Club Responsibilities

The Thalia Lions Club Finance/Budget. All club fund raising activities prepare budgets for summision to the Board of Directors at its August meeting for approval. Separate budgets are prepared for
the Administrative Account and the Charitable Fund. The budget is based on the best estimates of income and expenditures to stay within the yearly income. It includes such carryover items as previously approved by the membership. The Finance Committee reviews the financial records kept by the Treasurer at least quarterly and recommends to the Board of Directors any adjustments to the budget it may deem necessary. The Finance Committee recommends to the Treasurer, subject to approval by the Board of Directors, a bank or banks to deposit all monies and, as required, financial institutions for the establishment of money market accounts, purchase of certificates of deposit, obtaining of loans, and such as financial transactions as may from time to time be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. The Finance Committee selects and recommends to the Board of Directors an accounting or tax preparation firm to assure all books are kept in a proper manner and that all tax obligations and tax reporting requirements are met in a timely manner.

Thalia Lions Club Leadership Development is a responsibilty of all members of the Board Of Directors to make new and current members aware of a variety of leadership development oportunities by Lions of Virginia as follows:
* Officers' Training at the Sarah Hudgins Bonwell Center - 2009-04-18
* District Leadership Training 2009-9 (to be announced)
* Lions Learning Center Online - see

The Thalia Lions Club Website is part of the Lions of Virginia, District 24i ( Region VI, Zone O. A direct link to Thalia Lions Club is by web subject THALIA LIONS (, kept up-to-date by Lion Bob Perrine. The site is a resource for club description/history, activities, meetings minutes, future events/schedules, local news, activity descriptions, club rules, and officer/member duties. It is an important introduction to new Thalia members and for Virginia Beach residents exploring and investigating Lionism for the first time. THALIA LIONS is a District award winning site that stand out as a vital resource to Thalia Club members, other District 24i Clubs and the community.

The Thalia Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws
is under the overall supervision of the Board of Directors responsible to
1. Keep up to date on any changes to the standard Lions Club Constitution and Bylaws.
2. Keep up to date the Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws Manual.
3. Prepare amendments to the By-Laws for presentation at a special meeting called by the President.
4. Mail the proposed amendment(s) to each club member two (2) weeks prior to the special meeting.
5. Bring to the attention of the President any procedures being improperly administered by the club.

The Thalia Lions Club Phone Tree is assigned to a member by the Board of Directors to ensure the Member Roster is up-to-date and mailed to all members.

The Thalia Lions Club Socials / Recreation Activities are assigned to a member by the Board of Directors for ...
1. The Christmas Party (December)
2. The Charter Night (June)
3. Ensuring that the one half hour socials prior to regular meetings are well attended.
4. Encouraging and hosting informal get-togethers.

Thalia Lions Club Drawing is assigned to a member by the Board of Directors to
1. Conduct auctions, raffles, or drawings for the Charitable Fund as carried out by the the TailTwister.
2. Turn over all money collected to the Treasurer.

Thalia Lions Club Public Relations are assigned to a member by the Board of Directors to provide information and press releases to newspapers, radio, bulletin boards, clubs, community organizations, business establishments, etc. about Thalia activities and its web site

Thalia Lions Club Member Care, Health & Social Services are assigned to a member by the Board of Directors President to
1. Keep up with Thalia members insuring the club knows about sickness, celebrations, births, and other major events of club members and family.
2. Send out appropriate greeting cards.
3. Coordinate with the Phone Tree Committee to ascertain absences.
4. Notify the President of any extended absences from regular meetings.


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