Meetings 2013 - 2014

June 4, ,2014 - Regular Meeting
 The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 4, 2014, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:29pm

Introduction of Guests: Lion Stan Furman introduced Mary Lou Newman

Song – Lion Debra Laughlin led America the Beautiful
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Rich Roberts
Invocation- given by Lion Steve Rosnov
     1 Guests
20 Members
54 Percent

 Recessed for Dinner: 6:33pm; Reconvened:   6:59pm

Selection of Thalia Lions of the Year:  Ballots were passed around for collection after voting.  They will be counted and the selection announced at Charter Night, June 17th.


Ø  State Convention:  CC Lion Stan Furman  The Thalia vocal contestant, Andrea Gadzinski won 2nd place in the State Bland Contest and our instrumentalist contestant, Claire Du, won 3rd place.  The LOVF state raffle for $10,000 was won by someone in District 24A.  At the general session there was controversy about the bylaws, which will not now allow a sitting governor to become CC.  This was not changed, but LCI may change this in the next year necessitating a change in the state constitution.  This year there are eight candidates for International Vice President.  The international guest at the state convention was LCI 2nd Vice President, Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, who used an interpreter for his speech. 

Ø  Broom Sale, June 7th and White Cane(s) in July:  Lion Jack Wagner Described the details and schedule for the broom sale this Saturday, June 7th.  It will be next to BJ’s gas station as usual from 9am to 3pm. 

Ø  Charter Night details:  Lion John Watters  We have 36 reservations in place and it will be a buffet including prime rib roast.  Good news is that we may have Lion Dallas Divelbiss as a guest, as his daughter, Debbie, has said that she will bring him.

Ø  Thalia Polo Shirts:  Lion Linda Harrison distributed shirts.  The price didn’t include tax so some extra payment will be appreciated.  We can order more in almost any color in the future.

Ø  International Youth Camp meal, July 13thDiscussion centered around food and arrangements.  Lion Bob Perrine suggested we eat with them by sharing tables.  All thought this was an excellent suggestion.  We should all wear Lions garb also.  Lion Aziz Selahi will provide chicken, Lions John and Nancy Watters will provide potato salad and cole slaw.  Lion Linda Harrison mentioned that she will provide a vegetarian entrée and others will provide dessert.  Water and lemonade will be prepared.

Ø  President Lion Rich Roberts  mentioned that he will arrange a joint meeting of the incoming and outgoing Board of Directors later this month.

Ø  Lion Bob Perrine announced that our club’s selection for the Princess Anne $1000 scholarship, Erin Bryant, was presented her scholarship last night at Princess Anne High School.  She collected several other scholarships in addition to ours and is most deserving.  He described the impressive scholarship awards given at Princess Anne which amounted to more than $10 million in value.  Graduates were attending a variety of outstanding institutions including military academies.  Miss Bryant will be coming to our July 2nd meeting with her mother to collect the scholarship check.  This is the letter presented to her.

Ø  Thalia Lions Club                                                                                                    June 2, 2014
Ø                                    2416 Whaler Ct
Ø                        Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Ø                                       (757) 481-1269
Ø                                 email:
Ø Ms. Erin A. Bryant
Ø 921 Brittlebank Drive
Ø Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Ø Dear Erin Bryant,
Ø Congratulations!  The Thalia Lions Club has selected you as our recipient for our 2014 $1,000.00 Princess Anne High School scholarship award.
Ø I will present you with half of the amount at our dinner meeting July 2nd at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, 252 Town Center Dr., Virginia Beach, VA. Happy Hour is at 6 p.m. in the bar room followed by dinner and program at 6:30 pm. I would like to also invite your mother plus a guest of your choice for dinner on us. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please call me and let me know an alternative date. We generally meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.  The rest of the $1,000 will be sent to you once you have provided to me proof of a “B” average grade point (or better) for your first semester of study.  
Ø We applaud your efforts at Princess Anne High School and urge you to continue your hard work at one of the three colleges for which you have been accepted.  Please let me know how you’re doing from time to time.   My email and phone number are posted above.
Ø Good luck in your future studies.
Ø Lion Bob Perrine
Ø Educational Services / Scholarship Committee Chairman
Ø Thalia Lions Club

Secretary’s Report:

Ø  Final District Meeting of this Lion’s year, June 14th, 2pm, Piankatank Ruritan Bldg, Hudgins, VA.  There will be four or five attendees from our club.

June Birthdays:   Lion Erin Stromberg (30th) chose Lion Stan Furman to sing Happy Birthday to her and as bidding for and against him singing progressed, Lion Aziz Selahi was selected to sing the equivalent in Farsi.  In the end, both sang alternately to Lion Erin, phrase by phrase.

50-50 Raffle:  Tail Twister CC Lion Stan Furman:  Lion Dick Kreassig won $20, Lion John Watters won $13, and Lion Ed DeLong won $6.

 Meeting then adjourned at 7:45pm.

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:

Ø  June 7th (Sat) – Broom Sale, BJ;s, 9am – 5pm
Ø  June 12th (Thu) Eyeglass Recycling, 10am - 12
Ø  June 14th (Sat) – Final District Meeting, 2pm, Piankatank Ruritan Bldg, Mathews, VA
Ø  June 17th (Tues) Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club, 6pm social
Ø  June 18th (Wed) –Oceanfront Library screening with VB Host Lions, 10am – 12noon
Ø  June 23rd (Mon) – Thalia Lions Central Library screening, 12:30pm – 2pm
Ø  July 2nd (Wed) – Regular Meeting
Ø  July 13th (Sun) – Feed the international Lions youth camp, Va Weslyan College

Ø  July 18th – 20th –RAM, Wise Co.

May 7, 2014 - Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 7, 2014, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:30pm

Introduction of Guests:  Lion Nurys Sabino introduced guest Shameek Scott.

Song – Lion Stan Furman led both The More We Get Together and America
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Erin Stromberg
Invocation- given by Lion Susan Sumnick
     1 Guests
23 Members
61 Percent
 Recessed for Dinner: 6:33pm
Reconvened:   7:00pm

Guest Speaker:  Lion Bob Perrine
(The following is a literal transcription of his talk that Lion Bob kindly forwarded.  If you will read it on-line, just do a Ctrl and left click on the hyperlinks to get the references mentioned.)

Good evening. I am a retired Civil Engineer. I have had a wonderful life and a fulfilling career with the Army Corps of Engineers, followed by retirement filled with varied activities, among them my seven years with Thalia Lions. I’d like to tell you about six years of my life I call “Missing the Action.” But wait!! I saw lots of action, only it wasn’t the kind I was really looking for.

 Remember the 1966 film, “What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?”  In 1943, a war-weary company, ordered to capture a strategic village in Italy, found the villagers all too willing to surrender, but only after their annual village wine festival.  The festival lasted well into the night with the company Captain out of action due to wine and women, and with many of his men having exchanged uniforms with Italian soldiers during a drunken game of strip poker.

So begins my story when asked the same question by my ten year old son John in 1988. “What Did You Do in the War, Dad?”  War carries with it the chance of getting killed, yet ironically the many perilous positions that I found myself in did not involve war.

I graduated from Virginia Tech in 1966, the year that film I mentioned came out. My fellow ROTC classmates and I were hyped up as we hung “Bomb Hanoi” signs out our windows. But just before getting my expected assignment to the war, a good friend approached me and asked if I would be one of the teachers at a new two-year tech program at previously all black Bluefield State College, a position that would delay my deployment by two years from fighting.  I just couldn’t refuse, since I would be working on my masters at the same time.  During college enrollment a newly formed white fraternity asked me to be their sponsor.  As I had been provided one of the four houses on campus, the fraternity met regularly at my home.  As you may remember, this was the time of Civil Rights and racial tension. Not only were I and my white fraternity considered a thorn in the side of this previously all back school,  but also for the first time a white president was appointed by the state, Dr. Wendell G. Hardway.  Knowing there might be trouble in the days ahead, my home became an armed fortress.  Tensions grew and culminated in the 1968 riot and bombing of the physical education building right there in front of my house.  As an angry crowd advanced on me and 20 members of Pi Kappa Phi, they were met with 20 guns pointed at them, giving them reason enough to retreat back down the hill and leave us alone.

After my stent at Bluefield State College, and while waiting to be called into action, another good friend approached me, a Sergeant Major who worked at the Pentagon in charge of making assignments.  He told me how sour the war was going and wanted to know if, on the way to Vietnam, I didn’t want to make a one year stopover in South Korea where they badly needed civil engineers to supervise a jet fuel pipeline being placed the length of the country, and with this turn of events, I became the only one at the Engineer Officer Basic Course class of 110 in the winter of 68/69 not to receive orders for Vietnam. 

Three months later on a cold March morning I found myself coming out of the clouds on a military pane loaded with GI’s destined for fox holes alone the DMZ with North Korea. The picture from 10,000 feet into Kimpo Air Base was bleak – all brown with muddy newly planted rice fields and straw thatched roofs, but not as bleak as the faces on those young GI’s.  To me it was like landing on another planet.  I was thrilled!  Our first experience upon deplaning was to line up and drop drawers as a medic stuck our behinds with some kind of experimental drug, the identity of which I never learned.  We were then hauled into a briefing room and told not to eat the food outside military camps as it would give us worms or worse.  So my first experience was to find my way into a local restaurant with strange smells and smoke coming out of the walls. Sitting on a rice mat I pointed to what others were having, mostly smelly Kimchee.  To this day I love the stuff.

Instead of first going to work on the pipe line, I was delayed for a vital mission to Camp Ames, an isolated base in the central part of South Korea where nukes were stored.  Seems a protective second fence could not be completed because the local Military Police Commander was standing in the way of progress.  They dropped me in by helicopter as the muddy roads there were almost impassable.  That first night I blew it with a man who not only suffered PTSD from a recent assignment in Vietnam, but was also completely off his rocker.  At dinner he said to me, “Son, what’a drinkin?”  I asked for a martini. He said, “Only pussies drink martinis. My men all drink boilermakers” (a mixture of beer and bourbon).  I asked the officer next to me how this could be.  He said, “He makes out our Officer Efficiency Ratings, so we need to like whatever he likes.”  As things progressed, I learned that the Korean work force building the fence could only work a few hours each day since LT Col Crazy made them wait for hours in the sun until one of his shorthanded troops could spend another several hours methodically searching them for anything that could blow up the place.  I was able to convince LT Col Crazy to let the workforce just stay at the work area sleeping and working there.  This did the trick and they completed the half built fence in four days after what had taken three months until the new work plan.  At final inspection, to my dismay, LT Col Crazy noted that portions of this double ten foot high fence were just three inches shy of being the required ten feet from the existing fence. 

He turned to me and said I might as well get it through my head I’d be there at least another year.  That night I released the contractor and his work crew, stole LT Col Crazy’s jeep and drove 70 miles over almost impossible roads to Daejon.  Bright and early at 7 a.m., I confronted a green as green could be 2nd Lt Facilities Engineer with the fence property transfer papers for signature.  On the way out the door the phone rang as I heard, “Yes sir, he just left.  Yes sir, I did sign the papers.  Yes sir, your jeep’s out front.  No sir, he’s nowhere in sight.

Back in Seoul, I was put on another small assignment which gave me time to buy a motorcycle. After almost killing myself by sliding under a semi-truck and jumping Han River sand banks into quicksand, a friend invited me to go across the country to the east coast on our motorcycles to Sokcho, a secret Korean base near the DMZ.  For the last leg over a mountain pass it rained and our motorcycles bogged down in the mud late at night.  Fortunately, ROK (Republic of Korea) soldiers came out of their fox holes and helped us along.  ROK soldiers were stationed in foxholes all along the coast area guarding against sneak attacks from North Korea.  Every able bodied man in South Korea had to spend two years in the military and for the most part, out in the elements.  The soldiers at Sokcho were remarkable.  This was the jump-off location for ROK type seals to jump from high speed assault boats, swim ashore into North Korea and spy, plus engage in other nasty activities.  Those ROK soldiers could do no wrong in town and their mischief went unregulated.  Arriving in Sokcho we stumbled into the NCO club, mud head to toe, and were received with more celebration, increasing the already rollicking club atmosphere.

During my time in Seoul, a Korean working in our office began translating our English construction specifications into Korean.  I later learned when I was in Saudi Arabia that his translation was literally photocopied thousands of times and was the catalyst for the Korean export of its construction expertise worldwide, with the workforce in Saudi Arabia working on Corps of Engineers managed military projects made up of 80% Korean workers.  

I eventually ended up in my assignment supervising the construction of two 40,000 barrel jet fuel storage tanks at Osan Air Base, 50 miles south of Seoul Korea.  I was deputy to a civilian Resident Engineer, a man who taught me a great deal in a short time, a man who would later kill his wife.  Besides hundreds of Korean construction workers, there were 5,000 airmen, and just outside the front gate, the reality of the Beach Boys’ “Surf City” lyrics, “Two girls for every boy.”  The pilots all had Screwdriver and Bloody Mary drinks for breakfast and at the Officer’s Club Happy Hour we played “Free Till You Pee,” a game where officers could consume as much alcohol from an open table as possible until someone had to use the restroom.  Believe it or not, the record was only 18 minutes.  During my stay at Osan, there were two fighter pilots who flew their jets straight into the mountain.  No, it wasn’t the booze.  According to one of my closest friends there, most of the pilots were here on R&R from Vietnam where they were being instructed to drop napalm on village huts. Need I say more about what they saw behind them as they flew off?

My one year of a two year ROTC commitment time was up in 1970 and I was still eagerly anticipating my last year in Vietnam.  But as before, another friend, who had recently been transferred from Berlin, told me he could get me assigned to Berlin if I’d go “Voluntary Indefinite,” that is, hitch one more year onto my two-year Army obligation.  And so it was another detour on the way to Vietnam.  Upon arrival in Berlin I was stationed with the Engineer & Installation Division, the unit responsible for maintenance of the most prestigious housing in the entire military, complements of the German Government wanting to make Berlin a show place in the center of lands occupied by the Soviets. This included the U.S. Army’s Berlin Brigade Commander’s $20 million chateau.  As for me, as a bachelor Army Captain, I had a two bedroom apartment complete with kitchen, dining, and spacious living room.  Almost before I could get my feet on the ground, my new commander informed me the turnaround time was now just down to two months before I’d be shipped off to Vietnam.  As it turned out 1970 became the year there was a huge exodus of half a million soldiers from Vietnam.  My two months got lengthened to the point that I would spend the rest of my two year tour in Germany.  E&I Division had a standing joke that should the Soviets declare war, their primary mission was to place a sign on the Berlin Wall down at Check Point Charlie simply reading, “POW Camp.” Being surrounded by Russians, we were sitting ducks.  The first and main obstacle to my new assignment was the Captain I was replacing known by all as “Captain America,” a man who walked on water.  He was a lawyer who had single handedly brought a Wild West outfit to the annual German-American folk festival. 

I could not begin to fill his shoes, but I did, in a strange sort of way.  Every Friday in full uniform, we could spend the day in East Berlin on the other side of the wall.  As it happened a new Commander came on the scene a month after my arrival.  I submitted to him the paperwork for permission to pass through Checkpoint Charlie.  He wanted to know why I’d want to go over there.  I said, “shopping and hanging out with East Germans, sir.” He said, “What! You want to trade and fraternize with the enemy? Well, forget it Captain Perrine.”  That Monday he called me back into his office and said, “Captain Perrine, I’m afraid I’ve got to eat some crow.  My wife found out you know all the good places to shop in East Berlin so she’s been bugging me all weekend for you to escort her.”  You see, the military in uniform could drive through Check Point Charlie without being checked.  Civilians had to walk through and be thoroughly searched.   I could trade my West Mark for five East Marks in down town West Berlin.  Tourists had to exchange one for one, but even at that, prices for antiques, etchings, Bleikristall, handmade wooden toys and vodka (to name a few valuables) were a steal.  In the months ahead I met more than twenty wives of colonels and generals after they had walked through the check point.  One time antique tables and chairs were tied high on my roof which made the Russian guards laugh.  They had gotten to know my shopping routine.   Two days later it was no laughing matter when a sergeant had his trunk filled with machinegun fire.  He drove on through to the west with three dead East Germans, a bounty worth $15,000.  These types of incidents were always swept under the rug, and the sergeant was simply transferred out the next day, I presume with $15,000 in his pocket.

Koreans were friendly towards Americans since we came to their aide during the Korean War, but in Germany there was rebellion against our Vietnam involvement and the young people ignored GI’s.  But then my employees at E&I Division were Germans, so I did have quite a few German Friends, especially when the 1970 film “Woodstock” was released to military theaters, since the German theaters didn’t get the film for several years.  None of the military personnel were coming to see the film because of many of the songs were anti-military.  I asked the movie sergeant if I could bring a few of my German employees since the shows seemed to be mostly empty.  When word got out, every single one of my employees came, some 20 plus.   They smuggled in Russian Champaign (Krimsekt from Crimea), and boy, did we rock the little theater! When Country Joe started off his song with “Give me an ‘F,’” we were all up standing on our arm rests answering his cry, “What’s that spell?

We sailed on Lake Wannsee at the military Wannsee Rec Center, an elegant chateau on loan from the Germans.  Little did we know at the time, this was the very place where Nazi leaders decided the “final solution” of the “Jewish Question.”   I only learned this years later, and more recently I learned the rest of a story from E&I Division’s most talked about accomplishment.  Operation Gold was pulled off by one of our top German managers.  He had his workers dig a tunnel under the Berlin Wall and tap into East German phone lines.  Eleven months later the Russians found the wire, according to them, by accident; but by then we had obtained eleven months of information, how valuable we didn’t know.   I heard the story told perhaps a dozen times at cocktail parties.  Several years ago on a vacation in Berlin, at the Berlin War Museum there was a replica of the tunnel E&I Division had constructed with a description of what was learned after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.  The KGB had known about the tunnel all along, but decided not to let on.  The Soviets would have had to compromise the Russian mole in British security who found out about the tunnel, and they preferred to sacrifice some information rather than their valuable agent.

My favorite Sunday outing was to buy a case of Guinness Stout from the British Commissary, load it into my tiny inflatable raft along with my girlfriend and float out into a quiet lake both West and East Germans were forbidden to use as the east/west boundaries cut through the middle of the lake with the Berlin Wall on the east side. One Sunday we both fell asleep and by drifting into the East Sector we were awakened by a Russian patrol boat with guns in our faces. Only the good looks and sweet talk of my girlfriend plus a few remaining beers kept them from hauling us in to the East.

After a year in Berlin I got a very sought after job in Frankfurt, Germany.  The colonel interviewing for the job liked to speak French and my French Canadian girl friend sealed the deal.  I was put in charge of building basketball and tennis courts all over Germany using Class Six whiskey profits.  In that most civilian clubs had been put off limits from the ill will towards the American Military at the time, the GI’s needed more places to let off steam. Ten of these sports areas had inflatable domes, and it was only after I left Germany that I learned, most had been knifed from GI’s letting off a lot more steam.

A few months before my three years was up, on May 11, 1972 my girlfriend and I were walking out of the basement bar area at the Officer’s Club in Frankfurt, when an explosion sent debris and gases down the step we were about to go up.  This was the work of the Baader-Meinhof Gang.  Lt. Col. Paul Bloomquist who had left only seconds earlier was killed, along with a dozen or so being injured.

Before leaving the service, again another friend approached me and said I could go into a program that trained folks leaving the services and still get Captain’s pay for six more months.   I had the choice of schools:  learning to lay bricks or bartending.  I thought I would have more chances to put bartending skills to use and I knew an Italian bartender friend who could get me a job at the Frankfurt Steigenberger Airport Hotel.  For six months I worked a 5p.m. to 1 a.m. shift.  This was a fitting six month vacation to end my experience during the Vietnam War, perhaps having the best assignments the Army had to offer short of all the action I missed in Vietnam.  However, my exit interviewer didn’t see things that way, because, as a captain, I had commanded not one single platoon or company.

At the end of my story, my son looked at me and ironically stated, “Gee Dad, you could have been killed, and then I wouldn’t be hereGuess I’m a lucky little boy.”

Now, like Paul Harvey’s “Rest of the Story” segments, I’ll close with this.   I was not only lucky to be alive, but lucky to be telling this story to my son since he might never have heard me tell it to him.  You see, in January 1982, I found myself in Saudi Arabia working for the Corps of Engineers as a civilian.  Awakened in the early morning on January 14, 1982, the Commander of the Corps of Engineers in Saudi Arabia called to tell me my good friend from Korea had been one of the people to go down in the Potomac River with Air Florida Flight 90 several hours earlier.  A year earlier in interviewing for a position with the Corps of Engineers in Washington D.C., I was asked about my boss who was still in Korea.  I hesitated, because I knew he had far more experience than I, but I went ahead and told the interviewing manager about his many attributes, an endorsement I’m sure landed him the job instead of me, a job that was taking him down to Florida on that ill-fated Air Florida flight to a planning meeting at an Army Reserve Center in, of all places, Perrine, Florida.

Lion President Rich thanked Lion Bob for relating his fascinating story.

Lion President Rich Roberts  then presented Lion Roger Snell with his 20-year membership Chevron.


Ø  Vision Walk 2014:  Lion Debra Laughlin was not present, but Lion Irene Conlin and Lion John Watters reiterated the statistics of this year’s VisionWalk.  There were 1,400 walkers raising almost $100,000 for the Foundation Fighting Blindness.  District 24-D Lions raised $9000, surpassing their goal of $8000. 

Ø  District 24-D Bland Contest, Friday, April 25th, 7pm : Lion Vickie Kennedy   Both of our contestants won the District contest and are going to the state level contest at the state convention on May 16th.  The sponsoring club of district winners usually assists the winners with expenses.  In the past the amount has varied.  Lion Irene Conlin mentioned that we still have $200 originally ear-marked for Journey for Sight that could help. It was moved and seconded that we give the contestants $150 each for $300 total.  The District had previously given them $125 each and they will earn at least $1000 at the state contest.  The motion was passed unanimously.

Ø  Charter Night planning, Tues, June 17th:  Lion Nancy Watters Lion Nancy first reported for lion Linda Harrison that she will collect for the Thalia Lions shirts recently ordered.  Charter Night reservations are due soon.  It will be June 17th.  Members are free, the first guest is $20 each and additional guests are $42 each.

Ø  LMEB Meeting, May 21stReservations are needed tonight for the next club meeting at the Lions Medical Eye Bank.  Directions will follow.  Meal costs will be determined by the number attending.

Ø  Eyeglass Recycling:  Lion Ed DeLong reminded everyone that tomorrow is eyeglass recycling.  He won’t be able to attend, but several others will.

Ø  Underwear for RAM children:  Lion Linda Eggleston  Lion Linda has received underwear donations from us and Bayside Lions.  Also needed is adult clothing, which need not be new.

Secretary’s Report:

Ø  Reservations: Please confirm your attendance at Charter Night and next meeting tonight.

Ø  State Convention is May 15-18 in Tyson’s Corner.  Our delegates are Lions Jeri and Stan Furman.

From the floor
            Lion Stan Furman needs the LOVF raffle stubs and checks tonight. 

Lion Jack Wagner mentioned Samaritan House and was open for donations.  He mentioned that the next White Cane will be in July and then in September, October and next spring.  A broom sale will be held this month, one day only and details will be distributed.

Lion Bob Perrine announced that the scholarship committee met and awarded our Princess Anne HS scholarship to student Erin Bryant.  Lion Bob Perrine will attend the PAHS awards on June 2nd. She will visit the club on July 2nd.  

An Adult Learning Center student, Tina Martinez, will be awarded the ALC scholarship for $1,000. Lions Bob Perrine and Ed Delong plan to attend the Virginia Beach Convention Center for the awards May 8th where the Mayor Will Sessoms was in attendance. Following is the speech prepared by Lion Bob: 

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
Tonight the Thalia Lions are proud to award a $1,000 scholarship to Tina Martinez.
While Tina is making her way down, let me introduce myself. I am Lion Bob Perrine, Scholarship Chairman of Thalia Lions Club. With me this evening is Lion Ed Delong, our adult learning center liaison.
Thalia Lions are just one of 46,000 local clubs with more than 1.35 million members in over 200 countries. When I say Lion you might think of the circus or perhaps the food store, but perhaps not our service organization. That’s because every dime we collect goes back to helping folks in need with poor eyes and hearing.  Our advertising is my word of mouth. As you can see by this award we’re also heavily involved in community service. Our motto is “We Serve.” If anyone of you out there is thinking about the best way to serve your community, stop by and pick up one of my cards. We’d love to have you as a Lion.
Tina Martinez, we Lions are so proud to award our $1,000 scholarship to you. I don’t think we have had a better and more deserving applicant in previous years on this stage. You are proof that education doesn’t just stop in your younger years as you embark on a career in Physical Therapy by attending Tidewater Community College (TCC).  You stated in your application that you wanted to find room to grow. Well Tina, you couldn’t have found a better place than TCC, a college that is also growing in size and bringing prestige to South Hampton Roads. May you grow along with TCC in the next couple of years.

Again congratulations. I’m sure your family is also so very proud of you accomplishment at the Adult Learning Center. Keep up the good work.

Also see See year a student from the Adult Learning Center is awarded a $1000 scholarship to attend Tidewater Community College funded through the Thalia Lion’s Club.”

Lion Linda Eggleston announced delivery of our $200 donations to the elementary schools (Kingston, Kings Grant and Malibu) recently.

Lion Stan Furman stated that we sold 26 books of tickets from LOVF, thus doing well.  This earned more than $500 for the club.

May Birthdays:   Lions Nancy Watters was present and requested a ladies trio to sing to her.  Bidding for this was slow to start, but gathered momentum as several bid for Lion Bob Perrine to sing also.  The final group to sing was a trio of ladies consisting of Lions Linda, Erin and Sheila, with Lion Bob Perrine singing separately.  Collected was $116!

50-50 Raffle:  Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman:  $20 was won by Lion John Watters, and $20 was won by Lion Erin Stromberg.

 Meeting then adjourned at 7:48pm.

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:

Ø  May 8th (Thu) Eyeglass Recycling, 10am - 12
Ø  May 15 – 18, Virginia Lions State Convention, Tysons Corner
Ø  May 21st (Wed) – Regular Meeting, Lions Medical Eye Bank, Sentara Norfolk, 6:30pm
Ø  June 14th (Sat) – Final District Meeting, 2pm, Piankatank Ruritan Bldg, Mathews, VA
Ø  June 17th (Tues) Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club


Apr 17, 2014 - Board Meeting
The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn, on April 16, 2014, following the Regular Meeting.  The meeting was called to order at 8:15p.m. by President Lion Richard Roberts who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Richard Roberts, President
Lion Aziz Selahi, 1st VP
Lion Debra Laughlin
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Bob Perrine,visitor
Lion Nancy Watters, 3rd VP
Lion John Watters, Sec
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer
Lion Steve Rosnov, visitor
Lion Linda Harrison, visitor
Lion Dick Kreassig, Director
Lion Stan Furman, TailTwister
Lion Mike Coren, Lion Tamer
Lion Jeri Furman, visitor
Lion Susie Sumnick, visitor

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 8:14 p.m. by Lion President Rich Roberts.

1.      Treasurer’s Report, Lion Vickie Kennedy:  See attached.  The Administrative and Activities Accounts were reviewed in detail, with descriptions of income due and payments due.  In all, both accounts are healthy, esp. considering that we have two more fund-raisers scheduled for this Lion’s year.  A broom sale will be held in May and then another White Cane in June.  Because of our balances, it was moved, seconded and approved by vote that we award a Melvin Jones Fellowship at Charter Night.  This will come from the Activities Account, which can be boosted with Administrative funds if necessary.  President Lion Rich will contact current MJ fellows to propose a recipient.

2.      Charter Night feesLion Nancy Watters described that last year we charged members and guests $16 of the $42 fee, thus subsidizing members and guests.  The Broad Bay Country Club is charging the same fee this year which is all inclusive.  Lion Stan Furman moved that we charge club members $16 and guests $20.  This was seconded, briefly discussed and approved.

3.      Lion John Watters moved that we discontinue Perfect Attendance Awards as they have become relatively meaningless.  It was seconded and discussion centered about those older Lions who still like to have their attendance at meetings and service projects recognized by a pin.  The motion carried only two votes and was defeated. 

4.      Lion Nancy Watters moved that we continue awarding the LCI annual 100% membership pins.  This was seconded and approved without significant discussion except to note that we will now be awarding many two pins for attendance.

Meeting adjourned at 8:41pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Lion John Watters, Secretary

Attachment:  Treasurer’s Report, April 16, 2014
Apr 17, 2014 - Regular Meeting
Call to Order at 6:30pm

Introduction of Guests:Lion Jeff Jacobs introduced Lions Marylou Newman, Pat Kerr, PCC Chet Kramer  -- all traveling Leos from Williamsburg Host Lions.

Song – Lion Mike Coren led God Bless America
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Jim Healy
     4 Guests
19 Members
51 Percent

Recessed for Dinner: 6:34pm
Reconvened:   7:03pm

Introduction of Guest Speaker:  Lion Nancy Watters introduced Lion Jeff Jacobs
            Lion Jeff has been a Lion for 20 years, first with the Franklin Lions and now with the Williamsburg Host Lions Club.  He has been District 24-D’s Youth Exchange Chair for 12 years.  He is married to Mary and has two children, Matt and Sarah.  He was born on a farm in Illinois where he lived until 1987 when he moved to Franklin with the Union Camp Paper Corporation.  He works part-time for Kings Mill properties in Williamsburg.

Lion Jeff showed some videos during the meal and said that they were compilations of Youth Camps held in 2003 and 2004, one of which was attended by Lion PDG Sherry Atwood’s child.  He then described the origins and purposes of the Lions Youth Camps.  Lions have been sponsoring youth camps since the 1970’s.  District 24-D has been doing it 33 years (since 1981).  There are at least two important reasons for them – one is to expose youth from around the world to Lions and the US and the other is for them to experience and learn about each other, thus promoting international understanding among different cultures.  They usually stay about two weeks with a host family and then attend the camp for two weeks.  They depart one to two days afterwards.  Although once there was a problem with a youth from Mongolia who didn’t go home!  This disrupted our relationship with Mongolia for several years.  Timing of the stay is difficult sometimes because of differing school years.  Some come several weeks early, but some can only arrive in July.  At the moment there are three boys and one girl without host families.  We’ve had as many as seven in one home, but don’t do that anymore.  Hosts are needed for a girl from Finland, a boy from Hungary and a girl from Poland.  Dates are sometimes flexible.  The host family treats them as one of their own, but the purpose is to see what it’s like to live in the US.  Sometimes student expectations are high, like being near a shopping mall.  Anyone can host a youth but there are a few rules, like girls staying with single males, etc.  The key to the host family is to treat them like family.  We scrutinize families carefully, especially as to supervision and sleeping arrangements.  Last year we pulled a girl out because she was often unsupervised.  Expenses for hosts is food and lodging and then extras like trips and events are up to the family.  When they meet each other and me for the first time it’s a very different experience from the host family.  The first day we go up to northern Virginia and to a remote camp.  We walk up and down the mountain in July, always hot and sometimes wet.  They ware trash bags for rain protection.  Cabins are primitive and rat infested.  We usually have two thirds girls and one third boys to avoid pairing off problems.  All I can do with the boys is to scare and try to control them.  It’s a challenge.  We put 20 girls and a female counselor in one cabin.  It’s some distance to the outhouse and showers.  It’s all rustic.  What camp does is to force them to make friends.  Breakfast is 6:30am and arrangements are often compared to a boot camp.  We want them to help each other.  They do the DC tours, ball game, and the holocaust museum then Tysons corner for dining.  Then we climb the mountain at night.  We watch carefully as to who is with whom.  We put them in groups for diversity and they have to keep in those groups.  If they leave anyone they are punished.  In order to see anything they have to choose and work together.  Last year the girls wanted to go shopping at the mall after making an agreement with the boys.  All want to see the Whitehouse.  Then we go to a baseball game then climb the mountain.  The camp has three rules – no alcohol or drugs, no smoking, and no physical contact.  This is only a two week program but they still get broken hearts.  They all say I’ve just broken up with my boy/girlfriend back home which is not true.  Contact customs vary a great deal among different countries, so we have to have these strict rules for control.  At Virginia Wesleyan College we house and feed them.  We have a talent show one Thursday and as you know we have the Parade of Nations on a Sunday after the meal you feed them.  We always add something new each year.  We went to New Kent last year and they enjoyed it.  The focus is to get them to look at each other just as another human being.  They can ask any question of me they wish in private.  They can be afraid to ask each other at times, so we encourage them to talk with each other about anything.  By the end of camp they form a “family unit” to protect each other.  On the last day, it takes about an hour to get them to leave as it is an emotional time with many tears.  Host families also bound with the youth.  PDG Lion Jay Arnold said several years ago “there’s not much I can do at my age, but I can help these kids learn how to interact.”  We’ve had about 900 kids in the last 33 years.  About 100 have come back to visit.  There’s always one US youth in camp, but not as a counselor.  We have two counselors, usually in their early 20’s who help us.   It’s easier to get a counselor from overseas because of the short duration of camp.  We need host families, we always do.  Money is tight and Thalia Lions doing a meal saves a lot of money.  The last three years we’ve been about $7000 short.  Because of this we can’t do certain things – sailing at ODU, Busch Gardens, DVD’s, etc.  We try to get donations.  Our budget is the same as it was seven years ago.  Total budget is about $31K.  Two clubs have a huge endowment and make a large donation and the rest is from other clubs.  We charge participant about $400 each.  VWC costs about $8K total.  We don’t want corporate sponsorship.  This is a 24D project, not a CocaCola project.  The Lions Charity Foundation of 24-D helps a lot.  I can’t collect now for this year as that money needs to be in hand so I’m collecting now for next year.  Someone asked Lion Jeff what Thalia Lions can fix to eat.  He mentioned that the New Orleans meal a couple of years ago was well accepted.  BBQ went over well also.  There usually are some vegetarians, but several usually are strictly so.  Six or seven don’t eat pork and need an alternative. 

Several Thalia members asked for contact information and here it is:  Lion Jeffory Jacobs, 253 Zelkova Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185; 757-345-0021 home, 757-641-8946 cell;

Lion President Rich thanked Lion Jeff and presented a plaque of thanks to him.

Awards –  A Club Excellence Award for 2012 – 2013 has come from LCI and was passed to Lion Tamer Lion Mike Coren to put on our banner.  Lion Roger Snell was presented a membership award and a president’s club excellence award, and Lion Debra Laughlin was also presented a membership award.


Ø  District 24-D Bland Contest, Friday, April 25th, 7pm : Lion Vickie Kennedy   here will be six contestants, two of which are from our club’s contest.  We’ll give the winners a little spending money and they will stay at the hotel in Tyson’s Corners.  My assistants are Lions Nancy Watters and Stan Furman for the judges.

Ø  Charter Night planning, Tues, June 17th:  Lion Nancy Watters  Installation night could be Tues, June 17th at the BBCC..  We’ Do you want to do this?  It was moved and seconded, all voted in favor.  Cost information will follow soon.  She also

Ø  Vision Walk 2014:  Lion Debra Laughlin  .  The walk itself is Sun, Apr 27th.  11 days away.  $63,300 has been raised and Lions of 24D have raised $7,800.  1600 walkers are registered.  The Hampton Roads TV show went well.  Dining in the Dark went well at all locations.  Sentara is donating all the food and we will send the extra to the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center afterwards.

Ø  White Cane, 11-12Apr.  Lion Jack Wagner We had a successful White Cane and collected $1415.  Lion Jack related a story -- about 10:30am he and Lion Steve Rosnov were standing at the collection point and a homeless man approached.  They worried about the threat of his taking the money, but He put 51cents in the bucket.  An hour later he came back and put in a dollar!  You can never tell.  A lady came up and said she there wasn’t enough money in the world to give us because in a PediaVision screening we had discovered her young son had no vision in one eye!  He is now being treated.

Ø  Thalia Lions Shirts:  Lion Linda Harrison  We have a shirt order and prices range from $25 – $30.  Place your orders now.

Secretary’s Report:

Ø  Leadership Training is this Saturday in Newport News.  All officers should attend.
Ø  State Convention is May 15-18 in Tyson’s Corner.  We need one more delegate.
Ø  Please keep reports of your activities coming in for the monthly report.  Thank you.

From the floorLion Debra Laughlin described the Beach Bag program.  This is a Title One program at the schools where bags of food for children are sent home when school is not in session.  These are children that wouldn’t have adequate meals if the didn’t take food home.  Kids take them home on Friday when there’s not enough food to eat at home on the weekend.  There will soon be Lions collaborative effort to fill bags for the kids.

Lion Nancy Watters announced the formation of RAMVA, a state branch of RAM.  Lion John Watters will be on the board.

Lion Stan Furman needs the LOVF raffle stubs soon.

April Birthdays:   Jack Wagner (7th)  Lion Linda Harrison  was chosen by Lion Jack to sing him Happy Birthday.  Bidding was hot and heavy for her to sing or not, but bidding paid for her to sing.  She did a good job actually, but then the TailTwister collected bids for Lion Otis Etheridge to sing also.  He did an unexpectedly inadequate job at low volume, but all responded with generous applause for his effort.

50-50 Raffle:  Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman:  Lion Debra Laughlin won $25, Lion Jeri won $20 and Lion Giovanni Giudice won the Whitman’s Sampler box of candy.

 Meeting then adjourned at 8:05pm.

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:

Ø  April 19th (Sat) – Leadership Training, 1st Baptist Church, Newport News, 9am
Ø  April 25th (Fri) – District Bland Contest, Chandler Hall, ODU, 7pm
Ø  April 27th (Sun) – Vision Walk Hampton Roads, 1pm, 17th St. park at oceanfront
Ø  May 7th (Wed) – Regular Thalia Lions meeting, Speaker Lion Bob Perrine
Ø  May 8th (Thu) Eyeglass Recycling, 10am - 12
Ø  May 15 – 18, 19th Virginia Lions State Convention, Tysons Corner
Ø  June 17th (Tues) Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club

Apr 2, 2014 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on April 2, 2014, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:30pm

Introduction of Guests:Lion Stan Furman introduced Mary Lou Overman

Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy led all in two verses of The Hokey Pokey
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Barret Lang
Invocation- given by Lion Irene Conlin
     1 Guests
20 Members
54 Percent

 Recessed for Dinner: 6:33pm
Reconvened:   7:00pm

Introduction of Guest Speaker:  Lion Nancy Watters introduced Lion Aziz Selahi

Here is a link to Lion Aziz’s entire power-point.  It is in two parts, his personal history and an overview of Iran, its culture and history.  His personal history was so interesting and had so many details that he only discussed that part.  What follows are some notes about the slides and some additional details he discussed to answer the many questions asked.

To view the entire PowerPoint presentation and you are reading this on a computer that is on-line, just do a Control and left mouse click on the link above and you will be able to review the entire PowerPoint program.  To move from slide to slide, use the space bar.

As Lion Aziz mentioned he went to a school in Texas at Sheppard AFB, he was asked why/how he was sent there.  He explained that the Imperial Iranian Air Force was expanding with the help of the United States.  He was chosen to attend the school (actually a couple of times) so he could return and apply the systems and management that he learned there.  After he returned, he would travel to air force bases in Iran and set up management and logistics systems.  A few years later as a Captain, he won an extended scholarship to study abroad.  This is when he spent several years in California and Texas earning his M.B.A. and Ph.D.  He finished the Ph.D. thesis in Iran on the subject of logistics.  It was after his schooling in the U.S. that he became project manager of about 1,800 Americans, military and civilian, reorganizing both the military and civilian flight systems.  His budget was about $700 million.

If you follow the slides of the presentation, you will notice that many details are omitted.  His “retirement” from the Imperial Iranian Air Force at age 41, three days after the Islamic Revolution resulted from the advice of an American Air Force General officer.  This officer told Lion Aziz to get his family out of the country as quickly as possible and to go into hiding himself.  So on the same day that the Ayatolla Khomeini arrived at the airport, Lion Aziz’s family was departing on one of the last USAF C-130’s.  His wife, son and daughter were able to make their way to Scotland where his brother was living.  It would be four years before he saw them again and for much of this time he was not able to communicate with them.  The last of the personal slides describes a “horrible and difficult” time.  This is a great understatement of his four years of desperately trying to survive.  He not only was unable to get a visa to leave the country, but if he had contacted the new government he would have been killed.  The revolution immediately began killing all senior military officers in the Imperial Iran government.  The only requirement for hanging was to be wearing a senior officer military uniform.  He had no resources, no money and he did not describe exactly how he survived this purge.  He could not sell any assets and had no access to banks.  He described living in the “shadows”.

In the meantime, his wife living in Scotland was able to make complicated arrangements to move to Virginia Beach where her sister lived at the time.  Their 11 yr old son had been born in California, so was easily able to get a visa for travel, but their 16 yr old daughter had been born in Iran.  It was necessary to go to Switzerland to try to get a visa for the U.S., but even this was difficult and only through a friend were they able to get one.  Once they were able to get to the U.S., they had no resources.  So his wife, while having a degree in English literature, who did not speak English, was able to become a real estate agent.  Within a year she was a member of the Million Dollar Club!  She bought a house and the children started school.  Both children spoke perfect vernacular English because of attending American schools.  His son delivered pizza after school and his daughter worked while attending college.

During this time, a couple of years after his isolation in hiding in Iran, the Iran-Iraq war began, making escape even more difficult.  It was possible to pay a smuggler to get out, but that would have cost $25,000, an impossibly affordable amount.

After four years in hiding, Lion Aziz had an opportunity to get a passport from a friend and was able to cross the border into Turkey.  He went to the U.S. embassy in Ankara and was told to go to Khomeini to get a visa!  He protested and insisted on speaking to the military attache.  When he told them who he was, he wasn’t believed.  But after he gave the names of several Americans, including senior military officers, the embassy checked them out and confirmed his identity.  However, his visa was still denied because of Iranian governmental influence in Turkey.  He called his wife and she said she would come to Turkey to help him get out.  He didn’t think it was a good idea, but a lawyer had suggested to her that he apply for asylum.  This process usually took several years, but his wife knew someone in the immigration office in Norfolk and the application was approved in one week.  The next week he was on a plane to JFK airport in New York.  When he arrived, his wife was unable to recognize him until he went up to her and told her who he was.  He said she cried upon their meeting and he cried “in his heart.”  He described as being so much changed that even his children did not recognize him when he arrived back here.  He said he had lost his own identity and his dignity but got them back. 

During the first year in Virginia Beach, Lion Aziz repeatedly applied for jobs – all kinds.  He was overqualified for many but was unable to get hired because of being Persian and having an accent.  They had a Honda Civic used for everything, son to school, daughter to college and wife to work.  He walked and took a bus everywhere for 13 months.  Finally a friend in California offered him a position in his company that specialized in managing “going out of business” sales.  He was given a nice salary of $3000/month plus commissions on sales.  He used his background in finance and accounting and also learned how to run a business.  Then after a year he started his own similar business and ran it for nine years.  He said that he made a “fortune” and then was able to dabble in other businesses “just for fun”.  These included a deli, a restaurant and other things.  He went back to college and began teaching again because he loved it so much.  He lectured at TCC, ODU and other schools.

Lion Aziz then described how he got into his second business venture.  His daughter had graduated from college and while originally a phlebotomy technician had become the Vice President of Operations at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredricksburg.  She was happily married and had a good salary, but was not really happy at work and wanted to start a business she liked.  So she and Lion Aziz studied possible ventures for six months and started a home health care business.  It succeeded, grew and became national with 750 locations.  It was very profitable and thus earned a second “fortune” for him.

Asked how he became a Lion, Lion Aziz described that while living in Fredericksburg he would give talks around town and became well-known.  As a result he was asked to be a member of the Fredricksburg Lions Club.  It was relatively small with 15 members, but he soon became president twice.

In conclusion of relating his fascinating and incredible story, Lion Aziz emphasized that most Americans don’t realize the fantastic opportunities that are available in this country.  He said there is no other place in the world like this country, and that yes, his degrees and training helped, but opportunity abounds.

A question was asked at the end:  Is there a future for a US/Iranian relationship again?  Lion Aziz said that Iranian/American friendship goes back many many years, even to the Truman presidency.  The country’s technology and education systems have strong American influence.  85% of the the five millions Iranians now in the US are highly educated.  Any American who goes to Iran will be welcomed with open arms.

Election of New Officers for 2013 – 2014:  Lion Rich Roberts  A motion to elect the slate was made and seconded.  All were elected by acclamation.  The slate was:  Lions Aziz Selahi – Pres, Irene Conlin – 1st VP, Nancy Watters – 2nd VP, Debra Laughlin – 3rd VP, Rich Roberts – Sec, Vickie Kennedy – Treas, Steve Rosnov – Membership Chair, Stan Furman – Tail Twister, Sheila Romm & Linda Harrison – 2yr directors, Giovanni Giudice – Lion Tamer


Ø  LOVFLion Stan Furman  I need your tickets back next meeting.  They will be turned in at the state convention in May.

Ø  District 24-D Bland Contest, Friday, April 25th : Lion Vickie Kennedy   I can use some assistance, especially to help with the students. There will be six contestants.

Ø  Children’s eye screenings, summer schedule:  Lion Nancy Watters  We will screen children at the Virginia Beach Public libraries this summer at their special “kids day”.  Date not yet known.

Ø  Charter Night planning, Tues, June 17th:  Lion Nancy Watters  Installation night could be Tues, June 17th.  Do you want to do this?  It was moved and seconded, all voted in favor.  Cost information will follow soon.

Ø  Vision Walk 2014:  Lion Shelia Romm  Lion Sheila reminded all of Dining in the Dark, Apr 8th 11-2.  Mon Apr 21 is the Hampton Roads Show at WVEC.  We are only a few dollars away from our goal for donations ($8000).  The walk itself is Sun, Apr 27th.

Ø  Eyeglass Recycling, April 10th:  Lion Ed DeLong  We need a lot of help as we have a load of glasses.

Ø  White Cane, 11-12Apr.  Lion Jack Wagner gathered additional names for the collection.

Ø  Lion Stan Furman– We need one more traveling Leo.  A possible one is to Oceanside, Apr 21st. Lion Stan got volunteers for the Traveling Leo.

Secretary’s Report:

Ø  Thank you for your monthly reports.  Please keep them coming in.
Ø  Turn over the agendas distributed this evening and read about Leadership Training.  Either send in or email your reservation or let me know.  Certainly all incoming officers should come and note that all new members for this Lions year can attend an orientation and participate in a “world” induction.  Lion President Rich Roberts emphasized the usefulness of this orientation.

April Birthdays were delayed until the next meeting for lack of time and the need to fill candy eggs for the Audible Easter Egg hunt at the Journey for Sight on Saturday, April 5th.

50-50 Raffle:  Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman:  $26 won by Lion Irene Conlin, $15 won by Lion Mike Coren, and $15 won by Lion Jack Wagner.

 Meeting then adjourned at 8:03pm.

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:

Ø  April 5th (Sat) – Journey for Sight with Audible Easter Egg hunt, Holiday Trav-L park, VB
Ø  April 8th (Tue) – Dining in the Dark, All 4 Y'Not restaurants, 11 am - 10 pm
Ø  April 10th (Thu) – Eyeglass Recycling, meet there at  10am or at Best Buy lot at 9:30am
Ø  April 19th (Sat) – Leadership Training, 1st Baptist Church, Newport News, 9am
Ø  April 21st (Mon) – Hampton Roads Show, WAVY TV, VisionWalk support
Ø  April 25th (Fri) – District 24-D Bland Contest, Chandler Hall, ODU,
Ø  May 15 – 18, 19th Virginia Lions State Convention, Tysons Corner

Ø  June 17 (Tue) – Thalia Lions Charter Night

Mar 19, 2014.
The regular meeting (short Board Meeting included) of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Mar 19, 2014, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:29pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:29pm

Introduction of Guests: Lion Steve Rosnov introduced his wife, Dian.  Lion Barret introduced Lion-to-be Karrie Lang.

Song – Lion Irene Conlin led Yankee Doodle Dandy
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Nancy Watters
Invocation- given by Lion Jack Wagner
     1 Guests
22 Members
61 Percent
 Recessed for Dinner: 6:33pm: Reconvened:   7:00pm

Introduction of Guest Speaker:  Lion Nancy Watters introduced Lion Jim Healy

Lion Jim started by remembering that Lion Jack Wagner spoke of some FBI cases a few weeks ago.  We both have been interviewed by the FBI history project.  You can google us by name at the FBI website where you can read stories of some cases we were involved in.  I will complement his comments with my time working with J. Edgar Hoover.  In 1938, in my hometown, a family moved in next door to me.  The owner had been an aide with J. Edgar Hoover and he had fantastic stories.  He also had a death mask and casts of John Dillinger’s hands. As a kid of 12 he hooked me onto the FBI.  At that time G-men were #1 heroes.  After high school I went into the Navy to be a pilot.  They sent me to Iowa State and I ended up on a minesweeper.  After the Navy I got a journalism degree in 1948.  After graduation at age 21 I went to the Detroit FBI office and said “Here I am”.  I was told I was too young and couldn’t be an agent until I was 25.  They did hire me as a night clerk and told me to go to law school.  Those few months turned into 3 years and I became an agent eventually.  The Detroit office had a major case when Walter Ruther’s home was bombed.  The investigation was headed by the FBI’s #2, Arthur Conalley, and I was put on his special investigation team.  From him I heard thrilling stories about the FBI.  I met J. Edgar Hoover after graduating from FBI school and shook hands with him.  I was told to look him in the eye with a firm grip and dry hand.  My first assignment was in the Seattle office.  We did a lots of investigations for the military and Native Americans.  I was then transferred to San Francisco and joined a friend from the Detroit FBI office investigating the Communist underground.  We followed them around Northern California with a squad called the dirty dozen that was a wonderful experience.  We were able to penetrate the underground conspiracy planning a violent overthrow of the government.  They were funded by the Soviet Union.  We learned what they were doing and after 3 years we located and arrested 3 of the senior communist leaders.  This ended their efforts for a good while.  Their weak link, as in all such organizations, was their courier system.  After that I got a letter transferring me to FBI HQ in Wash.DC.  I couldn’t understand the bureau’s reasoning to send me there, but I soon discovered that the crime records division I was assigned to mostly had people with journalism experience.  So my journalism degree got me the assignment.  We did everything possible in public relations for the bureau – radio, TV, books, articles, etc.  Letters poured in from all over the country to Mr Hoover with all kinds of requests.  So I prepared a lot of his correspondence and got to know his personality.  We also handled the fugitive program analyzing their profiles for the most wanted list.  We used before and after photos.  We also had one on the list that was transgendered, so we included pictures of him/her as a man and woman.  Another dressed as a both a woman and a man.  We then got around to equal rights and put the first woman on the most wanted list.  This was a case of kidnapping where the person was buried underground, but fortunately survived.  We had been criticized both ways – not having a woman on the list, and then when we put one on, for having a woman on it.  I had many occasions to meet Mr. Hoover, especially when taking people on special tours.  We had many celebrities come through, Red Skelton, Benny Goodman and even the current Miss America, Lee Ann Merriwether.  We had an American Legion post that sponsored a Boy Scout Troop, mostly minorities, that we helped a lot.  One Memorial Day we had an event to honor agents killed on duty.  Mr. Hoover didn’t like surprises, but one time we caught him unexpectedly by presenting him with an American flag -- he was still gracious in accepting it.  He had a good sense of humor and was always gracious to those who worked for him.  One day an agent insisted on bringing a prize winning bulldog to show to Mr. Hoover.  The dog got loose in the office and was difficult to catch.  We all chased it and it was picked up by Mr. Hoover who got hair all over his suit.  A news reporter took a picture of J. Edgar holding the dog.  The agent was certain his career was ruined, but the picture turned out to be a prize winner and became famous.  After Mr. Hoover died I asked to go back to the field in inspections.  We had an excellent experience inspecting places and arrived in Norfolk one day during a snow storm.  Norfolk was an excellent office.  After doing inspections, I was put on the tour route at HQ where the FBI shows itself off.  I was there about a year and got another letter transferring me to Springfield, Ill.  It was supposed to be a quiet place.  I took the keys the next morning and was unpacking when a bank robbery was reported in progress.  The bank was next door to the FBI office and we ran to the bank after I grabbed my magnum.  The robbers were gone with the loot.  We located evidence including a candy wrapper.  I assigned a young agent to the case and we finally learned that a couple of Chicago hoods travelling south stopped in Springfield to get some ‘traveling’ money.  One of them had a fondness for this specific Chicago candy that helped solve the case.  Near the Springfield office was the Marion Federal Penitentiary that was meant to replace Alcatraz.  Some inmates were brought to a meeting room at the prison one day and an electrical expert among them rewired the room such that he could use a radio device to open the gates.  So one day the prison gates were opened and five escaped.  A day later we were looking for them with imported dogs from Pennsylvania because it not imagined with their high security dogs would ever be needed.  24hr after they escaped the dogs followed the trail (I had a tracking dog named Winston).  We went into a ravine and the dog indicated the prisoner was ill and found where he climbed over the fence.  All the dogs converged on a barn.  We slowly opened the door and there was only a cow in barn.  A mile later we got to a highway and lost the scent.  While regrouping at the prison to rest the dogs we got word that a farm family was being held hostage by the escapees.  A deputy spotted the farmer’s car, a Hudson Hornet, being driven by the farmer with the escapees inside.  All were crammed into the little car.  While being chased, the car ran off the road, crashed, and the prisoners escaped into the woods and we caught 3 of them after the crash.  One got as far as the Canadian border before being caught.  This was NOT a quiet office.  My next office was Alexandria, VA.  This area has more federal employees than anywhere else with all kinds of problems, is HQ CIA, the Pentagon, etc. and a very busy assignment.  After a year I went back on the inspection staff and then was appointed as AIC of the Norfolk office.  We couldn’t get the FBI HQ to believe this was a place ripe for spies until the John Walker case.  I retired at 53, nearly drowned in a sailboat in the bay.  I went back to work for a high profile international security firm in DC.  Clients were the Tylenol case, etc.  One client was Howard Hughes who we helped get back in the US.  We secured casinos in Atlantic City and the Bahamas.  It was an interesting and good experience.  After 10 years with them I returned to Norfolk where I met Ed DeLong who invited me to be a member of this Lions club.  I’ve always liked the mottos of the Boy Scouts, the FBI and now especially the We Serve of the Lions.
Question:  Lion Jim was asked about J. Edgar Hoover’s power and politics.  He was described as powerful and was disliked by many, especially Hollywood, crooks, and politicians.  Politicians try to manipulate the bureau and it takes a savvy person to control that .  He was firm and fair.  He elevated the law-keeping professions to a high and respected level.  He was the godfather of modern law enforcement.
A Lion asked about profiling and its current official status as inappropriate.  Lion Jim said that profiling continues to be important, especially in finding and identifying criminals. 

Induction of new Lion – Karrie Lang by IPDG Lion Stan Furman
Instead of the usual induction, that Lion Karrie has recently witnessed, Lion Stan described he nature of the LCI structure where every club is independent.  The power is in the clubs as we are a bottom up organization.  He described the district, state and national and international levels of LCI.  The many organizations and foundations within Lions were described, along with many of the projects we are involved in.  We listen to our members and if you (Lion Karrie) have a project you would like to do, let us know and we’ll do it.


Ø  Report of Region III Meeting, Mar 13th:  Lion Stan Furman  We heard reports from several chairs.  No specific actions were taken.

Ø  Region III Bland Contest, Thursday, Feb 20th : Lion Vickie Kennedy   Tomorrow is the Region III contest.  It will be brief but good.  Come and enjoy it.  Two pianists and two vocalists will compete.

Ø  Children’s eye screenings:  Lion Nancy Watters  Thank for coming out on Mar 8 to the Kids in the Kitchen event.  We screened 171 children and got a nice thank you from the Junior League.

Ø  Underwear for children project:  Lion Linda Eggleston described the need for clothing for children at RAM Wise Co. We are collecting new underwear and socks for the children.  We will get points for this.  Bring them to me.  Any children’s size to 15.

Ø  Vision Walk 2014:  Lion John Watters spoke for Lion Debra Laughlin in describing Dining in the Dark at Y’Not Pizza restaurants on Apr 8th, all day. 

Ø  Nominating Committee Report:  Lion Rich Roberts 
                       President:  Lion Aziz Selahi
                       1st VP:  Lion Irene Conlin
                       2nd VP:  Lion Nancy Watters
                       3rd VP:  Debra Laughlin
                       Secretary:  Lion Rich Roberts
                       Treasurer:  Lion Vickie Kennedy
                       Membership Chair:  Lion Steve Rosnov
                       Tail Twister:  Lion Stan Furman
                       2yr Directors:  Lions Shelia Romm and Linda Harrison
                       Lion tamer :  Lion Giovanni Giudice

There were no further nominations from the floor.  A motion to approve the slate as presented was seconded by Lion Stan Furman, and approved unanimously by all present.

Secretary’s Report: 
ØRemember to send in your reports of activities this month.
Ø  State Convention, Tyson’s Corner, May 15 – 18.  Our club can have three delegates.

From the floor:  Our White Cane collection is rescheduled to April 11 -12.  Lion Jack Wagner is taking volunteers.  Lion Irene Conlin asked for approval to spend the audible egg hunt money for candy for other things at the Journey for Sight since Lions Barret and Karrie Lang are donating the candy.  We will meet here on Apr 2 after our meeting to stuff the eggs.  The approval to change the fund designation will be a board action after this meeting.

Birthdays:  Lions Linda Eggleston (21st) and new Lion Karrie.  Lion Steve sang individually and then all sang HB to them both.  This arrangement generated $88 in auction bids – for/against Lion Steve and begun by Lion Linda offering $20 for everyone to sing her Happy Birthday.

Raffle:  Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman:  Lion Catherine Bromwell won $30, next $20 won by Lion Nancy Watters.

 Meeting then adjourned at 8:22 pm.

Respectfully submitted, 
Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:
Ø  Mar 20th – Region III Bland Contest, Thalia UMC, 7pm
Ø  April 2nd – Thalia Lions regular meeting – election of officers!
Ø  April 5th (Sat) – Journey for Sight with Audible Easter Egg hunt, Holiday Trav-L park, VB
Ø  April 8th (Tue) – Dining in the Dark, All 4 Y'Not restaurants, 11 am - 10 pm
Ø  April 10th (Thu) – Eyeglass Recycling, meet there at  10am or at Best Buy lot at 9:30am
Ø  April 19th (Sat) – Leadership Training, 1st Baptist Church, Newport News, 9am
Ø  April 25th (Fri) – District Bland Contest, Chandler Hall, ODU, 7pm
Ø  April 21st (Mon) – Hampton Roads Show, WAVY TV, VisionWalk support
Ø  April 25th (Fri) – District 24-D Bland Contest, Chandler Hall, ODU, 7pm

Board of Directors of Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club Meeting

Meeting convened at 8:25pm.  Present were Lions Linda Harrison, Catherine Bromwell, Stan Furman, Nancy Watters, Jack Wagner, Jim Healy, Vickie Kennedy, Otis Etheridge, Jeri Furman, Erin Stromberg, Irene Conlin, Karrie Lang, Barret Lang, Rich Roberts and Steve Rosnov

The Treasurer’s report was presented and discussed.  We still have two bills for meals to pay.  We need the white cane in April for our obligations.  We’ll have another white cane in May.

Lion Irene Conlin discussed Lion Barret and Karrie Lang’s donation for the audible easter egg hunt.  Since the club already made the donation for candy, she requested that the money be donated to the Journey for Sight.  The motion was suggested to be up to $200.  This motion was presented, seconded and approved by the board unanimously.

The board meeting was adjourned at 8:32pm

Mar 5, 2014. 
The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn, on March 5, 2014, following the Regular Meeting.  The meeting was called to order at 8:15p.m. by President Lion Richard Roberts who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Richard Roberts, President
Lion Aziz Selahi, 1st VP
Lion Debra Laughlin
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Irene Conlin, 2nd VP
Lion Nancy Watters, 3rd VP
Lion John Watters, Sec
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer
Lion Steve Rosnov, visitor

Lion Dick Kreassig, Director
Lion Stan Furman, TailTwister
Lion Mike Coren, Lion Tamer
Lion Jeri Furman, visitor
Lion Barret Lang, visitor
Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 8:19 pm

Approval of Minutes of November 02, 2013:  Minutes of last meeting were approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report:  See attached.  Fruit sale was quite successful and was over budget.  One of the Bland judges donated her honorarium back.  Expenses are about $5k less than income.  Still due is the scholarship and gifts to school nurses, etc.  We are in good condition financially.  Moved, seconded to support the Audible Egg hunt in the amount of $200 – approved by unanimous vote after no discussion.  Lion Barret offered to provide the candy from his store for eggs.  The admin account is healthy also.

New Business:

  1. Donation to VisionWalk 2014:  No amount was set for this donation that was approved in June 2013.  Moved by Lion Stan Furman for the club to donate $250.  He suggested others add to this personally and he pledged $100.  Seconded by Lion Aziz Selahi.  The board voted unanimously to do so.  Lion Nancy Watters pledged $100.

  1. White Cane schedule:  Lion Jack Wagner has proposed a date for Mar 21 & 22, Fri & Sat, at BJ’s.  Later we will do a broom sale in April, date to be determined.  Then another White Cane in May will be scheduled. The board approved this.

  1. Nominations for 2014 – 2015: (Nominating committee is Lions Rich Roberts, Aziz Selahi, and John Watters)
President:  Lion Aziz Selahi
1st VP:  Lion Irene Conlin
2nd VP:  Lion Nancy Watters
3rd VP:  Lion Debra Laughlin
Secretary:  Lion Rich Roberts
Treasurer:  Lion Vickie Kennedy
Membership Chair:  Lion Steve Rosnov
Tail Twister:  Lion Stan Furman
Lion Tamer:  Lion Giovanni Giudice
Two yr directors:  Lions Sheila Romm & Linda Harrison

  1.  Kerri Lang was approved for membership.
Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm., Lion John Watters, Secretary
Mar 5, 2014. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Mar 5, 2014, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Call to Order at 6:30pm

Introduction of Guests: Lion Barret Lang introduced his wife, Kerri; Lion Ray Yannello introduced three members of the Poquoson Lion Club visiting tonight as a Traveling Leo

Song – Lion Mike Coren led My Country Tis of Thee
Pledge of Allegianceled by Lion Barret Lang
Invocation- given by Lion Stan Furman
ATTENDANCE,  5 Guests, 21 Members, 60 Percent

 Recessed for Dinner: 6:33pm: Reconvened:   7:01pm

Introduction of Guest Speaker:  Lion Nancy Watters introduced 2nd VDG Lion Ray Yannello

Lion Ray Yannello is the 2nd Vice District Governor of District 24-D and also the Cabinet Treasurer.  A member of the Poquoson Lions Club, he has been president twice, vice president four times and chair of various committees.  He has been Zone B chair several times and the Zone B PediaVision chair.  He is on the board of directors of the Lions Charity Foundation of 24-D.  He has received multiple commendations and medals in Lionism and is a Melvin Jones Fellow.  He is retired from the US Army and works as a contractor for the US Army, is married with three adult children and two grandchildren.

Lion Ray thanked the club for the invitation to speak and for hosting his club’s Traveling Leos.  He described Poquoson as a small close knit community that lies low in altitude and is a friendly place.  As 2nd VDG he knows now active the Thalia club is and its involvement, listing variouis Thalia members who have held district positions.  Since becoming a zone chair several years ago, he has been learning rapidly and progressively what the district is about.  One of the things that he is trying to do is to increase visibility, accountability and promoting simplicity.  Behind the scenes, computers are adding to our productivity and decreasing the costs of operations.  In spite of this, the multidistrict (Virginia state Lions) is planning to raise dues and he wonders if this is really necessary.  There are many places to cut costs at the state level, e.g. in reducing paper documentation.  The Poquoson Lions Club is proposing that the state constitution and by-laws no longer be printed.  This has potential for saving a lot of money.  The multidistrict’s secretary/treasurer’s rationale is just that it’s been a while since they were increased.  There are administrative costs that can be reduced, e.g. the answering service.  The Governor’s Social lost money again this year, possibly unnecessarily.  By getting a handle on expenses and billings, we can know where to cut expenses.  Two of the six districts in Virginia are below the membership threshold of continuing as a district.  Sometime soon there will have to be a redistricting.  Minutes of state meetings need to be distributed to all members as districts do.  Another large expense to be addressed is the $5000 that is automatically billed for International Director’s needs.  The last three Past International Director’s spent $55K of our state dues money.  This needs to be changed.  Campaigns and expenses need to be visible and financed separately.  You need to know how your money is being spent and budgeted.  All of this money being mentioned is administrative.  Of course, charitable funds are completely separate and no charity money is used for anything but charitable purposes.  I hope to promote visibility and transparency in my service as VDG and DG.  I’m called the raging bull and will continue my campaign in the next few years.

Questions:  1.  In discontinuing printing of documents, please consider the many blind Lion members who need to know what’s going on.  They need methods to read the online information.  There is a federal standard for the blind that can be followed.  2.  Is there a flow chart that shows the Lions structure?  Yes.  4.  We need a map of the club areas on the website so any one or any agency can search for a responsible club.  5.  What is the objection to a modest increase in dues?  Last attempt was 2010, last raise was 2004.  But we need to give up some expenses in the process.  E.g, the Immediate Past DG’s expenses are paid for the international convention which isn’t necessary.  There are many similar things paid for that need attention.  6.  Why do we have the Governor’s Winter Social if we lose money?  The problem is that budgeting gets out of hand.  Extra expenses eat up the money instead of being planned for.  7.  Question about redistricting and what it means.  This was explained as reducing the number of districts in the state.  Four Virginia state districts are now below or close to the minimum size.

Thalia President Lion Rich Roberts presented Lion Ray with a Thalia Lions pin as a small thank-you.


Ø  Report of District Cabinet Meeting, Feb 22ndLion Stan Furman  The meeting was short and sweet without actual business transacted.  Our Region III meeting is next week and suggested that all come to learn what’s happening.

Ø  Thalia Lions Bland Contest, Thursday, Feb 20th : Lion Vickie Kennedy   We had seven contestants with five instrumentalists and two vocalists.  Winners were soprano Andrea Gadzinski and pianist Claire Du.  The second place instrumentalist was an excellent cellist.  The region contest is March 20th.  Lion Stan encouraged members to attend to appreciate the talent.

Ø  Children’s eye screenings:  Lion Nancy Watters  Described Pembroke Mall, Kids in the Kitchen, event where the Lions will screen all comers.  Time is from 10am – 2pm.  We need your help.  We’ll also be giving away many extra children’s books at this same time.  Unrelated, but if you wish a polo shirt, let me know.

Ø  Vision Walk 2014:  Lion Debra Laughlin  We’re off to a good start, our kickoff luncheon is this Saturday the 8th also, at the Greenbrier Country Club.  April 21st we’re on the Hampton Roads show at WAVY.  Need to be there at 7:30am.  The VisionWalk itself is Sunday April 27th.  Big plug – The big guru of Foundation Fighting Blindness is coming to our walk this year and we are competing with District A for participants and they beat us by one Lion last year.  The Walk is at 1pm, with registration at 11:30am.

Ø  Eyeglass Recycling:  Lion Ed DeLong  We will again meet at 10am at the Recycling Center in Chesapeake on Thursday Mar 13th.  Anyone needing a ride can meet at 9:30am at the Best Buy parking lot.  Come and help be a Knight of the blind.

Secretary’s Report:
Ø  District Reports –  thank you all for the reports.  Remember them again this month.
Ø  Region III Meeting, Mar 13thAll who wish to go please notify the secretary if you haven’t responded directly.  Deadline for reservations is in two days and meal cost is is $16. 
Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Vickie Kennedy –Details will be presented at the board meeting to follow.

From the floor:  Lion Jack Wagner announced being open for donations to Samaritan House. 
Lion Irene Conlin announced she will be hosting the filling of the audible Easter eggs again this year.  The hunt is April 7th at the Journey for Sight.  Lion Nurys Sabino announced the visit next meeting of those selling cupcakes.

Birthdays:  Lions Nurys Sabino, Steve Rosnov, and John Watters were sung to twice by Lions Otis, Giovanni and Aziz, first individually in their native language and then as a trio.  Bidding was hot and heavy as to who was to sing when and how.  Lion Otis sang in pseudo-French supposedly, Lion Aziz sang a short ditty in Farsi and Lion Giovanni sang in Italian, then all joined in English for a final serenade.

Raffle:  Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman  First drawing was for $24 won by Lion Otis, second drawing was for $18 won by Lion Nancy and the third for $14 was won by Lion Jeri.

 Meeting then adjourned at 8:08  pm.

Respectfully submitted

Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:

Ø  Mar 8th (Sat)-- VisionWalk Kick Off Luncheon, Greenbrier Country Club,11 - 1:30
Ø  Mar 8th (Sat) – Kids in the Kitchen, children’s eye screening, Pembroke Mall 10-2pm
Ø  Mar 13th (Thurs)– Eyeglass recycling, meet at Best Buy lot at 9:30am
Ø  Mar 13th – Region III Meeting, Emmanuel Epis. Chrch, VB 6pm
Ø  Mar 19th – Thalia Lions regular meeting, 6pm social, 6:30pm meet
Ø  Mar 20th – Region III Bland Contest, Thalia UMC, 7pm
Ø  April 2nd – Thalia Lions regular meeting, 6pm,
Ø  April 16th – Thalia Lions regular meeting – election of officers!
Ø  April 21st (Mon)-- Hampton Roads Show, WAVY TV, VisionWalk support
Ø  April 25th (Fri) – District 24-D Bland Contest, Chandler Hall, ODU, 7pm
Feb 5, 2014. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb 5, 2014, by Lion 1st Vice President Aziz Selahi at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm by Lion 1st Vice President Aziz Selahi
7 Guests
21 Members
60 Percent

Introduction of Guests:
Lion Steve Rosnov introduced guests Barret Lang, Kerrie Lang, and Dian Rosnov;
Lion Debra Laughlin introduced Ed Silverman and Gilda Solomon;
and Lion Mike Coren introduced John Foster
Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy led both God Bless America and We All Get Together
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Ed DeLong
Invocation- given by Lion Jack Wagner
Recess for Dinner: 6:33pm

Reconvened: 7:00pm
Guest speakers, Don Doherty and Lois Boyle, with the Hearing Loss Association of America Mr. Don Doherty, USMC(Ret), M.A., Ed.S., is an education specialist at the National Chaplain Center at the Hampton VA Hospital. He lost his hearing in the Vietnam War and has worn hearing aids since 1970. He is currently a board member of Virginia Advocates United Leading Together, and chapter president and Virginia State Coordinator of Hearing Loss Association of America. Lois Boyle has been a court reporter for 27 years. In 2007 she began providing CART (Communication Access Real-time Translation) for the deaf and hard of hearing. She is the treasurer and vice-president of the Virginia Court Reporters Association and works with the HLLA as both an advocate and provider of open captioning for performing arts theaters. She is currently the Open Captioner at Chrysler Hall and the Wells Theater in Norfolk.
Mr Doherty described the purpose of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLLA). It represents people with hearing loss and tries to open the world to those with hearing loss. A surprising fact is that only one-half of one percent of hearing impaired use sign language. What is used are many other means of communication – lip reading, hearing ‘aids’, psychology and adaptation. The local chapter invites those with hearing loss to meetings where they can learn to live with hearing loss. The room is set up with a wire loop to power an FM hearing aid. We also use amplification, Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) reporting and summaries on a screen. A misconception is that all hearing loss is the same. Sometimes hearing loss comes back and sometimes not. The cochlea in the inner ear holds fluid and hairs that detect sound by frequency. Loud noises over time or a blast injury can destroy or damage these sensitive hairs. Once a hair destroyed, its particular frequency is never heard again. Vowel sounds are the first to go while consonants persist. I personally lip read, use an FM receiver, and utilize other methods. Hearing is big job. It is an invisible disability and few know a person is hearing impaired. 48 million persons in the US have hearing loss. One in three over 65 have loss from age alone. It is progressive and gets worse slowly. People gradually adapt in many ways. What the HLAA tries to do is get the word out about hearing assistive technology – the variety of devices that can help. What do you do when the phone ring can’t be heard? Sleeping in a hotel can be real problem when the only alarm is a noise. At my first HLAA meeting I learned about the vibrating alarm clock. At home I had been using a loud alarm that truly alarmed my wife when it went off. Unless you are informed, you wouldn’t know about the new technology. The audiologists fit hearing aids, but don’t provide aural rehabilitation for becoming accommodated to using an aid. It takes a long time to adapt to an aid to separate the noise from words and speech. Many new aid wearers go to dinner or a noisy place and are overwhelmed. Hearing is a secret loss and is usually kept from others. Socialization stops. Noisy places are avoided. Large bills are used to pay bills because of poor hearing. Part of what I do with the chapter is to teach and mentor those with hearing loss. Personal communication, especially with spouses, needs attention and education for someone with hearing loss. Recently there are special aids that adapt to background noise and can send sound from one ear to another. Telephones have caption call devices that turn sound into print. New smartphones have special speakers that can really sound loud. We also advocate for those with hearing loss. We especially try to get public places and theaters to provide assistance. Some are captioned. Deaf from birth is a very different problem from the usual hearing loss. American Sign Language cannot replace other methods for managing hearing loss. On March 8th this year, the Wells Theater in Norfolk will start open captioning. Loudness does not help those with hearing loss, as most hearing loss is a quality and content issue. After passing out a flyer, Mr. Doherty answered a question about insurance coverage, which is variable. The Veterans Administration provides a lot of help for hearing loss, especially if it is service-connected.
Ms Boyle began her talk with noting that her court reporting skill directly benefits working with the hearing impaired. Open and closed captioning and CART are all useful methods. The HLAA is working to provide open captioning for theaters. This is a universal method useful for 95% of hearing impaired. Ms Boyle described a friend with both hearing loss and vision loss who was frustrated in theater attendance. After captioning was provided for a theater production she broke into tears when she could understand what was going on in the theater. Ms Boyle now provides captioning for both the Chrysler and Wells Theaters. In addition to dialogue, sounds are included in the caption, e.g., “phone rings”. Reactions have been very positive and all appreciate the captioning. A non profit called Access Virginia is being formed that will provide open captioning at theaters. An example of open captioning was shown on YouTube, but ironically the sound was inadequate. Captions are preprogrammed to synchronize with the performance. ASL is only good for the ½% who understand it.
Vice President Lion Aziz Selahi presented the speakers with a plaque in appreciation of their presentation.

Installation of a new Lion, Barret W. Lang was performed by IPDG Lion Stan Furman. Lion Stan related the history of Lions, beginning in 1915. He included the charge from Helen Keller in 1925 to be the knights of the blind in a world of darkness. We are now about three million members in 206 geographic locations. We are the only organization with a seat at the UN. While we began with sight and hearing support, we now emphasize diabetes and multiple charities. We are a bottom up organization and each club decides what they are going to do to serve. We can assure the public that 100% of donations go to charity. The administrative funds are completely separated from charitable funds. LCI and clubs return about 103% of donations to the public. We listen to members and will get involved in what you may be interested in. Lion Stan then administered the pledge of affiliation to new Lion Barret. All applauded his new membership. His sponsor, Lion Steve Rosnov, was charged with mentoring this new Lion and assuring that he obtain his Proud Lion award soon.

Reports: 
Thalia Lions Bland Contest, Thursday, Feb 20th : Lion Vickie Kennedy We have only a few applicants, but still have room for more and expect more to apply soon. Please spread the word to potential contestants. This will our 20th annual contest. James A Bland was an African-American composer and performer who became world famous. His father was a lawyer and the first African-American lawyer in the US. James was one of 12 children who made his own banjo and became a minstrel/musician. He went to England and performed for Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales. Although he made a lot of money in Europe, he eventually returned to the US penniless and died in Philadelphia age 57 of tuberculosis. He composed Carry Me Back to Ol’ Virginny. Lions found his grave and restored the memory of James Bland in 1946 and started the Lions of Virginia James Bland Music Scholarship contest in 1948.

 Children’s eye screenings: Lion Nancy Watters Lion Nancy related the heart-warming story of a young girl who wanted and needed glasses and had them provided by both the Thalia Lions and others. Her thank-you card and proud picture of wearing her new glasses brought a tear to our eyes. The next big event for the club is Mar 8th when Kids in the Kitchen will again be at Pembroke Mall where we will screen all comers. Yesterday, Feb 4th, Lions from Thalia (Lions Linda Harrison, Giovanni Giudice, John Watters, Susie Sumnick, and myself) and the Oceanview, and Norfolk Host Lions clubs screened 428 children at the Jacox Elementary School in Norfolk. 101 were referred for an eye examination.

 LOVF: IPDG Lion Stan Furman Everyone has Lions Of Virginia Foundation raffle tickets to buy and sell to others to support our state charity foundation. 67 cents of every dollar is profit for Thalia Lions. The Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation is working on hair cell regeneration and is a beneficiary of grants from LOVF. Lion Stan is now member of the board of the hearing foundation.

 Vision Walk 2014: Lion Debra Laughlin The 3rd annual VW will be on Sunday, April 27th and we will compete with the Northern Virginia Vision Walk again. Last year we lost to them by one Lion participant and $2000 collection (very close!). We are at $22,500 at the moment and our goal is $95,000. Dates to note – Feb 16th social for teams 2pm; Mar 8th is the kickoff luncheon at Greenbrier CC. Any club that donates $250 gets a special patch.

 Eyeglass Recycling: Lion Ed DeLong We will again meet at 10am at the Recycling Center in Chesapeake on Thursday Feb 13th. Anyone needing a ride can meet at 9:30am at the Best Buy parking lot. For tonight’s visitors, Lion Ed described the process of cleaning, sorting and grading the glasses. We also collect hearing aids, digital ones go to EVMC and the analogs go to S. Africa where they can be refurbished and reused.

Secretary’s Report:
 District Reports – thank you all for the reports. Remember them again this month.
 Club Directory with brief bio and photo – only four bios are in hand, twice as many as last meeting. Please ignore your modesty and submit a brief bio for the club’s personal use. We’ll start taking photos soon.
 LCI Retention Campaign medallion for our banner was received for 2012-2013.
 Virginia Beach Homeless Connect didn’t happen for snow and ice. It will be rescheduled. Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy –In regards to the accounts – we paid some, got some and have some and still have a few bills to pay. The report was distributed.

From the floor:
Lion Jack Wagner announced being open for donations to Samaritan House.
Guest Ed Silverman asked for donations to the Bayside Library.

Birthdays: Lions Debra Laughlin, Mike Coren and Bob Perrine were called forward to have their birthdays celebrated. Lions Nancy Watters and Jim Healy sang Happy Birthday to them all. $111 was raised by bidding and for and against those chosen to sing.

Raffle: Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman Three drawings: 1st for $23 was won by guest Lois Boyle, 2nd for $16 won by Lion Jack Wagner, 3rd was $6 won by Lion Ed DeLong.

Meeting then adjourned at 8:33 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:
 Feb 13th – Eyeglass recycling, meet at Best Buy lot at 9:30am
 Feb 19th – Wednesday – NO MEETING! (Day before the Bland Contest)
 Feb 20th – Thursday, Bland Contest, Thalia Methodist Church, 4321 VB Blvd, 7pm Thalia Lions members report to Thalia UMC, 4321 VB Blvd, at 6:30pm
 Feb 22nd – District 24D Governor’s Social, Point Plaza Suites @ City Center Newport News
 Feb 22nd – District Cabinet Meeting, Point Plaza Suites, 2:30pm
 Mar 8th – Kids in the Kitchen eye screening, Pembroke Mall, 10am – 3pm

Jan 15, 2014 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan 15, 2014, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:30pm by Lion President Rich Roberts
ATTENDANCE 2 Guests 23 Members - 66 Percent
Introduction of Guests:
Lion Steve Rosnov introduced guest Barret Lang
Lion Sheila Romm introduced guest Stuart Williams

Song – Lion Ed DeLong led It’s a Grand Old Flag
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Linda Harrison
Invocation- given by Lion Dick Kreassig
Recess for Dinner: 6:33pm

Reconvened: 6:55pm

Guest speaker, our own member Lion Jack Wagner, former Agent-in-Charge, Norfolk office of the FBI, introduced himself after introductory remarks about Samaritan House and holiday fruit sales (see below). Although he originally planned to speak about the capture of a serial killer, Joseph Paul Franklin, he changed to describe the local chase and capture of Thomas William Manning, a notorious domestic terrorist. This talk will not involve the serial killer, but Lion Jack summarized his case. Joseph Paul Franklin was responsible for about 20 murders and even considered killing President Jimmy Carter. He was a “salt and pepper” killer in that he was an extreme racist anti-Semitic and attacked black and white couples. He used a high powered rifle to shoot a young couple in his first murders. While the FBI doesn’t investigate murder per se, upon request of local law enforcement the Dept. of Justice decided that civil rights were involved and thus permitted the FBI to get involved. He was executed last year many years after his crimes.The case Lion Jack related ended locally in 1985 while he was the Norfolk FBI AIC. In the 1960’s there was a leftist movement against Vietnam and the government called Students for a Democratic Society known as the SDS. Thomas William Manning was originally part of the SDS but later met Raymond Luc Levasseur and formed the United Freedom Front in 1975 which was totally left and antigovernment. Both Tom and Luc were Vietnam veterans and ex-convicts. They wished to disrupt the government and the economy. Lion Jack showed a picture of the entire organization, about 50 persons. The leaders became known as the Ohio Seven. Attached here is a picture of Thomas Manning. They went on a rampage for 4 -5 years, responsible for about 20 bombings of banks, buildings, etc. They became very good at robbing banks to finance their activities – including one here in Norfolk where an armored car delivery of cash was taken by four men with automatic weapons. One counted out a cadence of preplanned actions while the others took $300,000 in cash in 60 seconds. This robbery was never absolutely proven to be by the Ohio Seven, but it probably was. Later it was shown that they had organized to the second when to do it. They robbed at least 9 banks to support themselves. All of the seven became members of the FBI’s Top Ten Fugitives. Manning and the others traveled as a group, but lived in separate residences. The four men of the seven carried out the bombings while the women supported them. All four had children living with them during this time, aged 4 to 11. In Dec 1983 Tom Manning and Richard Williams were on the way back from somewhere and were stopped for a routine traffic stop by a veteran NJ state trooper. Williams somehow shot the trooper with one shot in the head. As a result of that the NJ state police spent over $1M to find them in an intense effort. The trooper’s car had Manning’s palm print and Williams’ fingerprints that identified them. A massive man hunt began. About a year later a lead indicated that they might be living in Cleveland Ohio. A massive raid captured all of the seven except for Tom Manning who was warned of the raid and escaped with his wife and three children. They came to Norfolk to live but were not discovered for over a year. Search of their home in Ohio uncovered a weapon that was eventually identified as being sold in Newport News at a gun shop. Because of the requirement of identifying documents at purchase that showed a Debra Fury as the purchaser, agents were able to confirm that Debra Fury was Carole Manning. Ms Fury’s address in Virginia Beach was a PO Box on Witchduck Rd. This was a small mail drop across from the Sears parts store. It was determined that it was still active under “Debra Fury’s” name. During this same time the local FBI office was involved in the John Walker case. As a result, office manpower was totally involved in both cases but Lion Jack refused outside help from the agency so his office could have the credit of capture. They monitored both the mail box and John Walker with every person in the office. The mail box had been watched for about 35 -40 days when on April 24, 1985, agent Clyde Veneble saw a women taking out the mail. All agents were alerted including calling for air surveillance. After Carole Manning left a gas station her purchase receipt was snatched from the bewildered attendant to confirm that it truly was “Debra Fury” aka Carole Manning. She was followed up Military Hwy into a parking lot where she just sat and waited for 67 sec. This is called “cleaning” to assure there was no one following. From there she headed home and was followed to a house off Granby Street on Conway near DePaul Hospital. She went in. Neighbors were queried by agents and it was discovered there were two rental units in the house and that the Mannings were in the downstairs unit. The upstairs resident ran a restaurant and was immediately contacted and identified Tom Manning’s family as his neighbors. The upstairs unit was cleared by having the restaurant manager call his family to have lunch (which was not unusual for them). So he called and his wife and child left the house. Fifteen or twenty minutes later Carole Manning left to go to the grocery and was captured there. The house was surrounded and Tom was seen outside with the children. It was thought they should try to capture him separate from the children. Two minutes later the children went in the house and while sitting on the back porch, twenty-five agents grabbed Tom Manning. The children were put with social services. Soon after being put in custody, Tom Manning asked to see his children and he was allowed to visit with them. He revealed to them that their family name was really Manning and that he and their mother were in trouble and would be going to jail. He asked the 11 year old to look after the others. His parting words were “see ya”. A twist on the children’s eventual custody is that they went to live with an uncle named Bishop. This uncle had bombed a transmission line out west but was never convicted. All of the Ohio Seven were tried and convicted. Some cooperated and were given short sentences. Carole served a relatively short sentence of about 5 years and was released in 1990. Luc Levasseur was released in 1994 on parole. Richard Williams died in prison. Thomas Manning was given a 58 year sentence in 1987 and will be released in 2020. In their home garage were many of the components Tom Manning used in making bombs. Details including matching crimping marks and certain components confirmed that he was the bomb maker of their suspected bombings. In his notebook he had reconnoitered many banks and locations. There was a safe house in Richmond they had maintained and it was his base of operations for bank robberies. He commuted to this safe house weekly, just as if he were a business man. In those days most bank robbers used Ford automobiles because they would always start. Tom Manning used a 1983 Crown Victoria Ford as his getaway car, after using another car for the robbery itself. Prior to capturing him the FBI had learned that his car was being serviced in Richmond. Newspapers had picked up this information and given it to the FBI. Lion Jack talked with the newspaper editor and they agreed to pull the story in exchange for being able to break the story when he was eventually captured. This agreement was fulfilled at his capture.
Questions from the floor:
What happened to the children? – this is unknown.
What happens when he’s out? Nothing, released criminals are not followed.
How did you find cooperation with the military and local police in your career? Good with local, not always so good with military.

Reports: Citrus sales for the holidays: Lion Jack Wagner. Discussed that the quality problem with the apples was that they were the last fresh crop. We will not order apples next year because they were not of high quality this year. We will probably profit about $1200 this year. We sold 162 cases this year, about 30 cases more than last year. He also mentioned the appreciation of Samaritan House for our support. 

Children’s Eye Screenings: Lion Nancy Watters The next big event for the club is Mar 8 when Kids in the Kitchen will again be at Pembroke Mall. On Feb 4th, some are signed up to help with a screening on that Tuesday at Jacox Elem in Norfolk. There may be about 300 children to be screened. If you wish to join us, let Lion Nancy know.  

Holiday Families Support Projects –
*Lion Nancy described the family Lion Aziz and the Watters’ helped and their situation. The single mother was employed but homeless and had farmed out her children to friends and her mother, 4 yr old girl, a 13 yr old boy and 16 yr old girl twins. They were very appreciative and nice.
*Lion Jack and his wife, Joan, organized help for the ‘club’s’ family, a single mother with 5 children. They needed coats, hats, and gloves. Ronald McDonald House, courtesy of Lion Vickie, provided toys for the 3 boys and 2 girls – 5th grade to 3years. The social worker orchestrated everything. They were very appreciative and well mannered. Toys were all stored in the bedroom until Christmas. Approximately $500 was spent in addition to Samaritan house providing food for the family, about $200 worth.
*Lion Brad described a single mom with two children off Newtown Rd. They delivered food and presents were hidden in the hall closet. The mother was very appreciative. She had a small tree with homemade ornaments. She was also given some cash. Lion Steve described a single mother with two children that he and Lion Irene helped. The case worker told them what they needed. They were given a gift card to WalMart. The mother works as a hair dresser and had just had her purse stolen from her car with food stamps and special scissors in it. She almost cried with gratitude when given money for food that she really needed.
*Lion Stan described a lady with two children, one bedroom in Section 8 housing. They gave them coats, toys, food, holiday food with a Food Lion gift card. Extreme graciousness and joy were involved.
*Lion Linda described her tradition of ding-dong-ditching, where after gathering ‘booty’ it is delivered anonymously on the front stoop after ringing the doorbell. She and her friend helped a single mom unable to speak English well who had 3 children. They took gifts, wrapping paper, etc., and then later took food and donations and gift cert for $100. Both she and the recipient were in tears. 

Vision Walk 2014: Lion Debra Laughlin Lion Debra wasn’t present, but Lion John Watters related how Thalia Lions and the Town Center Blind Lion are jointly requesting a grant from the Lions Charity Foundation of 24-D to help with Vision Walk. Again this year we are in ‘competition’ with Northern Virginia to recruit the most Lions to participate. See VisionWalk 2014 @

Homeless Connect, Norfolk and Virginia Beach: Lion John Watters Lion John described briefly the history of Homeless Connect and the event today at Norfolk Scope. There is similar event planned for January 31st (Friday) at Virginia Beach Methodist Church, corner of 19th and Pacific at the beach front. The Sight and Hearing Unit will be there from about 9am to 3pm. Volunteers are always needed to work the unit.

Secretary’s Report:
*District Reports – some have been handed in, thank you. 
*Club Directory with brief bio and photo – only two bios are in hand. Please ignore your modesty and submit a brief bio for the club’s personal use. We’ll take photos when bios are in hand.
*The Vision Loss Symposium will be Saturday, January 25, 2 - 4 p.m.,MEO Central Library Auditorium, 4100 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452. This is a great way for non-vision impaired Lions to learn about the assistive technology available today. It will amaze you! There are also some interesting speakers scheduled. The Virginia Beach Town Center-Blind Lions would be grateful for any help provided or to just see other Lions attending for their own personal education. POC Lion Sharene Nolan, 757-497-7057, Cabinet Secretary, District 24D. See Vision Loss Symposium 2014 @  

Bland Contest Feb 20th. Details were given by Lion Vickie Kennedy. She explained what the James Bland contest is and the levels of competition. The Region Bland will be Mar 20th. Bayside Lions is the only other in our region. The District Contest is Friday, April 25th at Chandler Hall at ODU. Club volunteers are needed on Feb 20th.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy –In regards to the accounts – we paid some, got some and have some and still have a few bills to pay. The report was distributed.

From the floor: Lion Dick Kreassig discussed the recent death of a juvenile diabetic to emphasize the seriousness of the disease. This was part of Diabetes Awareness.

Birthdays: Lions Rich Roberts and Vickie Kennedy were honored and vigorous bidding resulted in Lions Bob Perrine and Mike Coren were requested by the honorees to sing to them. $103 in bids for and against the singers was raised. The singing was spirited and enjoyed, if not completely in tune.

Raffle: Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman $20 first drawing was won by Lion Jack Wagner. $13 won by Lion Jim Healy. $8 won also by Lion Jack Wagner. The FBI must have fixed the gambling tonight!

Meeting then adjourned at 8:23pm.
Respectfully submitted Lion John Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events: 
*Jan 25th – Low Vision Symposium, Central Library, 2:00 - 4:30pm 
*Jan 31st – VB Homeless Connect, VB Methodist, 9am – 3pm 
*Feb 4th –Children’s screening at Jacox Elem, Norfolk, approx. 9:30am 
*Feb 5th – next regular meeting 
*Feb 13th – Eyeglass recycling, meet at Best Buy lot at 9:30am 
*Feb 22nd – District 24D Governor’s Social, Point Plaza Hotel and Suites @ City Center (See current KnightsVision for registration information)
*Apr 27th, Sunday - Vision Walk - registration @ 11:30 a.m.; Walk Begins @ 1 p.m. Location: 17th Street Park. Walk Chairs: Debra Laughlin and Gilda Solomon

Dec 4, 2013 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Dec 4, 2013, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to Order at 6:30pm by Lion President Rich Roberts
ATTENDANCE: 1 Guests, 21 Members, 60 Percent
Recess for Dinner: 6:33pm Reconvened: 6:59pm

Introduction of guest speaker: Lion Jack Wagner: Larissa Sutherland, Outreach Coordinator for Samaritan House Lion Jack said that Larrissa doesn’t toot her own horn much. She has been active in childhood education for some years and was a traveling art teacher in the hills of Virginia, where she is originally from. She will give us an overview of Samaritan House.

Ms Sutherland began by expressing appreciation of the Thalia Lions’ support of Samaritan House (SH). She offered a tour of SH to anyone present who had not had one. You are aware of the food pantry already, but on the tour it is seen filled up and magnificent. Samaritan House will be thirty years old next year. We are the largest domestic violence center in Virginia. Many areas where the shelters are located are not labeled and are kept private to protect the victims. We also help families who are homeless. We have more children with us than adults. Giving Tuesday, an annual fund-raising time, was last week. Typical for an average day we had 100 children and 69 adults resident then. These people would have had nowhere else to stay. They may remain for either 30 or 60 days. We immediately start looking for housing when they arrive. We get an average of about 8000 phone calls a year, some calling because of a crisis, but most calling for place to stay. We look for permanent and stable space for them. Rapid Rehousing is our program where we can place people into a home they can call their own. We help them with rent and moving and also help them gain employment. Many are underemployed and need better jobs. Services provided are employment, housing, food, and training. If they don’t have a high school diploma we get them into a GED program. In the first week or two they have do decide what to do with the rest of their lives. Some go back to their own homes. A family advocate immediately evaluates their needs. Children’s services are important and are expanding, especially to meet the needs of abused children. A plan is made and followed. Domestic violence in general is only the manifestation of an abusive and power-seeking partner or parent. All services are entered voluntarily but any and all are made available as needed as we try to break the cycle of violence and abuse. When emergency shelter is needed and a person or family is unable to transition back to their own home, we have several apartments and supportive housing for them. It is not a strange or unfriendly location. We try to instill confidence and change to prevent the problems from recurring. Today I was talking to a group of girls, 14 and 15 years of age, who run an after school club that had collected many sheets and toiletries for clients. They were excited to help the community around them. It’s great to see them able to offer this important support. Questions: Is the emergency shelter like a dormitory? No, we use a ‘scattered site’ shelter system which consists of townhouses and single family homes. They live communally, sometimes with several families in one location. What is the relation to the USN? We work closely with Navy family services and have a good relationship. We train service members in recognizing domestic violence. We don’t get financial support directly, but there is tremendous help from Navy volunteers. E.g., volunteers helped rehabilitate our physical facility. We have various supply drives for specific items on occasion. See our website and go to the volunteer section ( We have a thrift store partner and volunteers who sort through clothing, items, etc. We can connect persons with needed clothing. The thrift store earns us about $450,000 a year! Personnel: We have 35 paid employees, but we are growing and trying to expand our skilled volunteers about 30% -- all kinds of skills and professions are needed. We have fund raisers every year. The community services include victim advocates that help in court, civil actions, etc. They are not paralegals but are aware of what our clients need. They follow up every single call to the police. Volunteers are needed here also. Lion Ed DeLong at this point rose and donated $100 directly to Ms Sutherland. Minimum age for volunteers who work with clients is 18 and they cannot be a student in Virginia Beach schools. Children can help in other areas however, esp. in food and clothing sorting, etc. My background is childhood education and I help students learn about family and dating violence. The Communicable Disease Center in Atlanta estimates that one in four women and one in nine men suffered domestic violence last year. Those men who are violent are usually frequent abusers, thus making the statistics seem to indicate more men are involved than actually are. How often does an abused person go back into the abusive relationship? This not really known but it is a problem. The national average number of times a victim of violence tries to make a break from an abusive relationship before succeeding is seven to nine times. Men as victims are served also. Also homeless men. Men are often not reporting or aware that services are available for them, so they are underrepresented in the statistics. Last year in Virginia, 1 in 3 homicides were family or relationship based. Many murder victims are men. If someone reaches out to a person at risk, it can precipitate violence if intervention is not careful or organized. If you know of anyone in an abusive relationship, then encourage them to seek help themselves. All police responding to a domestic violence episode can directly call for help at that time. Every city in this area, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Norfolk, etc. has a responsible shelter agency to call. A question was asked if elder abuse by adults is increasing. These statistics are unknown. General budget is $2.4M now and we hope to expand to $2.9M. Last year we scored 100% from auditors. We do get support from United Way and others in addition to our own fund-raising.

President Lion Rich offered our thanks for this interesting talk and presented Larissa with a Thalia Lions thank you plaque.

A get-well card for Lion Bob Perrine was passed around to speed his recovery from a recent hospitalization.

For the benefit of our newer members, the Melvin Jones fellowship award was described by Lion Dick Kreassig with additional remarks by Lions Stan Furman and John Watters. In summary, a Melvin Jones Fellowship can be bought as either an honorary presentation or direct personal contribution with a $1000 donation to the LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation).

Reports: 

*Citrus sales for the holidays: Lion Jack Wagner. Sales have been great and we approach 160 boxes sold. Delivery date is yet to be announced, but it probably will be next Thursday. We will deliver in then following days. 

*Head Start books and eye screenings: Lion Nancy Watters We have distributed 875 to the Portsmouth, Norfolk and Chesapeake programs, four hundred to Virginia Beach programs, 600 to Smithfield, 400 to the Easter Shore – at least 2200 so far. Williamsburg, Newport News and Northern Neck are doing their own projects. We are very close to finishing. No screenings for our club are scheduled yet, but on Jan 7th we are screening in Norfolk at Jacox Elementary. 

*Holiday Family Help – Lion Stan Furman As of last week we didn’t have a family, but Head Start has now given us 5 families whose children might benefit from holiday gifts. In addition a community food bank has a family in need. Great discussion ensued. A motion was made to support one family in the Carver neighborhood by Lion Jack Wagner, seconded by Lion Ed DeLong. Discussion centered about why only this family. Five other Lions present volunteered to help the rest of the families. All wound up being covered. The motion was voted on unanimously. Discussion then decided on providing $350 of club money for the large family following a motion by Lion Stan Furman and seconded by Lion Ed DeLong. The motion carried unanimously. Donations were accepted to replace club money. Other joined in to assist those who volunteered.
-Response from Lion Nancy. When we asked Mechelle to recommend a Head Start family for Thalia Lions Club to support during the Christmas season, she said it was too difficult to select one name from the 5 that were sent from the respective centers. So I took the list of 5 to our club meeting tonight and we asked our members how we should go about picking the chosen family. I am happy to report to you that we were unable to select as well. Because we can only afford to provide Christmas for one family from our club charitable fund account, we are choosing the Scott family with 5 children. They will be given a food basket, clothes and toys. Now this is what makes me proud to be a Thalia Lion’s Club member……all of the other families will have Christmas provided as well. Individual members stepped up and selected a family that they each would support. They jumped at the chance to cover all the needs, choosing families, forming small groups, discussing approaches, all to target each name. In addition to the names you submitted, another family from a local food bank will also be provided Christmas by a couple who are members.
-Response from Lion Jack: To my fellow Lions: I just talked with the Advocate from Head Start, whose client is the Scott family, whom we, as a club, have adopted for the upcoming holidays. She informed me the children can definitely use a winter coat, hat, and gloves and these items are the most needed. The mother, who is 29, is not employed, could also use a coat, hat and gloves. The Scott family is on Food Stamps meaning they can buy foodstuffs, but no household items such as paper towels, laundry supplies, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc, as these items must come out of pocket. Any toys will be gladly accepted and appreciated. Citrus products will go over in a big way. One word of caution, you should check with the Advocate for the family you are adopting to determine if the child has any allergies and what they might need the most. You can determine the Advocate by calling and talking to Mechelle Osby ( 757 ) 435 3651. My Advocate would want the gifts to come from the Thalia Lions Club and not Santa. She also would like to be present when we make the presentation to the family. Anyone who wishes to contribute to the Scott family adoption Holiday project, please let me know. We are starting with a base of $ 450.00.
-Response from District Governor Donnie Johnson: This is a very heart warming thing that you are doing especially during the Holiday Season and I am very proud of the members of the Thalia Lions Club for helping all of these families. This is truly a heart project and one that inspires all of us to do a little more and show the spirit of being a Lion to others. "We Serve" is much more than a is the core of why we became a Lion in the first place. Lions from all over our District are busy helping those that need help all year long and doing projects to help those in need. We do not help people for the kudos......we help people because we care and know it is the right thing to do. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. God bless each of you. 

*Holiday Party, Dec 18th – Lions Stan Furman and Nancy Watters. Bring a side dish or dessert. The club provides turkey and ham. Libation served. Bring a spouse or prospective Lion. Directions to 2357 Haversham Close are on the reverse of the agenda distributed this evening.

* Secretary’s Report:
- District Reports – Thank you for your input again this month. 
- Status of Virginia Sales Tax exemption – still pending 
- Club Directory with brief bio and photo – please prepare a one page biography for this in the next few months. It can provide a more complete personal history of each member to share with others.  - Thank you note from Scotty was read thanking the club for its support of JDRF.

* Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy –In regards to the accounts – we paid some, got some and have some and still have a few bills to pay. Details will follow at the next board meeting.

From the floor:
* Lion Nancy Watters announced VB Chorale performance on Dec 14th.
* Lion Catherine Bromwell mentioned the golf ball drop this weekend where the club could win big money.

Birthdays: Lions Jeri Furman (Dec 3rd), Irene Conlin (Dec 9th) and Jim Healy (Dec 19th). Each of them chose a singer and then bidding for and against who sang what to whom ensued. In the end bidders chose Lions Stan Furman, Shelia Romm and John Watters to sing a version of Happy Birthday to all parties. $63 was raised altogether!

Raffle: Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman There were three drawings – first for $22 won by Lion Erin Stromberg, the second won by Lion Nancy Watters for $15 and the third for $10 was won by Lion Catherine Bromwell.

Meeting then adjourned at 8:17pm. Respectfully submitted Lion John Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events: 
*Dec 12th or thereabouts, distribution of holiday citrus orders – strong backs needed 
*Dec 12th, Eyeglass Recycling, meet at Best Buy for a ride at 9:30am 
*Dec 18th, Holiday Party 6:30pm, 2357 Haversham Close, bring side or dessert 
*Jan 1st – New Year’s Day – NO MEETING THIS DAY! 
*Jan 9th – Eyeglass Recycling 
*Jan 15th, Homeless Connect at Norfolk Scope, 8am – 4pm and our first meeting of the year 
* Feb 22nd -- District 24-D Winter Social, Point Plaza Suites, Newport News

Nov 20, 2013. - OFFICIAL MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn, on November 20, 2013, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:15p.m. by President Lion Richard Roberts who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Richard Roberts, President
Lion Aziz Selahi, 1st VP
Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Irene Conlin, 2nd VP
Lion Nancy Watters, 3rd VP
Lion John Watters, Sec
Lion Susan Sumnick
Lion Dick Kreassig, Director
Lion Stan Furman, TailTwister
Lion Mike Coren
Lion Debra Laughlin
Lion Shelia Romm
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Jeri Furman
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer
Lion Catherine Bromwell
Linda Harrison
Lion Jeri Furman

Minutes of Business Meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 pm

1. Lion Nancy suggested that we notify those who reserved but didn’t’ show tonight that we are being billed for their meals. If we start to lose money, we may have to begin billing those who don’t show. Lion President Rich Roberts will send an email out to remind members of this. To date we haven’t lost money with meal billings yet.

2. We need to renew our contract with the Hilton and need dates for the next year. Meetings will be one in Jan, one in Feb, two in May, one in June, one in July, two in Aug, one in Sep, two in Oct, two in Nov and one in Dec. Lion Stan Furman moved we renew the contract. Seconded by Lion Vickie Kennedy. Dates will be as mentioned. The contract will be renewed by Lion Debra Laughlin. Unanimous vote approved the motion.

3. Treasurer’s report – see Attachment 2 to the regular minutes. Discussed by Lion Vickie Kennedy. Discussion proceeded along the line of making charitable donations from our administrative funds. There are no expenses other than state and LCI dues coming from the admin fund. It was moved by Lion Dick Kreassig that $2000 be transferred from administration into activities. Seconded by Lion Nancy Watters. Unanimously approved. This will make it easier to pay donations to our charities. There was no more business except a request about sponsoring families over the holidays—it hasn’t happened yet. No one knew who might be responsible. Lion Vickie Kennedy is still looking for a judge for the Bland Contest. It was suggested to consider Jeff Phelps, Instrumental Chair at the Governor’s School for the Arts. Lion John Watters reported on the status of I-Texts organization for fund raising. It has not yet been determined to be legal or not, after which we can decide to use it or not.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm.
Respectfully submitted: Lion John Watters, Secretary

Nov 20, 2013. - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov 20, 2013, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting. Call to Order at 6:30pm by Lion President Rich Roberts
ATTENDANCE 0 Guests, 20 Members - 57 Percent

Recess for Dinner: 6:32pm Reconvened: 6:55pm

Introduction of guest speaker, Lion Nancy Watters As a 20 year Army spouse, Carol Berg has experienced almost everything life has to offer in the military. Moving with her family 9 times in 20 years Carol served as Volunteer Coordinator at Army Community Service at 3 stateside and 1 overseas location while stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Carol's professional experience here in Hampton Roads includes her tenure as the Chapter Services Director of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the American Red Cross, Executive Director of The Newport News Court Appointed Special Advocate Program, Chief Operating Office of Avalon: A Center for Women and Children, and Field Office Director of Operation Homefront of the Virginias. Carol has recently accepted a new position as the Regional Director for the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program here in Greater Hampton Roads. Carol has 2 daughters and one granddaughter and has lived in Newport News for the past 16 years and continues to support the community and needs of our military and their families.

Speaker: Carol Berg, representing Operation Homefront Relating a joke about various freedoms, she thanked veterans present this evening for their service. She also told a story of a priest counseling her fiancé and herself in which her husband described her as competent. Military life as a spouse means you must be competent to live here and there and always be ready for change. Operation Homefront was started after the events of 9/11 by a Navy wife and a commander’s wife who discovered that families didn’t know what to do when the military member was deployed. The organization is well rated and very efficient with 95% of funds going to military families. Most beneficiaries are those of the enlisted ranks of E1 to E6. However, they serve all ranks of military wounded. There are 27 field offices in the US such that every service member anywhere has an office in their area. Services are multifunction helping families cope with everything from Christmas toys to home repair. Services also includes special meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas. National partners (organizations) help support us. Criteria for assistance include need and being enlisted of ranks E1 to E6. Being be on active duty is required, thus excluding the guard and reserve unless they are serving on active duty. Financial assistance includes food, rent and utilities. All support is done virtually and privately, unknown to command. It’s “No fuss philanthropy”. Documentation need is just a Leave and Earnings Statement and an ID card. We rarely provide cash, but even then is done through gift cards for the commissary. Veterans assisted are required to have an honorable discharge, unless the discharge was due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Car repair is one of the more common donations, but it is limited to only what a family absolutely needs. Routine maintenance is not done. Home repairs are a frequent request, e.g. we recently put $86K into a serviceman’s home in Virginia Beach because it needed modifications to accommodate his service-acquired disabilities. We especially help families of those deployed. Moving expenses can be provided when necessary if they are not covered by the military. Volunteers are often used for this. Vision care is covered to the extent of one pair of glasses per year for families. Sometimes special glasses are provided. Emergency food accounts are the majority of help provided – but just enough to make it to pay day. We can pay rent and provide services even if it may be available on base. We help with copay in an emergency. Sometimes we ask families to cost share. Ms Berg described an example of an expensive sewer connection of a Coast Guard family. In this case the family ended up cost sharing the expense. The organization also operates Homefront Villages in three locations. This is temporary housing for 6 mo to 2 yrs while transitioning out of service, especially for those coming out of hospitals. It includes free rent, services, behavioral health, and assistance in learning to reengage with the community. The incidence of PTSD is high now and requires a long adjustment period. Families of the non-wounded also often qualify for help. This even includes veterans of Korea and Vietnam at times. A significant donation sometimes made are free homes as long as they don’t have another home. They can’t sell it within several years afterwards. The intent is to provide a home to a veteran who couldn’t afford it otherwise. This program is even available to those discharged in a reduction in forces mandate. The program is called Homes on the Homefront. These homes are available in almost all states. Our goal is to serve military families – if we can’t, we find another organization that can. Services even include baby showers for expectant military mothers. We do things year round and look for funds and partnerships. We often work with Lions for glasses and with the VA for services. We’re looking for referrals of professionals and services who can help our clients. We are 95% efficient and have only a 5% overhead. 44% of the homeless in Virginia live in Hampton Roads, and 1 of 3 of these are military veterans. Contact information was provided and brochures given out.

Visit our website or facebook page. At the conclusion of her talk, Lion Ed DeLong fervently thanked the presenter for the program and the services they provide, since in the past these services just weren’t available. In continuing discussion it was mentioned that the Hampton Veterans Hospital is a top rated facility and very useful for helping with these programs. Reports: 

Citrus sales for the holidays: Lion Jack Wagner Reminded members that orders must be in by Dec 4. We’re lagging in sales compared to last year. We don’t have a minimum order yet. We may have White Cane collection on Dec 6 or 7th. Our next speaker on Dec 4th will on Samaritan House. 

Head Start books and eye screenings: Lion Nancy Watters Described our screening of the Head Start students on the E. Shore yesterday and at Pembroke Mall on Nov 16th. 88 children were screened at Pembroke Mall with 14 referrals. Santa got involved too. On the E. Shore yesterday we screened 179 children with 36 referrals. Head Start books collection: The original goal was 1500, but we may actually need about 2000. We have delivered 875 to the Head Starts of Portsmouth, Norfolk and Chesapeake. Tomorrow we will deliver 300 to Virginia Beach Head Starts. Soon then Smithfield will have 500 books and the Peninsula will receive another several hundred soon. Lion Nancy described the First Books charity and the receipt of 360 new books rom them last week. 

Sight & Hearing Unit report from Nov 12th – Lion Steve Rosnov We screened 118 and referred 17. There were people from 29 countries. Lion Nancy did 66 blood tests. We will do this again in May 2014 at the Central Library. Eyeglass recycling was last week and we turned in 279 glasses and 7 hearing aids and 6 members worked the center. Next time will be Dec 12th. 

Holiday Party, Dec 18th – Lions Stan Furman and Nancy Watters Bring food. The club provides turkey and ham and the rest of us can bring a spouse or friend and a side dish. Directions to 2357 Haversham Close will be provided as the time nears.

Secretary’s Report: 
*District Reports – please send in your Lion activities for the month. 
*Status of Virginia Sales Tax exemption & charity collection permit – We were accepted as a charitable organization with permission to collect funds in 1980. Application has been made to officially grant us permission to buy and sell without state sales tax.

Treasurer's Report  Lion Vickie Kennedy – We paid some, got some and have some and still have a few bills to pay. She also promoted a movie at the Naro for families benefitting Ronald McDonald House. The movie, Angel’s Sing, features many singers. $10 donations to RMDH are accepted. In regards to the accounts –

Birthdays: Lions Nurys Sabino (10th ) was not present, but the Tail Twister will embarrass her another time.

Raffle: Tail Twister IPDG Lion Furman Winners were Lions Rich Roberts and Jeri Furman.

Meeting then adjourned at 7:59pm.
Respectfully submitted Lion John Watters, Secretary

Thalia Lions Club Upcoming Events: 
Dec 4th, Deadline for holiday citrus orders 
Dec 4th, Regular Meeting, 6:30pm, Hilton Garden Inn, social at 6pm 
Dec 12th, Eyeglass Recycling, meet at Best Buy for a ride at 9:30am 
Dec 18th, Holiday Party 6:30pm, 2357 Haversham Close, bring side or dessert 
Jan 1st – New Year’s Day – NO MEETING THIS DAY! 
Jan 15th, Homeless Connect at Norfolk Scope, 8am – 4pm and our first meeting of the year 
Feb 22nd -- District 24-D Winter Social, Point Plaza Suites, Newport News

Nov 6, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov 6, 2013, by Lion President Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting. Call to Order at 6:30pm by Lion President Rich Roberts ATTENDANCE 2 Guests 20 Members 57 Percent Recess for Dinner:

6:35pm Reconvened: 6.59pm Introduction of guest speaker, Lion Rich Roberts: Lion Patricia Jones, Zone G Chair of Region III of District 24-D. Lion Patricia has been a member of the Oceanside Lions Club since 2007, and is currently serving as Club President for the second time. In 2012, Lion Pat attended the VA Lions Regional Leadership Institute. She works at Naval Station Norfolk as a Metric Analyst. Her hobbies include coin collecting and singing. She as a son, Lion Cedric, who is a civil servant in Portsmouth.

Lion Pat stated that she knows how Thalia is up to date and is very active, but she wishes to describe the membership plan for the zone tonight. Please go to the LCI website and look for the webinars in training available to all members. They include leadership and membership, but also the Club Excellence program. She suggested a needs assessment associated with the club excellence project. We have already met the public service goals. She asked what we need (answers included a better looking tail twister.) The LCI website will teach you all you need to know about Lionism in general. This is good especially for new Lions. While speaking at random with people in the hotel tonight, she discovered that most didn’t know much about Lionism. District projects are journey for sight, eyeglass recycling, children’s eye screening, the eye bank, Bland contests, peace posters, the Reading Action Plan and plant a tree – all are on the website. Asking whether anyone might go to the State Convention in Tyson’s Corner, a few replied they might. Lion Pat complimented the club on paying our dues and getting our reports in on time. Lion Bob asked about the plant a tree project – it is still an international project, but we have done it for several years. In answer to a question, she explained what a zone is and who is in it. We are Region III, Zone G including the Oceana-Lynnhaven-Golden, Oceanside, Princess Anne, Virginia Beach Central, Thalia and Virginia Beach Host Lions Clubs. She described Traveling Leos and choosing a club to visit that has excellent food. Thalia was invited to the Oceanside Lions holiday year end event on Dec 9th. Another question was about what it means to be a ‘host’ club – Lion Stan Furman mentioned that it is an original club in an area who then hosts the formation of at least two other clubs. The only large host club in the district remaining is the Williamsburg Host club. Another question was how 24d came about. Multidistrict 24 was the 24th state to join LCI. Each state is then further subdivided into alphabetical sections. Multidistrict 24 has 6 districts A – F. Lion Bob Perrine further stated that our blog site shows our position in the total organization of the Lions clubs from LCI to club.

Lion President Rich handed out awards from recent conferences – a Proud Lion to Lion Catherine Bromwell, Lion Roger Snell was given a chevron for 20 years membership, Lion Jim Healy a chevron for 15 years, and club patches – 24-D Traveling Leo, 2013 State Achievement, Lion Steve Rosnov’s 100% secretary award and a 100% Treasurer’s award to Lion Vickie Kennedy.

Reports: 
*Sight/Hearing/Blood Sugar Screening, Adult Learning Center, Nov 12th: Lion Ed DeLong Described how we have been associated with the Adult Learning Center with screening for 20 years. While we’ve done it on Fridays, this year it will be on Tuesday to accommodate more students. We usually see students from many countries. Many have never been tested before. Hours will be from 10am to 2pm. Lion Ed distributed a sign-up sheet. You don’t have to be a Lion to do this. Please come help and bring someone who speaks a foreign language. 
*Eyeglass Recycling on Nov 14th : Lion Ed DeLong. The Gilmerton bridege will be closed that day, so take the long way around. We measure and clean many many glasses. 
*Head Start Book Project, Membership Treasure Hunt report and Pembroke Mall screening: Lion Nancy Watters We inducted 2 new members at the event and she showed the Thalia club’s board showing all that we do. On Nov 16th we will be at the mall with the Spot for children’s eye screenings. She also showed the RAP poster. Mentioned that 875 books were delivered to the Head Start schools in Portsmouth, Norfolk and Chesapeake. Another poster on the book project was made by Roger Snell. Please come if you can help. On Nov 19th we are going to the E. Shore to screen all Head Start students, sponsored by the Central Shore Lions Club. 
*Holiday Citrus Sales: Lion Jack Wagner Brochures are available with prices. Note that the orders must be in by Dec 4th. Delivery week is Dec. 11th to 15th. Get all you know to buy some holiday citrus.
*Samaritan House – there will be a speaker form Samaritan House on Dec 4th to explain what you’ve been supporting. See the blog for details and please keep the donations coming in.

Secretary’s Report: Status of state sales tax requirements for non-profits, both purchase and sales, was described. We are in the process of applying for approvals from the Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and the Dept of Taxation.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy – see then Tresurer's Report.

Induction of inductee Giovanni Giudice by IPDG Lion Stan Furman. Lion Stan described the origins and history of the Lions Clubs International, esp. its charter from the United Nations. He administered the pledge and responsibilities of being a Lion to Giovanni. Lion Aziz, standing in for Lion Roger as sponsor, pinned him with his Lions pin. Giovanni described that he is 43 and Italian. He served in the Italian Air Force until his assignment here to NATO and wishes to help his community. He has three children and doesn’t have a lot of time but wishes to participate as able to serve his community.

Virginia RUSH soccer sponsorship was brought up by Lion Steve Rosnov. They are sponsoring an aerial golf ball drop with possible large winnings. While we can participate as individuals, if our club participates we can still win and donate half back and be money well ahead. A spontaneous collection contributed about $150 to the cause to sponsor a ball or two.

Lion Irene Conlin introduced ScripTalk, a device that speaks contents and instructions of medication bottles that have a special RFID (radio frequency identification chip). This is especially useful for those with multiple medications and/or visual disabilities. Please call ScripTalk to include this service at pharmacies in Virginia. The goal is to get it anywhere you get meds. Brochures with the number to call were handed out.

Birthdays: Lions Linda Harrison (7th ), Tail Twister Lion Stan Furman asked Lion Linda to choose a singer for Happy Birthday. She chose Lion John Watters, but was soon joined by Lion Patricia Jones and then Lions Aziz Selahi and new Lion Giovanni Giudice. After all the bidding for and against the singers, they all simultaneously sang in English, Italian and Farsi Happy Birthday to Lion Linda.

Raffle: Tail Twister IPDG Lion Furman Lion Nancy Watters won $25 and Lion Aziz Selahi won $19. Meeting then adjourned at 8:13pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion John Watters, Secretary

Thalia Lions Club Upcoming Events: 
*Nov 12th – Sight & Hearing Unit, VB Adult Learning Cntr, 10am – 2pm 
*Nov 14th – Eyeglass Recycling, meet at Best Buy at 9:30am 
*Nov 16th – Children’s Eye Screening, Santa at Pembroke Mall, 10am – 2pm 
*Nov 19th – E. Shore Head Start eye screening 
*Nov 20th -- Regular club meeting, Carol Berg – Operation Homefront 
*Feb 22nd -- Winter Social, Point Plaza Suites, Newport News Attachments:

Oct 16, 2013. The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:20p.m. by President Lion Richard Roberts who acted as chairman, with the following board members and members in attendance: Lion Richard Roberts, President Lion Nancy Watters, member Lion John Watters, Sec Lion Debra Laughlin Lion Shelia Romm Lion Steve Rosnov, Membership Lion Stan Furman, TailTwister Lion Jeri Furman Lion Dick Kreassig, Director Lion Catherine Bromwell Linda Harrison
Minutes of Business Meeting The meeting was called to order at 8:20 pm
1. The board approved Erin Stromberg for membership. She is an optometrist sponsored by Lion Nancy Watters. Motion made by Lion Stan that it be reported in the October MMR for LCI’s membership month. Motion passed unanimously.
2. It was noted that the Treasurer’s report was previously decided to be given only at the Board Meeting. It was mentioned that it should still be distributed at club meetings even if in the future it is not reported.
3. Lion Catherine Bromwell moved that Linda Harrison be accepted as a member. Passed unanimously. Application will be submitted tonight and reported in October.
4. Lion Dick Kreassig brought up non-attendance as a club policy. It was mentioned that service projects are where members are needed, and attendance at meetings is only secondary. Several mentioned that we need to engage visitors more than we have. More discussion about the relative importance of meetings vs service projects concluded that both are important but that we don’t require absolute perfect attendance.
5. Diabetes walk support was moved by Lion Stan Furman to be in the amount of $100. It will be made payable to JDRF. To be mailed to Dick Kreassig. Passed unanimously. Adjourned at 8:39am. Respectfully submitted: Lion John Watters, Secretary Oct 16, 2013.
Oct 16, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Lion Ed DeLong It’s a Grand Old Flag
Pledge to the U.S. Flag was led by Lion Nancy Watters
Invocation offered by Lion Jack Wagner
Introduction of Guests: Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:01pm

Introduction of guest speakers:  Lion Debra Laughlin
Rev. David Martin is a chaplain at Sentara Leigh Hospital where he is also an ethics consultant.  He was a campus chaplain at Regent University where he was also a lecturer at the law school.  His presentation this evening is on Advance Care Planning.  Rev. Martin began by defining the topic, which is basically planning ahead for decisions that may need to be made for medical care or end-of-life.  He strongly believes that anyone of 18 years of age or older should have such plans written out and communicated to others.  Advance planning includes medical directives, powers of attorney (general, specific and medical for legal surrogacy), a durable do-not-resuscitate order if necessary and a P.O.S.T. (Physician order for scope of treatment).  These all should exist before they are to be used and kept in a safe place.  A “safe place” can literally be a safe, but they can also be filed with a hospital system like Sentara’s My Chart or placed in a national registry on-line.  Most important is to communicate clearly one’s desires to others, whether they be friends or family.  This communication can be critical for care-givers to understand an uncommunicative patient’s desires in critical situations.  Rev. Martin emphasized that all of us should be educated consumers in that all should understand the true meaning of what CPR (cardio-respiratory resuscitation) actually is and what it does to a person.  Other terms to understand are assisted ventilation, artificial nutrition and artificial hydration.  An elderly ill person may only have a 3% chance of resuscitation and if family understood the trauma involved in providing such a small chance to survive they might opt not to ask for it.  Advance directives cannot cover all circumstances for several reasons – unavailability of the directive itself, non-existence of the directive (most of us are included here) and the difficulty in transferring the situation to medical orders for care.  Often an advance directive is not appropriate for a nursing home.  In conclusion, Rev. Martin said that the best gift we can give our families is a clear and complete communication of our desires for the instance of our incapacitation or serious illness.

Questions from the club covered several topics, in particular the new concept of a P.O.S.T.  The MyChart system (a form of personal electronic medical record) is only available in the Sentara system, but the national registry sponsored by Sentara is available to anyone at  Brochures that guide writing out an advance plan were distributed.

President Lion Rich thanked Mr Martin and presented him a plaque in appreciation.

Sight/Hearing/Diabetes Unit screening, Nov 12:  Lion Ed DeLong  Will be at the Adult Learning Center on Tuesday, Nov 12th from 10am – 2pm.  80% of the students there are from overseas The S & H unit needs volunteers, esp those with language skills.  We will sign up volunteers at the next meeting. 
Eyeglass Recycling this month had 6 persons present.  We turned in 250 glasses and 4 hearing aids.  The next session will be Nov.14th.
Head Start Books and screenings:  Lion Nancy Watters   We’ve collected about a thousand books and tomorrow we will deliver 875 of them to the Head Start headquarters in Portsmouth.  The DG and many others will be there.  We are still collecting and need about 1600 altogether.   Children’s Eye Screenings will be held at Malibu Elementary this Friday.  Let me know if you would like to come.  Another screening will be on Oct 24th and 25th at Sunnybrook Preschool.  On Oct 30th there is one at Thalia Elementary.  Nov 16th is the big screening at Pembroke mall when Santa Claus comes to town.
Membership Treasure Hunt details:  Lion Debra Laughlin  Pirate Captain Debra spoke about the Membership Treasure Hunt.  She needs more volunteers for Oct 26th.  Volunteers should be there at 8:30am.  All were urged to bring a potential Lion to learn about Lionism. It was explained that this is a random gathering off the street, but a specific introduction of invited persons.  The Vision Walk kickoff will be the next day at Lion Debra’s.  
Citrus sales for the Holidays:  Lion Jack Wagner referenced his recent email with price list.  Prices had to be raised quite a bit this year.  It’s not too early to start taking orders, especially with your last year’s customers.  We need to sell about 125 cases.  Orders can be taken up to Dec 5th.  Delivery will be about Dec 15th – 16th.  Samaritan House donations are still appreciated.
Lion Stan Furman:  The Traveling Leo went to the Central Shore Lions club on the E. Shore on Oct 7th.  We’ve completed the obligations to get a patch this year, so if you would like to go to a particular club, let Lion Stan know.  Bid n Buy auction is this Saturday.  Doors open at 10:30am with the silent auction and then the live auction will be at 1pm.
Lion Dick Kreassig:  Talked about his grandson Scotty and juvenile diabetes.  He promoted the Walk for the Cure and felt that we should be doing more about diabetes as a club.  He asked to consider what more we can do for it.
Lion Rich Roberts talked about our lack of exemption from sales tax in Virginia.  We may have to pay sales tax in the future. But some didn’t think this would an issue.  Some consideration for becoming a 501C(3) was mentioned – it will be looked into.
Secretary’s Report:  Lion John Watters
*Please keep the reports of community activities coming in.  Whatever you do in the Lions name counts for our report.
*Region III Meeting, Oct 30th, Hibachi Grill, let me know if you wish to attend.
*He mentioned that Lion Vickie Kennedy is recovering from recent surgery and will return to work next Monday.  Lion ‘Smitty’ Smith was recently hospitalized and desires to become active with us again soon.
Treasurer’s Report:  Lion John Watters – No real change from last meeting.  Written reports were distributed.

Birthdays – Lion Aziz Selahi was traveling this evening and could be present. 

50/50 Raffle:  Lion Jack Wagner and Lion John Watters each won $20 that was donated to Samaritan House.

The meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events: 
Oct 18th – Malibu screening 
Oct 19th – LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction, Oak Grove UMC, 472 Battlefield Blvd. N.Chspk 
Oct 24th – 25th – Children’s eye screening, Sunnybrook Preschool 
Oct 26th – Membership Treasure Hunt, Brickhouse Auditorium, Sentara Norfolk 
Oct 30th – Children’s eye screening, Thalia Elementary 
Oct 30th – Region III Meeting, Hibachi Grill, Norfolk – Din 6:30pm, Mtg 7:00pm 
Nov 6th – Children’s eye screening, Emmanuel Lutheran Preschool 
Nov 12th – Sight & Hearing Unit, VB Adult Learning Cntr, 10am – 2pm 
Nov 16th – Children’s Eye Screening, Santa at Pembroke Mall, 10am – 2pm(?)
Oct 2, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by President Lion Rich Roberts at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Introduction of Guests: Lion Nancy Watters introduced her guest, Dr. Erin Stromberg, O.D., Lion Stan Furman introduced Lion Carl Plesner, a visitor from Ocala, Florida, District 35-L. Also present was Lion to be Sheila Romm who will be installed this evening.
ATTENDANCE 3 Guests 22 Members 71% Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm

Reconvened 7:01pm Chair District 24-D Leader Dog Lion Roy Stockdill, Co-Chair District 24-D Leader Dog, both from the Oceanside Lions Club Lion Roy started by describing Leader Dogs, the largest service dog program in the world. In Oct 1939 the school graduated its first student, having been founded by Detroit Lions in the previous year. The cost to train that first person was $40. It is now in its 74th yr. One of its founders was a Lions International President in 1953. More than 15,000 dog teams have graduated from the school – the youngest 15yrs old and the oldest 81yrs. Usual working life of a dog is 10 yrs so many persons have been through several dogs. Common dogs used are German Sheppards, Labradors, Golden retrievers, or combinations. The current cost is now $40,000 per student. Students need only to bring pocket money to use while attending school as all costs including transportation to Rochester, MI, is provided. The total budget is about $12 mil/yr. This is provided by a combination of endowments, corporate, club, and individual donations. Lion Roy then introduced Lion Jeff and his dog, Badger. Lion Jeff introduced himself and described losing his sight from diabetes 40 yrs. ago. He was declared legally blind in 1992 and got around but had no independence. He heard of Leader Dogs in 1999 and got his first dog soon after. Given a plane ticket to Detroit, he arrived at the airport with students from across the U.S. and some international students. This group becomes your family for the next 60 days. Training starts the next day at 6am. Trainers work with you one on one and get to know you, learning your pace of life and your needs. On the second day you meet your dog and your life changes forever. You have to learn what they are doing and vice versa. First thing every day you take your dog out for his needs and only then do you eat breakfast. You ride the train with the dog to downtown Detroit for the morning and then go somewhere else in the afternoon. Over the next days you travel all over the place, esp. to learn about electric cars and hybrids which are silent. You do it 6 day/wk. and then you have to do laundry and take care of your dog. You are not pampered at all because your life will now depend on your dog. Upon graduation you go to the airport, and depend only upon yourself and your dog to get home. Then you learn how your daily life changes forever. There is absolutely no cost to recipients for the training or for the dogs. We have two objectives in this presentation: 1. The Leader Dog Foundation needs money for many things. There is much less corporate support these days, esp. from the Detroit area, endowments are being used up and donations are greatly needed. 2. We want to give you enough information about Leader Dogs so that you can talk to others who can benefit from a dog about the program. Refer them to us and we can help get them a dog if they need it. Anybody who is legally blind and can walk six blocks can qualify. The age requirement is only to be at least 16yrs old. Badger is my third dog, weighs about 60lbs, is a black lab, born outside of Rochester, MI. He went through his six weeks of training and then went to live with a host family who raises him for a year. Some of you might not know the interesting fact that Badger’s puppy raiser was a prisoner in the Iowa state prison. He’s a great dog. In prison for a year, then at the school for six months before I got him. Some of you may remember my last dog, a yellow lab called Prince. He is retired near the courthouse and has a girlfriend. Questions from the audience: How do you become a puppy raiser? You may live anywhere, but you must go get them. Raisers communicate among themselves on how to raise them and the effort is well organized. Lion Irene’s daughter, Elizabeth, has spent the last two summers in training, along with a GPS assist, so that she will be ready with the time comes to get a dog. How long is the dog raised? About 11 months, then 6 mo in school and then delivered. Can he come back to the raiser? Maybe. If they don’t work out then the raiser has first refusal rights. Leader Dog has a list of more than a thousand wanting a dog. Jeff explained how the dog’s primary job is the blind person and in a marriage the wife can help, but is never in charge of the dog. Same thing with children who have to learn the difference between being in and out of harness. It’s actually a legal misdemeanor to pet a working dog. President Lion Rich thanked both presenters and gave each of them a new Thalia Lions Lion Fish pen.

Installation of new member: Rather than go through the usual period for approval, Lion Debra Laughlin moved that Sheila Romm be accepted as a Lion member of our club. The motion was seconded and a unanimous vote approved the motion. Her application and check had been received. Immediate Past District Governor Lion Stan Furman then performed the induction. Lions Debra Laughlin (sponsor) and Sheila Romm came to the front of the room where Lion Stan installed her. Lion Stan mentioned that her name means “lady” in Australia and our current International President is Australian. He summarized the history of Lions and noted that our 100th anniversary will be celebrated in Detroit at the international convention in 2017. He described Virginia Multidistrict 24 organization and the zones and regions of our district 24-D. He then administered the pledge. New Lion Shelia talked about herself a bit. She was widowed eight yrs ago this Friday. She has a daughter 23 and a son, 18. Her husband died of lung cancer at age 50, 15 minutes before his daughter’s 15th birthday. What’s dear to her is Lung Cancer Awareness, esp. that consequences of smoking often occur 15 years after stopping. Saturday, Nov 2nd is the Race for Breath to fight lung cancer. She also supports Catholic schools. Her son is a senior at Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School and will graduate in May.

* Eyeglass Recycling Oct 10th: Lion Ed DeLong. We’ll meet on Thursday a week from tomorrow. Meet at Best Buy at 9:30am if you need a ride. Sight/Hearing/Diabetes Unit screening, Nov 12: Lion Ed DeLong Will be at the Adult Learning Center on Tuesday Nov 12th. 80% of the students are from overseas. Most have never been tested for glaucoma or diabetes. We’ll work from 10am to 2pm. *Head Start Books collection: Lion Nancy Watters Thalia Lions have earned the spot dot for this year, an annual confirmation of meeting the requirements to earn another patch. And each year we’ll add another for children’s eye screening. She recently watched a Lions webinar on RAP (Reading Activities Program) of the Lions. We can sponsor videoing a military person overseas reading a story to there children for $10. This done through the USO.
*White Cane Collection results: Lion Jack Wagner reported that we collected $1,042.50 at the recent White Cane and there will be another one next month.
*Samaritan House walk/run: Lion Jack Wagner On Oct 20th the Samaritan House is holding their 10th annual walk/run fund raiser at the beach. They will also have a candlelight service soon. On any given night they care for about 100 abused women.
*Membership Treasure Hunt details: Lion Debra Laughlin Pirate Captain Debra spoke in pirateese about the Membership Treasure Hunt. Lion Irene Conlin presented a message in a bottle about the treasure hunt to President Lion Rich. It will happen on Oct 26th. We need to know how many guests you might bring to learn about Lions starting at 9:30am. Events will run through the day and we need people to help guide visitors. Each club will present information and man a table. We need a list of volunteers by Oct 14th.
*Traveling Leo will go to Hampton Phoebus Lions tomorrow evening. We have a full complement. Next Monday, Oct 7th, the Central Shore club meets on the E. Shore. If we go we can qualify for the patch by going to the E. Shore. He got all the volunteers needed for this trip also. Lion Stan suggested we sponsor a family or two at the holidays with a food basket. Lion Jim Healy moved we do so. All voted Aye.

Secretary’s Report: District Reports – thanks for providing information about what you do in the community. District Fall Conference is Fri – Sat, Oct 4 - 5. Location is the Holiday Inn, Greenwich Rd, VB. Region III Meeting, Oct 30th, Hibachi Grill, let me know if you wish to attend.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy – No real change from last meeting.

Birthdays – Tailtwister & IPDG Lion Stan Furman (Sep 28th). Lion President Rich turned the tables on Lion Stan and collected money for a birthday song. Lions Otis and Vickie sang Happy Birthday to Lion Stan.

50/50 Raffle: Guest Dr. Stromberg won $20 and Lion Vickie Kennedy won $15.

The meeting adjourned at 8:21pm. Respectfully submitted Lion John Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions

Club Upcoming Events: 
Oct 4th, 5th – Fall Conference, Holiday Inn, Greenwich Rd., Virginia Beach 
Oct 10th —Eyeglass Recycling, Thursday, 10am – 12, meet at Best Buy 9:30am 
Oct 19th – Juvenile Diabetes Walk 
Oct 19th – LCF24D Bid ‘n Buy Auction 
Oct 30th – Region III Meeting, Hibachi Grill, Norfolk – Din 6:30pm, Mtg 7:00pm 
Nov 16th – Children’s Eye Screening, Santa at Pembroke Mall

Sep 4, 2013 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by First VP President Lion Aziz Selahi at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA. ATTENDANCE: 8 Guests 14 Members 44% Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm

Introduction of Guests: Lion Nurys introduced Sheryl Parker, Lion Debra Laughlin introduced Shelia Romm, Lion Beth Stevens introduced members of the Virginia Beach Town Center Blind Lions Club (VBTCBLC) – President Lion Mack Stevens, Lions Frances Durham, Bambi Martin, and guest speakers Lion Nikki Jeffords and Caren Phipps.

Reconvened 7:01pm.
Introduction of guest speaker: Lion Debra Laughlin Lion Nikki Jeffords, of the Virginia Dept. for the Blind and Vision Impaired, spoke, along with the VDBVI Regional Director, Caren Phipps from Richmond. VDBVI is a state agency that serves the entire state. There are four main components – Education Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation and Independent Living and Low Vision Services. Their goal is to help people get back to work. Until four and a half years ago there were geographical areas instead of these service divisions. Visually impaired children as young as 14 enter the programs to prepare them for work. They are taught at this early age in what’s necessary to get a job and how to interview for one. They are introduced to successful working blind people, they go shopping, and they take the Tide to the mall downtown. The majority of these young people are in college. Lion Nikki coordinates services that develop a work plan for each individual. Occupations suitable for the blind are almost limitless but include teaching, counseling, service reps, IT, military and commercial logistics, law practice, and even physician assistants. Ms Phipps demonstrated a portable CCTV-like device ($500) that enlarges print for reading. Independent living is included in the curriculum. Some of the teaching is home-based, esp. for older persons with Age-related Macular Degeneration who wish to remain independent. All programs offered are either free or of low cost. In response to a question, Lion Nikki replied that the single most important piece of technology she could/can use is a smartphone. The point was made however, that there are many different needs depending on the individual. The number of students in the program locally at present is about 100. There are more blind children today than in the past, because of increased survival of disabled newborns. There are 476 children in the program in eastern Virginia. They need audio books, large print books, raised maps, etc. in school which are provided through the VDBVI. Computers are used a lot. A question about Braille revealed that while it is not as important as in the past, it still is very important and often children don’t learn it. Lion Frances Durham mentioned how important Braille is to her in her work. The single most important thing for the blind is to get a job and work. Lion Nikki said to get employers to think about hiring the blind for work. Overall the impaired are better workers – generally honest, more loyal, and better workers. The Virginia Industries for the Blind in Richmond package gloves, spices, pens, print materials and many more things. They provide contract management, especially for the Federal government. Some are able to move from contract work to actual Civil Service jobs. Lion Nikki told the story about a company that makes netting – they hired someone blind and 70 yrs old who had been a pipefitter. He has now been working for two years and is happy and living near his company. VDBVI found a room for him near his work where he can walk to work. He splices rope and weaves nets in greater productivity than some coworkers. In response to another question, the Americans with Disability Act has helped some, but there is still some way to go. Employers are worried about the cost and difficulties in accommodation for the blind. They often need help with this and the VDBVI can help them. Unfortunately some disabled seem to feel they deserve any job whether they are qualified or not. Final food for thought – People are more afraid of blindness than death.


Lion Beth Stevens, Zone G Chair from the VBTCBLC introduced a new program involving pirates. We’re invited to join in a Membership Treasure Hunt involving volunteers worth their weight in gold. This is a membership drive in order to thrive – she referred to Charles Darwin’s observation that it’s not the most intelligent or largest animal that survives but the organism that best adapts to their environment. We need to work together to adapt. The project is a membership treasure hunt, with a tour of the Lions Medical Eye Bank on Oct 26th. They will hear about the Lions and see what they do. The Thalia captain of this project could be Lion Debra Laughlin. She could form a team where every member brings a guest to learn about the Lions. This starts with a tour and then club info is imparted to the visitors. There will be training for the members participating. This is all service based. This larger group will make it easier to invite those attending. If they join soon, great, but they can come back later. This can also reenergize our present members. The Thalia club will need to decide to join or not.

Lion Dick Kreassig read a letter from his grandson, Scotty Carter, asking for participation in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk. He is an ambassador for the JDRF now and is hoping to get many organized and supporting the foundation. There is a walk on Oct 19 and he asked all to join his team, Scotty’s Super Heroes Fighting for a Cure, at website He summarized many achievements in treating diabetes recently world-wide, esp. the artificial pancreas. T1D is now the official acronym for type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Eyeglass Recycling Sep 12th: Lion Ed DeLong. Lion Ed asked in honor of his 60th wedding anniversary on that same day to give him the present of our presence at the recycle center. Meet at BestBuy at 9:30am for a ride.

Summer Picnic: Lion John Watters. It is scheduled for Sep 18th, 6:30pm. Location is at the pool deck at Lion Stan and Jeri’s residence, 4004 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach. It’s potluck for meal sides and hotdogs and hamburgers will be provided by the club.

Head Start Books Collection: Lion Nancy Watters We have about 600 books so far and are looking to get about 1,500.

White Cane Collection: Discussion decided on 13-14 Sep, Fri – Sat. Will be publicized and organized by email.

Secretary’s Report: District Fall Conference is Fri – Sat, Oct 4 - 5. Location is the Holiday Inn, Greenwich Rd, VB. Achievement Report – please provide information before the end of the month.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Birthdays – Lions Fran Scott (2nd), Roger Snell (6th), Dick Kreassig (23rd), Lion Nurys Sabino, as stand in Tail Twister, managed very well and raised $67 for Lion Jack Wagner to sing in Polish and Lion Aziz Selahi to sing in Farsi. They did so simultaneously!

50/50 Raffle: Substitute Tail Twister Lion Nurys Sabino collected $42 for the club. Lion Roger Snell won the first drawing for $25 and $16 was won by Lion John Watters.

The meeting adjourned at 8:07pm. Respectfully submitted:
Lion John Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions

Club Upcoming Events: 
Sep 12th—Eyeglass Recycling, Thursday, 10am – 12, meet at Best Buy 9:30am 
Sep 13th & 14th – White Cane Collection, BJ’s 
Sep 18th – Summer Social, , 6:30pm, 4004 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach 
Sep 25th – Board Meeting, Lion Debra Laughlin’s home 
Sep 28th, with VBTCBLC, 11am – 4pm, Central Library, Blind Technology Fair 
Oct 4 – 5 – District Fall Conference, Holiday Inn Greenwich Rd, Virg Bch, Fri-Sat 
Oct 19th – Membership Treasure Hunt at the LMEB

Sept 4, 2013. A Brief Board Meeting held immediately following the regular meeting approved the action (motion by Lion Nancy Watters and seconded by Lion Debra Laughlin) to join the VBTCLC in their Membership Treasure Hunt at the LMEB on Oct. 26th. Lion Debra will be the Thalia pirate captain of our team.

Aug 21, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order at 6:30pm by First VP President Lion Aziz Selahi.
ATTENDANCE 3 Guests 18 Members 56%

Introduction of Guests: Lion Nurys Sabino introduced her guest, Sheryl Parker, Lion Debra Laughlin introduced her guest, Cheryle Romm.

Recess for Dinner: 6:30pm

Guest Speaker: Reconvened 6:59pm with the introduction of guest speaker, Mr. Brian Chenault, by Lion Nancy Watters. He is the Community Outreach Planner on the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Commission (HRTPO), a regional organization responsible for transportation, a federally mandated planning organization. It consists of 13 localities represented by their mayors or presidents. Charged with creating a vision for the area, it manages all funding – federal, state and local. Virginia House bill 2313 changed the manner of funding for all transportation projects in the state. A visit to their website, will reveal all details of all projects – cost, dates, status, etc., whether they be rail, bicycle paths, tunnels, roads or bridges. Questions were related to road tolls, the Bay-Bridge tunnel, monorail systems, rising tides and gas taxes. Lion Aziz presented Mr Chenault with a small plaque of appreciation.

Summer Picnic: IPDG Lion Stan Furman: It is scheduled for Sep 18th . Location is the pool deck at the east side of 4004 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach. It’s potluck for sides with hotdogs and hamburgers and drinks provided by the club. There is no charge.
Blood Drive and Broom Sale Results: Lion Nancy Watters stated that 36 units of blood were collected and we sold $528 in brooms, flags and umbrelllas.
Upcoming children’s eye screening events: Lion Nancy Watters: All Head Starts are scheduled. We’re still collecting books and now have about 1500 of them. There are two dates at Pembroke Mall open for screenings – Talk Like a Pirate Day, Sep 21st and Nov 16th when Santa Claus comes to the mall. We will probably only do the Santa Claus visit for screening as we did last year.
Zone G Meeting (Aug 19th) Information: Lion Nancy Watters Important notes: We need a mission statement (our president is working on it) and Lion Pat Jones, Zone G Chair, is coming Nov 6 for a program.
Broom and Citrus Sales: Lion Jack Wagner: Seasonal Citrus sales – the crop is good shape and will be good this year. The deadline for ordering will be in late November with delivery of the fruit in mid-December. Lion Jack expressed the appreciation of our donations to Samaritan House. In discussing the broom order, he will be ordering the wooden handle VA Special #4 broom, patio brooms, and whisk brooms. They have no cushion handle patio brooms or round (witch) brooms any more.
IMPDG Lion Stan Furman announced a Traveling Leo next Tuesday to Little Creek Lions at Mom and Pops restaurant. Lions Nurys Sabino, Lion Stan, Lion Mike Coren, Lion Jerri Furman and Lion Cathy Bromwell signed-up to go. Lion Nancy Watters is a standby.
Eye Glass Recycling. Lion Ed DeLong reported that 6 Lions showed up on Aug 8th and processed 100 prs of glasses. Next visit is Sept 12th , 10-12. If visiting another club, Lion Ed stated he has a box of club banners to take.

Secretary’s Report: District Fall Conference is Fri – Sat, Oct 4 - 5. Location is the Holiday Inn, Greenwich Rd, VB. Achievement Report – please provide information

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Birthdays – guest Sheryl Parker was a birthday girl tonight. Bidding resulted in the choice of Lion Debra Laughlin and Lion Vickie Kennedy to sing. The backup singer was visitor Cheryle Romm. Bidding collected $45. 50/50 Raffle:

Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman. After winning the 50/50 at last meeting, Lion Jack Wagner won BOTH drawings tonight that he donated to the Samaritan House. The meeting adjourned at 8:02pm. Respectfully submitted Lion John Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events: 
*Aug 28th – Thalia Lions Board meeting, location Lin Debra’s house. 
*Sep 4th – Regular Thalia Lions Meeting, Leader Dog Program, Lion Jeff Blair & Badger
*Sep 12th—Eyeglass Recycling, Thursday, 10am – 12, meet at Best Buy 9:30am 
*Sep 18th – Summer Social, , 6:30pm, 4004 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach 
*Sep 28th, with VB Town Center Blind Lions, 11 – 4, Central Library, Low Vision Vendors 
*Oct 4 – 5 – District Fall Conference, Holiday Inn Greenwich Rd, Virg Bch, Fri-Sat

Aug 7, 2013 OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Aug 7, 2013, by First VP President Lion Aziz Selahi at 6:28pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:28pm by First VP President Lion Aziz Selahi
Introduction of Guests: Lion Steve Rosnov introduced Irene Gibbs, Lion Nancy Watters introduced Boyd MacIver and Lion Ed DeLong introduced his guest, Cecelia Robbins
ATTENDANCE 5 Guests 18 Members 56% Recess for Dinner:

6:40pm Reconvened 7:05pm The guest speakers were delayed in the Hampton Roads tunnel traffic and were given time to eat prior to their presentation. In the meantime, club business was pursued.

*RAM/LAMP, Wise County, July 19 – 22: Lion John Watters Lion John related that the Thalia Lions sponsored six persons to the annual RAM/Lamp in Wise Country. Lion Fran Scott and her daughter, Brennan, with Lion Linda Eggleston and husband, Steve, along with Lions Nancy and John Watters traveled across the state for the event. About 950 persons were seen in the eye clinic and several thousand others were seen in the dental, medical and women’s health clinics. More than 1,200 volunteers worked at the event, with about half of the volunteers being Lions from all over the state. *Lions Medical Eye Bank Annual Dinner and corporate meeting: Aug 14th: Lion John Watters Lion John thanked those going to the dinner next week. The members meeting (all the clubs in the district) is at 5pm followed by a board meeting. A social hour begins at 6pm with dinner at 7pm.
*Eyeglass Recycling on August 8th: Lion Ed DeLong Every month we meet on the 2nd Thursday to recycle glasses. If you need a ride, meet in the Best Buy parking lot near I-264 at 9:30am for a ride. We’re going tomorrow.
*Diabetes. Lion Dick Kreassig mentioned his support of juvenile diabetes. The Walk for the Cure of Diabetes is on Oct 19th and he asked this club for support for the walk.
*Summer Picnic: IPDG Lion Stan Furman. It is now scheduled for Sep 18th. Location is at the pool deck at his residence, 4004 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach. It’s potluck for meal sides and meat will be provided by the club.
*Bid Buy Auction for LCF24D on Oct 19th. Lion Stan Furman stated that we need good and valuable donations to sell. Please solicit ads from businesses you know. Their raffle is $5 a ticket with nice prizes. The LCF2D helps a lot of people in this district. Lion Stan is now the chair for cataract surgeries for the foundation. Last year we raised about $20K and good and services for $140K. Tools do well and get good money. Television sets do well also. Restaurant gift tickets do well so ask when you’re out for a gift certificate.
*Blood Drive on Aug 12th: Lion Nancy Watters This Monday, Aug 12th, will our second annual blood drive for the Red Cross. Located at the Virginia Beach Christian Church, at the corner of Rose Hall and N. Great Neck, it will be from 2pm to 7pm. We hope to set-up a broom sale tent at the corner outside the church to catch traffic for broom sales.

Secretary’s Report:
District Fall Conference is Fri – Sat, Oct 4 - 5. Location is the Holiday Inn, Greenwich Rd, VB. Upon being questioned, the Thalia Board of Directors approved purchase of more brooms. There are a few remaining for sale at the Blood Drive broom sale.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy. Lion Stan broke all records last meeting by collecting $185 as tail twister. The report is attached.

Guest Speakers. Introduction of guest speakers was by Lion Nancy Watters. Lion Jim Gregory, District Global Leadership Team Chair, is also president of the Newport News Host Lions. Lion Linda Gregory, District Global Membership Team Chair, is secretary of the Newport News Host Lions Club. Lion Linda talked about publicity. She noted that Thalia Lions have a Facebook account and a website, both of which are important for gaining new members. Each Club has a unique make up and a different community to serve, so what works for one club doesn’t always work for another. LCI likes to have a committee instead of one person doing membership – a team concept. Public relations are important, but out in the community doing a service activity is where most members are gained. Thalia lions have a district-wide reputation for service and that’s where members are found. Tools that can be used for membership are 1. Service, 2. Public relations, 3. Websites, 4. Facebook and other social media. Mainstream media, like the Daily Press and the Virginian Pilot are very difficult to get into but there are other places to get publicity. Williamsburg and Northumberland have an easy time getting in to their papers. When you submit an article, don’t put just anything in it. Develop something of interest to non-Lions and that is current. Do a Value test – will it improve the community? Do a Heart test – gets peoples interest. Website, newsletter, brochures, social media, printed material – all help. Today I googled lions photos and the 10th picture was a Thalia Pediavision event with a photo of a table of brochures. Keep the website up to date and put a lot of photos in it. I think you should have a monthly newsletter and also send it to every guest visiting the club for at least 6 months. This keeps them informed with what you’re doing. Also follow it up with a letter. Free brochure templates are available at LCI. Always have publicity refer back to the website. Always include contact info, phones, etc. Social media is important – it’s a quick way to let a lot of people know what you’re doing. E.g., a vist to the eye bank generated a lot of information on Face book. Keep your website up to date. You need a QR code on your brochure. Lion Jim then talked about leadership. He discussed the success triangle – leadership, public relations and membership. Membership is the base to the triangle and is everything. Virginia has lost 45% of its Lions members in the past number of years. Leaders can inspire and show what can be done. We can also have a good time while doing it. PR is the capstone of all we do. There are so many people that don’t even know what we do. We need to be a positive influence in the community. If you have a 30 sec elevator speech you might get a Lion member one day. Clubs can do anything they wish for service in your community. Coulda woulda shoulda will keep you from doing things, so you need a make it happen attitude. With this attitude you can build a club. Make it happen.

Birthdays – Lions Ed DeLong (15th) and Smitty Smith (24th). Lion Ed chose Lion Brad Furman to sing him Happy Birthday and finally after active bidding for and against the idea (earning $37 in the process), Lion Brad sang a caterwauling version of the song, emulating the absent Lion Otis Etheridge. Raffle:

Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman. Believe it or not, Lion Jeri Furman had the winning ticket! The second amount was won by Lion Jack Wagner.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.
Respectfully submitted Lion John Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events: 
*Eyeglass recycling tomorrow, meet at Best Buy at 9:30am 
*Blood Drive, Mon, Aug 12th, VB Christian Church, Rose Hall and N. Gr. Neck, 2 – 7pm
*LMEB meeting and dinner, Aug 14th, Norfolk Yacht and Country Club, 5pm meet, 6pm social 
*LMSHU board, Aug 15th, Angelos Steak House, NN 
*Park Place LAMP, Sat, Aug 17th 
*Thalia Regular Meeting, Aug 21st, Speaker: Brian Chenault, Hamp Rds Transport Planning 
*Fall Conference, Holiday Inn, Greenwich Rd, VB, Fri-Sat, Oct 4-5th

July 17, 2013 - The Regular Meeting was called to Order at 6:30pm by Lion President Rich Roberts
ATTENDANCE  -7 Guests, 19 Members - 56%

Introduction of Guests:  Lion Steve Rosnov introduced Irene Gibbs, Lion Nancy Watters introduced Tess Baker, and guests accompanying the District Governor Donnie Johnson included Region III Chair Lion Randy Jones, Zone G Chair Pat Jones, Cabinet Secretary Sharene Nolan and her spouse Lion Glenn Nolan.

Song – Lion Ed DeLong led It’s a Grand Old Flag
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion John Watters
Invocation – Lion Bob Perrine
Recess for Dinner: 6:47pm
Reconvened 7:13pm

Official Visit of District Governor Lion Donnie Johnson to Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club
Immediate Past District Governor Lion Stan Furman of the Thalia Lions introduced our District Governor Lion Donnie Johnson saying that “payback is hell” (Referring to the many times last year that Lion Donnie introduced Lion Stan).  He said that you can read Lion Donnie’s bio, etc. and he’s done many things, but also said “I’m here to tell you that the one thing you’ve got to know about Lion Donnie is that he is TRUE LION – it’s in his heart.  I can’t tell you of a better Lion and I’m happy to introduce my friend – Lion Donnie.”

Lion Donnie began by saying that all the questions usually asked about the health of a club are already answered by the Thalia Lions Club and its activities. So there’s not a lot I can tell you.  The Lions International President’s theme this year is to Follow Your Dreams.  And almost every year the DG tries to express his personal desires following this theme.  What I’d like to do this year is to Inspire Your Heart.  I’m preaching to the choir I know – you go to meetings everywhere and you do projects and are very active.  But we all have to search within ourselves as all clubs lose members.  Why is that?  You have a lot of fun, but Lions in the US are still losing members.  A new district is formed every two to three weeks in China.  How can LCI continue to have a headquarters in the US if our membership continues to decline?  I’d like you to hold up your phones and consider whether all the contacts in them are Lions or not.  We’re the world’s largest service organization and we need to grow.  I haven’t had a single response to a question I put in the KnightsVision asking -- what has inspired your heart?  I have a personal association with vision problems and when a friend asked me to join many years ago I did.  One day our DG visited (Lion Richard Boone) and talked about how active Lions are and what services we provide.  I asked why we don’t see Lions on billboards, in parades, in the newspaper, etc.  Nobody knows we exist.  So the DG asked me to chair Parades and Floats in 1990.  For the next 13 years we took the float everywhere and took 1st place one year in Philadelphia at the International Convention.  It was a real effort, but so worthwhile and very rewarding.  How does this relate to you?  It’s all about having fun.  Consider surveying your club and ask – what should we do?  And what should we stop doing?  What new activities have you started recently.  I know you’ve started is the book collection for the Head Start programs and that’s an excellent example.  The keynote speaker last month at the International Convention in Germany was Laura Bush who told a story about the time when she was a teacher and took her students on a field trip.  One didn’t show up and when she went by the home the child said her mother wouldn’t let her go.  That child that she left behind caused her to wonder how the child would grow up.  She then started the “leave no child behind” program of the federal government.  We have to be involved in our community as the youth are our future.  Start a ball team.  My boss mentioned the other day that his ball team as a kid was called the “Bayside Lions” that he never connected to the Lions club itself.  He did eventually and he now fully supports Lion Donnie’s efforts to be District Governor.  If no one had sponsored that little league team, then he would never have known about the Lions.  Parents are impacted also when you sponsor a children’s activity.  We have to find our niche and get involved with youth.  Leo clubs, campus clubs, teams, and other activities are all ripe for exposure to us.  Overseas it costs a lot to join a Lions club, unlike the situation here.  We live in a wonderful country and one of our privileges is to be able to choose to be a Lion.  Please work with me this year in introducing all to Lionism.


Committee Assignments:  Lion President Rich mentioned that we’re filled out pretty well in assignment but still have some gaps.  Current gaps needed were asked to be filled in.  We need a Traveling Leo chair, Diabetes chair, and Public Relations.  The importance of public relation was emphasized by Lion Ed DeLong who volunteered with Lion Dick Kreassig’s help, as did Lion Martin Joseph and Lion Nancy Watters.  All significant openings were filled by volunteers from the floor.

Youth Exchange Camp Dinner, Sunday, July 21st:  Lion President Rich reported that the dinner is well on the way to being arranged and the menu is set.  This year the participants will begin the first half of a Parade of Nations at 3pm, then break for dinner at 5:30 and resume the second half of the program at 7:00pm.  It will be in Blocker Hall this year, unlike the small room used last year.  Dinner will be in the chapel.

Future Fundraisers:  Lion President Rich Roberts  In the last couple of years, we’ve decreased some in our Activities Fund collections.  He stated that we will have a White Cane collection every quarter this year, with the first being before oct1 as a start.

Eyeglass Recycling on August 8th:  Lion Ed DeLong  Every month we meet on the 2nd Thursday to recycle glasses.  If you need a ride, meet in the Best Buy parking lot near I-264 at 9:30am for a ride.

Summer Picnic:  IPDG Lion Stan Furman offered to host the summer social at his club house and pool/ocean-side  Club will provide meat and potluck for sides.  Further discussion revealed conflicts for this time, so further discussion at the board meeting will reschedule it.

Head Start Book Project, and Blood Drive on Aug 12th:  Lion Nancy Watters  We already have 195 books collected just from our club and the project is well underway.  The books will be given to the administration of Head Start directly who will then distribute them to individual schools. 
Lion Linda Gregory will similarly collect them on the peninsula.

Traveling Leo: Lion Stan Furman reviewed the new rules for Traveling Leos which works a bit like a lottery with tickets being won after every four visits.  Question:  Do we go only for the patch or make more visits and try to win the $500 given to the winning club.  The club needs to know that the Traveling Leo is a great way to find out what’s going on in the district.  Consensus of the club was to go for the money!  There was enthusiasm for this new method.

LAMP/RAM Wise Co. report:  Lion John Watters reported that four Thalia members and two family members will be leaving for Wise, VA, tomorrow for the annual Remote Area Medical project serving thousands of people in Appalachia.

Lions Medical Eye Bank Annual Meeting and dinner, Aug. 14th:  Lion John Watters publicized this annual meeting and dinner of our eye bank.  Every club in the district is a member and we need representatives to attend the meeting.  A registration form will be sent to all members.

Secretary’s Report:
Two thank you letters from donations were received – one from Thalia Elementary and another from the Samaritan House.  Members were reminded that this year’s dues are due.

Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Vickie Kennedy – We are only 2 weeks into the new Lion’s year, but are generally in excellent financial condition.

Birthdays – Lion Rob Seim (7/21).  Lion Rob  was not present, so Lion Martin Joseph was chosen as a representative because he recently wrote an article in the paper.  Lion Pat Jones was asked to sing with passion and heart to him.  Both she and Lion Nancy Watters sang do wa diddy he’s the boy from NY city to Lion Martin.  Bidding for and against the singing raised $135 for our administrative funds.

Raffle:  Tail Twister IPDG Lion Stan Furman.  Winner was $25 to Lion Dick Kreassig and $19 to Lion Jeri Furman

The meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion John Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:
Ø  First District Cabinet Meeting, Sentara Norfolk, 2pm, Sunday July 28th
Ø  Eyeglass Recycling, Aug 8th, meet at Best Buy at 9:30am, or 10am at the center
Ø  Lions Medical Eye Bank annual meeting and dinner, Aug 14th
July 17, 2013 - A Special Board Meeting was called to order at 8:29
Lion Donnie asked a number of questions about our activities, having fun, service projects, etc.  He suggested a community and club assessment to reassure ourselves we’re doing what we need.  He was quite satisfied by the standard questions and our answers about club activities.
The Board Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm

June 26, 2013 - Thalia Lions Club Board Meeting 7:00PM, Watters’ Residence Virginia Beach, VA

I - Call to Order Called to order at 7:13PM by Incoming President Lion Richard Roberts - Meeting begun.

II - Lions Year 2012 – 2013 Board members present Lions all: President Roger Snell, 1st VP Rich Roberts, 2nd VP Irene Conlin, 3rd VP Aziz Selahi, Sec Steve Rosnov, Treas Vickie Kennedy, IPPres Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, 2 yr Dir’s Nancy Watters & Debra Laughlin, 1 yr Dir John Watters, Membership Chair Mike Coren Quorum present

III - Lions Year 2013 – 2014 Board members present Lions all: President Rich Roberts, 1st VP Aziz Selahi, 2nd VP Irene Conlin, 3rd VP Nancy Watters, Sec John Watters, Treas Vickie Kennedy, IPPres Roger Snell, Tail Twister Stan Furman, Lion Tamer Mike Coren, 1 yr Dir’s Jeri Furman & TBD, Membership Chair Debra Laughlin Quorum present

IV - Treasurer’s Report Lion Vickie Kennedy (See attachment 1) There was some discussion about income and budget, esp. as dues have been collected for next year and noted in this year’s balance. Moved and seconded to approve report. &

V Old Business
1. One Year Director Vacancy Lion Rich Roberts
2. Youth Exchange Dinner Project Lions Rich Roberts & DG Stan Furman Lion Susie Sumnick volunteered to be a director for one year to fill the emptied director slot. Lion Rich so moved. Food discussed to feed the exchange students at Virginia Wesleyan College on July 21. Consensus was to prepare something simple like spaghetti with and without meat sauce. Lion Aziz Selahi volunteered to prepare two large dishes of vegetarian lasagna for 16. Lion Aziz also offered to donate rotisserie chickens that could be the main meal. Details will be discussed and worked out later, but the best idea seemed to be to serve the rotisserie chickens. Salads and desserts were discussed – maybe even watermelon. Drinks will be lemonade and water. Club members will be emailed with the menu and volunteers solicited. It was decided not to spend more than $150. Last year we spent $82 with donated food. Venue details were discussed, mostly complaining about the poor space provided last year that is supposed to be corrected this year. Motion seconded by Lion Stan Furman. Unanimous vote to appoint her. All agreed on the meal plans which will be further refined.

VI New Business
1. Budget Committee Lion Rich Roberts
2. Committees for 2013 – 2014 Lion Rich Roberts Summer Picnic Hearing Aid application Lion Jeri Furman A committee of the President, Treasurer and Secretary will prepare a budget for next year. It will be very similar to last year with a few minor changes. Lion Rich will send the committee list to members and will attempt to accommodate their desires. Lion Bob Perrine volunteered to chair the scholarship committee. The Journey for Sight is now reformatted into a fun day for the visually handicapped. It is a fund raiser for the district for the Burkeville Lodge, etc., and we don’t need a committee for this any longer. We also need a program chair. Lions Nancy Watters and Debra Laughlin offered to work together on programs, if not to chair them. Question of a summer picnic came up. The date is probably the first meeting in Sep (4th). We could use the hotel or Lion Stan’s place. Decision will be made soon. The client is a homeless person with no income. Hearing aids are recommended by his psychiatrist. Lion Jeri Furman suggested we pay $200 for his hearing aids. Some concern was expressed about the clients reliability as he is living at the Salvation Army rehab center. Further discussion suggested referral to the Aragona-Pembroke Lions as he lives in their area. Consensus was to refer him to the Aragona-Pembroke Lions and if they are hesitant, then we could share the copay with them ($100 from each club). The approach will be to refer first and if they refuse, then offer to share the copay. Action to make a budget. Club will be queried. We will have a picnic or summer outing in September. The client will be referred to Aragona- Pembroke Lions

VII Open Discussion - Head Start Book Project Fund Raisers Line Item for Vision Walk Lion Nancy Watters brought up the new bring a book project for the Head Starts. She has proposed a project for a reading initiative where every member can bring a children’s book to take home. We will get a stamp to ID each book to be taken to the various Head Start Schools. Lion Roger Snell volunteered to prepare stickers to apply to the books. In other discussion, Lion Rich mentioned that he would like to schedule more White Canes and Broom Sales this year – all agreed. Maybe White Canes quarterly and Broom Sales at least twice a year for brooms? Lion Bob Perrine recommended that the Budget committee put a line item in Project enthusiastically endorsed by consensus. Fund raisers will be scheduled more often. Approved addition of for the Vision Walk. There was consensus to do so. Announcement that Lion Bob Donnelly is transferring to Bayside Lions.

VIII Other business: Treasurer Lion Vickie Kennedy has received two bills for brooms, $1050.92 from Sep 2012 and another smaller one from May – both from Industries for the Blind. Neither has been paid. Apparently they were sent back several times by Lion Bob Donnelly. Question is whether we received the brooms or not. It was noted that we did receive the order. The last check we paid in June was for $1013.36. Lion Steve Rosnov suggested that we ask for the shipping documents as proof of delivery. Lion Stan Furman moved that we pay the bill if they can document shipping to us last September. Motion was seconded by Lion Rich. Discussion centered about the process of ordering brooms. This Saturday we’re participating with Optima Healthcare at a neighborhood health fair in Birdneck, the Friendly Village neighborhood center. Volunteers are welcomed. Also on Monday, July 8th we screen at the Central Library a new line item. Industries for the Blind will be asked for shipping documentation. Information

IX Adjournment Adjourned at 8:33pm. Respectfully Submitted Lion John A Watters,Secretary


The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, held charter night on June 18, 2013, at the broad Bay Country Club VA Beach, VA. The club has 32 members with 23 in attendance, and 20 guests. There were a total of 43 in attendance. Table flower arraignments and name tags were made by lion Nancy Watters
Welcome:  6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
Song: Lion Ed Delong “It’s a Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegiance:  Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation:  Lion John Watters

Lions Introduction of Guest:
Member                                   Guest(s)
Susan Sumnick                        Mick Sumnick
Vickie Kenned                       
Otis Etheridge
Martin Joseph                          Rebecca Joseph
Jim Healy                                Mary Ellen Crocker
Rich Roberts                           Elissa, Roy, Pat, Theresa Roberts & Denise Martin, Roberts
Fran Scott
Steve Rosnov                          Dian Rosnov
Irene Conlin                            Steve Vereen
Michael Coren    
Stanley Furman
Jeri Anne Furman
Debra Laughlin                       John Laughlin
Dick Kreassig                          Grandson Scotty
Roger Snell                             Mary Snell
Bob Perrine                             Barbette Timperlake
Aziz Selahi                              Arian Selahi
Brad Furman                           Cindy Furman
John Wagner                           Joan Wagner
Ed DeLong                             Ruth DeLong
Linda Eggleston                      Steve Eggleston
Nancy Watters
John Watters                           Cheryl Parker

Fruit, Cheese, Assorted Canapés, Crackers and Dip, Green Salad, Dinner rolls.
Stuffed Flounder in Beurre Blanc
Prime Rib with Au Jus and Horseradish Cream
Eggplant Rollatini and Penne and marinara Sauce
Roasted Potatoes and Mix Vegetables
Chocolate Amaretto, Cappuccino Mouse cakes

DG Lion Stan Furman commenced the installation of new Officers and Lion Rich’s Father Ray Roberts inducted Lion Rich as Incoming President.

2013 – 2014 Officers
President – Rich Roberts
First Vice President – Aziz Selahi
Second Vice President – Irene Conlin
Third Vice President – Nancy Watters
Immediate Past President – Roger Snell
Secretary – John Watters
Reporting Secretary – Susan Sumnick

Membership Secretary – Nancy Watters (Temporary)
Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy
Tail Twister – Stan Furman
Lion Tamer – Mike Coren
Two Year Directors – Donna Peyer, Catherine Bromwell
One year Directors – Jeri Furman, (To be determined)
Membership Chairman – Debra Laughlin

*Lion Secretary Steve Rosnov awarded 100% attendance pins. 100% pins are awarded to members who have a combined attendance of a majority of meetings and participated in club projects.  Pins were presented to; Lions Irene online, Mike Coren, Ed Delong, Linda Eggleston, Otis Etheridge, Stan Furman, Jeri Furman, Jim Healy, Vickie Kennedy, Dick Kreassig, Debra Laughlin, Bob Perrine, Rich Roberts, Steve Rosnov, Fran Scott, Aziz Selahi, Roger Snell, Susan Sumnick, Jack Wagner, Nancy Watters, John Watters. Lion Nurys Sabino will receive her pin at the next regular meeting.
*Lion Debra Laughlin received a Melvin Jones Fellowship presentation. Lion President Roger Snell read the congratulatory letter from Lions International President.
*Lion President Roger Snell presented the Lion of the Year Trophy to Lion Irene Conlin and Lion Vickie Kennedy received a plaque as last year’s Lion of the Year.
*Lion President Roger Snell gave certificates of appreciation to Secretary Lion Steve Rosnov and Treasurer Lion Vickie Kennedy.  
*Lion DG Stan Furman presented an International Presidential Appreciation to Lion Debra Laughlin for her service to Lions in awareness for the blind.
*Lion John Watters presented lion Stan Furman with a John D. Parks Fellowship on behalf of the club for his accomplishments as District Governor.   
*Incoming Lion President Rich Roberts presented outgoing President Roger Snell with a Lion inscribed “Thalia Lions Club President 2012-2013”

Adjournment: 8:30pm
Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary


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