 Guests  16 Members   47 Percent

Recess for dinner: 6:35
Reconvened: 7:00
 Program:  None.

A card was passed around for Lion Linda Eggleston.

Lion Nancy had some stuff that didn’t sell at the Bid-buy auction which she was taking offers on to earn more money for the 24-D Charity Foundation.


            All Kinds of Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·      Smiles Across the Miles
o  VB TC Blind Lions sponsored this project again this year with Anthem
o  This is where the cards we cut up last meeting went
o  On OCT 1st a lot of lions/Anthem workers/children  got together to assemble and decorate the cards
o  We have 1800 cards to send to the troops
o  We’re going to have a party on OCT 29th at the Autumn Care Nursing Home for the residents.
o  They will make and sign the cards.
o  The party will have a USO/WWII theme.
o  Members of the military will be present to collect the cards.
o  We will also collect toiletry items to make care packages for the soldiers.
o  Time will be 2pm-4pm
·         Health and Wellness Fair
o  Also on Oct 29th
o  There is a health and wellness fair at Calvary Baptist Church
o  We’ll do a SPOT screening.
o  Time is 10am-2pm, so there will be time to get to the USO party
·         Children Eye Screenings
o  Malibu ES –  screening done on Oct 12th . Lions Sylvia, John and Nancy about screened 90 children with 10 referrals.
o  Stafford Pre-School – Oct 26th
o  Kings Grant ES – Oct 27th
o  Thalia ES – Oct 28th (10am)
·         Beach Bags
o  Thalia is the sponsor club for this project.
o  We’re partnering with Anthem and VBCPS
o  We received a $2,000 grant from LCI to buy half the food. The school district will pay the other half.
o  Time is 4-6pm at Corporate Landing MS.
o  The goal is to fill 1200 bags for children in need to take home with them so they’ll have something to eat over the weekend.
o  We did 750 bags last year.
o  50 slots were opened up to Anthem personnel and they filled them all in under an hour. They have 10 more on a waiting list.
o  We need around 40 lions. Will be open to all Virginia Beach Lions.
o  You must register on the link that was sent out. If you need the link re-sent, let Lion Nancy or Lion Rich know.

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
·         5 lions were present last Thursday and they worked for 2 hours.
·         308 pair of glasses were collected
·         Next trip to the recycling center will be Nov. 10th (second Thursday of every month)
·         Show up at the recycling center at 10am or in the Best Buy parking lot at 9:30 for a ride.

Broom Sale/White Cane – Lion Rich Roberts
·         A sign-up sheet was placed on each table.
·         Doing the same format as last time, where we are doing just one day and combining white cane and broom sales.
·         2 lions will do white cane by the door of BJ’s
·         2 lions will sell brooms in the normal location by the BJ’s gas station.

Peanut Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         We have two weeks left.  
·         Last year we made about $1,000
·         Lion Steve passed out the order form. He has more if you need them.
·         Fill it out with the orders you take and turn the forms into either Lion Steve or Lion Vickie.
·         You can collect the money upfront or when you make delivery.
·         Most cans sell for around $10 and we keep around 6 of those dollars, so the profit margin is pretty good.
·         We have to pay shipping ($30) but we minimize that cost by just placing one big order which will be delivered to Lion Steve’s house. Then we can pick the peanuts up from him and deliver them to the people who bought them from you.
·         All orders will be due by the 1st meeting in Nov. (which is Nov. 2nd)

Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner
·         The price list was passed out.
·         The crops weathered the storm well and look very good this year.
·         Some of the prices increased. The Citrus Trio price decreased, but he’s putting less fruit in them.
·         We voted to increase the prices on fruit where our cost increased and left the prices on fruit which did not increase the same as last year. We decreased the price on the citrus trio to correspond with our cost decrease.
·         Lion Rich will send out an updated price list.
·         We should have sales brochures soon.
·         We need orders in by Dec 7th.
·         Delivery should be the week of Dec 17th.

LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Lion Nancy did a phenomenal job setting everything up (was there any doubt????).
·         She also won $500 in the raffle.
·         The club earned two separate $250 service grants:
o  1 for having the highest amount in donations
o  1 for meeting the attendance requirements.
·         Biggest year we’ve had. The auction brought in around $25,600 so far and some money is still trickling in.

New Member induction – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Lions Aaron and Monica Sturniolo were inducted as the newest members of our club.
·         Lion Nancy is their sponer.
·         Both are former lions from Pennsylvania, so Lion Stan didn’t give any LCI history, but some club history instead.
·         Lion Monica is a substitute teach with Virginia Beach City Public Schools and Lion Aaron is the IT Director with RRMM Architects.

From the Floor:
·         Lion Stan reached out to the community services coordinator with the city and requested 4-5 families for this year’s holiday project. We should have a list at the next meeting, so we can make assignments.

Secretary’s Report:
·         Lion John earned a membership key for sponsoring 2 new members.
·         The club received a thank you note from Samaritan House for our support of their food pantry.
·         DG Tucker’s official visit will be the Nov 16th meeting.
·         Region II meeting – Oct 26th at Crazy Buffett in Chesapeake.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays:  Lion Marvin. (It was also his anniversary!) Being a ladies man, Lion Marvin wanted all the lovely ladies of the club (Lions Nancy, Vickie, Monica, Jeri, & Sylvia) to sing to him. Bids were going back in forth on whether they would sing or not but Lion Bob 1 decided to put an end to the thing and be non-discriminatory, so he put his money down for the whole club to sing to Lion Marvin, so that’s what we did.
·         50/50 Raffle: $20 – Lion Bob 2; $15 – Lion Dick; $5 – Lion Jeri.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club


5 Oct 2016
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Lion Karen Brown (VBTC Blind) and Steve Eggleston
SongLed by Lion Jim Healy – “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Jack Wagner
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

ATTENDANCE 2 Guests 17 Members  50 Percent
Recess for dinner: 6:34: Reconvened: 7:02

Program:  ARGUS II (Bionic Eye) – Lion Karen Brown
·         Lion Karen was diagnosis with Retinitis Pigmentosa in ‘80s and lost her vision and is a member of the Virginia Beach Town Center Blind Lions Club
·         Last February she went to Duke University and they put a small implant in her brain (ARGUS II).
·         Only 60 people so far in the US have undergone this procedure and it is currently only for people with Retinitis Pigmentosa.
·         Next year they are going to open it up to people with different sight related conditions.
·         She was initially told she isn’t going to see like she thinks she was going to see, which turned out to be true.
·         It is an outpatient procedure. She was at Duke for 3 days and goes back for regular checkups.
·         National Geographic was present when she had her procedure done and interviewed her. The article was in the Sept issue on pg 35. It features pictures of her removed eye.
·         The procedure lasted 2.5 hours and could have gone as long as 4.
·         They installed an implant on her retina with 60 electrodes attached to her brain. She doesn’t feel anything and it doesn’t bother her.
·         She got fitted out with the camera glasses and computer a month later.
·         The Camera takes an image and sends it to the computer, which goes to the eye, which goes to the implant where it is converted to electrical signals. In the end the retina sees flashes.
·         Contrast is very helpful since see can discern the difference between dark and light very well. She needs to retrain her brain to discern shapes and she is getting better at it.
·         She can see light and dark items like if there is a light wallpaper and a dark door, she will be able to tell where the door is. She can also see the sidewalk compared to the grass when walking her dog and make out fences.
·         The first installation of this device was 2 years ago. The guy who got it is getting very good at determining shapes.
·         Lion Karen was also interviews by a Japanese film crew and featured on one of their TV shows about technology.
·         She is slated to get a more advanced set of glasses in about a year.
·         The doctors are developing a means to direct input the signals to the brain, which will be more efficient and working on facial recognition.
·         Second Sight is the name of the company who makes the ARGUS II. Funding for the research was provided in part by the Foundation for Fighting Blindness and the Dr. who helped develop this technology at John Hopkins is a Lion.
·         As far as controls, Lion Karen has a dimming switch on the computer which she uses when she goes outside due to the increased brightness. She also has a contrast switch.


            All Kinds of Stuff – Lion President Nancy Watters
·      Smiles Across the Miles
o  VB TC Blind Lions sponsored this project again this year with Anthem
o  This is where the cards we cut up last meeting went
o  On OCT 1st a lot of lions/Anthem workers/children  got together to assemble and decorate the cards
o  We have 1800 cards to send to the troops
o  We’re going to have a party on OCT 29th at the Autumn Care Nursing Home for the residents.
o  They will make and sign the cards.
o  The party will have a USO/WWII theme.
o  Members of the military will be present to collect the cards.
o  We will also collect toiletry items to make care packages for the soldiers.
o  Time will be 2pm-4pm
·         Health and Wellness Fair
o  Also on Oct 29th
o  There is a health and wellness fair at Calvary Baptist Church
o  We’ll do a SPOT screening.
o  Time is 10am-2pm, so there will be time to get to the USO party
·         Beach Bags
o  Thalia is the sponsor club for this project.
o  We’re partnering with Anthem and VBCPS
o  We received a $2,000 grant from LCI to buy half the food. The school district will pay the other half.
o  Time is 4-6pm at Corporate Landing MS.
o  The goal is to fill 1200 bags for children in need to take home with them so they’ll have something to eat over the weekend.
o  We did 750 bags last year.
o  50 slots were opened up to Anthem personnel and they filled them all in under an hour. They have 10 more on a waiting list.
o  We need around 40 lions. Will be open to all Virginia Beach Lions.
·         24-D Bid ‘N Buy
o  This is the weekend! (Oct 8th)
o  Lion Nancy is running the silent auction and needs help doing set up.
o  Will need 20-30 people.
·         Children Eye Screenings
o  Malibu ES – Oct 12th
o  Stafford Pre-School – Oct 26th
o  Kings Grant ES – Oct 27th
o  Thalia ES will be scheduled soon
·         Committee Lists
o   Some lions are sure which committees they’re on, so the lists were distributed

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
·         Same time (Oct 13th, 10am on location or 9:30 at best buy)
·         Lion John tried to fool the club (by not updating the date on his watch since Sept only has 30 days) and tried to tell the club EGRC was on Oct 12 since his watch was a day off.
·         Lion John has us well trained and we all knew that the second Thursday of the month is Oct 13th and we did not fall for his ruse.

Broom Sale/White Cane – Lion Debra Laughlin
·         Lion Jack just ordered more brooms
·         The combined 1 day white cane/broom sale worked well on Sept. 17th
·         We made $415.50 at the white cane
·         We sold $1243.60 in brooms (including $222 from Paul’s Garage)
·         People were asking about brooms at the white cane site, so we were able to point them towards the brooms sale which drove a lot of traffic
·         The Square also worked well. $179 worth of broom purchases were done on the Square.
·         We’re going to do this again on Oct 22nd with the same set-up.
·         Ideally we will have 2 Lions at the front of BJs doing the white cane and 2 lions running the broom sale near the gas station.
·         A sign-up sheet will be sent out.

LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         The yearly auction is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser
·         Will be on Oct 8th from 11 to 1pm
·         Need people to work and people to buy. Bring your spouse and friends.
·         There are a lot of really nice/expensive items in this year’s auction you could get a deal on. Lion Nancy will send out a link where you can view the items and share with your friends.  If there is something you want but can’t make it, let Lion Stan know and he’ll work something out.
·         We won a $250 service grant for being the #1 club in the district in terms of donations
·         We can win another $250 service grant if we get 15 people to register at the auction.
·         Lion Nancy will need you there around 9-9:30 to help her set up.

Peanut Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         We did this for the first time last year and it worked out well, so we’re going to do it again.
·         Last year we made about $1,000
·         Lion Steve passed out the order form. He has more if you need them.
·         Fill it out with the orders you take and turn the forms into either Lion Steve or Lion Vickie.
·         You can collect the money upfront or when you make delivery.
·         Most cans sell for around $10 and we keep around 6 of those dollars, so the profit margin is pretty good.
·         We have to pay shipping ($30) but we minimize that cost by just placing one big order which will be delivered to Lion Steve’s house. Then we can pick the peanuts up from him and deliver them to the people who bought them from you.
·         All orders will be due by the 1st meeting in Nov. (which is Nov. 2nd)

Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner
·         Things are not looking good.
·         Our supplier is on a barrier island off the coast of Florida. They’ve had a lot of rain and the hurricane will really affect his crops.
·         He’s also been fighting a virus which is wreaking havoc on his trees, so he does not expect to have a good crop this year.
·         Lion Jack plans to talk to him in about a week and we’ll have more info on whether we will be able to do the sale this year or not.

From the Floor
·         Lion Nancy Watters – We received a $250 donation from Sunnybrook ES in appreciation for the SPOT screening we recently did there.
·         Lion Bob Donnelly is working with the DG on some international affairs.
·         Lion Jack Wagner – The Samaritan House food pantry is getting critically low. It hasn’t been this bad in a long time and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Secretary’s Report:
·         Lion John Watters earned a silver centennial of service pin for sponsoring a new member. He would have received it too if Lion Rich didn’t leave it in Hampton.
·         Redistricting. We talked a lot about this prior to State Convention in May. At state convention, it was the opinion of the Council of Governors that the motion to merge the 6 districts of Virginia into 3 had failed but they would seek the guidance of LCI legal. LCI legal has finally come back and with the ruling that the motion should have passed. This won’t affect the club much, but it will affect the club members who are involved in the District. Now we have District events in Norfolk, Hampton, Chesapeake, etc. Now they will be in Lynchburg, South Boston, Richmond, etc. IPDG Ray intends to fight the ruling. There will be an emergency district meeting after the bid ‘n buy auction on Oct. 8th to discuss the plan forward.
·         We will induct 2 new members at the Oct 19th meeting
·         DG Tucker’s official visit will be the Nov 16th meeting.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays:  Lion Aziz was initially at the meeting but he had to go to the airport and snuck out before the birthdays, so we’ll do it at the second meeting of the month.
·         50/50 Raffle:  $20- Lion Debra, $10 – Lion Jack, $9 – Lion John, Sample bag of peanuts – Lion Jack, Sample bag of peanuts – Lion Stan.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:55pm

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club


7 Sep 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Sept 09, 2016, by Lion 1VP Debra Laughlin at 6:32 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 32 pm

Introduction of Guests: Monica and Aaron (prospective members)

SongLed by PCC J. Stanley Furman – “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Rich Roberts

     2 Guests
18 Members  
55 Percent
Recess for dinner: 6:08
Reconvened: 7:04

The club quickly realized we’re all in trouble next year as we were victimized by Lion Debra’s power tripping and iron fist leadership style. A reign of terror approaches.  She does get some style points though since she used a beer bottle to ring the bell instead of a gavel, so it wasn’t all bad.

Program:  USO Project – Lion Susie Sumnick/Lion Irene Conlin
·         Lion Susie brought a bunch of Christmas Cards for us to cut up. We cut out the fronts/pictures/messages so the kids can match up stuff they like to make new cards which will be sent to service members overseas.
·         More details are to come on the location and if we’ll have a party or not when the kids assemble the card on Oct. 1st.
·         The club members cut up cards during the meal and the meeting time.


            Anthem Alliance Beach Bag Project/Blood Drive Results – Lion Rich Roberts (sort of)
·      Lion Nancy sent out all this information but Lion Rich was not smart enough to print the email out and read it. Luckily PCC Stan is kinda smart and swooped in for the save.
·      We did this project last year (Beach Bags) and it was very successful. We’ll pack bags of food which students in need will take home with them so they’ll have something to eat over the weekend.
·      The date is Nov 9th at Corporate Landing MS.
·      Lion Nancy has submitted for a grant to buy food. The school will also match funds and we’ll likely in end with 3-4 thousand dollars for food.
·      For the blood drive, we collected 35 pints of blood but only screened 4 children.

Broom Sale/White Cane – Lion Debra Laughlin
·         The date is Sat. Sept 17th.
·         Lion Debra passed out a sign-up sheet.
·         Lions were directed to sign up for broom shifts firsts. If we can fill those, then we’ll look to fill white cane slots since we’re not sure we can pull off both.
·         If we can’t get enough Lions to do both, we’ll schedule a separate white can in the near future.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters impersonator Lion Rich
·         Same time (Sept 9th, 10am on location or 9:30 at best buy)
·         Same place.
·         Same door combination.
·         Same interesting factoids.
·         Same fun to be had by all.

LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         The yearly auction is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser
·         Will be on Oct 8th from 11 to 1pm
·         We have a $250 service grant we earned last year which we haven’t used yet.
·         We can win another one by raffle (we get a ticket for each item donated over $50 in value) or we can win one by getting more than 15 people (friends and family count) to the auction.
·         Solicit restaurants for gift cards. They will get about 80% of their face value.
·         Lion Nancy is organizing setting up the silent auction tables and will need the support of the club members to show up early and help her out.
·         Almost all of the raffle tickets were sold and collected (18 books).

Pool Party – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Pot luck – bring whatever sides you want.
·         Hot dogs and hamburgers will be taken care of by the club.
·         Bring your spouse.
·         Normal meeting time. 6pm social, 9/21

Eyeglass Recycling Sites – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         We have 12 locations where we collect glasses.
·         We have a list of who is responsible for each site but it hasn’t been updated in a while and needs to be revisited.
·         Lion Steve thinks either we have multiple lions from our club collecting from the same boxes or some other clubs may be collecting glasses from our spots. We need to get this figured out.
·         Lion Rich will send out the current list and we can verify who is going to be responsible for all of our sites.

Traveling Leo – Lion Rich Roberts
·         We did two visits in August.
·         On the 17th we went to Williamsburg Host for the Lion Pat Kerr Comedy Hour and on the 25th we went to Windsor and learned about Chicken Swaps and Tractor Pulls.
·         Both visits were a lot of fun.
·         Lion Vickie is given 2 Bland Contest presentations in September, one to Little Creek and one to Franklin. We are going to try to turn the Little Creek meeting on Sept 13th into a Traveling Leo visit. Lion Stan and Lion Jeri agreed to go. Lion Rich will email the club to try and get one more.

From the Floor
·         Lion Dick – The JDRF Walk is on Sunday, Sept 25th at Noon. Walk will start on 31st street (we think). The club wrote the check for our annual donation to Scotty’s Superheros which was much appreciated. Lion Dick plans on bringing Scotty to a meeting in the near future

Secretary’s Report:
·         Fall Conference is this weekend. You don’t need to register to attend the classes on Saturday.
·         Region III meeting is on Sept 29th at Captain Ray’s Buffett on VB Blvd. This is the same place as the Hibachi Grill where it always is but just isn’t called the Hibachi Grill anymore.
·         Lion Jim Healy received a silver centennial of service pin for sponsoring a new member.
·         Lion Shelia brought in an article she saw in the beacon about our jump start program. The article had a picture of Lion Sylvia dressed up in her lion suit.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays:  All 4 Birthday Lions were present (Lions Fran, Rog, Dick, and Stan). Lion Dick orginially picked Lion Steve but then realized he is too cheap for the club to make any money and switched to Lion Aziz. Lion Rog went with the ever wonderful Lion Otis. Lion Fran went with Lion Irene and Lion Stan wanted Lion Vickie. Lions Aziz and Oits tried a duet where Lion Aziz would do a verse in Farsi and Lion Otis would follow in English. It was truly awful and my life is somehow worse for having heard it. Fortunately, Lion Irene followed with a good, regular version and Lion Vickie closed the show a funky Stevie Wonder version, so after a rough start we got to end on a high note.
·         50/50 Raffle: $15 – Lion Shelia, $10 – Lion Jack, $5 – Lion Steve.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:38 pm. – although most stayed to continue cutting Christmas cards.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

3 Aug 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on August 3, 2016, by Lion President Nancy Watters at 6:30PM at the Hilton Garden Inn with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register
Attendance: Guests 5, Members  16,  Percentage           47%
Introduction of Guests: Members of the Virginia Beach Blind Lions Club visiting were Lions 1st VDG Beth Stevens, GMT Chair Mack Stevens, Zone I Chair Bambi Martin, Mary Durbin, and Karen Brown

Meeting recessed for dinner at 6:34pm and was called back to order at 7:12PM

Lion President Nancy Watters introduced District 24D Global Membership Team Chair, Lion Mack Stevens who spoke (of course) about membership.

Lion Mack began with a punny joke about the stock market (e.g. feathers are down, helium is rising, etc., etc.).  His theme was to emphasize people instead of membership per se.  People need Lions Clubs, but we don’t have nearly enough Lions to serve the needs of a global 7 billion people.  Since there are but 1.4 million Lions, we are only 0.02% of the population – thus we need many more Lions to serve.  Of the average 10 – 15 people you meet every day, consider how many of them could be Lions.  Lion Mack then distributed a guide about membership (attached to these minutes).  Subjects of it include How to Get New Members, Membership Growth, Orientation of New Members, Making a Visitor or New Member Feel Welcome, Attendance, Fellowship and Retention.  He emphasized and discussed making visitors and new members feel both welcome and included.  He had recently visited clubs where those in charge of a particular project didn’t want help, especially from a newcomer.  Caring about and for present members is important, as part of good fellowship.  The handout mentioned six steps to retain members that should be followed.  Lion Mack than introduced three Thalia Lions as his minions – Lions Irene Conlin, Debra Laughlin and Marvin Clemmons.  They will be helping him spread the word about membership in the District by visiting and speaking to clubs.  His last bit of advice was to be positive and eliminate the negative.  Congratulate members for doing a good job and don’t complain at meetings.  Although sometimes interesting among the older members, he suggested we don’t go into gory detail about our latest surgery or bowel and bladder problems as young persons don’t like to be reminded that they will be old one day.

To keep him active and awake, Lion Irene Conlin presented the guest speaker with a 6-pack of Red Bull.

President’s Announcements:  Lion Nancy distributed club brochures and membership applications to all members, along with an “elevator talk” – a discussion of who Lions are summarized for a two minute talk.  It is straight off the LCI website.

Committee Reports: 

1.  Children’s Eye Screenings/ School Supplies for Children   Lion Nancy mentioned that 66 children were screened at the last Central Library Screening – present were Lions Susie Sumnick, Fran Scott, Sylvia Wagner and Nancy.

     A Shed It, Shred It or Donate It event is being held at the main Rose and Womble Realtor office  next Saturday, Aug 6th.  Thalia Lions will have a table there to publicize our events and sell brooms.

     Paper ‘apples’ were distributed to get school supplies for children.  Each ‘apple’ has a list of needed supplies provided to needy children.  A general list for the schools in our area was distributed also.  The Jump Start activity this year on Aug. 25th will also provide everything needed for homeless family children like haircuts, eye screening by Lions and school supplies including backpacks, etc.

2.  Eyeglass Recycling/LMEB Dinner/RAM Wise Co. Recap    Lion John Watters reminded members of EGRC processing a week from tomorrow, Aug.11thYou know when and where.

The LMEB Annual Dinner is Aug. 17th – Member Meeting 5pm, Board Meeting follows, Social time 6pm and Dinner at 7pm, all at Norfolk Yacht and Country Club.  Secretary Lion Rich Roberts has reserved a table and reservations are due and payable. (Invitation attached)

Lion John summarized the Remote Area Medical – Virginia clinic in Wise Co. July 22 – 24.  Attending from Thalia Lions were Lion Susie Sumnick and spouse Mick, Lion Fran Scott and Lions Nancy and John Watters.  2111 persons registered for medical, vision and dental care.  The Vision Clinic saw about 700 persons and about 650 pairs of glasses were made.

3.  Recap of Youth Dinner provided on Sunday, July 24thLion Vickie Kennedy offered thanks to all participating Lions of which there were many.  Lion Aziz Selahi was injured when he fell carrying chicken for the dinner.  Although confined to bed for a week, he is much better now as reported by Lion Steve Rosnov.  The dinner went well with comments from the international youth that “. . Americans eat too much meat!”  They really enjoyed the baked beans and tacos.  Suggestions for the meal next year from them include having more vegetarian dishes and seasonings.  The cookies from Lion Jim Healy ran short and more should be on hand next year.  There were 29 students present with many Lions and spouses also in attendance.

4.  Bid’n Buy/Sept Pool Party Lion Stan Furman   The Bid’nBuy auction fund-raiser for the 24D Charity Foundation is being held on Oct. 8th  at the Oak Grove UMC.  The agenda suggested bringing items this evening, but if you didn’t please use the provided form to donate a good item or two worth more than $50.  Our club can ‘earn’ funds for charitable use and credit if we participate well.  Our club is responsible for organizing the silent auction part.  Raffle tickets to be sold for $5 each were handed out to those not present last meeting.  We can also use advertisers and restaurant coupons from your favorite restaurant.

Lion Nancy handed out two president pet pins for those who brought items.

The now annual late summer Thalia Lions Pool Party will be poolside at the Furman’s on the second meeting in September, the 21st.  Bring a guest and some potluck food and libation to go with the burgers and dogs.

5.  Traveling Leo trips are organized (Lion Rich Roberts) Windsor Lions on Aug. 25th and Wmsbrg Host on Aug. 16th.

6.  Aug. 25th, 6pm will be a joint Zone meeting at the Endependence Center.

7.  Aug. 27th will be a joint food drive

8.  Red Cross Blood Drive, Virginia Beach Christian Church, 2225 Rose Hall Drive, 1 – 7pm

Secretary’s Report:  Lion John Watters

       1.  Fall Conference, Sept. 9 - 10

2.  First District Cabinet Meeting this Sunday, 1pm, Brickhouse Auditorium, Sentara Norfolk

Birthdays:  Neither Lion Dan Ferrara or Lion Smitty Smith were present.

The 50/50 raffle prize was won by Lion Marvin Clemmons ($19).

The meeting adjourned at 7:57pm 

Respectfully submitted, 
Lion John Watters, Pseudo-Secretary

20 Jul 2016
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: None

SongLed by Lion Marvin Clemmons
Pledge of Allegianceled by PCC J. Stanley Furman
Invocation- given by Lion Jim Healy

     0 Guests 18 Members   55 Percent
Recess for dinner: 6:02
Reconvened: 7:00

Program:  Lion Marvin Clemmons – How to Use Square
·         We moved into the practical application phase of the square implementation.
·         Most club members had downloaded the app and Lion Marvin gave us the password and user name so we could log into the club’s account. We all use the same login in which is specific to our club (no individual logins which cost extra).
·         We did trial runs with individuals doing $1 transactions. 


Membership Plan – Lion Irene Conlin
·         Lion Irene presented her comprehensive membership plan which will be emailed to the club with these minutes.

Children Screeings/Shop for Cause/Youth Camp Dinner/Blood Drive  – Lion Nancy Watters
·         VB Central Library Screenings
o   Lion John Reported that on July 18th things were slow at the screening. 3 Lions were present for 3 hrs and screened 13 children
o   Doing another one on July 25th from 1-4pm following a NASA program so attendance should be good
§  Lions Susan, Debra, and Nancy are set to work
§  More people would be welcome to go around to round up the kiddies and bring them to the screening.
·         Shop for a Cause (Macy’s)
o   $5 per card, giving out sets of 10
o   Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all.
o   People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with some restrictions)
o   We have 100 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000.
o   Already collected $405
·         Blood Drive
o   Aug 29th (Mon) from 2-7pm
o   VB Christian Church
o   We’re not going to sell brooms.
·         Youth Dinner
o   This coming Sunday, the 24th (4:30pm)
o   Lion Rich will send out the menu
o   Location is the Chapel, same place it has been the last 2 years.
·         Lion Nancy spoke to Erin Stromburg. Although she is too busy to be active in the club and has dropped her membership, she still wants to support the club and offered to do free eye exams for us.
·         Linda Harrision also dropped because she is too busy with her business to participate, but there is still opportunity for us to work together. She is organizing a “Shred it, shed it, donate it” event at Rose & Womble on August 6th from 9:30am-1:30pm (set up a 9am). This is for people to clean out their garages and get rid of old stuff. She would like us to set a booth for people to donate glasses. We can also sell shop for a cause tickets and brooms.

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
·         4 Lions worked on July 14th
·         370 glassed were turned in and 3 hearing aids.

LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         The yearly auction is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser
·         Will be on Oct 8th from 11 to 1pm
·         We have a $250 service grant we earned last year which we haven’t used yet.
·         We can win another one by raffle (we get a ticket for each item donated over $50 in value) or we can win one by getting more than 15 people (friends and family count) to the auction.
·         Solicit restaurants for gift cards. They will get about 80% of their face value.
·         Lion Nancy is organizing setting up the silent auction tables and will need the support of the club members to show up early and help her out.
·         PCC Stan also passed out raffle tickets for the auction.

Fundraisers/Traveling Leo – Lion Rich Roberts
·         We need to schedule a broom sale.
·         The schedule for August is packed and the weather is hot. So we decided to do a sale in September
·         Lion Jack brought up a good point that setting up and tearing down two days in a row is a lot of work and we generally sell more on Saturdays than Fridays, so we decided to do a one day sale in September and then do another sale in October.
·         We picked Sept 17th for the first sale and then Oct is TBD.
·         Lion Rich was gaging interest on Traveling Leo visits for August. He suggested W’burg Host, Windsor and Northampton.
·         It looks like we will have enough interest to visit W’Burg Host on August 16th and the Windsor on August 25th.
·         Lion Rich will schedule the visits with those clubs and organize our crew.
From the Floor
·         Nada

Secretary’s Report:
·         The 1st cabinet meeting is on Aug 7th at Norfolk General, 1pm.
·         It’s time to pay dues again. $100. Pay up. 24 Lions (72%) have paid so far.
·         Eyebank dinner. We have 10 who want to go. Lion Rich will reserve the table and pay the fee and those going can reimburse Lion Rich.
·         Fall Conference info is out. Registration is due by Aug 22nd.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jack Wagner
·         Birthdays:  Done at first meeting.
·         50/50 Raffle: 1 drawings for $25, won by Lion Bob Donnelly. Welcome back!

Meeting then adjourned at 8:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
Ø  July 22-24th (Fri-Sun) – RAM (Wise County)
Ø  July 24th (Sun) – Youth Camp Dinner (VA Wesleyan) (4:30pm)
Ø  July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2
Ø  Aug 3rd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø  Aug 6th (Sat) – Shred it, Shed it, Donate it (Rose & Womble) (9am -1:30pm)
Ø  Aug 7th (Sun) – 1st Cabinet Meeting (Norfolk General)
Ø  Aug 11th (Wed) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø  Aug 16th (Tues) – Traveling Leo – Williamsburg Host
Ø  Aug 17th (Wed) – LMEB Dinner (Norfolk Yacht Club) (6pm)
Ø  Aug 25th (Thurs) – Traveling Leo - Windsor
Ø  Oct 8th (Sat) – LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction
Ø  Sept 7th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting (DG Official Visit)
Ø  Sept 9-10 (Fri-Sat) – 24-D Fall Conference, Chesapeake

Ø  Sept 17th (Sat) – Broom Sale (BJs)

6 July 2016 - First Meeting of the 2016-2017 Year
Regular Meeting Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
ATTENDANCE   1 Guests 19 Members   56 Percent    
Dinner wasn’t ready, so Lion President Nancy pushed on with the reports.
Program:  None
Children Screeings/Shop for Cause/Youth Camp Dinner/Blood Drive  – Lion Nancy Watters  Youth Camp  o Menu is set:   Chicken – Lion Aziz  Paper products – Lion Nancy and Lion John (they will be at RAM)  Cookies – Lion Jim Healy  Potato Salad – PCC Stan  Water – Lion Vickie  Pasta Salad – Lion Marvin  Green Salad – Lion Dick  Baked Beans – Lion Rich  o Lion Nancy needed someone to take the warming trays. Lion Bob 1 (rocking some awesome Elton John glasses) said he would take them.  VB Central Library Screenings o Doing one on July 18th from 10-1pm  Lions Roger, John, and Mike are set to work o Doing another one on July 25th from 1-4pm following a NASA program so attendance should be good  Lions Susan, Debra, and Nancy are set to work  Shop for a Cause (Macy’s) o $5 per card, giving out sets of 10 o Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all.  o People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with some restrictions) o We have 100 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000.  o Already collected $405  Blood Drive o Aug 29th (Mon) from 2-7pm o VB Christian Church
Introduction of Guests: Judy Lewis (Friend of Lion Jim 1)  
Song – Led by Lion Jack Wagner – “America the Beautiful” Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Mike Coren Invocation- given by Lion John Watters
LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman  The yearly auction is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser  Will be on Oct 8th from 11 to 1pm  We have a $250 service grant we earned last year which we haven’t used yet.   We can win another one by raffle (we get a ticket for each item donated over $50 in value) or we can win one by getting more than 15 people (friends and family count) to the auction.   Solicit restaurants for gift cards. They will get about 80% of their face value.   Lion Nancy is organizing setting up the silent auction tables and will need the support of the club members to show up early and help her out.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters  Next EGRC is July 14th, Same time/same place.  Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy at 9:30 for a ride.
PAHS Scholarship – Lion Bob Perrine  Lion Bob had the check ready to send to our scholarship winner this year, Laura De Haan. Laura was going to come to the meeting but ended up not being able to. She is going to George Mason to study pre-nursing with the ambition to become a physician assistant in the Army.   Lion Bob read a letter she wrote to the club.   Lion Bob updated us on last year’s winner, Peter Ngyen who is also going to George Mason and occasionally corresponds with him. Peter is doing very well is working on encryption for the mobile banking industry. He is looking for ways to give back and is joining the Knights of Columbus. He is also going to join an inventors club.
Lions Medical Eyebank Dinner – Lion John Watters  The dinner is on August 17th (wed) and cost $35/person  All clubs are members of the eyebank  The social starts at 6pm and dinner at 7pm.   There was a lot of interest so we plan on reserving a table of 10.   Lion Rich will send in the registration so you need to let him know you plan on going and send you money to him  Lion John then starting disseminating numerous amounts of interesting factoids about the eyebank. Lion Nancy grew incrementally more frustrated with each factoid.  
Recess for dinner:  6:50 Reconvene:    7:20
 FY16-17 Budget – Lion Vickie Kennedy  Lion Vickie went through this year’s budget (previously approved by the BOD) line by line.   Lion Bob wanted the ALC scholarship bumped up from $1000 to $1500 to match what we did last year. Lion Stan made the motion which passed unanimously.
From the Floor   Lion Dick expressed concern over members who don’t regularly attend meetings since we’re charged for a minimum of 20 meals and we usually don’t have that many members at the meeting. Lion Nancy announced she has a plan for that. She also plans on doing installation night at the hotel on a regular meeting night and invite our spouses instead of doing a fancy dinner which will save the club money. The members seemed good with that.   Lion Marvin had some preps for the members since next meeting he is going to demonstrate the square. He wants us to download the square app prior to the meeting. He also talked about
setting up a separate account for our admin funds so club members could pay for their meals/dues with credit/debit cards instead of cash.   Lion Jack talked to the fruit guy. He apologized for the crop last year. He said everyone had the same problems since the issues were weather driven which caused some poor crops. The orders and delivery will be a week earlier this week which should be a good thing.   Nobody did the origami thing so Lion Nancy gave us 2 more weeks to pull it off.
Secretary’s Report:  The 1st cabinet meeting is on Aug 7th at Norfolk General, 1pm.   It’s time to pay dues again. $100. Pay up.   Lion Rich briefly touched on the 3 reports he does every month and the info he is looking for when he sends out the email every month. He know we’re doing more than gets reported. Last FY our club logged the following on myLCI: 1411 lion hours dedicated to service projects; 6007 people served; 1681 eyeglasses collected'; 6 hearing aids collected; 939 children screened. 87 service activates were logged. We’re asked to do at least one project in the following areas, youth, vision, hunger, and environment. We did 9 youth projects, 33 vision projects, 12 hunger projects, and 15 environmental projects (EGRC hits this bucket).
Tail Twister PCC J. Stanley Furman     Birthdays:  None present  50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $20 – Lion Dick (who says he never wins); $10 –Lion Aziz, $4- Lion Jack  Progressive Raffle: Lion Mike’s ticket was pulled.  He only had a 2.94% of pulling the queen of hearts and winning the pot, but that’s exactly what he did. Lion Mike won $174 and Lion Steve was immediately trying to bum a few bucks off him.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:04 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary Thalia Lions Club  
Upcoming Events  July 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling   July 18th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening #1, 10-1pm  July 20th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting  July 22-24th (Fri-Sun) – RAM (Wise County)  July 24th (Sun) – Youth Camp Dinner (VA Wesleyan)   July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2, 1-4pm   Aug 3rd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting  Aug 7th (Sun) – 1st Cabinet Meeting (Norfolk General), 1pm   Aug 17th (Wed) – LMEB Dinner (Norfolk Yacht Club)  Aug 29th (Mon) – Blood Drive (VB Christian Church),  2-7pm  Oct 8th (Sat) – LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction  Sept 9-10 (Fri/Sat) – 24-D Fall Conference, Chesapeake


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