Meetings 2012 - 2013


June 5, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 5, 2013, by Lion President Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, 252 Town Center Drive VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 32 members with 20 in attendance, one guest speaker and one guest. There were a total of 22 in attendance. Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
Song: Lion Vickie Kennedy "Grand Old Flag"
Prayer: Lion Dick Kreassig
Guest: Lion Nurys granddaughter Melena

Lion Ed DeLong introduced Lion Jerry Phelps, District 24D Hearing Preservation Awareness & Action Chairperson. Forty years ago Lion Jerry joined the Wards Corner Breakfast Club. He is now a member of the Little Creek Lions Club. In the District he has served as Deputy District Governor and numerous Committee Chairs including the Golf Committee. He is Past President and Secretary of the Lions Charity Foundation and currently serves as District Hearing Chairman. Lion Jerry and Jeanette have been married for 55 years; have one son and three grandchildren. Lion Jerry gave a very informative presentation. There are two major fundraisers; Bid & Buy Auction & LPGA. We need help with both fundraisers. The third annual Lions Charity Foundation Bid N Buy Auction generated approximately $22,000.00 in sales and a profit of approximately $18,000.00. If every club donated four items, bought $5.00 raffle tickets and purchased a program ad we would have a very successful auction. This year’s auction will be October 19. We were originally projecting having 200 volunteers for LPGA but ended up with 67 volunteers directing traffic in the parking lots. Our grants were a little less than last year but the foundation is still healthy. We supported four Homeless Connect Programs and gave out 140 pair of glasses. Lion Jerry gave an overview of the LCF Hearing Aid Program. Most clubs turn down clients because of cost. Lion Ed Delong maintains the data base for hearing aids. Every 15 hearing aids we give to CHEAR (Coalition for Hearing, Education and Research) results in one that can be provided to someone in need. The copay for providing hearing aids is $200.00. If the application is not approved the money is refunded. Normally an income of over $36,000.00 a year does not qualify for assistance. Lion President Roger Snell presented Lion jerry with a plaque of appreciation for speaking to our club.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. There is no meeting July 3. Our next meeting after Installation Night is July 17.
2. Everyone should have received their invitation to Installation Night. If you haven’t sent in your RSVP please do.
3. Governor Stan’s Last Hurrah!! 24D District Meeting June 12, 2013 at Smithfield Center, 220 North Church St, Smithfield, VA. Social Hour 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM. Cost: $15. Everyone has paid and Lion Vickie issued a club check for the registration. Lions signed up: Steve Rosnov, Ed DeLong, John Watters, Nancy Watters, Stan Furman, Jeri Furman, Bob Perrine, Dick Kreassig, Debra Laughlin, Nurys Sabino, Vickie Kennedy, Donna Peyer, Cathy Bromwell, Aziz Selahi, and Brad Furman.
Lion Dick Kreassig will drive and is taking 6 riders that will meet at Best Buy at 4:30pm. Those riding with Lion Dick are; Lions Aziz, Bob Perrine, Vickie Kennedy, Steve Rosnov, Debra Laughlin, Ed Delong
4. We received a thank you card thanking both Lion Jim Petticore & Lion John Watters for supporting the lions Sight & Hearing Van & the Norfolk Homeless Connect. Lion Jim Petticore is a former Thalia member, and now a member of the Central Club. They truly live the Lions motto "We Serve". Signed; Lion Nancy Cranford, Secretary, Lions Mobile Sight & Hearing Van Unit. We have an opportunity to offer free children's eye screening with the SPOT at the Friendly Village Neighborhood Network Center at 1252 Carver Center on Saturday, June 8th. The neighborhood houses about 300 people and has approximately 80-90 children. There will be lots of activities offered by several organizations like Optima Health Services, the Urban League and others. The hours are from noon until 3:00pm. If you would like to be a part of the fun and help, please let Lion Nancy Watters know.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy - Admin Account: June 5, 2013. Total income $18,636.43. Total Expenses $16,750.73. Balance $5,692.34

Scholarship Fund Quarterly Report: March 3, 2013, the account balance is $52,664.58.
Activity Account; June 5, 2013. Total Income $10,408.84. Total Fund Raising Expense $2,865.76. Total Sight Expense $4,369.80. Total Community Expense $5,625.51. Total Expense $12,861.07. Balance $2,185.21. 
Our Tail Twister Lion Bob Perrine had an outstanding year! He exceeded his collection goal by $36.89.

Old Business
1. Bonney Road Environmental Project Completion Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy for Lion Otis Etheridge. Bonney Road Cleanup was May 18, 2013. We met at Virginia Beach School Credit Union on Bonney Road at 9:00am and finished about 10:30 am. We had eight members present. Lion Katherine had four young ladies in tow and Lion Jeri was there at 9am! We collected five full bags of trash.
2. Broom sales – Lion Rich Roberts. The Broom Sale was May 31 & June 1 at the BJs fuel pump area. The Saturday haul was $626 to give us a two day total of $1,182. Most people who bought brooms also gave us a donation. We sold 3 push brooms and 3 whisk brooms. We even sold some scrubbies! Lion Steve took inventory and we still have a solid supply of regular brooms, #4 brooms, and patio brooms. We also sold a few flags and several umbrellas. At the end of the Friday shift we had around 8-10 umbrellas on the rack but only 4 were left by the end on Saturday. There is an approximate mark up of 40% for brooms sold. Thank you for all your hard work. Once again we had several members out of town but the rest of the club stepped up to pull out a successful event.

3. Youth Exchange Dinner Project Committee – Lion Stan Furman. We are just waiting for the incoming President to put together a Committee and chair to coordinate putting together the details for the meal. The Youth Exchange Dinner project is Sunday, July 21st. It is scheduled for the same time as Ram and five of our members will not be here. We successfully did
project last year without those members. This year there will be 30 students from around the world. It will be a more proactive program also we are guaranteed that the meal will be indoors.

New Business
1. Umbrella’s – Lion Jim Healy. We are running out of umbrellas. The distributor we normally purchase from is going out of business. I am trying to contact them to see if it is possible to purchase more and also researching other suppliers. We have enough flags in inventory and hopefully can sell some since July 4.
2. Troop 481- Lion Nurys Sabino Granddaughter Melena
We would like to thank you for your support to our Girl Scout Troop 481 and look forward to seeing you in September. Thank You!
3. Board meeting - Lion Rich Roberts
There will be a board meeting with the incoming and outgoing board members Wednesday, June 26, 7 pm at lions John & Nancy Watters residence.

Upcoming Events:
June 8 -eye screening/ SPOT, Friendly Village Neighborhood Network Center at 1252 Carver Center June 13 - Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
June 18 – Charter Night, 6pm, Broad Bay Country Club
June 26 – Board Meeting, 7pm, Lion Nancy & John Watters Residence
July 8 – Pedia Vision, 10 am – 12:30 pm Main Library
July 17 – Regular Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn
July 21 – Youth Exchange dinner

Lion Bob Perrine:
There were two raffles. Lion mike Coren won $25.00 and Lion Vickie Kennedy won $15.00. $40.00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

Adjournment 7:50pm
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

May 15, 2013. The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met at  the Hilton Garden Inn, 252 Town Center Drive VA Beach 

Board Membership: President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors Nancy Watters & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren.  A quorum of seven members constitutes a majority required to vote on official matters. The following 10 board members were in attendance; Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Aziz Selahi, Vickie Kennedy,  Bob Perrine, Nancy Watters, John Watters, Jeri Furman, Rich Roberts, Nurys Sabino. Lion District Governor Stan Furman, Donna Peyer, Catherine Bromwell & Bob Donnelly were also present as nonvoting members.

Minutes of Business Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business:
1. Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy. Admin Account:  May 15, 2013. Total income $17,355.76. Total Expenses $15,590.41.  Balance $5,571.99. Scholarship Fund Quarterly Report. As of March 31, 2013, the account balance is $54,147.74. Activity Account; May 15, 2013. Total Income $10,204.51. Total Fund Raising Expense $2,865.76. Total Sight Expense $3,939.80. Total Community Expense $5,149.76. Total Expense $11,955.32. Balance $2,886.63. Tail Twister, Lion Bob Perrine & LOVF Chair Lion Jeri Furman both exceeded their budget goals for the year! Lion Nancy Watters made a motion to accept the minutes and passed by unanimous vote.

Old Business: None

New Business:
1. Membership Secretary Vacancy – Lion Steve Rosnov.  Lion Nancy Watters will temporarily fill the position with the primary focus of converting all members’ records to electronic format.
2. Youth Exchange Project – Lion John Watters & Steve Rosnov.  During our last board meeting we approved providing the dinner at Virginia Wesleyan College on July 21st.  The Youth Camp is still working on the dinner venue. Boyd Dining Hall (including the 2 executive rooms) is under exclusive contract between the College & ARA Food Services that prohibits outside food of any kind being brought into the building and ARA is enforcing their contractual rights. It looks like the possible solution is using the Student Center however a final decision has not been made yet.
3. Gift for District Governor J. Stanley Furman – John Watters. It is traditional near the end of the Lions year for the District to ask for contributions to a fund for a gift honoring the service of the District Governor. The board discussed this and will be announced at a later date.
4. The Incoming President will decide on a date and location for the next board meeting.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Lion Steve Rosnov

May 15, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, 252 Town Center Drive VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 32 members with 21in attendance. Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell

Song: Lion Ed DeLong “It’s A Grand Old Flag”)
Pledge of Allegiance:  Lion Donna Peyer
Invocation:  Lion John Watters
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Buffet style, Ribs, Curry Chicken, Chocolate Cake)

Guest Speaker:  District Governor Lion Stan Furman spoke about the Charity Foundation. It is our own Foundation owned by our voting member clubs. The foundation gave out $178,000 in grants. They have two fund raisers; the Bid & Buy Auction and LPGA Kingsmill. Last year the Bid & Buy raised $20,000 and LPGA raised $12,000. We don’t know yet how much this year’s LPGA is going to be. The Foundation has an endowment fund of 2.3 million invested in Bonds and stocks. Some of the things that the fund pays for are LAMP glasses, $15,000 for hearing aids and Cataract Surgery are by grant requests. Lion Stan said to look at the Foundation as an Arm of the Clubs. The Lions International Charity Foundation almost wiped out River Blindness and is working on a Measles Vaccination  in Third World Countries

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. We have a board meeting at the lobby conference table directly after the Club Regular Meeting.
2. We received a Thank You Letter from Lion Debra Laughlin, Hampton Roads Vision Walk Chair. On Behalf of the Foundation Fighting Blindness and the over 10 million Americans losing their vision from retinal disease I extend my most heartfelt thank you for your generous donation to the 2nd Annual Hampton Roads Vision Walk.  Over 1400 walkers participated in this year’s walk making it the most attended walk ever in the history of Visionwalk. Raising awareness is a key component in our efforts to continue funding much needed research. Our goal was $75,000 and we have raised over $89,500. I can’t thank you enough for your support.
3. Everyone should have received their invitation to Installation Night. If you haven’t sent in your RSVP please do.
4. Governor Stan’s Last Hurrah!! 24D District Meeting June 12, 2013 at Smithfield Center, 220 North Church St, Smithfield, VA. Social Hour 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM. Cost: $15. Most everyone has paid and Lion Vickie issued a club check for the registration. Lions signed up:  Steve Rosnov, Ed DeLong, John Watters, Nancy Watters, Stan Furman, Jeri Furman, Bob Perrine, Dick Kreassig, Debra Laughlin, Nurys Sabino, Vickie Kennedy, Donna Peyer, Cathy Bromwell, Aziz Selahi, and Brad Furman. Lion Dick Kreassig will drive and can take 6 riders. Meet at Best Buy at 4:30pm. Those riding with Lion Dick so far; Lions Aziz, Bob Perrine, Vickie Kennedy, Steve Rosnov, and Debra Laughlin.

Old Business:
1. Adult Learning Center Sight & Hearing Van Report – Lion Aziz Selahi
Thank you for supporting our May 3rd, 10am to 2pm. S & H Van Community Project at the Adult Learning Center. We successfully screened 65 foreign students from 32 countries and had 8 referrals.
Lion’s Nancy Watters and Susan Sumnick worked the Blood Screening Station and screened 21 students between 12.00 to 2.00pm.
Thanks to following Lions whose presence made the project so successful, and without them, accomplishing the task would not have been so great! Lion’s John Watters and Ed Delong worked both shifts. Lion’s Nancy Watters, Steve Rosnov, Bob Perrine, Dick Kreassig, Jeri Furman, Club President Roger Snell, Jack Wagner, Mike Coren, Susan Sumnick, Nurys Sabino
I am so proud to be part of the great Thalia Lions Club. What a joy to SERVE the community.
Thank you what you are doing to help the Community.
2. Bonney Road Environmental Project, May 18, 2013 – Lion Otis Etheridge. Bonney Road Cleanup is May 18, 2013. We will meet at Virginia Beach School Credit Union on Bonney Road.  9:00am to 11:00am or when work is complete. A signup sheet was passed around and we have 15 volunteers signed up so it shouldn’t take too long
3. Broom sales – Lion Rich Roberts. Our Broom Sale this year will be May 31 & June 1st at the BJs fuel pump area. I passed around a signup sheet. Our morning shifts are full and we need Lions to fill the afternoon shifts.
4. LOVF Raffle – lion Jeri Furman. Our club raised a total of $1,090.00 selling raffle tickets and $726.66 earned for our club.

New Business: Youth Exchange Dinner Project Committee – Lion President Roger Snell. We will need to put together a Committee and chair to coordinate putting together the details for the meal.  The Youth Exchange Dinner project is Sunday, July 21st.  It is scheduled for the same time as Ram and five of our members will not be here. We successfully did the project last year without those members.  This year there will be 30 students from around the world. It will be a more proactive program also we are guaranteed that the meal will be indoors. 

From The Floor:
1. Lion Dick Kreassig read a letter about the upcoming trip his grandson David (Scotty) is taking this summer. Scotty has been diagnosed with Type I diabetes and this is the first time he is traveling away from home for an extended stay. The letter explains to the camp staff important details about Type I Diabetes and level of care required. Scotty is insulin dependent and wears a Medtronic Paradigm 722 insulin pump that delivers on-demand insulin. His insulin pump in programmed to deliver the proper amount of insulin to stabilize his blood glucose. Scotty will carry a bag with him at all times with insulin supplies and Skittles and snacks to treat low blood glucose. He will need to test his blood glucose prior to every meal/snack, following vigorous physical activity, or if you think his behavior is out of the ordinary. Lion Dick said that it is important for us all to understand the difference between Type I & Type II Diabetes.

Birthdays: A total of $60.00 was raised for the birthday song and turned in to the Admin Account. Happy Birthday was sung by Lion Aziz Selahi in Farsi and Nurys Sabino in Spanish to Lions Otis Etheridge, Nancy Watters, Donna Peyer and Catherine Bromwell.

Upcoming Events:
May 18 – Bonney Road Environmental Project
May 31- June 1- Broom Sale
June 5 – Regular Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn
June 13 - Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
June 18 – Charter Night, 6pm, Broad Bay Country Club
July 8 – Pedia Vision, 10 am – 12:30 pm Main Library

Raffle:  Lion Bob Perrine. There were two raffles. Lion Susan Sumnick $31.00 and Lion Ed Delong won $16.00.  $43.00 was turned in for the Admin Account. $4.00 was collected in fines and turned in for the Admin Account.

 Adjournment 8pm
Lion Steve Rosnov

May 1, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, 252 Town Center Drive VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 31 members with 24 in attendance. There was one guest’s speaker present. Total present 25.  
Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
Song: Lion John Watters (God Bless America)
Pledge of Allegiance:  Lion Bob Perrine
Invocation:  Lion Dick Kreassig
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Salmon Buffet)

Guest Speaker: Lion Steve Rosnov introduced David Schleck, Virginia Pilot. Talk about his Reporting in recent years (while still being Beacon editor) Oceana jet crash, roller-coaster riding, etc. For five years David Schleck has been editor of the Beacon, the community news section published on Thursdays and Sundays for Virginia Beach subscribers of The Virginian-Pilot. A Cox High School graduate who grew up and still lives in Virginia Beach, David has expanded the news content and online presence of the Beacon while writing a weekly column and occasionally venturing back to his professional roots as a beat reporter for two other newspapers in Virginia. When he's not editing the Beacon, David enjoys country line-dancing, re-reading The Lord of the Rings and re-riding nearly every amusement at Busch Gardens. David spoke about his experiences reporting on crime, county government, religion & science. He talked about last week’s melee at the waterfront and asked the group when & how we heard about it. Quite a few varied responses. He is very proud that the Virginia Pilot web site for breaking news is the number one site visited in our area. David talked about the Boston bombing. Asked when & where we first heard about it and again quite a varied response. is where he kept up on the events. He talked about the jet crash last year. He first found out while eating lunch at Bubba’s and responded to the scene. He was expecting a disaster. He started interviewing people. What he finds interesting is that the demand for news during a disaster is immediate. He like everyone expected the worst.  David answered a few questions from the floor and Lion President Roger Snell presented David with a plaque of appreciation for speaking to our club.

New Lion Induction - DG Lion Stan Furman inducted Abdulla (AJ) Williams sponsored by Nurys Sabino. DG Lion Stan presented Lion’s AJ & Nurys with his personal pin. Lion AJ said a few words and mentioned that he is an avid supporter of helping those less fortunate in the community.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. The Ronald McDonald 21st Annual Tidewater Virginia Charity Golf Tournament is May 13th.  Our April 17th Board Meeting voted and approved sponsoring a hole for $250.00 and to transfer $900.00, the profit from the Fall Conference to the Activities Account from the Admin Account. We received a thank you letter from Elyse Brown, Ronald McDonald House Charities for our donation.
2. The invitations for Charter Night have been mailed.  A reservation and check is required by June 1, 2013.
3. I passed around and collected slips for secret ballot selection for Lion of the Year. Lion Roger Snell will make an individual plaque for the Lion of the Year in addition to that lions name being listed on the lion of the year trophy.
4. The next board meeting is scheduled for May 15 at the lobby conference table directly after the Club Regular Meeting.
5. I passed the flyer for the last 24D District Meeting of the year is June 12, 2013, at Smithfield Center, 220 North Church St. Smithfield, VA. The Social Hour at 6:00 PM and Dinner starts at 7:00 PM.  It's Governor Stan’s Last Hurrah!! With Fun! Food! Music! Awards! Great music provided by the Top Hats Quartet. Dinner by Smokes BBQ and the Smithfield Lions, plus some great raffle prizes, a 50/50 drawing, “The Year in Pictures” on the big screen and the company of a bunch of great Lions. So come say Farewell to DG Stan and welcome in the new DG and Cabinet. Cost: $15 – Pay Lion Vickie and she will send a check for the registration. Those signed up are Lions Steve Rosnov, Ed DeLong, John & Nancy Watters, Stan & Jeri Furman, Bob Perrine, Dick Kreassig, Debra Laughlin, Nurys Sabino, Vickie Kennedy, Donna Peyer, Cathy Bromwell, Aziz Selahi. Lion Dick Kreassig will drive and can take a few riders.

Old Business:
1. White Cane Completion Report – Lion Irene Conlin about 120.00. Thank you all for your assistance with the white cane. We had a very successful second day. The total for the 2-day effort is approximately $1,200.00. I don't know how that compares to other White Canes - but I am thrilled with the amount, because I know we can do so many good things with the money. I just have to say: It was very easy coordinating this white cane, because there were an abundance of people willing to help. I appreciate your eagerness and assistance, which made my job so much easier. You can all be very proud of yourselves - I know I am very proud of all of you. Thank you again!
2. Vision Walk Completion Report- Lion Debra Laughlin.
Congratulations Thalia Lions and Hampton Roads Vision Walkers on a tremendously successful 2nd Annual Vision Walk.  To date the largest walk was held in Chicago with 1,126 walkers…until now!!  We had over 1400 walkers, the most successful walk for attendance EVER.  The goal was $75,000 and we are at $85,600 and counting. District 24A challenged us to a “Lions Spirit” contest…who could show the most “Lionism” and have the most Lion walkers at each event.District 24A – 48 Lion walkers (10 of those were Leos). District 24D – 47 Lion walkers.  Lion Stan says Lion Brad walked but did not sign up and neither of his children were counted.  I will report that tomorrow and get back to you. Thank you all for your support of Vision Walk and raising awareness about vision loss, low vision and blindness.
3. Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Aziz Selahi. Our Sight & Hearing Van is scheduled for Friday, May 3rd; a signup sheet was passed around.  I will publish the list of sign ups.
4. Bonney Road Environmental Project, May 18, 2013 –Otis Etheridge. Bonney Road Cleanup is May 18, 2013. We will meet at Virginia Beach School Credit Union on Bonney Road.  9:00am to 11:00am or when work is complete. A signup sheet was passed around and we have 15  volunteers signed up so it shouldn’t take too long! 
5. LOVF – Lion Jeri Furman. Our club made $626.57 in LOVF sales
New Business:
1. Thalia Lions Pins – Lion Nancy Watters. Lion Nancy requested that the Tail Twister fine all those present who did not notice that she was wearing our new Thalia pin and of course he did that. The pins are here. One hundred fifty were ordered. Lion Dave Harris, the ordering agent has requested two. Two will be sent to Lion Bill Smith to be cataloged. Lion Nancy requests 50 to take to the State Convention to sell for $3.00 to Pin Traders. Each member should be given a pin. That leaves about 80 pins to be given or sold to special friends, guests, etc. The cost of the pins was about $1.95 each paid for from our admin account.
2. Youth Exchange Dinner – Lion Stan Furman. Our April 17th Board meeting approved hosting the Youth Exchange Dinner project Sunday, July 21st.  It is scheduled for the same time as Ram and five of our members will not be here. We successfully did the project last year without those members. Last year the program was poorly administered. There was no interaction with the exchange students or Parade of Flags. That won’t happen again this year. This year there will be 30 students from around the world. It will be a more proactive program also we are guaranteed that the meal will be indoors this year. Options for the meal were discussed and will be determined by that committee. 
3. Broom sales – Lion Rich Roberts. Our Broom Sale this year will be May31 & June 1st at the BJs fuel pump area.

Upcoming Events:
May 9 – Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
MAY 9 –Adult Learning Center Awards Presentation
May 15 - Regular Meeting, 6pm and board Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn
May 18 – Bonney Road Environmental Project
May 31- June 1- Brooms Sale
June 5 – Regular Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn
June 13 - Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
June 18 – Charter Night, 6pm, Broad Bay Country Club
July 8 – Pedia Vision, 10 am – 12:30 pm Main Library

Birthday: Lion AJ’s Birthday is today. $35.00 was raised for Lions Vickie and Otis to sing a duet Happy Birthday song to AJ.
Raffle:  Lion Bob Perrine. There were two raffles. Lion Aziz Selahi won $25.00 and Lion Donna Peyer won $20.00.  $44.00.00 was turned in for the Admin Account. $15.00 was collected in fines and turned in for the Admin Account.
Adjournment 8.15pm, 
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

April 17, 2013. The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met at the Hilton Garden Inn, 252 Town Center Drive VA Beach. Board Membership: President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors Nancy Watters & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren. A quorum of seven members constitutes a majority required to vote on official matters.
The following 12 board members were in attendance; Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Aziz Selahi, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine, Nancy Watters, John Watters, Irene Conlin, Jeri Furman, Debra Laughlin, Rich Roberts. Lion District Governor Stan Furman was also present as a nonvoting member.

Minutes of Business Meeting The meeting was called to order at 8: pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business:
1. Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy Admin Account: April 17. Total income $16,427.01. Total Expenses $13,251.80. Balance $6,981.85. Scholarship Fund Quarterly Report. As of March 31, 2012, the account balance is $52,664.58. Activity Account; April 17. Total Income $6,910.62. Total Fund Raising Expense $2,487.97. Total Sight Expense $3,682.60. Total Community Expense $3,899.76. Total Expense $10,070.33. Balance $4,637.44. Lion Nancy Watters mentioned that depending on how much is raised during White Cane that we may need to consider transferring money from the Admin Account to the Activities Account. Lion Nancy Watters made a motion and Lion John Watters seconded the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.

Old Business:
1. Vision Walk Report – Lion Debra Laughlin As of April 17, 2013 there are 730 registered walkers. District 24A issued a spirit challenge to District 24D challenging who can have the most Lion teams and Lions at the Northern VA walk and Hampton Roads Walk. Currently 5 lion teams signed up; Norview, Thalia, EVMS, Portsmouth Host, Aragona. So far we raised $49,000.00 and have 48 walk teams signed up.

New Business:
1. Ronald McDonald Charity Golf Tournament – Lion Steve Rosnov. The Ronald McDonald 21st Annual Tidewater Virginia Charity Golf Tournament is May 13th. Sponsorship Opportunities are; a. Gold: $2000.00, Tangible Benefits; Club Name on One Hole, 4 Player Spots, Sign Recognition, full Page Ad in the Tournament Program. b. Silver: $1500.00, Tangible Benefits; 4 Player Spots, Sign Recognition, ½ Page Ad in the Tournament Program. c. Bronze: $1000.00, 2 Player Spots, Sign Recognition, ¼ Page Ad in the Tournament Program. d. Hole Sponsor: $250.00, Tangible Benefit; Name Recognition on One Hole e. Golf Cart: $200.00; Tangible Benefit; Sign on Golf Cart Lion John Watters made a motion and lion Bob Perrine seconded the motion to transfer $900.00 to the Activities Account from the admin Account (the profit from the Fall Conference), and sponsor a hole for $250.00. Motion passed.

Open Discussion:
1. Youth exchange Dinner – DG Stan Furman The Youth Exchange Dinner this year is Sunday, July 21st. We need to let the District Chair know if we are going to host it once again. It was noted that it is scheduled for the same time as Ram and five of our members will not be here. It was also noted that we did the project last year without those members. Lion Bob Perrine noted that last year the program was poorly administered. There was no interaction with the exchange student or Parade of Flags. DG Lion Stan Furman said they are aware of that issue and will be a more proactive program. We are guaranteed that the meal can be indoors this year. Options for the meal were discussed and will be determined by that committee. Lion Rich Roberts made a motion to accept the project and Lion Aziz Selahi Seconded the motion. Motion passed.

New Business:
1. Ronald McDonald Charity Golf Tournament – Lion Steve Rosnov The Ronald McDonald 21st Annual Tidewater Virginia Charity Golf Tournament is May 13th. Sponsorship Opportunities are; a. Gold: $2000.00, Tangible Benefits; Club Name on One Hole, 4 Player Spots, Sign Recognition, full Page Ad in the Tournament Program. b. Silver: $1500.00, Tangible Benefits; 4 Player Spots, Sign Recognition, ½ Page Ad in the Tournament Program. c. Bronze: $1000.00, 2 Player Spots, Sign Recognition, ¼ Page Ad in the Tournament Program. d. Hole Sponsor: $250.00, Tangible Benefit; Name Recognition on One Hole e. Golf Cart: $200.00; Tangible Benefit; Sign on Golf Cart Lion Vickie noted that the money raised provides grants to help the children. Lion President recommended a hole sponsorship. Lion John Watters made a motion and lion Bob Perrine seconded the motion to transfer $900.00 to the Activities Account from the admin Account (the profit from the Fall Conference), and sponsor a hole for $250.00. The motion was approved.
2. The next board meeting is scheduled for May 15 at the lobby conference table directly after the Club Regular Meeting.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Lion Steve Rosnov Secretary

April 17, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on April 17, 2013, by Lion President Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, 252 Town Center Drive VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 31 members with 30 in attendance. There were no guests present.
Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Rich Roberts
Invocation: Lion Bob Perrine
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Buffet)

Program: Lion Ed DeLong – What the Flag Means to Me Lion Ed gave a very informative presentation about our flag and was presented with one of our umbrellas by Lion Jim Healy. Some of the highlights of his presentation were; Our flag is an emblem symbolizing what our country has gone through and what it faces in the future. Red is for the blood that has been shed by our heroic military. White is for the purity of the many mothers that have lost their sons and daughters in battle. Blue is for the skies that hopefully predict a more peaceful future. The flag means freedom, pride, and responsibility. In 1906 George M. Cohen produced and starred in a hit Broadway Show called “George Washington Junior”. The audience cheered when he sang “You’re A Grand Old Flag”. Lion Ed ended his presentation with our club joining him in singing “You’re a grand Old Flag.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. We are going to have our monthly board meeting after our regular meeting at the conference table adjacent to the fireplace off the lobby area.
2. Next meeting May 1st we are inducting new member Abdulla (AJ) Williams. His sponsor is Lion Nurys Sabino.
3. Leadership Day is April 20th at First Baptist Church Newport News, 12716 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, 23606. The day starts with a Continental Breakfast then World Wide Induction Ceremony for all New Members followed by Member Orientation and finishing up with schools for the incoming President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Training and Diabetes Testing Certification. Lion Rich Roberts and Aziz Selahi are signed up for Presidents School, Lion Catherine Bromwell is signed up for World Wide Induction and Diabetes Testing Certification, Lion Susan Sumnick is signed up for Secretary’s school. Lion Nurys Sabino is signed up for Diabetes Testing Certification, and Lion Nancy and John Watters are signed up
4. The invitations for Charter Night will be mailed next week. A reservation and check is required by June 1, 2013.
5. Hilton Garden Inn Meeting Contract - If we elect to meet at the Garden Inn on a permanent basis the meal cost is $16.50. They are making up a menu for us to either select from or let the Chef make the selection. Lion Debra and I spoke to the Chef and he likes to choose selections based on the time of year I.E., summer meals could be lighter fare such as salads with fish and cold winter meetings could have soup and heartier type fare. Happy Hour prices at the bar/lounge during our social prior to the meeting and we can bring drinks into the meeting room if so inclined. If anyone has an allergy to a specific food such as fish, please let me or Lion Debra know so we can have it on file. Talking to their meeting coordinator about our meetings she would love to throw around some ideas for Installation Night, Pool Cookout, and Holiday Party. Some pluses to meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn are; Complementary use of a projector for Speaker Presentations, store our banners, Etc., on site, Installation Night, Holiday Parties, or other Special Events if at the Garden Inn would include some sort of specialty set up geared to that season. Lion Steve asked the members present if they would want to change our meeting location from the Crowne Plaza to the Hilton Garden Inn. The vote of approval was 100%. There was a majority of Board Members present so no further action is required. Lion Steve as Secretary will notify the Crowne Plaza that we will no longer be meeting there and firm up our future meeting schedule with the Hilton Garden Inn.
6. Ronald McDonald 21st Annual Tidewater Virginia Charity Golf Tournament is May 13th. $175 per Player. I emailed everyone the flyer for those who wish to sign up.

Old Business:
1. Audible Egg Hunt Completion report – Lion Irene Conlin Saturday, April 13. What a great time we had! In all, 31 individuals were served (26 children and 5 adults). We had 9 Thalia Lions in attendance (6 active and 3 potential) - to include District Governor Stan Furman - with a total of 30 community service hours setting up, assisting the egg hunters and parents, rewarding prizes for eggs, and cleaning up. Leftover candy was donated to the Town Center Blind Lions Club. They will bring the candy to "Stand Up for Kids" a Virginia Beach-based shelter for homeless teenagers. The Blind Lions provide a monthly hot meal to the organization. Final cost to the club: ZERO. Wrap up meeting with lessons learned TBD. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible.
2. White Cane April 19-20, 2013 – Lion Irene Conlin Friday and Saturday, April 19 and 20: We will be meeting at the BJs on Virginia Beach BLVD starting at 10:00 am on Friday, 19 April. We have 19 Lions signed up to volunteer. THANK YOU! Final listing was distributed at the meeting - anyone else who would like to volunteer is very Welcome to. There is plenty of room! Lion Steve will bring the signs, buckets, and Umbrella rack to the site Friday morning. Lion Irene will be organizing collecting from the site each evening and count the money and turn into the treasurer.
3. Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Aziz Selahi Our Sight & Hearing Van for April 12, in front of Adult Training Center was cancelled and rescheduled for Friday, May 3rd; a signup sheet was passed around.
4. Bonney Road Environmental Project, May 18, 2013 – Lion Vickie Kennedy for Otis Etheridge Bonney Road Cleanup is May 18, 2013. We will meet at Virginia Beach School Credit Union on Bonney Road. 9:00am to 11:00am or when work is complete. A signup sheet was passed. We need man power present!
5. Vote on 2013 – 2014 Officers – Lion Roger Snell President – Rich Roberts, First vice President – Aziz Selahi, Second Vice President – Irene Conlin, Third Vice President – Nancy Watters, Immediate Past President – Roger Snell, Secretary – John Watters, Reporting Secretary – Susan Sumnick, Membership secretary – Steve Rosnov, Treasurer – Vickie Kennedy, Tail Twister – Stan Furman, Lion Tamer – Mike Coren, Two Year Directors – Donna Peyer & Catherine Bromwell, One year Directors – Jeri Furman & Dick Kreassig, Membership Chairman – Debra Laughlin. A vote of approval was called for and accepted from the floor.

New Business:
1. Pedia Vision – Lion Nancy Watters We have the Library Scheduled for Monday, July 8th from 10:15-12:30. That is the only library that our club is responsible for this summer. From the Floor 1. Lion DG Stan Furman presented Lion Ed DeLong with a certificate in appreciation for his services as Hearing Aids Recycling Chair by Past District Governor Al Miller.
2. Lion John Watters mentioned that Project Home Connect is May 15th at Norfolk Scope. At the present time no Lions Club has scheduled the Sight & Hearing Van for the project.

Birthdays: There were no birthday members present.

Upcoming Events:
*April 12 – Sight & Hearing Van, Adult learning Center (Changed to May 3rd same times)
*April 19 & 20 – White Cane
*April 20 – Leadership Day, First Baptist Church Newport, News, 12716 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, 23606
*April 24 – Hampton Roads Show
*April 28 - Vision Walk
*May 1 - Regular Meeting, 7pm, and Board Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn
*May 3 - Sight and Hearing Van, Adult Learning Center
*May 9 – Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
*May 15 – Project Home Connect, Norfolk Scope.
*May 15 - Regular Meeting, 7pm and board Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn
*May 18 – Bonney Road Environmental Project
*June 18 – Charter Night, 6pm, Broad Bay Country

Club Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine There were two raffles. Lion Linda Eggleston won $20.00 and Lion Jim Healy won $10.00. $31.00 was turned in for the Admin Account. Adjournment: 7:50pm Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov Secretary

April 3, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on April 3, 2013, by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 33 members with14 in attendance. There was one guest. 15 total in attendance. It was noted that quite a few members absent were at the District BLAND.
Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm –President, Lion Roger Snell
Song: Lion Bob Donnelly (America the Beautiful)                          
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Irene Conlin
Invocation: Lion Bob Perrine
Introduction of Guests: Lion Nurys Sabino introduced her guest Abdulla J. Williams (second visit)
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Soup & Chicken Masala)

Program- Lion Ed Delong gave a very informative overview of BLAND History. Our Lion Tail Twister fined Lion Ed at the beginning of the meeting for not having a guest speaker. After such a great talk the Tail Twister returned Lion Ed’s fine.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov.
1. Leadership Day this year is April 20th at First Baptist Church Newport News, 12716 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, 23606. The day starts with a Continental Breakfast then World Wide Induction Ceremony for all New Members followed by Member Orientation and finishing up with schools for the incoming President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Training and Diabetes Testing Certification. Lion Rich Roberts and Aziz Selahi are signed up for Presidents School, Lion Catherine Bromwell is signed up for World Wide Induction and Diabetes Testing Certification, Lion Nurys Sabino is signed up for Diabetes Testing Certification, Lion Nancy and John Watters are signed up and Lion Nancy may be one of the training presenters.
2. Lion Jeri Furman wanted to remind everyone turn in their LOVF tickets.

Old Business:
1. Pembroke Mall Screening 3/23/13 Kids in the Kitchen Completion Report – Lion Steve Rosnov for Lion Nancy Watters. The Pembroke Mall for the Kid's in the Kitchen event was sponsored by the Virginia Beach Junior Woman's League! That group really knows how to organize a party!! Hats off to a group of really hard working, enthusiastic group of service minded women!! We had 27 Lions participating from 9 clubs: Thalia, Aragona/Pembroke, Princess Anne, Town Center Blind Lions, Kempsville, Bayside, Virginia Beach Central, and Oceanside. Beginning at about 11:00am and working until 3:00pm, we screened 144 children and referred 27 for further examination using one SPOT device. I would say that today we changed the life of some of these children!!! As an extra bit of excitement, we were visited today by “Mrs. Virginia, Mandi Leeth”. She used the SPOT screener on a couple of children and then she was screened and...she passed the screening!! Thank you to all who worked and participated.
2. Club Project, Plastic Egg Candy Stuffing – Lion Irene Conlin
Build the candy-filled eggs for the Audible Easter Hunt is at my house tomorrow, Wednesday at 6:30 PM. The address is 4468 Smokey Lake Drive, Virginia Beach. Phone is 495-8995 (house) or 478-0335 (cell). It shouldn’t take longer than an hour or so. I will have wine, and light snacks for everyone to enjoy, I do have two large dogs who act like part of the family, but if you are not fond of dogs, I will put them in the laundry room.
3. Vision Walk, YNOT Dining in the Dark Completion Report – Lion Debra Laughlin. Dining in the Dark was last Tuesday, March 26, 2013, all day at all four YNOT Locations. Diners that wished to participate were given simulation masks of either macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa and encouraged to order from the menu and/or eat their meals while wearing the masks. YNOT graciously donated 10% of the proceeds from all four restaurants to Vision Walk. Myself, Lion Steve Rosnov and Lion Bob Donnelly worked shifts at YNOT locations along with some Lions from other clubs and quite a few Lions from our club supported Dinning in the Dark by dining in or ordering food to go. Mrs. Virginia, Mandi Leeth who was at the recent Mall Screening is also the Vision walk Guest speaker. Thank you for the super support. And just a reminder, the  "Promote Vision Walk" is on WAVY TV 10 "The Hampton Roads Show." Please let Lion Debra Laughlin (3612-0023) know if you can be part of the audience. Meet at her house April 24, 7 am. Then the 2nd Annual Vision Walk is April 28th at 1317th Street and Oceanfront. Registration: 12:00 p.m. Walk Start: 1:00 p.m.
4. Sight and Hearing Van, Adult Learning Center. We will have the Sight and Hearing Van at the Virginia Beach Adult Learning Center. The date is April 12 from 10 am until 2 pm plus set up time. We will have two hour shifts and passed around a signup sheet. Lion Ed Delong mentioned that it’s a very interesting project because there are people from all over the world that come to our van at the learning center.

New Business:
1. 2013 Crowne Plaza meeting Contract – Lion Steve. This is what we are looking at starting June 5. Town Center submitted a new contract with a new price structure effective June 5, 2013. They stated that they appreciate our long standing business. After reviewing our profit-loss feasibility on the event space used by all groups, we have determined a new price structure. Therefore, effective June 5, 2013, we will require all groups such as yours to pay a $125 setup fee inclusive of tax and service charge in addition to the food and beverage required. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hopefully the June 5th advance notice will give you time to adjust accordingly. I called the events manager and discussed other possible options. I told her a $125 set up fee for each meeting simply would not work. She then sent the following two options; (1). Keep the menu pricing as is and pay a $62.50 set up fee per event. That includes tax and service charge. (2). Increase the meal price to $23 per person inclusive of tax and service charge with a minimum of 22 people guaranteed.  I emailed the meetings director that we would discuss and decide at our next board meeting and I would keep her posted. Lion Debra has done a tremendous amount of work the past few days researching alternative locations. One that looked like a possibility was Gus & Georges on Virginia Beach Blvd. The problem with Gus & Georges is that we can only have the function room guaranteed for the second Wednesday of the month and use regular dining area or smaller function room the first Wednesday of the month. Also they require a confirmed number of members at least a week in advance. That’s why we didn't select it when we picked Crowne Plaza. The very promising location is the Hilton Garden Inn at Town center. Lion Debra and I looked over the function rooms, bar/lounge, etc. It would be a perfect fit for us. They said they can match our current price or close to it. The club by unanimous call of hands decided to meet at the Hilton Garden Inn for our April 17th meeting. I will inform Crowne Plaza that we will not meet there on the 17th because we are looking at some other options. We are also going to have our monthly board meeting directly after the meeting in an effort to reduce the frequency of meetings for board members. Lion Debra will have the exact cost and meals information in a few days for distribution.
2. White Cane - Lion Irene Conlin. White Cane is April 19-20, 2013. The location is BJs. I passed around a signup sheet. Please wear your Lions hats and vest.
3. Bonney Road Environmental Project– Lion Steve Rosnov for Lion Otis Etheridge Bonney Road Cleanup is May 18, 2013. We will meet at Virginia Beach School Credit Union on Bonney Road. 9:00am to 11:00am or when work is complete. Lion Otis will have a signup sheet at the next meeting.
4. 2013 – 2014 Officers – Lion Roger Snell. The list of proposed incoming officers is complete except for one vacancy. We need one more director for one year. Nominees are: President - Rich Roberts, First Vice President – Aziz Selahi, Second Vice President – Irene Conlin, Third Vice President – Nancy Watters, Immediate Past President – Roger Snell, Secretary – John Watters, Assistant Secretary – Susan Sumnick (Reporting), Assistant Secretary – Steven Rosnov (Membership), Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy, Tail Twister – Stan Furman, Lion Tamer – Mike Coren, Two Year Directors – Donna Peyer, Catherine Bromwell, One year Directors – Jeri Furman, (to be determined), and Membership Chairman – Debra Laughlin.

From the Floor
1. Eye Glass Recycling – Lion Ed DeLong. We have a lot of glasses needing cleaning and sorting. Anyone who can come and needs a ride be at BEST Buy parking lot April 11th at 9:30 am. Lion Jim Healy will be there to drive us there and back. We really need Lions to help.
2. Food Bank – Lion Jack Wagner. Don’t forget please contribute to the food bank if you can supplies are still low.
3. Prospective Member -Lion Nurys guest Abdullah Williams submitted his application. We will probably induct him at our April 17th meeting.
4. Umbrella Demonstration - Lion Jim Healy gave a demonstration of our umbrella for our newer members. After the demonstration he presented the umbrella to our prospective incoming member

Upcoming Events:
*April 3 - District Bland Contest at the Patriots Colony in Williamsburg, VA
*April 4 – Plastic Egg Candy Stuffing Project, 6:30m, 4468 Smokey Lake Drive, Virginia Beach
*April 11 - Eyeglass Recycling Center, 10am to noon
*April 12 – Sight & Hearing Van, 10am to 2pm, Virginia Beach Adult Learning Center
*April 13 - Audible Egg Hunt
*April 17 – Regular Meeting, 6pm, and Board Meeting Hilton Garden Inn, Town center
*April 19 & 20 – White Cane
*April 20 – Leadership Day, First Baptist Church Newport, News, 12716 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, 23606
*April 24 – Hampton Roads Show
*April 28 - Vision Walk
*May 1 - Regular Meeting, 6pm, TBD
*May 9 – Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
*May 15 - Regular Meeting, 6pm and Board meeting, TBD
*May 18 – Bonney Road Environmental Project
*June 18 – Charter Night, 6pm, Broad Bay Country Club

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine. There were two raffles. Lion Linda Eggleston won $22.00 and Lion Jack Wagner won $13.00. $34.00 was turned in for the Admin Account. Tail Twister turned in $6.00 to the Admin account for fines collected.

Adjournment: 7:45 pm
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

March 27, 2013. The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met at 7 pm, at Lion President Roger Snell’s Residence, Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Board Membership: President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors Nancy Watters & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren. A quorum of seven members constitutes a majority required to vote on official matters. The following ten board members were in attendance; Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Aziz Selahi, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine, Nancy Watters, John Watters, Irene Conlin, Jeri Furman.

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7: pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business: Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy: Admin Account March 27. Total income $16,178.01. Total Expenses $12,959.00. Balance $7,025.65. Scholarship Fund Quarterly Report, December 31, 2012, $54,147.74. Activity Account; March 27. Total Income $6,772.27. Total Fund Raising Expense $2487.97, Total Sight Expense $3,682.60. Total Community Expense $3,299.76, Total Expense $9,470.33. Balance $1,939.38. Some highlights of the report are; Collected $127.00 for two new members, Paid $336.00 for meals at the last meeting and donated $64.00 to Samaritan House with the portion of the bill the that the hotel deducted for the wrong meal served, Collected $128.00 for the Region III meals, received $108.00 for 2 meals for the Fall Conference, Received $124.81 scholarship check, $23.00 for flags, and $24.47 for mints sold. (Full report pages 4 through7). Lion Nancy Watters made a motion to transfer $1,000.00 from the admin account to the activity account and was seconded by Lion Bob Perrine. The reason for the motion was to insure there was enough money to issue checks to the school nurses as budgeted. Lion Vickie stated that we have enough money to issue the checks as long as we have a fund raiser soon. It was brought up in discussion that once the money was transferred from admin to activity we could not transfer the money back to admin. Lion President Roger called for the vote. The motion failed to pass by a nine to one vote. Lion Steve Rosnov made a motion and Lion Irene Conlin seconded the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed by a nine to one vote.

Old Business: Vision Walk and Hampton Roads Show– Lion Steve Rosnov for Lion Debra Laughlin. Vision walk this year is April 28. We are going to have a table to promote Lionism and all clubs could bring their banners and literature. All clubs are encouraged to wear their vest and hats and walk to support Vision walk and promote Lionism. Attached (pages 8 & 9) is a letter from the Northern Virginia Conservation chair about the 24A & 24D spirit challenge at the upcoming walk. The Hampton Roads Show is April 24th and need Lions for audience. Lions Steve Rosnov and Bob Perrine are signed up.

New Business:
1. March 6th Region III Meeting bill – Lion Steve Rosnov
We issued a check for $192.00 for those members signed up to attend the March 6th Region III Meeting. Lions Steve Rosnov, Roger Snell, Jack Wagner, Brad Furman, Ed Delong, Nancy Watters, Irene Conlin, & Debra Laughlin were able to attend. Lions Bob Perrine, Mike Coren, Jim Healy & Jeri Furman were not able to attend due to inclement weather or illness.
Lion Steve Rosnov recommended the club absorb the cost of the 4 meals because of nonattendance due to unforeseen inclement weather and illness. The board agreed by unanimous decision to absorb the cost of the 4 meals.
2. Nominating Committee for officer positions 2013 – 2014 – Lion Roger Snell. Lion President nominated himself and Lion Steve Rosnov as the Nominating Committee and will report their results to the members at the April 3rd regular meeting and vote on the officer positions at the April 17th regular meeting.
3. Melvin Jones & Lion of the Year – Lion Steve. Our club has $580.00 in Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) credits for use towards a MFJ Fellowship award. MFJ awards are issued when the credits reach a total of $1,000.00. The board agreed that we will have a nominating committee for a Melvin Jones Award and ask Lion Dick Kreassig to head up the committee. Members should forward their recommendations to Lion Dick Kreassig. The club will vote by secret ballot for Lion of the Year during the April 17th regular meeting. Lion Roger Snell will make an individual plaque for the Lion of the Year in addition to that lions name being listed on the lion of the year trophy.
4. White Cane Fund Raiser date – Lion Steve Rosnov. The board during the February 27th meeting decided to hold a White Cane April 19-20, 2013. The Leadership Conference is also Saturday the 20th. The board after some discussion decided to stay with the April 19 -20 White Cane date. Second Vice President Lion Irene Conlin will head up the white cane with assistance from the White Cane Chair lion Jack Wagner and his committee members.
5. Recruit new members and officers to attend the Leadership school on April 20th – Lion Nancy Watters. Lion Secretary Steve Rosnov will coordinate with the new officers for the upcoming year and new members to attend the leadership school and world induction.

Other business:
1. Lion Vickie Kennedy stated we haven’t had our Bonney Road Environmental Project for some time now. After discussion the board selected May 18th as the project date.
2. Lion Irene reminded the members that the Easter Egg project is at her house at 6:30 pm, April 4th
3. The next board meeting is scheduled for April 24 at 7 pm, at Lion President Rogers Snell’s residence.

There was no further business and adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

March 20, 2013. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 33 members with28 in attendance. There 3 guest and 4Traveling Leo’s. 35 total in attendance.

Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm –President, Lion Roger snell
Song: Lion Bob Perrine (My Country Tis of Thee)
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Linda Eggleston
Invocation: Lion Dick Kreassig
Introduction of Guests: Poquoson Lions Club Traveling Leo- Lion Ray Yannello introduced Lions B. T. Smith, Bruce Edwards, & Bob Wagner. Lion President Roger welcomed Installing Officer PDG Lion Don Burson, a Kempsville Lion and 2003-2004 District Governor & Dorothy Burson. Lion Bob Donnelly introduced his guest Jim Olson.
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Chicken & pasta with garden vegetables with salad)
Induction of new members: PDG Don Burson - Catherine Bromwell, Donna Peyer and Sponsor Lion Bob Donnelly. PDG Lion Don congratulated our club by wishing us a Happy 47th anniversary and mentioned that he is very familiar with our club and all we do and glad to be here. He inducted both members and Lion Bob Donnelly as their sponsor. The new Lions received their certificates, Lions ball cap and new member packets and Lion Bob Donnelly pinned them. Lion Bob Donnelly received his sponsor certificate.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. Lion Jeri Furman received the Virginia Multiple District 24 State Achievement Award Certificate for outstanding activities for the year 2011-2012 and we also received our club award patch and also the 2011 – 2012 Presidents Retention Campaign Patch from Lions International.
2. It is time to create a nominating committee for officer positions for the upcoming year. Anyone who would like to be on the committee let Lion President Roger know.
3. March 23rd, 9am – 3am, LAMP, at Union Mission in Norfolk, if you wish to help out contact Lion Brad Furman.
4. Girl Scout Troop #481 is selling cupcakes for their projects. All were sold.
5. Lion President announced that everyone will receive a two dollar refund for the meal because it wasn’t as advertised. Lion Dick Kreassig mentioned that anyone who wishes could donate their two dollar refund to Lion Jack for Samaritan House.

Old Business:
1. Region Bland Contest Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
We hosted the Region III Bland Contest, 7:30 pm, March 7, at the Thalia United Methodist Church. Our club contestants won both categories. Cailin Gwaltney (Vocal) and Rebecca Fetter (Instrumentalist) they will represent our club in the District Contest. The date for the District Bland contest is April 3, 2013 at 7:30 pm at the Patriots Colony in Williamsburg, VA. Anyone who wishes to go let me know.
2. Club Project, Plastic Egg Candy Stuffing – Lion Debra Laughlin for Irene Conlin I would like to get volunteers together to help build the candy-filled eggs for the Audible Easter Hunt at my house on Wednesday, April 4th at 6:30 PM. The address is 4468 Smokey Lake Drive, Virginia Beach. Phone is 495-8995 (house) or 478-0335 (cell). I will need about three - four people to help (but the more the merrier), and it shouldn’t take longer than an hour or so. I will have wine, and light snacks for everyone to enjoy, so Please let me know if you will be able to make it. I do have two large dogs who act like part of the family, but if you are not fond of dogs, I will put them in the laundry room. Just let me know so I will have a large bone handy to pacify them
3. Vision Walk, YNOT Dining in the Dark, Hampton Roads show – Lion Debra Laughlin. The 2nd Annual Hampton Roads Vision Walk is April 28th at 1317th Street and Oceanfront. Make a difference! Join us for a fun, family-friendly event to celebrate the fundraising efforts of the Hampton Roads community and to get together with fellow Lions, friends and family of those who share a similar goal of finding a cure. We will have plenty of activities, including a bounce house, face painting, characters, music and a whole lot more including a table to promote Lionism and all clubs could bring their banners and literature. All clubs are encouraged to wear their vest and hats and walk to support Vision walk and promote Lionism. Registration: 12:00 p.m. Walk Start: 1:00 p.m. Dining in the Dark is Tuesday, March 26, 2013, all day at all four dine in YNOT Locations. Dining in the Dark is a unique sensory awareness experience that gives guests a first-hand glimpse into the lives of those who are blind or visually impaired, taking them on an unforgettable journey. Diners will be given simulation masks of either macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa and are encouraged to order from the menu and/or eat their meals while wearing these masks. Diners are not required to wear the mask. YNOT is graciously donating 10% of the proceeds from all four restaurants to Vision Walk. The Hampton Roads Show is April 24th and need Lions for audience. Lions Steve Rosnov, Mike Coren and Bob Perrine are signed up. If you can sign up let me know. We will meet and leave from my house.
4. Charter/Installation Night – Nancy Watters. Charter/Installation Night is June 18, 6pm, at Broad Bay Country in the Main Dining Room, Prime Rib Buffet including Seafood and Vegetarian. The cost is $16.00 per person and the club would pay the difference. Reservations deadline – June 1, 2013

New Business:
1. Sight and hearing van, Adult Learning Center scholarship, Eye Glass Recycling – Lion Ed Delong VB Adult Learning Center would once again like to have the Sight and Hearing van at their school for screening. As in the past, Fridays are the date we usually use. The date is April 12 from 10 am until 2 pm plus set up time. Two hour shifts. Lion Aziz was out of town so set the date. The adult Learning Center scholarship will be awarded at their graduation which is to be held on May 9 at 6 PM at the VB Convention center. Lion President Roger Snell will be on stage to present the check. I have asked that the school have the applications to us at least two weeks ahead of time so we can make our selection. Eye Glass Recycling is second Thursday of every month, 10am to noon. We need people to help out. Please consider
2. Pembroke Mall Kids in the Kitchen – Lion Nancy Watters
Saturday, March 23, 2013 is the Pembroke Mall Kids in the Kitchen event sponsored by the Junior Woman’s League of Virginia Beach. We have been offered an opportunity to participate with them to do
Pedia Vision/SPOT screenings. All clubs are invited to come and may bring their club banner to display. This will be a joint screening and will count toward the Children’s Eye Screening banner patch and the total number of children screened may also be counted by each club on the monthly Governor’s Achievement report. Set up will begin at 10:15am near the Target entrance to the mall (in the back, opposite Sears). The event is 11:00am to 3:00p.m. Last year there were about 200 children in attendance so we hope this will be a good opportunity to screen children and to be a presence in the mall for the public to see.

From the Floor
LOVF Raffle – Lion Jeri Furman
Reminder all tickets have to be turned in by April 17.

Birthdays: A total of $71.00 was raised for the birthday song and turned in for the Admin Account. Lion Jack Wagner sang Happy Birthday to Lions Steve Rosnov and Linda Eggleston & John Watters. Lion Nancy Watters sat in For Lion John.

Upcoming Events:
*March 23rd, 9am – 3am, LAMP, Union Mission, Norfolk
*March 23rd, 11am – 3am, Pedia Vision project, Kids in the Kitchen Pembroke Mall
*March 26 – YNOT Dining in the Dark, all locations
*April 3- Regular Meeting, 7pm, Crown Plaza
*April 3 - District Bland Contest at the Patriots Colony in Williamsburg, VA
*April 4 – Plastic Egg Candy Stuffing Project, 6:30m, 4468 Smokey Lake Drive, Virginia Beach
*April 11 - Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
*April 13 - Audible Egg Hunt
*April 17 – Regular Meeting, 7pm, Crown Plaza
*April 24 – Hampton Roads Show
*April 24 – 7pm, Board Meeting, Lion Roger Snell Residence
*April 28 - Vision Walk
*May 1 - Regular Meeting, 7pm, Crown Plaza
*May 9 – Eyeglass Recycling Center 10am to noon
*May 15 - Regular Meeting, 7pm, Crown Plaza
*May 29 - 7pm, Board Meeting, Lion Roger Snell Residence
*April 3 - District Bland Contest at the Patriots Colony in Williamsburg, VA

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine
There were two raffles. Lion Don Burson won $17.00 and Lion Nancy Watters won $30.00. $47.00 was turned in for the Admin Account. Tail Twister turned in $20.00 for the Admin account for fines collected.

Adjournment: 8:10 pm
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

Feb 27, 2013. The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met at 7 pm, at Lion President Roger Snell’s Residence, Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Board Membership: President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors Nancy Watters & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren.  A quorum of seven members constitutes a majority required to vote on official matters. The following eight board members were in attendance; Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Debra Laughlin, Bob Perrine, Nancy Watters, Jeri Furman.

Minutes of Business Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 7: pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business:
1. Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
* Admin Account February 27. Total income $15,340.00. Total Expenses $12,577.81. Balance $6,569.13.
* Activity Account; February 27. Total Income $6,599.99. Total Fund Raising Expense $2,487.97, Total Sight Expense $3,682.60. Total Community Expense $3,299.76, Total Expense $9,470.33, Balance $1,767.10.
* Scholarship Fund Quarterly Report, December 31, 2012, $54,147.74
* The Fall Conference profit for our club was $779.28.
* We issued a check for $192.00 for those members attending the March 6th Region III Meeting. Lion Steve will collect a check from those attending for $16.00.
* We were overcharged for one meal at our last regular meeting and will be credited for the overcharge at our next regular meeting.
* We collected $3,105 for the fruit sales and paid out $2,374.40. Our profit comes to $732.60.
* We issued a check to Lion Jim Healy for $94.94 for flags he purchased.
* Bland was $164.62 over budget because of the cost of medals however we now have enough medals for next year’s Bland.
* Lion Nancy Watters made a motion and Lion Debra Laughlin seconded the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and passed by unanimous vote.

Old Business:
1. Bland Final Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy: The wonderful Thalia Annual Bland Music Contest was held on Thursday, Feb. 21st at 7:00 pm. The event was held at Thalia United Methodist Church located on Virginia Beach Blvd., VA Beach, VA. Lion John Watters was the MC for this event. Our District Governor Stan Furman and his lovely wife were present too. I would like to thank the 10 other Lions that were present: Ed Delong, Jack Wagner, Linda Eggleston, Nancy Watters, Brad Furman, Otis Etheridge, Lion President Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Mike Coren and Vickie Kennedy. A special thanks to my judges assistants, ushers, program director, and music room coordinator. We had thirteen participants this year (9 instrumentalists and 4 vocalists). The instrumentalist winner is Rebecca Fetter a violinist and the vocal winner is Cailin Gwaltney a soprano. Both winners will compete in the Regional Bland contest to be held on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 7:00 pm at Thalia United Methodist Church. The judges will be Dr. Harvey Stokes, Dr. Trevino, Dr. Brian Nedvin and Sondra Gelb. The Bayside Club winners (2) will join us at the regional contest. Please come out and support this event. It will be the best of the best from each club. Lion John Watters will be the MC for this event.
2. Deep Creek Lions Club 1st Sight Impaired White Water Rafting trip down the New River in West Virginia – Lion Steve Rosnov: After some discussion Lion John Watters made a motion to inquire into the ethical issue of using charitable funds for Blind Lions. The motion was seconded by Lion Steve Rosnov and passed unanimously. Lion Secretary Steve Rosnov forwarded the inquiry and received this response from PCC Gary Rapier; in discussion with the ACLU lawyer, this event is open to all legally blind individuals and we cannot discriminate as to who they affiliate with. Per Scott Drummeller, Lions Legal counsel, It does not fall into the intent of the wording as it relates to Lions and not receiving benefits from same. Blind Lions will not receive any direct money from our accounts that may be used elsewhere. We also consulted a local attorney who told us the same thing. You have to know that a Blind Lion is no less blind for being in our organization. They still have limitations on what they can do and because there are not many rich blind people, they have limited funds also. The Deep Creek Lions Club acknowledges this foremost and has opened this up for all blind individuals regardless who they chose to affiliate with. We believe that we can and should provide events and adventures that these individuals could not afford, or have the physical support team around them to take part. The Thalia Lions Club Board of Directors can make their own determination. I hope you will consider supporting or assisting Lion Debra from your club, or others to participate in this adventure. The board noted that there is no action required at this time.
3. Installation Night date and Location – Lion Nancy Watters: I checked with Broad Bay Country Club to see if they can accommodate us having our installation night there. We can have our Installation night Tuesday June 18th in the Main Dining Room, Prime Rib Buffet including Seafood and Vegetarian. The cost is $40.00. We would charge $16.00 per person and the club would pay the difference. We would have to guarantee 40 people. Lion Vickie Kennedy made a motion to accept the proposal and Lion Bob Perrine seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
4. Virginia Lions Eyeglass Recycling Inc. new Eye Glass Program. Lion Steve Rosnov (for Lions John Watters & Linda Eggleston): Virginia Eyeglasses Recycling Center of Virginia is offering a new program that will provide new eye glasses for lions Clubs clients at reduced prices. They have put together an eyeglass frame kit that has an assortment of new Women's and Men's frames from which our client may choose. Lions Linda Eggleston and John Watters met with Dr. Nathan Bond, Thalia Lions’ optometrist, on Feb. 21st. They explained the VLERI (Virginia Lions Eyeglass Recycling, Inc.) eyeglasses program and its logistics. While the price of the glasses from the VLERI project might be a little bit less than Dr Bond’s cost, there were several issues that make our current pricing and arrangement with Dr Bond the better method. These issues include selection of frames, timeliness of manufacture, fitting and dispensing, and the inability to easily correct mis-made glasses. Dr. Bond’s current price for both the examination and glasses is $76. At the most, only a few dollars might be saved from this but at the cost of inconvenience and follow up. Dr. Bond has further developed a direct relationship with Dr Frenkel, ophthalmologist, who will see any Lions patient for medical/surgical evaluation for no charge or need for further club involvement. Lions Linda and John recommend to the board that no change be made in the manner we purchase glasses and eye examinations. They recommend we show some kind of appreciation to Dr. Bond for his willingness to go “above and beyond” in taking care of those referred to him.
Lion Steve Rosnov made a motion to approve Lion John Watters & Linda Eggleston’s recommendation and seconded by Lion Nancy Waters. The motion included Lion Roger making a plaque of gratitude for presentation to Dr. Bond. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
5. Vision Walk – Lion Debra Laughlin: The Vision Walk Kick Off Luncheon is from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm March 9th at McCormick’s & Schmicks Restaurant, Virginia Beach. Vision walk this year is April 28. We are going to have a table to promote Lionism and all clubs could bring their banners and literature. All clubs are encouraged to wear their vest and hats and walk to support Vision walk and promote Lionism.

New Business:
1. White Cane. The board decided to hold a White Cane April 19-20, 2013. It is an agenda item for our March 290th regular meeting.
2. Thalia Lions Pin – Lion Nancy Watters: She passed around a rough sketch with the correct colors for the Thalia pin (page 5). She has received price quotes for different sizes and number per order. The majority polled favors purchasing 150 pins, size “1 7/8”, cost $367.50. The factory has recommended that we use the semi-cloisonné style for best results. (Like the PediaVision pin) Price quotes: “2" Size -100 pins - $3.20 each $320.00; 150 pins - $2.49 each $373.50; 200 pins - $2.33 each $465.00. For the “1 7/8" Size -  100 pins - $3.16 each $316.00; 150 pins - $2.45 each $367.50; 200 pins - $2.29 each $457.00. Lion Mike Coren made a motion to approve the purchase of 150 pins, size 1 7/8, cost of $367.50. Lion Debra seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
3. Vison Walk – Lion Debra Laughlin: Dining in the Dark & Hampton Roads Show will be at all YNOT locations all day March 26. They will donate 10% for the entire day for all meals purchased to Vision Walk The Hampton Roads Show is April 24th and need Lions for audience. Lions Steve Rosnov, Mike Coren and Bob Perrine are signed up.

Other business:
1. State Convention Delegates – Lion Steve Rosnov: The State Convention is in Bristol, VA May 30 through June 2. Our club has 3 delegates to vote on next year’s District Governor, and Vice District Governors. At this time there are no other issues to be voted on. There are five members from our club going to the convention and we have to select 3 as delegates. The five are going are Lions Stan & Jeri Furman, John & Nancy Watters and Brad Furman. Lion Stan as District Governor is not a delegate. I make a motion to approve Lions John & Nancy Watters & Lion Jeri Furman as our clubs delegates. Lion Vickie seconded the motion and passed by unanimous vote.
2. The next board meeting is scheduled for March 27 at 7 pm, at Lion President Rogers Snell’s residence.

There was no further business and adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

  Feb 6, 2013 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Rich Roberts at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lynnhaven A&B Ballroom, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 31 members with 15 in attendance. There was one guest speaker and 6 Traveling Leos. 22 total in attendance. Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – 1st Vice President, Lion Rich Roberts. Song: Lion Irene Conlin (Yankee Doodle).  Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Jim Healy. Invocation: Lion Bob Perrine

Introduction of Guests: Lion Beth Stevens Virginia Beach Towne Center-Blind Lions Club Traveling Leo introduced Lions Carol Graybill, Frances Durham, Lizzie Conlin, Bambi Martin, Mack Stevens

Temporary Recess for Dinner (Baked Pork Chops Served with Southern Apple Compote)

Guest Speaker: Lion Ed DeLong – Susan Reid is the President and owner of Comfort Keepers of North Virginia Beach, an organization which provides personal and interactive companion care to seniors to help them stay happier and healthier in their homes as long as possible. She also lectures throughout the United States and internationally regarding the management of chronic wounds and has provided care and consultation for wound care patients in all health care settings including extensive work with the Creek Nation Indian Tribe in Oklahoma. Susan holds a Master’s of Science in Nursing and a Masters of Business Administration with a Specialization in Health Care Management and is a Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse with Board Certification as a Wound Care Nurse by the Wound, Ostomy, Continence, Nurses Society. Susan Reid, Wound Care Nurse Specialist spoke regarding senior skin care including the anatomy of aging skin, and prevention and treatment of common wounds that occur in the senior population. It was a very informative presentation and she answered numerous questions from members. At the conclusion of her presentation 1st Vice President, Lion Rich Roberts gave her a memento of appreciation.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. Lion Secretary Steve Rosnov presented Lion Brad Furman with a letter & pin from Lions International President Wing-Kun Tam thanking him for his ten years of dedicated service and belief that changing a life or the world starts with each of us.
2. Reminder!! We will not have a normal meeting night on February 20th. Our Bland Contest is February 21st.
3. The Region III Dinner Meeting, Wednesday, March 6, hosted by Bayside Lions Club at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 5181 Singleton Way, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Social is 6:30 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. Lasagna Dinner. Meal Cost: $16.00. Since our club has a number of cabinet members who will be attending the Region III meeting the board agreed to cancel our regular March 6 meeting and encourage club members to attend the Region III meeting. I passed around a signup sheet. We will send in the numbers of those going with a club check and either pay me before the meeting or Lion Vickie Kennedy, Club Treasurer will bill you. There are presently 11 members signed up.
4. We received a thank you card from Oceanside Lion Nancy Cranford, Sight & Hearing Van Driver, for the assistance of our club members to make the Homeless Count a success. Thank you for your time and talent working in the Sight & Hearing Van. Lions Stan Furman, John Watters, Linda Eggleston. Each of you are special. We also received a very thoughtful thank card from Ms. Marlene Riggicks for our assistance in obtaining much needed hearing aids.
5. The Region I Meeting Hosted by Mathews and Gloucester Lions Clubs is scheduled for March 12, 2013, at the Piankatank Ruritan Building, 7138 Buckley Hall Road, Hudgins, VA 23076. I have a few registration forms for anyone who wishes to go. Cost is $17.00. Menu; Fried Oysters, Ham, Chicken, Shrimp Salad, Green Beans and Potatoes, Desert.

Old Business:
1. Bland – Lion Vickie Kennedy, Chairperson. Our Thalia Club Bland is February 21st, 7 pm at the Thalia United Methodist Church on Virginia Beach Blvd. Please show up at 6 pm so we can set up and assign positions to help. We have 8 applications and they are all instrumentalists. The medals and awards have been ordered and received. All registration forms have to be to me by February 15, 2013. The piano tuning cost is $100.00 up from previous amount of $85.00 and janitorial costs are $75.00. We are hosting the District Regional Bland Contest 7:30 pm, March 7, at the Thalia United Methodist Church. The date for the District Bland contest is April 3, 2013 at 7:30 pm and the location will be the Patriots Colony in Williamsburg, VA.

2. Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov. Our last required Traveling Leo of the year is tomorrow at 12:30, February 7, Southside Lions Club, Greenbrier Country Club, 1301 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake. It’s a lunch meeting. Lions Linda Eggleston, Bob Perrine, Mike Coren, Jim Healy and I are going.
3. Sight & Hearing Van Completion Report – Lion Steve Rosnov. We had a very successful service project. Lions Stan Furman, Jack Wagner, Vickie Kennedy, Bob Donnelly, Mike Coren, John Watters, Rich Roberts manned the Sight & Hearing Van. They tested 42 people; issued 1 pair of reading glasses, referred 4 for hearing, 2 for glaucoma and 3 for further eye exams. Lions Nancy Watters and Lisa Richards worked the table in the library lobby and screened 52 people for blood sugar and identified 4 with elevated blood sugar. I sent Patricia Cook, Central Librarian a thank you note for the Libraries coordination.
2. LOVF Raffle – Lion Jeri Furman. It’s the time of the year for LOVF raffle tickets fundraiser for the Thalia Lions Club. You may either buy them making your check out to the Thalia Lions Club or sell them for $1.00 each. The club will receive $20.00 profit and $10.00 goes to LOVF for each book of 30 tickets sold. They are due April 17, 2013. LOVF tries to provide Humanitarian Services statewide. The Foundation is administered by a Board of Directors composed of Past District Governor’s that have served in the preceding two years, current International Officer’s six elected District LOVF Chairpersons and Past Presidents of the Foundation. All members are active in Virginia Lions Clubs and serve on a volunteer bases. Thank you very much and hope you will sell or buy the books.

New Business:
1. Journey for Sight - Lion Irene Conlin. Town Center Blind Lions will be hosting the Journey for Sight Tractor Rodeo and Poker Run in April. In tandem with this event, they will also host the Regional Lions Audible Egg Hunt in the afternoon right after the Tractor Rodeo. Our board by unanimous consensus agreed to a club project in helping out by filling the plastic eggs with candy, delivering the eggs to the event, and helping out as Marshalls during the event. It will require one Thalia Lion to shop for supplies, several to fill the eggs, and two or three Lions on the day of the event to distribute the eggs to the participants – total time commitment over the course of the project of around 6 hours and no cost to the club. We will fill the Easter Eggs at my house, date to be determined. Lion Irene made a motion for the club to approve this initiative and was seconded by Lion John waters. Acting President Rich Roberts call for the vote and it passed numinously.
2. Pediavision screening – Lion Nancy Watters. With the assistance of s grant from LOVF the District has traded two SO9s (Pediavision) for two SPOTS. The devises are on order. A second grant from the Obici Foundation is likely to provide another SPOT for the Suffolk-Smithfield area. When complete, the District will own 7 SPOTs and 2 SO9s. There is also a very good possibility that an individual club will finance the trade in of one of the SO9s making 8 SPOTs. The district has screened over 23,000 children with around 4,000 referrals.
3. Club Pin – Lion Nancy Watters. I passed out diagrams of the club pin for all to see and offer advice. There are three designs to choose from. We need to decide if we want me to continue with getting estimates and how many should be ordered.

From the Floor
1. Samaritan House – Lion Jack Wagner. Samaritan House recently had eight calls for assistance. It is the largest shelter in the State of Virginia.
2. Tidewater Council, BSA's 2013 Breakfast of Champions – Lion Brad Furman. The BSA council needs support. Please try to join former Harlem Globe Trotter Curley “Boo” Johnson and the other local civic clubs, businesses and professionals for the breakfast on March 20, 2013 at the Chesapeake Conference Center. Lion Steve emailed every one the site with all the information.
3. Eye Glasses – Lion Ed Delong. We collected 163 pair of glasses the month of January. No hearing aids were collected.
4. LAMP Project – Lion Brad Furman. The Virginia Beach Towne Center Blinds Club is hosting a LAMP Project at the Union Mission and will need support. Exact date will be determined.

Birthdays: A total of $ 85.00 was raised for the birthday song and turned in for the Admin Account. Lion’s Rich Roberts & Vickie Kennedy sang Happy Birthday to Lions Mike Coren and Bob Perrine.

Upcoming Events:
February 7 – Traveling Leo, Southside Lions Club
February 9 - District Winter Social, Williamsburg Hospitality house, Williamsburg, VA
February 14 – Eye Glass Recycling Center 10 am to noon
February 21 – Thalia Club Bland Contest, 7 pm, Thalia United Methodist Church, Vbch Blvd.
March 6 – Region III Meeting. 6:30 p.m., at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 5181 Singleton Way, Virginia Beach, VA 23462.
March 7 - District Regional Bland Contest at the Thalia United Methodist Church
March 14 - Eye Glass Recycling Center 10 am to noon
April 3 - District Bland Contest at the Patriots Colony in Williamsburg, VA

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine
There were two raffles. Lion Fran Scott won $29.00 and Lion Ed Delong won $15.00. $46.00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

Adjournment: 8:10 pm
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

Jan 30, 2013 - The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met at 7 pm at Lion President Roger Snell’s Residence, Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Board Membership:
President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors Nancy Watters & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren

A quorum of seven members constitutes a majority required to vote on official matters. The following board members were in attendance; Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Debra Laughlin, Irene Conlin, Bob Perrine, Nancy Watters, John Watters, Jeri Furman.

Minutes of Business Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 7: pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business: Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Admin Account; Total income of $14,889.04. Total Expenses; $12,021.20 of that expense was a payout of $6,799.82 for the District Governor’s Fall Conference not chargeable to the club. Balance as January 30; $6,674.48.
Activity Account; Total Income; $6,249.67. Total Fund Raising Expense; $2,393.52, Total Sight Expense; $3,177.00. Total Community Expense; $2,375.14, Total Expense; $7,945.66, Balance as of January 30; $2,941.45.
Lion John Watters made a motion and Lion Debra Laughlin seconded a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and passed by unanimous vote.

Old Business: Bland Update – Lion Vickie Kennedy. Our Thalia Club Bland is February 21st, 7 pm at the Thalia United Methodist Church on Virginia Beach Blvd. Please show up at 6 pm so we can set up and assign positions to help. We already have a few contestant applications. We are hosting the 1st District Regional Bland Contest March 7th. At the Thalia United Methodist Church. The date for the District Bland contest is April 3, 2013 at 7:30 pm and the location will be the Patriots Colony in Williamsburg, VA. Lion John Watters has ordered the awards and we currently have 3 instrumentalists’ registration forms. All registration forms have to be to me by February 15, 2013.
New Business:

1. Deep Creek Lions Club 1st Sight Impaired White Water Rafting trip down the New River in West Virginia – Lion Steve Rosnov. The Deep Creek Lions Club has set the date for their 1st Sight Impaired White Water Rafting trip down the New River in West Virginia. Arrival on June 7. 2013 and Raft on Saturday June 8th. Deep Creek Lions Club will be assisting with financial support to any Sight Impaired or Blind individual that would like the opportunity. After some discussion Lion John Watters made a motion to inquire into the ethical issue of using charitable funds for Blind Lions. The motion was seconded by Lion Steve Rosnov and passed unanimously. Lion Secretary Steve Rosnov will forward the inquiry and report at the next board meeting.

2. Installation Night date and Location – Lion Steve Rosnov. Lion Nancy Watters will check with Broad Bay Country Club to see if they can accommodate us having our installation night there as we previously used to on June 19th or within a day or two of the 19th. If Broad Bay is not an option then we will have Installation Night June 19th at Crowne Plaza.

3. The Region III Dinner Meeting, Wednesday, March 6, hosted by Bayside Lions Club at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 5181 Singleton Way, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Social 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Lasagna Dinner. Meal Cost: $16.00. Since our club has a number of cabinet members who will be attending the Region III meeting the board agreed to cancel the regular March 6 meeting and encourage club members to attend the Region III meeting.

4. Virginia Lions Eyeglass Recycling Inc. new Eye Glass Program.Virginia Eyeglasses Recycling Center of Virginia is offering a new program that will provide new eye glasses for lions Clubs clients at reduced prices. They have put together an eyeglass frame kit that has an assortment of new Women's and Men's frames from which our client may choose. With the generous donation from the Michigan Eyeglass Recycling Centers and Old Dominion Eye Care Center in Kilmarnock, there is a wide assortment of almost 4000 new Maui Jim eyeglass frames. The Virginia Correctional Enterprises have been manufacturing eyeglasses for ten years and have joined partnership to provide eyeglasses. Lion John Waters stated that this is a good endeavor that we should consider. Lion Roger Snell made a motion for our club to look into it specifically; ask our provider Dr. Bond what he would charge to perform the examinations and fittings and if he would keep the Lions eyeglass frame kit. Once those associated cost are known then we could make a more informed decision. The motion was seconded by Lion Steve Rosnov. Lion John Watters with Lion Linda Eggleston, Program Chair to coordinate with Dr. Bond and report back to the board at the next meeting.

5. Journey for Sight – Lion Irene Conlin. Town Center Blind Lions will be hosting the Journey For Sight Tractor Rodeo and Poker Run in April. In tandem with this event, they will also host the Regional Lions Audible Egg Hunt in the afternoon right after the Tractor Rodeo. Details are still being worked out, but the Lions are working on creating a list of tasks they would like each club from the Region to take responsibility for. One of the tasks is filling plastic eggs with candy. The money for supplies would come from a budget being presented to the District (still to be approved), so no monies from the club would be required. Lion Conlin asked Thalia Lions to consider helping out by filling the plastic eggs with candy, delivering the eggs to the event, and helping out as Marshalls during the event. It will require one Thalia Lion to shop for supplies, several to fill the eggs, and two or three Lions on the day of the event to distribute the eggs to the participants – total time commitment over the course of the project of around 6 hours and no cost to the club. The board by unanimous consensus agreed to a club project of filling Easter Eggs at Lion Irene’s house, date to be determined and also bring the Easter Eggs to the Egg Hunt and assist in the event.

6. Discussed meeting at Emmanuel Episcopal Church with catered dinner and BYOB. Lion Steve looked into the possibility of having regular meetings at the church. At the present time the church cannot schedule meetings twice a month for us on Wednesdays. Kempsville Lions Club is going to meet there February 14th to see how their members like it but would not be able to have two meetings a month there. Lion Steve Rosnov passed around a copy of the available menu for meeting at the church. With the cost of the food and room rental it would cost the same or more than we are now paying with no guarantee we would always have facility available. Lion Debra will check on some options for meeting locations

7. Vision Walk – Lion Debra Laughlin. The Vision Walk Kick Off Luncheon is March 9th at McCormick’s & Schmicks Restaurant, Virginia Beach. Vision walk this year is April 28. We are going to have a table to promote Lionism and all clubs could bring their banners and literature. All clubs are encouraged to wear their vest and hats and walk to support Vision walk and promote Lionism.

Other business:

1. Lion Roger will be out of the state during our February 6 regular club meeting. Lion Rich Roberts will conduct the meeting in his absence.

2. The next board meeting is scheduled for February 27 at 7 pm, at Lion President Rogers Snell’s residence.

There was no further business and adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

Jan 16, 2013 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on January 16, 2013, by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 31 members with 17 in attendance. There was one guest speaker and two guests present. 34 total attendance.

Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
Song: Lion John Watters (My Country Tis of Thee)
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Ed DeLong
Invocation: Lion John Watters
Introduction of Guests: Lion Bob Donnelly introduced his guest Catherine Brownwell & Donna Peyer.
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Roast Beef with Cream of Broccoli Soup)

Guest Speaker: Lion Ed DeLong – Dr. Donald Waldy. I know Don Waldy from the Virginia Beach Writers. He is a graduate of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, has a Ph.D. from Unity Light Church, is a licensed minister in Virginia and has been a speaker at the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Don has been a hospice volunteer, chaplain, speaker and a member of the spiritual assessment and family grievance teams for over fifteen years. He started out as a hospice volunteer with medically-based Tidewater Healthcare in 1995, Heartland Hospice in 1998, Sentara in 2002 and 2004-thru 2011 non-medical based THS Inc. He was twice awarded hospice volunteer of the year. He was a volunteer for EDMARC, a medical based children’s hospice in Portsmouth; this is unusual for a volunteer to have both an adult and children’s background. Don has written a hospice volunteer's orientation guide for new volunteers and has helped train them. He continues his work as a family friend and minister to those seeking his assistance.   Dr. Waldy spoke about enjoying assisting people terminally ill. Helping people came naturally to him since he had a near death episode as a young boy. He spoke about an essay he wrote called “God’s Plan of Death”. Research indicates that 9 out of 10 people want to die at home. Dr. Waldy talked of his experiences as a speaker and his remarks are his opinions only. To be eligible for the hospice program a patient must have a doctor’s diagnosis that there is no more than six months to live. At the end when there is about one to four weeks left the patient’s life force is gone and living is not the first thing on their mind. They have already resolved all their issues and goes peacefully. Dr. Waldy said it is wise to cut in half the time that is determined that a loved one has left. If four months is the diagnosis then divide that in half and use that as a benchmark. Dr. Waldy explained both Hospice and Palliative Care. Hospice has evolved in the United States over the past 25 years. The focus of hospice care is on comprehensive physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual care to terminally ill persons and their families. Hospice providers promote quality of life by protecting patients from burdensome interventions and providing care at home, whenever possibly, instead of the hospital. Hospice nurses provide care primarily under the guidelines of the Medicare Benefit Act of 1983, a federal program that allows patients to die in their homes with their families and friends at their side. Acts Task Force (1999) as the “comprehensive management of the physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and existential needs of patients, particularly those with incurable, progressive illness. The goal of palliative care is to help them achieve the best possible quality of life through relief of suffering, control of symptoms, and restoration of functional capacity, while remaining sensitive to personal, cultural and religious values, believes and practices.” Dr. Waldy stated that if anyone had any questions or issues to just contact Lion Ed DeLong and he would contact them. Lion President Roger Snell gave Dr. Waldy a plaque of appreciation for being our speaker. Not only did Dr. Waldy buy a cupcake from the girl scouts at the meeting raising money for their activities, at the conclusion of the meeting Dr. Waldy also made a $20.00 donation to the club.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. Reminder!! We will not have a normal meeting night on February 20th. Our Bland Contest is February 21st.
2. Virginia Beach Towne Center-Blind Lions Club is going to visit our club February 6. There will be four Traveling Leos; Lions Carol Graybill, Frances Durham, Lizzie Conlin and one other TBD.
3. Lion Ed Delong reminded me that I forgot “once again” to include Eye Glass Recycling on the list of upcoming events on the agenda. The next recycling date is February 14 – Eye Glass Recycling Center 10 am to noon.
4. We received a thank letter from LCI thanking us for our $500 donation.
5. Since there was no board meeting last month the Treasurer’s report is added as part of the minutes.

Recognition: Lion President Roger Snell presented Lion Bob Perrine with the Melvin Jones award and Pin and LCIF letter. The letter states in part; for demonstrating your commitment to Humanitarian Service. I offer my deepest gratitude for your commitment to humanitarian service through LCIF. Wing-Kum Tam, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Lions International.

Old Business:
1. Bland – Lion Vickie Kennedy, Chairperson.  Our Thalia Club Bland is February 21st, 7 pm at the Thalia United Methodist Church on Virginia Beach Blvd. Please show up at 6 pm so we can set up and assign positions to help. We already have a few contestant applications. We are hosting the 1st District Regional Bland Contest March 7th. At the Thalia United Methodist Church. The District Bland will be sometime in April in Williamsburg. Lion Vickie submitted an article to the paper for black history month about our Bland Program.
2. Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi, Chairperson. Lions Aziz Selahi, Steve Rosnov, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine & Nurys Sabino went to a Traveling Leo Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at the Hampton-Mercury Lions Club. We have two more Traveling Leo’s scheduled and will then qualify for the District Traveling Leo Patch for our banner. January 17th- Norview Lions Club, Wesleyan College. Lion Debra is their guest speaker. Lions Debra Laughlin, Steve Rosnov, Bob Perrine, Mike Coren & Aziz Selahi are going. February 7th- Southside Lions Club, Greenbrier Country Club, 1301 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake. This is a lunch meeting. The social starts at 12:30 and the meeting is 1pm.
3. Sight & Hearing Van - Lion Aziz Selahi, Chairperson. We have the Sight and Hearing Van scheduled at the Main Library on February 2nd from 10 am to 2 pm. There will be two shifts. First shift is from 10 am to noon, signed up are; Lions Rich Roberts, Nancy Watters, Stan Furman, Mike Coren, Jack Wagner, Ed DeLong. Second shift is from noon to 2 pm, signed up are; Lions Bob Donnelly, Nancy Watters, Vickie Kennedy. Lion Aziz will be out of the country during the sight and Hearing Van project and Lion Steve Rosnov will be the point of contact.

New Business:
1. Pediavision screening – Lion Nancy Watters.  Jan. 14th – Virginia Beach Christian Church – 45 children with 2 referrals were screened. Lion Linda Eggleston, Nadine Guillory assisted. Upcoming screenings: Jan. 17th – King’s Grant Presbyterian Church, 745 Little Neck Road, V.B. ( new information is that there are only about a dozen children that will be screened. Volunteers are not necessary unless you wish to learn the process better). Jan. 22-23rd. – Kings Grant Day School, 873 Little Neck Road, VB. – Volunteers are encouraged. Please let Lion Nancy know if you are available. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church will be scheduled in February. Date TBA.
2. LCIF Raffle – Lion Jeri Furman.  I have two books of raffle for each club member. There are 30 tickets to a book. Tickets are a dollar each. For every book sold the club gets $20 and LCIF gets $10. All tickets are due by the end of April so there is plenty of time to sell them. If anyone needs more tickets just let me know.

From the Floor
1. Lion John Watters mentioned that since the year 2000 the district screened 22,460 children. The district is also getting a grant for a replacement Pedia Vision machine.
2. Lion John Watters also mentioned a reminder about the Winter Social Saturday, February 9th, at the Williamsburg Hospitality House. Please come and join us to honor our Past District Governors and all Lions and celebrate Lionism with fun. See me for more details.
3. Lion Jack mentioned that he is still waiting for one fruit order collection and that Samaritan House is in need of help.
4. Lion Ed Delong mentioned the Virginia Beach Writers meets every Tuesday morning from 10 am to noon at the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center. It is very interesting and all are welcome.

Upcoming Events:
*January 17 – Pediavision, 9:30 am, King's Grant Presbyterian Church - 745 Little Neck Road, VB
*January 22/23 – Pediavision, 9 am, Kings Grant Day school, 873 Little Neck Road, Vbch
*January 30 – Board Meeting, 7 pm, Lion President Roger Snell’s residence
*February 2- Sight & Hearing Van, 10 am to 2 pm, Main Library
*February 6 - Regular Club Meeting, 6 pm Social, 6:30 pm Meeting, Crowne Plaza
*February 7 – Traveling Leo, Southside Lions Club
*February 9 - District Winter Social, Williamsburg Hospitality house, Williamsburg, VA
*February 14 – Eye Glass Recycling Center 10 am to noon
*February 21 – Bland Contest, 7 pm, Thalia United Methodist Church, Vbch Blvd.

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine. There were two raffles. Lion Otis Etheridge won $26.00 and Lion Vickie Kennedy won $12.00. $38.00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

Adjournment: 8 pm
Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

Jan 2, 2013 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 31 members with 15 in
attendance. There was one guest present. 16 total attendance.

Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
Song: Lion Vicki Kennedy (Get Together)
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Dick Kreassig
Invocation: Lion Bob Perrine
Introduction of Guests: Lion Nurys Sabino introduced her guest Cheryle Parker
Temporary Recess for Dinner (beef lasagna)

Special Program: By Lion Ed DeLong: The program was about our club and involved every one as an active participant. There were four questions. Each Lion in attendance was assigned into committees of two. Each committee had five minutes to present their answers to the members present. The two Lions making the best five minute presentation as judged by the President and Treasurer were awarded a special prize. The questions were:
1. If you could select any program you wanted but only that program for this Lions Club to carry out but no other program, what program would you select and why? I.e. Eyeglass procurement and distribution? Recycling? Pediavision? Hearing Aids? Food Bank? Some other program?
2. If you had full control of everyone and all assets of the club, what would you do to entice more people to join Thalia Lions Club?
3. It is often said that Lions are the best kept secret in our community. If you could use any program, personnel or funds you needed, what is the best way to get publicity for Lions Clubs in the Tidewater area.
4. If you could change anything you wanted to change about how our club operates, i.e. once a month meetings, breakfast meetings, weekly meetings, different place to meet, Different people’s homes? Continue paying only if you eat as we currently do? Return to older method were everyone paid dues
whether they come or not and meals are paid from those dues? Fines too excessive? etc. Explain your reasoning.

Club Present Roger Snell & Secretary Vickie Kennedy selected Lions Rich Roberts and Irene Conlin for their presentation about Knights of the Blind as advocates to assist and Pedia Vision and its objectives. Lion Ed Delong awarded them each a token gift for their presentation.

BRAVO ZULU to Lion Ed DeLong for a great program!! (For those unfamiliar with the term Bravo Zulu is conveyed by flaghoist or voice radio, meaning "well done".

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. We will not have a normal meeting night on February 20th. Our Bland Contest is February 21st.
2. I have a few flyers with information on the District February 9th Winter Social. It will be an occasion to relax after the holiday’s frantic bustle. The winter social is always a good time with fellow Lions. Please try to plan on attending, just fill out the form and send it in!
3. We received a thank you card from Ronald McDonald House for our donation of fruit.
4. Welcome back Lion Martin Joseph!! We reinstated Lion Martin. He left the club a few years ago in good standing because he was starting a new business and could not be active at the time. Lion Martin is a Melvin Jones fellow, past club President, past club secretary and held numerous club positions. He was
also active in District 24 holding the position of Zone “E” Chairman. He sponsored Lion Brad Furman!

Bland – Lion Vickie Kennedy, Chairperson. Our Thalia Club Bland is February 21st, 7 pm at the Thalia United Methodist Church on Virginia Beach Blvd. We already have our first contestant application. We are hosting the 1st District Regional Bland Contest March 7th. At the Thalia United Methodist Church. The District Bland will be sometime in April in Williamsburg. Lion Vickie will submit an article to the paper for black history month about our Bland Program.

Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi, Chairperson. We have a Traveling Leo Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at the Hampton-Mercury Lions Club. They meet at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1999 Power Plant Parkway, Hampton. Meeting starts at 12:30 pm. Cost of the meal is $13.50. Aziz Selahi, Steve Rosnov, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine & Nurys Sabino are signed up. We will meet at the Best Buy parking lot. We have another Traveling Leo scheduled for February 7th with Southside Lions Club in Chesapeake. This is also a lunch meeting.

Fruit Sales 2012 – Lion Jack Wagner, Chairperson. Last year we had 160 cases ordered and this year we sold 136 cases. We were assessed $137.00 for transportation because we were below the minimum number of cases required for shipping. Our citrus order arrived December 14 at 10:00 a m. Thanks to Lions John Watters, Steve Rosnov, Bob Donnelly, Mike Coren, and Stan Furman for their assistance in unloading the truck and getting their orders. Lions Linda Eggleston and Ray Ashe, Fran Scott, Jim Healy, Roger Snell, Bob Perrine, Aziz Selahi, Vickie Kennedy, and Dick Kreassig also picked up their orders. Collectively, in conversations it was decided that next year extra fruit should be ordered. If it isn't sold we can donate it to Ronald McDonald House, Potter's House, the Judeo Christian Center, Vets House, etc. After all, we are a benevolent and charitable organization and can certainly afford to do so.

Sight & Hearing Van - Lion Aziz Selahi, Chairperson: We have the Sight and Hearing Van scheduled at the Main Library on February 2nd from 10 am to 2 pm. There will be two shifts and a signup sheet will be sent out.

LAMP – Lion Nancy: There is a big LAMP Clinic at the Salvation Army Family Center on Virginia Beach Blvd. [between Witchduck and Newtown Roads] this coming Saturday from 10:00AM till 3:00 pm. There will be large
number of clients and volunteers are still needed – everything from general assistance to vision screening, pediavision screening and autorefraction, diabetes testing, eye glasses fitting, etc. You can just show up for a while or let the Aragona-Pembroke Lions organizer, Lion Mary Ward, know you’re coming at

Promoting our Club – Lion Roger Snell:  One good way of promoting our club is wearing our Lions Pin when out in public; another good tool is to have a lion’s business card with information specific to our club on the back side of the card. Anyone who would like some cards let me know and I will make some up for you.

A total of $73.00 was raised for the birthday song. Lions Nurys Sabino & Ed DeLong sang a Happy Birthday Duet to Lions Irene Conlin, Rich Roberts and Vickie Kennedy.

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine: There were two raffles. Lion Roger Snell won $25.00 and Lion Jack Wagner won $10.00. $32.00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

Adjournment: 7:50pm
Lion Steve Rosno

Upcoming Events:
*January 10 – Eye Glass Recycling Center, 10 am to noon
*January 15 _ Traveling Leo, 12:30 pm, Hampton Mercury Lions Club, Hilton Garden Inn, 1999 Power
*Plant Parkway, Hampton
*January 16 –Regular Club Meeting, 6 pm, Crowne Plaza
*January 30 – Board Meeting, 7 pm, Lion President Roger Snell’s residence
*February 2- Sight & Hearing Van, 10 am to 2 pm, Main Library
*February 7 – Traveling Leo, Southside Lions Club,
*February 9 - District Winter Social, Williamsburg Hospitality House, Williamsburg, VA
*February 21 – Bland Contest, 7 pm, Thalia United Methodist Church, Vbch Blvd.

Dec 5, 2012. The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on December 5, 2012, by Lion Aziz Selahi at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 30 members with 16 in attendance. There was a Speaker and one guest present. Eighteen total attendance.

Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – Third Vice President, Lion Aziz Selahi
Song: Lion John Watters (Jingle Bells)
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Nancy Waters
Invocation: Lion Dick Kreassig
Introduction of Guests: Lion Steve Rosnov introduced guest Nadine Guillory. She heard of our club from our blog site.
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Soup, Herb Crusted Roast Beef, thinly sliced with pan gravy)

Guest Speaker: Lion Ed DeLong - Doctor Romesh Khardori, MB, MD/PhD, FACP is a Professor of Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical school whose curriculum vitae reads like an awards ceremony script. He did most of his early studies in his home country of India followed by the University of Oregon Health Science Center in 1977 then Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and then Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. He has so many honors, awards and board listed that it would take most of our meeting just too read them all but Fellowships at the Royal College of Physicians of Canada and a Fellow in Diabetes and Endocrinology from Harvard Medical School are some of the more impressive ones. Thalia Lions Club is indeed honored to have him speak to us this evening about what’s new in the field of diabetes. Doctor Khardori presented a very informative talk on the advances in diagnosing and monitoring glucose levels and how individuals can now do their own diagnosis. He discussed the newer information available on what individual levels of glucose mean, testing techniques and equipment. There were quite a few questions from the floor including how diabetes in infants can be determined.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. PDG Tolbert PDG Bob Tolbert was DG 1981-1982 and has been an active participant in many activities including the board of the Eye Bank until recently. PDG Bob fell a few weeks ago suffering a concussion and a fractured arm. He required surgery twice and during the process had blood clots in his lungs requiring Coumadin therapy. He is home now convalescing, and while not up to a lot of visitors would appreciate calls and cards. If you knew him he would love to hear from you. He and Lion Dot have been married for more than 62 yrs. His address is: 132 James Landing Rd, Newport News, VA 23606, Home phone of 599-3535 and email of I'll passed a card around for anyone who would like to say "Get Well"
2. On another note, Past International President Kay K. Fukushima passed away on Friday, November 30th after a long illness.
3. Received a letter from Lions Clubs International that they received our $200.00 donation to the Disaster Relief/MJF Fund. We received a letter from Lions of Virginia Foundation thanking our club for our $66.00 donation and a letter from the Lions Medical Eye Bank acknowledging our $330.00 donation. Lion Jeri Furman received a note of thanks from our recent hearing aid recipient.

Old Business:
1. Leo Club Termination Status – Lion Steve Rosnov
The Lions Club International, Youth Program Services received our Leo Club Termination Form for the Princess Anne High School Leo Club, approved the cancellation and credited our Lions club the $90.00 Leo levy for fiscal year 2012-13.
2. Holiday Party – Lion Nancy Watters: Our annual holiday party is December 19th. 6PM at our residence. It’s a great time for us to get together with spouses/significant others and enjoy the holiday season. Bring a dish.
3. Also look at this month’s Knight Vision. It has a nice article about our recent Pedia Vision at Pembroke Mall.

New Business:
1. Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi, Chairperson We have a Traveling Leo Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at the Hampton-Mercury Lions Club. They meet at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1999 Power Plant Parkway, Hampton. Meeting starts at 12:30 pm. Cost of the meal is $13.50. So far Lions Aziz Selahi, Steve Rosnov and Mike Coren are signed up. We need at least one more Lion to make it a qualifying Travel Leo. Please let Lion Aziz know if you can attend. We have another Traveling Leo scheduled for February 7th with Southside Lions Club in Chesapeake. This is also a lunch meeting.
2. Bland – Lion Vickie Kennedy: We need to get started working on Bland. Our club Bland is February 21. We will not have a normal meeting night on February 20th. I am coordinating with 1st District Governor Donnie Johnson to see if we can have the Regional Bland in March.
3. Fruit Sales 2012 – Lion Jack Wagner, Chairperson: Our citrus sale ends on 12/07/2012. I must have your final orders by Close of Business that date. No firm delivery date yet. We are slightly behind last year’s orders. Last year we had 160 cases ordered and this year so far we have 136 cases ordered.
4. Young Leaders in Service Initiative – Lion Steve Rosnov: Some of the highlights of the program are; Young people who volunteer become adults who serve. Through Lions Young Leaders in Service awards, our club would encourage youths in the philosophy and habit of service to the community. The program recognizes young people for their community service within a 12-month period. Recipients receive a Silver or Gold Award certificate and a congratulatory letter from the president of Lions Clubs International. The board approved and established a Young Leaders in Service Committee. Lion Aziz Selahi is the chairperson and Lions Irene Conlin, Nurys Sabino and Steve Rosnov are committee members. The committee will explore options to publicize the program to groups such as the Boy/Girl Scouts, church groups, schools etc.

From the Floor
1. Lion Stan, our District Governor gave out two Chevron awards from International. One to Lion Ed DeLong for 20 years’ service and one to Lion Vickie Kennedy for 10 years’ service.
2. The International 100% President Award was discontinued and replaced with the Club Excellence Award. Our Thalia Club received the Club Excellence award and Lion Stan gave the award patch to our Tail Twister, Lion Otis Etheridge. Lion Jeri Furman our Immediate Past President received a Club Excellence Pin.
3. Lion Aziz Selahi informed the club that we have the Sight and Hearing Van scheduled at the Main Library on February 2nd from 10 am to 2 pm.

A total of $34.00 was raised for the birthday song. Lions Stan Furman and Otis Etheridge sang Happy Birthday to Lion Jeri Furman.

Upcoming Events:
*December 13 – Eye Glass Recycling Center. 10 am to noon
*December 19 - Holiday Party, Lion John and Nancy’s residence, 2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, 23454, 6:30 pm
*January 2 – Regular Club Meeting, Crowne Plaza

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine
There were two raffles. Lion Ed Delong won $25.00 and Lion Linda Eggleston won $12.00. $40 .00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

Adjournment: 8:15 pm
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary
Nov 28, 2012. The Thalia Lions Club Board Meeting met November, 28, 2012, 7 pm, at Lion President Roger Snell’s Residence, Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Board Membership:
President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors Nancy Watters & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren

A quorum of seven members constitutes a majority required to vote on official matters. The following board members were in attendance; Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Debra Laughlin, Irene Conlin, Nurys Sabino, Aziz Selahi, Susan Sumnick

Minutes of Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business:

1. Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
*Admin Account; Total income of $13,206.12 includes $6,898.54 collected for the Fall Conference. We paid out more for the Fall Conference then we should have and will be corrected. Total Expenses; $9,864.12. Balance as November 28; $7,148.64.
*Activity Account; Total Income; $2,573.49. Total Expense; $4,802.14. Balance as of November 28; $2,408.79.
*We paid most of our clubs budgeted charitable obligations as noted on the attached full Budget Report. (Full report pages 4 & 5)

Lion Irene Conlin made a motion and Lion Nurys Sabino seconded a motion to approve the Secretary’s report and passed by unanimous vote.

Old Business:

1. We still have not received a bill for our last broom purchase. Lion Roger Snell sent another email last week inquiring about the bill.

2. Leo Club Termination status – Lion Steve Rosnov
*The Lions Club International, Youth Program Services received our Leo Club Termination Form for the Princess Anne High School Leo Club, approved the cancellation and credited our Lions club the $90.00 Leo levy for fiscal year 2012-13.

New Business:

1. Young Leaders in Service Initiative - Lion Steve Rosnov
*Some of the highlights of the program are; Young people who volunteer become adults who serve. Through Lions Young Leaders in Service awards, our club would encourage youths in the philosophy and habit of service to the community. The program recognizes young people for their community service within a 12-month period. Recipients receive a Silver or Gold Award certificate and a congratulatory letter from the president of Lions Clubs International.
*The board approved and established a Young Leaders in Service Committee. Lion Aziz Selahi is the chairperson and Lions Irene Conlin, Nurys Sabino and Steve Rosnov are committee members. The committee will explore options to publicize the program to groups such as the Boy/Girl Scouts, church groups, schools etc.

2. Lion Vickie Kennedy stated that we need to get started working on Bland. We can’t do anything until we pick a date for our Bland contest. It was recommended that we have our Bland on February 21 and have that as our normal meeting night in lieu of meeting on February 20th which is the third Wednesday of the month. Lion Vickie made the motion and seconded by Lion Roger. The motion passed. There was quite a bit of discussion about publicizing our Bland because there is very little turn out for the contest and no community awareness of the event. Lin Nurys will work on coordinating with local community services and WHRO to attempt to raise awareness of our Bland.

3. Linda Eggleston had 2 issues for Board.
*Dr. Crafford is no longer associated with the LensCrafters at Pembroke Mall, and Doctor Cheung has taken his place and is willing to continue doing eye exams for $35. However, since we are using Dr. Bond for eye exams and glasses, we have no need to purchase 10 vouchers at a time from LensCrafters. The Board agreed that we will issue checks for $35 whenever an exam with LensCrafters is needed.
*Lion Linda asked if we could refer a person from Carmen Freeburn's club to One Day, the day LensCrafters will provide free exams and glasses to the community. Carmen has been in the hospital, and rather than referring to the President, we will handled this through One Day. Linda will clear with the President of Carmen's club.

4. Lion Roger received a request from lion Jeri Furman for approval to purchase a hearing aid for a lady with minimal income. Lion Vickie stated that we have money budgeted for it.

5. Lion Roger will be out of the country during our next meeting. Lion Aziz will conduct the meeting in his absence.

6. The board agreed that there will not be a December board meeting due to the holiday season however the president would call a meeting if some issue(s) arise that needs discussion.

There was no further business and adjourned at 8 pm.

Lion Steve Rosnov
Nov 7, 2012 - The Regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club was called to order by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 30 members with 21 in attendance. There was 1 Guest Speaker present.

Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
Song: Lion Vickie Kennedy: (with assistance of Girl Scout Troop 481) “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion John Watters
Invocation: Lion Bob Perrine
Temporary Recess for Dinner (Chicken Saucer)

Guest Speaker: Lion Ed DeLong introduced Lion Jerry Phelps, District 24D Hearing Preservation awareness & Action, Chairperson. Forty years ago Lion Jerry joined the Wards Corner Breakfast Club. He is now a member of the Little Creek Lions Club. In the District he has served as Deputy District
Governor and numerous committee Chairs including the Golf Committee. He is Past President and Secretary of the Lions Charity Foundation and currently serves as District Hearing Chairman. Lion Jerry and Jeanette have been married for 55 years; have one son and three grandchildren. Lion Jerry gave a very informative presentation on the following areas; The Lions Charity Foundation Bid N Buy Auction. The third annual event generated approximately $22,000.00 in sales and a profit of approximately $18,000.00.
Reported on the Virginia Department of Education’s approval of the use of the Longwood University Hearing Education Curriculum for their school districts to present to their fourth grade students. The curriculum is available at Click on the right tab and refer to the top note that you see. He requested that anyone that knows someone in the local health department to encourage our school districts to consider this program. Talked about hearing scanning equipment from tele-acoustics to use in conjunction with the pedia vision program to screen children for hearing problems (found out since the meeting that this equipment requires a medical professional). Gave an overview of the LCF Hearing Aid Program. In 18 months, the program has assisted the clubs in
the district with 92 hearing aids, including two recent grants to the Thalia Lions Club. The program is rather simple to operate. Just fill out the LCF hearing aid application, attach a $200.00 check and forward it to me for processing.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
*No Second Meeting in November - November 23rd regular meeting is cancelled (Thanksgiving is 24th).
*Thalia Club Pins - We have extra club pins from years past. Everyone at the last meeting received a Thalia Lions Club Light House Pin. Everyone that attended this evenings meeting received a Thalia Lions Fish logo pin.
*Two Year Director Position – The two year director position held by Lion Aziz needed to be filled now that Lion Aziz is the Third Vice President. Lion Bob Perrine nominated Lion Nancy Watters at the last board meeting. Lion Nancy Watters accepted the position.
*Region III Meeting Region III Meeting – Anyone who hasn’t signed up for the Region III Meeting hosted by Onancock Lions Club Thursday, November 15, 2012 that would like to go please let me know and also what your meal selection will be either tonight or no later than Sunday. The meeting is going to be at the Sage Diner, 25558 Lankford Hwy (Rte. 12), Onley, VA 2341. Social: 6:30 pm with dinner at 7 pm and the meeting following. Meal Choices are Prime Rib or Fried Flounder and includes salad, vegetable, potato, and desert (the prime rib will be med-well done). The cost is only $15.00 and collected by Sage Diner. Lions Stan and Jeri Furman, John and Nancy Watters, and Steve Rosnov are signed up to attend.
*Veterans Day Cookout - November 11 -Veterans Day Cookout at Vetshouse, Sunday from noon to 5pm. All food is provided. Lion Smitty will give a tour for us and all are encouraged to bring family.

Old Business: - Fall Conference Final Report - Lion Steve Rosnov. We had two raffles one at the end of the Saturday Luncheon and the other at the end of the Saturday Dinner. Lion Nancy Watters handled the raffles. The total came to $280.00 and the raffle of the vest donated by Lion Ed DeLong came to $187.00. There is some cost for the purchase of tickets for the raffles so it looks like we made over $300.00 for the club. Lions Jeri Furman, Linda Eggleston, John Watters, Nancy Watters, Bob Donnelly, Irene Conlin, Vickie Kennedy and Bambi Martin worked both before and during the conference. It would not have been a success without their support. Saturday morning was a little tense with some mix up with reservations and meals but our team handled those problems expertly, especially Lions Linda Eggleston, Bob Donnelly, Irene Conlin and Vickie Kennedy handling the problems at check in. I simply wouldn’t have been able to work out the issues without them -“Super Job.”

New Business:
*Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov for Lion Aziz Selahi, Chairperson
Oceanview Lions Club, November 19, social is 6:30 PM at Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk. Lions Aziz Selahi, Steve Rosnov, Jim Healy and Mike Coren, and Bob Perrine have signed up.
*Proposal for USA/Canada Forum - Lion John Watters. At the District Meeting on Oct 20th, a unanimous vote approved a suggestion to host the Lions USA/Canada Forum in Virginia Beach in 2017. The Forum is a Lions leadership forum attended by 3 – 5,000 Lions every year. It is associated with, but technically separate from LCI headquarters. The next step of approval is to gain the support of the Virginia Lions Council of Governors this month after which a Forum committee will visit possible sites in contention to be host.
*Children’s Eye Screening Report – Lion Nancy Watters, Program Chairperson. Pembroke Mall Halloween Craft Day - We had the following clubs represented: Bayside, Princess Anne, Kempsville, and Thalia. There were 11 members and participants who participated in the event. Total
screened for the day was 80 with 16 referrals. Thalia Club conducted a screening at Sunnybrook Day School on October 24th and 25th. Four referrals were recommended out of 80 students. The owner, Joan Holmes gave Thalia Lions a check in the amount of $250.00 as a donation in appreciation of the service. Lion Nancy has written a thank you note to Mrs.
Holmes. The next event is Sat. Nov. 17th, 10-2pm for the Santa Clause Parade. Set up will be 9:30am on the Target side of the Mall. Pembroke Mall will kick off a Book project on the same day. Members are encouraged to bring old, new or slightly used books to the Mall to donate. Books will be sold in the Up Center bookstore and funds used in their charity to promote a better life for single mothers, children and to raise the lifestyle of those who struggle.
*Fruit Sales 2012 – Lion Jack Wagner, Chairperson. Place Order by December 5. The fruit will be delivered to my house for pickup and delivery
approximately Dec. 16th. Varieties and Prices are:
Navel Oranges 4/5 Bushel -$28.00 2/5 Bushel - $18.00
Grapefruit 4/5 Bushel -$27.00 2/5 Bushel - $17.00
Tangerines 2/5 Bushel-$21.00 1/5 Bushel - $14.00
Tangelos 4/5 Bushel-$25.00
Triple Charmer – (Oranges, Grapefruits & Apples) $28.00
Citrus Trio – (Oranges, Grapefruits & Tangerines) $28.00
*Sandy Relief Fund - Lion Bob Donnelly. Lion Bob recommend donating directly to Flatlands Lions Club. Some of their coastal areas have been devastated and many of their members have been impacted in one way or another. The Red Cross has arrived days later, but the local Lions, churches and neighbors were already way ahead in providing help with supplies and manpower. Right now, many local Brooklyn/Queens Lions 20-K1 have been working at distribution sites donating, collecting and distributing food, water, clothing, toiletries, batteries, and have run a soup kitchen in the Rockaways. Gas has become a major problem, as members cannot travel around too much due to shortages caused by problems with tanker deliveries, so it does restrict our ability to get to some sites. Their Club President will check if there a district 20-K1 account set up to take monetary donations so that goods can be procured locally. Their club (Flatlands Lions) can accept donations (PAYPAL) on their club's website and earmark the funds for relief and get goods ourselves locally. Their website is:
Members interested in donating to the Sandy Relief Fund through Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). If so those donations could be designated toward a future Melvin Jones for our club. If anyone does make a donation please designate on your check that the money be applied to a future Melvin Jones. You will need our club number #9313. Also please notify Lion
Rich Roberts if you make a donation because it goes on our LCI Activity report as well as earns us points for the district report. When you give to the Foundation, you can be sure that your contribution is making a difference in the lives of people in need. It's easy to make a donation online. The website is:
Our District Governor Lion Stan mentioned that too date $200,000 has been donated from Lion International.
*Literacy Program – Lions Debra Laughlin & Irene Conlin. Lions Debra & Irene spoke about the Literacy Program. See the article “Seeing beyond brings visually impaired teens together.” Says more than I could write about a great program!

Upcoming Events:
 November 8 – Eye Glass Recycling Center. 10 am to noon
 November 11 -Veterans Day Cookout at Vetshouse, Sunday from noon to 5pm
 November 15 – Region III Meeting, Sage Diner, Onley, Social 6:30 pm, Dinner 7 pm
 November 17 - Pedia Vision event at Pembroke Mall “Santa Comes to Town”. 10 am to 2 pm
 November 19 - Traveling Leo, Ocean View Lions Club, Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk,
 November 30, Board Meeting, 7 pm, at Lion President Roger Snell’s residence, 1105 Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
 December 19 - Holiday Party, Lion John and Nancy’s residence, 2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, 23454, 6:30 pm

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine There were two raffles. Lion John Watters won $20.00 and Lion Ed DeLong won $9 .00. $29.00 was turned in for the Admin Account. The Tail Twister turned in $8.00 in fines for the Admin Account.

Adjournment: 8:10 pm
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

Oct 24, 2012 - The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met October, 24, 2012, 7 pm, at Lion President Roger Snell’s Residence, Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Board Membership: President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors “Vacant” & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren. A quorum of seven members constitutes a majority required to vote on official matters. The following board members were in attendance; Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, Bob Perrine, John Watters, Debra Laughlin, Jeri Furman

Minutes of Business Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 7: pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business:

1. Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy. Admin Account; Total income 0f $12,278.17 includes $6,264.00 collected for the Fall Conference. All Fall Conference money will be transferred to the hotel to cover the cost of the conference and to reminder to the District. Total expenses for the month $3,124.83, Balance as October 24 $12,959.98. Activity Account; Total Income $2,215.29, Total Expense $2,313.14, Balance as of October 24 $4,539.59. Lion Vickie suggested that we pay some of the clubs budgeted obligations now since we have the money. The board agreed and Lion Vickie will note those line items paid in the next report. Lion Vickie noted that she has not received a bill for the brooms purchased. Lion Roger Snell will inquire into the status of the bill.

Old Business: Two Year Director Position – Lion Roger Snell: The two year director position held by Lion Aziz needs to be filled now that Lion Aziz is the Third Vice President. Lion Bob Perrine nominated Lion Nancy Watters who was contacted and accepted the position.

New Business:

1. November 23rd regular meeting (Thanksgiving is 24th ) – Lion Steve Rosnov: Lion Steve Rosnov made a recommendation that we cancel the November 23rd meeting. All board members agreed.

2. Club meeting Schedule (monthly versus bi-monthly) – Lion’s Debra & Steve Rosnov: There was quite a bit of discussion about the suggestion to meet once a month versus twice a month. Comments from the floor against meeting once a month; meeting twice a month keeps our spirit and focus, there would be a breakdown in communication, if a member could not attend on a normally scheduled meeting night than that member would not be able to attend a meeting for at least two months, it would hurt camaraderie and closeness of the club. Comments from the floor for meeting once a month; It could be daunting for new members to commit to twice a month, members that don’t attend many meetings may make more of effort to attend once a month. Lion Steve Rosnov made a motion to change the frequency of regular meetings from twice a month to once a month. The motion was seconded by Lion Roger Snell. The motion was called by President Roger Snell; two for and 6 against. The motion did not pass.

3. Club Meeting attendance & Retention – Lion’s Steve Rosnov & Mike Coren: There was quite a bit of discussion about attendance. There are quite a few reasons why attendance at meeting seems to be lower recently. The District governor‘s travel schedule prevents him from being at all meetings, some members are recuperating from surgery and some members professional work schedules make it difficult to attend all meetings. The following recommendations were made and will be implemented; the Membership Chair Lion Mike Coren will personally contact the few members that are not attending any meetings, The Meeting Coordinating Committee will contact members who are not responding to email notifications, Lion Debra will add the name of the guest speakers on the email call for notification of meeting attendance.

4. Fall Conference Completion Report- Lion’s Steve Rosnov & Vicki Kennedy:  We had two raffles one at the end of the Saturday Luncheon and the other at the end of the Saturday Dinner. Lion Nancy Watters handled the raffles. The total came to $280.00 and the raffle of the vest donated by Lion Ed DeLong came to $187.00. There is some cost for the purchase of tickets for the raffles so it looks like we made over $300.00 for the club. Lions Jeri Furman, Linda Eggleston, John Watters, Nancy Watters, Bob Donnelly, Irene Conlin, Vickie Kennedy and Bambi Martin worked both before and during the conference. It would not have been a success without their support. Saturday morning was a little tense with some mix up with reservations and meals but our team handled those problems expertly, especially Lions Linda Eggleston. Lion Bob Donnelly, Irene Conlin and Vickie Kennedy handling the problems at check in. I simply wouldn’t have been able to work out the issues without them “Super job!”

5. Fruit Sales 2012 – Submitted by Lion Jack Wagner: Suggested retail prices for this year’s citrus sale: 4/5 bushel navel oranges- $27.00. 2/5 bushel navel oranges- $17.50. 4/5 bushel pink grapefruit- $26.00. 2/5 bushel pink grapefruit- $16.50. 2/5 bushel tangerines- $21.00. 1/5 bushel tangerines- $14.00. Citrus Trio- $26.00. Triple Charmer- $ 28.00. Orlando Tangelos- $26.00.  Lion Jack suggested that the board may wish to discuss these suggested prices. It is noted prices are up in all categories, by as much as $2.25 wholesale for the triple charmer. Hopefully, the above retail prices will not put us out of the market from a competitive standpoint. I believe we are one of few organizations selling citrus fruit that I am aware of in this area. I will await the board's discussion and any further recommendations before ordering the brochures, which will have the final retail price. Lion Stan suggests we go up a little on some items: 4/5 Navel last year $26 Go to $28. 2/5 Navel last year $17 Go to $18. 4/5 Grapefruit $25 Go to. $27. 2/5 Grapefruit $16 Go to. $17.
Last year Triple Charmer and Citrus Trio were same price and suggest we keep it the same and go to $28 for each. The board agreed with Lion Stan’s price structure.

Open Discussion from the floor: Lion John Waters brought up a proposal to consider a surcharge for those that do not respond and attend a meeting and possibly a similar surcharge for those that attend and order a meal separate from the selected meal. The issue is that the hotel prepares meals based on the numbers we provide that are attending and our club contracted with the hotel for table setup and meals that include taxes and tips and support staff. The concern is that the hotel may complain about unscheduled meals and set up for those that are not participating in eating the designated meals. Lion Bob Perrine asked if there were any complaints from the hotel. There are no known complaints and the board elected to take no action.

The next Board meeting will meet November 30, 2012, at Lion President Roger Snell’s residence, Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. There was no further business and adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Lion Steve Rosnov

Oct 17, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 30 members with 17 in attendance. There was 1 Guest Speaker present.

Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
SONG – Lion Ed Delong “Grand Old Flag”
INVOCATION- Lion Dick Kreassig

Lion Smitty introduced the Guest Speaker Mike Imprevento –VBCH Lawyer & WNIS Radio Talk Show Host. Mr. Imprevento spoke about how he got into the legal profession as a Naval Officer and learned how valuable the Constitution is, how serious the Supreme Court is in balancing our laws and how the Navy applies our laws. He talked about the principles of freedom, due balance, Constitutional Freedom of Speech and how important tolerance of free speech is in our country and how the Constitution is founded in individual freedom. He mentioned that the 1st, 4th, & 5th Amendments are in his heart and so important to us. He touched on religious freedom and the right to bear arms and urged everyone to review and understand the Constitution. He answered quite a few questions from the floor. This short synopsis of his talk doesn’t really do justice to such an informative presentation. Lion President Roger presented the guest speaker with a plaque in appreciation for speaking at our club.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
*We have extra club pins from years past and gave everyone at the meeting a Thalia Lions Club Light House Pin. Everyone that attends our next meeting will get a Thalia Lions Fish logo pin. Lion Nancy Watters is going to work on a new Thalia Lions Pin.
*Lion Jack Wagner is doing fine after his surgery. He said to say hello to everyone. Lion Jim Healy is taking care of Food bank collections for Lion Jack.
*We received a request for Eyeglasses for a 17 year old girl who resides in Landstown Lakes which is in the Princess Anne area and forwarded the information to The Princess Anne Lions Club.
*Our Region III Meeting is Thursday, November 15th, it will be hosted by Onancock Lions Club. We will have more information soon for those that would like to go.
*Last year we decided to have a regular meeting at Vethouse with a tour to see what the house is like and do a cookout with the residents. We seemed to have forgotten to schedule it. Lion Smitty suggested that we attend the Veterans Day Cookout at Vetshouse, November 11th, Sunday from noon to 5pm. All food is provided. Lion Smitty will give a tour for us and encourage bringing family. Members thought this was a great idea and will be on the list of upcoming events.
*Lions Assisted Area Project (LAMP) Clinics or Screenings schedule:
-October 18, Portsmouth Host Screening, 9-3
-October 20, Park Place, Norfolk, 9-12
-October 27, Veterans Outreach, Chesapeake medical center
-November 10, Independence Center, Virginia Beach, 9-3
-November 17, Veterans Stand Down, 9-12
-December 1, Portsmouth Host, 9-3
-December 8, Newport News Host, 9-3
-December 17, Park Place, Norfolk, 9-12
*Oct 24 –Board Meeting, Lion Roger Snell’s Residence, 1105 Selwood Drive, Vbch, 7 pm

Old Business:

Fall Conference - Lion Steve Rosnov. The Fall Conference is this Friday and Saturday at the Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton October 19 & 20, 2012. We can still use a few more volunteers to work the Raffle, Sign in desk, and assist Lion Nancy in making Welcome Baskets for distinguished guest; make the list of those attending, the classes they are attending and meals. We will need someone to make up nameplates attendees identifying what meals they paid for, make the brochure, etc. A signup sheet was sent around and looks like we have all areas covered..

New Business:

Traveling Leo Report – Lion Steve Rosnov for Lion Aziz Selahi, Chairperson
We had a Traveling Leo visit Kempsville Lions Club October 11th. Lions Aziz Selahi, Dick Kreassig, Mike Coren and Debra Laughlin and me attended. It was their new member night and had five prospective members there and the Global Leadership Team (GMT) District Coordinator spoke about membership. It was both an informative and fun time. The next Traveling Leo visit is scheduled for November 19th 7pm at Ocean View Lions Club. They meet at Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk. A signup sheet will be sent around nearer the date.

Fruit Sales 2012 – Lion Steve Rosnov for Lion Jack Wagner, Chairperson
Lion Jack has been communicating with the vendor CJ Fruit Sales and talked with CJ this morning. Everything is up from last year. To date the Citrus Trio and Triple Charmer prices haven’t been announced. Lion Jack will get those prices Monday. The problem is the Triple Charmer. This year's apple crop has been a disaster and the vendor is still negotiating with his grower in the State of Washington for a price. He feels the price will be outrageous and the cost of the Triple Charmer may go up as much as $2.00. Orders will have to be in by December 5 2012, with delivery to Lion Jack’s house the week of December 12-16, 2012.
Proposed customer prices are as follows:
4/5 bushel navel oranges - $27.00 2/5 bushel navel oranges $17.75
4/5 bushel pink grapefruit - $26.00 2/5 bushel pink grapefruit $16.75
2/5 bushel tangerines - $21.00 1/5 bushel tangerines $14.75
4/5 bushel tangelos - $26.00
Triple Charmer consisting of dozen each navel oranges, pink grapefruit, and apples, price TBD.
Citrus Trio consisting of dozen each navel oranges, pink grapefruit, and tangelos, price TBD.
Last year's price for the Triple Charmer was $26.00 and it may have to go to $ 28.00. Citrus Trio price was $25.00 and will in all probability go up to $ 26.00.
Once Lion Jack gets the price from the distributor on the Charmer and Trio, He will make it available. However, it is not too early to begin soliciting orders. He will request brochures, although we really haven't used them that much in the past.

Pedia Vision – Lion Nancy Watters. Please remember the upcoming events at Pembroke Mall Oct. 27 (10-2) Halloween Craft Day Nov. 17 (10-2) Santa Arrives at the Mall Also on Oct. 25-26th screenings are scheduled at Sunnybrooke Day School, 3380 Edinburgh Dr., Virginia Beach. At least 4 Volunteers are needed to assist. No one is schedule at this time to help. Please let me know if you are able to assist that day. Screening begins about 9:00am.

Troop 481- Miss Melina (Lion Nurys Sabino’s granddaughter)
We are Girl Scout Troop 481. We are comprised of Daisies (kindergarteners & first graders) and Brownies (second & third graders). We would like to help with your mission of providing services to those in the community. We cannot sell items to raise money however can receive donations. We would like to ask the Thalia Lions Club to support our troop by allowing us to accept a donation from your club once a month at your meetings by helping pass out flyers, placing nameplates or anything else we can do while passing out cupcakes as a “Thank You” for helping out troop raise money to learn about our environment. A motion was made by Lion Nurys Sabino to support Troop 481 and seconded by Lion John Watters. The vote was called and unanimously approved.

October Recycling report – Lion Ed DeLong. Thalia Lions Club worked the following hours at the Eyeglass Recycling Center on October 11, 2012.
Lion Ed Delong- 2.5 hours, Lion Jim Healy-2 hours, Lion Linda Eggleston-2 hours, Lion Mike coren-1.5 hours. 270 pairs of eye glasses were turned in for the month from our collection sites. There were no hearing aids collected this month.

Upcoming Events:
 October 19 & 20 -Fall Conference, Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton, 2012
 Oct. 25 & 26 - Sunnybrook Day School, 3380 Edinburgh Drive, Vbch, 9 am,
 Oct 24 –Board Meeting, Lion Roger Snell’s Residence, 1105 Selwood Drive, Vbch, 7 pm
 October 27- Pedia Vision event, Pembroke Mall (Halloween Craft Event), 10am to 2 pm
 Oct 27 – Halloween Meet & Greet, Bayside Special Services Library, 2 pm to 4 pm
 November 6 – Pedia Vision screening, Thalia Baptist Church
 November 7 – Regular Meeting, Crowne Plaza. 6 pm Social, 6:30 pm Meeting
 November 8 – Eye Glass Recycling Center. 10 am to noon
 November 11 -Veterans Day Cookout at Vetshouse, Sunday from noon to 5pm
 November 17 - Pedia Vision event at Pembroke Mall “Santa Comes to Town”. 10 am to 2 pm
 November 19 - Traveling Leo, Ocean View Lions Club, Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk, 7 pm
 December 19 - Holiday Party, Lion John and Nancy’s residence, 2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, 23454, 6:30 pm

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine
There were two raffles. Lion Mike Coren won $26.00 and lion Bob Perrine drew his own number and won $20.00. $47.00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

The Tail Twister left his Lion Collection Cup unattended. Lion DG Stan Furman put it up for bid and Tail Twister Lion Bob Perrine bought it back for $20.00. The Tail Twister turned in $20.25 in fines for the Admin Account and $10.00 was given to Lion Jim Healy for the food bank.

Adjournment: 7:40.00 pm
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

Oct 3, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on October 3, 2012, by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30 pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record. The club has 30 members with 13 in attendance. There were 3 Guest present.

Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – President, Lion Roger Snell
SONG – Lion Nancy Watters “Yankee Doodle Dandy”
INVOCATION- Lion Bob Perrine

Introduction of Guests: Ocean Side Lions Club Traveling Leo – Lion Pat Jones introduced Lions Roy Stockdale and Nancy Crawford.

Temporary Recess for dinner (Chicken Masala)

Guest Speaker: Lion Nancy Watters - Demonstration of Spot
Lion Nancy did a quick demonstration of the new SPOT device with the updated software for those who had not seen the machine used before. It is the mission of the District to screen every child for focusing issues that can cause Lazy Eye, or Amblyopia. The SPOT and SO9 have made this challenge reachable. It is important, however to understand that the screening machines are designed to identify problems with focus that prevent vision from being learned. Although useful for determining the strength of glasses needed in older children and adults, the best way of examining eyes is direct measure of vision. The SPOT and SO9 have also made it possible to screen children as young as 6 months as well as children or adults with disabilities that make it difficult to measure vision. The District now has 9 devices available, (4) SO9’s and (5) SPOTS. Recently, the Middlesex Lions Club purchased a SPOT for use in their club and zone. The machines have been assigned for use in each zone with one person in charge of the machine. Lion Don Burson schedules Zone H, Lion Betty Payne schedules Zone F, Lion Ben Hurr schedules Zone D and Lion Nancy schedules the SPOTs for Zones G and E. She also keeps a master schedule of each machine in all zones. Lion Ray Braguglia schedules two machines for zones B and C. Lion Donna Weiler covers Zone A and the LAMP projects held monthly in Norfolk at Park Place. Since the project was started in Oct. 2010, District 24 D has screened 16,416 children 10 years of age and under with 3,183 referrals, 19.5 % (55.6% astigmatism). Last year 1,487 Head Start children were screened with 965 referrals, 35%. Sixty-two percent was for astigmatism. At the midpoint of the Head Start screenings this year there have been 719 children screened with 185 referrals, a total of 26.7percent. Seventy three percent of the referrals have been for astigmatism. It is unclear why the percentage for Head Start is above the normal 20% referral rate. Nor is it understood why the percentage of referrals for astigmatism are so high. No studies have been found that address the issue but Lion John is considering writing a paper on the topic. Lion Nancy is very proud that our District has stepped up to make this project work. This year for the first time, a banner patch has been offered to clubs that complete the following:
1. Participate in one joint screening with another club.
2. Conduct 4 screenings independently.
3. Submit all reports within 10 days of each screening.
Exclusion: LAMP projects do not count as children’s screening because they are designed mostly for adults. Twenty seven clubs have conducted or participated in screenings since July, 2012 and more are scheduled to participate within the month of October.
Banner Patches were earned by Newport News Lions Club on Sept. 22, 2012, Southside Lions Club on Sept. 22, 2-12 and Thalia Lions Club on Oct. 2, 2012.
Lion Nancy presented the patch to President Lion Roger Snell of the Thalia Lions Club.
Thalia Lions Club has the following screenings and presentations scheduled:
October 6 – Lions Charity Auction
Oct. 8- Malibu Elementary School, 3632 Edinburgh Dr. (9am) - volunteers needed
October 18 – Open House presentation for the UP Center in Portsmouth
Oct. 25-26 Sunnybrook Day School, 3380 Edinburgh Dr.- (9am)-volunteers needed
October 27 – Pembroke Mall – Halloween Craft Day (10:00-2:00 pm)
November 17 – Pembroke Mall – Santa comes to the Mall (10:00-2:00pm)
There are 10 other locations that Thalia is responsible for screening. Lion Nancy will keep everyone informed about those future screenings.
Lion Nancy offered the members of the club to purchase a “Children’s Eye Screening” pin for $3.00. They are being offered for the first time this year and will be sold at the Fall Conference.
Lion Jim Healy presented Lion Nancy with one of our umbrellas and mentioned that over the years our club sold over 500 umbrellas and Lion Nancy probably sold 200 of those.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov

Joan Wagner emailed that Lion Jack had surgery Tuesday morning and went well and he seems to be making great progress. He surprised Joan by walking about 100 feet or so that same evening, and then sitting in a chair for 15 or 20 minutes. His spirits are good and looking forward to a Friday release from the hospital, if all continues to go well. A get well card was sent around for signature.

Lion Rich Roberts & Elissia Hawkins are getting married this Saturday at the Westin Beach Town Center. They are planning for a spring 2013 trip they haven’t decided where to go yet. The future bride will probably join the Portsmouth Lions. A congratulations card was sent around for signature

LCIF Bid N Buy is this weekend on Saturday Oct 6th at the Oak Grove Methodist Church, 472 Battlefield Blvd, N. Chesapeake 23320. The doors open at 11: pm. Food & drink will be available. 100% of the proceeds go to the Lions Charity.

The October 24 Board Meeting has been changed from Lion Steve Rosnov’s residence to Lion President Roger Snell’s residence.

Fall Conference - Lion Steve Rosnov - The Fall Conference is going to be at the Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton October 19 & 20, 2012. This is the singular most important conference that our District Governor Lion Stan needs our support to make it a success. We will need volunteers to work the Raffle, Sign in desk, and assist Lion Nancy in making Welcome Baskets for distinguished guest, make the list of those attending, the classes they are attending and meals. We will need someone to make up nameplates for attendees identifying what meals they paid for, make the brochure, etc. A signup sheet was sent around.

Old Business:
 Literacy Program – Lion Irene Conlin
Lion Irene gave a brief about the club Literacy Project. Plan is to do an information night about Braille Literacy in partnership with the Town Center Blind Lions in January. Focus will be to give information out about Braille literacy, and the importance for children who are blind and visually impaired to receive training in Braille reading and writing. We will also address older adults who have lost their vision due to disease or accidents who are interested in Braille and community resources. In the meantime, the club agreed to partner with Head Start to read to the children. Lion Nancy told the club we have been invited to read to the children any time. Lion Nancy will make contact with her POC’s at Head Start to organize a date.
 Halloween Meet and Greet – Lion Irene Conlin
Lion Irene talked about the Teen Support Group Halloween Meet and Great to be held at the Bayside Special Services Library on October 27 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The Meet and Great is a way to get teenagers in the community who are blind and visually impaired to come together in a fun, friendly environment and practice social skills while ‘hanging out’. Social skills and interaction taper off for these children as they approach High School years, and can be very detrimental as they grow into adulthood. The Support Group plans to meet once a month for social interaction and an activity. Lion Bob Donnelly made a motion to sponsor the first meeting by donating $100 dollars towards art supplies was seconded by Lion Dick Kreassig and passed with a unanimous vote. Lions Bob Donnelly and Debra Laughlin have volunteered to be our representatives.

New Business:
 Traveling Leo – Lion Aziz Selahi
We have a Traveling Leo to visit Kempsville Lions Club October 11th at 7pm. They meet at Holiday Inn Select Airport, 1570 N. Military Hwy, Norfolk. Lions Aziz Selahi, Dick Kreassig, Mike Coren and Debra Laughlin are signed up to attend. The next Traveling Leo visit is scheduled for November 19th 7pm at Ocean View Lions Club. They meet at Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk. A signup sheet will be sent around nearer the date
 Holiday Party – Lion Nancy Waters
The Holiday Party will be at Lion John and Nancy’s residence this year and will be on our normal meeting night, December 19
 Hearing Aid request - Lion Jeri
A lady requires 2 hearing aids and cannot pay the $200.00 deductible. Lion Nancy Watters confirmed that there is $100.00 left in at the Charity Foundation marked for Thalia and a $100.00 donation to the Charity Foundation was recently received so we have the funds.
 Club twinning – Skopje St Pantelemon (61610) and Virginia Beach Thalia (9313). We received congratulations from Lions club International on establishing a successful International Club Twinning relationship and enclosed a Twinning Banner Patch.
 Twenty Year Member - Lion President Roger Snell presented Lion Dick Kreassig with a Lions Club International Letter of Congratulations and Chevron for completing twenty years’ service.

A total of $40.00 was raised for the birthday song and Lion Aziz Selahi sang Happy Birthday in Farci (Persian) to Lion Bob Donnelly.

Upcoming Events:
 Oct 6 – LCIF BID’N BUY Auction, 11am, Oak Grove Methodist Church, 472 Battlefield Blvd., N, Chesapeake, 23320
 Oct. 8 - Malibu Elementary School, 3632 Edinburgh Drive, 9 am
 October 11-Eye Glass Recycling Center, 10 am to noon
 October 11 - Traveling Leo, Kempsville Lions Club, 7pm, Holiday Inn Select Airport, 1570 N. Military Hwy, Norfolk.
 October 17 – Thalia Club Regular Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, Virginia beach, 6:30 pm
 October 18 – Open House presentation for the UP Center in Portsmouth
 October 19 & 20 -Fall Conference, Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton, 2012
 Oct. 25 & 26 - Sunnybrook Day School, 3380 Edinburgh Drive, Vbch, 9 am,
 Oct 24 –Board Meeting, Lion Roger Snell’s Residence, 1105 Selwood Drive, Vbch, 7 pm
 October 27- Pedia Vision event, Pembroke Mall (Halloween Craft Event), 10am to 2 pm
 Oct 27 – Halloween Meet & Greet, Bayside Special Services Library, 2 pm to 4 pm
 November 17 - Pedia Vision event at Pembroke Mall “Santa Comes to Town”. 10 am to 2 pm
 November 19 - Traveling Leo, Ocean View Lions Club, Mom & Pops Family Restaurant, 331 E. Bayview Blvd, Norfolk, 7 pm
 December 19 - Holiday Party, Lion John and Nancy’s residence, 2357 Haversham Close, Virginia Beach, 23454, 6:30 pm

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine
There were two raffles. Lion Jeri Furman won $20.00 and lion Jim Healy won $10.00. $31.00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

Adjournment: 8.00 pm
Lion Steve Rosnov

Sep 27, 2012 - The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met 7 pm, at Lion Bob Perrine’s Residence, 2416 Whaler Court, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Board Membership:

President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President Aziz Selahi, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors “Vacant” & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren

The following board members were in attendance: Lions Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Mike Coren, and Bob Perrine.

Minutes of Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm by Lion Steve Rosnov- Secretary.

There were not enough members present to have quorum. The members present elected to have the meeting but could not vote on issues.

On-going Business:

 Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy
*Administrative Account: Total Income $6,308.67 which included $919.00 received for the Fall Conference. Total Expenses $2,589.20. Balance as of September 27 $7,526.11 Thalia Lions Scholarship Fund as of 06-30-2012 $55,464.09
*Activity Account: Total Income $1,887.06. Total Sight $1,586.00. Total Community Expense $582.14. Total Expense $2,168.14. Balance as of Sept 27 $4,356.36

Old Business:

 Broom Order – Lion Steve Rosnov
Brooms were delivered to Paul’s Garage September 17. We had a few Lions on call to be there when the delivery arrived but were not called. Nick at Paul’s at garage off loaded the brooms for us. We received 36 Clubhouse Regular Brooms, 72 #4 Special Brooms and 72 Warehouse Patio Brooms.

Member’s dues in arrears – Lion Steve Rosnov
All Members are paid up for the year.

 Fall Conference - Lion Steve Rosnov
The Fall Conference is going to be at the Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton October 19 & 20, 2012. Lion Steve will send a signup sheet for volunteers to club members.

New Business:

 Two Year Director Position – Lion Roger Snell
The two year director position held by Lion Aziz needs to be filled now that Lion Aziz is the Third Vice President. The board members present agreed that this should be brought up to the club at the next regular meeting asking for a member to full the position.

 Holiday Party – Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion John and Nancy will be happy to host the party which will be December our normal meeting date.

 Hearing Aid request from Lion Jeri – A lady requires 2 hearing aids and cannot pay the $200.00 deductible. There may be $100.00 left in at the Charity Foundation marked for Thalia. Lion Mike Keelean, Treasurer of the Foundation is checking. We have funds budgeted.

Open Discussion:

 Lion Nancy Watters suggests that Thalia accept the offer from Chili’s or Ynot Pizza to do a benefit day. A percentage of the profit for a specified day would go to the Club funneled through the Lions Charity Foundation, a 501-C3. (Same as the club did with the BNI picnic two years ago). The board members present opted for Chili’s and will get more specifics from Lion Nancy.

 Head Start reading – Lion Nancy suggested that members of our club consider participating periodically in reading to different Head Start programs. Although not voted on the board members present agreed that it should be discussed at the next regular club meeting

 Pembroke Mall has requested that we participate in a Holiday book fair. More information will be forthcoming. It is not certain if books will need to be new or could be used, recycled books.

 Joan Wagner emailed that Lion Jack had surgery Tuesday morning and went well and he seems to be making great progress. He surprised Joan by walking about 100 feet or so that same evening, and then sitting in a chair for 15 or 20 minutes. His spirits are good and looking forward to a Friday release from the hospital, if all continues to go well. Lion Steve will have a get well card at the next meeting.

The next Board meeting will meet September 26, 2012, at Lion Steve Rosnov Residence, 5164 Eagle Run Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464,

There was no further business and adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

Sep 19, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Linda Eggleston, (standing in for President Roger Snell) at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. The club has 30 members with 14 in attendance. There were 3 Guests present.
Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm –Linda Eggleston
SONG – Lion Irene Conlin “I’m a Little Teapot”
INVOCATION- Lion Bob Perrine

Introduction of Guest: Nancy introduced Lion Marvin Clemmons from Norfolk Middle Town Lions Club and Michael Cuzzens from the American Red Cross.

Recess for Dinner: Hamburger, fries and Salad
Reconvened: 7:03

Ed DeLong introduced our guest speaker.
Guest Speaker: Lion Tucker Casanova, Member of Aragona Lions, and employed by the Lions Medical Eye Bank is also the editor of the Knight’s Vision. Lion Tucker spoke about how the Knight’s Vision is constructed and the importance of sending information in “article” format, identifying all of the people in pictures. Funding for mailed copies of the Knight’s Vision continues to be an issue, since most members receive it by email.

 Secretary’s Report – Lion Linda Eggleston referred to the minutes and treasurer’s report, which had been emailed, and asked if there were questions, concerns, etc.

Old Business:

 Fall conference - Lion John was not present, but Lion Nancy thought Lion Steve had the Fall Conference Signup Sheet. Please review the emails from Lion Steve, as help is still needed.

New Business:

 Broom Purchase – Lion Roger Snell was not present, members thought brooms had been delivered as promised but no one was called to unload when the shipment arrived.

 Halloween Meet and Greet – Lion Irene Conlin gave an update on the Oct. 27 event. She needs only 2 volunteers. Lions Debra and Lion Bob Donnelly will help with the event. Funds may be needed for supplies and food. Lion Irene will share information on needs by email.

 Pedia Vision – Lion Nancy Watters has 2 events scheduled in malls and will need volunteers.

 October 27th for 10-2pm is the Halloween Craft event for Pembroke Mall

 November 17th is the date for Santa Comes to the Mall. Time for that date will be announced later.

 Sept. 26th is the next Head Start screening for Thalia at Wellington Oaks Center, 1247 Bunsen Court, Norfolk, VA. 23513. Lion Linda Eggleston volunteered to assist. Two more members are needed.

 Food Bank – Lion Jack Wagner. Reported that Samaritan is still need in of help with food and that Lion contributions continue to be important.

 Red Cross: Michael Cuzzens, account manager for the American Red Cross, thanked the club for their participation in the blood drive cosponsored with Virginia Beach Christian Church on August 20th. Forty pints of blood was collected when the goal was only 25. There are 8 account managers like Mike in our region, who sponsored 181 blood drives in the same time frame as ours. We had the largest of all of those drives. In appreciation of the effort, Mr. Cuzzens presented a handmade American Red Cross flag to Lion Nancy Watters for organizing the drive. She accepted on behalf of the Thalia Lions Club and VBCC.

 Eye Glass Recycling: Lion Ed reminded members of the need for volunteers on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Eye Glass Recycling Center.

 September Birthday - A total of $ 46.00 was raised for the birthday song. Lion Vickie Kennedy and Lion Bob Donnelly sang Happy Birthday to Lion Dick Kreassig

Upcoming Events:
 Sept. 26 – Head Start screening Wellington Oaks (address above) 9:30am
 Sept 27 - Board meeting at Lion Bob Perrine’s Residence, 2416 Whaler Court, Va.Bch, VA 23451
 Oct 6 – LCIF BID’N BUY Auction, 11am, Oak Grove Methodist Church, 472 Battlefield Blvd., N, Chesapeake, 23320
 October 11, Eye Glass Recycling Center
 October 19 & 20 -Fall Conference, Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton, 2012
 October 27, Pedia Vision event, 10-2 at Pembroke Mall (Halloween Craft Event) 10-2pm
 Oct 27 - Halloween Meet & Greet, Bayside Special Services Library, 2 - 4 pm
 November 17 PediaVision event at Pembroke Mall – Santa Comes to Town. (time to be announced.)

Raffle: Lion Bob Perrine – Lion Irene Conlin won $21.00, Lion Marvin Clemmons won $11 and $31.00 was turned in for the Admin Account.

Lion Linda Eggleston
Recording Secretary

Sep 5, 2012 - No meeting - Pool Party and Lion Stan and Jeri's condo.

Aug 30, 2012 - The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach Board of Directors Meeting met on Aug 30, 2012, at Lion President Roger Snell Residence, 1105 Selwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464.
Board Membership:
*President Roger Snell, 1st Vice President Rich Roberts, 2nd Vice President Irene Conlin, 3rd Vice President (Vacant), Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors - Aziz Selahi & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership
*Chairperson Mike Coren.

The following board members were in attendance: Lions Roger Snell, Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Bob Perrine, Mike Coren, Debra Laughlin, Irene Conlin, and John Watters.

Minutes of Business Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Lion President Roger Snell

On-going Business: None

Old Business:
*Thalia’s Club Committee List Vice Presidents areas of responsibility – Lion Bob Perrine. Lion Bob recommended that Community Service be placed under the Third Vice President. Sight, Hearing & Diabetes placed under the Second Vice President and Fund Raising & Misc. placed under the First Vice President. Lion Steve Rosnov made a motion to accept the proposal as stated. Lion Debra Seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Lion President called for the vote and was unanimously approved.
* Broom Inventory – Lion Roger Snell: Lion Roger will order the brooms this week and Lion Irene Conlin as Second Vice President will be the Blind Made Products Chairperson for future broom orders and broom Sales. Lion Roger
will order; six boxes of Virginia #4 Special Broom, Sell for $10.00. Four Boxes of Patio Warehouse Broom # 41005, Sell for $12.00, three boxes Patio Warehouse (cushion handle) sell for $14.00 and five push brooms with handles.
*Member’s dues in arrears – Lion Steve Rosnov: There is one Lion whose dues are in arrears. Lion Stan notified Lion Steve yesterday that he is mailing his check today. If check is received this week, no further action required.
*Our Annual Club Social – Lion Debra Laughlin: September 5th this is our regular meeting night, at Lion Stan & Jeri’s poolside. The club will provide Hotdogs and Hamburgers and the rest is pot luck. Lion Jack has the paper plates, plastic utensils, etc. Lion Debra is coordinating attendance and the pot luck items. There cannot be any glass items at the Social. Lion Debra will send out an email informing everyone to bring hatever sodas, etc. they want and to RSVP that they are coming.
*Fall Conference - Lion Steve Rosnov:  The Fall Conference is going to be at the Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton October 19 & 20, 2012. I emailed the flyer to everyone. Lion Steve will send a signup sheet around at our next regular meeting with areas we need help with. Lion Steve will give the agenda to Lion Roger Snell who will do the Brochure. Lion Vickie Kennedy will make the list of those attending, the classes they are attending and meals. We will need someone to make up nameplates for attendees identifying what meals they paid for, etc. We will need Lions to work
the Raffle, Sign in desk, and assist Lion Nancy Watters in making Welcome Baskets for distinguished guest.

New Business:
*Third Vice President Position – Lion Roger Snell: The Third Vice President Position is vacant. Lion Bob Perrine made a proposal that Lion Aziz Selahi be asked if he would accept the position as Third Vice President. Lion Steve Rosnov called Lion Aziz and asked him if he would accept the position. Lion Aziz said he would be honored to serve as Third Vice President. Lion Bob Perrine made the motion and was seconded by Lion Irene Conlin. There was no further discussion. Lion President called for the vote and was unanimously approved.
*Create a Literacy Program for Children “This is the District Governor’s initiative” – Lion Irene Conlin: Literacy Program: Some ideas. We could do all three, pick one. Or do something else. Partner with the local libraries to help them expand or enhance their pre-school and kindergarten reading programs. Through book drives, teaching fundamentals of reading, or assisting library
personnel with events. Sponsor a "Reading Goes to the Dogs" event at the local elementary schools. Virginia Beach Public Schools sponsors a reading enrichment program where children with reading challenges read a book aloud to a volunteer dog. The dog listens while the child reads, with no judgment or criticism. This builds the child’s confidence and encourages them to read more, therefore improving their reading skills. Partner with the BELL Program (Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning) sponsored by the
National Federation of the Blind. Braille literacy is a huge concern for this population. As technology advances, Braille reading and writing is being taught less and less to these children. Reading and writing is a fundamental skill and is critical to the success of these children later on in life. Possibly expand the Braille literacy program to include adults who have lost their
eyesight later in life and want to learn Braille by partnering with the Town Center Blind Lions or the local chapter of the National Federation of the Blind. I would like to see the Thalia Lions Club get involved with Braille literacy as our focus, as it deals directly with the population we have committed to serve.

Budget Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy: The Administrative Account total Income is $4,914.42 and Total Expenses are $2,353.30. Balance as of Aug 30, $6,367.76. Scholarship Fund 06-30-2012 $55,464.09. The Activity account total Income is $1,592.48 and Total Expenses are $1,916.14 Balance as of Aug 30 is $4,313.78. There was a discussion about the duplicity of the requirement of the Treasurer to prepare a full budget report for every regular meeting and board meetings. Lion Bob Perrine suggested that the full budget report be presented at the monthly board meeting and not presented at regular
meetings. This would reduce duplicity of budget presentations for the Treasurer and reduce time of business briefs during regular meetings. The board agreed that the full budget report will be part of the board meeting and since the minutes of the board meetings are forwarded to all members that full budget reports at regular meetings is no longer required.

Health & Well Being: Lion Steve Rosnov: The Secretary Lion Steve mentioned that he spoke with Lion Dick Kreassig today. He is doing
okay after eye surgery. He has limited vision in his left eye. It will take three to six months to fully heal. The Doctors say there is an 85% success rate for return to normal vision. Lion Jack Wagner is having back/spinal surgery September 25th at Sentara Virginia Beach Hospital with recovery sometime in November.

The next Board meeting will be September 27, 2012, 7 pm, at Lion Bob Perrine’s Residence, 2516 Whaler Court, Virginia Beach, VA 23451.

There was no further business. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Lion Steve Rosnov -  Secretary

Aug 1, 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion Roger Snell at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest.

Register. The club has 30 members with 16 in attendance. There were no guest present.
SONG – Lion Nancy Watters “This Land is Your Land
INVOCATION- Lion Dick Kreassig
Call to Order of General Meeting 6:30 pm – First Vice President, Lion Roger Snell
Recess For Dinner “Vegetable Lasagna” Recommenced: 7:10 pm

Program: Our district Governor, Lion Stan Furman inducted First Vice President Lion Roger Snell as President. Lion Stan placed the Presidents pin on Lion Roger and Lion President Roger Snell accepted the Gavel and Club Charter.

*Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov - We need volunteers to help with the Region III meeting, August 22 at the Hibachi Grill, 5957 Virginia Beach Blvd, Norfolk (old Comp USA). We are the host club. Need 2 – 3 people for
check in and payment and 2 - 3 for the 50/50 raffle. Our club gets points for members attending. The meal cost is about $15.00. A sign-up sheet was passed around. Lions Jeri Furman, Nancy Watters, Mike Coren signed up to work the Check and Payment Desk and Lion Vickie Kennedy signed up as an alternate if needed. Lions Jim Healy, Dick Kreassig, Aziz Selahi signed up to
work the 50/50 raffle and Lion Vickie Kennedy signed up as an alternate if needed. Lion Nancy will make a gift Basket for the raffle. Lion Debra says that Vision Walk 2013 is tentatively scheduled for April 28th so we’ll hear more about that from her late. Mike Berns Son Hunter is in very serious condition and was just released from the hospital. He apparently had some major back fusion and this is not long after a previous very serious operation. He is not doing well. Lion Jeri Furman will send a card from the club. Last week’s board approved Lion Irene’s proposal to sponsor a Halloween Meet and Greet for blind and visually impaired teens October 27, 2012, at the Bayside Special Services Library, in cooperation with the Virginia Beach Special Services Board, Virginia Beach Public Schools, Virginia Association for the Parents of the Visually Impaired (VAAPVI) and the Norfolk Department of the Blind and Vision Impaired have started an effort to provide a social outreach for young people who are blind and visually impaired ages 14 - 18 in the Virginia Beach/Suffolk communities. Lion Irene will talk more about it at a later date.
Our Annual Club Social is September 5th which is our regular meeting night. It’ll be at Lion Stan & Jeri’s poolside. The club will provide Hotdogs and Hamburgers and the rest is pot luck. Lion Debra Laughlin will coordinate attendance and the pot luck items. There cannot be any glass items at the Social.
*Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy - For the end of the month the Admin Account total income was $3,315.17, total expenses were $1,102.84.
We had a beginning balance of $3,806.64. Our Balance as of August 1st is $6,018.97. As of June 30th Our Club Scholarship Fund has a balance of 55,464.09 up from the March 31st statement of $50,358.78. For the end of the month the Activity account total income was $1,210.00. Our total expense was $1,664.14 with a beginning balance of $4637.44. Our balance as of Aug 1st is $4,183.83.
Old Business:
* Fall Conference - Lion Steve Rosnov - The Fall Conference is going to be at the Crowne Plaza, Hampton Marina, Hampton October 19 & 20, 2012. I emailed the flyer to everyone. At our next regular meeting I’ll send around a signup sheet for volunteers to help at the check in and payment desk and 50/50 raffle and possibly other support.
*Pedia Vision – Lion Nancy Watters - Pembroke Mall – July 28th – Nine clubs participated with about 30 members. We screened 100 children with 19 referrals. Princeville, N. C. Lions Sight & Hearing Event – July 27th – Lion John and I assisted with the van screenings and aided Lion Milton Bullock in initiating his SPOT Program for his foundation “Do It for the Children.” Next two events are; Lynnhaven Mall “Back to School Day” August 11th from 11 am to 4 pm. Navy Exchange at Little Creek, September 15th from 10 am to 2 pm.
*Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Watters - Virginia Beach Christian Church Blood Drive co-sponsored by our club. 2225 Rose Hall Drive. 2 pm to 7 pm. Sign-up sheet was passed around to sell brooms, mints, umbrellas at the blood drive.

New Business:
*Thalia Lions RAM Expedition – 2012– Lion John Watters - On Thursday, July 19, 2012, eight Thalia Lions and families traveled to Wise, VA, for the 14th annual Remote Area Medical (RAM) project held from 6am to 6pm on Friday and Saturday and 6am to 12pm on Sunday. RAM was assisted by many Lions from across Virginia, making it a Lions Assisted Medical Project (LAMP) also. About 1,300 volunteers set up a dental clinic, an eye clinic and a medical clinic on the Wise Co. fairgrounds. More than 5,000 patient ‘encounters’ were recorded for the approx. 2,442 attendees who came from Virginia, W. Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. The dental clinic took care of 1,306 people, the medicine clinic had 2,619 encounters and the eye clinic saw 1,054 patients. 929 pairs of glasses were made in the mobile optical laboratory and 127 mammograms were done. The women’s health clinic saw 386 patients. About half of the volunteers were Lions who acted in all capacities, especially for food preparation feeding all volunteers breakfast and lunch, all patients lunch and registering and guiding all to their various destinations. Those seen were asked no questions about health insurance, but generally were without resources. They were universally appreciative and frequently expressed their gratitude for the care received. Anyone interested in the organization can visit

Birthday - Tail Twister Lion Bob Perrine - August Birthday’s: Lions Ed DeLong and Williard (Smitty) Smith. Lion Smitty was not present. Lion
Vickie sang Happy Birthday to Lion Ed Delong. The birthday song raised a total of $22.00

Auctioning off of the tail-twister's cup! – Lion Rich Roberts - The tail Twister Lion Bob Perrine bid $20.00 to get the tail Twisters cup back and he fined Lion Rich $1.00 for taking the cup. Lion Rich put $20.00 in the cup.

Upcoming Events:
*Aug 9 - Eye Glass Recycling, 10 – noon.
*Aug 11 - Pedia Vision, Lynnhaven Mall Back To School Day, 11 – 4 pm.
*Aug 15 - Medical Eye Bank Dinner
*Aug 20 – Red Cross Dr, VBCH Christian Church, 2225 Rose Hall Dr, 2-7pm.
*Aug 22 – Region III Meetng, Hibachi Grill, 5957 VA Bch Blvd, Norfolk. 6pm
*Aug 30 – Board Meeting, 7 pm, Lion President Rogers residence.
*Sep 5 - Lions Club Social at Lion Stan & Jeri Furman’s Condo Pool
*Sep 15 – PediaVision, Navy Exchange, Little Creek, 10 am – 2 pm.
*Sep 19 –Regular Meeting, 6:30 pm Crowne Plaza
*Oct 27 - Halloween Meet & Greet, Bayside Special Services Library, 2 - 4 pm

Raffle: 50/50 Raffle – Lion Mike Coren won $35.00 and he turn in $35.00 for the Admin Account. Thanks Lion Mike!

Adjournment: 7:50 PM
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov,  Secretary


July 25, 2012 - The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Board Meeting met at Lion President Bob Donnelly Residence, Old Donation Clubhouse, 1089 Charity Drive, Virginia Beach, VA.

Board Membership:
President Bob Donnelly, 1st Vice President Roger Snell, 2nd Vice President Rich Roberts, 3rd Vice President Irene Conlin, Secretary Steve Rosnov, Treasurer Vickie Kennedy, Immediate Past President Jeri Furman, Tail Twister Bob Perrine, Lion Tamer Otis Etheridge, 2 year Directors Aziz Selahi & Debra Laughlin, 3 year Directors Nurys Sabino & John Watters, Membership Chairperson Mike Coren. The following board members were in attendance: Lions Bob Donnelly, Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Roger Snell, Rich Roberts, Bob Perrine, Aziz Selahi, and John Watters

Minutes of Business Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Lion President Bob Donnelly
On-Going Business: None
Old Business: None
*New Business:
 Role of Vice Presidents – Lion Bob Donnelly
Constitution and By-Laws Chairperson, Lion Steve Rosnov, read the Duties of the Vice Presidents; Article VIII, Section D, (3), Vice Presidents.
  Member’s dues in arrears - Lion Steve Rosnov. There are two members who have not paid dues. Lion Steve will request their sponsors notify them that their membership is in jeopardy and failure to pay by the next board meeting will result in a letter stating that they must pay or will be dismissed from the club “Not in Good Standing”
 Broom Inventory – Lion Steve Rosnov/ Lion Roger Snell
Lion Bob Donnelly will give Lion Roger Snell the order point of contact and Lion Roger will order brooms as necessary for inventory.
 Consideration to sponsor a Halloween Meet and Greet for blind and visually impaired teens October 27, 2012 – Lion Irene Conlin. The Bayside Special Services Library, in cooperation with the Virginia Beach Special Services Board, Virginia Beach Public Schools, Virginia Association for the Parents of the Visually Impaired (VAAPVI) and the Norfolk Department of the Blind and Vision Impaired have started an effort to provide a social outreach for young people who are blind and visually impaired ages 14 - 18 in the Virginia Beach/Suffolk communities. There are very little social opportunities for these types of young people to assemble and feel part of a group. As young children who are blind and visually impaired become emerging adults, they are invited to less activities by their sighted peers, giving them very little opportunity to work on critical social skills. Social skills can be as much of a barrier to job placement as work skills. Lack of social interaction can lead to isolation and depression.  The efforts of the combined groups hope to establish a once-a-month meeting, to be held at the Bayside Special Services Libraries, which would bring together this population for fellowship, friendship, and mentoring by adult mentors who are blind and visually impaired. We plan on working on social, cooking, and advocacy skills with this group. Our first meeting is Saturday, October 27 from 2 - 4pm. It will be a meet-and-greet for the kids and will have a Halloween theme. We have confirmed the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) of Virginia Beach will be there to decorate the room, and provide mask-making hands on activity with interesting textured items. There will be a contest for the best mask, as well as an opportunity to socialize and make new friends. Follow-on meetings in the months of November and December include cooking lessons (pies for Thanksgiving) and Christmas (activity to be determined). The committee plans to approach Lions Clubs within the Virginia Beach area to present the opportunity to sponsor these monthly meetings.  I would like to have the Thalia Lions consider sponsoring the inaugural meeting by providing pizzas, candy and drinks (individual sodas and ice) and volunteers for serving it for 20 students. Teaming with organizations who have the same goal by providing these types of opportunities enables us to have a direct affect in improving the lives of those we are chartered to help - the blind and visually impaired.
Lion John Watters made a motion to accept the Halloween Meet & Greet for the Blind Initiative and Seconded by Lion Bob Perrine. Approved by unanimous vote.
 Thalia’s Club Committee List Format Change - Lion Bob Perrine - Reorganize committees under the 3 Vice Presidents in a more logical way, i.e.
1. Sight, Hearing and Diabetes - The Foundation for Fighting Blindness, Vision Walk, Journey for Sight, and Audible Easter Egg Hunt, Diabetes, RAM /Project Homeless Connect, Eyeglass Recycling, Sight Conservation, Sight And Hearing Van, Hearing Conservation, and National Vision Walk;
*Lion Bob Perrine had recommended that the Foundation for Fighting Blindness Vision Walk, Journey for Sight, and Audible Easter Egg Hunt be consolidated under Sight Conservation, but the suggestion of reorganizing made this a mute point.
2.Community Services. Educational Svcs/Scholarship, Environmental Service Projects, Youth Exchange, Food Drive, Bland Contest, Traveling Leo, Twin Lions Club St. Pantelejmon, and Public Relations/Bulletin /Publicity
3. Funds Raisers and All of the Rest. Website/IT, Blind Made Products, Membership/Attendance, Finance/Budget, Leadership Development, White Cane, Phone Tree/Meeting Coordinator, Constitution/By-Laws, Club Socials/Recreation, Holiday Fruit/Flags/Fund, Member Care/ Health / Social Services/ Greeters, Extra Fund Raisers/Special Projects, and LOVF/LCF24-D.
*Lion Bob Perrine made a motion to accept the format change and Seconded by Lion Aziz Selahi. The vote was eight for and one against The initiative was Approved . Lion John Watters will reformat the list and the President will decide which Vice President will be responsible for each of the three areas.

*New business from the floor:
 Hosting the Region III Meeting – Lion John Watters
Our club is hosting the Region III Meeting August 22 at the Hibachi Grill, 5957 E. Virginia Beach Blvd, Norfolk. Lion Bob Perrine will give the Invocation and Benediction, Lion Nancy Watters do the Pledge and Lion John Watters will do the song. Lion Jeri Furman will help at the registration/collection table. We will need a few more volunteers to assist and someone to handle the raffle.
 The next Board meeting will be August 29, 2012, at Lion President Bob Donnelly Residence, Old Donation Clubhouse, 1089 Charity Drive, Virginia Beach, VA.  There was no further business. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

July 18, 2012 -The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on July 18, 2012, by Lion Bob Donnelly at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. The club has 30 members with 23 in attendance. There were three Guest present plus the District Governor’s Official Visit.
SONG – Lion Irene Conlin “Grand Old Flag”
RECESS FOR DINNER “Chicken Parmesan” RECOMMENCED: 7:05 pm

Introduction of Guests:
Introduction of Scholarship recipient; -Lion Rich Roberts
Amy Cohen and her father Stuart Cohen. Lion President Bob and Scholarship Chair Rich Roberts presented her with a check for $500.00. Amy thanked the club for the scholarship and stated that she is attending Virginia Tech studying Business Administration.

Introduction of Zone G Chairperson, Lion Randy Jones – Lion John Watters.
Lion Randy has been a member of the Oceana-Lynnhaven-Golden Lions Club for seven years with perfect attendance. He has served as President three times, 1st Vice President, Sight Chairperson, and reelected as President for 2012-2013. He has completed Regional Leadership Institute 2011 and has served as Zone G and Region III Chairperson. Lion Randy received the Lion of the year, District Governor Appreciation Medal for serving as District Diabetes co-chairperson, received International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation 2011-2012 and is a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Introduction of District Governor Stan Furman – Lion Randy Jones, Zone G Chairperson
Lion Stan was a member of the Little Creek Lions Club for 18 years with 14 years perfect attendance. Serving as President 1975 – 1976. Treasurer 1978 -1980 and Tail Twister 1971 -1972. Joined the Virginia Beach Thalia Lions Club in 2003 where he has perfect attendance since joining. Lion Stan served as President in 2006 – 2007 and Tail Twister in 2008 -2010. Lion Stanley brought in 9 members and holds a Membership Advancement Key. He is a recipient of the Proud Lion and Proud Sponsor Awards. He has been awarded twice the Lion of the Year from the Thalia Club. He has received a Lions International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation and an International Presidents Letter of Commendation. He earned the 2nd Vice District Governor Excellence Medal and was awarded the MD-24 Council of Governors Distinguished Service Medal 2010 – 2011. He is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. Lion Stan served as the District First and Second Vice District Governor, LOVF Representative 2007 – 2008, Zone E East Chairperson 2009 – 2010 and is on the board of the Lions Charity Foundation of District 23-D. He is a graduate of the Lions Regional Leadership Institute in 2009 and LCI Senior Leadership Institute 2010. He is also a Certified Guiding Lion.

The District Governor spoke about this year’s convention in Busan Korea. It was a very busy week. They arrived on a Saturday night at midnight after a 14 ½ hour flight. They were at the convention first thing Monday morning for pictures and on Tuesday morning at 8 am and even Lion Jeri was there that early! His day started at 8 am each of the five days. Incoming Governors were assigned to groups of 30 and focused on Goals, Lions Projects and Administration. Lions are the best organization in the world because we are a bottom up organization. During the China Earthquake Lions were the only International Organization allowed in the country to assist. In the United States ninety percent of membership is Blue Collar. In Europe, China and Japan membership is wealthy and some clubs charge entrance fees to become a member. Lion Stan stressed how wonderful the people are and how Lions are accepted everywhere in the world when wearing your Lions Pin. Lions throughout the world are dedicated to serve, we are a team. Our club is a family, that’s what lions is all about. Lion Stan stated that his job as Governor is to help clubs with what they need to do, not tell them. Thalia Lions Club is the most active club in our District. This month we have seven members going to RAM, working on the Youth Exchange Dinner and Pedia Vision and did another White Cane and Bonney Road cleanup. We just roll up our shirt Sleeves and get out there. The Ninety Sixth International Convention will be in Hamburg, Germany and Lion Ed DeLong is going to attend. Lion Stan challenged our Club President to earn the District Club Excellence Award and challenged our club to create a Literacy Program for children.  Lion Stan gave all in attendance a Busan Korea conference Pin and his 24-D pin.

 Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov – Lion Tajimon Olds resigned from the club due to her husband is ailing and other commitments. Lion Steve presented a Membership Advancement Key to Lion President Bob Donnelly for bringing in three members.
 Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – The Scholarship Fund has $55,464.09. We lost three members so we have $20.50 less collected for each of them in the Admin Account. Our Admin Account balance as of July 18th is $5,767.51 and our Activity Account balance is $4,310.44. (full budget attached).

Old Business:
 Youth Exchange Dinner – Lion Jack Wagner - We will be in the Boyd Dinning Hall the same as last year. If you need directions call me. We will be setting up at 4:30 pm and serving dinner at 5:30 pm. There are eight members signed up to work. (Menu attached).
 Medical Eye Bank Dinner – Lion Steve Rosnov – The 33rd Annual Dinner is at the Norfolk Yacht & Country club, 700 Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk. Wednesday, August 15. Social starts at 6 pm. Those signed up are; Lion Steve and Dian, Lion Bob Donnelly and Maryanne, Lions Stan & Jeri, John & Nancy, Nurys, Debra & Irene. I will call to reserve a table.
 Bonney Road Cleanup – Lion Otis Etheridge – The Bonney Road Cleanup was a success! It was held on June 23rd and we collected 10 pounds of trash and debris. We had a total of six Lions who participated in the cleanup effort. Lions Fran, Jack Mike, President Bob and myself. We will schedule another cleanup once this heat wave leaves the area.
 Lion Club Social – Lion Stan Furman – The Club Social is September 5th at our residence poolside. The club will purchase hot dogs and hamburgers and the rest will be pot luck.

New Business:
 End of Year Sight Report – Lion Linda Eggleston – July 2011 -2012 Total Cost of eye exams, glasses was $2,578.00 and a total of 54 referrals (full report attached).
 White Cane Report – Lion Roger Snell – It was a very hot day! We collected $814.89. Some of the money collected was from brooms sales but we did not get an accurate count. I made a plaque to present to the ABC Store Manager.
 Samaritan House Food Drive - Lion Jack Wagner - It is going downhill the food pantry. Supplies are at the lowest that he remembers. The contributions from our club reduced the house operating cost per person from $26.00 to $17.00.
 Red Cross Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Watters - RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE, Virginia Beach Christian Church, 2225 Rose Hall Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454, August 20, 2012, 2:00pm-7:00pm.  Lion Nancy Watters proposed that the Thalia Lions co-sponsor a Red Cross Blood Drive at Virginia Beach Christian Church. Five members of our club are members of the church and have agreed to work and give blood. The members are Lions Nancy and John Watters, Lion Susan Sumnick, Lion Linda Eggleston, and Lion Fran Clark. Lion Nancy pointed out the following positive reasons for the co-sponsorship:
1. The club will be providing a valuable service to the community.
2. The club earns valuable Achievement Contest points for the project.
3. The club incurs no expense.
4. The club will be allowed to exhibit banners, pass out membership information
5. The club may sell brooms, umbrellas, flags, and mints at the event.
Lion Nancy made a motion to approve the Drive and was seconded by Lion Bob Perrine. The President called for the vote and passed unanimously. Lion Nancy will provide appropriate information for appointment information.
 Pedia Vision – Lion Nancy waters - Children’s Eye Screening Report, District 24-D Cabinet Meeting – Sunday, July 15, 2012
Statistics to date:
Number of children screened with PV to date 15,000
Number of referrals to date 2,719
Percentage of referrals to date 19.8%
Number of clubs that have hosted or participated in a screening 50
- Upcoming projects:
1. Virginia Beach Summer Library screening schedule has been provided to the clubs for the months of June, July and August.
2. Pembroke Mall Kid’s Safety Day will be July 28th in Va. Beach (10-2pm)
3. Lynnhaven Mall’s “Back to School Day” August 11th coordinated by Tidewater Parent. (11-4pm)
4. Head Start has requested screenings again this fall. The schedule has been provided and clubs are assigned specific screenings.
- Achievement Recognition:
The District’s eye screening program is successfully growing among clubs. To recognize clubs that are highly active in accepting the challenge of screening all preschools, daycare facilities, and kindergartens in their area of service, a Children’s Eye Screening Patch is being offered with the following criteria:
1. The club must participate in at least one joint project children’s eye screening.
2. The club will conduct at least 4 children’s eye screenings in their service area. The screening must be conducted by the club individually and not participated in as a joint project.
3. A report of each screening conducted must be sent to the PediaVision Chairperson with copies of each referral (children age 10 and under) as documentation of the screenings within 10 days of the screening.
4. LAMPS are excluded from qualification.
- Lion Milton Bullock of the "Golden Platters" is a member of the Princeville, N. C. Lions Club. He started a foundation called “Do It For The Kids”. At the Fall Conference last year, we showed him the SPOT and he decided to apply for a grant to purchase a machine through his foundation. He has an event planned in N. C. on July 27th with the Lions Sight and Hearing Van in his District. His SPOT is not yet delivered and he has asked Lion John and me to come to Princeville with our District's SPOT to help with the event. We will be representing Thalia and District 24 D.

Fun Stuff:
Children’s Eye Screening will offer a Pin Trader’s Pin very soon! Keep an eye out for a cool design and a limited number
 Region III Meeting – Lion John Watters – August 1st is the first Region meeting. August 22nd is the Region III meeting that our club is hosting. Dine between 6 – 7 PM. We will need members to assist and do a 50/50 raffle.

Birthday- Tail Twister Lion Bob Perrine - Lion Susie Sumnick’s birthday was in June but she wasn’t at that meeting we are doing her meeting tonight. Money was raised to have our Guest Amy sing to her but in the end Lion Otis sang her happy Birthday! The birthday song raised a total of $75.00.

50/50 Raffle - Lion Roger Snell won $50.00

Upcoming Events:
July 22 – Youth Exchange Dinner
July 25 - Board Meeting , 8pm, Lion Presidents Home Club House
July 28 – Pedia Vision, Pembroke Mall, Kid’s Safety Day, 10 – 2 pm.
Aug 1 – Next Regular Club Meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel
Aug 11 - Pedia Vision, Lynnhaven Mall Back To School Day, 11 – 4 pm.
Aug 13 – Red Cross Blood drive
Aug 15 - Medical Eye Bank Dinner
Aug 16 – Region III Meeting
Aug 20 – Red Cross Drive, VBCH Christian Church, 2225 Rose Hall Dr, 2 -7 p.m.
Sep 5 - Lions Club Social at Lion Stan & Jeri Furman’s Condo Pool

Adjournment: 8:30 PM
Submitted: Lion Steve Rosnov, Secretary

20 Jun 2012 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 20, 2012, by Lion Bob Donnelly at 6:30pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. The club has 33 members with 16 in attendance. No Guest present.
SONG – Lion John Watters “God Bless America”
INVOCATION- Lion Linda Eggleston
There was no Guest speaker as it was Lion President’s first meeting of the year 2012 – 2013
*Secretary’s Report – Lion Steve Rosnov
1. Lions Mike Berns and Kim Canacki submitted their resignations due to personal reasons. I will
send them both a note thanking them for their service.
2. Town Center & Blind Lions Club is requesting assistance for their LAMP Project at Beach Pentecostal Church, June 23rd, 10 am – 2pm, if you can assist contact Lion Bambi at 718-8437
3. There’s a board meeting directly after this meeting.
4. Lions Steve Rosnov, Ed DeLong, Bob Donnelly, Stan and Jeri Furman, and Lion John and Nancy Watters attended the June 13th District 24-D Annual Meeting and Lion Ed won a $20.00 Sears Gift Card raffle.
5. Uncle Stan would like as many as possible to attend the First Cabinet meeting Sunday, July 15 at
2PM at the Brickhouse Auditorium, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital
6. The Medical Eye Bank Dinner is Wednesday, August 15th. The Board meeting is at 5:00 and
Dinner at 6:00. Those attending need to send in the money for the tickets.
7. Please have correct change for meals at meetings if possible.
8. Read letters of thank you from The Virginia Workers of the Blind & Burkeville Lodge for
our $100.00 donation, Southside Lions Club for providing our club banner at the state
Convention, and Scholarship recipient Ayotunde F, Oyedele.
*Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – As of June 20, Our Admin account has a total of $3,806.64 and that is without adding dues collected so far and at the end of this year our activities account is $4,637.44. We are doing very well .

Old Business:
* White Cane – Lion Steve Rosnov – June 29-30 is the dates for the White Cane Collection at the ABC Store in Princess Anne Plaza, 3333 Virginia Beach Blvd - . Two hour shifts Friday Noon to 8pm and Saturday 10am to 4pm. We can sell Brooms, Flags or just about whatever we wish to do. A sign-up sheet was passed around.
* Youth Exchange Dinner – Lion Bob Donnelly - Lion Bob Perrine has agreed to do BBQ chicken again. The date is July 22nd (five club members will be at RAM). There will be 32 students, 2 counselors and 4 other adults plus club members and spouses who attend. The meal will be served indoors. We need lions to sign up to help. Please coordinate with Lion President Bob.

New Business:
*2012 Committee Assignments – Lion Bob Donnelly- The assignment list was passed around for input. Lion Rich Roberts made a motion for the President to send out a new list with the recent
changes to all members. The motion was seconded by Lion Irene Conlin. There was no further
discussion and was unanimously approved. Lion President will contact those members not at this
*Board meeting - Lion Bob Donnelly – There will be a board meeting directly after the regular meeting to approve the club budget.
*Bonney Road Cleanup – Lion Otis Etheridge- The Bonney Road Cleanup is this Saturday morning at 9am. Please attend if you can. There was a show of hands of some members that will be there. Meet at the Teachers Credit Union Parking lot.
*Pedia Vision – Lion Nancy Watters - The District would offer a Children’s Eye Screening patch for club banner to clubs that meet set criteria. She passed around a sample of the patch for everyone to see. An article in the Knight’s Vision for the month of July will display the patch and list the criteria for clubs to qualify. A Children’s Eye Screening pin will also be available.
*Twinning – Lion Nancy Watters - On May 29th, Lion John and Nancy Watters hosted Lion Filip Cuckov, his new bride, Ana, Lion Filip’s mother, Teuta Cuckov, Lion Stan and Jeri Furman for dinner to celebrate the occasion of Lion Filips’s marriage and the visit of his mother from Macedonia. Thalia Lions began a twinning relationship with Lion Teuta’s Lions Club in Macedonia two years ago. Lion Stan presented Lion Teuta with his District Governor’s pin. We exchanged other gifts as well as shared project information and reports. Thalia Lions club was notified by Lions Clubs International that both our clubs will receive a “twinning” patch for our banners very soon. Please check the Knight’s Vision for the month of June to read the article about the event.
*Lion Filip wishes to become more active in our club and is hoping to bring Ana as well as another friend into membership of the Thalia Club.
*Lion Club Social –Lion Steve Rosnov – This year’s annual social will once again be at Lion Stan & Jeri Furman’s Condo Pool on Sept 5. The details haven’t been worked out but there will be hotdogs, hamburgers and more. This should be a great relaxed get together so plan on bringing your significant other and children.
*Thalia Blog – Lion Bob Perrine – “Our blog is number 1 on Google”. It has the most worldwide hits
(views) of any blog! Look at your committee’s blog and send me committee reports. From the
Secretary – as they say in the Navy “Bravo Zulu Lion Bob!”
*Melvin Jones – Lion Secretary Steve Rosnov presented Lion Aziz Selahi with the Melvin Jones
Plaque and letter and pinned Lion Aziz with the Melvin Jones Pin and read the accompanying letter
of congratulations. Lion Aziz received a full round of applause for his work in Lionism.
*Vetshouse – Lion Smitty – Vetshouse will have a fresh vegetable sale this Saturday from noon to 3pm
at the corner of North Oceana Blvd & Virginia Beach Blvd.
*Fruit Sale – Lion Jack Wagner – Received a call from the distributor. The cost of fruit will be going
up but no prices are set yet. Fruit will be delivered sometime between December 12th & December
16th and will be delivered to my house.
*Food Bank – Lion Jack Wagner – The food bank is down to $12.00. Lion Secretary will remind/request supporting the Food Bank when sending out meeting agendas.

Upcoming Events:
*June 23 – Bonney Road Cleanup
*June 29 & 30 – White Cane at the ABC Store, Princess Anne Plaza
*July 15 – District Cabinet Meeting, 2pm, Brickhouse Auditorium, Sentara Norfolk, General Hospital
*July 18 – Next Regular Club Meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel
*July 22 – Youth Exchange Dinner
*July 28 – Pedia Vision, Pembroke Mall, Kid’s Safety Day
*Aug 15 - Medical Eye Bank Dinner
*Sep 5 - Lions Club Social at Lion Stan & Jeri Furman’s Condo Pool

July Birthdays: Lion Rob Seim (not Present)

The Tail Twister Collected $80.00
50/50 raffle. Lion Vickie Kennedy won $40.00.

Lion Steve Rosnov
Thalia Club Secretary

20 Jun 2012 - The Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by Lion President Bob Donnelly. The following board members and regular members in attendance: Lions Bob Donnelly, Steve Rosnov, Vickie Kennedy, Roger Snell, Rich Roberts, Irene Conlin, Bob Perrine, Otis Etheridge, Aziz Selahi, Debra Luaghlin, Nurys Sabino, John Watters, and Michael Coren.

The meeting On-Going Business:

-Approval of May 23rd, 2012 Board Minutes – Lion Steve Rosnov asked for and received approval of minutes of last Board meeting. 

-Old Business: There was no old business discussed.

-New Business

*2012 – 2013 Budget – Lion Steve Rosnov asked if all members reviewed the proposed budget and all indicated that they had. Lion John Watters made a motion to accept the budget as written. Lion Rich Roberts seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the vote passed with a unanimous vote.  Budget attached.

*Girl Scout Volunteers – Lion Nurys Sabino – The girl scouts would like to volunteer to assist at some of our projects. The board agreed that the Girl scouts are welcome to assist in serving on projects and should contact the respective chair.

*The next board meeting will be at Lion President Bob Donnelly’s home/clubhouse July 25 at 8pm.

Adjournment: 8 pm
Lion Steve Rosnov - Secretary, Thalia Lions Club


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