Meetings 2022-2025
Oct 16, 2024 Membership Meeting First Colonial Inn. 845 First Colonial Road 23451
Lion Martin Joseph lost his brother to brain cancer.
Lion Jeri Furman will be coming home from rehab on Friday
Lion Dick Kreassig is home from the hospital and recuperating. Lion Aziz’s wife, Arian, is home recouping after having another back procedure to assist with pain resulting from her cancer treatments.
Introduction of Guests by sponsors – Sandra Richards (Lion Brenda Mallery)
Introduction Guest Speaker by Lion Bill Austin: Lion Past Council Chairperson Stanley Furman: Lions Charity Foundations
Lion Stanley explained the available foundations in our District. We are fortunate to have the support of each foundation to assist our clubs in service activities.
LCIF – Lions Club International Foundation – Lion Stanley passed out forms for individual donations for Melvin Jones Fellowships. That donation is $1,000. This foundation has helped with disaster relief, Lions EyeBank, Center for Sight and with expensive projects that the individual clubs cannot afford. You can contribute in small increments until you reach the $1,000 amount. LCIF has given this district more in grants than we have contributed.
LCFSVA – Lions Chairty Foundation of Southeastern Virginia, originally called LCFof 24D.
The major source of revenue was the PGA golf tournament until it was moved from Williamsburg. Virginia. They turned to a Bid & Buy Yearly Auction until Covid 19 ended that event. With about thirty million in assets, they help with the Center for Sight, Diabetes Camp, Beach Bag, and other worthwhile causes.
LOVF – Lions of Virginia Foundation – Founded after hurricane Camille, to assist with recovery if our own state. The District governors in Virginia created the foundation for state disasters.
That foundation will grant up to $10,000 with an almost instant turnaround when there is an event. Their only fundraiser is the raffle tickets we sell in January. The tickets a sold by a book of thirty tickets for $30. The club keeps $20 for each book so this is also a club fundraiser. Business session – President Roger Snell
Tail Twister replacement –Tail Twister Lion Rhonda will be absent for a few months. She has gone on a “walk about” and will decide where she wants to permanently reside. Lion President Roger asked for a volunteer to take her position until she decides to return. Lion Nancy Lekberg willingly consented to take her position. Thank you, Lion Nancy! Holiday Party Ideas – First Colonial Inn will host our Holiday Party on Dec. 18 th . The club members decided to continue with their regular meals for the party because FCI does such a good job. Each member may invite a partner, spouse or friend to attend. The Board of Directors will decide at the next Board meeting how we will charge the membership for the event. Lions Dorothy Young and Lin Johnson will plan the activities for the party.
Secretary’s Report Fall Conference will be November 21-23 – registration is now available. Lion Nancy Watters will forward the registration form to the membership. The conference is in Portsmouth. We need some officers and members to attend to maintain our Club Excellence status.
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters
*Beach Bag Grant report - There were 82 volunteers that packed 2,500 bags of food on Monday, Oct. 7 th . We were presented with a $500 donation from a Thalia Lions friend. We are grateful for the support of the $12,000 grant from LCFSVA.
*Vision Screenings – To date we have screened 1,300 children in the school system and Head Start programs. The screening should be complete by the end of the month.
*Social Service Families Thanksgiving Project – Lion Stanley Furman presented information on 4 families with single mothers and several children. The project is to contact the family and to provide all the necessary Thanksgiving fixings for the holiday meal. The food should be delivered at a time arranged with the family. The list and the members who agreed to accept this project is attached to these minutes. If there are corrections, please let the secretary know.
*Thanksgiving in a Laundry Basket – see attached item list and instructions. Copies were placed on the tables. Several people volunteered to purchase a laundry basket and fill it with Thanksgiving food items. The baskets should be completed and delivered to the Virginia Beach Christian Church front parking lot at 1:00pm on Wednesday November 13 th . They will be loaded into designated vehicles and delivered to the ForKids location in Chesapeake that afternoon. This is an entirely different project from the one above about Social Services Families. Please let Lion Nancy Watters know if you are planning to do a basket.
*Water bottles for Elementary Schools – Lion Susan Sumnick still has a few water bottles to deliver to our elementary schools.
*Sock & Underwear for Elementary Schools – Lion Susan Sumnick is collecting items to deliver to the elementary schools. Please remember to purchase new items if you want to contribute to this project.
*Sight & Hearing Van –Wed., Oct. 23 rd Adult Learning Center – 5100 Cleveland St., VB 9am-2pm. We will do vision and hearing screenings. Blood sugar screening kits are ready for 2 nurses. The schedule is attached to these minutes.
*Sight & Hearing Van – Sunday, Oct. 27 th – Convention Center 12-4pm. Veteran’s Health Fair. This event is sponsored by the Town Center Blind Lions Club. They have asked for assistance since most of them are vision impaired. Lions Roger Snell, Dorothy Young and Lin Johnson have agreed to help. Lion Nancy and John will take the SPOT for screening children that may be at the event.
*Feeding Kids at the Oceanfront – Oct. 30 th – 5pm – VB United Methodist Church, 212 19 th and Pacific Ave. 5pm. – Lions Nancy Lekburg, Bob Perrine and PCC Stanley Furman will provide the meal. These children, bussed from Cooke Elementary, are taken to the church for a meal before being picked up by their parents. All these children are homeless, many being housed in hotels. There are usually 15-20 children in this group.
*Peanuts & Brooms - Lion Jack Wagner - Atlantic Shores Holiday Bazaar – Nov. 13 th 10- 2pm. – 2-3 volunteers needed per shift. The event will be held inside the clubhouse. We will have 1 display table.
*Southside Reverse Raffle – Lion John Watters still has too many tickets left for the South Side Reverse Raffle. This is one of our most profitable fundraisers each year. We normally sell 100 tickets and raise $2,000. To date we still have more than 20 tickets left. The tickets are $60 each or 2 for $100. Thalia Lions keeps half of all our ticket sales and the grand pay out is $5,000 to the winner. Second winner is $1000, third winner is $500. During the raffle, every 25 th ticket pulled wins $100. Only 400 tickets are sold so the odds of winning are pretty good. Please let Lion John know if you want a ticket. He will need to turn all money and unsold tickets into Southside before the end of the month. We have never had to turn in unsold tickets.
Programs – August - Lion Bill Austin
November –Va. Beach Fire Department Safey Supervisor
December – Party at First Colonial Inn Dec. 18th
From the Floor:
Tail Twister: 50/50 raffle/fines - Lion Stanley Moss won $50.00 with the winning ticket.
Birthdays – Marvin Clemmons (4), Rich Edwards (26), Jon Halvorson (27). Only Lion Rich was in attendance. He was heartily wished a Happy Birthday with a cacophony of Lions voices.
Queen of Hearts drawing -Lion Stanley Furman- Lion Nancy Lekberg drew the winning ticket but the losing card!!
At the end of the meeting, Lion President Roger Snell discovered that his gavel had been stolen. More drama to come!
Thurs. Oct. 17 th – Head Start Atlantis – 8:30am
Fri. Oct. 18 th – Sunnybrook - SPOT – 9:00am
Wed. Oct. 23 rd – Sight & Hearing Van – ALC – 9am-2pm – 5100 Cleveland St. VB
Sun. Oct. 27 th – Sight & Hearing Van – Convention Center – Veterans Health Fair 12-4pm
Mon. Oct. 28 th – Head Start – Stoneshore – 8:30am
Wed. Oct. 30 th – Head Start Twin Canals – 8:30am
Wed. Oct. 30 th – Feeding the Kids at the Oceanfront – United Methodist Church, 212 19 th and Pacific Ave. 5pm
Nov. 13 th – Atlantic Shores Holiday Bazaar 10-2pm
Nov. 13 th – 1pm – Thanksgiving in Laundry Baskets to VBCC front parking lot.
Future dates for preparing meals for homeless children - Jan 22nd, Feb 26th, Mar 26th, Apr 23rd, May 28th
18 Sep, 2024 - Membership Meeting
First Colonial Inn. 845 First Colonial Road 23451
Introduction of Guests by sponsors – Cheryl Youngs (Lion Nancy Lekberg) Sandra Richards (Lion Brenda Mallery)
District Governor and Cabinet Secretary – DG Kristina Ramsey and Dist. Secretary Terri Miller
Introduction of District Governor: District Secretary Terri Miller District Governor Dr. Kristina Ramsey has specific interests in the Peace Poster Contest, The James Bland Music Competition and in building partnerships with other service minded organizations. She knows that Thalia is active with all these interests plus many other activities. In October, our club will again hold the Beach Bag Project and will also sponsor the Sight & Hearing Van at the Adult Learning Center. DG Dr. Kris is impressed with our activities and encourages us to continue to serve with joy, her theme for the year. “Service with Joy.” After sitting through our business session, DG Dr. Kris stood and commented about how much she is impressed with our civil discourse of matters when all are not in agreement and how we reach consensus. She commented that we ran a beautiful meeting.
Installation of new member –DG Dr. Kris install Lion Linda Johnson as a new Thalia Lions
Club member. Lion Dorothy Young is her sponsor. We welcome Lion Lin to Pride!
Secretary’s Report
*Fall Conference will be November 21-23 in Portsmouth at the Renaissance Hotel
Service Reports - Lion Nancy Watters
*Beach Bag Grant report – Thalia Lions has completed the required match of $2,000 for the LCFSVA grant of $12,000. The Project will take place on Monday, October 7 th 6 pm at Corporate Landing Middle School, 1597 Corporate Landing Way, VB. A signup sheet was circulated.
*Vision Screenings – Thanks to all who have volunteered to do SPOT screenings in our elementary schools. We began last week at 2 schools and screening over 300 children.
Next Screenings are Thurs. Sept. 19 th at Malibu and Thurs. Sept. 26 th at Windsor Woods. The full schedule is in the upcoming dates below and the sign-up sheet is attached. Water bottles for Elementary Schools – Lion Susan Sumnick has purchased those for us to distribute to our schools.
*Sock & Underwear for Elementary Schools – Lion Susan Sumnick will collect those donations to give to the schools.
*Sight & Hearing Van –Wed., Oct. 23 rd Adult Learning Center – 5100 Cleveland St., VB 9am-2pm
We will do vision and hearing screenings, and blood sugar screening kits are ready for 2 nurses. The sign-up sheet was circulated and is attached. Lion Roger’s wife, Mary will assist with blood sugar screening and we will recruit one more person.
*Feeding Kids at the Oceanfront – Oct. 30 th – 5pm – VB United Methodist Church, 212 19 th and Pacific Ave. 5pm. – Lions Bob Perrine, Vickie Kennedy and PCC Stanley Furman will cover this date. These are homeless children that are bussed to the church after school. We feed them dinner.
*Peanuts & Brooms - Lion Jack Wagner (Atlantic Shores Car Show in Oct. may be a possibility for us to sell peanuts. We will explore the possibility.
*Southside Reverse Raffle – Lion John Watters explained the Southside Reverse Raffle drawing. He has tickets (2) for $100 or (1) for $60. The top prize is $5,000 and there are incremental drawings with every 25 th ticket for $100.
Programs – August - Lion Bill Austin
October – Joanne Watters, American Cancer Society
November –Va. Beach Fire Department Safey Supervisor
From the Floor:
*Lion Stanley Furman presented the club with the idea of sponsoring families selected by Social Service to take care of both Thanksgiving and Holiday food expenses and gifts. After much very discussion from those who participated last year concerning issues with Holiday families, the club decided that covering both Thanksgiving and Holiday was not appealing. Many ideas were expressed about For Kids, Secret Santa, Thanksgiving families and Thanksgiving in a Laundry Basket. The club reached the following consensus. We will cover 4 Social Service families for Thanksgiving only. We will offer Thanksgiving in a Laundry Basket through ForKids for anyone who will participate and we will continue to do the Secret Santa Project through ForKids.
*Lion Nancy Watters will reach out to ForKids for the list of items to include in the Thanksgiving in a Laundry Basket project and will also collect assignments for the Secret Santa Project in early November.
*Thanksgiving in a Laundry Basket description: The donor purchases a laundry basket and all the necessary items to complete a Thanksgiving dinner. A list of items is provided to purchase. Included in the items is a gift card for the purchase of a turkey or ham. The filled basket is delivered to ForKids to be given to homeless and needy families who would otherwise not be able to afford a Thanksgiving dinner. The baskets are collected and are delivered to the ForKids facility in Chesapeake. Secret Santa Project description: ForKids provides a list of homeless children who are assigned to individuals who purchase their “holiday gifts.” The list is anonymous and each child is identified by a number. The Secret Santa is given the child’s sizes, color preference, age and wish list. Items are delivered to Image Services and distributed to the shelters where the children are housed.
*Social Service Family Project description: Lion Stanley Furman gets a list of 4 families from Social Services. He requests families of single mothers with young children who are in need. One or more Lions adopt a family to provide them with a complete Thanksgiving dinner and deliver those items to their homes. We are given names, addresses, contact information and children so that special needs and preferences can be addressed.
Tail Twister: 50/50 raffle/fines - Lion Rhonda Skaggs became the “school teacher” at this meeting and made rounds fining those who did not obey!
Birthdays – Lion President Roger Snell-(06) Lions Fran Scott (02), Dick Kreassig (23), and PCC Stanley Furman (30)
Lion Tail Twister revived the “sing for your birthday.” Lion Pres. Rog wanted to sing his English version because it was his birthday. Lion Stan did not want to sing.
After a bit of bidding, Lion Rog did sing the English version of Happy Birthday.
And we all sang Happy Birthday to both of our special members.
Lions Nancy and John Watters were celebrating their 19 th wedding anniversary today!
Queen of Hearts drawing -Lion Stanley Furman – the ticket was drawn by Lion Brenda Mallery, but she drew the 2 of Diamonds instead of the Queen of Hearts! The pot begin to build.
50/50 – 2 drawing of $29 each – Lion Nancy Watters and Lion Terri Miller, Cabinet.
Lion Terri donated it back to the club for socks and underwear for our schools.
Lion Rhonda traveled to her hometown of Staunton last week and found that Lions were selling peanuts in a favoriterestaurant. She bought a package of praline pecan halves that she raffled off.
Lion Terri Miller also won the pecans
Adjournment: 7:55pm
Upcoming Events:
Thurs. Sept 19 th – SPOT screening – Malibu Elementary School 8:30am
Thurs. Sept. 26 th – Windsor Woods Elem. – SPOT screening – 8:00 am
Wed. Oct. 2 nd – Thalia Elem SPOT -8:30am
Wed. Oct. 2 nd – Thalia Board of Directors Meeting ZOOM 7pm
Fri. Oct. 4 th – Head Start Academy – Lynn Shores 8:30am
Mon. Oct. 7 th – Beach Bag Project – Corporate Landing Middle School 6pm 1597 Corporate Landing Way, VB
Wed. Oct. 9 th – Brookwood SPOT – 9:15 am
Thurs. Oct. 10 th - Sunnybrook – SPOT 9:00am
Wed. Oct. 16 th – Membership meeting – First Colonial Inn- 845 First Colonial Inn, VB
Thurs. Oct. 17 th – Head Start Atlantis – 8:30am
Fri. Oct. 18 th – Sunnybrook - SPOT – 9:00am
Wed. Oct. 23 rd – Sight & Hearing Van – ALC – 9am-2pm – 5100 Cleveland St. VB
Mon. Oct. 28 th – Head Start – Stoneshore – 8:30am
Wed. Oct. 30 th – Head Start Twin Canals – 8:30am
Wed. Oct. 30 th – Feeding the Kids at the Oceanfront – United Methodist Church, 212 19 th and Pacific Ave. 5pm
Future dates for preparing meals for homeless children - Jan 22nd, Feb 26th, Mar 26th, Apr 23rd, May 28th
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