Officers and Duties

Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club
Slate of Officers 2024-25

President (GAT) – Lion Roger Snell (Advancing from 1st VP)
1st Vice Pres - Lion Nancy Lekberg
2nd Vice Pres - Lion Paula Racey
Marketing/Communications - Lion Rev. Bill Austin
Treasurer – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Secretary - Lion Nancy Watters (GST- Global Service Team)
Administrative Assistant – Vacant
Membership (Global Membership Team) – Lion Jeri Furman
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Coordinator – Lion J.Stanley Furman,PCC
Lion Tamer – Lion John Watters
Tail Twister – Lion Rhonda Skaggs
Sight Chairperson – Lion Susan Sumnick
(Continuing with one year to serve: - Lions Stan Moss & Nancy Lekberg)
Two Year Directors – Lion Nancy Lekberg and Lion Stan Moss
Membership (GMT) - Lion Jeri Furman
Two-year Diectors: Lion Ellen Turman & Dorthy Young
(Coontinuing with one year to serve: Lions San Moss & Nancy Lekberg)
Immediate Past-President:Lion Jack Wagner

GAT = Global Activities Team Leader
GMT= Global Membership Team Leader

A description of duties is on Lions Clubs International Officers Team Manual
See Club Officers Manual -

Extract from Virginia Beach Thalia Club Approved By-Laws, 18 Sep 2018
Article VII - Officers
Section E. DUTIES
1. PRESIDENT: The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Serve as chief executive officer for this club.
(b) Preside at all meetings of the board of directors of this club.
(c) Chair the Club Global Action Team and ensure the following:
(1) Ensure the election of qualified Lion leaders for the position of club service chair, club membership chair and club first vice-president, who will serve as the leadership chair.
(2) Ensure regular meetings to discuss and advance initiatives established by the Global Action Team.
(3) Collaborate with the district Global Action Team and other club presidents to further initiatives focused on expanding humanitarian service, leadership development and membership growth.
(d) In collaboration with the club officers and committee chairs, implement a plan for membership growth, community engagement, operational improvement and the fulfillment of humanitarian services as presented and approved by the club’s board of directors.
(e) Issue the call for regular meetings and special meetings of the board of directors of this club.
(f) Appoint standing and special committees and cooperate with chairs to effect regular functioning and reporting of such committees.
(g) See that regular elections are duly called, noticed and held.
(h) Ensure the club is operating in accordance with local laws.
(i) Ensure proper administration of club operations by ensuring that all club officers and members adhere to the club’s Constitution and By-Laws and the International Constitution and By-Laws.
(j) Encourage diplomacy and solve disputes in a fair and transparent fashion utilizing the Dispute Resolution Procedure if needed.
(k) Be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which this club is located.
(l) Serve as a mentor to vice presidents to ensure the continuance of effective leadership.
2. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: He/she and the other past presidents shall serve as mentors to the club president and vice presidents and may serve as the club LCIF Coordinator unless this position is filled by another club member.
3. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Conduct an annual club quality assessment and collaborate with the club officers, specifically members of the club’s Global Action Team and other committee chairs during his/her term as first vice president to develop a plan for membership growth, community engagement, and the fulfillment of humanitarian services to be presented and approved by the board of directors during his/her term as president.
(b) Serve as a key member of the club’s Global Action Team as the club Leadership Chair and along with other members of the leadership committee:
(1) Ensure new members are provided an effective member orientation.
(2) Identify potential leaders and encourage their development as future leaders.
(3) Encourage members to participate in leadership training offered by the district, multiple district and Lions Clubs International.
(c) Communicate the need for training, the names of potential new leaders and leadership development activities that club members attend to the district-level Global Leadership Coordinator.
(d) Take a key role in membership retention and ensure organizational excellence by measuring member satisfaction and utilizing feedback to improve club operations.
(e) Understand the club’s role in district activities and events.
(f) Network with the officers of other clubs to gain ideas that may be applied to the club.
(g) Gain in-depth knowledge of district, multiple district initiatives that support leadership development, membership growth and the expansion of humanitarian service.
(h) Be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which this club is located.
(i) If the president is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the vice president next in rank shall occupy his/her position and perform his/her duties with the same authority as the president.
(j) Oversee the functioning of such committees of this club as the president shall designate.
4. VICE PRESIDENT(S) If the president is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the vice president next in rank shall occupy his/her position and perform his/her duties with the same authority as the president. Each vice president shall, under the direction of the president, oversee the functioning of such committees of this club as the president shall designate.
5. SECRETARY: He/she shall be under the supervision and direction of the president and the board of directors and shall act as the liaison officer between the club and the district (single, sub- and multiple) in which this club is located, and the association. The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Submit regular monthly and other reports to the international office of the association containing such information as may be called for by the board of directors of this association.
(b) Submit to the district governor’s cabinet such reports as it may require.
(c) Be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which the club is located.
(d) Have custody and keep and maintain general records of this club, including records of minutes of club and board meetings; attendance; committee appointments; elections; member information, addresses and telephone numbers of members; members club accounts.
(e) Deliver, in a timely manner, at the conclusion of his/her term in office, the general records of the club to his/her successor in office.
6. TREASURER: The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Receive all monies, from the secretary and otherwise, and deposit the same in a bank or banks recommended by the finance committee and approved by the board of directors.
(b) Arrange for issuance, in cooperation with the secretary, quarterly or semi-annual statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations owed to this club and report payments to the Board of Directors.
(c) Pay out monies in payment of club obligations only on authority given by the board of directors.
(d) Have custody and keep and maintain general records of club receipts and disbursements.
(e) Prepare and submit monthly and semi-annual financial reports to the board of directors of this club.
(f) Deliver, in a timely manner, at the conclusion of his/her term in office, the financial accounts, funds and records of the club to his/her successor in office.
(g) Serves as chair for the finance committee.
7. LION TAMER: The Lion Tamer shall have charge of and be responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the club, including flags, banners, gong, gavel, song books and button board. He/she shall put each in its proper place before each meeting and return the same to the proper storage area after each meeting. He/she shall act as sergeant-at-arms at meetings, see that those present are properly seated, and distribute bulletins, favors and literature as required at club and board meetings. He/she shall give special attention to assure that each new member sits with a different group at each meeting so that he/she can become better acquainted.
8. LION TWISTER - He/she shall promote harmony, good fellowship, life and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious imposition of fines on club members. There shall be no ruling from his/her decision in imposing a fine, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the board of directors of this club, and no member shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting. The Tail Twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. All monies collected by the tail twister shall be immediately turned over to the treasurer and a receipt be given therefor.
9. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR (GMT): The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Serve as a key member of the club’s Global Action Team as the club Membership Chair.
(b) Collaborate with the District Global Membership Coordinator, district leaders, members of the club’s membership committee and others to develop annual membership goals and action plans to recruit new members and to increase membership satisfaction among current club members. Present the plan to the club’s board of directors for approval and support.
(c) Develop and lead a membership committee to help implement action plans to achieve the club’s membership goals and to positively increase the member experience.
(d) Collaborate with the club service chair as well as other club committees to promote membership opportunities.
(e) Understand the different membership types and programs offered and promote membership programs to club members.
(f) Ensure each new member is provided an effective membership orientation and is provided opportunities to be engaged in club activities that are meaningful to the new member.
(g) Attend the district governor’s advisory committee meeting of the zone in which this club is located when appropriate.
(h) Participate in Global Membership Team meetings held by the district.
10. SERVICE CHAIR (GST). The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Serve as a key member of the club’s Global Action Team as the club Service Chair.
(b) Collaborate with the District Global Service Coordinator, club LCIF coordinator, district leaders, members of the club’s service committee and others to develop and communicate annual service goals and action plans that address current community needs and align with the Lions Clubs International service framework and/or district service goals when relevant.
(c) Lead the service committee to implement the club’s service action plans in order to achieve the club’s service goals.
(d) Incorporate opportunities for local youth and Leos to engage in all aspects of service activities, including goal setting, implementation, project evaluation and reporting.
(e) Report service activities to Lions Clubs International.
(f) Serve as a club resource on current community needs by monitoring the service activities of other service clubs, developing community partnerships to expand service, and utilizing tools and resources offered by Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation.
(g) Increase member satisfaction by encouraging participation and engagement in service projects.
(h) Collaborate with the club membership chair and other club committees to promote membership opportunities to non-Lions during service projects.
(i) Attend the district governor’s advisory committee meeting of the zone in which this club is located when appropriate.
11. MARKETING COMMUNICATION CHAIR. The responsibilities for this position shall be as follows:
(a) Develop and implement annual communications plans for internal and external audiences, including club members, news media, supporters/sponsors and potential new members.
(b) Publicize club activities, including service projects, fundraisers, donations, Lions Clubs International sponsored contests and other newsworthy accomplishments both internally and externally via the news media, social media, and other effective means.
(c) Expand humanitarian initiatives, community involvement and membership initiatives through social media.
(d) Provide communication tools to club members and to encourage all club members to participate in promoting the club’s activities via social media, referral and other effective means of communication.
(e) Assist the club president in communicating information from the district, multiple district and international headquarters with the club members.
(f) Work closely with the club membership chair to target and reach out to new potential club members.
(g) Attend the district governor’s advisory committee meeting of the zone in which this club is located when appropriate. Participate in meetings held by the district marketing communications chair.
12. LCIF COORDINATOR. He/she communicates the mission and success of LCIF and its importance to Lions Clubs International, implements LCIF development strategies within the club and collaborates with LCIF district coordinator to promote LCIF in the local area to ensure alignment with district goals. This position also collaborates with the club service chairperson and the Global Action Team to support club initiatives.
13. DIRECTORS: The four (4) elected directors shall serve as advisors and voting members of the Board of Directors. Generally, two are elected each Lion’s year for two-year terms, thus each year two will be serving one more year (“One Year” directors) and two new directors will be elected for the two-year term (“Two-Year” directors). However, vacancies for “one-year” directors unable to complete the two-year term may be filled by electing a director for a one-year term.
End of Extract from Virginia Beach Thalia Club Approved By-Laws, 18 Sep 2018

*In carrying out his/her responsibilities, the following are suggestions that are in addition to those duties prescribed in the By-Laws (see above).

*The Immediate Past President: To assure members become better acquainted with each other, he/she with the other past presidents greet members and their guests.

*The Lion Tail Twister: In becoming better acquainted with each other, humor and laughter can be promoted through jokes, puns, witticisms, mimicry, acting, singing or dramatizations. For example, special presentations to members can brighten the meeting. Give a hairbrush to a bald-headed member, a set of curlers to a curly-headed member, and a gardening tool to a gardener.
Fining is a key element of a successful tail twister. By fining, the tail twister involves everyone and assists the president in general management of the meeting. Following are just a few examples of how a tail twister can raise funds for the club or just promote fun and camaraderie at meetings.
1. Call on a Lion to give a spontaneous joke on-the-spot. A fine can be levied according to the response.
2. Announce a Lion pin or name-tag to be worn on the left or right side for the next meeting.
3. At the beginning of the meeting, announce a word. Toward the end of the meeting ask various Lions to say the word.
4. Give a slip of paper to the president. On it is written a word. The first Lion to use that word will be fined.
5. During meetings, call upon a Lion to stand and formally introduce another Lion pointed out. Any mistake will earn a fine.
6. Fine members who arrive late for the meeting.
7. Fine anyone not using the prefix "Lion" when a Lion is talking about another Lion.
8. Ask a tricky question. Go right down the tables or move around with the question and fine the first one to give the wrong answer.
9. Stunts are important at every club meeting and, to be most effective, the tail twister should have a different stunt or gimmick at every meeting.
10. Finally, the tail twister should use his/her imagination in handing out fines. Just going around requiring each member to put money in the bucket will not enliven the meeting.


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