Broom and Peanut Sales

Thalia Lions Brooms and Peanuts for Sale

Brooms are sold at Paul’s Auto Service all year long - 757-486-1575 128 Happy St, 23452.
Paul's Auto Service is located in the heart of Virginia Beach offering all your automotive repair needs including VA State Inspection - see Paul’s Auto Service @
From Virginia Beach Blvd go south on Lynn Shores Dr for 475 ft and continue on Happy Street 400 feet to Paul’s on the left.

Each year the Thalia Lions Club members sell brooms in the parking lot in front of BJ's Wholesale Club, 3712 Virginia Beach Blvd, 23452.

Brooms are all made by Industries for the Blind of Greensboro, NC ( where both blind and visually impaired workers staff the broom making assembly line. One hundred percent of all profits go to charities.

#4 Virginia Special Broom - $15
Hotel / Patio Broom (plain handle) - $20
Witches Broom - $9
Push Broom 24” Black Bristle - $30
Push Broom 24” Brown Bristle - $30
Whisk Broom - $7
Toy / Hearth Broom - $9

Peanuts in 20 oz cans
Gourmet Salted Peanuts 20 oz. $14
Gourmet NO salt Peanuts 20 oz. $12
**Sea Salt & Black Pepper (Best Seller) 20 oz. $14
Red Skin Gourmet 20 oz. $14
Honey Roasted 20 oz. $14
Peanut Brittle Squares 20 oz. $14 (only in cold weather)
Chocolate Covered Peanuts 20 oz. $18
Gourmet Cashews 20 oz. $20
Butter Toffee 20 oz. $14
***Christmas Trio Pkg.,(1) Salt & Pepper,(2) Butter Toffee, (3) Chocolate Covered Peanuts,
10 oz. in each tin, 30 for $20,
20 ozs. in each tin, 60 oz. total for $30

The Committee Chairman is responsible to keep an inventory record and order the blind made products through Jim Adams at 874-0055 prior to Dec 15. Status of order can be tracked by calling Industry of the Blind in Greensboro, NC at 800-909-7086. Delivery to Paul’s Garage is in April. Upon delivery, the committee is responsible to unload the truck and place the merchandise in storage at Paul’s Garage.

Broom sales were quite different from years past, when Thalia Lions Club members would sell their wares door to door. Lion Dick Kreassig recalled those days - “There were a lot of long driveways and then nobody was home,” and 81-year-old Lion Ed DeLong added, “In our area, a lot of the houses are a quarter-mile apart. It’s just difficult for people our age to go around door to door.”


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