Meetings 2010 - 2011

OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR(1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month)

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting following the regular meeting at the home of President Lion Steve Rosnov, 5164 Eagle Run Rd., VB 23464, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion John Watters
Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Steve Rosnov. Pres.
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion Jim Healy

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Lion Steve Rosnov

Board minutes – Lion President, Steve Rosnov asked if the minutes from the meeting on May 24th could be approved as previously emailed. The Board agreed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Treasurer, Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:

Charter Night Final Report – Lion Nancy Watters
Thalia Lions had 40 in attendance for Charter Night including 2 guests, Lion Dick Knox and his wife Patricia. There were 40 paid reservations. Two paid members did not attend, Lion Stan Furman, because of illness and Lion Rich Richards, reason unknown. Broad Bay charged the club with 41 dinners instead of 42.

2011-12 Committees – Lion Steve Rosnov – Lion Jeri has the committee list. Lion Nancy will check with Lion Brad to see if he is able to get the list. The Calling tree chairperson is Lion Mike Coren. He will be asked to coordinate reservations and meals with the hotel. When he makes the calls for attendance, he should ask who wishes vegetarian selections and should notify the hotel with the number and requests on Thurs. prior to the meeting.

New Business

2011-12 Budget – Lion Nancy Watters presented copies of the suggested budgets that were devised at the end of May by Lion Jeri, Vickie, Stan, Rich, Nancy, and Steve. Motion to approve this year’s budget was made by Lion Bob Perrine and second by Lion John Watters. Vote of approval was unanimous.

July Youth Service Project – Lion Steve – Lion Jeri Furman, incoming president, felt that the club would not be willing to participate in the Youth Service Project because several active members would be participating in the RAM project in West Virginia on the date. Also with Lion Stan’s recent illness, she has been unable to assume planning the event. The Board, however, feels that there are people in the club willing to accept the project anyway. Lion Bob Perrine accepted the responsibility of organizing a fried chicken dinner for the students and members. He is willing to prepare or see that fried chicken is supplied, enlist help with potato salad, baked beans, lemonade and whatever else will be necessary. Lion John and Nancy will provide plates, cups, and utensils. Lion Vickie will provide napkins. While the board was in session, Lion Jeff Jacobs was contacted to confirm the date to be Sunday, July 24th at around 5:00p.m. The dinner will be at Virginia Wesleyan College and will be in conjunction with the Parade of Nations. The Club has a budget of $300.00 for the project. Lion Jeff Jacobs will email Lion Steve Rosnov with confirmation of the time of day for the event.

Flag Sales – Lion Jim Healy - purchased American flags, same as in the kit that we now sell, at B.J.’s for $17.00. Jim checked with the manufacturer and found that the club could not buy them directly from the manufacturer any cheaper. The cost would be $30.00 or more for the same items. So we will buy flags when we need them from B.J’s, Sam’s, or Costco and resell them for $22.00 each.

Broom Inventory – Lion Bob Donnelly –will not place another order until after the new Lion’s year begins on July 1st.

Lion Steve announced Lion Ray Yanello’s proposed change to the by-laws concerning the answering service for the District. Notification of change is required 30 days prior to the vote in July. The amendment revision basically asked that the Answering Service expense be moved from the administrative account to the activity account. Lion John disapproved the wording in the proposal stating that it did not convey the true intention. Lion Bob Perrine moved that the amendment be accepted but the motion was killed on the floor. The Board was required to take no action other than to recognize the notification. Lion John is charged with communicating his concern pertaining to the wording of the amendment.

Open Discussion

Lion Nancy reported that the Luxottica check for Lens Crafters vouchers mailed the last week of May has not been received. She asked for advice in how to handle the issue. It was decided that another check should be sent to Luxottica for vouchers. If the first check arrives, Luxottica will send another voucher booklet which will be used. If it the check does not arrive and is lost, we will at least have voucher coverage. The Board did not want the expense of stopping payment on the lost check.

Lion Nancy reported that she visited for a short time with Lion Jeri in the hospital today. Lion Stan is holding his own and hopefully improving. When she was asked what we could do for her, she said that she wants her gavel back and is playing the sympathy card. No one in the Board meeting admitted to knowing who has the gavel. Cruel!!!!

Lion Roger reported that there is to be a big concert at convention Center sometime next year featuring Patti LaBelle and sponsored by Diabetes of America. It is for charitable and the hope is that it will become an annual event. Lion Roger thinks it may be an event in which the District would like to become involved. Lion Roger will contact Lion Roberto Loyola, District Diabetes Chairperson, to explore the idea.

Adjourned 8:27pm
Respectfully Submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

June 1, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guest
59% Percentage
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker: introduced by Lion Bob Perrine – Paul Atkinson, Eggleston Services,
“Helping People with Disabilities”

Eggleston Services was started in 1955 by group of parents whose disabled children could not get a job in adulthood. Most of the children had Cerebral Palsy. The Cerebral Palsy foundation provided some help in starting the organization that was known for about 25 years as the Tidewater Vocational Center. In the 1970’s Louise Eggleston had property in downtown Norfolk where the Colonial Food Store was located and offered property if she could be paid small stipend. Mrs. Eggleston was killed within 6 months of the agreement so the organization adopted her name. Eggleston Services provide help to about 650 people with disabilities. Mr. Atkinson quizzed the club members on the term “handicap “which literally means “cap in hand”. The term originated in England after WW1 when the government allowed veterans to beg on the street with cap in hand. The word “handicap “is not politically correct today. Individuals with disabilities should always be referred to as people first and the disability second. For instance “idiot Savant” is not acceptable. Words like Idiot, imbecile, moron are all derogatory. The term intellectually disabled is more appropriate. The General Assembly of Virginia has recently passed a law to remove the term “mental retardation” from all government forms, facilities, and notices.
Mr. Atkinson has been with Eggleston Services for over 23 years. The program has a 24 million dollar budget and 28 programs for people of all ages ranging from 6 weeks through adulthood. Eggleston provides mainstreaming education programs and residential services. They are constantly job shopping to match jobs with applicants. Most of the jobs and job services are associated with the military installations. Eggleston provides food and laundry service at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Lake Taylor Hospital, Langley Clinic and Fort Lee. The Sarah Bonwell Hudgens Center is one of their facilities. Chester Carlson, the inventor of Xerography donated the money for the facility but asked that it be named in memory of his mother in law. Eggleston started a shredding and electronic storage service at the Center. A second facility has just been opened on Military Highway in the old Conley Phillips auto site. The latest job opportunity is a business called “Let’s Go”, a pet service where dog washing and walking, is offered.
About 11 years ago, Eggleston began a vehicle donation project and runs an auction and clean up every 2 weeks. About 2500 cars were donated last year. At one time there were as many as 4000 per year but because of the Cash for Clunkers program, their business has decreased and the price of the donated auctioned cars has increased. Mr. Atkinson believes that giving intellectually disabled people the opportunity to earn a living wage, to be provided with health benefits, and to have understanding employers is the key to moving them into the society workforce.

* Blind Made Products – Lion Bob Donnelly- Total for the broom sale was $1,516.00 including $150.00 in flags and $10.00 in umbrellas. Seventeen members worked 51 hours.
* Pediavision screening at Library – Thalia Lions Club will sponsor a PediaVison screening at the Central Library on August 3rd. Every branch library will also have screenings scheduled at different times during the summer with specific clubs assigned to the appropriate location.
* Mini Health Fair – June 4th, Saturday, First Baptist Church, 418 E Butte St., is holding a Mini Health Fair at their Youth Camp at 500 Butte Street. They have requested the PediaVision and Diabetes screening. Hours are 9-12am.
* LAMP- Mt. Lebenon Church in Norfolk, June 11th -PediaVisions will be used and volunteers are needed to assist. Our club is involved with the Eye Bowl that day so if you are not bowling and have been certified or want to be certified in PediaVision this is great opportunity for service and experience.
* Eye bowl – Lion Nancy Watters – Saturday, June 11th –Thalia Lions will be represented by two teams in the tournament. Members are Lions Steve, Nancy John, Linda, Vickie, Irene, Aziz, Brad, Nurys, Doug. Thank you everyone for your support of the Sight & Hearing Van.
* Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters – District Meeting Wed., June 8th at 7:00pm - Beacon in Topping Virginia. Cost is $15.00. Please register individually.
* Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy (see attached)

Old Buisiness:
* Charter Night – Lion Nancy Watters – June 14th, 2011 at Broad Bay Country Club – 41 members have reservations
* Committees – Lion Stan Furman for Lion Jeri – as sheet was passed for committee chairperson volunteers.

New Business:
* State Convention District Meeting & Presentation – Lion Stan Furman – Dist Gov. Donna awarded membership awards to Thalia Club. Lion Stan presented the award to Lion Steve Rosnov.
* Bland contest –Our vocalist was 2nd place winning a $2000.00 scholarship. First place instrumentalist was won by the pianist from our District.
Constitution & by laws –
* State dues increase was voted down but LCI went to $41.00 this year and $43.00 next year.
* The Gary Amendment which was meant to limit the ability to hold Council Chair by any Cabinet member did not pass.

Birthdays: May- Lion Brad, - 1st, Lion Filip-4th, Otis – 31st. June – Lion Susie – 25 th. Lion Otis was the only one present. Lion Vickie and Lion Ed DeLong each gave a performance of “Happy Birthday.”

Raffle: Our speaker, Mr. Paul Atkinson won $21.00 which he donated back to the club and Lion Steve won $20.00 for the second drawing.

Upcoming events:
* June 4th, Mini Health Fair – First Baptist Church, Butte St. Norfolk
Upcoming Events:
* June 8th – Last District Meeting in Topping, Va. 7:00pm
* June 11th – Mt Lebanon Church LAMP
* June 14th, Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club
* June 22nd – Board meeting will be a joint meeting of the 2010-11 board and 2011-2011-12 board – The meeting will be at Lion Jeri’s home at 7:00pm.
* July 6th –NO MEETING!!!
* July 9th- PediaVision Event at Pemboke Mall in conjunction with Cox Communication Kid’s Day
* July 13th - Regular meeting (only one for July)
* July 9th – PediaVision Event at Pembroke Mall in conjunction with Cox Communication

Adjournment 8:10
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

The Thalia Lions Club Board Meeting at the home of President Lion Steve Rosnov, 5164 Eagle Run Rd.,VB 23464, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion John Watters
Lion Ed DeLong
Lion Steve Rosnov. Pres.
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Bob Donnelly

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Lion Steve Rosnov –

Old/On-Going Business:
*Lion Steve Rosnov –Asked for approval of minutes from April 27th. Motion to dispense with reading and to approve was made by Lion Jim and seconded by Lion Stan. Motion passed.
*Lion Vickie Kennedy – Treasurer’s Report – Returned check in the amount of $27.00 was re-deposited and the bank paid but our club was charged a $10.00 fee. The necessary correction was made to the last Treasurer’s report. Lion Franklin Waller was notified by email that he would be charged $25.00 to our club to cover bank fees and our time and trouble. If we do not hear from him we will send a second email copying the new District Governor and the Town Central secretary.
2011-12 Budget meeting will be May 31st at Lion Jeri’s house, 7:00pm
*Lion Stan Furman – State Convention – The Thalia Lions vocal Bland contestant, Joylyn Rushing, won 2nd place on the State level and the contestant from Matthews/Lancaster, Marika Yasuda, won 1st place instrumentalist (piano) at the State level.
*The motion to increase State dues was not passed. This District was largely responsible for the results.
*The motion to prevent the immediate governor or a current district officer to hold a council chair position was defeated.
*The vote for International director was thrown out because the winner was required to have 50 percent of the vote plus one.
*Lion Steve Rosnov – Reported that there is no need to discuss a meeting location any longer because the Crowne Plaza is doing a very good job with our meals. The next meeting will be chicken Marcella with plenty of sauce.
*Lion Nancy Watters – Charter Night – 41 members are registered to attend the installation night on June 14, 2011 at 6:00pm.
*Lion Jeri Furman – 2011-12 Committees - Lion Jeri reported that we have a full slate for committee volunteers.
*Lion Steve Rosnov and Jeri Furman – Installation Night Events will consist of the standard program with Lion Dick Knox as guest conducting the installation procedure.
*Lion Bob Donnelly – Blind made Products – May 27th and 28th – many members cannot work 3hrs. therfore he has staggered those who are willing to work 2 hrs. Lion Bob will close both evenings. The inventory is good. Flags are $30 and we have 27 flags that can be sold at the blind made sale. Umbrellas will also be sold. There are 67 #4 brooms, 44 heavy brooms and 37 brooms with cushion handles. Seven Push brooms with poles are also available. Lion Roger may be able to make tent signs.

New Business-
*Lion Bob Donnelly –asked about the possibility of sponsoring bus shelters in conjunction with the light rail service. If we partnered, there would be no money obligation. Our kick back would be 10%. Lion Stan informed us that LCI would not allow us to endorse for profit organizations. The discussion was dropped.
*Lion Stan and Jeri recommended that we have only one meeting in July. They will be at will be at the International Convention the first week in July. Traditionally, we have only one meeting for that month. The discussion will be taken up with the membership at the next meeting.
*The last District Meeting for this Lions Year is on June 8th at the Beacon in Topping, Virginia. Lions Stan, Jeri, Steve, Nancy, and John plan to attend.
The cost is $15.00
*Next board meeting will be at Lion Jeri’s home on June 22nd at 7:00pm. It will be a combined meeting of both the old and new boards. The old board will handle old business and new board will handle new business

Adjourned 8:20
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

May 18, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
2 Guest
19 Members
59.3% Percentage
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker: introduced by Lion Bob Perrine - Officer Al Perry “Virginia Beach Project Life Saver.” Virginia Beach Project Life Saver is the largest life saver program in the world. It is incorporated, run by a volunteer board and has its own insignia. The program is mostly for Alzheimer’s patients because when they are lost or in trouble they do not call for help. A prime example is Mary Butts who was lost on Bonney Rd. She never cried for help the 5 days before she was found. Project Lifesaver Virginia was started in the Sherriff’s Dept. The Virginia Beach police department took it over the project in 2005. The client base at the time Virginia Beach Police took over had only 18 people in the client base. After five years, there are 105 clients. There are Main two groups of clients; those with autism and those with Alzheimers. Yet many other conditions are not excluded.
Hampton Roads has higher than average rate of autism because of the Navy. If Navy personnel have special needs children, Hampton Roads and Jacksonville, Florida are the places designated for best treatment. Autistic children “bolt and run” and are often drawn to water, and have seizures. They lack normal fear responses like walking into traffic. All these factors make finding them quickly very important.
Seventy eight percent of all Alzheimer patients will develop the tendency to wander. The number of people with Alzheimer’s is growing because of the baby boomers population. 5 million people in the US today have Alzheimer. There is no cure and no medication to arrest the disease. Another reason for the high numbers is that we are living longer. By the age of 85, 10% of the people will have Alzheimer’s. The system works by using a state of the art battery powered transmitter that emits a constant radio signal 24 hours a day. The radio transmitter is the size of a wrist watch and provides a constant radio signal. Once the police are notified that a person is missing, officers identify the signal from a specialized directional antenna and are able to track the wandering person. Officers use this equipment on foot, in cars and also by air, providing maximum cover and capability for search efforts for several miles. Virginia Beach Project Lifesaver is a successful program. Nationwide, Project Lifesaver has responded to more than 1700 rescues and all were 100 percent successful with a recovery time of less than 30 minutes. To enroll, please contact Officer Perry at 757-385-2703 or email him at: He has contact numbers for every city.
The cost of the appliance is $300.00 but no one is ever turned away because of inability to pay. All equipment and service is being paid by Board and donations. The monitoring service is $9.00 per month which includes replacing the battery.
Officer Perry was asked if there were problems with patients removing or losing the bracelets. His reply was that it had never been a problem as long as the caregiver is cooperative. The transmitted signal has a range of about 1 mile on the ground and 10 miles in the air. The public may help by spreading the word about Project Lifesaver, by identifying those at risk, and by donating money.

Reports: Adult Learning Center Scholarship final report – Lion Ed Delong – Lion Ed and Lion Steve presented a $1000.00 scholarship to a 54 year old candidate. The Governor of Virginia had given him a pardon and he had turned his life around by pursuing an education. He did not know how he was going to pay for the second semester and he was extremely grateful for the scholarship.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Charter Night – Lion Nancy Watters – June 14th, 2011 at Broad Bay Country Club. Please submit your reservation with your payment of $32.00 per person. Reservation deadline is May 18th.
*Eye bowl – Lion Nancy Watters – Saturday, June 11th –Thalia Lions will be represented by two teams in the tournament. Members are Lions Steve, Nancy John, Linda, Vickie, Irene, Aziz, Brad, Nurys, Doug. Thank you everyone for your support of the Sight & Hearing Van.
*PediaVision screening at Library– Lion Nancy Watters – the Thalia Lions Club will sponsor a PediaVison screening at the Central Library on August 3rd. Every branch library will also have screenings scheduled at different times during the summer with specific clubs assigned to the appropriate location.
*Mini Health Fair – First Baptist Church 418 E Butte St. is holding a Mini Health Fair at their Youth Camp at 500 Butte Street. They have requested the PediaVision and that we do Diabetes screening.
*LAMP – Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in Norfolk June 11th, PediaVision will be provided for their use but our Club will be participating in the Eye Bowl.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Lion Jeri thanked all for White Cane – We collected over $1,600.00. She passed out a list of committees for sign up for the coming Lions Year.

Blind Made Products – Lion Bob Donnelly will send email confirming the work assignments on May 27-28.

Birthdays: Lions Brad - 1st, Filip – 4th, Nancy - 27th, Otis 31st - Lion Nancy was the only person present with a birthday. $94.00 was raised to hear Lion Ed DeLong or Lion Stan Furman sing Happy Birthday. But Lion Nancy chose Lion John to serenade on bended knee.

Upcoming events:
-May 27-28 Broom sale, Birchwood Shopping Center Parking Lot
-May 25, 7 pm, Board Meeting Lion Steve Rosnov’s Residence
-June 1, 6pm, Regular Meeting, Crowne Plaza
-June 4, Mini Health Fair – First Baptist Church, Butte St. Norfolk
-June 14th, Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club

Raffle: Lion Jack Wagner - $20.00 – won by Lion Stan $16.00 – won by Lion Stan
Adjournment 8:05

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
2 Guest
18 Members
%56 Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introduction of Guests: Lion Jim Healy introduced Sandy Robbinette from the “FBI” family. She is a prospective member.

Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker: introduced by Lion Bob Perrine
Karen Wilson Forget - Lynnhaven River Now
Karen’s interest in the environment started early growing up on an organic farm in Indiana. She has a BA from Purdue University and an MA from the College of William and Mary and has enjoyed living in the Hampton Roads area for over thirty years. She immediately fell in love with the natural beauty of this area and its many ties to the water. Her first three years here were spent living on a sail boat and learning about the natural history and beauty of the Chesapeake Bay. Karen came to Lynnhaven River NOW after thirty years as a teacher and school administrator. Her first involvement with Lynnhaven River NOW was as a citizen oyster gardener which she has been doing now for fifteen years. For the past five years Karen has been working full time with Lynnhaven River NOW first as the Education & Outreach Coordinator and for the past three years as the Executive Director. She also serves on several city-wide committees including the Green Ribbon Implementation Committee, the Clean Water Task Force and the Sustainability Advisory Team. She is also on the Board of Buy Fresh, Buy Local Hampton Roads and Light Rail Now. Karen described the demographics of the 63 square mile watershed that covers most of northern Va. Beach. It includes 21% of the city’s total land area and has a population of 1.4 million people living within its boundaries. That is one half the population of Virginia Beach. 40% of the watershed land area is covered with impervious surface, a major reason for water quality problems. Storm water runoff, fertilizers, animal waste, gas, oil are among the primary causes of water pollution. The population growth of the area has exploded. In 1905 the statistics shows a population of 11,000. By 2006, the population grew to be over 445,000. The Lynnhaven is a beautiful area of more than 500 sq. miles with more than ½ being water. Water is a large part of the life of Va. Beach and a major draw for residential land use. Almost all natural wetlands has been lost to development. Wetlands filter runoff and are the nursery for everything that lives in the water. Underwater grasses were depleted at an alarming rate from sediment and nutrient runoff. Only 6 acres are left. Eel grass is the primary underwater grass in this area and we are on the uppermost range for its habitat.As waters get warmer, the line goes farther north. Lynnhaven NOW is experimenting with new growth by transplanting Widgeon grass. We do not have serious industrial pollution as in some areas but our issues are the result of development. Our water quality problems stem for sediment, bacteria, and nutrient toxins. Five years ago only 1% of the Lynnhaven was open to oyster harvesting. Presently 41% or 2,007 acres are now in use. The improvement is due to better sanitation and storm management. Smith Mt. Lake and Lake Drummand are the only 2 natural lakes in state of Va. All others are manmade lakes, retention ponds or borrow pits. Another cause of poor water quality in the Lynnhaven is bacteria. One third of fecal coliform origins are bird, human, and pet. There are basically no livestock in northern Va. Beach but there are 40,000 licensed dogs. Lynnhaven NOW has a Scoop the Poop campaign and asked that the club members put stickers on their garbage cans to remind dog owners to pick up after pets. People are asked not to feed the birds. In fact it is a misdemeanor to feed wildlife on city property. Another source of the problem has been septic tanks. Va. Beach soil is not good for septic fields because of the nature of the soil. At one time there were over 11,000 septic tanks in the watershed. The city has now invested in providing service to almost all areas with the exception of about 100. Backup power sources are now provided for pumping stations when heavy storms cause outages resulting in storm water overflows. The Lynnhaven is a no discharge zone for boats. Outlawing the practice has made a significant difference in water quality Lynnhaven NOW offers the following suggestions to improve and protect the water quality of Lynnhaven Watershed:
Grow oysters –Scoop the poop – note Storm Drain Awareness Markers – promote clean boating- sponsor a monthly river clean up – use rain barrels – fertilize sparingly – plant native plants – install backyard buffers- plant a rain garden –become a Lynnhaven NOW partner.

Lion President presented Karen with an engraved plaque of appreciation.

Lion Steve presented Lion Bob Perrine with 100% President’s Excellence Award. Form last year.


Bonney Road Cleanup Report- Lion Rich Roberts – 11 members worked enthusiastically for one hour on Sat. 4/30/11.

Scholarships – Lion Rich – ALC candidate was selected and will be presented May 5th. The Princess Anne coordinator has sent applications to Lion Rich and the selection will be make by June.

White Cane Final Report – Lion Jeri Furman - over $1,604.15 dollars was raised on March 23-24/2011 at Birchwood Shopping Center. 17 umbrellas were sold. 19 members worked 32 hours total.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters – the Thalia Lions Club will sponsor a PediaVison screening at the Central Library on August 3rd. Every branch library will also have screenings scheduled at different times during the summer with specific clubs assigned to the appropriate library.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy- see attached

Old Business:

Charter Night – Lion Nancy Watters – June 14th, 2011 at Broad Bay Country Club. Please submit your reservation with your payment of $32.00 per person. Reservation deadline is May 18th.

Eye bowl – Lion Nancy Watters – Saturday, June 11th –Thalia Lions will be represented by two teams in the tournament. Members are Lions Steve, Nancy John, Linda, Vickie, Irene, Aziz, Brad, Nurys, Doug. Thank you everyone for your support of the Sight & Hearing Van.

Leo Club Status – Lion Bob Perrine reported that the Princess Anne Leo Club is basically defunct. The sponsor , Joe Panachek says there are issues and that the club would not meet again this year. Only one member is a junior. Back to school night is in August. It was suggested that the club be present on that evening to solicit members and explain the purpose of the Lions Club. Thalia offers a scholarship to students at Princess Anne High and it is felt that there should be more cooperation. A conference with the principal to find a better solution to the problem was encouraged. Lion Mike Berns has agreed to take the sponsorship for the coming school year.

Blind Made Products (Broom Sale) – Lion Bob Donnelly – May 27th and 28th. This year the location will be near the service station. Lion Bob will do an inventory and will order what is needed before the sale dates. –Recommendations were that we should have printed cards at White Cane for instructions about where to purchase buy brooms and about upcoming broom sales. It was also requested that we order White Cane stickers.

Recycle Lions International Magazines – Lion Nancy – Please bring old LIONS magazines to meetings. They are wonderful publicity for our service projects. When someone asks what Lions do, it is easy to hand them the magazine and show them.

Umbrella Status – Lion Jim Healy – New order shows price increase. The board has decided to leave the selling price the same even though the profit margin decreases.

Virginia Beach Schools Food Bag program –Upon investigating the particulars of this project, Lion Steve Rosnov determined that it would be very similar to the food project we now have going with Samaritan House. The project would also require that we collect, organize, and put together school bags to be sent home with children. It seems to be quite a time and financial commitment. Therefore he has decided not to pursue the project.

Samaritan House – Lion Jack reminded us how much the financial contributions are meaning to Samaritan House. They are able to purchase necessary items that are not donated. Committee assignment sheet passed from Lion Jeri

Raffle $25.00 won by Lion Vickie, $14.00 won by Lion Susie Sumnick (donated to Samaritan House)

Upcoming events:

- May 12th, 10 am to noon, Eye Glass Recycling Center
- May 27-28 Broom sale, Birchwood Shopping Center Parking Lot
- May 25, 7 pm, Board Meeting Lion Steve Rosnov’s residence
- June 14th, Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club
Adjournment: 8:07pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

at the home of President Lion Bob Perrine, 2408 Ketch Ct. Va. Beach, 23451with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Dob Donnelly
Lion Ed DeLong
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Steve Rosnov. Pres.
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Vickie Kennedy Ed
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion John Watters

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Lion Steve Rosnov –

On-Going Business:

Approval of March 23 Board Minutes – Lion Steve Rosnov asked for and received approval of minutes of last Board meeting.

Crowne Plaza Meeting Place- Lion Steve Rosnov- reported that the hotel is doing better and there seems to be fewer complaints. No one has offered any other suggestions for menus. The venue is perfect for Lions District, Region and Zone meeting and offers a good atmosphere for guests. The Board decided that we should stay at the location for the coming year.

Treasurer’s Report _ Lion Vickie Kennedy – Please see attached. The report has been revised since the last regular meeting.

Old Business-

Charter Night – Lion President, Jeri Furman, Nancy Watters – 13 reservations have been confirmed to date. The deadline for reservations is May 18th.

Leo Club Status –Lion Bob Perrine - the Princess Anne Leo Club is basically defunct. The sponsor - Joe Panachek says there are issues and that the club would not meet again this year. Only one member is a junior. Back to school night is in August. It was suggested that the club be present on that evening to solicit and explain the purpose of the Lions Club. Many suggestions were offered to promote the Leos. Thalia offers a scholarship to students at Princess Anne High and it is felt that there should be more cooperation. A conference with the principal to find a better solution to the problem was encouraged.

White Cane/Umbrella Report – Lion Jeri Furman- $1,604.15 was collected and 17 umbrellas sold. It was recommended that there be 3 people per shift for future collections. Lion Jeri said that she had tried to have 3 people per shift for this collection but was not able to get enough people in every case.
Lion Jim reported that he reordered umbrellas and has about 70 or so left. Though the price per umbrella has increased, the Board felt that the selling price should remain the same.

Lion Rog said that he could make adhesive stickers with Thalia’s name and contact number to be applied to the umbrellas.

Lion Ed asked about the flags. We still have inventory and sell them for $30.00 each.

New Business
Broom Sale –Lion Bob Donnelly - May 27-28th - This year our location will be closer to the gas station and we may use the new 10X10 tent purchased for use with the PediaVision. There is a possibility of running two locations in the parking lot at Birchwood.

ALC scholarship Lion Rich and Lion Ed - graduation is May 2nd and no scholarship applications have been received to date.
Lion Ed DeLong is chairperson and will call the school tomorrow.

Lion Jeri, our incoming President will have a list of committees at the next meeting and will ask for volunteers. Each Vice President is expected to oversee the committees under his prevue.

Virginia Beach City Public Schools – Parent Connection/Beach Bags – Lion Steve Rosnov –

Please see the webpage sent by Lion Steve or the attached print out. People are needed to assemble bags of food for distribution to the students. The school in our area of service where the program is being implemented is Kings Grant. We would be scheduled as their food packers for a specific number of days each month. Lion Steve will investigate further and present it to the club.

Lion Nancy –suggested that we collect our old Lions magazines to distribute at service locations when people have questions about Lionism.

PediaVision screening on Friday morning at Growing Essentials, 600 Independence Blvd. Two or three volunteers are needed.

Next meeting is scheduled at Lion Steve’s. May 25th.

Lion Nancy stated that since Dr. Frenkel has done so much we would like to honor him with an invitation to Charter Night and be recognized. It was decided that we should send him invitation and if he accepts, we would recognize him is some fashion. It was also decided to invite the widows of former members.
Lion Roger will print the invitations.

Adjournment: 8:07pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
0 Guest
23_ Members

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introduction of Guests:

Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm. During dinner, Lion Steve passed out “Lion of the Year” ballots for another vote. Lion Nancy and Lion Steve recused themselves from eligibility making another vote necessary.

Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker: introduced by Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Debra Laughlin – “A Look into Low Vision”
Debra Laughlin was forced to resign from her nursing career when she lost her sight in 2007 from Rod Cone Dystrophy, a retinal disease. Lion Bob Perrine heard about her in a Virginian Pilot article that featured her coordinating a health fair Oct 9, 2010 for Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kempsville. Lion Debra spoke at our club meeting on Oct 20, 2010 about “Bringing Eye Disease Awareness to Virginia Beach.” On Nov 17, 2010 she became a member of our club under the sponsorship of Lion Mike Berns. She hosted a Coffee Social for Foundation Fighting Blindness at Panera’s Bread in Pembroke. Lion Debra hopes to organize a Vision Walk by 2012 to help raise awareness. Because Lion Debra shows no outwardly signs of vision impairment, people often questions her about her disease. Her general response is “could you tell by looking at me if I had high blood pressure or heart disease?” Over 10 million Americans have low vision for a variety of reasons. Vision acuity of 20/70 is considered low vision. With vision acuity of 20/200, Lion Debra’s daily life is affected. She cannot read, cannot tell if the stove is on or off, cannot see who is calling on the phone by the ID, cannot recognize objects at short distances and has trouble differentiating colors. Lion Debra passed around several types of glasses and eye covers that simulate what a person with different low vision issues actually sees. In the US a person is considered legally blind if your vision is 20/200 or your field of vision is less than 20 degrees. After describing the anatomy of the eye, Lion Debra defined the leading causes of low vision and blindness as the following: Retinitis Pigmentosa - dysfunction of the retina, Cataracts – clouding of the lens, Glaucoma – dysfunction of optic nerve caused by fluid pressure, Diabetic Retinopathy – retinal disease from diabetes. The following steps were suggested to prevent or delay vision problems:
Regular exams for early detection
Sunglasses use to protect from cataracts
Safety glasses or goggles use to protect from accidental injury
Proper diet rich in Omega 3, fruit, vegetables
Healthy weight to avoid diabetes
Research is expensive. Four hundred million has been raised to help fund 151 research grants in 80 institutions. Some of the recent studies include gene therapy, and Valproic Acid treatment, and French research that has some success in restoring rods, Rod Derived Cone viability Factor. Lion Debra expressed the desire to hold a National Vision Walk fundraising event in the Tidewater area in 2011-12. The National Vision Walk organization operates in 46 locations around the country and has raised over 15 million since its inception in 2006. The organization funds purchase of vision equipment for those who need assistance. Insurance does not pay for the cost of canes, magnifying equipment, special lens and glasses or any of the equipment making life easier for those with vision impairment. Lion Steve thanked Lion Debra for her talk and presented her with a Lion statuette. Lion Bob Donnelly moved that we have a standing committee to assist with the National Vision Walk making Lion Debra the chairperson. The motion was seconded by Lion Rich Roberts and the vote was unanimously passed.

*Braille Camp – Lion Irene Conlin read a very warm thank you letter from Malorie Eggelston. Thalia Lions sponsored her son, Robert, for a trip to Braille Camp.
* Audible Easter Egg Hunt –Lion Irene Conlin – the event took place at Bayville Farms Park on April 16th from 10:30 – 2:30 pm. Though well attended, the expectation is that next year’s event will be much larger in number. There were 42 families participating. Four Thalia members assisted. It was suggested that in future events, eggs be hidden in a larger area. Many visually impaired were confused by the noises when too many eggs were hidden in close proximity.
*Journey for Sight – Lion Jim Healy– Sat. April 16th - 8:30 - Norview High School -Our club was responsible for filling water cups. The 5KRun/Walk & Mile Run/Walk was sponsored by Tidewater Striders. Thalia had 5 members who worked the event. Lion Jim stated that because of the new location and new set up, we were short handed. He could have used as many as 8-10 people and hopes next year we will be better prepared.
*Samaritan House –Lion Jack Wagner described the mission of the Samaritan House and again thanked the club for its support of food and especially money for goods. Many items not covered by food stamps are being purchased with our cash donations. The average age of a resident is 11 yrs. old.
*Leadership Conference- Lion Stan Furman reported that 7 members attended the conference and 2 were included in the World Wide Induction Ceremony. The conference was one of the best attended in many years.
*Final Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy – the vocal candidate sponsored by our club won the District level competition. Joylyn Rushing from Greenbrier Christian School will compete on the state level. The winning instrumentalist was a pianist, Marika S. Yasuda, from Hampton Roads Academy. Our contestant placed second. Lion John Watters made a motion that the club contribute $200.00 to defray our contestants cost of travel and stay at the State competition in Richmond. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
*EK Slone Foundation –Lion Stan Furman announced that because Lion Ed DeLong followed up on an article in the newspaper about the EK Slone Foundation’s grant offer to purchase pianos, our club is assisting Thalia United Methodist Church in applying for the grant. Our Bland contest is held at that location each year.
*White Cane Collection –Birchwood Shopping Center (in front of B.J.’s) Lion Jeri Furman –April 22-23 at Birchwood Shopping Center -Lion Jeri will be in contact with members. She would like three people per shift.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Charter Night –June 14th –Broad Bay Country Club -2120 Lords Landing, VB 23454-Lion Nancy read the menu and explained to new members and old that Charter Night is the beginning of the new Lions year with awards for outstanding service, perfect attendance and installation of new officers. Every member should be willing to attend, bring a spouse or partner and support the club. Reservations deadline is May 18th and must be accompanied by your check for the evening’s meal ($32.00 per person) The price this year is the same as in the last 3 years, however, Lion Nancy was informed by Broad Bay Country Club Management that in future years there will be a $50.00 bartender fee and an additional $50.00 fee for Chef’s assistant. Reservations were passed out to those in attendance. Please see attached for a copy.
*Eye Bowl – June 11th – AMF Lanes – 6660 Indian River Road. –Lion Nancy asked that all who agreed to form a team for our club please turn in your check made to Sight & Hearing Van or give her cash ($20.00) The following members volunteered to comprise the team. ONE MORE MEMBER is needed!!! Lions Steve, Nancy John, Linda, Vickie, Irene, Aziz, Brad, Nurys. Please contact Lion Nancy if you can be the last team member.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Nominations for Thalia Lions Year 2011/2012 –Lion Steve Rosnov. When Lion Bob Donnelly realized that it would be difficult to be the Incoming President due to some short term medical problems he made the difficult decision to step down from taking that position. However, Lion Steve did not realize that he wished to remain in the Vice President’s role to become President in another year. So our Nominations Board moved Lion Roger up to First Vice President and Lion Nancy agreed to be Second Vice President. Though she agreed to be Second Vice President, Lion Nancy has too many things on her plate for the next few years. Therefore, Lion Bob Donnelley is nominated for First Vice President and Lion Roger for Second Vice President. Because the change eliminates the requirement for an additional Director, Lion John Watters is removed from the ballot. Lion Steve opened the floor for other nominations. Lion Jeri Furman nominated Lion Nancy Watters for First Vice President. Lion Nancy Watters respectfully declined. Lion Stan Furman moved that nominations be closed and that the slate be approved unanimously.
The motion was seconded and the vote carried.

Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Lion Stan Furman – Khedive Temple Sat., Oct. 1, 2011. Please begin collecting nice items for the auction. Examples: prints, collectibles, jewelry, gift baskets, antiques, gift certificates, golf packages. Lion Stan will take any items that are collected. It is suggested that donated items should be of $100.00 value.

Annual 24-D Governor's Ball - Lion Stan Furman- April 16th – Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder. Thalia had 4 members in attendance. Each person received a Governor’s Ball pin.

Bonney Road Environmental Service Project – Lion Rich Roberts – next clean up date is April 30th

Scholarship applications will be coming in at the end of the month. Lion Rich will meet with his committee and make the selection in May.

LOVF- Lion Linda Eggleston – money is due now. Lion Stan will take the raffle tickets to the State Convention on May 19th. Please turn in all your tickets and money no later than May 1st. The club must write a check for the tickets before the State Convention.

Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz announced that Thalia has met all the requirements for earning a Traveling Leo patch for the year 2010-11. No more trips are necessary unless the club chooses to make additional visits.

EGRC- Scheduled for May 12th. Please see upcoming events

Melvin Jones – Lion Steve read a letter of thank you and commendation from LCIF for the purchase of a Melvin Jones Award, recipient to be announced on Charter Night. This year’s award was selected by the president. Because the Melvin Jones Award has been voted on by former recipients in previous years, Lion Dick Kreassig questioned the manner in which this award was chosen. As a matter of information, the following passage is taken from the Board minutes March 23, 2011:

Interest in awarding a Melvin Jones for 2010-11 – Lion Vickie read the names of those who do not have a Melvin Jones Award. We have many new members who have not been with the club long enough to be considered. Lion Ed would like to ask club members if they would be willing to contribute ½ the cost of a MJ. Lion Stan suggested that we actively solicit funds for LCIF from the club and consider the possibility of awarding more than one award this year, depending on the amount of money collected. The club has about $1,000 reserved in LCIF for the MJ Award. Lion Steve feels that the club should use the MJ as the award as originally intended. Lion Stan moved that the President be allowed the privilege of selecting the recipient rather that having the current MJ decides. Donations to LCIF are tax deductible. Potentially we could possibly give two. Motion carried -no opposition.

Birthdays – Lion Jack Wagner (7) Lion Kimberly Vakos (28) Lions Rich and Lion Jeri serenade the two with an exhilarating duet.

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts - $24.00 won by Lion Debra Laughlin, $29.00 won by Lion Mike Coren-

Upcoming events:
*April 22& 23 – White Cane, Birchwood Shopping Center
*April 27th – Board meeting Lion Bob Perrine’s residence – 7:00pm
*May 4 – Regular Club Meeting at Crowne Plaza
*May 9th - EGRC – meet at Best Buy 9:30
*June 14th,- Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club

Adjourned 8:21
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions Club
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
1 Guest
21_ Members
66% Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introduction of Guests: None

Recess for Dinner: 6:35pm
Reconvened 7:00pm

Guest speaker: David Edmondson Jr., a heart transplant recipient, spoke about organ donation and LifeNet Health, the organization that arranges organ transplants
There are 110,640 people awaiting a transplant for life threatening illness. Donors are only a fraction of that number. David began by sharing his story. In May 0f 2000 at the age of 35, he began to feel so tired that he was unable to function. After examinations and treatments, he had a pacemaker implanted. By Labor Day, the pacemaker was not working well. He had no stamina. A resulting trip to the ER he was diagnosed with heart failure and he was placed on a defibrillator. Nine months later it was determined that he had no choice but a transplant. At UVA, after tests were run, David was evaluated by the “board” to receive a transplant. Without it his life expectancy was 3 yrs. He was put on the waiting list for over a year. David went home and made his life end arrangements. While waiting, David met many people who were also waiting and made close friends. He saw both ends of the spectrum from those who died and those who had successful transplants and survived. David realized that the only way he could live was to get the transplant and he had no control over what was to happen. By May 2008, He was convinced that it was not going to happen. He developed a bucket list. But on June 21st he received the call. He was on the road to Charlottesville in 10 min. and was there by 5:00. At 7:30am the next morning, he had to say goodbye to everyone and did not know if he would survive. David calls June 22, 2008 is his second birthday. 11 days after checking into the hospital, he came home. While in the hospital, he wrote a letter to the donor family. There is only a 5% chance the family will reply because it seems just too painful for most families to handle. But his family replied. His donor’s name was Toni Lee. David was sent a picture of Toni Lee Bryson, a young mother of 2 children. She saved 7 people’s lives by her willingness to donate her organs. Now David is active, doing 3k walk a thons, and competes in “Heart Transplant Olympics”. Heart transplant recipients range in age from 5 -70 years of age. Larry Hagman is a liver transplant and was in the “Olympic” competition Team Virginia. David met him and had an extended conversation sharing their experiences. David gave several accounts of organ recipients and personal stories about meeting other new transplant recipients as well as his new wife. He just celebrated his 40th birthday this year because of his transplant and because someone said “yes” to becoming an organ donor. David brought several items such as bracelets, brochures, flyers, nail files that could remind people to donate. Many people refuse to donate because they believe something that is not true and are not willing to take the step. Most donors are killed by motor accidents, suicide, gunshot, strokes and falls. A person may sign up on their driver’s license, by completing from forms directly or on line at As of 2005, Virginia passed a law stating that persons 18 years or older may make the legal decision to be a donor and the family cannot override that decision. LifeNet is called directly from the emergency room. The only factor that precludes a donor from donating is the presence of AIDS. The Donor Match Check List is a follows: blood type, tissue type, size, weight, degree of sickness, length of waiting time, and distance from donor.
David encouraged all members to consider becoming an organ donor.

Induction of New Lion - Irene Conlin, by Second Vice District Governor Stan Furman. Irene is originally from Long Island, served 24 years in the military, has 4 children, and is married to the love of her life. Because one of her daughters is visually impaired, Elizabeth, Irene is an active member of Virginia Association of Parents of the Visually Impaired (VAAPVI).

*Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters read a thank you note from Samaritan House for food and money donations from our club. The resignation of membership of Lion Linda Esposito was announced to the club. Lion Nancy updated everyone of Lion Susie Sumnick’s condition for which she has be hospitalized. Lion Doug Craddock thanked everyone for cards and notes concerning his recent illness and Lion Nancy thanked everyone for cards and support in her recent family members deaths.
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedyb – see attached

Old Business:
*District 24 D Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Bayville Farms Park – 10:30 – 2:30 (see flyer attached) Lion Irene Conlin, a new member of our club, is the contact person for the event sponsored by the Virginia Association of the Parents of the Visually Impaired. The International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, and Tidewater Area Teachers of the Blind and Visually Impaired are joining in the event.
*White Cane – Lion Jeri Furman– April 22 & 23 at Birchwood Shopping Center-
Almost every slot is filled except 4-6 on Fri. and Sat. Lion Jeri will be in contact with members – She would like three people per shift – especially 4-6 on Sat. and Fri. 6-7.
*Eye Bowl – Lion Nancy Watters – Sight & Hearing Van Bowl –A-Thon- June 11th – 1-3pm. Each team is asked to drum up $250.00 in sponsorships or pay cost of $20.00 per bowler. Enough members willingly volunteered for the event to form 2 teams. (Lions Steve, John, Nancy, Linda, Vickie, Irene, Aziz, Brad, Kimberly, and Nurys. Lion Otis will be alternate in case someone cannot come.
*Lions Charity Foundation Auction – Lion Nancy Watters – Khedive Temple Sat., Oct. 1, 2011. Please begin collecting nice items for bidding. Examples: prints, collectibles, jewelry, gift baskets, antiques, gift certificates, golf packages. Lion Stan will take any items that are collected.
*Spring Kid’s Fest – Lion Nancy Watters/ Stan Furman- Lynnhaven Mall PediaVision was held from 11:00am-4:00pm on Sat. April 2nd. One hundred six children were screened with 29 referrals. Thalia had 11 members present as well as members from OLG, Princess Anne (whose tent was used), and Bayside Lions Clubs. The event was a great success and Kathy Straus, Events Manager for the mall, has promised to let us know when future kids events will be held and will again allow us the opportunity to set up screenings. Lion John Watters has ordered a tent for our club for future use. It is dark blue in color to decrease the amount of light for screening. We found that a white tent allows too much light in a bright area.
*Journey for Sight – Lion Jim Healy– 8:30 - Norview High School - members need to be there by 7:30.Our club is responsible for filling water cups. The 5KRun/Walk & Mile Run/Walk is sponsored by Tidewater Striders. (See attached flyer)
*Annual 24-D Governor's Ball - Lion Stan Furman- April 16th – Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder – Cost is $40.00 per person which includes registration, Governor’s Ball pin, Dinner and Dance. The theme is “In Our Hearts”.
*Leadership Conference- Lion Nancy Watters encouraged all new members, and any member who may be interested in holding an office in the club to attend the Leadership Conference on April 9th at Sara Bonwell Hudgins Center in Hampton. The training session is free and runs from 9-12am.
*The World Wide Induction Ceremony will also be held at the Conference. We have 9 people attending the Conference and 4 new members to be included in the World Wide Induction Ceremony.
*Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi – Wards Corner visit is scheduled for April 15th. Six people are signed up to attend.
*Bonney Road Environmental Service Project – Lion Rich Roberts – Our club is due to schedule another clean up but because of other activities scheduled for the available weekends we will defer the project until May.
*Lion Rich will offer another date soon Scholarship applications will be coming in at the end of the month. Lion Rich will meet with his committee and make the selection in May.
*Smithfield Lions Classic Car Cruz-In 2011 – Dates are 1st and 3rd Friday from 6-9 at Charlie Daniels Racing. The event runs from April – October
*LOVF- Lion Linda Eggleston – money is due now. Lion Stan will take the raffle tickets to the State Convention on May 19th. Please turn in all your tickets and money. The club must write a check for the tickets before the State Convention.
*EGRC- Scheduled for April 14th. Please see upcoming events
*Umbrellas –Lion Jim Healy - new shipments are in and available.
*Lion Roger has Mints – Lion Roger Snell – new shipment is in and available for sell
Mints – are available from Lion Roger Snell.

New Business:
*Nominations for Thalia Lions Year 2011/2012 –. A few changes have been made. Lion Jeri will be president next year and Lion Roger will be 1s Vice, Nancy 2nd Vice, Rich 3rd Vice. We are adding a Secretary Assistant because of the increasing activities in our club. Possible candidates are Lion Susie Sumnick or Lion Rich Roberts..
*Lion of the Year selection - Lion President passed out ballots for this year.
*Charter night – Lion Nancy- Charter Night will be Tues, June 14th at Broad Bay Country Club. The menu will be similar to previous years but has not yet been set. The price will remain the same as the last three years, $32.00 per person. Lion Dick Knox has been invited to install the new officers of the club. Lion Roger has offered to print programs and invitations for our guests.

Raffle : Lion Rich Roberts -$40.00 – won by Brad.

Upcoming events:
-April 9th Leadership Conference- Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Center in Hampton
-April 14th -7:00pm – Lions District 24 D Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church, 4321 Virginia Beach Blvd.
-April 14th EGRC – meet at Best Buy 9:30
-April 13-14 – PediaVision -WAVE Church CLC 1000 North Great Neck Road, Va. B. 23454
-April 16th - Annual 24-D Governor's Ball - Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder, 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg, VA, 23185
-April 16th -Journey for Sight – Norview High School – 7:30am
-April 16th – Audible Easter Egg Hunt -– Bayville Farms Park – 10:30 – 2:00
-April 20th – Regular Club Meeting at Crowne Plaza
-April 27th – Board meeting Lion Bob Perrine’s residence – 7:00pm

Adjourned 8:35
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary Thalia Lions Club

Mar 23,2011 - Minutes of the Thalia Lions Club Board Meeting @
Lion Vickie & Otis Residence, 608 Calista Drive, Chesapeake 23320

In attendance: Lions Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Otis Etheridge, Stan Furman, Jeri Furman, Roger Snell, Rich Roberts, Jim Healy, Bob Perrine, Aziz Selahi.
Absent: Lions John Watters, Nancy Watters, Ed DeLong, Bob Donnelly
Call to order: 7 pm

Approve the February 23 Board Minutes – Lion President, Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman motioned to approve the minutes of the last minutes of the board, seconded by Lion Jim Healy. Motion passed.

Lion Vickie Kennedy briefed the board on the Treasurers Report (attached).
Update on meeting location by Lion President. There were no complaints with the food or service at the last two meetings.

Lion Roger Snell reports that we ordered one case each of Wintergreen and Peppermint. Total cost $250. Anyone needing mints should let him know. Lion Aziz will obtain some for the Atlantic Eye Care Collection Site.

Lion Jim Healy reports that there is only one case of umbrellas remaining in storage which should be adequate for the upcoming White Cane and Journey for Sight. The company we purchase from has been sold and the new owner raised the price per umbrella to $6.25 plus $0.85 shipping. If we order at the new cost we would only make $2.92 per umbrella. Lion Stan noted that if we lose one umbrella then we cannot recoup the cost at a profit. There was quite a bit of discussion about raising the price of umbrellas to $12.00. It was decided that Lion Jim Healy will contact the company and see if we can obtain a reduced price or elimination of the shipping cost. Lion Jim will report back at the next board meeting.

Jim Healy is the point of contact for Journey for Sight, Saturday 16 April at Norview High School track. Located on Chesapeake Blvd off of Rt 64. Striders is providing the jugs and we will probably get the water in the cafeteria. The first race starts at 8:30 am so our club volunteers will have to be there by 7 am. There are already some members signed up to volunteer and a flyer will be distributed at our next meeting for additional sign ups.

Lion Secretary Vickie Kennedy will issue checks for $200 each for Thalia, Kings Grant & Malibu Elementary Schools. The checks will be given to Lion Nancy Watters who will make the decision on who does the presentation with pictures for the Knights Vision. No vote on issuing the checks was required since it is a budgeted item.

Melvin Jones award. The board at the last meeting approved allowing the President to select this year’s Melvin Jones. Lion President faxed the award to International. Although haven’t heard back it should be in process.

Lion of the Year selection will be by concealed ballet during the April 6th meeting. Lion President is not a Lion of the Year candidate and will count the ballots.

The Nominating Committee for next year’s Nomination of Officers is Lion President Steve Rosnov, Incoming President Lion Jeri Furman, and immediate Past President Lion Bob Perrine. Nominating Committee recommendations will be submitted to the club at the April 6th meeting with nominations from the floor at the April 20 meeting and vote during the May 4th meeting. If there are no nominations from the floor then the vote could be held during the April 20th meeting. Lion Bob Donnelly withdrew from assuming the Club Presidency this upcoming year due to health reasons. He will remain active in supporting club projects and chairs. Lion Roger Snell will move up a chair to fill that void next year and the Nominating Committee will have to select a Second & Third Vice President.

Lion President Steve Rosnov discussed Charter Night location. There was quite a bit of discussion. Ideally we will meet again at the Broad Bay Country Club however that is contingent on Lion Nancy Watters coordination on the cost. Lion Stan mentioned that the room we normally use may not be large enough for us now that our club has grown. Lion Jim Healy mentioned that Bistro 324 at Shore Drive and Great Neck Road may be a good option. He will check out the cost and particulars and brief the next board meeting. Lion President mentioned that we now meet at a very nice facility and may consider having Charter Night there with a higher cost meal. Lion Stan mentioned that the Crowne Plaza is not as fully equipped for handling meals as other restaurants, if the Yacht Club turns out to be too expensive and Bistro isn’t an option than we should look at booking another hotel for Charter Night.

The Region Three Meeting is Thursday, Mar 24th. Those attending should be at the Crowne Plaza by 5:30 pm. We will need two Lions for check in and two Lions for Raffle.
The Annual Governors Ball will be at Fort Magruder, 69454 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg, April 16th Social starts at 6 pm and dinner 7 pm. Music by the Dukes. The cost is $40.00 per person.

April 9th is Leadership day at the Sara Bonwell Hudgins Center, 1 Singleton Drive, Hampton, VA 23666. 757-827-8757. There is no training fee to attend. Attendees will receive a Leadership Pin. Incoming President, Secretary and Treasurer must attend.
8am – 9am Stand-up Continental Breakfast
9 am – noon Training;
Presidents School
Membership – Extension – Retention
Secretaries –Treasurer Training
New Member Orientation
LCIF Grant Writing
World Wide Induction Ceremony for all New Members

Incoming Lion Irene will be inducted during our April 6th meeting and will have the option of attending World Wide Induction.

The Audible Egg Hunt is April 16th at Bayville Farms Park (off of Shore Drive and 1st Court). Volunteers to help will be needed and Lion Stan Furman will have a sign-up sheet at our April 6th meeting.

After quite a bit of discussion about our Clubs Web Site and Blog Lion Stan made a motion discontinue the site and continue maintaining the Blog site. Lion Jeri Furman seconded the motion and passed unanimously. Lion Bob Perrine will continue as the Blog site manager.

Lion Bob Perrine briefed the board on the status of the Leo Club. The Leos meet the 1st Wednesday of every month. Only 3 out of 11 members are present. The Leos are planning on having a candy sale to raise money for Ronald McDonald House and are planning on hosting a meal at the house. They are also collecting toiletries for the house. Another project they are planning on is volunteering at Saint Mary’s on a Saturday to assist with the children. They apparently sent in their membership report this year however it was not recorded as received. They are going to have a late August sign up for new members which is crucial since ten of the eleven members are seniors this year. This May the projection is to send in next year’s report with the only remaining member as President until the new members are installed.

Lion Nancy coordinated with Lynnhaven Mall and we are approved to do Pedia Vision during their Kidfest, April 2nd. We do not know yet where in the mall we will be located but it will not be in the Center Court where the kid’s activities will be. Princess Anne Lions Club is loaning us their 10 X 10 tent. Lion Roger Snell is making signs & posters. We will need volunteers from 11 – 3 pm. Probably 4 – two hour shifts. Lion Stan Furman will send an email to club members.

The next board meeting will be at Lion Bob Perrine’s residence April 27 at 7 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Submitted by Lion Steve Rosnov

Mar 16, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
_0_ Guests
_20_ Members

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introduction of Guests: None

Lion Steve Rosnov presented Lion Vickie Kennedy with Certificate of Appreciation for a job well done emceeing the Thalia Lions Club Bland contest.

Recess for dinner: 6:35

Introduction of Speaker - Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Ed DeLong – “Teaching the Young How to Write” Lion Ed was asked a few years ago to give a presentation to an Orthodox Jewish school. His program was from that presentation. He began by describing what writing has meant to him and what it can mean for a young writer. He stressed the importance of reading and observing the things around you and encouraged the use of descriptions and story relating. Lion Ed presented an outline of his autobiography, Navy Mustang. He was a young boy who ran away to join the circus at the age of 13. Because of his natural curiosity and penchant for reading and writing, he began a lifelong process of journaling and writing. A retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander and WWII veteran, Lion Ed has traveled the world and written about many of his experiences. Lion Ed is a three time winner of the Valley Forge Freedoms Foundation’s “George Washington Honor Medal”. He has written for a Norfolk radio station, for the Christopher Newport University magazine, for “Our Navy” magazine and for many other local and national magazines. His musical biography of James Bland called “Golden Slippers” was performed by the University of Maryland. Lion Ed admitted that writing as a career is a long hard road. But success does not happen without determination and work. He suggested that one should start with descriptions about anything; a plant, a painting, a photograph or any object. Write short articles, essays, or even letters. Join a writer’s group, read, do online research. Check out “Writer’s Market” for information on how to get a piece published. Talk to any and everyone who might be a contact. Just sit down and start!

Committee Reports:
* White Cane – Lion Jeri Furman– April 22 & 23 at Birchwood Shopping Center- Almost every slot is filled except 4-6 on Fri. and Sat. Lion Jeri will be in contact with members.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi – Wards Corner visit is scheduled for April 15th. Eight people are signed up to attend.
* Environmental Service Projects - Bonney Road – Lion Rich Roberts – Our club is due to schedule another clean up but because of other activities scheduled for the available weekends we will defer the project until May.
* Bland - Lions Region III Bland Contest. Lion Stan Furman is Bland Chairman for Region – Lion John Watters will emcee the event and asked for assistance. Volunteers are Lion Ed, Lion Jeri, Lion Vickie, Lion Nancy. Please be at Thalia United Methodist church by 6:30.
* LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - Region III Meeting – Lion Stan Furman – Our Club is hosting the meeting to be held at Crowne Plaza on Mar. 24th. All members are asked to attend and help. At least 8 people will be needed. We will run a 50/50 raffle and the money will be for our club. The cost of the meal is $17.00. Please give Lion Jeri you reservation so she will have a count. You may pay at the meeting or give your check to Lion Nancy Watters. The President and Secretaries meeting will be at 6:00 before the meeting at 7:00pm.
* Food Drive – Lion Jack Wagner – reported that our Food Drive was an initiative proposed by Lions International to be conducted in January and February of 2011. We started on September 1st of 2010 and officially ended on Feb. 29=8, 2011. In the interim the Board voted to continue our efforts. We are supporting the Food Pantry at Samaritan House, a non-profit group dedicated to offering shelter to abused and battered women and their children. They maintain 11 shelters for this purpose which their clients utilize as they attempt to regain their lives. In addition to housing, they are provided with foodstuffs on a weekly basis at no cost to them. To date, Thalia Lions have donated 1,218 items, consisting of food (canned goods, peanut butter, condiments, sugar, cereal, oatmeal, mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.), paper towels, toilet tissue, etc.) cleaning supplies (dish detergent, sos pads, window cleaner, Pine Sol, Ajax, etc.) Many of our members chose to donate cash, which totals, to date $349.00. The money has been used to purchase an additional 232 items, with some cash still remaining to be used for critically needed items. It is estimated that we have contributed about $1,500.00 to date, either through direct donation or cash. If one were to weigh the donations to date, it would be in the area of 1200 pounds. Our efforts have certainly helped Samaritan House and they are very appreciative.
* Youth Service Projects, Water Carnival – Lion Bob Donnelly- Sunday 1:00 Mar. 20th – Bayside Rec. Center – Lion Steve Rosnov will email details.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters –
* Leadership Conference Encouraged all new members, and any member who may be interested in holding an office in the club to attend the Leadership Conference on April 9th at Sara Bonwell Hudgins Center in Hampton. The training session is free and runs from 9-12am. The World Wide Induction Ceremony will also be held at the Conference. Lion Nancy suggested that our two latest applicants might be encouraged to attend and actually be inducted that day.
* Lynnhaven Mall – Lion Nancy is still trying to make arrangements with Lynnhaven Mall to hold a PediaVision Marathon but has had no luck in reaching the correct person. Lion Jack suggested that she go to the administrative offices in the mall.
* Plaza Rescue Squad - Lion Nancy read a thank you note from Plaza Rescue Squad for our donation of $250.00 and for the opportunity to have their representative as a speaker at our meeting.
* Warwick Lions Club - Lion Nancy read a letter of endorsement from the Warwick Lions Club supporting Lion Stan Furman as First Vice District Governor for 2011-12.
* Governor’s Ball – April 16th – Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder – Cost is $40.00 per person which includes registration, Governor’s Ball pin, Dinner and Dance. The theme is “In Our Hearts”.
* Smithfield Lions Classic Car Cruz-In 2011 – Dates are 1st and 3rd Friday from 6-9 at Charlie Daniels Racing. The event runs from April – October.
* LAMP Thalia United Methodist Church-March 26th 9-2 sponsored by OLG Club but in the Thalia Clubs area of service. Many of our requests for glasses and exams have been referred to that Saturday. Our club is needed to help.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Birthdays: Lion Steve Rosnov – 10th. Lion John Watters - 10th. Lion Linda Eggleston – 21st.

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts - $25.00 - Won by Lion John Watters, $15.00 - Won by Lion Jeri Furman

Upcoming events:
- Mar 17 - Thurs – Greenbrier Manor Preschool, Pediavision – Chesapeake (Southside and Thalia can use 2-3 volunteers)
- Mar 23 - 7:00 pm - Board meeting Lion Vickie- March 26 – Oceana-Lynnhaven-Golden Club - LAMP - Thalia United Methodist Church
- Apr 9, Leadership Conference- Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Center in Hampton (we will carpool) please let Lion Nancy know if you can attend. It is very important for all new members to attend. - Apr 14 - 7:00pm – Lions District 24 D Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church, 4321 Virginia Beach Blvd.
- Apr 13-14 – PediaVision -WAVE Church CLC 1000 North Great Neck Road, Va. B. 23454
- Apr 16 - District 24 D Audible Easter Egg Hunt– Bayville Farms Park – 10:30 – 2:00 Lion Irene Conlin, a new member of our club, is the contact person for the event sponsored by the Virginia Association of the Parents fo the Visually Impaired, The International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, and Tidewater Area Teachers of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Apr 16 - 8:300 - Journey for Sight - Norview High School - members need to be there by 7:30. Our club is responsible for filling water cups. The 5KRun/Walk & Mile Run/Walk is sponsored by Tidewater Striders. (See attached flyer)
- Apr 16 - 6:00 pm - Annual 24-D Governor's Ball - Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder, 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg, VA, 23185

Adjourned 8:25
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Mar 2, 2011 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
21 __Members
65 Percentage
Plus 3 Leos
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lion Bob Perrine – Martha Stewart, St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children. Martha Price Stewart, Director of Development, has been with St. Mary’s almost six years. As a UNC-Chapel Hill English major graduate she taught English for a number of years before taking on a 15 year post at the Mariners’ Museum in Newport News followed by a number of years with the Old Coast Guard Station Museum in Virginia Beach. She lives in Norfolk with her husband John who retired from the Virginia Beach Public Library a few years ago. Having worked in Virginia Beach for close to 20 years Martha enjoys speaking engagements and was most generous in giving her time to be with us today.

Martha gave an overview of the history and mission of St. Mary’s, from its start as an orphanage to its current mission as a non –profit residential facility for severely disabled children. With a capacity of 92, they provide activities, medication management and various therapies. They are currently in the process of becoming an ICMF (intermediate care medical facility) which will allow them to care for up to 12 adults.

Bob Perrine will bring the issue of a contribution to St.Mary’s to the next Board meeting.

Committee Reports.
* Bland – Lion Vickie Kennedy – Great success!! Thalia had 16 participants this year, 13 instrumentalists and 3 vocalists. The winners for the instrumental category were 1stplace, Madison M. Bunch, flute, from Kellam HS/Governor’s School for the Arts; 2nd place, Gabrielle Skinner, Viola, from Cox/Governor’s School for the Arts; and 3rd place, Renee Robbins, Violin, Home schooled. The vocalist winners were 1st place, Joy Rushing, Greenbrier Christian Academy, 2nd place, Jacqueline Pileckas, Cox/Governor’s School for the Arts and 3rd place, Cynthia Herrera, Salem HS.
* White Cane – Lion Jeri Furman – Dates are to be April 22-23. Sign up sheets and details available at next meeting.
* Lion’s Family Diabetes Camp Donation – Lion Steve Rosnov –The Thalia 2010-11 budget allowed $168.00 for Diabetes. Recently we received a letter that requested we support a child and parent for a total of $300.00 for the Diabetes Camp. Thalia did the same thing last year with a camper and parent. With upcoming fund raiser the board felt that the club could afford the support.
* LCIF & LCF – Lion Steve Rosnov and Lion Stan Furman. Lion Stan suggested that we actively donate funds for LCIF from club members and consider the possibility of awarding more than one Melvin Jones Award this year, depending on the amount of money collected. The club has about $1,000 reserved in LCIF for the MJ Award. Lion Steve feels that the club should use the MJ as the award as originally intended. In the board meeting, Lion Stan moved that the President be allowed the privilege of selecting the recipient rather than having the current MJ Award recipients decide who should receive the award Donations to LCIF are tax deductible. Potentially we could possibly give two.
* Broom Purchase – Lion Bob Donnelly - Lion Bob Donnelly would like to order 4 boxes of patio and 2 boxes of Va. #4. Broom sale is end of April or May first.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi reported a very successful visit Monday night to _____?club. The next Traveling Leo is scheduled for April 15, at Wards Corner, a day time meeting.
* Bonney Road Environmental Service Project: Lion Rich was not able to attend, but Lion Steve announced the next clean up on Saturday, March 26 from 10 to 12, at our usual site.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Secretary’s Report –none, Lion Linda Eggleston

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts not present, so $5 “tickets” were improvised.

Upcoming events:
- March 8 and 9, 2011, Wed. and Thurs. - Pedia Vision, Broad Bay Preschool – 1837 Old Donation Parkway ( Oceana Lynnhaven Golden – No Thalia Volunteers needed.
- March 11, 2011, Friday – PediaVision-Wycliffe Presbyterian Church 1445 N. Great Neck Rd. (OLG and Thalia – can use 2-3- volunteers from Thalia)
- March 10, 2011, Thursday- Eye Glass Recycling Center, 10 am – noon
- March 14 and 17th, 2011, Monday and Thurs. –(Thalia and Va. Beach Host – can use 2-3 volunteers from Thalia) Beach Day School, 300 36th St. VB
- March 16 and 17th , Wed. and Thurs. – Greenbrier Manor Preschool – Chesapeake (Southside and Thalia – can use 2-3 volunteers)
- March 17th – 7:00pm - Lions Region III Bland Contest – Thalia UMC, 4321 Virginia Beach Blvd., Va. Beach
- March 16, Wed. – 6pm – Regular meeting at Crowne Plaza
- March 26 – OLG Thalia United Methodist Church - LAMP
- March 24, Region 3 Meeting at Crowne Plaza, our club will be hosts, about 100 expected to attend.
- April 14th -7:00pm – Lions District 24 D Bland Contest – Thalia UMC, 4321 Va. Beach, Blvd. V.B.

Members were generally happy with the meal and service, but were reminded by Lion Steve that we will be required to pay for the number of meals that are reserved.

Members were also reminded of LOVF raffle tickets; please turn in money by April, if possible.

Adjournment Time 8:20pm
Acting Secretary, Lion Linda Eggleston
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Feb 23, 2011. Board Meeting at the home of President Lion Steve Rosnov, 5164 Eagle Run Rd.,VB 23464, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Ed DeLong
Lion Steve Rosnov. Pres.
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Aziz Selahi

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Lion Steve Rosnov –

Old/On-Going Business:

Lion Steve Rosnov – Discussion of meeting location – Crowne Plaza – Agenda will be sent with the menu. Lion Steve will give the menu to Lion Jeri to have when she make reservation calls. Vegetarian meals are available for those who wish. Lion Steve will fill out an evaluation of the meal after each meeting. The hotel is very proactive in wanting to meet our needs. The Board feels that the hotel is an ideal place for our meetings and wants to continue meeting there if possible.

Lion Roger Snell – Status of Mint re-order – a carton of mints costs $150.00. Lion Roger would like to order 2 cartons. He will write the check and be reimbursed by the club. Motion was made and passed.

Lion Ed DeLong – Bland Contest press release – Lion Ed had written a press release for Thalia, the Region, and the District contests –see copy attached. He is also trying to arrange a talk show event.

Lion Stan Furman requested that we change the Board meeting agendas to always approve minutes from the previous meeting and present a treasurer’s report at each meeting of the Board.

New Business-

Lion Steve – Interest in awarding a Melvin Jones for 2010-11 – Lion Vickie read the names of those who do not have a Melvin Jones Award. We have many new members who have not been with the club long enough to be considered. Lion Ed would like to ask club members if they would be willing to contribute ½ the cost of a MJ. Lion Stan suggested that we actively solicit funds for LCIF from the club and consider the possibility of awarding more than one award this year, depending on the amount of money collected. The club has about $1,000 reserved in LCIF for the MJ Award. Lion Steve feels that the club should use the MJ as the award as originally intended. Lion Stan moved that the President be allowed the privilege of selecting the recipient rather that having the current MJ decides. Donations to LCIF are tax deductible. Potentially we could possibly give two. Motion carried -no opposition.

Lion Rich Roberts – Discussion of changing the raffle ticket rate – Because the club goes through so many tickets, Lion Rich wants to change to the price to $2.00 per ticket. Chances are the same. The response was negative. The Board felt that it is a psychological issue. People buy more tickets if they are $1.00 each. Another suggestion is that the drawing be divided into 2 or 3 parts rather than one drawing for all the money.

Lion Steve (for Lion Bob Donnelly) Broom inventory/order - Lion Kim from Nick’s called and said sales are up. Club is running out of inventory and an order is necessary soon. Lion Steve went to the garage and did an inventory because Lion Bob Donnelly is not yet up to the job since his knee replacement. We need patio brooms and Va. Brooms. Lion Bob Donnelly would like to order 4 boxes of patio and 2 boxes of Va. #4. Broom sale is end of April or May first. Lion Steve feels that this may be enough to last through the broom sale. Sponge mops do not sell. The board decided to donate them to Ronald McDonald house. Quality of patio broom has diminished incredibly. OSHA shut down the Charlotte operation so brooms are now being constructed in Mexico and assembled in Charlotte. The package says “made by blind “but should say “supports the blind.”

Lion Steve – Lions Family Diabetes Camp Donation Request (see attached letter) – the amount budgeted for Diabetes is $168.00. The letter is requesting that we support a child and parent for a total of $300.00 for the Diabetes Camp. Thalia did the same thing last year with a camper and parent. With upcoming fund raiser it was felt that the club could afford the support. Motion was made and carrier.

Lion Nancy would like to order 12 Ball Caps at $12.00 each from the same place we ordered the Polo shirts. There would be no tax or postage and the amount is much less than we pay for them through LCI. Approval was granted.

Lion Ed Delong informed the Board that Melinda Saunders from the Adult Learning Center has been in contact with him and Lion Nancy concerning the numbers of people serviced through the Lions Sight and Hearing Van. His feeling is that they are considering Thalia for a Partner in service award in the spring.

Lion Ed has been asked to do program for the Club for the second meeting in March. - He would like to do the presentation about writing that he did for a Jewish school of children. No one had objections.

Open Discussion:
Lion Steve presented the menu options from Crowne Plaza for the next meeting. The Board was asked to make their choices. Country Fried Steak will be the entree for March2nd and Southern Fried Pork for the next meeting on the 16th.

Lion Stan – Gloucester LAMP at Gloucester High School on Mar. 19-20th was a Health Fair for Dental needs. People lined up at midnight for free dental care. The S&H van processed 270 people sight and hearing. The PediaVision was used for 161 screenings of which 101 were referred for problems. 87 pairs of glasses were given out.

Sat., Feb. 26th is the Cheriton LAMP. Lion Stan plans to participate.

Lion Steve – Lion Debra wants to coordinate some type of Boardwalk Run. He will talk with her further to see what she has in mind. It is not certain if the walk is a fundraiser or if it is for awareness. Since the Boardwalk in not in our area it would need to be a Zone, District, or Region event with any proceeds going to the Charity Foundation.

April 22-23 Lion Jeri asked approval for a White Cane Collection. The date was approved by the Board.

Next Board meeting will be at Lion Vickie Kennedy’s Home – March 23rd.
Adjourned 8:40
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Feb 16, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:00 PM at the Lions Medical Eye Bank Research Center Board Room with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 3
Members 17
Percentage 53%
Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm
Introduction of Guests: Lion Brad Furman’s wife, Cindy and two children arrived for the tour and dinner meeting but were not present at the beginning to be introduced.
Lions Eye Bank Tour
Dinner: 7:30 (sandwiches, cookies, fruit and drink)
Corneal Transplants- Lion John Watters (during dinner) Using a video, Lion John gave an excellent description of the eye, and explained two different procedures for transplanting corneas.

Lion Reports:
* LAMP Gloucester – Lion Stan Furman- Sat.9-2 & Sun. - 12-4 Feb. 19
* Bland Contest- Lion Vickie Kennedy – 10 applications (3 vocalist) (7 instrumentalists) - Deadline is Feb. 17th. Contest date is Feb. 24th 7:00pm – Thalia United Methodist Church. Please come early and support the Contest. Members are needed to work.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz – A visit to Churchland Lions Club is scheduled on Feb. 28th –Lions Nurys Sabrino, Steve Rosnov, Mike Coren, Aziz Selahi, and Jeri Furman. Please meet at Best Buy - 5:00pm.
* Fruit Sale - Lion Jack Wagner – Project is complete with an $1170 profit
* Food Drive – Lion Jack Wagner- Next meeting will end the food drive – The Club plans to continue donations

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
*Presented a Membership Growth Patch awarded to Thalia for the year 2010-11.
* Lion Nancy read the resignation of Lion Dallas Divelbiss. Lion Stan moved that because Lion Dallas is a life member the club should honor his years of service by continuing to carry him on our roster and pay his dues whether he is physically able to attend or not. Lion Nancy seconded.
* Charity Auction – Because of the auction’s great success last year, Lion Stan announced that the event will happen again in the fall of 2011. Look for information and keep items for auction in mind for the fall.
* Union Mission – Lion Brad is planning to schedule another LAMP at the end of March.
* LAMP at Thalia United Methodist Church sponsored by Oceana Lynnhaven Golden club is scheduled for March 26th. All clubs in the area are asked to participate and to defer eyeglass requests and exams until that date.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business: Club polo shirts – Lion Nancy Watters – Order is ready for pick up.

Upcoming events:
* February 19, 2011, Saturday - Gloucester Lamp – Gloucester High School, 9am – 3 pm.
* February 24, 2011, Thursday –PediaVision- Princess Ann Plaza Baptist Church (OLG-Princess Anne – no volunteers from Thalia necessary).
* February 24, 2011, Thursday – 7:00pm Bland Contest, Thalia United Methodist Church
* Feb. 26th Cheriton LAMP-
* March 2, 2011, Wednesday - Regular meeting, Crowne Plaza, 4453 Bonney Road
* March 8 and 9, 2011, Wed. and Thurs. - Pedia Vision, Broad Bay Preschool – 1837 Old Donation Parkway ( Oceana Lynnhaven Golden and Thalia – can use 2-3 volunteers from Thalia)
* March 11, 2011, Friday – PediaVision-Wycliffe Presbyterian Church 1445 N. Great Neck Rd. (OLG and Thalia – can use 2-3- volunteers from Thalia)
* March 10, 2011, Thursday- Eye Glass Recycling Center, 10 am – noon
* March 14 and 17th, 2011, Monday and Thurs. –(Thalia and Va. Beach Host – can use 2-3 volunteers from Thalia) Beach Day School, 300 36th St. VB
* March 16 and 17th , Wed. and Thurs. – Greenbrier Manor Preschool – Chesapeake (Southside and Thalia – can use 2-3 volunteers)
* March 26 – OLG Thalia United Methodist Church

Adjournment: 8:22

Feb 2, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Yukai Japanese Restaurant, 1952 Laskin Rd.,VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
6_ Guests
21_ Members
66 __Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introduction of Guests: Kempsville Traveling Leo – Lions Kirk Baldwin, Minnie Nery, Bob Nery, Dick Chipchak, Dana Phillips

Recess for dinner 6:37pm
Reconvened 7:07pm

Introduction of Speaker - Lion Bob Perrine

Speaker: Rebecca Wood, Emergency Medical Technician, Vice President, Plaza Rescue Squad –
Rebecca has been an EMT volunteer since 2007. She is currently enrolled in Advanced Life Support classes at TCC, after obtaining other degrees from TCC and ODU. The Plaza Rescue Squad was established in 1962 with 23 men. Now there are 68 volunteers. Rebecca is the Administrative Lt. She became part of the Squad after an incident involving her daughter who had a seizure in third grade. Her daughter collapsed at school and went into respiratory arrest. Rebecca feels that her daughter’s life was saved because of the efforts of the Rescue Squad. Now at JMU, her daughter volunteers as a life guard. There are 10 independent squads in Va. Beach with about 1000 volunteers saving taxpayers over 9 million dollars a year. No fees are ever charged for service. There are several specialized services that are part of the organization such as Advanced Life Support, Air Medivac, SWAT, Medic Squad Truck/ Tech, Dive Team Marine Rescue, and Bike Team. Plaza answers calls from all over the city, depending on who is closest to the need. Fire and Police may also respond along with Rescue Squads. Average response time is about 7-8 mins. depending on where the call comes from. Certification requirements are strict. At the EMT-B Entry level, 111 hours of classroom and practical training, 10 hrs. field training, completion of Emergency Vehicle Operator Course and completion of state exam are all necessary for a 4 year certification. EMT-E, Enhanced provider – Shock Trauma, requires 80 more hrs. of class & training, 48 hrs. in clinical rotations and field internship plus completion of state exams for a 3 yr. certification. EMT-I Intermediate Life Support technicians are qualified to administer certain drugs after further training, hours in practice, and state exam. EMT-P, Paramedic certification requires 800-1200 hrs. of instruction, 136 hrs. of specialty critical care units plus the state exam. The Statistics for 2010 are as follows:
Call for Service 39,448 calls
Cardiac/Heart Attack dispatched to 4,295
Documented Cardiac Arrests 518
Resuscitations Attempted 285
Cardiac Arrest Survivors 30
Raw Survival Rate 11%
Nat. average is 7%
Plaza responded to 6,500 of the nearly 40,000 calls in Virginia Beach last year, showing that the Plaza squad is a very busy one. It averages 18 calls per day. The trucks must be cleaned and restocked after every call. The reasons for call fall into the following categories listed by most frequent: Breathing difficulty, Cardiac Arrest, Sick, Unconscious, Injury from fall, Injury- Accident with Personal injury, Injury Priority 2, Seizure, Stroke, and Abdominal Pains Priority 2. Rebecca asked for help in two ways: (1) Monetary donations, the lifeblood of each Squad. Each Squad buys their own equipment, ambulances, stretchers, uniforms, supplies, etc. (2) Volunteer- Even if you don’t like blood. There are administrative positions that help with running the squad. The City sets standards and protocols but does not finance the service. They provide housing for ambulances and stations and pay for gas. Citizens can help by (1) Pulling over to the right when you hear us. (2) Looking out the second emergency vehicles. (3) Having a physician fill out the "Do Not Resuscitate Forms" (DNR) and keeping them with you so EMT will have them in an emergency. (4) Learning CPR – free training is provided by EMT’s. (Keeping list of all medications on the refrigerator or bedroom door.
Lion Steve presented speaker with Club umbrella and a check in the amount of $125.00 as our yearly donation to the Plaza Rescue Squad.

* Norfolk Homeless Connect –Lion John Watters- Jan. 12th, Scope Convention Center, Norfolk.
Statistics were 228 people screened with 65 referrals for vision, 126 pairs of readers dispensed with 5 PediaVision screenings indicating 3 referrals. There was one referral for hearing aid. Thalia Lions Club was represented by Lions Stan Furman, Bob Perrine, Linda Eggleston, John Watters, and Steve Rosnov. Nine Lions Clubs from the district participated.
* Virginia Beach Project Connect -Lion John Watters: VB United Methodist Church, 19th St., Jan. 27th- The statistics as reported by Lion Stan Furman were as follows:
110 People screened – 46 Pr. Of glasses dispensed, 28 referrals for glasses or further exams, 4 hearing referrals, 48 people screened for diabetes with 4 referrals. Thalia had 8 members working the event along with 6 from Va. Beach Host, 3 from Va. Beach Central, 1 from Hampton Roads Blind Club, 1 from OLG, and 1 from Richmond County Lions for a total of 115 man hours at an approximate value of $10,500.00.
* Union Mission LAMP -Lion John Watters: Union Mission 5100 Virginia Beach Blvd., Sat. Jan. 29th. The statistics as reported by Lion Brad Furman were as follows: 87 people screened – 66 pr. Glasses both prescription and readers, 62 screened with PediaVision with 37 referrals, 37 screened for diabetes. There were 10 referrals for possible Glaucoma, 5 referrals for hearing and 11 referrals for glasses. Thalia had 7 members working the event along with 2 from Norfolk Middletown, 4 from Aragona Pembroke, 5 from Woodstock, 4 from Va. Beach Central, 1 form OLG, 1 from Richmond County, 1 from Tappahannock, 2 from Princess Anne, 1 from Hampton Roads Blind Club, and 1 from Deep Creek. Also working the event were 7 EVMS students and 4 from the Union Mission.
* Gloucester LAMP- Lion Stan Furman –Scheduled for Feb. 19-20 at Gloucester High School from 9-3. Matthews, Middlesex Clubs are sponsoring the event. Plans are for 50 dental students from MCV, Sight & Hearing Van plus the LAMP. Please let Stan know if you want to work.
* Cape Charles LAMP – Lion Stan Furman – Scheduled for Feb. 26th. Central Shores Lions Club will sponsor the event and expect 200—250 people. Please let Lion Stan know if you want to work.
* Bonney Road Environmental Service Project: Lion Rich Roberts – 120 lbs. of trash were picked up on the 22nd by 6 Lions.
* Scholarship Committee – Lion Rich Roberts took scholarship information to Princess Anne High School to be posted. Deadline for applications is April 29th.
* Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy - Feb. 24th Thalia United Methodist Church, 7:00 pm. There are 6 applicants so far. The cutoff date for applications is Feb. 17th. Please be there early to help organize. March 17th is the Region Contest, April 24th is the District Contest. Both locations are at Thalia Methodist Church. May 20th is the State Final in Richmond. An article has been submitted to Va. Pilot on Line by Lion Vickie.
* Ronald McDonald House – Lion Vickie Kennedy – 13 members were in attendance for the Jan. 19th meeting. Papa John’s pizza was provided for residents and members. The cost was $113.00 paid for at the rate of $5.00 per member. $115.00 was collected. Four members of the P.A. Leos attended.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz – A tentative date is scheduled for Feb. 28th, Monday to visit Western Branch Lions Club. Lion Aziz will contact members by email when confirmed.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters: Feb. 12, 10:00am
* District 24D Cabinet meeting –Brickhouse Auditorium, Norfolk Sentara- Lion Nancy reminded members that the best way to know what is going on in the District is to attend the meeting. It also gives the Club achievement points.
* Lion Stan Furman’s formal announcement to run for office of 1st. Vice Dist. Governor for 2011-12 was read.
* PediaVision – The scheduled schools for next week are actually in other club responsibility areas and are being used to train those clubs and others in the use of PediaVision. There is no need for volunteers from our club at this time. Our club has screened almost all area facilities and will be assisting other clubs in the area. Our next scheduled club screenings will be March 14th and 17th at Beach Day School, 300 36th St.
* Proud Lion certificate was announced for Lion Fran Scott with Sponsorship certificate to Lion Nancy. Lion Nancy stated that the “Proud Lion” program has yet again been revised. From now on the Program is called Lions Mentee/Mentor program. There are only two levels of achievement, Basic and Advanced. The requirements for Basic are about the same as the former “Proud Lion” award. Requirements are quiet different for the Advanced level. Check the LCI website for more information.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:
* Club Polo shirts – Lion Nancy Watters – Order will be placed this week. All monies have been collected with the exception of a couple of Lions who are out of town.

New Business:
* Breakfast of Champions – Lion Steve – This breakfast is sponsored by Cub Scout Troup. The Board decided to let this event be a personal member decision. Mike London is speaker. Email Lion Steve if you are interested.
* Virginia Supportive Housing – Lion Steve-Lion Al Miller sent a email about housing being built at 6000 St. in Portsmouth. They are asking for house good donations. Members may donate items if they wish. Email Steve is you are interested.

Birthdays: Lions Mike Coren, Ray Ashe, Bob Perrine –Bids for Lions Stan, Rich, Steve, Otis to sing raised $82.00.

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts - $40.00 – Lion Aziz

Upcoming Events:
* Feb. 10th, Thurs -Eye Glass Recycling Center -10-12pm – Meet at Best Buy at 9:30am
* Feb. 12th, Sat. – District 24-D Cabinet meeting, Brickhouse Auditorium, Sentara Norfolk General – 10am.
* Feb. 16th – Regular meeting and tour – Lions Medical Eye Bank – meal cost will be approx. $5.00
* Feb. 19-20 Gloucester LAMP- Gloucester Higs School 9-3,
* Feb. 24th – Bland Contest – Thalia United Methodist Church- 7pm
* Feb. 26th -Cape Charles LAMP – Lion Stan Furman- Cheriton
* March 2nd – Regular meeting – Crowne Plaza, 4453 Bonney Road, 6:30pm
* March 14 and 17 – PediaVision screening – Beach Day School -300 36th St., 9:00am

Adjournment: 8:43
Respectfully submitted by
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held Board Meeting following at the home of President Lion Steve Rosnov, 5164 Eagle Run Rd.,VB 23464, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion John Watters
Lion Ed DeLong
Lion Steve Rosnov. Pres.
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Roger Snelll
Lion Jim Healy

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:20pm by Lion Steve Rosnov –

Old/On-Going Business:

Lion Steve turned in money to the secretary that had been placed in Eyeglass Collection box at Central Library. ($12.61)

Lion Bill Pope contacted Lion Steve concerning the yearly donation to Plaza Rescue Squad. It was decided that donation can be made at the time they present a program to the club.
Lion Roger Snell has a couple of flashing smoke alarms that can be donated to the Rescue Squad as well.

Princess Anne Leo Club -In Lion Bob Perrine’s absence, Lion Nancy reported that Lion Bob had obtained information to get passwords for web site. Lion Bob has the necessary forms to submit to LCI for the Leo Club officers but the students must complete the forms. Lion Steve reported that Lion Bob went to the school for a Leo meeting today but found that the meeting was not scheduled for this week. Three Leos plus one guest came to RMCH meeting. They want to do a meal for the RMCH as a project. The president of the Leo Club has little interest and has never coordinated the project for St. Mary’s. Lion Bob will continue to work with the Leo Club to increase organization and activity.

Fruit Sales Collection/Profit Status – Lion Jim Healy – 200 cases presold – Lion Jack took over when Lion Jim left town. Total profit will be calculated soon but should be well over $1,200.00. There was no street sale at Birchwood Shopping Center. Lion Nancy suggested delivery a week or so earlier next year.

Meeting location – Lion President – The plan is to eventually stay at Crowne Plaza. Next meeting is at Yukai Japanese restaurant and the meeting after that will be at the Eye Bank. Lion Steve met with Lindsey, food and beverage coordinator at the hotel. They truly want to please and have reworked the menu with 3 vegetarian plates which can be ordered. The menu will be sent out with the agenda for members to see and know what to expect. Crowne Plaza is an ideal location, the facility is great, and it accommodates special meetings. The hotel donated cookie packages for RMCH. The next meeting at that location is March, 2nd. We would like to give them the opportunity to work out the meal problems.

New Business:
Public Relations event – Breakfast of Champions, Boy Scouts Tidewater Chapter – Lion President (submitted by Lion Brad) – Lion Stan moved that the event be brought up at the meeting and offer it to the membership for participation individually. The date of the event is April 15th.

Virginia Supportive Housing- Lion President (submitted by Lion Alton) –The newest facility is South Bay Appt. complex. Help is needed for household merchandise. Lion Steve suggested that we open it to the membership and allow them to contact Lion Al directly.

Samantha Triplett Student Volunteers in Optometric Studies Donation Request – Samantha is a Portsmouth student asking for assistance for mission trips. Lion John moved that we pass. Lion Jeri seconded.

Ronald McDonald House January 19th meeting meals cost – Lion Steve reported in Lion Vickie’s absence – The cost of the pizzas was $113.00. We collected $115.00.

Ronald McDonald House Residence donation – Lion President - $150.00 donation amount seems small considering our connection. Lion Steve suggested that we consider donating a larger sum. When the treasurer is present and have an idea of what there is available we will be able to make a decision. Lion Nancy suggested that we consider it as an item for next year’s budget. Lion Ed moved to delay decision until next board meeting.

Logo Polo Shirts Status – Lion Nancy Watters has collected about half the money for the order but does not feel comfortable placing the order until more is collected. The club will be reminded to bring their checks to the next meeting so that the order may be completed.

Mint re-orders – Lion Steve –Lion Stan moved that we order 1 case of mints. Lion Roger Snell will assume the responsibility.

Bland – Attendance has always been scarce – Lion Steve wants some way to get people to attend the Bland. Lion Ed will do press releases for the three contests, Thalia’s, the Region’s, and the District’s.

Lion Steve informed the board of the meeting with CHEARS on Jan. 20th. The meeting was to explore the possibilities of working together and included a group of representatives from the District, area Clubs, and the Charity Foundation. Lion Stan, Jerry Phelps will follow up with the organization in the near future to find a way to get hearing aids for the entire District at a reasonable price. Lion Stan will work to have the Charity Foundation as the contact to deal with CHEARS.

Adjourned 8:55pm
Respectfully Submitted

Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Jan 19, 2011. Special dinner/business meeting at the Ronald McDonald House, Norfok.
Social Mixer 6:00 – 6:45 pm and pizza from Papa John’s
Call to order: 6:45p.m.

Introduction of Guests- Dian Rosnov, Joan Wagner, 4 Leos visited from the Princess Anne High School Leo’s Club; Leos Selina Lara, Joanna Santorum, Sixtine Abrial, and John De Los Reyes

Lion Jeri – Brought cards for Lion Bob Donnelly and Elle Kreassig for the Club to sign. Lion Bob and Elle have had knee replacement surgeries.

Lion John – asked for volunteers to work at Va. Beach Connect – Thurs. 1/27/ 11 sponsored by the Va. Beach Host Lions Club. See details below in Upcoming Events. Lions Steve, Jeri and Stan and Aziz volunteered their service.

Lion Stan reminded the club of the Union Mission LAMP on Jan. 29th. Set up is at 9:00am and the event will end between 3-4:00pm. 0ver 300 people are expected to attend. Thalia is in charge of the project. The PediaVision will be available. See details in Upcoming Events

Lion Aziz announced that there would be a Traveling Leo on Thurs. Jan. 27 th to the Windsor Lions Club. Lions Mike, Vickie, and Doug are going with him.

Lion Nancy reminded the Club that polo Shirt orders need to be verified by the member and paid for before the order is placed. Checks were collected from those in attendance. If you did not attend and are ordering a shirt, please send your check to Lion Nancy or bring it to the next meeting. Checks should be made to Thalia Lions.

Lion Nancy also reminded members of the PediaVision screenings on Friday and on next Wed. Please see the information in Upcoming Events.
Lion Jack Wagner asked that any members with outstanding fruit monies to please turn that money in as soon as possible. You may mail it to either Lion Jack or Lion Nancy.
Introduction of Guest Speaker and Facility Tour:

Lion Vickie Kennedy and Elyse Brown- Director of Ronald McDonald House gave a presentation describing the purpose of Ronald McDonald House. It functions as a place to stay for very little or no cost for parents and siblings of children hospitalized at CHKD or other local hospitals. They presented a very touching video of testimonials describing specific cases. The Charity has aided over 30,000 families and is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.

Ronald McDonald Charities provides 12% of the operating cost of the facility and the remainder is left to donors. Many corporations provide services and in-kind contributions to keep the House operating.

Ronald McDonald House is always in need of volunteer services. Ordinary jobs such as providing food, do housekeeping chores, gardening, or repair work is always needed.
Club members were given a copy of the annual report for 2009. The Leo Club members were encouraged to participate in volunteer service for the House.

Lion Steve Rosnov presented a check on behalf of Thalia Lions Club in the amount of $150.00 to Ronald McDonald House. All left over pizza was donated and Crowne Plaza donated 16 packages of cookies to the facility.

The meeting was adjourned. Lion Vickie and Elyse invited the Club members and Leo members were invited to tour the Ronald McDonald House.

Upcoming Events:
- Jan. 21st, Fri., Preschool PediaVision screening – St. Aiden’s Head Start Center, 3201 Edinburgh Drive, VB – 9:00am (Lions Steve Rosnov, Aziz Selahi, Ed DeLong, Mike Coren, Jeri Furman, Stan Furman)
- Jan. 22nd, Sat. - Bonney Road Environmental Road Project, 10 – 12 am
- Jan. 26th - Board meeting, Lion President’s residence, January 26, 2011, 7pm
- Jan. 26th – PediaVision screening at Kings Grant Presbyterian, 745 Little Neck Road, VB- 9:00am (Lions Jeri F., Stan F., Nancy, John) Additional time 5:30
- January 27, 2011, Thurs, Virginia Beach Connect – Va. Beach United Methodist Church, 212 19th Street, VB
- January 29, 2011, Sat. -Union Mission Lamp Project- 5100 Va. Beach Blvd., Norfolk
- February 16, 2011, Wed. -Regular meeting, Lions Medical Eye Bank –
Norfolk Sentara Hospital, Riverside Pavilion, 2nd floor (Cost will be about $5.00 per person.)
- Feb. 2nd -Regular meeting, Yukai Japanese Buffet, Regency Hilltop Shopping center, 1952 Laskin road.
- Feb. 8th, Tues. 9:00am - PediaVision screening - Princess Ann Plaza Baptist Church, 245 South Rosemont Rd., VB (Lions Steve R., Jeri F., Stan F., Nancy, John, Ginny Raush)
- Feb. 9th, Wed. – 9:00am – PediaVision screening – Little Angels Montessori Preschool and Day Care – 208 South Plaza Trail, VB (Lions Ed DeLong, Jeri F., Stan F.,Nancy,John)
- Feb. 12th, Sat., 10:00am – Third Cabinet Meeting of District 24-D – Brickhouse Auditorium of Sentara Norfolk General

Adjournment Time: 8:00 ish!
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Jan 5, 2011. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan. 5, 2011, by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
4 Guests
23 Members
72 Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introduction of Guests: Lion Nancy Watters introduced Lions Margene Hartsough, and Alice Caldwell (James City Lions) visiting and participating in PediaVision screening at tomorrow’s location.
Lion Fran Scott introduced Brennan, her daughter.
Recess for dinner

Lion Steve Rosnov presented Lion Bob Donnelly with a 25 year service chevron awarded by LCI.

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lion Bob Perrine - Pamela Brown - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Pamela is senior disability services librarian at the Va. Beach Special Services Library at Bayside Library and a member of Bayside Lions Club. She and her staff were awarded the 2009 Network Sub regional Library of the Year by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), a division of the Library of Congress. Her library was noted for its innovative programs for the visually impaired, including a field trip to the Contemporary Art Center, as well as numerous events to help those with vision impairments. Conceived by the Library of Congress, the National Library for the Blind became important in the 1930s. Most books today are in a recorded format. The National Library Service invented the long playing record and in 1970 went to cassette tape. Today there is a new format, a cartridge used with a player/reader. Every state in the country has at least one talking library for the blind and talking books are mailed postage free anywhere in the state. Bayside is a sub regional library from Richmond. The service is free to the more than 1200 people. Sign up is free and preferences are recorded. The Library then sends books in cartridges free of charge and postage paid. A person of low vision must first qualify to get a reader that uses the new flash drive cartridge. Pamela demonstrated the devise and how it is used. The client may keep the reader as long as he uses the library. Approximately 450 people in Va. Beach are in the program and many read as many as 10-20 books per week. The new machine was only introduced a few months ago. Production is slower than the demand but now people no longer want the old cassettes and old players. Some of the oldest books are still on cassette and are not yet transferred to flash drive. Lions Clubs have been asked to assist by downloading books to their own flash drive. You can go on line and download to the flash drive from the Library. There are 20,000 almost worthless cassettes because they are no longer in demand. Highest in demand are books on flash drive for children. Blank cartridges can be purchased and downloads would be free of charge. The Regional library in Richmond purchased cartridges in bulk with a cost of about $10.00 each. 360 blanks have been purchased by the Bayside Library. Over 100 people are waiting for certain titles. Many want a copy of the Bible, Old and New Testament which would take over 30 cassettes but will fit on one flash drive. Once a copy of the Bible is given on loan, people do not want to return it to the Library so they are looking for ways to make the Bible a permanent loan or gift. Lion Beth Stevens sent a letter to the District Charity Foundation and was given a grant to match donations up to $2000.00 for the project. Thalia has donated $250.00 to the Foundation to be matched for the service. The cartridges can only be used with the reader/player thus keeping down instances of criminal intent. Applications must be completed and authorized by physician and by the Library. The National Library Service then checks identity. The site is password protected. Vision teachers and Special Ed. teachers have been given machines to demonstrate to parents in an effort to encourage participation. Lion Debra Laughlin, one of our newer members is a member and participant in the program.

Lion Steve Rosnov presented certificates of membership and sponsorship to Debra Laughlin who was inducted in December 2010. The materials were not available at the time of her induction.


* Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner – $3,694.00 has been collected in fruit sales – 200 cases were ordered and all were distributed. Thalia will make as much or more than last year when all the tallying is complete without the Birchwood Shopping Center Sale.
* Food Drive – Lion Jack reported that much food was collected over the holidays but now they need cleaning supplies. Lion Steve read a very grateful thank you letter from Samaritan House.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi –Mon., Jan. 10, 2011 Thalia will visit Oceanside Lions at Bubba’s on Dam Neck Road. The next Date is Thurs., Jan. 27 with Windsor Lions in Suffolk.-Lions Mike, Vickie, Jeri, Steve, and Aziz
are scheduled to participate.
* Youth Service Project – Lion Bob Donnelly – The Bayside Water Carnival was a great success and Lion Bob would like to continue this project on a quarterly basis if the board approves. There was little expense, some exposure for the Club, and little work involved.
* Bland Music Contest - scheduled for 2/24 -7:00 Thalia United Methodist Church – 2 judges are confirmed and the Beacon has been contacted for publicity.
* Environmental Service Project - Lion Rich Roberts – Bonney Road Clean-up – Saturday, Jan. 22nd 10-12. Please be there to assist in the clean up.
* RAM / Project Homeless Connect
- Lion Stan Furman -Project Homeless Connect, Norfolk Scope-Jan 12: 9-3 pm. Sentara will do Blood Sugar testing – lunch provided – Everyone is encouraged to assist.
- Lion John Watters - Virginia Beach Connect – Jan. 27th Virginia Beach United Methodist Church - LAMP (Lions Assisted Medical Project) 7-3 pm– Va. Beach Host is suppose to host the project but will need volunteers.
- Lion Stan Furman-Union Mission LAMP project - January 29, 2011: 9-3pm– Va. Beach Blvd. Only our club is sponsoring but Norfolk Host and Norfolk State members will assist as will Lion Donna Weiler, District Governor , Lion Gary Rapier, PDG, and Lion Houser Weiler. 9-3 Diabetes screening will be done. PediaVision will be needed. The plan is to make this a Quarterly Project.
* Hearing Conservation: Lion Ed DeLong -EGRC – Jan. 13th 10-12pm. The Club is reminded that we are now donating hearing aides to EVMS through CHEARS. Lions Steve, Stan and Ed will meet with CHEARS next week to discuss how they can assist Lions in obtaining reasonable hear aids for the needy.
* Programs - Lions Medical Eye Bank – Thalia will meet at the Eye Bank for tour and cold cut sandwiches at the regular meeting on February 16th. Cost will be about $5.00 per person.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters –
* LERI - Read a Thank you letter from the LERI for the $300.00 PediaVision donation from Thalia.
* LCF -Lion Nancy reported that she had used all of the remaining money held in escrow by the Lions Charity Foundation for the purchase of eye exams and Gift of Sight prescription vouchers. The demand for assistance for exam and eyeglasses has increased dramatically.
* Polo Shirts –Embroidery Ect. has polo shirts with Lions logo, name of club, and members name offered for a price of $31.00 The company is in Suffolk and the shirts can be picked up to save shipping and postage. Lion Nancy had samples for sizing at the Holiday party. The website to find the shirt is . The item numbers are L469 and K469. Because the Windsor club has paid already for the Lions Logo, there will be no extra charge to our club. Any up size past XL is $1.00 extra per size. Because many members wanted cotton polo shirts with pockets, there is available a polo shirt in Royal Blue only for $26.00. The item numbers are K420P: and L420P. An order sheet was available for members to sign up for their preferences.
* PediaVision –Schedule passed for sign ups.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

New Business-
* Lion Steve Rosnov presented a Membership Growth Patch awarded by Lions Clubs International for the year 2009-10 for our banner.
* Next meeting at the Ronald McDonald House – members will pay only a small amount and pizza will be ordered. Lion Vickie Kennedy will present a short program and tour of the facility.

Birthdays: December: Debra Laughlin
January: Bill Abdalla, Vickie Kennedy, Rich Roberts
Bids for and against Lion Otis and Lion Mike Berns to sing raised $104.00.

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts – Lion Aziz won $26.00 and Lion Brad won $20.00

Upcoming events:
• January 10, 2011, Monday- Oceanside Lions Club Traveling Leo
• January 12, 2011, Wed. - Project homeless Connect, Norfolk Scope
• January 13, 2011, Thurs. -Eye Glass Recycling, 10 – 12 am
• January 19, 2011, Wed. – Regular meeting at Ronald McDonald House –
404 Colley Ave, Norfolk
• January 22, 2011 Sat. – 10-12am Bonney Road Clean up
• January 26, 2011, Wed. – Board Meeting, Lion Steve Rosnov’s residence, 7pm
• January 27, 2011, Thurs, Virginia Beach Connect – Va. Beach
United Methodist Church, 212 19th Street, VB
• January 29, 2011, Sat. -Union Mission Lamp Project- 130 Brooke Ave., Norfolk, Va
• February 2, 2011, Wed. - Regular meeting, Yukai Japanese Restaurant, 1952 Laskin Rd., VB
* February 16, 2011, Wed. – Special Meeting @ Lions Medical Eye Bank, Norfolk Sentara Hospital, Riverside Pavilion, 2nd floor (Cost will be about $5.00 per person.)

Adjournment Time: 8:40pm
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Dec 1, 2010. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
2 Guests
21 Members
66 Percent

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introduction of Guests

Introduction of Speaker by Lion Bob Perrine: Dr. Stephanie Moody (Antonio), Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughter “The Coalition for Hearing, Education, and Research (CHEAR”). Dr. Moody/Antonio provided an overview of the Coalition, which seeks to identify those with hearing issues, diagnose, treat, and provide hearing aids for those in need of financial help, and educate the public on the need for these services. There was a discussion of working together with CHEAR, including the possibility of our donating our hearing aids to CHEAR, and then sending our referrals to CHEAR for hearing aids. Currently, engineering students at Norfolk State University help with refurbishing of hearing aids. Dr. MoodyAntonio was referred to the district governor. Another goal of CHEAR was raising funds to a mobile hearing van; similar to the Lions, sight and hearing vans, but the possibility of coordinating efforts with our vans was also raised. CHEAR is holding a fund raiser at the Norfolk Marriott on February 5, 2011.

Induction Reports: New Member Lion Nurys Sabino was introduced by Lion Stan Furman sponsored by Lion Vickie Kennedy.

Committee Reports:
* Club Socials/Recreation - Holiday Party – Lion Nancy Watters. Club Holiday party will be a potluck at the home of Lion John and Nancy Watters, 6:30pm, December 15th. Bring a spouse or a friend and food! Wine, Beer, and soft drinks will be provided.
* Programs - Lions Medical Eye Bank Visit - Lion John Watters. Thalia will meet at the Eye bank for tour and cold cut sandwiches at the regular meeting on February 16th. Cost will be about $5.00 per person.
* Blood Drive. Lion Jeri also reported that 82 people attended the recent Blood Drive and 60 pints of blood were donated.
* RAM /Project Homeless Connect - the Lions Assisted Medical Project(LAMP), part of the Remote Area Medical (RAM) clinic (see Thalia has been asked to sponsor a LAMP project at Union Mission on January 29, 2011, from 9 to 4. There are approximately 150 residents. A motion was made by Lion Stan Furman that we support this project, was seconded by Lion Perrine, and the motion passed.
* Sight & Hearing Van, Lion Jeri Furman – Lion Ed De Long’s report is as follows: Friday November 19th from 10am-2pm at the Adult Learning Center, Virginia Beach Blvd. Thalia Lions club provided the sight and hearing van to the Virginia Beach Adult Learning Center from 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. on Friday 19 November, 2010. The van was driven by Lions Jerry Phelps and Ken Darling both of whom assisted with testing throughout the period. Selahi Aziz, Mike Coren ,Ed DeLong - 4 hours (served as coordinator throughout day), Bob Donnelly, Jeri Furman - 4 hours (Made all arrangements for event), Jim Healy, Steve Rosnov, Jack Wagner, John Watters,4 hours day, Nancy Watters 4 hours, Lion Jim Pedicord from Virginia Beach Central Lions Club provided interpreter services for Spanish and Portuguese speakers during the entire period. Lion Nancy Watters Assisted by Lion Ken Darling performed diabetes screening on 58 individuals resulting in nine referrals. A total of 72 individuals were screened in the van resulting in 11 referrals. Thirty countries were represented during this testing period as follows:
1. Bangladesh
2. Belarus
3. China
4. Colombia
5. Croatia
6. Czech Republic
7. Dominican Republic
8. El Salvador
9. Ecuador
24.Puerto Rico
30.Viet Nam
* Fruit Sale – Lion Jim Healy. This year we are pushing for 200 cases pre-sold, have reached the half way mark with about 1/3 of members turning in orders. . If this goal is reached, there will be no need for the Birchwood sale, saving considerable manpower at a busy time of year. If each member bought/sold 6 cases, our goal would be reached realizing about $1,000.00 for club charities. Some members commendably deliver larger orders. All members are encouraged to pitch in and help. If a Birchwood sale is needed, we will consider holding it on one day only, Saturday, Dec. 18th. The flyer is available for distribution. Our orders must be placed by Dec.7th. Thanks to Lion Dallas, his garage will be available for storing and dispensing. The truck will still need unloading help. Lion Otis is willing to arrange some help on/ or about 12/16-17. ALL PRE-ORDERS ARE TO BE PICKED UP AT DALLAS’ GARAGE. Member assistance will be needed there in releasing orders. Plan you holiday giving around healthy Lion fruit. Leo club will solicit orders and we will share the profit on their orders.
* Extra Fund Raisers/Special Projects - Umbrellas Sales - Lion Jim Healy. Plenty of umbrellas are available for Holiday sales. New order is coming in.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi. Visit with Oceanside Lions at Bubba’s at Dam Neck has been reschedule to Monday, January 10, 2011. Lions Jeri, Steve, Mike, Jim. Stan, Linda Eggleston has signed up to go.
* Youth Programs – Lion Bob Donnelly. The Thalia and Bayside Lions will sponsor visually impaired youth from our communities to come to the recreation center water carnival event. The event will be December 12th, 2010 from 1 -4 PM at Bayside recreation center. Each Lions Club would set up a table in the lobby of the center to display our literature to promote our services and seek potential members, which is by invitation only. VB Recreation staff will run their event in the pool areas as usual. All guests will comply with the pool rules, under staff supervision. Lions will pay $3.50 for each child and $5 for each parent who goes into the water. Preliminary count is about 20 blind children, other siblings and parents. Cost estimate is about $100-$130 for or guest’s Admission to the event. They will report their totals by email to Lion Bob. A pizza party may follow after the carnival for our guests at the center. Sals Pizza will provide the pizza to the group afterwards (donation). Coordinators include Lion Pamela Brown Bayside Lions Club, Irene Conlin, Debra Laughlin or, and Teri Dalone VB City Recreation aquatic coordinator.
* Meeting Coordinator - Reminders about Crowne Plaza. Lion Steve Rosnov expressed concerns about the number of members not eating the meals and explained that is not feasible for Crown Plaza to provide the room, wait staff, etc. Unless a sufficient number of meals are paid for.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters was absent and will report at the next meeting. Linda Eggleston read a thank you letter from LOVF for our $56 donatio.

Treasurer’s Report by Lion Vickie Kennedy.

Old Business:
* Polo Shirts. Embroidery Etc. has polo shirts with Lions logo, name of club, and members name offered for a price of $31.00 the company is in Suffolk and the shirts can be picked up to save shipping and postage. Lion Nancy will have samples for sizing by the Holiday party and hers and Lion John’s home on the 17th. The website to find the shirt is . The item numbers are L469 and K469. Because the Windsor club has paid already for the Lions Logo, there will be no extra charge to our club. Any up size past XL is $1.00 extra per size. If there is enough interest, we will try to place the order sometime in January. More to follow.
* Boy Scout Sponsorship - Lion Stan Furman. At the last board meeting, a motion was approved to sponsor Cub Scout Pack #696. In the motion was included $100.00 payment to start up the pack. Lion Brad will be liaison for the club. The regional director of BSA, Jeff Kissel has offered to sell fruit for our club through the Tidewater Council of Boy Scouts if we will share profit. Our club would have very little interaction or cost in either project. The sponsorship is renewed on a yearly basis.

Birthdays: Lion Mike Berns December: Lions Jeri Furman, Jim Healy, Debra Laughlin, and new member Nurys Sabino.

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman - $28.00

Upcoming events:
December 4 - LAMP – Salvation Army
December 9 - Eye glass Recycling, meet at 930 at BEST BUY or at 10 at Recycling Center.
December 12 - Youth Service Project "Pool Carnival at Bayside Recreation center, - Sunday 1-4 pm.
December 15 - Holiday Party- 6:30pm (POTLUCK) 2357 Haversham Close, Va. Beach, 23454
January 19, 2011 - Meeting at Ronald McDonald House
January 26, 2010 - Board meeting at Lion Steve Rostov’s
Feb.16, 2011 – Regular meeting and tour of Lions Medical Eye Bank

Lion Linda Eggleston, Acting Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Nov 17, 2010 - The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a Board Meeting at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, directly following the regular meeting.
Members in attendance were:
Lion Steve Rosnov, Pres
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion John Watters
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Brad Furman
Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Mike Berns
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Debra Laughlin
Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Otis Etheridge

Minutes of Board Meeting
Call to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov 8:40 pm

New Business:
* Lion Brad Furman - Boy Scout Sponsorship– asked for approval of sponsorship of Cub Scout Pack #696. In the motion was included $100.00 payment to start up the pack. Lion Brad will act as liaison for our club. Lion Brad will be liaison for the club. The regional director of BSA, Jeff Kissel has offered to sell fruit for our club through the Tidewater Council of Boy Scouts if we will share profit. Our club would have very little interaction or cost in either project. The sponsorship is renewed on a yearly basis. Lion Jim Healy moved that we approve the sponsorship and appropriate the money to start up the club. Motion was approved.
* Lion Vickie Kennedy offered the application form membership of Nurys Babino pending receipt of her check. There was unanimous approval.
* Lion Nancy Watters asked for approval by the Board to use the funds set aside in the Lions Charity Foundation for the purchase of Eye glass vouchers from Gift of Sight. The Club has $1,200 earmarked for charitable use within the year.
* Lion Nancy Watters asked for direction on the membership status of Lion Don Maskall. Lion Don has not paid dues or attended a meeting since May. It is understood that he is without employment and has been unreachable. Since the Club does not want to drop him from membership for lack of payment of dues and non attendance, it was suggested that he be asked to resign. Lion Don is a long time member who has served well in better times. Dropping him for those reasons would not leave him in good standing with LCI. We would want to welcome him back into the club should his circumstances improve. The Board decided that a letter should be sent asking for his resignation, thus allowing him the right to return to the club at a later date.
* Lion Vickie Kennedy reported that she had not been able to reach Grace Holdren at Thalia United Methodist Church to set a date for the Bland contest. Lion John Watters agreed to contact her.

Old Business:
* Princess Anne Leo Club - Lion Bob Perrine - Adriane James, Leo Club sponsor, will be given fruit brochures tomorrow for the Leos to participate in the fruit sale. They have no meeting scheduled as of yet.
* Meals on Wheels - Lion Aziz Selahi - Lion Aziz was not present and is having difficulty with the project. Lion Steve suggested that we drop the effort at this time.

Adjourned 8:50
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Nov 17, 2010 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
3 Guests
23 Members
Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to order: 6:30p.m.

Introduction of Guests- Lion Bob Donnelly introduced Irene Conlin of VAAPI. Irene thanked everyone for sponsoring the Water Carnival event coming up. She gave a brief description of what VAAPI does which includes outreach, non-sighted mentors, and activities for families of children who are visually impaired.

Lion Bob Perrine – introduction of Speaker, Katrina Parker - “Living Well with Dementia and Alzheimers.” Mrs. Parker represented the Memory Center at 1853 Old Donation Parkway. The Memory Center has many visually impaired residents. She explained that it is not certain that Alzheimer’s is a result of vision and hearing loss but there seems to be some connection. Alzheimer’s and dementia affects 5.3million Americans and is the 4th cause of death in America. After the age of 65 the risk of dementia increases. Though it is a serious disease, there is lots of humor in dealing with patients. Caregivers are under lot of stress. Many spouses are covering for each other. When one dies, the other seems to go downhill. The symptoms were likely already there but the deceased spouse is no longer able to cover for the other. There is no cure for Alzheimers or dementia at this time.
The Memory Center is an assisted living center for those who have some type of diagnosis of dementia. The founder of the facility used the Montessouri theory as its concept. There is a tavern in the town center of the facility, a beach shack, a library, and a bank. Things that you would encounter in real life are replicated. The object is to redirect and keep residents busy. The average age is 82. The Country Store offers sundries, personal items, and snacks. Residents love to get soda, candy, ice cream, etc. There is a full menu of hair and nail services. The Theater, The Majestic, shows movies, artist performances, and dancing with the Stars. The Light House Tavern offers beer wine etc. The Worship Center is Inter-Faith and always available. Chefs prepare two dinner menus, Mediterranean and Traditional. Mediterranean is “brain food” diet. It does not correct the condition but does help to maintain a healthy brain. Based on the Montessouri approach, there are four neighborhoods with beach names divided up into living groups with like cognitive abilities. Residents have a dining room, a common area, and personal living quarters. Subdued lighting helps in dealing with agitation. There is a fulltime activities director with an assistant. Keeping the residents busy and redirected is the key. Many have sundowner’s disease. By taking them through the process of their problem, they are able to handle most patients without giving medication. Music is very important and is offered 15 hrs. per week. Musical instruments are available and residents are encouraged to participate. Art therapy is also available as an outlet. All instructors are very qualified.
Both occupational therapy and physical therapy are available and gardening is promoted to keep patients physically active. A nutritionist with a specialty in gerontology advises menus and available foods. Many love sweets, salt and hoard candies or goodies. Sugar free and protein ice cream is always provided at the center. Many patients need the weight unless they are diabetic. There is also a nurse and medical director available. All staff is trained in Alzheimer and dementia and the caregiver patient ratio is four to one. Daily living activities are important and the purpose is to see that they live as well as they can live.
The cost starts t $6,500 up to $8000 per month. And there is no coverage under health care or Medicare. Though it is all private pay, long term care insurance is accepted. The Memory Center is an all inclusive care facility. Patients do not need I D bracelets because the premises are secure. It is a locked community. Project Lifesaver is a great project and it is highly recommended if the person is living at home.

Induction of New Member: Debra Laughlin – sponsor – Lion Mike Berns by Lion John Watters. We welcome Lion Debra to the club and look forward to engaging her in our objectives to serve the community. Lion Debra thanked the club for embracing her as a member.

* Sight & Hearing Van, Lion Jeri Furman – Friday November 19th from 10am-2pm at the Adult Learning Center, Virginia Beach Blvd. It is not a school day but expect to have plenty of participation.
* Fruit Sale – Lion Jim Healy – This year we are pushing for 200 cases pre-sold. If this goal is reached, there will be no need for the Birchwood sale, saving considerable manpower at a busy time of year. If each member bought/sold 6 cases, our goal would be reached realizing about $1,000.00 for club charities. Some members commendably deliver larger orders. All members are encouraged to pitch in and help. If a Birchwood sale is needed, we will consider holding it on one day only, Saturday, Dec. 18th.The flyer is available for distribution. Our orders must be placed by Dec. 8th. Thanks to Lion Dallas, his garage will be available for storing and dispensing. The truck will still need unloading help. Lion Otis is willing to arrange some help on/ or about 12/16-17. ALL PRE-ORDERS ARE TO BE PICKED UP AT DALLAS’ GARAGE. Member assistance will be needed there in releasing orders. Plan you holiday giving around healthy Lion fruit. Leo club will solicit orders and we will share the profit on their orders. Lion Jim Healy - Plenty of umbrellas are available for Holiday sales. New order is coming in.
* Programs
- Dec 15 Holiday Party – Lion Nancy Watters – The annual Club Holiday party will replace the second regular meeting for Dec. It will be a potluck dinner at the home of Lion John and Nancy Watters, 6:30pm. Bring a spouse or a friend and food! Wine, Beer, and soft drinks will be provided.
- Feb 16 - Lion John Watters - Lions Medical Eye Bank – Thalia will meet at the Eyebank for tour and cold cut sandwiches at the regular meeting on February 16th. Cost will be about $5.00 per person.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi – The next trip will be Monday Dec. 6th Oceanside Lions at Bubba’s at Dam Neck. Lions Jeri, Steve, Mike, Jim. Stan, Linda Eggleston has signed up to go.
* Youth Service Project – Lion Bob Donnelly. The Thalia and Bayside Lions will sponsor visually impaired youth from our communities to come to the recreation center water carnival event. The event will be December 12th, 2010 from 1 -4 PM at Bayside recreation center. Each Lions Club would set up a table in the lobby of the center to display our literature to promote our services and seek potential members, which is by invitation only. VB Recreation staff will run their event in the pool areas as usual. All guests will comply with the pool rules, under staff supervision. Lions will pay $3.50 for each child and $5 for each parent who goes into the water. Preliminary count is about 20 blind children, other siblings and parents. Cost estimate is about $100-$130 for or guest’s Admission to the event. They will report their totals by email to Lion Bob. A pizza party may follow after the carnival for our guests at the center. Sal’s will provide the pizza to the group afterwards.
Coordinators include:
Lion Pamela Brown of the Bayside Lions Club @ Irene Conlin
Debra Laughlin or
Teri Dalone, the VB City Recreation aquatic coordinator @ * Environmental Service Project - Lion Rich Roberts- Bonney road cleanup was Nov. 13th 9:00am. 11 bags of over 200 lbs. was picked up. Great turn out.
This clean-up 12 ½ Lions helped

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
* Thank notes received from Lions Sight and Hearing Van and from the EGRC for Thalia contributions.
* Polo Shirts –Embroidery Ect. has polo shirts with Lions logo, name of club, and members name offered for a price of $31.00 The company is in Suffolk and the shirts can be picked up to save shipping and postage. Lion Nancy will have samples for sizing by the Holiday party and hers and Lion John’s home on the 17th. The website to find the shirt is . The item numbers are L469 and K469. Because the Windsor club has paid already for the Lions Logo, there will be no extra charge to our club. Any up size past XL is $1.00 extra per size. If there is enough interest, we will try to place the order sometime in January. More to follow.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

New Business:
* Lion Debra Laughlin announced that she will host a Coffee Social for Foundation Fighting Blindness at Panera’s bread at Pembroke 9-11 on Saturday Nov 20.

Old Business:
* U.S. postal Eye Glass Collection Project – Lion Brad Furman – no report
* Lion Jack – Thanks everyone for contributions to the International food Drive which will end sometime in March. Bring food or make a cash donation to each club meeting.

Birthdays will be celebrated for November and December during the December 1st meeting.

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts - $41.00 – won by Lion Otis

Upcoming events:
* November 19- Sight & Hearing Van, Adult Learning Center, November 19, Friday 10am - 2pm.
* December 4 - LAMP – Salvation Army
December 12- Youth Service Project "Pool Carnival at Bayside Recreation center, - Sunday 1-4 pm.
* January 19, 2011 – Meeting at Ronald McDonald House
* Feb.16, 2011 – Regular meeting and tour of Lions Medical Eyebank,
* December 1, 2010 Regular meeting at Crowne Plaza

Adjournment (Board Meeting to follow immediately) 8:40
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Nov. 3,2010, by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
0 Guests
19 Members
61 Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.

Program: Lion Steve Rosnov introduced Lion John Watters, District 2-D Sight Chairperson who introduced Lion Nancy Watters, District 24-D PediaVision Chairperson. Lion Nancy presented a power point showing the club how the new PediaVision device works. She emphasized that the PediaVision should not diminish the importance of HOTV and Photoscreening because PediaVison may not always be available when needed. But when available, PediaVision is the method of choice. Lion Nancy reported that the original goal for the District when the PediaVision project began was to seek funds from clubs, individuals, and other sponsors, to have at least one unit by Fall Conference, to eventually have three units (one for each Region), and to see that no child would enter a school system without being visually ready. Those were high goals, but the Lions of Dist. 24-D have exceeded all expectations! We now have two PediaVision devices in hand and one on the way. Before the end of the year will have seven. Our new goal is to have one for every Zone. The following grants have been approved: Hampton Roads Community Foundation (one device), O’Shaughnessy Foundation (one device), and two matching grants from LCIF (two devices). Crossroads Lions Club has donated $4,500.00.00 toward a LCIF matching grant. The Onancock Lions Club became so excited that they are purchasing their own PediaVision! Another device was purchased by anonymous donors, and other remaining donations amount to $3,360.00 (to be used for the second LCI grant). Furthermore there are other grant possibilities! The first PediaVision screening was on Sep 30th by Norfolk Midtown Club screening children at the Child Development Center at Norfolk State. Already the number of children screened with the PediaVision exceeds 1000!

* Sight & Hearing Van, Lion Jeri Furman – Friday November 19th from 10am-2pm. At the Adult Learning Center, Virginia Beach Blvd. Lion Jeri has many scheduled but could use anyone else who decides to work.
* Fruit Sale – Lion Jim Healy – Thalia Sold 48 cases at Birchwood on Fri. & Sat., 12/11, 2009. We received 189 cases, 131 presales, 58 for Birchwood sales. The 10 remaining cases of grapefruit were donated to Ronald McDonald House. The profit for the club was $917.00. Had we sold the ten extras, profit would have been about $1,075. This year we are pushing for 200 cases pre-sold. If this goal is reached, there will be no need for the Birchwood sale, saving considerable manpower at a busy time of year. If each member bought/sold 6 cases, our goal would be reached realizing about $1,000.00 for club charities. Some members commendably deliver larger orders. All members are encouraged to pitch in and help. If a Birchwood sale is needed, we will consider holding it on one day only, Saturday, Dec. 18th. The flyer is being printed and will be available for distribution by next meeting date. Our orders must be placed by Dec. 8th. Thanks to Lion Dallas, his garage will be available for storing and dispensing. The truck will still need unloading help. Lion Otis is willing to arrange some help on/ or about 12/16-17. ALL PRE-ORDERS ARE TO BE PICKED UP AT DALLAS’ GARAGE. Member assistance will be needed there in releasing orders. Plan you holiday giving around healthy Lion fruit.
* Youth Service Project – Lion Bob Donnelly: The Thalia and Bayside Lions will sponsor visually impaired youth from our communities to come to the recreation center water carnival event. The event will be December 12th, 2010 from 1 -4 PM at Bayside recreation center. Each Lions Club would set up a table in the lobby of the center to display our literature to promote our services and seek potential members, which is by invitation only. VB Recreation staff will run their event in the pool areas as usual. All guests will comply with the pool rules, under staff supervision. Lions will pay $3.50 for each child and $5 for each parent who goes into the water. Preliminary count is about 15 blind children, other siblings and parents. Cost estimate is about $100-$130 for or guest’s Admission to the event. Several service groups and parent organizations will tally the numbers and report totals by November 15th. They will report their totals by email to Lion Bob. A pizza party may follow after the carnival for our guests at the center. Coordinators included: Lion Pamela Brown Bayside Lions club; Irene Conlin; Debra Laughlin &; and Teri Dalone VB City Recreation aquatic coordinator.
* Environmental Service Project - Lion Rich Roberts- Bonney road cleanup – Nov. 13th 9:00am – will pick a place that has been mowed. Meet at the Virginia Beach Credit Union.

Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters – a letter of appreciation from Lions Charity Foundation for our clubs participation in the Bid/Buy Auction was acknowledged as well as a letter from Tappahannock Virginia Lions Club announcing Lion Dr. H. Hauser Weiler as a candidate for Director of Lions Clubs International. Lion Nancy reminded everyone of the Fall Conference in Williamsburg this coming weekend.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy. Please note that the usual charities supported by our club have been paid.

Old Business: U.S. postal Eye Glass Collection Project – Lion Brad Furman. No News as of yet.

New Business:
* Holiday Party – Lion Nancy Watters – Club Holiday party will be a potluck at the home of Lion John and Nancy Watters, 6:30pm, December 16th. Bring a spouse or a friend and food! Wine, Beer, and soft drinks will be provided.
* Ronald McDonald House - January 19, 2011- Thalia Lions will have hold its regular meeting at Ronald McDonald House January 19, 2011. The club will present a $150 gift card to the facility for necessary items for residents – Dinner will be Pizza and the cost will be about $5.00 per member. This activity has become a yearly event allowing us to tour the facility and support the charity.
* Lion Brad Furman – received some information from BNE concerning an event, Global Entrepreneur Day, at the Doubletree Hotel for November 16th. The cost for a table is $350.00. The cost per ticket is $35.00. This is a 7 cities event with training sessions for improving business connections, communication, and leadership. They are expecting over 500 people. The club decided that there was not enough information or time to take any action.
* Lion Jack thanked the club for the continued support of food contributions for Samaritan House.
* Lion Steve announced that Debra Laughlin would be inducted at the Nov. 17th meeting by Lion John Watters.

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts - $32.00 won by Lion Jeri Furman

Upcoming events:
* November 5-6- District 24D Fall Conference, Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder, 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg
* November 13- Bonney Road Project - 8am till 10am
* November 13- District 24 Zone I meeting, Saturday, November 13, 12:30 pm, Happy Buffet, 879 Lynnhaven Parkway, Virginia Beach
* November 14 - Blood Drive, Temple Emanuel, 424 25th Street, Virginia Beach 9am – 3pm.
* November 19- Sight & Hearing Van, Adult Learning Center, November 19, Friday 10am - 2pm.
* December 4 - LAMP – Salvation Army
* December 12- Youth Service Project "Pool Carnival at Bayside Recreation center, - Sunday 1-4 pm.
* November 17- Next meeting, Crowne Plaza, 4453 Bonney Road, Virginia Beach, Board meeting after meeting.

Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a Board Meeting at the home of Lions Stan and Jeri Furman on Oct. 27, 2010. Members in attendance were:
Lion Steve Rosnov, Pres
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion John Watters
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Linda Esposito, Visiting
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Otis Etheridge

Minutes of Board Meeting
Call to order by Lion President Steve Rosnov 7:05 pm

• Lion Nancy Watters presented the membership application of Debra Laughlin. The Board unanimously accepted her into membership to be sponsored by Lion Mike Berns. Lion Stan will do the induction at the meeting on Nov 3rd.

• Lion Jim Healy - CJ Citrus Fruit Sale: Lion Jim analyzed last year’s sales of C&J Citrus and questioned whether it would be worth doing again this year given the time effort and the amount of profit. Lion Steve Rosnov mentioned the offer from Indian River Groves and suggested that we use the their online orders. Order forms are sent out to customers with a cover letter by email. Customers place the orders directly and shipment is to the door. Suggested retail prices may be higher because their cost is likely higher. Lion Steve will call them and ask questions concerning the amount of commission we will receive through mail order system. The Board decided to go ahead with the usual fruit sale with C&J’s, but will continue to investigate Indian River Groves and possibly do an online sale during the first part of the New Year. Lion Stan suggested that we raise the price of our fruit a dollar or two per box. The club will take pre orders. The due date to place an order with the supplier is Dec. 10th. Delivery date is about two days later. Delivery location will be the home of Lion Dallas Divelbiss. Lion Jim will present the project to the club and Lion Otis will organize the loading and unloading of the delivery. If we consider online orders, the Princess Anne Leo club could be included. Lion Stan moved that if Leo’s become involved, we divide the profit for their orders 50/ 50. Motion passed.

• Lion Steve Rosnov:– The Club budgeted $150.00 for a gift card to Ronald McDonald House for the purchase of necessary items for residents. Lion Steve suggested that we combine a regular meeting at RMH with a pizza dinner for residents, present the gift card and order pizza at $5.00 per member. The date proposed is Jan. 19, 2011, and the program will be presented by RMH.

• Lion Stan suggested that we return to the Eye Bank for a regular meeting to allow our new members to tour the Eye Bank. Lion Bob Perrine & Lion John Watters will determine the date.

• Lion Steve spoke to–Lindsey Green, Crowne Plaza about the quality of recent meals and service. She is committed to making things better and will communicate with the chef to make improvements.

• Lion Nancy Watters has a Pediavision schedule and will be asking our club and other clubs to assist for hands on training in eye screening. She will make a presentation at the Dist. Meeting inviting clubs to sign up. Since fewer people are needed for screening with the new device, numbers of people at each screening will be limited.

• Lion Aziz -Traveling Leo – Since we have reached the goal of visiting 5 Zones, the Traveling Leo schedule has been altered. Because the last Traveling Leo was cancelled due to 2 no shows, our club was charged for the meals by the club we were to visit. That club was obligated to the reserved number. Lion Aziz paid the $50.00 out of pocket. Lion Stan moved that the club reimburse Lion Aziz from the administrative account. Motion passed. It was suggested that club members be made aware that signing up for a Traveling Leo commits them to paying for the meal. Lion Aziz will try to make that clear as he schedules participants. Only a small number of clubs operate on that basis.

• Lion Stan Furman moved that we fine the Tail Twister, Lion Rich Roberts, $1.00 for his absence tonight at the board meeting. Motion carried. The only time that a Tail Twister may be fined is in his absence by vote of the club or board.

• Lion Nancy asked for a check to Dr. Crafford in the amount of $360.00 for 10 eye exams. Granted.

Old Business:
• Lion Steve Rosnov reported that the Vanguard Scholarship Fund now has a new registered agent. Names on the account are Lion Stan, Vickie, and Steve as third party. All mail will go to Lion Stan as point of contact. Lion Steve turned over an instruction file to the secretary in the event that changes need to be made in the future.

• Lion Bob Perrine - Status of Princess Anne Leo Club - Two members of the Leo Club are planning to attend the Fall Conference. Lion Bob Perrine and Barbette will take them to the conference. Lion Bob is looking for someone to bring them home after lunch because he and Barbette need to return earlier. The two sponsors do not seem to be interested or else do not have the time to spend on the Leo Club. It was understood that there would be a club meeting after homecoming which was last week. We are waiting to see if there will be more cooperation. Lion Mike Berns has a freshman at the school this year. He will be on the Leo Committee and hopefully can inspire some activity. Another suggestion is that the students check the Leo Facebook page to communicate and learn.

• Lion Bob Donnelly - Youth Service Project "Pool Carnival at Bayside Recreation center. LeeAnn Armbruster of VAAPVI and Mrs. Irene Conlins, president, will contact the members for the event on Dec. 12th - Sunday 1-4 pm. We will work jointly with Bayside Lions Club and will be given a table outside the entrance of the pool for welcoming participants and for publicity. No products may be sold at the event. Bayside is happy to have us join this event with them. Lions are not running the event. That will be done by the recreation center employees. Some Lions, however, may wish to swim and assist if needed. We will know by the middle of Nov. if there is a need for other assistance. It is possible that there will be transportation needs. The cost is $3.50 for each child and $5.00 for each adult who participates. We will ask Bayside to split the cost. Debra Laughlin, our newest member has personal contact with VAAPVI and should part of the committee for this project. After the event – Lion Bob suggested that we ask Sal’s to donate pizza for the group or at least discount the price. He made a motion to spend $200.00 or less for the event plus whatever the negotiation may be with Sal’s. The motion was approved. Please See attached report.

• Lion Steve Rosnov - Holiday Party –Lions John & Nancy Watters- will host the party Dec. 15th, 6:00pm. It will be a potluck. The widows, and Bill and Marilyn Pope will be invited.

• Lion Jeri – Sight & Hearing Van is scheduled for Nov. 19th Friday 10 am to 2 pm.

• Lion Stan moved that we pay budgeted commitments to District 25 D. Motion passed.

• Next meeting will be after the second regular meeting in Nov.

Adjourned 8:50
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Oct 20, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Thalia Lions Club
Crowne Plaza, 4453 Bonney Road, Virginia Beach

Social Mixer: 6:00 pm Members in attendance – 20, Guest – 8, Attendance - %68
Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm, President, Lion Steve Rosnov

Introduction of Guests:
* Little Creek Traveling Leo – Lion Marium Daugherty, President, accompanied by Lion Doug Ellington, Lion Norm Krell and Lion Patsy Benjamin
* Aragona/Pembroke Traveling Leo – Lion Jackie Courtney, President, accompanied by Lion Donnie Johnson, Lion Chris Johnson, and Lion Lori Hingpeter

Guest speaker: Debra Laughlin, “Bringing Eye Disease Awareness to Virginia Beach”
Debra recounted how she had been forced to resign from her nursing career as she lost her sight in 2007. She said she wallowed in self pity for about a year before a friend encouraged her to attend seminar in Crystal City that was sponsored by the Lions. She shared that about ten million Americans now suffer from retinal disease and this number is expected to double within the next ten years. Nineteen percent of blind people live in poverty. They do not have the means to buy the expensive high tech equipment that is available for the blind. In 1971 the Foundation for Fighting Blindness was founded. It provides grants for research. Two of the more promising projects include genotype studies and cone protein studies.Debra wanted to educate us regarding Vision Awareness Month. She hopes organize a vision walk by 2012 to help raise awareness. Lion Steve presented Debora with an umbrella.

Committee Reports:
* Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi announced a Traveling Leo to Poquoson October 21 and one to Central on November 3.
* White Cane Event – Lion Jeri Furman announced a very successful event with $1559.94 from donations and an additional $200 from sales.
* Eyeglass Recycling - U.S. Postal Eye Glass Collection Project -Lion Brad Furman was absent
* Environmental Services Project, road clean up – Lion Rich Roberts announced his disappointment in the last clean up, but has high hopes for the next one which will be held on November 13 at 9:00 am.
* Sight and Hearing Van, Adult Learning Center – Lion Jeri Furman announced that the van would be at the Adult Learning Center on November 19 from 10 am to 2pm. She sent a sign up list around. Lion Jeri also reminded members of the Temple Immanuel blood drive on Nov 14.
* Fruit Sales – to be decided at the next Board Meeting.

Secretary's Report – Lion Susie Sumnick announced that Lion Nancy Watters was on a well deserved vacation in Texas and would return prior to the next meeting.

Treasurer's Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy provided copies of the financial report.

Old Business: Meals on Wheels – Lion Aziz Selahi is still working on this.

Birthdays: Lion Dallas Divelbiss, Lion Bob Donnelly and Lion Aziz Selahi were entertained with a solo from Lion Bob Perrine and a trio composed of Lion Mike Coren, Lion Steve Rosnov, and Lion Bob Perrine.

Upcoming Events:
* Movie Secretariat ( Zero D) – sponsored by Hampton Roads Blind Lions Club, Saturday, October 23, 2010, AMC Lynnhaven Mall Loop, $10.00 tickets contact Lion Mack Stevens 621-9069 or
* District 24D Fall Conference,November 5 & 6. Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder, 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg
* District 24 Zone I meeting, Saturday, November 13, 12:30 pm,. Happy Buffet, 879 Lynnhaven Parkway, Virginia Beach
* December 4 – Aragona Pembroke LAMP project at the Salvation Army
* Future Meetings – there will be two meetings in November and one meeting in December

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Susan Sumnick in absence of Secretary

Oct 6, 2010 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Oct.6,2010, by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 3
Members 23

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.
Introductions of Guests: Lion Steve Rosnov
Immediate Past District Governor Gary Rapier
Lions Mike Berns, transfer from Virginia Beach Central
Linda Esposito, new member to be inducted tonight - Lion Stan Furman
Lisa Renz from BNI South East Region – Lion Brad Furman

* Lion Steve presented Lisa Renz with a recognition plaque and a letter of appreciation for BNI’s selection of Thalia as their charitable organization to benefit from their yearly picnic. Lisa presented the profit from the picnic, $1,242.00 to our club. The money will go to the Lions Charity Foundation of District 24D in the name of Thalia Lions. We will have 12 months to use the money for charitable causes.

Temporary recess for dinner
Reconvene: 7:00pm

* Introduction of Guest Speaker by President Lion Steve Rosnov – Lion John Watters – Lions Remote Area Medical Project. Lions John gave a brief bio of Stan Brock, the founder of RAM, a description of the project and a report on the participation of our Lions Club members in the project since 2003. Lion John has an interesting perspective article of RAM and its founder, Stan Brock who rescued nearly 200,000 poor Americans who could not afford to see a doctor. Please see "Making a Difference" July 30 2009 for this article.

Committee Reports:
* ENVIRONMENT SERVICE PROJECTS - Adopt A Highway – Lion Rich Roberts reported a disappointing turn out at the last Bonney Road clean-up on Sept. 25th. Lions Nancy, Fran, Rich, and Jack were the only members to participate. He will explore the possibility of another clean up sometime in November.
* TRAVELING LEO – Lion Aziz Selahi reported that a Traveling Leo is scheduled for tomorrow (Oct. 7) at Town Center – 7:30a.m. -$8.00. The next scheduled visit is Oct. 19th in Poquoson.
* WHITE CANE – Lion Jeri Furman- Dates are October 8-9 at Birchwood Shopping Center. People are still needed to work. Lion Jim Healy gave a very entertaining account of his experience last weekend when he engaged in a “single handed White Cane.” Lion Jim had the “wrong” weekend date, but collected $196.01 in two hours using a Lions Eye Bank insulated lunch bag!
* MEMBER CARE/ HEALTH / SOCIAL SERVICES/ GREETERS - Blood Drive - Temple Emmanuel –Lion Jeri asked for members to support a Red Cross blood drive on Nov. 14th to benefit a member of the Temple.
* SIGHT CONSERVATION - PediaVision- Lion Nancy reported that the PediaVision was delivered last week and there have already been two preschool screenings. While she is away, until the end of Oct., Lion Gary Rapier will have the deivce and the schedule. PediaVision certification will be offered at the Fall Conference. Clubs in the district will be invited to come to scheduled screening in the month of November for hands on practice. Many dated in November have been scheduled.
* EYEGLASS RECYCLING - U.S. Mailbox Eyeglass Recycling Container – Lion Brad Furman has information indicating that the U.S.P.S has not given out the containers since 9/11. After much research, he is going to contact Lynnhaven Post Office and pursue the issue with them.

Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters
* Zone Meeting - Everyone was reminded to register and pay for the Zone meeting on November 11th through Lion Brad, the Zone chair.
* 24D District Fall Conference - Everyone was also reminded to register to attend the 24D District Fall Conference in Williamsburg, Nov. 5th & 6th. Schools will be offered in PediaVision, Diabetes , New Member Orientation, Lensometer use, HOTV, and President & Sect. school. Schools are free. You will find forms in the Knight’s Vision, or on recent emails sent to you by Lion Nancy. If you need more info, please contact her. Deadline for registration is Oct. 15th. Lion Gary told the club that the District would pay the cost of lunches for any Leo member that would attend. Lion Bob Perrine will contact our Leos for a final count.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:
* Parks and Recreation Project - Lions Bob Donnelly and Mike Coren met with Virginia Beach Dept. of Parks and Recreation coordinators’, Colleen Wittig and Teri Dalone at 10 AM, at the community recreation center site. A discussion of mutual interest in programs and events, in which all can “partner”, followed. Ms. Dalone agreed to canvas managers for opportunities to include or expand services or activates for the visually and hearing impaired. Our local clubs may have the opportunity to join in services to seniors and youth (water sports- mentoring, etc) at the Bayside Recreation center, giving service and contacting potential new members for each club. Ms. Dalone said Bayside Recreation Center water staff will be included in talks to explore how the Lions may partner to produce the water carnival events in the near future.
* Meals on Wheels – Lion Aziz is researching the need for Meals on Wheels in the area. He found that there are locations at each of the recreation center sites. To date he has been unsuccessful in contacting the person in charge, Tracy Minor.

New Business:
* Lion Jeri passed a “get well” card around for everyone to sign to send to Ruth DeLong, Lion Ed’s wife, who had Gallbladder surgery with complications.
* Induction of Linda Esposito - IPDG Lion Gary Rapier gave a wonderful summary of who Lions are and what Lions do. In his usual inspirational manner, he inducted our new member sponsored by Lion Stan Furman.
* Lion Linda is the administrator for Our Lady of Perpetual Help and is a registered nurse. We welcome her to our club.
* Transfer Member- Lion Steve Rosnov welcomed our new transfer member, Lion Mike Berns to our club. Lion Mike was once a member of Thalia. He went to Town Central when it was formed. Lion Steve presented him with a Lion’s Coffee cup.

October Birthdays: Lion Aziz Selahi, Lion Ed DeLong, Lion Bob Donnelly

Raffle: Lion Rich Robert – Two drawings - $20.00 won by Lion Nancy and $17.00 won by our new member Lion Linda Esposito.

Upcoming Events:
* Oct. 8th – 9th -White Cane October 8 & 9
* Nov. 5th – 6th - District 24D Fall Conference, Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder, 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg
* Nov. 11th - Zone I Meeting -12:30 pm -Happy Buffet, 879 Lynnhaven Parkway, Virginia Beach.
* Oct. 20th – 6:00pm- Next meeting, Crowne Plaza, 4453 Bonney Road, Virginia Beach, October 20
* October 18th – Lions Charity Foundation meeting - Bubbas

Adjournment : 8:16
Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at the home of Lions John and Nancy Watters on Sept. 29, 2010. Members in attendance were:

Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion John Watters
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Aziz Selahi
Lion Steve Rosnov, Pres.
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Rich Roberts

The meeting was called to order by President Lion Steve Rosnov at 7:01p.m.

* A motion was made by Lion Stan Furman to accept into membership Linda Esposito, second by Lion Nancy. The vote carried unanimously. Linda has visited a meeting on two occasions and she is the administrator for Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
* Lion John Watters moved that Lion Mike Berns be accepted as a transfer from Virginia Beach Central Lions Club, second by Lion Bob Perrine. The vote carried unanimously.
* The club is in the process of assigning a new signatory and registered agent for the Vanguard Scholarship Fund. Lion Steve will resubmit the form in an effort to get the transfer accomplished. The State registered agent was Bill Pope. Lion Steve will investigate what is necessary to have the name changed.
* Status of Princess Anne Leo Club - Lion Bob Perrine spoke with Leo Shelby Richardson who is this year’s president. The advisor needs another week to get settled down in to the routine. There are still 12 members from last year and Leo Shelby anticipates doubling the size of the club. They are attempting to get members to go to the Fall Conference. If so, the board approved the action of paying for the lunch of Leo members who attend.
* Youth Service Project "Pool Carnival" - Lion Bob Donnelly – There will be a meeting with Colleen Wittick at Park & Rec., 2208 Lynnhaven Blvd. on Oct. 6th at 10:00 for concept and scope planning. Bayside Club has agreed to partner with our club for this project. Lions Stan and Steve will attend the meeting. The payback for our club is in public relations. No sales or solicitations will be allowed. Blind children will be welcomed to participate.
* Broom purchase - Lion Bob Donnelly –#4 broom inventory is about 60. The next broom sale is in May. There is no need to reorder at this time. Lions Jim Healy asked about the umbrella supply. Lion Bob will count the inventory and report.
* Lion Kim Vakos raised the question about registering with the city when we solicit of do fund raisers. She is taking a class on nonprofits. Since she was absent at the board meeting, no action was taken. The Club is unaware of any necessity to register with Va. Beach. Lion Steve will discuss the issue with her at the next meeting.

Old Business:
* Access Partnership - No action has been taken concerning this project since the new Lions Year began. This was supposed to be a 24D District project. Lion Stan moved that the project be dropped. The motion was seconded and carried.
* Lion Jeri Furman asked for confirmation of restaurant reservations for our next meeting. We are to have a new member induction (Linda Esposito) and a transfer member (Lion Mike Berns) introduction. Two Traveling Leos are scheduled to come to the meeting on the 20th.
* White Cane will be on Friday and Sat. the 8th and 9th of October. Lion Jeri still needs volunteers for certain vacancies. She will begin making calls to see who can work.
* “Meals on Wheels”- Lion Aziz raised the idea of some club members becoming active in Meals on Wheels. Many churches in our club area are already involved. Lion Bob Perrine and Lion Aziz will investigate the possibilities and need. Subsequently Lion Bob sent Aziz the info – “Meals-on-Wheels and Senior Meal Program through Sentara Hospital: tel 307-2721, 3750 Sentara Way, Virginia Beach, VA 23452-4200, There is also another one run by the city. City Of Virginia Beach, Home Delivered Meals: 461-9481”
* Lion Nancy Watters pointed out that another important project that was started many years ago and dropped should be reinstated. Club members were given police clearance to escort a patient to doctor’s appointments and to do other tasks. Patients were assigned by the Virginia Dept. of Visually Impaired. Lion Brad will be asked to investigate since in the beginning it was his project.
* Lion Jeri Furman will work on a Red Cross Blood Drive on November 14th from 9-3. She would like volunteers to participate.
* Lion Vickie Kennedy asked about the Ronald McDonald house meal provided for in our budget. It was suggested that the Leos participate. Lion Nancy proposed that we postponed the event until after the 1st of year because of all the conflicts and holidays between now and the end of the year.
* A Traveling Leo is scheduled on Oct. 7- 7:30 a.m. at the Town Center meeting Courtyard Marriott – Lions Stan, Bob D., John, Aziz, will attend. One more member is necessary for it to count as a full Traveling Leo.
* Bid ‘n’ Buy Auction is this Saturday. Lion Stan is responsible for setting up and tearing down. Several Lions volunteered to assist. The live auction is at 2:00.p.m.
* Lion Stan asked for the approval of the minutes and treasurers report from the last board meeting.
It was so done.
* Next board meeting will be Oct. 27th, 7:00 pm at the home of Lion Stan & Jeri Furman.
The Nov. board meeting may be held after the reg. meeting on Nov.17th.

Adjourned 8:10 for PediaVision demonstration.

Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary


Sep 15, 2010 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Sept. 15,2010, by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
6 Guests
24 Members
83 Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Call to order: 6:30p.m.

Introductions of Guests: Lion Steve Rosnov –Traveling Leo – Town Center Club
Lions Celia Patterson, Keith Hallam, Beth Stevens, Mark Stevens, and Bambie Martin
Lion Stan Furman introduced his guest Linda Esposito who completed an application for membership.
Lion Brad Furman introduced his guest, Nora Nimely, a Liberan native, who is interested in a possible partnership or twinning with our club.

Call to order 7:00pm
Introduction of Guest Speaker by President Lion Steve Rosnov – Lion Brad Furman has been a Thalia Lions member since 2001 and has served as 1st, 2nd,3rd Vice President, President Lion Tamer, Tail Twister, Zone E Chairman and is now Zone I Chairman of Dist. 24D.

Lion Brad Furman, District 24D Zone I Chairman. Lion Brad started by saying that he is proud to be a member of such an active club as Thalia and that Thalia has met all of the goals set out by the District for this year already. Even so, we should continue to challenge our record and look for new ways to be of service to others. There is a renewed focus this year to do Joint Zone projects such as Operation Homeless Connect, Access Partnership, and Sight & Hearing Screenings in public arenas. Thalia is encouraged to participate wherever given an opportunity. The 2010 Lions Year Goals are Service, Public Relations, Membership, Youth, Leadership and Giving. 1st. QUARTER- focus will be on engaging our youth. Invite Leos to help organize and participate in a service project. 2nd QUARTER- focus will be on Sharing the Vision. Plan vision health projects and work with the visually impaired, work at the eyeglass recycling center, pick up used eyeglasses during these months. 3rd QUARTER- focus will be Relieving the Hunger. Organize food drives, and projects that feed the hungry. Why not do love food baskets in February as a Valentine’s Day project. Thalia has a new Food Drive project organized by Lion Jack Wagner. 4th QUARTER- focus will be on the Environment. Adopt a Highway clean up in your area. This will not only help your community but it will show Lions at work and make the Lions name public. We should also think about doing another project, possibly with Earth Day at Mt. Trashmore in April or May.

District goals through Governor Donna Weiller are as follows:
1. Service - Each club is challenged to increase their service projects by one over the previous year.
2. sight - Each club is challenged to conduct preschool eye screenings.
3. Membership- Each club is challenged to set membership goals and a plan of action. Utilizing the LCI mentoring program is encouraged. Service events have great potential for reaching public. Seven potential contacts for membership resulted from the BNI picnic.
4. Leadership- Each club is encouraged to increase participation in all Zone, Region, District and State functions. Governor’s Medallion should be the goal of every club.
5. Public Awareness- Each club is encouraged to produce a club bulletin and or a website. Send articles to the Knights Vision or to LCI.
6. Youth Activities- Each club is encouraged to sponsor involvement with youth such as a new Leo club, a peace poster contest, or a Bland contest, International Music Contest (one candidate from the U.S. in Classical Guitar for this year.)

In response to Lion Brad’s comments, Lion President Steve suggested that at the next board meeting, we may consider working with Meals on Wheels. Lion Stan Furman 1st. Vice District Governor 2010 spoke as a follow-up to Lion Brad. Again, he reiterated that Thalia is one of the most active clubs in district but that we should not rest on our laurels. Lion Stan is here to assist any club. When projects seem too large for clubs to afford, the Lions Charity Foundation is there to provide the necessary support. Events like Project Homeless in Portsmouth – Sept. 16, 2010 could be supported through that avenue.

* Eyeglass Recycling – Lion Ed DeLong –Thurs., Sept. 9th – Lions Dallas, Jim, Nancy, John and Ed. On Sept. 10th, Lions John and Nancy Watters worked from 8:00a.m.-2:00pm training 12 volunteers from Freedom Ford to read and wash eyeglasses. The volunteers were participating in the United Way Day of Sharing. Look for article in future Knight’s Vision.
* Adopt a Highway – Lion Rich Roberts –Sept. 25th – - Sat. meet at Credit Union 8:00am- 10:00am.
* Scholarship – Lion Rich Roberts- read thank you letter from 2009 winner Regina Stallings. Saraha Gooding, our other winner, was accepted and check was sent from Charity Foundation.
* Traveling Leo- Lion Aziz - Following are the Traveling Leo members who attended Exmore Belle-Haven on Sept. 7, 2010- Lion Steve Rosnov, Dr. John Watters, Stan Furman, Jack Wagner and Aziz Selahi. (They out- numbered the members) The meeting was more of an advisory meeting to help the club. Traveling Leo to Hampton Phoebus is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 16th with the following Lions; Stan Furman, Steve Rosnov, Robert Perrine, and Aziz Selahi. North Accomac and Poquoson visits are scheduled for October.
* Food Drive – Lion Jack Wagner – Lion Jack’s wife volunteers at Samaritan House. They have 12 shelters for the battered and abused. Abuse goes across social lines. Shelters provide all needs including food. Most people living there do not have food stamps. The food bank at the shelters are always in need. They especially like canned fruits, oatmeal, and vegetables but also need toiletries and paper products as well. Lion Jack will also accept gift cards or money and do the necessary shopping. Please try to bring something to each meeting for the Samaritan House Shelter. Lion Brad suggested that we contact Lisa at the Crowne Plaza to contribute food items.
* BNI Picnic – Lion Brad Furman- Sat. September 11th at Princess Anne Executive Park. Members working the event were Lions Brad, his daughter and son, Stan, Jeri, Nancy, John, Mike, Bob Donnelly, Jim, Dick, Rich, Steve, Fran, Jack, and Kim Vakos with her daughter. Tips from the beer truck amounted to $185.00, Raffle table items (provided by BNI) netted $240.00, and tips from another vender, Vemma, were donated to our club in the amount of $23.00. Brooms and Umbrellas were sold in the amount of $143.00. BNI held a corn hole tournament, had a dunking booth, provided hamburgers, hotdogs, she crab soup, provided children’s games, and had live music for the event. Thalia Lion through the Lions Charity Foundation was the designated charity for all profits from the event. All moneys donated will be funneled through the Charity Foundation for our club to designate its use. Allen Fetter, president of the organization or his designee will attend the next meeting to present us with a check. Brad’s employer, MetAmerica presented the club with $250.00 and BNI will present us with a check for $1,224. 00. All in all the club will net over $2,000 as a result of our participation in the event. BNI has requested that we allow them to sell brooms and umbrellas in their office. Lion Brad commended Lions Kim and Vickie on getting the Beacon articles on the BNI Picnic.
* White Cane – Lion Jeri Furman- Dates are October 8-9 at Birchwood Shopping Center and Farm Fresh at Collins Square. The sign-up list is going around to be signed. Farm Fresh changed policy and would not allow us to use that sight.
* Broom Blind-Made Sales. Lion Steve announced that the new broom order came in but we sold so many at the picnic that we need more. 4 or 5 boxes will be ordered.
* Gingko Tree – Lion President Steve Rosnov announced that the tree has new home. Paul Sutton’s grandsons, Chris has planted the tree in his yard.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters: LCIF Auction October 2n- Everyone was reminded to work at getting $100.00 or more donations for the event. PediaVision – Lion John and Nancy will attend Dist. 24C Fall Conference on Sat., Sept. 18th to meet with the representative of PediaVision for a demonstration. District Governor Donna Weiler and Lion Hauser Weiler will likely purchase a unit at that meeting. Lion Nancy gave the club a brief description of the PediaVision. Personal and club donations are encouraged for the purchase of the devise for screening preschoolers. The District is attempting to purchase 4-5 units at the cost of approx. $10,000.00 each. Lions John and Nancy will conduct training in the use of the device at the Fall Conference. The address for tax deductable donations is: Lions Eyeglass Recycling Inc. % Dr. Hauser Weiler, Treas./Sect. 267 Dawson Lane, White Stone, VA 22578. Fall Conference – Information about the Fall Conference has been emailed to everyone. Members must register individually for the conference and the classes. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Diabetes training (renewed certification must be done each year), Pediavision, New Member Orientation, and Lensometer use. Thalia BBQ in lieu of regular meeting on Sept. 1st at Lion Stan & Jeri’s Condo was a great success – Many Thanks!! Lion Nancy asked for a volunteer to research the possibility of acquiring a recycled mailbox from the USPS for the use of collecting used eyeglasses. The USPS will lease at no charge, in perpetuity, but is not allowed to sell them. Lion Brad volunteered. Lion Nancy read a thank you note from an eyeglass recipient and letter from Lion Jay Moughon, President of Clifton Lions Club announcing the candidacy of Lion G. Kenneth Isaac, for the International Director of Lions Clubs International. Eye screenings at Sunnybrook Preschool are tentatively scheduled for November 3rd and 4th.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy see attached – (Lion Roger Snell was able to take the left change from ACT British Forces P.O. for Thalia donation. The purchase of British Stamps purchased with American money never works out exactly. That amount accumulated to over $50.00.

Old Business: (see Committee Reports)

New Business:
* Lion Bob Perrine announced that Lee Ann Nimmo Armbruster -VAAPI has requested for help two blind students at Kempsville High School who need particle screen software (1,100.00 each) . Kempsville High wants to do a fund raiser but must funnel the funds through a charity because the school is not allowed to make the purchase directly. The Kempsville Club is willing to help and will take the lead but we may be requested to participate with them in the endeavor.
* Traveling Leo guests, Lions Mack and Beth Stevens, Hampton Roads Blind Lions told the group about their new event, “ZERO D MOVIE”. They described the event with a skit using”3D Glasses” with no lens. The movie “Secretariat” will be playing with descriptive script. So that you can watch with “blind glasses” and understand the feeling of being blind. They are asking people to wear the glasses for only a few minutes of the movie. The event will take place on Sat. Oct. 23rd. $10.00 ticket price.

September Birthdays – Lion Doug Craddock, Lion Stan Furman, Lion Dick Kreassig, Lion Fran Scott, Lion Roger Snell- Lions Otis, Vickie, Nancy, Jeri ( Thalia Lions Quartet) sang a beautiful rendition of “Happy Birthday”.

Raffle: Lion Rich Robert -1st - $20.00- Lion Otis and 2nd - $ 15.00 – Lion Ed Delong

Upcoming events:
- Board Meeting - Wednesday, September 29 at 7pm. Location Lion John & Nancy Watters’ residence.
- LCF Bid’N Buy Auction, Saturday, October 2, Community United Methodist Church, 1072 Old Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach
- White Cane October 8 & 9
- District 24D Fall Conference, November 5 & 6. Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at fort Magruder, 6945 Pocahontas Trail, Williamsburg

Adjournment 8:25

Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

Aug 4, 2010 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on August 4, 2010, by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 4
Members 20
71.4 Percentage

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Introductions of Guests: Lion Steve Rosnov – Myron Smith (old friend)
Lion Bob Perrine introduced the Ocean Lakes Scholarship recipient - Sahara Gooding and her mother, Vickie
Lion Bob Perrine acknowledged the presence of our guest speaker – “Babs” Benson –RN at CHKD in Norfolk.
Lion Nancy Watters introduced Fran Scott –new member to be inducted tonight

General Meeting Call to Order: 6:30 pm by Lion President Steve Rosnov

Lion Steve announced that Thurs. August 5th is Miracle Treat Day at Dairy Queen. Buy a Blizzard treat on this day and you will be helping sick and injured children in your area. For every Blizzard treat sold at participating DQ locations, on Miracle Treat Day, $1.00 or more will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a non-profit organization that raises funds for more than 170 children’s hospitals.

Recess for Dinner - 6:40
Reconvened – 7:10

Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Bob Perrine.

Barbara “Babs” Benson is a registered nurse and is the program manager of the “Healthy You” weight management program at CHKD in Norfolk. In her struggle against type II diabetes in youth, she has helped countless children by changing their life style and eating habits. Barbara has worked hard to improve their health and fitness through her “Countdown to Family Fitness: 5-4-3-2-1-” program.
Babs presented a very informative program describing the extent of obesity in the U.S., the risk factors, the reasons, and the possible solutions available. Please double click on the attached pdf file to see the power point presentation for specifics.

Induction of new member: Lion Brad Furman, Zone I chair inducted new member Fran Scott – sponsored by Lion Nancy Watters. Lion Fran was raised in Chester, VA to a family that was always active in volunteer work, March of Dimes, Eastern Star and others. When she moved to Va. Beach and began to raise family she felt a bit guilty that there was no time for charitable work. Now that her daughter is married and other obligations have freed her time, she is ready to again contribute her time and efforts. Hearing Lions John and Nancy Watters speak about RAM at her church, Fran became interested in Lions. When Lion Nancy invited her to participate in the Salvation Army event last fall, she decided to become a member.

Scholarship presentation: Lion Rich Richards introduced the Ocean Lakes High School scholarship winner, Sahara Gooding and presented her with a letter of scholarship verification. The scholarship was offered to a visually impaired student. Sahara thanked the club for the financial support and described her vision impairment as beginning at birth and as a result of albinism. She spoke articulately about her college choice, Virginia State University, and her educational goals. She begins school next week and plans a career in the medical field.


Youth Camp Meal – Lion Ed DeLong- see report attached. Lion Ed felt the effort was very much worth his time when he was told by the students that they appreciated a “home cooked” meal instead of so much fast food.

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion Ed DeLong –Thurs., August 12th – email will be sent to sign up for work. Meet at Best Buy 9:30a.m. Lions Stan, Linda, Jeri, and John have already volunteered.

Umbrella/Flag Purchase – Lion Jim Healy- New supply of all American 100% nylon, embroidered stars, sewn stripes, non furl flags with brackets are available for sale. Because of increase in our costs, the new price will be $ 35.00.

Umbrellas are also now available because the company from which we order is back in business. Great gifts for relatives! The price is $10.00 each.

Adopt a Highway – Lion Rich Roberts – 12 Lions met at 8 am on Sat., July 31st. They worked until 10:00am and collected 12 bags of garbage on Bonney Road. (that is about 240lbs of garbage).

RAM – Lion John Watters reported that 8 people went to Wise Co. Virginia July22nd-25th. – Linda Eggleston and husband, Steve, Lion Susie Sumnick and husband and granddaughter, Mick and Jamie and Lion John and Nancy with granddaughter, Elizabeth- The Vision clinic saw
1,032 people during the event. If you plan to go next year reservations need to be make within next 2 months. It is a life changing experience.

Gingko Tree – Lion Kim Vakos - had picture of Gingko tree and it is still living –a plaque is being donated by Lion Roger Snell - A Suggestion was made to plant the tree somewhere on Bonney Road. It was suggested that this is a good project for environmental committee to assume.

Website – Lion Filip Cuckov-Filip is building a website for the club at He demonstrated a skeleton page and instructed members on how it would work. The “back end of the site will be for members only. Everyone will have an email address. To log on to the member page, i.e., you should use your first name– dot-last name. (Example: nancy.watters) The password is “weserve123”. Once logged on you will be given an option to change the password to your personal password. This site should be used for all emails, documents, rosters, calendars, announcements, policies, board and meeting minutes, messages, and member comments. Cost is $10.00 per year though Google.

Mid Atlantic Picnic – Lion Brad Furman-stated the picnic should be called the BNI (Business Networking International) picnic. The location is 2371 Court Plaza Drive on Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010 . Set up is at 9:00am and the event runs from 11:00 am to 3:30 pm. Three to five hundred people are expected. Our Club will be expected to sell $5.00 tickets. A signup sheet will be provided later. All proceeds from beer sales and activities will be donated to the Charity Foundation in the Thalia Lions Club name. . At this point we know that there will be food provided by Carabas, a beer truck, corn hole tournaments, dunking tanks, and lots of children’s activities. Sponsor tables are $100.00. Lion Brad suggested that we set up a table to promote Lions and take orders for blind made products. Lion Dick Kreassig objected to taking orders because of the delivery issues that would be involved.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters –
Region Meeting – Aug. 17th - Reservations will be submitted by mail with check from the club on Aug. 5th. (6 attendees- Lions John, Nancy, Stan, Jeri, Brad, Steve.
Eye Bank Dinner- Aug. 18th – Reservations will be submitted by mail with check from the club on Aug. 5th. (13 attendees- Lions Ed. DeLong, Linda Eggleston, Steve and Dian Rosnov, Susie Sumnick, John and Nancy Watters, Bob Donnelly, Brand and Cindy Furman, Bob Perrine, Stan and Jeri Furman.)
LCIF Auction October 2nd- Everyone was reminded to work at getting $100.00 or more donations for the event.
PediaVision – Personal and club donations are encouraged for the purchase of the devise for screening preschoolers. The address for tax deductable donations is: Lions Eyeglass Recycling Inc. % Dr. Hauser Weiler, Treas./Sect. 267 Dawson Lane, White Stone, VA 22578
Growth Award – LCI awarded a “Growth Award” patch for increase in membership during the year 2008-9 (Lion Bill Pope’s presidency)

Trasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:
* Thalia BBQ in lieu of regular meeting Sept. 1st – Lion Stan & Jeri’s Condo- $5.00 per person and bring a side dish. There will also be a cash donation basket for alcoholic beverages. No glass dishes or bottles please.
* No Regular meeting August 18th – Lions Medical Eye Bank Dinner

New Business:
* Board of Directors change – Lion Aziz Selahi – 2 yrs. Director and Lion Ed DeLong as one year Director- Motion was made to accept- no opposition. The Board of Directors is as follows: Two Year Directors – Lion Stan Furman, Aziz Selahi, and John Watters. One Year Directors are – Lions Jim Healy, Ed DeLong and Roger Snell.
* Food Drive Program – Lion Steve Rosnov & Lion Jack Wagner- Lion Jack Wagner has proposed to Chair a Food Drive program as suggested as an added project by Lion's International. Each member would contribute something at each meeting, with Lion Jack keeping a count of items collected and dispersed, as well as by weight, etc. The project would last until February or March. Lion Jack would furnish each member a list of items that are most often needed. His wife runs the Food Pantry at Samaritan House, which has 12 shelters used to house abused and battered women and their children, as well as others needing housing in special situations. Samaritan House provides them with everything, including food. As a Club, we would donate our collected foods to the pantry for distribution to the shelters. If a member would prefer to make cash contribution, in lieu of a food item, Jack would use that money to purchase needed food items. That would save the member the chore of having to shop for food. We also might be able to put on a Food Drive at a supermarket or BJs. This would bear investigation, etc. The Board loved this idea and suggested that it be an ongoing project with no deadline of Feb. or Mar. It was also agreed that the project should include the Leo Club. They could run the food drive as a major project for Princess Anne School.
* White Cane- Lion Jeri Lion Jeri reported that the dates are Oct. 1-2 and that a letter has been written to Farm Fresh to request permission to use that site as well as the site at B.J.’s. The time will be from 10-6 both Friday and Saturday.

August Birthday – Lion Ed DeLong (15th) Lion Kim and Jim to sing and Bob to sing

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts- $34.00 won by Lion Bob Perrine – money donated back to the club. Thank you Lion Bob!!

Upcoming events:

August 12th Thurs. – Eye Glass Recycling Center, 10am – 12noon
Aug 17th Tue. - Region. III Meeting, Island House Restaurant, 6 Atlantic Ave, Wachapreage,Va. ($18.00)
Aug 18th Wed. - Annual Eye Bank Dinner -Norfolk Yacht & Country Club, 7001 Hampton Blvd. – Norfolk, Va. 23505 - Board meeting 5:00p.m. Social hour 6:00 pm
Sept. 1st. Wed. – Thalia BBQ -4004 Atlantic Ave., VB 23451- 6:00pm – Spouses and children invited
Sept. 11th Sat. – BNI Picnic

Adjournment -8:45pm

July 28, 2010 - The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting following the regular meeting on July 28, 2010 at the home of President Lion Steve Rosnov, 5164 Eagle Run Rd.,VB 23464, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Lion John Watters
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Jim Healy

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm by Lion Steve Rosnov –
• Vanguard Scholarship Fund new registered agent – Lion Stan Furman
Board resolution on letterhead to be signed by secretary and president is necessary to change the registered agent. Lion Stan is to draft a letter and send it to the secretary to have ready for signatures at next meeting. After discussion, the additional person to be added as a registered agent will be Lion Vickie Kennedy. The E card filing has been done for this year but should be in treasurer’s hands rather than secretary in the future.
• Board of Directors change to replace Bill Pope- Lion Steve Rosnov
After much discussion and consideration, Lion Stan moved that Lion Aziz Selahi be recommended for the 2 yrs. Directorship and Lion Ed DeLong be recommended for the 1 yr. Directorship. The club will confirm by vote at the next meeting. Corrections and changes will be made on the blog.
• Youth Service Project “Pool Carnival” – Lion Bob Donnelly will contact VB recreation center to confer with them about the possibility of offering help in providing an extra water carnival. The location is in the Bayside area and they must be contacted for permission and offered to join in the project. Leos may also be given opportunity to assist. Discussion centered around cost, benefit, liability of the club. Since membership is required for Recreation Center use, there is question as to the validity of charging for tickets. It was suggested that equipment should only be rented not purchased from vendors if the club decided to execute this project. City wide program to reduce cost. It was also suggested that if we approve the project that it be very well publicized. Lion Bob Donnelly thinks it would be very effective to have a table there every Sat. morning for 4-5 weeks before the event. Lion Bob D will Investigate the possibility of this project and report at the next meeting. Lion Brad can talk to Bayside to get permission and assistance.
• The “Lions in Sight Committee” was renamed “Environmental Committee”- Lion Rich Roberts
• Broom purchase – Lion Bob Donnelly – Inventory is low on #4 brooms and on heavy duty brooms ($12.00) Lion Bob was authorized to order 4 cases of #4’s, 1 case of the patio brooms, and 3 cases of scrubees. purchase of brooms for inventory – “Blind made products - order 4 cases
• Umbrella & Flag purchase – Lion Jim Healy – The company making the Stars & stripes umbrellas is back in business. Price is up slightly $5.50 plus shipping –The decision was to keep the price at $10.00 and to order 1 case. Flags – inventory is down to 5 or 6. The price is up from 22.00 to 24.00 plus shipping (case of 24 ). Recommended retail is $48.00- our club only make $4- 6 because we sell them at $30.00. A move was made to raise the price to $35.00 and order 1 case (24)
Bill Pope gave Lion Steve a Virginia State Flag that had been given the club years ago. It was decided to offer the flag as a donation to the Central Library. Lion Roger Snell offered to make a name plate for the flag. Pictures will be taken at the presentation for the Knight’s Vision and for the new LCI achievement report.

Old Business
• Access Partnership and Beach Free Clinic was tabled until further contact is made.
• The next meeting will be a BBQ cookout at Lion Stan and Jeri’s condo. Menu will be hotdogs and hamburgers. Members will be asked to bring sides and desserts. Spouses, partners, and children will be included. Cost per person will be $5.00 with a donation basket for alcoholic beverages. All containers, including alcoholic beverages must be paper or plastic. No glass is allowed in the pool area where we will be meeting.

New Business
• Lion Jack Wagner – Food Drive initiative – Lion Steve
Lion Jack Wagner has propose to Chair a Food Drive program as suggested as an added project by Lion's International. Each member would contribute something at each meeting, with Lion Jack keeping a count of items collected and dispersed, as well as by weight, etc. The project would last until February or March. Lion Jack would furnish each member a list of items that are most often needed. His wife runs the Food Pantry at Samaritan House, which has 12 shelters used to house abused and battered women and their children, as well as others needing housing in special situations. Samaritan House provides them with everything, including food. As a Club, we would donate our collected foods to the pantry for distribution to the shelters. If a member would prefer to make cash contribution, in lieu of a food item, Jack would use that money to purchase needed food items. That would save the member the chore of having to shop for food. We also might be able to put on a Food Drive at a supermarket or BJs. This would bear investigation, etc. The Board loved this idea and suggested that it be an ongoing project with no deadline of Feb. or Mar. It was also agreed that the project should include the Leo Club. They could run the food drive as a major project for Princess Anne School. Motion was made and seconded to accept the project. Motion approved.
• Crowne Plaza- Jeri Furman, coordinator for meetings at Crowne Plaza, talked to Lindsey, in food services about offering something vegetarian and/or and alternative to chicken particularly for Lion Azis. At the last meeting, the club was charged for one too many meals.
She has agreed to credit 2 meals at next meeting and to see that there is an alternative dish.
• White Cane – Lion Jeri reported that the dates are Oct. 1-2 and that a letter has been written to Farm Fresh to request permission to use that site as well as the site at B.J.’s. The time will be from 10-6 both Friday and Saturday.
• Mid Atlantic Picnic – Lion Stan – will contact the ABC board about the picnic on Sept. 11th. Atlantic has consented to allow us to distribute and dispense alcohol if we are licensed. The address of the picnic is 2371 Court Plaza Drive, near the courthouse. Set up will be at 9:00am and the event will go from 11-3:30. Mid Atlantic’s has designated our club as their charity and all profits will be donated to the Charity Foundation in our name.
• District Governor Lion Donna was able to get Journey for sight covered Braille camp for student of VAAPI ($250.00)
• Lion Vickie reported that Lion Otis is coaching for the Chesapeake association and they need funds for practice equipment, uniforms, and supplies. Ages of the children are 5-14 both boys and girls. Lion Stan suggested that the Deep Creek Club, Lion Gary Rapier and the Chesapeake Host, Lion Debbie Edwards, be contacted for support. He also suggested that we may be able to make the project a joint or zone project. Lion Steve presented the following Goals for the year.

Thalia Lions Club Goals 2010-2011: Thalia Lions Club consistently meets all District and Zone goals. The one exception to that is that the Thalia Club is not setting a goal to recruit one new member for each member in the club to increase to 100%,

Membership: Install three new members per quarter. This will increase the clubs membership by a third. It is an achievable goal. New members are a result of being an active club.
- Involve the Princess Anne Leo Club in a joint project that involves close interaction with a community minded service working together fostering a spirit of camaraderie such as feeding the homeless, delivering food to needy families during Thanksgiving, assisting the Virginia Beach meals on wheel program. Increase spouse and significant others participation in club projects.
- Establish a spouse’s night meeting and summer cookout. Create a newsletter for Lions families to inform them of the things their significant partners are doing in our Thalia Lions Club to create closer bond by knowledge of their partner’s role in our club.
- Encourage new member’s participation at Zone, Region, District and State functions and events to create further knowledge and involvement in Lionism.
Increase public awareness by submitting articles and scholarship awards in the Beacon and other media to make the community more aware of who we are and what we do by displaying our web/blog site at every opportunity.
- Provide one training night per quarter at general meetings by requesting the District Zone Chairman, District Council Chairman, First and second Vice District Governor as guest speakers to keep members current on District and International programs.

Lion Steve Rosnov
President Thalia Lions Club
Whatever you are, be a good one.
Abraham Lincoln

Adjourned 9:15
Next Meeting August 25th – 7:00 meeting at Watters home

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

July 21, 2010 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on July 21,2010, by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 4
Members 18

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
General Meeting Call to Order: 6:30 pm by President, Lion Steve Rosnov
Introduction of Guests: Fran Scott- friend of Lion Nancy Watters who was invited to a service project last fall. Fran has completed an application and wishes to be considered for membership.
Linda Esposito – guest of Lion Stan Furman. Linda is the administrator of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, an assisted living facility where Thalia Lions recently participated in a health clinic.
Recess for Dinner - 6:40
Reconvened – 7:10

Speaker: District Cabinet Secretary, Lion IPDG Gary Rapier introduced Lion District Governor Donna Weiler. Before introducing the District Governor, Lion Gary took a moment to report to the club that the first District meeting was on July 18th. Our club was recognized in two ways. Because of our outstanding performance in the achievement program for 2009-10, we were awarded both the Zone and District winning patches. He also presented the Achievement Banner for our efforts. Each year the winning club’s name will be added to the banner and that club will have custody of it for the year. Thalia Lions is both the District and Zone Achievement Champion for 2009-10. Presentations were made to our Lion Tamer, Lion Otis Etheridge. Lion Gary then introduced our New District Governor, Lion Donna Weiler. Lion Donna began her address to us by lighting the Beacon of Hope, a Cape Hatteras Lighthouse candle given to her by the York County Lions Club to symbolize this year’s Lions International theme. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse has been a “beacon of hope” for over 200 years. Lions International is emphasizing hands on service this year. We are encouraged to have one more service project and one more youth project during the first quarter of the year. Lion Donna asked that we get back to work on our Leo Club as part of that challenge. She is inviting the Leo clubs to come to the Fall Conference. The District will pick up the cost of meals. The second quarter of the Lion’s year will focus on Sight. She announced a partnership with South Africa District 410A as part of this effort. Our District is sending plastic eye glasses and hearing aids in large numbers because of the need. In the third quarter, Jan. – March, the focus will be hunger. It is suggested that we distribute food baskets for Valentine’s Day. The fourth quarter emphasis is on the environment. Lion Donna recognized that we already have had an Adopt a Highway project and complemented us on that effort. The more service projects we have and the more we involve others, the more our membership will grow. We need active members to carry on these activities of service. Lion Donna challenged us to ask people to participate in our projects. She shared her story about delivering food baskets with her husband to very poor families living in a remote area in Northern Neck during the Christmas. It made such an impression on her that she became a Lion. She described it as a “heart” project, you feel very good when you come home and know that you have made a difference in someone’s life. RAM is another “heart” project and Lion Donna complimented our club on its participation. This year our club has 8 members and friends participating.
Lion Donna was very impressed with our club record and called Thalia Lions Club a model club for this year.

President, Lion Steve Rosnov – awarded Lion Filip Cuckov a paper weight as part of his Proud Lion accomplishment.

Lion Dalas Divelbiss was awarded the Life Membership from our Club. The membership included a framed certificate, a metal life membership card, and a pin tag stating “life member”. Being made a life member means that the club has donated $500.00 in the recipient’s name in honor of his dedicated service. Once a life member, International dues are no longer required for that member.
Eye Bank Dinner Meeting is a Wed. meeting night. Lion Steve announced that because so many members (10) wished to attend the Eye Bank Dinner that the August 18th meeting would be cancelled.

* Youth Camp Meal - Lion Ed Delong (Jul 24th 6 p.m.) Virginia Wesleyan - Hats off to Lion Ed for taking on this effort. He is preparing Shrimp Creole and has written a brief history and explanation about the menu for the student. Many of the club members will be at RAM and unable to help. Lion Ed passed a signup sheet for assistance.
* Blind Made Products - Lion Bob Donnelly -stated that we are out of #4 brooms and need an order placed. He suggested that we donate the “deadwood”, clothes pins,, witches brooms, sponge mops, etc. to Ronald McDonald House. Lion Brad reminded the club that we had previously decided to donate all clothes pins to the three elementary schools in our area. Motion was made and carried. Lion Donna requested a witch’s broom.
* Lion Jim Healy – stated that the club was running low on flags and umbrellas and requested that we place another order. Permission was granted.
* Scholarships – Lion Rich Roberts- received an email from Phyllis Pruitt of the VAAPVI about a blind first grader who needs financial assistance to attend Braille Camp. The cost is $250.00 and the deadline for entry is July 26th. Because of the impending deadline the club decided to help the child whether or not the family lives in our area. Motion was made and passed.
* Adopt A Highway – Lion Rich Roberts- asked for volunteers for another Bonney Road Clean up. Eight members made a commitment to work on Saturday July 30th
* Eye Glass Next date is Thursday, August 12. Lion Ed Delong will send out a signup sheet by email.

Secretary’s Report - Lion Nancy Watters.
– Thank you note from the Sight & Hearing Van for our $100.00 donation to the replacement fund and from the Adult Learning Center for increasing the scholarship amount from $600.00 to $1,000.00.
- Thank you was written to the Central Library for the $85.00 donated to defray cost of the Sight & Hearing Van event.
- Lions Charity Foundation is requesting donations for the Bid/Buy auction in October. Donations should be of about $100.00 worth of merchandise or services and is tax deductable.
- Lions should display their decals on their car windows because points will be taken on the Achievement report this month.
- Region III Meeting – August 17th at Island House Restaurant meal cost is $18.00. Reservations must be made by Aug. 9th.
- Eye Bank Dinner - August 18th at Norfolk Yacht & Country Club - $35.00- Deadline for reservations is Aug.11th. Please give money or check to Lion Nancy by the August 4th meeting if you plan to attend either of these meetings. The club will write one check for our reservations.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

White Cane – Lion Jeri- Furman is working on a September date for Birchwood Shopping Center. Lion Nancy agreed to send Lion Jeri the contact information to ask permission to use the Farm Fresh site again.

Lion Brad Furman reported that the Great Atlantic Picnic event is scheduled for Saturday, Sept 11th from 11:00am to 3 or 4 pm. A signup sheet will be provided later. All proceeds from beer sales and activities will be donated to the Charity Foundation in the Thalia Lions Club name. Lion Brad will provide more details later. At this point we know that there will be food provided by Carabas, a beer truck, corn hole tournaments, dunking tanks, and lots of children’s activities. Sponsor tables are $100.00.

New Business
*Eye Glass Collection Locations – Lion Steve Rosnov- Bill Pope always did eye glass collections- Lion
*Steve wants to stay in contact with him and feels that he will return to the club if we continue our club relationship with him. A list of the Eye Glass Collection Box locations was read and the duty of picking up glasses was discussed. Lion Aziz agree to pick up at the B.J’s, UPS, and Central Library.Lion Dallas will pick up glasses at Rob Seim’s office, Atlantic Eye Care.Lion Jack Wagner will pick up from National Optometry at North Lynnhaven.
* Lion Bob Donnelly – would like the club to explore cooperating with Bayside recreation Center to help provide a fun day for children. He recently enjoyed a similar affair and thinks it would be a way of exposing families to Lions. Because of the cost($1000.00), it was suggested that the affair be considered as a joint project with Bayside Club. Lion Bob will explore the idea with Bayside and investigate the cost and involvement.

Raffle: Lion Rich Robert - 2 drawings for $20.00 each. – Winners were Lion Nancy and our guest, Linda Esposito. Both donated the winnings back to the club. Lion Rich pointed out that Lion Mike Coren was a celebrity. There was a recent news article about him as a survivor of the Haiti Earthquake. It was suggested that he be fined because he did not have on a Lion’s pin in the picture!

Upcoming events:
*July 22nd – 24th Thurs-Sun. RAM -Wise County, Virginia
*July 24th – Youth Camp Meal- Sat. July 24th, 6:00PM Virginia Wesleyan College, 1584 Wesleyan Drive, Norfolk, Va. 23502
*Jul 28th - Thalia Board meeting at President Steve Rosnov’s home, 7pm 5164 Eagle Run Rd., V.B 23464.
*Jul 31st Sat. – Adopt a Highway clean up, Bonney Road – Meet at Crowne Plaza
*Aug 17th Tue. - Region. III Meeting, Island House Restaurant, 6 Atlantic Ave, Wachapreage,Va.($18.00)
*Aug 18th Wed.- Annual Eye Bank Dinner -Norfolk Yacht & Country Club, 7001 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, Va. 23505- Board meeting 5:00p.m. Social hour 6:00 pm
Adjournment -8:08pm

Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

July 21,2010 – A special Board Meeting following the regular meeting on July 21, 2010at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Lion John Watters
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Otis Etheridge
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Ed DeLong
Lion Jim Healy

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 pm by Lion Steve Rosnov –

Lion Nancy Watters: Presented membership application for Fran Scott and moved that she be accepted into the Thalia Club. Membership was approved.

Lion Jeri Furman requested that another hearing aide be purchased for Trudy Bell. She was advised that the first hearing aide we provided cannot be supplies without having a second. The cost is $250.00.. The motion was made and carried.

District Governor Lion Donna Weiler again complimented our club as a model for all clubs. She asked if we had questions, needs, and suggestions on how to help our club or our district.

Lion John Watters asked if the 24-d District directory could be put on line and password protected. There was some discussion on how that may be done, problems, and concerns. Lion Donna will further explore the possibility with the Cabinet. Lion Gary suggested the Lion John bring it up at the next cabinet meeting.

Lion John also suggested that the rules for Good Samaritan be changed so that anyone could donate rather than just clubs. Lion Stan pointed out that the donation could be made by anyone even though the by-laws did not state the method. Lion John expressed that the Good Samaritan award should be more publicized like Melvin Jones. Since the Charity Foundation provides so much support for clubs, we should make it a priority.
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

July 7, 2010 - OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR CLUB . The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on July 7,2010, by Lion President Steve Rosnov at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 4
Members 22
Percentage 79 %

Social Mixer 6:00 - 6:30 pm
General Meeting / Dinner 6:30 pm - President, Lion Steve Rosnov - Call to Order
Introduction of Guests: Chris Horton, Princess Anne Scholarship Recipient was introduced by Lion Bob Perrine and was presented a check for $500.00. Chris was accompanied by his parents, Leslie and Bill Horton.
Thalia Charter member Lee Kelberg visited the meeting and spoke about interesting things in history of Thalia Lions Club. He had with him a 1977 roster of membership. While he was a member, Thalia sponsored a girl’s baseball team called the Thalia Lions.

Lion Steve Rosnov announced that Lion Bill Pope had tendered his resignation to the Thalia Club.
Lion Steve met with him and assured Lion Bill that he was welcome at any time.
He will be invited to attend club functions.

Lion Nancy Watters read Thank you letters from the scholarship recipient, Chris Horton and from Robert Jenkins for eye glasses and exam. She also presented to the club a letter of recognition and certificate from Lions Club International for the club contributions to the Haiti Relief Fund. The Thalia Club as well as many individual members donated a total of almost $1,500.00 last year to the fund.

Recess for Dinner - 6:40
Reconvened – 7:10

Lion Dallas was awarded a 34 yr. Perfect attendance pin and informed that the Thalia Club had voted that he become a Life Member. Life Members pay ½ yearly dues. ($50.00) Lion Dallas has served his club admirably for a very long time. He has provided space in his garage for annual broom and holiday fruit sales, been responsible for Thalia Lions winning “Traveling Leo” award 5 times consecutively, served as every kind of officer in the club multiple times, participated and initiated many community service projects such as Sight & Hearing Screenings, Preschool vision screenings, eyeglass recycling events and many others. He has served for many years as the 24D District Traveling Leo Chairperson. We truly appreciate his dedication and hard work over the years as an exemplary Thalia Lion.
Lion Fillip Cuckov was awarded the Proud Lion pin & his Sponsor, Nancy Watters was award a Proud Sponsor pin.

Speaker: (no guest speaker to afford time to discuss and vote on this year’s budget)

Budget: Lion Steve Rosnov- presented the 2010 – 2011 budget for discussion and vote. Copies had previously been sent to members. Lion Steve pointed out that the most important change was that the interest from the Vanguard Scholarship Fund would be sent to the Club each month and that the money would be used to pay for the scholarships awarded by the Club. Using the interest gives credence to the fact that all contributions given the club goes to charity. A few other things were added and increased and some things were eliminated because members make individual donations to the same causes. The Adult Learning Center Scholarship was increased from $600.00 to $1000.00. PediaVision and 2nd Vice District Governor’s Hospitality was added to the budget. The budget had prior approval from the Thalia Lions Board.(See attached for detail copy) Lion Ed DeLong moved that the budget be accepted and Lion John Watters seconded the motion.The vote was unanimously passed to accept the budget as presented.

Committees: Because of vacancies left by Lion Bill Pope, Lion Steve asked for volunteers to head the Sight & Hearing Van Committee. Lion Ed explained that he would do the Adult Learning Center if someone else could do the rest. Lion Jeri Furman volunteered to take the job.
Educational services and Scholarships – Lion Susie Sumnick and Lion Doug Craddock volunteered their service. Lion Jeri Furman asked for assistance on the Phone Tree Committee. Lion Jim Healy volunteered.

By-Laws Change – Lion Steve Rosnov- requested that the Club consider changing the By-Laws to allow members to remain on the Scholarship Committee for more than two years as now required in the By-Laws. Lion Ed DeLong has been on the committee for longer than 2 years and we would like him to stay. The committee has 4 new members and his experience is needed. The motion to eliminate the two year restriction was made by Lion Stan Furman and seconded by Lion John Watters. The motion carried.

Access Partnership, headed by Candice Driskoll – Lion Nancy Watters attended a meeting on Mar. 31st to discuss partnering with the free clinics in the area for sight services. The idea is that the Virginia Beach Clubs would work together to provide eye-screening for the Free Clinic on General Booth Blvd. Normal eye screening (with or without the S&H Van) would be done two months in a row. The third month would be a LAMP project where the referred patients would be seen. The Free Clinic on General Booth Blvd. has contacted our club and will coordinate a screening event as soon as they appoint a coordinator for the project. More will follow.

Programs- Lion Bob Perrine
July 21st- District Governor Donna Weiler
Aug 4th- Barbara Benson- nurse at VMS “Healthy You”
Future programs will include a Tour Guide from Yorktown, and Project Life Saver by the Police Dept.

Our first meeting in September is a cookout- no program

Remote Area Medical (RAM) - Lion John Watters – Thalia Lions will be represented by 10 people. Lion John asked for 3 min. to give a brief history of Ram which took 7 mins. The following people are scheduled to attend: Sumnicks, Lion Susie, Mick, and Jamie, Lion Linda Eggleston and Steve, Lions Nancy and John Watters, granddaughter, Elizabeth and Lion Bob Donnelly and Maryanne.

Youth Camp meal July 24th, Virginia Wesleyan College- Lion Ed DeLong – Thalia has agreed to be responsible this year for providing a dinner meal for the exchange students. There are 35 students from 35 countries. After the meal will be the Parade of Nations were the students present a program about their home country. Lion Ed will provide shrimp creole and red beans and rice. Needs help to cook rice, beans, iced tea/lemonade and make cornbread. Lion Ed will send out an email for signups.

Eyeglass recycling -Thurs. 8th Lion Ed had signup sheet with 7 people volunteering.
CHKD Walk/Run for the KIDS - Lion Brad – 7 Lions from area clubs attended. Lion Brad reported that he approached 15-18 potential members and had 5 definite commitments to consider joining Lions clubs in their areas. He screened several people for vision problems. The event was a joint project with Norfolk Middletown and Oceana Lynnhaven Golden and Princess Anne Clubs participating.

July 17th Our Lady of Perpetual Care –Lion Brad reported that there will be a Health Fair Zone event basically for public relations. The LAMP trailer will be used but no Doctor to do examinations. Screening will be provided to the public but the basic purpose is for exposure in the community and membership solicitations.

Great Atlantic Picnic – Lion Brad reported that the event would be the last weekend in August. Since Great Atlantic is paying for the event, they will decide the location, possibly somewhere near the courthouse. Saturday 28th. Thalia Lions will be asked to sell tickets.

Lion Rich Roberts – Adopt a Highway clean up time is scheduled for Sat 31st. 8-10. Email will follow with sign ups.

Lion Stan – Dist. Meeting July 18th. S8H, Eyeglass Recycling and LCIF meetings will be held at the same time. Our club receives achievement points for each attendance at each meeting.

Lion John – Annual Eyebank meeting of members is August 18th at Norfolk Yacht and Country Club. Lion John is the Secretary of the Eyebank Board for 2010-11. Eight members expressed interest in attending even though it is a Club meeting night. Lion Brad moved that the club meeting be skipped that Thursday. The club voted to NOT to skip the meeting because there are still 20 people in the club who could attend a regular meeting.

* Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters reported that because the Charity Foundation has lost its major fund raiser, Anheuser Busch PGA/LPGA Golf Tournaments at Kingsmill in Williamsburg, they are trying a new fund raiser. The Foundation is asking that each club provide at least 5 donations (of at least $100.00) from merchants in the community for a “Lions Charity Foundation Bid/Buy Auction” to be held October 2, 2010 at the Community United Methodist Church at 1072 Old Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach, VA. Please see the attached letter and the “Helpful Hints For Auction Solicitors”.
Lion Nancy urged every member to display the Lion Membership decal on their cars. Points are given each year for the decals and they will be added to the July report. Please do not make her a “Liar”!!! New members have a decal in the New Member Packet. See Lion Nancy if you need an extra.
* Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy - Lion Stan has contacted Vanguard to get contact person changed since Lion Bill Pope was the only person of contact for the fund.

Important Announcements from the floor:
June & July Birthdays:– June - Lion Susan Sumnick;
July- Lion Don Maskall & Rob Seim
Lion Susie wanted everyone to sing Happy Birthday to her but Lion Roger Snell knew a rendition by Lion Otis would be much more entertaining????? Results…mucho dollars and ear piercing decibles!

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts - $20.00 won by Lion Doug, $15.00 won by our visiting Charter member, Lee Kelburg. Mr. Kelburg donated the winnings back to the club.

Upcoming Events
July 8th, Thurs. Eyeglass Recycling Center meet at Best Buy- 9:30am
July 18th, Sunday– District 24D Cabinet, Meeting and Charity Foundation Meeting
July 21st, Thurs.– Next Regular meeting District Governor Donna Wieler visit
July 22-24th, Thurs-Sun. RAM
July 24th, Sunday- Youth Exchange Meal provided by Thalia
July 31st, Sat. – Adopt a Highway clean up
August 18th, Thurs. Annual Eye Bank Meeting

Adjournment: 8:10
Respectfully submitted

Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at the home of Lions John and Nancy Watters on June 30, 2010. Members in attendance were:
Lion Steve Rosnov acting as chairman for Lion Bob Perrine
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion John Watters
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Roger Snell
Lion Ed DeLong

Minutes of Business Meeting
In the absence of Lion President Bob Perrine the meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Incoming Lion President Steve Rosnov –

New Business:

* BUDGET: Lion Steve presented the proposed budget for Lions year 2010-11 for discussion, disclosure and vote by the board. The budget will be presented at the July 7th meeting for approval by the Club.
Lion Steve explained the changes in the proposed budget. The most important change is that the scholarships would be paid from the Vanguard Scholarship Fund. Lion Stan asked what the Vanguard earned this last year in dividends. The total was $1,099.90. In the past the Club has been reinvesting the dividends each year. As a nonprofit the Club is not allowed to earn money without paying taxes on it.
The Vanguard was originally set up for scholarships and should be used for scholarships alone. Excess money in the activity account could be spent for other things. Excess money left at the end of the year could be considered for returning to the Vanguard fund or put into other district projects like the Bland, PediaVision, or other charities that are 501C3. This year’s budget is a negative budget. The proposal is to take the money from the Vanguard fund to pay the scholarships. That would allow money for any emergency situation or put it back into the Vanguard at the end of the year. Next year the Club can decide if the scholarship should be paid from the Vanguard Fund or from the activities fund.
Lion Stan Furman suggested that the dividends be sent to the Club each month rather than reinvesting each time. Then the Club could tract the money and spend it directly on scholarships.The name of the Banguard is “Long Term Treasurer Scholarship Fund” and it will be named as such on all future reports as “Thalia Lions Club Scholarship Fund.” The treasure will report the current amount along with the two prior reporting period amounts. MOTION BY Lion Stan Furman and seconded by Lion Ed DeLong read as follows:
- Thalia Lions Club will inform Vanguard that we will take the income in the form of a chec to the club each earning period so that the monies may be used for scholarships as the fund was originally intended. Vote: Unanimously passed

* Activities Budget: Certain other items on the per member donations were evaluated and the following changes were made.
1. Sight & Hearing Van increased from $4.00 per member to $5.00 per member
2. Youth Camp was increased from $2.00 per member to $3.00 per member
3. Bland Contest was increased from $2.00 per member to $3.00 per member
4. LCIF was eliminated because members have given enough individually to meet the club minimum and will be encouraged to do so again.
5. Tree Plaque was eliminated because Lion Roger Snell volunteered to make the plaque at no charge.
6. J.E.M. Kosjer Indigent Sight Care was eliminated because members have given enough individually to meet the club minimum and will be encouraged to do so again.
7. Hearing aids were increased to 4 instead of 3 at $250@ for a total of $1,000 instead of 3 at $350 each for a total of $1,050.
8. Adult Learning Center Scholarship was increased to $1000.00 from $600.00
9. Youth Camp Parade of Nations was reduced from $527 to $300.
10. Anticipated scholarship income (Vanguard dividends) was added to the Activities Budget income.

* Admin. Budget:
1. Answering Service was increased from $20.00 to $25.00
2. State Convention $25.00 was omitted
3. Governor’s Ball was omitted
4. Holiday Party was removed
5. 2nd V.Gov. Fall Conference Hospitality room was added at $200.00
MOTION By Lion Stan Furmand and seconded by Lion Ed DeLong read as follows:
The amended budget be adopted for the Lions Year 2010-11.
Motion carried unanimously

* Lion Stan suggested that the Club set aside money to give to the purchase of the PediaVision - $300.00. MOTION by Lion Ed DeLong and seconded by Lion Stan.
Thalia Lions will add donation of $300.00 to the budget for the purchase of a Pedia Vision for the District. Motion carried unanimously

* Lion Ed Delong and Lion Stan Furman volunteered to chair the Youth Camp meal July 24th.

* Lion Steve and Lion Nancy explained the purpose of Access Partnership. Access Partnership, led by Candice Driskell, is a coordinator of the local free clinics. According to the plan, Lions Clubs would screen vision and hearing for two months in a row. A LAMP would be provided for the third month. Those people who received referrals the first two months would be seen the third month at the LAMP. Because of the numbers that may be involved, the clinic would screen for those in the most need. The project, started by Lion Gary Rapier, was designed to coordinate with Access Partnership to distribute the responsibility among several clubs rather than putting total burden both financially and physically on one club. At this time, the free clinic on General Booth Blvd. is in search of someone to work with Access Partnership and the Clubs to coordinate the activity. The Board suggests that the Club wait until Access Partnership and the clinic are organized and ready to work with the Lions.

* Lion Steve explained that we have a request from Our Lady of Perpetual Care for a July 17th health fair. Lion Stan stated that if anything we should use the LAMP at no charge rather than pay for the Sight & Hearing Van. We would make referrals rather than provide glasses and exams.
Our Lady of Perpetual Care is on Princess Anne Rd. and borders both Oceanside and Kempsville Clubs. Both clubs have declined to do the health clinic because they feel that the center caters to people who are financially capable of paying more for care. Their feelings were that there clubs services and resources were better used elsewhere. There are nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the Thalia area or very close who cater to medicare/medicaid where services are needed.
The Board decided that the Club would not participate in the health fair at Our Lady of Perpetual Care but would consider any individual request that they may refer.

* It was suggested that all Board meetings should be held separated from Regular meetings. The next Board meeting will be held at President Lion Steve Rosnov’s home 7PM July 28, 2010.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary


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