Meetings 2017 - 2018

Jun 6, 2018 - Thalia Lions Board Meeting at Lion President Debra Laughlin's home. The following board members and regular members were in attendance: Lions Nancy and John Watters, Lion Debra Laughlin, Stan Moss, Jack Wagner, Irene Conlin, Vicky Kennedy, Stan and Jeri Furman, Marvin Clemmons, and Ellen Turman.

Minutes of Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Lion President Debra Laughlin who presided over the first half of the meeting as the “Out Going President.”                

Old Business:

Installation Night – The menu from the Westin for Installation Night was passed out and approved, Taste of Tuscany - $46.07

Lion Stan Furman moved that we revise our previous decision concerning the cost of the evening.  He suggested that the club pay the total cost for members and charge $20 for each guest. Lion Nancy seconded the motion and the board approved the vote.

New Business – None

Lion John Watters took the floor to preside over the second half of the meeting as the “Incoming President”

Treasurer’s Report – prepared by Lion Vicky

Youth Exchange Dinner – Sunday, July 8th at 5:30 pm. Virginia Wesleyan College. Lion Aziz contributed a check for rotisserie chicken to be purchased from Sam’s.  An email will be sent asking for side dishes and assistance. Suggestions are Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Green Salad, Cookies, and Cole Slaw. Usually there are 40-45 in attendance for the event.

Budget – There were several proposed changes to the budget for this year.  Redistricting and elimination of some projects has made some contributions unnecessary.  Examples are audible Easter egg hunt, reduce Eye Related to $400.00, change Hearing related to $200 instead of $400, Ram and Burkeville Lodge omitted, Sight & Hearing Van and JD Parks Award reduce to$200.  Lion John will refine the budget and present it at the July meeting or at the next Board meeting in August.

 Regular Meeting Dates – Lion John announced that he had negotiated the Westin Contract for meeting dates from July through November.  The dates are the 3rd Wednesday evening of each month.  The month of November is Thanksgiving Eve. It was suggested that we make that a project meeting to provide Thanksgiving food for families.  The idea may be developed further as we near the date.

Board Meeting times – Board meeting dates will remain the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 PM but will be at the home of the incoming President, Lion John Watters, 2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach. 

Brief Discussion of new LCI Policies - Lion John Passed out the new Standard Club Structures Diagram. Some of the more important changes are to establish a Club Service Person who is in charge of all service projects but has a committee for each.   It was suggested that Lion Jack Wagner be asked to assume this position. Marketing Communications Chairperson is naturally rolled into what Lion Bob I is doing with our blog and website. Lion Jeri, as phone coordinator is also involved communication.  She also does Hearing and Member Care.  LCIF Coordinator will still be Lion Stan because of his involvement in the Charity Foundation.  Lion Marvin Clemmons volunteered to continue as Program Chair. Lion John would like to be in charge of Constitution and Bylaws since they will require a bit of revision based on the new suggested structure. Lion John will send a diagram with suggested people to assume the responsibilities separately from the minutes.  He encouraged all new officers to go online for Officer Training opportunities from LCI.  There are webinars available and they are free.  A Leadership Workshop will be offered in the spring.

The next board meeting will be at Lion President John home, 2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, VA  23454 on August 1st at 7pm. (Because July 4th if the first Wed night in July, the month will be skipped and business conducted on the first meeting in August.)

Other Shared Information:

Lion Jack read an offer from PeeJay’s Fresh Fruit.  This is an online company that offers fruit from Florida and California.  He will further investigate the information to see if it could benefit our club better that C.J’s.  Our initial feeling is to stick with C. J.’s if we order fruit.

Lion Debra  informed us that  Lion Sylvia is transferring to Kempsville Lions. 

Lion Stan has a prospect, Dorothy Jones, who did not want to pay partial dues and then pay membership fees in July. If she joins now there is no joining fees and she will only pay membership dues on July 1st. Secretary will add her to the role before the end of June. Lion Stan will see that he receives her membership application and that Lion Rich adds her to the LCI membership website before the end of the month.

Lion Jack announced that
Lion Vicky received the International President’s Pin at the State Convention for her service as Bland Chair and her dedicated service as Treasurer for so many years.  Congratulations, Lion Vicky, and Thank You!!

Adjournment: 8:10pm
Lion Nancy Watters
Secretary, Thalia Lions Club
May 16, 2018
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May  16, 2018, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6:30 
0 Guest
22 Members 
58 Percent
Recess for Dinner: 6:32
Reconvene: 7:00
Program:  None
Reports/Board Business:

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters
          Children Eye Screenings
o          A health fair is scheduled for Jun 2nd at Seatack ES. We’ll have the SPOT there from 10am-2pm.
o          On July 9th we will do a joint screening with VB TC Blind at the Virginia Beach Central Library
White Cane Collection – Lion Vickie Kennedy
          Collected $365 at the white cane
          Collected $88 in peanut sales
          Collected $622 in broom sales
          Received $188.13 in sales on the square
          All in all, made around 1200 bucks for the day.
Eyeglass Recycling/Club Extension– Lion John Watters
o          Only 2 people have showed up for the past 2 EGRC visits. We need more.
o          We go there at 10am every 2nd Thursday of the month. You can go directly there (2040 Broadmoor Ave in Chesapeake) or go to the Best Buy on Independence at 9:15 am and somebody will be there to give you a ride. (Car leaves best buy at 9:30)
o          Next one is June 14th.
o          Please come, we need the help.
          Club Extension
o          29 new members have signed up to be members of the new club.
o          They will be a specialty club with no designated service area.
o          There will be a meeting this coming Sunday to set the say for their charter night.
o          There is also some discussion on what the club’s final name will be. Sounds like it will be the Lions Club of Southeastern Virginia Filipino-American.
o          We are their sponsor club.
o          Their meeting location is not set but they’re been meeting at Susan’s Kitchette, which is a Filipino Restaurant. 

Installation Night – Lion President Debra Laughlin
          Will be doing it at the Westin
          Menu options where on the table
          The date is Wednesday, June 20th.
          We can get a plated meal for $30 plus tax and gratuity. We started to discuss options but it got confusing since we weren’t paying the published list prices.
          Lion John motioned that Lion Debra have full autonomy on picking a reasonably priced dinner option and coordinating with the hotel. Lion Bob 1 seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Scholarships – Lion Bob Perrine
          Lion Bob 1 had scheduled for the committee to meet this coming Monday (the 21st) at his house to review the applicants, but none of the members can come, so he’s opening it up to anybody who wants to come and pick the scholarship winners.
          We received 4 applications from the Adult Learning Center.
          We received at least 4 application from Princess Anne High and may have more.
          We give away $2,500 in scholarships each year.
          Meeting is Monday 21st at 7pm.

Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner
          He has peanuts to sell
          They don’t sell well at the broom sales.
          Will need to decide at the next order if we want to expand the amount of types of peanuts we sell which will require the upfront cost of labels.

Recess for Dinner: 6:48
Reconvene: 7:25

Lion of the Year Voting – Lion Rich Roberts
          Lion Rich distributed the secret ballots
          There is no specific criteria, just who the members think is most deserving
          The winner will be revealed at the Installation of Officers Night.
Membership Updates – Lion President Debra Laughlin
          Lion Monica had decided to transfer to Kempsville. She was the incoming 1st VP, so the other VPs will move up.
          We will kick the job of filling next year’s 3rd VP down the road to the incoming board of directors.
          Lion Aaron has decided to drop from Lionism.

From the Floor:
          Lion Stan 1 –  Collected all the LOVF raffle tickets. We sold $1050 worth of tickets. $350 of this will go to LOVF and the club keeps $700.
          Lion Stan 1 motioned that the club’s admin account subsidize $20 for each lion attending Installation Night towards their meal. Guests will pay the full meal price. Lion John seconded. Motion passed Unanimously.
          Lion John – LCI is pushing all service reporting to the MyLion App He urged club members to download it to their phone. Only 2 or 3 members have it. You need your member number in order to register. If you don’t know what your member number is, ask Lion Rich and he’ll look it up for you.
          Lion Debra – is going to send out an email to get a count for Installation Night. Will need a hard count and if you say you’re going to be there then you are committing to pay.
          Lion Debra – Will have a board meeting at her house on June 6th.
          Lion Nancy – Saturday night, she and Lion John are singing at the Sandler Center with the Virginia Beach Choral. Tickets at $18. She had a pair of free tickets she offered up to any club member who would donate $10 to the club. Lion Roger accepted the deal.

Secretary’s Report
          Final District Meeting is June 13th at Smithfield Center. Lion Rich will register for the club. The Furmans have already registered. The Watters and Lion Vickie have said they plan to go.
          The Charity Foundation annual meeting is before the Final District Meeting. Show up at 5pm if you want to attend that as well.

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
          Birthdays –   Lion Nancy 1 wanted Lion Ashli’s daughter to sing to her. The brave Lion Otis risked all kinds of domestic bliss by asking for Lion Vickie to sing to him. Somehow Lion Nancy II got roped into singing and, since misery likes company, instead of trying to buy her way out she threw down some money to have Lion Jack sing as well. In the end, we had a nice ensemble of singers and it actually didn’t sound half bad. The singing was helped by the fact that Lion Otis was one of the birthday Lions so his unique voice couldn’t be added to the ensemble like most months.
          50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $25 – Lion Bob 2, $10 – Lion Ashli, $7 – Lion Roger
          Progressive Raffle:  Lion Jim’s ticket was pulled and we all figured it was over, but amazingly he did not pull the queen of hearts. At this point, nobody knows how many cards are left or how much money is in the pot. I guess someone needs to win in order to find out.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:55pm which inspired an elated Lion Bob 1 to express exaltations to our club president.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary

Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
May 17-20 – MD24 State Convention (Richmond)
June 2nd (Sat) – Seatack ES Screening
June 6th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Lion Debra’s House)
June 13th (Wed) – Final District Meeting (Smithfield)
June 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recylcing
June 20th (Wed) – Installation of Officers (Westin)
July 9th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening
April 18, 2018
OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Apr.  18, 2018, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Providence Grill, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. ,
 Call to Order at 6:30   ATTENDANCE   3 Guest 20 Members   53 Percent

Recess for Dinner: 6:32 Reconvene: 7:00 

Program:  None   Reports/Board Business:

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters • Children Eye Screenings o Will do a screening at Virginia Beach Christian Church in May. Exact time and date to be determined. Expect about 50 kids.  o A health fair is scheduled for Jun 2nd at Seatack ES. We’ll have the SPOT there from 10am-2pm.  o Still working with the Head of Nursing to try and get us cleared to do screenings with the schools. 

Eyeglass Recycling/Club Extension– Lion John Watters • EGRC o Only 2 people have showed up for the past 2 EGRC visits. We need more.  o We go there at 10am every 2nd Thursday of the month. You can go directly there (2040 Broadmoor Ave in Chesapeake) or go to the Best Buy on Independence at 9:30 am and somebody will be there to give you a ride.  o  Next one is May 10th.  • Club Extension o The effort to sponsor a new Pilipino club is progressing nicely.  o They will not have a specific area of service.  o We have 13 paid charter members already. 20 are needed to form a new club and they should have enough to charter in the next couple months.  o The next information session for the new club will be held next Tuesday (the 24th) at the Lions Eyebank in Norfolk General. If you want to come, please let Lion John know ahead of time. 

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie  • Lion Vickie is retiring as the District Bland Chair (but not the club chair!) • 5 candidates will be compete at the District Contest on Friday, April 20th. 
Introduction of Guests: Prospective Members Teena Martin, Helen Farr and Husband Gus

Song – Lion Rich Robert – “Grand Old Flag ” Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Mike Coren Invocation- given by Lion John Watters 
• The winning vocalist and winning instrumentalist will go to the state contest and have the opportunity to compete for music scholarsips.  • There is no pianist this year, which is unusual. The instrumentalist all play string instruments. 

Vision Walk – Lion President Debra Laughlin • Had a good turnout despite the rain.  • The district team had 74 members registered and raised over 5,000 dollars.  • 24-A hasn’t had their walk yet.  • Raised $65,871 total. 

Election of Officers – Lion President Debra Laughlin • Lion Rich read the slate of officers brought forth by the nominating committee:    President – John Watters  First Vice President – Monica Sturniolo Second Vice President – Jeri Furman Third Vice President – Ellen Turman Immediate Past President – Debra Laughlin  Secretary – Nancy Watters Treasurer – Vickie Kennedy Tail Twister –  Stan Furman Lion Tamer – Roger Snell  One Year Directors – Dick Kressig, Fran Scott Two year Directors – Stan Moss, Irene Conlin Membership Chairman – Bob Donnelly  LCIF Coordinator – Stan Furman

• Lion Rich motioned that the nominations be closed (second by Lion Stan F.). Motion passed unanimously.  • Lion Rich motioned that the entire slate be elected as presented (second by Lion Stan F.) Motion past with 18 ayes and 1 nay (Lion Nancy W. who may be having second thoughts about becoming secretary again). 

Prospective Member Introductions- Lion President Debra Laughlin • Teena Martin – has been in the area since 3rd grade. She is a graduate of TCC and ODU. She runs a small business, Paradise Day Spa and has been in business for the past 5 years.  • Hellen Farr – Has been in the area for 11 years. Originally from Philadelphia. She has been working as a trade analysis for the shipping industry but is soon going to be working at Operation Blessing.  • Lion John made a motion to accept their applications for membership (many seconds). Motion passed unanimously. 

New Member Induction – PCC J. Stanley Furman • Lion Stan inducted both Teena and Hellen. Lion Bob Donnelly sponsored both new lions and brought in an ice cream cake which was enjoyed by the club. 

From the Floor: • Lion Jack – We had to cancel our planned broom sale/peanut sale/white cane earlier in the month. We choose May 5th as the new date for the fundraiser. Lion Nancy will send out the original sign-up sheet and people can respond back whether they want their original slot or need to change shifts. 
• Lion Rich asked about Installation of Officers Night. We will do at our regular June Meeting. The location will be discussed at the next board meeting.  • A board meeting will be held ad Lion Debra’s house on May 2nd. Good Tequila will flow like the mighty river. The next regular club meeting will be held on May 18th.  • Lion Stan F. – The May 16th meeting will be the last chance to turn in LOVF raffle tickets. He hasn’t received many back yet and we are running out of time. This is also a club fundraiser. Each book cost $30, of which we keep $20 and LOVF get $10.  • Lion Stan motioned that we buy the banner, bell, and gavel for the new club we are sponsoring when they charter. (Lion Rich seconded). The motion passed unanimously. 

Secretary’s Report • None

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman • Birthdays –  Lion Jack wanted Lion Jim Healy to sing to him. Lion Jim wasn’t there, but Lion Jack insisted that is what he wanted. We couldn’t let him down, so Lion Nancy called Lion Jim who sung to Lion Jack while on speaker phone. There was also some side money passed around because many club members want Lion Otis to sing, which he did, and it was awful.  • 50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $21 – Lion Jeri, $15 – Lion Otis, $5 – Lion Nancy W.  • Progressive Raffle:  Lion Jack’s ticket was pulled and we all figured it was over, but amazingly he did not pull the queen of hearts. At this point, nobody knows how many cards are left or how much money is in the pot. I guess someone needs to win in order to find out. 

Meeting then adjourned at 8:02 which would have displeased Lion Bob 1, but he wasn’t there to be displeased, so I guess it’s alright. 

Respectfully submitted
 Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary Thalia Lions Club 
 Upcoming Events  April 20th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (ODU’s Dean Performing Arts Center)   May 2nd (Wed) – Board Meeting (Lion Debra’s House)   May 5th (Sat) – Broom/Peanut Sale + White Cane (BJ’s on VB Blvd)   May 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling   May 16th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting   May 17-20 – MD24 State Convention (Richmond)   June 2nd (Sat) – Seatack ES Screening   June 13th (Wed) – Final District Meeting (Smithfield) 

Mar 7, 2018 - Thalia Lions club meeting minutes March 7, 2018

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on March 7, 2018, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Providence Square Grill, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Song - Lion Irene
Pledge - Lion Sheila
Invocation- Lion Stan
Attendance: 0 guests
27 members
Because of the nature of this meeting business was conducted during dinner.

LCI Club consultant Pablo Romano Will be arriving from NYC on March 11, 2018. He will be attending the first Filipino American Lions Club meeting to be held March 12 at the Providence grill.  Lions from other clubs are encouraged to attend this meeting.

Lion Romano is here until March 18.  DG Beth asked if anyone has a potential Lion member or would like to meet with Lion Consultant Romano please give her a call.

VisionWalk kickoff luncheon had 42 attendees. Dr. Brian Mansfield spoke about MyRetinaTracker and the FFB grant for free genetic testing.

VisionWalk as racist as of 3/7 - $29,539 - 38% of goal. Last year at this time vision walk at raised $13,706.

Dining in the Dark Will be held April 11 at all six Y’Not Pizza locations all day. All monies raised for this event go to The Lions Pride of 24D. Lion Mack Team Leader

LOVF - Stan “ sell your tickets and get more!”

EGRC - March 8

Bland - Lion Vicky needs help at Region III Bland Contest on March 15

Venue - A brief and civil discussion ensued concerning the recent venue vote.  It was decided that we would remain at Providence Grill once a month.  It was also discussed that we do not have to remain at Providence Grill. If another venue is located that the club finds more suitable we are free to leave as we have signed no contract.  Lion Bob D recommended exploring local churches and the use of their social halls. I will check Emmanuel Episcopal Church and inquire about their availability. The second meeting of the month will be a board meeting at my house; all members are invited to attend.  March 21, 2018, 7 PM, 641 Fox Grove Court E., Virginia Beach

Tail Twister- PCC Lion J. Stanley Furman
Birthdays: Lion John Waters & Lion Sheila Romm
A chorus of dynamic singers serenaded the celebrants (Lion Bob P, Lion Debra and to make sure all was on the up and up the two FBI agents joint in the singing!)

50/50 Raffle and Progressive Raffle:  Lion Bob D won the progressive, but didn’t draw the correct card.  50/50 had 3 winners

Adjournment at 7:30
Respectfully submitted
Lion Debra Laughlin

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on February 21, 2018, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Providence Square Grill, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Song – Lion Jack Wagner,  God Bless America 
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Mike Coren
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine

                  0 Guests
     20 Members  
    55 Percent

Recessed for dinner:  6:35pm      7:00pm 

Program:  Lion Jim Healy, formerly Agent in Charge of the Norfolk FBI Office

Subject:  The FBI’s Most Wanted List

Lion Jim began by showing a poster with an old photograph of himself holding a Tommy-gun as he graduated from his basic FBI training at Quantico Marine Base in 1958.  The main difference then to now in his appearance seems to be the color of his hair.  The picture was on a poster that advertised one of his early novels, Deadly Deception.  He started his talk this evening with some mystery and history.  In its early days the FBI needed some publicity and discovered that listing their most wanted got attention.  They then started a program of officially listing the ten most wanted, e.g. Bonnie and Clyde, machine gun Kelly, and others.  Standard cards for wanted criminals had photos and fingerprints.  These distributed information about criminals around the world.  The fingerprint system generates a number based on the pattern and these are used to identify persons.  In 1959, Lion Jim was assigned to run the 10-most wanted program and ran it for 13 years.  The most prominent characteristics from behaviors to appearances were used to identify wanted persons.  Various techniques were used to educate the public about criminals, some even showing them as both male and female.  Dressing as the other sex created some embarrassment when they were caught and photographed dressed as the other sex.  At first there were complaints that no women were being listed, so before long the first woman on the most wanted list appeared.  While running the most wanted program, Lion Jim remembered a Thomas Paddock, who in 1969 was listed as a psychopathic killer.  The recent Las Vegas shooter was his son, Steven Paddock – following in his father’s footsteps so to speak.  One killer who froze his victim and then dumped her frozen remains in a river was put on the list as #11 when his crime was thought to be so heinous as to qualify for the top 10 even though the list was full.  In 1972, Lion Jim asked to go back to the field and was put on the FBI inspection staff.  While traveling around the country inspecting, he liked this area and was able to choose it as an assignment.  As he settled circumstances were such that he rented-out to others the house next door to his.  One of the renters was seemingly rich, but never had a job.  His house was full of valuable goods and raised suspicions that he was not on the up and up.  However all checks of his name and fingerprints were “clean”, even though the Virginia Beach police and Virginia state police had him under surveillance.  They contacted Jim and told him his renter was being followed as a suspicious person.  He offered expensive valuables to dealers for cheap prices.  No reason to arrest him could be found.  He even accidentally found out that his landlord, agent Jim, was the head of the local FBI.  He was still followed and discovered to carry a gun all times and to have a bad temper.  He had many girlfriends and one even left him saying she was afraid of him.  Nothing incriminating was found until accidentally an  FBI agent in San Antonio recognized his photo.  He was using an alias in Norfolk and his fingerprints had been misclassified such they always showed up as having no record.  A task force of officers was organized to arrest him.  Jim was to approach him since he knew him and a subterfuge of incorrect mail delivery was to be  used.  Jim got the fake mail and went to his front door in order to get in the house.  The other officers, gathered in Jim’s house next door, were then to quickly enter for the arrest.  As the criminal’s front door was ajar Jim waited but the agents didn’t come to arrest him.  He killed time with a ruse of asking to see his back deck, waiting for the other officers to arrive.  Finally they burst in the front door and Jim announced his arrest.  He was so surprised that he collapsed on the floor and asked for his pills on top of a cabinet.  A gun was found to be next to the pills, but he was taken into custody without other event.  It was discovered he had huge amounts of goods in the house, including boxes of jewels worth several millions of dollars.  While an interesting and major criminal, he did not make the top ten.  In telling this story, Lion Jim calls him the “good thief” because he was successful in officially being labeled “good” even while he was active criminally.  He turned out to be a fence for many other thieves, including some who stole a truckload of furs from the Mafia.  He had an office in Las Vegas where he offered to auction goods that were then stolen just before the auction.  After hearty applause, Lion Stan Furman presented Lion Jim with a special Lions pin.

Reports/Board Business:
            Children Eye Screenings/Reading Across America – Lion Nancy Watters  Lion John reported that there have been no recent screenings and all that signed-up for the RAP program have been notified by email just today of where and when they will read to children.
Eyeglass Recycling/Filipino American Lions Club update – Lion John Watters  Eyeglass recycling will be on March 8 (second Thursday).  Either meet for a ride a BestBuy at 9:30am or show up at the center by 10am.  The Fil-Am Lion club is still being organized with the next meeting on March 12th here at the Providence Grill at 6pm.  A consultant from LCI, Lion Pablo Romano, will run the meeting.

Vote on New Meeting Location:  Lion President Debra Laughlin  The choices are Peter Chang restaurant on VB Blvd, Providence Square Grill here, and the Westin Hotel in Town Center.  Ballots will be emailed tomorrow with a deadline of voting by return email by Friday, Feb 23, 10am.  Choices to vote upon are Providence Grill once or twice a month, Westin twice a month or Peter Chang’s once or twice a month.  Questions about the two subjects at once confirmed that two decisions are being made – once or twice a month and where to meet.  As these minutes were being finalized after the meeting, there remained a possibility that the Westin may also offer once or twice a month also, but this will be clarified in the ballot itself.

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy  We had an excellent contest with 7 instrumentalists and one vocalist.  One of the contestants was the daughter of our member, Lion Dr. Daniel Ferrara who provides us with glasses and exams.  The youngest contestant was a remarkable 9 yr old pianist.  The next Regional Contest is Mar 15 and the District  contest is Apr 20th at ODU.

Vision Walk Kick-Off – Lion Debra Laughlin  The kickoff for this year’s Vision Walk will be at YNot Landstowne at 11:30am, Sat, March 10th.  Come at 11am if you wish to eat.  There is a speaker from an expert doctor on genetic testing.

Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Lion Irene Conlin   The Town Center Blind Lions are not doing Journey for Sight this year.  It was determined to not be worth the effort.  We also don’t have participants for the egg hunt.  There are now multiple hunts across the state that take away possible participants.  The Coastal Virginia magazine will publish an article about the hunt this spring.  Their website is

LOVF – Lion PCC Stan Furman  Tickets are distributed and the drawing will be at the state convention in May and when you sell out he will get you more.  We keep $20 of every $30 sold, making this a great fund-raiser for us.

Nominating Committee –Lion Debra Laughlin solicited candidates on the spot with the assistance of all present except the candidates.  The opening for secretary will be filled by Lion Nancy Watters as Lion John Watters moves from 1VP to Pres.  The two-year directors will be filled by Lions Stan Moss and Irene Conlin.  Lion Jeri Furman was coerced into being 2nd VP (again).  Lion Monica Sturniolo moves up to 1VP.

From the Floor: Lion Jack Wagner announced he has four cans of peanuts left.  Two were sold immediately.

Tail Twister-  PCC Lion J. Stanley Furman
Birthdays: Lion Mike Coren (2/1), Lion Ray Ashe (2/15)  Lion Mike was present and sung to by Lions Jim Healy and Sharon Ross-Clemmons.
50/50 Raffle and Progressive Raffle:  Lion Jack Wagner won the progressive, but didn’t draw the correct queen.  Lions Stan Moss and Jack Wagner again won the 50/50
Adjournment at 8:15

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Acting Secretary for the Evening
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:
Ă˜  Feb 24th (Sat) – Visionwalk Kick-Off Luncheon
Ă˜  March 2nd (Fri) – Reading Across America Day
Ă˜  March 7th (Wed)  - Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  March 8th (Thurs) – Region III Meeting
Ă˜  March 8th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ă˜  March 15th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia UMC, 7pm)
Ă˜  March 21st (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  April 7th (Sat) – District Leadership Training
Ă˜  April 15th  (Sun) – Visionwalk (31st Street Park)
Ă˜  April 20th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (ODU’s Chandler Hall) 
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb.  07, 2018, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Call to Order at 6:30  

Introduction of Guests: Prospective Members Sunny & Joanne Kolinski, Lion Spouse Steve Eggleston

Song – Lion Marvin Clemmons – “God Bless America”
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation- given by Lion Nancy Watters

     3 Guest
21 Members  
54 Percent

 Recess for Dinner: 6:33
Reconvene: 7:10

Program:  Lion Jack Wagner – The John Walker Case
Lion Jack was the Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office when John Walker was arrested for espionage.  He shared with us the details of how he become under suspicion and was ultimately arrested.
The principle players in the case were:
·         John Walker (48) – He was running a private investigation business in Virginia Beach at the time. Was a retired Navy Chief Warrant Officer who specialized in cryptology.
·         Arthur Walker (53) – John’s brother and a retired Navy LCDR who supplied him with confidential material.
·         Michael Walker (22) – John’s son. Active duty Navy seaman aboard a carrier
·         Jerry Witworth – Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer. A Radioman who supplied Walker with information.
·         John’s Ex-wife Barbara and his daughter who were both pivotal in leading to his capture.

His Ex-wifre called the Boston Field Office (where she lived) while drunk and spoke about cryptically about her ex-husbands involvement with the Soviets. She stated that her son was passing him information and that John tried to convince their daughter to join the Navy after her enlistment in the Army was over so she could also pass information to him.  The FBI offices get a lot of crazy calls and didn’t think much of it. The call was filed in a folder labeled “no action necessary”. Some 90 days later the Agent in Charge did review the file and decided to send an agent to her house to follow-up, but at this point she was not cooperative. It was send down to Norfolk, where John lived, to see if there was anything to it. At this point Lion Jack talked to a retired FBI agent he knew whose specialty was counter-intelligence. This retired agent told him that some high placed assets in the Soviet government had been warning of a critical Soviet informant operating in the Norfolk area. So, they started looking into John and started by wiretapping his place in Oceanview. Apparently, Mr. Walker was a pretty foul-mouthed individual, even to his own mother. The FBI learned of a trip he planned to take and decided to follow him. He told his mother he was going south to a funeral, but instead (after a 1.5 hr “dry cleaning to make sure he wasn’t followed), he turned north towards D.C. They had air assets in the air and for comms Lion Jack was entrusted with 12 1980’s encrypted cell phones borrowed from the NSA, which were huge and cost $250,000 each. As they entered the DC area, the DC field office joined in and their air assets took over the search. They followed him into Montgomery ‘county where  he stopped at a sign and removed a piece of paper which contained his instructions. He took a bag into the woods and left it. Before leaving, he placed a can of 7-up on the side of the road and drove off. The FBI agents went to recover the bag he left and found it full of classified documents. They stuck around to see who would show up looking for it. At this point Lion Jack was kicking himself for not placing a tracking device on John’s car because at this point they lost him. Eventually a high ranking member from the Soviet Embassy came driving up with his family in the car. He stopped where the soda can was, looked around for 15 minutes or so and then drove off. The FBI agents continued to monitor the drop site. Lion John was very relieved when they saw John Walker driving back to the site, presumably to look for the money his Soviet handler would have left after retrieving the classified materials. He looked around a bit and then drove to a nearby hotel. The FBI followed him and nabbed him at the hotel. It didn’t take long for them to figure out the son was involved since all the material they received at the drop site were from his ship. NCIS picked him up the next day and found he had another load of classified materials in his rack. The other conspirators were identified and arrested in the following days. When back in Norfolk, a CPO and LCDR came over to Lion Jack’s office to review the documents that were retrieved. After looking through the stuff, the Chief looks up at the LCDR and says, “We’ve been had” and tells the LCDR to get the CNO on the phone that minute. The LCDR did get in touch with the CNO and the Navy shut down all their communications until they could implement new encryption protocols. John Walker did cooperate somewhat with authorities. He made a deal that he’d divulge everything about the operation in exchange for leniency towards his son. Investigators agreed to the deal, although they had to result to hypnosis to get him to talk about some things, like the fact that during Vietnam, he was giving the Soviets the means to know when American pilots were flying sorties and the means to track them. The Soviets then gave this info to the Vietnamese which made the fighter pilots sitting ducks and easily shot out of the sky. Although John Walker received over a million dollars from the Soviets during over the course of his long career of supplying them with information, he didn’t do it because he was motivated by money. He said the guy was an egomaniac and he did it in order to prove he could get one over on the man. The Soviets believed if they went to war with the US, they would have won due to the information they were receiving from John Walker.
Reports/Board Business:

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters
·         Children Eye Screenings
o   Still working with the Head of Nursing to try and get us cleared to do screenings with the schools.
·         Reading Across America
o   Had to sign up by Feb 2nd.
o   2 or 3 singed up
o   Will be reading “The Things You Can Do” by Dr. Seuss. 

Lion Tamer Duties/Lion Steve Updates– Lion President Debra Laughlin
·         Lion Steve decided to transfer to Kempsville.
·         He dropped off all the Lion Tamer stuff and she needs someone to volunteer to take over his duties. Nobody jumped at the opportunity.
·         We also need someone to talk over the progressive raffle. Lion Mike ran with that one.
·         Lion Steve is having surgery on Friday. He has temporal arteritis which has been causing massive headaches and vision issues. His condition was a contributing factor in his decision to transfer since Kempsville is a little closer to home.

Eyeglass Recycling/Other Good Stuff – Lion John Watters
·         EGRC
o    It’s tomorrow (Dec 8th). You know where to go and what to do. If you don’t, then ask.
·         Club Extension
o      Extension is the wrong word since it looks like they are going to bypass being a branch club and go straight to being a full club.
o      There have been 3 meetings so far.
o      14 people have signed up. (need 20 for a full club)
o      Many of them are already doing Lion type projects.
o      One person collects reading books for children and reading glasses for adults and takes them to the Philippines.
o      One works with the homeless and provides food.
o      Getting to 20 members shouldn’t be a problem.
o      An LCI consulting is coming in March to work with them.
o      March 12th is the next meeting.

Bland Contest – Lion Rich 1 reading a report on Lion Vickie’s behalf.
·         The annual Bland contest is right around the corner (Feb 15th at 7pm). I currently only have 3 instrumentalist participating this year.  Lion Bob 1 has old information (Last year’s) on our blog. I sent updated information earlier in January. Please let me know if I need to send it again. That may be causing some of the confusion with dates and times. The contestants have until Feb. 13th to register. Please share this information with anyone who has talented youth. Dr. Trevino will be here to judge the instrumentalist. No response from Dr. Stokes. I have sent an email to Patti Watters for her assistance. We need contestants! Please come out and help me with the event. I need ushers, judge’s assistants, student assistants for practice rooms/line-up and a check in assistant. Of course I need Lion John to MC the program.

Vision Walk – Lion President Debra Laughlin
·         Kickoff is on Feb 24th at Ynot.
·         Dr. Mansfield will talk about My Retnia Tracker.
·         Raised 32K so far.
·         Lion Mack will lead up the 24D team
·         Visionwalk moved up 1 week to the April 15th.

Peter Changs – Lion Nancy Watters
·         Lion Bob 2 suggest this as an alternate meeting location
·         Lion Nancy went to check it out and it is a very nice place.
·         It is an upscale Chinese restaurant on VB Blvd. It is tucked back there and hard to see from the blvd.
·         The only problem is the available space. There is a private room with 3 tables which seat 10 people. If each table is filled, there is no space to move around.
·         A few other members mentioned they didn’t want to eat Chinese food 2 times a month. 
·         Lion Bob 1 wanted to vote on staying at the Westin, but we held off voting since we are slated to try the Providence Grill at the next meeting. We will vote next meeting since we have to have the new location picked before the beginning of March.

Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner
·         Lion Jack is taking peanuts over from Lion Steve
·         Going to go down to where we get the peanuts and assess our label supply.
·         He wanted to know if we should expand our peanut varieties or stick with what we have now. We decided to stick with the ones we are selling currently so we won’t have to incur anymore label cost.
·         Lion Jack had some cans with him to sell and they went quick.

LOVF Raffle – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Lion Stan passed out the books.
·         LOVF was established for disaster relief but it does much more.
·         Tickets are $1 each. Each book is $30, of which the club keeps $20 and LOVF gets $10.
·         If you sell out, you can get more from Lion Stan.

Nominating Committee – Lion Rich Roberts
·         It’s that time again. The president needs to form the committee to pick next year’s officers.
·         In March the nominating committee will present the nominations for the club to accept. After accepting the nominations, elections can be held.
·         Election of officers needs to be before April 15th.
·         Lion Debra is going to lead the committee

Melvin Jones – Lion Nancy Watters
·         Lion Linda Eggleston was presented with a well-deserved Melvin Jones
·         She looked and sounded great and it brought great joy to the club that she was able to come and interact with us! A true blessing.

From the Floor:
·         Nothing.

Secretary’s Report
·         None

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  Due to running late, we’re shifting them to 2/21.
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $20 – Lion Stan 2, $12 – Lion Rich 2, $5 – Lion Dick.
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Rich 2’s ticket was pulled and we all figured it was over, but amazingly he did not pull the queen of hearts. 39 cards remain in the deck.

Meeting then adjourned at 8:05 which displeases Lion Bob 1.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
Ă˜  Feb 8th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ă˜  Feb 10th (Sat) – Cabinet Meeting/Winter Conference (Colonial Heritage, Williamsburg)
Ă˜  Feb 15th (Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia UMC. 7pm)
Ă˜  Feb 21st (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting (Providence Grill)
Ă˜  Feb 24th (Sat) – Visionwalk Kick-Off Luncheon
Ă˜  March 2nd (Fri) – Reading Across America Day
Ă˜  March 8th (Thurs) – Region III Meeting
Ă˜  March 15th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia UMC, 7pm)
Ă˜  April 7th (Sat) – District Leadership Training
Ă˜  April 15th (Sun) – Visionwalk (31st Street Park)
Ă˜  April 20th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (ODU’s Chandler Hall)

Jan 17, 2017
Meeting of the Thalia Lions Club
Snowy night January 17, 2017
Fourteen stout-hearted Members and one candidate to be inducted as a new member was  present:  Lions Nancy Watters, John Watters, Stanley Furman, Jeri Anne Furman, Bob Donnelly, Bob Perrine, Steve Rosnov, Debra Laughlin, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Roger Snell, Marvin Clemmons, Monica Sturniolo, Irene Conlin and candidate for induction, Stan Moss.
Song:  Lion Vickie
Pledge:  Lion Irene
Invocation:   Lion John
Lion President Debra Laughlin called the meeting to order at 6:29 pm.  We immediately adjourned to serve ourselves at the dinner buffet. 
Because of the weather conditions, Lion Debra started the meeting as we dined and abbreviated the agenda to the most important items.
Meeting Place Discussion:
The Hilton Garden Hotel has changed its policy regarding our club meetings for this new year.  The meal price has increased to the point that the Club would be forced to charge its members $25.00 per meeting and the hotel will not reserve Wednesday night meeting dates after March. Therefore it is necessary for our club to find a new meeting place.
Since this information was made available in December, several members have researched possible venues. (Gus & George, Braise, Frankie’s Ribs, Broad Bay Country Club, Gordon Biersch, Harold’s, Crown Plaza, Cyprus Point Country Club, Racket Club, Susie’s Kitchen, Providence Grill, The Westin, Peter Changs.
Most of the venues are either booked on our meeting nights, $25.00 or more, or do not have an appropriate meeting room for our Club.
After an involved discussion, three locations were discussed in detail.

1.    The Westin – Offers a plated meal for $20.00 (inclusive).  The chef would offer menus of his choice and would offer alternatives when dietary, religious or allergy exceptions are necessary.  The Westin considered an upscale meeting place, has a parking garage that prevents exposure to the weather, is a central locale for our members to travel, will store our property (banners, flags, podium, etc.).  They will have an American Flag on a first come first serve basis.  The Westin has all our meeting dates available but will need for us to sign a contract to reserve those dates.  Their requirement is that we make a $60 deposit for each date we secure. That money will be applied to each meeting meal charge.   They ask for a headcount on the Friday before each meeting but will allow an adjustment of the count on Monday morning before the meeting. 

2.    Providence Grill in Providence Sq. Shopping Center – Offers a separate meeting room that can be closed off with accordion door. They do not have an American Flag available. Members who have visited feel that the noise level would not be a problem.  Members would order from the menu or if we choose the manager has agreed to set up a limited buffet that could be within our $20 range. If we order from the menu we may consider adjusting the meeting agenda to accommodate food orders. They will store our club property and they have our meeting dates open.  Providence Grill is in the Kempsville area and not as centrally located. 

3.    Peter Changs – Located on VA. Beach Blvd. offering Chinese food only.  Lion Bob Donnelly recommended Peter Changs.  He told us that there is a private room available and that we would order from the menu.  The meeting room will accommodate no more than 30 people.  He was unsure if the dates for our meeting would be open or if they would be willing to store our property. 

Lion John Watters moved that we select two places to consider.  His motion was seconded by Lion Stan and the club passed the motion.
Lion Nancy moved that we select The Westin and The Providence Grill.  Lion Monica seconded and the club approved.
Lion Nancy moved that before we make a final decision that we should try The Westin on Feb. 7th and The Providence Grill for the second meeting in Feb. Lion Monica seconded and the club passed the motion.
********Since last night, Lion Nancy has conferred with the Westin that the Feb. 7th date is still available.  Having confirmed that date, our next meeting will be at The Westin in The Emperor Room on the 2nd floor.  We will gather in the bar in the lobby for social time prior to the meeting. Happy Hour prices will be available.
Just as a note, the meeting rooms and ball rooms are all on the second floor of the hotel and are under renovation at this time.  The Emperor Room will be complete by the 7th.  It has been used in the past as a “board meeting room” and will accommodate about 30-35 people.  Larger rooms will be available for our normal meeting area is we decide to meet at The Westin.
Our SECOND meeting in February will be at The Providence Grill in Providence Square Shopping Center 941 Providence Sq.  Shopping Center, Virginia Beach, VA 23464

*******It is very important that all members come to both meetings in February if at all possible.  A consensus of all opinions in making this decision would be ideal.  Please make every effort to attend.

New Member Induction:
We finally did it!! After numerous delays, Lion Stanley Furman inducted Dr. Stan Moss as an official member to our club.  Lion Dr. Stan’s sponsor is Lion Marvin Clemmons.
Lion Stan is a Texas Aggie and went to dental school in Dallas.  He has practiced dentistry for 40 years, retired and is now willing to offer his volunteer services. He has three children and 5 grandchildren. 
We thank him for his tolerance in the delays and look forward to many years of working with him as a Lion and as a friend.

The application for Read Across America is attached.  Please complete the form and email it to by Friday, February 2, 2018.
Please note on the form that you are a Thalia Lions member.  AND report your participation to Lion Rich at the end of the month for our Achievement Report.

With our most important issues addressed, Lion Debra adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Nancy Watters – Substitute Secretary for our very capable Lion Rich Roberts

Dec 6, 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Dec.  06, 2017, by Lion Nancy Watters at 6:38 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Call to Order at 6:38  

Introduction of Guests: Prospective members Dr. Stanely Moss and Sunny Kolinski

Song – PCC J. Stanley Furman – “Grand Old Flag”  - in honor of Lion Ed
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Mike Coren
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine

     2 Guest
22 Members  
58 Percent

Program:  None. Lion Jack was going to be our speaker but the hotel forgot we were coming and didn’t prepare a meal, so we decided to just do our business and disperse since we were hungry.
Lion 2nd VP Monica took over the meeting at this point.
Reports/Board Business:

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters
·         Children Eye Screenings
o    Did screening at Sunnybrooke on Th/Fri
o    70 children screened
o    Got a thank you note and a 250 dollar donation from the school
·         We received another 10 dollar donation
·         Holiday Party
o    6pm on the 20th
o    Bring finger food
o    Wine/beer will be provided
o    No RSVP required

Eyeglass Recycling/Other Good Stuff – Lion John Watters
·         EGRC
o    In November we had a record turnout with 8 lions! Hopefully in December we can top that with 10.
o    Eyeglass recycling is Thursday, Dec. 14th.
o    Show up at Best Buy at 9:30am if you want a ride or go straight there and show up at 10am.
·         ALC S&H Van
o    Joint project with Kempsville.
o    We had a lot of people show up
o    Don’t have final numbers but probably saw around 100 people in the van
o    Performed blood sugar screenings for 97 people.
o    Referred 10 people and handed out several pairs of reading glasses.
·         Club Extension
o      Committee members: Lion John (Chair); Lion Dick, Lion Jeri, PCC Stan, and Lion Sylvia.  
o      A retired Filipino surgeon is willing to support our efforts. He is currently in the Philippines on a medical mission.  
o      The district is getting a trainer from LCI to help with the effort.

Bid ‘N Buy Auction – J. Stanley Furman
·         The auction brought in around 20,000 dollars
·         26 of the 56 clubs did not participate
·         Thalia was top 3 in donations which earned us a 250 dollar service grant
·         We also reached our quota of people present (13 or 14) to earn an additional 250 service grant.
·         We will need to use our $500 in service grants from LCF24D by June 30th, 2018.

Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         Sale supposed to end tonight but he is keeping it open until Monday.
·         Delivery will be before Christmas if he gets the order in by Tuesday.

From the Floor:
·         White Cane results - $282 worth of peanuts sold, $487 in brooms sold, $629.50 in white cane collections.
·         We had to buy need eyeglass collection boxes. We also added 1 new location.

Secretary’s Report
·         Lion Irene sent the club a thank you note.
·         Dr. Moss submitted his application for membership (sponsored by Lion Marvin). His application was approved unanimously and we will induct him in January.

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  In order to speed things along the group decided to do the December birthdays in January.  
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings:  $22 – Lion Shelia; $15 – Lion Marvin ;  $8 – Lion Rich who plans on concealing his big win from Lisa. She don’t need to know everything.
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Mike’s ticket was pulled and we all figured it was over, but amazingly he did not pull the queen of hearts. 40 cards remain in the deck. Pot is up to $110

Meeting then adjourned at 7:18 so starving Lions could go hunt for food.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events

Ă˜  Dec 20th (Wed) – Holiday Party (The Watters’ Residence)
Ă˜  Jan 3rd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  Jan 17th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  Feb 10th (Sat) – Cabinet Meeting/Winter Conference (Colonial Heritage, Williamsburg)
Ă˜  Feb 15th (Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia UMC. 7pm)
Ă˜  March 8th (Thurs) – Region III Meeting
Ă˜  March 15th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia UMC, 7pm)
Ă˜  April 7th (Sat) – District Leadership Training
Ă˜  April 20th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (ODU’s Chandler Hall)
Ă˜  April 22nd (Sun) – Visionwalk (31st Street Park)

15 Nov 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on November 15, 2017, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting. 

Introduction of Guests: Ashley Eley, guest of Lion Marvin Clemmons

Song – Lion Bob Perrine led Hey, Good Lookin’    
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Jack Wagner

                 1 Guest
     21 Members  
   55 Percent

 Recessed for dinner: 6:36 pm - Reconvened: 7:05 pm
Program:  None

Reports/Board Business:
            Children Eye Screenings/Other Good Stuff – Lion John Watters (for Lion Nancy)
            Several screenings have been done in the past two weeks and the next is scheduled at             Sunnybrook Preschool on Nov 29th and 30th.  Volunteers are in hand for that.
            Lion Nancy sends a special thank you! to the 13 Thalia Lions who helped her run the silent             auction at the recent LCF24D Charity Fund Raiser.
Eyeglass Recycling/Holiday Party – Lion John Watters
The recycling event last week had the most ever attendance of 8 Thalia Lions.  The next recycling event will be on Thursday, Dec. 14.  Meet at BestBuy lot at 9:30am.
Because we are contracted here at the Garden Inn on Dec. 6th, the annual Holiday Party will be on Dec.20th at 6pm at the Watters’ home, 2357 Haversham Close, VB.  Please bring only “finger food” as that worked well last year.

New Member Application – Lion Marvin Clemmons presented Lion-to-be Ashli Eley who brought with her this evening a paid and completed application.  The board met very briefly and approved her application.  Installation will be in a few minutes.
LCF-24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction Recap/Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman  Final figures not in yet, but will probably not be as well as last year.  All items were sold.
Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov He distributed order sheets and said that they will be available at the broom sale on Saturday.  Try to get he money uupo front.

White Cane/broom sales will be Saturday, Nov 18th.  A sign-up sheet was passed around and sign-ups finished.  The Salvation Army will not be ringing their kettle for collections at BJ’s this year – confirmed with a phone call today.
LCI Magazine – Lion Bob Perrine described how to see our blog by searching for Thalia Lion Clubs in a search engine (Google) and our blog will pop up.  Scroll down and you can also read the LCI Magazine. 
Club Extension (Sponsoring Filipino club) – Lion John was railroaded to head the Thalia Lions committee to form an extension Filipino-based club by two powerful women, our DG Lion Beth and our President Lion Debra.  He spoke to Dr. Juan Montero, a well-known Chesapeake retired and honored surgeon.  He is active in Filipino affairs both here and in the Phillipines.  He is excited about the idea and is contacting others in the Filipino community here to begin the process of forming a club.  Lion DG Beth is also contacting a club guide/trainer from LCI to assist us, probably having a training session in January 2018.
Lion Stan discussed families for Holiday Help and described 4 families he got from social services.  Various groups of Lions present volunteered to help each family.
From the Floor:
Lion Marvin Clemmons brought up the idea of sponsoring a pool tournament as a Thalia fund-raiser in the future.  He and Lion Steve Rosnov are working on it.
Lion Vickie Kennedy is in the running to be her church’s Queen as a fund-raiser.  Donations are tax-deductible from the New Oak Grove Church.

Secretary’s Report
·        Nothing

Tail Twister-  PCC Lion J. Stanley Furman
Birthdays: Done at 1st meeting this month
50/50 Raffle: Lion Otis Etheridge won $41
Lion Steve Rosnov ran the progressive raffle and Lion Debra Laughlin won the ticket raffle, but didn’t draw the Queen of hearts -- she drew the Jack of hearts!
Adjournment at 7:55

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Acting Secretary for the Evening
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
Nov 18th (Sat) – White Cane/Broom Sale (BJ’s on VB Blvd)
Nov 18th (Sat) – Guiding Lion Training (Providence Forge, VA)
Dec 4th (Mon) – ALC S&H Van (Renaissance Academy, 10am-2pm)
Dec 20th (Wed) – Holiday Party (The Watters’ Residence)
Feb 15th (Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia UMC. 7pm)
March 15th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia UMC, 7pm)
April 7th (Sat) – District Leadership Training
April 20th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (ODU’s Chandler Hall)
April 22nd (Sun) – Visionwalk (31st Street Park)
1 Nov 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov.  01, 2017, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:10 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:10 by banging her gavel on her bottle of Yuengling.

Introduction of Guests: Dr. Scott Sautter (guest speaker); Dr. Moss (retired dentist/ Prospective member); Ashley and Daughter (fmr student of Lion Marvin, charter mber of NSU Lions); Traveling Leo from Bayside (4 Lions).

Song – Lion Rich Roberts – “Grand Old Flag”  - in honor of Lion Ed
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jim Healy
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine

     8 Guest
23 Members  
61 Percent

Program:  Dr. Scott Sautter - Brain and Cognitive Dispositions (Cross-Training Your Brain)
·         Dr. Sautter studies how the brain affects our behavior.
·         He uses metrics to measure skills to determine how well the brain is functioning.
·         Our brain evolves physically by connections made by experience. (Neuroplasticity) 
·         A baby’s brain is very smooth with few connections, as we age patterns become set.
·         The more experiences we receive, the more internal connections our brain make.
·         In order to induce brain growth, it needs challenging actions with increasing difficulty.
·         Brains need activity, activity, activity. The keys to brain health is physical activity, social activity, and mental activity.
·         It is a myth that genetics affect brain performance. Experience and activity is what causes high functioning brains.
·         Depression and addiction (even stuff like running addiction) can physically impact the brain in a negative way.
·         Medicine is not the only way to help cognitive health
· is a brain training website. Brain training is helpful but takes time and commitment. A couple of minutes here and there will not work.
·         Posit science is a website which provide studies on the effectiveness of brain training.
· gives you a brain coach.
·         The key to brain training is working memory. Working memory involves keeping something in your mind while doing another task.
·         Working memory ability naturally degrades as you get older.
·         Reading, mental math, planning are examples of activities which require you to use working memory.
·         Neuroplasticity is what makes your working memory ability to change over time.
·         Aerobic activity is one of the best things for you brain since it brings a lot of oxygen (fuel) to the brain. (aka play ping-ping)
·         Stress management and stress reduction is important because stress hormones produced by your body are toxic to the brain.
·         Diet is important as well. The Mediterranean Diet has been found to have the best impact on the brain.
·         Social activity is very important for brain health.
·         Prescription for brain health: reduce stress, breath to relax, get plenty of sleep, avoid substances that stress the brain (alcohol), take multivitamins, avoid negative thoughts (thinking you can’t do stuff), exercise regularly.

Recess for Dinner: 6:50
Reconvene: 7:20
Reports/Board Business:

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters
·         Children Eye Screenings
o    The club screened 250 children this month
o    4 different locations
o    Had lots of helpers
o    Next screening will be ay Sunnybrook Day School either at the end of November of beginning of December.
o    Still working with the VBCPS Director of Nursing to use the SPOT. Still putting together some needed documentation.
·         Needs volunteers for the Bid ‘n Buy silent auction. – Nov 4th at 10am.

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
·         Lion John gave us some brain training by cryptically quizzing the club on EGRC dates and times.
·         Eyeglass recycling is Thursday, Nov. 9th.
·         Show up at Best Buy at 9:30am if you want a ride or go straight there and show up at 10am.

Bid ‘N Buy Auction – J. Stanley Furman
·         The charity foundation’s only fundraiser
·         The foundation spent 19K last quarter on hearing aids, so it needs the funds. Also have some cataract surgeries potentially coming.
·         If the club has enough members show up, we will receive a service grant.

Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
·         It is Bland Time and Dates are set.
·         Location for the club and region contest will be Thalia United Methodist Church at 7pm as it has been in past years.
·         Thalia Contest – Feb 15th
·         Region III Contest – March 15th
·         The District Contest is tentatively scheduled for April 20th at Chandler Hall. Still need to confirm with ODU.
·         The state contest will be on May 17th.
·         Most of the judges have confirmed. Lion Bob II suggest we get Pharrell Williams.
·         We need vocalists. Fortunately Lion Otis is too old to participate.

ALC S&H Van – Lion Rich Roberts
·         Lion Rich talked to the Adult Learning Center and set a date for us to bring the van.
·         Dec 4th (Monday) is the date. They wanted a Monday because that’s the day they have the most people there.
·         We will do 2 shifts, 10-noon and noon to 2.
·         Lion Rich will send out a sign-up sheet.
·         The van reservation has been submitted, but not yet confirmed.
·         The blood sugar screening kit wad also requested.

White Cane/Broom Sale/Peanut Sale – Lion Rich Roberts
·         Instead of doing a white cane on the 11th and a broom sale on the 18th, we decided to combine them as we have in the past.
·         We will have 2 lions stationed in front of BJs doing white cane and 2 other lions set up by the gas station selling brooms and peanuts.
·         A sign up sheet will be coming out soon.

From the Floor:
·         I have a note that Lion John requires brain training but don’t remember the specifics of why, so I probably need it as well. I will challenge him to a game of ping-pong.
·         Lion Debra talked about DG Beth’s visit at our previous meeting to talk about club extension and wanted to verify we had enough interest to pursue it. It sounds like there is an a committee will be formed.
·         Lion Nancy said that the VB Choral (She and Lion John are members) will be singing at the Sandler Center on Dec 9th and 10th and she has tickets for sale. They will also be performing at the New Old Donation Middle School which according to Lion Rich has a pretty awesome building automation system.

Secretary’s Report
·         Lion Nancy II received her membership certificate and pin
·         Zone G meeting November 14th at the Princess Anne Rec Center.

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  None present
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings:  $26 – Lion Bob 2; $15 – Lion Susie ;  $8 – Lion Susie’s ticket got pulled again and she wouldn’t take it so we re-drew and Lion John ended up winning.
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Jack’s ticket was pulled but he did not pull the queen of hearts since only Lion Mike seems capable of the feat. 41 cards remain in the deck. Pot is up to $90

Meeting then adjourned at 7:51 which made up for going 5 minutes over last meeting and quelled Lion Bob 1’s displeasure.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events

Ă˜  Nov 4th (Sat)  - LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction (Hampton Baptist Church)
Ă˜  Nov 9th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ă˜  Nov 14th (Tues) – Zone G Meeting (Princess Anne Rec Center, 6:30pm)
Ă˜  Nov 15th (Wed) – Regular club meeting
Ă˜  Nov 18th (Sat) – White Cane/Broom Sale (BJ’s on VB Blvd)
Ă˜  Nov 18th (Sat) – Guiding Lion Training (Providence Forge, VA)
Ă˜  Dec 4th (Mon) – ALC S&H Van (Renaissance Academy, 10am-2pm)
Ă˜  Feb 15th (Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia UMC. 7pm)
Ă˜  March 15th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia UMC, 7pm)
Ă˜  April 7th (Sat) – District Leadership Training
Ă˜  April 20th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (ODU’s Chandler Hall)

Ă˜  April 22nd (Sun) – Visionwalk (31st Street Park) 
18 Oct 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Oct.  18, 2017, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:31! pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 31! pm

Introduction of Guests: DG Beth Stevens, Lion Mack Stevens, Lynn Johnson, Dorothy Young

Song – Lion Jack Wagner – “God  Bless America”
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

ATTENDANCE    4 Guest 21 Members  55 Percent
Rececss for dinner: 6:35 pm
Reconvene: 7:02 

Program:  None
Reports/Board Business:

Centennial Club Award – DG Beth Stevens
·         DG Beth received an email from LCI stating Thalia has an opportunity to become a Centennial Club, which is the highest club honor for LCI during the centennial of service.
·         Thalia has met all the requirements except one, which is to sponsor a new club by June 31st, 2018.
·         The District is targeting a club with the Pilipino Cultural Center in Virginia Beach.
·         DG Beth discussed all the available resources to help us if we choose to pursue working to establish the new club. 
·         LCI will send a trainer to teach a class if we have at least 10 lions attend. The 10 lions can be from different clubs.
·         Also the 2VDG from 24-A is a member of the Alexandria Asian American Club and is willing to come down and work with the new Pilipino Club.
·         Although we did not vote on the issue or make a decision, a lot of club members appeared to be supportive of the idea and work on the project.

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters
·         Screenings
o   Did Thalia ES. Screened 78 children with 2 lions.
o   Tomorrow going to Malibu ES. Should have around 105 kids.
o   Need help on the 25th with Kings Grant ES. Need 1 or 2 more lions.
o   Got in contact with the Director of Nursing for VB Schools. She is willing to have us cover 24 to 25 schools that are not currently covered by her team. She is also going to grant us volunteer status so we don’t need to do background checks.
·         Needs volunteers for the Bid ‘n Buy silent auction
·         ALC S&H Van
o   Joyce Lovitt with ALC called Lion Brad and would like us to come out and do a screening this fall as we have in the past.
o   ALC has moved out of our service area (Renaissance Academy) but Kempsville is willing to let us do it but would like it to be a joint project with their club and with us splitting the cost.
o   Lion Rich will set it up with ALC.
·         Beach bags was yesterday. We had 47 lions from 8 different clubs and 29 people from anthem there. Packed 1250 bags of food in 1 hour.
·         Smiles Across the Miles
o   Oct 28th at Virginia Beach Christian Church
o   Joint project with VB TC Blind.
o   Will make Christmas Cards for those deployed.
o   Also bring toiletries to donate to the USO. 

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
·         Eyeglass recycling is Thursday, Nov. 9th.
·         Show up at Best Buy at 9:30am if you want a ride or go straight there and show up at 10am.

Bid ‘N Buy Auction – J. Stanley Furman
·         The charity foundation’s only fundraiser
·         The foundation spent 19K last quarter on hearing aids, so it needs the funds. Also have some cataract surgeries potentially coming.
·         If the club has enough members show up, we will receive a service grant.

Citrus Sale – Lion Jack Wagner
·         70% of the crop was lost this year due to the poor weather and storms.
·         Prices have gone up substantially.
·         Lion Stan commented that the stuff we could get probably won’t be that good which could discourage future purchases.
·         Lion Jack motioned that we not do the sale this year. Multiple seconds. Motion passed with  20 for and 1 against.

From the Floor:
·         Lion Marvin has a speaker lined up for next meeting who will need to leave early because of other commitments. We decided to start the next meeting 15 minutes earlier to give him enough time before he has to leave.
·         Lion Rich said since we are not doing the fruit sale, we should do a white cane. It was decided that Nov. 11th will be the day.
·         Lion Debra reminded the club about tasting in the dark at O’conner’s brewery on Oct 29th.

Secretary’s Report
·         Lion John received a gold centennial membership pin.
·         Guiding Lion Training is on Oct 28th from 9 to 12 in Poquoson.
·         RLLI is March 2-4 in Charlottesville. 
·         Zone G meeting November 14th at the Princess Anne Rec Center.

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  Done on 10/4
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings:  $22 – Lion Jack (which got Lion Debra and Lion Vickie singing “Hit the Road Jack” I guess they don’t want him to come around no more and win the raffles).;  Lion Marvin, $11 – Lion Nancy, $6 – Lion Nancy
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Jack’s ticket was pulled but he did not pull the queen of hearts since only Lion Mike seems capable of the feat. 42 cards remain in the deck. Pot is up to $87

Meeting then adjourned at 8:05!!!, which did not make Lion Bob 1 happy.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
Ă˜  Oct 19th (Thurs) – Malibu ES Screening
Ă˜  Oct 23rd (Mon) – Chesapeake Bay Academy Screening
Ă˜  Oct 25th (Wed) – Kings Grant ES Screening
Ă˜  Oct 28th (Sat) – Smiles Across the Miles (VB Christian Church, 11am-4pm) 
Ă˜  Oct 28th (Sat)  - Guiding Lion Training (Poquoson)
Ă˜  Oct 29th (Sun) – Tasting in the Dark
Ă˜  Nov 1st (Wed) – Regular club meeting
Ă˜  Nov 4th (Sat)  - LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction (Hampton Baptist Church)
Ă˜  Nov 9th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ă˜  Nov 11th (Sat) – White Cane (BJ’s parking lot)
Ă˜  Nov 14th (Tues) – Zone G Meeting (Princess Anne Rec Center, 6:30pm)

Ă˜  Nov 15th (Wed) – Regular club meeting
4 Oct 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes, Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach Town Center

Social time – 6pm ±, Hilton Lobby

General Meeting/Dinner 6:30 pm Lion 1st VP John Watters - Call to Order 6:31pm

Introduction of Guests: none

Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jim Healy
InvocationLion Nancy Watters
Recess for Dinner

Program: Lion John Watters – Glaucoma  
Lion John Watters, MD, (retired ophthalmologist) gave the program on glaucoma.  He described what it is and how it’s treated.  Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in the world and at least half of those with it have normal pressure in the eye.  Thus, checking eye pressures alone without a complete examination can be misleading and can actually prevent people from being diagnosed.  The treatment of glaucoma involves lowering the eye pressure in various ways, often to very low levels to prevent progression of vision loss.  The most common type is “open-angle” glaucoma.  “Closed angle” glaucoma is an acute problem with many symptoms requiring immediate treatment.  Lion John emphasized risk factors and urged that all primary relatives of those with the disease be examined regularly.  Brochures describing the major points of the presentation were distributed.  Several questions about the eyes came from the members. The most interesting from Lion Otis.  He wanted to know if Marijuana is an effective treatment for Glaucoma.    Lion John said no, but with the use of marijuana you might not care if you lose vision.  We did become a bit more serious when Lion Marvin suggested that we need to consider the use of alcohol since many of us imbibe occasionally!  Lion John feels that there is no relation yet suggested with alcohol. However preventive measures include not smoking and eating a healthy diet.  Finding and treating the condition early is important.

Lion Marvin presented Lion John with two tokens of appreciation.  One was a Lions Centennial pin from the International Convention the other a collectible “woodstove” pin from the Pin Traders Club.

             Children Eye Screenings/Beach Bags/Smiles/Other Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters

1.      Smiles Across the Miles project- Saturday, October 28th at Virginia Beach Christian Church form 11am-4pm.  This event is run by the Town Center Blind Lions Club.  The purpose is to create Holiday cards and organize toiletry bags for delivery to deployed personal by the USO. Please bring old Holiday card and travel size toiletries or items useful to deployed military to be used at the event.
2.      Beach Bag Project – A signup sheet was passed for members to commit to the project.  Lions need to provide as many as 50 members to pack bags of food for at hunger risk Va. Beach school children to take home over the weekend.  The date is Tues. October 17th from 6pm – 8pm.  This is an LCI Anthem Grant Service Project.  Over 60 volunteers from Anthem are already committed to the project.  If you were not at tonight’s meeting and can volunteer, please contact Lion Nancy.
3.      Tasting in the Dark – Sunday Oct 29th at O’Connors Brewery will be beer and appetizer tasting. All proceeds go to Foundation for Fighting Blindness. Please contact Lion Debra if you are interested in attending or sign up on Facebook.
4.      Bid & Buy Lions Charity Foundation Auction –November 4th – Hampton Baptist Church, Hampton. Lion Nancy is in charge of the Silent Auction and needs all hands on deck to assist with running the auction.   She will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.

5.      Children’s Eye Screening – There are 4 screening scheduled for the month of Oct. If you wish to help, please contact Lion Nancy.  All screenings begin around 9am.
a.       Thurs. Oct. 12 – Thalia Elementary (about 90 children) – need 2-3 more members
b.      Thurs. Oct. 19 – Malibu Elementary (about 60 children) – need 2-3 more members
c.       Mon. Oct. 23 – Chesapeake Bay Academy (about 40 children) – need 1-2 more members
d.      Wed. Oct. 25th – Kings Grant Elementary (about 180 children) – need 2-3 more members

            Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters – 10/5/17- Meet at Best Buy at 9:30 to car pool to the EGRC.

LCF-24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman need LCF Raffle money turned in this month.  The Bid & Buy is Nov. 4th.   More are available if anyone needs additional tickets.  Items are still needed for the Bid & Buy.  The deadline for entry into the catalog is Oct.  7th but last minute items will be accepted and placed on an addendum to the publication.  Item submission forms are available on the website at .  A copy is also attached to these minutes.  Our club wins $250 service grant for it percentage of participation as well as entry in a drawing for additional $250 service grants for each item valued over $50.00. So please support this very important cause.  The Charity Foundation is our safety net for services to those in need that are too expensive for our club to afford individually. 

            Peanut Order – Lion Steve Rosnov was going nuts over peanuts.  He and Lion Jack picked up our order on Monday after a little delay over labeling issues.    Still has honey roasted and salted.  We ordered the following:
24 cans of Gourmet Virginia Peanuts @ $5.90 each (selling for $10.00)
24 cans of Sea Salt & Black Pepper @ $6.15 (selling for $11.00)
12 cans of Honey Roasted @6.50 (selling for $10.00)
Our purchase included 200 labels for each type of peanut ordered above at a total cost os $350.00.
We now have enough peanuts in stock for future events such as broom sales. 
Lion Steve and Lion Jack have stored the remainder at their homes if you need additional cans.

            New Member Induction – PCC J. Stanley Furman – Nancy Nelson sponsored by Lion Ellen Turman
Lion Stan installed Lion Nancy Nelson sponsored by Lion Ellen Turman.   Lion Stan gave a brief but impressive history of Melvin Jones and the history of Lions.  A proper enrollment kit was unavailable because Lion Rich, our secretary, was unexpectedly detained and unable to attend the meeting. She and Lion Ellen will be presented with the certificates and such at the next meeting.

Lion Nancy said she was born in Port Author, Texas but has lived in Beach since 1971. She has 2 adult children, is a church pianist/organist and is a retired executive assistant to a well know franchisor.

We welcome Lion Nancy to our club.  Before her induction, she had already participated in Lions Zone meeting and a children’s eye screening.  We know Lion Nancy will be a valuable asset to our club.

A copy of the updated roster with Lion Nancy included is attached to these minutes.
From the Floor:
1.      Lion John noted that many of us fly the flag.  It is at half-mast until sunset on Oct. 6th

1.      Lion Jack reported that the Florida Fruit source indicated that 70% of the fruit crop was lost this year due to flooding and weather in Florida.  The grower says his prices will increase about $3.00 per item and that the grapefruit will increase much more than that.  More to come from Lion Jack later.

2.      Lion Marvin asked that everyone please attend the next program meeting on Nov. 1st.  The speaker is a doctor who will talk about cognitive brain function.  Please bring a guest and prepare for an interesting evening with our club.  

3.      Lion Vicky distributed a copy of the Treasurer’s Report – please see attached.  If you have questions, please contact Lion Vicky.

Birthdays: Lion Marvin (10/4), Lion Aziz (10/24), Lion Richard 2 (10/26), Lion Dallas (10/27)
Lions Marvin, Aziz and Rich II were present. The following is an account of the procedure.
There was heavy bidding for Lion Otis to sing to the three, Lion Marvin to sing to Lion Rich and Lion Jeri to sing to Lion Marvin and Lion Aziz to sing to all in Farci.
Lion Jeri started with a beautiful rendition while sitting on Lion Marvin’s lap.  When someone raised an eyebrow, Lion Stan pointed out that Lion Marvin could not possibly afford her!!
Lion Marvin tried hard to avoid the request to sing but after deciding to keep his money, he submitted but refused to sit on Lion Rich’s lap.  His deep baritone vibrated throughout the room!!
Lion Otis’ serenade to the trio with a marvelous, ear piercing rendition totally off key but memorable!!
Lion Aziz “Happy Birthday” in Farci was non translatable!
I have no idea how much money was raised because I gave it all to Lion Vicky and forgot to write down the amount!!
(Just another reason that I am not as efficient as Lion Rich!!)
50/50 Winners - Tail Twister PCC J. Stanley Furman
$25 Lion John
$10 Lion Otis
$7 Lion Tuffy
Progressive Raffle –
Amount was up to $ 83.00 -  Lion Otis was the winning ticket but picked “not the Queen of Hearts”.
Sorry, Lion Otis.  Better luck next time.
Adjournment -8:01


Ă˜  Oct 12th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ă˜  Oct 12th (Thurs) – Region III Meeting (Emmanuel Episcopal Church, VB, 6pm social, 7pm dinner/meeting)
Ă˜  Oct 17th (Tues) – Beach Bags (Corporate Landing MS, 6-8pm)
Ă˜  Oct 18th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  Oct 18th (Wed) – Region II Meeting (Crazy Buffett, Chesapeake)
Ă˜  Oct 28th (Sat) – Smiles Across the Miles (VB Christian Church, 11am-4pm) 
Ă˜  Oct 28th (Sat)  - Guiding Lion Training (Poquoson)
Ă˜  Oct 29th (Sun) – Tasting in the Dark
Ă˜  Nov 4th (Sat)  - LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction (Hampton Baptist Church)

6 Sep 2017 by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Joe Tucker

Song – Lion Jack Wagner – “Grand Old Flag”   
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Mike Coren
Invocation- given by Lion Rich Roberts

     1 Guest
20 Members  
54 Percent 
Rececss for dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvene: 7:00 pm

Program:  Joe Tucker – Hurricane Katrina
·         Mr. Tucker owned a house built in 1904 near the Mississippi River when Katrina struck.
·         He, like many other residents, never thought an event like Katrina could ever occur, even though if you look at history, it was inevitable. 
·         In the 1790s, open canals were built on every street in New Orleans to drain rainwater back into the swamps. This continued into the 1820s. More and more canals were dug and eventually pumping stations.
·         Their house was the high point of the community at 2 feet above sea level. Most of the surrounding areas were 5 feet below sea level. As more houses were being built in low lying areas, more pumping stations were built to pump the water out.
·         In 1992, all pumping stations pumped their water into Lake Pontchartrain which is north of the city.
·         They also levied Lake Pontchartrain and backfilled 5 miles of the lake to build houses on.
·         All the canals were open, so the back flowed from Lake Pontchartrain back into the city. The whole point of them was the pump rainwater out, nobody really considered something pushing water back down from the north into the city, which is what Katrina did.
·         New Orleans completely flooded from water being pushed back down the canals in 5 hours. Over 1200 people died when this occurred.
·         Katrina wasn’t about wind or storm damage, it was about flood water.
·         Mr. Tucker evacuated with his family before the storm. He thought they would be gone a few days, but wasn’t able to return to his house for over a month.
·         Many of the canals and levies were built by the Army Corps of Engineers. The problem was many of the structures they built on top of where ancient and they really didn’t know what they were building on top of. They didn’t know the history.
·         One thing the Corps wanted to add to the canals was floodgates which could close and prevent water from back flowing from Lake Pontchartain back into New Orleans. This subject was heavily debated and fought against by many parties for years and was never done.
·         They did eventually install some interlocking gates, but they weren’t built deep enough and washed out.
·         Many of the levies were built upon peat, but the Corps didn’t realize it so they didn’t drill their piles deep enough or excavate it. Peat is porous, so when the heavy floods came, it easily washed out and broke the levies.
·         While evacuated there was no way to find out what was going on with their home or neighborhood. When they finally came back a month later, the neighborhood has being protected by the national guard and they had an armed escort.
·         The people were very friendly and helpful. Water still remained in many neighborhoods because there was no power and so they couldn’t pump the water out. There was a pile of debris miles long and 70 ft high.
·         Water didn’t get into the above grade parts of their house, but there was still 35K in damage. This was less than most people. He had flood insurance to cover it, but most people in New Orleans amazingly did not have flood insurance.
Reports/Board Business:

Good Stuff – Lion Nancy Watters
·         Bow Creek Screening
o   We will be screening for family fun day on 9/16
o   This is a joint project with Princess Anne Lions
o   PA is going to have a booth outside to distribute Lions information, we are going to be inside with the SPOT.
o   Time is 11am to 3pm
o   Set-up around 10am
o   She needs more people and will be reaching out to members.
·         Lion Nancy is going to place another shirt order, so let her know if you want to order one.
·         Will start on Head Start Screenings soon. Schedule to come.

Enoch Baptist Church – Lion Marvin Clemmons
·         We participated in the Church’s Annual Community Day with 2 other clubs.
·         He operated the Sight and Hearing Van.
·         About 2200 people were at the event.
·         We screened 105 people with 5 referrals.
·         We gave out 10-12 pair of eyeglasses
·         Lion Marvin has invited the pastor to speak to our club to talk about all the things he is doing in the community.

JDRF Walk – Lion Rich Roberts
·         Lion Dick’s grandson Scotty is organizing a team (Scotty’s Super Hero’s) again for this year’s walk.
·         The walk is on 9/24 at the 31st street park.
·         The club has a line item in the budget to donate to Scotty’s team, so we can go ahead and cut the check.

Club Social – Lion Bob Perrine
·         Info is on the website
·         Lion Jeri is going to call to find out who is coming. Please let her know what you want to eat.
·         Bring your own sodas and/or libations. Lion Bob will have water.
·         Bring a side, Lion Bob is providing the meat.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
·         Eyeglass recycling is the day after our club social (Sept 14th)
·         Lion Rich forgot to put this in the reminders and knows Lion Ed is looking down shaking his fist at him for the oversight.

New Member Voting – Lion Debra Laughlin
·         Lion Nancy received a new member application and initiation fees from Nancy Nelson.
·         Lion Debra made a valiant attempt to try and follow something resembling Robert’s rules, but the club members where just like “yeah” let’s do it. Drop the formalities.
·         I think a motion was actually made and seconded by everyone. Either way, Nancy was voted in unanimously.
·         Lion Ellen will be her sponsor.

From the Floor:
·         Lion Debra announced that Lois Boyle (who recently spoke to our club) is sponsoring a dinner for Access Virginia. It is like Dining in the Dark type thing. The date is 9/28 at 5:30 pm at the Ferguson Center in Newport News. 
·         Lion Debra got a call from a NIH genetic counselor who had identified the genetic markers responsible for her macular degeneration. Her blood (along with her family’s) was sampled 9 years ago and put in a database for study. The lab that was able to identify the genetic markers is funded by the Foundation for Fighting Blindness, so this is the type of stuff the money we raise at Visionwalk goes to.
·         Lion Jack said the pantry at Samaritan House is nearly bare. They desperately need some donations.
·         Lion Jack mentioned that the peanut order we decided to do at the last meeting hasn’t been placed over concern for the price of the labels. We decided we should go ahead with the order anyway since we will recoup the label money eventually with subsequent sales.

Secretary’s Report
·         Nothing

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  Lion Stan and Lion Rog wanted the super diva Lion Vickie back-up by the amazing bass of Lion Otis to sing to them. Lion Otis is just resigned to the fact that he is going to sing and no longer fights it. We finally broke his will. Lion Vickie isn’t so docile and vowed to fight, even though it is a lost cause. She pleaded with her friends to help her. They didn’t, well except for Lion Rich. He has a baby on the way and can only pony up so much cash. In the end, she sang. In the end, Otis did something. He made noises. I’m not sure I could call it singing.
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings:  $20 – Lion Sylvia, $13 – Lion Jeri, $9 – Lion Rich 1
·         Progressive Raffle:  Not held. 44 cards remain in the deck. Pot is up to $73

Meeting then adjourned at 7:59, just in time to keep Lion Bob 1 happy.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events

Ă˜  Sep 8th – 10th – 24D Fall Conference  (Delta Hotel, Chesapeake)
Ă˜  Sept 13th (Wed) – Club Party (Lion Bob 1’s Deck)
Ă˜  Sept 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ă˜  Sept 16th (Sat) – Bow Creek Rec Center Screening (11am -3pm)
Ă˜  Sept 24th (Sun) – JDRF Walk (31st street)
Ă˜  Sept 30th (Sat)  – Low Vision Tech Fair  (Sentara Leigh  10 AM to 2 PM)
Ă˜  Oct 12th (Thurs) – Region III Meeting (Emmanuel Episcopal Church) 

Ă˜  Nov 4th (Sat)  - LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction (Hampton Baptist Church)
16 Aug 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Aug.  16, 2017, by Lion 1st VP John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: None

Song – PCC J. Sanely Furman – “God Bless America”    
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Bob Perrine
Invocation- given by Lion Jim Healy

     0 Guest 18 Members  49 Percent
Rececss for dinner: 6:34 pm
Reconvene: 7:02 pm
 Program:  None
Reports/Board Business:

Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         People who bought peanuts are now calling and wanting more.
·         Lion Steve recommended buying a case each of our 2 best sellers, the sea salt & pepper and the gourmet salted.
·         They should sell easily
·         Lion Steve motioned that we do this and Lion Stan Seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion John Watters
·         Blood Drive
o    Very successful, most successful of these we have had.
o    9 lions participated (28 lions hours)
o    48 units of blood were collected.
·         Jump Start
o    Happened this morning
o    700 students were there
o    Screened 160 children during the first shift. Probably did similar on the second shift.
·         RAM Virginia Email
o    Registering is a pain, but please go in there and vote for RAM.
o    You can vote 10 times.
o    Currently in the top 40. If we finish in the top 10 they will win a 25K grant.
·         LMEB Dinner
o    14 members are signed up to go.
o    Guest speaker is the CEO of the Miracle Eye Bank in MD.
·         Lion John held up a Beacon article which had Lion Sylvia in her Lion Suit.

Barbette – Lion Bob Perrine
·         Barbette had a blood clot pushed against her sciatic nerve which put her in so much pain she couldn’t move.
·         She was admitted to the hospital this weekend and had surgery.
·         She is now back home and Lion Bob 1 is on nurse duty.
·         She is still in a lot of pain and on lots of meds.

Enoch Baptist Church – Lion Marvin Clemmons
·         We will be doing a screening at the Enoch Baptist Church (near VA Wesleyan)
·         Sight and Hearing Van will be there
·         Date is Aug. 26th (Sat)
·         Time is from 1-5pm
·         Will be working in shifts.
·         Needs 2-3 people, so please let Lion Marvin now if you can work.

LMSHU Meeting – Lion John Watters
·         LMSHU (Lions Medical Sight and Hearing Unit) board meeting is tomorrow (Aug 17th).
·         Lion Rich pointed out he had the wrong location on the agenda, so don’t go to Angelos. It’s at City Buffett in Chesapeake.
·         Lion John will be presenting on ending eye pressure screenings. He been trying to get them to stop doing this for years, but now they’re actually going to stop.

Meeting Frequency Discussion
·         Lion John said he didn’t want to vote on this, but rather have a discussion to talk about the pros/cons. He added that the meetings weren’t just to disseminate information, which can be done electronically, but to socialize and get to know each other better which helps us to work together.
·         Lion Bob 1 said when we talked about this last time, we decided we were going to make the first meeting a fun meeting with a speaker and birthdays and the second meeting would be geared toward business. We really haven’t done that. He thinks we should keep at it 2 per month, but actually follow that mold.
·         Lion Jim 1 strongly believes we need to stick to 2 meetings. We have a good group which does a lot and the meetings help to maintain strong fellowship. With only 1 meeting we will likely lose focus and won’t do as much. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
·         Lion Stan likes 2 meetings. He agrees with Bob 1 that we are not following the mold. We are financially obligated for 20 people, so we need to keep attendance up so we don’t get into a financial hole.
·         Lion Steve said the financial piece is his biggest problem. We are throwing money away to the hotel and we need our raffle money and birthday money to cover the meal cost difference.
·         Lion Bob 1 made the observation that we always have left over food and asked if we can reduce the number/costs.
o   20 people is the minimum with the hotel. After tax, service charges, etc, we pay the hotel $396/meeting. If we have less than 20 people eating, we lose some money. If we have 21-22 people or so, we still tell the hotel we have 20 coming and pay the $396, so we make a little extra. If we have a large group, like the DG meeting, we tell the hotel and they charge us the extra 20 per person above the 20 person minimum.
o   We have had at least 20 people at each meeting this year except this one. We’ve averaged around 19 lions (not including guest) over the past 2 years.
·         Lion Bob II suggested just making the first meeting a requirement for 100% attendance so people won’t feel as obligated to attend both if they don’t want to.
·         Lion Rich 1 said about 40% of the club comes to every meeting and will continue to do, and about 40% never come and still won’t. The other 20% come 50% of the time. If we go to one, then these people could get lost because if they miss a meeting the gap is so great between opportunities. He said he believes in choice. The good thing about 2 meetings is if you want to come to 2, then you can and if you only want to come to 1, then you can. This gives more flexibility to people with busy schedules.
·         Lion John was originally in favor of 1 meeting, but the more we talk about it, the more he is for 2 because he can’t dismiss the social aspect of the meetings which helps us when it comes time to do projects. Face to Face communication is much more meaningful than skype/electronic means of communication.
·         Lion Otis started to talk but Lion John somehow launched a binder clip he had on the lecture at him. I’m not exactly sure how it exactly happened, but it was pretty funny. Anyway, Lion Otis said he supports 2 meetings because it gives him flexibility. He can’t make every meeting because of his schedule and if we only had one, then it would be forever between meetings that he could attend.
·         Lion Jack then motioned that discussion be closed. There was multiple seconds and the motion passed unanimously.
From the Floor:
·         Lion Stan passed out LCF24D bid ‘n buy raffle tickets. Don’t write checks to the club but directly to the charity foundation. Keep looking for things to donate to the auction.
·         Lion Bob reminded everyone about the club social at her house (Sept 13th, 2nd Wednesday!) Lion Bob will have hot dogs and burgers. Bring sides and drinks. Spouses welcome.
·         Lion Vickie went over the admin and activity accounts

Secretary’s Report
·         Nothing

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  Lion Dan was not present
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings:  $22- Lion Bob 1, $10 – Lion Ellen, $5 – Lion Bob 1 again. Now he can afford to get 100% beef hotdogs for the club social.
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Roger’s ticket was pulled but he did not get the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 44 cards remain in the deck. Pot is up to $73

Meeting then adjourned at 7:52, which pleased Lion Bob 1.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events

Ă˜  Aug 23rd (Wed)  - Eyebank Annual Dinner (Norfolk Yacht Club)
Ă˜  Aug 26th (Sat) – Enoch Baptist Church Screening (1pm-5pm)
Ă˜  Sept 6th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  Sep 8th – 10th – 24D Fall Conference  (Delta Hotel, Chesapeake)
Ă˜  Sept 13th (Wed) – Club Pool Party (Lion Bob 1’s Deck) 
Ă˜  Sept 30th (Sat)  – Low Vision Tech Fair  (Sentara Leigh  10 AM to 2 PM)
Ă˜  Nov 4th (Sat)  - LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction (Hampton Baptist Church)

2 Aug 2017
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Aug.  02, 2017, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: DG Beth Stevens, Lion Mack Stevens (GMT), Lion Ron Schneider (Region III), Lion Eddie Ackiss (Zone G)

Song – Lion Rich Roberts – “Grand Old Flag”  (in honor of Lion Ed)  
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Debra Laughlin
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters

     4 Guest
21 Members  57 Percent
 Rececss for dinner: 6:34 pm  Reconvene: 7:00 pm

Program:  District Governor Beth Stevens
·         Lions celebrated our 100th birthday on June 7th and this is the last year of our centennial of service.
·         Thalia did all the service requirements in the first 3 years and are well on our way to complete all the service requirements in the 4th.
·         Our international theme this year is going back to our roots with “We Serve”.  DG Beth believes this says it all so she did not add a DG tagline to the motto this year.
·         Will achieve our goals by harnessing the power of we, the power of service, and the power of action.
·         We have served 166 million people worldwide so far in the past 3 years.
·         We are going to have bigger goals going into our 2nd century of service.
·         In our 5 year plan we are going to serve 200 million people annually, increase membership to 1.7 million, and provide training to 500K members.
·         In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we need more hands, more service, and larger projects.
·         We already do the Anthem projects and RAM.
·         Pediatric cancer is a new service area we are targeting along with the old ones like Vision, hearing, hunger, and diabetes.
·         We could potential partner with CHKD and raise money for them as a project.
·         There is a new global structure called the GAT team (Global Action Team). The club president is the GAT team leader. There is also a club level GMT (membership chair), GLT (leadership), and GST (global service team leader). This is most likely will be a club VP who is responsible for service projects.
·         MyLion app is not available in the App Store in android and iOs. Only 2 Thalia members have signed up so far. You can use it to enter service projects and upload pictures.
·         Fall Conference is Sept. 8-10 at the Delta Hotel in Chesapeake. Will have classes on Saturday and a good speaker on Diabetes for the luncheon. Will do a service project on Sunday cleaning up the park next to the hotel.
·         Lions 101 is a new program and DG Beth wants Thalia members to take a pledge to compete it in order to strengthen the club.
·         Requires logging 101 hours, either in service projects or doing stuff in support of the club. Need to require a new member, make 1 presentation to an outside community organization about Lions, and attend 5 hours of leadership training.
·         The district is going to keep the Facebook page active and is currently running a campaign, so keep up the service and take pictures.
Reports/Board Business:

New Member Induction – DG Beth Stevens
·         DG Beth inducted Richard Edwards
·         Lion Bob 2 is Lion Richard’s sponsor and agreed to the required responsibilities

Tail-Twister Antics – PCC J. Stanely Furman
·         Lion Stan started quizzing DG Beth on stuff like the name of the International President’s Wife, peace poster themes, etc. I think he fined her cause she didn’t know the answers.
·         Lion Stan then pulled out a nice hat to auction off. As soon as the hat came out, Lion Steve let out the word, “a$$hole”, since it was his hat. Lion Debra bought the hat for a $6 donation and wore it the rest of the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Lion Bob 1 decided he wanted it and made a $20 donation for the hat.

Good Stuff – Lion John Watters
·         Southside RAM
o   First one in southside (Emporia)
o   Happened in June
o   1365 procedures done by the dentist
o   724 patients seen in the vision center. Many of them had Glaucoma. 
·         RAM Wise County
o   4 Lions and 1 lion spouse made the trip
o   Over 2000 patients were seen in the eye clinic.
o   Over 700 glasses were made onsite and many more people received vouchers for glasses.
o   The dentist saw 1100+ patients.
o   Lion Bob 2 read about it in the paper and asked why the Lions were not mentioned. Lion John explained that RAM was not a Lions project although a lot of Lions do go and support the event every year (~50% of the volunteers).
o   If you want to go next year, make your arrangements now since the hotels all fill up. It is always on the 3rd week of June.
·         EGRC
o   Aug 10th is next trip (always the second Thursday of the month)
o   Show up at 9:30 at Best Buy for a ride or go straight to the center at 10am
·         Eyebank Dinner
o   Aug 23rd this year – which doesn’t land on a club meeting night like normal.
o   This is a meeting of the members, which is all the Lions Clubs of the District.
o   Location is the Norfolk Yacht Club.
o   We usually get a table of 10. 6 have signed up o far.
o   Let Lion John know if you plan on going.

More Good Stuff – Lion  Nancy Watters
·         Central Library Screening
o    Aug 7th from 10am-noon
o    Need 2-3 Lions
o    Call her if you want to work
·         Jump Start Screening
o    Aug 16th at Corporate Landing MS
o    Benefits at risk students. They get all kinds of stuff to prepare them for the school year like books, haircuts, pens, etc.
o    Need to be pre-registered.
o    Contact Lion Evonne Green (evonnegreen@cox.nt) if you want to work and she will assign you a shift.
·         Blood Drive
o    Aug 13th (Sunday after services)
o    Will start at noon and go to about 6pm.
o    Will be at Virginia Beach Christian Church
o    Need to register with the Red Cross if you want to give blood
o    Contact Lion Nancy if you want to work a shift.
·         Background Checks for School Screenings
o    There has been a lot of confusion around this.
o    Lion Nancy has a meeting with the Chief School Officer. Was supposed to already happen, but it got moved.
o    Did confirm we need to get TB test done.
·         Family Day at Bow Creek
o    Will do screenings like we did at Princess Anne Rec Center
o    The hours are not set
·         Beach Bag Project
o    Date has been set for October 17th
o    Will be at Corporate Landing MS.
·         Picnic Meeting
o    Lion Nancy motioned that we move this meeting from Sept 20th to Sept 13th since the 20th is the start of a Jewish holiday which would mean several of our members would not be able to attend. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
o    The Picnic will be at Lion Bob Perrine’s house.
o    Lion Bob will provide the hot dogs and hamburgers. Club members will need to bring drinks and a side.
o    Will start at 6:30.

Bid ‘N Buy – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Start collecting items now.
·         Ask for gift cards from restaurants you frequent.
·         Target gave him a gift card to buy stuff to put in the auction.
·         Lion Nancy got volunteered again to set up for the silent auction and will need support from the club.
·         Will have raffle tickets at the next meeting. 
From the Floor:
·         Lion Irene talked about making sure your email address is updated in MyLCI since the district is going to use those addresses for sending out communications through constant contact. Lion Rich went through and updated everyone’s stuff the night before, so we should be good now.
·         Lion Stan mentioned that it has been a rough month for Lions since we lost Lion Mel Stauffer (Woodstock) and Lion John Cranford (Oceanside). Lion John wanted donations sent to the LCF24D in lieu of flowers, so Lion Stan motioned that the club make a $50 donation in Lion John’s honor to the charity foundation. Lion Steve seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Secretary’s Report
·         Registration for Fall Conference is open. Will send out a link with info. You can pay with a credit card from the link this year.
·         Zone G meeting is Aug. 29th at the Kempsville Rec Center. There will be some refreshments but no meal.

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  Lion Dan was not present
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $20 – Lion Bob 1 (so now he can pay for the burgers at the picnic), $10 – Lion Steve (which will help him buy his hat back), $7 – Lion Tuffy.
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Nancy’s ticket was pulled but she did not get the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 45 cards remain in the deck. Pot is up to $62

Meeting then adjourned at 7:58, which pleased Lion Bob 1.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary4
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events

Ă˜  Aug 7th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening (10am-noon)
Ă˜  Aug 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling (10am-noon)
Ă˜  Aug 13th (Sun) – Blood Drive (VB Christian Church, 12-5pm)
Ă˜  Aug 16th (Wed) – Jump Start Screening (Corporate Landing MS)  (9am-4pm) (2 shifts)
Ă˜  Aug 16h (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  Aug 17th (Thurs) – LMSHU quarterly meeting (Angelos, Newport News)
Ă˜  Aug 23rd (Wed)  - Eyebank Annual Dinner
Ă˜  Aug 29th (Tues) – Zone G Meeting. (Princess Anne Rec Center)
Ă˜  Sept 6th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  Sep 8th – 10th – 24D Fall Conference  (Delta Hotel, Chesapeake)
Ă˜  Sept 13th (Wed) – Club Picnic Party (Lion Bob 1’s Deck)
Ă˜  Sept 16th (Sat) – Bow Creek Rec Center Screening
Ă˜  Sept 30th (Sat)  – Low Vision Tech Fair  (Sentara Leigh  10 AM to 2 PM)

Ă˜  Nov 4th (Sat)  - LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction (Hampton Baptist Church)
19 July, 2017

The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on July 19, 2017, by Lion President Debra Laughlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Richard Edwards (Prospective Member), Joshua Hughes (Guest Speaker)

Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy – “Grand Old Flag”  (in honor of Lion Ed)  
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Mike Coren
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine
     2 Guest 20 Members  56 Percent

Rececss for dinner: 6:34 pm
Reconvene: 7:00 pmProgram:  Joshua Hughes – FFB Funded Retinal Research
·         Lion Debra introduced Josh. He a 17 yr old rising senior at Ocean Lakes HS. He Co-Chair the Hampton Roads Vision Walk this year with his mom and served as the Youth Chair in the previous 4 years. He suffers from COATs disease which causes him blindness in his left eye.
·         Over 10 million in the US (many more overseas) are affected with some sort of retinal degenerative disease.
·         Some of these degenerative diseases are age related, some affects youth.
·         Many degenerative diseases don’t have a treatment or cure. Most of the stuff out there is either preventative or can only slow progression.
·         FFB funds many projects aimed at combating these afflictions. They are by far the biggest funder of this type of research out there.
·         ARGUS II was funded by FFB.
·         Gene therapy is a potential breakthrough. They use a virus to mutate defective genes with health ones. This is currently undergoing FDA trials and will be the first use of this type of treatment for the retina.
·         Stem Cell research is being used to repair damaged retinal cells. This has been used on 28 people with Retinal Pigmentosa so far. Phase IIB trials are currently underway.
Reports/Board Business:

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion  Nancy Watters
·         Central Library Screening
o    Aug 7th from 10am-noon
o    Need help, nobody has signed up so far
o    Call her if you want to work
·         Jump Start Screening
o    Aug 16th at Corporate Landing MS
o    Benefits at risk students. They get all kinds of stuff to prepare them for the school year like books, haircuts, pens, etc.
o    Need to be pre-registered.
o    Contact Lion Evonne Green (evonnegreen@cox.nt) if you want to work and she will assign you a shift.
·         Blood Drive
o    Aug 13th (Sunday after services)
o    Will start at noon and go to about 6pm.
o    Will be at Virginia Beach Christian Church
o    Need to register with the Red Cross if you want to give blood
o    Contact Lion Nancy if you want to work a shift.
·         Background Checks for School Screenings
o    There has been a lot of confusion around this.
o    Lion Nancy has a meeting with the Chief School Officer set for July 31st so we can get clear direction on what the requirements are and what we need to do.
o    More to follow.

More Good Stuff – Lion John Watters
·         School Screenings
o    It is important to get the background screening stuff straight so we can get into the schools for screenings.
o    A company called Conexses tried to sneak a bill through the legislature last session which would have made them the only people who could do school screenings and they would charge the school districts around $3/child for the service.
o    Lions already do this for free.
o    Fortunately a legislative aid (who happened to be a Lion)  caught this and got his State Senator to amend the bill so Lions could still screen children for free.
·         RAM Wise County
o   Will be the largest ever
o   Four Lions heading out tomorrow to attend
o   Runs from July 21st-23rd
o   The eye clinic will see thousands of patients and will make many glasses
o   Our Van is going up (goes every 2-3 years), which is very helpful in pre-screening people.
o   About half of the volunteers will be Lions.
o   Will need Lions to feed people and help organize.
o   RAM Virginia organized about 2 years about and now there are 6-7 clinics like this in the state, but Wise is still by far the biggest.
o   Recently held one in Emporia which saw 900 patients and about 400 hundred in the eye clinic.
o   Other states do it too, but they’re not as well organized.
·         EGRC
o   5 Lions worked last week.
o   Aug 10th is next trip (always the second Thursday of the month)
o   Show up at 9:30 at Best Buy for a ride or go straight to the center at 10am
·         Eyebank Dinner
o   Aug 23rd this year – which doesn’t land on a club meeting night like normal.
o   This is a meeting of the members, which is all the Lions Clubs of the District.
o   Location is the Norfolk Yacht Club.
o   We usually get a table of 10.
o   Let Lion John know if you plan on going.
o   5 hands when up when he asked how many planned on going at the meeting.

Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         Sold 138 cans of peanuts
·         Cost was $956 on sales of approx.. 1600.
·         Will pickup peanuts on Friday
·         Made a little over 600 bucks.
·         The people who sell the peanuts are very friendly and helpful. The labels would have cost about 400 dollars, but she said she will give them to use this time without the cost of the labels.
·         Next time we will just sell the 5 top sellers so we won’t get hit with such a large label cost.
·         Will coordinate with everyone so they get the peanuts they sold.
·         Lion John made a certificate of appreciation to thank them.

Youth Exchange Recap – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         We fed 24 kids
·         We had too much Food.
·         The kids really enjoyed what we made for them.

LCF24D Bid ‘N Buy – PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Last year the charity foundation provided $139,000 worth of services to the clubs but only brought in $34,000 last year at the auction
·         Lion Nancy will need the club’s support again running the silent auction
·         Will be in Hampton this year.
·         The club can earn a $250 service grant for donations. Can win another $250 grant if we have 15 people show up.
From the Floor:
·         Lion Jack -  The price of brooms crept up a little but he recommends we keep our resell prices where they currently are. Will plan on a broom sale in August.
·         Lion Irene – The district is using constant contact to distribute information. Everyone should have received the Knights Vision in their email. Need to make sure you have good email addresses in MyLCI. Lion Rich will check to make sure the emails are correctly entered.
·         Lion John – LCI has released an App called MyLion. Check it out.
·         Lion Debra – Information has been sent out regarded whether we should stay with 2 meetings per month or switch to only 1. At the August 16th meeting, each club member will have the opportunity to express their opinion on the matter and then we will vote on what to do.
·         Lion Stan – We can’t do the Sept 20th pool party at his condo due to Rosh Hashana. Lion Bob 2 said he would investigate doing it at his club house. (after the meeting Lion Bob 1 said his house could be a back-up plan if Lion Bob 2’s club house doesn’t work out).

New Member Voting
·         The club received an application (and a check) from Richard Edwards.
·         Richard previously served 35 years as a Lion in Norfolk and Florida and is a Melvin Jones Fellow.
·         After a couple years out of Lions, he wants to get back into it.
·         Richard was voted in unanimously.

Secretary’s Report
·         Yeah, he had a few things but they weren’t that pressing and time was running short, so he slacked offed and didn’t report anything.

Tail Twister-  PCC J. Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays –  Nobody was born in July L
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $25 – Lion Nancy (Whose ticket was conveniently pulled out of the bucket by Lion John) $15 – Lion Bob 2, $6 – Lion Jack Wagner
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Bob 2’s ticket was pulled but he did not get the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 46 cards remain in the deck.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:56, which pleased Lion Bob 1.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary4
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events

Ă˜  July 21st – 23rd – RAM Wsie County
Ă˜  Aug 2nd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting (DG Official Visit)
Ă˜  Aug 7th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening (10am-noon)
Ă˜  Aug 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling (10am-noon)
Ă˜  Aug 13th (Sun) – Blood Drive (VB Christian Church, 12-5pm)
Ă˜  Aug 16th (Wed) – Jump Start Screening (Corporate Landing MS)  (10am-4pm)
Ă˜  Aug 16h (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ă˜  Aug 17th (Thurs) – LMSHU quarterly meeting (Angelos, Newport News)
Ă˜  Aug 23rd (Wed)  - Eyebank Annual Dinner
Ă˜  Sep 8th – 10th – 24D Fall Conference  (Delta Hotel, Chesapeake)
     Nov 4th (Sat)  - LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction (Hampton Baptist Church) 
5 July, 2017

The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on July 05, 2017, by Lion 1st VP John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Introduction of Guests: Rand Buenavenutura and his father, mother, and little brother Rex. Lion Jim 1’s son-in law Aurillio, and Lion Ellen’s friend Nancy Nelson.  

Song – Lion Jack Wagner – “Grand Old Flag”  (in honor of Lion Ed)  
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Jeri Furman
     6 Guest
20 Members  
56 Percent

Rececss for dinner: 6:35 pm
Reconvene: 7:05 pm
 Program:  None
Reports/Board Business:

            Scholarships – Lion Bob Perrine
·         Lion Bob 1 recognized the efforts of the scholarship committee (Lion Susan, Lion Debra, Lion Rich, and Lion Vickie).
·         Each year we give $1,500 for Adult Learning Students to attend TCC. We give 2 awards, a $1,000 scholarship and a $500 scholarship (the Lion Ed DeLong Memorial Scholarship).
·         We also give $1,000 for a PAHS student to go to a Virginia College.
·         This year, Rand won hands down. Wasn’t even close.
·         He is a straight A student taking all IB and AP classes. He also is involved in a lot of volunteer activities and academic challenges.
·         He is going to VCU.
·         PAHS students won 5 million in scholarships this year. (a record).
·         Lion Bob was scratching his head at the award ceremony because our second place student kept winning stuff and Rand wasn’t. So he was wondering why not Rand….but then toward the end it was announced that Rand received a full ride at VCU. 
·         Lion Bob had Rand come up a he accepted the first half of the scholarship and told him if he keeps a B average, he’ll get the second half next semester.
·         Rand said he was very thankful. His tuition will be covered, but there are still a lot of expenses which don’t get covered, so this will help. He may also use it to help his sister who is currently taking classes at American University.
·         He plans on studying Biomedical Engineering.
·         His father also expressed how thankful he is and how glad he is that organizations like the Lions Club exist to help others.

Lots of Good Stuff – Lion  Nancy Watters
·         Lion Nancy passed out a letter detailing the motion we approved last meeting where if you RSVP for a meeting and don’t show up, you still owe for the meal since the club will be
·         On Saturday our club and VB TC Blind were at the new kempsville rec center screening children. VB TC blind did 8:30-noon and we did noon-2. We had five lions present (Lions Ellen, Susie, Sylvia, Sharon, and Nancy). 122 students were screened.
·         Still collecting underwear and socks for RAM. She is leaving by the 20th, so she needs them before then.
·         On Aug 7th, we will be doing a screening at the Central Library from 10-12.

More Good Stuff – Lion John Watters
·         RAM Wise County
o   Will be the largest ever
o   July 21st-23rd
o   Still need volunteers for the S&H Van.
o   Our Van is going up (goes every 2-3 years), which is very helpful in pre-screening people.
o   Let either Lion John or Lion Nancy Cranford (Oceanside) if you want to go.
·         EGRC
o   July 13th is next trip (always the second Thursday of the month)
o   Show up at 9:30 at Best Buy for a ride or go straight to the center at 10am
·         Eyebank Dinner
o   Aug 23rd this year – which doesn’t land on a club meeting night like normal.
o   This is a meeting of the members, which is all the Lions Clubs of the District.
o   Location is the Norfolk Yacht Club.
o   We usually get a table of 10.
o   Lion John will distribute the invite.
·         Meeting Frequency
o   At the recent board meeting, the topic of how often we meet was broached.
o   We’re not going to go too far into it at this meeting, but be aware that it is going to come up again as we look at our contract with the hotel for the coming calendar year.
o   We have until October to make a decision, so we will look at this soon and see what the club wants to do.
o   Lion Rich will send out the info from when we talked about this last time.
·         September Pool Party
o   In past years we have done this at Lion Stan and Lion Jeri’s Condo.
o   The condo is now going to charge $100 to use the pool area.
o   We have two options, either someone offer to do the BBQ at their house for free or we do it where we always do it and pay the fee.
o   Lion Jim 1 motioned that we keep it at the Furman’s and the attendees pitch in 5 dollars to cover the cost. Lion Dick seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Peanuts – Lion Steve Rosnov
·         Orders are coming in.
·         Will add everything up and place the order.
·         Won’t make a bunch of money this time since we have the upfront cost of all the labels.
·         Will have the profit figured out by next meeting.

Youth Exchange – Lion Rich Roberts
·         It will be at Virginia Wesleyan and start at 5pm.
·         Location is the Chapel.
·         We need to plan for 50 people.
·         Menu:
o    BBQ – Lion Nancy
o   Chicken – Lion Marvin
o   Pasta Salad  - Lion Bob 2
o   Cole Slaw – Lion John
o   Cookies – Lion Debra
o   Fruit – Lion Stan
o   Serving utensils – Lion Nancy
o   Greek Tortellini Salad - Buttercup
o   Water – Lion Ellen
o   Tea/Lemonade – Lion Irene

New Member Induction – Lion John Watters
·         Lion John spoke for close to two hours on Lions History while Lion Nancy gave him dirty looks.
·         Lion Tommy “Tuffy” Leemon was proper inducted by Lion John and Lion Bob 2 accepted his responsibilities as sponsor.

From the Floor:
·         Lion Jack heard from CJ about the fruit. Delivery should be between Dec. 13-17. We will need to order by Dec. 6th. We will get a price list in September.

Secretary’s Report
·         Committee sign-up sheets were passed out.
·         1st District meeting is July 16th at SNGH.
·         Our District Governor’s Official Visit is on Aug 2nd.

Tail Twister-  Lion Jim Healy
·         Birthdays –  Nobody was born in July L
·         50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $25 – Lion Bob 2; $15 – Lion Jim 1’s Son-in-Law, $10- Lion Tuffy.
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Nancy’s ticket was pulled but she did not get the queen of hearts and the pot will continue to build. 47 cards remain in the deck and the pot is a whopping $44 bucks, so Lion Mike will probably win it at the next meeting.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:56, which pleased Lion Bob 1.

Respectfully submitted

Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary4
Thalia Lions Club



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