Meetings 2015 - 2016
June 15 (Last meeting of the 2015 / 2016 Year)
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 15, 2016, by Lion President(elect) Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
ATTENDANCE 0 Guests 15 Members 41 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:37 pm Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President(elect) Nancy
Lion Nancy brought in Origami paper and instructions on how to make a crane since it is in line with our International President Yamada’s theme of peace and harmony. She tired start the club members out on the right foot by demonstrating how to make the preliminary base but soon found that Lions are not good at following simple directions. She offered up a prize to the best crane at the end of them meeting. Lion Aziz asked if the prize involved money. When he found out that it didn’t involve money, he was no longer interested.
Program: Lion Marvin Clemmons – Square Account Lion Marvin brought in the card readers he purchased to show them off. Lion Marvin set up our club’s square account and linked it to out bank account. He did a trial transaction to test it and the transaction went through without issue. Lion Marvin shared the log in information with the gmail account he set up and the square account. Next step is for club members to download the square app on our phones.
Children Screeings/Shop for Cause – Lion Nancy Watters VB Central Library Screenings o Doing one on July 18th from 10-1pm o Lion Sylvia will be in her lion suit rounding up the kiddies o Doing another one on July 25th from 1-4pm following a NASA program so attendance should be good o We let the VB infant care program know about the screenings. They have about 300 kids with special needs in the program. It is hard for parents to get services at their school so hopefully they will come out and get screened. Shop for a Cause (Macy’s) o $5 per card, giving out sets of 10 o Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all. o People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with some restrictions)
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – Led by Lion Jim Healy - “Grand Old Flag” in memory of Lion Ed Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion John Watters Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine
o We have 200 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000. o Already collected $265
LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman The yearly auction is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser Will be on Oct 8th from 11 to 1pm We have a $250 service grant we earned last year which we haven’t used yet. We can win another one by raffle (we get a ticket for each item donated over $50 in value) or we can win one by getting more than 15 people (friends and family count) to the auction. Solicit restaurants for gift cards. They will get about 80% of their face value.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters Next EGRC is the Fourth of July + 10 days or July 14th, Same time/same place. Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy at 9:30 for a ride. Collected 387 glasses this month and 4 lions worked the EGRC.
Lion Merchandise – Lion Nancy Watters Lion Nancy passed out sheets of items for club members to order to become more visible in the community and to be more enthusiastic about being Lions. Let Lion Nancy know which items you want and she will place one order to consolidate on shipping. She will pay the shipping and the club member will pay for the item. Lion Nancy wants to place the order soon. Lion Rich brought up the big sign the Kiwanis have in front of the hotel which says when they meet. We need to investigate getting a similar sign.
PAHS Scholarship – Lion Bob Perrine Lion Bob and his wife went to the PAHS scholarship ceremony on June 7th. They gave away 4 million dollars in scholarships. The Lions gave away 5K with Bayside doing 3K, VB TC Blind giving 1K and Thalia giving 1K. Our recipient will be at the next club meeting.
Traveling Leo – Lion Rich Roberts One of Lion Steve’s friends is giving a presentation to the Churchland Lions on Monday June 27th and he is going. Lion Rich said he would go if two other want to join and make it a traveling leo. Lion Marvin and Lion Vickie said they would go.
Youth Dinner – Lion Nancy Chicken – Lion Aziz Paper products – Lion Nancy and Lion John (they will be at RAM) Cookies – Lion Jim Healy Potato Salad – PCC Stan Water – Lion Vickie Pasta Salad – Lion Marvin Green Salad – Lion Dick Baked Beans – Lion Rich
Lion Nancy read a thank you letter from a leader dog recipient.
Lion Vickie presented the Treasurer’s Report.
From the Floor Lion Nancy – will have another blood drive at VB Christian Church on Aug 29th Lion John – Lion Nancy set the club awry with her instructions for the preliminary base. We briefly discussed the final district meeting and how membership is up substantially in the district. Lion Nancy – Since nobody was able to pull off the origami crane, she sent us all home with homework. At the next meeting, she will line up the crane and the top 3 will win a prize. Lion John remarked that he will give her “the bird” alright. Lion Dick expressed concern over members who don’t regularly attend meetings. Lion Nancy announced she has a plan for that. Some members don’t attend meetings but they support the club in other ways and do service projects, which is fine. There is another group not really doing anything and she is going to assign people to reach out to them and try to get them back in.
Secretary’s Report: The 1st cabinet meeting is on Aug 7th at Norfolk General, 1pm. It’s time to pay dues again. $100. Pay up. BOD meeting next Wednesday at the Watter’s residence to set next year’s budget.
Tail Twister PCC J. Stanley Furman Birthdays: None 50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $20 – Lion Marvin, $12 Lion Marvin again!, $6 – Lion Mike. Progressive Raffle: Lion John’s ticket was pulled but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $167. 34 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned at 7:46 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
June 22th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Budget) – The Watters’ Residence, 6:30pm
June 27th (Mon) – Churchland Traveling Leo
July 6th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
July 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
July 18th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening #1, 10-1pm
July 20th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
July 22-24th (Fri-Sun) – RAM (Wise County)
July 24th (Sun) – Youth Camp Dinner (VA Wesleyan)
July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2, 1-4pm
Aug 7th (Sun) – 1st Cabinet Meeting (Norfolk General), 1pm
Oct 8th (Sat) – LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction
June 1, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 1,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
1 Guests
21 Members
57 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President Irene
Program: None
Blood Drive/Broom Sale/Shop for Cause – Lion Nancy Watters
• Blood Drive/Broom Sale
o May 22nd got rained out.
o Still able to collect 23 pints of blood.
o Couldn’t sell brooms for very long and ended up selling $92 worth
o Lion Fran worked the SPOT, but only 2 children were screened
• Shop for a Cause (Macy’s)
o $5 per card, giving out sets of 10
o Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all.
o People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with
some restrictions)
o We have 200 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000.
o Already collected $200
Scholarships – Lion Bob Perrine
• Lion Bob read a thank you letter from the Adult Learning Center. The letter stated how
excited we named our scholarship after Lion Ed DeLong and how loved he was by their staff.
• Our PAHS scholarship winner will come to our July 6th meeting. The recipient is very
deserving and plans to study nursing at George Washington University.
State Bland Competition – Lion Vickie Kennedy
• Both our district winners (and both from our club competition) ended up in 3rd place for their
respective discipline at the state competition.
• A 9 yr old one (violinist) won the instrumental competition and a 11 yr old piano player took
• Lion Vickie ask Lion Rich to say a few words about the competition. Lion Rich said he
wasn’t planning on attended and was pushed into going and that he and his wife were grateful
that they were because it was very enjoyable and the talent level of the kids was phenomenal.
• Lion Roger asked if we could get WHRO or some other news outlet to cover the event to gain
exposure. Lion Rich commented how they hired a professional videographer for State
Competition in order to use it for marketing. We could do something similar and take the
video to the local music teachers to drive awareness.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• Lion John held up a bag full of eyeglasses and asked us what that meant. The club responded
o Next EGRC is June 9th, Same time/same place.
o Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy at 9:30 for a ride.
Outgoing President Remarks – Lion Irene Conlin
• Lion Irene thanked to club for allowing her the opportunity to be our club president. She
learned a lot over the course of the year. She appreciated the fact that she got around and met a
lot of lions for around the district and the state. The club did a lot and we should be proud. She
handed out American Flag pins to remember Lion Ed whom she misses a lot and because we
always wear our Lions pins but she never sees anyone where pins representing America.
Installation of Officers – PCC J. Stanley Furman
• PCC Stan installed the officers for FY16-17.
• While Lion Irene was passing the president’s pin to Lion Nancy, the gavel was somehow
stolen and made its way around the room. Somehow it ended up at Lion Aziz’s table but we
can’t prove how it got there. Lion Irene took up a collection to buy the gavel back. She raised
$69, of which 50 went to the club and 19 went to Samaritan House.
• List of installed officers are attached.
Incoming President Remarks – Lion Nancy Watters
Does anyone know the three focus areas of service for the 100th Anniversary Year?
Vision, Youth, and Environment. It started with a challenge in 2014. Our club has achieved all
three challenges already.
Does anyone know who the new International President is or what his theme is for this 100th year
of LCI?
Bob Corlew – Theme “New Mountains to Climb” (from Tennessee foothills)
Our club has climbed many mountains over the years. We meet every challenge placed before us.
Most of you know what they are. We have championed causes that have been picked up by the
District, by the State and by International; Children’s Eye Screening; Visionwalk; Audible Easter
Egg Hunt.
We’ve supported legacy causes; Youth Exchange, Bland Contest, Journey for Sight, Diabetes
screening and education, Disaster Relief, Hunger Relief, Leader Dog programs; Eye glass
As a club we are accustomed to stepping up for the cause. We are examples of “Where there is a
need there is a Lion.”
Sometimes we may think it spreads us too thin and we hear grumbling in the background, but we
come together and provide the need that is at hand.
That makes me proud to be a member Thalia Lions Club.
So to acknowledge the new theme for this year, I am going to ask you to step up again. Not with
dollars, although I might ask that too, but with enthusiasm to spread the word that we are a great
organization. With enough enthusiasm to ASK someone to become a member and then guide that
person to a fulfilling experience in our club.
We have lost some wonderful Lions over the years. And likewise we have gained wonderful
Lions. But our numbers and our participation is waning. I offer this challenge to each of you.
1. Wear your pin EVERY day…..someone will eventually ask what it is.
2. Be prepared with an answer to the question, “What is the Lions Club?”
3. Grab at opportunities to tell others about Lions.
4. Support club, zone, and district service activities.
5. Get to know your leadership in the zone and the district.
6. Report to our secretary all the activities in which you volunteer as a Lion. Wear your pin,
your hat, your vest, to food bank activities or other organizations that provide services. Let them
know Lions are good people.
President Bob Curlew wants every club to gain 3 new members this year. We have further to go
because we lost Lion Ed and we will drop a couple of others who have not been with us in a long
So my goal this year aside from the new International President’s theme and the 100 year
challenge, is for our club to renew the enthusiasm and the membership to revive our spirit and our
We have a common cause, we support each other, we have the desire to make a difference else we
would not be in this club. Together we can serve with more dedication, serve with enthusiasm,
and serve with more compassion than ever before. That’s what I want and that’s what I expect we
will do this year.
I appreciate your trust in offering me the position of President this year. But I ask that you
remember. You make the club, you do the work, you contribute the time, you expend the energy,
and you care enough to make the difference in the lives of people in need.
Award Presentations – Lion Irene Conlin
• Lion Irene presented certificates of appreciation to the following Lions for their service and
support during her term:
• Lions Steve, Mike, Debra, Vickie, Stan, Dick, Linda H., Aziz, Rich, and Nancy
Award Presentations – Lion Rich Roberts
• Lion Rich presented Lion Irene with a Lion Statue engraved with her presidential term. Sorry
Lion Irene, I don’t think it is real gold.
• Lion Rich won the Lion of the Year.
Secretary’s Report:
• The Final District Meeting is June 8th at Smithfield Station. Lion Rich registered Lions Marvin,
Stan, Jeri, Vickie, Steve, and Debra. They all now owe him $15. Lions John and Nancy have
already registered. It will be $20 for anybody else who shows up and pays at the door.
• Lion Rich and PCC Stan gave an update on the Redistricting vote which occurred at the State
Convention. The proposal to merge the current 6 districts into 3 received 154 votes for, 110
against, and 2 abstentions. There is confusion on whether the proposal actually passed. LCI
requires a simple majority and our state bylaws require a 2/3 vote. At the convention, the council
of governors considered the proposal defeated but are requested an opinion from LCI legal. An
earlier opinion from LCI is that our bylaws are simply not in-line with reality and a simple
majority should pass it. There were also concerns about the legitimacy of the proposal since
discussion was not allowed at the general session and amendments were forbidden, which is
contrary to our bylaws. Both Lion Rich and Lion Stan expressed concerns that redistricting in this
manner is a bad thing for the district and the multiple.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: None of our birthday boys and girls showed up.
• 50/50 Raffle: 6 drawings
o $32- Lion John
o Scratchers – Lions Sharon, John, Nancy, Rich, Roger
• Progressive Raffle: Lion John’s ticket was pulled but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $158. 35 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:01 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
June 3rd/4th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJs on VB Blvd)
June 8th (Wed) – Final District Meeting (Smithfield)
June 9th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
June 15th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
June 29th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Budget) – The Watters’ Residence
July 18th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening #1
July 22-24th (Fri-Sun) – RAM (Wise County)
July 24th (Sun) – Youth Camp Dinner (VA Wesleyan)
July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2
Aug 7th (Sun) – 1st Cabinet Meeting (Norfolk General)
OFFICERS 2016 – 2017
President – Nancy Wat ters
Firs t Vice Pres ident – Debra Laughl in
Second Vice Pres ident – Marvin Clemmons
Third Vice Pres ident – Susan Sumnick
Immediate Pas t Pres ident – Irene Conl in
Secretary – Rich Roberts
Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy
Tail Twister – Jim Gander
Lion Tamer – Steve Rosnov
One Year Directors – Stan Furman, Dick Kressig
Two year Directors – John Watters, Aziz Selahi
Membership Chairman – Irene Conlin
May 18, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 18,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
0 Guests
14 Members
38 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President Irene
Program: None
Children Screenings/Blood Drive/Broom Sale – Lion Nancy Watters
• May 22nd (Sunday) 1-6, we’ll do a blood drive at Virginia Beach Christian Church (Great
Neck Rd). We’ll also sell brooms.
o Register to donate blood with the Red Cross
o Still have a lot of open slots to fill
• Shop for a Cause (Macy’s)
o $5 per card, giving out sets of 10
o Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all.
o People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with
some restrictions)
o We have 200 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000.
• We will do 2 screenings at the VB Central Library
o July18 from 10-2
o July 25th
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• Next EGRC is June 9th, Same time/same place.
• Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy at 9:30 for a ride.
White Cane Report – Lion Debra Laughlin
• We’ll do a white cane on Friday/Saturday June 3rd and 4th.
• Lion Debra had one open slot, Saturday 4-6, but Lion John and Nancy both volunteered to
take the shift.
Credit Card Processing – Lion Marvin Clemmons
• The email responses after the last meeting were positive and it looks like the club wants to go
ahead and try out the Square.
• Lion Marvin set up a test account and will have a Square reader at the next meeting (after
installation night) so we can try it out and see how it works.
From the Floor:
• Lion Nancy – brought up possibly doing a tour of the Brock Center in lieu of a meeting next
Lion Year. The target date would be in November. There were some concerns whether there
would be enough to see to make it worth out time. Lion Nancy will gather more info and let
the club decide.
• Lion Vickie gave the Treasurer’s report. We decided to issue our final obligations and cut
checks for the District answering service and the Eyebank.
Secretary’s Report:
• The Final District Meeting is June 8th at Smithfield Station. Lion Rich will register those who want
to attend. It’s $15 if you register ahead of time. It will be $20 if you show up and pay at the door.
Lions Marvin, Stan, Vickie, Steve, and Debra said they would attend. Lions John and Nancy have
already registered.
• The Foundation for Fighting Blindness sent us a thank you letter for our $250 donation to the
• At the Final District Meeting the district will present DG Ray with a gift and clubs are asked to
donate $10 to go towards the gift. Lion Stan made a motion to make the $10 donation and Lion
John seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
• The LOY voting is in. 17 votes were cast and 12 different Lions received votes. There is a winner
however and that Lion will be announced at installation night.
• We collected a little over $22 in mint money.
• We need to have a board meeting (with the outgoing and incoming board) to set the budget for
next year. Lion Nancy will host the meeting at her house at 6:30 on June 29th.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Lion Nancy and Lion Otis both picked Lion Vickie to sing to them and she was not
happy about it. She did get some company though, because club members started bidding for Lion
Marvin to sing as well. He fought hard but in the end the club won out and we got a really well
done duet.
• 50/50 Raffle: 6 drawings
o $20- Lion Vickie (which she donated towards the DG gift)
o Scratchers – Lions Stan, Jim 1, Jack, Vickie, Shelia
• Progressive Raffle: Lion Irene’s ticket was pulled and she was pretty stoked about it, but he did
not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to
$147. 37 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
May 19th -22nd – MD-24 State Convention (Roanoke)
May 21st (Sat) – Low Vision Symposium (Bayside Special Services Library)
May 22nd (Sun) – Blood Drive/Broom Sale (VB Christian Church)
June 1st (Wed) – Installation of Officers/Club Meeting (Hilton Garden Inn, VB Town Center)
June 3rd/4th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJs on VB Blvd)
June 8th (Wed) – Final District Meeting (Smithfield)
June 29th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Watters’ Residence, 6:30pm)
July 10th (Sun) – VB Central Library Screening #1
July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2
May 4, 2016
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
ATTENDANCE 1 Guests 17 Members 46 Percent
Apr 20, 2016
Mar 16, 2016
Mar 2, 2016
Feb 17, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb 17,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
0 Guests
19 Members
51 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:33 pm
Reconvened: 7:01 pm
Program: Lion Irene Conlin – Lions Pop Quiz
• The club members were given 10 minutes to answer 19 questions about Lions and our club.
The idea was to give each member an opportunity to answer one of the questions and get a
prize. Some members (Lion Aziz) were way too enthusiastic and wanted to answer every
question. Pandemonium ensued, but everyone had a good time and learned new thing.
Children’s Eye Screenings – Lion Nancy Watters
• No screenings are currently scheduled.
• Lion Nancy and Lion John will be going out of the country soon and the Spot will be with
Lion Nancy Cranford (Oceanside Lions). Contact her if you want to set up a screening. Lion
Rich can provide contact info if needed.
• Lion Linda is in rehab at VB General. She isn’t having any visitors at this time. She is still
paralyzed on one side and has aphasia. She will be able to return home in 2 weeks if
everything progresses well.
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
• 14 contestants (11 instrumentalist, 3 vocalist)
• Excellent judges are lined up again, one new judge this year.
• Lion Stan will help with the instrumentalist, Lion Nancy with the vocalist.
• Lion Irene will keep the parents out of the warm-up area so we won’t have an incident like last
• 10 club members + some Lion spouses plan on attending.
• We have a 9 yr old (4th grader) participating this year. Our youngest ever was 6.
• Lion Aziz will bring the coffee and refreshments.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
• We were going to York County on Feb 25th.
• Lions Steve, Rich, Irene, Marvin, and Jack are going.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• 530 glasses were turned in this month (all time record!) and 3 hearing aids
• We had so many glasses because we jacked Ocean-Lynnhaven-Golden. OLG has a collection
box at Bayside Eye Clinic but they haven’t been there to pick them up in a while. They called
us and the rest is history.
• 6 lions showed up on Feb 11th and worked 2 hrs each.
Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Lion Irene Conlin
• The location is the campground near the intersection of Birdneck Rd and General Booth Blvd.
• Time is still TBD. Will probably show up around noon to set-up and be done around 4pm.
• We had about 20 kid this year.
From the Floor:
• Lion Steve Rosnov gave a Barrett and Karie update. They are still going to donate to the
audible easter egg hunt as they have done in years past but they don’t want anybody to know
about it. They will be in town and may come to our next club meeting with their new baby.
• The Tidewater Women’s Magazine is going to run an article about female leaders in Lions.
The Magazine interviewed our own Lion Debra and Lion Irene. They also interviewed 2VDG
Beth. Lion Irene will be the cover for the March issue.
• PCC J. Stanley Furman – Sell your LOVF Raffle Tickets!!!! Or else!!!!!
• Lion Marvin Clemmons thanked PCC Stan for giving his foodbank project report. There is
still a lot of food which needs to be picked up. Things have been behind due to the bad
• Lion Debra Laughlin spoke about Visionwalk. She and PDG Donnie Johnson are the District
Liaisons. District 24-A has challenged us again this year. They beat us handily last year. DG
Ray Yannello is offering 3 achievement points for each dollar donated to Visionwalk and 50
achievement points for each walker.
• PCC J. Stanley Furman gave a charter night (April 9th) update. We’ll have a cash bar at the
hotel. The speaker is PID Wayne Davis who is running for 3rd International VP. We’ll have
cocktails around 6pm and dinner around 7. Price will be $40 for club members (unless the
club subsidizes) and $45 for guests. Club members will get the 50th anniversary pins and
others will need to purchase them if they want one.
• Lion Vickie Kennedy passed out the current Treasurer Report for club members to review.
We currently have $6,546.92 in the Activity Account and $3,926.81 in the Admin Account.
• PCC J. Stanley Furman made a motion that we pay some of our budgeted charitable donations
(Leader Dog, Burkeville Lodge, Diabetes Camp, Foodbank, LOVF, Visionwalk, and the 3
School Clinics) which amount to ~$1,500. Lion Jack seconded the motion and it passed
• Lion Rich Roberts recommended we hold a White Cane in the near future. We are targeting
March 18/19th. We may do another in April.
• Lion Shelia Romm thanked Lion Vickie and The Ronald McDonald House for their toiletry
donations when her church sheltered the homeless.
Secretary’s Report:
• Governor’s social is Sat. Feb 27th. The registration form is in the Knights Vision. It will be at Point
Plaza Suites (right of I-64) in Newport News. Need to book your room by the 19th to get the
discounted rate. The theme is Mardi Gras.
• Membership is up in the District after years of decline. We’re plus 12 for Feburary and plus 34 for
the year.
• A new club will soon be chartered in the district, the King William County Children First Lions
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Done on 2/3
• 50/50 Raffle: $21 – Lion Sylvia, $20 – Lion Marvin
• Progressive Raffle: Lion Roger’s ticket was pulled, but she did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so
the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $110.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Feb 18th Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church (7pm)
Feb 25th (Thurs) – Traveling Leo – York County Lions
Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet Meeting/Governor’s Social. (Point Plaza Hotel, NN)
March 2nd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
March 5th (Sat) – Visionwalk Kickoff Lunch (Greenbrier Country Club)
March 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling Center
March 10th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church) (7pm)
March 16th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
March 18/19th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJ’s on VB Blvd)
March 30th (Wed) – Region III meeting
April 2nd (Sat) – Region III Audible Easter Egg Hunt (campground at Birdneck & General Booth)
April 2nd (Sat) – Journey for Sight Rodeo
April 9th (Sat) – Thalia’s 50 Years of Service Celebration (Hilton Garden Inn)
April 16th (Sat) – District 24-D Leadership Training (Oak Grove United Methodist Church)
April 24th (Sun) - Visonwalk
April 29th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (Chandler Hall
Feb 3, 2016
Jan 20, 2016
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan 6,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
3 Guests
17 Members
45 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34 pm, Reconvened: 7:22 pm
Program: Lion Cecil and Lion Marvin – LCI Headquarters
Lion Marvin and Lion Cecil recently attended ALLI at the LCI headquarters and where able to tour the building. They took at ton of pictures and told us about each one including the numerous people they met, although they couldn’t remember anybody’s name.
Meeting Frequency – Lion Rich Roberts
• We did not discuss any proposals or have any debate at this meeting. This is just to lay out the
process we will follow.
• A Board meeting will be held at Lion Debra’s house on Saturday, Jan 16th. The time is TBD and
will be distributed to the club when the time is officially set.
• At the board meeting (at which all members are welcome and can provide input/feedback), the
board will determine if we should change anything. If the board decides a change should be made,
the board will develop 1 or more proposals to present to the membership at the regular club
meeting on Wednesday, Jan 20th.
• At the regular meeting on the 20th, we will discuss and debate the proposal(s) and the membership
will vote on whether to adopt any of the proposed changes or reject them.
• At the meeting on the 20th, we will not have a speaker and will leave other items off the agenda.
Eye Screenings (SPOT)/Children’s Books – Lion Nancy Watters
• On Jan 23rd, we will have a SPOT screening at VB Christian Church from 1-3
• This screening is will service the infant program which deals with children with specialized needs.
They don’t have a centralized location, so we are doing it at the church and contacting parents to
bring their children. We don’t know what the turnout will be like, so if you want to come you are
welcome to join.
• Lion Debra sent an email about her first experience as sight chair. She sent a patient over to Lens
Crafters but they could not fit her because she has a special condition which causes a misshaped
cornea. So Lion Debra sent her over to Dr. Bond. The cost to fit her would have been $700-$800.
This only ended up costing the club $50. Dr. Bond did the work for free and he worked with the
manufacturer to get them to reduce their price. We submitted a grant to the 24-D charity
foundation and they picked up the balance. This is why the charity foundation is so important.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Jan 14 . 10am-noon
• You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
• We did 5 families total ( 4 for Christmas and 1 for Hanukkah)
• The response was great as always and the families are so appreciative. This is a heart-warming
project for all of those who participated.
• Lion Aziz suggested we take on more families this year. It was suggested that before we contact
social services next year, we check with the members and see how many want to participate and
how much money everyone is willing to pony up that way we will know how many families we
will be able to take on.
LOVF Raffle – PCC J. Stanly Furman
• PCC Stan passed out the raffle booklets.
• This is not just a fundraiser for LOVF, it also is a club fundraiser.
• For each book we sell, we keep $20 and ship $10 off to LOVF. If we sell them all, we’ll net $900.
• Tickets are due at the State Convention (will do final collection at the last meeting in April)
• Write checks out to the club.
• PCC will also be the President of LCF-24D next year and will look to the club to help support him
with the Bid ‘N Buy Auction, which is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser. Above is what
the charity foundation does for us.
Fruit Sales – Lion Jack Wagner
• The garage is cleared out, we sold everything.
• There were some problems with some of the fruit, especially the naval oranges. Some of it was
rotten. This year’s crop was affected by excessive rain.
• $1,977 was collected so far, not including an additional $309 Lion Rich collected at the meeting.
• We may look into another vendor, but will see if CJ will give us a discount (he has done so in the
• We sold about 20 crates less than we did the previous year but should still net around $1000.
Food Project – Lion Marvin Clemmons
• This started as a Zone project but will be a project with all the clubs of Virginia Beach.
• The Pastor at Enoch Baptist Church will tell this members to bring food every Sunday to be put in
bins for the foodbank.
• The Lions will have a table at the church to collect the food and promote Lions.
• They want Lions (probably around 3) at the church every Sunday starting around 9.
• Still details to be worked out, Lion Marvin is meeting with the pastor on Thursday.
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
• The club contest will be Feb 18th at Thalia United Methodist Church, 7pm.
• Invites have gone out to our past contestants.
• Region III contest will be March 10th at Thalia United Methodist Church, 7pm.
• The 24-D contest will be April 29th at Chandler Hall.
• May 20th – state final in Roanoke.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
• We have visited 6 clubs so far
• We need to visit one more zone for the patch.
• We are going to York County Lions on Feb 11th.
• Lions Steve, Marvin, Rich, Irene, and Jack all said they would go.
From the Floor:
• Lion Vickie issued the 2nd half our the scholarship money ($500 each) to our PAHS scholarship
• TCC reached out and the young lady who won our ALC scholarship was unable to attend TCC
due to a medical condition and the school refunded us the $1000. She is going to go back so we reissued the scholarship money.
• The peanut sale made about $1,300 and we did not receive any complaints from our customers.
Secretary’s Report:
• Guiding Lion Training is this Saturday in Poquoson.
• Governor’s social is Feb 27th in Newport News.
• Membership in the district is up 20 for the year. Last year we were never positive.
• Lion Giovanni has decided to resign since he doesn’t have time to be active in the club due to
family commitments. Lion Irene reached out to him and we’re going to keep him on our mailing
list to keep him informed with what is going on.
• We have several members we haven’t heard from in a while. We need to develop a plan to reach
• Send pictures to Lion Rich to post on Facebook.
• JDRF sent us a thank you letter for our donation. Every year we support Lion Dick’s grandson
Scotty who organizes a team for their annual charity walk.
• Lion Rich collected $309 in fruit money at the meeting.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Lion Vickie wanted the male quartet of Lions Jim 1, Jim 2, Mike, and Jack to sing to
her. Lion Rich wanted Lion Vickie to sing to him which she thought was plain wrong. Lion
Marvin paid to have his sister sing to Lion Rich which made him one lucky lion! Lion Vickie
channeled her inner 50 cent in her explicit happy birthday rendition.
• 50/50 Raffle: $38 – PCC Stan
• Progressive Raffle: Lion Rich’s ticket was pulled, but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $88.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:24 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Jan 9th (Sat) – Guiding Lion Training (Poquoson Community Center) (8am-noon)
Jan 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling Center
Jan 16th (Sat) – Board Meeting (Lion Debra’s House) (Tentative)
Jan 23rd (Sat) – SPOT Screening (VB Christian Church) (1pm-3pm)
Feb 11th (Thurs) – Traveling Leo – York County Lions
Feb 18th Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church (7pm)
Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet Meeting/Governor’s Social. (Point Plaza Hotel, NN)
March 10th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church) (7pm)
April 29th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (Chandler Hall)
Dec 2, 2015
Nov 18, 2015
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Nov 4, 2015
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Oct 21, 2015
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Oct 21,
2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:40pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
ATTENDANCE 2 Guests, 13 Members - 34 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:44 pm, Reconvened: 7:10 pm
Program: Lion Mack Stevens – “Ready, Set, Grow”
Lion Mack summarized a presentation given by ID Jerome Thompson at the 24-D Fall Conference
centered on growing membership. We want to grow membership because more members means more
hands which means more service. We must start by asking who our customer is. We have three customers to satisfy, our members, our service partners, and the people who we serve. For our members, we must provide a purpose/task. With our service partners and those we serve, we must think about what we are promising and what we can deliver. We must make it a priority to deliver on our promises. We must ask why we have meetings and why and individual would want to come. Meetings can serve social purposes and be an opportunity to learn and organize. We must know our members and understand what they want to get out of the meeting. LCI has a program called “Your club, your way”. This program says to organize your club however works best for you. There is no rigid format which a Lion meeting must run. Disorganization is one of the biggest problems in clubs. Lion Irene wants to discuss membership ideas at our upcoming board meeting.
Eye Screenings (SPOT) – Lion Nancy Watters
• We screened 37 at VB preschool, 109 at Malibu ES, and 137 at Trentwood ES.
• Another screening is scheduled for Oct. 29th. All the volunteer slots are filler. Will have
approximately 200 students to screen.
• Kings Grant ES screening is Nov. 19th. 3 Lions signed up, need 1 more.
• While screening at Malibu, an assist. principle from another school who has not let us in witnessed
the screening and now we have an opportunity there.
• Will look at doing a screening at Windsor Oaks ES. This is in VB Central’s territory but they
aren’t covering the school.
Smile across the Miles – Lion Nancy Watters
• 24th of October – starting at 11:30
• Will be done at the fellowship hall of Virginia Beach Christian Church (Great Neck Road)
• 65 people from Anthem are signed up to work this event with us.
• We need more Lions. E-mail Lion Nancy if you want to work.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• 6 people worked 2 hours each on Oct 8th.
• Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Nov 12th . 10am-noon
• You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
Eyebank Luncheon – Lion John Watters
• Donor families and recipients will speak about their experiences.
• 1 or 2 people can go with Lion John.
• Noon on Nov. 19th
VBCPS Backpack Food Stuffing – Lion Marvin Clemmons
• The event will occur on Thursday, Oct 22 from 4:30-6:30pm
• Location is Corporate Landing ES.
• We will need 30-35 lions.
• 18 Lions currently registered with 86 from Anthem.
• Lion Marvin’s full report is attached.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
• We are scrapping the goal of visiting all 9 zones due to lack of interest.
• We could not get enough Lions to make the trip to Lancaster.
• We will visit 4 zones to get the patch. We have visited 3 already.
• We will visit Little Creek (Zone E) in the future to get the 4th zone.
Peanut Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
• Going to submit order Friday.
• Send in any outstanding orders now.
• Will tally up all the revenue/profit numbers and submit to the club.
Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
• We will just do Christmas (no Thanksgiving)
• Will get one family from JCC (to diversify our religious demographics)
Adult Learning Center LMSHU – Lion Jeri Furman
• 9 Lions participated
• We screened 99 students for sight and hearing
• We screened 87 students for blood sugars with 4 referals
• The students originate from all over the world.
Secretary’s Report:
• We will have a board meeting on Wed, Oct 28th at Lion Marvin’s house.
• We will have a traveling leo visit us (Kempsville) at our Nov 4th meeting.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Due to the small crowd, We deferred Oct birthdays to Nov. (This way we can get
money out of Kempsville)
• 50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings: $15 – Lion Jim 1, $14 – Lion Linda H.
• Progressive Raffle: Lion John’s ticket was pulled, but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $55.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:22 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Oct 22nd (Thurs) – School Backpacks - Corporate Landing ES (4:30pm – 6:30pm)
Oct 24th (Sat) – Smiles across the Miles (VB Christian Church) (11:30am-4pm)
Oct 28th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Lion Marvin’s House)
Oct 29th (Thurs) – Children’s Eye Screening
Nov 4th (Wed) – Regular Club meeting
Nov 7th (Sat) – Bid Buy Auction
Nov 12th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Nov 19th (Thurs) – Eyebank Luncheon
Nov 19th (Thurs) – Kings Grant ES Screening
Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet Meeting/Governor’s Social
Oct 7, 2015
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
ATTENDANCE 0 Guests 20 Members 53 Percent
Upcoming Events:
Sep 2, 2015
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
ATTENDANCE 1 Guests 23 Members 61 Percent
The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a Board Meeting at Lion Steve’s House, on
Aug 26, 2015. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Lion President Irene Conlin who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Irene Conlin,
Lion Rich Roberts,
Lion Marvin Clemmons,
3rd VP
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer
Lion Linda Harrison, Director
Lion Linda Eggleston
Lion Stan Furman, Director
Lion Jeri Furman
Lion Mike Coren, Lion Tamer
Lion Steve Rosnov, Tail Twister
Lion Nancy Watters, 1st VP
Lion John Watters
Lion Debra Laughlin, 2nd VP
Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Lion President Irene Conlin. Lion Rich
Roberts confirmed a quorum of directors (10) was present.
1. Lion Linda E. discussed procedures for the sight chair. We currently by $50 vouchers from
Lens Crafters (they come in books of 10). We may not need to utilize these anymore since
Lion Dan has offered to do 4 free exams per month and we generally only need 3-4 per
month. If we need to do additional exams, we can usually work with Dr. Bond to give us a
good deal.
2. The committees are straight and Lion Rich will send out the list. We probably don’t need
many of the committees since many “committees” are simply once a year projects which
we can Lion-up at the appropriate time. The board will look at streamlining this at a
future date.
3. Lion Marvin discussed the Virginia Beach Schools Backpack Food Stuffing project. His
report (with my scribbles) is attached as Encl (1).
4. Lion Steve has researched potential new fundraisers. He looked at selling peanuts and
candles. Peanuts looked to be the best one to start with. He researched 3 peanut
manufacturers and believes the Peanut Roasters is the best bet. The products would sell
at around 50-60% margin and shipping costs is about 40 cents per unit. They are
manufactured in NC. We can sell the non-perishable peanuts (those without chocolate)
year round in Paul’s Garage. Nick has agreed to do this. The key question was when to do
it. We don’t want it competing with the fruit sale. We also felt peanuts is a fall time food
and wouldn’t be attractive in the spring time. We decided to do a push to conduct the
sale in Sept-Oct, with final orders needing to be placed by Oct. 21st. This will give time for
delivery for those who want to have the peanuts at Thanksgiving. Lion Rich will distribute
a flyer. We did not discuss details on candles, but may look at that in the spring/Easter
5. Lion President Irene discussed the Greenhouse for Vanguard Landing. Princess Anne Lions
is the lead club for that project. Anthem/LCI will grant $2,500 toward the project if the VB
clubs can come up with the other $2,500 that is needed. Lion Beth is asking each club for
$500. Our activity fund is already strapped and things are going to be tight even with the
additional fundraisers. Lion Stan suggested asking individual club members to make
donations to the 24-D Charity Foundation and earmark the money for our club. That way
they can get the tax deduction and we can then use these funds for the matching
Anthem/LCI grant. Lion Rich also suggested reaching out to Ward Corner although they
are not in VB, since they have a lot of money and typically support district causes
financially. Lion Nancy made a motion (Lion Marvin second) that we make individual
contributions to the Charity Foundation for this cause. Motion passed unanimously.
6. We discussed who was going to assume the duties of hearing aide recycling and picking
up glasses since Lion Ed is no longer here to do it. Picking up the hearing aids from the
EGRC is really a district function, but Lion Ed always did it. Lion John said he would pick
them up and get them to PID Hauser. Lion Steve agreed to check the eyeglass recycling
boxes we have scattered around Virginia Beach.
7. Lion Steve made a motion (Lion Nancy seconded) to rename our scholarships as the “Lion
Ed Memorial Scholarships. We agreed this is what he would want. Motion passed
8. Lion Debra asked for bios from all our female club leadership so she can compile the
information for the Tidewater Women’s Magazine.
9. Lion Nancy discussed the other project involving Anthem, Smiles Across the Miles. This
will be done 2 days after the VBCPS food backpacks on Oct 24th. We will have 25-35
people from Anthem. We will make Christmas cards and it is a great opportunity to
involve children to do the decorating. Will also need toiletries. The event will be at Lion
Nancy’s Church.
10. Lion Nancy reported that at the blood drive we sold $214 in brooms (which wasn’t great)
but we collected 37 pints of blood (which is awesome).
11. We have a traveling leo schedule for Sept 10th in Gloucester. Lion Stan, Marvin, & Rich
plan to go. Lion Stan will go if nobody else will volunteer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Attachment: Encl (1) – Lion Marvin’s
Aug 5, 2015 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Aug 05, 2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 15, 2016, by Lion President(elect) Nancy Watters at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
ATTENDANCE 0 Guests 15 Members 41 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:37 pm Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President(elect) Nancy
Lion Nancy brought in Origami paper and instructions on how to make a crane since it is in line with our International President Yamada’s theme of peace and harmony. She tired start the club members out on the right foot by demonstrating how to make the preliminary base but soon found that Lions are not good at following simple directions. She offered up a prize to the best crane at the end of them meeting. Lion Aziz asked if the prize involved money. When he found out that it didn’t involve money, he was no longer interested.
Program: Lion Marvin Clemmons – Square Account Lion Marvin brought in the card readers he purchased to show them off. Lion Marvin set up our club’s square account and linked it to out bank account. He did a trial transaction to test it and the transaction went through without issue. Lion Marvin shared the log in information with the gmail account he set up and the square account. Next step is for club members to download the square app on our phones.
Children Screeings/Shop for Cause – Lion Nancy Watters VB Central Library Screenings o Doing one on July 18th from 10-1pm o Lion Sylvia will be in her lion suit rounding up the kiddies o Doing another one on July 25th from 1-4pm following a NASA program so attendance should be good o We let the VB infant care program know about the screenings. They have about 300 kids with special needs in the program. It is hard for parents to get services at their school so hopefully they will come out and get screened. Shop for a Cause (Macy’s) o $5 per card, giving out sets of 10 o Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all. o People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with some restrictions)
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – Led by Lion Jim Healy - “Grand Old Flag” in memory of Lion Ed Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion John Watters Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine
o We have 200 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000. o Already collected $265
LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction – PCC J. Stanley Furman The yearly auction is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser Will be on Oct 8th from 11 to 1pm We have a $250 service grant we earned last year which we haven’t used yet. We can win another one by raffle (we get a ticket for each item donated over $50 in value) or we can win one by getting more than 15 people (friends and family count) to the auction. Solicit restaurants for gift cards. They will get about 80% of their face value.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters Next EGRC is the Fourth of July + 10 days or July 14th, Same time/same place. Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy at 9:30 for a ride. Collected 387 glasses this month and 4 lions worked the EGRC.
Lion Merchandise – Lion Nancy Watters Lion Nancy passed out sheets of items for club members to order to become more visible in the community and to be more enthusiastic about being Lions. Let Lion Nancy know which items you want and she will place one order to consolidate on shipping. She will pay the shipping and the club member will pay for the item. Lion Nancy wants to place the order soon. Lion Rich brought up the big sign the Kiwanis have in front of the hotel which says when they meet. We need to investigate getting a similar sign.
PAHS Scholarship – Lion Bob Perrine Lion Bob and his wife went to the PAHS scholarship ceremony on June 7th. They gave away 4 million dollars in scholarships. The Lions gave away 5K with Bayside doing 3K, VB TC Blind giving 1K and Thalia giving 1K. Our recipient will be at the next club meeting.
Traveling Leo – Lion Rich Roberts One of Lion Steve’s friends is giving a presentation to the Churchland Lions on Monday June 27th and he is going. Lion Rich said he would go if two other want to join and make it a traveling leo. Lion Marvin and Lion Vickie said they would go.
Youth Dinner – Lion Nancy Chicken – Lion Aziz Paper products – Lion Nancy and Lion John (they will be at RAM) Cookies – Lion Jim Healy Potato Salad – PCC Stan Water – Lion Vickie Pasta Salad – Lion Marvin Green Salad – Lion Dick Baked Beans – Lion Rich
Lion Nancy read a thank you letter from a leader dog recipient.
Lion Vickie presented the Treasurer’s Report.
From the Floor Lion Nancy – will have another blood drive at VB Christian Church on Aug 29th Lion John – Lion Nancy set the club awry with her instructions for the preliminary base. We briefly discussed the final district meeting and how membership is up substantially in the district. Lion Nancy – Since nobody was able to pull off the origami crane, she sent us all home with homework. At the next meeting, she will line up the crane and the top 3 will win a prize. Lion John remarked that he will give her “the bird” alright. Lion Dick expressed concern over members who don’t regularly attend meetings. Lion Nancy announced she has a plan for that. Some members don’t attend meetings but they support the club in other ways and do service projects, which is fine. There is another group not really doing anything and she is going to assign people to reach out to them and try to get them back in.
Secretary’s Report: The 1st cabinet meeting is on Aug 7th at Norfolk General, 1pm. It’s time to pay dues again. $100. Pay up. BOD meeting next Wednesday at the Watter’s residence to set next year’s budget.
Tail Twister PCC J. Stanley Furman Birthdays: None 50/50 Raffle: 3 drawings: $20 – Lion Marvin, $12 Lion Marvin again!, $6 – Lion Mike. Progressive Raffle: Lion John’s ticket was pulled but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $167. 34 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned at 7:46 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
June 22th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Budget) – The Watters’ Residence, 6:30pm
June 27th (Mon) – Churchland Traveling Leo
July 6th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
July 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
July 18th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening #1, 10-1pm
July 20th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
July 22-24th (Fri-Sun) – RAM (Wise County)
July 24th (Sun) – Youth Camp Dinner (VA Wesleyan)
July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2, 1-4pm
Aug 7th (Sun) – 1st Cabinet Meeting (Norfolk General), 1pm
Oct 8th (Sat) – LCF 24-D Bid Buy Auction
June 1, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 1,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
1 Guests
21 Members
57 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President Irene
Program: None
Blood Drive/Broom Sale/Shop for Cause – Lion Nancy Watters
• Blood Drive/Broom Sale
o May 22nd got rained out.
o Still able to collect 23 pints of blood.
o Couldn’t sell brooms for very long and ended up selling $92 worth
o Lion Fran worked the SPOT, but only 2 children were screened
• Shop for a Cause (Macy’s)
o $5 per card, giving out sets of 10
o Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all.
o People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with
some restrictions)
o We have 200 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000.
o Already collected $200
Scholarships – Lion Bob Perrine
• Lion Bob read a thank you letter from the Adult Learning Center. The letter stated how
excited we named our scholarship after Lion Ed DeLong and how loved he was by their staff.
• Our PAHS scholarship winner will come to our July 6th meeting. The recipient is very
deserving and plans to study nursing at George Washington University.
State Bland Competition – Lion Vickie Kennedy
• Both our district winners (and both from our club competition) ended up in 3rd place for their
respective discipline at the state competition.
• A 9 yr old one (violinist) won the instrumental competition and a 11 yr old piano player took
• Lion Vickie ask Lion Rich to say a few words about the competition. Lion Rich said he
wasn’t planning on attended and was pushed into going and that he and his wife were grateful
that they were because it was very enjoyable and the talent level of the kids was phenomenal.
• Lion Roger asked if we could get WHRO or some other news outlet to cover the event to gain
exposure. Lion Rich commented how they hired a professional videographer for State
Competition in order to use it for marketing. We could do something similar and take the
video to the local music teachers to drive awareness.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• Lion John held up a bag full of eyeglasses and asked us what that meant. The club responded
o Next EGRC is June 9th, Same time/same place.
o Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy at 9:30 for a ride.
Outgoing President Remarks – Lion Irene Conlin
• Lion Irene thanked to club for allowing her the opportunity to be our club president. She
learned a lot over the course of the year. She appreciated the fact that she got around and met a
lot of lions for around the district and the state. The club did a lot and we should be proud. She
handed out American Flag pins to remember Lion Ed whom she misses a lot and because we
always wear our Lions pins but she never sees anyone where pins representing America.
Installation of Officers – PCC J. Stanley Furman
• PCC Stan installed the officers for FY16-17.
• While Lion Irene was passing the president’s pin to Lion Nancy, the gavel was somehow
stolen and made its way around the room. Somehow it ended up at Lion Aziz’s table but we
can’t prove how it got there. Lion Irene took up a collection to buy the gavel back. She raised
$69, of which 50 went to the club and 19 went to Samaritan House.
• List of installed officers are attached.
Incoming President Remarks – Lion Nancy Watters
Does anyone know the three focus areas of service for the 100th Anniversary Year?
Vision, Youth, and Environment. It started with a challenge in 2014. Our club has achieved all
three challenges already.
Does anyone know who the new International President is or what his theme is for this 100th year
of LCI?
Bob Corlew – Theme “New Mountains to Climb” (from Tennessee foothills)
Our club has climbed many mountains over the years. We meet every challenge placed before us.
Most of you know what they are. We have championed causes that have been picked up by the
District, by the State and by International; Children’s Eye Screening; Visionwalk; Audible Easter
Egg Hunt.
We’ve supported legacy causes; Youth Exchange, Bland Contest, Journey for Sight, Diabetes
screening and education, Disaster Relief, Hunger Relief, Leader Dog programs; Eye glass
As a club we are accustomed to stepping up for the cause. We are examples of “Where there is a
need there is a Lion.”
Sometimes we may think it spreads us too thin and we hear grumbling in the background, but we
come together and provide the need that is at hand.
That makes me proud to be a member Thalia Lions Club.
So to acknowledge the new theme for this year, I am going to ask you to step up again. Not with
dollars, although I might ask that too, but with enthusiasm to spread the word that we are a great
organization. With enough enthusiasm to ASK someone to become a member and then guide that
person to a fulfilling experience in our club.
We have lost some wonderful Lions over the years. And likewise we have gained wonderful
Lions. But our numbers and our participation is waning. I offer this challenge to each of you.
1. Wear your pin EVERY day…..someone will eventually ask what it is.
2. Be prepared with an answer to the question, “What is the Lions Club?”
3. Grab at opportunities to tell others about Lions.
4. Support club, zone, and district service activities.
5. Get to know your leadership in the zone and the district.
6. Report to our secretary all the activities in which you volunteer as a Lion. Wear your pin,
your hat, your vest, to food bank activities or other organizations that provide services. Let them
know Lions are good people.
President Bob Curlew wants every club to gain 3 new members this year. We have further to go
because we lost Lion Ed and we will drop a couple of others who have not been with us in a long
So my goal this year aside from the new International President’s theme and the 100 year
challenge, is for our club to renew the enthusiasm and the membership to revive our spirit and our
We have a common cause, we support each other, we have the desire to make a difference else we
would not be in this club. Together we can serve with more dedication, serve with enthusiasm,
and serve with more compassion than ever before. That’s what I want and that’s what I expect we
will do this year.
I appreciate your trust in offering me the position of President this year. But I ask that you
remember. You make the club, you do the work, you contribute the time, you expend the energy,
and you care enough to make the difference in the lives of people in need.
Award Presentations – Lion Irene Conlin
• Lion Irene presented certificates of appreciation to the following Lions for their service and
support during her term:
• Lions Steve, Mike, Debra, Vickie, Stan, Dick, Linda H., Aziz, Rich, and Nancy
Award Presentations – Lion Rich Roberts
• Lion Rich presented Lion Irene with a Lion Statue engraved with her presidential term. Sorry
Lion Irene, I don’t think it is real gold.
• Lion Rich won the Lion of the Year.
Secretary’s Report:
• The Final District Meeting is June 8th at Smithfield Station. Lion Rich registered Lions Marvin,
Stan, Jeri, Vickie, Steve, and Debra. They all now owe him $15. Lions John and Nancy have
already registered. It will be $20 for anybody else who shows up and pays at the door.
• Lion Rich and PCC Stan gave an update on the Redistricting vote which occurred at the State
Convention. The proposal to merge the current 6 districts into 3 received 154 votes for, 110
against, and 2 abstentions. There is confusion on whether the proposal actually passed. LCI
requires a simple majority and our state bylaws require a 2/3 vote. At the convention, the council
of governors considered the proposal defeated but are requested an opinion from LCI legal. An
earlier opinion from LCI is that our bylaws are simply not in-line with reality and a simple
majority should pass it. There were also concerns about the legitimacy of the proposal since
discussion was not allowed at the general session and amendments were forbidden, which is
contrary to our bylaws. Both Lion Rich and Lion Stan expressed concerns that redistricting in this
manner is a bad thing for the district and the multiple.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: None of our birthday boys and girls showed up.
• 50/50 Raffle: 6 drawings
o $32- Lion John
o Scratchers – Lions Sharon, John, Nancy, Rich, Roger
• Progressive Raffle: Lion John’s ticket was pulled but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $158. 35 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:01 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events
June 3rd/4th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJs on VB Blvd)
June 8th (Wed) – Final District Meeting (Smithfield)
June 9th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
June 15th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
June 29th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Budget) – The Watters’ Residence
July 18th (Mon) – VB Central Library Screening #1
July 22-24th (Fri-Sun) – RAM (Wise County)
July 24th (Sun) – Youth Camp Dinner (VA Wesleyan)
July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2
Aug 7th (Sun) – 1st Cabinet Meeting (Norfolk General)
OFFICERS 2016 – 2017
President – Nancy Wat ters
Firs t Vice Pres ident – Debra Laughl in
Second Vice Pres ident – Marvin Clemmons
Third Vice Pres ident – Susan Sumnick
Immediate Pas t Pres ident – Irene Conl in
Secretary – Rich Roberts
Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy
Tail Twister – Jim Gander
Lion Tamer – Steve Rosnov
One Year Directors – Stan Furman, Dick Kressig
Two year Directors – John Watters, Aziz Selahi
Membership Chairman – Irene Conlin
May 18, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 18,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6: 30 pm
0 Guests
14 Members
38 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:32 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President Irene
Program: None
Children Screenings/Blood Drive/Broom Sale – Lion Nancy Watters
• May 22nd (Sunday) 1-6, we’ll do a blood drive at Virginia Beach Christian Church (Great
Neck Rd). We’ll also sell brooms.
o Register to donate blood with the Red Cross
o Still have a lot of open slots to fill
• Shop for a Cause (Macy’s)
o $5 per card, giving out sets of 10
o Lion Nancy doesn’t want any cards back, sell them all.
o People who buy the card will get to shop on Aug 26-28 and will get 25% off (with
some restrictions)
o We have 200 cards and it is all profit, so if we sell them all we get $1000.
• We will do 2 screenings at the VB Central Library
o July18 from 10-2
o July 25th
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• Next EGRC is June 9th, Same time/same place.
• Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy at 9:30 for a ride.
White Cane Report – Lion Debra Laughlin
• We’ll do a white cane on Friday/Saturday June 3rd and 4th.
• Lion Debra had one open slot, Saturday 4-6, but Lion John and Nancy both volunteered to
take the shift.
Credit Card Processing – Lion Marvin Clemmons
• The email responses after the last meeting were positive and it looks like the club wants to go
ahead and try out the Square.
• Lion Marvin set up a test account and will have a Square reader at the next meeting (after
installation night) so we can try it out and see how it works.
From the Floor:
• Lion Nancy – brought up possibly doing a tour of the Brock Center in lieu of a meeting next
Lion Year. The target date would be in November. There were some concerns whether there
would be enough to see to make it worth out time. Lion Nancy will gather more info and let
the club decide.
• Lion Vickie gave the Treasurer’s report. We decided to issue our final obligations and cut
checks for the District answering service and the Eyebank.
Secretary’s Report:
• The Final District Meeting is June 8th at Smithfield Station. Lion Rich will register those who want
to attend. It’s $15 if you register ahead of time. It will be $20 if you show up and pay at the door.
Lions Marvin, Stan, Vickie, Steve, and Debra said they would attend. Lions John and Nancy have
already registered.
• The Foundation for Fighting Blindness sent us a thank you letter for our $250 donation to the
• At the Final District Meeting the district will present DG Ray with a gift and clubs are asked to
donate $10 to go towards the gift. Lion Stan made a motion to make the $10 donation and Lion
John seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
• The LOY voting is in. 17 votes were cast and 12 different Lions received votes. There is a winner
however and that Lion will be announced at installation night.
• We collected a little over $22 in mint money.
• We need to have a board meeting (with the outgoing and incoming board) to set the budget for
next year. Lion Nancy will host the meeting at her house at 6:30 on June 29th.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Lion Nancy and Lion Otis both picked Lion Vickie to sing to them and she was not
happy about it. She did get some company though, because club members started bidding for Lion
Marvin to sing as well. He fought hard but in the end the club won out and we got a really well
done duet.
• 50/50 Raffle: 6 drawings
o $20- Lion Vickie (which she donated towards the DG gift)
o Scratchers – Lions Stan, Jim 1, Jack, Vickie, Shelia
• Progressive Raffle: Lion Irene’s ticket was pulled and she was pretty stoked about it, but he did
not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to
$147. 37 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
May 19th -22nd – MD-24 State Convention (Roanoke)
May 21st (Sat) – Low Vision Symposium (Bayside Special Services Library)
May 22nd (Sun) – Blood Drive/Broom Sale (VB Christian Church)
June 1st (Wed) – Installation of Officers/Club Meeting (Hilton Garden Inn, VB Town Center)
June 3rd/4th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJs on VB Blvd)
June 8th (Wed) – Final District Meeting (Smithfield)
June 29th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Watters’ Residence, 6:30pm)
July 10th (Sun) – VB Central Library Screening #1
July 25th (Mon) - VB Central Library Screening #2
May 4, 2016
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called
to order on May 05, 2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:27 pm at the Hilton
Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance
as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6: 27 pm so Lion Vickie and Lion
Rich could get home to watch Empire
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – Led by Lion Rich Roberts – “Grand Old Flag” in honor of Lion Ed
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Jim Healy
Invocation- given by Lion Dick Kressig
Recessed for Dinner: 6:29
Reconvened: 6:57 pm – By Lion President Irene
Lion Irene had a police report filed out and a VB police officer on the
way to launch an investigation on her stolen bell. She called off the police
officer since the bell magically reappeared. She may have called off the officer
too soon though since her gavel and bell ended up disappearing again. She found
the bell under Lion Aziz’s chair. The gavel remains at large.
Program: Lion Debbie Edwards (Chesapeake Host) –
Diabetes Camp
District 24-D has been running the camp for 22 yrs,
with the last 20 being held at the Triple R Ranch.
Many children with Type 1 diabetes don’t have a
family member, schoolmate, or anybody else that they know who suffer from the
condition so the camp allows them to meet other people with whom they can
You are born with the condition and there is no
cure. CHKD says they are making progress but nothing is expected in the way of
a cure for at least 10 years.
Most find out they have the condition around 8 years
old, although some are starting to get diagnosed at a younger age. Usually find
out because they end up in the hospital. There is no standard test.
The camp is held in April each year. The cost is
$150 per person. Sometimes whole families come.
About half the participants can’t afford to come and
they receive scholarships. Money donated by the clubs is what pays for these
The average family who has a child with type 1
diabetes will spend $1,500/month in out of pocket expenses related to their
child’s condition. This is for medications and dr. visits.
ODU is an important partner who supports the camp.
CHKD send 2 doctors, several nurses, and councils
each year to work with the children.
Children Screenings/Blood Drive/Broom Sale – Lion
Nancy Watters
May 22nd (Sunday) 1-6, we’ll do a blood
drive at Virginia Beach Christian Church (Great Neck Rd). We’ll also sell
Register to donate blood with the Red Cross
We can also do a screening.
We will do 2 screenings at the VB Central Library
o June 18
from 10-2
o June 25th
Will need help for the June 25th
screening because it is the day after RAM and the screening will follow a NASA
class which should be well attended.
Macy’s reached out to us to don shop for a cause
again and we should do it.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
Lion John has us chant like a cult all the
particulars of EGRC. His marketing is effective.
Next EGRC is May 12th, Same time/same
Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet
at best buy at 9:30 for a ride.
Making a Difference/Scholarships – Lion Bob Perrine
Lions Magazine had an article about a food pantry in
the Orange/Fredricksburg, VA area. The Local Lions club feeds ~4,500 people per
Lion Bob put the info in the Making a Difference
section of our website.
The scholarship committee met before the meeting and
choose our award recipients from ALC. One will receive a $1,000 scholarships to
go to TCC and one will earn a $500 scholarship to TCC.
Visionwalk/White Cane Report – Lion
Debra Laughlin
We’ll do a white cane on Friday/Saturday June 3rd
and 4th.
We have all the Friday shifts covered but have a lot
of open slots for Saturday.
Visionwalk was a success.
Lions 24-D
registered 80 walks which smoked District 24-A (who got rained out)
We fell short of out fundraising goal or $5000 by
bringing in $4,495. 24-A will slaughter us in money raised.
Low Vision talk on the Artis-2 implant will be held
at the Bayside Special Services Library on May 21st. This is the
implant that Lion Karen Brown (VB TC Blind) received. About 150 people now have
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
The district bland contest was held on April 29th
featuring the winners of each region.
Both of our club contestants (vocalist and instrumentalist)
won and will advance to the state contest.
Both our contestants had great scores and blew away
the competition.
Credit Card Processing – Lion
Marvin Clemmons
Lion Marvin researched how we could start using
credit cards for donations and gave an informative presentation to the club on
the subject.
Lion Marvin recommends we do this in order to stay
with the times since fewer and fewer people carry cash.
New credit cards have chips in them which send
randomized authentication tokens and are very secure.
The Square Card reader is ranked #1 for this service
according to PC World.
We could also do this directly with the banks, but
Lion Marvin reached out to server banks and their fees for credit cards are
much higher and have annual fees regardless of usage.
The Pros for the Square Reader are:
o Low cost
o Data
tracking – can generate spreadsheets and reports
o 2.75%
transaction fee, no annual fee.
o Highly
Cons of using Square:
o Complex
system and the members will need to learn how to use it
o They lack
live tech support. No support line to call. If you need help you need to file
and online request and someone will get back to you which can be slow.
o No
underwriting – meaning if a transaction is suspicious, they protect us and
themselves by freezing the transaction.
Lion Marvin suggests opening a separate bank account
and buying one reader so we can do a trial. The same device can be used by
everybody, but everyone using would need to download the app and link it to the
bank account.
When you download the app you need to input the bank
account number and routing number. Anyone can deposit to the account and we’d
need to decide who has access to withdraw funds from the account.
Lion Nancy brought up the issue of keeping activity
and admin money separate. We’d likely just use it for activity money from
things like white canes and broom sales. We can decide if we want to use it for
admin things like dues or meals at a later time.
the Floor:
· Secretary’s Report:
Lion Rich passed out ballots for Lion of the Year.
He will announce the winner at Installation Night (June 1st at the
state convention is May 19-22nd
Final District Meeting is June 8th (Wed)
at Smithfield Station. Registration for has been distributed and will be in the
Kinght’s Vision.
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays: Will
do on 5/18
50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings, all cash. Lion Steve
forgot to get scratchers.
$25- Lion Vickie
$20 – Lion Debbie Edwards
Progressive Raffle: Lion Aziz’s ticket was pulled,
but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The
Jackpot is currently up to $141. 36 cards are left in the deck.
then adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Ø May 12th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø May 18th – Regular Club Meeting
Ø May 19th -22nd – MD-24 State
Convention (Roanoke)
Ø May 21st (Sat) – Low Vision Symposium
(Bayside Special Services Library)
Ø May 22nd (Sun) – Blood Drive/Broom Sale (VB
Christian Church)
Ø June 1st (Wed) – Installation of
Officers/Club Meeting (Hilton Garden Inn, VB Town Center)
Ø June 3rd/4th (Fri/Sat) – White
Cane (BJs on VB Blvd)
Ø June 8th (Wed) – Final District Meeting
Ø June 10th (Fri) – VB Central Library
Screening #1
Ø June 25th (Sat) - VB Central Library
Screening #2
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on April 20, 2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:31 pm at the Hilton
Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members
in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is
what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:31 pm
0 Guests
16 Members
43 Percent
Recessed for Dinner:
6:34 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President Irene
Program: None
Club Bell Bidding
· Our club president did not have possession of the club’s bell.
· Bidding for the bell commenced with Lion Irene finishing with the
high bid of $40.
Club Elections – Lion
Rich Roberts
· Lion Rich read off the nominating committee’s proposed officer
slate for 2016-2017:
President – Nancy Watters,
First Vice President – Debra Laughlin, Second Vice President – Marvin Clemmon, Third Vice President – Susan Sumnick,
Immediate Past President – Irene Conlin; Secretary – Rich Roberts,
Treasurer - Vickie
Kennedy, Tail Twister – Jim Gander, Lion
Tamer – Steve Rosnov, One
Year Directors – Stan
Furman & Dick Kressig, Two year Directors – John Watters & Aziz
Selahi, Membership
Chairman – Irene Conlin
· Nominations were opened up to the floor and with none forthcoming
Lion Rich made a
motion that nominations
be closes. Lion Stan seconded. There was no discussion and the
motion passes
· Lion Stan made a motion that all the officers be elected as
proposed. Lion Rich seconded.
There was no discussion
and the motion passed unanimously.
Children Screenings –
Lion Nancy Watters
· The Central Library offered us two dates to do a screening.
Introduction of Guests:
Song – Led by Lion Jack Wagner – “America the Beautiful”
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Marvin Clemmons
· · July 18th from 10-1
· July 25th (This is the day after
Eyeglass Recycling –
Lion John Watters
· Turnout has been strong with 7 Lions last time.
· 367 glasses and 3 hearing aids were turned in.
· EGRC no longer has a manager and the board’s executive director
is trying to get the clubs to do more things while
they are working the EGRC. This will require more people to show up.
· Next EGRC is May 12th, Same time/same place.
· Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy
at 9:30 for a ride.
Audible Easter Egg Hunt
Recap – Lion President Irene Conlin
· The weather did not cooperate, but they still had fun.
· 3 kids (teens/pre-teen age) showed up.
· The VB TC Blind Lions showed up and participated.
· They made almost 300 bags, 8-9 lions showed up at Lion Irene’s
house to put them together and they drank up most
of her wine and ate all of her popcorn.
· About 12 members of Thalia showed up to the hunt.
· Lion Susie did an egg hunt at VB Christian Church the weekend
before. We could potentially partner with the church
as a venue next year.
Cane/Dining in the Dark/White Cane Report – Lion Debra Laughlin
· Dining in the Dark was a big success.
· Lion Debra was the ambassador at the Kempsville location and saw
Lion Rich, Lion Irene and 3 from VB TC Blind. The
restaurant was busy all day.
· Lion Susie was an ambassador at the Great Neck Location.
· Visionwalk will be April 24th at the 31st Street Park.
· So far 25 Lions are signed up. More plan on coming but haven’t
signed up yet.
· Our team has raised about $1,400 so far with more on the way.
· There are about 500 registered walkers.
· We made $1049 at our last white cane.
· We need to do another one and the weekend of June 1st is the target.
· Our sings are in a state of disrepair. Lion Roger will look into
getting new ones.
State Convention – Lion
Rich Roberts
· Lion Rich wanted to ensure we fill all four of our allotted
delegate spots. Lions Rich, Irene,
Stan and Marvin will be
there to vote. Lion Jeri may also be there if she feels up to it.
· We need to use all our delegates because of the importance of the
redistricting vote. Lion
Nancy asked if LCI was
forcing us to do this and what some of the rational is.
· LCI is not forcing us to redistrict. The COG from 2 years ago
wanted explore the issue and
formed a committee
because 3 of our 6 districts are in “status” meaning they don’t meet the
minimum requirements to
be a district (1250 members, 35 clubs). 24-C is current at ~ 1300
members and will likely
fall into status as well in the next couple years. PID Wayne Davis is
from 24-C and will not
be able to run for 3rd International VP if his home district is in
The committee analyzed
all the options and solicited feedback from the clubs. The committee recommended moving to 4
balanced districts as the most logical solution and as one which had the most support
from the clubs. The COG did not adopt the committee’s
recommendation and
decided to merge the 6 districts into 3 by having E&F, D&B, and A&C
combine. This passed by
a 4-2 vote. DG Ray was one of the nay votes. This option had no
support from the clubs
and creates huge, unmanageable districts. The vote at state convention will be either to adopt
the COG’s recommendation of merging to 3 districts of deny it, in which case nothing happens
and we stay as we are today.
· Lion Stan suggested adopting a resolution to vote against merging
to 3 districts amongst the delegates going to state
convention. All those attending agreed to vote no.
From the Floor:
· Lion Jim has American Flag in supply. They sell for $20 and are
made in America.
· Lion Marvin bought a square for $10 which we can use for credit
card transactions on our
phones. You just need to
plug it in and download an app. They charge a 2.75% transaction
fee. We will need to set
up an account for the funds. There was some resistance to the idea
and lots of questions.
Lion Irene asked Lion Marvin to put together a brief to give to the club at the next meeting so
we can better understand how the thing works.
· Lion Vickie presented the treasurer’s report.
Secretary’s Report:
· The state convention is May 19-22nd
· Lion Rich read thank you cards from the school nurses at Malibu
and Thalia ES for our donations to their clincs.
· Lion Rich read a thank you letter from the EGRC for our support.
Tail Twister CC Steve
· Birthdays: Lion Jack –
Lion Jack asked for nobody to sing to him so the club started putting in money for somebody to
sing to him. That soon changed as money came in for everybody to sing to him. Everybody ended
up winning out and the everyone sang to Lion Jack collectively.
· 50/50 Raffle: 6 drawings. 1 for cash, 5 for $3 scratchers. o $20- Lion Nancy. o Scratchers: Lions John,
Jim 1, Susie, Sylvia, Nancy.
· Progressive Raffle: Lion Roger’s ticket was pulled, but he did
not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to
build. The Jackpot is currently up to $133. 37 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned
at 8:04 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts,
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Ø April 24th (Sun) - Visonwalk
Ø April 29th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (Chandler Hall)
Ø May 4th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø May 12th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling Center
Ø May 18th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø May 19th -22nd – MD-24 State Convention (Roanoke)
Ø June 8th (Wed) – Final District Meeting (Smithfield)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mar 16, 2016
· Regular Meeting - Call to Order at 6:30pm
ATTENDANCE: 0 Guests, 21 Members
57 Percent
Recessed for Dinner:
6:32 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm – By Lion President Irene
Program: Club Training – Lion Rich Roberts
· Since elections are coming up Lion Irene thought it a good idea
to review the role of the board, the
responsibilities of each
position, and how the election process works. So we did that.
· The main take-away from Lion’s Rich’s spiel was to read Lion Bob’s
website. There is all kinds of
good information on
Children Screenings –
Lion Nancy Watters
· There will be a screening at Pembroke Mall this Saturday (March
19th) from 10-4.
· Princess Anne Lions (Eddie Ackiss) is leading the charge but they will need some
· Lion Susie is organizing a screening at VB Christian Church. This
is the make up for the one
we tried to do a few
months ago but the snow keep turnout extremely low. Will probably be in
· Lion Linda is not doing well. She is home from the hospital but
in a wheelchair. She is going
to the hospital several
days a week for therapy. She can barely speak and have aphasia. Her
right side does not
respond. We need to keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
Eyeglass Recycling –
Lion John Watters
· Next EGRC is April 14th (the day before tax day)
· Same time/same place.
· Either meet at the recycling center at 10am or meet at best buy
at 9:30 for a ride.
Audible Easter Egg Hunt
– Lion
President Irene Conlin
Introduction of Guests:
Song – Led by Lion Nancy Watters– An Irish Song for St.
Patrick’s Day
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Jim Gander
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters
· The event will be on
April 2nd at the Holiday Travel Park on General Booth
· Expect to show up around noon and finish up around 4
· Lion Jim 2 bought all the eggs and candy.
· We received a $400 donation from Barrett and Karrie
· The week before (week of March 28th) the Easter egg hunt we
will get together and put the
baskets together. Date,
time, location are TBD.
· On March 19th, Virginia Beach
Christian Church is doing an easter egg hunt as well.
· There used to be only 2 easter egg hunts in the state but now
there are 14. The White House
also does it now (last 4
years). Visionwalk/White
Cane/Dining in the Dark
· The event will be April 24th at the 31st Street Park.
· DG Ray has offered 3 points/dollar donated (up to 1500) and
50pts/walker in the district
achievement contest.
· We are competing against District 24-A again. They kicked our
butts last year.
· Lion Karen Brown received an implanted retina 2 weeks ago from
Duke Medical. The
research to develop the
procedure she received was funded by FFB. Now she has perception
of things and people.
FFB also pays for Lion Irene’s Mom’s macular treatments.
· The club can also receive points for going to Dining in the Dark.
You can be an ambassador
by wearing your Lion
stuff and talking to people about Lions (50 pts) or just show up and eat
(25 pts).
· All Ynot proceeds from Monday April 11th are being donated to Visionwalk and count
the Lions Pride of 24D
· Nobody (understandably) wanted to be Lion Rich’s friend during
White Cane. Lion Stan bit
the bullet and sign up
for the last open slot.
Charter Night/LOVF
Raffle – PCC J. Stanley Furman
· Charter Night will be April 9th at the hotel. This will replace our 1st regular meeting in April.
(so don’t show up on
April 6th, you will be lonely). Social at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm. Cash bar.
· Our guest speaker will be PID Wayne Davis who is running for
International 3rd VP.
· Lion Stan made a motion that the club subsidize the meal cost for
club members from the
admin fund and set the cost
at $15 for club members. Guest will pay the full $45. Lion Steve
seconded the motion and
it passed unanimously.
· Please respond to the invites by April 1st
· Most club members have turned in their LOVF tickets. So far $870
has been collected.
Bland Contest – Lion
Vickie Kennedy
· Lancaster/Northern Neck has a newspaper article about our Bland
contestants in the
Rappahannock Register.
· At the Region III contest, both our contestants won and will
advance to the district contest.
· The District Bland will be at Chandler Hall (ODU) on April 29
· The winners will advance to the State completion which is held at
the State Convention. All
contestants who advance
to state will win at least a $1000 scholarship.
· Lion John mentioned that if you know someone which a child who is
interested in music to
let them know about our
contests even if they aren’t interested in the competition part of it.
The most valuable thing
is the feedback you receive from the judges.
Nominating Committee
Report – Lion Rich Roberts
· Lion Rich presented the attached officer slate with one
· The original slate had Lion Stan down as Tail Twister. Lion Stan
brought up the point that he
was in two board spots
(also a 1 yr director) and one of those positions should be given to
someone else.
· We decided to plug Lion Jim Gander in as Tail Twister.
From the Floor:
· Lion Stan – Dr. to Dr. magazine ran an article about the 24-D
Charity Foundation.
· Lion Vickie presented the treasurer’s report.
Secretary’s Report:
· The state convention is May 19-22nd. Lion Rich has the
registration forms if you need them. Our
club gets 4 delegates
and we need to make sure we have 4 Lions there to vote against the
redistricting proposal.
· Region III meeting is Wednesday March 30th, 6:30 pm at Happy
Buffett (near the Lynnhaven Mall)
· Leadership day is April 16th at the Oak Grove UMC. (same place as last
· We now have 57 clubs in the district. King William County
Children First officially chartered this
· The district is currently +39 in membership for the year. At no
point last year where we positive.
· ALC reached out about continuing our scholarship. They are going
to send their applicants to Lion
Rich. Lion Bob said he
would reach out to Princess Anne HS about their scholarship.
Tail Twister CC Steve
· Birthdays: Done on 3/2
· 50/50 Raffle: 6 drawings. 1 for cash, 5 for $3 scratchers. $31- Lion Stan. Scratchers: Lions
Irene, Linda H., John, Nancy, and Jack.
· Progressive Raffle: Lion Rich’s ticket was pulled, but he did not
pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to
build. The Jackpot is currently up to $126. 38 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned
at 8:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts,
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
- March 18/19th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJ’s on VB Blvd)
Ø March 19th (Sat) – Pembroke Mall Screening (10-4)
Ø March 30th (Wed) – Region III meeting (Happy Buffet,
Ø April 2nd (Sat) – Region III Audible Easter Egg Hunt
(campground at Birdneck & General Booth)
Ø April 2nd (Sat) – Journey for Sight Rodeo
Ø April 9 th(Sat) – Thalia’s 50 Years of Service
Celebration (Hilton Garden Inn)
Ø April 11th (Mon) – Dining in the Dark (all 6 Ynot
Ø April 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø April 16th (Sat) – District 24-D Leadership Training (Oak
Grove United Methodist Church)
Ø April 20th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting/Club Elections
Ø April 24th (Sun) - Visonwalk
Ø April 29th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (Chandler Hall)
Ø May 19th -22nd – MD-24 State Convention (Roanoke)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mar 2, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia
Beach, VA, was called to order on March 2nd,2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton
Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach,
VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the
Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
4 Guests
16 Members
43 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:33 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm
Program: Holly
Chipchak – The Master Gardener Program and its Impact to the Community
The local program was established in 1982 and affiliated
with the state.
245 local master gardeners
In 2015, provided 31,000 hours of service.
Their mission is to share knowledge and empower
Their new projects for 2016 are:
o Building a greenhouse at Cox HS
o Adding a fugi appl orchard to the Frances Land House
o Conducting more training sessions
They maintain the gardens at the Frances Land house
utilizing colonial growing methods. The
food they grow is donated to food pantries. They grow 150
types of vegetables there.
They also maintain the gardens at the Lynnhaven House and
the Adam Thoroughood house.
They built a rain garden for the SPCA to prevent flooding
in their parking lot. Because they used
native plants, the SPCA saw a dramatic increase in wildlife
return to the area.
They operate kitchen gardens at the Farmer’s Market
utilizing non-chemical methods.
They maintain the AREC Theme gardens
o 18 different types of gardens
o Located off Diamond Springs Rd.
o Access is free to the public.
They have a children’s program at the Farmer’s Market
They do main in-school programs for young students.
Introduction of Guests: Traveling Leo from Southide (3
Lions) and our guest
speaker, Holly.
Song – Led by Lion Jim Gander– “America the Beautiful”
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by PCC J. Stanley Furman
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
14 contestants (11 instrumentalist, 3 vocalist)
Lion Vickie thanked the club for all the help and support
It was hard to judge because the students were so good. 1
& 2 graded out very close.
Clara Due, who won our contest before and went all the way
to state, came in 4th
Our winners will go against Bayside’s winners on March 10th
We had 50+ in the audience including 14 club members
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
We went to York County on Feb 25th
Lions Steve, Rich (plus wife Lisa), Irene, Marvin, and
Jack showed up.
The club was very friendly.
They have a member from the CNU Sorority Delta Gamma show
up to each meeting. The
Delta Gammas’ mission is sight and they coordinate with each
other to do projects on a regular
Lion Steve liked the way they do their raffle. Instead of
doing a 50/50, they raffle off Lottery
Scratchers. Lion Steve decided to give it a try.
Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Lion President Irene Conlin
The event will be on April 2nd
Expect to show up around noon and finish up around 4
Lion Jim 2 will buy eggs and candy. He could potentially
dress us as the Easter Bunny.
A balloon artist will be present.
A lot of people may show since this project was
highlighted in the Tidewater Women
Visionwalk/White Cane
The kickoff Lunch will be March 5th
at 11:30, Greenbrier
County Club.
The event will be April 24th
at the 31st
Street Park.
DG Ray has offered 3 points/dollar donated (up to 1500)
and 50pts/walker in the district
achievement contest.
We are competing against District 24-A again. They kicked
our butts last year.
There are holes on the white cane sign-up sheet (March
). If you don’t take a slot, Lion
Debra will track you down.
Charter Night/LOVF Raffle – PCC J. Stanley Furman
Charter Night will be April 9th
at the hotel. This
will replace our 1st
regular meeting in
(so don’t show up on April 6th, you will be lonely). The
cost is currently $40 per member
unless the club decides to subsidize some of the cost as we
have in the past. This will be voted
on at the next board meeting (March 16th).
Social at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm.
Ruth Delong is going to be invited.
Lion Steve was asked to reach out to Bill Pope to see if
he knows the names of the 3 club
presidents we haven’t been able to identify. Bill will also
be invited.
We need to turn in LOVF tickets at the next meeting.
Either sell your tickets or buy them
This past weekend our district received $20,000 from LOVF.
Windsor and Tappahannock
each received $10,000 grants for disaster relief related to
the tornados which recently touched
down and affected those communities. LOVF is an insurance
policy for the clubs and this is
how they raise funds.
From the Floor: Eyeglass recycling is March 10th
. Same time, Same place.
Secretary’s Report:
The paper work was signed to charter a new club in the
district this weekend, the King William
County Children First Lions Club. They will officially
charter in April/May.
Leadership day is April 16th at the Oak Grove UMC. (same place as last
The state may redistrict. The COG will decide in March
which proposal will be voted on at the
State Convention. The majority of clubs in 24-D preferred
merging 24-E anf 24-F and leaving the
other districts alone, but this doesn’t fix the issue and
doesn’t have much support at the Multiple.
Collectively, Moving to 4 balanced districts (2nd most
popular amongst 24-D clubs) has the most
support. This would re-do the state into 4 districts, each
with about 1700 lions (24-D currently has
1479). This would not affect the current 24-D very much. We
would add clubs to the north along
the Potomac River and would expand westward some into
Emporia (where there are no clubs
anyway). The proposal will be voted on at state convention.
If it is accepted, we’ll redistrict. If it
gets voted down, nothing will happen.
Elections are
coming. Our bylaws require us to vote by April 15th. Since we don’t have a
meeting on April 6th, we voted to hold the election at the
April 20th meeting. Lion Irene will form a
nominating committee who will present the proposed slate of
officers to the club at the March 16th
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays: Lion
Shelia wanted Lion Marvin to sing to her. Lion Marvin tried hard to get out of
but it was an epic fail. Lion Steve wanted Lion Rich to sing
to him. Lion Rich tapped his inner
Magic Mike and turned the heat up in the room close to 120
degrees. Lion Debra proclaimed his
performance the best birthday since we twerked Happy
Birthday and threw her back out. Lion Otis
also made it to the meeting and you all know he wasn’t
getting out of an opportunity to sing. He
got brought into the fray and he did, well what Lion Otis
50/50 Raffle: 6 drawings. 1 for cash, 5 for $3 scratchers.
o Lion Rich won the first draw for $25. Lion Rich then
pulled his own ticket to win the first
scratcher. This annoyed Lion Steven who went over to Lion Jim
2 to pull the next ticket
and he pulled his own as well. After that Lion Jim 1 won and
then Lion Jim 2 won again.
Lion Steve decided to stop alternating Jims and went over to
our guest speaker Holly and
she pulled her own ticket.
Progressive Raffle: Lion Sylvia’s ticket was pulled, but
she did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so
the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up
to $118. 39 cards are left in the deck.
Meeting then adjourned at
8:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
March 5th (Sat) – Visionwalk Kickoff Lunch (Greenbrier
Country Club)
March 10th (Thurs)
– Eyeglass Recycling Center
March 10th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia
United Methodist Church) (7pm)
March 16th (Wed) –
Regular Club Meeting (Turn in LOVF Tickets)
March 18/19th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJ’s on VB Blvd)
March 30th (Wed) –
Region III meeting
April 2nd (Sat) – Region III Audible Easter Egg Hunt
(campground at Birdneck & General Booth)
April 2nd (Sat) –
Journey for Sight Rodeo
April 9th (Sat) –
Thalia’s 50 Years of Service Celebration (Hilton Garden Inn)
April 16th (Sat) –
District 24-D Leadership Training (Oak Grove United Methodist Church)
April 24th (Sun) –
April 29th (Fri) –
District Bland Contest (Chandler Hall)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feb 17, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb 17,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
0 Guests
19 Members
51 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:33 pm
Reconvened: 7:01 pm
Program: Lion Irene Conlin – Lions Pop Quiz
• The club members were given 10 minutes to answer 19 questions about Lions and our club.
The idea was to give each member an opportunity to answer one of the questions and get a
prize. Some members (Lion Aziz) were way too enthusiastic and wanted to answer every
question. Pandemonium ensued, but everyone had a good time and learned new thing.
Children’s Eye Screenings – Lion Nancy Watters
• No screenings are currently scheduled.
• Lion Nancy and Lion John will be going out of the country soon and the Spot will be with
Lion Nancy Cranford (Oceanside Lions). Contact her if you want to set up a screening. Lion
Rich can provide contact info if needed.
• Lion Linda is in rehab at VB General. She isn’t having any visitors at this time. She is still
paralyzed on one side and has aphasia. She will be able to return home in 2 weeks if
everything progresses well.
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
• 14 contestants (11 instrumentalist, 3 vocalist)
• Excellent judges are lined up again, one new judge this year.
• Lion Stan will help with the instrumentalist, Lion Nancy with the vocalist.
• Lion Irene will keep the parents out of the warm-up area so we won’t have an incident like last
• 10 club members + some Lion spouses plan on attending.
• We have a 9 yr old (4th grader) participating this year. Our youngest ever was 6.
• Lion Aziz will bring the coffee and refreshments.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
• We were going to York County on Feb 25th.
• Lions Steve, Rich, Irene, Marvin, and Jack are going.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• 530 glasses were turned in this month (all time record!) and 3 hearing aids
• We had so many glasses because we jacked Ocean-Lynnhaven-Golden. OLG has a collection
box at Bayside Eye Clinic but they haven’t been there to pick them up in a while. They called
us and the rest is history.
• 6 lions showed up on Feb 11th and worked 2 hrs each.
Audible Easter Egg Hunt – Lion Irene Conlin
• The location is the campground near the intersection of Birdneck Rd and General Booth Blvd.
• Time is still TBD. Will probably show up around noon to set-up and be done around 4pm.
• We had about 20 kid this year.
From the Floor:
• Lion Steve Rosnov gave a Barrett and Karie update. They are still going to donate to the
audible easter egg hunt as they have done in years past but they don’t want anybody to know
about it. They will be in town and may come to our next club meeting with their new baby.
• The Tidewater Women’s Magazine is going to run an article about female leaders in Lions.
The Magazine interviewed our own Lion Debra and Lion Irene. They also interviewed 2VDG
Beth. Lion Irene will be the cover for the March issue.
• PCC J. Stanley Furman – Sell your LOVF Raffle Tickets!!!! Or else!!!!!
• Lion Marvin Clemmons thanked PCC Stan for giving his foodbank project report. There is
still a lot of food which needs to be picked up. Things have been behind due to the bad
• Lion Debra Laughlin spoke about Visionwalk. She and PDG Donnie Johnson are the District
Liaisons. District 24-A has challenged us again this year. They beat us handily last year. DG
Ray Yannello is offering 3 achievement points for each dollar donated to Visionwalk and 50
achievement points for each walker.
• PCC J. Stanley Furman gave a charter night (April 9th) update. We’ll have a cash bar at the
hotel. The speaker is PID Wayne Davis who is running for 3rd International VP. We’ll have
cocktails around 6pm and dinner around 7. Price will be $40 for club members (unless the
club subsidizes) and $45 for guests. Club members will get the 50th anniversary pins and
others will need to purchase them if they want one.
• Lion Vickie Kennedy passed out the current Treasurer Report for club members to review.
We currently have $6,546.92 in the Activity Account and $3,926.81 in the Admin Account.
• PCC J. Stanley Furman made a motion that we pay some of our budgeted charitable donations
(Leader Dog, Burkeville Lodge, Diabetes Camp, Foodbank, LOVF, Visionwalk, and the 3
School Clinics) which amount to ~$1,500. Lion Jack seconded the motion and it passed
• Lion Rich Roberts recommended we hold a White Cane in the near future. We are targeting
March 18/19th. We may do another in April.
• Lion Shelia Romm thanked Lion Vickie and The Ronald McDonald House for their toiletry
donations when her church sheltered the homeless.
Secretary’s Report:
• Governor’s social is Sat. Feb 27th. The registration form is in the Knights Vision. It will be at Point
Plaza Suites (right of I-64) in Newport News. Need to book your room by the 19th to get the
discounted rate. The theme is Mardi Gras.
• Membership is up in the District after years of decline. We’re plus 12 for Feburary and plus 34 for
the year.
• A new club will soon be chartered in the district, the King William County Children First Lions
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Done on 2/3
• 50/50 Raffle: $21 – Lion Sylvia, $20 – Lion Marvin
• Progressive Raffle: Lion Roger’s ticket was pulled, but she did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so
the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $110.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Feb 18th Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church (7pm)
Feb 25th (Thurs) – Traveling Leo – York County Lions
Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet Meeting/Governor’s Social. (Point Plaza Hotel, NN)
March 2nd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
March 5th (Sat) – Visionwalk Kickoff Lunch (Greenbrier Country Club)
March 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling Center
March 10th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church) (7pm)
March 16th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
March 18/19th (Fri/Sat) – White Cane (BJ’s on VB Blvd)
March 30th (Wed) – Region III meeting
April 2nd (Sat) – Region III Audible Easter Egg Hunt (campground at Birdneck & General Booth)
April 2nd (Sat) – Journey for Sight Rodeo
April 9th (Sat) – Thalia’s 50 Years of Service Celebration (Hilton Garden Inn)
April 16th (Sat) – District 24-D Leadership Training (Oak Grove United Methodist Church)
April 24th (Sun) - Visonwalk
April 29th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (Chandler Hall
Feb 3, 2016
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia
Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb 03,
2016, by Lion 1st VP Nancy Watters at
6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the
Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
4 Guests, 12 Members -32 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34 pm
Reconvened: 6:55 pm
Program: Chesapeake
Bay Foundation and The Brock Center
The purpose of the foundation is to clean up the bay
The Chesapeake Bay Watershed (the area where all the rain
runoff drains in the Bay) covers 6
states and 17 million people live in it.
The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the world.
Captain John Smith (~400 yrs ago) measured where he could
see the bottom to gauge visibility. It
was 40 ft.
The Bay is very shallow (average depth of 22 ft) which
doesn’t give pollution a good place to
The Bay is home to ~3600 different species of plants and
Chlorophyll-A is one of the biggest problems and we have a
long way to go in controlling it. This
is an algae indicator.
When algae plumes for (causing dead zones) the fish will
move on but the bottom feeders can’t.
They count bottom feeders as a measure of watershed health.
They have many problem areas.
Most VA streams (which drain into the Bay) are in the
“dirty water” category as ruled by the EPA.
Plants act as green filters to remove contaminates out of
the water before it reaches the Bay, but
now we have a “gray funnel” where water runs over concrete
and makes it to the Bay quickly
without being decontaminated by Plants.
Due to the grey funnel effect, lots of nitrogen and
phosphorus reaches the Bay. This leads to algae
Sediment also gets carried into the Bay and goes right to
the bottom which covers eggs and
smothers bottom feeders.
The algae plumes reduce sunlight and kills plants at the
Introduction of Guests: Lion Bob’s Son, John and his friend
Angela. Jack and
Barbara from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Song – Led by Lion Jim Healy – “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Steve Rosnov
Invocation- given by Lion Jack Wagner
The nitrogen and phosphorus comes from various sources:
o Live stock is the biggest contributor
o Cars & factories (This is being reduced by
o Watershed runoff
o Dog poop
Excess algae kills sunlight and then it absorbs oxygen
when it dies which suffocates fish. Creates
dead zones.
The oyster population is about 1 to 2% of what it was 100
years ago.
Since 1990, the foundation has been issuing annual “State
of the Bay Reports”. The Bay has been
slowly improving over the past few years; however, they
still have a long way to go to reach their
goal of stabilizing the Bay. The goal is 2025 for
stabilization. The Bay will never get back to
where it used to be.
No jellyfish have come into the Bay for the past few years
which is a good sign. Jellyfish flock to
polluted waters.
The plan is to limit stuff going into the Bay through EPA
and local regulations.
VA will greatly benefit economically from cleaning the
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Mission to Save the Bay is
accomplished through a 3 pronged
approach; education, restoration, & advocacy.
They have 19 different centers doing education.
Restoration – cleaning projects, oyster restoration,
planting trees, rainwater buffers.
1 oyster can filter 50 gallons per day.
They do oyster seeding and run oyster farms. They also
create reefs for oysters utilizing recycled
oyster shells.
Clean the Bay day is always the first Saturday in June.
Rain gardens and Bio-swells slow the rain runoff reaching
the Bay and increases green filtering.
Nature gardens with native plants work best.
For advocacy, people can sign up to receive pre-written
letters to send to your legislator.
Reducing farm pollution (#1 polluter) is a priority. They
are working with farmers to keep farm
waste out of the watershed. Dog poop is #2.
They are working to educate future leaders. Utilize kids
as stewards of the Bay.
The Brock Center is 118 Acres, zero carbon footprint, net
zero power, and net zero water.
The Brock Center is a nature park and education center.
Food Drive – PCC Stan Furman
4 members from Thalia (Lions Stan, Marvin, Steve, Mike)
Every club in Virginia Beach participated either with
Lions or donations.
500 lbs of food was collected for the Church and 1300 lbs
for the foodbank.
Children’s Eye Screenings – Lion Nancy Watters
Held a screening on Jan 23 rd
at her church but
that was the day it snowed and only 3 children
showed up. She will try to reschedule.
Tidewater Water Magazine – Lion Nancy Watters
A freelance writer reached out to her, Lion Debra, and
1VDG Beth for interviews
The article should be out on the 1st
week of March
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
6 applicants for instrumental
2 vocalist
Feb 18th 7pm, Thalia United Methodist Church.
Lion John will be the MC.
Will need volunteers.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
We were going to York County on Feb 18th,but they are not meeting that night in order to do
their Bland Contest.
We’re rescheduling to their Feb 25th meeting.
Lions Steve, Rich, and Jack are going.
From the Floor:
Lion Jack mentioned that the current issue of Lions
Magazine had pictures of the Oceanview
Lions cleaning the Bay.
Lion John reminded the club about Eyeglass Recycling which
will be Feb 11th - Same time, Same
Lion Nancy gave an update on Lion Linda
o Lion Linda had a knee replacement and then 2 days later
she got dizzy, fell, and ended up
in the hospital (Norfolk General).
o She probably had a stroke and her right side is paralyzed.
o She is currently in the ICU (Note: she was moved out of
ICU the day after the meeting)
and showing little improvement.
o You can track her progress by going to
o You will need to register on You will
need to put in her name and use a
password (call Lion Rich for this) and then you will be able
to track her progress.
Secretary’s Report:
Lion Rich noted that many of the building techniques
talked about with the Brock center to reduce
runoff (porous parking lots, green roofs, bio-swells, low
VOC, and reclaimed materials are
becoming common methods in the construction community.
Governor’s social is Sat. Feb 27th
. The registration form is in the Knights Vision. It will be
at Point
Plaza Suites (right of I-64) in Newport News. Need to book
your room by the 19th to get the
discounted rate. The theme is Mardi Gras.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays: Lion Bob
wanted Lion Nancy to sing to him. Somehow Lion John got drug into it too
and they sang a husband/wife duet. Lion Mike wanted Lion
Rich to sing to him but Lion Rich
threw down the big bucks and got out of it. So Lion Mike got
50/50 Raffle: $29 – Lion Nancy
Progressive Raffle: Lion Vickie’s ticket was pulled, but she
did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so
the pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up
to $102.
Meeting then adjourned at
8:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan 20, 2016
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called
to order on Jan 20, 2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record
and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – Led by PCC Stan Furman – “Grand Old Flag”
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Bob
Invocation- given by Lion Dick Kressig
ATTENDANCE 0 Guests 20 Members 53 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34
pm - Reconvened: 7:02 pm
Program: Lion President Irene presented
the meeting frequency proposal (attached) formulated at the Board Meeting on
Lion Bob motioned that the club accept the board’s recommendation to stay
at 2 meetings per month and to restructure the meetings. Lion Dick seconded the
Each member offered the following discussion (abridged) on the motion:
Lion Nancy said she was in favor of the motion. She
said we do need to assess our dues which likely need to be increased. They have
been the same ($100) since 2011, so it is probably time.
Lion John said he was initially in favor of 1
meeting per month but he changed his mind at the board meeting based on the
reasoning in the presentation.
Lion Dick said he supported 2 meetings per month. We
can’t recruit people and then tell them they don’t need to come. Training
should come from the district. Programs don’t need to be hard to set-up, we
just need to utilize lion speakers. Meetings are part of who we are. If they
never come, they shouldn’t be on the rolls.
Lion Debra said we should not require people to
come. They should have a choice. We don’t need to meet often to get things
accomplished. She does it all the time. We have the same people putting all the
money in.
Lion Steve said it is time to go to once a month.
This was billed as an important meeting, but only the same people who always
come showed up. 1 regular meeting and 1 business meeting was already proposed
at the beginning of the year but nothing changed. If we go to once a month, we
will save money. With the communication tools today there is no reason to meet
so often. We should go to once a month and keep the dues the same. With one
meeting per month, more people will come.
Lion Shelia seconded what Lion Steve said.
Lion Sharon also concurred with Lion Steve.
Lion Marvin said he didn’t like the proposed format
because he does not believe we should do board meeting at the meeting. He likes
the idea of doing more training. He did not care whether we do 1 or 2 meetings,
but stated that with the technology available today we can get a lot done
without meeting.
PCC Stan was in favor of 2 meetings a month. He does
not believe we need to increase dues. We do have a good amount of people who
never show up (~22%). The admin fund is strong, stronger than any other club in
the district. He said everyone should be able to talk and learn at the board
Lion Jim 1 endorsed what PCC Stan said. He said he
has been a member of this club for more than 20 years and we’ve met on the 1st
and 3rd Wednesday the whole time. We have the best club because we
have the best people and good continuity with what we do. If people miss a
meeting, and they go too long before the next one then they’re habit breaks and
they will fall away. Eventually we would dwindle like so many other clubs in
the district. We have a good deal and he doesn’t want to see it killed.
Lion Jack said he would come 4 times a month because
he likes the people here. He said we need to do more projects. With the open
board meetings, we can do more.
Lion Jim 2 said that as a new member, he likes that
the regulars always show up because it helped him get to know everybody. It is
nice coming here and seeing the same people. He also likes that if he misses a
meeting that he doesn’t have to wait a long time for the next one.
Lion Vickie had concerns about what happens at the
first meeting. She said she doesn’t mind paying the extra money but does like
having her time wasted. She wants to come and here something different and
exciting. She wants speakers who are enriching. She does not think we need to
increase dues because of the tail twister. We need to focus on new members.
Lion Rich said he was initially in favor of 1
meeting but changed his mind. The main driver of this change was the idea of
choice. The regulars are going to show up regardless of the meeting frequency
and the people who never show up will continue to never show up. We have a
segment of 50-50 people and he likes the idea of giving options. With 2, the
people who want 2 can show up to 2 and the people who only want 1 can choose to
only come once a month.
Lion Irene said she originally was for 1 meeting due
to her schedule, but changed her mind and now is in favor of 2. She said we
need more people to get involved and help out because all of this stuff just
doesn’t happen. The open board meetings would help engage members by showing
them what happens behind the scenes.
The motion passed with 15 ayes, 4 nays, 1 abstention
Vision Symposium, January 30th, bayside special services library, 2 - 4.
Speaker, Dr. Steven Rose from the foundation fighting blindness - topic
clinical trials and macular degeneration.
Report – Lion Vickie
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays: Done on 1/6
50/50 Raffle: $20 –Lion Shelia, $21 – Lion Nancy
Progressive Raffle: Lion Marvin’s ticket was
pulled, but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to
build. The Jackpot is currently up to $96.
then adjourned at 8:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Ø Jan 23rd (Sat) – SPOT Screening (VB
Christian Church) (1pm-3pm)
Ø Jan 30th (Sat) – Low Vision Symposium
(Bayside Special Services Library) (2-4 pm)
Ø Feb 3rd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø Feb 11th (Thurs) – Traveling Leo – York
County Lions
Ø Feb 18th Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest
(Thalia United Methodist Church (7pm)
Ø Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet
Meeting/Governor’s Social. (Point Plaza Hotel, NN)
Ø March 10th (Thurs) – Region III Bland
Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church) (7pm)
Ø March 26th (Sat) – Region III Audible
Easter Egg Hunt
Ø April 9th (Sat) – Thalia’s 50 Years of
Service Celebration (Hilton Garden Inn)
Ø April 29th (Fri) – District Bland Contest
(Chandler Hall)
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Jan 6,
2016, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
3 Guests
17 Members
45 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34 pm, Reconvened: 7:22 pm
Program: Lion Cecil and Lion Marvin – LCI Headquarters
Lion Marvin and Lion Cecil recently attended ALLI at the LCI headquarters and where able to tour the building. They took at ton of pictures and told us about each one including the numerous people they met, although they couldn’t remember anybody’s name.
Meeting Frequency – Lion Rich Roberts
• We did not discuss any proposals or have any debate at this meeting. This is just to lay out the
process we will follow.
• A Board meeting will be held at Lion Debra’s house on Saturday, Jan 16th. The time is TBD and
will be distributed to the club when the time is officially set.
• At the board meeting (at which all members are welcome and can provide input/feedback), the
board will determine if we should change anything. If the board decides a change should be made,
the board will develop 1 or more proposals to present to the membership at the regular club
meeting on Wednesday, Jan 20th.
• At the regular meeting on the 20th, we will discuss and debate the proposal(s) and the membership
will vote on whether to adopt any of the proposed changes or reject them.
• At the meeting on the 20th, we will not have a speaker and will leave other items off the agenda.
Eye Screenings (SPOT)/Children’s Books – Lion Nancy Watters
• On Jan 23rd, we will have a SPOT screening at VB Christian Church from 1-3
• This screening is will service the infant program which deals with children with specialized needs.
They don’t have a centralized location, so we are doing it at the church and contacting parents to
bring their children. We don’t know what the turnout will be like, so if you want to come you are
welcome to join.
• Lion Debra sent an email about her first experience as sight chair. She sent a patient over to Lens
Crafters but they could not fit her because she has a special condition which causes a misshaped
cornea. So Lion Debra sent her over to Dr. Bond. The cost to fit her would have been $700-$800.
This only ended up costing the club $50. Dr. Bond did the work for free and he worked with the
manufacturer to get them to reduce their price. We submitted a grant to the 24-D charity
foundation and they picked up the balance. This is why the charity foundation is so important.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Jan 14 . 10am-noon
• You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
• We did 5 families total ( 4 for Christmas and 1 for Hanukkah)
• The response was great as always and the families are so appreciative. This is a heart-warming
project for all of those who participated.
• Lion Aziz suggested we take on more families this year. It was suggested that before we contact
social services next year, we check with the members and see how many want to participate and
how much money everyone is willing to pony up that way we will know how many families we
will be able to take on.
LOVF Raffle – PCC J. Stanly Furman
• PCC Stan passed out the raffle booklets.
• This is not just a fundraiser for LOVF, it also is a club fundraiser.
• For each book we sell, we keep $20 and ship $10 off to LOVF. If we sell them all, we’ll net $900.
• Tickets are due at the State Convention (will do final collection at the last meeting in April)
• Write checks out to the club.
• PCC will also be the President of LCF-24D next year and will look to the club to help support him
with the Bid ‘N Buy Auction, which is the charity foundation’s biggest fundraiser. Above is what
the charity foundation does for us.
Fruit Sales – Lion Jack Wagner
• The garage is cleared out, we sold everything.
• There were some problems with some of the fruit, especially the naval oranges. Some of it was
rotten. This year’s crop was affected by excessive rain.
• $1,977 was collected so far, not including an additional $309 Lion Rich collected at the meeting.
• We may look into another vendor, but will see if CJ will give us a discount (he has done so in the
• We sold about 20 crates less than we did the previous year but should still net around $1000.
Food Project – Lion Marvin Clemmons
• This started as a Zone project but will be a project with all the clubs of Virginia Beach.
• The Pastor at Enoch Baptist Church will tell this members to bring food every Sunday to be put in
bins for the foodbank.
• The Lions will have a table at the church to collect the food and promote Lions.
• They want Lions (probably around 3) at the church every Sunday starting around 9.
• Still details to be worked out, Lion Marvin is meeting with the pastor on Thursday.
Bland Contest – Lion Vickie Kennedy
• The club contest will be Feb 18th at Thalia United Methodist Church, 7pm.
• Invites have gone out to our past contestants.
• Region III contest will be March 10th at Thalia United Methodist Church, 7pm.
• The 24-D contest will be April 29th at Chandler Hall.
• May 20th – state final in Roanoke.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
• We have visited 6 clubs so far
• We need to visit one more zone for the patch.
• We are going to York County Lions on Feb 11th.
• Lions Steve, Marvin, Rich, Irene, and Jack all said they would go.
From the Floor:
• Lion Vickie issued the 2nd half our the scholarship money ($500 each) to our PAHS scholarship
• TCC reached out and the young lady who won our ALC scholarship was unable to attend TCC
due to a medical condition and the school refunded us the $1000. She is going to go back so we reissued the scholarship money.
• The peanut sale made about $1,300 and we did not receive any complaints from our customers.
Secretary’s Report:
• Guiding Lion Training is this Saturday in Poquoson.
• Governor’s social is Feb 27th in Newport News.
• Membership in the district is up 20 for the year. Last year we were never positive.
• Lion Giovanni has decided to resign since he doesn’t have time to be active in the club due to
family commitments. Lion Irene reached out to him and we’re going to keep him on our mailing
list to keep him informed with what is going on.
• We have several members we haven’t heard from in a while. We need to develop a plan to reach
• Send pictures to Lion Rich to post on Facebook.
• JDRF sent us a thank you letter for our donation. Every year we support Lion Dick’s grandson
Scotty who organizes a team for their annual charity walk.
• Lion Rich collected $309 in fruit money at the meeting.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Lion Vickie wanted the male quartet of Lions Jim 1, Jim 2, Mike, and Jack to sing to
her. Lion Rich wanted Lion Vickie to sing to him which she thought was plain wrong. Lion
Marvin paid to have his sister sing to Lion Rich which made him one lucky lion! Lion Vickie
channeled her inner 50 cent in her explicit happy birthday rendition.
• 50/50 Raffle: $38 – PCC Stan
• Progressive Raffle: Lion Rich’s ticket was pulled, but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $88.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:24 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Jan 9th (Sat) – Guiding Lion Training (Poquoson Community Center) (8am-noon)
Jan 14th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling Center
Jan 16th (Sat) – Board Meeting (Lion Debra’s House) (Tentative)
Jan 23rd (Sat) – SPOT Screening (VB Christian Church) (1pm-3pm)
Feb 11th (Thurs) – Traveling Leo – York County Lions
Feb 18th Thurs) – Thalia Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church (7pm)
Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet Meeting/Governor’s Social. (Point Plaza Hotel, NN)
March 10th (Thurs) – Region III Bland Contest (Thalia United Methodist Church) (7pm)
April 29th (Fri) – District Bland Contest (Chandler Hall)
Dec 2, 2015
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia
Beach, VA, was called to order on Dec 02,
2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton
Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the
Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
0 Guests, 17 Members, 45 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34 pm
Reconvened: 7:00 pm
Program: Lion
President Irene Conlin – “History of Lions”
Lion Irene wanted to review the basics of Lionism. We had a
fun time quizzing each other and Lions who answered incorrectly were required to perform feats of
strength. I will not be more specific on record.
To view the presentation, follow this link:
and click on the presentation labeled “all about lions”
Eye Screenings (SPOT)/Children’s Books – Lion Nancy
• We have a screening
Monday at Winsor Oaks.
• 4 lions are signed
up, so we are covered.
• The school is in VB
Central’s area but they didn’t respond, so we are going to do it.
• We received 532
books this year from Macy’s Reading is fundamental. These will go to Lion
Evonne Green as the district chairperson for distribution to
the Headstarts in Chesapeake. (VB got
the books last year)
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• Next eyeglass
recycling will be on Thursday Dec 10th . 10am-noon
• You can either show
up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a ride or travel directly to the recycling
Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
• Assignments are
handed out. The JCC has been taken care of already.
• On Saturday Dec 12 th
, Wards Corner will have their annual Xmas party and will
need volunteers.
The party benefits welfare recipients and they usually have
200-250 people turn out. The location
is Granby HS.
Fruit Sales – Lion Jack Wagner
• Will need orders in
by Dec 9th
• Prices are on the
• Sales are slow so
far, but usually pick up in the last week as people turn in their orders.
• Lion Rich will send
out a reminder.
Holiday Party – Lion Nancy Watters
• Party at the
• Dec 16th, 6 pm
• The plan is to do
heavy hor’dourves.
• Lions John and
Nancy will provide ham biscuits and shrimp.
• Everyone else bring
finger foods and deserts.
Food Project – Lion Irene Conlin
• January is hunger
project month.
• Lion Marvin is
organizing a project for the zone, so we can latch onto that.
• Lion Nancy
suggested bringing canned goods to the Holiday Party.
Food Project – Lion Marvin Clemmons
• Lion Marvin is
interested in getting children involved in our project.
• Want to do a food
drive in January because the food pantries get wiped out over the holidays and
need to replenish their stock.
• We are partnering
with 3 churches.
• Date is Jan 16th from 11-2 pm
• Location is Enoch
Baptist Church.
• We need to collect
food and then work the day of.
• Lion Marvin will
distribute a list of preferred items.
Samaritan House – Lion Jack Wagner
• Samaritan House is
closing 2 shelters due to lack of funds. The pantry is struggling.
LAMP – Lion John Watters
• Aragona Pembroke is
doing a LAMP at the Salvation Army on VB Blvd on Saturday, Dec 5th
Meeting Frequency – Lion Dick Kressig
• Lion Dick has heard
other Lions talk about moving to 1 meeting per month and wanted to object
to the idea.
• To date, no formal
proposal has been made or discussed on making such a change.
• It was decided this
discussion would be better suited for a board meeting setting; however, the
consensus was that the board should not act changing our
meeting frequency without engaging the
membership at a regular meeting. If a change is desired, the
board will discuss it and formulate a
proposal at a board meeting. This proposal would then be
distributed to the membership for
review and then discussed and voted on at a regular club
meeting (with advance notification) to
facilitate greater participation. We will need to ensure we
don’t have any guest at this meeting in
case things get heated.
• We are currently
under contract with the hotel for 2 meetings a month with the hotel. The
any changes (if so desired) are made will be 2017.
Secretary’s Report:
• Lion John Cranford
(Treasurer of the Lions Charity Foundation of 24-D) called up because Lions
in our club have sent him checks made out the LCIF. LCIF is
the big international foundation and
can be donated to via the internet. If you are trying to
give to our district’s local charity
foundation, the checks need to be made out to LCF-24D.
• Donations to
LCF-24D can be made and earmarked for use by our club. This allows you to write
off the donation on your taxes since the LCF-24D is a 503(c)
and then write “Thalia” on the memo
and then the club can request the funds from LCF-24D when we
want to use them (activity
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Lion
Jeri wanted Lion Jack to sing to her. Lion Irene wanted Lion Steve to sing to
and Lion Jim 1 picked Lion Roger. For some reason, nobody
paid to have Lion Roger sing Happy
Birthday utilizing
the Queen’s English. Lion Irene paid $5 to have Lion Steve sit on her lap while
singing which is $4.75 more than any other woman would pay
to have Lion Steve be near her.
Bidding was furious, but in the end they all had to sing and
it was simply awful.
• 50/50 Raffle: $23 –
Lion Jack, $18 – Lion Bob
• Progressive Raffle:
Lion Roger’s ticket was pulled, but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to
Meeting then adjourned at
8:04 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Dec 5th (Sat) – LAMP at
Salvation Army
Dec 7 th (Mon) – Windsor Oaks
ES Screening
Dec 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass
Recycling Center
Dec 14th (Mon) – District GMT
Meeting (Poquoson Community Center)
Dec 16th (Wed) – Holiday Party
(Watters’ Residence)
Jan 9th (Sat) – Guiding Lion
Training (Poquoson Community Center)
Jan 16th (Sat) – Food Drive
(Enoch Baptist Church)
Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet
Meeting/Governor’s Social
Nov 18, 2015
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called
to order on Nov 18, 2015, by Lion 1st Vice President Nancy Watters at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn,
Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on
the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – PCC
Stan Furman – “Grand Ole Flag”
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion
Marvin Clemmons
Invocation- given by Lion Bob Perrine
Our Universal Life Force, there
is hardly anything more important in your plan for our lives here on earth than
to serve others. So it is with that thought that we gather here tonight in
fellowship. Let us continue to serve you
by serving others, and especially
Lions serving in Yola, Nigeria after a suicide
attack killed 42 and wounded more than 100 on Oct 23rd and again
yesterday killing 32 and wounding 80; and
Lions serving in Paris, France after a
suicide attack killed 129 and wounded 433 on Nov 13th; and
serving in Beirut, Lebanon after a suicide attack killed 43 and wounded 239 on
Nov 12th; and Lions serving in Russia after a terrorist brought down
a Russian Airliner killing all 224 aboard, mostly Russians, on Oct 31st
We Lions are serving in all corner of the earth and especially in places where
almost 300 terrorist attacks occurred in 2015. Amen
ATTENDAN 0 Guests 19 Members 50 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34
Reconvened: 6:45 pm
Program: Lion Marvin Clemmons (Zone G Chair OV) -
Lion Marvin talked about the characteristics of a good club and an
effective leader. We had a good discussion around the club’s vision statement.
Lion Marvin talked about the differences in strategic and tactical thinking and
where each type of thinking is applied in our organization. LCI is strategic,
The district does both strategic and tactical and the club is tactical. Lion
Marvin stressed that although we are a good, strong club, we can’t be
complacent and need to continue to find ways to improve, serve or
members/community, and help out struggling clubs.
Screenings (SPOT) – Lion Nancy Watters
We will receive 532 books from Reading is
Fundamental for distribution.
Lion Nancy told club members not to come to the
Windsor Woods screening because this school is in VB Central’s area and they
were supposed to do the screening with our help. Lion Nancy showed up with Lion
Sylvia in her lion suit, but nobody from VB Central showed up and Lion Nancy
and Lion Sylvia took the reins and screened 92 children.
We are going to screen Windsor Oaks ES on Dec. 7th.
This is also in VB Central’s area, but we need to do it.
A crew is set to do the King’s Grant screening on
Nov. 19th. We expect 150 children.
Recycling – Lion John Watters
Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Dec 10th
. 10am-noon
You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a
ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
We’ve been having good turnouts so if you haven’t
been, come out and learn the ropes.
This month 541 pair of glasses were turned in with 2
hearing aids.
Tomorrow Lion John and Lion Dick are attending the
“View from Here” luncheon.
Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
The 4 families were divvied up.
Lions Nancy, Aziz, and Rich will take the family
with the 2 boys.
Lions Susie, Vickie, and Lind E. will take the
family with the 7yr old girl.
Lions Aziz, Shelia, and Debra will take the family
with the 10yr old girl.
Lions Stan, Jeri, Marvin, and Sylvia will take the
family with the 6 yr old girl.
Lions Steve and Stan will coordinate with JCC to
take care of a Jewish family on Hanukkah
Lions who weren’t at the meeting can let PCC Stan
know if they want to join one of the groups to support a family.
Support – Lion Nancy Watters
While at RAM-VA in Warsaw, Va. Lion Nancy met with
Stan Brock who is looking for volunteers to go to Greece to help refugees under
the RAM umbrella. Let Lion Nancy know if you are interested and she will get
you in touch with Stan Brock.
Sales – Lion Jack Wagner
Will need orders in by the first week of Dec with
delivery around Dec. 17th.
Flyers with prices are on the website.
There are between 60-80 oranges/tangerines in a 4/5
bushel (depending on the size of the fruit)
Potential Fundraiser – Lion Debra Laughlin
We can get coupons from YNOT for a cheese pizza.
We sell the coupon for $10. Half goes to YNOT and
the other half to the club.
The coupons have no expiration date.
We are accountable for the coupons. We either need
to return any unsold coupons to YNOT or give them $5.
a Difference – Lion Bob Perrine.
In 2006 NBC’s "Making a Difference"
segment on their Nightly News Show began when Senior Producer Sharon Hoffman
pitched a story idea about an individual who was changing people's lives for
the better. The more the staff talked about the story, the more they
realized they had something special: a legitimate good news story about a
person who was making a difference. Since NBC began this series about people
who were selflessly helping others, the network has been utterly overwhelmed by
good news stories.
Inspired by the NBC series, the Thalia Lions started its
own “Making a Difference” series in 2009 highlighting people who made
outstanding contributions to others with disabilities in sight, hearing and
diabetes; or simply by helping those less fortunate. Awards have primarily gone
to Thalia Lions but sometimes folks in the surrounding communities have been
featured. Thalia Lions were encouraged to nominate exceptional people, but as
the program progressed, fewer and fewer submissions were made. We
need to see that trend end.
The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach
salutes Lion Edgar E. DeLong, (Aug 15th 1928 - July 16, 2015) for making a
difference by serving for 23 years and twice as club president. He was
instrumental in establishing the District’s Bland Competition and directing
their Bland Memorial Music Scholarship program for eleven years. He was chairperson
of the Adult Learning Center and Princess Anne High School Scholarship program
for many years, and also for many years he organized trips to the Eye Glass
Recycling Center. Further, he maintained a data base for hearing aids.
There are few people who loved the Lions organization as
much as Lion Ed. Even with failing health, Lion Ed would still attend every
club meeting and work most service projects. He is the example of what a Lion
should be due to his dedication, his passion, his love for other people, and
his willingness to serve. Lion Ed made every situation more joyous. Every
Thalia Lion who knew him will miss him. He was a true Lion. He served to his
last breath.
Lion Irene said the following: “Lion Ed was also a true
patriot and servant to the community. I enjoyed hearing his stories about
'The War', his travels, and his experiences as a Navy Man. Being in his company
was a treat, because you knew - just by talking to him - how much he enjoyed
living. And boy did he! I agree with Lion Rich - it will be hard to
imagine Thalia without Lion Ed. Tonight I will raise my glass to him in honor
of his long life, and in appreciation for having known him. I will miss
him very much. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant’"
Past District Governor Lion Debbie Ivey said the following:
“Lion Ed was such an inspiration to anyone that ever met him. I
remember meeting him after he joined our Lion family and I fell in love with
his spirit and dedication immediately. His Bland Contest were the
best. He could pronounce the words to the composers, the music pieces,
anything put in front of him and with such professionalism. What a great
Lion, what a great man, what a great lose. Lion Ed, you will be missed.”
Past District Governor Donnie Johnson said the following: “Lion
Ed was a GREAT Lion and will be missed beyond measure. I will miss our talks
and the way he always had a joke or a special way to make you feel right at
Demonstrating what was to become a life-long passion for
travel and adventure, he ran away from his New Orleans home at 13 and joined
the Russell Brothers Circus in Los Angeles, CA, and later enlisted in the U.S.
Navy at 15. He participated in the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa during
World War II, witnessed the Atomic-Bomb tests at Bikini Atoll, sailed with the
U.S. Merchant Marine and was a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars. His
final tour of duty was Director of the Naval Guided Missile School, Dam Neck,
Virginia Beach, VA. Ed was a proud “Mustang” - an enlisted man who
advances through the ranks - retiring as a Lieutenant Commander in 1969 after
twenty six years of service. He then went on to successful careers in computers
and insurance, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from
St. Leo College at the age of 52.
In later years he turned to writing. He
co-authored Golden Slippers, a musical play about the life of James Bland, composer of "Carry
Me Back to Old Virginny," that was eventually produced by the theater
department at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore. Ed was a member of the
Old Dominion University Institute for Learning in Retirement, and facilitator
of the Virginia Beach Writers Association for more than twenty years, authoring
numerous articles and winning several contests including second place at the
New York Mills, MN-based Great American Think-Off 2012. He was a three time
winner of the Valley Forge Freedoms Foundation’s “George Washington Honor
Medal”. He wrote for a Norfolk radio station, for the Christopher Newport
University magazine, for “Our Navy” magazine and for many other local
and national magazines. As an unabashed patriot, he delivered inspiring and
well-received presentations about the history and importance of the U.S. flag
to many civic, school and workplace organizations. Ed's autobiography, Navy Mustang,
was published in 2008 which details his adventure-filled Navy life.
the Floor:
Lion John spoke about RAM Warsaw. This was the first
time a RAM was held inside Virginia outside of Appalachia and the first event
under the RAM-VA umbrella. It was well organized with the help of the
Rappahannock School of Nursing. There were lots of volunteers including ~20
dentist, 4 ophthalmologist, and 10
The eye clinic and dental clinic each saw around 250
people on each day.
6 representatives from Thalia were at the event.
The secretary is slippin’ and didn’t have anything
to report.
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
50/50 Raffle: $21 – PCC Stan, $17 – Lion Susie
Progressive Raffle: Lion John’s ticket was pulled,
but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The
Jackpot is currently up to $72.
then adjourned at 7:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Ø Nov 19th (Thurs) – Zone H Meeting
(Endependence Center)
Ø Nov 19th (Thurs) – Eyebank Luncheon
Ø Nov 19th (Thurs) – Kings Grant ES Screening
Ø Dec 2nd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø Dec 7th (Mon) – Windsor Oaks ES Screening
Ø Dec 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø Dec 14th (Mon) – District GMT Meeting
(Poquoson Community Center)
Ø Jan 9th (Sat) – Guiding Lion Training
(Poquoson Community Center)
Ø Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet
Meeting/Governor’s Social
------------------------------------------------------------Nov 4, 2015
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called
to order on Oct 21, 2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:40pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record
and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Introduction of Guests: 7 from Kempsville, 2
from Oceanside, 1 from Oceanview
Song – Lion
Roger Snell – “God Bless America” (in honor of Lion Ed)
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Rich
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters
10 Guests 18 Members 47 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:34
Reconvened: 7:00 pm
Program: Lion Gary Coldren
Lion Gary showed us a lot of pictures of his sailing adventures on the
Chesapeake Bay.
Screenings (SPOT) – Lion Nancy Watters
On the 29th we did Thalia ES and screened
92 children with 11 referrals
Will do Kings Grant ES in Nov. and expect approx.
130 children. We have enough people signed up to work.
Lion Evonne Green needs volunteers to help with
“Kids in the Kitchen” at the Pembroke Mall on Nov. 14th.
across the Miles – Lion Nancy Watters
Made over 1600 Christmas Cards and collected 300 lbs
of toiletries
29 Lions participated and 19 children were screened.
Recycling – Lion John Watters
Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Nov 12th
. 10am-noon
You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a
ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
We’ve been having good turnouts so if you haven’t
been, come out and learn the ropes.
Backpack Food Stuffing – Lion Marvin Clemmons
LCI donated $1575 and the VB Schools Foundation
added another $1500
We filled 1,250 bags of food
47 people from Anthem came out with 19 Lions.
Lots of positive feedback came from those who
A similar project may be starting in Kilmarnock with
the help of Lions. The area has substantial need with approximately 80% of the
students on food stamps.
Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
Peanuts are in and already distributed.
Will make around $1,000
This was very easy to do.
We need to gather feedback from our customers to see
if this is something we should do again.
Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
We will just do Christmas (no Thanksgiving)
Will get one family from JCC (to diversify our
religious demographics)
Will do 4 other families, all are single mothers
with 2-3 children.
Sales – Lion Jack Wagner
The citrus is being picked right now.
Will need orders in by the first week of Dec with
delivery around Dec. 17th.
Flyers with prices are on the website.
the Floor:
Lion Dick Kressig read a thank you letter from his
grandson Scotty. Scotty thanked us for our donating to his walk team at the
JDRF walk for the cure.
Lion Jack brought up that we may need a white cane
soon. Lion Debra said she would organize one in January.
Lion Ed’s
wife (Ruth) is writing thank you notes to the people who donated to our club in
his memory. Lion Rich provided a list of non-lions who donated to her but did
not keep track of the Lions who donated. Please let Lion Rich know if you
donated so he can inform Ruth.
Zone G meeting in Monday, Nov 9th at
Buffett City on Holland Rd.
Zone H meeting is Thursday, Nov. 19 at the
Endependence Center on VB Blvd.
The club taxes have been filed.
Bid and buy auction is this Saturday. An expensive
ring and a print by a famous artist have recently been added to the auction
DG Ray is hosting guiding lion training at the
Poquoson Community Center on Jan. 9th.
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays: Lion Marvin choose PDG Don Burson to
sing to him. Lion Jim II picked Lion Bob to sing to him. Neither was
successfully in buying their way out of it. Lion Rich wanted to bring all of
the clubs together, so he threw down some money to get Lion Pat and Lion Gary
to sing as well. In the end, representatives from Thalia, Kempsville,
Oceanside, and Oceanview all came together as a quartet to sing Happy Birthday
and it was predictably awful.
50/50 Raffle: $24 – Lion Marvin, $23 – Lion Pat
Progressive Raffle: Lion Nancy’s ticket was pulled,
but she did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The
Jackpot is currently up to $57.
then adjourned at 8:18 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Ø Nov 7th (Sat) – Bid Buy Auction
Ø Nov 9th (Mon) – Zone G Meeting (Buffett
City, Hollan Rd)
Ø Nov 12th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø Nov 18th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø Nov 19th (Thurs) – Zone H Meeting
(Endependence Center)
Ø Nov 19th (Thurs) – Eyebank Luncheon
Ø Nov 19th (Thurs) – Kings Grant ES Screening
Ø Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet
Meeting/Governor’s Social
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Oct 21,
2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:40pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
ATTENDANCE 2 Guests, 13 Members - 34 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:44 pm, Reconvened: 7:10 pm
Program: Lion Mack Stevens – “Ready, Set, Grow”
Lion Mack summarized a presentation given by ID Jerome Thompson at the 24-D Fall Conference
centered on growing membership. We want to grow membership because more members means more
hands which means more service. We must start by asking who our customer is. We have three customers to satisfy, our members, our service partners, and the people who we serve. For our members, we must provide a purpose/task. With our service partners and those we serve, we must think about what we are promising and what we can deliver. We must make it a priority to deliver on our promises. We must ask why we have meetings and why and individual would want to come. Meetings can serve social purposes and be an opportunity to learn and organize. We must know our members and understand what they want to get out of the meeting. LCI has a program called “Your club, your way”. This program says to organize your club however works best for you. There is no rigid format which a Lion meeting must run. Disorganization is one of the biggest problems in clubs. Lion Irene wants to discuss membership ideas at our upcoming board meeting.
Eye Screenings (SPOT) – Lion Nancy Watters
• We screened 37 at VB preschool, 109 at Malibu ES, and 137 at Trentwood ES.
• Another screening is scheduled for Oct. 29th. All the volunteer slots are filler. Will have
approximately 200 students to screen.
• Kings Grant ES screening is Nov. 19th. 3 Lions signed up, need 1 more.
• While screening at Malibu, an assist. principle from another school who has not let us in witnessed
the screening and now we have an opportunity there.
• Will look at doing a screening at Windsor Oaks ES. This is in VB Central’s territory but they
aren’t covering the school.
Smile across the Miles – Lion Nancy Watters
• 24th of October – starting at 11:30
• Will be done at the fellowship hall of Virginia Beach Christian Church (Great Neck Road)
• 65 people from Anthem are signed up to work this event with us.
• We need more Lions. E-mail Lion Nancy if you want to work.
Eyeglass Recycling – Lion John Watters
• 6 people worked 2 hours each on Oct 8th.
• Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Nov 12th . 10am-noon
• You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
Eyebank Luncheon – Lion John Watters
• Donor families and recipients will speak about their experiences.
• 1 or 2 people can go with Lion John.
• Noon on Nov. 19th
VBCPS Backpack Food Stuffing – Lion Marvin Clemmons
• The event will occur on Thursday, Oct 22 from 4:30-6:30pm
• Location is Corporate Landing ES.
• We will need 30-35 lions.
• 18 Lions currently registered with 86 from Anthem.
• Lion Marvin’s full report is attached.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
• We are scrapping the goal of visiting all 9 zones due to lack of interest.
• We could not get enough Lions to make the trip to Lancaster.
• We will visit 4 zones to get the patch. We have visited 3 already.
• We will visit Little Creek (Zone E) in the future to get the 4th zone.
Peanut Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
• Going to submit order Friday.
• Send in any outstanding orders now.
• Will tally up all the revenue/profit numbers and submit to the club.
Holiday Project – PCC J. Stanley Furman
• We will just do Christmas (no Thanksgiving)
• Will get one family from JCC (to diversify our religious demographics)
Adult Learning Center LMSHU – Lion Jeri Furman
• 9 Lions participated
• We screened 99 students for sight and hearing
• We screened 87 students for blood sugars with 4 referals
• The students originate from all over the world.
Secretary’s Report:
• We will have a board meeting on Wed, Oct 28th at Lion Marvin’s house.
• We will have a traveling leo visit us (Kempsville) at our Nov 4th meeting.
Tail Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
• Birthdays: Due to the small crowd, We deferred Oct birthdays to Nov. (This way we can get
money out of Kempsville)
• 50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings: $15 – Lion Jim 1, $14 – Lion Linda H.
• Progressive Raffle: Lion John’s ticket was pulled, but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the
pot will continue to build. The Jackpot is currently up to $55.
Meeting then adjourned at 8:22 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Oct 22nd (Thurs) – School Backpacks - Corporate Landing ES (4:30pm – 6:30pm)
Oct 24th (Sat) – Smiles across the Miles (VB Christian Church) (11:30am-4pm)
Oct 28th (Wed) – Board Meeting (Lion Marvin’s House)
Oct 29th (Thurs) – Children’s Eye Screening
Nov 4th (Wed) – Regular Club meeting
Nov 7th (Sat) – Bid Buy Auction
Nov 12th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Nov 19th (Thurs) – Eyebank Luncheon
Nov 19th (Thurs) – Kings Grant ES Screening
Feb 27th (Sat) – 24-D Cabinet Meeting/Governor’s Social
Oct 7, 2015
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called
to order on Oct 07, 2015, by Lion 1VP Nancy Watters at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with
those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – Lion
Jim Healy – “Grand Old Flag” (in honor of Lion Ed)
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Steve
Invocation- given by Lion Dick Kressig
Recessed for Dinner: 6:33
Reconvened: 6:46 pm
Program: Lion Marvin Clemmons – Club Rebuilding
Lion Marvin is our zone chair and on the GLT committee as the club
revitalization specialist. He started to give this talk at Fall Conference by
The DG and I kept trying to cut him off (to little avail). Not because of the
quality of the information, but because we were on a time crunch and this topic
really should be a program instead of a 3 minute report, so he is going around
the district giving this presentation. Lion Marvin gave his talk during dinner
to cut down the meeting length, which worked out pretty well.
Encl(1) – Rebuilding – What Can We Do as a District.
After Lion Marvin was finished, Lion Nancy thanked him and spoke briefly
about all the good things Lion Marvin is doing for the zone and the district
and how he is destined to take on higher levels of leadership within the
district. This was an awesome segway because..
Lion Marvin announced his intention to run for 2VDG at the State
Convention and asked for the club’s support. PCC Stan made a motion that the
Thalia Lions endorse Lion Marvin’s candidacy. I think everyone seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Visible – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Lion Vickie stopped at a store on her way to the
meeting, proudly wearing her Lion shirt. She was asked by two young (20s)
people about the Lions and told them about who we are and what we do. They were
very interest and Lion Vickie gave them our contact info. This show the
importance of wearing our logos.
PCC Stan recommends wearing your pin every single
day because people will ask about it.
Screenings (SPOT) – Lion Nancy Watters
We have two scheduled:
o 14/15 Oct
at Malibu ES
o 19 Oct
at Trentwood ES
The schools are getting tighter on security and you
need to be approved (in advance) before you get in.
Lion Sylvia dresses up in her Lion suit for each
screening which the children love.
Let Lion Nancy know if you want to work these
We are tentatively looking at doing King’s Grant ES
in Nov.
across the Miles – Lion Nancy Watters
24th of October – starting at 11:30
Will be done at the fellowship hall of Virginia
Beach Christian Church (Great Neck Road)
52 people from Anthem are signed up to work this
event with us. (they’re capping at 65)
Bring Christmas/Holiday Cards. (You can get 14 for
$1 at the dollar store)
E-mail Lion Nancy if you want to work.
Bring items (toiletries for the troops) our meeting
on 21st if you want to donate.
Recycling – Lion John Watters
Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Oct 8th
. 10am-noon
You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a
ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
Backpack Food Stuffing – Lion Marvin Clemmons
The event will occur on Thursday, Oct 22 from 4:30-6:30pm
Location is Corporate Landing ES
We received the $1,575 check from LCI. There were
questions about if this was a matching grant and where the match is coming
from. Lion Marvin will investigate. There are a lot of players involved with
Lion Marvin will be surveying the site on Oct 8th
to nail down the logistics and what our responsibilities are going to be.
We will need 30-35 lions.
The school district will order the food from Sysco
and we will pay for it.
More details are to come and Lion Marvin will send
out a sign up sheet.
Landing Greenhouse – Lion Nancy Watters
We are partnering on this with the Princess Anne
This is occurring this Sunday (Oct 11th)
from 10:30 to 3pm
Location is 2020 princess anne road.
36 people from Anthem have signed up.
We will be erecting the greenhouse, doing gardening,
planting, and painting.
Let Lion Rich know if you plan on attending and he
will coordinate with PA Lions.
Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Steve planned a traveling leo to New Kent
County next Thursday. Dive time ~1:15 (maybe with no tunnel traffic)
Only Lion Marvin volunteered, so we were two short.
A visit to Hampton – Phoebus is scheduled for Nov.
Lion John brought up that he is traveling to Kilmarnock
(Lancaster Lions) to give a program on Oct 27. He seemed hopeful (but not
confident) that he could convince his wife to accompany him, which would mean
we could do a traveling leo if two more club members would join him.
Lion Rich noted that both Lancaster and New Kent are
zone A clubs, so the trip to Lancaster would satisfy that requirement (and is
further away).
Lions Nancy, Steve, Jack, and Marvin agreed to go to
Lancaster and the trip to New Kent was canceled.
The current plan is to meet at the Lake Wright
Quality Inn (Northampton Blvd) around 3:30 to carpool up.
Fundraiser – Lion Steve Rosnov
We will collect individual orders until Oct 21st
(a meeting night) and then submit one big order to the manufacturer.
This will be a trial run, but things are looking
good so far.
Party – PCC J. Stanley Furman
CoVB Health and Human Services wants to know if we
are going to do this again and how many families.
4 seemed to be the magic number
Learning Center LMSHU – Lion Rich Roberts
We are scheduled for Oct 21st from 10-2
Lion Jerry is our driver.
The blood sugar screening kit was requested.
Lion Rich will send out a sign up sheet.
Sale - Lion Jack Wagner
The cost on a few items went up 25 cents
This year was a good crop
Lion Jack will send Lion Rich the flyer to
distribute to the club.
Dec 9th will be the last day for orders
and delivery will be the following week.
Lion Jack recommends raising prices.
PCC Stan made a motion to raise the price of 4/5
bushels by $1 and 2/5 bushels by 50 cents. The motion was seconded and passed
House – Lion Jack Wagner
The Church of Ascension is having their annual food
drive with the participation of Samaritan House.
Lion Jack is taking contributions for the Samaritan
House panty.
The district needs guiding lions. Our club is
blessed with many capable leaders who could help guide new clubs and revitalize
struggling clubs. There are currently 5 counties in the district with no lion
presence (King William; King & Queen; Sussex; Charles City; and Richmond
County). Currently Tappahannock has a branch club in King William county with
18 members. They are going strong and will likely charter this year. They
already have plans to start a branch club in King & Queen as soon as they
charter. There is also potential for a branch club of Surry Lions to start in
Sussex county. There is a women’s social group in Sussex County (approx 12
members) which one of the Surry members belongs to. The group wants to
re-organize as a service organization and the district is working with them
towards becoming a Lions Club. There is the possibility of starting either a
campus club or a branch at CNU. The Sorority Delta Gamma has expressed interest
since their mission is sight. The Sorority has done projects with York County
Lions and Denbigh in the past. There is also interest at ODU and VoTech.
Another thing clubs can do is add a Children First Branch. Children First
branches/clubs make serving children their primary mission. North Accomack on
the eastern shore was down to 3 members and about to fold, but the redesignated
as a children first club which revitalized them and they are growing again (up
to 10 members).
Growing the district is important since
redistricting MD-24 is inevitable, whether we do it by choice or if it is
forced by LCI. The state is likely to reduce from 6 districts to 4. The
stronger our region is, the more centralized our new district will be.
Lion Jeff Gaddis (Gloucester Lions) announced he is
running for 2VDG at Fall Conference.
PID Wayne Davis (District 24-C) announced he is
running for 3rd International Vice President. PCC Chet Krammer
(Williamsburg Host) will run PID Wayne’s campaign in District 24-D. PID Wayne
will be our guest speaker at our 50th charter night in April.
is sending a traveling leo our way on Nov. 4th.
Lion Rich presented Lion Vickie with a Certificate
of Appreciation which IPDG Pam Kidwell awarded her at Fall Conference for her
excellent work last year as the District’s Bland Contest Chair.
We will have a board meeting on Wed, Oct 28th
at Lion Marvin’s house.
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays: Will do them on 10/21
50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings: $25 – Lion Marvin; $13 –
Lion Roger Snell
Progressive Raffle: Lion Nancy’s ticket was pulled,
but she did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The
Jackpot is currently up to $49.
then adjourned at 8:22 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Upcoming Events:
Ø Oct 8th (Thurs) –
Eyeglass Recycling
Ø Oct 11th (Sun) –
Vanguard Landing Greenhouse (11am-3)
Ø Oct 14/15 (Wed/Thur) – SPOT
Screening (Malibu ES)
Ø Oct 19 (Mon) – SPOT Screening
(Trentwood ES)
Ø Oct 21st (Wed) – S&H
Van – Adult Learning Center (10pm-2pm)
Ø Oct 21st (Wed) – Regular
Club Meeting (Peanut Orders Due)
Ø Oct 22nd (Thurs) –
School Backpacks - Corporate Landing ES (4:30pm – 6:30pm)
Ø Oct 24th (Sat) – Smiles
across the Miles (VB Christian Church) (11:30am-4pm)
Ø Oct 27th (Tues) –
Traveling Leo (Lancaster Lions)
Ø Oct 28th (Wed) – Board
Meeting (Lion Marvin’s House)
Ø Nov 4th (Wed) – Regular
Club meeting
Ø Nov 7th (Sat) – Bid Buy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sep 2, 2015
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called
to order on Sep 02, 2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record
and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Introduction of Guests: Tim Hewitt – President
of Norfolk Ronald McDonald House Charities Board of Directors
Song – Lion
Jim Gander – “God Bless America”
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Mike
Invocation- given by PCC Stan Furman
Recessed for Dinner: 6:33
pm Reconvened: 7:00 pm
Program: Tim Hewitt – “Ronald McDonald House
Tim joined the RMH board in 2001 after his own experiences using the
house. RMH offers families a “home away from home” so they can be with their
children while they are in the hospital. Tim showed a 5 min video with
testimonials from individuals who have stayed at the house and the impact it
had on them.
Tim shared his touching story about his daughter’s struggle with cancer.
She was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 7 when he was stationed in Newport,
RI. Tim first ran across the Lions clubs there because the local club offered
free babysitting to parents so they could be with their sick child at the
hospital. Eventually the cancer went into remission and he got stationed in
Norfolk. Eventually the cancer came back and they started the fight again at CHKD. They did not use the RMH in Norfolk because
they lived here. Tim had the highest praise for the doctors and nurses who work
at CHKD and said the community needs to be supportive of such a wonderful
hospital. Again the cancer went into remission and then again came back. This
time they had to go to Duke Medical and his daughter received bone marrow
transplants. Although she survived the transplant, it did not fully cure her
and she was accepted into St. Judes Hospital in Tennessee. This is where he first
utilized the Ronald McDonald House. He and his wife alternated 4-5 day periods
staying at St. Jude with his daughter. She would fly home to Norfolk, and he
would fly out to Tennessee and vice versa. They always flew TransAir and the
crews knew them by name. They did this for several months and stayed at the
Ronald McDonald House while there. They have a large, 120 bed facility there.
The RMH started in 1974. A LB for the Philadelphia Eagles had a sick child and
wanted to stay with his daughter while she was in the hospital. After the
experience he said, there has to be a better way for parents than living out of
vending machines. He went to the Eagles Ownership and they agreed to find a
solution. They started the first house in Philadelphia. Eventually McDonalds
got involved and now there are 349 houses in 60 countries. McDonalds provides
oversight and management but not funding. The local houses each do their own
fundraising from their communities. The local house asks for a $25 a night
donation from families, but does not require them to pay anything if they can’t
afford it. Some don’t pay anything, some pay much, much more. He has seen
families give up everything for their children. They have given up their jobs,
their houses, and their savings to be with their kids, which is why they don’t
make them pay.
Lion Vickie took this opportunity to pitch their “Red Shoe at the Zoo”
fundraising event which is Sept 12 and $40 a ticket. They will have a seafood
feast, beer, wine, and children’s activities.
Screenings/Smiles Across the Miles/Shop for Cause – Lion Nancy Watters
We have 2 Head Start screenings coming up on the 23rd
and 24th.
The Head Starts are small and Lion Nancy has the
Lions she needs.
More screenings are to come as we will schedule our
elementary schools soon.
Smiles Across the Miles will be at VB Christian
Church (Great Neck Road) on Sept 24th.
We need old Christmas Cards. The children will cut
the fronts out, paste them on card stock and decorate them to make new cards.
We need to collect items to give to the USO for
distribution to the troops. Lion Nancy passed out a list of desired items. Many
push is for travel sized toiletries.
Thalia will set up and provide cookies. Town Center
Blind Lions are taking care of everything else.
We sold all the Macy’s tickets for “Shop for a
Cause” which netted the club $1000 for our activity account.
Recycling – Lion John Watters
Next eyeglass recycling will be on Thursday Sept 10th.
It is always the second Thursday of the month,
although Lion John managed somehow to show up on the wrong Thursday last month.
You can either show up at Best Buy at 9:30 to get a
ride or travel directly to the recycling center.
Fundraiser/Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
We’re going to sell peanuts. The club will make 60%
margin on the peanuts we sell.
The shipping fee is $40 per order.
Order forms were on the tables and Lion Rich
e-mailed them out.
Lion Nancy made a custom order form to e-mail to
prospective buyers. Lion Rich e-mailed it out. Lion Steve e-mailed out the form
and sold $90 worth of peanuts in a couple hours; however, most of that $90 came
from his beloved Buttercup.
We intend to stock some peanuts at Paul’s Garage to
sell year round. Nick has already agreed to do this for us.
We will collect individual orders until Oct 21st
(a meeting night) and then submit one big order to the manufacturer.
We have a traveling Leo to Gloucester scheduled for
Thursday, Sept 10th. Originally Lion Rich committed to go but then
realized he double booked himself because he is supposed to go the York County
Lions meeting that night with the DG. Lion Jack, Lion Steve, and Lion Marvin
committed to go. Lion Vickie offered to take Lion Rich’s place only to back out
as well due to prior commitments. All was resolved when we were able to rope
our esteemed Past Council Chair J. Stanley Furman into making the trip.
Backpack Food Stuffing – Lion Marvin Clemmons
The event will occur on Thursday, Oct 22 from
Location is Corporate Landing ES
Lion Marvin is setting up a meeting with the
school’s event coordinator. He wants to iron out the details. The school
district does this all the time and has it down to a science, so after the
meeting Lion Marvin will know what we need to do and how to assign areas of
Landing Greenhouse – Lion President Irene Conlin
We are partnering on this with the Princess Anne
Region III submitted a grant request for $5000 as
part of the LCI/Anthem month of service; however, the project did not receive
full funding. LCI said they would allocate $2500 to the project on the
condition that the clubs of Virginia Beach come up with the other $2500.
2VDG Beth sent a request out to the clubs asking
that they each pitch in $500 so we can get the match from LCI.
We discussed this at last week’s board meeting, but
we don’t have enough money in our activity account to support this. We decided
to ask individual club members to donate towards the cause and establish a pass
through account with the 24-D charity foundation so the individual lions could
take advantage of the tax write-off.
As usual with Thalia, the $500 was raised in like 5
seconds. We ended up collecting $679 for the Thalia pass through account in
Learning Center LMSHU – Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Rich called the Adult Learning Center to
schedule bring out the sight and hearing van to screen their students.
They want to target October. It will either be a
Tues, Wed, or Thursday.
The S&H Van’s schedule is wide open in that
They are going to get back to Lion Rich in a couple
days with a couple of possible dates and Lion Rich will schedule the van.
Charity Foundation/Club Cookout – PCC Stan Furman
Bid buy auction is Oct 3rd. (Charity
foundation’s biggest fundraiser)
Also selling raffle tickets for $5.
Need items for donation. (2 kayaks will be up for
auction thanks to Lion Irene)
The bid-buy acution made $19-20K last year but the
foundation doled out $118K.
The $250 service grant is available again this year.
We didn’t qualify last year. We need 14 people (not necessarily Lions) to
qualify. People can register in advance on the website. This is helpful for
non-lions to get counted towards our club.
The club annual cook-out will be on Sept 16th
(in lieu of our regular meeting) at PCC Stan’s house.
The club will supply the burger, hot dogs, and
condiments. The rest will be pot-luck.
No need to coordinate dishes. It always tends to
work out.
No glass will be allowed.
– Lion Bob
Lion Bob and 10 members of the club had dinner with
our two scholarship recipients on Aug 19th.
· They are both phenomenal students with bright
futures ahead of them. Attending at Tupelo Honey, Town Center were Lion Steve and his wife Dian Rosnov,
Lion Mike Coren, Lion Bob Perrine and his wife Barbette and guests of honor Peter
Nguyen and his two sisters, and Amanda Ponack and her mother. Both Peter and Amanda were awarded $1,000. Peter will be attending George Mason
University and Amanda will attend James Madison University.
John Watters reported that Thalia had 14 lions present at the
annual Lions Medical Eyebank Dinner on Aug. 19th.
Jack Wagner announced he will receive this year’s price list for the fruit sale soon.
Cat caught his tongue. For the first time in his
life, had nothing.
He should have at least plugged the upcoming Fall
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays: It was a full house. Lion Fran asked for
Lion Jack to sing to her. Lion Roger asked for Lion Aziz to sing to him. Lion
Dick asked for Lion Jeri to sing to him and PCC Stan wanted Lion Debra to sing
to him. Poor PCC Stan did not get his birthday wish. Lion Bob was slingin’ big
bucks to keep her from singing. Lion Rich tried to get her to sing but he could
not defeat Lion Bob. Lion Jack ended up singing in Polish and Lion Aziz did his
rendition in Farsi. We saved the best for last as Lion Jeri clean-up and stole
the show with her moving vocal execution of Happy Birthday.
50/50 Raffle: 2 drawings: $24 – Lion Rich; $18 –
Lion Jim 1.
Progressive Raffle: Lion Roger’s ticket was pulled,
but he did not pick the Queen of Hearts, so the pot will continue to build. The
Jackpot is currently up to $42.
then adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Ø Sept 3rd (Thurs) – Region II Meeting
(Hibachi Grill, VB Blvd)
Ø Sept 10th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø Sept 10th (Thurs) – Traveling Leo
Ø Sept 16th (Wed) – Club Cookout (PCC Stan’s
Ø Sept 19th (Sat) – Low Vision Tech Expo – VB
Central Library (10am-4pm)
Ø Sept 20th (Sun) – JDRF Walk for the Cure
Ø Sept 23/24 (Wed-Th) – Head Start screenings
Ø Sept 25/26th (Fri-Sat) – 24-D Fall
Conference, Crowne Plaze – Hampton
Ø Oct 3rd (Sat) – 24-D Charity Foundation
Bid-Buy Auction, Oak Grove United Methodist Church
Ø Oct 22nd (Thurs) – School Backpacks
Ø Oct 24th (Sat) – Smiles across the Miles
Aug 26, 2015 - OFFICIAL MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGThe Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a Board Meeting at Lion Steve’s House, on
Aug 26, 2015. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Lion President Irene Conlin who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Irene Conlin,
Lion Rich Roberts,
Lion Marvin Clemmons,
3rd VP
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer
Lion Linda Harrison, Director
Lion Linda Eggleston
Lion Stan Furman, Director
Lion Jeri Furman
Lion Mike Coren, Lion Tamer
Lion Steve Rosnov, Tail Twister
Lion Nancy Watters, 1st VP
Lion John Watters
Lion Debra Laughlin, 2nd VP
Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Lion President Irene Conlin. Lion Rich
Roberts confirmed a quorum of directors (10) was present.
1. Lion Linda E. discussed procedures for the sight chair. We currently by $50 vouchers from
Lens Crafters (they come in books of 10). We may not need to utilize these anymore since
Lion Dan has offered to do 4 free exams per month and we generally only need 3-4 per
month. If we need to do additional exams, we can usually work with Dr. Bond to give us a
good deal.
2. The committees are straight and Lion Rich will send out the list. We probably don’t need
many of the committees since many “committees” are simply once a year projects which
we can Lion-up at the appropriate time. The board will look at streamlining this at a
future date.
3. Lion Marvin discussed the Virginia Beach Schools Backpack Food Stuffing project. His
report (with my scribbles) is attached as Encl (1).
4. Lion Steve has researched potential new fundraisers. He looked at selling peanuts and
candles. Peanuts looked to be the best one to start with. He researched 3 peanut
manufacturers and believes the Peanut Roasters is the best bet. The products would sell
at around 50-60% margin and shipping costs is about 40 cents per unit. They are
manufactured in NC. We can sell the non-perishable peanuts (those without chocolate)
year round in Paul’s Garage. Nick has agreed to do this. The key question was when to do
it. We don’t want it competing with the fruit sale. We also felt peanuts is a fall time food
and wouldn’t be attractive in the spring time. We decided to do a push to conduct the
sale in Sept-Oct, with final orders needing to be placed by Oct. 21st. This will give time for
delivery for those who want to have the peanuts at Thanksgiving. Lion Rich will distribute
a flyer. We did not discuss details on candles, but may look at that in the spring/Easter
5. Lion President Irene discussed the Greenhouse for Vanguard Landing. Princess Anne Lions
is the lead club for that project. Anthem/LCI will grant $2,500 toward the project if the VB
clubs can come up with the other $2,500 that is needed. Lion Beth is asking each club for
$500. Our activity fund is already strapped and things are going to be tight even with the
additional fundraisers. Lion Stan suggested asking individual club members to make
donations to the 24-D Charity Foundation and earmark the money for our club. That way
they can get the tax deduction and we can then use these funds for the matching
Anthem/LCI grant. Lion Rich also suggested reaching out to Ward Corner although they
are not in VB, since they have a lot of money and typically support district causes
financially. Lion Nancy made a motion (Lion Marvin second) that we make individual
contributions to the Charity Foundation for this cause. Motion passed unanimously.
6. We discussed who was going to assume the duties of hearing aide recycling and picking
up glasses since Lion Ed is no longer here to do it. Picking up the hearing aids from the
EGRC is really a district function, but Lion Ed always did it. Lion John said he would pick
them up and get them to PID Hauser. Lion Steve agreed to check the eyeglass recycling
boxes we have scattered around Virginia Beach.
7. Lion Steve made a motion (Lion Nancy seconded) to rename our scholarships as the “Lion
Ed Memorial Scholarships. We agreed this is what he would want. Motion passed
8. Lion Debra asked for bios from all our female club leadership so she can compile the
information for the Tidewater Women’s Magazine.
9. Lion Nancy discussed the other project involving Anthem, Smiles Across the Miles. This
will be done 2 days after the VBCPS food backpacks on Oct 24th. We will have 25-35
people from Anthem. We will make Christmas cards and it is a great opportunity to
involve children to do the decorating. Will also need toiletries. The event will be at Lion
Nancy’s Church.
10. Lion Nancy reported that at the blood drive we sold $214 in brooms (which wasn’t great)
but we collected 37 pints of blood (which is awesome).
11. We have a traveling leo schedule for Sept 10th in Gloucester. Lion Stan, Marvin, & Rich
plan to go. Lion Stan will go if nobody else will volunteer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Attachment: Encl (1) – Lion Marvin’s
Aug 5, 2015 - The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Aug 05, 2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – Lion
Debra Laughlin – “Grand Old Flag” – in honor of Lion Ed
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Steve
Invocation- given by Lion Jim Healy
0 Guests 19 Members 50 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:33
pm - Reconvened: 7:00 pm
Program: Lion Rich Roberts – “Club Building
At the last board meeting, the board decided that 2 speakers a month was
too much burden on the program chair and can make meetings too long with all
the business we need to cover. The board decided to scale back to one speaker a
month. In the month we don’t have a speaker, we will engage in “club building
activities”. This will take different forms, such as member ideation sessions,
Lions specific learning, and leadership development.
For this session, Lion Rich formulated 2 questions:
What is one thing the club can do to have a positive
net increase in membership by June 30, 2016.
What is one thing the club could do to better
market/publicize what the club does and communicate the value of Lions to the
community by June 30, 2016.
Each table was handed a card with one of these two questions. The group
was given 10 minutes to discuss the question and come up with ideas which would
be presented to the group at the end of the 10 minutes. 8 minutes in, the group
was informed that the person with the least amount of time in Lions would be
the presenter for their group.
Lion Linda E. presented for her table. They had the membership question.
Decrease from 2 meetings a month to 1
Do tea and desert instead of dinner to shorten meetings
Tell friends about service projects
Invite friends to service projects
Take guest to tour the eyebank
Use volunteers efficiently (don’t have too many
people at projects with nothing to do)
Do a family service project where people can bring
their kids. For example, clean the bay.
Lion Jim G. presented for his table. They had the market and publicize
Publicize every event we do. Not after, but before.
We can use the calendar features of Facebook.
Take photos with your cell phone at service
projects. The photos can be directly distributed to your friends via social
media such as Facebook and Twitter. As the photos and status updates hit your
friend’s feeds, they will see what you are doing and will probably ask you
about Lions.
Send articles on our projects into the Beacon.
Lion Shelia presented for her table. They had the market and publicize
Utilize social media accounts and the Beacon.
Tidewater Women’s Magazine likes to publish profiles
and interviews of strong women leaders. We have many great candidates in our
club, such as Lion Debra and the work she does with Visionwalk. 2VDG Beth would
also be a great candidate.
Lion Bob presented for his table. They had the membership question.
We need to develop a 3 sentence ad which conveys who
we are and what we do. Members need to have this down pat and be able to
deliver it when asked about Lions. If it is too long, they tune out.
Lion Stan brought up the fact that nobody addressed
retention as part of the equation and the need to engage our current Lions,
especially the new ones.
Lion Marvin was a table of 1. His question was the marketing and
publicize question.
Contact churches and determine what community
services they provide. Inform them of what we do and let them know about the
grants we have available.
Assist them and get it listed in their bullitens.
Perform large projects, potentially with multiple clubs, and get it in the news.
Attempt to establish branch clubs in the church.
Lion Jim G. asked how we bridge the gap to younger people. Lion Marvin
suggested utilizing more technology and offering on-line meeting alternatives.
Lion Stan suggested starting a branch club which consist solely of younger
Lion Irene presented for the head table. They had the membership
Reach out to other community organizations and get
involved with them. This is how we got Lion Irene and Lion Debra.
Network with the individuals in these community
organizations and find common projects and place where can help each other.
Look for synergies and develop connections.
The discussion was lively. The board will review the ideas and develop
action plans to make Thalia a stronger club.
Screenings/Shop for Cause/Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Watters Impersonator, Lion
Blood drive is Aug 17th at VB Christian
Church. We will sell brooms. Lion Jack placed an order to replenish our broom
If you want to give blood, you need to register with
the Red Cross ahead if time. Lion Rich will resend the information. If you want
to sell brooms, Lion Nancy has a sign-up sheet.
Lion Rich reminded everyone who sold Macy’s tickets
to let Lion Nancy know since she has to report how many we have sold on Friday.
Recycling/RAM/LMED – Lion John Watters Impersonator, Lion Rich
The Lions Medical Eyebank Annual dinner is Aug. 19th
at the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club. It is $35 per ticket.
7 lions are planning on going (not including Lion
John and Nancy who will be at the head table) so we don’t have enough to get a
whole table. Since the club is not reserving a whole table, individuals will
register themselves. Since so many Lions will be at the LMEB dinner, and Lion
Rich will be out of town, it was decided to cancel our next meeting.
Lion Vickie will cancel with the hotel so we don’t
get charged.
Lion Bob was planning on having our scholarship
winners come to that meeting. Due to their class schedule, they won’t be able
to make a later meeting, so Lion Bob is going to take them out to dinner and
any other club members are welcome to attend.
Eyeglass recycling will occur on Thursday, August 13th.
Lion Rich had a bag of glasses collected by Lion Roger. Lion Jim said he
planned on working the recycling center that day, so Lion Rich handed the
glasses off to Lion Jim.
Stan Furman
PCC Stan made a motion that is we don’t have to pay
the hotel for the canceled meeting, then the club should pay for Lion Bob to
take the scholarhip winner’s out to dinner. Motions was seconded and passed
We’ll have our annual cookout during on the 3rd
Wednesday in September. (Sept. 16th)
We will most likely have our 50th Charter
Night at the Hilton Garden Inn. They have a ballroom which will accommodate 75
people. We will probably do it on a Saturday evening in April.
of Service – Lion President Irene Conlin
Lions are partnering with Anthem to do service
projects. Anthem’s CEO is pledging money of manpower.
Thalia is sponsoring the backpack program with VB
We will also support the “smiles across the miles”
which is being lead by VB TC Blind Lions and building a greenhouse for Vangard
Landing which is being lead by Princess Anne Lions.
Lion President Irene presented Lion Bob with an award for our club
website which he maintains. Our website won 2nd place in the state
competition. The 1st place award was won by Kempsville Lions.
Jack Wagner
We need to organize a white cane soon.
Lion Debra asked what needs to be done. We have
blanket permission from the owner of the shopping center to do them anytime we
want. We just need to get a sign-up sheet and go out there.
Lion Jack is accepting donations for Samaritan
House. They are currently hurting pretty bad and need a lot of supplies.
Charity Foundation – PCC Stan Furman
Bid buy auction is Oct 3rd. (Charity
foundation’s biggest fundraiser)
Also selling raffle tickets for $5.
Need items for donation.
The bid-buy acution made $19-20K last year but the
foundation doled out $118K.
The $250 service grant is available again this year.
We didn’t qualify last year.
Marvin Clemmons
Passed out key chains “think about membership”
He wants us to give them away to potential members.
Jeri Furman
Lion Brad was bitten by his dog. Lion Jeri passed
around a get well card.
“Red Shoe at the Zoo – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Fundraiser for RMH. $40 per ticket.
Seafood feast, plus beer and wine.
Sept 12th 12-3 at the Norfolk Zoo.
– Lion Dick Kressig
The walk for the cure will be on Sunday, Sept. 20th.
Scotty will lead a team again.
We are doing a traveling leo to Southside on
Thursday. Lions Rich, Steve, Marvin, and Jim H. are attending.
Apparently Lion Rich sent out an e-mail about
organizing a traveling leo to Oceanside on Monday but he has no recollection of
doing so. It appears we have enough Lions to qualify.
Lion Rich received peanut samples from Whitley’s
Virginia Peanuts. Norfolk Host uses them as a fundraiser and the club handed
them a copy of our district directory, so every club received peanuts and
fundraising info from the company. Lion Steve took the peanuts and information
since he had been researching alternative fundraising options. The peanuts will
likely be sampled at the next board meeting.
Region III meeting is Aug 12th at Crazy
Buffett in Chesapeake.
Sept 25-26 is the Fall Conference at the Crowne
Plaza in Hampton.
Still working on dues. 6 are left outstanding.
So far we have received $790 in donations in memory
of Lion Ed. The board will decide how to allocate the money. The initial though
was to do something regarding the Bland Contest since that was so near and dear
to Lion Ed’s heart. Lion Dick correctly pointed out that Lion Ed was also very
passionate about our ALC scholarship. We could also do something with both.
This will be decided at the next board meeting.
Lion Jack said we should send a thank you to the
people who have donated. Lion Rich will take care of this.
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays – None present
50/50 Raffle: $18 – Lion Vickie, $12 – Lion
Vickie!!!!, a thalia coffee mug – Lion Rich
Progressive Raffle: Lion Vickie’s ticket was
selected!!!!!!!!!!, but she didn’t pull the queen of hearts. The progressive
jackpot is up to $32.
then adjourned at 8:16 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Ø Aug 10th (Mon) – Traveling Leo to Oceanside
Ø Aug 12th (Wed) – Region III Meeting (Crazy Buffet, Chesapeake)
Ø Aug 13th (Thurs) – Eyeglass Recycling
Ø Aug 17th (Mon) – Blood Drive/Broom Sale,
Virginia Beach Christian Church
Ø Aug 19th (Wed) – Lions Medical Eyebank
Dinner, Norfolk Yacht & Country Club
Ø Aug 26th (Wed) – Thalia Board Meeting (Lion
Steve’s House)
Ø Aug 27th (Thurs) – Operation Jump Start
Ø Sept 2nd (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø Sept 16th (Wed) – Club Cookout
Ø Sept 20th (Sun) – JDRF Walk for the Cure
Ø Sept 25/26th (Fri-Sat) – 24-D Fall
Conference, Crowne Plaze – Hampton
Ø Oct 3rd (Sat) – 24-D Charity Foundation
Bid-Buy Auction, Oak Grove United Methodist Church
Ø Oct 10th (Sat) – Smiles Across the Nile.
Ø Oct 22nd (Thurs) – School Backpacks
The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a Board Meeting at Lion President Irene’s House, on July 29, 2015,
following the Regular Meeting. The
meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Lion President Irene Conlin who acted as chairman, with the
following board members and regular members in attendance:
Rich Roberts, Secretary
Marvin Clemmons, 3rd VP
Vickie Kennedy, Treasurer
Linda Harrison, Director
Mike Coren, Lion Tamer
Steve Rosnov, Tail Twister
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Lion
President Irene Conlin. Lion Rich Roberts confirmed a quorum of directors (7) was
1. Budget: The
board discussed the admin budget and activity budget for the upcoming year.
Most line items were budgeted based on actual values from the previous year. Dues
were budgeted based on 34 regular members and 2 life members. Last year we
budgeted $1,400 of income by the tail twister, but PCC Stan brought in $2,000.
We budgeted $1,800 for this line item. Since we now pay a flat fee for meals,
we can accurately budget our meal costs based on 21 meetings. In the past we
have used the meals line item for charter night. The board decided to make this
a separate line item to keep better track of expenditures. Very little changes
in the Activity budget. We plan to do a total of 4 white canes this year to
drive additional activity income as well as explore additional fundraising
opportunities. Last year we made almost $2000 on the fruit sale, which was
abnormally good. We generally make $800-$1000 on it and budgeted a $1,000 net
profit again this year. There was some discussion on whether this fundraiser
was worth the trouble, but since we did so well on it last year, we decided to
continue with it for the time being. We added a line item to support JDRF. In
the past, the board has approved a $100 expenditure for this and decided that
we should put it in the budget. We also discussed the donations coming to honor
Lion Ed. As of the board meeting, Lion Rich has received approximately $450.
The board decided to earmark these donations to something specific to honor
Lion Ed, preferably directed at the Bland contest. The details are yet to be
worked out. The board adopted both the activity and admin budgets and Lion
Vickie will distribute this year’s budgets to the club.
2. 50th Charter Night. We
briefly discussed our 50th anniversary. PCC Stan is running with the
project. The board agreed this project is too large to dump on 1 lion. Lion
Nancy has been helping PCC Stan. We will get a few more lions to work as a
committee under the direction of PCC Stan. We discussed the pins being
developed for the 50th university. Lion Linda H. suggested we engage
a local art school to help design the pins as a school project. The board
collectively believed that the pins have already been designed, but the
opportunity to engage the community is a great idea, so we suggested sponsoring
a poster contest to commemorate the event.
3. Committee Assignments.
a. Sight Chair. Most
positions are filled with 2 key holes, sight chair and program chair. Sight
chair is a big job. Lion Linda H. believed that Lion Linda E. has a sight chair
lined up, but wasn’t sure who it was. Lion John Watters has agreed to be on the
committee to help, but doesn’t not want to serve as the chair. This is good
because the committee really needs to be an actually committee and not just one
lion doing everything as it has been in the past. Lion Irene is going to reach
out to Lion Linda E. and find out who it is she has lined up.
b. Program Chair.
Finding two speakers a month is an arduous task. Having two speakers a month also
causes meetings to go long with all the other business we do each meeting. The board decided it would be more effective
to host a speaker at the first meeting of the month. We would then shift doing
birthdays to the second meeting of the month. We would also dedicate some time
at the second meeting of the month to “club building activities”. This will be
run by different club members, either to engage in feedback seeking ideation
sessions with our members, conduct training, or showing LCI material such as
videos. Lion Mike said he would take on the role of program chair and the other
lions present all promised to support him.
c. Extra Fundraising.
Lion Steve is going to head up extra fundraising. He has looked into several
different options with more information to come.
4. Anthem Day of Service. Our
club is going to help with 3 different projects in October. Our club is the
lead for the VB schools backpack program. Lion Marvin agreed to take the lead
on organizing this. Princess Anne is the lead club for building the greenhouse
at Vanguard Landing, but our club is going to assist them. Lion Rich agreed to
be the lead for our club on this project and will coordinate with Princess
Anne. Town Center Blind Lions is heading up the Smiles across the Miles
program, again with our help. Lion Vickie agreed to be the lead for our club on
that project and will coordinate with the Town Center Blind Lions.
5. BOD Vacancy.
With the passing of Lion Ed, the board was left with a vacancy since Lion Ed
was a 2-year director. According to Article XI of our constitution, the board
of directors can appoint a Lion to fill a vacant position on the board by
majority vote. The board elected to appoint PCC Stan to fill the remaining term
as 2-year director.
6. Next
board meeting will be on Wed, Aug 26th. Potentially at Lion Steve’s
Meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Attachment: None
July 15, 2015 - The
regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, VA, was called
to order on July 15, 2015, by Lion President Irene Conlin at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Town Center, Virginia
Beach, VA, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record
and Guest Register.
Call to Order at 6:30pm
Introduction of Guests: None
Song – Lion
Marvin Clemmons
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Mike
Invocation- given by Lion John Watters
3 Guests
22 Members
58 Percent
Recessed for Dinner: 6:35
Reconvened: 7:00 pm
Program: DG Ray Yanello
DG Ray was thankful for the
opportunity to attend the International Convention in Hawaii. He was shocked by
the poverty he saw there. Over 7000 homeless live on the island due to high
housing cost. A basement apartment can run 500K-1 million. The city allows
people to live in tents in designated areas. They break the tents down during
the day, pack them in their cars, and then set them back up at night. It is
highly organized. His group contained DGs from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Turkey,
Australia, New Guinea, Canada, and the US. We had some “ugly Americans” at the
conference due to cultural insensitivity. Women in Korea join Lions because LCI
direct Lions to recruit their spouses, but they don’t participate in club
activities. Their membership is in name only. Lions in many of the above
countries agree with this due to their culture and Americans need to be aware
of it and understand it. Thalia was one of 36 clubs in the district to do all
four centennial of service projects and DG Ray is confident we will do it again
this year. LCI was expecting 50% participation, so the district exceeded
expectations. DG Ray feels we have deviated far from basics in the district. We
need to continue ask why we do things and eliminate waste and update our
procedures. We need to continue the push to automate things, which was started
by PCC Chet Krammer and reduce the burdens on the secretaries. As of right now,
we are +1for membership in the district. We lost 7 (due to deaths) but gained
8. We need to eliminate the “we have always done it that way attitude” because
what we have been doing is not working. DG Ray has eliminated the need to
submit MMRs because it is redundant and the district officers have access to
the information. He wanted to eliminate the achievement report, but couldn’t
figure out a way to do it and stay abreast of what the clubs are doing/not
doing. He mentioned the importance of continuous training. Some Lions stick
with the same job for years, but things change with LCI and we need to be aware
of it. He talked about the 90 day suspension program and how not paying dues
and filing taxes can disqualify the club from LCI’s insurance policies which
would make the club officers liable during a lawsuit. Changes were made to the
Traveling Leo program. In order to qualify for the patch, you need to visit at
least 4 clubs in 4 different zones. In order to win the contest you need to
visit a club in each of the 9 zones. The award will be awarded based on points
for miles traveled and crossing bridges/tunnels. The district needs to
communicate with the clubs. When Hurricane Isabelle hit Poquoson, DG Ray and
the Poquoson Lions didn’t know what support was available to them or who to
call. The club did a white cane to raise funds and then used those funds to
assist the community. When Hurricane Irene hit, DG Ray was called immediately
by the district governor at that time who told him what support he had which he
was able to immediate dispatch to help the community. Fall Conference will be
Sept 25-36 at the Crowne Plaza in Hampton.
DG Ray then inducted our newest Lions. Lion Willard (Smitty) Smith and
Lion Daniel Ferrara.
– Lion Bob Perrine
We awarded two recipients this year because we had a
Amanda was supposed to come receive her check, but
she came down ill.
Both recipients will be at the Aug 19th
Screenings/Shop for Cause/Blood Drive – Lion Nancy Watters
Lion Nancy was very upset over the conditions we
faced at Broad Bay Country Club. The Country Club did agree to knock $500 off
our bill.
Lion Yvonne Green has taken over as the Children’s
Service Chair for the District, which will allow Lion Nancy to refocus on our
club screenings.
We will be screening all of the Head Starts this
On Aug. 27th, we will do Operation
Jumpstart at Larkspur MS. We will have 3 machines.
Sell your Macy’s tickets. We keep the whole $5. This
project was offered to the Charity Foundation but they passed on it. For those
with tickets, on Aug 29th, everything in Macy’s will be 20-30% off +
special deals. The Club has already collected $400, 28 passes are left.
Blood drive is Aug 17th at VB Christian
Church. We will sell brooms. Lion Jack placed an order to replenish our broom
Recycling/RAM/LMED – Lion John Watters
6 members worked the EGRC for 2 hours.
Lion Aziz turned in an incredible 7 hearing aids.
On Thursday, 6 people associated with Thalia are
leaving for Wise County to work at RAM.
Lion John distributed magazines on RAM, which is now
officially RAM VA and adding locations.
RAM VA is doing an event in Warsaw, VA in Nov.
The Lions Medical Eyebank Annual dinner is Aug. 19th
at the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club. It is $35 per ticket. At 5pm will be the
members meeting and every club is a member, so we should have a representative
there. The eyebank is now 38 years old and fully Lions owned.
Lion John then shared several interesting factoids
about eye research. I didn’t understand any of it, so it isn’t recorded, but is
sounded impressive.
of Service – Lion President Irene Conlin
Lions are partnering with Anthem to do service
projects. Anthem’s CEO is pledging money of manpower.
37 cities were chosen to submit proposals. Norfolk and
VB were included in that 37. Many cities did not respond, by VB and Norfolk
have submitted 4 proposals with more potentially to follow.
We are going to do the school backpack program on
Oct 22 from 4-6 pm. We will fill backpacks with food so children can have
proper nutrition over the weekend. Someone will need to head this up since Lion
President Irene will be out of the county.
We also will partner with VB Town Center Blind Lions
to work on the “smiles across the nile” program which makes cards and care
packages for service members overseas. This will be on Oct 10th.
If the day of service projects are a success,
Anthem’s CEO is pledging to set up branch clubs in their offices and to pay the
their employee’s dues.
Another project we are looking at is building a
greenhouse for Vanguard Landing. Vanguard landing is currently being built in
Pungo for adults with disabilities. Adults with disabilities are a severely
underserved community in VA which receives little/no state help. If we can get $5000 from Anthem, LCI is
offering up a $5000 matching grant which will be enough to build the greenhouse
and even get it started with some plants. Princess Anne will probably take the
lead on this project with our assistance. No date is currently set but it will
need to happen in Oct.
Camp Dinner/Committee Assignments – Lion Rich Roberts
Date is July 26th at VA Wesleyan (same
bldg as last year). 5:30 PM
Lion Rich read out the current menu which will be
distributed to the club.
Lion Rich distributed sign-up sheets for the
committees. Lion Rich will collate all the sign up sheets and then start
plugging the holes.
Sale/Samaritan House – Lion Jack Wagner
The fruit will be delivered between Dec 16-20.
Orders will need to be placed by Dec. 9th
Prices will come out in Sept.
Lion Jack is still collecting donations for
Samaritan House’s food pantry.
Charity Foundation – PCC Stan Furman
Bid buy auction is Oct 3rd. (Charity
foundation’s biggest fundraiser)
Also selling raffle tickets for $5.
Need items for donation.
The bid-buy acution made $19-20K last year but the
foundation doled out $118K.
The $250 service grant is available again this year.
We didn’t qualify last year.
“Red Shoe at the Zoo – Lion Vickie Kennedy
Fundraiser for RMH. $40 per ticket.
Seafood feast, plus beer and wine.
Sept 12th 12-3 at the Norfolk Zoo.
Region III meeting is Aug 12th at Crazy
Buffett in Chesapeake. No further details yet.
Sept 25-26 is the Fall Conference at the Crowne
Plaza in Hampton.
Lion Rich gave an update on our Facebook account.
Keep sending pictures and content!
Twister CC Steve Rosnov.
Birthdays – None present
50/50 Raffle: 2 Drawings: $30 – Lion John. $22 –
Lion John again!
Progressive Raffle: Lion President Irene’s ticket
was selected, but she didn’t pull the queen of hearts.
then adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lion Rich Roberts, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club
Ø July 26th (Sun) – Youth Camp Dinner,
Virginia Wesleyan
Ø Aug 5th
(Wed) – Regular Club Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn
Ø Aug 12th (Wed) – Region III Meeting (Crazy Buffet, Chesapeake)
Ø Aug 17th (Mon) – Blood Drive/Broom Sale,
Virginia Beach Christian Church
Ø Aug 19th (Wed) – Regular Club Meeting
Ø Aug 19th (Wed) – Lions Medical Eyebank
Dinner, Norfolk Yacht & Country Club
Ø Aug 27th (Thurs) – Operation Jump Start
Ø Sept 25/26th (Fri-Sat) – 24-D Fall
Conference, Crowne Plaze – Hampton
Ø Oct 3rd (Sat) – 24-D Charity Foundation
Bid-Buy Auction, Oak Grove United Methodist Church
Ø Oct 10th (Sat) – Smiles Across the Nile.
Ø Oct 22nd (Thurs) – School Backpacks
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