Meetings 2020-2021

May 19, 2021, Regular Meeting Minutes, Wed. 7p.m.
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7pm
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation: Lion Jack Wagner
Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag
Welcome and welfare check for members – Lion President Jeri
Introduction of Guests: Susan De Abate

Introduction of Guest Speaker – Lion Jon Halvorson
Susan M. De Abate, RN, MSN/ED, CDCES, is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. She works with Sentara Diabetes Prevention Program as Coordinator for Hampton Roads. Susan has a 43-year career in nursing and 23 of those years in diabetes education. She has worked at four different sites and is involved in many councils and chairs in the state. She is certainly a qualified person to help us understand our community needs.

Susan impressed the growing need in our community concerning diabetes. Her job is to educate people about diabetes to prevent them from having to enter the hospital. Diabetes prevention and intervention programs are critical. The majority of education services are tied to a health system. Susan stated that it is very important to find a way to tie diabetes prevention and intervention to community services. Small grant monies are very important to meet those needs.
To prevent readmission to hospital, it is critical to assist people with medications, especially those on Medicaid or homeless.
The challenge is how to let the community know that there is help. In most cases, being assisted by a diabetes educator or coach is covered by insurance. The process is life long, not exposure to one or two classes.
No one is ever turned away for services because the Diabetes Prevention Program is there to serve the community.
Their program is currently working on a remote monitoring system for the Medicaid population. The person provides weight, blood sugar, blood pressure and the numbers are transmitted by cloud to the program to identify patterns and trends.
Susan provided Thalia Lions with an outline of possibilities for help. She listed need supplies and services. Susan remarked that when she is provided an amount of funding, she can usually get matching or additional funds.
The goal of course is to decrease hospital admissions, increase access and management care. Susan said that she was open to anything our club has to offer. Lions of District 24I recently provided a $2,000 grant for meds and need food. In many cases, the choice is either food or medication.

Lion John Watters expressed concern for the use of the term “pre-diabetes.” Susan verified that normal A1C numbers are between 4.4-5.4 and anything over 5.7 is considered Diabetic. The numbers in between are referred to as pre-diabetic. New standards will be released in January and there is consideration for eliminating the term and replacing it with stages.
A key message to relate to others is that a diabetic should be seen by a diabetes educator on a regular basis not just one time a year by the doctor. Complications can be prevented if monitoring is better.

New Business:
Regular Meeting Venue and Installation Night Report - Lion Nancy Watters – Broad Bay Country Club will provide an Installation Night menu or Petit Beef Medallions plus veggie, starch, dessert, rolls, beverages for $22 inclusive. The number of Reservations will need to be confirmed no later than July 11, 2021. Lion Nancy will lock in the date of July 21st a minimum number of 25. We may add to the number but go no lower without penalty. Should we wish to continue our meetings at Broad Bay for the 3rd Wed of each month, the meal will be $20.

Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Vision Walk – June 12th Lion Nancy will send out a Zoom link for the virtual walk. Wine Tasting – Lion Homer Cook is working on a Winetasting possibility as a fundraiser for his club. It will be at Zoe’s with a tasting of 10 wines – the cost will probably be $50 – date to be announced.
Lion of the Year Vote – Lion Nancy will send an email out for the vote. If you want your vote to be anonymous, please do not “reply all.” Every member is needed to respond in a timely manner.


Bland Sub District Contest Report- Lion Vickie Kennedy – Ava Shedd, our violinist, won the competition over Kendall Gonzales playing the cello. Both scores were nearly perfect and the expertise of both was incredible. Ava will go to the State Competition. She will attend Cincinnati Conservatory on a full scholarship. The school is where her parents met.

VBCC School reusable water bottles – Lion Susan Sumnick will bring some of the water bottles to the Broom Sale for purchase of to give if people donate items or money. She will contact the schools we sponsor and see if they want the remainder of the bottles.

Peace Poster Contest – Lion Karen Austin – Lion Bill Austin reported in Karen’s absence. She will work the Girl Scouts and also has some other ideas about getting young people involved. Lion Homer Cook has provided two Peace Poster Kits for her.

EGRC – Lion John Watters – Three attended last Thur. and turned in 167 prs. of glasses. He will schedule. us to work on the second Thurs of June.

Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner – May 21st – B.J.’s parking lot 10am-6pm. Brooms prices have been slightly raised to $13 - $18. There will be peanuts also. Lion John solicited people to work and will send out the schedule.
Lion Nancy has advertised on both Facebook and Neighborhood Next Door. Also, in advertising the Broom sale, it was noted that we are collecting toiletries for Vet House and cleaning supplies for ForKids.
There will be two tubs to collect those items. Anyone who donates or give a couple of dollars should be given a water bottle.
Lion Roger missed the meeting because he was at B.J.’s placing a banner on the cart return advertising the Broom Sale.

Memorial Golf Tournament in Memory of Susan Mills Report– Lion Nancy Watters reported that 47 members of the LGA played and 53 came to lunch. The donation amount to the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia amounted to $1,085. The Ocean Park Rescue Squad collected $1,246.

From the Floor:

Lion Bob Perrine – June program is Sean Flynn concerning academic and recreational enhancement in underserved communities.
Lion Bob reported that Princess Anne will put our scholarship announcement on line since they are doing Zoom.
The Adult Learning Center has a new contact person with whom Lion Bob is working, Heather Allen. They are communicating about an special contestant who has been in trouble but now getting herself back on track.

Lion Jon Halvorson suggested that we consider offering or supporting activities like walks to make ourselves visible and still support the Diabetes Education effort.

Lion Stanley Furman reminded us the Diabetes Camp is this week. There are 59 parents and 60 children, staff from CHKD and ODU with a total of over 100 people all supported by the District.

Adjournment: 8:15

Upcoming Dates:
June 2nd Wed. Board Meeting Zoom 7pm
June 23rd next Reg meeting – Zoom 7pm
June 12th Vision Walk
June 25th-29th International Convention in Montreal -Zoom
Sept 9-11 -USA Canada Forum

May 5, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes, Wed. 7p.m. Zoom

Attendance: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stanley Furman, Nancy Nelson, Jack Wagner, Ellen Turman, Vickie Kennedy and Lions Nancy and John Watters, Lions Stanley Moss, Roger Snell

Lion President Jeri Furman: Call to Order 7:00PM

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Lion Vickie explained that the Thalia Lions Scholarship Fund account is down substantially because of the market. The price of shares fell.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Vision Walk will be June 12th – Many of the members have made donations to Vision Walk but you must indicate that your donation is for the Thalia Lions Team. Most of the contributions so far have been corrected but anyone else should be sure to mark in the memo line, Thalia Lions Vision Walk Team. The Vision Walk leader has already signed every club member up on the team and each person will receive an email with a link to sign in, create a password and start a Vision Walk fundraising page. So, if you got that message, it is legitimate.
The Virtual Walk will be June 12th. We will go on Zoom like we did last year to participate. Maybe we can do a screen shot or something to that effect. More information will follow.

*Meeting Venue and Choice Results: 31% of our club is not ready to meet before July or September. After much discussion, Lion Stanley Furman moved that we not start in person meetings until July 21st. Lion Jack Wagner second the motion and the vote carried.

*The Board decided that Installation Night would be moved to the July 21st date.

*Lion Nancy Watters reported that Broad Bay Country Club has offered a meeting location each 3rd Wed. evening with a meal (Chef’s Choice) for the price of $21 inclusive. A vegetarian meal will always be available. Further talks will explore the use of our tax number and the price of an Installation Night meal (usually a little nicer menu). While we give Broad Bay a trial period, Lion Nancy Nelson will communicate with the Westin explaining that our club is not yet ready to meet in person. A complete report will be made to the Board at the joint meeting on June 2nd.

Service Reports

*Water bottle Report – Lion Susie Sumnick was not at the meeting but Lion Nancy reported that Kings Grant had requested more water bottles. Lion Susie has about 50 remaining and many club members wanted a bottle. Lion Susie requested a decision on how to handle the request.
Lion Jack Wagner moved that we order 200 more to be distributed between the schools. Some of the bottles could be made available to club members. Since the bottles say “donated by Thalia Lions Club”, they could be given to those people who are willing to make donations to our club at the Broom Sale scheduled for May 21st.

*Paperbacks for Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that the organization is having trouble finding sources to send the books. So, she is suspending mailings at this time.

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy. The Sub District 24 I May 14th 7pm at Thalia United Methodist Church. Since we do not know how the District Chairperson is handling the contest, Lion Vickie is looking for volunteers to step in as needed. There will be mitigations in place. Dr. Travino and Dr. Harvey Stokes will be our judges. Lions Jeri & Stan, Nancy Nelson, John & Nancy Watters will attend. Lion Homer Cook is broadcasting on Zoom. All are invit

Fundraisers -
*Broom Sale – Lion Roger Snell wants to do a Broom Sale on Friday, May 21st from 10am-4pm. He will create flyers and posters prior to the event to advertise. It will also be posted on Facebook as well as Nextdoor Neighborhood. In addition, we will be collecting toiletries for the Veterans and cleaning supplies for ForKids.
*Peanuts are running out of date and need to be sold. Please contact Lion Jack for a supply.

From the Floor:
Lion of the Year will be voted on at the next regular meeting. Lion Stan mentioned that it will be difficult because we have had no in-person meetings all year.
But we have carried on with important projects. Some of those were water bottles, peace poster, Secret Santa, Thanksgiving dinner in laundry baskets, Bland contest, Paperback book drive, collection of eye glasses.
Many people do things quietly without others being aware like Meals on Wheels delivery, volunteering at free dental clinics, donations to foodbank, Samaritan House, Ronald McDonald House, St. Jude’s, Union Mission, and other charities.
We are all actually Lions of the Year! But it is time to make a designation. The decision is simply made by the number of votes a member gets so it is very important that every Lion have input.

Adjournment: 7:32pm

Upcoming Dates:

*Next regular meeting – May 19 Zoom 7pm
*Vision Walk – June 12th Virtual Team
*International Convention in Montreal -Zoom June 25th-29th USA Canada Forum – Sept 9-11les

April 21, 2021 Meeting Minutes, 7p.m.

Lion President Jeri Furman: Call to Order 7:00PM

Welcome and Introduction of Guests: Traveling Leo from Town Center Blind Lions Club. DG Scott Durbin, Lions Mary and Ashley Durbin, Lions Judy Knapp and Annie Asher.

Program: “How to make your club more effective on Social Media” - Lion Nina Ambrose introduced by Lion Nancy Nelson
Lion Nina Ambrose and husband Tommy live in the Black water section of Chesapeake. They have 5 children and 12 Grandchildren. She is a 2-time Lion of the Year and currently, the Sight and Hearing Chair for the Chesapeake Southside Lions Club. She has held positions from Club President to what is now called “Social Media Lion”. Lion Nina serves on the Lions Charity Foundation and is Social Media Chair for District 24I. She owns a State Farm Insurance Agency in Chesapeake.
Lion Nina explained the positive effects of having an updated Facebook page. The Thalia page was created several years ago but became unused after 2017.
By using a diagram, Lion Nina illustrated the sharing possibilities of Facebook to highlight and promote our club activities to an exponential number of people.
Lion Nina also encouraged each member to create a Facebook page that identifies them as a Lion. The problem with Thalia Facebook page is that there is no record of who is the administrator or what password works. There is a solution to the problem by creating a new page.
Lion Nina also suggested that we should have a specific person designated in our club as a photographer and social media administrator. Since the page for our club is created as Thalia Lions and our official name is Virginia Beach Thalia, we may be able to create a new page under that name.

New Business:

Elections of Officer 2021-22 – After asking for further nominations, Lion Jeri Furman read the slate of officers. Lion Stanley Furman moved that we vote in the slate unanimously. Hearing no objections, the slate of officers for the year 2021-22 was approved. Lion Jeri congratulated the newly elected team.

Regular Meeting Venue: Lion Nancy Nelson
The Board felt that Zoom meetings are the best choice for Board meetings. They are efficient, generally well attended, and convenient. We will try for a yearly Zoom rate instead of paying on a monthly basis.

Lion Meeting Dinner.
*Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Susie Sumnick met with the events planner at the Westin. At this point they are bending over backwards to accommodate our needs. There is no minimum requirement for numbers, and no deposit and no contract as before. We are only required to report the number of reservations by the Monday before the meeting. For the full dinner including salad, and dessert the quoted price is $26.72. Without salad the price would be reduced to $22.72. Lion Stanley Furman reminded us that we are tax exempt for meetings and that should also drop the cost.
*Lion Jack if we have a choice for entrées? Lion Nancy Nelson said that it was made very clear we will have no choice. They will select the entrée based on the price we are paying. Lion Fran Scott asked if we could consider dropping the dessert instead of the salad. That will likely be about the same price as dropping the salad.
*Lion Jack Wagner asked if we could check with Broad Bay Country Club and compare with the Westin. Lion Nancy Watters agreed to check with Broad Bay but in the past, the best price offered was $25 plus tax and gratuity. For Installation night the cost of having a nice meal of rib roast, seafood and such has been $40-$45.00.
*Lion Nancy Nelson suggested we poll the members as to dropping the salad, dropping the dessert, or to keep both.
*Lion Vickie Kennedy asked if everyone was comfortable coming back to meeting in person and going into a restaurant.
*Lion Nancy Nelson suggested that we add that question to the poll about the dinner options.
*The decision was made to take up the questions after polling the membership and then discuss the results at the Board meeting.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*State Convention Voting Delegates – Thalia is allowed 3 delegates. Voting for our club is PCC Lion Stanley Furman, Lion President Jeri Furman, and Membership and Diabetes Chairperson, Lion Dick Kreassig. All votes will be submitted by 4/22/2021.
*USA Canada Forum will be held Sept. 9-11 in person located in Des Moines, Iowa
*Lions Club International Convention – Montreal Canada – June 25th. This is a virtual convention. The deadline for $50 registration is April 30th after which the amount increases to $75. Here are some important details about the 2021 virtual convention:
• Everyone’s invited – Our 2021 convention will be a virtual event that’s open to all Lions and Leos around the world.
• Registration fees – The registration fee will be US$50 until April 30, then US$75 beginning May 1. The registration fee for Leos will be US$30 regardless of date. Convention is currently scheduled for June 25-29. Additional event and registration details will be provided soon.
• Current registrants – Lions who are currently registered for convention will receive an email soon with more information about their registration options.
• Elections – Executive officer and international director elections will be conducted electronically, and voting procedures will be forthcoming.

*Diabetes Camp May 21-23 – Triple R Ranch – Thalia Lions has sponsored a family with a diabetic camper.
*REACH -Recreate, Educate And Climb Higher – April 29th 4:30-5:30 via Zoom (free) The program is for diabetic children and their families. However, anyone interested may join in to the meeting.
*Vision Walk will be June 12th – Please see attached. Many members sponsor Vision Walk individually but you may also join our group virtually for the event. Lion Vickie will submit our club donation.
*Peace Poster Contest – Lion Karen Austin has agreed to chair the project. The kit will be given to our club by Lion Homer Cook. He will deliver it when we have the Bland contest on May 14th.

Service Reports
*Paperbacks for Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy will send 10 paperbacks to two soldiers at the end of this month.
*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy informed us that the date has been changed to Fri. May 14th at 7pm. The event will be the Sub- District contest run by Lion Pat Morrell, District Bland Chairperson. Lion Vickie reported that the Thalia Bland Contest held on April 8th was very successful. The instrumental winner, Ava Shedd, earned rave reviews from our expert judges. Emily Wu was second and Edric Han third, both playing piano. Our vocalist had to drop out of competition but we have another person, Lindsey Turner will represent our club. Lion Homer Cook will transmit the event virtually. Lion Jack commented on the quality of our judges and the importance of their professional feedback.
*Water bottles for Elementary Schools– Lion Susie Sumnick has purchased 300 water bottles and they were delivered to our three elementary schools. She has about 50 bottles left for club member or to sell when we have the broom sale.
*Children’s Eye Screening –Lion Nancy and John did a requested screening at Pembroke Elementary school for the Special Needs classes. Because Pembroke is in the TCBL area, Lion Nancy consulted with Lion Bambi, TCBL screener, before doing the screening. Lion Bambi was not ready to return to screening children at this time. Because of their disabilities, the screening of 32 children with 8 referrals took 2 ½ hours. Kudo’s to Lion Bambi who has screened that school for years.
*Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters, Jack Wagner, Mike Coren and Aziz Selahi worked at the EGRC on April 8th. They tuned in 52 pairs of glasses. The next scheduled trip is Thurs. May 13th from 11-1pm. Anyone who wants to attend should let Lion John know. Arrangements can be made to ride together.
*Leadership Training - Our guest, DG Scott Durbin reported that the Leadership Training would be New Member Orientation. Immediately afterwards will be the World-Wide Induction Ceremony. Certificates will be mailed to club secretaries. Any new member or old could benefit from the workshop.


*Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner said that he has peanuts that are reaching their expiration date and need to be sold.
*White Cane/ Broom Sale. Lion Roger thinks early May will be safe enough to hold a broom sale. He is not yet ready to plan a White Cane. Lion Vickie asked if we still sell flags. Lion Jack reported that we do have flags and he is willing to supply on request.
*Memorial Golf Tournament in Memory of Susan Mills – Lion Nancy reported that about 40 people have signed up to date to play in the tournament. All donations will be split between Ocean Park Rescue Squad and the Lions Charity Foundation in our club’s name. Lion Nancy recognized Lion Roger Snell, Harrington Designs, supplied all the signs for this tournament.

Other business:
Club Programs –Lion Bob Perrine –
*The May meeting program will be Susan De Abate from Sentara speaking on diabetes awareness.
*June is the installation program
*July will be a program referred by Town Center Blind Lions, Sean Flynn - development director for academic and recreational enhancement for children in underserved communities in Norfolk and Portsmouth.
*Lion Bob commented that he had sent out a list of all programs since 2009. He highlighted the programs in Nov. 2020 where our members spoke for 1 minute about themselves. Another very heart throbbing program was Lion Aziz Selahi who described his escape from Iran.

From the Floor:
*Lion Nancy Watters reminded everyone to hang on their old Holiday Cards for the Fall project promoted by
*Lion Susan Sumnick. We will work with the preschool at VBCC to create cards to send to deployed troops.
*Lion Susan Sumnick reminded everyone that when we have the Broom Sale, we will be collecting cleaning supplies and toiletries for donation to ForKids and the VA.
* Lion Jack commended Lion Susie for her work on the water bottle donation project.
* Lion Jeri asked if there was any input from our Traveling Leos. DG Scott is encouraging that we get out in public and be seen. He is looking for venues and events to get Lions involved and promote membership. He is also focusing on Fall Prevention to make everyone aware of hazardous situations in and around our homes.
* Lion Ashley offered helpful advice about Facebook buffering and scheduling. Lion Judy Knapp commented that she enjoyed the meeting because we are busy with projects and we have fun at our meetings.

Lion Jeri thanked all for their reports and attendance.
Adjournment: 8:08
Upcoming Dates:

April 29th – Zoom 4:30-5:30 – REACH
May 21-23 – Diabetes Camp
June 12th Vision Walk
June 25th-29th International Convention in Montreal -Zoom
Sept 9-11 -USA Canada Forum

Aril 7, 2021, Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes, Wed. 7p.m.

Attendance: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stanley Furman, Nancy Nelson, Jack Wagner, Ellen Turman, Mike Coren, Vickie Kennedy and Lions Nancy and John Watters Lion President Jeri Furman: Call to Order 7:00PM

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy –

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*USA Canada Forum will be held Sept. 9-11 in person located in Des Moines, Iowa Lions Club International Convention will be virtual on June 25-29. Reduced price registration of $50 deadline will be extended until the end of April.
*Diabetes Camp May 21-23 – Triple R Ranch – Thalia usually sponsors a child and an adult in the family. Lions Stanley Furman moved that we sponsor again this year. The board members agreed by consensus to sponsor in the amount of $350.00. Lion Vickie will send the money to the Charity Foundation.
*REACH -Recreate, Educate And Climb Higher – April 29th 4:30-5:30 via Zoom (free) The program is for diabetic children and their families. However, anyone interested may join in to the meeting.
*Vision Walk will be June 12th - more information will follow.
*We will have a Traveling Leo in April from Town Center Blind Lions Club.

Club Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine – The April meeting program will be Lion Nina Ambrose who will speak about using social media to promote and publicize the club activities. The May meeting program will be Susan De Abate from Sentara will speak on diabetes. June is the installation program and July will be a program referred by Town Center Blind Lions.

Service Reports
*Paperbacks for Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy will send 10 paperbacks to two soldiers.
*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy is all set for tomorrow night’s Bland Contest. The church has relaxed restrictions and families will be allowed into the church. There will be mitigations in place. Dr. Travino and Dr. Harvey Stokes will be our judges. There are only instrumentalists. The club is invited to attend.
*Water bottles for Elementary Schools– Lion Susie Sumnick has purchased 300 water bottles and they will be delivered sometime next week. Lion Nancy Nelson has volunteered to assist Lion Susie. They were asked to take pictures of the delivery.
*Children’s Eye Screening – Indian Lakes Elem (3 special needs students) 4/1/21 requested a screening. The director of nursing, Mary Shaw, has asked if we would be willing to come on an as needed basis.

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters

*Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner reported that Lion Mike received his stimulus check from Jimmy Carter and picked up a lot of peanuts yesterday. Lion Jack still has a good supply. Brooms are in a slump. *White Cane/ Broom Sale – Lion Jack and Roger – Again, we will plan to do a White Cane as the weather warms. He still wants to mitigate handling money.

From the Floor:
*Lion John are announced that we will again begin working at the EGRC as of tomorrow. There is a limit of 6 people at a time. The Center is only open 2 days per week and there are 12 clubs in Virginia Beach who wish to work. So, we are not allowed to book a standard appointment for the 3rd Thurs. of each month. Lion John will try to arrange an appointment each month.
*Lion Stanley Furman asked if we could begin in person meeting again in May. The incoming President, Lion Nancy Nelson and the outgoing President, Lion Jeri Furman were asked to contact the hotel concerning the possibility of meeting there again. The Board felt that Zoom meeting are the best choice for Board meeting. They are efficient, generally well attended, and convenient. We will try for a yearly rate instead of paying on a monthly basis.

Adjournment: 7:24pm

Upcoming Dates:
Thur. April 8th – Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
Wed. April 21st – Regular Club meeting
April 29th – Zoom 4:30-5:30 - REACH
Vision Walk – June 12th
International Convention in Montreal -Zoom June 25th-29th
USA Canada Forum – Sept 9-11

Mar 17, 2021 Regular Meeting, Wed. Zoom
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order – 7:02pm
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation: Lion Aziz Selahi
Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag”
Introduction of Guests: Stella Walsh, program presenter - Joining later, Lion Liz Conlin of TCBL Club

Welcome and welfare check on members – Lion President Jeri stated that she knew of no one in the club who is ill at this time. Lion Jeri did send Lion Jim Healy a card because he had been in the hospital.

Introduction of Program Speaker, Stella Walsh, by Lion Nancy Nelson
Stella Waltz is a Norfolk native. She studied Biology and Physical Therapy at Virginia Wesleyan and Old Dominion University, respectively, and she practiced Physical Therapy for 15 years, treating patients from ages 10 to 103, absolutely loving the profession. In 2004, she joined forces with husband Jesse at JES Foundation Repair, a company founded by Jesse in 1993. She focused on marketing and worked to blend company culture in their 3 Virginia offices. Through JES, Stella began an American flag collection campaign to gather people's old, worn, torn flags, and her interest molded into delivering presentations to civic organizations, groups, and schools, on American Flag history, etiquette, and protocol. She has come to be known by many as "The Flag Lady."
Stella and Jesse have a 24-year-old daughter and 2 sons, ages 23 and 17. She likes to "unplug" and have quality time with her friends and family. She enjoys kayaking, boating, cooking, learning about nutrition, and (full disclosure) board games/card games and roulette. She revels in the beauty of sunrises and sunsets, and she admittedly prefers fresh air on the shoreline to any source of caffeine out there.
Stella proceeded to give us a very informative program covering the origins and evolvement of the American Flag. We all appreciate Stella very much. Please view the video link that will be sent along with these minutes.

Nominating Committee – Lion President Jeri Furman has asked the following members to serve on the committee, Lion John Watters, Mike Coren, Nancy Nelson, Billy McIntyre, Vickie Kennedy. The slate of officers for 2021-22 was be presented and the floor was opened for nominations. Lion Stan Furman moved that Lion Roger Snell, proposed for Vice Pres. should be removed from the slate as a Director and replaced by Lion Stan Moss. The move was seconded by Lion John Watters. The motion carried. No further nominations were made.
The new slate of officers for 2021-22 will be voted on at the April meeting.

Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*State Convention Voting Delegates – Thalia is allowed 3 delegates – Lions Stanley Furman, Jeri Furman and Dick Kreassig volunteered to be the delegates. Their names will be sent to the State Secretary, Tammie Brightwell. A ballot will be emailed or mailed to each and they will return their vote by email or by snail mail. Elections are for upcoming District Governor, 2nd V. District Governor and International Director Jay Moughan.
*International Convention – Montreal Canada – International Convention Due to the continuing concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the board of directors voted to transition the 2021 Montreal Lions Clubs International Convention to a virtual event that will be delivered totally online. This decision was made with the health and safety of our Lions, staff and vendors in mind as limiting international travel and large gatherings is key to global containment strategies.
Although we are disappointed that we won’t be able to host this event in person, we are excited about hosting our first virtual international convention that can safely connect Lions from around the world. We are still finalizing the details of your new convention experience, and will share those with you as soon as they are ready.
Here are some important details about the 2021 virtual convention we’d like to share with you:
• Everyone’s invited – Our 2021 convention will be a virtual event that’s open to all Lions and Leos around the world.
• Registration fees – The registration fee will be US$50 until March 31, then US$75 beginning April 1. The registration fee for Leos will be US$30 regardless of date. Convention is currently scheduled for June 25-29. Additional event and registration details will be provided soon.
• Current registrants – Lions who are currently registered for convention will receive an email soon with more information about their registration options.
• Elections – Executive officer and international director elections will be conducted electronically, and voting procedures will be forthcoming.
June 25 - registration deadline Mar. 21st - Cost $50 per member

Leadership Workshop – Lion Dick Kreassig attended and reported on the Friday virtual membership workshop on Zoom. His opinion is that membership events does not bring in members any more effectively that person to person invitation and involvement in community projects. Lion Dick recounted how Lion Bob Perrine asked about Lions because he met Lion Dick at a church men’s breakfast. We should all have a “elevator speech” ready for anyone who asks about Lions.


VBCC School reusable water bottles – Lion Susan Sumnick reported that it is just as cost effective to order 200 water bottles for the schools as it is to order 150. The order is taking a bit more time because of the Thalia Lions logos printed on the bottles. Lion Susie recommended that we order the extra 50 since the discount that she has been offered is for only the first order. That amount will still be within the $300 budgeted. Lion Stanley Furman made the motion and Lion John seconded. The motion carried without opposition.

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that the contest will be held on April 8th. We have already announced the vocal winner. A link to his performance was sent to the club earlier this week. Assistants are Lion John as emcee, Lion Nancy Watters working with the judges, Lion Nancy Nelson assisting with music collection and Lion Mike Coren acting as escort.

Paperback Books Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy had noting new to offer about the books. She will send another shipment next month.

KidsSight – Lion Nancy Watters advised that this is the perfect time for members who wish to become certified screeners to get their paperwork done. She will send out the information and links very soon. Holiday Card project has been postponed until later in the Fall.

Future programs: Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine– April will be Lion Nina Ambrose from Southside Lions Club who will speak of how to use Social Media to bring attention to our club activities and events. Lion Jon Halvorson has engaged Susan DeAbate, Diabetes Education from Sentara for the May program. As a side note, Lion Jon will be able to rejoin us in May. His classes will be over and he will be able to introduce Susan DeAbate.

Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner has plenty of peanuts for sale. He has sold no brooms. But Lion Roger Snell will schedule a broom sale when the weather is warmer.

From the Floor-
Lion John Watters would like to reinstitute the EGRC monthly trip. The next date would be April 8th, 10 a.m. There are piles of glasses that have built up and we need to get started again. He will send out a reminder.
Lion Dick Kreassig wished everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and he has had his corned beef and cabbage. He wanted to have a Guinness but the last one put him to sleep! Lion Nancy Watters wore a green beer mug necklace for fear that she would be fined without something green in her attire. Since she was covered…..she suggested that all who had on NO GREEN should send in a $5 fine to the Secretary or Tail Twister!!

Lion Stan Moss had no other fines to report.

Adjournment: 8:13 pm

Upcoming Dates:

*Fri. Mar. 19th – Leadership Workshop – Zoom 7pm – Topic: Conducting a Club Membership Growth Event- PID Cindy Gregg
*Wed., Mar. 21, 2021 – Last day to register for International Convention for reduced cost of $50
*Thur. April 8th – Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
*June 25th-29th – International Convention in Montreal -Zoom

Mar 3, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes,

Lion Vice President Nancy Nelson: Call to Order 7:03pm
Present at the meeting: Lion V.P. Nancy Nelson, Lions John and Nancy Watters, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine, Roger Snell, Stanley Furman, Stanley Moss, Billy McIntyre, Dick Kreassig, Susan Sumnick, Marsha Montgomery and Jack Wagner.

Nominating Committee for 2021-22 – Lion President Jeri Furman was absent due to a family death. Lion Vice Pres. Nancy reported that the members of the nominating committee would meet via Zoom on March 9th and present the slate of officers for the new Lions year at the Membership meeting on March 17th. Members of the committee are Lion Jeri Furman, Nancy Nelson, Billy McIntyre, Mike Coren, John Watters, and Vickie Kennedy.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see the attached report. Before Lion Vickie gave the Treasurer’s report she read Thank You cards for our donations from Plaza Rescue Squad and the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia.

As usual, the Secretary cannot get through a meeting without some kind of mess up. Instead of this month’s report, the incorrect Treasurer’s Report was displayed on the screen. The current report was, however, sent out with the Zoom link and the agenda. It is time for a new Thalia Lions Club Secretary!

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Fri, Mar.5th -Leadership Workshop Zoom 7pm – Topic: Coaching – Lion Mack Stevens
Fri. Mar. 12th – Leadership Workshop Zoom 7pm – Topic: Membership Chair – PDG Donna Weiler
Wed., Mar. 17, 2021 – Regular Meeting – Zoom 7pm
Fri. Mar. 19th – Leadership Workshop – Zoom 7pm – Topic: Conducting a Club Membership Growth Event- PID Cindy Gregg
Wed., Mar. 21, 2021 – Last day to register for International Convention for reduced cost of $50

Club Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Nancy reported that on March 17th Stella Walsh will speak on American Flag history, protocol and etiquette.
Lion Bob reported that we would have a program on Diabetes Awareness possibly with Lion Dick Kreassig.
Lion Nancy reported that Lion Jon Halvorson has reached out to the person at Sentara in charge of Diabetes Awareness also.
And Lion Nina Ambrose, Bayside Lions Club, who is in charge of District Social Media and Communication also wants to speak to our club.

Service Reports
*Paperbacks for Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that she has found a way to send the books using Media postage prices since the boxes are going to troops. Many post offices and services do not offer the service and sometimes say it cannot be done. Persistence and speaking with management proves that to be incorrect. Lion Vickie has sent out over 40 books and plans to send more next month at the reduced rate of about $10 per box.

*Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that we will have a live contest with 7 instrumentalist and one vocalist. Since the one vocalist is the only applicant, he will be designated our winner and move to the next level. Fortunately, he will not perform at the church. There is some concern with vocalists performing because of the possible projection of aerosols. Singers can project up to 30-40 feet or more.
*Lion Pat Morrell, District Bland Chair, has asked Lion Vickie to use her contact with Grace Holdren at Thalia Methodist Church to see if the Sub District competition may also be held at the church. It is really important for the judges to be able to hear students perform in person to access the technique and sound quality.
*Judges are engaged and ready. All performers will remain in their cars until time to compete. At that time, they will be ushered in to perform. Helpers are needed. Lion John was asked to do the program and announcements. Lion Vickie needs help with bringing students in and out at the proper performance time and assistance with the judges. Bland Contest date if April 8th at 7pm.

Water bottles for Elementary Schools– Lion Susie Sumnick reported that the elementary schools need reusable water bottles of about 50 – 100 per school. After extensive discussion concerning water bottles, paper cups, what the schools need and will accept, Lion Nancy Watters offered the following motion which was seconded by Lion Vickie Kennedy.
Lion Susie Sumnick will find a source for an acceptable water bottle that does not exceed $300 for the purchase of at least 50 per elementary school. The motion was unanimously passed.


*White Cane/ Broom Sale – Lion Jack and Roger would like to do a Broom sale anytime the weather breaks. Handling cash could be an issue but we can use the Square and gloves. Lion Roger suggested that we have an advertising campaign a couple of weeks prior to the event. He will make signs to advertise and display at BJ’s beforehand.
Lion Bob suggested that we do “box on a stick” to collect money.
*Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner reported that we have sold no peanuts in over 2 months. He still has an adequate supply. There was a suggestion that on the Broom Sale signs we should also say peanuts.

From the Floor:

Lion Susan Sumnick offered the following suggestion for projects:
Lion Susie has contacted the VA and found that they would like toiletries, like hotel samples. She suggests that at the same time we do a Broom Sale or White Cane we could collect those items along with the cleaning supplies for ForKids. Lion Vickie said that Ronald McDonald house has an overflow that will be donated. But members are encouraged to save and collect these items for the event.
Lion Susie also suggested that we pick up the “Holiday Card project” using recycled Holiday cards like we did with Anthem several years ago. She suggested that we might work with the preschool at VBCC and on Veteran’s day in Nov to make cards for veterans. People have continued to donate old holiday cards and we have a good stockpile to use for this project.

Adjournment: 7:43 pm

Upcoming Dates:
*Fri, Mar.5th -Leadership Workshop Zoom 7pm – Topic: Coaching – Lion Mack Stevens
*Fri. Mar. 12th – Leadership Workshop Zoom 7pm – Topic: Membership Chair – PDG Donna Weiler
*Wed., Mar. 17, 2021 – Regular Meeting – Zoom 7pm
*Fri. Mar. 19th – Leadership Workshop – Zoom 7pm – Topic: Conducting a Club Membership Growth Event- PID Cindy Gregg
*Wed., Mar. 21, 2021 – Last day to register for International Convention for reduced cost of $50
*Thur. April 8th – Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
*June 25th-29th – International Convention in Montreal -Zoom

Feb 17, 2021, Regular Meeting, Wed.Zoom
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order – 7:02pm
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furmang
Invocation: Lion Nancy Nelson
Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag
Introduction of Guests -
*Susan Paddock – Library Manager at Bayside Area & Special Services
*Debra Laughlin – Zone O Chairperson

Welcome and welfare check on members – Lion President Jeri – Lion Jack reported that Lion Jim Healy has been in the hospital within the last few days. He had water around his heart and possible side effects from the Covid vaccine. Ninety-four-year-old Lion Jim is back at home now.

Introduction of Program Speaker by Lion Debra Laughlin
Our guest speaker is Susan Paddock, the Library Manager at Bayside Area & Special Services Library on Independence Blvd. In addition to serving as a public library, Bayside also offers specialized books and services for people who are print disabled. Tonight, she is going to share with us some things you can find at the Library that you might not know about.”

Susan shared the following information and explained each topic.
Digital Library
Digital Books/Audiobooks/Magazines, Newspapers, Streaming Video onus content during closure -
Personalized Service
Networking VBPL Recommends - personalized list of books to keep you reading Book Clubs - discuss your latest reads with others Notary Service AARP Tax Aides provide free tax preparation by appointment
Workforce Development
Job Searching Workshops Career Coaching: one-on-one assistance by appointment Career Online High School Online Test Prep
Our Role in Education
VB students all have a VBPL library card Pre-School/Cay-care outreach/story times Battle of the Books
Free Adult Programs
Live programs Recorded programs At home activities Reading Road Trip
Technology Resources and Classes
Tech Help and Classes 3-D Printers available at 4 libraries (when we open) Computers/Printers/Fax WIFI printing from personal device Wifi hotspots, Roku streaming video sticks available for check out
Special Services
Talking Books, large print and Braille materials BARD Highly personalized service for eligible patrons Programs for people with disabilities Assistive Technology

Susan’s goal was to share something new with each person that they may not have been aware of before this presentation.

Lion Debra Laughlin shared a list of websites for additional reading sources. The list was sent to the membership separate to these minutes.

Nominating Committee – Lion President Jeri Furman has asked the following members to serve on the committee, Lion John Watters, Mike Coren, Nancy Nelson, Billy McIntyre, Vickie Kennedy. The slate of officers for 2021-22 should be presented to the club at the March meeting and the vote will be taken at the April meeting.

International Convention – Lion Jeri Furman presented the following information from the International President:

Due to the continuing concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the board of directors voted to transition the 2021 Montreal Lions Clubs International Convention to a virtual event that will be delivered totally online. This decision was made with the health and safety of our Lions, staff and vendors in mind as limiting international travel and large gatherings is key to global containment strategies.

Although we are disappointed that we won’t be able to host this event in person, we are excited about hosting our first virtual international convention that can safely connect Lions from around the world. We are still finalizing the details of your new convention experience, and will share those with you as soon as they are ready.
Here are some important details about the 2021 virtual convention we’d like to share with you:

Everyone’s invited – Our 2021 convention will be a virtual event that’s open to all Lions and Leos around the world.

Registration fees – The registration fee will be US$50 until March 31, then US$75 beginning April 1. The registration fee for Leos will be US$30 regardless of date. Convention is currently scheduled for June 25-29. Additional event and registration details will be provided soon.

Current registrants – Lions who are currently registered for convention will receive an email soon with more information about their registration options.

Elections – Executive officer and international director elections will be conducted electronically, and voting procedures will be forthcoming.

Convention updates – Check our convention website LCICon for convention updates and details as they become available.

This global health pandemic has forced us all to make decisions and changes that place health and safety first. However, we are optimistic that with each new day there is hope, and as Lions, we continue to find new ways to stay connected, safely serve our communities and continue our global mission of service.

We appreciate your understanding during this challenging time for our organization and the world, and thank you for your incredible service as a Lion.


Dr. Jung-Yul Choi
International President

Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters

Leadership Workshops – Friday evening Feb. 19th, a Leadership Zoom Workshop will be held on Project Management. Topic covered are LCI resources, effective record keeping and outcome analysis techniques, successful service projects and project ideas that fit club & community. A link will be sent to the membership a few days before the workshop.
Read Across America – will be virtual this year. Hopefully we will be able to read to children next year when restrictions are eased.
District Meeting and Virtual Winter Social will be held Feb. 26th and 27th. Deadline to notify the Cabinet Secretary of your intentions to join the link is Feb 19th. Lion Nancy has sent out the information but attach to these minutes.
Winter Coat Donations- Lion Susan Sumnick reported that the Southside Lions joined in our project. With their contributions, about 50 coats and items were donated to PIN (People in Need)
Cleaning Supplies for ForKids the collection of cleaning products for 4Kids will be held in conjunction with our next broom sale at BJ's
We want members to be buying supplies so they are ready for collection.

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that the Bland Contest would be held April 8th at Thalia United Methodist Church. There will be exceptions to the use of the church. Only 10 people will be allowed to attend including judges, judges’ assistants, and contestants. At this time only instrumentalist are performing. Piano practice time will be prearranged and contestants will be called in for specific times to perform.
Paperback Books Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy has sent two shipments of books and was surprised that the cost of shipping was over $80. That is an unacceptable amount for our club to continue the project. Lion Nancy Watters agreed to check with a friend who participates in the project concerning her shipping arrangements with Paperbacks for Troops.
Diabetes Project Ideas – Lion Jon Halvorson was not available to report but is arranging a person from Sentara to speak to our club.
KidsSight – Lion Nancy Watters showed the members a KidsSight badge that is given to all authorized screeners. She encouraged members to go online and get certified before the schools allow us to come back into the schools. Now is the perfect time to take the class and to get security clearances.
VBCC School Request: Lion Nancy Watters received a letter from the school system this week requesting reusable water bottles for students since they are not allowed to use water fountains. More than likely, the message was to businesses that may supply items in bulk but it was suggested that we might ask our elementary schools about their needs. Lion Susie Sumnick volunteered to communicated with the three school nurses to find out the needs of the school and the requirements involved. (Lion Irene Conlin researched the LCI website and found that the inexpensive Lions water bottles were sold out. Lion Roger Snell agreed to make Lions labels for bottles if we decide to supply them)

Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson reported that there are two programs under consideration for next month. One program is about American Flag Etiquette and the other about Diabetes Awareness.

LOVF Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman reported that there will be no raffle this year.
Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner had a good inventory, salted, unsalted, salt & pepper, cashews, peanut butter squares, toffee, honey roasted, chocolate covered, redskins. He will deliver just let him know what you need. He said no one had ordered peanuts in about 6 weeks.

Birthday Fines – Lion Stan Moss reminded members to send their $5 birthday fines to Lion Nancy if their birthdays fall during the month of Feb or Mar. (Lions Linda Eggleston, Bill Austin, Mike Coren, John Watters, Bob Perrine) Anyone not having paid their fine previously should follow the example!

From the Floor- Lion Nancy Watters shared that she will chair a Memorial Golf Tournament in memory of Susan Mills, a long-time supporter of Thalia Lions who recently died of Covid 19. The proceeds from the tournament to be held in May will be donated to Thalia Lions.

Adjournment: 8:13
Upcoming Dates:
*Fri., Feb 26, 2021 – Zoom meet the District Candidates
*Sat., Feb 27, 2021 – Zoom District Cabinet meeting – time to be announced.
*Wed., Mar. 3, 2021 – Board Meeting – Zoom 7pm
*Wed., Mar. 17, 2021 – Regular Meeting – Zoom 7pm
*Wed., Mar. 21, 2021 – Last day to register for International Convention for reduced cost of $50
*Thur., April 8th – Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
*June 25th-29th – International Convention in Montreal -Zoom

Feb 3rd, 2021- 7p.m. Board Meeting Via ZOOM

Present at the meeting: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stanley Furman, Nancy & John Watters, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Ellen Turman, Dick Kreassig, Nancy Nelson, Billy McIntyre, Susan Sumnick, Roger Snell, Marsha Montgomery and Stanley Moss

Lion President Jeri Furman: Call to Order - 7:00pm

Nominating Committee for 2021-22 – Lion Jeri announced the members of the nominating committee for 2021-22 are Lions Nancy Nelson, John Watters, Mike Coren, Billy McIntyre, Vickie Kennedy and herself. The slate of officers should be presented at the March meeting and the election is at the April meeting.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Budget re-evaluation – Because the budget was temporary for ½ the year, re-evaluation was advised. After discussion concerning, Leader Dog, Plaza Rescue, School Clinics, Vision Walk, and Diabetes Camp, Lion Stan Furman moved that we add Leader Dog in the amount of $100 to the budget and leave all other categories as previously budgeted. Lion Ellen Turman seconded the motion and the Board approved the vote.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters stated that we still have no information about the Winter Conference or the State Convention but they will be virtual. Lion Stanley Furman announced that we will be voting on an International Director. That information will also be coming out soon.

Club Programs –
Lion Nancy Nelson reported that the Feb program will be presented by Lion Debra Laughlin and Susan Paddock concerning the Bayside Library for the Vision Impaired.
The March program is scheduled for Stella Walls on Flag Etiquette and history. However, here may be a conflict with a diabetes program presented by a contact at Sentara. Lion Jon Halvorson will coordinate that with Lion Bob and Lion Nancy.

. Service Reports
*Paperbacks for Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy has received no books as of yet. However, Lion Nancy informed her that people had been dropping them off at her house and she will get the books to Lion Vickie by the end of the week.
*Lion Rog has printed 100 stickers with our club name for each book.
*Coats for Homeless – Lion Susie Sumnick collected 14 coats, a vest, 2 sweaters. She was disappointed with the turnout at B.J.’s on Sat. afternoon. Lion Nancy apologized for not organizing this project very well. It was last minute because we were in a part of the Lion’s year where we had nothing going on. The idea was to provide someone with a coat during this cold time whether we were well planned or not. Possibly next year we can do a coat drive during the fall of the year and plan it better. If we decide to do the project later we may be able to advertise on MyLion, Facebook and other ways. Lion Rog had prepared signs for B.J.’s but the sign mistakenly read Sunday. He actually went for a while on Sunday but had no one donate an item.

White Cane/ Broom Sale – Lion Roger had no real news or anything planned. But he is willing to do one if we can figure out how to handle the cash. We could possibly find buckets that have “piggy bank” slots. Handling the money afterward could be done with gloves. We have the Square but only a few people know how to use it. There are also other options like Venmo, Zelle, PopMoney. When the weather improves, possibly in April, we may be able to do the White Cane especially if we are vaccinated, wear gloves and find the appropriate containers. The same idea can be done with the Broom Sale.

Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner was not in attendance but anyone wanting nuts should contact him directly.

From the Floor:
*Lion Stanley Furman announced the LOVF raffle is coming up. He will be sending out booklets to the club members. Tickets are $1 each and there are 30 tickets in a book. This is a fundraiser for the club because $20 from each book is kept by the club and $10 is given to the Charity Foundation.
*Lion Nancy Watters brought up a concern presented by Lion Susan Sumnick – She has sight records that go back well over 15 years. She would like permission to dispose of those records. It was agreed that she could dispose of all records over 2 years. Secretary records are all electronic at present. A synopsis year by year is all that is necessary. All that is needed is the service record of each member. Old minutes are not necessary. All sensitive information should, of course, be shredded.
*Lion Billy McIntyre has opened up a seafood restaurant for both eat in and carry out. Billy D’s Seafood and Chicken is open at 3205 Stamford Dr. Portsmouth, VA 23703. Hours are Tues. – Thurs – 11-7, Fri -Sat – 11-10, and Sun 12-6 Phone 757 208 7394 This is Lion Billy’s longtime dream. His goal is to become the Seafood Fil-A like Chick-Fil-A. We wish Lion Chef Billy the very best!!

Lion Nancy announced that her longtime friend Susie Mills died of Covid just this morning. Susie supported the club for years. Her husband, Billy always bought brooms and made donations to Thalia. After a childhood accident which took his eye, the Lions Club provided a glass eye for him. He never forgot that kindness and when he died in 2015, Susie carried on the support. Her last donation was $600 earned from a summer garage sale.

Adjournment: 7:40pm

Upcoming Dates:
Fri – Feb5th – Leadership Workshop = Zoom
Wed – Feb 17th – Regular Zoom Meeting

Jan 20, 2021, Regular Meeting, Wed. 7:00pm
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order – 7:00pm
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation: Lion John Watters
Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag”
Introduction of Guests
Traveling Leo from Southside Lions Club – Lions Mark Snyder, Kenny Lung
Speaker - ForKids, Zakkiyya Anderson
Welcome and welfare check on members – Lion President Jeri

Introduction of Program Speaker by Lion Bob Perrine– Zakkiyya Anderson from ForKids
Zakkiyya has served in her role as the Community Engagement Coordinator at ForKids for a little over a year. Outside of her work with ForKids, Zakkiyya has always stayed involved with community, nonprofit work, aiming to be a connector of community resources and the people who need them the most.
Zakkiyya earner her Bachelors of Arts in Journalism from Georgia State University, with a double minor in Sociology and African – American Studies. She will complete her Masters in Urban Affairs from Norfolk State University in January 2021.
Currently, Zakkiyya serves as a commissioner on the Virginia Beach Human Rights Commission, as a panelist for the Hampton Roads Transit panel, and is the Professional Development Chair for Urban League of Hampton Roads Young Professionals.
When not serving the community, Zakkiyya enjoys spending time with her husband who is an active duty sailor. They spend their time eating brunch, working out, and binge watching all their favorite television shows!
Our Club sponsored 15 children in the Secret Santa project, about 20 Thanksgiving baskets this year and we have participated in several projects in the last few years. Zakkiyya was very appreciative for the services our club has offered.

Zakkiyya presented an informative slide presentation about the services of ForKids. She stated that the mission of ForKids is to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty for families and children. The organization was founded in 1988. It has 27 years of Clean OMB-133 Audits, a 4 Star Charity Navigator Ranking, it is a Platinum Level GuideStar Charity and has a low overhead and fundraising cost (17%). ForKids is one of the largest service providers for families experiencing homelessness in Virginia. They have 100 staff with an operating budget of $7,69 million, 50 % of which comes from donations. Daily service capacity is over 290 families daily. The service area is 3,059 miles and encompasses 1.5 million people in Hampton Roads.
ForKids offers housing solutions (emergency shelter, supportive housing, prevention, rapid re-housing) critical services (9 mo. Case management, mental & physical health, employment & housing placement), and education (assessment, tutoring & school advocacy, adult life skills.) Extended Services of ForKids are housing crisis hotline, Good Mojo (consignment store) and Holiday support.
As a result of Covid –19, ForKids has partnered with the United Way Cornavirus recovery hotline, received CARES Act funds for rental and mortgage relief, and shifted services to virtual tutoring and meals to families.
Last year ForKids assisted 1,600 people, 470 families with 940 children. Eighty-nine percent exited to appropriate housing. Ninety five percent of children were promoted to the next grade level. Over 70,000 individuals were touched through extended services. 54,000 Hotline calls were received from 27,000 people 30% of which were requesting shelter. Nearly 80 families each month are turned away from emergency overnight placement and given “safety plans.”
Zakkiyya suggested ways to assist ForKids is by donating, volunteering, and funding. Donations of non-perishable food, cleaning supplies, household items are needed. Volunteering in the organization, mentoring, tutoring is also needed. Financial donations are always helpful and are used to support housing, education and critical services. To make a donation visit - To Make Donations by Mail
4200 Colley Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23508
Zakkiyya expressed appreciation for the opportunity to speak to our group.

Secretary Report – Lion Nancy Watters

Winter Conference - The Virginia Lions State Convention - Due to COVID the convention will not be an in-person event. When we get more information about the meeting or training, we will send it to you. The District will elect the District Governor, First and Second Vice by mail like they did last year. We will not be voting for an ID candidate. The fourth 24-I District Cabinet meeting will be in April or May.
The 24-I Winter Conference will not be in-person event. The training classes will move to an online format. The exact classes, dates and times will be distributed at a later date.
On 26 Feb 2021 at 7:30 P.M. the district will host a meet the candidates Zoom meeting. Since the candidates for District office usually address Lions at the Winter Conference, this will give them that opportunity. Currently no candidates have been formally nominated by their clubs. However, there are indications that we will have one candidate for each position.

On 27 Feb 2021 there will be a zoom District Cabinet meeting. Agenda items and all reports must be received by Lion Debra Laughlin and DG Scott NLT 15 Feb 2021 so they can be distributed prior to the meeting.

Leadership Workshops – Each first Friday evening of the month at 7pm. Link and topic will be sent out as the information is received.

Sight & Hearing Van – The new vehicle has been delivered to the Eyeglass Recycling Center in Chesapeake. Work will now begin on outfitting the interior with necessary equipment and screening facilities. End of the month activities – Please let Lion Nancy of any activities or donations that you have made this month.

Winter Coat Donations- Lion Susan Sumnick will assume the responsibility of collecting winter coats and distributing them to a selected charity. Specific information will be sent out as soon as available.
Another project for us mentioned by Zakkiyya is to collect cleaning supplies for ForKids. Lion Susie also took on the project and will coordinated that as well.
Foodbank Donations – Lion Nancy Watters reported that donations have slacked and encouraged members who are not donating directly to please send their donations.

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy explained that the Bland will be virtual this year. She has reached out to our previous contestants, judges, music teachers, and schools. We want to make sure that students get our scholarships. Lion Vickie shared that Ava Shedd, a former District winner wants to compete again this year as a senior. She received $2,000 last year by placing second in the State. She has passed the prescreening for Julliard, Manhattan School of Music, New England Conservatory, and Cleveland Institute of Music, University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music, and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Her father has expressed the obvious need for scholarships. We are very proud of Ava. The contest may run into March because of delay.

Paperback Books Troops – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Club members are asked to donate paperback books to be mailed off to our troops. The most requested kinds of books are actions, best sellers, history, mysteries, crime, science fiction. No romance books please. Books will be boxed in groups of 10-20 and mailed to specific locations designated by the website. Please bring books to Lion Vickie. Lion Roger Snell is printing club labels to be placed in each book.

Diabetes Project Ideas – Lion Jon Halvorson was absent and no report was available. His graduate school schedule made it impossible for him to attend the meeting. (Lion Jon later sent an email saying that he had contacted a person at Sentara who is putting together some material and will have it for us within a couple of weeks.)

Programs – Lion Bob Perrine said that Lion Debra Laughlin will present a program next month about the Blind Services Library.

Fundraisers -
*Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner had a good inventory, salted, unsalted, salt & pepper, cashews, peanut butter squares, toffee, honey roasted, chocolate covered, redskins. He will deliver just let him know what you need.
*Birthday Fines – Lion Stan Moss wants you to send in your birthday money. Lions Irene Conlin, Karen Austin, Jeri Furman, Jim Healy, Vickie Kennedy, Bob Perrine, and Mike Coren have all had birthdays. If you still owe your $5, please send it to Lion Nancy. Lion Stan says Happy Birthday and send in as much as you wish….$5….$10…..your age!

Traveling Leo – Input, ideas, and sharing – The Traveling Leo exited prior to the end of the meeting. Evidently Lion Mark was having computer issues……or so he says! 😊

From the Floor- Lion John offered two Covid notes
1. Take Vitamin D – 4,000-5,000 units per day – helps prevent serious aspects of Covid
2. If you are vaccine hesitant, please contact John and he will convince you otherwise.


Upcoming Dates:
Wed., Feb. 3, 2021 – Board Meeting – Zoom 7pm
Wed., Feb. 17, 2021 – Regular Meeting – Zoom 7pm
Fri., Feb 26, 2021 – Zoom meet the District Candidates
Sat., Feb 27, 2021 – Zoom District Cabinet meeting – time to be announced.

Jan. 6th, 2021, Board Meeting - Wed. 7p.m. Via ZOOM

Attending: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stanley Furman, Nancy Watters, John Watters, Mike Coren, Stan Moss, Dick Kreassig, Jon Halvorson, Billy McIntyre, Vickie Kennedy, Ellen Turman, Nancy Nelson, Roger Snell, Jack Wagner, Bob Perrine

Lion President Jeri Furman: Call to Order 6:59pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see the attached report. Lion Jon Halvorson asked if we had decided on a way to sell broom. Lion John and Nancy reported that they picked up eyeglasses from Nick at Paul’s Garage earlier this week and there was only about $20 in broom sales. It was suggested that when the weather becomes just a bit more favorable we may be able to do a parking lot broom sale since it would be outside. We could stay masked and socially distanced. Lion Jack Wagner asked if we could not do a White Cane in the same manner. Since we would be taking cash from passersby, there was some hesitation to do a White Cane before we are vaccinated.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Traveling Leo – Chesapeake Southside Lions, the club that allowed us to participate in the Reverse Raffle Fundraiser will be Zoom joining our Jan club meeting.
Leadership Workshop – Jan.8th -Succession Planning – Jan. 8th 7pm. This is a great opportunity for club members to learn how to take over significant offices in our club. Please consider joining in for the workshop. The link will be in the upcoming events below.

Club Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine
Jan 20 - Zakkiyya Anderson – ForKids
Feb 17 – Susan Paddock, Librarian Bayside Special Service Library, Kaitlyn Hodges, Librarian II Disabiliy Services and Lion Debrah Laughlin, Foundation for Fighting Blindness will present a program on digital library services during lockdown.

. Service Reports

Paperbacks for Troops – Lion Nancy Watters presented the idea that we become a Volunteer Shipper for Paperbacks for Troops. Paperbacks are collected and mailed to troops that are deployed or on carriers. A box of about 20 books can be shipped to designated locations at about $7-10 per box. Lion Nancy asked for a volunteer to take over the project, research the website “Paperbacks for Troops” and bring it before the club at the next meeting to vote on funding the shipping costs. Lion Vickie Kennedy stepped up to take on the project. Later in the meeting, Lion Roger Snell volunteered to provide club stickers for each book.

Diabetes Education – At the last Leadership Workshop, the speaker who was the director of Diabetes Awareness for Sentara stated that the best way to help with diabetes prevention is education. Lion Nancy did not have a specific project idea and asked club members to think about ways to help. Lions Nancy Nelson & Bob Perrine agreed to contact someone from Sentara to speak to our club. Lion Jon Halvorson, who works for Sentara, volunteered to contact Susan Clark to research ways to meet the need. Susan Clark was the speaker at the Leadership workshop.

Scholarship Committee – Lion Bob Perrine asked for another volunteer for the committee. Lions Susan Sumnick, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Jeri Furman are present members. Lion Ellen Turman volunteered making the total 6 including Lion Bob.
Lion Bob is very pleased to have interest in scholarships from Tidewater Community College and the Adult Learning Center. Last year we reached out to Seatack and awarded 3 scholarships. Lion Bob is quite passionate about Seatack and the remarkable history of the area. To learn about Seatack, please Google
1BOB9 SLAVE and search for SEATACK

Holiday Project Report-

Lion Ellen Turman, Fran Scott and Nancy Nelson went together and provided Christmas for a mother and 3 children. Each of them took a child and had a wonderful time purchasing gifts. They also gave the family money to purchase extra things.

Lion Nancy Watters, Aziz Selahi and Jim Healy provided gifts, food, and clothes for the mother of 4 children who was out of work because of Covid. Lions John and Nancy delivered the items the home. The mother was very emotional because she did not know how she would be able to do anything for her children for Christmas.

Lion Roger and Lion Billy had an entirely different experience. The mother was a complete mystery to them. They never saw her and could only leave the items on the porch. It is a shame to have this as a first experience. But sometimes it happens for strange reasons.

Lion Stanley Furman had a single mother with 3 children. He bought clothes, toys, and food. As usual, Lion Stanley likes to shop but not wrap gifts. So, he gave the mother money for wrapping paper and told her to do it!

Lion Bob Perrine contacted Lion Jack Wagner to donate to the Samaritan House's food pantry, but Lion Jack said he had not been involved with the Samaritan House for several yaers. Instead, he gave Lion Bob the name of Alice Harrell who has been giving aid to homeless and abused women for the last 15 years. Lion Bob decided to make the donation in cash and to do it in person. When she came to the door, she was ecstatic and said a prayer for Lion Bob. Later, she called Lion Jack and thanked him as well. Lion Bob plans to return to see her. He feels that she is a good conduit for giving money that will go for people who are in real need.

Lion Nancy Watters reported that our club and other friends, many golfing friends, provided 15 homeless children with Secret Santa gifts through ForKids.

Fundraisers - Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner says he has a small inventory of Gourmet Salted, Salt & Pepper, Chocolate Covered, Red Skins, Unsalted, Honey Roasted, Peanut Brittle Squares and Butter Toffee. Please let him know if you need any of those peanuts.

From the Floor:

Lion Roger asked if Lion John Watters was still building desks. Lion John stated that he and his friend, after building a total of 54, h ad met the immediate demand. Lion Roger offered to make little Thalia Lions Club tags for the desks if he decides to build more.

Lion Jack asked Lion Rog to please make more labels for our peanuts.

Adjournment: 7:43pm

Upcoming Dates:

Fri – Jan 8th – Leadership Workshop – Zoom -
Meeting ID: 867 6662 6703
Passcode: LIONS

Wed – Jan 20th – Regular Meeting – 7pm via Zoom

Dec. 16, 2020 - Regular Meeting, Wed. 7:00pm Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the link below.
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7:00pm
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation: PCC Lion Stanley Furman
Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag”
Welcome and Introduction of Guests – Lion Homer Cook, District Secretary,
Elgin Raymond, Peace Poster Contest winner
Scholarship winners for 2019/20
TCC –Jared Plaatsman,
PA High School – Wan Ting Wu (Ivy)

Health & Wellness Check – Lion Jeri announced that Lion Rich Edwards is home after a stay in the hospital. He tested positive for Covid but has few symptoms. He is having difficulty moving around and seems very weak.

Bob Perrine - Scholarships for Adult Learning Center and Princes Anne Students – Two of the 5 scholarship winners were present. Lion Bob explained that for the last 2 years the Adult Learning Center has provided no applicants. Instead of our criteria, they were limiting applicants to those who were planning to continue education at a 4-year college. Lion Bob has since had them correct that requirement. But for this year we have reached out to Seatack and New Jerusalem Church of God to provide scholarships. We awarded those scholarships to Jared Plaatsman, (present tonight), Mar’Tyra Hayes, Amanda Montalvo, Jacob Reeves. From Princess Anne High we awarded the scholarship to Ivy Wu, also present tonight. Jared is at TCC and planning to go on the UVA to study architecture.

Peace Poster Award Presentation:
Lion Homer Cook was introduced by Lion Karen Austin, Peace Poster Chairperson, to present our Peace Poster Contest winner, Elgin Raymond, with a certificate of recognition and appreciation.
Lion Karen thanked Lion Homer for the personal interest and enthusiasm he has for this project.
Lion Homer explained that he started working on the Peace Poster Contest two years ago. He thanked Lion Nancy Watters for connecting him with Lion Marsha Montgomery and Lion Karen Austin, who did a marvelous job in presenting the contest to Girl Scouts. He is hopeful that we will have more participation next year.
Lion Homer described our winner, Elgin Raymond, as someone who enjoys lacrosse, camping, and hiking. She has organized service events and planned activities for the Girl Scouts. She has earned a Community Service Award Bar and Torch, the Service to Girl Scouts Bar and the Bronze Award, all very impressive recognitions. The Bronze is the highest award given to a Junior Girl Scout and has very demanding requirements. Elgin believes service is important on both the local and global level. We can see that Elgin is a model of our motto, “We Serve.” The theme of the Peace Poster this year is Peace through Service. The title of Elgin’s poster is There is all Levels Service That Can Equal the Pieces. She is receiving the Peace Poster Achievement Award. It will be sent to her along with a patch that show both the Girl Scout and Lions emblem.
Lion Homer thanked Elgin and encouraged her to participate again next year. Elgin said that she enjoyed working with Lions and had great fun doing the poster. She will be interested in the contest again next year. Thalia members offered a round of applause and she was thanked by President Lion Jeri.


Lion Bob Perrine – “Thalia Lions 54 Years of Community Service” The Thalia Lions Club was chartered on April 20 1966 and has served the Virginia Beach Community continuously since then, proud to take the motto to heart; just two words say it all – ‘WE SERVE.’” The program tonight is to highlight our service.
Debra Laughlin - Lion Debra was a member of our club for about 7 years before she transferred to the Kempsville Lions, closer to where she lives. While a member of our club, Lion Debra got Thalia involved in Vision Walk sponsored by Foundation for Fighting Blindness. She has always been appreciative of our support. This last year, the 9th, was a virtual walk with a goal of raising $78,000. Though they did not make that goal, the walk raised $59,000. In the last 9 years $679,723,000 has been raised. The walk in June next year will again be virtual but there are plans to do a live walk at Mt. Trashmore in October. Most likely the beach front will not be a future venue.
Lion Debra was excited to announce that there are three companies in phase 3 trial gene therapy for RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa, Lion Debra’s condition. Two companies are advancing stem cell therapy, one of which restores vision the other which preserves. The Foundation recently received a grant for genetic testing, an expensive but important part of research. The more people in the gene pool for research the better the research results. Lion Debra was asked the status of her vision. She is 20/300 and stabilized at the moment. Many of her family have the same condition, sister, mother, niece. But Lion Debra has a very positive attitude remarking that she can still be a Lion! She actually still drives during the daytime to nearby familiar places.

Nancy Watters - Preschool Vision Screening and “ForKids” and “Beach Bag” projects Childhood Vision Screening – Though Lions have done vision screening in children for years in some form or fashion, in 2010, they stepped into the modern age. Lion John Watters, after searching for years for a way to screen children objectively with no response required by the child, found the Pediavision. His efforts resulted in the earnest development of an effective system of screening. The Pediavision system evolved into the SPOT Vision Screener. Lion John and Nancy trained over 150 Lions to execute a proper screening. From contacting schools, to doing the screening, to reporting the results, many clubs were trained organized into teams. All Head Start programs and many elementary schools in each Hampton Roads city was covered as were preschools, public events, health fairs and anywhere else children were grouped.
Three years ago, Virginia Beach Public Schools finally allowed us to partner with them to screen all 56 elementary and kindergarten schools. We again organized Virginia Beach Clubs to cover every school in the first 45 days of the school year. Since we started this project, our Lions have screened over 100,000 children, an amazing number. Though this year has halted screening because of the Covid virus, we will revive it when we can again go into the schools and public places safely.

Beach Bag - Lions became involved with the Beach Bag program in 2014 when Lion Beth Stevens, Zone Chair, organized volunteers to pack food bags for the 1,200 food insecure children in Virginia Beach.
The next year, Lion Marvin Clemmons expanded the project through Lions-Anthem Volunteer Days. Over the next three years we received grants each October and started packing 2,000-3,000 bags of food for students to take home over weekends and holidays when there was likely nothing for them to eat at home. Though Lions were not allowed to physical pack bags this year, we still bought the food for the bags that would serve 1,200 students, a commitment of $6,000.00. Last year Thalia Lions asked the Charity Foundation to add the Beach Bag Project to its budgeted grant commitments every year. Agreeing with the value of the project, LCFSV did so but was able to provide only 75% of the funding, $4,500. Partnering with the Virginia Beach Club, Thalia was able to raise the difference to fund the project. For Kids Projects – There are three projects under this category.

Adopt a Student – Each year we volunteer to purchase school supplies and pack a book bag for a homeless child. Our Club usually covers 15 -30 children for this project. Because of the virus and restrictions, the project was dropped for this year. But it will be revived again in 2021. Thanksgiving Dinner in a Laundry Basket – Thanksgiving dinner items were gathered into a laundry basket along with a gift card for a turkey. These items were delivered to ForKids to be distributed to homeless families. Our club supplied 20 baskets with gift cards. This is the first year our club as adopted this project.

Secret Santa - For Kids supplies homeless children by an ID # with a list of sizes, colors, and wish list. We adopt the children to become their Secret Santa. For many of them, what we offer is all they will receive over the holidays. Our club has participated in this project for about 4 years providing Santa for 15 – 20 children. This year there will be 15 children who will be provided gifts. Though all of these projects provide great service to those in need, these are projects that friends, co-workers, and others love to have a part in doing. They are wonderful for sharing what Lions is all about and encouraging membership.

Susan Sumnick – Sight Chair – One of the most important signature projects of our club is providing eyeglasses to those in need. Lion Susie reported that we have supplied 3 people with exams and glasses since July and have referred 7 others to clubs in the District. Dr. Ferrara of Joyful Eye Care, a member of our club, gives us 3 exams and glasses per month free of charge. If we have qualified Medicare patients, Lion Rob Seim, also a member will do their exams and glasses for $11.00 or so.
Lion Susie thought the number of requests may have decreased because of Covid. But on investigation, she learned that Luther Manor has been purchased by another entity and there is no longer a social worker assigned to the residence. Most of our requests have come from them in the past.
Lion Susie has now contacted them and expects we will have future request forthcoming.

John Watters – Eyeglass Recycling / Lions Medical Eye Bank / Student Desk Project
Lion Medical Eye Bank is 41 years old and doing well. Though there was a great decrease in activity due to Covid and surgery cancellations, it is now recuperating. Efficiency has improved in both harvesting and processing corneas. Many of our members have been on the board of the Eye Bank. Lion John is on the board at present, Lion Vickie Kennedy and former Thalia member, Sharon Clemmons have also been on the board.

Eyeglass Recycling – Our club has actively worked at the Eyeglass Recycling Center in Chesapeake for years. Recycled glasses are sorted, cleaned, read and packaged to send all over the world. Our number one eyeglass collector is Lion Aziz Selahi who goes all over Va. Beach to pick up glasses.

Student Desks – Lion John and a friend have made a total of 54 student desks. A Norfolk Boatbuilding company developed the design. The desks were donated to students in need for virtual learning.
Lion Susie Sumnick’s daughter, Michala, an Associate Principal at North Landing Middle School, supplied names of families in need.

Jeri Furman - Hearing Aids and Exams for People in Need - Lion Jeri sends approved applicants for hearing aids to the Lions Charity Foundation along with a $250 co-pay. The Foundation sends the client to an audiologist. When the client cannot make the co-pay, the club may approve the sponsorship. Since Lion Jeri has been chairperson we have provided 5 clients with hearing aids. Most of them needed 2 and most were able to make the copay.

Dick Kreassig – JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Diabetes is an epidemic affecting 100 million Americans. Lion Dick has been a Lion for 29 years and our club has supported diabetes organizations for most all of those years, especially the Diabetes Camp. Lion Dick beame directly involved when his grandson, Scotty was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 3 years. Most of our club members have followed Scotty’s progress over the years. He is now a junior at Randolph Macon College studying engineering and computer science. He has the most up to date continuous monitoring system which allows him to get his blood sugar levels on his cell phone and he is doing well. Diabetes is life threatening. If blood sugar goes to low or too high a person can go into a coma, become hospitalized or die from complications.
JDRF was written up in Forbes as one of the best organizations to make contributions because of their low overhead. Research is ongoing and productive with recent artificial pancreas transplants being the latest treatment.
Diabetes does not discriminate but there is a high rate of Type 2 diabetes occurrence in African American populations. Food desserts contribute to that percentage increase. Though heredity is a factor, access to healthy food is important to keep diabetes rates lower.
Lion Dick emphasized how important it is to diagnose the disease early. He has seen a 6-month-old baby diagnosed with Type 1. The mother was so happy to find out what was wrong with the child so he could be treated and monitored.
Symptoms of the disease are chronic thirst, exhaustion, frequent urination, and weight loss. Eighty- one percent of people diagnosed have no family history of the disease. In Scotty’s family there is no occurrence.
Diabetes is a very serious disease and Lion Dick is very thankful for the clubs annual $200 support and for the extra support from specific members through the years. There will be a home test available soon to test for diabetes.
Early on in Lion Dick’s report, he referred to a program on WHRO called Blood Sugar Rising. More information will be sent to the club detailing how to access that program.

Jack Wagner/ Stan Furman - Holiday Season for Families in Need (2013 - 2020)
Lion Stan started by saying that the first family was brought to us in 2013. Our club took care of that family from our club money for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Just as a side note from Lion Nancy. There were 4 or 5 families names given to the club. The club decided there was funds for only one family the first year. However, our members started volunteering to take the extra families until they were all covered. I personally felt our membership exemplified the true meaning of Lionism that evening.)
Lion Stanley had a friend who had just retired from Virginia Beach Health and Human Services who told him that they had this project every year. Because our members got so much fulfillment from participating,
Lion Stanley started a partnership with VBHH for their holiday projects. This year we covered 5 families, last year we covered 6 and we have covered as many as 8. This is all done voluntarily by individual members.
Everyone who has participated has gotten a lot out of the project. Nothing can feel better than seeing a kid smile and know that you are providing food and clothing necessary to make their holidays better. You can directly see what we as Lions do.
Lion Stan has been a Lion for a long time. What first got to him was delivering food baskets while he was a member of Little Creek Lions. They would deliver to trailer parks at random giving out baskets. He said there just can’t be anything better. Lion Stan thanked all those who participated this year during this terrible Covid outbreak.
Lion Stanley also gave credit to the Lions Charity Foundation for sponsoring so many of our activities. Though he pushes us to purchase raffle tickets each year, the money is used to provide support for things we do like Beach Bag, hearing aids, diabetes camp, and others.
Lion Stanley thanked all our members for their unselfish support.
Lion Jack said that he was not able to participate this year because of his health. But when he and Joan did the first family in 2013, they were overwhelmed. Some of the things that the children reacted to most were toothbrushes & whole milk. They purchased clothes, coats, toys, footballs and everything they possibly could. Both he and Joan are very pleased to be involved and feel it is a very worthwhile project.

Lion Bob Perrine commented that when he became a Lion 13 years ago, we had core projects, sight, hearing, diabetes. But over that period we have expanded to amazing outreach that it is unbelievable.

Vickie Kennedy – Ronald McDonald House and the James Bland Music Contest
Lion Vickie expressed much appreciation for the yearly $200 to RMH for their mission of keeping families close.
The number of families RMH has been able to help this year has been reduced because of Covid. Fortunately, they have been able to remain open and are at 75% capacity presently. The RMH in Norfolk was the 32nd house opened.
In Virginia there are 5 houses and world wide there are 385. The best medicine for a child in the hospital is to have their family close. That is the purpose of the Ronald McDonald House.
As Lions, we have made meals to feed the families as well as offered financial support. Since 1981 over 20,000 families have been served. Next year is the 40th year in Norfolk. Lion Vickie thanked the club for the continued support.

The James Bland Music Contest is for any school aged child. James A. Bland was the author of the official state song of Virginia, Carry Me Back to Ole Virginia,” as well as many other familiar songs. The Lions of Virginia wanted to recognize him through a living memorial.
The James A. Bland Contest was started to provide a music scholarship to participants. Contests begin on the Zone or Region level and proceed to the State where financial scholarships are awarded. Some of the contestant winners have gone on to Julliard, Peabody Conservatory, Yale, Carnegie, Princeton and other renown schools.
Lion Vickie works closely with the school system and with home schoolers to encourage participation. One family, the Sheds, with several musically talented children has participated for the last few years.
The daughter, Ava, won last year and continued to second place at the State level, ($2,000). She will again be able to participate this year because she is a senior.
We are hoping there will be a contest in the coming year. No decisions have yet been announced.
Lion Ed DeLong, now deceased, is responsible for starting the Bland in our District. He loved the Contest and we miss him very much. Lion Ed played the spoons and knew all the James Bland songs. Lion Bob recognized Lion Rog Snell, from England and Lion Aziz from Iran. Lion Roger is in charge of Brooms and will be eager to hold a Broom Sale as soon as it is safe.

Lion Aziz has encouraged the club to support the FoodBank by offering our normal $20 we spend at regular meeting as a donation to the Foodbank during this time.

Lion Bob recognized Lion Mike Coren was also recognized as being a member of Lions longer that anyone in the District or possibly the State. He joined Lions in 1962. (58 years.

Lion Bob also recognized Lion John Watters as instrumental in starting the Fil/Am Lions Club which now has over 60 members.

Lion Nancy interjected that we have heard a lot about projects done this year but there are other things as well. We are Partners in Education with three elementary schools in our area of service, Malibu, Kings Grant, and Thalia. And we support them with a $200 check to their clinic each year.

We conduct a Blood Drive every year for the Red Cross at Virginia Beach Christian Church.

Recently we added the Laptops for Kids thanks to Lion Jon Halvorson.

So as good as all this sounds there are things we have not even touched on tonight.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Foodbank donations:
Leadership Workshops – not very many people have participated in the workshops but they have been very good. At the last workshop the focus was on Diabetes with a speaker from Sentara, on Sickle Cell with a speaker for their foundation, and on contacting local businesses for endorsement and support. One request from the Diabetes speaker was that we somehow involve ourselves in diabetes education. The speaker from the Sickle Cell foundation has asked for assistance.
The Governor is possibly working with them to acquire ID bracelets for those with the disease.
In many cases, their condition is overlooked when they attend a physician.
They are sometimes considered hypochondriac because symptoms are non-descript and intermittent.
They also covered Branch Clubs and how to contact businesses.
So, if you would consider it, please sign on to a workshop or two when I send out the links.
You might find them quite interesting.

Awards. –

Model Club Patch – Our club has been awarded a Model Club status. I think we are one of 3 clubs in District 24 I that has earned the status. The criteria is very difficult to meet that status. Since 2017, a club has to have donated an average of $500 per member to Campaign 100. That means we have contributed $16,000. That is quite an accomplishment.
Membership Satisfaction Patch – for exceeding the service expectations of our club.
Diamond Centennial Membership Pin - Lion Ellen Turman received this pin for her year as president. The pin is for the club for recruiting, retaining new members and for organizing a new Lions Club during her presidency.

All these are outstanding awards and I am very proud to be a member of Thalia Lions Club.

Service Reports

Thanksgiving Dinner Project – Lion Nancy Watters
Secret Santa Project – ForKids – Lion Nancy Watters
Holiday Food for Families – Lion Stanley Furman
Fundraisers Raffle
Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner – very good results from the sales and he has a good stock on hand. Please call him if you need peanuts.

From the Floor-

This is December 16th and we would normally be having a party at Lion John and Nancy’s home. We miss hosting that party, wish you all a very happy and safe Holiday. Hopefully next year we will be ready to party again!! I start saving the champagne!

Upcoming Dates:
Fri. Dec. 18 – Deadline for delivery of Secret Santa Project Gifts
Thur./Fri. Dec. 24/25 – Happy Holidays, Everyone
Fri. Jan. 1 – Happy New Year
Wed. Jan. 6 – Board meeting
Wed. Jan 20 – Next Regular Club meeting

Nov 18, 2020 Regular Meeting, 7:00pm via ZOOM
Those present for the meeting: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stanley Furman, Jack Wagner, Nancy Nelson, Ellen Turman, Susan Sumnick, Bob Perrine, Fran Scott, Karen and Dr. Bill Austin, Stanley Moss, Mike Coren, Roger Snell, Aziz Selahi, Irene Conlin, Billy McIntyre, Jon Halvorson, Dick Kreassig
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7:01
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation: Lion Rev. Bill Austin
Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag”
Welcome and Introduction of Guests – Traveling Leo – James City Lions Club (8 members) Lions James Anderson, Don Butts, Dan Fontaine, Wayne Glass, Earl Kleiser, Jack Reitz, John Schulze, Warren Wright

: Lion Bob Perrine –
Lion Bob sent out an email description of our Nov meeting program
Each person has one minute to tell about themselves by selecting (3) three of the following;
1. Your family growing up and/or your current family
2. Your most memorable time in of your life - happiest, scariest, and/or most awful
3. Your move to VA Beach and/or your parents (descendants) move here.
4. Your profession and/or if retired, your current activity
5. Your most treasured capability, hobby and/or training
6. Your favorite sport and/or team
7. Your donation to a charity, in addition to Lions, if you had a million dollars to spare

Bob Perrine. I worked as a Civil Engineer for the Corps of Engineers for 30 years. When I retired in 2016, I became a notice historian writing about my church, the oldest in VA Beach, and Cape Henry. My most memorable moment was when I met my wife, Barbette. It was at a singles dance. I was a bit bashful to walk across the floor and ask her for a dance. If I had a million dollars to spare, I’d donate it to the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation.

Bill Austin - Dr. Bill Austin is from Memphis Tennessee and met Karen on Fri 13 th on a blind date. They moved to Virginia Beach to start a new church. In the beginning they had 30 people. Lion Bill stayed at the church for 30 years, growing up with the membership. He retired in 2006 and he now works part time as a marriage counselor. He has a new book coming out soon called “When Your Security Blanket is in the Dryer.” He wrote one earlier about living with native Indians in Panama. Lion Bill joined the Lions because he likes outreach, making a difference in the community, and he feels that Lions definitely does just that.

Ellen Turman works as a real-estate appraiser for the City of Norfolk and previously worked with the City of Suffolk. She learned about Lions through her father who was a member of Kempsville Lions. She participated in all the projects. Her most memorable moment was when she joined Kempsville Lion in 1990 and followed in the footsteps of her father serving others.

Fran Scott is from Chesterfield and started out as an English teacher. She later became a librarian and spent 31 years in middle school. Lion Fran has also taught technical writing and other things at Tidewater Community College. She feels that we are in a memorable time. To cope she has taken poetry classes on Zoom with Lousia Igloria, Poet Laureate of Virginia. Lion Fran does the website and art show for Institute of Learning and has joined another Institute of Learning and Retirement in New York because they are also on Zoom. She spends lots of time attending virtual lectures and classes.

Irene Conlin is from Long Is. New York. She is a middle child of nine and is her father’s favorite. She knows because he tells her so all the time and he and her mother moved to Virginia Beach because she lives hers. Irene came to V.B. courtesy of the U.S. Navy and traveled all over the world but never changed ports. She served on ships, aircraft carriers, Seabees, Explosive Ordinance, Navy Dive Command and Joint Staff Community. Lion Irene broke all kinds of barriers for females in the Navy and took advantage of every opportunity offered. She retired after 24 years and still considers them the best years of her life. She works currently as a computer security Analysist for a private technology firm in Crystal City. Though her husband, Steve, is from Southeastern North Carolina, they have survived the language barrier and been married for 25 years. They have 4 children. All four are pursuing careers in medical, computer or customer service. Lion Irene came to Lions asking for financial assistance to host a Virginia Parents of Blind Children of which she was president. She joined Lions because she saw it as a way to give back to the community. As a result, Lions of Virginia hosted the first every Audible Easter Egg Hunt for Blind Children. The first year was great fun and there were two events. Lion Irene is no longer with the organization but as of 4 years ago there were 23 events in the state. If Lion Irene had a million dollars to give she would donate it to Vanguard Landing, an intentional, inclusive living community for people with developmental disabilities. It is currently in the groundbreaking stages which will happen 2021 in Pungo. It is designed to give special populations living and working opportunities in a safe and supportive environment. It is a self-supporting and self-sustaining community.

Jeri Furman is from Portsmouth. She has 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Her family owned 2 bakeries in the area, offering wonderful breads and sweets. Lion Jeri remembers fondly tearing warm loaves of rye bread in half and sharing them with her sister. She moved to Norfolk in 1964 and worked as secretary. Lion Jeri met Lion Stanley on a blind date. After dating a short time, Lion Stan asked her to marry him while stopped at a stop sign on Granby St. in Norfolk. They have been married 54 years and have 2 sons and 1 daughter who have given them 10 grandchildren. Lion Jeri loves volunteering and has been President of Thalia Lions twice. She believes in the goals of Thalia Lions and the motto of all Lions, “We Serve.”

John Watters. My two careers in the USAF were in periods of 11 years and 12 years divided by 7 years in private practice in Hampton. My first career in Lions began in 1977 when I first joined Lions as a member of the Hampton Mercury Lions. During my time there I learned to sell brooms door to door and also helped start the Lions Medical Eye Bank as part of the “Norfolk Seven”. I was the second chairman of the board of the Eye Bank. My next career in Lions began after retirement from the USAF 25 years ago. I became secretary of a 140-member club in S. Carolina near Charlotte, NC. I moved to Virginia Beach in 2002 and joined the Thalia Lions through a connection with Lion Ed DeLong. I have been our club’s president twice and was secretary for several years. I was proud to serve as District Cabinet Secretary for our own Lion Stan Furman during his term as District Governor. I was District 24D’s Sight Chair for a number of years and as part of that in 2010 I introduced our district to computerized children’s eye screening with the PediaVision device now called the Spot. I also served as Eye Bank chair again a few years ago.

Jon Halvorson expressed how humbling and fortunate he feels to be a member of a club with such special people. He has 2 children ages 4 and 6. His happiest, scariest, most emotional moment was at the birth of his first child. Though both births were special, the flood of emotion the first time seemed overwhelming. Lion Jon especially enjoys cooking. He started working at the age of 14/15 in the restaurant business as well as the golf industry. Lion Jon treasures more than anything the ability to give back to the community. He never knew what was missing until he started doing service work for others. Chasing money and achieving the expectations of others does not offer the eternal joy like contributing service. If he had a million dollars he would give it to further higher learning scholarships. He believes that empowering people with knowledge is key to growth and development of our country.

Aziz Selahi and his family are originally from Iran. The saddest time in his life was when he was forced to send his family away to America. And the happiest time was when he was reunited with them in the States. He moved to Virginia Beach in 1986 and has had many professions, Logistician, University Educator, Home Health Provider. In Iran, Lion Aziz spent 30 years in the Imperial Iranian Airforce serving under the Shah as a Brigadier General. His most treasured hobby is model aircraft. And he loves all sports except kickboxing. Lion Aziz helps in the community. He supports the Alzheimer’s organization, St. Jude’s, and Foodbank but he loves Thalia Lions best. If he had a million dollars he would donate it to the Food Bank and to Thalia Lions.

Billy McIntyre shared his career earlier in a program he gave to the club. He started working at a seafood restaurant at the age of 12 and advanced to manager at 16. At 19 he went to work at the Norfolk Naval shipyard as an apprentice. By 27, he had 2 careers and then worked at the NNS for 40 yrs. His passions since childhood have been cooking and art. Graphic design and printing are his fortes and he owns his own company. At 2 yrs. old Lion Billy was adopted. His “mother “created a family because she could not have children. At 42, Lion Billy decided to find his biological parents. On his way to work one day, he decided to detour to his birth county, Bertie, N. C. Though he found nothing that day, he later learned that his real mother was 66 years old and living in Wilmington, Delaware. His father was living in Boston, Mass. Today they are both deceased but the most memorable thing about his story is that Lion Billy found, he has 21 brothers and sisters, collectively.

Jack Wagner has been married to Joan for 65 years. 3 children. Carol Hahn, an Attorney, specializing in large scale commercial and real estate development. David , her husband, teaches social studies at Cox Hih School. Greg, 23, is pursuing his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Greta, age 19, is a Freshman at Longwood University, pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. John, the older son, is a CPA, who currently serves as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer for Amadas Industries, in Suffolk, Va, which company manufactures peanut combine equipment, portable irrigation systems for agricultural purposes, and high-end recreational busses. Kim, his wife teaches first grade at Nansemond Suffolk Academy in Suffolk. Graham, age 26, is a Marine Biologist for the State of South Carolina and resides in Charleston. He specializes in oyster restoration. Blake, age 23, recently completed a 4 year apprenticeship at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, in Portsmouth, Va. He is a certified Nuclear Welder. Chuck, our youngest, and Kristi, his wife reside in Williamsburg, Va. Both hold Doctorate of Education from The College of William and Mary. Chuck is the Assistant Superintendent for Education in Gloucester County, Va. Kristi, conducts educational research. Hayden, their son, 16, and Harper, 14, attend Lafayette High School in Williamsburg.

Karen Austin grew up is a part of Cincinnati, Ohio and met Lion Bill in Kentucky on a blind date on Friday the 13th. They lived in Hazel Green, Kentucky, one of the poorest counties in the U.S. Moving to Virginia Beach was real culture shock. They have two sons, Todd and Brian. Todd is a councilor and Brian works in mental health. Lion Karen says her scariest time is now but it is also the best growing time. She has 5 grandchildren.

Mike Coren was born in 1933 in Brooklyn, New York and lived two blocks from Ebbets Field. And he says you never lose that! Then they moved downtown Brooklyn and in 1938 Lion Mike went to kindergarten at PS 197. ( for later reference) From 2nd grade on he went to East Chester and on to Tufts College and Tufts Dental School. After 2 years in the army, and dental school he spent 2 years at Fort Bragg and started a dental practice in Central Valley New York. He married Marylou and joined the Lions in 1962. In 2000, Lion Mike retired and went to work for a friend who owned an aircraft repair shop. In 2008 at the age of 78, Lion Mike got his FAA mechanic license. In 2009, Lion Mike moved to Virginia Beach. He was in Port a Prince in 2010 when the earthquake struck. But he escaped without injury and was safely evacuated. Lion Mike joined Thalia at the invitation of Lion Bob Donnelly. Recently he was reading a newspaper in which the writer mentioned that he had attended PS 197 in Brooklyn and named some famous people who had also attended school there. Bernie Sanders, Charles Schumer, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were on the list. When Lion Mike looked up the Notorious RBG, he found that she lived about 2 blocks from him and was two months younger than him. So, Lion Mike figures that he was in the same kindergarten and early school years as RBG, though he does not remember. He says remembers no one but says his claim to fame is probably knowing Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Lion Mike has been a Lion for 58 years, probably the oldest serving Lion in the District and likely in Virginia as well.

Stanley Furman says that Lion Jeri is wrong. They have been married 55 not 54 years and it feels like 100! Lion Stanley’s father started Farm Fresh Groceries Stores and he worked there from the ages of 15-40. Then he went into the men’s clothing business retiring 20 yrs. later, 1973. Lion Stanley joined the Little Creek Lions Club in 1966 and stayed in Lions even when he moved to Richmond where he joined the Midlothian Lions Club. When he returned to the area he rejoined the Little Creek Lions and held every office including President (twice) and Tail Twister. When he was in his own business he did not have time to work projects, a former requirement of Lions. So, he dropped out until he retired. He recruited his son, Bradley to be a Lion and his son sponsored his later return to Thalia Lions. Lion Stanley has held every office in the organization including Vice District Governor, District Governor, and Chairman of the Council of Governors. Lion Stanley’s favorite activity is feeding the hungry and if he had the extra million to donate it would be to the Foodbank.

Stanley Moss is one of 4 boys raised on a farm outside San Antonio, Texas. He learned to ride horses at an early age. A memorable moment was when at a rodeo once Jimmy Dean rode up and he was able to talk to him. Now he is a retired Navy dentist in private practice working mostly on children 1-18 years old. He enjoys general dentistry. Likes Thalia Liona so much that if he had a million dollars he would give half of it to the Thalia Club and half to Chesapeake Care where they have a free dental clinic.

Nancy Watters. I am from Cliffiside, N. C., so small there is no stoplight. My teaching career began in Charlotte as a Senior High History and Social Studies teacher. My husband was transferred to Norfolk to manage a CPA firm and I took a teaching job at Campostella Junior High. When my daughter was born, I stayed home. At 3 years, she was enrolled in preschool where I volunteered so much that I was hired as a kindergarten teacher. There I spent 20 years teaching children to read. I like to say that I worked my way down to something that I really love. After my husband died, I met Lion John Watters who took me to the Remote Area Medical Project. The experience made such an impression on me that I became a Lion….and then married him. Again, finding something that I really love. My daughter now lives in Cape Town, S.A. and has just purchased a 20-hector horse farm, fulfilling a dream she has had since she was six years old. That makes me very happy.

Nancy Nelson grew up in Port Arthur, Texas. Interestingly she found out by accident that as a child she lived on the same street in Port Arthur as Lion John Watters but they never knew each other before ending up in Virginia Beach. She has two children, a daughter who works as an architect in New York City and her son works for the government outside of Washington, D.C. Besides Lions, Nancy is very proud to participate in a women’s group called PEO. It is an organization that furthers educational opportunities for women through 7 different projects. Right now, they have a project for young women who have been away from school and want to return. There are 4 candidates looking for grants in education, social work, and health.

Roger Snell. I was born in Bristol UK. My dad was in the Royal Air Force stationed at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire. He was a test pilot there. He was away a lot of the time. My Mum’s Mum lived in Filton, Bristol. So that’s why she chose Southmeade hospital in Bristol to have me born there. We lived at RAF Boscome Down in Wiltshire (about 5 miles from Stonehenge) and RAF Little Rissington for a couple of years each. A few years later my Dad actually was posted to RAF Filton - so that’s where grew up first. I started school there at Shields Road School, Filton. We moved all over the UK every couple of years and Germany where I went to boarding-school. Then back to Edinburgh Scotland. That is where I finished school. Mum and Dad had moved back to Gloucestershire and left me in Scotland (I stayed with my friend and his Mum and Dad). I learned quite a lot… but not much in the academics field. We were like professional Gypsies growing up. It was then back in Gloucestershire I determined that I should learn a trade or join the RAF like my Dad or go to college. I had always been able to draw and was handy with mechanical things. It was my uncle who was a technical illustrator with Rolls Royce that suggested that Technical Illustration was “right up my street”. Gloucester College of Art just happened to have a Technical Graphics and Design course just starting up. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! There I was taught my trade and earned the City and Guilds of London Institute Certification in Technical Illustration and Graphic Design both Intermediate and Final Certificates. From there all I had to do was get a real job! I applied for a post with the Ministry of Defence (Air). (They had advertised in the Daily Telegraph). I think my familiarity with the Royal Air Force stood me in good stead as in understood the “lingo.” Working there at RAF Medmenham – I really learnt my trade. As luck would have it the fellow illustrator I worked for (Dave Finch) was a car-buff too. He ran a rally car. I serviced on rallies him or his friends rally cars on several nation rallies – 1972 RAC Rally of Great Britain. The Welsh International Rally, Scotland National and the Circuit of Ireland to name but a few. Working there at RAF Medmenham was also where I met my first wife. Must have been a good spot! I worked there for a few years and then at another spot… RAF Upavon on Salisbury Plain. (not far from RAF Boscombe Down and Stonehenge again). I worked for MOD for a total of 14 years. While at RAF Upavon I saw an advertisement for a job with NATO . I looked up Norfolk on the atlas and thought”…the weather there must be better than Upavon” so I applied. Well, I must have been just who they were looking for! So in September of 1984 my wife and I and our two kids age 9 and 7 moved here to Virginia Beach. I ran the graphics, print-shop and photo-lab there at the HQ Supreme Allied Command Atlantic later (1990) became what it is now… Allied Command Transformation until 1997 when I had to retire at age 65 due to NATO rules although they let me stay on an extra year or so until my replacement arrived). Currently, I am still doing graphics. Serves me right really - now I am doing all the kind of stuff I contracted out! I had kept in touch with one of the contractors who I had met during my tenure at NATO. (Bob Harrington, of Harrington Graphics). They were in a jam as one of his key staff had quit suddenly and they were having trouble getting trained help. So I offered to help out until they found someone. That was almost a year ago!

Lion President Jeri thanked Lion Bob Perrine for this program and appreciated the information from each member.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Foodbank donations: Doing well with donations – This month over $300 was donated and I know many of you are donating directly. Please let me know when you make those donations and how much so that I can include them in my LCI report.
Speaking of reports, please send all your activities for this month. Lion Nancy does not want to bother you over you “secluded Thanksgiving holiday!”
Leadership Workshops – Every first Fri of each month is a Zoom Leadership workshop. The last one was on recruiting younger members and retaining them. The next one should be on Dec. 4th – topic to be announced.
Beach Bag Report - a very nice letter of appreciation was received from the Beach Bag coordinator. Copy attached.

Service Reports
Thanksgiving Dinner Project – Lion Nancy Watters – Lion John and I delivered 13 Thanksgiving Dinner Laundry Baskets and I know of others who delivered them at different times. I believe we may have had from 18-20. If you delivered a basket and have not reported it, please let Lion Nancy know. There needs to be an accurate count.
Student Desks Project – Lion John Watters has made 27 student desks with the last one being picked up on Friday. Our friend and partner in the project made 27 more. This has been a wonderful project especially now since students are returning to fulltime learning. Desks are extremely rare at the moment. Pictures have been sent of a very pleased young student. A couple of the pictures will be attached to the minutes.
Peace Posters, Girl Scouts – Lion Karen Austin had submitted our entry to District Governor Scott. Winners will be announced soon.
Secret Santa Project – ForKids – Lion Nancy Watters reported that Image Services is to administer the Secret Santa Project again this year for ForKids. Names of children will not be given but each will be assigned as a number. If you agree to take a child you will be given their age, sex, color preference, sizes, one item on their wish list, and two or three other choices. Please let Lion Nancy know if you want to participate by being a child’s Secret Santa. Deadline for delivery of items will be December 16th.
Holiday Food for Families – Lion Stanley Furman has the names of 5 families from Social Services that we are asked to sponsor with gifts and food for the Holiday season. Please let Lion Stan or Lion Nancy W know if you wish to take one of the families. Remember several members may go together and sponsor jointly.

Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club) Winners– Lion Nancy Watters – Thalia had winners!! Lion Bob Perrine and Lion Dick Kreassig both won $100 each. Lion Vickie Kennedy’s sister, Brenda Taylor won $500!!
Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner – Peanut orders must be in ideally by Nov. 30. Lion Jack has already placed a preliminary order and will be making several trips because the company is in full production. Please let him know your needs. Lion Roger Snell may make some more labels for the cans of peanuts.

From the Floor-
Lion Bob Perrine – program for Dec 16 the program is it’s a giving time showing all the charitable work we have done this year. He will contact members and ask for input for the program.

Birthdays - Karen Austin had a birthday on Nov. 7th. Upcoming birthdays for Dec. are Lion Irene Conlin, Lion President Jeri Furman and Lion Jim Healy. Since we are not meeting in person and running low on Tail Twister funds, Lion Stanley Furman suggested that birthday people send in $1 for each year for the admin fund. Ok, the seed is planted so we will see how far that gets! 😊

Adjournment: 8: 18 (approx.)

Upcoming Dates:
Thurs. Nov. 26 – Happy Thanksgiving!
Tues. Nov. 30 – Deadline for peanut orders to Lion Jack Wagner
Wed. Dec. 2 – Thalia Lions Zoom Board Meeting 7pm
Fri. Dec. 4 – Leadership Workshop 7pm Zoom
Fri. Dec. 18 – Deadline for delivery of Secret Santa Project Gifts
Wed. Dec. 16 – Regular meeting 7pm Zoom
Thur./Fri. Dec. 24/25 – Happy Holidays, Everyone
Fri. Jan. 1 – Happy New Year
Wed. Jan. 6 – Board meeting

Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Nov. 4, 2020 - Board Meeting Via ZOOM
The following Lions were in attendance: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stanley Furman, John and Nancy Watters, Jack Wagner, Ellen Turman, Mike Coren, Vickie Kennedy, Bob Perrine, Dick Kreassig, Nancy Nelson.
Lion President Jeri Furman: Call to Order 7:04
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see the attached report. Thank you and acknowledgement notes were received from each of our three elementary schools. Nurses from each of the schools, Thalia, Kings Grant and Malibu, expressed appreciation for the donation from our club to their individual school clinics.
A thank you note was also received and read by Lion Vickie for our donation from Plaza Rescue Squad.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Traveling Leo – James City Lions Club will have a TL at our Nov meeting.
Leadership Workshops are scheduled for the first Friday of each month. The topic and link will be sent for each workshop as they occur.
Club Programs
Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine –
November – Personal bios of each member.
December – Recap of charitable works by members and committees.
. Service Reports
ForKids – Lion Nancy Watters contacted ForKids for information concerning our Thanksgiving Dinner Project for families in need. Attached is a flyer describing how the project works. A list of suggested items is provided to fill a laundry basket to be donated to ForKids and they will distribute to those who are in need. Each basket should contain a gift card from either Foodlion or Walmart. The amount is up to the donor but the suggestion is $10.00. The baskets must be delivered to the location on the flyer which is in Portsmouth. If you are unable to deliver to that location, Lion Nancy and John will accept deliver to their house and they will make a single delivery. The deadline for them to receive goods is November 18th. Please consider filling a basket. Lion Nancy will send more details and instructions in a separate email.
Peace Poster Report – Neither Lions Karen Austin and Marsha Montgomery were in attendance but reported to Lion Nancy W. the following information: The Girl Scouts submitted only one poster for the Peace Poster Contest by the deadline. Since there is only one entrant, there is no need for a judging. The poster will proceed to the District judging. Though we are disappointed to have only one participant this year, we must remember that this is the first year our club has sponsored a contestant and we did not start until October. Hopefully years to follow will provide a better representation. The plan is to have the Peace Poster contestant to attend the December virtual meeting where Lion Homer Cook, will present her District Secretary, with a certificate of appreciation.
Thanksgiving Family Project - Lion Stanley Furman reported that Social Services did not report a need for our club to provide Thanksgiving dinners to any of their families. However, they will provide families for the Christmas Holiday season. Lion Nancy is working with ForKids to provide options for our club to participate in providing food and supplies for those in need.
Student Desk Project -Lion John Watters has made 18 desks and has materials for 9 more. One parent sent a picture of her disabled son using his desk. Her comment was that he was “so excited to have his own desk that he sits there even at night.”
Campaign 100 – Lion Stan Furman and Lion Nancy W are requesting information from Lion Heather Jones, District 24I Campaign 100 Chairperson concerning our progress in reaching a Model Club status.
Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club)– Lion Nancy reported that our club sold $4040.00 in Reverse Raffle tickets with our club keeping $2020.00!! Drawings begin Saturday evening at 7pm. Good Luck, Everybody!!
Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner – An order form is attached for peanut orders. The Holiday Pack contains one of each of the following: Salt & Pepper, Chocolate Covered, and Butter Toffee. All orders must be submitted to Lion Jack by Nov. 30th in order to have them back for Holiday delivery. The attached order form makes it easy to send out to your friends, family, business acquaintances and others. The three pack or either size makes a wonderful holiday gift. Please Let Lion Jack know if you have any questions.
Possible Granola Bar fundraiser: Lion Jon Havorson was not in attendance but we discussed his idea of using Craft Brew Granola Bars as a fund raiser. After much discussion which concerned pricing, and quantity required for minimum orders, and targeted market, we voted to delay considering this project at this time. Once the company has refined their packaging, pricing and availability, we can reevaluate the possibility of the fundraiser. We appreciate the idea from Lion Jon and hope we can make this project work at a later date.
From the Floor:
Lion Dick Kreassig informed the club that this weekend is Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Virtual Walk. Thalia has $100 donation budgeted for the Foundation. Lion Stanley moved that we increase that donation to $200. After a second and discussion, we voted unanimously to increase our donation to $200.
Lion Stanley Furman asked Lion Jack Wagner about Samaritan House. Lion Jack said Samaritan House has shut down their food pantry volunteer opportunity because of the virus.
Adjournment: 8:04
Upcoming Dates:
Sat – Nov 7 Reverse Raffle Drawing Party 6-7pm
Sat – Nov 7 Leadershop Workshop – topic tba – link will be sent
Sat – Nov 7 Wish Lion Karen Austin a Happy Birthday!
Mon. Nov 16 Deadline for Thanksgiving Laundry Baskets (ForKids)
Wed – Nov 18 – Next regular meeting via Zoom – link will be sent
Mon – Nov 20 – Peanut Order deadline
Thurs – Nov 26 – Happy Thanksgiving!
Wed. Dec. 2 – Next Thalia Board Meeting – 7 pm Zoom
Wed. Dec. 16 – Next Regular Thalia Meeting – 7pm Zoom

Regular Meeting, Wed. Oct. 21, 2020 7:00pm Via ZOOM
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7:02p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation: Lion Billy McIntyre
Song: Pre-recorded “It’s a Grand Ole Flag”
Welcome and Introduction of Guests - Speaker Lion Heather Jones – Traveling Leo from Fil/Am Lions Club. Lion Guia Calliwagan thanked Thalia Lions for the invitation to the meeting and introduced her attending Traveling Leo members: Lions Rey and Elma Pasqual, Laticia Dale, Flo Villian.
Program: - Campaign 100 – Lion Heather Jones – introduced by PCC J. Stanley Furman Lion Heather joined the Lions 16 years ago and is currently a member of the Richmond James River Lions. She is currently serving her third term as the LCIF Chairperson. She served as District Governor of the former 24B in 2016-2107. She is a recipient of a progressive LOVF Humanitarian Award and has been awarded a progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. Lion Heather met her husband Lion Chris while attending Syracuse University. They have been together for 27 years. She has a degree in music, a degree in Anthropology, and a Master’s degree in Medical Anthropology. She currently is the Conduct Manager facilitating consumer research for Celerion PharmaServices.
Lion Heather gave the following presentation:
Lion Heather stated that she is the LCIF coordinator for this District and chairperson for the Campaign 100 project which was supposed to end this year. Because of the corona virus, her position has been extended another year.
Lions Club International Foundation or LCIF is the charitable fundraising and grantmaking arm of Lions Club International. We, as Lions, can say that 100% of all donations go back into charity because we pay all of our dues go to our administrative costs.
LCIF was founded in 1968 and relies entirely on donations. It has provided more than 1 billion in humanitarian aid. The mission is to support the efforts of Lions Clubs and partner is servicing communities both locally and globally through humanitarian service projects and grants. Some of the most significant accomplishments are providing 120 million for disaster relief, 15,000 projects funded, 16 million youth positively impacted by Lions Quest, 9.1 million cataract surgeries, 100 million immunized against measles and rubella. And again it is important to know that 100% of all donations go back into the communities.
Lions Clubs may apply for grants through LCI. Our Traveling Leo Club, Fil/Am Lions are in process of applying for a grant at this time. Grant types are Hunger, Lions Quest, Diabetes, Sight First, Emergency, Disaster Preparedness, Leo, and Matching grants.
The Central Va. Hearing & Sight Mobile Health Unit was purchased though a matching grant. They applied for an LOV Grant and then applied for a Matching LCI grant to make the purchase possible. LCIF has a recognition award. Any person who donates or has a donation made in his name of $1,000 may be awarded a Melvin Jones Fellow. Many clubs honor members by making the donation to LCI in this manner.
Two years agos LICF embarked on an ambitious endeavor, Campaign 100. It promises to be the most impactful of any campaign in the history of the Foundation. One hundred years ago, Melvin Jones had a vision of restoring sight, preventing blindness, mobilizing disaster relief, creating positive learning environments, and serving people with disabilities. These are things no Lions Club or District can do alone but together with LCIF, they are made possible.
Over the past few years LCIF has extended the service areas to include diabetes and childhood cancer because a large number of Lion surveyed thought they were important to address. LCIF wants to raise 300 million through Campaign 100 to make an even bigger impact on causes that we already support as well as the new global causes.
One goal of the Campaign it to have 100 participation from every Club. That means if every club member donated $1 and the Club Treasurer listed every club member’s name then sent a check from the club to LCIF, that would be 100% participation.
There are several ways to collect donations. Your club might do that by pass a hat or use Tailtwister money. Every little bit helps.
You club can could make a line item in your yearly budget. Individuals may make personal donations as well. Clubs can set a goal to become a Model Club by setting a goal of $500 donated per member over the 3-4-year course of the Campaign. Model Clubs were vital to the Sight First Campaign because they supplied almost 40% of all donations. Special recognition for Model Clubs is presented at the International Convention.
For comparison, it is helpful to know that $100 can provide the following services: 2 cataract surgeries, Lions Quest curriculum to entire class for one year, diabetes screening for 18 at risk individuals, measles vaccinations to 100 children, immediate relief to 4 people in wake of a natural disaster, 14 people access to clean water, access to food for 14 elderly or disables or low-income people or homeless individuals. The number that makes the biggest difference to Lion Heather is that LCIF has provided $5, 179,492 toward Covid 19 relief. If your club donated $5,000 or more in a physical year, it can earn 15% back toward a community grant. This can be done as a single club or in conjunction with other clubs. The money can be held for up to 15 years for access. Right now, this District has about $10,000 accumulated. Campaign has been extended through next Lion’s year so there is still time to work toward the goal your Club may set.
Please contact Lion Heather if you have any questions.
Lion President Jeri and many of the attending members thanked Lion Heather for her presentation and information.
Traveling Leo - Lion Jeri Furman - a chairperson is needed for Traveling Leo visits. Please consider volunteering. Lion Nancy Watters described the duties and procedure of organizing Traveling Leo visits, recruiting members to participate, contacting clubs for permission to join their meeting whether on Zoom or live, and reporting the visit with the District Traveling Leo Chairperson.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters Reminded members to send meeting meal money for Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia. If the donation is sent to the secretary, a check may be mailed to the Foodbank from the club each month. Donations may be made directly to the Foodbank also. If you make your donation directly, please remember to report your donation to Lion Nancy each month for MyLion.
Leadership Workshops – workshops are being offered the first Fri evening of each month. The last workshop was about the Peace Poster. Lion Nancy will send out the proper link for each workshop as it occurs.
Service Reports - Thanksgiving Dinner Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman reported that he has been unable to reach anyone at Social Services but he will continue to reach out to them. Lion Aziz suggested that we plan for about 10 families. Since we are not willing to go to individual houses and do shopping, Lion Stanley suggested that we consider Angel Tree as a worthy cause. If we do not do grocery shopping for Thanksgiving or Holidays, gift cards are an alternative. One suggestion from Lion Dick Kreassig is that we purchase gift cards from specific grocery stores to assure proper usage.
Beach Bag Project – The Beach Bag Program will be holding a food drive for non-perishable foods and for school supplies in the parking lot at Pembroke Mall in back of Khol’s tomorrow from 10am – 7pm. Lion Nancy Watters reported that The Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia added the Beach Bag Project as a line item grant. However, because of the economic situation this year, the Foundation required that we provide 25% of the $6,000. Lion Nancy contacted all the Virginia Beach Clubs and asked for donations to make the $1,500. Many clubs stepped up, Oceanside, Bayside, TCBL, Va. Beach Host, and Aragona – Woodstock. These clubs along with individual Thalia members donated all the money with the exception of about $200. Our club finished the amount and sent the money to LCFSV designated to the Beach Bag Project. A couple of clubs sent money to the Foundation after the check to the Va. Beach Ed. Foundation for $6,000 was submitted. That “late” money will be forwarded to the Beach Bag Program or held over for next year’s project. Lion Jon Halvorson expressed interest in involving his men’s group to support with donations.
Laptops for Learning - Lion Jon Halvorson reported that so far donations have included the following: 3 towers, 7 laptops, 3 monitors and 3 printers. He will turn the equipment over to Computers for Kids this weekend and will take a photo with the club banner. This project is ongoing so please remember to ask for laptops from sources you may know. Lion Jon was delighted with the results of our efforts.
Granola Bars -Lion Jon Halvorson suggested the craft brewery granola bars might be considered for a fundraiser. Each bar would cost between $1.25-1.40 and could be sold for $2-$2.50. Lion Nancy Watters purchased a variety packet and showed samples to the club. Lion Roger Snell volunteered to make Club label stickers for the packages if we decide to proceed with the fundraiser. The idea will be discussed in the board meeting.
Student Desks Project – Lion John Watters reported that he had completed 11 desks and has 9 more in process to construct. In addition, a friend has made about 19. This seems to be a project that will continue as long as students need them. At the moment, desks are in short supply because of high demand. Several members have donated money to defray some costs and that is much appreciated. Each desk costs about $60 in supplies to construct. Desks are donated to families recommended by Lion Susan Sumnick’s daughter, Michala Cardwell. Michala is the Asst. Principal of North Landing Middle School and has close contact with 757Vitrual If anyone wants to participate in this project, please let Lion John know. You need woodworking skills and an available workshop because Lion John’s workshop does not have room for more than one person at a time.
Peace Posters, Girl Scouts – Lions Karen Austin reported that we possibly have 9 participants but she will not know until the deadline on the 29th. If we have all 9 there will be two Club sponsors. The nine participants will be divided between Thalia and another club. That will allow our Region to have two winners that proceed to the District level. Judging will be on Nov. 8th. Five judges have been recruited. Provided we have two clubs represented, those five judges will judge the Peace Posters for both clubs. District deadline is Nov. 15. Fundraisers
LCFSEVA Raffle - Lion Stan Furman reported that the raffle was held on Oct. 10 and our club had no winners!
Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club)– Lion Nancy Watters reported that we are probably going to make about $2,000 dollars on this raffle. All 75 tickets that we requested have been sold and we need 5 additional. Lion Nancy plans to deliver all the ticket stubs and money to Southside next Wednesday, Oct. 28th. Those members with outstanding ticket stubs and money will be asked to have them ready by the weekend. Lion Nancy will pick them up if you are unable to deliver them to her.
Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner was not able to communicated other than by email. He wrote the following message. Belmont does not have the retail price for Holiday Classic Gift Pack, to date. Last year, the Club paid $19.40 for the 20 0z Gift Pack. As soon as they have established a price for both the 10 and 20 Oz Gift Pack, will let you know. I don’t have a microphone on my computer so won’t be able to engage in the discussion re the pricing of peanuts. For discussion purposes, we pay $5.90 Virginia Salted and Redskins and sell them for $10.00. Salt and Pepper cost the Club $6.15 and we sell them for $11.00. Honey Roasted cost us $6.50 and sell for $11.00. Cashews cost 11.55 and sell for $18.00. Chocolate Covered cost $7.60 and sell for $12.00 (Current Priced, but subject to change). Our current markup on our sales is less than 50 %. When we have our next Board meeting, we will have the prices for the Holiday packs and discuss the pricing for this year.
Holiday Party - Lion President Jeri Furman announced that we are not able to have the Holiday party this year.
Foodbank Donations - All virtual parties that were investigated by Lion Nancy charged $20-$40 per person. Lion Stanley stated that he had rather see us make donations to the Foodbank.
From the Floor-
Dec Zoom Meeting Suggestion. Lion Bob Perrine proposed the Dec Zoom meeting be about what we have done this past year to help others. The people who championed the different activities our club undertook would be given the opportunity to tell what they and their committees have accomplished with eye sight, hearing, diabetes, and community work. This surely will be a Christmas program focused on our giving to help others.
Nov Zoom Meeting Progarm - Lion Bob sent out an email description of our Nov meeting program. Each person has one minute to tell about themselves by selecting (3) three of the following;
1. Your family growing up and/or your current family
2. Your most memorable time in of your life - happiest, scariest, and/or most awful
3. Your move to VA Beach and/or your parents (descendants) move here.
4. Your profession and/or if retired, your current activity
5. Your most treasured capability, hobby and/or training
6. Your favorite sport and/or team
7. Your donation to a charity, in addition to Lions, if you had a million dollars to spare
Thanks, Lion Bob

Adjournment: 7:59

Upcoming Dates:
Tues. Oct. 26 – Final date for remitting Reverse Raffle Ticket stubs and money
Tues. Oct. 26 – Final date for remitting Reverse Raffle Ticket stubs and money
Tues. Oct. 26 – Final date for remitting Reverse Raffle Ticket stubs and money
Wed. Nov. 4 – Thalia Lions Zoom Board Meeting 7pm
Sat. Nov. 7 – Reverse Raffle Drawing – Swan Terrace Hunt Room – Regent University 7pm
Sun Nov. 8 – Peace Poster Contest Judging VBCC – 1pm
Wed. Nov. 18 – Thalia Lions Regular Zoom Meeting 7pm
Wed. Dec. 2 – Thalia Lions Zoom Board Meeting 7pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Oct. 7, 2020 Board Meeting Via ZOOM
The following Lions logged on: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Ellen Turman, Nancy Nelson, Stanley Furman, Mike Coran, Jon Halvorson, Billy McIntyre, Stan Moss, Aziz Selahi, Vickie Kennedy, John Watters, Nancy Watters and Lion Bob Perrine.
President Nancy Nelson : Call to Order 7:01 (Pres. Jeri Furman had internet connection issues and could not log on until after the meeting was called to order. Welcome and Wellness Check - President Lion Jeri Furman asked for any information about health concerns from the membership. It was noted the Lion Jack Wagner is having knee difficulties and may need replacements.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Reverse Raffle Drawing Party Reservations must be made to attend the drawing event at Regency. Invitation is attached. Lion Nancy will report the reservations to Southside Lions by the middle of the month.
Leadership workshops will be offered the first Sat of each month. This Friday’s workshop, Oct. 10 th focuses on the Peace Poster Contest.
Club Program - Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine
Oct. 21 Meeting – Lion Heather Jones - Campaign 100 District Chairperson
Nov. 18 Meeting - Lion Bob Perrine announced that the program will be delivered by members who sign in to the meeting. Each member will be allowed 1 minute to describe personal history. This program is an effort to enlighten newer members of the history and contributions of all members.

Service Reports
Beach Bag Project – Lion Nancy Watters reported the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia has required that we raise 25% of the $6,000 to fund the Beach Bag Project. Lion Stan Furman explained that the requirement is because the Foundation has lost funding from the Auction this year and from the decline in investments. Lion Nancy sent emails to all the clubs in Virginia Beach because they have all participated in the project before. The clubs were requested to make donations to the Charity Foundation with the funds designated to fund the Beach Bag Project. Two clubs, Bayside and Oceanside have made contributions thus far. Town Center Blind Lions had a board meeting this night and would vote on donating. With the donations to date in addition to a generous contribution from Lion Linda and Steve Eggleston, the total so far is $900.
We are still looking to cover $600. Lion Nancy pointed out that the recent garage sale netted $505 and we could think about funding the balance from those monies.
Lion Stan Furman moved that we cover any amount unfunded by other club donations, from our activity account. The Charity Foundation will meet this weekend and can be informed that our club will stand behind the balance. Lion Nancy Nelson seconded the motion. The club approved the motion with no opposition.
As a side note, the Beach Bag Program is sponsoring a food/school supply drive the weekend of the 22nd behind Pembroke Mall. A flyer attached offers suggestions about food donations (only sealed shelf stable) and school supplies.
ForKids – has indicated that they are not handling the Book bag project this year but you can go to the website and find a list of things they urgently need. There is actually an Amazon link for ordering. Amazon ForKids Urgent Needs List:
Peace Poster Report – Lions Karen Austin and Marsha Montgomery - Neither were in attendance but nothing is happening before their meeting on 19th of October.
Laptop and electronic project – Lion Jon Halvorson -reported that laptops were being picked up on Saturday. We have several donations and are expecting several more before Saturday. If the need for the equipment declines in our local area, the laptops will be sent to other parts of the world where there is a need.
Student Desks for Learning – Lion John Watters is building student desks to be donated to students in the area who are in need. He and another friend have built 15 or more desks, pictures attached, with more in construction. Lion Susan Sumnick’s daughter is asst. principal in the Va. Beach Schools and has contacts to find students in need. She is a member of who has been building and asking for donated desks since August. The cost of materials to build a desk if between $50-60. If anyone has capability or wants to join in the project, please let Lion John know of your desire.
Fundraisers Campaign 100 – Lion Stan Furman – has deferred the information until we have a program in October by Lion Heather Jones, Campaign 100 District chairperson. LCFSV Raffle – Lion Stan Furman, Drawing is on October 10th. Lion Stan has turned in over $1,200 from our club.
Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club)– Lion Nancy Watters reported that the raffle is going well. All tickets have been sold with the exception of three. If anyone else wants a ticket or wants to sell tickets, please let her know. All stubs and money must be collected and returned to Lion Nancy by Oct. 31st. All checks must be made to Thalia Lions Club.
Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner – Please let Lion Jack know if you would like peanuts to sell. We have a supply and need to sell them soon! He will be checking this week about Christmas preparations with Belmont.
From the Floor: A Traveling Leo is scheduled for Sat. Oct. 10 at 10am with TBLC. Lions Mike, Ellen, Vickie, Jeri and Nancy Watters will attend on Zoom. This is the second Traveling Leo made by our club. Lions Nancy W, Ellen, Mike, Jeri, and Nancy N attended a meeting last week on Zoom with Oceanside Lions. Possible fundraiser: Lion Jon Halvorson announced that a friend of his who owns a brewery has started an offshoot business making granola bars with left over hops. Craft Beer Granola Bars. If we considered selling the granola bars as a fundraiser, the profit would be approximately $1 per bar. The only problem is that a minimum first order is $500. Lion Jon is sending the link to the information and it will be attached to these minutes.
Thanksgiving Feed the Families Project – Lion Stanley Furman has not yet been notified from Social Services about needy families. Because we are not enthusiastic about shopping and taking food into homes, it was suggested that we consider donating gift cards to families this year. Lion Stan will talk to Social Services and we can discuss the gift card idea at our next regular meeting.
Upcoming Dates:
Fri Oct 9 – Leadership Zoom – Peace Poster Contest 7pm
Sat Oct 10 – Traveling Leo Town Center Blind Lions Zoom 10 am
Wed. Oct 21 – Regular Meeting Zoom 7pm
Sat – Nov 7 Reverse Raffle Drawing Party 6-7pm

Sept. 16, 2020, Regular Meeting 7:00pm, Via ZOOM
In Attendance: 21 members 4 guests
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7:00p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: President Lion Jeri
Invocation: Lion Stan Moss
Song: “You’re a Grand Ole Flag” – Bing Crosby recording
Welcome and Introduction of Guests - President Lion Jeri Furman Guests were Lion Deborah Laughlin, Zone 0 Chairperson, Lion Mack Stevens, Region C Chair, Homer Cook, Dist. Cabinet Secretary, District Governor Scott Durbin
Program: District 24I Governor Scott Durbin introduced by Lion Homer Cook. District Governor Scott was a civil servant prior to his retirement. Now he is dedicated to Lions and has refocused on his musical background. He played saxophone in his earlier years and is now playing harmonica and slide guitar as well.
The District Governor Scott spoke about the difficulties presented in this Lions year caused by Covid 19. But though there may be limitations in the way we have done things in the past, we must be creative in finding ways to accommodate. The International Director’s theme for this year is Uniting through Diversity and Kindness. Listening and giving feedback are encouraged to promote acceptance and kindness. Lion Scott’s theme this year is Harmony in Life through Service. He used the analogy of music as life and family and harmony as offering service to promote growth to family, jobs and life. Lion Scott is committed to NAMI this year. North American Membership Initiative, is a five-year plan to increase service and membership in our clubs. The initiative is reaching out for new ideas, methods, structures and media to effect increase in membership. Lion Scott is personally focused on Diabetes Awareness and Vision. He has a family history of diabetes and his wife and daughter have degenerative eye disease. He encourages Lions not only to assist in helping those with these disabilities but also to instill confidence in their abilities to cope. One other focus dear to D.G. Scott’s heart is Stand Up for Kids. These are children that are actually homeless or prefer not to live at home because of circumstances. Statistics show that 65% of homeless adults started as homeless kids. Lion Scott volunteers every week at Stand up for Kids. D. G. Scott’s remarks are recorded in their entirety in the attached Zoom video of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters USA Canada Forum – Sept. 25-27 is a virtual Forum this year due to the pandemic. The cost is only $20.00 and there are at least 19 different workshops, speakers, and seminars. One important Seminar will be KidsSight Spot Certification. Please sign up for the Forum. This is a once in a Lion’s time opportunity for you to participate without traveling out of the country!! See attached Leadership Workshops were very good. Several members participated and hopefully learned something new. Fall Conference will be in Williamsburg at the Double Tree Inn Oct. 2-4 particulars are attached
Club Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine October 21- Lion Heather Jones – Campaign 100 November 18 – Get to Know Your Members – Lion Bob Perrine will lead a program designed to give each member 1 minute to describe something little know about themselves.
Service Reports Blood Drive Report – IPP Lion Ellen Turman and Lion Nancy Nelson – The Blood Drive was Sept 12, 1-6pm at Virginia Beach Christian Church 2225 Rose Hall Dr., V.B. 20 Pints of “productive” blood was collected and 60 people will be served from those donations. Four members worked the drive and sat up a Lions display, Lion Nancy Nelson, Lion Ellen Turman, Lion Mike Coren and Lion Marsha Montgomery. Donors were given a Lions magazine and a Thalia Club brochure.
Beach Bag Project – Lion Nancy Watters – Though we will not be allowed to do our huge packing project this year, the Beach Bag Program needs our funding more than ever. They can no longer take food donations from the public. Everything must be purchased from suppliers and the demand for food for students is also greater. Since the project is now in the Lions Charity Foundation budget each year, we will request those funds be made directly to the program. We may be allowed to pack in small groups of 5 or under but the Beach Bag Coordinator will let us know how that will be handled.
Peace Poster Report – Lions Karen Austin and Marsha Montgomery – Lion Karen is participating in a Zoom presentation to the Councl of Girl Scouts on Sept. 19th. The contest is opened to the entire Council of Girl Scouts in the Tidewater area rather than a specific troop. The deadline for the artwork is Oct. 29th and to the District Governor by Nov. 15th. Judging will be on Sunday Nov. 8th at Virginia Beach Christian Church. Judges are Lions Karen Austin, Marsha Montgomery, Nancy Watters, Susan Sumnick and Lion Homer Cook. Lion Homer reported that there are 4 participants registered for the presentation on the 19th.
Laptop and electronic project – We are continuing to collect computers and equipment for the Norfolk organization “Computers for Kids.”
Foodbank Collections - Please remember to consider sending your “meal” money as a donation to directly to the FoodBank of Southeastern Virginia or make check payable to Thalia Lions and send it to the Club Secretary. Thalia Lions will send a monthly donation to the Food Bank based on your donations.
Fundraisers Campaign 100 and LCFSEVA Raffle - Lion Stan Furman – reported that the tickets for the LCFSEVA ($5@) have been distributed and he has collected about half the money and stubs. Please send both money and stubs to Lion Stanley by the end of September. The Campaign 100 raffle tickets are $25 each. For every 40 tickets sold, a winner will be pulled. That winner will receive a $1,000 Melvin Jones Fellowship for themselves or the club. This is not a for profit fundraiser. This is a method of encouraging members to donated to Lions Club International Campaign 100 Initiative. Flyer is attached Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club)– Lion Nancy Watters has distributed the Reverse Raffle Tickets to those who requested them. There are a few left so please let her know if you can sell some or can purchase one or two for yourself. All stubs and money must be returned to Lion Nancy no later than Oct. 31st.
Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner sent the following information: He has in inventory 3 cans of salt and pepper, 2 cans of salted, 2 cans of redskins, 1 can of unsalted, 2 cans honey roasted and 2 cans butter toffee.
Two of the Butter Toffee and one Honey Roasted have expiration dates before 11/30 and need to be sold. The others are good for another 4 months. Based on need, Lion Jack will be reordering soon to maintain a small inventory. Please contact Lion Jack for peanuts. Sales of both peanuts and brooms have dropped so we need to support them as much as possible.
Garage Sale – The sale was Saturday Sept. 12 – 8-3pm. 3304 Old Kirkwood Dr., V.B., home of Susan Mills, a friend of Lion Nancy Watters. The proceeds from the sale were donated to Thalia Lions and to the Virginia Beach Animal Shelter. Thalia received $400 from the sale. Lion John fashioned a Certificate of Appreciation from our club to be presented to Susan Mills. (see attached) From the Floor- Lion Deborah Laughlin announced that there would be a Zone O Zoom meeting on Sept. 22nd. A link will be sent out prior to the meeting. Adjournment: 7:30
District Governor requested a short meeting with the Board after the adjournment. All members were invited to stay signed in to the meeting. Those who remained were: Lions Vickie Kennedy, Dick Kreasig, Irene Conlin, Marsha Montgomery, Stan and Jeri Furman, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine, Stan Moss, Nancy Nelson, Billy McIntyre, Jon Halvorson, Nancy and John Watters.
D.G. Scott asked for input concerning problems that our club may have. No one responded with serious problems. The biggest concern is getting new younger members. Membership Chair Lion Dick Kreassig felt that our focus should be on new and younger members as well. D.G. Scott’s suggestions revolved on the use of media, technology, and group projects with other clubs. The idea is that when a larger number of Lions are involved in a project and we are seen by the public, we stimulate interest in membership. Most of our members feel unwilling to become involved in large projects until a vaccine is available for everyone. However, we continue to offer service wherever possible. Our recent garage sale and Blood Drive was advertised on Facebook, Nextdoor Neighborhood, Online Va. Beach Yard Sale, and Marketplace. Our club has a Facebook page and a blog spot ( administered by Lion Bob Perrine. Lion Jon Halvorson shared that he joined this club because we are fun, driven, refreshing and we catered to a project that was near and dear to him. We have been collecting old laptops and equipment to donate to Computers for Kids. The equipment is cleaned, repaired and donated to students in need of technology for school.
Lion Mack Stevens, Region Chair requested that our club visit other clubs via Zoom to share our club’s infectious enthusiasm, energy and ideas. Zoom visits now count as Traveling Leo award points.
D.G. Scott was very encouraging in his remarks and challenged the club to keep up what we are doing well and keep looking for new ways to attract new members.
Adjournment: 7:50
Upcoming Dates: Tues. Sept. 22nd – Zoom Zone O meeting Fri-Sun - Sept 25-27 – USA Canada Leadership Virtual Forum Fri-Sun – Oct 2-4 – District 25I Fall Conference – Williamsburg Double Tree Inn
Respectfully submitted Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

Sep 2, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes,
The following Lions logged on:
Jeri Furman, Stanley Furman, Vickie Kennedy Stanley Moss, Nancy Nelson, Bob Perrine, Roger Snell, Ellen Truman, Jack Wagner, John Watters, Nancy Watters Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7:02p.m.
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Board electronic action
On August 20, Lion Bob Perrine moved that the budgeted scholarship funds unused from Thalia scholarship funds in 2019-20, be added to the budgeted funds for 2020-21. The motion was seconded by Lion John Watters.  After an electronic vote, all Board members with the exception of one voted to approve the motion.  That one person did not respond.
There was a need to expedite the vote because of scholarship deadlines.
USA Canada Forum – Sept. 25-27 – Link will be sent again for registration.
Leadership Workshop – New Member Orientation is the next topic on Sept. 11th. Link will be sent for the meeting.
Fall Conference will be in Williamsburg at the Double Tree Inn – information attached
-Meeting Sept 22nd, 6:30pm Zoom meeting – Link will be sent before the date.
Club Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine
September 16- District Governor’s Visit – DG Scott Durbin with Cabinet Secretary Lion Homer Cook.
Oct. 21 – Lion Heather Jones - Campaign 100 District Chairperson
Nov. 18- Lion Bob Perrine announced that the program will be delivered by members who sign in to the meeting.Each member will be allowed 1 minute to describe personal history.This program is an effort to enlighten newer members of the history and contributions of all members.
Scholarship Report – Lion Bob Perrine –
I’m Lion Bob Perrine, Chairman of the Thalia Lions Scholarship Committee awarding scholarships to Princess Anne High School and the Adult Learning Center (ALC). For many years our scholarship chairman was Lion Edgar E. DeLong. After he died in 2015, I became chairman and have been since. Applications began to fall off at the ALC beginning in 2016. We received only one or two or no candidates, even after we began in 2016 providing an addition $500 second place scholarship as the Ed Delong Memorial Scholarship. We have since found that the ALC provided an application in conjunction with ours that primarily discouraged anyone seeking a vocational degree at TCC. ALC is reorganizing this summer, and I will make sure they are back in business offering Thalia Lions scholarships for 2021, primarily in vocation programs. In the interim, I have reached out to an area that is in crying need of financial support, and that’s Seatack.
Most people in Virginia Beach don’t know much about Seatack which is recognized as the oldest black community in the United States. Now, belatedly, Seatack could soon be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
*New Jerusalem Church of God in Seatack has provided two fine candidates, both accepted. I picked this church as a shining example of Seatack leadership. Reverend Barnett Thoroughgood, church founder was loved and respected. His 2012 funeral was attended by over 4,000.  Here are those two winners.
Amanda Montalvo receives our 2020 $1,000 award. She will enroll in Psychology and  Fine Arts studies, and then transfer to Eastern Virginia Medical School to obtain a Master’s Degree in Art Therapy. She served as a volunteer in the STEM Program, based on educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Mar’Tyria Hayes receives our 2020 2nd place $500 award. She plans to become a Registered Nurse. She has worked hard to maintain steady job employment while volunteering in the community. As an affiliate of New Jerusalem Church of God in Christ she helped feed the homeless. During ROTC training she served in a leadership position.
*Ocean Lakes High School serves the Seatack community. I reached out to their scholarship coordinator and was provided a fine applicate.
Jared Plaatsman receives our 2019 $1,000 award. He plans to transfer to UVA after completing his TCC associate degree. He wants to become an architect and has designed an elementary school and a 14-story hotel using software on his own computer. He was recognized as the Most Outstanding English Student and Most Outstanding Academic Concepts Student.
*The TCC financial aid office provided two fine applicants, one of which we chose.
Jacob Reese receives our 2019 2nd place $500 award. He plans to enroll in Physical Therapy at TCC and then apply to ODU’s physical therapy graduate program. He participated in the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow program and volunteered with the Special Olympics.
*Thanks to our scholarship committee Lions Jeri Furman, Vickey Kennedy, Susan Sumnick, and Mike Coren. If you’d like to join us, we always have room for more.
*Lion Nancy Watters asked for explanation of the 2017 unclaimed scholarship for a student that did not attend during that year. Lion Bob explained that the money was located by TCC and the student has re enrolled after a long illness. The money will be applied to his account after Lion Vickie Kennedy submits a W9 requesting that the funds be applied for the scholarship.
Blood Drive Report – IPP Lion Ellen Turman – scheduled appointments are very low (9) so the Red Cross has asked Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Ellen to call people who were scheduled before when the Blood Drive was cancelled.

Peace Poster Report – Lions Karen Austin and Marsha Montgomery - Neither were in attendance but nothing is happening before the end of the month.  We will ask for update at the regular meeting on Sept. 16th,
Laptop and electronic project – Lion Jon Halvorson -was not in attendance but there have been a few more donations.  We will ask for update at the next regular meeting.
Foodbank Collections – Lion Aziz Selahi was not in attendance but many members are submitting the $20 per month to be applied as a Foodbank of SEVA donation.  Please make checks to Thalia and submit them to Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Campaign 100 – Lion Stan Furman – has deferred the information until we have a program in October by Lion Heather Jones, Campaign 100 District chairperson.
LCFSV Raffle – Lion Stan Furman, Drawing is on October 10th.  Lion Stan  must have the tickets with payment returned to him by September 30th.   Checks must be made to LCFSV. 
Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club)– Lion Nancy Watters received the raffle tickets and will distribute them by the middle of the month.  After the 75 tickets were divided into requested orders, there were only about 15 left.  There will be more available is needed.  Please let Lion Nancy know very soon if you want Reverse Raffle tickets.  All stubs and money must be collected and returned to Lion Nancy by Oct. 31st.  All checks must be made to Thalia Lions Club.
Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner – Please let Lion Jack know if you would like peanuts to sell.  We have a supply and need to sell them soon! Lion Jack was logged on to the meeting but unable to engage his audio and video. 
Garage Sale – A friend of Lion Nancy, Susan Mills, is planning to hold a garage sale September 12th.    She will donate half the proceeds to Thalia Lions and the other half will be donated to the Animal Shelter.  She asks for items for the sale.  Lion Nancy will be willing to collect pre-price items.  The Garage Sale has been advertised on both Facebook and Neighborhood Next Door. 
Please deliver pre-priced items to Lion Nancy on Sept. 8th and 9th.  Delivery will be made to the location on Wed. and Thursday.
This is a great opportunity to clean out and donate.  Please call let Lion Nancy know if you have items for this sale.
From the Floor:  Lion Vickie Kennedy thanked all who have purchased Raffle tickets for the Barrels and Brews event raising funds for Ronald McDonald House.
Adjournment:  7:22
Upcoming Dates:
Fri Sept. 11 – New Member Orientation 7-8pm
Sat. Sept. 12` - Blood Drive – VA Beach Christian Church 1-6pm
Sat. Sept. 12 – Garage Sale – 3304 Old Kirkwood Dr., VB
Wed. Sept. 16 – Next Regular Zoom Meeting
Tues. Sept. 22nd – Zoom Zone O Meeting – 6:30
Fri-Sun - Sept 25-27 – USA Canada Leadership Virtual Forum
Aug 19, 2020, Regular Thalia Lions Club Meeting
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7:00p.m. Pledge of Allegiance:   President Lion Jeri
Invocation: Lion Ellen Turman
Song: “You’re a Grand Ole Flag” – Bing Crosby recording
Welcome and Wellness Check   - President Lion Jeri Furman informed the club that Lion Billy McIntyre was not in attendance tonight because of the loss of his cousin to Covid 19.  We all expressed our sincere condolences.
Program:  - Donna Bishop, LifeNet – introduced by Lion Nancy Nelson 
Please see the video link sent earlier by email for this program. 
Donna presented a very interesting and inspiring program on organ donation.  The video is well worth your time and only takes about 15 minutes.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
USA Canada Forum – Sept. 25-27 is a virtual Forum this year due to the pandemic.  The cost is only $20.00 and there are at least 19 different workshops, speakers, and seminars.  One important Seminar will be KidsSight Spot Certification.  Please sign up for the Forum.  This is a once in a Lion’s time opportunity for you to participate without traveling out of the country!!
Leadership Workshop - These workshops occur each Fri evening in August a 7pm.  Aug. 21st is dedicated to the duties of the Secretary.  Aug 28th will be the office of President. If you are able to do none other, please sign in to the workshop on Sept. 11th.  That workshop is a New Member Orientation.  Not only our new members need to attend, but because of changes in things in the past few years, old members will have much to learn as well. The link has been sent for this Friday and future links will be sent when available. Fall Conference will be in Williamsburg at the Double Tree Inn – particulars are attached
Club Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine
            September 16 – DG Scott Durbin will make his official Governor’s visit.
            October 21- Lion Heather Jones – Campaign 100
Service Reports
Scholarship Report
– Lion Bob Perrine was not in attendance. The scholarship committee selected the following individuals from 5 possible candidates.  -Amanda Alyssa Montalvo  $1,000 (2020 Award)  -Mar’Tyria Hayes $500 (2020 Award) -Jared Plaatsman  $1,000 (2019 Award) -Jacob Bailey Hughes Reese $500 (2019 Award) *In our July 17, 2019 at our regular meeting guest speaker Dr. Heather Lamb, the Adult Education Coordinator at the ALC, provided the application ALC uses for scholarships which is geared to a four-year college. This is the reason we have received few ALC applications (2017 -1, 2018 – 2, 2019 -0 and 2020- 0). Lion Bob called the ALC in early May and learned that Dr. Heather Lamb was no longer the scholarship coordinator. I then got in touch with the new ALC Director, Joey Phillips. He said the ALC is in the process of appointing a new coordinator for our scholarships and said the ALC is going to wait until 2021 to have students apply. Lion Bob will try to re-energize ALC this coming spring. *In the meantime, Lion Bob  reached out to TCC (Tawana Hill). She recommended we consider two applications requesting financial aid (Aryl Desiree David Gavino and Jacob Bailey Hughes Reese). I also reached out to Ocean Lakes High School serving Seatack (Christopher Murray) and received one application (Jared Plaatsman), and the New Jerusalem Church of God in Seatack (Curtis Hopkins) and received two applications (Amanda Alyssa Montalvo and Mar’Tyria Hayes). *The $500 second place award was set up as the EdDelong Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of Ed who served as chairman of the Thalia Lions Scholarship Committee for many years and died July 16th, 2015. *Why Seatack? Most people do not know of the great history of the area. As early as the late 1700s freed slaves lived here. They owned their own farms and built their own homes.  They were craftsmen, builders, farmers, fishermen, and hunters.  Whatever they needed, they built it with their own hands. Today Seatack is recognized as the oldest black community in the United States.
Blood Drive Report – IPP Lion Ellen Turman and Lion Nancy Nelson – Sept 12, 1-6pm at Virginia Beach Christian Church 2225 Rosehall Dr., V.B.  If you scheduled to give blood before when the drive was cancelled, you will need to re schedule.  Please let Lions Ellen or Nancy Nelson know if you wish to work at the drive.
Peace Poster Report – Lions Karen Austin and  Marsha Montgomery – Lion Karen is participating in a Zoom presentation to the Councl of Girl Scouts on Sept. 19th.  At this time there is no one scheduled for the presentation but the director thinks that will change once the Labor Day holiday is over and school has started.  The contest is opened to the entire Council of Girl Scouts in the Tidewater area rather than a specific troop.  The deadline for the artwork is Oct. 29th and to the District Governor by Nov. 15th.  Judging will be on Sunday Nov. 8th at Virginia Beach Christian Church.  Judges are Lions Karen Austin, Marsha Montgomery, Nancy Watters and Lion Homer Cook. Laptop and electronic project> – Lion Jon Halvorson was pleased with the response to electronic donations. About 6 computers and equipment have been received to be given to Computers for Kids or another organization supplying equipment to the Norfolk schools.
Foodbank Collections – Lion Aziz Selahi was not in attendance but Lion Nancy reported that members had sent $236 in donations for the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia.  Members have been asked to donate the $20 normally spent on meeting meals to this cause.  If you still wish to donate, please send your checks made out the Thalia Lions Club to Lion Nancy. The checks will be totaled each month and that amount donated from our club to the Foodbank.
Campaign 100 and LCFSEVA Raffle - Lion Stan Furman – reported that the tickets for the LCFSEVA ($5@) have been distributed and he is in the process of collecting.
The Campaign 100 raffle tickets are $25 each.  For every 40 tickets sold, a winner will be pulled. That winner will receive a $1,000 Melvin Jones Fellowship for themselves or the club.This is a method of encouraging members to donated to Lions Club International Campaign 100 Initiative.
Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club)– Lion Nancy Watters reported that the tickets are being printed and will be distributed soon.  Southside Lions tries not to allow the tickets to be distributed too early for fear that members will find it easy to forget or wait until the last minute.
Lion Nancy also said she ordered 75 tickets instead of the numbers designated by the Board (50). When she counted the number that had already been requested by members the total was almost 65. We are not penalized for ordering too many tickets. Please let Lion Nancy know if you want tickets.
Peanuts / Brooms – Lion Jack Wagner was able to attend the meeting but had no audio or video.  Lion Nancy W reported that she had placed an ad on Facebook for brooms designating Paul’s Auto as our place of sales.  Please contact Lion Jack for peanuts.  Sales of both peanuts and brooms have dropped so we need to support them as much as possible.

Garage Sale – Saturday Sept. 12 – 8-3pm.  3304 Old Kirkwood Dr., V.B. Susan Mills, a friend of Lion Nancy W is hosting the garage sale and only wants us to donated priced items.  She and a neighbor will work the sale.  Please get the priced items to Lion Nancy no later than Sept 7/8th. 
From the Floor- Lion Dick Kreassig offered word of sympathy for the loss of Lion Jim Oglesby. Lion Jim was a past district governor and a very active Lion and friend to many of our members.
Lion John Watters extended our Club’s condolences to Lion Stan Moss in the loss of his brother.  Lion Stan expressed his appreciation.  

Upcoming Dates:
            Fri Aug. 21 – Secretary Leadership Workshop Zoom 7pm
            Wed Sept. 2 – Next Board Zoom Meeting Zoom 7pm
            Fri Sept. 4 – President Leadership Workshop Zoom 7pm
            Fri Sept. 11 – New Member Orientation Workshop Zoom 7pm
            Sat Sept. 12 – Red Cross Blood Drive – VBCC - 2225 Rose Hall Dr., VB 1-6pm
            Sat Sept. 12 – Garage Sale – 3304 Old Kirkwood Dr., VB – 8am-3pm
            Fri-Sun - Sept 25-27 – USA Canada Leadership Virtual Forum

Board Meeting, Wed. Aug 5, 2020 via Zoom

The following Lions logged on: Irene Conlin, Mike Coren, Jeri Furman, Stanley Furman, Vickie Kennedy, Billy McIntyre, Stanley Moss, Marsha Montgomery, Nancy Nelson, Bob Perrine, Fran Scott, Aziz Selahi, Roger Snell, Ellen Truman, Jack Wagner, John Watters, Nancy Watters
President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order 7:06p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance:   President Lion Jeri
Invocation: Lion Roger Snell
Welcome and Wellness Check   - President Lion Jeri Furman asked for any information about health concerns from the membership.  None were reported.
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see the attached report.
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Leadership Workshop There will be a Leadership Zoom workshop each Friday evening from 7-8pm.  The following topics will be covered consecutively each Friday.
Aug.7 – Membership
Aug. 14 – Treasurer
Aug. 21 – Secretary
Aug. 28 – President
And September 11 – New Member Orientation
These workshops are free and are very useful.  Whether you are interested in any of the offices makes no difference.  We all need to become familiar with how our club functions and you may be asked at some point to step up in leadership.  So please consider devoting a little time to learn something new about Lions.
The last workshop on Sept. 11th is a New Member Orientation.   Any member who has joined in the last 1-2 years could benefit greatly from this information. If you make no other workshops, please target this evening and spend 1 hour learning about this great organization.  I promise it will be of great use.
The topic for Friday evening Aug 7th is Membership. Here is the information and the link to join in the workshop.
Topic: Creating a Membership Plan
Time: Aug 7, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 7257 1760
Passcode: LIONS
Club Survey –(see attached) This survey was sent out last week for your input.  If you have any comments, recommendations, or suggestions pertaining to the questions on this survey, please let me know and I will present them to the club.
USA Canada Forum – see attached (limit 3,000) Sept 25-27.  Because of the pandemic, the Forum will be virtual this year.  This is a wonderful opportunity for any Lion to see what the rest of the North America is doing in Lions and to learn from the sessions.  You may register for the USA Canada Forum for $20, an unbelievable cost.  I am truly excited that the Forum is virtual making it possible for us to participate.  There will only be 3000 participants allowed to register so you must make the decision now.  Those spots will disappear quickly.  You may need to register with your email and password before you can make the reservation.
Fall Conference will be in Williamsburg at the Double Tree Inn – TBA
Club Programs – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob Perrine
August 19 – LifeNet – Donna Bishop, Vice President
September 16- District Governor’s Visit – DG Scott Durbin with Cabinet Secretary Lion
Homer Cook.
Oct. 21 – Lion Heather Jones - Campaign 100 District Chairperson

Service Reports
Scholarship Report – Lion Bob Perrine – Wan Ting (Ivy) Wu was selected to receive the Princess Anne High School scholarship winner by the Scholarship committee. 
Lion Bob has communicated with TCC concerning the Ed DeLong scholarship candidates and they are offering 2 possibilities. There may be more but the deadline in Aug. 22nd.
Blood Drive Report – IPP Lion Ellen Turman - Because there were 36 appointments and only 3 Red Cross staff to work the drive, it was cancelled at the last minute.  Lion Nancy Nelson reported that they want to reschedule Sat. Sept 12 – 1:00pm-6:00pm. 

Peace Poster Report – Lion Marsha Montgomery – Lion Marsha has prepared a wonderful presentation with a power point to present to the Girl Scouts on August 15th.  We hope there will be good participation.  Asked to explain the Peace Poster Contest, Lion Marsha explained that the contest was to encourage young people to express their desire for Peace through art.  There is a $1000 prize and a trip for recognition to the United Nations. This years theme is Peace through Service.
Laptop and electronic project – Lion Jon Halvorson - though Lion Jon was unable to attend the meeting, Lion Nancy Watters asked for laptops, printers, or electrical equipment that may be donated.  The equipment is for Computer Equipment for Kids.  You may drop off equipment to Lion Nancy or to Lion Jon Halvorson.
Foodbank Collections – Lion Aziz Selahi – Last month we tried to do a foodbank collection and found that the only place to drop off food is in Norfolk.  There are no more collection points at the YMCAs.  Lion Aziz made a motion that we designate the $20 we would normally spend on meals at a meeting to be donated to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia.  The idea was immediately second by Lion Stan and Lion Rog.  The vote was passed unanimously.   Members are asked to send a $20 check each month to Lion Nancy for the support of the Foodbank.  Please make your check out to Thalia Lions Club.   Lion Nancy will report each month on the amount of donations received and how much will be sent to the Foodbank in the name of our Club.   Please consider supporting this project. 

Campaign 100 – Lion Stan Furman – the club has made a total donation of $1,000 toward a Melvin Jones that will count as a Campaign 100 donation.  Half the funds were from the Admin account so we are also eligible for the 100% Club Participation Award.
Campaign 100 is also conducting a raffle.  Please see the attached.  We will have a program in October by Lion Heather Jones, District I Campaign 100 chairperson.

LCFSV Raffle – Lion Stan Furman, representing the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia, explained that because of the pandemic the Foundation will not hold the Annual Auction fundraiser this year.  Instead the only fundraiser for the Lions Charity Foundation will be the raffle.  Each Thalia member will be given 4 tickets @$5 to sell for the drawings on October 10th.  Lion Stan will must have the tickets with payment returned to him by September 30th.   Checks must be made to LCFSV. 
Reverse Raffle (Southside Lions Club)– Lion Nancy Watters – recommended that we ask Southside Lions for 50 tickets for the raffle.  Each ticket is $60 or 2 tickets for $100.  Our club stands to profit half the sales.  There was discussion of increasing the number to 100 but some felt that was more than we could sell.  Lion Nancy informally canvased the Board attendees and found that there was demand for almost 50 among the group.  After the meeting, Lion Nancy was notified by other members that they wanted tickets as well.  Since we are yet to ask members who were not in attendance, and the number already verbally assigned is 52, Lion Nancy will ask for 75 instead of 50 tickets.  Please remember that we are not obligated to pay for unsold tickets.
      Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner – Please let Lion Jack know if you would like peanuts to sell.  We have a supply and need to sell them soon! Lion Jack was logged on to the meeting but unable to engage his audio and video. 
      Proposal Garage Sale – A friend of Lion Nancy, Susan Mills, is planning to hold a garage sale September 12th.    She will donate half the proceeds to Thalia Lions and the other half will be donated to the Animal Shelter.  She asks for items for the sale.  Lion Nancy will be willing to collect pre-price items.  Since staying home many of you may have already cleaned out and reorganized.  But please let Lion Nancy know if there is anything you are willing to donate for the garage sale.  Since she is willing to donate the proceeds, we need to offer items for the sale.
Adjournment:  7:56
Upcoming Dates:
Friday August 7 – Membership Workshop Zoom 7-8pm
Friday August 14 – Treasurer Workshop Zoom 7-8pm
Wed August 19 – Next Regular Zoom Meeting
Friday August 21 – Secretary Workshop Zoom 7-8pm
Fri August 28 – President Workshop Zoom 7-8pm
Wed. Sept. 2nd – Next Zoom Board Meeting
Fri Sept. 11 – New Member Orientation 7-8pm
Sat. Sept. 12` - Blood Drive – Virginia Beach Christian   Church 1-6pm
Sat. Sept. 12 – Garage Sale – 3304 Old Kirkwood Dr., VB
Wed. Sept. 16 – Next Regular Zoom Meeting
Fri-Sun - Sept 25-27 – USA Canada Leadership Virtual Forum

Regular Meeting Minutes, Wed. July 15, 2020- 7p.m.
Meeting ID:  852 8463 7615
President Lion Jeri Furman – Call to Order 7:05pm
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Stanley Furman
Invocation – Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion President welcomed guests.  Lion Jon Halvorson introduced Janelle _____

Who may be interested in joining our club.  Lion Nina Ambrose and Lion Bruce Horner from Southside Lions Club we also acknowledged.
New Project Idea:  Club Service Chairperson – Lion Nancy Watters - introduced Lion Bruce Horner and Lion Nina Ambrose from Southside Lions to speak about the Drive for Sight Reverse Raffle.
Lion Bruce described the reverse raffle that the Southside Club has be doing for a number of years.  Attached is a description of the raffle.  Thalia Lions has been invited to join their club in selling the tickets as a fundraiser for our club.  For each $60 ticket sold, our club keeps half the money.  Tickets are $60 each or two tickets for $100.  The BOD has already agreed that the club will participate in the project and needs to decide how many tickets we will request from Southside.  There is no obligation for unsold tickets.  The BOD will take up the question at the next meeting on Aug. 5th.  Lion Bruce will need to know the number by then in order to have our names printed on the tickets.
The culminating event will be held at Swan Terrace at Founder’s End in November starting at 6:00pm and ending at 7pm.  Tickets will be drawn periodically and announced.  Light appetizers will be served and our club will be invited.
VBCC/Thalia Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Nelson
Lion Nancy encouraged all those able to give blood to please make an appointment to give at  The date is August 2nd 12-5pm.  Lion Nancy Nelson will be out of town but Lion Marsha Montgomery, Lion Ellen Turman will work with Jeff Bodenhammer (church member) to register and monitor donors.  Anyone who would like to work during those hours is encouraged to come.
Tail Twister Process- Lion Jon Halvorson – Lion Stan Moss – Lion Vickie Kennedy. It is important that we keep the Tail Twister busy raising funds for our administration account.  Lion Jon is investigating how we might use an app to transfer small amounts in fines to the Thalia account.  This is a new idea and may take some work to get all of us onboard. In the meantime, our Tail Twister Lion Stan Moss has decided to fine everyone as we turn older.  This is RETROACTIVE!  So, if you have had a birthday since the last real meeting, (Feb.) you are being fined $5.
It cost money to get old but the alternative is unacceptable! 
 Please send your money to Lion Stan Moss – 1617 Emmerton Ct. VB. 23456.
Here is the list of names:  Lions Bill Austin, Steve Eggleston, Otis Ethridge, Ellen Turman, Jack Wagner, John Watters, Nancy Watters, Marsha Montgomery.  I am tucking a 5-dollar bill in an envelope to send to him today!!  I challenge the rest of you to do the same! 

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
          Dues Collection – Thanks to all who have sent in their dues.  There are only a couple outstanding at this time.
          Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren submitted $490.50 for Progressive Raffle money.  The money will be donated to LCIF with another $509.50 budgeted donation to make a $1,000 future Melvin Jones Award from our club.  Using the progressive raffle money from the admin account also allows our club to earn a 100% Participation Award for Campaign 100. 
          Kindness Matters Service Award – Our club has done projects that qualify us for this award. Lion Stan and Lion Nancy have reviewed the qualifications and feel that the Beach Bag Project will be our best offering.  Lion Nancy will complete the paperwork and submit the application to the Dist GST.
          Peace Poster Contest – Lion Homer Cook has achieved a partnership with the Girl Scouts and has asked our club to sponsor a Peace Poster Contest with them. There will be more information to come on the subject.

          Scholarships for  Fall attendance at TCC or a Virginia School of Higher Learning, Lion Bob Perrine
-Information was posted on the Princess Anne Scholarship website by coordinator Cathy Delaney for Princes Anne High School students. There have been no responses as this date. The suspense date is July 22.
-Information was posted on the TCC website by Tawana Hill, Coordinator of Financial Aid with a suspense date of Aug 17. 
-Information was posted on the Ocean Lakes High School website by Christopher Murray, Ocean Lakes Scholarship Coordinator with a suspense date of Aug 17. This effort is to encourage residents of the Seatack community to apply for the scholarships to TCC.

Items from the Floor

Peanut Sales – Please let Lion Jack Wagner know if you need peanuts.  Please remember that this is the only actual fundraiser we have at the moment and we should try to sell as many as possible.

Suggestions for Service Projects:
1.      Computer Equipment for Kids – Lion Jon Halvorson will accept any computer equipment (preferably laptops) to be donated to Computer Equipment for Kids in Norfolk.  He has a couple of contacts so please consider donating older equipment to him. 
2.     Foodbank donations – Lion Aziz Selahi has suggested that we again make food donations to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia.  However, since our meeting, I have found out that all pick up locations in Va. Beach have been cancelled.  The only drop off is now at 800 Tidewater Dr. on the Tab St. side of the building.  You must ring the bell to have someone come out and open the loading door.  If anyone is willing to coordinate and take food donations to the Norfolk location, please respond to Lion Nancy Watters. 
3.     For Kids – Lion Fran Scott expressed concerns about the Bookbag Project for this Fall since school openings are up in the air.  She suggested that we think about doing bulk donations to the schools instead of individual bookbag supplies.  More will be known later.

***** During the last part of our meeting, Lion John received a phone call from Pauline Ashe, wife of 50 year life member Ray Ashe.  The call was to tell our club of Lion Ray’s death.  Pauline was touched to find that we were in the middle of a club meeting. 
We ended our meeting with a moment of silence in Lion Ray’s memory.
Meeting adjournment:  Lion President Jeri Furman – 7:29


First Meeting 2020-2021
Board Meeting Minutes, Wed. July 1, 2020 - 7p.m.
Zoom™ Meeting Hosted by Lion Jon Halvorson
Logged on: Lions Stanley & Jeri Furman, Lion Mike Coren, Lion Jon Halvorson, Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Billy McIntyre, Lion Nancy Nelson, Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion Ellen Turman, Lions John & Nancy Watters, Lion Bob Perrine, Lion Fran Scott, Lion Marsha Montgomery.
President Lion Ellen Turman - Call to Order 7:13 p.m.

Call to Order - Lion President Jeri Furman, Thalia President 2020-2021. 7:21pm.
New Business

Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren has almost $500 collected from the Thalia Progressive Raffle.  Finding it difficult to continue holding the raffle on a Zoom format, Lion Mike suggested that the money be placed into the Thalia Admin account. (Progressive raffle definition:  $1 tickets were sold to purchase a chance to pull the Queen of Hearts from a deck of cards.  Each time a card was chosen by the winner of the dollar raffle, the card was removed.  At the time we suspended the in-person meetings, the money had accumulated to almost $500 with a very few cards left in the deck.) 

A new award has been offered by the District Governor in which any moneys collected by the Tail Twister and donated to the LCIF would be considered a donation by all members of the club. The award would be called the 100 % Participation Award and would give the club special standing in grant awards if the club needed to apply to LCI for grant money. Considering the circumstances of the 2020-21 budget, the recommendation was made to use that money for the donation to LCIF from the Club. In further discussion, Lion Stanley Furman moved that we designate that donation to a Melvin Jones to be awarded at a future date.   Lion John Watters seconded.  After discussion clarifying that the donation would still be used by LCI regardless of the Melvin Jones designation, a unanimous vote was passed.

Thalia/VBCC Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Ellen Turman will run the Red Cross blood drive this year at Virginia Beach Christian Church, Sunday August 2nd 12-5pm. A church member, Jeff Bodenhammer has agreed to work the drive checking in donors.   Lion Marsha Montgomery also volunteered to work.  If anyone else is interested, please contact Lion Nancy N. or Lion Ellen. The Lion Tamer, Lion Jon Halvorson will be asked to see that the Thalia Banner, and display items will be available to set up at the church.  If you are able and willing, please consider donating blood.  Appointments may be made online or through Lion Nancy or Lion Ellen.  Please see the attached flyer for all information.

New Project Ideas – Lion Nancy Watters described a proposition from Southside Lions Club.  For several years that club has held a Reverse Raffle.  Tickets are $60 for one ticket or $100 for two tickets.  There are winning increments of money as tickets are pulled with the grand prize being won by the last ticket in the barrel. Southside limits the number of tickets to 400.  Since they have never sold that number of tickets, their club is offering Thalia Lions the opportunity to sell tickets for the raffle as well.  Thaila would receive one half of all the ticket sales made by the club.  Lion Nancy asked permission to invite two members of Southside Lions to participate in our next Zoom meeting on July 15th to present the idea to our membership.  There seemed to be no objections to this suggestion.

Budget – Lion President Jeri Furman presented the proposed Covid 2020-21 Temporary Budget to the Board for approval.  Please understand that many cuts were proposed because of the uncertainty of this year’s income and that the budget is only temporary.  It may be revisited and adjusted at anytime that circumstances change.  It is heart-wrenching to make cuts to causes we love and have supported for many years.  Hopefully we will be able to recoup and return to our general support before very long.  A copy is attached.

Scholarship – Lion Bob Perrine presented the following idea:
In that the Adult Learning Center has said they are reorganizing their Scholarship process, and since this is the second year Thalia Lions has received no nominees for our $1,000 and $500 Scholarships from them for TCC, Lion Bob would like to offer these Scholarships to the New Jerusalem Church of God in Seatack (an African American church). He has visited the church and has close contacts. Lion Bob feels this action would not only benefit our club but would be a binding offer with what his personal church, Old Donation Episcopal Church, has engaged in, the Sacred Ground Circle, learning about our past sins with slaves and what we can do to heal our racial wounds. After reflection and discussion concerning our desire to offer the money to deserving minority applicants, a motion was made by Lion Stan Furman with a second by Lion Ellen to offer the scholarship money to TCC to award to a qualified applicant.  Lion Bob will contact the New Jerusalem Church to encourage them to have students to apply for the money through TCC. This action is for this year only and will be offered to the Adult Learning Center as first priority in the future.

From the Floor:

Tail Twister – Lion Stan Moss is looking for ways to continue fining members as his role as Tail Twister this year.  One suggestion is that as each member has a birthday they be required to send the Tail Twister $5.  He is open to other suggestions.  Lion Jon Halvorson has offered to set up a method on line that will make fining members easy.  He will work with Lion Vickie to set up the process.

Prospective Members – Lion Jon Halvorson has requested and received information for two new prospects and hopes to have them attending the next Zoom meeting.

Upcoming Dates:
Wed. July 15 – 7pm Regular Zoom Meeting
Sat. July 18th – Lions Charity Foundation Meeting – Windsor Town Center, 23362 Courtchouse
Hwy, Windsor, Va.- the Annual LEMSHU meeting will be held on the same date.
Sun. August 2nd – VBCC/Thalia Blood Drive -Virginia Beach Christian Church, 2225 Rose Hall Drive, Virginia Beach 23454
Wed. Augrust 5 -7pm – Zoom Board Meeting.
Last Board Meeting of the 2019-2020 Year, 1 July 2020
Lion Ellen welcomed all members to the meeting and asked for a wellness check.  No one reported any illnesses.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – please see attached
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters reported that dues collections are still ongoing.  There are seven members that are yet to send in their dues.  Lion Nancy has sent the two members that are not usually in attendance a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope).  The remaining unpaid members will be reminded once more before a SASE will be sent to them.
Old Business – Lion Ellen asked for any unfinished business from the Lion’s year 2019-20.  No unfinished business was presented.
Adjournment- With no unfinished business, Lion President Ellen Turman adjourned the last Board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club for the year 2019-2020, 7:01pm.




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