Meetings 2011- 2012


May 23, 2012 - Thalia Lions Board Meeting
Location: Home of President Lion Jeri Furman
4004 Atlantic Ave. Virginia Beach, 23451

Call to order: - 7:07 Lion President Jeri Furman

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters - Lion Nancy reported that the White Cane permission forms have been granted, signed, and our club has permission to do the collection as well as sell brooms, mints, umbrellas or anything else we choose. The ABC store recommends that our best collection time is Friday afternoon into the evening. Saturdays are sporadic. Lion Roger has been notified and will organize the appropriate hours.

Old Business: (conducted by outgoing Board of Directors 2011-12) Final Charter Night invitations have gone out. The number of commitments at the moment is 39. The menu is as previously announced with the addition of shrimp. (Salad, veggies, potatoes, fish, chicken, carving station) Cash bar in the room. Dist. Governor Al Miller will do the installation of officers.

Lion Bob Donnelly is heading the committee for the Youth Exchange Dinner. Lion Bob Perrine is providing grilled chicken. Lion Bob is requesting help from other members to make the dinner a success.

New Business: (conducted by incoming Board of Directors 2012-13)

Otis - Bonney Road cleanup will be June 23rd sign up will be at the meeting on the June 20th Lion Stan Furman offered the pool and facilities at his condo for a Social gathering for the first meeting in Sept.

Our Club regular meeting date of August 15th will be cancelled due to at least 10 members attending the Eye Bank Dinner the same evening.

Budget Discussion

Lion Aziz moved that we add Samaritan House as a line item and budget a donation of $120.00. Lion Otis seconded. Motion was approved. The LifeNet donation that is on the budget has not been made. Lion Vickie wrote the check to be mailed 5/24/12. LifeNet will remain in the budget for next year.

Answering machine will be moved to Activity Budget from the Admin Budget. A recent decision from the district makes the action necessary. The amount is $25.00.

The Budget will be corrected and sent to incoming board members for vote to be taken at June board meeting. Ending balances will be available by that time.


Fall Conference will be at Crowne Plaza Marina in Hampton. There will be a Friday afternoon cabinet meeting, Friday night social , a hospitality room sponsored by 1st.d an 2nd Vice Dist. Governors, and training schools will be offered on Friday morning. Lion Steve will coordinate the conference. Bruce Raider will be the guest speaker.

There will be a Winter Social instead of a Governor’s Ball at the same place. It will be a fun event in 50’s dress. The price will be reasonable and it is hoped that more people will attend.

Lion Stan Furman offered the use of his condo for a club social on Sept. 5th, our first meeting of the month.

Adjournment 9:40
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary


The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 16, 2012, by Lion Jeri Furman at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
19 Members
57.5 Percent
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm

Lion President Jeri announced a Melvin Jones chevron was awarded our club for the year 2012-13.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Traveling Leo from Western Branch Lions Club, Lions Irv Myers, Lion Noel Myers, Lion Ellen Bovee, and Lion Phyllis Bricker.

Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm Reconvened 7:00

GUEST SPEAKER: Lion Dick Kreassig – There was no program scheduled for tonight but Lion Dick wanted to emphasize the importance of recruiting quality Lions. Many members joined because of service projects. Many because someone asked them to join and showed them the importance of our service. Lion Dick joined because another Lion asked him to buy a broom. Lion Bob Perrine was brought in because Lion Dick did a presentation at his men’s breakfast at his church. Because Lion Dick has a personal interest in Diabetes research and Lions are active in supporting juvenile diabetes, Lion Dick has been a strong Lion for a number of years. His grandson is a juvenile diabetic. Our Club now has a promising line of succession for president. Lion Dick considers that a sign of good health. Incoming District Governor Lion Stan Furman is the first member of our club to hold that office. And Lion John will become the District Cabinet Secretary. There are still people who want to become involved. Lion Dick is very proud of the Club and the accomplishments and future that we have.

Lion Stan asked that the club members wear the Lions pin every day. Invite others to participate in our activities. He strongly believes in our motto “We Serve”. He also suggested that we look at the reasons members have left the club. Their reasons and circumstances may have changed and they may be willing to reconsider. Lion Stan feels that we should keep Lionism in our hearts and let others see our actions and service.

Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters
1. District Meeting – Governor Al’s Last Hurrah! June 13th 6:00pm at Smithfield Center, 220 North Church St., Smithfield, Va. $12.00. Please submit your reservation and check made payable to Thalia Lions to Lion Nancy. Deadline for registration is June 6th.
2. Lions Charity Foundation LPGA Kingsmill Championship - Lion Nancy has applications to work parking cars for the tournament. The cost is $65.00 for the cap, visor, and uniform. Volunteers will receive vouchers for food, beverage and will be allowed to play the River Course.
3. Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Saturday, Oct. 6th at Oak Grove United Methodist Church at 11:00 a.m. Please begin collecting items for auction
4. Polo Shirts – Lion Nancy will place another order tomorrow
5. Notification of Lions Club name change – Virginia Beach Town Center to Virginia Beach has requested approval of all clubs to change their name to Virginia Beach Town Center-Blind Lions Club, thus incorporating the Virginia Beach Blind Lions with their club.

Treasurer’s Report

Old Business:

White Cane – Lion Roger Snell – June 29-30 are the dates for the White Cane Collection at the ABC Store in Princess Anne Plaza.

Vision Walk – Report from Lion Debra Laughlin –over 500 people participated and purchased 525 bracelets. $68,768 was raised in donations. The goal was $40,000. Dining in the Dark at Ynot raised $2,000. Great job Lion Debra!!

LOVF Tickets – Lion Irene Conlin- 28 books have been sold to date. Lion Irene will contact the 2 members who have outstanding books and will take the stubs to the State Convention this coming weekend.

Scholarship Presentation - Lion President Jeri Furman and Lion Ed DeLong presented a $1,000 Scholarship to Adult Learning Center graduating student, Ayotunde Oyedele, at the ALC graduation ceremony on May 10, 2012. He will attend TCC. A Scholarship is yet to be given to the student at Princess Anne High School. The committee met at Lion Susie Sumnick’s home to make the selection

S&H Van report: Lion Aziz Selahi (absent) submitted the following report from the May 6th Vision Walk event.
17 people were checked for vision, and given hearing tests.
4 people received eyeglasses.
2 were refereed for further examination
14 Blood Sugar screened.

Youth Exchange Dinner - Chip Wilson from the Youth Exchange has asked our club to sponsor a meal again this year for the exchange students. Lion Bob Perrine has agreed to do BBQ chicken again. The date is July 22nd (five club members will be at RAM) There will be 32 students, 2 counselors and 4 other adults plus club members and spouses who attend. The meal will be served indoors.

PediaVision – Lion Nancy Watters -New date for the Kid’s Safety Day at Pembroke Mall is July 28. The Mall management felt that the May 26th date would not have the participation because of the Memorial Day weekend.

Charter Night – Lion Mike Coren will contact everyone within the next week to get a firm count on the number of reservations to make for Charter Night, June 6thWednesday.

Lion Jim Healy – reminded everyone that we have Flags and Umbrellas to sell. Flags are $30.00 with the bracket and pole and $22.00 without the pole. Umbrellas are $10.00.

Lion Jack Wagner –reminded everyone that we still support Samaritan House - Lion Jack uses our money to buy needed household supplies because they cannot be purchased with food stamps.

Lion Ed De Long – reported that 6 people went to the EGRC this month. We turned in 86 prs. Fo glasses and 3 hearing aids.

New Business


Lion John Watters announced that, Wednesday, August 15th would be the Lions Medical Eyebank Dinner. We need a table to 10 to represent our club. Representative must attend to vote for the new board. The Board meeting is at 5:00 and Dinner at 6:00. In past we have cancelled our club meeting to attend. Lion Bob Donnelly moved that we cancel the club meeting to attend. Lion Ed seconded. After discussion and a commitment from at least 10 members and spouses the club voted to cancel the meeting in August and attend the Eye Bank Dinner.

Birthdays – Lion Brad Furman (1) Absent

Raffle- Lion Steve Rosnov
First Drawing –$21.00 Traveling Leo Irv Meyers
Second Drawing – $ 21.00 – Lion John Watters

Adjournment – 7:55pm .

Upcoming Events:
June 6th – Charter Night , Crowne Plaza
June 14th – Eyeglass Recycling, 10am – noon, Thurs. – meet at Best Buy at 9:30, 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
June 20th – Next regular meeting – Crowne Plaza
July 22nd – Youth Exchange Dinner
July 28th – Pedia Vision, Pembroke Mall, Kid’s Safety Day

2 May 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 2, 2012, by Lion Jeri Furman at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
2 Guests
19 Members
58 Percent
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Lion President Jeri was fined by the Tailtwister, Lion Aziz for not having her gavel. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Lion Aziz introduced his sister-in-law, Mehr Azar Fattahi visiting from Iran.
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm Reconvened 7:00

GUEST SPEAKER: Lion Dick Kreassig –Barbara Barns, Resource Development Consultant for Virginia Beach Community Development Corp. speaking on housing for the disabled veterans. Ms. Barns described the new project that is under development called Cedar Grove. The project will be the first permanent affordable housing for veterans in the region. Virginia has some transitional housing but nothing permanent to offer. There are 75,600 homeless veterans in the state and 19% have experienced traumatic brain injuries. Female vets are more likely to become homeless than males. One male veteran out of 4 is homeless. The Governor of Virginia is working to make Virginia become the most veteran friendly state. Va. Beach Community Dev. Commission is supporting the Cedar Grove project along with many others. Cedar Grove is a 6.6 million dollar project offering 32 new apartments strictly for homeless veterans. It will be located on Broad Meadow Drive in the Bayside area of Virginia Beach. The Apartments are fully furnished including washers and dryers. Some apartments are handicap accessible. The complex will offer a community room, fitness area, support offices, and accessible garden, and a mobility van. The property will be a locked facility with card access. Some of the criteria for application to the facility are that the client not be on the national sex offenders list, have no felony conviction of drug or other crimes without recorded rehabilitation, have honorable or general discharge, be capable of living on their own, and having a maximum income of between $19,000-$28,000. Rent will be based on income and residents will be responsible for utilities. The project is seeking funds through donations both public and private to furnish the apartments with necessary items. Barbara offered donation forms and state tax credit forms if there is interest in donating money for furnishing the apartments. The Grand Opening will be in 15-18 months and volunteer opportunities will be available. Thalia Lions was offered the opportunity to become a partner of the project. Lion Ed DeLong suggested that we ask the Board of Directors for a 500.00 donation to the project. Three Lions immediately agreed to contribute $100.00. There was optimism that the $500.00 may be raised without taking the money from the activity account. Lion Jeri presented Barbara with an appreciation plaque for presenting the program.

*Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters 1. District Meeting – Governor Al’s Last Hurrah! June 13th 6:00pm at Smithfield Center, 220 North Church St., Smithfield, Va. $12.00. Please submit your reservation and check made payable to Smithfield Lions to Lion Nancy. Deadline for registration is June 6th. 2. Lions Charity Foundation LPGA Kingsmill Championship - Lion Nancy has applications to work parking cars for the tournament. The cost is $65.00 for the cap, visor, and uniform. Volunteers will receive vouchers for food, beverage and will be allowed to play the River Course. 3. Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Saturday, Oct. 6th at Oak Grove United Methodist Church at 11:00 a.m. Please begin collecting items for auction 4. State Convention Delegate Cards are available for delegates. 5. LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church – May 5th. OLG – Lion Randy Jones 6. Lion Hauser Weiler’s announcement letter to run for International Director was presented.

Treasurer’s Report:

Old Business:
*Audible Easter Egg Hunt- Lion Irene Conlin – written report Approximate number of blind/visually impaired children who attended: 10 Approximate number of sighted siblings who attended: 20 Money raised by 24D Lions: $$450.00 Total money spent : $300.00 The money was used for candy and plastic eggs, prizes for the games, and supplies to create signs Pembroke Lions donated 100 candy filled eggs Department of Blind and Visually Impaired donated bags of animal crackers, pretzels, water bottles and fruit drinks. District 24D Lions had a strong presence: 17 Lions from the District with the Blind Lions Club having the most members attend: 7 Thank you ALL for your support. This event is eagerly looked for each year by the kids and families. Without your help, we would not have had the success we have enjoyed these past three years.
*Broom Sale – Lion Bob Donnelly- The total amount from the broom sale is $1,609.00. There is still a moderate supply of brooms. Lion Bob presented Lion Aziz’s sister-in-law with a certificate of appreciation for selling 12 umbrellas at the broom sale. We appreciated her assistance.
*PediaVision – Lion Nancy Watters -New date for the Kid’s Safety Day at Pembroke Mall is July 28. The Mall management felt that the May 26th date would not have the participation because of the Memorial Day weekend.
* Charter Night – Lion Mike Coren - will contact everyone this month to get a firm count on the number of reservations to make for Charter Night.
*Sight & Hearing Van – Sunday, May 6th at 17st. Park. The hours are from 11-1pm and 1-3 p.m. Lion Aziz Selahi is in charge of the event. Diabetes screening will be offered. Parking is available at the 19th Street city parking garage ($5.00 all day) Scholarship – Lion Rich Roberts – Lion Ed has 5 applications from the Adult Learning center and will contact Lion Rich to make a decision very soon. Graduation invitations have been extended to Lion Ed and to Lion Jeri.
* “Dining in the Dark” at YNot Piza - Vision Walk has 422 registered walkers and has raised $56,043 plus Dining in the Dark money. Thalia Lions has donated $1,575.00

New Business
*Leo Club disposition - The Board of Directors has voted to disband the Leo Club due to lack of participation.
*Youth Exchange Dinner - Chip Wilson from the Youth Exchange has asked our club to sponsor a meal again this year for the exchange students. Lion Bob Perrine has agreed to do chicken again. The date is July 22nd (five club members will be at RAM) There will be 32 students, 2 counselors and 4 other adults plus club members and spouses who attend. The meal will be served indoors.
*White Cane: Lion Stan suggested that we contact OLG Lions to use the ABC store at Plaza Shopping Center as a June White Cane location. The ABC store is in their territory. Lion Stan will talk to Lion RandyJones on Saturday.


Birthdays – Lion Brad Furman (1) , Lion Nancy Watters (27), Lion Otis Ethridge (31) “lots of money was raised to hear Lions Ed DeLong, Lion Vickie, and Lion John Watters sign!!

Raffle- Lion Aziz Selahi
First Drawing -20.00 Jim Healy
Second Drawing - 16.-00 Lion Ed DeLong
Adjournment - 8:10
Upcoming Events:
*May 5th – LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church
*May 10th – Eyeglass Recycling, 10am – noon, Thurs. – meet at Best Buy at 9:30, 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
*June 6th – Charter Night , Crowne Plaza
*July 22nd – Youth Exchange Dinner
*July 28th – Pedia Vision, Pembroke Mall, Kid’s Safety Day
* 28 April 2012 - Thalia Lions Board Meeting
Location: Home of President Lion Jeri Furman
4004 Atlantic Ave. Virginia Beach, 23451
Time: 7:00 p.m.
In Attendance: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stan Furman, Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion John Watters, Lion Nancy Watters, Lion Linda Eggleston, Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion Jack Wagner, Lion Vickie Kennedy
Call to order: 7:12 pm by Lion President Jeri Furman

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters – None

Old Business:

New Business:
*Berkshire Lodge request for additional donation – Lion Nancy read the request letter stating the need for assistance. Lion Stan moved that we donate $100.00 to the Lodge directly from the Club. The motion was seconded by Lion Jack and the vote carried.
*Leo Club Status – Lion Mike Berns is chairperson and Lion Stan is on the committee. The motion to disband the Princess Anne Leo Club was made by Lion Steve. The second was from Lion John Watters and the vote was passed to disband due to lack of participation. Lion Mike Berns will be notified by Lion Jeri to pick up the Leo Club banner paid for by the Thalia Lions Club.
*New Fund Raiser Idea –Lion Bob Donnelly did not attend the meeting but there was general lack of interest in doing a Dog Show. Lion Vickie suggested that we do another White Cane and pull money from the scholarship fund if necessary to cover activity functions and donations. Lion Roger Snell will be asked to organize another collection for the month of June. It was suggested that we seek permission from Home Depot of Foodlion as a fresh collection site. *The membership will be asked to brains storm ideas for fund raisers.
Discussion of Assessing Members who make meal reservations and do not attend the meeting. The consensus of the Board was not to assess unless Crowne Plaza begins to charge for the uneaten meals. To date that has not happened.
*Samaritan House: discussion of adding as line item in budget – This board cannot vote on this budget. It must be voted on by the next board that meets in June. At the June board meeting, both the current Board of Directors and the New Lion’s Year Board of Directors will meet together. The current Board will preside through unfinished business. The New Board will take over for new business and will at that time approve or revise the budget that has been proposed by the budget committee. The current Board of Directors may make the recommendation to the new board to add the Samaritan House as a line item. The discussion emphasized that adding the Samaritan House as a line item was not to discourage private club members from donating but as an additional means of support.
*Chip Wilson from the Youth Exchange has asked our club to sponsor a meal again this year for the exchange students. Lion Bob Perrine has agreed to do chicken again. The date is July 22nd (five club members will be at RAM) The Board feels that our club can do it anyway. There will be 32 students, 2 counselors and 4 other adults plus club members and spouses who attend. Lion Steve asked that we request to be inside for the meal because of the weather. It seems to always be either too hot or too wet.

Lion Jeri reported that the Adult Learning Center has sent thank you acknowledgment for S&H Van service provided on April 5th.
A letter requesting a donation of $10.00 per club was requested from District 24D for the purpose of providing a Humanitarian Award for District Governor in appreciation for his year of service. The President exercised her discretionary power to provide the contribution from our club funds.
Lion Aziz was concerned about the pasta station hygiene at the Crowne Plaza. He checked with the health department and they agree that the procedure to clean the pans was not sufficient. Dishes should be washed with running water not dipped into a tub of water under the counter. We have discontinued the pasta station because of this practice.

The meeting was adjourned: 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
April 18, 2012. OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on April 18, 2012, by Lion Jeri Furman at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. The club has 33 members with 15 in attendance. No Guest present. SONG – Lion Mike Coren “God Bless America” PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Lion Bob Donnelly INVOCATION- Lion Jim Healy DINNER “Pasta Station” RECOMMENCED: 6:55 pm
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST SPEAKER by Lion Dick Kreassig, Program Chair: Lee Duckworth is the Hampton Roads Naval Museum Director of Education and initially joined the staff in October 2005 as the Operations Manager of the USS WISCONSIN (BB-64). He served 28 years in the Navy (retired as a Captain) and has extensive experience in the education and training field. Mr. Duckworth graduated from the Naval Academy in 1969 and received an M.A. in History from the University of West Florida in 1974. He is also a graduate of the Naval War College. He served as a helicopter pilot in Viet Nam (224 combat missions) and commanded two helicopter squadrons. Additionally, he was qualified as a Surface Warfare Officer and served as Executive Officer of USS TRIPOLI (LPH-10) during the first Gulf War. He was the 47th Commanding Officer of Naval Air Station Norfolk from 1992-1994. After completion of his military service, he flew as a pilot for Atlantic Coast Airlines and Independence Airlines and was qualified in several turboprop and jet aircraft, including the Airbus 320. He served as the Manager for Pilot Training at the airline and has accumulated over 7,500 flight hours. He is responsible for managing and implementing educational programs and activities for the Hampton Roads Naval Museum and serves as a liaison to community and military educators. PROGRAM: “100 Years of Naval Aviation.” Mr. Lee Duckworth gave a very informative presentation (See attached Power Point). He also distributed handouts on the Naval Museum 2012 Calendar of Events and Volunteering information. Lion Ed DeLong donated a copy of his “Navy Mustang” book to Mr. Duckworth.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Lion Nancy Leadership Conference is Saturday, April 21st at the John Leland Center, 12716 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, Va. Phone: 930-0911 all incoming Officers need to attend. Lions Susan Sumnick, Rich Roberts, Steve Rosnov, Stan Furman and Bob Donnelly are scheduled to attend. There is a LAMP at the United Methodist Church, May 5th If you’re not registered for Vision Walk yet please contact Lion Debra Laughlin. If you still have LOVF tickets please get them in. We have to turn them in the end of the month. We have 50 clubs now on board actively doing Pedia Vision and we have a Pedia Vision at the Pembroke Mall: Kids Safety Day”, May 26th Please start thinking about donating items for the Charity Foundation Auction. I resent the information via email about Polo Shirts and if you wish to make an order let me know. Lion Stan mentioned that signups for the State Convention are coming in very slow and please send in your attendance form if you are planning to be there. You do not need to stay at the hotel or pay to attend.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Lion Vickie Kennedy The Admin and Activity’s budget was distributed and discussed. The Administrative Fund balance as of April 18 is $5,431.73 and the Activity Fund Balance as of April 18 is $4,000.14 (see attached). We may do another White Cane in June and may do three in the next Lions Year.
OLD BUSINESS: BROOM SALE: Lion Bob Donnelly: The dates are April 27-28th at Birchwood Shopping Center. Lion Bob says that we will have 200 brooms to sell. – The order has been placed and shipment is expected to be received by the 26th.the day before the sale on 27th and 28th. The hours are from 9-6pm.
CHARTER NIGHT: Lion Mike Coren. Charter Night is Wednesday, June 6th at 6:00pm at the Crowne Plaza. We need the final count in by June 1st. The Club will pay the cost from the Administrative account. There will be a cash bar in the room, appetizers, carving station with prime rib, fish, chicken, vegetables, starch, and desserts. Reservations will be made in advance. I will send an email a few days ahead of the June 1 deadline asking for a definite commitment of who will attend. The number of 40 that I originally gave included many people who didn't want to commit so far ahead and I told them that we were just getting a preliminary number and would not expect a definite commitment until shortly before the event. So we could be well short of the 40. Lion Dick Kreassig suggested that members that fail to show should be assessed for some of the cost. It will be brought at the next Board Meeting.
WHITE CANE: April 6 & 7, Project completion report - Raised $1,233 estimated. Full report will be presented at the next meeting.
SIGHT & HEARING VAN: April 5th project completion report– Lion Aziz Salahi. We had enough volunteers to fill the positions for another successful project. Thank you every one for your support. Lion Stan mentioned that the Van was send back with Bio Hazard Trash. We are responsible to dispose of it ourselves.
VISION WALK: Lion Debra We have 275 walkers and 43 teams including Kempsville lions. There are a number of Public Service Announcements going to be aired soon. The Hampton Roads Show is this Monday and Lions Steve, Bob Perrine & Bob Donnelly are attending. Vision Walk will be in this Sundays Beacon.
TRAVELING LEO: April 12 completion report - Lion Steve Rosnov We visited Kempsville Lions Club. Lion Debra Laughlin was the guest speaker for their meeting. Lion’s visiting was Steve Rosnov, Lion Bob Donnelly, Lion Bob Perrine, and Nurys Sabino. Both Lion Bob Donnelly and Lion Steve won raffles. It was a fun night.
NEW BUSINESS FALL CONFERENCE: Lion Steve Rosnov – October 19 & 20 at the Crown Plaza, Hampton -Marina We need to have a committee to coordinate and not necessarily limited to the following functions; Registration, make baskets for Governors who attend, sell 50/50 tickets during lunch & dinner Saturday. Lion John Watters is Protocol Officer – Name plates & associated necessities, Lion Stan will work on Name Tags for attendees and Lion Nancy Watters will design the District Governors Pin. I’ll be putting out more information soon.
PROJECT HOMELESS: Lions John Watters and Stan Furman Project Homeless Connect was held today at Norfolk Scope. It involved the cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. Little Creek Lions sponsored the S&H unit where more than 300 were screened and about 70 reading glasses dispensed. Lion Stan and John each spent about 6 hours there.
FOOD BANK: Lion Jack Wagner Last year our club donated $943.00 to Samaritan House Foodbank, to date this year total’s $282.00. This past month, my wife purchased 15 jars of mayonnaise, 20 bottles of ketchup, over 30 bottles of dish detergent, over 20 packages of laundry detergent, 20 cans of Ajax, Brillo pads, Pine Sol, and $ 26.01 at Dollar Tree on items needed to pack bags, for the occupants of the 11 shelters. You just don't know how much this helps Samaritan House's efforts. Over 2/3’s of the clients transition from the shelters to other type of housing which they share the cost, as opposed to receiving 100% support while in the shelters. This club's generosity is indeed appreciated and certainly has been very helpful. Thanks!
EYE GLASS RECYCLING: Lion Ed Delong May 10th is Eye Glass recycling from 10 am to noon. It’s the same time, Second Thursday of each month. Mark it down on your calendars.
FUND RAISER: Lion Bob Donnelly. I am looking into the feasibility of our club sponsoring a Dog Show. I am doing more research on the initiative.
SAMARITAN HOUSE: Lion Vickie Kennedy. Suggested the McDonald House Donations be a Line Item on the Budget and will be discussed at the next board meeting.
FLAGS AND UMBRELLA: Lion Jim Healy We have many flags and umbrellas that are great money makers for the club.
RAFFLE: The Tail Twister Collected $56. 00 There were two drawings. Lion Jack won $18.00 and Lion Ed DeLong won $10. 00
UPCOMING EVENTS: April 21st –Leadership Conference-
April 23- WAVY-TV Hampton Roads Show, Vision Walk
April 25– Board meeting at Lion Jeri’s home.
April 27 – 28th - Broom Sale,– Birchwood Shopping Center – by B.J’s.
May 2nd – Next regularly scheduled meeting at Crowne Plaza
May 5th – LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church
May 10th – Eyeglass Recycling, 10am – noon,
May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
May 26th – Pedia Vision, Pembroke Mall, Kid’s Safety Day
June 6th – Charter Night , Crowne Plaza
Submitted by; Lion Steve Rosnov Acting Secretary
April 4, 2012. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on April 4, 2012, by Lion Jeri Furman at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
0 Guests

18 Members
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm

LION STAN FURMAN – Presented LION STEVE ROSNOV with the President’s Excellent Award from last year’s Past International President Sid Scruggs. He was awarded a Beacon of Hope pin with two crystals in recognition of leadership as President in maintaining positive club growth during his Lions’ year.


Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00

GUEST SPEAKER – Lion Debra Laughlin – Foundation for Fighting Blindness

Debra Laughlin was forced to resign from her nursing career when she lost her sight in 2007 from Rod Cone Dystrophy, a retinal disease. On Nov 17, 2010 she became a member of our club under the sponsorship of Lion Mike Berns.

Lion Debra is quite active in Foundation for Fighting Blindness because of the research focus of the organization. Much progress is being made with new treatments. Vitamin A and Lutein are recommended for better eye health.

Research is expensive. Four hundred million has been raised to help fund 151 research grants in 80 institutions. Some of the recent studies involving gene therapy seem to be promising.

The Vision Walk, now in 51 Cities as of 2012, is a major fund raiser for the organization. Lion Debra has organized Virginia Beach for the first Vision Walk and partnered with Lions Creating Vision Walk Teams. The walk is on May 6th at 17 St. and will be covered live by local a T.V. station. The Walk will also be featured on Hampton Roads T. V. show on April 23rd. Any Lion with a Thalia polo shirt is encouraged to be at the studio at 7:00am to support Lion Debra and the Vision Walk. You will need to have a reservation made to be on the show with her. (Attached to the minutes are the detailed instructions.) If you want to sign up for the Vision Walk, please email Lion Nancy and she will keep the count for Lion Debra.

Another event, “Dining in the Dark” at YNot Piza is being negotiated. A percentage of the take during the event will go to Vision Walk.

1. Leadership Conference – Sat. April 21th - John Leland Center 12716 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA, 23606 Phone # 930-0911 All incoming officers need to attend. Lions Susan Sumnick, Rich Roberts, Steve Rosnov, Stan Furman and Bob Donnelly are registered.
2. Lions Charity Foundation LPGA Kingsmill Championship - Lion Nancy has applications to work parking cars for the tournament. The cost is $65.00 for the cap, visor, and uniform. Volunteers will receive vouchers for food, beverage and will be allowed to play the River Course.
3. Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Saturday, Oct. 6th at Oak Grove United Methodist Church at 11:00 a.m. Please begin collecting items for auction
4. State Convention information has been emailed. Very important that all club members participate.
Please read the info carefully and support our incoming District Governor, Lion Stan Furman.
5. Thank you letter from Lion Irene Conlin, VAAPVI, for Audible Easter Egg Support.
6. Announcement of Lion Kenneth Isaac running for International Director
7. LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church – May 5th. OLG – Lion Randy Jones
8. Journey for Sight – April 15th
PEDIAVISION REPORT – Pembroke Mall – Mar. 31st - PediaVision event in conjunction with the Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby. We screened 85 children with 14 referrals. 4 Clubs sent volunteers.
Next Pembroke Mall date is May 26th for Kid’s Safety Day.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Lion Vickie Kennedy – see attached report


SCHOLARSHIP – Lion Rick reported that the applications are due at the end of the month
WHITE CANE- Lion Roger Snell - Scheduled date is April 6-7 at Birchwood Shopping Center. Sign-up sheet has been circulated. Lion Roger plans to sell mints and umbrellas. Help is needed in Sat. afternoon slots.
BROOM SALE – Lion Bob Donnelly - the dates are April 27-28th at Birchwood Shopping Center.
Lion Bob says that we will have 200 brooms to sell. – The order has been placed and shipment is expected to be received by the 26th.the day before the sale on 27th and 28th. The hours are from 9-6pm

SIGHT & HEARING VAN – Lion Aziz Selahi (absent due to illness)– Adult Learning Center – Thurs., April 5th 10-2pm –Lion Aziz passed a signup sheet for working in the van. Diabetes screening will also be done that day.

CHARTER NIGHT – Lion Mike Coren – Wednesday- June 6th at 6:00pm at the Crowne Plaza. The Club will pay the cost from the Administrative account. There will be a cash bar in the room, appetizers, carving station with prime rib, fish, chicken, vegetables, starch, and desserts. Reservations will be made in advance. Lion Mike needs to know if you are attending. 40 members and guests so far have notified Lion Mike that they plan to attend.
Lion Rog requested that the secretary send a special invitation by mail to each member who has not responded.

AUDIBLE EASTER EGG HUNT – Lion Irene Conlin –April 21st. Redwing Park – (absent) Lion Irene will provide more information at the next meeting.

SAMARITAN FOOD BANK – Lion Jack Wagner is accepting food or donations. Lion Jack’s wife is back into service for Samaritan House. This week over $100.00 worth of cleaning supplies was purchased. When there is a surplus it is donated to V.B. Christian Church, Vetshouse, JCOC, and other charities.

NEW BUSINESS - Lion Of the Year -
A secret ballot was passed out to the membership to vote for Lion of the Year. The Lion with the most votes will be announced at Charter Night and presented the trophy.

TRAVELING LEO- Lion Steve Rosnov – 5 Lions will attend a Traveling Leo to the Kempsville Lions Club on Thursday, April 12th. Lion Debra Laughlin will be the guest speaker for their meeting. Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion Bob Donnelly, Lion Bob Perrine, and Nurys Sabino.


BIRTHDAYS –Lion Jack Wagner (7) Lion Kimberly Canakci (28) - $37.00 was raised for Lion Jeri to sing
RAFFLE: Lion Steve $11.00 - Lion Linda Eggleston
$20.00 – Lion Bob Donnelly
Adjournment: 8:10

Upcoming Events:
April 18th – Next regularly scheduled meeting – Crowne Plaza
April 5 -S&H Van at Adult Learning Center
April 6 & 7th – White Cane Birchwood Shopping Center
April 12th - Thurs. EGRC– meet at Best Buy at 9:30, 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA
April 21st –Leadership Conference -
April 21 - RedMill Park – Audible Easter Egg
April 23- WAVY-TV Hampton Roads Show – Vision Walk
April 25– Board meeting at Lion Jeri’s home.
April 27 – 28th - Broom Sale – Birchwood Shopping Center – by B.J’s.
May 5th – LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church
May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
June 6th – Charter Night – Crowne Plaza

March 21, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Vice President Bob Donnelly at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guests
16 Members
48 Percent
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm

VP LION BOB DONNELLY asked Lion Stan Furman for update on Lion President Jeri Furman’s surgery this morning. Lion Stan reported that he thinks Lion Jeri’s boob job went well though he has not been allowed to see them yet. He is certain she will make a “clean breast” of everything and show us the results at the next meeting!

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Lion Dick Kreassig introduced Susan Palmer, guest speaker.
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00

GUEST SPEAKER Susan Palmer, Virginia Beach EMS Recruiting Officer
Susan is a Virginia Beach native and has worked for EMS since 2001. The EMS department is separated from the Fire Department and they are attempting to keep it a volunteer organization. The department tries to keep least 8 ambulances or rescue vehicles available in the city at all times. Recently the average has been between 10 to 15 available. Zone cars are paid for by the City but ambulances are paid for from donations and volunteers.
Each little area in Virginia Beach has their distinct names because they were originally organized in those areas. There are 10 Independent stations in city with some sub stations. 1000 volunteers with 700 active volunteers are in the system. Anyone who wants to be an EMT can be trained free of charge. EMS pays for the certification and training at TCC.
AEDs( Automatic External Cardiac Defibralator) are on all vehicles and in trunks of all police cars. Anyone first on the scene is capable of acting to save lives of cardiac patients. Cooling IV’s, a relatively new technique) is also done in ambulances. The goal is a 10 minute response time.
All EMTs work under the license of Dr. Stuart Martin, the medical director and functioning advisor.
Police, Fire and EMS all work together in the effort to provide emergency care to the 450,000 Virginia Beach population and the 3 million tourists who visit each year.
The Virginia Beach EMS operation was organized by Bruce Edwards. He also organized the ECCO Emergency Coordinated Care Program and is still in charge today. He wants the EMS operation to remain volunteer and not taken over by the Fire Department.

1. King’s Grant Elementary School – Letter of appreciation from the school nurse for our donation.
2. Leadership Conference – Sat. April 21th - John Leland Center 12716 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA, 23606 Phone # 930-0911 All incoming officers need to attend. Lions Susan Sumnick, Rich Roberts, Steve Rosnov, Stan Furman and Bob Donnelly are registered.
3. Lions Charity Foundation LPGA Kingsmill Championship - Lion Nancy has applications to work parking cars for the tournament. The cost is $65.00 for the cap, visor, and uniform. Volunteers will receive vouchers for food, beverage and will be allowed to play the River Course.
4. Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Saturday, Oct. 6th at Oak Grove United Methodist Church – 11:00- Please begin collecting items for auction.
5. Region III Meeting – Wed. March 28th – Sage Diner 2558 Lankford Highway, Onley, Va. 23418. Meal cost is $15.00. Reservations must be made and paid for by March 21, 2012. Mail reservations to Lion Ann Dize, 19460 Oakland Drive, Onancock, Va. 23417. Meal selection is fried Flounder, Roasted Chicken, Prime Rib (indicate how it should be prepared (rare, med., or well) The following Lions have been registered Lions Vickie Kennedy, Irene Conlin, Nurys Sabino, Stan and Jeri Furman, Ed Delong, Steve Rosnov, John and Nancy Watters.
6. State Convention information has been emailed. Very important that all club members participate.
Please read the info carefully and support our incoming District Governor, Lion Stan Furman.
7. Lion Linda Eggleston, Sight Chair would like to start using Dr. Bond at Pembroke Mall for eye exams and glasses instead of Dr. Crafford and Lens Crafters. He will do the exam and provide the glasses for $10.00 cheaper than our present costs. And he will bill the club after seeing the patients. The club voted to approve the change in providers.
8. Burkeville Lodge request for donation was read and it was suggested that the request be taken up at the Board meeting.

PEDIAVISION REPORT – Pembroke Mall – Mar. 31st - PediaVision event in conjunction with the Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby. Set up will be 9:30 and the event will go from 10-2 pm.

On Thursday, March 22nd at 12:00, Lions Nancy and John will be interview by WVEC’s Sandra Parker about the PediaVision project and the next two upcoming PediaVision events. The first event is the Tidewater Parent’s Education Camp and Fair at Greenbrier Mall with the Chesapeake clubs. The second is on the 31st at Pembroke Mall.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Lion Vickie Kennedy – see attached report

WHITE CANE- Lion Roger Snell - Scheduled date is April 6-7 at Birchwood Shopping Center. Sign-up sheet was circulated for Lion Roger. He plans to sell mints and umbrellas. Lion Rog will be out of town until the end of the month.

BROOM SALE – Lion Bob Donnelly - the dates are April 27-28th at Birchwood Shopping Center. A signup sheet was distributed.

BLAND CONTEST - Lion Vickie Kennedy - District 24 D Contest – Thalia will have two contestants competing on April 13th at 7:00pm at the Patriot’s Colony Grand Hall in Williamsburg, Va. Stephan Tang, violinist and Nicholas Raja, baritone, will compete.

SIGHT & HEARING VAN – Lion Aziz Selahi – Adult Learning Center – Sat., April 5th 10-2pm –Lion Aziz passed a signup sheet for working in the van. He will send out email. Diabetes screening will also be done that day.

VISION WALK – Lion Debra Laughlin (absent) The Kick Off Luncheon is March 24th at McCormick and Schmick. Please call her or make reservations for the luncheon. (see attached information)

Lion Debra would like a T.V. or radio personality or a local celebrity to start the walk. There will be spots in the Beacon and the Walk will be featured on Hampton Roads T. V. show on April 23rd. Any Lion with a Thalia polo shirt is encouraged to be at the studio at 7:00am to support Lion Debra and the Vision Walk. You will need to have a reservation made to be on the show with her. (Attached to the minutes are the detailed instructions.)

NOMINATION COMMITTEE – Lion Bob Donnelly presented the slate of officers and asked for nominations from the floor.

Pres. Lion Bob Donnelly
1st. V. Lion Roger Snell
2nd. Lion Rich Roberts
3rd. Lion Irene Conlin
Secretary - Lion Steve Rosnov Lion Rich, Lion Susie
Treasurer – Lion Vickie Kennedy
TailTwister -Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Tamer – Lion Otis Etheridge
2 Yr. Directors – Lion Aziz Selahi, Debra Laughlin
1 Yr. Directors – Lion Nurys Sabino , John Watters
Membership - Mike Coren
No Nominations were made from the floor – Lion Stan moved that we close nominations and vote to approve by acclamation. Vote was unanimous.

CHARTER NIGHT – Lion Mike Coren – Wednesday- June 6th at 6:00pm at the Crowne Plaza. The Club will pay the cost from the Management account. There will be a cash bar in the room, appetizers, carving station with prime rib, fish, chicken, vegetables, starch, and desserts. Reservations will be made in advance. Lion Mike needs to know if you are attending. 38 members and guest are so far have notified Lion Mike that they plan to attend.

BONNEY ROAD CLEAN UP – Lion Otis Etheridge -“Bonney Road Clean–Up was March 17th Saturday, 9:00am. Weather was good. 8 members collected 17 bags of trash plus debris. Another clean up will be scheduled in 3 months.

AUDIBLE EASTER EGG HUNT – Lion Irene Conlin –April 21st. Redwing Park – (absent) Lion Irene will provide more information at the next meeting.

SAMARITAN FOOD BANK – Lion Jack Wagner is accepting food or donations.


BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA DONATION – Lion Brad Furman – The Cub Scout troop is a special needs group – Last year we paid for their membership. Parents accompany the children to all meetings because of their disabilities. Adults pay for themselves but the Cub scout membership fee is $15.00 each. There are 8 Cub Scouts for $120.00 plus a $20.00 charter fee for a total of $140.00.
Brad moved that we fund the $140. The motion was seconded and passed. It was suggested that the amount be included as a line item in future budgets.


RAFFLE: Lion Aziz Selahi - $20.00 won by Lion Vickie. $15.00 - won by Lion Steve Rosnov.
Adjournment: 8:17

Upcoming Events:
March 24th – Vision Walk Kick Off Luncheon and Celebration – McCormick and Schmicks Town Center Virginia Beach, 12-2pm.
March 31st – PediaVision screening Pembroke Mall 10-2 (Boy Scout’s Pinewood Derby)
April 4 – Next regularly scheduled meeting – Crowne Plaza
April 5 -S&H Van at Adult Learning Center
April 6 & 7th – White Cane Birchwood Shopping Center
April 12th - Thurs. EGRC– meet at Best Buy at 9:30, 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
April 21st –Leadership Conference – John Leland Center 12716 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, Va 23606 Phone # 930-0911
April 21 - RedMill Park – Audible Easter Egg
April 27 – 28th - Broom Sale – Birchwood Shopping Center – by B.J’s.
May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
June 6th – Charter Night – Crowne Plaza

Mar 7, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on March 7, 2012, by Lion President Jeri Furman 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guests
16 Members
48 Percent
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm

GUEST SPEAKER – Local Birdwatcher, naturalist, and photographer from Thalia, Woody Stephens. Woody entertained with an amazing selection of wildlife pictures taken in and around his home in Thalia. Woody sends many photos in to Mary Reid Barrows of the Virginian Pilot.

1. Polo Shirts are here.
2. Leadership Conference – Sat. April 19th - John Leland Center 12716 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, Va 23606 Phone # 930-0911 All incoming officers need to attend.
3. Lions Charity Foundation LPGA Kingsmill Championship - Lion Nancy has applications to work parking cars for the tournament. The cost is $65.00 for the cap, visor, and uniform. Volunteers will receive vouchers for food, beverage and will be allowed to play the River Course.
4. Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Saturday, Oct. 6th at Oak Grove United Methodist Church – 11:00- Please begin collecting items for auction.
5. Region III Meeting – Wed. March 28th – Sage Diner 2558 Lankford Highway, Onley, Va. 23418. Meal cost is $15.00. Reservations must be made and paid for by March 21, 2012. Mail reservations to Lion Ann Dize, 19460 Oakland Drive, Onancock, Va. 23417. Meal selection is fried Flounder, Roasted Chicken, Prime Rib (indicate how it should be prepared (rare, med., or well)
6. State Convention information has been emailed. Very important that all club members participate.
Please read the info carefully and support our incoming District Governor, Lion Stan Furman.

PEDIAVISION REPORT – Pembroke Mall – Mar. 3rd – The Virginia Beach Lions screened 119 children with 22 referrals. Seven clubs participated with 26 members participating.
The next event is Saturday, March 31st when the Easter Bunny arrives at the Mall. Set up will be 9:30 and the event will go from 10-2 pm.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Lion Vickie Kennedy – see attached report

WHITE CANE- Lion Roger Snell - Scheduled date is April 6-7 at Birchwood Shopping Center. Sign-up sheet was circulated by Lion Roger. He plans to sell mints and umbrellas. Lion Rog will be out of town until the end of the month.

BROOM SALE – Lion Bob Donnelly - the dates are April 27-28th at Birchwood Shopping Center. A signup sheet will be distributed later.
BLAND CONTEST - Lion Jack Wagner. The Regional Contest was March 6th. The winners of both the vocal and instrumental contest were from our club contest. The instrumentalist was violinist, Steven Tang and the vocalist was baritone, Nicholas Raja. The District Contest will be April 13th at the Williamsburg Grand Ballroom Patriot’s Colony 7:00pm , and the State Contest –Friday May 18th in Chesapeake at the State Convention
VISION WALK – Lion Debra Laughlin said that the Vision Walk is off to a great start. They have 22 walk teams organized and 40% of the funds raided. The Kick Off Luncheon is March 24th at McCormick and Schmick. Lion Debra would like a T.V. or radio personality or a local celebrity to start the walk. There will be spots in the Beacon and the Walk will be featured on Hampton Roads T. V. show on March 23rd. Any Lion with a Thalia polo shirt is encouraged to be at the studio at 7:00am to support Lion Debra and the Vision Walk.
Pres. Lion Bob Donnelly
1st. V. Lion Roger Snell
2nd. Lion Rich Roberts
3rd. Lion Irene Conlin
Secretary - Lion Steve Rosnov Lion Rich Lion Susie
TailTwister -Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Tamer – Lion Otis Etheridge
2 Yr. Directors – Lion Aziz Selahi, Debra Laughlin
1 Yr. Directors – Lion Nurys Sabino , John Watters
Membership - Mike Coren
Nominations from the floor will be open at the next meeting.
CHARTER NIGHT – Lion Mike Coren - Wednesday, June 6th at 6:00pm at the Crowne Plaza. The Club will pay the cost from the Administration account. There will be a cash bar in the room, appetizers, carving station with prime rib, fish, chicken, vegetables, starch, and desserts. Reservations will be made in advance. Will send out email to get an idea of who might be able to come.
BONNEY ROAD CLEAN UP – Lion Otis Etheridge -“Bonney Road Clean–Up will be March 17th Saturday, 9:00am. Please let Lion Otis know if you can work.
AUDIBLE EASTER EGG HUNT – Lion Irene Conlin –April 21st. Redwing Park –Lion Irene is asking each club to donate $50.00 to the costs and three to four volunteers from our club to assist. A motion was made to support the cause with a $50.00 donation. The Club approved the motion.
WEBSITE – Lion Bob Perrine – Lion Bob would like to update committee information. If you are a committee chair, please check the website to see that the information is current.
Melvin Jones committee has been appointed for this year.
SAMARITAN FOOD BANK – Lion Jack Wagner is accepting food or donations.
MELVIN JONES – the Board has designated the following Melvin Jones fellows as a committee to select the Melvin Jones recipient for this year: Lion Dick Kreassig, Lion Ed Delong and Lion Jim Healy.



BIRTHDAYS –Lion John Watters (10) Lion Steve Rosnov (10) Lion Linda Eggleston (21)- $59.00 was raised for Lion Nancy and Lion Vickie to sing.
Adjournment 8:25

Upcoming Events:
March 21st – Next regularly scheduled meeting – Crowne Plaza
March 24th – Vision Walk Kick Off Luncheon and Celebration – McCormick and Schmicks Town Center Virginia Beach, 12-2pm.
April 5 -S&H Van at Adult Learning Center
April 6 & 7th – White Cane Birchwood Shopping Center
April 12th - Thurs. EGRC– meet at Best Buy at 9:30, 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
April 21st –Leadership Conference – John Leland Center 12716 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, Va 23606 Phone # 930-0911
April 21 - RedMill Park – Audible Easter Egg
April 27 – 28th - Broom Sale – Birchwood Shopping Center – by B.J’s.
May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
June 6th – Charter Night – Crowne Plaza
Feb 29, 2012 - Thalia Lions Board Meeting
Location: Home of President Lion Jeri Furman
4004 Atlantic Ave. Virginia Beach, 23451
Time: 7:00 p.m.

In Attendance: Lion President Jeri Furman, Lions Stan Furman, Lion Roger Snell, Lion Irene Conlin, Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion John Watters, Lion Nancy Watters, Lion Bob Donnelly,

Call to order: 7:10 pm by Lion President Jeri Furman

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy- see attached
Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters - None

Old Business: None
New Business:

MELVIN JONES – Lion President asked how the Board would like the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to be chosen this year.
Lion John suggested that we appoint a small committee of current MJF’s to make the selection. Lion Steve suggested that Lion Dick Kreassig chair the committee with two other Melvin Jones Fellows who are not on the Board. Because most of the Melvin Jones Fellows are on the Board at this time, Lion Stan amended the motion to name Lion Jim Healy and Lion Ed DeLong to the committee. The board voted and approved the committee appointees.
Thalia has $380.00 on account at LCI to be designated as a Melvin Jones Award. The club only needs to send the balance of $620.00.

FALL CONFERENCE – Lion Steve Rosnov (see attached) Our Club needs to be involved in various jobs for the Fall Conference. Lion Steve will recruit members to assist in registration, baskets for governors who attend, 50/50, and numerous other jobs.

STATE CONVENTION – Lion Stan Furman – The Board appointed the following Lions as delegates and alternates to the State Convention.
Delegates are Lions Steve Rosnov, Jeri Furman, and Aziz Selahi. Alternates are Lions Irene Conlin, Vickie Kennedy, Stan Furman.

MEASLES INITIATIVE – Lion Stan Furman – Bill & Linda Gates will match measles donations up to 5 million. Lions must raise 10 million for the match. Lion Stan moved that we designate the MJF as the Measles initiative. Lion Nancy seconded the motion and the board approved.

CHARITY FOUNDATION – Oct. 6th Saturday - Oak Grove United Methodist Church – Need auction items and advertising sponsors.

2 YR. DIRECTOR IS NEEDED- to replace Lion Steve since he will be the new secretary. Replacement may not be made, however, until after installation. The new president will then appoint the replacement director.

LION OF THE YEAR - Lion Stan suggested that we select Lion of the Year the same night that we have elections of officers, March 21st. Nominations from the floor will be made March 7.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Feb 15, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Jeri Furman 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guests
19 Members
59 Percent
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 pm
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Lion Roger Snell introduced his daughter-in-law, Kelly Davis.
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:15 pm
GUEST SPEAKER –Lion Nancy Watters – Duties of Secretary – see attached copy of the list of duties and responsibilities. Lion Nancy would like for someone else to assume the Club Secretary position for next year. She suggested that the responsibilities be divided into three categories, Correspondence, Reporting, and Membership. The categories of Membership and Reporting could be assigned to an “assistant” of the Club Secretary making the job more manageable. Some interest by a few members was expressed.

NEW MEMBER INDUCTION - Lion Willard “Smitty” Smith was inducted by 1st Vice Dist. Governor Lion Stan Furman. Lion Smitty was sponsored by Lion Steve Rosnov. Lion Smitty is the executive director of Vethouse.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Lion Nancy read a thank you note from Lion Jack Wagner’s wife, Joan who is recovering from surgery.
Diabetes Camp information has been sent to the club. If you know of candidates, please contact Lion Jeri who has the information.
Lion Donnie Johnson from the Aragona/Pembroke Lions Club has announced his intent to run for 1st. Vice District Governor for the coming year.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Lion Vickie Kennedy – see attached report


TRAVELING LEO – Lion Steve Rosnov announced that the requirements for Traveling Leo have been met for this year. The club has qualified for the Governor’s patch. We are making no more planned Traveling Leos for the rest of the Lion’s year.

WHITE CANE – Lion Roger Snell – Scheduled date is April 6-7 at Birchwood Shopping Center. An email sign-up sheet will be circulated by Lion Roger. He plans to sell mints and umbrellas

BROOM SALE – Lion Bob Donnelly was absent –Lion Jeri reminded the club that the dates are April 27-28th at Birchwood Shopping Center.

BLAND –Lion Jack Wagner and Lion Vickie Kennedy announced that we have 21 contestants. Everyone is encouraged to come and to support the club and the contestants. Oceana/Lynnhaven/Golden Lions Club is joining us for the event. Workers are needed for several very important jobs. The Bland Contest date is Feb. 21st, 7:00pm at Thalia United Methodist Church. The Regional Contest – March 6th Tues. 7:00pm at Thalia United Methodist Church, the District Contest – April 13th Williamsburg Grand Ballroom Patriot’s Colony 7:00pm , and the State Contest – May 18th in Chesapeake at the State Convention.

VISION WALK - Lion Debra Laughlin was absent but emails have been sent out to members including an email sent today about possible participation in a morning WAVY TV show. Please read the emails for information and consider participating.

PEDIAVISON/SPOT – Lion Nancy Watters – Saturday, March 3rd is Pembroke Mall PediaVision/SPOT event sponsored by the Junior Woman’s League – “Kids in the Kitchen”
Members are needed to set up and take down. Please plan to be there by 9:30 am. Lion Nancy will send out an email asking for assistance.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Lion Jeri Furman announced the following candidates for office 2012-13
Pres. Lion Bob Donnelly
1st. V. Lion Roger Snell
2nd. Lion Rich Roberts
3rd. Lion Irene Conlin
Secretary - Lion Steve Rosnov
TailTwister -Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Tamer – Lion Otis Etheridge
2 Yr Directors - Lion Steve Rosnov, Debra Laughlin
1 Yr. Directors – Lion Nurys Sabino , John Watters
Members – Mike Coren
Nominations will be accepted from floor at next meeting.

CHARTER NIGHT - location and information reported by Lions Mike, Stan, and Jeri– Wednesday, June 6th at 6:00pm at the Crowne Plaza. The Club will pay the cost from the Administration account. There will be a cash bar in the room, appetizers, carving station with prime rib, fish, chicken, vegetables, starch, and desserts.

Eye Glass Recycling Center - Lion Ed DeLong – 6 people worked at the center last week. Lion Ed encourages every member to come and see what is happening at the EGRC. Your help is needed.

LION JIM HEALY reminded the members that there is a supply of umbrellas and flags for sale.

LION RICH ROBERTS – Has begun working on the scholarship process for this year. He has been in contact with the schools and expects responses around the end of April.

LION OTIS AND LION RICH will work at setting a date for another “Bonney Road Clean–Up perhaps near the end of March.


BLAND Lion Vickie Kenndey requested that we increase the amount Bland Contest judges are paid from $50.00- $75.00. Lion Susie Sumnick made the motion that the increase be from $50 to $100.00. The motion was amended to $75.00 and approved by vote of the club.

MELVIN JONES -Lion Nancy Watters moved that the club honor a member with a Melvin Jones Award this year paid from the administration account. The club has extra funds in that account. Motion was seconded and vote passed.

BIRTHDAYS – Lion Ray Ashe (15) absent

Raffle- Lion Aziz Selahi collected $86.00 in raffle money. Drawings were for $20.00 each. Winners were Lion Jack Wagner and Lion Nancy Watters.

Adjournment 8:30pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:
*February 21st – Thalia/OLG Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church -7:00pm
*February 29th – Board meeting – Lion President Jeri Furman’s residence
*March 3rd. – PediaVision Event Pembroke Mall – Junior Woman’s League “Kids in the Kitchen”
*March 7th – Next regularly scheduled meeting – Crowne Plaza
*March 8th –Thurs. EGRC– meet at Best Buy at 9:30, 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*April 5 -S&H Van at Adult Learning Center
*April 6 & 7th – White Cane Birchwood Shopping Center
*April 21st –Leadership Conference -
*April 21 - RedMill Park – Audible Easter Egg
*April 27 – 28th - Broom Sale – Birchwood Shopping Center – by B.J’s.
*May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
*June 6th – Charter Night – Crowne Plaza

Feb 1, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lynnhaven C Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guests
19 Members
59 Percent
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:35 pm

Introduction of Guests: delayed until after dinner
Recess for Dinner: 6:55pm
Reconvened 7:30pm

Guest speaker – Lion Dick Kreassig introduced guest speaker, Laurie Harrison, speaking for Physicians for Peace.
Laurie holds an undergraduate degree from Slipper Rock University in Pa. and a Masters from ODU. She has her own business “The Event Planner” and she is the Development Director for Hampton Roads Youth Center, the Norfolk Senior Center and for Physicians for Peace. Physicians for Peace was organized by Dr. Charles Horton 14 years ago. Since then there have been over 650 missions to 60 countries helping people with disabilities and illnesses.
For information on their missions, please click on the following links.
Lion President Jeri presented the speaker with an umbrella.
*Secretary’s Report:
Polo Shirts – Orders have been placed.
Empty Bowls Event – Fundraiser to fight hunger February 10, 2012 5:30 – 7:30 Peninsula Fine Arts Center – tickets are $20.00 in advance and $25.00 at the door. You will be purchasing a “potter’s bowl” of your choice then provided soup and bread. All proceeds will go to fight hunger. Sponsored by the Hampton Mercury Lions

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:
*EGRC – In Lion Ed DeLong’s absence, Lion Jeri reminded the club of the next visit - Thursday, Feb, 9th – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, Va., 23323 (The EGRC visit is always the second Thursday and always needs more people.)
*TRAVELING LEO – Lion Steve Rosnov
OCEAN VIEW LIONS (22 members)
Mom & Pops Family Restaurant -
331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk, 23503
Meets: 1st & 3rd Monday - 7 pm: Visit date: February 6, 2012
Attending: Lions Steve, Jim Healy, Irene, Mike Coren, Otis will attend
*WHITE CANE – Lion Roger Snell – Scheduled date is April 6-7 Birchwood Shopping Center
*BROOM SALE – Lion Bob Donnelly- There are about 170 brooms and about 50 -60 umbrellas ready for the Broom sale. (April 27-28th at Birchwood Shopping Center.)
*BLAND –Lion Jack Wagner: The Bland Contest date is Feb. 21st, 7:00pm at Thalia United Methodist Church. District – April 13th Williamsburg Grand Ballroom Patriot’s Colony 7:00: State Contest – May 18th in Chesapeake - 3 violinist and 4 pianists have applied but no vocals at this time.
*VISION WALK - Lion Debra Laughlin – Thalia Lions Board of Directors approve a $500.00 donation be made from the Activity Fund for sponsorship of Vision Walk in the clubs name. Lion Debra will send kick off and event information out to members with detailed plans. A club challenge may be offered to other district or Virginia Beach Clubs.
*PEDIAVISION – Lion Nancy Watters - The last two screenings of the Lion’s year are scheduled. Friday Feb. 3rd, Mother’s Day out at Baylake United Methodist Church – Lion Linda Eggleston & Feb. 22nd, Thalia Day School. All schools and facilities in the area have been screened except 2 and they do not want a screening until the fall of this year.
*NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Lion Jeri Furman has selected the following people to be on the nominating committee: Lion Bob Donnelly, Lion John Watters and Lion Steve Rosnov. The Committee will meet hold their first meeting after the regular club meeting tonight. Nominations must be submitted the first meeting in March. Nominations from the floor may be made at the 2nd meeting in March. Elections are 1st meeting in April .
*CHARTER NIGHT location and information –At the Board meeting, Lion Stan Furman moved that the club find a location to accommodate 50 -55 people and make this year’s Charter Night free to all members and their spouse or significant other. Lion Mike Coren will speak with the Crowne Plaza in an effort to have them provide the venue and a nice meal for an inclusive price of $30.00 or less per person. There will be a cash bar and the bar should be in the room for the event. The date is June 6th.

*LION STAN FURMAN; In May the State Convention will be in Chesapeake. Lion Stan would like good participation from our club. Friday night will be the Bland Contest; Schools will be Sat. morning, Banquet on Sat. night. Elections will be on Sunday morning.
There will be a hospitality room on Sat. evening and he needs people to man the bar. Lion Stan also asked the club to sponsor the Fall Conference to be at the Crowne Plaza in Hampton.
Lion Jack immediately moved that we sponsor the event. The club voted unanimously in approval. Lion Stan will be looking for people to organize and assist with the project.
*LION BOB DONNELLY – presented the club with a letter from the Dist. 24D Ethics department at concerning the labeling of Blind made products. The recommendation was to remove the “Blind Made” label. The proceeds from the products should be represented as benefiting the blind. Lion Bob proposed a resolution to be passed by our club stating that we would not sell products labeled as “blind made” but would reword our club literature to state that the proceeds of our products would benefit the visually impaired, hearing impaired and diabetic residents of our community. After vigorous discussion the resolution was voted down. It was decided by the club that the issue should be taken up on the District level instead of the Club level.
*LION JIM HEALY reminded the members that there is a supply of umbrellas and flags for sale.
*LION RICH ROBERTS – Has begun working on the scholarship process for this year. He will send out information and expects to get responses around the end of April.
*LION OTIS AND LION RICH will work at setting a date for another “Bonney Road Clean–Up."

BIRTHDAYS – Lion Vickie Kennedy Jan .8, Lion Rich Roberts Jan. 5, Lion Mike Coren Feb. 1, Lion Bob Perrine Feb. 12
$67.00 was raised resulting in Lion John and Lion Steve singing a “lovely” duet to all.

Raffle- Lion Aziz Selahi -1st drawing for $20.00 was won by - Lion Bob Perrine. He donated the money to the speaker. The 2nd drawing for $12.00 was won by Lion Linda Eggleston.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Adjournment 8:10

Upcoming Events:
*February 6th – Traveling Leo to Ocean View Lions Club – Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd., Norfolk, VA, 23503
*February 9th – Thurs. EGRC – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*February 15th – Next regularly scheduled meeting – Crowne Plaza
*February 21st – Thalia/OLG Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church -7:00pm
*March 3rd - Pediavision Event at Pembroke Mall with Junior Woman’s League “Kids in the Kitchen”
*April 5 S&H Van at Adult Learning Center
*April 6-7 – White Cane Collection – Birchwood Shopping Center
*April 21 - RedMill Park – Audible Easter Egg
*April 27-28 – Broom Sale – Birchwood Shopping Center
*May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
Location: Home of President Lion Jeri Furman
4004 Atlantic Ave. Virginia Beach, 23451
In Attendance: Lions Bob Donnelly, Mike Coren, John Watters, Jack Wagner, Vickie Kennedy, Stan Furman, Roger Snell, Nancy Watters, Aziz Selahi and Jeri Furman
Call to order: 7:00pm by Lion President Jeri Furman

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters - None

Old Business:

1. Money disbursements and donations – it was recommended that the club make the budgeted remaining donations as shown below. Other Activity budget items will be paid when actual amounts are defined, Diabetes Camp approximately $300.00 and Bland approximately $500.00
a. Elementary school clinic donations – $600
b. Plaza Rescue Squad donation. – $125
c. Scholarship – $500

2. Bland Contest Status: Lion Randy Jones of the OLG Club contacted Lion Jack Wagner and said that the Kempsville Club has a candidate and wants to contribute to the cost of the Bland, possibly $100.00. Lion John Watters pointed out that participating clubs must understand that there is one winner per contest. Lion John will order medals and send Lion Jack and Lion Vickie a copy of the order. So far there are 2 pianists, 3 violinists, and 2 vocalists. The Bland Contest date is Feb. 21st, 7:00pm at Thalia United Methodist Church.

New Business:

1. Vision Walk sponsorship. Lion Stan Furman moved that we contribute $500.00 from activities moneys to Vision Walk sponsorship. Lion Jack Wagner seconded the motion and there was unanimous approval. Lion Steve Rosnov is organizing a walk team in the name of Thalia Lions. The S&H Van is scheduled for the Walk. Lion Aziz Selahi is concerned about the timing but board members felt it would be possible to shift enough workers between the run and working the van. The hours are from 11:00am to 3:00pm.

2. Scholarship Status - Lion Jeri asked for approval to send the balance of this year’s scholarship to our recipient. Motion was approved. Lion Vickie Kennedy will write the check and inform Lion Rich Roberts, the scholarship chairperson.

3. Broom Sale Status – Lion Bob Donnelly –There are about 4 Doz. Brooms remaining at Paul’s Garage. Lion Bob will place a broom order in time for the sale on April 27-28 at B.J ‘s.

4. White Cane Status – Lion Roger Snell – Designated dates are April 6-7. Lion Roger Snell will have a signup sheet as the event draws closer.

5. Nominating Committee for 2012 officers – Lion Jeri Furman – appointed Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion John Watters, Lion Bob Donnelly. The Committee will meet after the 1st regular club meeting in Feb. Nominations must be submitted the first meeting in March. Nominations from the floor may be made at the 2nd meeting in March. Elections are 1st meeting in April

6. Charter Night location and information – Lion Stan Furman moved that the club find a location to accommodate 50 -55 people and make this year’s Charter Night free to all members and their spouse or significant other. Lion Mike Coren will speak with the Crowne Plaza in an effort to have them provide the venue and a nice meal for an inclusive price of $30.00 or less per person. There will be a cash bar and the bar should be in the room for the event. The date is June 6th.

7. Leo Club Status – Lion Mike Berns – delayed until next meeting

8. Lion Stan Furman asked for Board endorsement to run for District Governor as required by the rules. There was unanimous approval. He presented his announcement letters for signature by the President and Secretary.

9. Membership Application – Lion Steve Rosnov presented the application for membership of Willard C. (“Smitty”) Smith of Vethouse. The second was made by Lion Stan Furman and the vote was unanimous for approval. Lion Stan will induct “Smitty” at our next meeting.

Announcements: None

The meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Jan 18, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan 18, 2012, by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lynnhaven C Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
0 Guests
23 Members
71.8 Percent
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:35 pm

President Lion Jeri presented Past President Lion Steve Rosnov with the 2011 District 24 –D 100% President’s Award. Thalia Lions Club also received the District 24–D Club Excellence Award, the Virginia Lions Hearing Research Foundation Award and the State Achievement Award. The patches were given to Lion Otis Etheridge to place on the club banners.

Lion Steve Rosnov thanked the club for their condolences in the recent death of his mother in law. He also reminded the club to read the Knight’s Vision. He has written an article about our activity with Vethouse. Willard Smith (“Smitty”), the director of Vethouse, will be inducted as a new member of the Thalia Lions at the next meeting, pending board approval of his application.

Introduction of Guests: Lion Nurys’s granddaughter visited the meeting.

Recess for Dinner: 6:55pm
Reconvened 7:30pm

Guest speaker – Thalia Lion Stan Furman, First Vice District Governor, was introduced by Lion Dick Kreassig. Lion Dick pointed out that Lion Stan will be the first Thalia Lion to become District Governor. Lion Stan explained the history, function, activities, and value of LCF - Lions Charity Foundation 24D, LOVF – Lions of Virginia Foundation, and LCIF- Lions Clubs International Foundation.
LCIF was voted the best run nongovernmental organization in 2007. Because of its management, the foundation has given out more than is donated to it. It also partners with other organizations to increase its helping power. The Sight First and Sight First II initiatives almost wiped out River Blindness in third world countries.
Since its inception in 1968 it has given over $708 million to worthy causes. All of these donations and grants are given and administered through individual Lions Clubs. LCIF is now partnering with the Bill and Milenda Gates Foundation to eradicate measles in the third world. One way to donate to the Foundation is through the purchase of a $1,000 Melvin Jones Fellowship. This fellowship may be awarded to any person, Lion or not. Additional $1000 donations provide Progressive Fellowships. Our LOVF raffle tickets are the foundation’s biggest fund raiser. The annual raffle raises money for both the foundation and individual clubs, because of the $30 of tickets in a book, $10 goes to LOVF and $20.00 to the club selling the tickets. As a club we try to sell 45 books every year. That makes it a $900 fundraiser for this club. Disaster Relief was the original reason the LOVF was formed and is still its main effort. After Hurrican Irene Virginia got emergency grant money going specifically for temporary shelter, food, and supplies for immediate relief. The LCF 24-D gave $103,000 last year in assistance for cataract surgeries, and other eye related treatments. They raised only $17,000 at the Charity Auction. They earmarked $15,000 for hearing aids for this year, having quickly gone through the $10,000 budgeted last year. Their services are much more valuable because of the network of partners and physicians who donate their time and expenses. E.g., the foundation is able to have cataract surgeries done for $500 total. Sponsoring the LPGA at Kings Mill in Williamsburg was the main fundraiser for the Foundation before the tournament was discontinued a few years ago. But there is a plan for the LPGA to return to Kings Mill Resort and for the Charity Foundation to again benefit from the event. In 2012, the tournament will be in Sept. but in 2013, it is hoped that the tournament will be scheduled as before on Mother’s Day. The Charity Foundation will have another District Auction this year. The date is tentatively set for October 6th. Lion Stan asked that we keep the date in mind and also start thinking about items to be auctioned. The Good Samaritan Award of the LCF 24-D, like a local Melvin Jone Fellowship, will be awarded for a donation of $500to the Foundation. Lion Stan feels that the most important foundations deserving of individual donations are LCIF and LCF 24-D. All donations to the foundations are tax deductible as they are all 501(C3) non-profits.


*Secretary’s Report:
- Polo Shirts – Please place your order by submitting your check made out to Embroidery Etc. Color, size and style should be indicated in the memo line.
- Governor’s Ball Foodbank – Lion Nancy took donations for Samaritan House to be given to Lion Jack Wagner
- Webinar – CEP – Club Excellence Program will be provided in the form of a webinar to all interested members. The information was sent by email to everyone. Please consider participating.
- Empty Bowls Event – Fundraiser to fight hunger February 10, 2012 5:30 – 7:30 Peninsula Fine Arts Center – tickets are $20.00 in advance and $25.00 at the door. You will be purchasing a “potter’s bowl” of your choice then provided soup and bread. All proceeds will go to fight hunger. Sponsored by the Hampton Mercury Lions
- Charter Night – Lion Nancy tentatively reserved Broad Bay for Installation Night, June 6th, upon club approval. Cost will be $30.00 but there is room for a maximum of 42 people.

* Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:

* EGRC – Lion Ed DeLong- Thursday, Feb, 9th – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, Va., 23323 (The EGRC visit is always the second Thursday and always needs more people.) Lion Ed reminded members that we also collect hearing aids. We usually turn in our hearing aids to EVMS. If they cannot use them they return the hearing aids and we send them to South Africa. We are now collecting those hearing aids to send to our district twin club in Cape Town, S.A.
* SIGHT AND HEARING VAN – Lion Aziz Selahi
The Sight and Hearing Van is scheduled for May 6th from 11 am to 3 pm in conjunction with the 17th Street Vision Walk that Lion Debra Laughlin is coordinating. We will also have the van at the Adult Learning Center April 5th from 10-2pm.

* TRAVELING LEO – Lion Steve Rosnov has the following dates scheduled:
1. ZONE D: SOUTHSIDE LIONS (60 members) Greenbrier Country Club, 1301 Volvo Pkwy
Chesapeake, 23320 - Meets: 1st & 3rd Thursday – 1 pm. Guest Speaker: Dr. Whitehurst, former US Congressman. Visit date: January 19, 2011 –Lions Steve, John, Bob Donnelly, Aziz and Mike Coren will attend.
2. ZONE E:
OCEAN VIEW LIONS (22 members) - Mom & Pops Family Restaurant - 331 E. Bayview Blvd
Norfolk, 23503; Meets: 1st & 3rd Monday -7 pm; Visit date: February 6, 2012
Attending: Lions Steve, Bob Donnelly, Irene, Mike Coren, Otis will attend

* Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner (Vickie Kennedy) As of tonight, all money is collected. Lion Vickie will report on the exact amount of profit, which may be in the $1000 range.

* BLAND –Lion Jeri asked for volunteers to assist Lion Vickie Kennedy in chairing the contest in Lion Jack Wagner’s absence. Lions John Watters and Lion Ed DeLong volunteered to assist if Lion Jack is not able to complete the chairmanship
District – April 13th Williamsburg Grand Ballroom Patriot’s Colony 7:00
State Contest – May 18th in Chesapeake. Thalia Bland Contest will be at the Thalia United Methodist Church, February 21, 2012 at 7pm. All judges have been contacted and agreed to serve. Dr. Brian Nevdin is replacing past Judge Sondra Gelb because she is sponsoring a baritone in the contest. This year’s bland contest is in conjunction with the Oceana-Lynnhaven-Golden Lions Club. That club is sharing the cost and may have contestants. Lion Vickie has sent out applications. Our Bland Master of Ceremony will be Lion John. We will need members of our club to assist during the contest. There will be no Region III Bland. The District competition is scheduled for April 13th in Williamsburg and the State Contest in May 18th at the convention in Chesapeake

* Lion Brad moved that we cancel the 2nd meeting in Feb. because the Bland Contest is the third week. The motion was voted down because members felt that too much momentum would be lost and participation in the Bland would decrease.

* Meeting Location – Lion Bob Perrine – suggested that the club return to the Japanese Yukai Buffet as a regular meeting place. The price is now $10.95 (special deal for groups over 15) plus tax and 18% tip, totaling $14.07. That includes ice water for the drink. Other drinks may be purchased individually. Lion Bob was told that Yukai might take 10% off the already discounted price of $10.95 ($9.85 + tax & tip = $12.60 (room for that $2.10 ice tea). Many opinions were voiced by several members. Points were made about the lack of proper environment at the Yukai, about poor lighting, lack of audio visual equipment, summertime tourists being placed in our meeting room, noise, etc. It was also noted that we are a service club and food should be secondary. Other comments were that the bar at the Crowne Plaza made hospitality time pleasant. After much discussion it was decided that the club would continue to meet at the Crowne Plaza. Lion Nurys suggested that the person in charge of making the reservations, (Lion Mike Coren) talk to the Food and Beverage Manager, Joe Walker to make better arrangements for food choices. She pointed out that the food choices available at the hotel were quite varied. Many members like the free food offered at the bar and even order separate meals. So the hotel food is obviously not the real issue. Though Christine has tried to accommodate, she is new at the position, and she is the sales person in charge of renting out rooms. We would benefit by negotiation with the person in charge.
Lion Bob Perrine moved that we try one meeting at the Happy Buffet and was seconded by Lion Dick. The club overwhelmingly voted against leaving the Crowne Plaza.

New Business:

* Scholarship – Lion Steve Rosnov – nothing to report

* Lion Stan Furman is running for District Governor and asked for the club’s endorsement. Lion John moved that the club endorse Lion Stan. The club voted unanimously in favor.

Announcements from the floor

* Vision Walk – Lion Debra Laughlin would like the club to sign up as a walk team for the event. She also asked for help in recruiting corporate sponsors. Sponsorship begins at the $500 level and goes to the $10,000 community partner level. Our club voted last year that we support the initiative through individual donations. Lion Steve moved that we support the Vision Walk Event through the club and through individuals. The club approved. At the next board meeting, it will be decided how much is available to offer from the club.

Birthdays – Lion Bill Abdalla (15) Lion Vickie Kennedy ((8) Lion Rich Roberts (5) – celebration was deferred until next meeting.

Raffle- Lion Aziz Selahi -$26.00 Lion Mike Coren and $26.00 to Lion Ed DeLong.

Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club 8:31

Upcoming Events:
* January 19th – Thursday – Traveling Leo to Southside Lions Club – Greenbrier Country Club, 1301 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake, Va. 23320
* Jan. 25th - Board meeting, Lion President’s residence, January 25, 2011, 7pm
* February 1st – Wednesday – Regularly scheduled meeting Crowne pLaza
* February 6th – Traveling Leo to Ocean View Lions Club – Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd., Norfolk, VA, 23503
* February 9th – Thurs. EGRC – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
* February 21st – Thalia/OLG Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church -7:00pm
* April 5 S&H Van at Adult Learning Center
* April 21 - RedMill Park – Audible Easter Egg
* May 6th – Vision Walk with S&H Van on location
* April 5th – S&H Van at Adult Learning Center

Jan 4, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan. 04, 2012, by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30 at The Ronald McDonald House, 404 Colley Ave., Norfolk, VA with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song – omitted
Pledge of Allegiance – omitted
Invocation- omittedATTENDANCE
3 Guests
15 Members
47 Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 – 6:45 pm and pizza from Pizza Hut
Call to order: 6:45p.m.
Introduction of Guests- Steve Eggleston, Joan Wagner, Maurice Clarke (friend of Lion Bob Donnelly and possible prospect for membership.)

Lion Jeri Presented a plaque of appreciation to Lion Vickie for hosting tonight’s meeting at RMCH
Elyse Brown presented a video program earlier in the evening about Ronald McDonald House to club members while awaiting pizza delivery.-

Treasurer’s Report - Lion Vickie Kennedy
See attached

Secretary’s Report- Lion Nancy Watters - presented the club with a banner from the Table View Lions Club in CapeTown South Africa and a banner from the District 410A in South Africa. She and Lion John visited the club recently while in the country for Nancy’s daughter’s wedding. They presented the Table View Club with a Thalia banner and a fish pin. The Table View Club has requested that we become a twin club with them. See the attached article written for the Knight’s Vision to be published in January, 2012

VETSHOUSE – Lion Steve Rosnov gave the following report at the Board meeting in December.
At the Holiday Party we collected at total of $295. 12 – $10 cards for Target, 5 – $10 cards
for Walmart, 1 – $25 card for IHOP, 1 – $25 card for Olive Garden, 1 – $20 card for Food
Lion, 1 – $10 card for Burger King, 1 – $25 card for Farm Fresh, 1- $10 Cash, Two bags
of toiletries. Lion Jack and Joan delivered 3 bags of non-perishable foodstuffs to them in
the name of Thalia Lions Club that they procured from surplus foods not now needed by
some of the pantries for the homeless and disadvantaged. Lion President Jeri with Lions
Steve and Jack presented the donations to Vetshouse Director Williard Smith. The
Director, Williard (Smitty) Smith is going to become a member of our club! He said the
spirit of helping the community and the genuine camaraderie during our meeting
convinced him that he should belong! Our club is planning a tour of the facility and a cook
out to meet the residents this spring.

The Lamp project was December 10th. From our club was Lions Brad, Jeri & Stan & 4
non-members. Other clubs that participated along with our Club were Oceana-Lynnhaven-
Golden, Bayside, Aragona- Pembroke, Virginia Beach Town Center & Virginia Beach
Central. 69 people were seen and quite a few received glasses.

TRAVELING LEO – Lion Steve Rosnov has the following dates scheduled:
1. ZONE D:
SOUTHSIDE LIONS (60 members)
Greenbrier Country Club
1301 Volvo Pkwy
Chesapeake, 23320
Meets: 1st & 3rd Thursday – 1 pm. Guest Speaker: Dr. Whitehurst
Visit date: January 19, 2011

2. ZONE E:
OCEAN VIEW LIONS (22 members)
Mom & Pops Family Restaurant
331 E. Bayview Blvd
Norfolk, 23503
Meets: 1st & 3rd Monday -7 pm
Visit date: February 6, 2012
Attending: Lions Steve, Bob Donnelly, Irene, Mike Coren, Otis

FRUIT SALE – Lion Jack Wagner – 160 boxes were sold this year as opposed to 200 last year. Only 2 boxes were left and those were donated to Vethouse and to Ronald McDonald House. Please turn in all you collected money by the next club meeting. The remaining uncollected amount will be our club profit.

FOOD BANK – Lion Jack Wagner stated that he is open for donations to Samaritan House. They are most in need of cleaning supplies at this time. Monetary contributions are most appreciated.
Banner presentation from TableView Lions club in South Africa

SIGHT CHAIR – Lion Linda Eggleston read a very warm thank you letter from a recent person the club assisted in getting glasses.

BLAND –Lion Jack Wagner Judges have been set Church is reserved.
Band director form Hampton and ODU – New Addition is Brian Nevin ODU
Alex Travino Harvey Stokes

Regional Date – Many clubs are not doing a BLAND this year.
District – April 13th Williamsburg Grand Ballroom Patriot’s Colony 7:00

State Contest – May 18th in Chesapeake

Our Bland Contest is going to be at the Thalia United Methodist Church, February 21, 2012. All judges are have been contacted and agreed to serve. Dr. Brian Nevdin is replacing past Judge Sondra Gelb Emert due to her sponsoring a baritone in the contest. This year’s bland contest is in conjunction with the Oceana-Lynnhaven-Golden Lions Club. That club is sharing the cost and may have a contestant. Lion Vickie has the applications prepared and ready to go out. Our Bland Master of Ceremony will be Lion Jack or Lion John. We will need members of our club to assist during the contest. The date for the Region Bland is TBD. The District competition is scheduled for April 13th in Williamsburg and the State Contest in May 18th at the convention in Chesapeake.

Town Center 2012 Contract -Lion Mike Coren – and Lion Aziz spoke with the Crown Plaza and found that the stipulations in the contract that was presented to the club have been waived. After some discussion, the club decided to meet at the Crowne Plaza for our second meeting in January and then decide if we should take action to change locations. Crowne Plaza has again promised to improve service and food. They have also offered to add soup and dessert for $2.00 extra. The price of the meals remains $16.57 per meal. The board decided to leave the member price at $16.00. The hotel does need a count each meeting and notification well ahead of time if you cancel a meeting.

The Sight and Hearing Van is scheduled for May 6th from 11 am to 3 pm in conjunction with the 17th Street Vision Walk that Lion Debra is coordinating. We willalso have the van at the Adult Learning Center April 5th from 10-2pm.

HEARING AID APPLICATION – Lion Jeri - received a request for assistance for obtaining hearing aids from a lady in our geographical area that is on social security. Medicare is her primary insurance and medicaid is her secondary insurance. The lady is 93 years old and the request was submitted by her daughter. At the board meeting, Lion Steve mentioned that hearing aids for a long term loss recipient of that age may not be very beneficial however that should not be criterion for not providing assistance. Lion Stan suggested that since she resides with her daughter she should pay $100 per hearing aid and we could forward the application to the Charity Foundation. Lion Jeri notified the recipient and informed her that she would need to pay the $100 co pay for each hearing aid.

Lion Jack Wagner relayed a message from former member Lion Bill Pope. Bill extends greetings to club and wishes us much success in the new year.

Audible Easter Egg Hunt- Lion Irene Conlin -The event will be held April 21st from 10-12pm at Bayville Farms Park.

CHARTER NIGHT – LION STAN FURMAN –requested that we consider scheduling the night for the first Wed. evening in June rather than the 2nd. He and Lion Jeri will be out of town for the 2nd meeting.

EYEGLASS RECYCLING VISIT – Lion Ed Delong reminded the club that Thurs., Jan. 12th is a regular scheduled visit to the recycling center. Please consider working. Meet at Best Buy at 9:30 a.m. for carpooling.

Polo Shirt Order – Lion Nancy Watters - Please visit for a look at what is available. Items: K500SP (men’s with pocket) Navy, Black or White - $28.00 and Items: L500LS (women) Royal, Navy, Blk, Burgandy, or Red -$26.00, are long sleeved polo shirts similar to the short sleeved ones we ordered before. Shirts for men without pockets are also available and more colors are available. We may order anything on the sight and have the logo placed on the item. Our order may be diverse. It is not necessary that we order the same items or same colors. Please let Lion Nancy know your choices. Orders will be placed in January.

Elyse Brown- Director of Ronald McDonald House gave a presentation describing the purpose of Ronald McDonald House. It functions as a place to stay for very little or no cost for parents and siblings of children hospitalized at CHKD or other local hospitals. They presented a very touching video of testimonials describing specific cases. The Charity has aided over 30,000 families and is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.

Ronald McDonald Charities provides 12% of the operating cost of the facility and the remainder is left to donors. Many corporations provide services and in-kind contributions to keep the House operating.

Ronald McDonald House is always in need of volunteer services. Ordinary jobs such as providing food, do housekeeping chores, gardening, or repair work is always needed.
Club members were given a copy of the annual report for 2009. The Leo Club members were encouraged to participate in volunteer service for the House.

Our Club presented a check on behalf of Thalia Lions Club in the amount of $200.00 to Ronald McDonald House. All left over pizza and cookies were donated.

Upcoming Events:
January 12th – Thurs. EGRC – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
January 18th – Regularly scheduled meeting at Crowne Plaza 6:00pm social – 6:30p.m. meeting time.
Jan. 25th - Board meeting, Lion President’s residence, January 25, 2011, 7pm

Adjournment Time: 7:25
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Dec 14, 2011 - Board of Directors Meeting
Lions Stan and Jeri Furman residence, December 14, 2011
Board Members Present:
Lion Jeri Furman, Lion Mike Coren, Lion Stan Furman, Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion Jack
Wagner, Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Aziz Selahi
Call to order by Lion President Jeri Furman –7 pm

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Activities Fund has $5,346.76. Admin fund has $6,356.09. We are doing very well and staying within our budget. We received a dividend of $119.04 from the Vanguard Scholarship fund. Fruit sales total $1,570 with approximately $1,000 profit which is what we budgeted for (Treasures Report attached).

Secretary’s Report – Dispensed with (Secretary Absent)

*Ronald McDonald House – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Our first meeting in the New Year, Jan. 4th, will at Ronald McDonald House. The Club will order pizzas. We will collect $8.00 per person to defray costs and provide pizzas for residents. The program will be a tour or the house and a presentation by Lion Vickie and the director, Elyse. Any short fall for expenses will come out of the activities fund.
*VETSHOUSE – Lion Steve Rosnov. At the Holiday Party we collected at total of $295. 12 – $10 cards for Target, 5 – $10 cards
for Walmart, 1 – $25 card for IHOP, 1 – $25 card for Olive Garden, 1 – $20 card for Food Lion, 1 – $10 card for Burger King, 1 – $25 card for Farm Fresh, 1- $10 Cash, Two bags of toiletries. Lion Jack and Joan delivered 3 bags of non-perishable foodstuffs to them in the name of Thalia Lions Club that they procured from surplus foods not now needed by some of the pantries for the homeless and disadvantaged. Lion President Jeri with Lions Steve and Jack presented the donations to Vetshouse Director Williard Smith. The Director, Williard (Smitty) Smith is going to become a member of our club! He said the spirit of helping the community and the genuine camaraderie during our meeting convinced him that he should belong! Our club is planning a tour of the facility and a cook out to meet the residents this spring
*SALVATION ARMY LAMP – Lion Jeri Furman.The Lamp project was December 10th. From our club was Lions Brad, Jeri & Stan & 3 non-members. Other clubs that participated along with our club were Oceana-Lynnhaven-
Golden, Bayside, Aragona- Pembroke, Virginia Beach Town Center & Virginia Beach Central. We assisted 69 people and quite a few received glasses. It was a successful project.
*TRAVELING LEO – Lion Steve Rosnov: 1. ZONE D: SOUTHSIDE LIONS (60 members) Greenbrier Country Club 1301 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake, 23320 , Meets: 1st & 3rd Thursday – 1 pm. Guest Speaker: Dr. Whitehurst, Visit date: January 19, 2011
2. ZONE E: OCEAN VIEW LIONS (22 members), Mom & Pops Family Restaurant 331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk, 23503, Meets: 1st & 3rd Monday -7 pm, Visit date: February 6, 2012
Attending: Lions Steve, Bob Donnelly, Irene, Mike Coren, Otis
*FRUIT SALE – Lion Jack Wagner - This year's citrus order has been placed. We ordered a total of 168 boxes, 8 of which are extras. This year’s order is slightly down from last year’s order of 200 cases. Delivery is scheduled for 12/16/2011, 10:00 AM at my residence, 845 Five Point Road, Virginia Beach, VA. It is in the Great Neck. If you are coming East on I-264, take Exit 19B to Virginia Beach Boulevard, then right to North Great Neck Road, ( 3 traffic lights ). Left on
Great Neck, to the 3rd traffic light (look for WAVE church on your far right corner. Make a left at this light onto Inlynnview Road. Go to the 3rd left, which is Five Point Road. Make a left and go 2.5 blocks to my house on the right. If you are coming from Shore Drive take Great Neck Road to the traffic light at WAVE church and make a right onto Inlynnview Road. If you are coming from the oceanfront make a right onto First Colonial Road at Hilltop. Go to the traffic light just past the hospital. This is Old Donation and you make a left onto Old Donation, which becomes Inlyynview Road at Great Neck Road. Just continue on to the 3rd left which is Five Point Road. Unlike last year, this driver does not have 3 sons to help him unload. Could use some help unloading. Lions Stan, Steve & Mike Coren are going to help unload. I will not be available Friday afternoon for pickup of fruit. Best pick up times is Saturday & Sunday.
*FOOD BANK – Lion Jack Wagner - Our club donations are down somewhat due to not meeting as frequently as normal and members away during the season. The Church of Ascension and Saint marks are making huge donations this time of year so the food bank is doing well. Lion Stan mentioned that the club could donate to the Food Bank from our funds. Lion Jack stated that it may be brought up at a later date if need be.

*BLAND –Lion Jack Wagner - Our Bland Contest is going to be at the Thalia United Methodist Church, February 21, 2012. This year’s bland contest is in conjunction with the Oceana-Lynnhaven-Golden Lions Club. That club is sharing the cost and may have a contestant. We have four Judges confirmed. Dr. Brian Nevdin is replacing past Judge Sondra Emert due to her sponsoring a Baritone creating a conflict of interest. Lion Vickie has the applications prepared and
ready to go out. Our Bland Master of Ceremony will be Lion Jack or Lion John. We will need members of our club to assist during the contest. The date for the Region Bland is TBD.
*Town Center 2012 Contract – Lion Steve - The club received our proposed 2012 contract with Towne Center. We previously did not have a signed contract. I had the opportunity to review it am not comfortable with a few articles in the agreement. 1. FUNCTION ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: If the function room needs to be reset less than twenty four hours prior to the function we are subject to a $150 fee.
2. OVERTIME CLAUS: Function runs overtime surcharge of $100 per hour.
3. SALES TAX & SERVICE CHARGES: We do not rent the meeting room and there is nothing in this document that states that. 4. INDEMNITY: I don’t want the Club to be held responsible for any claims that should be the hotels responsibility. If I’m injured there I should not have to waive my right to have my legal representative seek recourse. 5. CANCELLATION POLICY: Only the person who signs this agreement can coordinate any change and must speak directly with the Crowne Meetings Director. This should have two members authorized. There is one last thing I am very uncomfortable with. I said it before; the meals are poor
and it is hurting meeting attendance and some members are opting out of eating.
This generated quite a bit of discussion. Lion Vickie suggested we may be better served meeting at the Hibachi Buffet where the Region 111 meeting was held in Norfolk and the Happy Buffet on Lynnhaven was suggested. The Happy Buffet has been remodeled and has a separate room that is adequate for our club. Lions Aziz and Mike Coren will schedule a meeting with the Crowne Plaza Meetings
Director to discuss the quality of the food and portions of the contract that could be
modified to best serve our interest. Lion Stan will coordinate with the Happy Buffet to see if February 1st is available and if so we may meet there to give the club members the opportunity to assess our best options.
*BROOM SALE/WHITE CANE – Lion Jeri - We need to have a Broom Sale in May and a White Cane probably in April which will be Lion Roger’s decision.
*SIGHT AND HEARING VAN – Lion Aziz - The Sight and Hearing Van is scheduled for May 6th from 11 am to 3 pm in conjunction with the 17th Street Vision Walk that Lion Debra is coordinating and we will have the van at the Adult Learning Center in April. As soon as the date is confirmed I will request a confirmation for the van for that day.
*HEARING AID APPLICATION – Lion Jeri - I received a request for assistance for obtaining hearing aids from a lady in our geographical area that is on social security. Medicare is her primary insurance and Medicaid is her secondary insurance. The lady is 93 years old and the request was submitted by her daughter. Lion Steve mentioned that hearing aids for a long term loss recipient of that age may not be very beneficial however that should not be criterion for not providing assistance. Lion Stan suggested that since she resides with her daughter she should pay $100 per aid and we then would forward the application to the Charity oundation. Lion Jeri will notify the recipient.
Lion Jack mentioned that our club may wish to be involved with an upcoming District Project to show our support for Lion Stan who is next year’s Governor. Lion Stan commented that our club already budgeted $500 to support his Hospitality Room during the May 17 – 20 State Convention. He would like support from the members helping out in the hospitality room May 18 & 19. The state convention is going to be in Chesapeake so travel is not a problem.
*EYE COLLECTION LOCATION – Lion Aziz - We have a new eye glass collection site located within the Pembroke Mall. I placed the collection box in their office and I will be collecting the glasses. I’ll forward the name and point of contact to Lion Steve so it can be added to our Collection site list.

Next meeting: Lion Jeri’s residence, 7 pm, January 25, 2012
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm
Respectfully submitted
Lion Steve Rosnov, Acting Recorder

Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Board Meeting was held immediately following the regular meeting on,Nov. 16,2011at the Crowne Plaza, 4453 Bonney Road, Virginia Beach, Va.
Lion Jeri Furman
Lion Mike Coren
Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Nancy Watters
Lion Debra Laughlin
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Otis Etheridge
Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Nurys Sabino

Call to order by Lion President Jeri Furman – 8:05pm

Treasurer’s Report – see regular minutes

Secretary’s Report – All dues have been collected.

Old Business

New Business

Ronald McDonald House – Lion Jeri suggested that our first meeting in the new year, Jan. 4th, be at Ronald McDonald House. The Club will order pizzas. We will collect $8.00 from each member to defray costs and provide pizzas for residents. The program will be a tour or the house and a presentation by Lion Vickie and the director, Elysse.

Community Service Activities – Lion Steve Rosnov made the following proposal.

1. Create a World Service Committee. The chair and committee would look for people that need assistance. There are quite a few agencies that could help us find a service project. Area Churches and School nurses are probably the best ones to contact and perhaps we can find a less fortunate elderly couple/widow/widower that just cannot take care of some basic home maintenance. We could go in, place our “Lions at Work Sign” on the lawn and cut down overgrown shrubs do some painting, basic fixing up (no repair) and have a cookout afterwards that includes the couple and our Lions, who would probably feel like it was a more personable and meaning project working together to help someone needy.

2. Create a Holiday Food Baskets for the elderly and needy in the community committee. The Chair and committee seeks outs a few less fortunate homes (5 to 10) during the holiday season, assemble and deliver Holiday Baskets containing a Turkey and basic ingredients such as cans of fruit and vegetables for a holiday meal. Those recipients can be identified by the same resources used for World Service Day. Members going to each family with the Holiday Meals Baskets would have a great sense of community involvement.
The Board liked Lion Steve’s ideas and noted that the speaker this evening from Vethouse offered a perfect opportunity to start this project. Lion Nancy Watters suggested that we bring $10.00 gift cards from various places, Walmart, Rite Aid, Target, CVS, Movie Theaters, Bowling Allies, or anywhere else. The gift card could be brought to the Holiday party or to the Board meeting at Lion Jeri’s on the 14th of December. The cards could be gifted to the residents at Vethouse for the holidays. Lion Nurys also volunteered to fill baskets with dollar store men’s toiletrie. It was also suggested that we invite Smitty, director of Vethouse to our Holiday party and present him with the gifts. Lion Steve will email everyone with this information and will coordinate the project.

Lion Dick Kreassig asked about Melvin Jones presentations. He would like to see Lion Rob Seim honored for his service in the past several years in providing $10.00 Medicare patients eye exams. The Board willr Revisit that idea in Februaruy when selection is considered.

Open Discussion
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Nov 16, 2011 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Debra Laughlin
Invocation- Lion Jack WagnerATTENDANCE
1 Guests
16 Members
50 Percent

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30 pm
Introduction of Guests
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00pm
Guest speaker – Lion Dick Kreassig introduced Mr. Willard C. Smith, (Smitty) Executive Director of Vethouse, Inc. Vethouse is a unique nonprofit organization serving homeless veterans in Hampton Roads. It is not a shelter, but a 12 month program providing contemporary living quarters in a group environment, and assistance in job hunting, transportation, personal skills and development guidance. Vethouse provides housing, food, clothing, counseling and other assistance to homeless veterans of the US Armed Forces in order to facilitate their return to gainful, independent, responsible and productive lifestyles. Their goal is to bring awareness to Hampton Roads of the current plight of the 2500 homeless veterans in our community. The program is provided to as many veterans as possible thru the donation of time, materials, services and fundraising efforts of volunteers and sponsors. Vethouse can only accommodate 23 veterans. It is a smoke, drug and alcohol free site. Vets are given 10 days to find a job. If unsuccessful, they are given assist to address issues that may be preventing their success. Veterans living at Vet house are self-sufficient, cleaning up and cooking for themselves. Midnight curfews are enforced unless employment makes it impossible. There are no exceptions to following the rules, dismissal is automatic. Residents must have an honorable discharge and a TB test. Alcohol and drug programs are required for those how have dependency problems. Cost per client is $275 per month for the first month. The second and third month increase to $375. Since 1992, over 500 homeless veterans have been helped. Over 70% of residents have successfully completed the program. Homeless vets usually come to Vethouse with only the clothes on their backs. They are given food, cloths, and bus fare for the first month. Hopefully, that will get them through until the first paycheck. They are required to open a savings account. Vets can remain as long as 18 months and are tracked for up to three years. Vethouse accepts no government money. Vethouse does not have facilities for females at this time but there is a new facility in Norfolk that has just opened called Female Vets Haven. Smitty offered our club an invitation to visit their facilities. Vethouse greatest donation needs are food, cleaning supplies, bikes, and men’s clothing. Please call him if you have a donation or wish to purchase collards or pecans that are grown and sold by the vets. Any leads on jobs for vets would be appreciated, even yard work or minor repairs. He will vouch for any worker he would send. Smitty said that several organizations and churches offer food, meals, and gifts during Thanksgiving but fewer do things for Christmas for residents. Gift cards for movie, bowling, or other distractions and expenses are truly appreciated for Christmas. His information is as follows: Williiard C. Smith, Executive Director P. 757-724-8614
Presentation of Thalia Lions umbrella to speaker – Lion Jeri


Secretary’s Report:
1. Region III Meeting – 8 members attended Tues. 14th. Some important announcements were, District Bland date – April 13th in Williamsburg.
Governor’s Ball – Feb. 18th Fort McGruder, and State Convention May 17-20 in Chesapeake.
2. Polo Shirt Order – Lion Nancy Watters - Please visit for a look at what is available. Items: K500SP (men’s with pocket) Navy, Black or White - $28.00 and Items: L500LS (women) Royal, Navy, Blk, Burgandy, or Red -$26.00, are long sleeved polo shirts similar to the short sleeved ones we ordered before. Shirts for men without pockets are also available and more colors are available. We may order anything on the sight and have the logo placed on the item. Our order may be diverse. It is not necessary that we order the same items or same colors. Please let Lion Nancy know your choices. Orders will be placed in January.
3. PediaVision – SPOT Pembroke Mall - November 19th event. Santa comes to the Mall and Region Lions Clubs are invited to participate in center court for an all-day eye screening. Set up at 9:00a.m. Screening hours are from 10am – 4pm. Three other clubs are on duty during the morning hours. Thalia is encouraged to participate any part of the day but will be needed mostly during the afternoon.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:

Salvation Army LAMP – Lion Jeri reported for Lion Brad Furman - Saturday, Dec. 10, co-hosted with Aragona Pembroke Club. Please let Lion Brad Furman know if you can work. He will coordinate with Lion Mary Ward from the Aragona Pembroke Club who is making a schedule. 10-2

EGRC – Lion Ed DeLong- Thursday, Dec. 9th – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, Va., 23323 (The EGRC visit is always the second Thursday and always needs more people.) Lion Ed reminded members that we also collect hearing aids. We usually turn in our hearing aids to EVMS. If they cannot use them they return the hearing aids and we send them to South Africa. We are now collecting those hearing aids to send to our district twin club in Cape Town, S.A.

Traveling Leo- Lion Steve Rosnov – Two more visits are planned. The first is to the Oceanview Lions on Monday, Dec.5th. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Lions Bob Donnelly, Irene Conlin, Steve Rosnov, Mike Coren, and Otis Ethridge will attend. The last traveling leo will be to Southside Lions on Jan. 19th. More information will follow.

White Cane- Lion Jeri Furman submitted a report stating that we had a $1583.00 collection and $110.00 Umbrella sales. Thanks to all who participated!

Fruit Sale- Lion Jack Wagner - The 2011 Citrus Sale prices are as follows: 4/5/ bushel Navel Oranges - $ 26.00 , 1/2 bushel Navel Oranges- $17.00, 4/5 bushel
Grapefruit- $25.00, 1/2 bushel Grapefruit- $16.00, large container Tangerines -$20.00, smaller container Tangerines- $14.00, *Triple Charmer, Citrus Trio- $26.00, (*consists of a dozen each grapefruit, oranges, and apples.) Orders must be in by December 09, 2011 to the grower. Shipping will be week of December 16-20/2011. Anticipated pick up date will be one day following delivery at my residence, 845 Five Point Road, in the Great Neck area of Virginia Beach. Please let Lion Jack know how your orders are coming along so that he will have a good grasp on what will be necessary to order. Fifty one cases have been submitted to date. Fifty four are required for free delivery. Please get your orders in to Lion Jack. “Cell more Citrus!!” No Citrus Sell is planned for Birchwood Shopping Center. All citrus will be presold. “Cell more Citrus!!”

Foodbank – Lion Jack Wagner- Donations are always gladly accepted for Samaritan House.

Bland Contest Lion Jack Wagner – The date for the Bland Contest will be Feb. 21st at Thalia United Methodist Church, 7: 00 p.m. The Church is happy to report that they have purchased a new piano, Kawaii, 6ft. grand. We will sponsor the contest jointly with Oceana Lynnhaven Golden Lions Club. Lion Jack is working on getting judges and Lion Vickie is preparing letters for participants.
LOVF Irene Conlin – Please turn in money

Vision Walk – Lion Debra announced that the Vision Walk date and location will be May 6th on Boardwalk. See flyer attached.

December Schedule- Lion President Jeri - December meeting and Holiday Party dates. The Holiday Party is planned for Dec. 7th in the Party room at Lion Stan and Jeri’s Condo. There will be no business meeting in December because of the Holidays.

Members are asked to bring a covered side dish or dessert, bottle of wine or other beverage of choice. Please let Lion Jeri know if you plan to attend and if you will bring a guest. All spouses, partners, and dates are welcome. ( Please see the board minutes for more information about what else might be brought to the party.)

There will be a Board meeting on Dec. 14th in the home of Lion Jeri and Stan Furman. Lion Steve Rosnov will act a secretary in the absence of Lion Nancy Watters. Lion Jeri took a count of those who would like to attend the Holiday Party.
New Business
Announcements from the floor

November Birthdays: Lion Taj Old (9) Lion Mike Berns (22)– Lions Steve and Lion Dick sany to Lion Taj. They raised $43.00 for the club.

Raffle: Lion Steve Rosnov (acting tail twister) Vickie wn $18.00 and Lion Nancy won $20.00.
Adjournment: 8:02
Respectfully submitted,

Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
*Friday, November 18 – PediaVision- Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 3900 Virginia Beach Blvd., 23452
*Saturday, November 19 – PediaVision - Pembroke Mall Santa Clause comes to town! 9:00am set up – screening hours 10-4pm. Wear Santa Hat!!
*Wednesday, Dec. 7 – Holiday Party – Home of Lion Stan and Jeri Furman – 6:00pm (potluck)
*Thursday, Dec. 8 – EGRC visit - meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*Saturday, Dec. 10 – Union Mission/Salvation Army LAMP – joint project with Aragona-Pembroke Club
*Wednesday, Dec. 14 – Board Meeting – 7:00pm at home of Lion Stan and Jeri Fu

Nov 2, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov. 2, 2011, by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song – Lion Nancy Watters
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Nurys Sabino
Invocation- Lion Vickie Kennedy
7 Guests
19 Members
59 Percent

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:32 pm

Introduction of Guests: Bayside Lions Club Traveling Leo – Lions Dudley Godwin, Bill Brightwell, Tom Walsh, Ren Zerby, and one other.

Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker – Lion Dick Kreassig introduced Kristin Carter speaking on Juvenile Diabetes. Kristin is a graduate of Sweetbrier College and is present director of the Early Discovery Program through the YMCA. Her son, Scotty, is a juvenile diabetic. Kristin is the daughter of Lion Dick Kreassig and Scotty is his grandson.

Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing cells of the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that enables people to get energy from food. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is a grassroots organization founded in 1970 by a mother of a child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She was devastated by her son’s diagnosis and wanted to do something to help. She found that she could raise a lot more money through research than through fund-raising efforts. In 1972, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation was founded. The organization focus became a research foundation. JDRF is the worldwide leader in funding research to cure type 1diabetes and is the leading advocate of type 1 diabetes science. JDRF’s mission is to find a cure for diabetes and it’s complications through support of research. JDRF is also committed to developing new and better treatments that improve the lives of people with the disease and keep them healthy while we advance toward a cure. JDRF research strives to cure by replacing or renewing insulin-producing cells and stopping the body’s own attack on those cells; to treat with new devices and therapies that optimize blood glucose control and treat/prevent diabetic complications; and to prevent by using vaccines and other therapies. JDRF funded more that $100 million for Type 1 research in the past year. More than 80% of expenditures directly support research and research related education. Since its founding by parents of children with Type 1, JDRF has provided more than $1.5 billion for research. JDRF has four areas of therapeutic development.
Immune therapy – reverse the immune attack in Type 1 without suppression the entire immune system. Beta Cell Therapy: Regeneration, which has the potential to restore beta cell function in the largest number of people living with Type 1.
Glucose Control: The closed –loop artificial pancreas – a devise combining glucose monitors and insulin pumps using artificial intelligence to automatically dose insulin; use of Novel insulin that is glucose-responsive, faster acting, easier to use, and more effective. Complications Therapies: New approaches to assess risk and block complications from developing or progressing. The two largest fund raisers for JDRF are Walk for the Cure and The Gala. Scotty read his letter of invitation to the Walk for the Cure. (Please see attached) He also shared his experiences and explained how his pump and sensor work. He has become quite competent and mature in handling his condition and monitoring his glucose level.

Lion Jeri presented an umbrella to Kristin Carter.


Secretary’s Report:
a. Thank you acknowledgement from LCI
b. Reminder that donations in memory of “Mum,” Mrs. Majorie Pat Snell, mother of Lion Roger Snell may be made to LCI, LCF, or to the Thalia Club
c. Region Meeting registration: Deadline is tonight for checks or cash. Eight Lions are registered to attend. Lion Nancy and John, Lion Linda Eggleston, Lion Ed DeLong, Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion Vickie Kennedy and Lions Stan and Jeri Furman.
d. PediaVision – SPOT Pembroke Mall - November 19th event. Santa comes to the Mall and Region Lions Clubs are invited to participate in center court for an all-day eye screening. Set up at 9:00a.m. Screening hours are from 10am – 4pm. Three other clubs are on duty during the morning hours. Thalia is encouraged to participate any part of the day but will be needed mostly during the afternoon.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:

Salvation Army LAMP – Lion Jeri reported for Lion Brad Furman - Saturday, Dec. 10, co-hosted with Aragona Pembroke Club. Please let Lion Brad Furman know if you can work. He will coordinate with Lion Mary Ward from the Aragona Pembroke Club who is making a schedule.

EGRC – Lion Ed DeLong- Thursday, Nov. 10th – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, Va., 23323 (The EGRC visit is always the second Thursday and always needs more people.) Lion Ed reminded members that we also collect hearing aids. We usually turn in our hearing aids to EVMS. If they cannot use them they return the hearing aids and we send them to South Africa. We are now collecting those hearing aids to send to our district twin club in Cape Town, S.A.

Sight & Hearing Van Report- Lion Aziz Selahi - Central Library, Sat. Oct. 22nd. Diabetes screening and PediaVision screenings were offered along with the services of the Sight and Hearing Van. We Screened 29 people through the van did 30 pediavision screenings and 30 diabetes screenings. 12 members participated.

Traveling Leo- Lion Steve Rosnov - Only one more visit is needed to complete requirements for the DG patch. Lion Debra spoke at the Oceanside Club last week and we used it as a Traveling Leo. We are scheduled for Nov. 14th at the Smithfield Lions. Those signed up to attend are Lions Steve, Jeri, Nurys, Vickie, and Ed DeLong. Please meet at Best Buy at 5:45pm. Lion Jeri and Stan are going to Little Creek on Nov. 8th. If someone wants to go with them please let Stan know and it could be a Traveling Leo.

White Cane- Lion Stan Furman- –Friday and Saturday, November 11-12, in front of B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center. A signup sheet was passed around. We need at least 2-3 people per 2 hr. shift. Please contact Lion Stan and volunteer. This is a major fund raiser for our club. We are a month late in this event and we need funds to continue to provide exams, glasses, and services for those in need. We are covered during the morning hours but need more in afternoon. Lion Ray Ashe called and wanted to sign up. He passed out last Sunday and he was in hospital but still wants to work the white cane. We love his dedication and hope it will spread to all members.

Fruit Sale- Lion Jack Wagner - The 2011 Citrus Sale prices are as follows: 4/5/ bushel Navel Oranges - $ 26.00 , 1/2 bushel Navel Oranges- $17.00, 4/5 bushel
Grapefruit- $25.00, 1/2 bushel Grapefruit- $16.00, large container Tangerines -$20.00, smaller container Tangerines- $14.00, *Triple Charmer, Citrus Trio- $26.00, (*consists of a dozen each grapefruit, oranges, and apples.) Orders must be in by December 09, 2011 to the grower. Shipping will be week of December 16-20/2011. Anticipated pick up date will be one day following delivery at my residence, 845 Five Point Road, in the Great Neck area of Virginia Beach. Please let Lion Jack know how your orders are coming along so that he will have a good grasp on what will be necessary to order.

Foodbank – Lion Jack Wagner- Donations are always gladly accepted for Samaritan House.

New Business

Bland Contest Lion Jack Wagner – The date for the Bland Contest will be Feb. 21st at Thalia United Methodist Church, 7: 00 p.m. The Church is happy to report that they have purchased a new piano, Kawaii, 6ft. grand. We will sponsor the contest jointly with Oceana Lynnhaven Golden Lions Club.

December Schedule- Lion President Jeri - December meeting and Holiday Party dates. The Holiday Party is planned for Dec. 7th in the Party room at Lion Stan and Jeri’s Condo. There will be no business meeting in December because of the Holidays. There will, however, be a Board meeting on Dec. 14th in the home of Lion Jeri and Stan Furman. Lion Steve Rosnov will act a secretary in the absence of Lion Nancy Watters.

November meetings will be the first and third Wednesday evenings of the month as scheduled. Because the dates are Nov. 2nd and 16th, there is no holiday conflict. The November Board meeting will be after the regular meeting on the

Scholarship – Lion Steve Rosnov - Dividends from the scholarship account will be paid monthly by direct deposit into our account.
We offer scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 to Princess Anne High and to the Adult Learning Center each year.

Polo Shirt Order – Lion Nancy Watters - Please visit for a look at what is available. Items: K500SP (men) Navy, Black or White - $23.98 and Items: L500LS (women) Royal, Navy, Blk, Burgandy, or Red -$21.98, are long sleeved polo shirts similar to the short sleeved ones we ordered before. We may order anything on the sight and have the logo placed on the item. Our order may be diverse. It is not necessary that we order the same items.

Announcements from the floor

Flags – Jim Healy spoke about our Flag kits and flags, $22.00 and $30.00.

Vision Walk – Lion Debra announced that the Vision Walk date and location will be May 6th on Boardwalk.

Birthdays – Lion Mike Berns (22) Lion Taj Old (9) Lion Nurys Sabino (10)
Lion Steve and Lion Jeri tried to sing to Lion Nurys. $33 was raised to hear them sing. (If we had only known!!)

Raffle- Lion Aziz Selahi - $20.00 won by Lion Jack, $13.00 won by Lion Nancy

Adjournment: 8:20

Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events:
*Thursday, Nov. 3 – PediaVision at Malibu Elementary School, 3632 Edinburgh Dr., VB 23452 - 9:00 am (need help)
*Wednesday, Nov. 9 – PediaVision at Thalia Elementary – 421 Thalia Rd., VB 23452- 9:00am (need help)
*Thursday, Nov. 10 – EGRC visit - meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*Friday/Saturday, Nov. 11-12 – White Cane Collection – B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center (10am – 6pm)
*Monday, Nov. 14 – PediaVision at King’s Grant Day School – 873 Little Neck Rd., 23452 9:00am (need help)
*Monday, Nov. 14 – Traveling Leo – Smithfield Lions Club. Meet at Best Buy at 5:45.
*Tuesday, Nov.15 – Region III meeting – Hibachi Grill 5957 East Va. Beach Blvd. Norfolk. Register with Lion Nancy by Nov. 8th (this is Thalia’s Region meeting!
*Wednesday, Nov. 16 –PediaVision - Kings Grant Elementary School, 612 North Lynnhaven Rd. VA 23452
*Wednesday, Nov. 16 – Region I Meeting- Hibachi Grill – 11883 Jefferson Ave., Newport News (Please let Lion Nancy know by Nov. 8)
*Friday, November 18 – PediaVision- Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 3900 Virginia Beach Blvd., 23452
*Saturday, November 19 – PediaVision - Pembroke Mall Santa Clause comes to town! 9:00am set up – screening hours 10-4pm. Wear Santa Hat!!
*Saturday, Dec. 10 – Union Mission/Salvation Army LAMP – joint project with Aragona-Pembroke Club
*Wednesday, Dec. 7 – Holiday Party – Home of Lion Stan and Jeri Furman – 6:00pm (potluck)
*Wednesday, Dec. 14 – Board Meeting – 7:00pm at home of Lion Stan and Jeri Furman

Oct 26, 2011 - Thalia Lions Board Meeting
Location: Home of President Lion Jeri Furman
4004 Atlantic Ave. Virginia Beach, 23451
Time: 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Lion Vickie Kennedy, Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion Mike Coren, Lion, Jack Wagner, Lion Jeri Furman, Lion Bob Donnelly, Lion Linda
Eggleston, Lion Stan Furman, Lion Nancy and John Watters

Call to order: 7:03

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Correspondence: Lion Jeri read a Thank you note from LCIF for Thalia Lion $250 donation

Old Business:

A. Discussion concerning Blind Made Products and from whom they will be procured. Lion Bob read his position statement on Blind Made Products stating that he would like to see brooms purchased from U. S. suppliers where brooms are made by the blind. Currently product components are made in Mexico and assembled by a North Carolina company employing blind people.
Lion Steve stated that the issue should be handled by the District level rather than at the club level. The club cannot pass a resolution independently. When we sell brooms and blind made products, we state that the sales benefit the blind rather than stating that the products are made by the blind. The Board decided that Lion Bob should pursue the issue on the District level.

B. Discussion of when and if funds should be transferred from Administrative Account to Activity Account.
a. General consensus was that we do not need to take the action at this time. Many expenses will be paid from the Activity account including Bland costs, Diabetes Camp, School Clinic donations, Plaza Rescue donation, Life Net donation, and PediaVision.
b. The Board has the prerogative to transfer funds to the Activity Account when necessary.
c. A motion was made by Lion Stan to reimburse Lion Nancy. PediaVison Chair, for out of pocket expenses not to exceed $100.00 and send the remainder, $200.00, to the District for PediaVision line item. The motion was seconded by Lion Jack Wagner. The vote carried.

C. December meeting and Holiday Party dates. The Holiday Party is planned for Dec. 7th in the Party room at Lion Stan and Jeri’s Condo. There will be no business meeting in December because of the Holidays. There will, however, be a Board meeting on Dec. 14th in the home of Lion Jeri and Stan Furman. Lion Steve Rosnov will act a secretary in the absence of Lion Nancy Watters. November meetings will be the first and third Wednesday evenings of the month as scheduled. Because the dates are Nov. 2nd and 16th, there is no holiday conflict.

D. Unpaid dues –discussion postponed until next board

New Business:

A. Scholarship: Lion Steve Rosnov moved that we will take out the interest to pay scholarships this year. The fund was set up for scholarship use and should be used as such. Lion Stan asked that we take the money monthly instead of in a lump sum. Dividends may be paid monthly by direct deposit into our account. We offer scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 to Princess Anne High and to the Adult Learning Center each year.

B. Lion Jack proposed that the Bland be held Feb. 21st Tuesday. Lion Jack was advised to see Grace Holdren at Thalia United Methodist to be placed on their schedule. OLG will join our club to sponsor the contest. Lion John explained how students are recruited through the schools and throughout the area. Now is the time to recruit judges.

C. Lion Linda Eggleston asked the Board for input concerning an application for a child who needs glasses at a school out of our club’s area of responsibility. The application had been refused by the assigned Lions Club. Lion Linda felt that since the child had been referred for assistance by the school nurse and had noted that no action had been taken for the child, that possibly our club would assist. She was advised to get a completed application and then make her own judgment.

D. New Club shirt orders - Lion Nancy will get information from Embroidery Etc. about long sleeved shirts for the club to order.

E. Lions may be provided with a cheap source of eye glasses. There are three initiatives with Lion Clubs International Foundation, Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center, and The Old Dominion Eye Foundation to provide a source to clubs.


Lion Steve is going to work on the newsletter for the winter and will ask all chairs to give input.

Adjournment: 8:25
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Oct 19, 2011 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Oct. 19, 2011, by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guests
19 Members
59% Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m
Introduction of Guests: Nurys Sabino’s granddaughter
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm

Reconvened 7:00pm: Guest speaker: Lion Dick Kreassig introduced Lion John and Nancy Watters to present a program about RAM (Remote Area Medical Project.)
Lion Nancy briefly introduced the club to the book written by Stan Brock founder of RAM. Lion John showed a video and slide presentation of the RAM facilities and activities that take place during the 2 ½ days of the event in Wise, County Virginia each July. This year marked the 12th anniversary of RAM. The statistics for this year were 7,279 patient encounters with 1,467 volunteers (mostly Lions). The eye clinic saw 975 patients and dispensed 954 pairs of glasses. The total estimated value of services offered this year was $1,446,551.00. Both Lion John and Nancy offered antidotes of their experiences with RAM. Several members and relatives of members of Thalia have participated in the event. Lion Susie Sumnick, her husband, Mick and their granddaughter, Jamie, Lion Linda Eggleston and her husband Steve, and Lion John and Nancy’s granddaughter, Elizabeth have all attended. Once you go to RAM, you want to go every year. But preparation must be made very early. To reserve a hotel, reservations must be made as early as January to assure a place to stay during the 3 days. This year’s dates for RAM are July 20-23.

Announcement: Lion President Jeri presented Lion Vickie with a 100% Treasurer’s Award from last year’s District Governor Donna Weiler.

Secretary: Lion Nancy Watters
1. Thalia United Methodist Church District LAMP – Oct. 29th sponsored by OLG. Lion Randy Jones is the Contact.
2. Fall Conference Oct. 14-15 – Thalia had a great turnout. Ten people participated and attended different events at the conference.
3. Region meetings are scheduled for November. Region III is Nov. 15th. Lion Nancy will accept reservations and collect monies for the meeting. The location is the Hibachi Grill 5957 E. Va. Beach, Blvd. Deadline for money and reservations is Tues. Nov. 8th.
4. PediaVision screenings for Thalia are scheduled. Please see the “Upcoming Events” for dates and locations. Anyone willing to participate is needed.
5. Please note the Eyeglass Recycling visit on your “Upcoming Events” list. Nov. 10 – meet at Best Buy at 9:30. 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, Va. 23323

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy – fund is down to $877.00 Please do not order anything until our White Cane collection in November. Our club needs a good collection at that event if we are to continue to offer services to our community.

Health Fair – Lion Brad Furman – Va. Beach Convention Center - Oct. 8, 2011. Lion Jim and Mike, Lion Donna and Tucker attended. There were 30 PediaVision screenings, four of which were children. All four children were referred for further examination. Lion Brad attempted to recruit 3 people into membership.

Salvation Army – Lion Brad Furman – LAMP – Saturday, Dec. 10th.- Co-hosted with Aragona Pembroke Club. Please let Lion Brad Furman know if you can work. He will coordinate with Lion Mary Ward from the Aragona Pembroke Club who is making a schedule.

Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Aziz Selahi was absent from the meeting but the information is as follows: Central Library 10-2pm – Sat. Oct. 22nd. Diabetes screening and PediaVision will be offered. Two shifts are scheduled 10-12 and 12-2. Lion Aziz asked for more volunteers and got several responses.

Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – Monday Oct. 24 Lions Nancy, John, Steve, Taj and Debra Laughlin will be visit Oceanside Lions club. Lion Debra is the guest speaker for the meeting.

A Traveling Leo to Southside is scheduled for Tues. Nov. 1st. Lions Nurys, Steve, Stan, Jim, and Susie are signed up to attend. (this Traveling Leo has since been cancelled and will be rescheduled)
Only 2 more Traveling Leos are necessary for this year and they will likely be to the Smithfield and Oceanview Clubs.

Leo Club Status – Lions Mike Berns(was not in attendance but the information is as follows: World Hunger-Lion Minnie Nery of the Kempsville Club is organizing this event at Thalia Lynn Baptist on Oct. 22nd. Lion Mike is attempting to organize the Leo Club to assist in packing food. Afterwards he plans to take the Leos to the Sight and Hearing Van at the Central Library to work with our Club.

White Cane Collection – Lion Stan Furman/Bob Donnelly –Friday and Saturday, November 11-12, in front of B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center. A signup sheet was passed around. We need at least 2-3 people per 2 hr. shift. Please contact Lion Stan and volunteer. This is a major fund raiser for our club. We are a month late in this event and we need funds to continue to provide exams, glasses, and services for those in need.

Holiday Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner: The 2011 Citrus Sale prices are as follows: 4/5/ bushel Navel Oranges - $ 26.00 , 1/2 bushel Navel Oranges- $17.00, 4/5 bushel, Grapefruit- $25.00, 1/2 bushel Grapefruit- $16.00, large container Tangerines -$20.00, smaller container Tangerines- $14.00, *Triple Charmer, Citrus Trio- $26.00, (*consists of a dozen each grapefruit, oranges, and apples.) Orders must be in by December 09, 2011 to the grower. Shipping will be week of December 16-20/2011. Anticipated pick up date will be one day following delivery at my residence, 845 Five Point Road, in the Great Neck area of Virginia Beach. Attached to the minutes is a Holiday Fruit Order form. You may insert your email and contact information.

Foodbank donations are still needed and appreciated. Attached to these minutes are some amazing statistics from Samaritan House. Please take time to read them. Our impact on Samaritan House is significant. Thalia Lions has donated $909.00 in cash thus far this year, a better than 2 weeks supply of food for the facility.

Eye Glass Recycling – Lion Ed Delong – Thursday Nov. 10– meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323 – We need more people to read, sort, and clean glasses. Thalia turned in 312 pairs of glasses for recycling this month.

LOVF Tickets – Lion Irene Conlin - The LOVF Raffle is a major fund raiser for the year. One book is $30.00. Twenty dollars from each book is kept by the club for activity use. Please try to sell you tickets and turn in your money as soon as possible. The drawing is in May. We were given 45 books for the club to sell – 9 books have been paid for to date.

Umbrellas- Lion Jim says this is the greatest fund raiser we have! – Please sell them. $10.00 each

New Business - Dist. Governor Al Miller, Lion Bob Donnelly and a few others are looking for a new source to provide Lions brooms. Our brooms are put together by the blind but the brooms are not made in the U.S. The components are made in China. The idea is to find a U.S. supplier.

Birthdays: Lion Aziz Selahi (24) Lion Bob Donnelly (01) Lion Dallas Divelbiss (27)
Lion Bob Perrine and Dick Kreassig raised $77.00 by singing “Happy Birthday” to Lions Dallas and Bob.

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman – $45.00 was won by Lion Nurys Sabino
Adjournment: 8:20
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Please mark your calendars with the following dates!!
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – Sight and Hearing Van at Central Library – 10:00 a.m.-2:00pm
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – World Hunger Event – Thalia Lynn Bapt. Church, Va. Beach Blvd. sponsored by Kempsville
*Wednesday, Oct. 26 – PediaVision at Stratford Preschool – 4300 Shore Drive, VB 23455 9:00am
*Saturday, Oct. 29th – LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church sponsored by OLG
*Thursday, Nov. 3 – PediaVision at Malibu Elementary School, 3632 Edinburgh Dr., VB 23452 - 9:00 am (need help)
*Wednesday, Nov. 9 – PediaVision at Thalia Elementary – 421 Thalia Rd., VB 23452- 9:00am (need help)
*Thursday, Nov. 10 – EGRC visit - meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*Friday/Saturday, Nov. 11-12 – White Cane Collection – B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center (10am – 6pm)
*Monday, Nov. 14 – PediaVision at King’s Grant Day School – 873 Little Neck Rd., 23452 - 9:00am (need help)
*Tuesday, Nov.15 – Region III meeting – Hibachi Grill 5957 East Va. Beach Blvd. Norfolk. Register with Lion Nancy by Nov. 8. (this is Thalia’s Region meeting!
*Wednesday, Nov. 16 – Region I Meeting- Hibachi Grill – 11883 Jefferson Ave., Newport News (Please let Lion Nancy know by Nov. 8)
*Wednesday, Nov. 16 – PediaVision at King’s Grant Elementary School 612 North Lynnhaven Rd. 23452 – 9:00 am (need help)
*Friday, Nov. 18 – PediaVision at Emmanuel Lutheran Church – 3900 Va. Beach Blvd., 23452 - 9:00am
*Monday, Nov. 21 – Region 11 Meeting – Hibachi Grill 5957 East Va. Beach Blvd. Norfolk (Please let Lion Nancy know by Nov. 16)
*Wednesday, Dec. 7th – Holiday Party – Lion Stan and Jeri’s home – 4004 Atlantic Ave. (time TBA)
*Saturday, Dec. 10 – LAMP at Salvation Army, 5524 Virginia Beach Blvd., 23462

Oct 5, 2011 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
3 Guests
19 Members
61 Percentage
*Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
*Call to order: 6:30p.m
*Introduction of Guests: –Lion Nancy Watters guest, Tajiman Old, District Governor Al Miller,Region II Zone G Chairperson Lion Randy Jones
*Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
*Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker: 1st Vice District Stan Furman introduced District Governor Lion Al Miller. District Governor Al Miller says that the Thalia Club is a model club. He talked to the club about the International President Tam whose motto this year is “I Believe”. President Tam wants Lions to come together as a family and to plant 1 million trees. 51 Live Oaks trees will be delivered to the Fall Conference. They will be distributed to the clubs to plant. 479,000 trees have already been planted throughout the worldwide organization. DG Al encouraged Clubs to publicize activities and to nurture the members that we have to maintain and grow our clubs. Clubs are also asked to help the organization by donating money to LCIF. 10 million dollars was donated to LCIF by clubs and individuals a couple of years ago and over 13 million was given back for charitable causes. DG Al’s theme this year is” growth through positive change.” His first priority is recruiting new members. Providing service is the second priority and finally fundraising to support our causes. GMT (Global Membership Team Leader) Lion Sharon Tighe is very ill but the focus is to recruit and retain new members. 20 clubs have less than 20 members. DG Al plans to target those clubs and offer ways to recruit new members. Fall Conference sponsored by DG Al’s Club, Virginia Beach Central, will have speakers and seminars as well as meetings for presidents and secretaries. Pediavision, Sight Chairs, Diabetes, Prevention of Blindness will all be topics of discussion and training. Casino night will benefit LCF. A $20.00 fee will go the Charity Foundation and there will be an auction for items using your “cash” winnings. District Governor Al Miller says that Thalia Lions Club is doing a tremendous job.

Lion President Jeri was presented a pin from International President Tam.

Induction of New Member, Tajiman Old, by District Governor Lion Al Miller. Taj is sponsored by Lion Nancy Watters. She is a golfing friend who was invited to a PediaVision screening because she was interested in volunteering time to a worthy cause. We are very pleased to have her as our new member.

*Secretary: Lion Nancy Watters
1. Thalia United Methodist Church District LAMP – Oct. 29th sponsored by OLG. Lion Randy Jones is the Contact.
2. Fall Conference Oct. 14-15 (Diabetes, PediaVision, Sight,)
3. Membership Excellence Year Round Growth Patch 2010-2011 – awarded to the club for exceeding a 10% membership growth last year.
4. PediaVision screenings for Thalia are scheduled. Please see the “Upcoming Events” for dates and locations. Anyone willing to participate is needed.
*Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy – (Scholarship fund is now up to $53,000.)
*Health Fair – Lion Brad Furman – Va. Beach Convention Center - Oct. 8, 2011. The time is from 11-6pm but club members are asked to arrive at 10am to assist in the set up. Our Club is being featured in the flyer as being one of the sponsors of the event. Other clubs in the District have been invited to participate. Diabetes screening will be offered as will PediaVision. The event runs from Monday through Sunday with events happening at different locations. It is sponsored by the Aaron Wheeler Group.
*Salvation Army – Lion Brad Furman – LAMP – Saturday, Dec. 10. co-hosted with Aragona Pembroke Club. Please let Lion Brad Furman know if you can work. He will coordinate with Lion Mary Ward from the Aragona Pembroke Club who is making a schedule.
*Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Aziz Selahi - Central Library 10-2pm – Sat. Oct. 22nd. Diabetes screening will be offered. Two shifts are scheduled 10-12 and 12-2. Lion Aziz asked for more volunteers and got several responses.
*Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – Two visits in October are scheduled.
1. Aragona Pembroke,Wed., Oct. 12th . They meet at The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South # 2260,Chesapeake, VA 23320 Order off the menu. Wednesday is 50¢ Buffalo wings and they come in a variety of flavors. Five people have committed to the visit, Lions Vickie, Rich, Stan, Linda, and Jeri
2. Denbigh Lions – Thursday, Oct. 13t,h Steve’s Steak House, 11847 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, 23606-9483, 40 minutes/32.25 miles from Best Buy Parking Lot. Depart Best Buy at: 5:45 pm. Lion Steve,Jeri, Debra, Bob Donnelly, and Stan will make the trip.
*Leo Club Status – Lions Mike Berns - World Hunger-Lion Minnie Nery of the Kempsville Club is organizing this event at Thalia Lynn Baptist on Oct. 22nd . Lion Mike is attempting to organize the Leo Club to assist in packing food. Afterwards he plans to take the Leos to the Sight and Hearing Van at the Central Library to work with our Club.
*White Cane Collection – Lion Roger Snell – November 11-12, in front of B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center. Lion Bob Donnelly will be the contact for the White Cane Collection. Lion Roger has been called to England to be with his mother who is terminally ill.
*Holiday Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner has been in contact with the Citrus supplier who says the price of the fruit we order has increased. All orders must be place by Nov. 9th and delivery will be Dec. 16-20. Lion Jack will send the information to the secretary and it will be sent to the Club.
*Foodbank donations are still needed and appreciated.
*Eye Glass Recycling – Lion Ed Delong – Thursday Oct. 13 – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, Va 23323
*LOVF Tickets – Lion Irene Conlin – passed out tickets tonight. The LOVF Raffle is a major fund raiser for the year. One book is $30.00. Twenty dollars from each book is kept by the club for activity use. Please try to sell you tickets and turn in your money as soon as possible. The drawing is in May.
*Program for next meeting, October 19th – Lion John Watters will present a program about RAM

Birthdays: Lion Aziz Selahi (24) Lion Bob Donnelly (01) Lion Dallas Divelbiss (27) (deferred until the next meeting because of Governor’s visit and Board meeting immediately following the regular meeting.)
Raffle: Lion Aziz Selahi $25.00 won by Bob Perrine, $23.00 – Lion John Watters

Adjournment: 7:55
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Upcoming Events
*Wednesday, Oct. 5th – Governor’s visit to Thalia Club Meeting
*Saturday, Oct. 8th – Health Fair – Va. Beach Convention Center -10:00am – 6:00pm
*Wednesday, Oct. 12 – Traveling Leo – Aragona -Pembroke, Wed., Oct. 12th. They meet at The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South #2260, Chesapeake, VA 23320
*Thursday, Oct. 13 – Traveling Leo Denbigh Lions - Steve’s Steak House, 11847 Jefferson Avenue ,Newport News, 23606-9483 - 40 minutes/32.25 miles from Best Buy Parking Lot. Depart Best Buy at: 5:45 pm
*Wednesday, Oct. 12 – Traveling Leo - Aragona Pembroke The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South # 2260, Chesapeake, VA 23320
*Wednesday, Oct. 12 – PediaVision Screening at Wellington Oaks Center, 1247 Bunsen Court, Norfolk, VA -9:30
*Thursday, Oct. 13 – Eyeglass Recycling Center - meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*Wednesday, Oct. 19 – PediaVision Head Start Screening at Suffolk Head Start -860 Davis Rd., Suffolk, Va (9:30)
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – Sight and Hearing Van at Central Library – 10:00a,m-2:00pm
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – World Hunger Event – Thalia Lynn Bapt. Church, Va. Beach Blvd. sponsored by Kempsville
*Wednesday, Oct. 26 – PediaVision at Stratford Preschool – 4300 Shore Drive, VB 23455 9:00am
*Saturday, Oct. 29th – LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church sponsored by OLG
*Thursday, Nov. 3 – PediaVision at Malibu Elementary School, 3632 Edinburgh Dr., VB 23452 - 9:00 am
*Wednesday, Nov. 9 – PediaVision at Thalia Elementary – 421 Thalia Rd., VB 23452- 9:00am
*Friday/Saturday, Nov. 11-12 – White Cane Collection – B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center (times TBA)
*Monday, Nov. 14 – PediaVision at King’s Grant Day School – 873 Little Neck Rd., 23452 - 9:00am
*Wednesday, Nov. 16 – PediaVision at King’s Grant Elementary School 612 North Lynhaven Rd. 23452 – 9:00 am
*Friday, Nov. 18 – PediaVision at Emmanuel Lutheran Church – 3900 Va. Beach Blvd., 23452 - 9:00am
*Wednesday, Dec. 7th – Holiday Party – Lion Stan and Jeri’s home – 4004 Atlantic Ave. (time TBA)
*Saturday, Dec. 10 – LAMP at Salvation Army , 5524 Virginia Beach Blvd., 23462

Sep 21, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Vice President Bob Donnelly at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guests
12 Members

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m
Introduction of Guests: Five year old granddaughter, Mereno, of Nurys Sabino, Mereno
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker: Lion Dick Kreassig deferred introduction to Lion Debra Laughlin. Her guest, Dina Gordon, of Foundation Fighting Blindness spoke on the FFB and “How to host a Vision Walk.” VisionWalk is the national signature fundraising event of the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Since its inception in the spring of 2006, the program has raised over $17 million to fund sight-saving research. As promising treatments move into critical human studies, the need for research funding is greater than ever before. The organization includes the entire spectrum of retinal diseases, including age related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Usher syndrome, and Laber’s congenital amaurosis.Founded in 1971, the organization has raised over 18 million just from the Vision Walk fund raiser. All money raised goes into research. FFB has funded 129 grants internationally. Retinal degeneration disease affects more than 10 million people in the U.S. Retinitis pigmentosa and Usher syndrome limits vision to something like looking through a straw. Usher is retinitis pigmentosa plus hearing loss. Macular Degeneration or, AMD, is the leading cause of blindness in adults age 55 and older. The condition leaves the person with vision gaps as if looking through Swiss cheese. FFB is the first foundation of any type to use gene therapy. In clinical trials, Genretinide and Lucentis have shown to slow the progression of dry ADM.Virginia Beach has been added to the Vision Walk list for the first time this year. The goal for the walk is to raise $40,000 and the projected date is sometime in the spring, possibly May. The event is family friendly and there is no registration fee. It will be a fun day with a D.J., face painting, activities, and such. Sponsorship and Team Fundraising are the major sources of fund raising. Sponsorship packages begin from $500 and go to $10,000. Supporters are offered website ads, or links, and logo tee shirts. A team may consist of as few as 2 people or include as many as 200. Lions are asked to reach out to their friends and communities. A club may sponsor activities to raise funds by doing Neighborhood yard sales, car washes, bowling tournaments, Dining in the Dark events, Hoops for sight (basketball tournament) or other ideas a club may initiate. Lions can help by forming a team, brainstorming potential sponsors, recruiting other teams, participating in monthly walks, and holding leadership meetings. Dina left the Club with two pieces of advice for protecting good vision.
1. Eat dark vegetables like carrots, broccoli, spinach
2. Don’t smoke ( %50 percent of smokers over the age of 50 will have AMD)
Dina Gordon, Events Manager, Mid-Atlantic Region
Foundation Fighting Blindness
7168 Columbia, Gateway Drive, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21046-3256
Phone: 410 423 0625 Mobile 443-869-1004 or
Lion Bob presented Dina with a plaque of appreciation for her presentation.

Lion Bob Donnelly turned the remainder of the meeting over to Lion Steve Rosnov who explained that our former member, Doug Craddock, resigned because he is having major back surgery and will be confined to his home for 3 months. He felt that he could not contribute to the club during this time and did not want to continue membership while dealing with his condition. If and when he is again able to participate, he may reconsider his resignation.


Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Secretary: Lion Nancy Watters –
1. Board meeting at Lion Jeri and Stan’s home 4004 Atlantic Ave., VB. 23451 - Wed. Sept. 28th
2. The Governor’s Visit will be Oct. 5th
3. Charity Foundation Auction – Sat., Oct. 8th – 11:00am silent auction – 2:00pm live auction. Lion Stan Furman has gotten several items for the Bid & Buy Auction for the Lions Charity Foundation including gift certificates from The Hilton, from Charles Barker (and a $1,000 donation). Members need to support the fundraisers and make donations to the Foundation. Other items solicited by Lion Stan are, week in Orlando,, Presidential Suite at Hilton Oceanfront with gift certificate of $200 for their gourmet restaurant, a weekend at Ramada Inn at the Oceanfront for Neptune Festival with $ 200 gift certificate to Mahi Mahi, $50.00 gift certificate for 58th Deli and a wedding dress.
4. Thalia United Methodist Church District LAMP -project is Oct. 29. – Lion Randy Jones of the OLG club is organizing the event and asking for assistance from clubs. People asking for help with eye exams and glasses should be referred to the event if possible. Referrals are to be sent to Lion Randy for scheduling the day of the event.
5. Thank you note from Lions Medical Eye Bank
6. Fall Conference – Oct. 14-15 - Everyone should plan to attend. There will be learning sessions on Friday afternoon and Saturday mornings. Classes in PediaVision, Diabetes Screening, Sight Chair Information, will be offered. There will be hospitality rooms, lunches, dinners, Casino Night, and speakers from International. Milton Bullock, one of the original Platters will be on hand to offer entertainment. Please print off the information sent to you by the Secretary and send in your completed registration as soon as possible. You are not required to register for every event. You may pick and choose as you like.
7. Thalia Lions Club member Kimberly Vakos got married in July. She has been trying to balance married life and work again. She said she is in the process of determining the direction of their lives and does not yet know how involved she will be in club activities now. She is happy to continue to house and care for the brooms as long as she is owner of Paul’s Auto Service. Lion Kim’s new surname is Canakci. Her husband works for a car dealership in the area. She asked about her limited membership and was told that we were happy to keep her as a member. She has paid her dues for the year and she can participate in activities as she is able and willing.

Norfolk Homeless Connect – Lion John Watters –Wednesday Sept. 14th – 238 people were seen in the S&H Van and 199 pairs of reading glasses were distributed.

Union Mission – Lion Brad Furman – LAMP – Date has been changed to Dec. 3rd. and may be combined with Salvation Army LAMP and co-hosted with another club. This date is yet to be confirmed.

Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Aziz Selahi (absent) - Central Library 10-2pm – Sat. Oct. 22nd. Diabetes screening will be offered. Two shifts are scheduled10-12 and 12-2. Volunteers are asked to assist. Lion Aziz passed out a signup sheet and needs at least four more volunteers.

Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – Two visits in October are scheduled.
1. Aragona Pembroke,Wed., Oct. 12th . They meet at The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South # 2260,Chesapeake, VA 23320 Order off the menu. Wednesday is 50¢ Buffalo wings and they come in a variety of flavors. Five people have committed to the visit, Lions Vickie, Rich, Stan, Linda, and Bob Perrine
2. Denbigh Lions – Tuesday, Oct. 11t,h Steve’s Steak House, 11847 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, 23606-9483, 40 minutes/32.25 miles from Best Buy Parking Lot. Depart Best Buy at: 5:45 pm. Lion Steve, Debra, Bob Donnelly, Stan and Aziz will make the trip.
Leo Club Status – Lions Mike Berns/ Ed Delong (absent – no report)

White Cane Collection – Lion Roger Snell (absent) – November 11-12, in front of B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center. Though the District recommends the week of Oct. 8th, the board delayed the collection because the Health Expo is scheduled for that date.

Holiday Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner (absent) has been in contact with the Citrus supplier who says price will probably remain the same. We will be notified by mid Oct. of any price change. Truck delivery will be made to Lion Jack’s residence this year.

Foodbank donations are still needed and appreciated.

Holiday Party – Lions Stan Furman/Nancy Watters – The Holiday party will be at Lion Stan and Jeri’s this year and the date will be the 7th of December.

Eye Glass Collection (US) Mailbox – Lion Steve found an appropriate person to make the request for the mailbox. We will be notified within a couple of weeks if we will be able to acquire the drop box. The Postal Service has given a few of the drop boxes to police departments and other organizations. Lion Steve contacted her again and thinks that we may get one yet because they are just sitting out and getting rusty.

EGRC – Lion Ed reminded everyone of the regularly scheduled visit to the EGRC on Thurs. Oct. 13th. The last visit cost Lion Ed almost $300.00. He laid his glasses down and recycled them accidentally! Lion Ed turned in recycled eye glasses and found a pair of gold Lions emblem earrings. It was decided to donate them to the Charity Auction.

PediaVision – Lion Nancy Watters – Three programs have been presented this month to other clubs, Pheobus, Woodstock, and Western Branch. We have participated and trained in 6 joint PV projects in Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach. 292 children have been screened this month with 107 referrals.
Our club is responsible for the screening on Sept. 28th at St. Aidens’s Head Start. But there are two more screenings where help if needed. The First is Oct. 12th at Wellington Oaks, 1247 Bunsen Court, Norfolk. (68 children) The Norview Club is responsible but has only one member who will participate. Though asking a lot, the other location is at Suffolk Head Start, 860 Davis Blvd., Suffolk, Va. They have 185 children at this location and the plan is to have 3 PediaVision devices to do the job. Please contact Lion Nancy if you would be willing to participate

Health Expo – Lion Brad Furman, Convention Center – Oct. 8th – Lion Brad has asked that we set up on Friday between 2pm and 7pm or Saturday morning at 9:30 -10:00am. The event runs from 11am to 6pm on Saturday. Attached is the flyer with information about the event.

World Hunger-Lion Minnie Nery of the Kempsville Club is organizing this event at Thalia Lynn Baptist on Oct. 22nd. If you are willing to volunteer for pack food boxes, please call Lion Minnie at 263-2450 W, 621-8469 C.

Program for next meeting, Sept. 21st–Lion Dick Kreassig- October 5th is District Governor Al Miller’s visit to our club.
October 19th – Lion John and Nancy Watters will present a program about RAM

Umbrellas / Flags – Lion Jim Healy reported that the company making the US umbrellas is again discontinuing the product. They offered him the price of $89.00 per case instead of the regular charge of $125.00. He purchased 5 cases.
A Complete flag kit cost $30.00 without pole it is $22.00. We have a good supply.

LOVF Tickets? - Lion Irene Conlin will be notified to distribute LOVF tickets at the next meeting.

Open discussion:
Birthdays: Lion Roger Snell (06) Fran Scott (02) all absent
Raffle: Lion Steve Rosnov (acting Tail Twister) - Winners were $33.00 Lion Debra
Adjournment: 8:08

Upcoming events:
*Wednesday, Sept. 28th – Thalia Board Meeting – at home of Lion Jeri and Stan 4004 Atlantic Ave. VB 23451
*Wednesday, Sept. 28th –PediaVision screening at St. Aiden’s Head Start 3201 Edinburgh Dr., VB
*Saturday, Oct. 1st – Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Khedive Temple, 645 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA. 23320
*Wednesday, Oct. 5th – Governor’s visit to Thalia Club Meeting
*Saturday, Oct. 8th – Health Fair – Va. Beach Convention Center -10:00am – 6:00pm *Wednesday, Oct. 12 – Traveling Leo –
*Wdnesday, Oct 12th - Aragona-Pembroke. They meet at The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South #2260, Chesapeake, VA 23320
*Tuesday, Oct. 11 – Traveling Leo Denbigh Lions - Steve’s Steak House, 11847 Jefferson Avenue ,Newport News,23606-9483 40 minutes/32.25 miles from Best Buy Parking Lot. Depart Best Buy at: 5:45 pm
*Wednesday, Oct. 12 – Traveling Leo - Aragona Pembroke The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South # 2260, Chesapeake, VA 23320
*Wednesday, Oct. 12 – 9:30 am PediaVision screening at Wellington Oaks Head Start Center, 1247 Bunsen Court, Norfolk, Va. 23413 (Help is needed since only one member of the Norview Club can participate) 68 children
*Thurs, Oct. 13 – Eyeglass Recycling Center - meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*Wednesday, Oct. 19 – 9:30 am PediaVision screening at Suffolk Head Start, 860 Davis Blvd., Suffolk, VA. (185 children)Assistance is needed to help – 3 machines will be used.
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – Sight and Hearing Van at Central Library – 10:00a,m-2:00pm
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – World Hunger Event – Thalia Lynn Bapt. Church, Va. Beach Blvd. sponsored by Kempsville
*Saturday, Oct. 29th – LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church sponsored by OLG
Friday/Saturday, Nov. 11-12 – White Cane Collection – B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center (times TBA)
*Wednesday, Dec. 7th – Holiday Party – Lion Stan and Jeri’s home – 4004 Atlantic Ave. (time TBA)

Adjournment Time: 8:30
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Sep 7, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Sept.7, 2011, by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
8 Guests
18 Members
58 Percentage
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m

Introduction of Guests:
Traveling Leo – Poquoson Lions Club –Lions Ray Yannello, B T Smith, Kathy and Keith Feigh, and Bob Wagner
Traveling Leo – Oceanside Lions Club – Lions Mary Davis, Roy Stockdill, Jeff Blair (speaker) with Prince

Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm

Reconvened 7:00pm
Lion President Jeri announced that Thalia Lions Club has been awarded the following patches for the club banner Eye Glass Recycling, Governor’s Contest, Traveling Leo, District Achievement Award, and District Governor’s Award, Lion President also thanked Lion Bob Donnelly for hosting the meeting/social at his Old Donation Condo Complex Clubhouse.

Guest speaker: introduced by Lion Dick Kreassig. Lion Jeff Blair with dog, Prince accompanied by Lion Roy Stockdill, Co-Chairs of the Leader Dog Program. Lion Roy showed a short, informative, and touching video on the Leader Dog Program. Jeff Blair is a member of the Oceanside Lions Club and is the co-chairperson of the Leader Dog Program for District 24 D. Lion Roy told us that Leader Dog is the largest of the organizations for training leader dogs in the world. The organization is 72 years old. A dogs working life is 8-10 years and breed such as German Shepherds, Labs and Retrievers are used. Lion Jeff introduced the club to Prince, his leader dog. The auto industry was the biggest sponsor but now they are a bit strapped. Voice activated GPS is now given instead of the tracker mechanism previously offered. There is a need to search for people who can actively use the leader dog program. Less than 1 percent of blind people use a leader dog. Many people do not know or understand the opportunity that is available. Prince has allowed Lion Jeff to live on his own, independent of his parents and family. The waiting list to get into the program is about 2 months long. Students coming to Leader Dog to receive a guide dog complete a 26-day training program that includes country, city and nighttime travel, how to incorporate a Leader Dog into a daily routine, and dog care knowledge. Upon arrival to Leader Dog, students learn how to work with a guide dog, including commands, making corrections, proper praise and physically caring for a dog. On day three, students are matched with a trained dog with consideration made to lifestyle, travel pace, physical size and stamina. Leader Dog recognizes the needs associated with diversity and the demands of balanced lifestyles and careers. They strive to meet the special needs of the students with accommodations such as Spanish-speaking instructors, late evening diabetic snacks and one of only two existing programs for individuals who are both deaf and blind. Prerequisites and Requirements; 16 years of age and older - Legal blindness, which is defined as a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correction or restriction in the visual field of less than 20 degrees. - Good mental and physical health, including the ability to walk several blocks. - Successful completion of a basic course in orientation and mobility. - A short video demonstrating independent travel skills is required.
The guide dog’s program is offered free-of-charge at the residential campus in Rochester Hills, Michigan, including: expenses for public transportation to students traveling within North America and room and board.

Announcements: Lion President Jeri – announcement of membership resignation of Doug Craddock. Lion Doug Craddock has submitted a letter of resignation to the club. The secretary has sent an acceptance letter. We regret that Lion Doug has felt the need to resign and hope that he will possibly reconsider at a later date.


Secretary Report: Lion Nancy Watters –
1. The Governor’s Visit was changed to Oct. 5 instead of Sept. 22nd because of the USA/Canada
2. Eye Bank Annual Dinner at Norfolk Yacht Club was only attended by Lion John and Nancy
3. Health Coordinator for Head Start in South Hampton Roads has asked that all children in the program be screened in the first 45 days of school. 17 clubs will be involved. Two of the centers are in the Thalia service area. Most of the others are in Norfolk, Suffolk, Smithfield, and Chesapeake. (1500 children) First Screening is at St. Mary’s 921 Holt St. Norfolk, Va. On Friday, Sept. 9th starting about 8:30. 95 children are expected to be screened.
4. Thalia United Methodist Church District LAMP -project is Oct. 29. – Lion Randy Jones of the OLG club is organizing the event and asking for assistance from clubs. People asking for help with eye exams and glasses should be referred to the event if possible. Referrals are to be sent to Lion Randy for scheduling the day of the event.
5. Thank you note from the Leader Dog Program.
6. Saturday, Sept.3rd.– Community Service Day – sponsored by Bayside Lions – United Methodist Church, 815 Baker Road. 1p.m.-4p.m. 34 children with 11 referrals were screened. 10 members from 4 clubs participated.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Health Fair – Lion Brad Furman – location Va. Beach Convention Center - Oct. 8, 2011. The time is from 11-6pm but club members are asked to arrive at 10am to assist in the set up. Our Club is being featured in the flyer as being one of the sponsors of the event. Other clubs in the District have been invited to participate. Diabetes screening will be offered as will PediaVision. The event runs from Monday through Sunday with events happening at different locations. It is sponsored by the Aaron Wheeler Group.

Norfolk Homeless Connect – Lion John Watters – Wednesday Sept. 14th – 7:00am.-3:00p.m. – email was sent today with all details concerning parking, tickets, instructions and such. If you did apply earlier, a ticket should have been mailed to you.

Union Mission – Lion Brad Furman – LAMP – Date has been changed to Dec. 3rd. and may be combined with Salvation Army LAMP and co-hosted with another club.
Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Aziz Selahi - Central Library 10-2pm – Sat. Oct. 22nd. Diabetes screening will be offered. Two shifts are scheduled10-12 and 12-2. Volunteers are asked to assist. Lion Aziz passed out a sign up sheet and needs at least four more volunteers.

Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – Two visits in October are scheduled.
1. Aragona Pembroke,Wed., Oct. 12th . They meet at The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South # 2260,Chesapeake, VA 23320Order off the menu. Wednesday is 50¢ Buffalo wings and they come in a variety of flavors. Five people have committed to the visit, Lions Vickie, Rich, Stan, Linda, and Steve
2. Denbigh Lions – Tuesday, Oct. 11t,h Steve’s Steak House, 11847 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, 23606-9483, 40 minutes/32.25 miles from Best Buy Parking Lot. Depart Best Buy at: 5:45 pm. Lion Steve, Debra, Bob Donnelly, and Stan will make the trip.

Youth Services Project - Lion Bob Donnelly- reported that the Youth Exchange Dinner was a successful project and thanked everyone who participated in making the event memorable for the students.

Leo Club Status – Lions Mike Berns/ Ed Delong
The "Cavalier Connection" night was very well attended. Lion Mike handed out 30 applications and discussed the purpose of the Leo Club with many students and parents. He has started a Facebook group and hopes to get some students to join the group after the Cavalier Connection night on Aug. 23rd. On the downside, the support from the school isn't any better than it was last year. For the last two years we have had two different teachers from the Special Ed wing who have little or no contact with students in the general population. Lion Mike met with Mr. Panchik (faculty advisor from last year) and was told that he did not desire to be the advisor this year. He did say he will work us until he finds a replacement.

White Cane Collection – Lion Roger Snell – November 11-12, in front of B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center. Though the District recommends the week of Oct. 8th, the board delayed the collection because the Health Expo is scheduled for that date.

Holiday Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner has been in contact with the Citrus supplier who says price will probably remain the same. We will be notified by mid Oct. of any price change. Truck delivery will be made to Lion Jack’s residence this year.

Foodbank donations are still needed and appreciated.

Holiday Party – Lions Stan Furman/Nancy Watters – The Holiday party will be at Lion Stan and Jeri’s this year and the date will be the 7th of December.

Eye Glass Collection (US) Mailbox – Lion Steve found an appropriate person to make the request for the mailbox. We will be notified within a couple of weeks if we will be able to acquire the drop box. The Postal Service has given a few of the drop boxes to police departments and other organizations. Lion Steve will contact her again soon.

World Hunger-Lion Minnie Nery of the Kempsville Club is organizing this event at Thalia Lynn Baptist on Oct. 22nd. If you are willing to volunteer for pack food boxes, please call Lion Minnie at 263-2450 W, 621-8469 C.

Charity Foundation - Lion Stan Furman has gotten several items for the Bid & Buy Auction for the Lions Charity Foundation including gift certificates from The Hilton, from Charles Barker (and a $1,000 donation). Members need to support the fundraisers and make donations to the Foundation. Other items solicited by Lion Stan are, week in Orlanda,, Presidential Suite at Hilton Oceanfront with gift certificate of $200 for their gourmet restaurant, a weekend at Ramada Inn at the Oceanfront for Neptune Festival with $ 200 gift certificate to Mahi Mahi, $50.00 gift certificate for 58th Deli and a Wedding dress.

Fall Conference – Lion Stan Furman- Everyone should plan to attend. There will be learning sessions on Friday afternoon and Saturday mornings. Classes in PediaVision, Diabetes Screening, Sight Chair Information, will be offered. There will be hospitality rooms, lunches, dinners, Casino Night, and speakers from International. Milton Bullock, one of the original Platters will be on hand to offer entertainment. Please print off the information sent to you by the Secretary and send in your completed registration as soon as possible. You are not required to register for every event. You may pick and choose as you like.

Unbrellas – Lion Jim Healy reported in writing that the company making the US umbrellas is again discontinuing the product. They offered him the price of $89.00 per case instead of the regular charge of $125.00. He purchased 5 cases.

Open discussion:
Guest and Traveling Leo from Oceanside, Lion Mary Davis announced that local Lions will be given 50 Live Oaks as part of our project to plant a million trees. They will be delivered on Oct. 15th. She asked that the club have two people available to plant the trees in a specific location. She will have more information soon and will send it to the secretary. Fall Conference Date is delivery date -

Birthdays: Lion Fran Scott (2) Lion Dick Kreassig (23) Lion Stan Furman (30)
$144.00 was raised to hear Lion Ed Delong, Lion Vickie Kennedy and Lion Ray Yannello sing Happy Birthday. Lion Ray’s birthday was Friday and was sung to by Lion Steve, and Lion Stan Furan.

Raffle: Lion Aziz Selahi $23.00 won by Lion Dick - $20.00 won by Traveling Leo Lion Bob Wagner

Upcoming events:
*Saturday, Sept.3rd.– Community Service Day – sponsored by Bayside Lions – United Methodist Church,
815 Baker Road. 1p.m.-4p.m.
*Thursday, Sept 8th – EGRC – meet at Best Buy at 9:30 – 2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23323
*Wednesday, Sept. 14th – Norfolk Homeless Connect
*Wednesday, Sept. 21st – Next Regular Meeting - Crowne Plaza. Lion Dick Kreassig announced that Debra Laughlin will host Dina Gordon of Foundation Fighting Blindness who will speak to our club about how to host a successful Vision Walk. Thalia has committed to the event for the coming year.
*Saturday, Oct. 1st – Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Khedive Temple, 645 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA. 23320
*Wednesday Oct 5th - District Governor Al Miller’s visit to our club.
*Saturday, Oct. 8th – Health Fair – Va. Beach Convention Center -10:00am – 6:00pm
*Wednesday, Oct. 12th – Traveling Leo Aragona -Pembroke, Meet at The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South #2260, Chesapeake, VA 23320
*Tuesday, Oct. 11th – Traveling Leo Denbigh Lions - Steve’s Steak House, 11847 Jefferson Avenue ,Newport News,23606-9483 40 minutes/32.25 miles from Best Buy Parking Lot. Depart Best Buy at: 5:45 pm
*Wednesday, Oct. 12th – Traveling Leo - Aragona Pembroke The Green Turtle, 1401 Greenbrier Parkway South # 2260, Chesapeake, VA 23320
*Wednesday, Oct 19th – Lion John and Nancy Watters will present a program about RAM
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – Sight and Hearing Van at Central Library – 10:00a,m-2:00pm
*Saturday, Oct. 22nd – World Hunger Event – Thalia Lynn Bapt. Church, Va. Beach Blvd. sponsored by Kempsville Lions
*Friday/Saturday, Nov. 11-12th – White Cane Collection – B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center (times TBA)
*Wednesday, Dec. 7th – Holiday Party – Lion Stan and Jeri’s home – 4004 Atlantic Ave. (time TBA)

Adjournment Time: 8:30
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Board Meeting at the home of Lions Stan and Jeri Furman, Aug. 24, 2011.
Lion Jeri Furman, Pres.
Lion Stan Furman
Lion John Watters
Lion Nancy Watters,sect.
Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion Linda Eggleston
Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Brad Furmam
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Mike Coren
Lion Steve Rosnov

Call to order by Lion President Jeri Furman 7:04pm

Lion President announced that Lion Doug Craddock has submitted a letter of resignation to the club. The secretary has sent an acceptance letter. We regret that Lion Doug has felt the need to resign and hope that he will possibly reconsider at a later date.

Health Fair – Lion Brad Furman – location Va. Beach Convention Center - Oct. 8, 2011. The time is from 11-6pm but club members are asked to arrive at 10am to assist in the set up. Our Club is being featured in the flyer as being one of the sponsors of the event. Other clubs in the District have been invited to participate. Diabetes screening will be offered as will PediaVision. The event runs from Monday through Sunday with events happening at different locations. It is sponsored by the Aaron Wheeler Group.

Union Mission – Lion Brad Furman – LAMP – After discussion about the many LAMP type activities during the month of Sept. and Oct., it was decided to move the event to Dec. 3rd.

Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Aziz Selahi - Central Library 10-2pm – Sat. Oct. 22nd. Diabetes screening will be offered. Two shifts are scheduled10-12 and 12-2. Volunteers will be asked to assist.

Thalia United Methodist Church District LAMP project is Oct. 29. – Lion Randy Jones of the OLG club is organizing the event and asking for assistance from clubs. People asking for help with eye exams and glasses should be referred to the event if possible. Referrals are to be sent to Lion Randy for scheduling the day of the event.

Youth Services Project - Lion Bob Donnelly- Lion Bob was not in attendance and there was no information on the project available.

Leo Club Status – Lions Mike Berns/ Ed Delong- (written report from Lion Mike)
The "Cavalier Connection" night went very well last night. It was very well attended. I handed out 30 applications and discussed the purpose of the Leo Club with many students and parents. I have started a Facebook group and hope to get some students to join the group after our contact last night. On the downside, the support from the school isn't any better than it was last year. For the last two years we have had two different teachers from the Special Ed wing who have little or no contact with students in the general population. I met with Mr. Panchik (faculty advisor from last year) and he told me he did not desire to be the advisor this year. He did say he will work us until he finds a replacement.

White Cane Collection – Lion Roger Snell – November 11-12, in front of B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping Center. Though the District recommends the week of Oct. 8th, the board delayed the collection because the Health Expo is scheduled for that date.

Holiday Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner has been in contact with the Citrus supplier who says price will probably remain the same. We will be notified by mid Oct. of any price change. Truck delivery will be made to Lion Jack’s residence this year.

Holiday Party – Lions Stan Furman/Nancy Watters – The Holiday party will be at Lion Stan and Jeri’s this year and the date will be the 7th of December.

Open discussion:
Lion Nancy Watters moved that we pay the current year budgeted commitments to District 24 D. Lion Jack Wagoner seconded the motion and the vote carried.

Budget changes:
1. “Parades and Floats” was moved to Administration from Activities. $64.00
2. “Website” donation for $25.00 was added to the Administration budget.
A motion was made, seconded, and voted confirmed to pay the two amounts.
3. PediaVision donation was discussed but the decision was to delay or possibly, at a later date, strike it from the budget as a donation. Most of the devices are now funded by grants and there is relatively little expense.

Lion Steve Rosnov –
1. Lion Doug’s resignation left a vacancy on the Board – Lion Steve Rosnov recommended Lion John Watters to fill the vacancy. Appointment was made by Lion Jeri.
2. The Youth Exchange is usually done in the hottest time of the year. Lion Steve recommends that we check with the District chair and ask for a commitment for an indoor location next year. Lion Stan will talk to Lion Jeff Jacobs about the issue.
3. EyeGlass Collection (US) Mailbox – Lion Steve found an appropriate person to make the request for the mailbox. We will be notified within a couple of weeks if we will be able to acquire the drop box. The Postal Service has given a few of the drop boxes to police departments and other organizations..

World Hunger-Lion Minnie Nery of the Kempsville Club is organizing this event at Thalia Lynn Baptist on Oct. 22nd. Lion Steve will coordinate and will have more information at the meeting on Sept. 7th.

Lion Stan Furman has gotten several items for the Bid & Buy Auction for the Lions Charity Foundation including gift certificates from The Hilton, from Charles Barker (and a $1,000 donation). He asked for other donations. To be listed on the flyer, the items must be submitted by Aug. 26th.

The Governor’s Visit was changed to Oc.t 5 instead of Sept. 22nd because of the USA/Canada Leadership forum.

Adjournment: 9:50
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Jul 20, 2011 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Jeri Furman at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
3 Guests
21 Members
65.6 Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Song – Lion John Watters
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Nancy Watters
Invocation- Lion Steve Rosnov
Introduction of Guests: Page Powell, resident of Hope House, Anne Knox, and Anne Standings cousin of Page and board member.

Introduction of Speaker: Lion Bob Perrine – Ann Standings, is owner of Panache Interiors, Inc. in Virginia Beach. Anne serves on the board of Hope House Foundation as well as a member of their marketing committee. Anne took the lead on Hope House Foundation’s Rise & Shine Breakfast in 2011, which raises money for the foundation’s annual fund. Under her leadership the annual fund breakfast raised more than $20,000. Accompanying Anne is her niece Page Powell who is an active member of the community and Anne Knox, staff support from Hope House. Hope House sponsors the following fundraisers, Stockley Gardens Arts Festival, Summer Ghent Bar Tour, Changes Hairstyling event, Fashion/ Hair show at New Belmont in Ghent and many other events. Anne Knox explained that their major fund source is from Community Services Board. The board of Hope House is very fiscally responsible and rents apartments to others when not in use by their clients. Anne Standing explained that Hope House supports adults with developmental disabilities by allowing and assisting them to live in their own homes. It is a foundation that originally set up a group home and later moved residents into their own homes. Apartment complexes are in Norfolk, Va. Beach, Chesapeake and Portsmouth. With about 250 employees Hope House offers support to 119 residents. Anne’s niece, Page, is quite capable, living under the care of Hope House. She writes an article in the newsletter called Page by Page in which she reviews restaurants.Page said that she is the spokesperson and she is 27 years old. She receives 98-100 percent of support from Hope House. She said she still pays bills “hopefully on time.” She is trying very hard to become a good food critic. She says that Hope House is very important to her, “it rocks and rolls.” The staff helps her with her budget, her cooking, grocery shopping, transport, and basic care and support with her diet. She is trying to lose weight. She has been with Hope House Services for the past 5 years.

Business Meeting – reconvened -7:00PM

Presentations: Lion Jeri Furman presented Lion Steve Rosnov with a membership Key for bringing 2 members into Lionism

Lion Jeri also presentedThalia Lions with the District 24D Achievement Award banner for earning the most Gross Achievement points in the District.


Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy- see attached

Secretaries Report – Lion Nancy Watters

District Meeting – July 17th
*DG Al Miller announced International Theme is “Believe.”
*Lions International wants 1 million trees planted this year and a major push for growth in membership.
*Lion Al plans to focus on 1. Harmony in Lionism, 2. Membership Growth especially in clubs with less than 20 members, 3. Feeding the needy, and 4. Identifying children with vision needs through PediaVision. The District Governor’s visit will be September 21st.

Region III Meeting – Tues. August 16, 2011 Hibachi Grill & Supreme Buffet, 5957 East Virginia Beach Blvd., Norfolk – Cost $10.50. Reservation deadline is Aug. 9th. Please pay the club secretary by next meeting, Aug. 3rd.

Lions Medical Eye Bank 32nd Annual Dinner – Norfolk Yacht & Country Club, 7001 Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk, VA. Wednesday, August 17th, 2011. Board Meeting – 5:00pm, Social hr. 6:00pm, Dinner – 7:00 pm – Cost is $35.00 per person. Deadline is August 10, 2011. Please make individual reservations. Form has been emailed.

LCF – Bid & Buy Auction – Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011. Please contribute/solicit quality items for the auction. LCF is a 501 C-3 so donations are tax deductible. Please see flyers and auction donation form that has been emailed to membership.

Operation Homeless Connect – Norfolk Scope – date is Sept. 14th. More to follow

Thank you note - Cecelia Robbins wrote a lovely thank you note for the assistance given by our club in providing and eye exam and glasses. She especially thanked Lion Ed DeLong for the recommendation. She is a member of Lion Ed’s writing group. (I forgot to read this during the meeting but want it to go on record. NW)

Lion Nancy Watters submitted her "End of Year Sight Report."

Old Business -

Youth Exchange Dinner – Lion Steve Rosnov
Our International Youth Camp Project is at Wesleyan College Sunday, July 24th. Please be there at 5:30 p.m. to help with set up. Lion Bob Perrine is providing BBQ chicken. Dian Rosnov is making Greek style cucumber salad. Lion Mike Berns will bring pasta salad, Lion Jack and Joan will contribute cold slaw and beans, Lion Rich and Dick will bring cookies. Lion Fran will bring watermelon, Lion Debra wand Irene will supply ice and Lion Vickie will donate water from McDonald House. Lions John & Nancy have all cups, plates, flatware, iced tea mix, napkins, and coolers, trash bags and paper towels. Lions Fran, Mike Coren, Irene, Rich, Steve, and Debra will assist. Please come and bring spouses. This is also the Parade of Flags evening which is quite a ceremony to see. Costs may be turned in to Lion Nancy for reimbursement. Lion Ed requested that everyone wear Lions attire. Lion Mike Berns is hosting a student this year from Turkey. There are 30 students from 17 countries in the Exchange this year. Please come, enjoy, and help!!

Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov- Our goal is 5 visits this year to earn the Governor’s Patch. Aragona Pembroke is our first visit on Sept. 14th. The following visits are Denbigh – Oct. 13th, Southside- Nov.1st, Smithfield - Nov 14th, and Oceanview- Dec 5th.

RAM – Lion John Watters – 7 people are attending RAM in Wise County – Lions Nancy, John, their granddaughter, Lions Linda and Steve Eggleston, and Lion Susie and Mick Sumnick will work the event. Lion Nancy and John are pulling the LAMP trailer and PediaVision will be used.

PediaVision – Lion Nancy Watters – August 3rd. Location is Central Library from 10-1:00pm- Volunteers are needed. Lion Ed DeLong and Lion Dick Kreassig offered to assist.

EyeGlass Recycling – Lion Ed DeLong - On 14 July, the following Lions and guest worked for two hours each at the recycling center. In addition two hearing aids were turned in. Lions Ed DeLong, Mike Coren, Linda with husband Steve Eggleston, Jim Healy, Fran Scott, Steve Rosnov and Aziz Selahi. 157 eye glasses were turned in for recycling. Next scheduled work day at the EGRC is August 18. Meet at Best Buy at 9:30. We need 8 people every visit.

Flags – Lion Jim Healy- Flags are sold separately from poles now for $22.00. They are American made and of excellent quality. Lion John has a few extra poles that are free. Kits are $30.00.

Foodbank – Lion Jack Wagner- Most people are contributing cash. Lion Jack and his wife are shopping to buy things that most people need like. They purchase lots of items from Dollar Tree. Thanks for your efforts and generosity.

New Business:

Health Fair October 8th - Lion Brad Furman – Lion Nancy Reported that Lion Brad has asked the Club to participate in the Health Expo at the Convention Center on 10/8. He has requested the PediaVision and canopy to be used as well as the LAMP for screening purposes only. Lion Brad has also requested the LAMP for the Union Mission location again. Date is tentatively set for Oct 22. There is no cost other that service for either of the events. The Club reacted favorably to both ideas.

Because of the Region meeting on August 16th, the Eye Bank Annual Dinner on Aug. 17th and the EGRC trip scheduled for the 118th, there will be no Club meeting on Aug. 17th. Lion Mike Coren will need to notify Crowne Plaza that there will be no meeting that evening.

Important Announcements from the floor:

Lion Rich was given LOVF Raffle tickets. Lion Debra Laughlin has agreed to account for the tickets and collect the moneys.
Lion Dick is in charge of programs this Lions year and has asked for suggestions. He would like in house speakers as well as programs endorsed by the District.

June/July Birthdays: Lion Susie Sumnick 6/25 – Lion Rob Seim 7/21 -(neither were in attendance)

Raffle: Lion Aziz Selahi-$21.00 – Jim Healy $20

Upcoming Events:

July 21-24 – RAM – Wise Country, Virginia
August 3rd – Wednesday - PediaVision screening at Central Library, 10-1pm
August 3rd – Next Regular Meeting – Crowne Plaza
August 11th – Regular scheduled work day at Eye Glass Recycling Center
August 16th – Region meeting at Hibachi Grill, 5957 Va. Beach, Blvd. $10.50
August 17th- Annual Eye Bank Dinner and Board Meeting, Norfolk Yacht and Country Club, $35.00 per person, Board meeting 5:00pm Social hr. 6:00pm, Dinner 7:00pm
Sept. 2nd – Norfolk Homeless Connect – Scope
October 8th – Health Expo- Va. Beach Convention Center

Adjournment Time: 8:30
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club


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