
Jul 15, 2009 - New Procedure for Applications for Hearing Aids
When we have an application for a hearing aid, fill out the financial forms and send directly to Lion Sammie Reid. She will process them, set up the appointment and refer to the Charity Foundation if required. By centralizing this process it will make it easier for everyone.
Lion Sammie Reid
600 Briar Court
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone 757-340-5223
Email : powerhearing@aol.com

The Hearing Conservation Committee is responsible for providing hearing aids and exams for people in need of assistance. Applications for assistance may be obtained from Jeri Furman, phone 757 422-5877. When an application is reviewed and approved, a voucher for an exam and purchase of a hearing aide is given to the applicant. Thalia Lions has negotiated a generous reduced rate for both the exam and hearing aid for about $400. Depending on the level of need Thalia Lions covers a portion of this cost.

Thalia Lions supports the Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation (VLHF) located at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, VA –
http://www.lions24b.org/VLHF/ and http://www.lions24c.org/hearing.htm
by promoting at regular meetings and in the Virginia Beach community one of VLHF’s prime objects, i.e., “To conduct informational programs to educate the public on hearing disorders and to encourage hearing protection.”


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