Meeting 2019-2020

Installation  Meeting Minutes, Wed. June 17, 2020- 7p.m.
Last meeting for 2019-2020 
Via ZOOM hosted by Lion Jon Halvorson
Logged on: Lions Stanley & Jeri Furman, Lion Mike Coren, Lion Bob Perrine, Lion Jon Halvorson, Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Billy McIntyre, Lion Nancy Nelson, Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion Marsha Montgomery, Lion Ellen Turman, Lions John & Nancy Watters, Lion Roger Snell, Lion Stan Moss, Lion Irene Conlin, Lions Karen and Bill Austin
President Lion Ellen Turman - Call to Order 7:00 p.m. Lion Turman's last meeting as she had the presidency to Lion Jeri Furman
Because of the delay format in Zoom meetings, The Patriotic Song and Pledge of Allegiance was omitted.
Lion President Ellen offered the following Invocation:
            Grant us, God of all, a vision of your world as your love would have it: a world where the weak are protected and none go hungry or poor; a world where the riches of creation are shared and everyone can enjoy them; a world where different races and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect; a world where peace is built with justice and justice is guided by love.
Give us the inspiration and courage as Lions to build it, give us motivation and energy as Lion offering ourselves in service to creating it.

Outgoing President Lion Ellen Turman’s comments:
So here we are at the end of the year.  In my wildness dreams I never thought we would be holding our Installation and last meeting of Lions’s year 2019-20 by way of Zoom.  Thank goodness for modern technology that enables us to still function as a club and meet in fellowship. Reflecting on this past year’s activities and fundraiser, Thalia Lions Club has accomplished a lot. Our club has been able to meet twice month, the 1st meeting of the month was at the Ronald McDonald House thanks to Lion Vickie Kennedy.  And the 2nd meeting was at Westin Hotel. 
We welcomed two new members Billy McIntyre and Jon Halverson into the club.
Some of the Highlights of this Year’s Projects were:
*The Spot Program, 2,000 children from 56 Virginia Beach Schools and Head Start Program were screened.
*Adopt a Student Bookbag Project – members provided school supplies for at least 25 children.
*The VBPS Beach Bag Project, our club helped secure funds for us to pack 2,000 bags of food for hunger risk children.
*The Blood Drive at VBCC with 20 pints being collected.
*Eyeglass Recycling Center regular monthly trips to clean, read and package recycled glasses.
*Thanksgiving food project provided holiday food to 10 families.
*Secret Santa Holiday Gifts to 25 children from For Kids and Social Services.
*Annual James Bland Music Competition, sponsorship for young musicians.
*Vision Walk - the Virtual walk on Zoom, our club raised $2,000.
*And Subway sandwiches for Sentara medical workers, one of the last memorable and rewarding projects.
*We also had numerous other projects that we participated in during this past year like Adopt a Student, Foodbank Collections, Sight & Hearing Van, Reading Across America Project.   But I will stop there for now.
All I can say is WOW, what a year it has been. Our Tail Twister kept us laughing while we fellowshipped with each other. And let us not forget our annual Holiday Party at the Watters “Estate”. One of the things I am proudest of is that our members when called upon are willing and able to serve. I extend my thanks to the Board and fellow Lions for their support and help this past year.  It was truly a pleasure serving as your President. And Lion President Lion Jeri, I look forward to supporting you as our President this upcoming year.
Lion Ellen Turman

Presidential presentation - Lion Secretary Nancy Watters presented Lion Ellen with a Gold-plated Lion statue with her name and term of office engraved on the base. The statue is from Thalia Lions in appreciation of her year of service as President.
Installation of Officers – Past Council Chair Lion Stanley Furman
The following Slate of Officers were duly elected by Thalia Lions Club for the 2020-21 Lions Year as verified by Secretary Lion Nancy Watters.
Lion Stanley swore each of the following members to office.
President, GAT (Global Action Team):  Lion Jeri Furman
1st Vice President:  Lion Nancy Nelson
2nd Vice President: Lion Marsha Montgomery
Treasurer: Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary GST (Global Service Team): Lion Nancy Watters
Membership, GMT (Global Membership Team): Lion Dick Kreassig
Marketing & Communication: Lion Bob Perrine
LCIF (Lions Club International Foundation) Coordinator: Lion Stanley Furman
Lion Tamer: Lion Jon Halverson
Tail Twister: Lion Stan Moss
Immediate Past President: Lion Ellen Turman
Continuing Directors (serving second year of a 2-year term): Lion Mike Coren & Lion Jack Wagner
New Directors:  Lion Billy McIntyre, Lion Roger Snell (serving 1st year of a 2 year term)
Officers are President, 1st & 2nd V. Pres. Sect. & Treas.

Passing of the Gavel, Charter, and President’s Pin – Lion Ellen Turman virtually recognized Lion Jeri Furman as the new President and virtually passed the gavel and pin.  The Charter is under repair and will be delivered at  later date.
Incoming President, Lion Jeri Furman’s comments:
Fellow Lions,
When Lion Jack Wagner, representing the nominating committee for 2020-21, asked me to be 1st Vice President, I asked him who was taking the position of President.  His response was that he did not know at that time.  I surprised him and shocked myself by telling him that I would like to be President again.  Though I had said I did not want to take the office again, I made a quick decision while talking to him. 
I pledge to do my best serving as President and hope to be as successful as past presidents have done.  My one request to the club is a request that Lion Nancy Watters made when she held the office of President.  That request is that you wear your Lions pin every day, no matter where you go.  Someone may see it and ask about Lionism.  You will then have a chance to explain how the club serves the community and fulfills our motto, We Serve. You pin can open the door for new members to participate in our mission.
I hope everyone will stay healthy this year and that Thalia Lions Club will have a great year serving the community during the Corona Virus Pandemic.  We hope we will be able to restart our regular meetings together very soon.
Lion Jeri Furman

Secretary reminders:
June 30th, Tues. 6:30pm – Zone O meeting Zoom - Homer Cook is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting
June 25-27, Virtual Foundation for Fighting Blindness Conference (please see attached information and link)
July 1st, Wed. 7pm – Zoom Board meeting (joint meeting of old board and new)
July 15th, Wed. 7pm – Zoom Regular meeting
July 18th, Lion Charity Foundation Meeting – Windsor Town Center, 23362 Courthouse Hwy, Windsor, VA
August 2nd, Sunday – 12-5pm Blood Drive – VB Christian Church
FFB Conference
Covid 19 – risk assessment of activities

May 20, 2020 - Regular Meeting Minutes, - 7p.m. Via ZOOM
Hosted by Lion Jon Halvorson
Logged on: Lions Stanley & Jeri Furman, Lion Mike Coren, Lion Fran Scott, Lion Bob Perrine, Lion Jon Halvorson, Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Billy McIntyre, Lion Nancy Nelson, Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion Marsha Montgomery, Lion Susan Sumnick, Lion Ellen Turman, Lion Jack Wagner, Lions John & Nancy Watters
Guest: Lion Debra Laughlin – Vision Walk Co Chairperson

President Lion Ellen Turman - Call to Order 7:00 p.m.
Lion Ellen welcomed all members to the meeting and recognized Lion Debra Laughlin as our guest.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see the attached report
Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters –

Subway -Mohammed Razavi, owner of Subway, reported that sandwiches were delivered for medical workers at Sentara Va. Beach and were much appreciated.  He was greeted at the door by the Volunteer coordinator.

Vision Walk – An invitation to join the Vision Walk was sent out electronically and many members have signed up.  Lion Nancy turned that discussion over to our guest, Lion Debra Laughlin.

Lion Debra Laughlin is co-chairperson of Vision Walk this year. The goal was to raise $76,000.  Even with the effects of the pandemic, their goal is only $20,000 off.  She encourages all of us to support and to send links from our Vision Walk team to our friends asking for donations. Our club has budgeted $300 to Vision Walk and will make that donation.
For obvious reasons, the Vision Walk will not be a physical walk on the oceanfront this year.  Instead, the Walk will be virtual.  Teams are asked to create a “Vision Walk” activity on June 6th  and post it to #visionwalkstrong.  Postings may be individual or groups, or teams.  She offered a couple of suggestions.  Our club decided we would log into ZOOM at 1pm June 6th.  We will all wear face masks and do a screenshot to submit to #visionwalkstrong.    There will have a sign that says Thalia Lions Club.
Lion Jack asked for any new information concerning the research in fighting retinitis pigmentosa. Lion Debra reported that there is exciting cutting edge new concerning crisper genetic research that is giving positive hope for her condition.  
As a side note, Lion Debra will be our Zone Chairperson for next year, 2020-21.

Lion Stanley Furman – Lions Charity Foundation – the raffle was held on May 14th but he does not have the list of winners.  Our club ballots were cast in the election for the coming Lions year but as yet there are no final results.

The yearly meeting of the Charity Foundation is still scheduled for July in Windsor but will likely be cancelled.

Lion Bob Perrine – Scholarship Report - though he has attempted to reach the ALC and PA High School, he has been unsuccessful.  Considering the changes as a result of Covid 19, Lion Bob thought we should probably wait until next year to award the scholarships.  He will follow up in the meantime. ******(please read update at the end of the minutes)

Lion President Ellen Turman
ZOOM meetings -Lion Jon Halvorson has been graciously hosting our ZOOM meetings.  Since we are likely to continue for quite some time, it was suggested that we create a club ZOOM account.  Lion Jon and Lion Vickie Kennedy will work together to set up the account using our club debit card.  Subscription is $14.95 per month with only a slight discount for a yearly subscription.  We decided to opt for month to month since we do not know how long we will need to meet virtually.  Lion Jon will be reimbursed for any expense he has incurred during the to trial meetings we have held. 
Fundraiser – There was much discussion concerning masks with and without logos, masks in packages of 5 (n95) available through Lion Aziz, and masks through the Lions Charity Foundation, no decision was made.  It is difficult to find reasonable priced offerings but even more difficult to market since everyone is staying home.  However, if anyone wants to order masks through Lion Aziz, please contact him. 
Lion Mike Coren has been given 10 or so masks.  If anyone is in need, please let him know.

It is important that we have a fund raiser to fund next year’s budget.  We must continue to rack our brains!

Peanuts – Please let Lion Jack know if you need peanuts.  He has a healthy supply.  This has been an excellent fundraiser but sales are off for obvious reasons.  Please support the project to the best of your abilities.

Food Collection - There was much interest in doing another food drive.  Instead of having one person to collect and deliver all the food to the Food Bank drop off spots, members were encouraged to make the deliveries on their own. 
Our Club has agreed to challenge members to drop off food at the local foodbank collection spots. Please make your drop off before the June 6th ZOOM meeting.  Members are asked to take a photo of their drop off items to submit with the end of the month report.

Food donations can be made to these drop-off sites Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon.

Hilltop Family YMCA
1536 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Great Bridge/Hickory Family YMCA
633 South Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23322

Mt. Trashmore Family YMCA
4441 South Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Taylor Bend Family YMCA
4626 Taylor Road, Chesapeake, VA 23321
Samaritan House- Lion Jack reported that Samaritan House is in desperate need.  Reports of abuse has risen 84% as a result of Covid19.  So Samaritan House is pushed to the limit.  Because of volunteer limitations, money donations are best.  But if you would like to donate food and supplies, Lion Jack will accept them. The address for Samaritan House is:  2620 Southern Boulevard VB VA 23452.  Make checks payable to SAMARITAN HOUSE.  Mark checks PANTRY which puts the money toward food supplies for the victims.  If you wish send your donation to the attention of Melody Sanders which also will guarantee it goes to the PANTRY. A letter of request will be included with the minutes.

Upcoming Events:
May 22-June 5th – Make your Foodbank donation!!
Sat., June 6th 1pm – ZOOM for Vision Walk
Wed., June 17th 7pm – ZOOM meeting -Induction of Officers for 2020-21 (Lion Stanley Furman)
Wed., July 1st 7pm– ZOOM Joint Board meeting – Officers from 2019-20 and 2020-21
Wed., July 22nd 7pm – ZOOM Club meeting

******Note from Lion Bob Perrine:  Update on Scholarships
I talked to the new Adult Learning Center (ALC) Director, Joey Phillips, last night. He is in the process of appointing a new coordinator for our scholarships and said the ALC is going to wait until 2021 to have students apply.
Cathy Delaney, Princess Anne Coordinator, put our form on line last month with no takers. She agrees that students can have until 22 July to send their applications to me.  She has changed the date on our Thalia Lions application form submission to 22 July.
I have made changes to both forms.

Apr 22, 2020, Regular Meeting via ZOOM
Logged on: Lions Stanley & Jeri Furman, Lions Bill & Karen Austin, Lion Irene Conlin, Lion Mike Coren, Lion Jon Halvorson, Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Billy McIntyre, Lion Nancy Nelson, Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion Roger Snell, Lion Susan Sumnick, Lion Ellen Turman, Lion Jack Wagner, Lions John & Nancy Watters
President Lion Ellen Turman - Call to Order 7:00p.m.
Lion Ellen welcomed all members to the meeting.  Except for a few members who are still working, most reported that they were still sheltering in place.
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see the attached report. Lion Stanley questioned the meal expenses.  Lion Vickie offered the explanation and agreed to double check the validity of the numbers. 
Since schools are officially closed, there was a question about to whom the school clinic donations to our three elementary schools should be made.  Since school offices are still open, the decision was made to mail the checks to the schools earmarked for use by the nurses in each school clinic.
President Lion Ellen – Election of Officers - asked for any questions, nominations, or comments from the floor concerning the election of new officers for the year 2020-2021.
Lion Stanley Furman moved to accept the slate as presented.  Lion Aziz Selahi offered the second. The members present voted to accept the slate unanimously.
Nominating Committee:
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Mike Coren
Lion Ellen Turman
Officer’s for 2020-2021
President, GAT:  Lion Jeri Furman
1st Vice President:  Lion Nancy Nelson
2nd Vice President: Lion Marsha Montgomery 
Treasurer: Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary GST: Lion Nancy Watters
Immediate Past President: Lion Ellen Turman
Membership, GMT: Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Tamer: Lion Jon Halverson
Tail Twister: Lion Stan Moss
Continuing Directors: Lion Mike Coren
Lion Jack Wagner
New Directors:  Lion Billy McIntyre
Lion Roger Snell
LCIF Coordinator: Lion Stanley Furman
Marketing, Communication: Lion Bob Perrine
1.     Sentara Diabetes Project -Donation of designated Lions Charity Foundation funds to the Sentara Diabetes Project - $250.  This donation was made in honor of Lion Dick Kreassig’s grandson, Scotty.
2.     Foodbank Collection -April 20th – Delivery of canned goods to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia – Lion Jon Halvorson – because of the rainy weather, Lion Jon is to deliver the items on Thursday, April 23rd.  He was very pleased with the amount of non-perishable goods that was donated.  Since the YMCA’s at Mt. Trashmore and at Hilltop are drop off centers, we encourage members to drop off items individually anytime in the future.
3.     Subway Sandwiched for Medical Teams - April 27th – delivery of Subway sandwiches to the medical teams at Va. Beach Sentara – Lion Nancy Watters and Lion Aziz Selahi - Our club collected enough money to cover 240 sandwiches for the medical teams.  Mohammed Razavi, owner of Subway on Great Neck Rd., has agreed to box each sandwich and add a bag of chips and a cookie as his part of the donation.  “Mo” and his wife visited our club meeting last September and they are good friends with Lion Aziz.  The sandwiches will be delivered to Sentara Va. Beach on First Colonial Rd. on Monday, April 27th at 11:30am.  Each box will have a sticker saying “Thank You! From the Thalia Lions Club –”                             
4.      LOVF Raffle Tickets – Lion Stanley Furman will submit the raffle ticket stubs for the drawing this week.  Our club sold about $400.  Our club keeps abour 1/3rd of the money collected.
5.     Peanuts – Lion Jack Wagner reminded everyone that he still has peanuts, especially chocolate covered.  Please let him know if you want any to purchase of sell. or 481-9123.
Upcoming business:
Lion of the Year Selection:  As Secretary, Lion Nancy will send out an email requesting your choice for Lion of the Year.  The selection is decided by the pure number of votes per person.  The vote is anonymous…..IF everyone will simply hit REPLY instead of REPLY ALL.  So, unless you wish everyone know your opinion, please hit REPLY.  The award will be announced when we install officers.
The next meeting will be by ZOOM and be announced officially at a later date.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
****Just for kicks and giggles….Here is what our members say they are doing in their spare time.
Lion Rog Snell – working with a sign design company
Lion Irene Conlin – Still working at her job from home but enjoying an afternoon nap
Lion Ellen Turman – Still working at her job from home and enjoying sloppy clothes
Lion Aziz – Washing all the dishes Arian is messing up as she cooks.
Lion Jeri – Reportedly reading lots of sexy books (you just can’t make this stuff up!)
Lion Stanley – Has deemed the entire boardwalk at the beach his personal property for walking.
Lion Billy and Lion Jack - Doing lots of yardwork and gardening.  (I hope they have something to share in the summer because I love tomatoes) Lion Billy is still working at his design company.
Lion Mike – Didn’t say but it looked like he was on a virtual exercise bike – Go Lion Mike!
Lions Bill and Karen – They are organizing and transferring old slides to picture albums.  Lion Bill is writing another book.  Can’t wait for that!
Lion Nancy Nelson – Enjoying her martinis and talking to her family on Zoom
Lion Nancy Watters – Catching up on stuff and doing a little watercolor.
Lion John Watters – Tackling PPPs – Previously Procrastinated Projects including transfering to digital format 68 years of old slides.  But he found time to bake naan at Easter.
Lion Vickie – Working at RMH – Her interesting story was that an anonymous donor literally left a cash donation of $50,000 on the doorstep of the House. Wow! 

Feb 19, 2020 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order Feb. 19, 2020 by V. President Lion Jeri Furman at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting

General Meeting / Dinner 6:30 pm
1st Vice President Lion Jeri Furman - Call to Order
1 Guest, 21 Members - 65.6%
Introduction of Guests: Lion Susie Sumnick introduced Gerri Webb.  Gerri is in Lion Susie’s book club and has expressed interest in joining Lions.                                      
Recess for Dinner:
Reconvene – 7:07
Introduction of Guest Speaker, Lion Billy McIntyre by Lion Nancy Nelson
Lion Billy worked at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for 40 years moving to the senior ranks very quickly.  He decided that instead of begging for change he would be the change.  Diversity and Inclusion is near and dear to his heart.  He was the first director of the Diversity & Inclusion Department of the shipyard.  His dilemma was that he could not understand why there should be a diversity and inclusion department, when diversity and inclusion should be automatic. In 2013, he joined the VB Roundtable organized by James Spore to organize and share best practices in the city for diversity and inclusion.  It is the hub where best practices of Diversity and Inclusion within the Hampton Roads area are shared. He has recently formed a new company called Diversity, Equal, Included, Global, LLC.  Lion Billy’s goal is to work himself out of a job by making the organization obsolete. He was very instrumental in leading the VB organization to receive the FBI Community Service Award and will go to D.C. on May 1st to receive an award from the Director of the FBI for his work.  Lion Billy has much to be proud of and is very grateful.  He stated that he felt totally welcome and included immediately by Thalia Lions Club. Shipyard story - Because his mother was ill, Lion Billy could not go to college, so he went to work at the age of 12 in a seafood market.  At 19 (1974), he began work as a woodcrafter apprentice in the shipyard at $3.03 per hour.  One day he was sent to the office for materials and saw a group of supervisors, all white, sitting around the desk smoking cigars and talking.  He was not aware before that time that there was such a place.  He told his buddies that he wanted that job.  They all told Lion Billy, “they are not going to let you have one of those jobs. You must go to school and get courses to prepare yourself.  You are not qualified.” He told his buddies, “they are not going to stop me.”  So, with no college degree, Lion Billy motivated himself to go after one of the positions as shop planner.  He was not going to be stopped.  The requirement was a 4-year apprenticeship, academics and then 4yrs work on the waterfront.  He would be a full-fledged mechanic after completion of the apprenticeship. The Shop Planner was in process of retiring.  He had groomed a younger guy for the job, but he had not been on the waterfront for the required length of time.  Lion Billy was chosen as the next best guy to do the job.  He was to fill the job temporarily to buy the other guy enough time to qualify for the job.  Billy did not know what was required but he was not going to be stopped.  His temporary job of 120 required days came to an end. Then it was noted that the other guy was required to have 180 days instead of 120 on the waterfront.  There had been a mistake.  Lion Billy was given another 40 days in the position, but the appointment was for 1 year.  He impressed the management so much that he remained on the job.    Billy was the very first minority shop planner in the history of the shipyard.  Now Billy had achieved the job he wanted. He was in the service group of overseeing 5 shipyard shops. Then, there was a need for a Supervisor for Shop Planners overseeing 35 employees.  Lion Billy was appointed the position temporarily for 120 days.  Still the youngest guy on the totem pole, he did such a good job that his position was made permanent. When a Group planning supervisor position came open, Lion Billy was chosen. That position put him at a GS-11 level.  He kept reiterating that all this happened because of the way he thought.  He would not be stopped. He refused the idea that “they will not let him” and set his mind to “they will not stop him.” There was zero minority representation in the Management Supervisor level at the shipyard.  Billy had been promoted in the planning area not in the shop area. The Shipyard commander expressed the desire to meet him.  He was asked to sign for 120 days as Shop Superintendent.   By the time he arrived everyone knew of the promotion which put him at a GS-14 level.  Lion Billy said that he felt like President Obama taking the office President. His salary went from $31,000 to $51,000……for 120 days!!  Some people were excited, some mad.  He was 32 years old and all others were close to retirement. They did not know how to accept this skinny, black guy with no college degree.  His former shop supervisor was furious.  The Superintendent’s Association was angry. Lion Billy’s salary again jumped to $54,000.  A special meeting with the Shipyard Commander in charge of everything was called.  On Monday morning, he was supposed to meet with the superintendent to receive instructions for taking over 700 people with 5 levels of management.  The Supervisor made excuses and told him to come back on Friday.  For the next month, appointments were avoided even though he was receiving the increased pay.  He had the new position and was being paid but had not yet been allowed in his office!  The Exec. board of the Superintendent’s Association met with the Commander. They thought Lion Billy was a nice guy but that he was too young and was not ready for the job. The Commander told them that he believed in Lion Billy and would give him 120 days.  If it did not work out then he could be retrained.  On Friday, Lion Billy reported to the office for turnover training but the Supervisor left without showing him anything.  There was no turnover.  He was set up to fail.  All the managers in the building were in an uproar.  Lion Billy told them that he wanted to build a conference room beside his office. The workers informed him that they had a consensus and all agreed that was no need for a conference room.  As a result, Lion Billy required not only a conference room but insisted on an office remodeling. Three months into the year Lion Billy was promoted permanently.  He was the first Black man to be promoted in the shipyard to such a level in 225 years.   He had become one the top 5 in charge of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. The Supervisor in the top position died but not before meeting with the Commander.  Lion Billy was on the agenda.  He wanted to make certain that Lion Billy received his promotion. 
Still the youngest kid on the block, Lion Billy was promoted to a GS 15 level…...  for 120 days with a salary of $66,000 because they were not going to stop him.  He was not going to let them!  

Induction of New Member!! Lion Jon Halvorson by Lion Stanley Furman
Lion Bob Perrine is Lion Jon’s sponsor.  Lion Jon appreciates the honor. He stated that in his
early years he chased around and wound up in a dark place.  But he has now turned his life around and devoted himself to God, his family, and service to others.  We welcomed Lion Jon to membership in our club.

Lion Vice President Jeri Furman:
Approval of minutes from Jan. 15th meeting Lion Jack moved Stan seconded.
Winter Conference – Feb 29 – Holiday Inn, 515 ByPass Rd, Williamsburg, Va. - Flyers were on the tables and are attached.   All members are encouraged to attend.  The educational session is from 9am-12pm with a BBQ luncheon.  Cabinet and District meetings are from 1pm-3pm.  Registration is $5 and lunch is $20.
Zone O meeting is on 19 March at GaungDong Taste, 3497 Holland Rd.  Lion Homer Cook will call the meeting to order at 6PM and we will be done by 8PM.  Ms. Susan DeAbeto, Sentara VB, will discuss the resources available for diabetics in our area.  Mr. Joe Flanagan will talk about " A tough nut to crack" how to attract media attention.  Lion Homer will speak about the status of the Zone and then hold a training session to complete his requirements from FDI.  PDG Beth Stevens will be there to  evaluate him.  We need to give Lion Homer the number from our club to expect. Please respond to Lion Nancy or Lion Ellen.
State Convention – May 14-17 Delta Hotel by Marriott Chesapeake, 725 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA.  Since the State Convention this year is in Chesapeake we should have a good number of our club to attend.  The information and reservation forms are attached.
Lions Medical Eye Bank Meeting – March 4th Thalia Lions Business/Board meeting will be at the Eye Bank.  Many new members have never seen this facility and do not realized that it is completely owned by the Lions in this District.  All members are encouraged to attend.  A light meal will be served and Lion John will give a short program on cornea transplants.  Our own Lion Billy will also describe his experience of a recent corneal transplant.
Lion Nancy Watters:

  VBPS Partner in Education Expo – Feb. 22, 9am-12pm – Landstown High School – 2001 Concert Dr., Va. Beach. Please attend and see how other Partners in Education connect with the school system.

Read Across America – March 6 – If you have signed up the reading assignments will be announced by Feb. 28th. 

Lion Vickie Kennedy:
 James Bland Music Contest – Feb. 25th 7pm Tues.  Lion Vickie needs help to organize musicians, organized practice rooms, collect music, pass our programs, Judge assistants, time keepers, and other jobs.

At this time there are 15 contestants. The judges are
Dr. Brian Diller, Dr. Alex Travino,  Brian Nedvin and Bianca Hall. All are highly trained and well respected in their fields.

Lion Stanley Furman:  Lions Charity Foundation Raffle – Club gets $20 of the $30 for each book.  Please sell as many books of tickets as possible.  This is an easy fundraiser for our club.

Lion Jack Wagner:  Peanuts - Please let Lion Jack know if you need peanuts. -

Announcements from the Floor:

Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
Birthdays:  Feb – Lion Mike Coren (1) Lion Bob Perrine (12) – Lion Billy McIntyre was asked to sing and our newest member, Lion Jon, was asked to sing.  They each sang individually, in beautiful, memorable tone to Lion Mike and Lion Bob.  It was trial by fire for our two newest members!  They rose magnificently to the occasion.

50/50 Raffle Lion Stanley Furman - $25 -   Lion Rich
$21 – Lion Mike

Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Core – Lion Stan Furman pulled the 4 of Spades – Stakes are getting high!  There is over $400 in the pot.  (But remember that the total

amount is split with the club)

Adjournment: 8:26

Upcoming Events:

            Feb. 22, Sat – 9-12pm – Landstown High School, 2001 Concert Dr., Va. Beach, Va
            Feb. 25, Tues. – James Bland Music Competition - Thalia United Methodist Church,
            Feb. 29, Sat – Winter Conference 24I – Holiday Inn – 515 Bypass Rd., Williamsburg, Va.
            March 4, Wed – Lions EyeBank Board/Business meeting- River Pavilion  of Sentara Norfolk Gen. Hospital
  600 Gresham Dr. Norfolk, VA 34507
            March 6, Fri – Read Across America Day – 9:30am
            March 19, Thurs – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323 - 10-12pm
            March 19, Thur -Zone O meeting  at GaungDong Taste, 3497 Holland Rd.  6pm

Feb 5, 2020 -
The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb. 5, 2020 by President Lion Ellen Turman at 6:30 pm at Ronald McDonald House, 404 Colley Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507 with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order:  6:30pm
1 Guest
14 Members  
45 Percent

Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion John Watters
Invocation- Lion Ellen Turman
Dinner 6:00-6:30 – Pizza’s were ordered, Lion Nancy brought Caesar Salad, and Lion Ellen provided cookies.  Enough was ordered to provide dinner for residents.

President Lion Ellen Turman:
            Winter Conference 24I – Feb. 29, 2020 Holiday Inn – 515 Bypass Rd., Williamsburg, Va.  Please consider attending.  There are interesting classes and events.

Lion Vickie Kennedy –
Treasurer’s Report
James Bland Music Contest - The Bland will be on Tues., Feb. 25 at Thalia United Methodist Church.  Please mark your calendars.  We need volunteers!!  Only 4 students have applied at this time but more is expected.
Lion Nancy Watters – Secretary’s Report
VBPS Partnership Expo – 9-12pm – Landstown High School, 2001 Concert Dr., Va. Beach, Va. Please let Lion Nancy know if you wish to help man a table for a period during the Expo.

VBCC screening – 109 children with 6 referrals – assisting in the screening were Lions Billy McIntyre, Nancy Nelson, Susan Sumnick and Lion Susie’s husband, Mick Sumnick.

Read Across America - March 6, Fri – Read Across America Day – 9:30am.  You will soon receive an invitation to be part of this event.

Presentation of application for membership from Jon Halvorson –We are pleased to accept Jon’s membership into our club.   Lion Stan made the motion to accept and Lion Vicky seconded the membership.  The vote was unanimous.  Lion Jon will be formally inducted into membership at the next regular meeting on Feb. 19th.  Jon is sponsored by Lion Bob Perrine who was unable to attend this meeting.

Lion Nancy Nelson –
Upcoming programs
 Feb 19th will be confirmed before the date.  Lion Billy McIntyre may present the program. 
March 18th program will be given by Lion Irene Conlin – Virginia Association of Parents of the Visually Impaired (VAAPVI)

Lion Stanley Furman –
Lions Charity Foundation Raffle.  The Club keeps $20 of each book, the Foundation get $10.  Please sell as many as possible.  Drawing is at the State Convention in May.

New Business

Lion Stanley Furman and Lion Nancy asked that the donations to the Foodbank and the Elementary Schools be made.  Lion Vickie wrote checks in the amount of $200 each to Thalia, Kings Grant, and Malibu to be presented.  Lion Nancy Watters accepted the checks and will turn them over to Lion Susan Sumnick, Sight Chair, to be taken to the nurses at each school. A check will be mailed to the Foodbank in the amount of $100.

Lion Jack reported that we are losing brooms at Paul’s garage because of rat infestation!  He also reported that we have a good supply of peanuts except for cashews.

Lion President Ellen formally congratulated Lion Billy McIntyre on his recent Director’s
Community Leadership Award presented by the FBI Norfolk Field Office.  Lion Billy is recognized for his work as president of the Hampton Roads Diversity and Inclusion Consortium.  We are especially pleased to have a Lion who has so much to offer to the community.

Lion Ellen asked for opinions concerning dinner for our next board/business meeting.  After discussion with options for Olive Garden, Subway, Sam’s Club, etc., it was decided that the decision would be left to Lion Ellen and Lion Vicky. 

Lion Stanley Furman suggested that we visit the Eye Bank for another Board/business meeting.
We have several newer members that have not yet visited and need to be encouraged to see a facility that is so successful and meaningful to the community.  Lion Ellen will check on the possible dates.

Adjourned 7:18
Upcoming Events:
Feb. 19, Wed– Next Regular Meeting – Westin, Town Center 6pm
Feb. 22, Sat – 9-12pm – Landstown High School, 2001 Concert Dr., Va. Beach, Va
Feb. 25, Tues. – James Bland Music Competition - Thalia United Methodist Church,
Feb. 29, Sat – Winter Conference 24I – Holiday Inn – 515 Bypass Rd., Williamsburg, Va.
March 6, Fri – Read Across America Day – 9:30am
Jan 15, 2020 -
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order Jan 15, 2020 by V. President Lion Jeri Turman at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
General Meeting / Dinner 6:30 pm

President Lion Ellen Turman - Call to Order
  7 Guests
  21 Members
  68 Percent
Introduction of Guests:  District Governor Pat Jones with Larry, her husband
Jonathan Halverson, Guest of Lion Bob Perrine
Pam McEwen, Guest of Lion Nancy Nelson
Lion Homer Cook and Traveling Leo from Oceanside Lions Club (Lion John Bell &  Lion Joanne Dickerson)
Recess for Dinner: 6:34
Reconvened: 7:14

Introduction of Guest Speaker - District Governor Lion Pat Jones by Loin Homer Cook, District Zone O Chairperson

First matter of business for,  Lion Homer was to present Lion Fran Scott with a special pin because she participated in the Williams Farm Health Fair. 

Then Lion Homer introduced District Governor Lion Pat to our club.  Lion Homer emphasized that he and the DG promote participation in service activities. 
Lion Pat has been a Lion for a very long time.  She loves the Thalia Club because we offer so many services and we have fun.  As sudden surprise District Governor Pat announced that she will be resigning as District Governor as of the following day.  But she had delayed her announcement because she wanted to make our club her last visit as District Governor.  Lion Pat has lived with MS for many years but recently her health is severely compromised and has caused her so much difficulty that it is impossible for her to continue as District Governor. DG Lion Pat has always worked to have clubs get excited and happy about the services we offer. She has encouraged us to reach out to other areas such as colleges, high schools, and private organizations to start clubs.   She has been working to get the Norfolk State Club to reconstitute.  They have a high stepping band which she believes is better than any other athletics group and she knows all those students will lose their hearing and will need Lions before very long.😉  Lion Pat also promoted the Lions Charity Foundation Bid & Buy Auction and spoke of the good things they support. Her father was blind and the Lions would read to him.  Many of his friends wanted to join the Lions in his honor, but he said no. “Only join if you want to offer services to others.   Don’t do it in honor of me.”When she was 7, she wanted to be a Lion but did not join until about 40.  She explained that Lions brought her father back into the world of the living.   He had 4 cornea transplants because one of the transplants split.  After others forgot about him, the Lions remembered and came 2-3 times every week.  That is why she is a Lion today. Lion Pat thinks very highly of our club and refers members to us.  She encouraged Thalia to do more Traveling Leos to share with other clubs our energy for service. She looks forward to being a Past District Gov. and plans offer her services as much as possible in the future.
Lion Ellen thanked Lion Pat for her service and presented DG Pat with a copy of Lion Jim Healy’s latest book.
Lion President Ellen Turman
Approval of minutes from Nov. 20th meeting – unanimous
Winter Conference – Feb 29 – Holiday Inn, 515 ByPass Rd, Williamsburg, Va. – Flyers on
 the tables.  Please consider attending this conference.
Lion Nancy Watters –
            Wellness Report – Lion Jack Wagner – Lion Jack is home from 2 weeks in the hospital with flu and complications.  He is still not in great health but will learn more this week after a follow-up with his doctor.
            Beach Bag - The Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia has added the Beach Bag to its budget.  We will be granted $6,000 for the project and will only need to line up volunteers.  The Broad Bay Golf Association is interested in participating with us.  You may have connections with other organizations that can be invited.  The event will happen in Oct., date to be announced later.  We are grateful to the Charity Foundation for supporting our efforts in providing food for hungry children in Virginia Beach.
            VBPS Partnership Expo – Feb. 22, 9-12pm – Landstown High School, 2001 Concert Dr., Va. Beach. The Office of Family and Community Engagement and the Virginia Beach Council of PTAs will jointly host a Partnership Expo.  Community members and VBCPS staff are invited to the event to learn about existing academic-enriching partnerships and available partnership opportunities throughout the School Division.  At the event, Community Engagement Liaisons and community partners will co-host table displays, showcasing a partnership representative of their school or interested staff and community members to learn more about mutually beneficial school and community partnerships, internship, summer job and scholarship opportunities.  Attendees will be able to visit school/partner exhibits and attend performances by student groups.
Thalia will host a table with Thalia Elementary School.  We will offer membership materials, exhibit the SPOT, and distribute LIONS magazines.  A signup sheet will be available at the next meeting.
            Reading at Diamond Springs – Lions Nancy Watters, Nancy Nelson, Karen Austin participated in 30 minutes of reading to individual children in the Horizons program on Saturday, Jan. 11th. 
      Read Across America – March 6 – Please mark your calendar.  We will soon be asked to sign up to read an assigned book at an assigned elementary school.  We will be given the book title later.  Read Across America designated a specific day each year where volunteers read specific books to children at the same time all over America.
James Bland Music Contest - Lion Vickie Kennedy –– Lion Bob Perrine posted the application and details on the blogspot.  It was also posted on Facebook and shared to the Virginia Beach Chorale.  The Bland will be on Feb. 25 at Thalia United Methodist Church.  Please mark your calendars.  Club support is always needed.  You will not be sorry.  The talent is always unbelievable. Lion Vickie needs volunteers to assist. 

Lions Charity Foundation fund raiser - Lion Stanley Furman passed out raffle tickets for the Lions Charity Foundations Raffle.  The Club keeps $20 of each book, the Foundation get $10.  Please sell as many as possible.  Drawing is at the State Convention in May.

Announcements from the Floor:
Tail Twister- Lion Irene Conlin
Birthdays:  January - Lion Vicky Kennedy, (8), December - Lion Irene Conlin (9), Lion Jeri Furman (3), Lion Jim Healy(19)Lion Stanley Moss (28)  
After a steady round of bidding, disagreeing, and compromising, Lion Bob Perrine bought his way out of singing.  But we were serenaded by Lion Otis, offkey as usual, Lion Bill Austin, on key with a lovely “why aren’t you in the choir voice!!” But District Governor Pat put them all to shame with a her rendition of Happy Birthday.
50/50 Raffle – Lion Irene Conlin – Winners were $20 -Lion Mike Coren, $10 – Lion Stan Moss, $7- Lion Otis
Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren - $478 in the pot. Lion Dick Kreassig’s ticket was drawn for a chance to pull the Queen of Hearts.  He pulled 3 Diamonds.
Adjournment: 8:12
Upcoming Events:
            Feb. 5, Wed - Board/Business Meeting- 6pm – Ronald McDonald House
            Feb. 19, Wed– Next Regular Meeting – Westin, Town Center 6pm
            Feb. 25, Tues. – James Bland Music Competition - Thalia United Methodist Church,
            Feb. 29, Sat – Winter Conference 24I – Holiday Inn – 515 Bypass Rd., Williamsburg, Va.
            March 6, Fri – Read Across America Day – 9:30am

 January 1, 2020 – Board/Business Meeting CANCELLED
Dec 4, 2019 - The regular/board meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Dec. 4, 2019 by President Lion Ellen Turman at 6:30 pm at Ronald McDonald House, 404 Colley Ave., Norfolk, Va 23507with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Social Time – 6:00 -6:15pm
Call to Order : 6 :37
0 Guests, 10 Members - 31 percent
President Lion Ellen Turman:
          Zone meeting update – District Governor will be our guest at our January 15th regular meeting.
          Contract with The Westin – Hotel has increased the amount we are charged from $15 to $17.  We now have tax exempt status, so we no longer pay taxes on our meals.  The hotel will offer a variety of chicken beef or pork for each meal.  Though the total charge including gratuity will be $24.40 per meal, Lion John moved that we keep the amount we charge to members at $20.  Westin is a centralized location, has free protected parking and a very classy atmosphere.  We have plenty of money in the admin account to cover the loss and  we can actually make up the difference with Tail Twister collections. Lion Vicky seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous to keep the meeting place and charge members $20 per meal.  

Lion Vickie Kennedy – Treasurer’s Report – see attached

Lion Nancy moved that we cancel the board/business meeting on Jan 1, 2020.  There was consensus approval by all present.
Lion Nancy Watters – Secretary’s Report
                Possible Fund Raiser Lion Nancy reported that the Southside Lions Club is looking for a partner in conducting their yearly Reverse Raffle.  Southside sells a limited number of tickets (350) at $100.00 per ticket.  If we agree, our club would sell tickets for the raffle and be allowed to keep 50% of all tickets we sell. Southside has requested to come to our meeting in July and make the offer to the club.  Tickets go on sale in August and the drawings are at the end of September.  Top prize for the last ticket in the barrel is $5,000.00. 
Holiday Families – ForKids – last day for delivering items is Dec. 13th.
Holiday Party – Please come and bring your spouse, friend, or partner to the party
at Lion Nancy and John’s residence (2357 Haversham Close, Va. Beach 23454)
Bring finger food appetizers.  Drinks will be provided.

Lion Stanley Furman
Holiday Families – Social Services – Lion Stanley was absent from meeting but report at next business meeting.  When you are buying for families,   please remember to include toiletries.

Lion Bob Perrine
 S&H Van Project – Adult Learning Center – Lion Bob was absent from the meeting.  Lion Nancy sent out an email appeal for assistance.

Lion Jack Wagner –
Peanut orders – Monday 2nd placed – will be in 7-10 days
Hope to have them by 15th – Belmont only makes orders when they are placed. Lion Jack will  bring all orders not picked up to the Holiday party.
 Announcements/Comments from the Floor:
Adjournment -7:20

 Upcoming Events:
 Dec. 5th – S&H Van – Adult Learning Center 10-2pm – 5100 Cleveland St., Va. Beach 23462
Dec. 18 – Holiday Party – Watter’s residence- 2357 Haversham Close, V.B. 23454 – 6pm – appetizer or finger Food
Nov 20, Regular Thalia Lion's Club Meeting
Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm

Call to Order:  6:30
Song - Lion John Watters
Pledge - Lion Susan Sumnick
Invocation - Lion Nancy Nelson

7 Guests, 22 Members (69 percent)

Call to Order – Lion V. Pres. Jeri Furman

Introduction of Guests:  Traveling Leo from Bayside Lions- Tom Walsh, Eddie Winters, Bud Jones, Gary Slater and Ren Zerby.
Barbette Timperlake, wife of Lion Bob Perrine
Billy McIntyre, new member to be formally installed tonight.

Recess for Dinner: 6:35
Reconvened :7:12

Introduction of Guest Speaker – Lion Bob Perrine
John V. Quarstein is an award-winning historian, preservationist, and author. He is director emeritus of the USS Monitor Center at The Mariners’ Museum and Park in Newport News, Virginia. The author of 17 books, his titles include HILTON VILLAGE: AMERICA’S FIRST PUBLIC PLANNED COMMUNITY; A HISTORY OF IRONCLADS:  THE POWER OF IRON OVER WOOD; CSS VIRGINIA: SINK BEFORE SURRENDER; and THE MONITOR BOYS: THE CREW OF THE UNION’S FIRST IRONCLAD, winner of the 2012 Henry Adams Prize for excellence in historical literature. Quarstein has also produced, narrated and written several PBS documentaries including the film series, CIVIL WAR IN HAMPTON ROADS, a Silver Telly Award winner.   Quarstein is the recipient of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s President’s Award for Historic Preservation, the Civil War Society’s Preservation Award, and the Daughters of the American Revolution Gold Historians Medal.  Quarstein lives in the National Register of Historic Places property known as the 1757 Herbert House. This outstanding example of brick Georgian architecture is located near Blackbeard’s Point on the Hampton River in Hampton, Virginia.
John gave a spellbinding, stirring account of the battle of the Ironclads. 

Lion V. President Jeri Furman presented[NW1]  John with our signature peanuts and thanked him for sharing his story with us.   John brought copies of three of his books which quickly sold to our members.
Past District Governor Lion Stanley Furman presided over the installation of our new member, Billy D. McIntyre. We are so pleased to welcome Lion Billy into membership.  Please read his profile is attached to these minutes.  Lion Billy was a corneal transplant recipient.  He learned about Lions from District Governor Lion Pat Jones.  He stated his purpose in joining as “coming to serve and work!”

Zone I Meeting – Thurs. Nov. 21- Gaung Dong Taste, 3497 Holland Rd. 6-8pm.

Hotel Contract - Nov. 1019- Nov. 2020 – Dates for meeting are set and we will discuss the cost of the meals in the business/board meeting on Dec. 4th at RMCH.

Lion Nancy Watters – Secretary Report

Club Membership recognition – our club received a Premium Club Status patch

Donation presentations – Lion Nancy Watters, Susie Sumnick and Nancy Nelson conducted an eye screening with the SPOT for Sunnybrook Day School last week.  Our club has received a check from the owner of the school for $250.00.
Lion Nancy was asked to speak at a meeting of the women at First Presbyterian Church at the Oceanfront on Monday.  They wanted to know about Lions services, activities, and club membership.  Those at the meeting took several peanut order forms and gave our club  an honorarium of $50.00
Lion Nancy turned in both checks to our Treasurer.
ForKids – Secret Santa – Our Club was given 10 children from homeless shelters in Va. Beach.  Each have been assigned a sponsor from friends of Lion Nancy before she was able to present them to our club.    Anyone in our club who wishes to take a child should let Lion Nancy know and more children can be requested.  This is  a worthwhile project so please consider sponsoring a child.  The deadline for delivering the gifts to the shelter is December 13.  Please make your decision quickly.

Lion Bob Perrine – S&H Van at Adult Learning Center – 5100 Cleveland St., Va. Beach 10-2 Dec.5th. A sign-up schedule was available for volunteering.  There will be blood sugar screening. Thalia Lions will be doing blood sugar screening at the ALC on Dec. 5th.

Lion Dick Kreassig – Diabetes Awareness Month- Nov is Diabetes month, 14th was world diabetes day.  Diabetes is still one of the major causes of blindness.  Lion Dick shared the story of his grandson, Scotty.  Scotty was diagnosed when he was 4 years old.  He is now in college and doing well.   Scotty has a new blood sugar management system on his smart phone. The info is shared on his parent’s phone as well.  Remarkable technology.Treasurer Lion Vickie Kennedy presented Lion Dick with a $300 budgeted check from our club for JDRF. (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

Lion Stanley Furman – Thanksgiving Families update
Lion Nancy and John delivered three huge boxes of food to their family on Monday.
Lion Marvin made his delivery to his family this week as well.  Other members will deliver the food to their families before Thanksgiving.  Our club covered 5 families.
Lion Jack Wagner – Peanut Fundraiser order sheets – Please let Lion Jack have your order before Nov. 28th. He will place the order on that day. Lion Jack had samples of the Christmas packs.
Announcements from the Floor:  None
Tail Twister- Lion Stanley Furman
Birthdays:  Lion Karen Austin – (07) Lion Karen chose Bob Perrine to sing to her.  After much bargaining, Lion Bob lead the club in singing to Lion Karen.

50/50 Raffle Lion Stanley Furman - $36.00 one drawing won by Lion Stan Moss.

Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren – Lion Stan Moss again won the drawing.  He pulled the King of Clubs instead of the Queen of Hearts!  Good try Lion Stan.  There is at least $450.00 in the pot!!!!

Upcoming Events:
Nov. 21 – Zone I Meeting - Guang Dong Taste – 3497 Holland Rd. 6-8pm
Dec. 5th – S&H Van – Adult Learning Center 10-2pm
Dec. 18 – Holiday Party – Watter’s residence- 2357 Haversham Close, V.B. 23454 – 6pm – appetizer or finger  food 
Nov 6, 2019 - Business/Regular Meeting
Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order:  6:00 pm
Song - Aziz Selahi
Pledge - John Waters
Invocation - Jack Wagner

Attendance 1guest, 12 members - 13 percent
Recess for dinner: 6:05
Reconvene general meeting: 6:35pm

New Member Application
Lion President Ellen welcomed our guest, Billy McIntyre, to our meeting and acknowledged that we had his application for membership.  Billy was asked to leave the room while the Board formally discussed and voted on his request for membership. Acting as sponsor, Lion John Watters moved that we accept his paid membership application.  Lion Stan seconded and the vote to approve was unanimous.   The Thalia Lions Club is very pleased to have Lion Billy as member and as a partner in service to others.  He will be formally installed into membership at the next regular meeting on November 20th. Attached is a brief personal profile. 

 Hotel Meeting contract report – Lion Ellen will meet with the Westin Hotel representatives to reserve meeting dates for the next year.  Lion Ellen will attempt to negotiate the contract without a price increase and will submit our recent tax exempt status approval for meal costs.

Zone Meeting Nov. 21- GaungDong Taste, 3497 Holland Rd., 6-8pm. Lion Ellen will report that we will have 6 in attendance.  If you were not at the meeting and wish to attend, please let Lion President Ellen know and she will adjust the reservations. Zone Chair, Lion Homer Cook will preside over the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy was not in attendance.   Please see the attached report.
Secretary’s Report - Lion Nancy Watters

Sight & Hearing Van -  
Lion Bob Perrine received a request from the Adult Learning Center for the Sight & Hearing Van on Dec. 5th.  The board approved the project. He will check to see if ALC wants us to do blood sugar screening.

Membership decision – The board agreed to drop Lion Tuffy Leemon in good standing.  All efforts have failed in contacting him for the past 6 months.

Elementary School Kindergarten Screenings – All elementary screenings in Virginia Beach are complete. Our club screened 849 children with 111 referrals (13%).  The director or nursing, Mary Shaw, stated that she had only good reports from our service efforts.  We have a few more private school screenings scheduled for Nov. and Dec.  Thank you to all who have participated in the project.

Holiday Party – Dec. 18th 6pm – Home of Lions John and Nancy Watters, 2357 Haversham Close.  Please bring your spouse, friend, or partner and an appetizer (finger food  item)  to share.  Wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. 

For Kids project – Secret Santa – We will be given homeless children lists next week.

Sentara Diabetes Health Fair - Lion Fran Scott reported that the event at William’s Rec Center was well attended.  Lion Fran used the tetanus eye machines from the Sight & Hearing Van to do adult eye screening. (like used for driver’s test) Top Chef Tiffany Berry did menu and food demonstrations to promote Diabetes Awareness.

Bid & Buy Charity Foundation Auction - Lion Stanley Furman reported that the event netted $23,000 including the Motorcycle Muscle Club donation of $4,000.  Our club earned a $250 service grant plus another $250 for having 9 members in attendance.

Holiday Families- Lion Stan offered up (5) families for Thanksgiving.  We will cover the same 5 families for Christmas as well.  Four (4) for the families were immediately adopted by members in attendance.  There is one more family that will need to be covered.  The name and contact information of that family will be sent out by email with a request for coverage by a member or members of our club. Lion Jack passed out a shopping list compiled by his wife, Joan, with suggestions for Thanksgiving shopping.  Joan and Jack work closely with the foodbank and with Samaritan House and have much experience in providing things that are particularly needed.  They suggest that personal hygiene products are important to include.  The list is attached to these minutes.

Broom Sale results - Lion Jack Wagner reported that we cleared $469.  That is a low for project but we did our best.  We sold 8 cans of peanuts.

 Peanuts Holiday Sales Project - we will sell 3 packs in two sizes, 10oz., or 20oz. Prices are $20 & $30 respectively.  In each set the choice will be Salt & Pepper, Chocolate Covered, and Butter Toffee. To keep the orders simple, there will be no other options this year.
Please let Lion Jack know how many orders you would like.  They make great gifts!!

Announcements from the Floor:
Adjournment: 7:15

Upcoming Events:
 Nov. 14 – EGRC
  Nov. 13/14 – Sunnybrook Day School Screening
  Nov. 15 – Stratford Preschool Screening
 Nov, 20 Next Regular Meeting – Westin 6pm
  Nov. 21 – Zone Meeting
  Dec. 2/3 – Diamond Springs Elem Screening
 Dec. 18 – Holiday Party – Watter’s residence- 2357 Haversham Close, V.B. 23454 – 6pm – appetizer or finger  food
Oct 16, 2019 - Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order Oct 16, 2019 by President Lion Ellen Turman at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order:  6:30
Song - Lion Mke Coren
Pledge - Lion Jack Wagner
Invocation - Lion Stan Furman
Attendance, I guest, 17 members (%# percent)
Call to Order – Lion President Ellen Turman

Introduction of Guests - Speaker from Meals on Wheels – Tracie Miner
Recessed for Dinner - Reconvened 7:02
Introduction of Guest Speaker

Lion Nancy Nelson introduced Tracie Miner from Meals on Wheels.
            Tracie came to Virginia Beach in 1995 when her husband received military orders to be stationed in V.B.  In 1997 she became assistant director of Meals on Wheels and in 2000 she executive director. Tracie and her husband have three grown children all of whom attended Virginia Beach Public Schools. One son is a teacher in the Va. Beach school system today. Volunteering is a strong part of her family.  Each of her family members carry that torch with their own passions.  All three adult children always find time to assist with Meals on Wheels whenever they are in Virginia Beach. Meals on Wheels started in 1974 and now celebrate 45 years of caring for people in need.  It is the oldest Meals on Wheels program in the country.  Over 3,450,000 meals have been served with no state, federal, or united way support.  Meals on Wheels relies on the community for support. Money is raised in a variety of ways: fundraisers, and donations from churches and citizens. $35.00 feeds a person per week. (2 meals per day).  The program is a true grassroots nonprofit. Without the meals, she said, some might not be able to stay in their homes. Volunteers are the core of the program.  Currently about 400 volunteers rotate within 18 delivery routes.  The volunteers include private citizens, members of religious, military and civic groups. Sentara prepares the meals, and the clients pay what they can afford, Miner explained.  Sixty percent of clients are fully or partially supported. Recipients range in age from 30 to 101. Meals for those with special needs, such as diabetics, are available. Birthdays are honored with a cupcake. Miner said it's untrue that all recipients receive meals because they can't afford them. About 60 percent receive financial assistance, many are homebound and just can't get to the store. People are referred by hospitals, doctors, churches, Social Services and any other source that expresses a need.  About 1,000 meals are served per week.  When the weather is dangerous, police and rescue squads volunteer to assist in deliveries. Life / Wellness check is another aspect of MOW.  Sometimes volunteers find that people have fallen or are in great physical need.  MOW also provides social contact for patients who are homebound.  Church groups make cards or prepare special item for recipients. 
Tracie is one of the group's two employees, both part-time. She has a passion for her work.  She said that her reward is knowing lots of faces light up when meals are delivered. "It's what I've received back that's enriched my life."

President Lion Ellen thanked Tracie for speaking to  our Lion Club  and presented her with a can of our delicious red skin peanuts

Lion President Ellen Turman
Ellen presented a patch from LCI for our banner for donating $100 per member
Sentara Diabetes screening at Williams Farm Rec Center on Nov. 2nd.  Lions will be doing adult eye screening with machines from the S&H van.  Lion Homer Cook, Zone O chairperson has asked that we participate in the event. Hours are from 9-12.  Please consider volunteering.

Strawberry Festival – Lion Eddie Ackiss spoke at the business meeting about the details of participating in the Strawberry Festival. The event happens during the Memorial Day weekend.  Details were sent out in the previous minutes so members would have an idea of the commitment.
Lion Dick moved that we not take on the project.  Lion John seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous. Lion Roger Snell spoke in hindsight and asked if the Princess Anne Lions had been asked to share the responsibility with another club for a year or two.  He was told that the P.A. Lions just wanted to completely stop and were not interested in sharing responsibility for the project.

Lion Stanley Furman –
Bid & Buy Charity Foundation Auction – Oct. 19th - Our club needs at least 6 people for the club to make us eligible for a $250 service grant. There are at least six who have committed to volunteering.    This is the only fundraiser for the Foundation so please support it by attending and bidding on items.
Silent Auction catalogues were distributed.  The following is a link to the catalogue. 
The item list begins on page 19.

Thanksgiving and Holiday family projects
 Social Services is providing our club with 6 families.  We will provide Thanksgiving meals for each family.  Lion Stan also suggested that we select the same families for our Christmas/Holiday Project as well.  He will have the names of the families and contact information at the next meeting.  We can contact the families and find out their specific preferences and needs. 

Lion Nancy Watters –KidsSight USA Foundation is now a recognized Lions Children Vision Screening authority in the US and is officially adopted by MD24 as the overall Board governing our children vision screening program in both the preschools and the public schools.  This will provide the oversight and expertise required by the Virginia Code.  Va. Code 22.1-273 has been revised to comply with HB1409 pertaining to Virginia Lions for children vision screening in the Public-School System of Virginia.
1.       TB test required
2.      Criminal background check required
3.      DSS search of Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect
4.      ID Verification
5.      Obtain official national certification as a vision screener www.LionsKidSightUSA .org (valid 5 yrs.)
6.      Keep folio with all required information

Children’s Eye Screening – A sign up chart was provided for volunteering for screenings.  We are finished with schools in our club’s area and helping other clubs.  Private and preschools are now being scheduled for the month of November.

Lion Jack Wagner –
Broom sale will be on Sat. Oct. 26th – slots are filled but more are needed to assist.
Peanut Order – Lion Jack will send out information about the Holiday Three pack orders.  We can choose what we would like and he will place the order.

Announcements from the Floor- none.

Tail Twister- Lion Irene Conlin -
Birthdays: Lions Marvin Clemmons(4) Nancy Nelson (17) Aziz Selahi (24)Rich Edwards (26)
Lion Stan & Lion Irene were asked to sing
Lion Mike was asked to sing to Lion Rich
Lion John wanted all the birthday people to sing to themselves.
The birthday parties bought themselves out of it.
Lion Irene, Stan and Mike sang to the Birthday people
Lion Stan and Lion Irene refused to make the Birthday people sing to themselves!

50/50 Raffle – Lion Irene Conlin – winners - $20 – Nancy Watters
$10 - Aziz Selahi
$6 - Roger Snell

Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren – Lion Roger Snell won the draw but pulled six of hearts instead of the Queen of Hearts.

Adjournment:  8:04
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Upcoming Events:
Oct 18 – Rosemont Forest screening – 9am
Oct. 19 – Bid & Buy Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Bethany UMC of Hampton,
    1509 Todd’s   Lane, Hampton, VA
Oct.- 21 -Brookwood Elementary – screening 9am
Oct. 24 – Chesapeake Bay Academy – screening 9am
Oct. 25 – New Castle – screening 9am
Nov. 2 – Sentara Adult Diabetes Screening – 9am-12pm – Willaims Farm Rec Center 5252 Learning
       Circle, Va. Beach, 23462
Nov, 6- Next business meeting – Ronald McDonald House 404 Colley Ave Norfolk VA  23507- 6pm
Nov. 13-14- Sunnybrook Day School eye screening 9am
Nov. 15 – Stratford Preschool eye screening 9am
Nov – 14 – EGRC – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
Nov 20 – Next regular meeting – Westin – 6pm
Oct 2, 2019 - Regular/Business Meeting
Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order at 6: 37 pm
3Guest, 20 members - 63%
Introduction of guests:

Lion John Watters introduced Billy McIntyre -who just recently received a corneal transplant.  Billy is interested in club membership.

President Lion Ellen Turman: introduced Lion Eddie and Linda Ackiss from Princess Anne Lions.  They were invited to our meeting to speak about the Strawberry Festival opportunity in Pungo.

Lion President Ellen Turman                                            

LCIF Balance of $749.00 – Lion Ellen announced that Thalia Lions has $749.00 in the Lions Charity Foundation account and suggested the possibility of completing the amount to $1,000 and considering a Melvin Jones for this year.   Lion Stanley Furman moved that we send the donation to LCI toward the Melvin Jones and decide what to do nearer the end of the Lions year.  Lion Vickie seconded the motion and the vote carried.

24I District Meeting will be on Oct. 12 – Farmville Community Center – Fall Conference was cancelled because of the weather.

Kitchen Clean Up – RMH needs help cleaning up before we leave after each meeting held in their conference room.  Please make sure everything is in order before leaving the premises.

Lion Vickie Kennedy – Treasurer’s Report – see attached

Lion Nancy Watters – Secretary’s Report
Beach Bag – the project was held Oct. 1st at Corporate Landing Middle School.  Sixty-three (63) Anthem volunteers participated and 14 Thalia Lions.  The volunteers wrote 1,500 note card messages and packed 2,400 bags of food to be distributed to children in the school system that are identified as at hunger risk.  Funding was provided by LCI/Anthem and the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia.  Because LCI/Anthem funded half the project, Lions were restricted to use 60 Anthem volunteers and only 15 Lions.   Team leaders for the event were interviewed by an Anthem videographer but the interview was for Anthem internal use only.  Little credit was given to Lions and to the Lions Charity Foundation.  Lion Nancy shared that this Beach Bag event is the largest event for the Beach Bag project each year.  Because it is a vital aspect of the Beach Bag program, consideration will be given to approaching the Lions Charity Foundation to provide full funding in future years.  Then Lions will be able to organize, tap into our volunteer pool from the District or at least from Virginia Beach and not be restricted so severely to Anthem volunteers.
School Screenings - All 56 Elementary kindergartens have been scheduled and many are already screened.  There are seven teams Va. Beach with each team assigned the schools in their service area plus extra.  The schools in the Thalia area are complete but Lion Nancy is assisting other clubs who need help and will tap volunteers in Thalia when needed.
Leader dog donation- Because Thalia Lions has always supported the Leader Dog Program, we were awarded a patch for our banner.  Leader Dog donation is in our yearly budget.  Lion Vickie will make this year’s $100 donation to them again this year.

Lion Stanley Furman
Bid & Buy Lions Charity Auction – will take place on 10/19 at Bethany United Methodist Church 1509 Todd’s Lane in Hampton.  Silent auction will be from 11-1pm and live auction from 1-2pm.  Thalia needs 6 people to register in order to receive our $250 service grant.  And we need manpower to operate the raffle.  There are $7,000 worth of donations and ads from this club.  Please consider attending and participating in the Auction.  It is a fun day and a wonderful way to meet Lions from all over the District.
Holiday Projects – Lion Stanley will have 5-7 names for Thanksgiving Project.  We will provide Thanksgiving meals or food for these families.  There will also be names available for the Holiday Project where we provide gifts for families.

Lion Jack Wagner
Peanuts/ Brooms- Lion Jack is designating Oct. 26th at B.J.’s parking lot for the broom sale.  Please mark your calendar and considering working when Lion Jack contacts you to sign up for the sale.  If all of us can cooperate, it makes the responsibility easier.  Too often only a handful of people volunteer.  It is very hard for just a few people to hold a good project.  We need you to make our club fundraisers a priority. Lion Jack has an ample supply of Peanuts –He asked if the Club would like to consider ordering 3 can packs of peanuts for special Christmas gifts.  There were so many 3 can pack  special choices that the board asked him to select 1 or 2 choices instead of allowing every person to create their own 3 can packs.  That will avoid too much mix up and confusion.  Lion Jack will present his suggestions at the next meeting.

Lion John Watters
EGRC – Thurs. Oct. 10th is the next Eye Glass Recycling visit.  Please meet at 9:30am Best
 Buy to carpool if you do not want to drive.  The address for the EGRC is 2040 Broadmoor,
 Chesapeake, Va. 23323

Lion Roger Snell
White Cane results – Lion Rog reported that we collected $1,057.26.   He did a great job.  Because there were not enough volunteers to cover all the spots, he spent at least 5 hours there on Friday and several more on Saturday. After recounting and verifying we discovered that the actual count for collections was $947.00.  We allow Lion Rog a pass on this error.  After working all those hours, he must have been very tired.  Several of us who worked the White Cane shared interesting stories about people who offered donation.

Lion Irene Conlin
Strawberry Festival Opportunity – At the last meeting Thalia Lions learned that the Princess Anne Lions Club was giving up their spot at the Strawberry Festival in Pungo where they have sold strawberry shortcake for at least 14 years.  Lion Irene was asked to investigate the opportunity in hopes that Thalia may be able to take over the position as a new fundraiser.
Lion Irene invited Lion Eddie and Linda Ackiss to our club to explain the procedures and requirements.  She introduced Lion Eddie to make the presentation.
Lion Eddie Ackiss of Princess Anne Lions
Princess Anne Lions has done the Strawberry Festival for 14 years.  Each year they complete a $50 application to the Festival. Once you do the project you are guaranteed the spot each year if you choose to do it.  The application will come to Lion Eddie and if we are interested, he will forward it to our chairperson.  Once you group is accepted by the Festival you must submit a $225 fee to the State to operate as a nonprofit.  That amount is refunded 2 months later.
The Health Dept also has to approve your set up after you are accepted to operate. There is an application to be submitted and an inspection on Sat. morning of the Festival.
Among other things, the Health Dept. requires that there be a hand washing station and a dish washing station.  Lion Eddie uses two large (40) coffee pots with hot water for each use.
Insurance coverage can be obtained by going on the LCI website and downloading the forms.
Lion Eddie rents 3 refrigerators to accommodate strawberries, whipped cream and other supplies.  He keeps one at the event, one at the Festival and leaves the other with a relative that lives very near the event.  There is not enough room for three refrigerators in the booth. And the third refrigerator needs to be close.  If we decide to take this project, we may be able to use his relative as a “refrigerator source”.
Their club sets up two 10X10 canopies, one to operate sales and the other to accommodate workspace and supplies.  They also set up 1 or 2 picknick tables for guests to sit and eat.
They cover the canopy area with roofing paper to eliminate sand, mud and such in case of rain.
Several cases of water are purchased at Sam’s Club and kept in three coolers for sale - $1.00 each.
The most important thing is the preparation week before the Festival.
They purchase 500 lbs of strawberries from Walmart.  They are ordered in 250lb. orders.  The first is picked up on Wednesday and the second on Friday.  After each pick up they must be capped, cut, sugared and stored in the refrigerators.  Princess Anne Club purchased containers for storage last year and may be willing to give or sell them to the club that takes over.
The Shortcake is actually vanilla pound cake purchased from Sam’s club.  It comes in 3 loaves to a pkg. Each loaf is one lb. Lion Eddie can offer the proper amounts to be ordered and purchased for all supplies, including pound cake, 12oz. styrofoam bowls, Rediwhip and anything else that is needed.
Lion Eddie says the most important thing is manpower to prepare the strawberries.  He uses 4 – 5 households with at least two per household to start preparing the strawberries as soon as they are picked up.  This is not recommended by the Health Dept. but it was suggested that we may be able to operate from a church kitchen. 
The Festival runs for two day from 7am-7am.  Princess Anne uses 4 people per shift.
Set up is on Friday night and tear down is on Sunday after the event closes.
Last year’s proceeds exceeded $6,000.00 with about $3,000 expenses. Since 2006 Princess Anne Lions have earned over $40,000 from the Festival.
Application for the Festival is submitted in Jan. of each year so our club has a little time to decide if we wish to undertake this project. 
Lion Jeri is concerned that we do not have enough people to work.  Lion Dick thinks if we undertake this project we must have people and a coordinator responsible for  ordering, logistics and direction.
Lion Stan moved that we postpone the decision and discussion  until the  next meeting – Lion Nancy seconded.
An afterthought was the possibility of offering something besides strawberry shortcake that requires less preparation. 

Announcements/Comments from the Floor:

Upcoming Events:
Oct.10- EGRC – meet at Best Buy to carpool - 2040 Broadmoor, Chesapeake, Va. 23323 10am-12pm
Oct. 16 – Next Regular Meeting – Westin Town Center 6pm
Oct. 19 – Bid & Buy Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Bethany UMC of Hampton, 1509 Todd’s   Lane, Hampton, VA

Sep 18, 2019The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order Sept.18, 2019 by President Lion Ellen Turman at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order:  6:30: 4 Guests,  17 Members, 53  Percent
Call to Order – Lion President Ellen Turman 6:30
Introduction of Guests:  Lion Homer Cook, Zone O Chairperson (Oceanside Lions Club).
Lion Aziz Selahi  friends -  Mohommad  & Sharh Razavi
Lion Bob  Perrine’s son – Corey Perrine
Recessed for Dinner
Reconvened 6:29

Introduction of Guest Speakers– Lion Bob Perrine explained that just this afternoon, John Quarstein, Director Emeritus, USS MONITOR Center, was forced to reschedule his program because he had emergency surgery just last evening.  He will be rescheduled later in the Lion’s year.

Lion President Ellen Turman announced that Lion Homer Cook, Zone O chairperson had graciously at the last minute agreed to speak to our club.

Lion Homer Cook graciously agreed to speak on his vision for our Zone this Lion’s years.   He is retired military and is especially interested in the Peace Poster Contest. In his attached notes is last year’s Peace Poster winner.
In addition to his comments, Lion Dick Kreassig told him and the club about his experience with his grandson, Scotty, who has had juvenile diabetes since the age of 4.  Scotty is not in college and managing well.
We also explained how our club contributes to the Childhood Cancer focus of LCI by holding our meetings once per month at Ronald McDonald House and providing meals to the residents.
Lion Homer’s presentation was enthusiastic, informative, and encouraging.  We appreciate
 His willingness to speak to our club on such short notice.  Please read all of his comments attached to these minutes.

Lion Irene Conlin – Strawberry Festival – Lion Irene has invited Lion Eddie Ackiss from the Princess Anne Club to come to the next business meeting. Lion Eddie was a major leader for a number of years in the festival and may be able to educate our club on what the responsibilities and commitments may be if we take over their position at the
Festival. The event happens during the Memorial Day weekend.

Lion Stanley Furman – Bid & Buy Charity Foundation Auction – Oct. 19th - Our club needs at least 6 people f the club to make us eligible for a $250 service  grant.

Please turn in all your raffle tickets and money to Lion Stanley.  Turn in all raffle tickets and money to Lion Stanley.

Lion Nancy Watters – Beach Bag Grant - Lion Nancy passed a sign-up sheet for the Beach Bag Project on Tues. Oct. 1st from 6-8 pm.  Funding is now complete.  One half was granted from Lions Club International/Anthem and the other half from our own Lions Charity Foundation.
Children’s Eye Screening – We have started screenings and a schedule was passed for people to sign up.  Mon. 9/16, St. Aiden’s Head Start was screened – 17 with 4 referrals
                         Wed. 9/18, Windsor Woods was screened – 74 with 11 referrals
 Some members of our club may be contacted to assist with other clubs that need help.

Lion Jack Wagner – Peanuts/Broom Sales 2 additional cases of Salt & Pepper have been ordered. Lion Jack asked that you think about holiday orders.  It is important to order early if we get what we want.  We will explore ordering 3 pks for Christmas gifts at the business meeting in November.

Broom sale will be on Sat. Oct. 28th

Lion Roger Snell – White Cane will be on Friday Sept. 27 & 28th– Lion Roger will send out a call for volunteers.  Please sign up if you are available.  We seriously need this fundraiser.

Both days for White Cane and Broom Sale will begin at 9am.

Announcements from the Floor
 Lion Stan had a letter asking if we want to again participate in the Holiday Project.   Our club always supports the project and wishes to do it again. But Lion Stan asked if we would also be interested in doing Thanksgiving for some families.  Lions Dick made the motion that we take on the project and Lion Aziz seconded.  The vote was unanimous. There was discussion leading to the majority approval that we combine donations and shop in quantity dividing the food for each family.  Lion Stan loves to shop and may be willing to coordinate the activity, making it a “club project” rather than an individual project as we have done in the past.  There will be more discussion at the business meeting in Nov.

Tail Twister- Lion Irene Conlin -
Birthdays: Lions Fran Scott (9) absent, Roger Snell (6), Dick Kreassig(23), Stanley Furman (30)
Lots and lots of money was raised as our club convinced three people to sing!  Lion Aziz sang in Farsi, Lion Roger in “Cockney” or something British, and Lion Otis sang in his own sounds somewhat resembling English.

50/50 Raffle – Lion Stanley Furman – winners - $20 – Otis Etheridge
$15 - Mohammed Raavi,  $10- Ellen Turman

Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Core -absent

Adjournment:  (I forgot to check…but it was too late for Lion Bob Perinne)

Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Upcoming Events:
Sept. 27 – Kings Grand – 612 N. Lynnhaven Rd. – School Screening
Sept. 30 – Windsor Oaks screening – 3800 Van Buren Dr. 9amOct. 1 – Beach Bag Proj – Cooperate Landing Middle Schl, 1597 Corporate Landing Pwy.,

Oct 2 - Business/regular meeting at the Ronald McDonald House, 404 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23507. .

Oct 10 - Eye Glass Recycling. Meet at Best Buy 9:30 or meet at the recycle center (2040 Broadmoor, Chesapeake 23323) at 10am.  

Oct 16 - Regular meeting (no business) at the Westin Hotel Town Center 4535 Commerce St, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 with social time starting at 6:00 and the dinner/meeting starting 6:30.

Oct. 19 – Bid & Buy Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Bethany UMC of  Hampton, 1509 Todd’s  Lane, Hampton, VA

Sep 4, 2019 The Regular/Business Meeting was called to order on Sept. 4, 2019 by President Lion Ellen Turman at 6:30 pm at Ronald McDonald House, 404 Colley Ave., Norfolk, Va 23507with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Lion Aziz Selahi preordered sub sandwiches from Subway for our members and the residents at Ronald McDonald House.  We charged each member $12 and ate prior to calling the meeting to order.
Lion President Ellen Turman - Call to Order at 6: 32 pm
0 Guests, 15 Members, 47Percent
Preident Lion Ellen Turman - asked for approval of minutes that were sent by email.  Lion Stanley Furman moved they be approved.  Motion seconded by Lion Nancy Nelson. Vote was unanimous.

          Zone O meeting update – Zone chairman Lion Homer Cook is looking for ideas for joint club projects, promoting the Peace Poster Contest, and looking for ways to increase club membership.

It was also announced the Princess Anne is giving up their Strawberry festival position and asking if any club would like to take over their position before they notify the Festival.  The Festival is Memorial Day Weekend, three days.  They sell strawberry shortcake or some type of strawberry dessert.  There is a lot of work and pre-prep that goes into the event.  Princess Anne Club felt that their membership is aging and unable to meet the demands of the Festival.

Lion Vickie Kennedy moved that we participate in the Festival and Lion Nancy Nelson seconded the motion.  The members voted to take on the responsibility.  Lion Irene Conlin will talk with the parties in charge at Princess Anne to see what is necessary and to look for guidance.

           Discussion of meeting meals at RMH - The club would like to continue to provide residents with meals when we hold our first meeting of each month at the RMH.

It was decided that we would order pizza for the Oct. meeting – Lion Ellen will handle the arrangements. Probably cost will be about $10.

The month of November, Lion Vickie will handle arrangements for chicken.

We will not have a meeting in December. 

Lion Vickie KennedyTreasurer’s Report – see attached
           Lion Nancy Watters Secretary’s Report

          Jump Start – August 22nd at Corporate Landing Middle School.  Four members joined 4 members from the Princess Anne Club and screened 185 children.  There were 32 referrals.  The project ran from 9am – 4pm.
         Beach Bag – Project will happen Tuesday, October 1st at Corporate Landing Middle School.  LCI/Anthem granted $2,500 and the Lions Charity Foundation of Southeastern Virginia granted the balance.  Sixty Anthem volunteers are required to participate and the project must last for 2 hours. To extend the worktime, the volunteers will spend the 1st hour writing encouragement notes on the reverse side of small cards with pictured school system logo, Lions logo, and Anthem logo. 
We are supposedly limited to 10 Lions but will ignore that restraint because Anthem never has the number of volunteers that are promised.  All Lions in our club are encouraged to attend and to wear appropriate Lions clothing!  The big news is that LCI/Anthem is sending a photographer/videographer to cover the event.  We need to all be present and represent our club.  If you have a yellow vest, get it out and dust it off.  If not, please wear your polo with club emblem and name tags.

School Screenings – The scheduling process has begun with the following schools:
9/18 – Windsor Woods
9/19 – Head Start Academy
9/27 – Kings Grant
9/30 – Windsor Oaks
A sign up schedule was passed around and for members to volunteer.

The Head Start program has consolidated 3 centers into one location at 350 Lynnshores Dr. called the Head Start Academy.  The biggest of all locations is now in our area.  We also cover St. Aiden’s and sometime Atlantis.

Adopt a Student – Lion Fran Scott – received $309 from people in club.
She spent $295 on supplies with $10 left over.  She brought copies of the receipts for proof of purchase.

Lion Aziz covered 2 children on his own.  The total for our club was 16 children.

Lion Fran passed out brochures about Seton Youth Center.   She was very impressed with the Seton House mentoring program of children whose parents are incarcerated.

Lion John Watters- Tax Exempt Status -We are now officially approved to both solicit and accept donations by the Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  And the Virginia Department of Taxation has approved that we should not be charged sales tax on purchases and sales.  Further discussion revealed that this should be applied to our meals at the Westin.  We will address that issue in the upcoming contract in November.

EGRC next Thursday Sept. 12 – Meet at Best Buy at 9:30 am to carpool.
The address is 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323

Lion Bob Perrine - Programs - in Lion Bob’s absence, Lion Nancy Nelson reported that our next speaker is John Quarstein who will speak about the Mariner’s Museum.
Oct.  speaker will be from Meals on Wheels
Nov. speaker will be Lion Aziz Selahi
Governors visit must be scheduled, possibly for Jan.

Lion Jack WagnerPeanuts/ Brooms – Brooms not selling well at Paul’s Garage.  We have an ample supply will hold a white cane and boom sale at the same time.
Peanuts available from Lion Jack.  Please let him know what you need.

Lion Roger SnellWhite Cane- Lion Jack and Lion Roger will set a date for the joint Broom and White Cane Collection

Lion Stanley FurmanBid & Buy Oct 19 - Bethany UMC of     Hampton, 1509 Todd’s   Lane, Hampton, VA

Our club needs a minimum of 6 people to attend in order to receive a $250 service grant. Four members are needed to work the raffle all day.  
The Auction runs from 11—2 (1:30 is live auction)
We need auction items quickly so that the items may be listed in the auction catalogue. Submission forms and Request Letters are on the website at
For each auction item over $50, our club gets a chance at a drawing for another $250 service grant.

Fall Conference – Fri & Sat. Sept.6-7 - Schools/luncheon on Sat. Sat night dinner and Speaker.  Wyndham Oceanfront.

Announcements/Comments from the Floor:
Adjourned 7:30

Upcoming Events:
          Sept. 6-8 – Fall Conference – Wyndham 5700 Atlantic Ave. V.B., VA
          Sept. 12 – EGRC – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
          Sept. 18 – Next Regular meeting – Westin 6pm
          Sept, 18 – Windsor Woods – 233 Presid3ential Blvd – School Screening
          Sept. 19 – Head Start Screening – Head Start Academy – 350 Lynnshores, V.B. 9am
          Sept 20 – Malibu -3632 Edinbourgh Dr. – School Screening
          Sept. 27 – Kings Grand – 612 N. Lynnhaven Rd. – School Screening
          Sept 30 – Windsor Oaks screening – 3800 Van Buren Dr. 9am
          Oct. 1 – Beach Bag Proj – Cooperate Landing Middle Schl, 1597 Corporate Landing Pwy.,
         Oct. 19 – Bid & Buy Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Bethany UMC of  Hampton, 1509 Todd’s  Lane, Hampton, VA

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on August 7, 2019, by President Lion Ellen Turman at 6:30 pm at the Westin Towne Center, Virginia Beach, VA with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Social Time - 6pm - 6:30pm
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Song - Lion Stan Furman                                                                                                               ATTENDANCE
Pledge of Allegiance - Lion Jim Healy                                                                                      1 Guest
Invocation given by Lion Stan Moss                                                                                         19 Members Recess for Dinner: 6:30pm
Reconvene: 7:05pm

Program: Tidewater Community College Programs
Dr. Michael Summers, Vice President of Tidewater Community College talked about the programs available at TCC.  Dr. Summers also brought up the transition process that the students from the Adult Learning Center go through when they enroll at TCC. He does plan to work with the Elaine Lamb the Director of the Adult Learning Center in placing more students at TCC.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie reported as of June 30, 2019 the Scholarship Fund was $57,581.56, Administration Fund was $3,582.30, Activity Fund $5,367.19. Dues for the LCI totaled $569.75. We paid out $500 for the scholarship recipient and orders for peanuts. $1,700 has been collected for annual dues.

VBCC and Thalia Lions Blood Drive: Lion Nancy Nelson reported on the results of the blood drive. The Red Cross collected 26 pints of blood, 3 Power Red donations. And there were 9 volunteers present to help.

Beach Bag Project: Lion Fran reported that the project will be held on October 1st at Corporate Landing Middle School.

Jump Start:  Lion Fran reported the project will be held on August 22nd at Corporate Landing Middle School from 9:30 to 1:30 pm. Lions offer vision screening for children and supplies, and services are provided to those children in need.  Lion Nancy needs 4 volunteers to help with the screening. We are partnering with Princess Anne Lions for this project.

Adopt a Student: Lion Fran reported we still have five students who need sponsors for school supplies.

Peanuts and Brooms: Lion Jack reported there are a few peanuts left. The broom sale will be held the latter part of September.

White Cane: Lion Roger Snell reported that a White Cane Fundraiser will be held sometime in September.

President’s Remarks: Lion Ellen reminded everyone about the Lions Medical Eye Bank Dinner on August 21 at the Norfolk Yacht Club starts at 6:00 pm. The Lions Medical Eye Bank meeting will be held prior to the dinner. She reminded club members who are not attending the dinner that our club will not be meeting on this date.

Zone O meeting will be held on August 27 at 6:00 pm at Gaungdong Taste Restaurant.

24I Fall Conference, September 6 thru 8 at the Wyndham Hotel in Virginia Beach.

EGRC: The Eye Glass Recycling Center is August the 8th.

Charity Foundation Bid-N-Buy Auction: Lion PDC Stan Furman reported that the Charity Foundation needs donations for the auction. The auction is scheduled for October 19th at Bethany Methodist Church in Hampton.  Lion Stan passed out the Bid-N-Buy tickets.

New Business:  None
Old Business: None

50/50 Raffle – Lion Irene Conlin
Raffle amounts was $15, $10 and $7
Winner was Dick Kressig for all three
Progressive Raffle- Lion Mike Coren
No winners, total is now at $411
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm

Respectfully submitted
Lion Jeri Furman, Acting Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
Ø  Thu, Aug 8th – Eye Glass Recycling
Ø  Wed, Aug 21st – Eye Bank Meeting and Dinner, Norfolk Yacht Club, 6:00pm
Ø  Tue, Aug 27th – Zone O meeting at Guangdong Taste, 6:00pm
Ø  Wed, Sept 4th - Regular Business Meeting at Ronald McDonald House, 6:00pm social, 6:30pm meeting
Ø  Fri, Sept 6-8th -24I Fall Conference at Wyndham Hotel in Virginia Beach
Ø Tues, Oct 1st - Beach Bag Project

July 17, 2019 Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order July 17, 2019 by President Lion Ellen Turman at 6:30 pm at the Westin Hotel, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting

Social Time – 6pm – 6:30pm
Call to Order:  6:30 

2 Guests , 19  Members , 61  Percent
 Meeting Opened by Lion President Ellen Turman on time at 6:30 pm

Introduction of Guests:  Scholarship Winner’s mother, Salisa Thomas was introduced.

Adult Learning Center:  Dr. Heather Lamb, Adult Education Coordinator for the Adult Learning Center.
Recessed for Dinner
Reconvened 7:09

Introduction of Guest Speakers– Lion Bob Perrine

Salisa Thomas explained that, Sage, her daughter will be attending Regent University in the Fall and was unable to join us because of a church obligation. She is very appreciative for the $1,000 scholarship of which half was presented tonight. She congratulated our club on our service projects. 

Mrs. Thomas said “Sage was accepted to William & Mary, so she prayed until she found that Regent was the place she felt God wanted her to go.  When you work hard to raise your children, you never anticipate that you will look up to your children.”  Her son is now a Naval Academy and her daughter is a very hard worker.  She feels extremely blessed.  They now give her advice. 

Dr. Heather Lamb is the Adult Education Coordinator.

The Adult Learning Center is very grateful for our support. Our club often does eye screening and blood glucose screening aside from giving scholarship.  The Thalia Lions Application is on the back page of the ALC’s handbook.  So, every student has exposure to Thalia Lions.  There are about 70 to 80 graduates each semester who desire to attend TCC.  ALC wants to help the students.  They need to meet a 170-test score to receive the scholarship instead of the standard minimum 145 score.  The school feels that is necessary to assure that they are successful at TCC.  To encourage more applicants for our scholarship, the minimum score of 145 in Science and Social Studies will be the threshold. 

However, they will still require Eng and Math scores of 175.  Lion Ed DeLong was so appreciated by the school and they want to honor him by offering the scholarships to students that can become successful.  Students often feel good when they graduate ALC but seem uninspired or afraid to reach for another school like TCC.
Of the 70 to 80 students, only 12 to 17 go on to TCC.  Students enter on a rolling basis.  When they graduate early, they do not know if they are accepted to TCC in time to apply for a scholarship.   By lowering the bar somewhat, it will hopefully encourage more applicants.
The scholarship is not specifically for academic programs.  It is also for certain vocational professions.
Those that look forward to the TCC 2 years program usually go on to a 4-year college program. They are the ones who apply for scholarships.  Those that are moving on into the vocational professions do not seem interested in applying for the scholarship.
Dr. Summers from TCC will speak to Thalia Lions in the Fall.  He will likely encourage us to consider students who enter vocational programs and encourage them to apply for our scholarships.

TCC sends students back to ALC when they do not meet standards and need remediation.
They must be competent in English & Math to be successful. 

Lion Susie Sumnick asked if it would help if we offered to mentor students who are interested in scholarships. And she gave Dr. Lamb her contact information to help with the organization of such a project.    Dr. Lamb was very receptive to the idea and was pleased to accept our help.

Dr. John Watters would like to know why students must go to TCC instead of other professional, technical, or occupational training.  The scholarship committee will address those concerns.

Dr. Lamb was presented a can of Toffee peanuts for her willingness to speak to our club.

Lion President Ellen –

1.      Rescheduling of August Meeting at Westin will be August 7th instead of the third Wed. night in August.  That is the Eye bank Dinner night.

2.      Rise Against Hunger decision by the Board – support for the project will be with volunteers only, not with money.  The Board wants to use the money locally.  Lion Aziz contacted Meals on Wheels.  The director would like to speak to our club.  Info was given  to Lion Nancy Nelson to explore the project.

3.      Eye Bank Annual Dinner – Lion Vickie will handle the arrangements.  Please turn your reservation and money in to Lion Vickie by Aug 8th.  That is the deadline. 

 Lion Nancy Watters – Beach Bag Grant update- Lions Club International has agreed to fund the project but the amount is yet to be announced.  Anthem has asked that we use twice as many of their volunteers, increasing from 30 to about 50.  They also want the project to last at least 2 hours.  Lion Nancy agreed to their terms and will have 3”X 5” cards for the employee volunteer to spend the first hour writing words of encouragement on the reverse side of the cards.  We will pack the cards in each Beach Bag.
Lions Nancy Nelson - Blood Drive – VBCC Aug.8th 11-4pm – Lion Nancy made a big plea for assistance.  She needs both volunteer workers as well as donors.

Lion Jack Wagner – Peanuts/Broom Sales – Peanuts are available to anyone.  Please let him know what you want. 

Lion Roger Snell – White Cane (absent) Will organize a White Cane later in the summer.

Lion Jim Healy reminded the club that we have Flags to sell.  He also has $1 American Flag pins.

Announcements from the Floor:

Tail Twister- Lion Irene Conlin

Birthdays:  Lion Marsha Montgomery 7/31 (Lion Marsha was absent so we will “catch” her at a later date!!)

50/50 Raffle – Lion Irene Conlin  -The following won the drawings:

25 ticket -   Lion Ellen

$15 – Lion Nancy Nelson

 $6 – Lion Jack WAgner

Progressive Raffle – Lion Mike Coren – Lion Irene’s ticket was pulled – but she selected the 6 of hearts instead of the Queen.

****The pot grows!! There is $411.00 and only 28 cards left!  Time to start buying tickets!!


Respectfully submitted:  Lion Nancy Watters

Upcoming Events:

20 July, 24-I First District Meeting, Saturday, 2pm, Windsor, VA
4 August – Red Cross Blood Drive – VBCC 2225 Rose Hall Dr. Va. Beach  11-4pm
7 August – Next Regular meeting - Westin
8 August – Eye Glass Recycling
21 August, Annual Eye Bank Meeting & Dinner, Norfolk Yacht Club
6-8 September, 24-I Fall Conference, Virginia Beach
19 - 21 September, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, Spokane, WA
4 - 6 October, 24-L Fall Conference, Charlottesville 
9 October – Beach Bag Project
July 3, 2019 - First 2019/2020 Meeting, President Lion Ellen Turman at the Ronald McDonald House
Treasurer’s Report & Budget approval – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Each item was discussed, adjusted and explained. Lion Stan F moved that we accept, and Lion John seconded.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  See attached copy of revised budget for 2019-20.

Rise against Hunger – Lion President Ellen Turman
Kempsville Lions as invited Thalia Lions to participate in Rise Against Hunger to be held at
Thalia Lynn Baptist Church in October.  (See attached flyer) The goal is to pack 10,000 meals for populations in need. Volunteer are needed.  After much discussion about the project and its importance, Lion Aziz suggested that if we are to donate money for a hunger project, it should be something local.  So many people in our own area are in need and he particularly targeted the elder population.  We already support the Beach Bag Project and he felt we should aid Meals on Wheels.  He has volunteered to look into the possible participation in that project.  Taking his suggestion into consideration, the Board decided to support Rise Against Hunger with volunteers rather than money.

Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Nelson/Nancy Watters/Ellen Turman – Flyer and sign up was passed around. The Blood Drive will be Aug. 4th 11-4 at Virginia Beach Christian Church, 2225 Rosehall Dr., V.B.  Please let Lion Nancy N or Lion Ellen know if you can work.  But more importantly, if you are eligible, please schedule an appt. to give blood.  Instructions are on the flyer.

White Cane- Lion Roger Snell – Will schedule a summer time.

Broom Sale/Peanuts Sale – Lion Jack Wagner – Will hold Broom Sale this summer and Peanuts are available.  He has ordered 2 more cases of Salt & Pepper but has a very good supply of almost all varieties.
Programs – Lion Bob Perrine – Speaker on the 17th - Heather Lamb Adult Learning Center.  The scholarship recipient’s parent from P.A., Sage Thomas, will be at the meeting.

Lion Nancy Nelson and Lion Bob will coordinate programs for the coming year.

EGRC –Lion John Watters - Thursday, July 11th from  10 – 12pm.  Please  meet in Best Buy parking lot if you want to carpool.

Eyebank Dinner – Lion John Watters – Annual Dinner- please make reservations through Lion Vickie.  Member and Board meetings will start at 5:00.

Thalia usually has a table for 10 but we need commitments – you need to pay Lion Vickie and designate a meal choice.  See Attached.

During this discussion it was noted that the Eyebank Annual Dinner is the same night as our club meeting night.  Lion Ellen was asked to contact the hotel to see if our meeting could be moved to the first Wed. evening in August.  She will let us know.

There was a motion to only have 1 meeting in Aug. and that would be the Eyebank dinner.  Lion Jack seconded.  However, the club is obligated to the hotel for one meeting in August that included charges for 20 meals.  Omitting the additional August meeting may not be an option unless Lion Ellen can get the hotel to accommodate our request.

Open Discussion – Ronald McDonald House meeting on 1st Wed. of each month.   How should meals be handled?  Suggestions were to cater from Subway or order pizzas.  Lion Aziz will order Subway for the next meeting at RMH.  We will discuss what we want at each meeting and ask some to handle the arrangements.

Lion Vickie asked if there was anything that RMC could do better for us.  We were all very pleased with their accommodations.

Dues are due.
Meeting adjourned 7:43

5 - 9 July, LCI Convention, Milan, Italy
11July – Eye Glass Recycling Center
20 July, 24-I First District Meeting, Saturday, 2pm, Windsor, VA
21 August, Annual Eye Bank Meeting & Dinner, Norfolk Yacht Club
6-8 September, 24-I Fall Conference, Virginia Beach
19 - 21 September, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, Spokane, WA
4 - 6 October, 24-L Fall Conference, Charlottesville 
9 October – Beach Bag Project
1 - 3 November, 24-C Fall Conference, Bristol 
7 - 9 November, Virginia Pin Swap
1 - 3 November, 24-C Fall Conference, Bristol 
13 - 17 May, MD24 State Convention
26 - 30 June, International Convention, Singapore



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