Meetings 2018 - 2019

June 19, 2019. The last meeting (Installation Night) of the 2018/19 Thalia Lions Club year was called to order by Lion President Lion John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA.
7 Guests
22 Members
69 Percent

Welcome and Introduction of Guests:
Recessed for Dinner: 6:35
Reconvened: 7:16

Lest We Forget: Lion Bob Perrine – in memory of Lion Dallas Divelbiss and Lion Edgar DeLong.

2019 - Lion Dallas Divelbiss made a difference to our club. He served for 30 years and twice as club president. Door-to-door broom sales started out of Lion Dallas’ garage, followed by a picnic at his home.  He attended meetings even after his hearing completely failed as a result of service in Vietnam.  In his final days his daughter took care of him as his Alzheimer’s disease progressed. He died on March 9, 2019 at the John F. Keever Solace Center in Ashville, N. C. 
2015 - Lion Ed DeLong made a difference to our club. He served for 23 years and twice as club president. He was instrumental in establishing the District’s Bland Competition and directing their Bland Memorial Music Scholarship program for eleven years. He was chairperson of the Adult Learning Center and Princess Anne High School Scholarship program for many years, and also for many years he organized trips to the Eye Glass Recycling Center. Even with failing health, Lion Ed would still attend every club meeting and work most service projects. He died July 16, 2015.
After Lion Bob's eulogy, a moment of silence was observed.
Presidential Recognitions: Outgoing President Lion John Watters
Club Awards: Club Excellence awards for 2017-18 Banner Patch & Pin
Club Excellence awards for 2018-19 Banner Patch & Pin
Children’s Eye Screening 24I – 2018-19 Patch & Pin
The following members were recognized and given a Lions 100 Clock
Lion Ellen Turman, 1 st VP, Beach Bag/Screenings
Lion Jeri Furman, 2 nd VP (phone calling)
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer/Bland
Lion Dick Kreassig, Membership/Diabetes
Lion Bob Perrine, Communications/Scholarship
Lion Susan Sumnick, Sight Chair/Beach Bags/ Screenings
Lion Roger Snell, Lion Tamer
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary/Beach Bags/Screenings
Lion Jack Wagner, Fundraisers – Brooms, Peanuts, Papa Johns
Lion Stanley Furman, LCIF/ Tail Twister/Advisor
Lions 100 Pins were awarded to the following:
Lions Stan Moss, Lion Nancy Nelson, Lion Mike Coren, and Lion Karen Austin were all
recognized for their work in Children’s Eye Screening and Beach Bag Projects
Lion Susan Sumnick was recognized with a Lions 100 Centennial Pin from Lions Club

Lion of The Year – Lion Jack Wagner was recognized by the club and presented the Lions
statue with his name added to the brass plaques.
Melvin Jones Presentation – Lion Marvin Clemmons was recognized with the Thalia Lions
Melvin Jones award.
Lion Marvin was also recognized for the following new awards granted by Lions Club
International. These awards are for membership growth and 25 years of service.
Silver Centennial Lions Pin
Master Key
Sr. Builder Key
Senior Master Key and Medallion

Introduction of Special Guests: Incoming President Lion Ellen Turman
Installation of Officers: PDG Roland R. “Bob” Larmore (Officers for 2019-20 are at the
end of the minutes.)
Gift to our guests: Book dedicated by Lion Jim Healy and a can of peanuts were given to
Lion Bob Larmore and his wife, Nancy.
Passing of the Charter & Pin by Lion John Watters – Lion Past President John is in trouble with the new Tail Twister, Lion Irene Conlin, because he left the gavel in the trunk of the wrong car! Fines are due at the next regular meeting!!
Closing Remarks: Lion President Ellen Turman
Lion Ellen expressed excitement about the club returning to 2 meetings per month. The first meeting (1 st Wed. night of each month) will be for business and the second for programs (3 rd Wed. night of each month.) All first meetings will be at the RMH – all second meeting will be at the Westin. She is pleased with membership growth this year adding Lions Marsha Montgomery, and Lion Bill and Karen Austin. Lion President is eager to start service projects in our area this year and wants suggestions
for projects from the membership.
50/50 drawing – won by Lion Marvin Clemmons was the big winner tonight - $39.00
Adjournment: 8:11

Jun 5, 2019 - Thalia Lions Board Meeting
2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, VA 23454

In attendance:  Lions John Watters, Ellen Turman, Nancy Nelson, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Jack Wagner, Irene Conlin, Jeri Furman, Susie Sumnick, Stan Moss, Roger Snell, Dick Kreassig
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm–by Lion President John Watters, after a moment of silence for the Virginia Beach community loss of May 31, 2019.
Financial Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – see attached for details.  In summary, it has been a good year financially as both the administrative and activities (charity) funds are ending the year with at least $2000 more each from the beginning of last year.  This in spite of poor White Cane collections hampered by bad weather.
Virginia State Lions Bland Contest Results - Lion Vickie Kennedy  The Thalia Lions Bland Contest vocal winner (Ava  )advanced to the state contest by winning the district contest.  At the state convention on May 17th she did not place in the top three, but still won a $1000 scholarship for vocal instruction.
Peanut /Broom Report End of Year Report – Lion Jack Wagner
This has been an excellent year for peanut sales as we have collected $1383.90 in profits with more to come.  Broom sales seem to have been light but we still have a good inventory.  Total profit from broom sales this past year is $1234.10.
Sight Chair End of Year Report – Lion Susie Sumnick
Dr. Ferrara is still providing us with glasses and exams.  We have served at least 25 persons this year.
Financial Audit discussion – Lion Pres.  John Watters  The review of accounts has not been performed yet, but assurances were given that it will be done soon.
Other Old Business for 2018-19
Last evening at Princess Anne High School our scholarship committee chair, Lion Bob Perrine, presented our scholarship.  This year we only had one candidate apply, but she was well-qualified to receive the award.  Discussion of ways to increase the number of applicants was held with no conclusion.  The scholarships offered to the Adult Learning Center were not taken for reason of changes in qualification by new management at the center.  This is reported to be corrected so we can continue to offer them in the future.
Adjournment of 2018-19 Board meeting.  President Lion John Watters passed the chair position to the incoming president, Lion Ellen Turman, who called the meeting to order.
First Board Meeting of the 2019 – 2020 board began.
Goals for 2019-20 – Lion New President Ellen Turman. Lion Ellen expressed a desire to continue our services, but with more communication expected from the new meeting schedule.
New Business – Meeting 2 times per month
The new board confirmed the consensus obtained at the last regular member meeting that a second meeting of the club would be held on the first Wednesday of each month.  This will be considered a “business” meeting.  While technically a board meeting, all members will be invited to attend.  The Ronald McDonald House in Norfolk has offered their facility for the meeting which will be held next on Wednesday, July 3, 2019.  Food for the meeting was discussed and several options were advanced, from bringing food to ordering local pizza.  We could also just bring coffee and desserts, which was the conclusion for the first meeting there on July 3rd.  Time for the meeting will continue to be 6:30pm.  Lion Irene Conlin mentioned that as the Tail Twister she will only be able to attend the regular meetings on the first Wednesday.
Budget discussion: The Administration budget was not thought to need any change.  Income for the Activities budget was discussed.  It seems that we only collected a portion of what was budgeted last year for fund raisers.  Weather was a problem, but overall interest was also less.  Suggested was that ABC stores be used to collect donations– with permission of the club whose “area” the store is in.  It was also discussed that the club could solicit donations from its own members, especially since we don’t have a large pool of volunteers.  Discussion of this didn’t result in a definite answer, but it was mentioned that for a specific need we might do an assessment of members.  We could also use the scholarship fund investment with board approval if a need developed.  The contribution by Dr. Ferarra is significant in making our current activities account healthy.  The board officially recommended that the budget not be changed for the next year and then re-evalute our financial position. 
White Cane. Hours of collections for white cane were discussed.  The might start earlier but still with 2 hr periods.  The conclusion was for no basic changes.
Proposal by Lion Bob Perrine (in absentia) who wished to propose the following changes to Thalia Lions Bylaws:
His first proposal was to add the following to our ByLaws
The Lion Tamer is responsible for keeping track of the program to ensure the agenda is adhered to and that it progresses on schedule so the agenda can be completed NLT 8:00 p.m. If an event or speaker delays the proceedings or runs over allotted time, the Lion Tamer shall request the President signal for closure.  
The second proposal was to add the following to the Tail Twisters duties:
. . . the judicious imposition of fines on any person who delays the meeting by discussing subjects that are not part of the agenda, making extemporaneous comments, or holding up a guest speaker with a number of questions or comments.
The motions were discussed in detail and a motion to not adopt them was approved with two abstentions for conflict of interest.
Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned a little after 8pm.
Lion John Watters
Substitute Secretary             Attachments: Treasurer’s Report
May 15, 2019 Joint Board / Regular Meeting of the Thalia Lions Club
Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order: 6:30

0 Guests
18 Members
58 Percent

Welcome and Introduction of Guests: (no guests were present)
Recessed for Dinner: 6:35
Reconvened: 7:14

Vice President Ellen Turman conducted the meeting in the absence of President Lion John
Lion Ellen explained that this meeting is a joint club business and open board meeting since we
were unable to have a board meeting during the month of May.
Board of Directors Reports: Secretary Lion Nancy Watters
Installation Night - June 19, Lion Ellen Turman, incoming president wishes Lion Bob
Larmore, Past District Governor, to do the installation. He was in Kempsville Lions when her
father was a member and has been close to her family for a very long time. At the last board
meeting Lion Stanley Furman moved that the meal for that evening be paid for by the club.
Members would only be charged for spouses and guests. Installation Night would be a regular
club meeting night at the Westin.
Election Error and Clarification -Lion John Watters discovered that there was an error in
how our election was done in regard to 1- and 2-year Directors. All Directors are elected for a 2-
year term so we should only be electing 2 new Directors of the 4 each year. All 1 st year Directors
continue into the second year automatically. Based on this information, Lion Mike Coren and
Lion Jack Wagner should serve as Directors newly elected for the coming year (2019-20). The
two directors continuing on into their second years should be Lion Stan Moss and Lion Aziz
Selahi (to fill Lion Irene Colin’s second year because she is already on the Board as a Tail
Twister and Lion Aziz never completed the second year as director.)
The Board was asked to recommend to the club that the election be clarified by confirming that
Lion Aziz and Lion Stan Moss should continue their second term as Directors and confirm that
the newly elected directors for 2019-20 are Lions Mike Coren and Jack Wagner.
Lion Stan moved that we accept the Board’s recommendation and Lion Vickie seconded. The
vote passed without opposition.
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – See attached
Lion Vickie was authorized to send all our budgeted payments for donations. There is a
question about where the monies should be mailed. The redistricting has caused some issues with

the specific areas. Lion Stanley Furman suggested that each check be made to the different
charities and sent to the District Treasurer.
Lion Dick expressed concerned that the Vanguard account was set up to pay scholarships. He
wanted to know why we did not use the money for that purpose. Lion Stan Furman informed the
club that the scholarships were paid from the interest earned by the account and that all the
principal is still intact.
Secretary’s Report - Lion Nancy Watters
Upcoming SPOT screenings – June 1 st – Seatack Community Event-10am-1 pm
June 29 th – Myra Orbendorf Library – 11am-1pm
Lion Nancy will send out a schedule before the end of the month and ask for volunteers.
Beach Bag Project – Tues., Oct. 1 st – Corporate Landing Middle School - Lion Nancy
reported that LCI had extended the invitation to apply for a grant from Anthem again this
year. She has applied for a grant to cover the Beach Bag project but the max amount for
the application is $1,500. The decisions should be announced by mid-July. After that
time, Thalia will be able to apply for any uncovered amount from the Charity Foundation.
New information from LCI and Anthem is that they not only want a turn key event but the
event must extend to 2 ½ to 3 hours long. Unless someone can think of another workable
suggestion, the volunteers will be asked to write personal, positive messages or words of
encouragement on the reverse side of small business size cards with logos from Lions,
Anthem, and VBPS. There will be as many as 2,000 cards. Suggestions of what to write
will be available. Another possibility is that stickers with written messages could be made
available for those who do not wish to write.
Lion Ellen – Rise Up Against Hunger – This organization sends packaged meals to areas all
around the world. They provide not only food but also services to disaster areas as well as general
areas that need food. Lion Ellen and several of our members went on a Traveling Leo visit to
Bayside Lions. The program was presented by Rise Up. Thalia Baptist Church will do the
project in October and wants assistance financially or in manpower to pack 10,000 plus meals.
The church and several other Lions clubs are participating. This church is in our area of service so
it is felt that we should participate in some manner. Lion Dick said that we must decide what our
service should be and what monies we have available. He felt that we particularly spread
ourselves a little thin. We do have the option to volunteer to assist. The discussion will continue
and we will decide what we wish to do in the new Lions year.
Lion Jack Wagner - Broom Sale will be on May 25th. Lion Jack reported that all slots were
filled with the exception of one. The schedule is attached to these minutes. Please volunteer to
work where you are needed.
Papa John’s Fundraiser - The deadline for invoice payment to Papa John’s is May 22 nd . All
coupon cards must be returned or the club must pay for them. So please return your cards or the
money to Lion Jack immediately. $490.00 worth have been sold. That’s a profit of $343.00.
Peanuts - $246.00 sold and Lion Jack will place another shortly.
Lion Roger Snell – White Cane collection resulted in $277.70. He will turn that money into the
Treasurer soon. Weather gods have interfered with our efforts. We will schedule more collections
in the new Lions year. Most days we are practically done by 4pm. Lion Roger is suggesting that
we start at 9am and finish at 5pm.

Old Business:
Lion Stanley Furman: reported that our club had $600 from the LOVF raffle ticket sales.
New Business: Discussion on meeting twice a month instead of once.
Lion Ellen opened the floor for comments. The following thoughts were expressed:
One meeting a month would be business the other would be for a program.
The club had more continuity when meeting 2 times a month and membes would know the
business of the club.
If a member misses the once a month meeting, club involvement in lost.
Planning events like White Cane and Broom Sales are easier if meeting twice per month.
Another idea is to do project meetings once a month.
Lion Vickie recommended that we hold our second meeting at RMHC in their board room. It
would be available free of charge and we could bring snacks if we wish.
Negative opinions were
2 dinner meetings would cost more.
2 dinners guaranteeing a minimum of 20 meals to the hotel each time would be difficult.
This discussion will continue into the new Lion’s year because we are obligated to finish our
contract for one meeting per month with the hotel through November. It is at that time that we
will need to reach some sort of consensus. No changes will be actually implemented until
Announcements from the Floor:
Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
Birthdays: Lion Otis Etheridge (31) Lion Nancy Watters (27) Lion Otis wanted Lion
Vickie to sing. Lion Nancy wanted Lion Bill to sing to her since he “married her”.
(performed the wedding ceremony for her and John) After a flurry of dollars, Lion Vickie
and Bill consented serenading in most harmonious tones…. until Lion Vickie imitated
Lion Otis’s version of “Happy Birthday.” Frankly, I don’t know how she did that! What a
50/50 Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman - $20 -John won with a ticket purchased by Lion Nancy
in his behalf. $11- won by Lion Stan Moss. $6- won by Lion Jeri
Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren - absent so there was not drawing
Adjournment: 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted: Lion Nancy Watters
Upcoming Events:
May 18-19 – State Convention Chesapeake, Va.
June 1 – Saturday – Seatack Family Fun Community Day Event 10-1pm
June 5, Board Meeting – 2357 Haversham Close, V.B. 6:30pm
June 19, Installation Night – Westin 6pm – Westin 6pm
June 29 – Screening at Myra Orbenforf Library

April 17, 2019 Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order April

17, 2019 by President Lion John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest
Song – led by Lion Tuffy Leemon
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Stanley Furman
Invocation- given by Lion Ellen Turman
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting
1 Guests, 19 Members: 61.2 Percent
Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Recessed for Dinner:
Reconvened: 7:16
Speaker introduced by Lion Ellen Truman:

ForKids Donor Relations Manager – Mary Crosby.
Mary Crosby is the Donor Relations Manager for ForKids. She has been with ForKids
since 2013 where she began as an Employment Specialist helping to get homeless parents
employed and self-sufficient. Prior to working at ForKids, Mary was a first grade special
education teacher for Norfolk Public Schools. Mary has lived in Hampton Roads her
whole life and loves the diversity of the area. In her free time, Mary can be found on her
road bike, running, gardening and spending time with Adam, her husband of 13 years, and
her two Bengal cats Mia & Xen. Mary thanked us for our services through Image Services. ForKids is the largest provider of homeless services in the state of Va. Sixty-three thousand people needed services in the past year and 53% of families have children under the age of 6. For Kids touched the lives of 63,000 children but needs help to grow. Too many families are turned away each year.
The mission is to end the cycle of homeless families in America. They serve over 200
families per day with an operation budget of 7.6 million. For Kids covers cover all of
Hampton Roads, over 3,059 sq. miles. A Hotline is available. Homeless means they spent
the previous night without a permanent place to stay. There are shelters are in each part of
Hampton Roads. The goal is that the stay in shelters is for only a short time. Most are
only there about 45 days. Rapid rehousing program is popular. ForKids assists by aiding in transitioning back into their own living quarters by supplementing rent. There are many young moms with children under the age of 5 yrs. Day care is a real problem which causes work problems so they go from job to job. The majority of families work but cannot make ends meet. The average appt. cost is about $700 per month and there is a need for a double deposit when renting. If earning only $10-15 per hour, it is impossible to keep up. For Kids gives a hand up not a hand out. They try to stabilize the family. Education programs, support programs, mental health programs, providing
clothes, cell phones, childcare, transportation, are all important to become stabile. ForKids
has served 1200 people and 770 children last year. 91% exited to permanent housing.
A recycling thrift store “Good Mojo” is located at 25 th St. & Granby for families.
Donations may be dropped off Monday through Saturday 10am-6pm. They will accept
any donations of clothes, appliances, household goods and furniture. Arrangements may
be made to pick up large items. You may also volunteer your time to assist in sorting and
running the store. ForKids is a United Way funded agency and has 26 years of clean audit. They are in the middle of a capital campaign, the first in 30 years. A large donation from Birdsong
peanuts has made it possible to open a new facility in Suffolk, Center for Children &
Families. Mary was a very energetic speaker, knowledgeable and dedicated to the cause of ForKids.
Lion John present Mary with a copy of Lion Jim Healy’s latest book in gratitude for her

Lion Vickie Kennedy – Bland Report –Lion Vickie was absent from the meeting but sent the
following report. Thalia Vocalist winner will proceed to the State level. Ava D. Stevenson taught by Brian Nedvin won the sub-district competition. Kevin Wang came in 3rd in the instrumental division. The judges were Dr. Harvey Stokes, Dr. Ages Mobley-Wynne and Dr. Bianca Hall. The contest will
be on Friday evening at the State Convention in Chesapeake on May 17th .

Lion Stanley Furman: LOVF Raffle – All tickets and money has been turned in the Lion Stan.
He does not yet have the exact amount since much was turned in at this meeting.

Lion Jack Wagner - Broom Sale will be sometime in May. Papa John’s Fundraiser has raised
$260 to date. The deadline is the end of May so please continue to sell the coupon cards.

White Cane collection: - Lion Roger Snell –White Cane collection resulted in $409.71.
Next date is April 27-28. Sign-up sheet is available tonight and will be sent with the minutes.
Please volunteer if possible. We need more assistance.

Secretary’s Report - Lion Nancy Watters
Upcoming SPOT screenings – June 1 st – Seatack Community Event-10am-1 pm
June 29 th – Myra Orbendorf Library – 11am-1pm
Rise Against Hunger Program – Bayside Lions Club – Wed. May 1 st 7pm – will have a
representative to speak on Rise Against Hunger.

Lion Ellen will attempt to organize a Traveling Leo to attend the program. Our club is considering supporting the event in October. Since May 1st is a board meeting night, the board meeting may be postponed or for one for the month of May.

Melvin Jones Fund - $1,759.00 is available at LCI
for a Melvin Jones. Lion Nancy Watters suggested that we consider an award in memory
of Lion Dallas Divelbiss. Lion Stanley Furman with the support of others felt that since
Lion Dallas was a Progressive Melvin Jones already, and that the award would be
posthumous, we should consider another way to honor him and select someone in the club.
Lion Ellen Turman will communicate with Melvin Jones Fellows to select a member for
the award.

Lion Of The Year Vote – an anonymous ballot vote by membership was taken. President
Lion John suggested that we not vote the same winner of Lion of the Year in consecutive
years. He was Lion of the Year 2018-19. The winner will be announced and awarded at
Installation Night in June.

New Rosters were available in hard copy and are also attached.
Announcements from the Floor:

Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
Birthdays: Lion Jack Wagner (7) and Lion Tuffy Leemon (3/2) who was absent last
month – Tuffy wanted Lion Jeri to sing to him. Lion Jack wanted Lion Fran.
Lion John wanted the birthday boys to sing to each other.
The girls serenaded the two guys…..lovely. Lion Jack and Tuffy sang to each
other…..not remarkable!

50/50 Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman - Lion John won $22, Lion Jack Wagner won $12, and
Lion Jim Healy won $6.
Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren – Lion Dick’s ticket was pulled but he only came up
with the 7 of spades instead of the Queen of Hearts. No Winner, Pot growing….probably over

Adjournment: 8:21pm
Respectfully submitted: Lion Nancy Watters
Upcoming Events:
May 1 – Board Meeting – 2357 Haversham Close, Va. Beach -6:30 or Traveling Leo to
Bayside Lions Club
May 15 – Next Regular meeting – Westin 6pm
May 18-19 – State Convention Chesapeake, Va.
June 1 – Seatack Community Event – 10am-1pm
June 29 – Myra Orbendorf Library – 11am- 1pm

April 3, 2019: Thalia Lions Board Meeting

In attendance:  Lions John & Nancy Watters, Ellen Turman, Stan Furman, Jerri Furman, Vickie Kennedy, Jack Wagner, Fran Scott, Susie Sumnick, Roger Snell, and Dick Kreassig,
Meeting called to order– 6:57 by Lion President John Watters
Election of 1 yr. & 2 yr. Directors Issue – Lion John Watters explained that there was an error in how our election was done in regard to 1 and 2 year Directors.  All Directors are elected for a 2-year term so we should only be electing 2 new Directors of the 4 each year.  All 1st year Directors continue into the second year automatically. Based on this information, Lion Mike Coren and Lion Jack Wagner should serve as Directors newly elected for the coming year (2019-20) The two directors continuing on into their second years should be Lion Stan Moss and Lion Aziz Selahi (to fill Lion Irene Conlin’s second year because she is already on the Board as a Tail Twister.). To avoid future confusion, Lion John suggested that we not call Directors First and Second year but rather call them “new” and “continuing.”  Continuing Directors should not even be list on the ballot because they have been previous elected for 2 years. The Board was asked to recommend to the club that the election be clarified by confirming that Lion Irene and Lion Stan Moss be called “Continuing” Directors and confirm that the newly elected directors for 2019-20.Are Lions Mike Coren and Jack Wagner. Lion Stan moved that we present this motion at the first meeting of the new year.   
Financial Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Report submitted. 

Lion Rich Roberts transferring to Smithfield Lions- Lion Stan moved to accept as of April 30th. Seconded by Lion Rog.  We regretfully approved the motion.  Lion Rich has been a dedicated member of our club for many years.  He moved to Smithfield and built a new home about 2 years ago and needs to be a member of a club in Smithfield.  We appreciate his service to our club as president, secretary, and as District Secretary.  We wish him well as he continues to serve as a Lion.
White Cane target dates – Lion Roger Snell – April 5/6 and 26/27 – A plea with these Board minutes will be sent out to fill in on vacant spots. We need more volunteers because it seems that the same people are depended upon each time.

Peanut/Broom/Papa John’s Report – Lion Jack Wagner – Lion Jack asked permission to order 12 mops to donate to Samaritan House. Cost is about $60.  Lion Jack says we have on hand about $500 in Flags that are not being sold.  He would like to discount the flags to $20. Lion Stan made motion & Lion Jack seconded.  Flag poles will be priced at $10.  Vote passed. Broom Sale will be cancelled for this weekend because of lack of volunteers.  If a member volunteered to do the broom sale, that member will be placed on the White Cane Collection in the same time slot. Forty Papa John’s coupon cards have been distributed.  Please try to sell the cards and turn in the money by the middle of May.

Program for Feb. 20 – Lion Ellen Turman – ForKids – Mary Crosby Donor Relations Mgr.

Sight Chair Report – Lion Susie Sumnick – 2 glasses granted & 1 turned away because it was too soon to grant the request again.

I cataract surgery was cared for through the Charity Foundation.

Vision Walk Donation and Participation, April 7, 2019 - John Watters – Sunday, April 7 at noon – Our club and members have donated over $1,500 to this cause. 
Plaza Rescue Squad – Lion Nancy Watters – At the last Board meeting, Plaza Rescue Squad was deleted from our donation list because it was thought they were out of our service area.  The Rescue Squad is in our area and should be reconsidered.  Lion Jack moved to approve a $250 donation and Lion Ellen seconded.  Vote passed
Leader Dog Donation – Lion Nancy Watters – gave the brochure requesting money to Lion Vickie to send the donation which is in Thalia Lions yearly budget.
Financial Audit discussion – Lion John Watters – Reminder that audit will take place in June. Lion Ellen is in charge of organizing the audit.
Installation Night Discussion – June 19, Lion Ellen Turman, incoming president wishes Lion Bob Larmore, Past District Governor, to do the installation. He was in Kempsville Lions when her father was a member and he has been close to her family for a very long time. Lion Stanley Furman moved that the meal for that evening be paid for by the club.  Members would only be charged for spouses and guests. Installation Night would be a regular club meeting night at the Westin.  Lion Jack moved that we accept and Lion Ellen seconded.  Motion passed.
From the Floor
Homeless suggestion – Lion Susie suggested a project for consideration.   Prepare homeless food bags to keep in our cars to hand out to homeless people on the street corners – bottle of water, socks, granola bar and such.  They might be termed “Lion Food Bags.”  There could be referral material to the new center on Witchduck Rd. that provides for homeless. The idea will be brought up to the club at the next meeting.  The Board did not reach a consensus.  Then feeling is that most actually want money and just toss items.  Lion John suggested that we consult with those who are in the business to provide for the homeless.  Lion Susie will call Sherry Lewis to find out the best recommendations.
Beach Bag Project.  Lion Stanley Furman suggested that a grant be submitted to the Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia as well as LCIF ask for matching grant of $2,500.00.  The Beach Bag Project takes place in the month of October and requires about $5,000. Lion Susie personally packs bags for White Oaks Elementary School. Our members could volunteer to assist at her home. Lion Susie can send out information when she needs help.

No Board Action Items of Interest:
Eyeglass Recycling – Thursday, April 11
Adjourned – 8:05
Mar 20, 2019 Regular Meeting
Thalia Lion President John Watters presiding: No guests, 23 members, 70%:

Speaker:  Lion Rev Bill Austin (newest Thalia Lions member) discussed his experience with the natives of an island off the coast of Panama.  This resulted in a book, Coconuts for Hammocks.
Lion Bill explained that when he was a second year student in seminary he was asked if he would spend a year in Panama.  A church called the Margarita Union Church needed a secondary pastor and Bill had been chosen as a candidate.  His job was to assist in the formation and building of a combination church, civic center and school for children for the San Blas natives called the Kuna.  The Kuna, while once a major tribe in Panama, had moved off the land to small islands to protect themselves from the Spanish invaders.  They became a reclusive group after their numbers were reduced to a fraction of their original size.
Upon arrival Lion Bill formed a youth group that participated in construction of a concrete building on one of the small islands where the Kuna lived.  While the natives were completely self-sufficient, Bill’s group of missionaries had to arrange for drinking water and food.  The natives were very helpful and provided them with turtles and fish to eat.  Assistance was also provided by the US Army and Green Berets who provided food like military MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat).  Water was carried from the mainland in 55-gallon drums, because the local natives drank directly from a local river.  While most homes on the islands were simple huts with thatched roofs, the new center being built was to be a structure of concrete blocks with a thatched roof.  Members of the new youth group came to the site for two weeks at a time, with the boys staying with the missionaries and the girls with the Kuna chief’s family.  The youth had to be trained in how to sleep in a hammock.  The hammocks were bought with the proceeds of selling coconuts.  Coconuts had a value of about 5 US cents, but still provided a good income.  This experience prompted Lion Rev Bill to name his book about this experience Coconuts for Hammocks.
Another early adventure of this project was building the latrine, just a platform over the water.  A youth volunteer named Hickson helped a lot with this, so the resulting structure became known as Hickson’s House.  The youth would also sit around a fire in the evening and sing songs, their favorites being Kumbaya and Onward Chrisitian Soldiers.
The tribe’s medicine man, Charlie, became Bill’s friend and explained how his carved stick kept evil spirits away and good spirits near when someone was ill.  Evil spirits were also kept away by smoking pipes, by both men and women.  Because Bill had presented Charlie with a special clay pipe, Charlie gave Bill his medicine stick as he departed.  Bill showed us the stick.
The Kuna had strong morals and believed that God had made them his golden children.  In recognition of this belief they put golden ear and nose rings in newborns.  One time Bill was surprised to see a small infant that had been painted black.  It was explained to him that this was to keep evil spirits at bay because the baby was ill.  The baby got well, probably from a minor problem.
At the end of his talk Lion Bill demonstrated examples of the colorful and intricately designed dresses that the San Blas Kuna women had made.
Lion Rev Bill answered a few questions from the group and President Lion John thanked him for his presentation.

New Member Induction:  Lion PCC Stan Furman inducted Marsha Montgomery into the Thalia Lions Club.  Her sponsor was Lion Nancy Nelson.  Asked to introduce herself to the club, now Lion Marsha described her career as a counselor, currently working with the Virginia Beach Department of Parks and Recreation section of Inclusion Support Services.  She is also a sculpturist, working in clay.

President Lion John Watters:
1. Vision Walk – April 7th  - Sunday at the Oceanfront.  Head is our immediate past president, Lion Debra Laughlin, now a member of Kempsville Lions Club.  Luncheon for kick off is this weekend on Sat, Mar 23rd.
2.  Nominations committee report – Lions Stanley Furman, Ellen Turman, Irene Conlin

Lion Ellen reported on the office nominations:
Pres: -- Lion Ellen Turman
1st VP – Lion Jeri Furman
2nd VP – Lion Nancy Nelson
Sec – Lion Nancy Watters
Treas – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Membership Chair – Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion tamer – Lion Roger Snell
Tail Twister – Lion Irene Conlin
1 yr Directors – Lions Irene Conlin & Jack Wagner
2 yr Directors – Lions Mike Coren & Aziz Selahi
Publicity – Lion Bob Perrine
Lion John asked for any nominations from the floor.  There being none, Lion Stan Furman moved that we unanimously vote for this slate.  The motion passed unanimously.

LOVF Raffle & State Convention - Lion Stanley Furman – reminder that everyone should turn in their LOVF money.  Of the $30 per book, $20 stays in the club and $10 to Foundation.  This can result in a $700 income for our administrative fund.

State Convention comments:  Lion Pat Jones will run for District I Governor.  She works for the Naval base and may have difficulty fulfilling the role.  Lion Scott Durbin is second vice DG and will likely run for first vice DG.  If we do not elect a district governor LCI will chose a former DG.

The Bland Contest is on Friday evening, May 17th. Luncheon for Pin Traders on Fri and LOVF on Sat. May 18th.
There are two candidates for a Virginia Lions International Director.  Lion Stan commented that neither is well qualified and he would not be voting for either.

Broom Sale/ Peanuts / Papa John’s Fundraiser -Lion Jack Wagner mentioned that Nick at Paul’s Garage is ill and broom sales are down.  Peanuts are still available.
Lion Jack described a new fundraiser with Papa John’s Pizza:  We can sell for $10 a Papa John’s coupon book worth $70 – 80 to the buyer.  Of the $10 paid, we keep $7.  It is critical that the booklet is not opened prior to sale as it will then cost us $10.  Unsold unopened coupon books can be returned for no cost.  Distribution and detailed sales information will follow.

White Cane collection: - Lion Roger Snell described the dates as April 5 and April 26 &27. A sign-up sheet will be distributed.  Lion Jack stated that a broom sale will be on Apr 6.

Secretary’s Report - Lion Nancy Watters
Leadership and New Member Conference – April 13 Norfolk – April 7 - Richmond

Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
Birthdays:  Lion John Watters (10), Lion Bill Austin (7), Lion Linda Eggleston (21).  Absent was Lion Tommy Leemon (2).  Happy Birthday was sung by a trio of Lions Otis Etheridge, Susie Sumnick and Nancy Watters.

50/50 Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman-  Lion Jack Wagner -$25, $14 to Lion Otis Eheridge, and $8 to Lion Vickie Kennedy.

Adjournment: 8:21pm

Respectfully submitted:  Lion Nancy Watters (with some assistance from Lion John Watters)

Upcoming Events:
April 3 – Board Meeting – 2357 Haversham Close, Va. Beach, 6pm
April 7 – Vision Walk – Oceanfront
April 17 – Next regular meeting – Westin
May 18-19 – State Convention Chesapeake, Va.

Mar 6, 2019 Board Meeting
In attendance:  Lions John & Nancy Watters, Lions Ellen Turman, Fran Scott, Susie Sumnick, Stanley & Jeri Furman,  Vickie Kennedy, Irene Conlin.
Meeting called to order– 6:10 by Lion President John Watters
Financial Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Report submitted see attached
New Application for Membership – Marsha Montgomery submitted an application for membership.  Lion Nancy Nelson will be her sponsor. A motion to accept was offered by Nancy Watters and seconded by Lion Stan. Vote to approve was unanimous.  Marsha will be installed at the March meeting. The Board happily welcomes her into Lionism.
Donations to Schools – Partners in Education - Thalia, Malibu, and Kings Grant Elementary Schools – Checks in the amount of $200 per school are usually given in March.  Lion Vickie Kennedy submitted the checks to Lions Susie Sumnick for delivery.  The money is used in the nurse’s clinic for wants and needs not supplied by the school.
White Cane target dates – Lion Roger Snell will target times the last 2 weeks of April or the 1st week of May. Lion Stan suggested that we should do the White Canes on Friday and Saturday but the Broom Sales on Saturday only.
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy – April 6 is the District Bland Contest in Williamsburg -  Kevin Wang was the winning instrumentalist and Ava Stevenson won as vocalist.  It was suggested that we move our contest back to Thursday next year in hopes to have more of the judges available. 
Peanut Report – Lion Jack Wagner – Ill with flu and will report at the next meeting.
Program for Feb. 20 – Lion Ellen Turman – Lion Ellen will contact Lion Bill Austin to talk about his experience with the native tribe near Panama. The program for April will be Lion Chet Kramer will speak as District Diabetes Chairperson.  Lion Ellen has asked Becky Prikard of  ForKids to speak in the May meeting.
Sight Chair Report – Lion Susie Sumnick – 3 exams were granted and 2 referred last month – We have already had 2 clients for March. Lion Stan moved that Lion Susie have the power to decide if we need to look for more options to fill our need when we exceed the number of exams per month referred to Dr. Ferrara. The motion was seconded and approved.
Vision Walk Donation and Participation, April 7, 2019 - John Watters –Our budget designates $300 to Vision Walk.  A donation of $500 gets Thalia Lions name listed on the T-shirt and banners.  Individual members have made up the $200 difference.
Plaza Rescue Squad – Lion Nancy Watters – Motion was made not to make donation this year.  The Board would prefer to choose a Rescue Squad within our clubs area. The vote was so reflected.
Financial Audit discussion – Lion John Watters – Review of accounts is recommended by LCI.  Two people should be appointed.   Lion Ellen is to recruit the committee. Lion Irene made the motion Lion Susie seconded that we should do the audit in June.  The vote  was unanimous.
Nominating Committee Report for March meeting – appointed by Lion President John Watters are
Lions Ellen Turman, Incoming President, Lion Stanley Furman, PCC., and Lion  Irene Conlin.
Lion John submitted a chart showing the offices necessary to fill and the expiration dates of the directors.
State Sales Tax Exemption & By Law Change – Lion John Watters – the cost of renewing our tax exemption is $125.00. The board decided that the cost of renewing is important and not worth the aggravation if we should be charged with violation.  Lion John will complete the necessary forms and send the check.
Fund Raiser – Papa John’s – Lion Nancy Watters presented a fund raiser through Papa John’s Pizza.  We would sell coupon booklets for $10 (valued at over $80).  The club would keep $7 and pay $3 for each booklet sold.  We would start with 100 booklets and sell them for 2 months.  At the end of the 2 months, all booklets unsold and unopened may be returned to Papa John’s at no charge.  Lion Nancy moved that we try the fundraiser and Lion Vickie seconded the motion.  The vote passed unanimously. Lion Nancy will try to have the booklets by the next meeting.
Lion Fran Scott – expressed concern about the sudden rise in cost of insulin (10 fold).  She would like for our club the think about ways to assist since diabetes is one of our main targets.  Lion Chet Kramer, who will speak at our meeting in April as the Diabetes Chairperson may have suggestions.
Board action on The By-Laws – Lion John pointed out an error in our By Laws. Article XI Section 1 under Method of Business Transactions states that no action may be taken electronically without the approval of the club.  Board decided this is a non-Problem. Motion was made by Lion Stan and seconded by Lion Vickie.  All approved
Non Board Action Items of Interest:
Eyeglass Recycling – Thursday, March 14
Adjourned – 7:14

Feb 20, 2019 Regular Meeting 6 guests
25 members 78%
Lion John Thanked Lion Rich Edwards for the new wireless sound system
Introduction of Guests:  Traveling Leo – Bayside Lions Club – Lions Tom Walsh, Ren Zerby, Clarence Garrison.  One guest was absent due to illness.
Lion Nancy Nelson introduced Marsha Montgomery – She has lived in Va. Beach for 25 yrs.  and works as a Behavioral Counselor with V. B Parks & Recreation in the Inclusion Dept.  Lion Nancy Nelson invited Marsha as a prospective member.
Speakers:  Lions Karen Brown and Richard Stone - Burkeville Lodge – Introduced by Lion Irene Conlin
The Burkeville Lodge was formed in 1919 making this year the 100th anniversary.  Lion Richard Stone talked about the Lodge and the upcoming centennial celebration on July 6th There will be will souvenir gift bags given to all who attend.   The Lodge wants pins, pamphlets or any other “freebies” from the clubs that may be included in the bags.   Burgers and hotdogs will be offered and the pool will be open for the day.  The Sight & Hearing Unit will be on the premises along with a food truck. Other activities will include a cake walk and games.  The lodge will only accommodate 36 people but there are hotel rooms in town.  The Burkeville Lodge is about an hour west of Richmond at the intersection of Hwys. 460 & 260.
In April, there is a huge yard sale at the lodge.  People from all around are attracted. Lion Richard mused that sighted people are allowed.
Lion Richard and Karen passed out brochures on the Lodge (see attached).  As few as 12 people are enough to keep the lodge open.  You may call the number in the brochure to make reservations for your family meetings, reunions, and gatherings.  The Lodge has private as well as semi private accommodations. The Lodge caters to the blind but all are welcome.  Lion Karen described the Lodge as sitting on 100 beautiful, peaceful acres. It is a place for relaxation rather than recreation though there are Civil War sites nearby.  Residents engage in card games, Bingo and sometimes music.  There is a TV in each room.
Lion Karen Brown is chairperson of the board. 
President Lion John Watters:
1. Eyeglass Recycling, Thursday, March 14

2. Vision Walk – April 7th (kick off at Ynot Italian Princess Anne Rd. March 23rd)
3.  SPOT discussion – We have sent a non-operational SPOT to Welch Allyn who has agreed to attempt to restore the software to make it operational.
5.  Nominations committee for officers for 2019-20 are Lions S. Furman, E. Turman, I. Conlin.  The committee will present a slate of officers at the March meeting.  Election will take place at the April meeting.
6. Lion John made a copy of our club Bylaws and made them available for the membership. Stickers for car windows were also available.
7.  Lion John reminded members that when you make a reservation to come to a meeting, please let the person calling know if you have a special dietary need.
And he also reminded everyone that you are responsible to pay if you do not come unless there are extenuating circumstances or unexpected illness.
Lion Vickie Kennedy – Bland Contest -The 26th annual James Bland contest will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019 at Thalia United Methodist, 7pm. Please be there by 6:30. Members are needed to help run the contest.  Bayside may be joining our club in the contest.  There will be one set of winners for the two clubs.  Since we may be the only two clubs in the region to hold a contest, there may not be a regional contest which was tentatively scheduled for March 26th.  Dr. Trevino and Dr. Nedvin will be the two judges combining and doing the vocal as well as the instrumentals.
The state contest will be at the State Convention on May 18th at Chesapeake Delta Hotel
Lion Stanley Furman – LOVF Raffle –Lion of Virginia Foundation – Tickets are  $1.00 each and there are 30 per book ($30 ).  Our club keeps $20 and we send $10 to the foundation. LOVG funds disaster relief, SPOT machines and other special needs of the district. 
Our Lions State Convention is in May in Chesapeake. Attached is the registration form.  There is no charge if you register before March 1st.  We have three votes from our club.  Two candidates are running for International Director.  Our Club will be casting  no votes for both candidates.
Lion Roger Snell:  White Cane/ Broom Sale - – target times are the last 2 weeks of April or the 1st week of May.  White Canes will be scheduled on Friday and Saturday but the Broom Sales on Saturday only.  Lion Jack Wagner told the club that we would sell peanuts as well.
Lion Bob Perrine – Reported that our scholarship winner, Leigh Mante , is doing well and sent a letter to update her progress.
Secretary’s Report, Lion Nancy Watters:
1. Virginia Beach Public School 2019 Partnership Expo –OCE- and VB council of PTAs Expo and Vendor Fair – Sat. March 2nd – 9-1pm - Landstown High School – 2001 Concert Dr. – please see signup sheet attached.
2.  Read Across America – March 1, 2019  - Thanks to all who have responded (Lions Nancy Nelson, and Karen Austin.)
Announcements/Comments from the Floor:
Lion Jack is collecting for Samaritan House
Bayside thanked the club and said that they enjoyed the meeting.

Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
Birthdays:  Lion Mike Coren (1), Lion Bob Perrine (12) Lion Bob wanted the Nancys to sing
Lion Nancy wanted Lion Vickie to sing.  To satisfy all, a beautiful harmonic trio did a lovely rendition of “Happy Birthday”!!
50/50 Raffle - $20- Lion Nancy W        $11- Lion John W       $10 –Lion Stan Moss
Progressive Raffle:  Lion Mike Coren – No drawing
Adjournment:  8:04pm
Upcoming Events:
Feb. 26 – Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
Mar. 1 – Read Across America
Mar. 2– 2019 Partnership Expo – VBPS – Landstown High School – 2001 Concert Dr. 9-1pm
Mar. 6 – Board meeting – Home of Lion John and Nancy Watters
Mar 14 – EGRC, meet at BestBuy 9:30am
Mar 20 – next regular meeting
Mar 26 – Region Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church – 7pm
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Feb 6, 2019 - Board Meeting

In attendance:  Lion President John Watters,  Lions Nancy Watters, Vickie Kennedy, Stanley and Jeri Furman, Jack Wagner, Roger Snell, Ellen Turman.

Meeting – 7pm

Call to Order:   Lion President John Watters – 7:10pm

Donations to Schools – Partners in Education - Thalia, Malibu, and Kings Grant Elementary Schools- delivery of checks should be done in March.  The task is usually given to the Sight Chairperson.  Lion Susie Sumnick will be authorized to deliver the checks.

White Cane and Broom Sale target dates – Lion Roger Snell and Lion Jack Wagner will target times the last 2 weeks of April or the 1st week of May. Lion Stan suggested that we should consider doing White Cane on Friday and Saturday but the Broom Sales on Saturday only.  There was consensus by all.

Peanut Report – Lion Jack Wagner – All funds are collected except for those that had not been picked up.  Sales are going well.  We have made almost $1,000.

Program for Feb. 20 – Lion Ellen Turman – Lion Irene is trying to find someone from the Berkville Lodge to speak to our club at the next meeting.    Lion Ellen is attempting to book Lion Chet Kramer, District Diabetes Chair and she has reached out to ForKids in an effort to get someone to speak about our School Book Bag and Holiday project.

Sight Chair Report – Lion Susie Sumnick – Reported 1 exam and glasses for this month.  Three applications have been mailed to applicants.  Since Lion Dan Ferrara joined the club, our sight expenses have been substantially reduced.  We are most appreciative to him for his contribution to our club.

Thalia Lynn Baptist Hunger Project – Lion Nancy Watters – The Board realizes this project is worthwhile but we must wait until the next board takes office for the final monetary decision.  We will be willing to volunteer to work.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy 

Tree of Life – Lion Vickie Kennedy announced that our leaf on the Tree of Life is in place.  The leaf is in honor of the Thalia Lions because individual members donated a total of $1,000 to Ronald McDonald House.  Pictures of the leaf and it’s place of honor on the wall are attached.  We are so proud to be a supporter of RMH.

Financial Audit discussion – Lion John Watters – Review of accounts is recommended by LCI.  Two people should be appointed.  The job will be offered for volunteers at the next meeting to do the job. Lion Ellen Turman, our incoming president would like to be a part of the committee.

Nominating Committee for March meeting – Lion President John Watters appointed the following members to serve on the nominating committee.
Lion Ellen Turman – Incoming President, Lion Stanley Furman, PCC, and Lion Irene Conlin.
Nominations are due at the March meeting. Elections at the April meeting.
Lion John passed out the Club Structure with the offices available.  A slate of officers will be presented at the March meeting where the floor will be open to nominations by the club as a whole.  Elections will be held at the April meeting.

Lion Jack Wagner thanked Thalia Lions for our support of Samaritan House over the years.  They have just received a 1.6 million dollar grant for sex trafficking.  This is a pilot program run with assistance of Homeland Security.  Police are identifying the traffickers.  Because the beach attracts runaway kids to this area, sex trafficking in a major problem.

Lion Roger Snell had 200 new club brochures printed for our club and delivered them to the meeting.  We will use many of them at the Education Expo on March 2nd.

Lion John offered printed copies of the official club bylaws.  Everyone should have a copy and from now on they will be included in the new member materials

Non Board Action Items of Interest:

Winter District Conference – Feb. 16, 2019 – Holiday Inn & Suites Williamsburg – Gateway- Registration $5, Lunch $20.  Schedule includes classes in the following:
Guiding Lion, Vision Screening Certification, New Voices Initiative Global Causes.
District 24 I Cabinet Meeting 1pm.
Make Checks Payable to:  Tappahannock Lions Club % PDG Donna Weiler, 267 Dawson Lane, White Stone, VA  22578 - Deadline: Feb. 10, 2019

Bland Contest - The 26th annual James Bland contest will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019 at Thalia United Methodist, 7pm.  The Region contest will be on March 26th, same time and same location.  All schools have been contacted and we are hoping for a good response for contestants.  It is uncertain when the two District contests will be scheduled.  But the state contest will be at the State Convention on May 18th at Chesapeake Delta Hotel.  Since the State Convention is local this year, everyone will have an opportunity to attend.

Virginia Beach Public School 2019 Partnership Expo –The Office of Community Engagement and the VB council of PTAs Expo and Vendor Fair is scheduled for Sat. March 2nd  9-1pm at Landstown High School – 2001 Concert Dr.   Our club has been invited to set up a display table.  We will need members to man the table during that time.  We are not allowed to sell anything.  This is simply for public exposure and PR.  Please let Lion Nancy Watters know if you are willing to participate by sitting at the table for an hour or two.

Read Across America – March 1, 2019- Please mark your calendar for this date.  The book to be read is Happy by Pharrell Williams.  To register, please contact:
Miss Devin Cowhey,                                        
Virginia Beach GrowSmart Development Specialist
Department of Economic Development
4525 Main Street, Suite 700
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
(757) 385-6434 (direct)
(757) 385-6464 (reception)

Eyeglass Recycling – Thursday Feb. 14 -  Meet at Best Buy 9:30am to carpool to the EGRC.

Adjourned:  8:26

Jan 16, 2019 - Regular Meeting; 1 guest, 22 members - 69%
Introduction of Guests:  Lisa Belcher, Transitions Program Coordinator, from the Adult Learning Center

Lion Stanley Furman offered the stolen President’s meeting gavel to the club for auction.  Lion John was able to buy back the gavel for $25.00. 

Lion Jack Wagner asked who left 5 cans of S& P peanuts at the last meeting.  No one claimed the abandoned peanuts so Lion Nancy Watters took them to sell.

Speaker:  None

Induction of New Members! -  Rev. Bill and Karen Austin by Lion Stanley Furman
Thalia Lions Club welcomes Lion Bill and Karen Austin to membership.  Lion Bill is a retired minister and practicing psychotherapist .  He writes a monthly article on relationships for the Shopper and has recently written a book, Coconuts for Hammocks, on his youthful experience with a prehistoric tribe.  Lion Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with 36 years of experience.  She wisely believes the smartest people are under 5 years old. 
We appreciate the skills and experience this couple brings to our club.

President Lion John Watters:

Secret Santa reports - ForKids and Social Services – Many of our participating Lions gave heartwarming accounts of their experiences in providing Secret Santa gifts and supplies to needy families.  It was obvious that the experience was rewarding and the club would like to continue by doing even more in coming years.   A total of 30 families were helped by this project including the Social Services families and homeless children through ForKids.  The project began several years ago with Lion Fran Scott as the original contact.  Since then it has snowballed and included the School Supply project in August and September.  Attached is a letter of appreciation to the club from Social Services.   

   As a side note, ForKids is administered by Image Services of Virginia Beach, a staffing placement service.  The owner of this company, Cheryl Youngs, was touched by seeing people place toys in a collection box for children over the holidays.  Her thought was why not find out what the children like rather than toss random toys into the box.  She contacted the homeless shelters in the area and collected preference lists.  Now she has her staff working tirelessly attempting to place each child with a sponsor, basically abandoning personal business during the time.  This business is an example of generosity, community spirit, and compassion.

2. Eyeglass Recycling – Thursday Feb. 14 is not only Valentine’s Day.  It is the day to work at the Eyeglass Recycling Center in Chesapeake (10-12am).  If you want to work that day to clean, read, and package eyeglasses for distribution, please meet at Best Buy at 9:30am to carpool. 

3. Thalia Lynn Baptist Hunger Project -  A RISE AGAINST HUNGER event will be sponsored by Thalia Lynn Baptist Church in October.    Because this church is in our area of service, we have been asked to contribute with financial support and/or manpower. We will learn more about this event in coming months.

4.  SPOT discussion -  The SPOT vision screener model that we have is no longer technically or mechanically supported by Welch Allyn.  Lion John was able to rebuild and replace a battery pack in a failed machine but does not have access to the old software to make the machine operate.  He is trying to find a software source.  If all else fails, we may need to find funds through grants or fundraising project to replace our machine should it fail.  Our device has been in operation for 8 years.  The average life in between 3-5.
             5.  Award Presentation:  The recipient was not in attendance.

            6.  Name change for Lions Charity Foundation of Dist. 24 D – All Lions Clubs in the District are asked to agree in writing to the name change of the Lion Charity Foundation of District 24 D.  The new name is Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia.  As President, Lion John sent our club endorsement.

Lion Vickie Kennedy – Bland Contest -  The 26th annual James Bland contest will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019 at Thalia United Methodist, 7pm.  The Region contest will be on March 26th, same time and same location.  All schools have been contacted and we are hoping for a good response for contestants.  It is uncertain when the two District contests will be scheduled.  But the state contest will be at the State Convention on May 18th at Chesapeake Delta Hotel.  Since the State Convention is local this year, everyone will have an opportunity to attend.
Lion Stanley Furman – LOVF Raffle tickets were distributed to members to sell. There are 30 tickets per book at $1 each.  The club keeps $20 for each book and the foundation receives $10.00.  As the Thalia representative, Lion Stanley Furman reported that measles is becoming more prevalent now.  The Foundation has rejuvenated the project of immunizing all children.  This project is possible with a partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates.

Lion Vickie Kennedy announced that the Ronald McDonald Tree of Life goal has been reached.  Our club will join the numerous donors who have contributed $1,000 and have a bronze leaf displayed on the wall at RMH.  Thank you to all members who contributed $100 each to this worthwhile facility.  (Lion Vickie is a co-administrator of RMH.)

Lion Jack Wagner: Broom Sale/ Peanuts –Lion Jack announced that our profit from peanut sales to dated is $942.00.  He is ready to take orders for the next purchase from Belmont Farms. 
A broom sale will be scheduled when the weather is better, likely in March or April.

Lion Roger Snell:  White Cane will be scheduled when weather is better.  We will need to schedule more than one event because our club is in dire need of funds.

Secretary’s Report, Lion Nancy Watters:

1. Virginia Beach Public School 2019 Partnership Expo –The Office of Community Engagement and the VB council of PTAs Expo and Vendor Fair is scheduled for Sat. March 2nd – 9-1pm at Landstown High School – 2001 Concert Dr.   Our club has been invited to set up a display table.  We will need members to man the table during that time.  We are not allowed to sell anything.  This is simply for public exposure and PR.  Please let Lion Nancy Watters know if you are willing to participate by sitting at the table for an hour or two.

2. Beach Bag Project on Wed. Jan. 23rd - 9:30 am.  If you are able to pack bags of food, please contact Lisa A. Dulaney, Virginia Beach City Public Schools School Administration Building Front Desk Receptionist (757) 263-1000/1002.  As special thank you to Lion Susan Sumnick and new Lion Karen for packing bags on Wed., Jan. 16th.  The club will be notified when help is again needed.

3.  Read Across America – March 1, 2019- Please mark your calendar for this date.  We will have more information soon concerning the book and locations this year.

4. Winter District Conference – Feb. 16, 2019- Please see the attached Flyer.  If you are interested in attending, please respond with your reservation.  There will be training sessions and recertification of SPOT screeners available at the conference.

5. SPOT screenings – We are authorized to screen any special needs children for IEP-   Malibu Elementary has requested a screening of about 10 special needs children on Jan. 24th 10:30-11pm

Announcements/Comments from the Floor:

Lion Jack Wagner announced that Samaritan House is again in need of funds for anyone who would like to contribute.

Lion Vickie Kennedy distributed the Treasurer’s Report - see attached

Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman

Birthdays:  Lions Rich Roberts (5), Vickie Kennedy (8) Lion Rich was absent so we sang to Lion Vickie -  Lion Dick Kreassig wanted Lion Otis Etheridge to sing but Vickie wanted Lion Karen and Lion Bill to sing.  Lion Otis was asked to sing first but he recruited Lion Bill and Karen.  The trio harmony was “unforgettable” and Lion Vickie beamed.

50/50 Raffle was won by Lion Stan ($21) our Guest, Lisa) $13) Lion Susie Sumnick
Progressive Raffle:  Lion Roger Snell –Lion Irene’s ticket was pulled but instead of the Queen of Hearts, she drew the 6 of diamonds.  The pot is growing and no one including Lion Mike Coren has any idea of how much money is up for the win!

Adjournment: 8:18

Upcoming Events:

Jan. 23 – Beach Bag Project - 1568 Corporate Landing Parkway, Suite 100, V.B.  23454 - 9:30-11:30

Jan. 24 – Malibu Elementary – Special Needs Students – SPOT – 11am (only 10 students)

Feb. 14 – not only Valentine’s Day, but EGRC (meet at BestBuy 9:30am or center at 10am)

Feb. 16 – District 24-I Winter Conference

Mar. 1 – Read Across America

Mar. 2– 2019 Partnership Expo – VBPS – Landstown High School – 2001 Concert Dr. 9-1pm

Attachments:  Treasurer’s Report
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Dec 3, 2018 -Ronald McDonald House – This is a service project/Board/Club meeting.  All attendees brought items to donate to RMH and provided dinner for residents. Members provided salads and desserts.  Pizzas were ordered from Ynot Pizza.
In Attendance: 
Lion President John Watters, Lions Nancy Watters, Stanley Furman, Jeri Furman, Vickie Kennedy, Nancy Nelson, Roger Snell, Bob Perrine, Mike Coren, Jack Wagner, Ellen Turman, Otis Etheridge, Irene Conlin, Aziz Selahi, Stan Moss, Dick Kreassig
Social time – 6:00pm  and tour of Ronald McDonald House led by the administrator, Elise Brown.
Call to Order 6:30pm by Lion President John Watters
1.      Sight & Hearing VanLion Stanley Furman reported that we saw 72 students from the
Adult Learning Center from about 25 countries.  Lions Stanley, Nancy and John Watters, Tuffey Leemon, and Fran Scott worked the van for a total of 16 hours.

Lion Stan invited Lisa Belcher from the Adult Learning Center to our mext scheduled regular meeting.
2.       Lion Roger Snell was asked to order a supply of Wintergreen mints per a request from Dr. Rob Seim’s office.
3.  Sunnybrook Day School sent Thalia Lions Club a $250 donation check for doing
     Children’s Eye Screening at their school.   Only this week they also sent a follow up email
     describing how one child identified with vision problems had been given glasses.  The
     parents and the child were most grateful. 
Just wanted to send you a quick follow up regarding one of our students who was recently screened and referred for further evaluation.  Sanjana Kankipati came to school wearing her new glasses today and Mom told us how very thankful she is for the screening.  She said that since getting her glasses, Sanjana has been walking around pointing out items and saying that they were no longer "wobbly."  Everyone is thrilled!”
3.      Holiday/Santa Project updateGifts are due for delivery no later than Dec. 10th for those children sponsored.
If you are covering a family whose name was given you by Social Services, please take pictures and send accounts of your experiences delivering to the families.
4.  Thalia earned the Membership Satisfaction Award from LCI and was presented a banner  
    Patch fiscal year patch.
5. Thalia also earned an award for utilizing the new MyLion App to promote our club’s
service.  A letter of appreciation was written to our club from Dr. Naresh Aggarwal, Past International President and a beautiful award medal was sent to our club.  We were one of the top 100 clubs internationally that initiated the most service projects through MyLion.
6.  Our Club has been associated and supported Ronald McDonald House for almost 10 years. In the entrance hallway is a brass Tree of Life that exhibits a brass leaf for anyone or any organization donating $1,000 to RMH.  Lion Dick Kreassig donated $100 and challenged each of  our members to match his donation in an effort to have a Thalia Lions Leaf on the Tree.  If we have nine members who are willing to step up to the challenge, our club will be represented.
7.  Lion Vickie Kennedy offer dates for the Bland Contest in the spring.  The dates chosen were Feb. 26th for Thalia contest and March 26th for the Region Contests
8.      Holiday Party – Dec 19th 6pm2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, Va.  23454 (Lion Nany & John Watters – please bring finger food.
5.      Treasurer’s Report 
Adjourned:  6:50pm for dinner with 13 residents of Ronald McDonald House.

The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov, 14, 2019 by President Lion John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Westin, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order at 6: 34 pm
__12 Guest
_ 19  Members  
__61 Percent
Recess for dinner: 6:30_pm
Reconvene: 7:21
Introduction of Guests: Traveling Leo from Southside,
Guests from Fil/Am Lions Club – Lion President Hilo Laxa and Lion Armada Laxa
Guests of Lion Nancy W – Rev. Bill and Karen Austin

Guest Speaker – Kristen Ward, Judeo Christian Outreach Center introduced by Lion Ellen Turman
Kristin is the Development Director of the JCOC.  She joined their staff earlier this year, eager to share her 20 years’ experience in international public relations, event planning and donor development.
The Judeo Christian Outreach Center just celebrated their 32nd year of service. Their mission is to empower homeless families, individuals, and veterans to recover from crisis situations and return to being self-supported, productive, and independent members of our community. Kristen described several clients that are in need and receiving the services of the JCOC.  The biggest problem in Virginia Beach is affordable housing.  Sixty percent of the residents exited into permanent housing within the 54 day average stay at the shelter.  Eighty six percent of Veterans have transitioned into permanent housing.  With help of churches more than 80,000 meals were served in the last year.
Kristen emphasized that JCOC is not moving.  Part of the 29 million facility on Witchduck Rd functions as emergency shelter houses for 52 people and belongs to the City of Va. Beach.  All the feeding programs will stay on the Va. Beach Blvd campus.  Kristen displayed a picture of the new building to be built behind the existing facility.  The building has been approved by the city and she will soon be fundraising. 
A folder containing a description of the services, donation needs, volunteering opportunities, and other information was distributed to those interested. 
Lion Nancy introduced Dr. Bill Austin to Kristen.  He was on the board of JCOC for a number of years.
For those interested a fact sheet of services and a list of needed donation items is attached to these minutes.
Lion President John Watter – Presented Kristen with a club gift of Lion’s peanuts
EGRC reminder for December 13th –please meet at Best Buy at 9:30 am to go to  the recycling center and work from 10am-12pm.
Sight & Hearing Van – Adult Learning Center - Monday December 3rd, 10am-2pm.
A signup sheet is provided for volunteering.  We will not be doing blood sugar screening because there will be nurses there doing the screening while participating in a health fair. The signup sheet is attached to these minutes.  There are still slots to be filled.  Please respond to Lion Nancy or Lion John.
Lion Jack Wagner:
Broom Sale/ Peanuts- A peanut order will be placed at the end of November.  Please get your orders to Lion Jack as soon as possible.   He will send out an email showing the offering including the new Butter Toffee. This is our only fundraiser until March when we will again sell brooms at B.J’s.  So please do your best to take orders!
Lion Roger Snell:
 White Cane - We are out of weekends before Thanksgiving so we will wait until weather breaks in the spring before we do another White Cane Collection.
Secretary Report -Lion Nancy Watters
District 24I New Website- The new website for our new District is up and running.  You will find it at   Please take a look at the new face of our district.
Horizons Hampton Roads Three members participated in the Reading Project for Horizons Enrichment Program Nov. 3rd.  Lions Aziz, Lion Mike Coren, and Lion Nancy.
Beach Bag Followup Project  -  a schedule was emailed out to members to volunteer with the school system to pack and read expiration dates on donated food items.  Lions Mike Coren and Lion Nancy worked at the distribution center on Nov. 5th for three hours each.  We will have more opportunities to pack food.  Upcoming dates are Wed. Nov. 28, Dec. 5, and Dec. 12.  Lion Nancy will send out an email reminder.
Children’s Eye Screening- We are basically finished with the public school screenings.  There are a couple of schools that have requested we come back to do the Special Ed classes.  And just this month we have been given permission to screen  those children.  During the month of October we have screened over 1,200 children.  Many thanks to all who have participated in the screenings, Lions Stan M, Stan F. Roger Snell, Nancy Nelson, Susie Sumnick, John W., and to our guest Karen Austin!.
After the holidays we will target the preschool and daycare centers.
Holiday Families – Lion Nancy has received 15 names from ForKids for homeless children.  These names are children housed at Seton House.  Ten of those children are being sponsored by the Fil/Am Club.  Two more were selected at this meeting to be sponsored by our Club.  The remaining three will be sent out to the entire membership.  Please let Lion Nancy know if you are willing to sponsor one of those children. .  If we need more names, Lion Nancy can provide that information. The deadline to provide the gifts to Seton House is Dec. 10.Lion Stan provided 4 families through Social Services which members signed up for this evening.   Only three children are remaining and will be sent out to the membership for choosing.  If we need more names, Lion Nancy can provide that information.  If you want to sponsor a child, please let Lion Nancy know as soon as possible.  The deadline to provide the gifts to Seton House is Dec. 10.
Ronald McDonald House   On Wed. Dec. 5th  - 6p.m. our club will meet at RMH for a short  Board/Club meeting.   Attendees are asked to bring food /supplies or items from the Ronald McDonald Wish List as a gift to the House.  Copies of the list were distributed on the tables and is attached to the minutes.   Pizzas will be ordered and everyone is asked to bring side salads or dessert.  Lion Nancy and John Watters offered their Ynot Pizza Points to order free pizzas for all attending and for residents of the House. 
Thalia Lions Holiday Party, Dec 19 , 6pm– Lion Nancy and John are again willing to host.   Attendees may bring finger food.  Libations will be provided.  
Announcements/Comments from the Floor
Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
Lion Stanley Furman fined one of our visiting Traveling Leo guest, PDG Carol Mossman because she brought no extra change for her mandatory fine.  The fine was to make her sing a favorite song.  The only thing she knew was the Mickey Mouse Song but was only able the sing the spelling part.   That set off a cacophony of voices that aided her through the song.  After all, she was our guest!
·          Birthdays:  December - Irene Conlin (9) Jeri Furman (3) Jim Healy (19) Lion Stan Moss, and our guest Karen Austin.    -  Lion Irene and Lion Jim were not in attendance.  So Lion Roger, Lion Marvin, Lion John and Lion Vickie were asked to sing to Lion Jeri, Lion Stan and our guest, Karen Austin.  Lion Vickie coughed up enough money not to sing but then burst into her favorite Stevie Wonder version of Happy Birthday!
·          Lion Rog offered the English version and Lion John got on his knees and serenaded Karen.  We are trusting that she was adequately impressed and that it will not discourage her and her husband from joining our club!
·        50/50 Raffle –
·        1st - $25 –won by Lion Vickie who donated the winnings to our speaker Kristen Ward for JCOC.
·        2nd - $20 – won by Lion W.T Perkins, Southside Traveling Leo
·        3rd - $15 –won by Lion HiLo Laxa, Fil/Am Lion guest
·         Progressive Raffle:  Lion Mike Coren - Lion Mike was under the weather and not in attendance so the Queen of Hearts got a reprieve for the evening.
·         Meeting adjourned:  8:05
·        Lion W.T. Perkins asked to speak briefly about the reverse raffle sponsored by Southside Lions.  This year three Lions won considerable money.  Lion Ken Darling won $1,000, Lion Bruce Horner won $500, and Lion W.T’s, wife Lion Connie won $500.  He suggested that everyone put a mason jar on their counter, save their change and buy a ticket next year!
Lion W.T.  thanked the club for hosting the Traveling Leo.  He said that had witnessed President John having his gavel stolen, and then losing his agenda.  That’s more excitement than most clubs have in their meetings in a year.
 Upcoming Events
Ø  Wed. Nov. 28 – Pack food for Beach Bag – Cooperate Landing Distribution Center 9:30-11:30
Ø  Mon. Dec. 3rd – S&H Van Adult Learning Center – 10am – 2pm
Ø  Wed. Dec. 5th – Ronald McDonald House, Open Board meeting
Ø  Mon. Dec. 10th – Deadline to have “Santa” delivered to Seton House
Ø  Wed Dec. 12 – Pack food for Beach Bag – Cooperate Landing Distribution Center 9:30-11:30
Ø  Thurs. Dec. 13th - EGRC
Ø  Wed. Dec. 19th – Holiday Social

Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

October 17, 2018 -
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Oct. 17, 2019 by President Lion John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Westin, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm  Call to Order at 6: 30 pm  ATTENDANCE    _2 Guest_21_ Members  - 68  Percent Recess for dinner: 6:30_pm Reconvene: 7:05 pm

 Introduction of Guests:  Lion Donna Gaddis (wife of the District Governor)  District Governor Jeff Gaddis Introduction of District Governor by Lion Donna Gaddis Lion Jeff is currently a member of the Denbigh Lions Club, previously having been a member of the Gloucester Lions Club for many years.  There he served as president 3 times,  secretary, membership chair, lion tamer, tail twister, Zone chair, Region chair, and 1st & 2nd Vice Dist. Governor of District 24 D.  He works for the National Park Service in Yorktown.  Married to Lion Donna for 24 years, they have two children, Lion Colette and Lion John, plus two grandchildren.  He is a member of the Newport News Elks Lodge and serves on the board of directors for VPUSBC (Virginia Peninsula United States Bowling Congress).  Lion Jeff loves camping, fishing, bowling and spending time with his family. Speaker: 

District Governor Lion Jeff Gaddis DG Jeff offered greetings from the first female International President, Gudrun Yngvadottir. The goal of our new international president is to encourage more women to join in Lions membership and leadership to represent 50% of all Lions.  DG Jeff said that our district is doing well in this regard, with our present female membership of 36%.  There are ninety-eight clubs in our district that covers 1/2 the State of Virginia since the merger with District B.   Lion Jeff’s goal was to visit all 98 clubs but that is a pretty big challenge.  One way is his solving the problem is by having small clubs combine into a group meeting. Another goal was to add 1 new club.  Today 2 new clubs and a branch are in the works.  A “cyber” online club is also in process of formation.  With 17 members from several different states, the cyber club’s focus of service is on vision.   Specialty clubs like the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) clubs in other districts are very competitive in other states and are working very hard to make their clubs successful.   The good news in membership is that the average age of the Lions membership is getting younger.  Youth is important to the survival of our organization.  The time for our Bland contest is on the horizon.  Our district will conduct two contests this year, one from each of the old district divisions.  The Peace Poster Contest deadline is due very soon.   Zone and Region meetings are scheduled and on the District calendar. The Youth Exchange has been dropped this year because there is no sponsor.  Lion Jeff Jacobs and Lion Chip Dodson may be willing to take this duty again next year.   One major problem with the exchange is security.  Half of the students are eliminated because they cannot clear the security requirements for international travel. The signature project for DG Jeff’s year as District Governor is WHRO Voice.  He would like members to volunteer to read for WHRO.  This program reads news articles, ads, books, coupons, and other things for those with no or low vision. A grant is in process to purchase Echo Dots for listeners who participate in the WHRO service. DG Jeff is encouraging the Traveling Leo program this year.  The Traveling Leo program is a contest among clubs to see which clubs can visit the most other club meetings.   This year it will be judged totally on the number of other clubs visited by a group of 4 or more Lions from your club.  No longer will it be judge by the mileage to or from the club visited.  The purpose of this program is to share and learn from clubs other than your own. The Governor’s Achievement Report is a bit of a problem because the website for the District is not yet up and running.  At this time the monthly news and information is being sent by Constant Contact. If anyone needs a hard copy newsletter, please let him or your secretary know and he can have it sent directly to you. This is the first year for the new District and it is a project in the works.  If you have suggestions for this District to address, please let him know. DG Jeff offered his congratulations on the hard work that we do as a club.  He then awarded membership chevrons for years of service to the following Lions:  Otis Edwards Etheridge, Jack Wagner, Jim Healy, and Roger Snell. Thalia Lions will receive a banner patch for registering for the Fall Conference. Lion Jeff was thanked for his presentation by Lion President John Watters and was told that a small gift of appreciation will be mailed to him – a copy of a book written by our own author, Lion Jim Healy. Lion John Watters:

Discussion and approval of budget – The Thalia Lions Club Budget was prepared and recommended by the Board with a few changes in designations to Diabetes areas.  The Diabetes Camp remains in the budget in case there is a need to sponsor a family.  A question was asked by Governor Jeff was “What has happened to the line item for diabetes in the budget?”. DG Jeff said that the line item was still there but with a zero balance.  The money was left in the account of the Charity Foundation.   Lion Stan moved that we delete the Diabetes Program of $100.00.  Lion Vickie seconded.  Motion was approved. A motion to approve the proposed budget was made by Lion Dick Kreassig.  Lion Stanley Furman seconded and the vote was to approve.

Lion Nancy Watters: Children’s Eye Screening Progress of Kindergarten – a signup sheet for upcoming screenings was provided.

Oct. 18 – Luxford Elem.  – Lions Roger Snell, Susie Sumnick and Lion Nancy Watters

Oct. 19 – Bayside – Lion Nancy Watters and guest Karen Austin Oct. 22 – Thoroughgood Elem – Lions Nancy Nelson and Nancy Watters

Oct. 24 – Diamond Springs – (1-2 volunteers needed)

Oct. 26 – Hermitage Elem – Lions Stan Moss,

John Watters Beach Bag Project Report by Lion Nancy October 9th   80 volunteers helped pack almost 2,000 bags of food in 40 minutes.  In addition to friends and children, volunteers came from Thalia, Fil/Am, TCBL, Woodstock, Broad Bay Golf Assoc., PEO and the VB Christian Church.  The project was a huge success and The Office of Community Engagement of the Virginia Beach School System presented Thalia Lions with a recognition plaque for our continued support and service. Our club will be participating in helping pack Beach Bags on a regular basis.  There is opportunity for as many as 12 people at a time to volunteer on Wednesday mornings each month to pack 500 bags of food.  Lion Nancy will make the proper contact and let the club know when volunteers are needed on those Wed. mornings. Lion Susie Sumnick requested that the club include an official thank you in the minutes for Lion Nancy Watters gathering” 80 of her best friends to work the Beach bag Project.”

Horizons Hampton Roads – We have been invited to take part in a project to read to Elementary children 9am-10am at Diamond Spring Elementary School on November 3rd.  A signup sheet was provided.  Lion Irene Conlin, Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion Nancy Watters, and Lion Elizabeth Conlin of the Town Center Lions Blind Club have volunteered.  Please let Lion Nancy know if anyone else would like to participate.

Lion Jack Wagner: Broom Sale/ Peanuts- A peanut order will be placed next week and another hopefully larger order will be placed before Christmas.  Now is the time to get chocolate covered peanuts and brittle.  Those choices are only sold in cooler weather.

Lion Roger Snell: 

White Cane – no date is designated yet, but it will be soon. 

 Lion John Watters:  Filipino-American Lions – MacArthur Commemoration Tickets are available. The event is this Saturday, Oct. 20, at the MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk.

Lion Stanley Furman:  Bid & Buy report – The Bid & Buy was held at Hampton Baptist Church last Saturday.  The Lions Charity Foundation did very well though there were 115 fewer people than last year.   Our club did not earn our $250 Charity Foundation credit because we did not have enough people to attending.  We did, however, get the $250 service grant.

Lion Nancy Watters: Holiday Families – A signup sheet was provided for those members interested in participating in this project. A total of 14 members have signed up.  Names of children will be given the first week in Nov.  Our members will become Santa for these children and possibly their families.

Ronald McDonald House Proposal – Lion Nancy proposed that we meet at RMH on Wed. Dec. 5th for a Board/Club meeting.   Attendees could bring food supplies as a gift to the House.  Pizzas could be ordered and everyone could bring side salads and dessert.  The date is available at RMH.  The proposal had a second and the club approved the idea after a modification that made this meeting a “regular” meeting for all. Lion Vickie Kennedy, RMH manager, passed out a “wish list” of items that is needed at RMH.  Members are encouraged to bring items to the meeting that are on this list. Lion Nancy and John Watters offered their Ynot Pizza Points to order free pizzas for all attending and for residents of the House. 

Thalia Lions Holiday Party, Dec 19 – Lion Nancy and John are again willing to host.   Attendees can bring finger food.  Libations will be provided.

Secretary’s Report:    Award Presentation – Lion Ellen Turman received a Silver Centennial Membership Award Pin for sponsoring Lion Nancy Nelson.  Pins are awarded after sponsorship of a member who is retained for over 1 year. 

Announcements/Comments from the Floor – none were voiced. Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
•Birthdays:  Lion Marvin Clemmons (4), Lion Nancy Nelson (17), Lion Aziz Selahi (24)
•Lion Aziz had made an early exit and missed the opportunity to be serenaded.
•Lion Marvin wanted the Dist. Gov. and Lion Vickie to sing.  DG Jeff attempted to sing on his knees but Lion Marvin discouraged his “proposal.”
•Lion Vickie was challenged by Lion Jack so the club forced him to sing with Lion Vickie.  In protest he silently mimed the words!
•Lion Nancy Nelson requested Lion Ellen to sing.  Having a trained voice, Lion Ellen sang like a bird.
•50/50 Raffle -It was not rigged but Lion Nancy won twice.  Feeling guilty, she donated the money to Lion Jack for Samaritan House, $20 first and then $14. –$10 was won by Lion Tuffey
Progressive Raffle:  Lion Mike Coren  -Lion Irene pulled the ticket but picked the 3 of Hearts.  Nothing Royal about that!  There is probably $190 in the pot and the Queen is still there. 
Meeting adjourned:  8:10pm Upcoming Events:           
*Oct. 18 – Screening at Luxford Elem.
*Oct. 19 – Screening at Bayside Elem.
*Sat. Oct. 20th- MacArthur Commemoration, Filipino-American Lions, MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk.
*Oct. 22 – Screening at Thoroughgood Elem
*Oct. 24 – Screening at Diamond Springs
*Oct. 26 – Screening at Hermitage Elem.
*Sat. Oct. 20th- MacArthur Commemoration
 *Sat. Nov 3 – 9-10am. Horizons Hampton Roads – Read to Elementary children at Diamond Spring Elementary School.  Please let Lion Nancy know if anyone would like to participate. Thursday, Nov 8th – EGRC, 10 – 12, Meet at BestBuy at 9:30am for ride
*Wed. Nov. 14th – Next meeting date, 6pm
*Wed. Dec. 5th – 6 pm, Ronald McDonald House, 404 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23507 - Combined board meeting/monthly Regular Dec meeting. Attendees could bring food supplies as a gift to the House.  Pizzas could be ordered and everyone could bring side salads and dessert. 
 *Wed. Dec. 19th – 6 pm. Holiday Social, 2357 Haversham Close, VB 23454. Lion Nancy and John are hosting.  Attendees can bring finger food.  Libations will be provided.
Respectfully submitted Lion Nancy Watters,
Secretary Thalia Lions Club 
October 3, 2018, Board of Directors Meeting, 2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Present:  Lion President John Watters, Lions Nancy Watters, Jack Wagner, Ellen Turman, Stanley Furman, Jeri Furman, Roger Snell, Vicky Kennedy
Meeting – 7:10 Call to Order, Lion President John Watters
1.       Renegotiation of Hotel Contract at the Westin -  Lion John suggested the dates for the coming year through November.   
Each month will be the 3rd Wednesday night of month

3.   Beach Bag Project, Oct 9 - Club voted to pay for snacks for the projects.  Approximately 75 volunteers have been recruited.
4.  Children’s Eye Screening update - Thalia will do the screenings for Bayside plus the ones for our club.  Almost all screenings will be completed by the end of October.
5. White Cane- New White Cane Chairperson is Lion Roger Snell - He will work out a date and let us know when we can schedule in October. Other locations are being explored in addition to B. J.’s.
5.  Addition of Service Projects
            a. Volunteering to pack Beach Bags regularly - Lion Nancy will check with the school system
   b. Foodbank volunteering - to stock shelves and unload trucks - Tidewater Drive- would help bring in members and show them that we work for the community. Lion Ellen will contact the Foodbank for more information.
            Samaritan House needs volunteers - Lion Jack Wagner will check with Melody Sanders and give us hard suggestions.
            c. Reading to children - Read Across America will again be a spring activity. This event usually happens in March.
            d. EGRC more often - Lion John will work on scheduling more visits
            e. JCOC - We will wait for the program from the JCOC before we decide what we should do with that organization.
6. Budget - Lion John expressed his ideas about adjusting the budget since we have lost members and we had combined Districts.  Please see the attached old budget and the revision for this year. 
            Major changes: 
John D Parks Award is changed to Lions Charity Foundation for a Good Samaritan.
                       Youth Exchange is eliminated because there is no new director,
            Eye Bank Donor Memorial Fund is eliminated until decisions have been made as to what they wish to do.
            EGRC needs no money.  They have $46,000, Until they need money, we do not need to fund.
            Audible Easter Egg has been eliminated because the program has died.
            Answering Service is ineffective and eliminated.
            Bland Contest is reduced to $300.00
            Eye Exams is reduced to $250
            Parades and Floats - eliminated $62.00
            Public Relations - eliminated $31.00
Income:  Total will be readjusted to account for membership loss, family members, and life   members and honorary members.
Lion John Watters asked for approval, seconded by Lion Jack.  Budget will be presented to the club at the next meeting.
7.  Treasurer’s Report Lion Vicky made an oral report but will email the written account later.  The balance is $2,815 Admin.  Activity $5,078.15.  (See attached)
8.  Sight Chair report - Lion Susie sent a message that we had 3-4 ref this month and referred one to the Newport News Club.
9.   Misc
            a. Polo shirts - Verification of fact that we will give new members a polo shirt instead of a ball cap.
Adjourned:  8:37 pm
Sep 19th, 2018 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Sept. 19, 2019b y President Lion John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Westin, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm

Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

1 Guest, 20 Members - 65% 

Recess for dinner: 6:30_pm
Reconvene: 7:13 pm

Special Guest: Lion Roy Stockdill

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm

Program:  Lion Roy Stockdill – Leader Dog –introduced by Lion Ellen Turman, Program Chairperson

Lion Roy is a Charter member of V. B. Oceanside Lions Club and was President of his club 1987-88 and 1999-2000.  He has 36 years of perfect attendance, was Zone E Chairperson 2010-2011, is a driver for the Lions Mobile Sight and Hearing Unit, participated in RAM (Remote Area Medical) and LAMP (Lions Assisted Medical Project), participated with the Parades & Floats Committee since 1992, District Leader Dog Chairperson and Co- Chairperson since 2005, coordinator for Virginia For Kennel Redesign at Leader Dog, and State General Chairperson for Leader Dog for 6 years since 2006.  Lion Roy has been employed for 41 years at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard as a machinist.

Lion Roy told us that the Leader Dog Program for the blind is 79 years old this year. He explained that in 2014 Leader Dog started a campaign to redesign their kennels.  In two years they raised 21 million dollars.  He showed a very impressive video of the very successful Prison Puppy Program.  Prison raised puppies have a higher success rate than puppies raised outside the system.  Prisoners have the most time to train and find the challenge rewarding.  The program is changing lives of the blind, as well as lives of the prisoners.  The rate of recidivism in inmates is drastically reduced among those who have raised and trained puppies for the Leader Dog Program.  The puppy raising program is in about dozen prisons in the U. S.

There are about 10 other service dog programs in the U. S. but Leader Dog for the Blind is rated number one.  For more information about the Leader Dog Program, please visit their website at  The requirements for acquiring a Leader Dog are that you must know how to use a White Cane and have good basic mobility skills.


1.      Approval of Bylaws – Lion John Watters

Lion John explained briefly how the bylaws had been changed to align with LCI recommendation.

After asking for questions, Lion Stanley moved we approve, Lion Marvin seconded. The vote was unanimous to approve.

2.      Renegotiation for meetings contract with Westin –Lion John Watters

Lion John will negotiate the contract for the New Year.

3.       Filipino-American Lions:  Lion John has tickets for sale for the Philippine Independence celebration at the MacArthur Memorial Center. The date is Oct. 20th 6-9pm.

The Philippine ambassador to the U. S. is scheduled to speak.  Tickets are $35.00 each.  Please let Lion John know if you are interested in attending.  The event is a fund raiser for the Fil/Am Lions Club.

4.       Beach Bag Project – October 9th- Corporate Landing Middle School – 6-8pm

Since LCI/Anthem denied the grant for the Beach Bag Program this year, a grant request was made to Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia to cover the total cost of the project.  The Lions Charity Foundation granted the total amount of $5,575.00.  We were asked to request contributions to the Charity Foundation in the name of the project.  Lion Mary Durbin, the Region Chair, was sent a flyer requesting volunteers and requesting donations from other clubs in Virginia Beach to the Charity Foundation.

Since we will not have the Anthem volunteers to work, we will need to fill the slots with members, friends, connections, churches, etc. Please sign up on the list provided to volunteer for packing bags.  Requests have been sent to many outside contacts, church, student volunteers, other Lions.

If you have friends or family members who would like to participate, please send their names to Lion Nancy. 

5.      Children’s Eye Screening – Lion Nancy supplied a signup sheet for the scheduled Kindergarten Children’s Eye Screening dates.  More dates will be sent out as they are confirmed with the schools. There are 56 schools with kindergarten programs in V. B.  The schools have been divided up into 3 lists, each with a designated SPOT for use.  Nine clubs in V.B. are assisting in getting the school covered before the end of December.

6.      Eyeglass Recycling – Oct. 11th is the next date.  Lion John asked if anyone went to the EGRC last week.  Evidently with the preparation for the impending “non-hurricane”, everyone including Lion John forgot!

7.      White Cane/Broom Sale/ Peanuts– Lion Jack Wagner

Peanuts are still available.  Lion Jack will place another order the later part of Oct.

A White Cane will be proposed on a Friday during the first part of October.  Lion Jack will let us know the exact date and will ask for assistance.

The Broom Sale in September grossed $670.00 with a net profit of about $280-290. 

Lion Jack offered thanks and appreciation to all who assisted in the Broom Sale.

8.      Fall Conference – Lion John Watters
Information has been sent out by email.  Lion John encouraged all to consider attending.  If you cannot go for the entire time, please try to attend the Saturday morning classes.  (Leadership, President’s Class, Secretary’s Class, Treasurer’s Class, Diabetes recertification, SPOT recertification/certification, Grant Writing, and more.

9.      Bid & Buy Charity Auction – Lion Stanley Furman
The Lions Charity Foundation Bid & Buy Auction will take place at Hampton Baptist Church on October 13th.  Lion Stanley said that the club needs at least 8 people to attend to earn $250.00.  At least 3 people are needed work the table at the auction to sell raffle ticket. Please let Lion Stanley know if you will be willing to attend and/or work.
10.  Holiday Families – Lion Stanley Furman has not yet heard from social services. Will send email when info is available.  Lion Nancy Watters may also have names of homeless children from FORKIDS this year.  If enough of us are willing to participate, we may have more families to help.

Secretary’s Report
·         Polio shirts – 20 polo shirts were ordered at the cost of $20 each.  12 of those shirts were requested by specific members.  There are 4 Men’s shirts (2-XL and 2-L) and 4 Women’s shirts (2-XL and 2 L) that are still available.  The idea was to have some remaining to give a shirt to each new member as part of their new member packet instead of giving them a ball cap.  However, some members have expressed interest in buying one of the shirts.  If you would like one that is left, please let me know.  Again, the cost is $20.  There is no plan to order the shirts again until we need them.  The cost of other shirts of “higher” quality with our logo and name runs at least $30.00.  If you find a polo shirt on your own and you want to have the embroidered Lions logo and/or your name, Li on Nancy can take it to Nancy Harbison Uniforms to have it done. The cost of the embroidery will be between $8-12 depending on what you wish.
 ·         Name tags – New magnetic name tags with District 24 I designation have been provided for all members.  They are 2 color and no longer have the raised metallic Lions emblem.  Lion John explained that if you have an old name tag, you may easily remove the emblem from the old tag and super glue the emblem over the logo on the new name tag.
·         Bow Creek Block Party – 9/29/18 – 10-4 pm Town Center Blind Lions – Lion Evonne Green is the contact person.  They are asking for volunteers to help man the screening project at this event.

Lion Marvin told us about a Charity Ping Pong Tournament. "Pingpong Gives" is a fund raiser to for Mental Health and Brain Fitness. Please visit the website at  Additionally, please come Friday night to the Virginia Beach Field House and have some fun, meet sports celebrities, and bid on some very nice items.

Lion Marvin has donated the following commemorative, autographed items on behalf of Thalia Lions Club:

 1. Ronald Reagan in historical setting

 2. Muhammad Ali in historical setting
Lion Dick Kreassig expressed concern that having one meeting a month is a detriment to the continuity of information and events for new members and old.   He has a couple of prospective members and emphasized that you must stay in touch so everyone will know what we are doing.  An updated Thalia brochure and a new member application was passed out to all present. We need to rebuild our membership.

Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
·         Birthdays – Lions Roger Snell 6th, Fran Scott 2nd, Dick Kreassig 23rd, Stanley Furman 30th 
Lion Stanley demanded $5 from all members rather than bidding on who is to sing.  Lion Rog challenged that if everyone would offer up the $5, he would sing the “Cockney” version of Happy Birthday. And, of course, not to be outdone, Lion Aziz had to sing the Farsi version! 
Lion Jack was requested by Lion Dick to sing. Lion Rog requested Lion Stan to sing, and Lion Stan requested Lion Vickie to sing the Stevie Wonder version of Happy Birthday.  It was an International Birthday cacophony.
·         50/50 Raffle - $21.00 – Lion Aziz
§  $14 – Lion Stanley Moss
§  $8 -   Lion Susie Sumnick
·         Progressive Raffle:  Mike Coren - Lion Roy Stockdill pulled Lion Tuffy’s ticket – he picked a Heart but only the 4.  Right church, wrong pew! The Queen is still in the pack.
  Adjourned at 8:17
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
Fri, Sat, Oct 5, 6th – District Fall Conference, Ft. McGruder Center, Wmsbrg
Ø  Tue, Oct 9th – Beach Bag Project, Corporate Landing Middle School, 6 – 8pm
Ø  Sat, Oct 13th – Bid’n Buy, Hampton Baptist Church, 10am – 2pm
Ø  Wed. Oct 17th – Next Meeting date
Ø  Sat. Oct. 20th- MacArthur Commemoration
Ø  Wed. Nov.7th – Board Meeting  - John & Nancy’s 2357 Haversham Close, VB
Ø  Wed. Nov. 14th – November meeting date
Sep 5, 2018 - Board of Directors Agenda, Wednesday
2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Social time – 6:30pm – 7pm Meeting – 7pm
Board Members in attendance: Lions Susan Sumnick, Vickie Kennedy, Stanley Furman, Jeri Anne Furman, Ellen Turman, Dick Kreassig, Jack Wagner, Fran Scott, Nancy Watters and
President John Watters.
Call to Order by Lion President John Watters – 7:00pm
1. By-Laws
Review of old vs new- Lion John distributed copies of the proposed new bylaws and explained how they now would comply with the new recommended Lions Club International recommendations.
After discussion concerning the addition of the Scholarship Committee which was inadvertently omitted. Lion Stanley Furman moved that the new bylaws be presented to the membership for vote with the amended addition of the Scholarship Committee. Lion Ellen
Turman seconded the motion and the Board voted approval.
2. Beach Bag Project, Oct 9, 6-8pm – Cooperate Landing Middle School.
Lion Nancy reported that LCI had recommended that the grant application for the Beach
Bag Project this year should be written for more money since there were always left over funds. So she applied for $5,000 instead of the usual $2,500 that had been granted for the
last 4 years. Just a couple of weeks ago, she was informed by LCI that Anthem would not fund any projects in Virginia Beach, even though they had funded a project in Norfolk.
Unwilling to forfeit the project and feeling a commitment to the school system, Lion Nancy
started looking for other funds. She was advised by Lion Stanley Furman to ask the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeast Virginia. Lion Nancy wrote the grant and LCFSVA approved $5,575.00. They have asked in return that we reach out to Virginia Beach Clubs
and request donations to the Charity Foundation to help replenish their funds. Our problem at this point is to recruit enough volunteers to work the project. We will not have the 30-35 people from Anthem. Lion Nancy is recruiting from the Fil/Am Lions
Club, Virginia Beach Christian Church, a couple of youth volunteer groups at ATC and a group from Cox High School. Along with our Thalia Lions there should be the required number of 60 – 75 volunteers to work the project. Lion Nancy also sent a letter and flyer to Lion Mary Durbin, Region Chair for her to request volunteers from other Va. Beach Clubs and donations from their clubs to the Charity Foundation.
Lion Stanley Furman moved that Thalia Lions send the Charity Foundation $250.00. Lion Ellen Turman seconded and the motion was approved.
3. Membership changes – Our bylaws require that any resignations from our club be approved by the Board of Directors. The purpose of this is to assure that the members are paid and possess no club property. The following resignations were officially approved.
Lions Teena Martin, Brad Furman, Sharon Ross Clemmons, Sheila Romm, Helen Delarosa-Toro Farr, Bob Donnelly, Debra Laughlin, Steve Rosnov, Sylvia Wagner.
All were accepted though some were actually transfers (Lion Debra, Steve, Bob, Sylvia). We expect a resignation from Lion Ashli Eley since she has completed school and will be moving from the area. But that is not yet confirmed.
We are encouraged by our Membership Chairperson, Lion Dick Kreassig, to recruit new members who have a real desire for service and who are in a position in life to offer their time.
4. Status of dues collection- We have 4 members who are in arears with dues. Notification will be sent again to remind these members.
5. Treasurer’s ReportSince the merger of our District with District B at the beginning of the Lions year in July, the budget was placed on hold. Lion Stanley requested that the budget be finalized and presented at the next Board meeting.

6. Sight Chair report- Lion Susan Sumnick reported that we have sent 3 referrals to Dr. Ferrara in August, 1 in September and one last July.
Lion Stan remarked that no club takes credit for cataract surgeries on the LCI report. Since he is the chairperson of that committee of LCF he suggested that Thalia make that report on the LCI website. Last month he referred 2 patients for cataract surgery to the
Hampton Eye Institute and 1 to Sentara Center for Sight. The Charity Foundation pays $500 per eye for each patient.
7. Children’s Eye Screening - Lion Nancy reported that the Virginia Beach Schools will allow Lions to screen all of the Kindergarten classes only in Virginia Beach Elementary School. There are 56 schools and Va. Beach has 3 SPOT devices. Lion Nancy is in the process of getting all those location scheduled to be screened before the Christmas Holidays. The
schools are divided up into three lists with a designated SPOT device and custodian for each location. Mary Shaw, Director of Nurses with the school system has asked that all volunteers be “certified” by the international organization. So Lion Nancy is asking all who want to participate in the screenings, please go to the LCI website and take the necessary “test” to earn a certificate. It is not as daunting a task as it may seem. You can download the manual and use it while you take the online test. It should take about an hour and a certificate will be emailed to you.

6. Misc
Polo shirts were passed out to all who were here that had placed an order. They are $20 each. The remainder of the shirts will be part of the New Member package.
New name tags are now available for all at no charge.
Peanut are here and they have new labels
Adjourned 8:13
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on August 15, 2018, by President Lion John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Westin Towne Center, Virginia Beach, VA with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Social Time - 6pm - 6:30pm
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Song - Lion Roger Snell   ATTENDANCE
Pledge of Allegiance - Lion Mike Coren   1 Guest
Invocation given by Lion Susan Sumnick 19 Members
61% Percent
Recess for Dinner: 6:30pm
Reconvene: 7:11pm

Program: History of Thalia

Deni Norred presented a program on Thalia as it was back in the late 1800's up thru what Thalia looks like today.

Principles of Membership: Lion Dick Kreassig talked about the decline in our membership. We need to make sure when we invite a prospective member to our club that we educate them on what being a Lion entails. They need to know that we are a service organization that supports various services for the blind, diabetes and hearing. We also have projects in the community, as well as fund raisers to support these services.

Blood Drive: The blood drive was held on August 12th at Virginia Beach Christian Church. 26 pints of blood were collected.

Jump Start: Will be held on August 23rd at Corporate Landing Middle School from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Lions offer vision screening for children and provides supplies and services to those children in need. See Lion John Watters if you are interested in volunteering.

Adopt a Student: 14 members participated in the program supplying school supplies for those students in need.

Beach Bag Project: Is to be held on October 9th at Corporate Landing Middle School from 6:00pm to
8:00pm. Lion Nancy Watters has asked for a grant from LCI to fund this project. This project provides a weekend bag of food for those students in need.
Children's Eye Screening: Lion Nancy Watters has met with Mary Shaw, Director of Nurses for Virginia Beach Public Schools on July 26th. She has given the Lions permission to screen all the kindergarten students in the school system. Those Lion clubs will be contacting the schools to set up dates and time for the screenings.

EGRC: President John reported that the next Eye Glass Recycling is September 12th from 10:00am to noon.

White Cane: Lion Jack Wagner reported that the White Cane Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, August 25th, 10:00 am to 6:00pm at BJ's. We are still in need of 2 volunteers for the 12:00pm to 2:00pm shift. Please sign up if you have not done so.

Broom Sale: Lion Jack Wagner reported the Broom Sale is set for Saturday, September 8th from 10:00am to 6:00pm at al's. We still need volunteers in all time slots.
Lion Jack Wagner said that our fundraisers are our primary source of income and is used to support our many community projects. He also mentioned that peanuts will be available to sell at the White Cane and Broom Sale.

Charity Foundation Bid N Buy: Lion PCC Stan Furman reported the sale will be held on Saturday, October 13th from 10:00 am to 2:00pm. Location is Hampton Baptist Church, 40 Kings Way, Hampton, VA.

Secretary's Report:

 *New name tags are on order and should be available at the next meeting.
*Club Shirts (initial order 20) are on order. Cost will be $20. It will have our club name and Lions logo.
*District Fall Conference is scheduled on Friday/ Saturday October 5th and 6th at the Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference Center in Williamsburg. Morning sessions will include Spot Certification/Recertification through Kids Sight USA, LCIF Campaign 100, grant writing. Other classes include President, Secretary and Treasure's school. Luncheon speaker will be talk on Jamestown Discovery Project and Dinner speaker is International Director Connie LeCleir-Meyer.
*Thalia Lions Club received a Membership Award from Lions International.
If you have not done so, download MY LION app, this gives members updated information on our club as well as what LCI is doing around the country.
50/50 Raffle - Lion Stan Furman
Progressive - Lion Mike Coren
Meeting Adjourned at 8:11pm
Respectfully submitted
Lion Ellen Turman, Acting Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
Ø             Wed, Aug 22nd - 39th Annual Meeting/Dinner - LMEB, Norfolk Y&CC, 6pm
Ø             Thu, Aug 23rd -Jump Start, 10am-4pm, Corporate Middle School
Ø             Thu, Sep 12th - Eyeglass Recycling, 10am - noon, 2040 Broadmoor, Chesapeake
Ø             Wed, Sep 19th - Next Thalia Lions Meeting
Ø             Fri, Sat, Oct 5, 6th - District Fall Conference, Ft McGruder Center, Wmsbrg
Ø             Tue, Oct 9th - Beach Bag Project, Corporate Landing Middle School, 6-8pm
Ø             Sat, Oct 13th — Bid n Buy, Hampton Baptist Church, 10am- 2pm
Aug 1, 2018 - Board of Directors Minutes
2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 In Attendance:  Lion President John Watters, Lions Nancy Watters, Stanley Furman, Jeri Furman, Susie Sumnick, Vickie Kennedy, Jack Wagner, Roger Snell, Aziz Selahi, Ellen Turman, Stan Moss, Dick Kreassig,

Social time – 6:30pm – 7pm:   Meeting – 7pm Call to Order 7pm by Lion President John Watters
1.  Activation of By-Laws Committee ( approved  by consensus)
  a. Committee Members:  Lions John Watters, Stan Furman
  b. Needed changes – LCI club structure, new officer positions
  c.  Report due next month, then vote by club members will be at a following meeting.
2.  Standing Committees assignments – Lion John Passed out the diagram explaining the new structure of club positions, i.e., By-Laws, Finance, Programs, Bland, Scholarship, Sight, Hearing, EGRC and Children’s Services, GMT, GST, GAT, Fundraising, Membership
3. Dues Structure – LCI has instituted a $3.58 “monthly” charge for membership dues.  In an effort to solve the dilemma of how much to charge a new member depending on the time of year the member joins, Lion John worked out a quarterly schedule (see attached).  In addition to the Regular Member Schedule, a Family Member Schedule was also devised. This schedule was adopted with a motion from Lion Stan and a second by Lion Jack.
4.  Family members (more than one Lion occupying the same address) get a slight break in dues.  The Head of the Family member pays the full amount but the second member and consecutive members pay $20.00 less.  For several years, our club has enforced no difference in membership dues. Lion Stan moved and Lion Ellen seconded that we collect our dues based on the Family Dues amount for those members who are enrolled as Family members on the LCI membership roster.
5. Lion John announced that LCI has free joining fee for all veterans and active duty until 2021.  That is a $35 savings for all who qualify.  Hopefully we can take advantage of this new incentive to attract more members.
6. Lion Nancy has a total 11 polo shirt orders for the standard, cotton polo shirt with our club logo.  In order to get the best pricing from Nancy Harbison Uniforms, an order of 20 is necessary.  The suggestion was that we place an order for the remaining shirts in various sizes to give to new members as we induct them instead of the ball caps that have been used for years.  Lion John unsuccessfully attempted to get a consensus.  There was concern with the quality of the shirt and it was requested that we pursue the idea further.   Lion Susie moved and Lion Ellen seconded that we order the first 20 shirts, 11 of which are already requested and then look further for a better quality for as low a cost as possible.  The motion was seconded and passed.  Lion Nancy Watterswill place the order, and negotiate further with Harbison or elsewhere. 
7.  Name tags can be ordered from an online site for $6.90 each with no shipping costs.  Lion Nancy asked if we could place an order.  These name tags would have a magnetic catch on the back.  Lion Jack asked that we check with Lion Jim Healy about his source because he orders for the FBI and may have an even better source.  Ordering from LCI is $10.95 each with exorbitant shipping rates.
8.  Credit Card Dues collection- If any member wishes to pay their dues by credit card the cost will be $103.00 to cover processing fee.  The charge for meals would be $21.00. This idea was passed by consensus.
9.  Peanut labels – Lion Jack will place a peanut order very soon.  It was suggested that instead of buying labels that cost about $.75 per can, we just use Club stickers for the top of the cans.  Lion Roger Snell volunteered to investigate getting vinyl stickers done. We now have 11 varieties of peanuts and we can order any of them.  Lion Nancy will send out the list with prices.  Lion Jack would like the club members to let him know which kinds and how many of each they could sell.   Members will be asked to email Lion Jack at their wishes.
10. Membership Plan – Lion Dick Kreassig has volunteered to Chair the position and Lion Ellen Turman has volunteered to assist. Lion Dick, with many years of experience in Lions, made the point that we need to recruit life-long members.  Though there are exceptions, young career people with children are often are not ideal because of the lack of time they have to devote to service.  His point was that when we recruit, we need to make it clear that we are a service organization, not a business or social club. He and Lion Ellen will develop a membership plan and present it to the club. 
11. Lion Marvin Clemmons has relinquished the Program Chair and Lion Ellen Turman has volunteered to assume the position.  Lion Ellen was charged to return to the tradition of having more Lions oriented programs to keep our club members informed of Lions activities and to inform our newer members of what we do as a District and International organization.
12. Children’s Eye Screening for VBPS and Head Start – After over a year of working with the Director of Nurses for the Va. Beach Public School System, we are finally going to be allowed to do Children’s Eye Screening.  However, we are only allowed to work with the Kindergarten programs in each school.  This is a baby step toward further participation but at least it is a beginning.  There are 56 schools with Kindergarten programs in Virginia Beach.  There are 3 SPOT machines and 9 clubs.  Hopefully, we can get organized enough to accomplish this goal.  All screenings must be completed by the end of the first 60 school days of the year. (sometime in December)  Lion Nancy and John Watters will do a presentation to the Kindergarten nurses on August 28th to encourage the nurses in each school to take advantage of our services.
13.  Lion Jack proposed that we do a broom sale and white cane on separate dates. The Board approved by consensus.  A sign-up sheet for the White Cane on 8/28 and a sign-up for the Broom Sale on Sept. 5th. Please respond to Lion Jack Wagner at or call him to let him know -when you can work.  H:  481-9123 C:  286-0222
14. Lion Irene received a call from the Central Library asking what to do when a person wanted to go through the box to find glasses that would work for them.  Lion Aziz picks up glasses there every two weeks.  He will supply the name of our Sight Chairperson for contact when someone needs to be referred for glasses. (Lion Susie Sumnick is the new Sight Conservation Chair for our Club.)
15. Lion Stan asked that since we are down to 1 meeting per month, he would like a Sight Chair report to be given at each meeting.  That will also let the newer members as well as the rest of us know how we are serving those in need.
16. Lion John demonstrated the new mobile app MYLION.  All members with smart phones should download the new app.  You can log in and create a password by using your membership number found on your membership card.  You can change the username from your number to a name of your choice after you are once logged in.  This app is a great way to stay in touch with members, other Lions Club, see and post activities.  Eventually MYLION and MYLCI will merge into one site and all reporting will be done by the app.
Adjourned:  8:18

(first meeting for President Lion John Watters)
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on July 18, 2018, by President Lion John Watters at 6:30 pm at the Westin, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting. Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
ATTENDANCE:   _5 Guest ­_21 Members  _62 Percent
Recess for dinner: 6:30_pm: Reconvene: 7:17 pm
Special Guests:  Scotty Carter, Lion Dick Kreassig’s Grandson.  Scotty is special to our club since his diagnosis with Juvenile Diabetes at a very young age.  He looks wonderful and will be attending Randolph Macon on Volley Ball Scholarship.  Congratulations, Scotty!!
Scholarship Winners:  Thanks to our Scholarship Committee, Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Susan Sumnick, and Lion Bob Perrine for selecting the following students for our 2018 scholarship program and inviting them to our meeting.  We welcomed the following winners and presented them with their scholarships.
*Leigh Mante – Princess Anne High $1,000 scholarship winner - (a $500 check given to her for 1/2 of scholarship award and after 1st semester the other half ) She was #11 out of 444 scholarship winners at Princess Anne High.
*Hunter Perez – Adult Learning Center – Plays guitar, completed GED in 2 months and is going to TCC- Money is sent to TCC. $1,000.00
*Gianni Mirandi - who is attending TCC was awarded the $500 Ed DeLong Memorial Scholarship. Gianni was unable to attend the meeting. Money is sent to TCC. $500
Induction of New Member, Steve Eggleston, by PCC Lion Stan Furman.  Lion Steve is sponsored by Lion Nancy Watters
1. Blood Drive – August 12th – Virginia Beach Christian Church 12-5pm – a signup sheet was provided for the members present.
2. Jump Start – August 23rd – Corporate Landing Middle School -10-4pm (Lions offer vision screening for children as part of a project  provides supplies and services to needy children identified by the school system.)  As signup sheet was provided to members present.
Adopt a Child – Service that identifies children in need of supplies to begin the school year.  A description of the child, their likes, sizes, and other information is given and the needs are anonymously supplied.  A signup list was provided for members who wish to participate in the project.  Adopt a Student will contact those members by email.
 3. Beach Bag Project – October 9th- Corporate Landing Middle School – 6-8pm
A grant request was made to LCF to cover the total cost of the project.  $5,500.00.  Though it is unlikely that the full amount will be granted, we do expect at least $2,000.00, the previously years grant.  A signup sheet was provided for the event.
4. Children’s Eye Screening:  Lion Nancy has an appointment with Mary Shaw, Director of Nurses for V.B. Schools on  July 26th concerning permission to screen the Va. Beach elementary schools.
Filipino-American Lions:  The new Fil/Am club now has 39 members. Activities and Fund raisers for the new club are in process. They have planned  2 Casino Trips  and  a MacArthur Center celebration of Philippine Independence Day.   They have 12 members who have registered to participate in the Beach Bag Project with Thalia.  Lion John presented the LCI Thalia Membership Award as well as the New Club Sponsor Patch for the club.
5. Youth Exchange:  Lion John reported that we had 27 Exchange Students plus counselors and Lions for a total of 49 people at the Youth Exchange Dinner on Sunday, July 8th.  Thanks to all who provided, prepared and help set up and serve.  The students were friendly and delightful.
6. Membership Chair is vacant.  Lion John asked for a volunteer.  Lion Dick Kreassig offered to take the position.  Thank you, Lion Dick.
Lions Medical Eye Bank - 39th annual member meeting at Norfolk Yacht Club August 22 nd. Reservation forms were available to members.  The speaker is David LeGrand, an Ocular Prosthetist.
Lion Stan Furman – LCF raffle tickets were distributed for members to sell for the Oct. 13th Bid & Buy Auction.  The club members need to get donations for the Silent Auction.  This is the only fund raiser for the Charity.
EGRC – A trip to the Eyeglass Recycling Center is scheduled every 2nd Thurs. of each month.   Last week 6 members participated in the service event.  Thank you to all who volunteer,
Secretary’s Report
• 1st District meeting is July 28thh at Providence Forge. Meeting starts at 1pm.  We are now Dist. 24  zone O.
• Dues may be paid by credit card with an additional $3.00 to cover the credit card charges. $103.00
• Membership cards are available with your membership number.  If you wish to sign in to MyLion, you will need your membership number to do so.  You may change your user name after you have logged on.
• Lion Susie Sumnick has agreed to be the Sight Chair for 2018.
• When we do large project like, Beach Bag, Jump Start, Broom Sales, White Cane and others.  It would be nice to have all members wearing the same Lion’s Logo shirt in the same color.  For $20 per shirt, we can order in quantity, the same color, with Lions Logo and Club name. If you would be interested, please give your name to Lion Nancy.  Maybe we could consider giving our new members a Thalia Lions Polo Shirt instead of a ball cap.  Our other shirts would still be acceptable to wear on any occasions when we are working but we would try to be consistent with larger projects.   As signup sheet was available for those interested.  The idea will be discussed at the upcoming Board meeting.
• Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
• Birthdays –  Lion Ellen Turman, Lion Susie Sumnick, Lion Martin Joseph
• Lion John & Nancy harmonized for Lion Ellen (the only one in attendance who could stand to hear the discord!)  Their performance was only worth $57.00!
• 50/50 Raffle  $20- Nancy Nelson        $10-  Nancy Watters              $5-John Watters
• Progressive Raffle:  Mike  Coren drew his own number  but pulled the 2 of Spades instead of the Ace!!
The two raffles earned $49 for the Admin Account.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:09 which did not please Lion Bob 1.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
             July 28th (Sat)  First District Meeting, Providence Forge 
             Aug. 1, (Wed) – Thalia Lions board Meeting, 2347 Haversham Close – 6pm
             Aug 9th (Thur) – Eyeglass Recycling, 10-12 – 2040 Broadmoor, Chesapeake
             Aug 12th (Sun) – Blood Drive, 12-5 – VB Christian Church, 2225 Rose Hall Dr.
             Aug 15th (Wed) – Next Regular Club Meeting – Westin
             Aug 22nd (Wed) -  EyeBank Annual Dinner – Norfolk Yacht Club -5 pm
             Aug 23 (Thur) -Jump Start – 10-4 – Corporate Landing Middle School
             Oct 9 (Tues) – Beach Bag – Corporate Landing Middle School


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