Meetings 2009-2010

Minutes of Regular, Board of Directors, and Other Meetings
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.

May 19, 2010
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 19,2010, by Lion President Bill Perrine at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Guest - 1
Members - 22
Percentage 81%

Social Mixer
General Meeting / Dinner - President, Lion Bob Perrine - Call to Order

Introduction of Guests: Visitor- Aziz Selahi, former Fredericksburg member interested in joining our club.

* Lion Steve Rosnov- “Committees and Agenda for the Coming Year”
Each table was given a committee list for people to sign up for the coming Lions Year. Incoming President, Lion Steve, says the club is only as strong as the membership and committees. A few changes in the committees for the coming year have been made. Lion Bob Perrine has been added as a Leo Club Director to assist in keeping the club active. He will also be Program Chair and will need help on that committee. Lion Jeri will head up the Phone Tree/Meeting coordinator to get an accurate head count for each meeting and making dinner arrangements with Crowne Plaza. A new Traveling Leo is an important committee vacancy since Lion Steve will be President. He is already the District Traveling Leo Chair. Changes have been made in club requirements. All clubs will have to visit 5 different clubs in 5 different zones. The upcoming year will be very active and the club will be stronger. We have several new members because our club is active. New people like to see productive activities where people are served. Lion Steve wants to develop the camaraderie of the club. He suggests including spouses on occasion and possibly having a picnic outings. He also wants to increase publicity to let the community know how we serve and how we assist in providing for the needs of others.
* Lion Nancy Watters – “Revisions to the Proud Lion Program-/Lions Mentoring Program”
Lion Nancy explained that the Proud Lion Program was started in the early 90’s as an incentive effort by California and Nevada Lions club to encourage membership recruitment and sponsor involvement. Lions Club International has now adopted and expanded the idea into the Lions Mentoring Program. The program is divided into four levels, each composed of specific goals that need to be reached within a defined time. At each level, the protégé Lion is challenged to increase his/her knowledge, level of commitment and leadership skills under the guidance of an appropriate, experienced Mentoring Lion.
Level One: Responsibility – The focus of the first level is a thorough and proper orientation of the new member. To successfully complete this level, orientation needs to take place within the first three months of the protégé Lion’s membership.

Level Two: Relationships – During this level, the protégé Lion and mentoring Lion are expected to meet the objectives of the Proud Lion/Proud Sponsor program. Together, they have five goals designed to increase the Protégé Lion’s involvement and understanding of the club. Completion of this level is expected within the first six months of the Protégé Lion’s membership. The Proud Lion/Proud Sponsor pin will be awarded to both the mentor and the protégé upon successfully concluding this level.
Level Three: Results – Goals at this level focus on developing leadership and management skills. The Protegé Lion becomes more involved with club activities, such as chairing a club committee; sponsoring a new member; conducting a community needs assessment; and attending a district, multiple district or international convention. The goals of Level Three will take approximately one to three years to obtain. Upon achievement, both the mentor and the protégé receive Level Three certificates. This level is excellent preparation for the protégé who may wish to participate in the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute.
Level Four: Replication – The final level challenges the protégé Lion to deepen his/her involvement in the club with activities such as holding the office of club president, obtaining an advanced Membership Key, conducting an orientation session for new club members and participating in club extension activities. Reaching these goals usually takes two to four years, at which point the Protégé Lion is well prepared to participate in a Senior Lions Leadership Institute. Upon completion of this level, the mentor and protégé are each awarded a Level Four certificate and a handsome lapel pin.
Every journey needs a map. The Lions Mentoring Program Mentorship Guide is your map for the Lions Mentoring Program journey. The Lions Mentoring Program Mentorship Guide is a comprehensive publication that details the concepts and objectives of the Lions Mentoring Program. This helpful guide explains the principles of mentoring and applies them to the Lions Mentoring Program. It is the essential reference for this dynamic program.
The journey begins with members who are interested in learning, growing and developing leadership skills. Lions of all experience levels who are interested in the challenge are encouraged to participate—you do not need to begin as a new, incoming Lion to succeed in the program. Obtain a Mentorship Guide (MTR-5) from the Membership Operations Department at International Headquarters, and express to either your sponsor or club president your desire to begin the program. History confirms that associations, organizations and businesses that take the step of establishing mentoring programs benefit by developing members who are prepared to become effective leaders. For more information, or to obtain resource materials, contact the Membership Operations Department 300 W 22ND ST OAK BROOK IL 60523-8842 USA Phone: 630-571-5466, ext. 355 E-mail:

* Traveling Leo: Lion Steve Rosnov- Rules for next Lions year have changed. Every Club, regardless of size, must visit 5 different clubs in 5 different zones.
Brooms, Blind Made Products: Lion Steve Rosnov- Total Broom Sales was $1,347.40. Lion Steve suggests the revision of hours to cover the most productive time and eliminate the “dead” times. He also suggested that we change the parking lot site at Birchwood to another intersection that has more traffic, possibly across from the B.J.’s Service Station. Another suggestion made by Lion Roger Snell is that we seed the area with flyers prior to the sale. The Leo Club could possibly distribute flyers. Lion Kim suggested that the White Cane and Broom Sale be done simultaneously. People who donated at B.J.’s could be sent to the other side of the parking lot to buy brooms. A break-down of what was sold eliminates many products such as Ironing board covers, witches broom, clothes pins, sponge mops as a money maker. Lion Steve recommended that we no purchase more and either- donate or give away these items at the next broom sale. Lion Vickie said Ronald Mc Donald charities would gladly take any items as donations. All the recommendations will be offered to the next broom chairman.
* Eyeglass Recycling: Lion Ed DeLong - 5 lions went on May 13th (2 hours each) The Club turned in 260 eyeglasses to be recycled and 2 hearing aids. The next date is June 10th. Lion Ed will send an email sign-up.
* Sight Conservation: Lion Nancy Watters: End of the Year Sight Report –previously sent by email and also attached to the minutes. Lion Nancy Watters will do diabetes screening at the Sight and Hearing Van.
Sight and Hearing Van:Lion Bill Pope- June 19th Adult Learning Center ()- – same date as CHKD
* Walk/Run for the Kids. – Most people working at Town Park in Norfolk will be able to come to the S&H Van afterward. Lion Ed DeLong will do diabetes screening at Town Park. Lion Nancy Watters will do diabetes screening at the Sight and Hearing Van.
Scholarship: Lion Bill Pope – Princess Anne High – June 9th Bob Donnelly will make the presentation. Lion Bill Pope reported that the scholarship recipient was Jeri Gussman, a 50 yrs. old student at the Adult Learning Center ($600.00)
Lions in Sight, Clean-up: Lion Rich Roberts- 5 people worked to clean up
Bonney Road
on May 8th. 12 bags of garbage were collected. The City has posted the Sponsorship Sign with our Clubs name in two locations on
Bonney Road
Hearing Committee: Lion Jeri Furman –Lion Jeri explained that she had an application from a lady at Luther Manor who needed one hearing aid and had almost no income. The meeting was temporarily adjourned and a Board Meeting convened to vote on the request. The motion to pay $250.00 for a hearing aid for the lady was made and approved
* CHKD Run /Walk for Kids – Lion Brad Furman-time to be at Town Park in Norfolk on June 19th is

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
* Annual District Meeting; June 9th- $18.00 Registration by June 2nd. Smithfield Center –Lions Jeri, Stan, Steve Rosnov, Bob Perrine and Nancy Watters plan to attend.
* Charter Night – June 16, Broad Bay Country Club. Please let Lion Nancy know if you are coming. A number must be submitted to the Country Club this week.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business:
* At the Board meeting May 5th, the Club voted to donate $500.00 to the Haiti Relief Fund.

New Business:
* Lion Brad Furman – will have information soon on the picnic sponsored by Great Atlantic Property Management. Our Club has agreed to sell tickets to the picnic which will be either on July 10-or 17th. The location will be either Pembroke Office Park or somewhere near courthouse. Business and International will be involved and there will be free radio coverage. More will come from Lion Brad soon.
* Lion Stan Furman recommended that we have our first meeting in September at his condo and have a picnic /cookout by the pool in lieu of a regular meeting, souses invited. This complies with the incoming President’s desire to promote camaraderie
* Lion Bob Donnelly has been contacted by a Veterans Group who wants used stamps. He will have more information at a later date.

May Birthdays – Lions Nancy Watters (May 27) and Otis Etheridge (May 31) $103.00 was raised to have Lion Otis and Lion Nancy sing to each other.

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman - 50/50 Raffle won by Lion Steve Rosnov. ($36.00)

* May 20 thru 23 - State Convention @ the Hotel Roanoke,
110 Shenandoah Avenue, Roanoke

May 28 & 29 - District 24D Blind White Water Rafting Trip 2010, Beckley WV
* June 2, Wednesday No Regular Meeting
June 05, Saturday, 9am-5pm, District Picnic, James River Bridge Pier Huntington Park, 361 Hornet Circle, Newport News
June 09, Wednesday, 6:30 Reception, 7:00 pm Award of Scholarship to a Princess Anne graduate, Princess Anne High School, 4400 Virginia Beach Boulevard, VB
* June 09, Wednesday, - Annual District Meeting, Smithfield Center
220 North Church St. Smithfield

* June 10, Thursday, 10am to 12pm - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center, 2040 Broadmoor Ave, Chesapeake
June 12, Saturday 1:00 to 3:00 pm - Bowl-A-Thon - AMF Lanes 6660 Indian River Rd to Support the S&H Van Replacement Fund –
June 16, Wednesday - Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club‎, 2120 Lords Landing, VB
June 19, Saturday Sight and Hearing Van @ the Central Library
June 19, Saturday Run Walk for the Kids, Towne Point Park, Downtown Norfolk.

Respectfully submitted
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Thalia Lions Club

May 5, 2010
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 5, 2010, by Lion President Bill Perrine at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Guests 3
Members 21
Percentage %77
Social Mixer

General Meeting / Dinner - President, Lion Bob Perrine - Call to Order

Introduction of Guests: Lion Vickie Kennedy’s guest, Allyse Brown from Ronald McDonald House; Lion Doug Craddock’s guest, Mickey, his wife.

Introduction of Speaker: Lion Steve Rosnov
Speaker: Jeffrey Kissell, Senior District Executive, Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America will discuss the Boy Scouts 100th Anniversary. Mr. Kissell presented a short video showcasing activities and accomplishments of the Boy Scouts of America. Feb 8, 2011, the organization will be 100 yrs. old. It was incorporated by an act of Congress in 1910. Boy Scouts instills the virtues of honor, character, leadership, citizenship and fitness. Mr. Kissell spouted impressive statistics proving the strong influence Boy Scouts has in creating the leaders of tomorrow. Boy Scouts is organized on three levels: units, districts, and councils. There are more that 10,000 youths and 4,000 volunteers in the 7 districts of the Tidewater area. Oct. 15, 16, 17 the Boy Scouts will take over the Sports Complex and the amphitheater to celebrate the 100th anniversary. There will be of displays and live entertainment. The Lions Club was offered the opportunity to participate in this “Scout Fest”. More information will come as the date nears. Watch the newspapers and T.V. The Boy Scouts of America must be doing something right. Mr. Kissell stated that records indicate that fewer than 1 in a hundred would be brought before the legal system, 3 would become Eagle Scouts. Most Scouts become volunteers, have lifelong hobbies, and use their skills to save their life and the lives of others. High percentages are leaders in schools and sports and many go on to have careers in the military, FBI, and ministry. Young people exposed to Boy Scout ethics live their lives by the oath and laws. Over one hundred eleven million youths have gone through Boy Scouts of America. Two Eagle Scouts are in our membership, Lions John Watters and Lion Bill Pope. Lion Ed DeLong was a Life Scout. Eight others were in the Boy Scout program. In 1998 the organization began allowing young women into Scouts through the Venturing Program. The proven success rate of the Boy Scouts of America indicates that the organization is doing something right!!

* Programs: Lion Steve Rosnov - There will be no more guest speakers for the rest of this Lion’s year. The next meeting will be an overview of new procedures and programs from LCI and a discussion of responsibilities of committees.

* Traveling Leo: Lion Steve Rosnov- All done for the year. Thalia visited 17 clubs and earned 857.5 points. We will likely take 3rd. place in the district.
* Brooms, Blind Made Products: Lion Steve Rosnov- Volunteers have signed up for 14, 15th to sell brooms at Birchwood Shopping Center. Lion Steve needs help loading truck on Fri morning.
* Eyeglass Recycling: Lion Ed DeLong- 205 glasses were sent to the center last month– 5 people have signed up for May 13th. Lion Dallas is driving. Please meet at Best Buy at .
* Sight and Hearing Van: Lion Bill Pope has scheduled the Van for Saturday, June 12 (after the meeting Lion Bill Pope learned that the date would be June 19) at the Central Library. He needs more volunteers to run the hearing booth and the Tonometer (Glaucoma machine)
* Scholarship: Lion Bill Pope - Princess Anne High School had 7 candidates. The winner is a young man who is a MERSA survivor. He was hospitalized last year for 7 months and still kept up his grades. The presentation will be made by Lion Bob Perrine on June 9th .
* Adult Learning Center - $600.00 scholarship will be presented by Lion Bob Perrine on Thurs. May 6th.
* Lions in Sight, Next Clean-up: Lion Rich Roberts – Sat. 8th -Lion Rich needs more volunteers for our Adopt a Highway Clean up. Please meet at Crowne Plaza at

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
- Charter Night – please submit your reservation as soon as possible.
- Thalia has a request from Mike Coren to transfer to our club. A request has been sent to his previous club for the necessary information. District Picnic
- Partner in Education – Reception was attended by Lion Ed DeLong as partner to the Adult Learning Center and by Lions Nancy and John Watters as partners of Malibu Elementary. To our surprise, Georgia McGowan , an officer in our new Leo Club at Princess Anne was named the Volunteer of the Year at Malibu School.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy- please see attached

Old Business:
- Lion Bob Perrine – asked that we check the LCI website to see the difference Lions are making in rebuilding Haiti. He would like for our club to consider a donation of possibly $1000.00. Lion Bob wrote an article about the Lions efforts in “Making a Difference” on our blog. He will bring the topic up again before Charter Night. (After the meeting the topic was raised at the Board meeting where $500 was approved to be sent to LCIF for Haiti Relief)
- Lion Brad Furman: For a donation of $250.00, Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters will allow us 2 tables June 19th at the Run/Walk for KIDS. The District will loan two portable VTA-ND (visual acuity testing) machines. Over 3,000 people expected. Time is Town Point Park, Norfolk. There is parking in waterside drive. CHKD has always been a big supporter of Diabetes Camp. Signup sheet will be ready next meeting

New Business:
- The Crowne Plaza cannot locate our Lions Club sign previously used at the hotel. If we have a sign, we must purchase it. It was suggested that Lion Roger may be able to make a sign for us indicating that our club meets at the hotel.
- Sight & Hearing Van Quarterly meeting is tomorrow evening.

May Birthdays – Lions Brad Furman (May 1st) and Filip Cuckov (May 4th)(Filip was absent). Lion Stan & Jeri sang to “Baby Boy” to the tune of $79.00.

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman - 50/50 Raffle -$33.00 won by Lion Vickie Kennedy

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

- May 13, Thursday - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at
2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake

- May 14-15, Friday and Saturday - Broom Sale - Birchwood Shopping Center
3750 VA Beach Blvd

- May 19, Wednesday – Next Regular Meeting - Crowne Plaza Hotel
- May 19, - Deadline for reservations for Charter Night June 16th
- May 20 thru 23 - State Convention @ the Hotel Roanoke,
110 Shenandoah Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia

- May 28 & 29 - District 24D Blind White Water Rafting Trip 2010, Beckley WV
- June 2, Wednesday No Regular Meeting
- June 05, Saturday, , James River Bridge Pier Huntington Park, District Picnic.
- June 09, Wednesday, - Annual District Meeting, Smithfield Center
220 North Church St. Smithfield, VA.

- June 12, Saturday Sight and Hearing Van @ the Central Library
- June 12, Saturday - Sight & Hearing Van Bowl-A-Thon - AMF Lanes 6660 Indian River Rd
- June 16, Wednesday - Charter Night, Broad Bay Country Club‎, 2120 Lords Landing, VB

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting following the regular meeting on May 5, 2010, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:

Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bill Pope
Lion John Watters
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Bill Abdalla
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Ed DeLong
Minutes of Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at by Lion Bob Perrine –

Dues. Lion Nancy Watters: presented the attached dues analysis. In the previous month, the club voted to separate dues from cost of meals. Following up on that vote, it was necessary to decide the amount dues should be and when they should be paid. After reading and discussing the proposal, the motion was made to set Active and Affiliate membership dues at $100.00 per year to be paid at the beginning of the new Lion’s year, July 1st. Life membership dues were set at $50.00 per year payable at the beginning of the new Lion’s year, July 1st. The motion passes by a clear majority. This decision is based on the following budget analysis.
* Dues Structure Analysis. This analysis is based on the current proposal to change the Thalia Lions Club membership dues to $100.00 per year for Regular/Active membership and $50.00 per year for Life Membership. Meals would be on a pay as you go basis. The New Member initiation fee of $125.00 would remain the same. The purpose of the change is to (1) to make meal cost equitable for each member, (2) to prevent the club from losing money on meal costs, and (3) to make it easier for all members to become Regular/Active members.
This analysis will support the suggestion that the Regular/Active membership fee of $100.00 per year will sufficiently fund the Administration budget.
Calculations are based on a total membership of 27 Active and Affiliate members plus 1 Life member as of 5/6/10.
- Active/Affiliate Membership Yearly Dues - $100.00
Life Membership Yearly Dues - $50.00
Total Collections - $2,750.00
International Yearly Dues for 27 mmrs. ($39.00) = ($1,053.00)
State Yearly Dues for 28 mmrs. (16.00) = (448.00)
Remaining Admin. amount $45.00 X 27 Act/Aff members - $1,215.00
Plus Admin amount of $34.00 X 1 Life member - $34.00
Total - $1,249.00
This remaining amount is to be used for administrative costs, administrative donations, guest meals, and club supplies as designated on the attached document. (Taken from the Administrative budget)
- Admin Budget item
Ronald McDonald House Meals - 28 meals @ $15.00 per = $420.00
Guest Meals (prospective members) - 30 meals @ $16.00 = $480.00
Postage - $10.00
Supplies - $100.00
Awards - $200.00
Leo Yearly Fee - $90.00
State Convention – 3 times @ $25.00 per = $75.00
President/Sect. Meals – 6 times @ $16.00 per = $96.00
District Officers Training /Leadership – 7 times @ $5.00 per =$35.00
Charter Night Guests – 5 times @ $ 32.00 per = $160.00
Governor’s Official Visit – 2 times @ $15.00 = $30.00
Flowers, Cards, Donations - $50.00
State Corp. Fee - $25.00
District Answering Service - $20.00
District membership workshop – 2 times @ $ 22.00 per = $ 44.00
Public Relations - $ 20.00
Holiday Party - $125.00
Total Administrative Budget - $1,980.00
Amt. funded from yearly dues - 27+ (1 Life @$34.00) $45.00 = ($1,249.00)
Birthday/ Fines/ from Tail Twister (estimated) = ($1,000.00)
Total = ($2,249.00)
Remainder over budgeted expenses - $ 269.00

Meals. Starting July 2010, membership is expected to pay for meals at each meeting. Members will be asked to pay by check or cash at each meeting unless we are meeting at a place that will offer separate bills for each member.

Ronald McDonald House Contribution. Bob Donnelly made a motion that the club pay for the purchase of food to prepare meals to Ronald McDonald House. Meals would be frozen and used as needed. The Board voted to allow $100.00 for this purpose. Lion Bob will prepare the meals and will ask for assistance when needed.

Haiti Donation. Lion Jack Wagner moved that the club send $500 to LCI for the Haiti Earthquake fund. Motion passed. Lion Bob Perrine encouraged all to visit the website to see how the Lions are using funds to rebuild after the disaster. Several members have donated individually. The Club may take the opportunity to make further donations at a later date.

Run Walk for the Kids Donation. Lion Brad Furman asked the Club to approve $250.00 to CHKD for the Run Walk for the Kids on June 19th. Motion was made and carried.

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary


April 21, 2010

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Bob Perrine at 6:30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pembroke Room, 4453 Bonney Road, VA Beach, with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Guests 6
Members 22
Percentage 81.4
Social Mixer

Called to Order: - President, Lion Bob Perrine
Introduction of Special Guests: Lion Kim Vakos” friend Laura Seawell; Lion Bob Donnelly’s friend and prospective member, Dr. Mike Coren; Lion Linda Eggleston’s husband, Steve; Dr. Joe Marcil’s wife, Jamie; and Lion Nancy Watters’ visiting Lion from Clifton, Va., Lion Carl Allen, prospective member.
Short recess for dinner

Introduction of Speaker: Lion Steve Rosnov
Dr. Joe Marcil is a chiropractor who has been in practice in Va. Beach for 13 years. He graduated from Boston U. in 1990 with a BA in Biology and Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1995. His internship was done in Pasadena, California. He has been the clinic director of SportsMED at OneLife Fitness for six years. Dr. Marcil became interested in chiropractic care in college when he injured his shoulder and lower back. Chiropractic care helped him when traditional medical care did not. Dr. Marcil provides chiropractic care for athletes, children and those people looking to feel and function better. He has an interest in sports injury and rehabilitation, family wellness, nutrition and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Because Dr. Marcil and his wife have five children, one of whom is an autistic child, he and his wife are very involved in the autism community and how the condition can be treated and improved. Dr. Marcil’s topic was “Hyperbaric use to treat stroke and other neurological degenerative diseases.” The hyperbaric chamber has been in use in some form since about 1600 but only recently has it been used in medicine. Many hospitals, including several local ones, use HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) for treating burns and diabetic wounds and amputees to increase the speed of tissue healing. Dr. Marcil has a portable enclosure in his office and recommends its use for a long list of conditions including autism, ADHD, high blood pressure, strokes, Parkinsons, MS, plus many more. Though many reputable physicians disagree with the use of the HBOT for most of these conditions, Dr. Marcil touts it as a cure all. He described the use of HBOT on his son and other children to treat ADHD, autism, ms, cerebral palsy and to assist in “pulling out heavy metals” (chelating). He considers the treatment valuable to improve every day function in these children. Dr. Marcil believes anyone who is oxygen deprived could benefit from regular treatments. Most people fall into the category of oxygen deprived, i.e., one who exercises regularly, is exposed to poor ventilation, is exposed to stress, pollution, one who uses alcohol, smokers and others. Treatments cost from $500-$2500 per session and is not covered by insurance.

* Programs- Lion Steve Rosnov –Upcoming programs are Boy Scouts of America, and What’s new in Lionism.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – no more traveling Leos are planned for this year.
* Brooms and Blind Made Products: Lion Steve Rosnov - May 14-15 is the next sale date. Lion Steve will distribute a signup sheet by email and at the next meeting.
* White Cane- Lion Bob Donnelly - April 16, 17- total collection $1,561.00 plus $302.00 in broom sales. Total collection at Farm Fresh - $616.00 Total collection at BJ’s - $760.00. Farm Fresh allowed the selling of brooms but BJ’s did not. A suggestion was made that next year the hours be adjusted to cover the most traffic. Hours this year were from 10-4 each day. It was thought that starting later on Friday and running through would net more collections.
* Sight and Hearing Van- Lion Ed DeLong - Central Library site, June 10-12. Diabetes screening will also be available.
* Eyeglass Recycling Center- Lion Ed DeLong- next scheduled trip is May 13th
* Ginkgo Tree – Lion Kim Vakos- Our Ginkgo tree was planted. Lion Kim and Lion Steve had a photo record that was sent to the Knight’s Vision. A day or two later the tree was “stolen”. Fortunately, Lion Kim found the tree and is rejuvenating it from the trauma!! It is believed to be the victim of vandals but will be replanted. Thanks Lion Kim!!
* Journey for Sight – Lion Bill Pope- In Lion Bill’s absence, Lion Bob Perrine reported that 5 people filled the job of water boys at the race. Thanks to Lions Vickie, Otis, Roger and Bill.
* Lions in Sight – Lion Rich Roberts –next scheduled date is Saturday, May 8th. Lion Rich will contact members by email for volunteering.
* Charter Night- Lion Nancy Watters - Broad Bay Country Club, Wed. June 16th. A reservation sheet with menu was distributed. RSVP is required with designation payment preference. A copy is attached for those not attending the meeting. Reservations must be made by May 19th. Cost is $17.00 for member, $32.00 for guest.
* Diabetes Awareness- Lion Dick Kreassig- asked that the club support as many activities related to diabetes as possible. He encouraged everyone to take part in the Diabetes Camp. Dick has firsthand experience with diabetic children because his grandson in Type I diabetic. The club is paying for a parent and a child to attend Diabetes Camp this year. Lion Bob Perrine apologized for a mix-up in not having Lion Dick on the program. Any Committee Chair is more than welcome to be included on the program. Late additions not printed are also welcome but should be made known to the President prior to the meeting or else introduced as "new business" if urgent.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters – Lion Nancy reported that she and Lion Linda delivered donation checks from our club to Malibu, Thalia, and Kings Grant Elementary.
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – see attached.

Old Business:
* Lions of Virginia Foundation Raffle: Lion Stan Furman –asked for the ticket stubs and monies. Tonight was the deadline.
* Change of Venue: Lion Steve Rosnov – moved that our venue be the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Discussion followed that complimented Lion Steve on his efforts in finding a location that meets the clubs needs. The vote was unanimously in favor.

New Business:
* Lion Steve Rosnov announced that Lion Kimberly Vakos has declined for family reasons to fill the 3rd Vice President’s job for next year. Lion Stan nominated Lion Roger Snell to fill the position. The motion was seconded and Lion Roger was unanimously approved.
* Lion Brad Furman asked the club to consider participating in the CHKD Run Walk for the Kids. It will be June 19th at Town Point Park. Depending on how the club participates, the cost could be as much as $500-$1000. If we use the S&H Van, the cost would be more, if we use the LAMP it could be less. The club would provide eye screening and possibly diabetes screening. Lion Brad was asked to recheck the cost if the use of a couple of tables and/or the LAMP trailer is used. Next year the district will place the project in the budget but this year no provisions were made. So the cost would be paid by the participating club or clubs.

April Birthdays – Lion Jack Wagner (April 7th ) Lion Kim Vakos (April 28th) – A bid to have Lions Bill Abdalla, Ed DeLong and Otis sing “Happy Birthday” raised $60.00 for the club.

50/50 Raffle: Lion Stan Furman - $22.00 won by Lion Dallas Divelbiss - $20.00 Prospective new transfer Lion Mike Coren ( donated winnings to the club charity fund)


* May 5, Wednesday Next Regular Meeting
* May 8, Saturday – Lions in Sight Clean Up
* May 13, Thursday – Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center,
2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake

* May 14-15, Friday and Saturday- Broom Sale- Birchwood Shopping Center, 3750 Va. *
Beach Blvd.

* June 12, Saturday- Sight and Hearing Van at Central Library –
* June 16, Wednesday – Charter Night – Broad Bay Country Club –

April 7, 2010

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Apr. 7, 2010, by Lion President Bob Perrine at at Happy Buffet Restaurant,
879 Lynnhaven Parkway
, VB with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 2
Members 15
Percentage 56%

Social Mixer
Dinner Buffet:
General Meeting Called to Order: - President, Lion Bob Perrine
Song – Lion Nancy Watters
Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Dallas Divelbiss
Invocation- Lion Susie Sumnick

Introduction of Special Guest by Lion Steve Rosnov – Alan Steel works at the Heritage Store and was featured in the Beacon Close up last December. He is considered the Heritage Store Super Hero of Recycling.
Mr. Steel handed over a bag of eye glasses to the club for the eye glass recycling center. Coming from New York, Mr. Steel considered Virginia Beach a paradise when he moved here. He lives near Fort Story and became angry while on his way to work when he saw people throwing garbage out their windows. He decided to recycle and to encourage others to do likewise. He has influenced his family and coworkers to try new ideas in handling used paper. One method that he demonstrated is the use of a flower press (which can be easily made) to compress paper into notepad blocks. Elmer’s glue is brushed on one side to make a flip or tear off pad. Mr. Steel uses old newspapers in the garden to control weeds and mulches over them so that they eventually decompose. Another item for recycling is old ink cartridges. Mr. Steel gives them to high schools who recycle and to an Animal Park who uses them to raise funds. The address for the Animal Park is Fort Chiswell Animal Park,
569 Red Hollow Rd.,
Max Meadows, Virginia 24360. Mr. Steel encourages everyone to teach their grandchildren to recycle.

* Programs- Lion Steve Rosnov –Upcoming programs are Dr. Joe Marcel –Hyperbaric Medicine and Boy Scouts of America.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – We have visited 15 clubs and have 745 points (We are third in the district. Poquoson visited 51 clubs and has 1,683.5 points and Southside visited 35 clubs and has 1,376 points)
Three Traveling Leos are scheduled:
- April 8th – Virginia Beach Central – Happy Buffet,
879 Lynnhaven Parkway
with Lions Bob Perrine, John and Nancy Watters, and Filip Cuckov attending.
- April 12 – Oceanside – Monday, – Bubba’s Deli & BBQ, 3600 Dam Neck Road with Lions Stan and Jeri, Doug, and Steve attending.
- April 14 – Wed. Princess Anne – 11:30 a.m. Lucky Oyster, 2165 General Booth Blvd. with Lions Stan, Nancy Linda, and Susie attending.
* Youth Activities- Lion Bob Donnelly – will work with another advisor, “Jim” who is able to devote more time to the Leo Club. They have been doing charitable work within the school and will be electing new officers for the coming year.
White Cane- Lion Bob Donnelly/ Jim Healy-Lion Bill Abdalla is providing collection buckets – sign-up sheet was passed. Almost all slots are filled for the two locations, Farm Fresh at
Collins Square
and Birchwood Shopping Center in front of B. J’s. A letter of authorization was given to Lion Bob Donnelly for permission to do the collection at Farm Fresh.
Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center-Lion Nancy asked for volunteers since Lion Ed could not be at the meeting. Volunteering were Lions Bill Abdalla, John Watters, and Bob Perrine. They will meet at Best Buy at tomorrow morning, April 8th.
Special Projects- Lion Bob Perrine-VAAPVI Easter Egg Hunt was a great success. Five Lions Clubs were represented. The children were visited by the Easter Bunny, the police department bomb squad put sensors in Easter eggs so that the children could detect them, and a fire truck was open for viewing. Lions Bob Perrine, Kimberly Vakos, and Bob Donnelly attended. Lion Bob read a Thank You letter from Lee Ann Arnbruster, Teacher of Vision Impaired (TVI)
Access Partnership – Candice Driskoll – Lion Nancy Watters attended a meeting on Mar. 31st to discuss partnering with the free clinics in the area for sight services. The idea is that the Virginia Beach Clubs would work together to provide eye-screening for the Free Clinic on
General Booth Blvd.
Normal eye screening (with or without the S&H Van) would be done two months in a row. The third month would be a LAMP project where the referred patients would be seen. More will be shared as the idea develops.
Ginkgo Tree –Arbor Day is Friday, April 9th. Lions Kim Vakos and Lion Steve Rosnov will do a photograph of the tree planting. Lion Steve was given the “Lions at Work” sign.
Bland Contest – Lion John Watters – The Region Bland Contest winners were Anika Jenkins and Emily Leidy, both from our Club’s Contest. The District Bland Contest is Sat. April 17th. Winners will go to the State competition.
Operation Homeless Connect- Lion John Watters stated that our club has the following 5 people working on this project on April 21st, Wednesday. They are Lions Nancy, Susie, Linda, Bill Abdalla, and Kimberly. If anyone else if interested, please contact Lion John or Lion Nancy.
Leadership Conference – Lion Nancy Watters- Lions Filip Cuckov, Rich Roberts, Susie Sumnick, Linda Eggleston, and Doug Craddock attended the New Member Orientation.
Lion Nancy attended the Secretary/Treasurer School. Lion Steve attended the President’s school and Lion Stan went to the Zone Chair workshop. 8 members attended.
Journey for Sight –Lion Bill Pope- Lions Otis, Vickie, Bob Donnelly and Roger Snell will be “water boys” again this year. The date is Saturday, April 10. Please meet at the Fort Story Bowling Alley.
Sight Report – Lion Nancy reported that we paid for 3 visits to Dr. Crafford for exams, 2 visits to Dr. Seim for exams and 5 vouchers to Lens Crafters for prescriptions.
* Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Bill Pope has contacted the Va. Beach Library to offer the Van for a date in June.
Broom Sale- Lion Steve Rosnov – passed out a signup sheet for the sale May 14 and 15 at Birchwood Mall. Last year we collected $1,686.00.

Secretary’s Report –Lion Nancy Watters
- Charter Night –Wed. June 16th – for the same price as last year, $32.00 per person, Broad Bay Country Club will provide a buffet with salad, bread, veggies, chicken, fish, and a prime rib carving station. A printed menu will be emailed with the request for attendance RSVP.
A letter and certificate of recognition for service was given to Lion Ray Ashe to present to the Bayside Hospital Volunteers for their dedication in collecting eye glasses for our club.
Lions Nancy and John made a donation of a Magna-vision to Luther Manor in the Clubs name. The Magna-vision was given to the club by Reba Thompson, a low vision person who is escorted to appointments by the Watters.

Old Business:
Lions of Virginia Raffle – in Lion Stan’s absence, Lion Nancy reminded the club members to turn in their ticket money this month because the State Convention is in May.
Venue Change – Lion Bob Perrine –stated that we would meet back at Yuakai next meeting. The owner was very apologetic and wants us there. Lions Bill Pope and Lion Steve Rosnov will check out Big Daddy’s. There was some discussion of changing the Wed. evenings we meet to the 2nd and 4th and meet at Gus& Georges. Scheduling difficulties with the secretary cause a problem with that idea.

Treasurer’s Report:

Raffle: Lion Rich Roberts did a great job as Tailtwister in Lion Stan’s absence. The raffle was won by Susie Sumnick ($18.00)

April Birthdays – Lion Jack Wagner (7th) and Lion Kimberly Vakos (28th) - both were absent

* April 8, Thursday (10 to 12) - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at
2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake
* April 8, Thursday () Traveling Leo to VA Beach Central Lions Club, Happy Buffet, 879 Lynnhaven Pkw
* April 9, Friday - Arbor Day, Thalia Lions to dedicate a Ginkgo Tree
* April 10, Saturday - 8:00 am - 29th Annual Lion’s Journey For Sight 5K Run/Walk - Fort Story, Virginia.
* April 16 – 17 Friday and Saturday - White Cane Solicitation- Farm Fresh & BJs. Thalia Lions
* April 17 Saturday () - District 24-D Bland Musical Scholarship Competition - Great Bridge
Presbyterian Church, Great Bridge
333 Cedar Rd, Chesapeake, VA

* April 21 Wednesday - - Scope Arena – Semi-Annual Norfolk Homeless Connect
* April 21, Wednesday – Next Regular Meeting, location to be determined
* April 30, Friday - Diabetes Camp - Triple R Ranch in southern Chesapeake.

March 17, 2010

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Bob Perrine at at Yukai Japanese Restaurant,
1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Guests 4
Members 19
Percentage 70%
Social Mixer
Dinner Buffet:

General Meeting Called to Order: - President, Lion Bob Perrine

Lion Steve Rosnov – introduced Lion Doug Craddock as our newest member inducted at the Region Meeting, 3/11/10 by District Governor Lion Gary Rapier.

Two Guest Speakers:

1. Introduction of Special Guest by Lion Steve Rosnov - Taryn Kemp, Fitness Director One Life Fitness Center - Taryn has been a personal trainer for 8 years and a massage therapist for ten years. She has worked for One Life Fitness- Gold’s Gym since their opening and was a competitive bodybuilder. She encourages a regimen to reduce calories and balanced nutrition to lose weight. Now and avid runner, she competes in half marathons. Taryn has a passion for helping others and enjoys working with people of all ages to become fit, practice good nutrition and meet their individual health goals. With Taryn was “Etta”, a 66 year old perfect example of how exercise and nutrition can improve one’s overall health. Etta demonstrated exercises, stretches and techniques that can be done in the home without expensive club memberships or special equipment. Taryn began by stating that 65% of the population is obese or over weight. Anyone with a BMI (body mass index, which measures the amount of fat proportional to the body weight) of more than 25-29% is considered obese. She projected that, at the present rate, by the year 2030 more than 90% will fall into that category. Weight gain begins in early adulthood and increases on an average of 5 lbs. per year until about the age of 60. It then begins to stabilize or taper. Lose of lean muscle mass is a problem between the ages of 20 to 60. Being overweight means gaining weight with fat mass. The pounds a person weighs may remain the same but if lean muscle declines and fat mass increases the body mass index elevates. Being overweight has serious health consequences such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney dysfunction, etc. Exercise may decrease serious problems by as much as 50 %. The best way to begin a regimen is to start by walking and to cut food portions. Resistance training may be added 2-3 days per week. Taryn stated that the heart rate target when exercising should be 220 less the person’s age. Nutrition is also very important. Taryn recommends eating fresh or frozen organic foods rich in calcium. Organic foods should be chosen because no or fewer pesticides are used. She suggests that no more than 10% of the diet per day should consist of saturated fat. Try to avoid foods high in sodium and high fructose corn syrup. Other suggestions include the use of olive oils, especially extra light olive oil, omega 3 vitamins, glucosamine, and calcium. Taryn recommended that a scheduled appointment for daily exercise should be made for onesself every day. There is no need to buy expensive equipment or gym memberships. You can do the exercises that have been illustrated by Etta in your own home and in your own privacy. Exercise and good nutrition are the keys to a longer and healthier life.

2. Introduction of Special Guest by Lion Steve Rosnov - Past Mayor of Virginia Beach, Meyera Oberndorf. Mayor Oberndorf was at the meeting because of a schedule mix-up for which she apologized. She began by commending the previous speaker for her discipline and commitment to helping others. Mayor Oberndorf has been doing a lot of volunteer work since her retirement from City office. She shared with the Club her personal affiliation with the Lions. Her husband, Roger, who was in attendance with her, found himself in need of cataract surgery. When he went for surgery but was informed that he was actually in need of a corneal transplant. That cornea was supplied through the District 24D Lions Medical Eye Bank. Because of that transplant, Roger is able to volunteer to pilot children to the Shriner’s Hospital Burn Center in Cincinnati. She recognized that Lions touch lives of people in more ways than just the people that receive their services. And she thanked us for our donations and hard work. Mayor Oberndorf took the opportunity to speak against the suggested separate fee that is being considered on garbage pickup services. Her feeling is that the fee should be included in the regular tax rate so that it may be deducted on individual taxes. She also feels that condo inhabitants should be charged the extra tax assessment. She questioned the new purchase of a $10,500 teleprompter for use by the new mayor of Virginia Beach. As a citizen of Virginia Beach, Mayor Oberndorf eagerly reads the newspaper each day to find out what is happening in our city. She believes Virginia Beach is a wonderful city. When she was mayor, Virginia Beach had a triple A rating and her goal was to see that the city had reasonable tax rate while maintaining the finest school system in the state.

Committee Reports:
* Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – no additional report from last month.
* Youth Activities- Leo Club –Lion Stan Furman –Invitation to Leadership Conference in April has been offered to the Leo Club members. Information is yet incomplete.
* Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center- Lion Ed DeLong – 7 people attended Saturday, March 11th .
* Special Project- “Lions in Sight: - Lion Jack Wagner and Lion Rich Roberts –8 motivated Lions picked up trash on Bonney Road, Sat. morning, March 13th in the rain and drizzle! Those participating were Lions Rich, Dallas, Stan, John, Nancy, Vickie, Otis and Jack. Now that our first event is completed, the city will erect a sign on the street identifying our club as having the Bonney road strip as our
Adopt A Highway
* Bland Contest – Lion John Watters and Lion Stan Furman- The Region contest will be Mar. 27 at at Thalia United Methodist Church. Our contestants, Annika Jenkins and Emily Leidy will compete against the winners of the Bayside Lions Club Bland. Members are encouraged to attend and to assist.
* Sight Conservation – Lion Nancy Watters – the report has been emailed prior to the meeting. Please see attached.
* Twinning Committee – Lion Filip Cuckov – Lion Filip read a copy of the letter from his mother’s Lions club in Macedonia agreeing to twin with our club.
* White Cane- Lion Steve –a signup sheet was circulated for conducting a White Cane in possibly two locations. A letter was sent to Susan Mayo to request permission to solicit White Cane in front of Farm Fresh in
Collins Square
at the same time that we solicit at Birchwood Shopping Center. The dates are April 16, 17 from
* Broom Sale – Lion Steve Rosnov –date will be scheduled in May.
* Drawing - LOVF Tickets –Lion Stan Furman –State Convention is coming up in May. Please sell your tickets and turn your money in to Lion Stan no later than the first meeting in April.
* Diabetes – Lion Dick Kreassig –Lion Dick spoke about the importance of education and supporting children with diabetes. This year the Diabetes Camp has lost the support money donated by the Michalob Classic and is in need of financial support.
Motion - The request has been made to each club to support a camper and one parent, $150.00 each, a total of $300.00. The motion was made to extend the support and was passed. A check will be written to The Diabetes Camp in the amount of $300.00 to pay for one camper and parent.

Secretary’s Report- Lion Nancy Watters –
1. Leadership Conference, New Member Orientation, Leo Club Orientation Registration form for each person must be submitted separately. The secretary will submit all forms with a club check for the cost of $5.00 each. Deadline for registration is Mar. 29th. Please let the secretary know if you are going to attend. The following members have agreed to attend: Lions Steve, Stan, Rick, Filip, Susie, Linda, Doug, and Nancy. A carpool will be organized closer to the event.
2. Lion Nancy read a thank you note from a parent staying at the Ronald McDonald House when our club cooked dinner for residents.
3. Eye Bowl –The following Lions will form a bowling team to help raise money for the Sight and Hearing Van Replacement Fund. Lions Steve, Linda, Nancy, John, and Doug. Anyone else is encouraged to form a team for the cause. Participants are asked to raise $250.00 in sponsorship donations if possible but are not required to do so. The Bowl-A-Thon will be at AMF Lanes 6660 Indian River Road on June 12th from
4. Aragona-Pembroke Lions Club 50th Anniversary Charter Night –will be April 13th at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Princess Anne Rd., Va. Beach. Cost is $35.00 per person.
5. Journey for Sight –April 10th Our club acts as “waterboys.” Lion Bill Pope is in charge.
6. Smithfield Classic Car Cruz-in 2010 – April – October – 1st and 3rd Friday, NAPA Dealership
1802 S. Church St
. The Show Season begins on April 2nd. - $2 donation per Car for Smithfield Lions Charities – Spectators Free – Pro Rated Season Passes available –
7. Lions Nancy And John Watters have been asked by Malibu Elementary School to represent the club at the citywide reception honoring community Partners in Education on Wednesday, April 28th at 5:30 at the Va. Beach Convention Center. Malibu school wishes to honor The Thalia Lions Club for their “wonderful support of the school.”
8. District 24D LAMP Trailer –the District now has a complete eye examination trailer equipped to dispense eye glasses. It is a free standing trailer that may be pulled with a pickup truck to be used free of charge by any club. The only requirement is that a doctor be present at the time of use.

Treasurer’s Report - Lion Vickie Kennedy

New Business.
* Lion of the Year Award: Secret Ballot vote was taken to select the Lion of the Year for 2010. Ballots were turned in to the secretary for tabulation. Results will be made known when the award is presented on Charter Night, June 16th.
* Presentation of Slate of Officers for 2010-2011 – Incoming President, Lion Steve Rosnov
See attached for nominations. No further nominations were made. The slate was elected unanimously.
President - Steve Rosnov
First Vice President - Bob Donnelly
Second Vice President – Jeri Furman
Third Vice President - Kim Vakos
Immediate Past President – Bob Perrine
Secretary - Nancy Watters
Treasurer - Vickie Kennedy
Tail Twister – Rich Roberts
Lion Tamer – Otis Etheridge
Two Year Directors - Stan Furman, Bill Pope
One year Directors – Jim Healy, Roger Snell
Membership Chairman – John Watters
* VA Asociation of Parents of the Vision Impaired has asked that our club assist in an Easter Egg Roll. The Va. Police bomb squad is planting 200 Easter Eggs with sensors that will allow children to locate them. They asked for the following: $60.00 Bayville Park rental fee, cups plates, cheese, crackers and preferably 2 members per child to act as guides. The date is March 27th, the same date as the Region Bland Contest hosted by our club. The club voted to pay the park rental and enlist other clubs to join in the project for manpower.

Old Business
* Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws – Lion John Watters
Lion Stan moved that we approve the dues restructure and the bylaws change as described in the attached recommendation. The notice was sent out to the club members for discussion one week prior to the meeting. The changes passed by a vote of 17 to 3.
Change #1: Housekeeping changes to accommodate the major constitutional change in #2.
Change #2: This is the main change to the Constitution – separating actual dues from meal costs. Implications are outlined below.
- Dues will be collected annually, which upon review of our expenses will be about $100, covering LCI and state dues, various admin expenses and guest meals for a year. This simplifies the current task of collecting dues quarterly. This will now apply to ‘Active’, ‘At-Large’ and ‘Affiliate’ members, thus removing financial differences among these membership types (result of which will be to encourage all to be ‘Active’ members). ‘Life’ members will pay $50 dues annually and pay for meals. The new member initiation fee will be $125, covering annual dues and other start-up expenses (cap, pin, etc.).
- This system removes the incentive to attend meetings for a meal subsidized by those not attending, but also removes that inherent unfairness. It is flexible and allows an attendee to not eat or choose a lighter meal, dessert or drink only.
- The cost of membership will increase for those who attend most meetings and eat, as the subsidies paid by others will cease. However, the cost of membership will concomitantly lessen for those who are unable to attend regularly.
Change #3: The original constitution neglected to include our 1- and 2-year directors in the list of specific offices and duties.
Change #4: Defines and describes how the directors are elected.
* Meeting Venue: Lion Bill Pope and Steve Rosnov are still researching a summer meeting place. Possibilities are Va. Steakhouse, Gus & George’s, Yukai. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Lion Kim’s family owns the Ocean Front Inn on
29th St
. Lion Bill and Steve will talk to the owners and report at the next meeting. Other suggestions involved meeting on 2nd and 4th Wed. if Gus & George is available on those nights.

March Birthdays- Lion Bill Pope (March 18) $61.00 was raised to hear Lion John Watters and Lion Otis Etheridge sing “Happy Birthday”

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman -50/50 -$20.00 – Lion Kim Vakos - $12.00 – Lion Vickie Kennedy


* April 3, Saturday – 12:30 p.m. – District Leadership Day – Smithfield Center
* March 22, Monday - Traveling Leo – Oceanside Lions Club, Bubba’s Deli & BBQ
* March 27, Saturday –Bland Region III Contest, Thalia United Methodist Church,
4321 Va. Beach Blvd.

* March 27, Saturday – Easter Egg Roll for Va. Assoc. of Parents of Vision Impaired – Bayville Park -3-5p.m.
* April 3rd, Saturday – 8:30-12 noon – Leadership Day – Smithfield Center,
220 North Church St. Smithfield, VA

* April 7, Wednesday –Next Regular Meeting, Yukai Japanese Restaurant, 1952 Laskin Rd., Va. Beach

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

March 3, 2010

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Mar. 03, 2010, by Lion President Bob Perrine at at Yukai Japanese Restaurant,
1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 9
Members 22
Percentage 88%
Social Mixer
Dinner Buffet:
General Meeting Called to Order: - President, Lion Bob Perrine
* Traveling Leos – Poquoson Lions Club – Lions Ray Yannello, Ray Baker, Jeff Mungo, and Bob Wagner
* Lion Bob Donnelly – Mike Coren (member of Woodbury Lions Club) possible transfer of membership.
* Lion Steve Rosnov – Doug Craddock Lion

Introduction of Special Guest by Lion Steve Rosnov
Guest speaker’s wife – Deonna Worrell
Sgt. Jarrod Worrell – Operation Tribute to Freedom: Sgt. Jerrod Worrell was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 1st. Armor Division. While overseas he served as a squad leader and led six soldiers in foot patrols and wheeled convoy operations. Additionally he provided security to Iraqi elected officials and at local schools. With 11 years of service Operation Tribute to Freedom shares the stories of soldiers who have or are currently serving. The program connects these soldiers with their local communities through speaking and appreciation events as well as media outreach. Sgt. Worrell emphasized that you do not see on the news what the soldiers are doing for the Iraqi children and families. Young Americans are falling away from the legacy of helping others. Sgt. Worrell goes to high schools and elementary schools to speak to the students about serving in the military and how it is more humanitarian than ever before. He speaks for the Army because he loves it.
When asked how he was received by the indigent people of Iraq, he said that he went to Iraq out of anger after the fall of the twin towers. He wanted to retaliate. But instead he found out how to be a humanitarian, by building mosques, schools, homes, emergency rooms for people. He went as a fighter but found that liberation required humanitarian assistance. “The Army today is like a Peace Corp that carries weapons.” Sgt. Worrell said that the first year, children looked at a soldier as if he was an alien but after 3-4 years, they want to become soldiers. When someone thanks him for his service, his reply is to thank them for being and American. He feels fortunate to have come back home as a whole person, uninjured. Sgt. Worrell was asked if he thinks the people of Iraq are beginning to like America. He responded that the President of the U.S. went into office promising to take troops out of Iraq but he knows that we actually need more. It will take generations to do the job. We are under strengthened and it will not happen is his lifetime. The values of the Iraqi are very different. They grow up being taught to be killers of Americans. It will take years of education, humanitarian efforts, and assistance to turn around those ideas. Sgt. Worrell is now a detail recruiter but finds that there are two roadblocks. About 1 out of 4 young people considered for service are overweight and 1 out of 3 cannot pass the test. The military is very interested in recruiting females. They are usually very hard core or petrified of serving. Twenty-four percent of the Army today is female. Sgt Worrell expressed and interest in becoming a Lion and was given a Visitor packet with membership information enclosed.

Induction of New Member – Linda Eggleston by Lion Stan Furman
Sponsoring Lion – Lion Nancy Watters
Announcements and Reports:
* Programs: Lion Steve Rosnov March 17, 2010 SUBJECT: Basic Nutrition & home exercise
Taryn Kemp, Fitness Director- One Life Fitness Center – Taryn has been a personal trainer for 8 years and a massage therapist for ten years. She has worked for One Life/Gold’s Gym since they opened seven and one half years ago. She was a competitive bodybuilder who combined a regimen designed to reduce calories while maintaining balanced nutrition to lose weight. Now she is an avid runner and competes in half marathons and shorter races. She has a passion for helping others with fitness and nutrition and likes to work with people of all ages to achieve their individual goals.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov and Lion Stan Furman – Thalia is third place in the standing at the moment and Poquoson, our Traveling Leo for the evening is first.
* Youth Activities- Leo Club –Lion Bob Perrine – Invitation to Leadership Conference in April will be offered to the Leo Club members.
* Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center- Lion Ed DeLong – Our club works at the center every 2nd Thurs of each month from t0 The next date if Mar. 11. Meet at Best Buy at
Special Project- “Lions in Sight: - Lion Jack Wagner and Lion Rich Roberts –Our club has been approved by the city for the Adopt a Highway program. We have been assigned a section of
Bonney Rd.
Lion Rich will pick up the necessary supplies, orange vest, trash bags, “pick- up sticks” and signs from the city. If you can help, meet at the Crown Plaza on Saturday March 13th to work for about an hour. Lion Rich will email the club with details.
Bland Contest – Lion John Watters – Our contest was held Thursday, Feb. 18th at Thalia United Methodist Church with sixteen contestants. The instrumental winner was violinist, Annika Jenkins and vocalist, Emily Leidy. The Region contest will be Mar. 27 at (Same location.) Our contestants will compete against the winners of the Bayside Lions Club Bland.
Sight Conservation – Lion Nancy Watters – 272 children have been eye screened in the past week and half. All club members who participated were given HOTV certification. Lions Bob Donnelly, Dick Kreassig, Susie Sumnick, Linda Eggleston, Steve Rosnov, Bob Perrine, Stan Furman, and Jeri Furman.
Thanks to all who has assisted. Four eye exams and four prescriptions have been provided from our club this month.
Twinning Committee – Lion Filip Cuckov – Lion Filip has a copy of the letter from his mother’s Lions club in Macedonia agreeing to twin with our club. It will be sent to the secretary to share with the club and to participate in exchanging ideas.

Secretary’s Report- Lion Nancy Watters –
1. Region III meeting – 11 members have registered ($16.00) and the check has been mailed for the registration. Once the reservation is made, the member will be billed to the member ledger whether attending or not: Lions Stan, Jeri Furman, Bob Perrine, Linda Eggleston, Susie Sumnick, Steve Rosnov, Dallas Divelbiss, Richard Robers, Filip Cuckov, John and Nancy Watters.
2. Leadership Conference, New Member Orientation, Leo Club Orientation Registration form for each person must be submitted separately. The secretary will submit all forms with a club check for the cost of $5.00 each. Deadline for registration is Mar. 29th. Please let the secretary know if you are going to attend. (All new Lions, Leos, and upcoming Officers are encouraged to consider attending.)
3. Lion Donna Weiler officially announced by letter her intent to run for District 24-D Governor.
4. Lion Nancy read a thank you note from the Va. Lions Hearing Foundation & Research Center for the $44.00 donation made by Thalia.

Treasurer’s Report - Lion Vickie Kennedy

New Business:
* White Cane – Lion Bob Donnelly – Date will be in April after Easter at Birchwood Shopping Center in front of B. J.’s. A letter will be sent to Farm Fresh to request a second collection site in front of their store in
Collins Square
LOVF Tickets –Lion Stan Furman –State Convention is coming up in May. Please sell your tickets and turn your money in to Lion Stan.
Broom Sale – Lion Steve Rosnov –date will be scheduled in May.
Lion of the Year Award: Vote will be taken at the next meeting. Please prepare for the vote by considering who has made valuable contribution to the Club during this Lion’s Year.
Presentation of Slate of Officers for 2010-2011 – Incoming President, Lion Steve Rosnov
See attached for nominations. If there are no further nominations, a vote will be taken at the Mar. 17th meeting. According to bylaws, there must be 2 week’s notice given to the membership. If there are further nominations, the vote will be taken at the first meeting in April.
State Conventions – applications are available. Lion Stan is running for Vice Dist. Governor and will host a hospitality room at the convention in Roanoke.
Journey for Sight – April 10th – Our Club has not yet been contacted. Lion Bill Pope will make contact to see if we are to supply water to the runners as we normally do.
Aragona/ Pembrook Charter Night –celebrating 50 years – April 13th – Guest Speaker in Barney Gill.
Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws – Lion John Watters –vote will be taken at least 2 wks. after presentation to the club. The following changes are under consideration:
1. Clarification and inclusion of 1 and 2 year Director Positions previously omitted from the Constitution and left without necessary description.
2. Proposal to separate dues from meals. The reason for this 2nd proposal is to make meal costs more equitable to the membership and to keep the Club from losing money over meal costs. The suggestion is that dues of $100.00 be paid by each member at the beginning of each Lion’s year. (Life Members dues would be $50.00 per year) That amount would cover International, State dues and administrative costs of the Club. Meals would be paid for individually at each meeting. The major concern is in dealing with a restaurant that will bill separate checks. Another concern addressed was how that process would affect the attendance. Would it discourage members from attending if you have not paid for meals ahead of time? Several members pointed out that ours is not a “knife and fork” club. Our Club is very active; we have good programs, and enjoy the social time with other members. It was generally felt that the “pay for meals as you go” would not discourage attendance. Lion Stan pointed out that because our Club is growing, the requirement of many restaurants to have a minimum number of reservations should not be a problem. Though we would not change the LCI designation of memberships, this dues structure may make categories like Affiliate, At-Large, and Associate unnecessary in our club. In each case, the dues rate of $100.00 per year would likely be a better deal than the present rate offers. It would encourage each to become Regular members. Lion Bill Pope and Steve Rosnov plan to eat at Gus and George’s Seafood Restaurant soon to see if that may be a possible new location amenable to separate bills for each member. Lion Stan moved that Lion John write up the proposal and send it to every member prior to the next meeting so that there may be plenty of time for discussion.

March Birthdays- Lions Steve Rosnov and Lion John Watters - $91.00 was raise for a trio of Lion Vickie, Lion Bob P. and Lion Otis to sing “Happy Birthday.”

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman -50/50 -$25.00 – Sgt Jarred Worrell - $20.00 – Lion Rich Roberts


* March 11, Thursday 10 to 12 - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at
2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake, VA.
Meet @ at Best Buy, 217 Independence Boulevard, VA Beach
* March 11, Region III Meeting, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 5181 Princess Anne Road, VA Beach
* March 17, Wednesday – Next Regular Meeting, Yukai Japanese Restaurant, 1952 Laskin Rd., VA Beach
* April 3, Saturday – 12:30 p.m. – District Leadership Day – Smithfield Center
Board of Directors Meeting to follow immediately after regular meetings

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Mar 3, 2010

The Thalia Lions Club held a special Board Meeting immediately following the regular meeting to consider Douglas Craddock’s membership into Thalia (see above for those present to consider this motion). He was unanimously approved and will be inducted at the Mar 17th meeting. See


Feb 3, 2010

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Feb. 03, 2010, by Lion President Bill Perrine at at Yukai Japanese Restaurant,

1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 12
Members 21
Percentage 87.5%
Social Mixer
Dinner Buffet:

General Meeting Called to Order: - President, Lion Bob Perrine
* Traveling Leos – Aragona-Pembroke –
Lions Roger Hoster, Jan Boyd, John Subsavage, and Dot Subsavage
* Kempsville Lions – Lions Don and Dorothy Burson, Bob and Minnie Neary.
* Guest of Lion Filip Cuckov - Ana Samolov
* Guest of Lion Steve Rosnov – Doug Craddock and Dian ( Steve’s wife)
* Guest of Lion Roger Snell- “Mum”
* Guest speaker’s husband – Dr. Joe Marcil

Introduction of Special Guest by Lion Steve Rosnov
Topic: “Curing Autism”
Jamie Marcil is the mother of 5 children...Identical triplet girls that are graduating high school this year, and 2 sons ages 7 & 9. She is married to Joe Marcil, chiropractor. She helps her husband run his business behind the scenes, works hard at keeping up with daily chaos of running all over town going to track meets, basketball, and soccer games. But a lot of her time in the past 2 years has been helping families dealing with autism. Dr.Joe and Jamie's son, Joey, was diagnosed with Autism at age 4. He was not born with autism but developed the symptoms at age 19 months. Dr. Joe & Jamie watched as their son regressed. Dr's had no idea of the cause and they never received any explanations. In their search for answers, they became acquainted with other parents and doctors whose own children were effected and began to find Hope as this “epidemic” worsened. Mrs. Marcil spoke of the characteristics of Autism and how it is manifest. Autism is an abnormal response to everyday stimuli and is characterized by lack of communication, poor social skills, and learning disabilities. Current statistics suggests that Autism may affect 1 in every 91 children, the majority being boys. Yet Autism is funded less than any other major childhood affliction such as AIDS, diabetes, Down’s syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or Leukemia.Possible causes discussed by Mrs. Marcil were vaccinations, toxic substances and environmental factors. She believes that since 1992, the increase of Autism has risen dramatically because of the increase of vaccinations. Before 1992, children received 10 vaccines before the age of 5. They now receive 35 vaccines before age 5. Mrs. Marcil marks the period of her own child’s decline into Autism from the date of his vaccinations. She also mentioned that her child may have been slightly ill at the time he was vaccinated. She also believes that environmental substances such as arsenic, flame retardants, fluoride, lead, mercury, and perchlorate may be factors associated with Autism. Mrs. Marcil emphasized that because the symptoms of Autism are now more fully understood, there are treatments that help. For instance, symptoms such as headaches, immune system dysfunctions, obsessions, and gastritis can be treated with medications. Hyperbaric oxygen treatments have also seemed helpful for Mrs. Marcil’s son. After 11 treatments, in conjunction with other methods of treatment, he has been able to make eye contact and speak in complete sentences. For more information, Mrs. Marcil offers the following websites:


Induction of New Member – Susan Sumnick by Lion Stan Furman
Sponsoring Lion – Lion Nancy Watters

Announcements and Reports:
* Programs: Lion Steve Rosnov – March 3rd.
A Staff Sgt who was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and returned with the 1st Armor Division is our speaker. While overseas, he served as a squad leader and led six Soldiers in foot patrols and wheeled-convoy operations. Additionally, he provided security to Iraqi elected officials and at local schools. With 11 years of service. Operation Tribute To Freedom shares the stories of Soldiers who have or are currently serving in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. The program connects these Soldiers with their local communities through speaking and appreciation events, as well as media outreach.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov and Lion Stan Furman
Since Lion Stan is visiting many clubs because he is a candidate for 2nd Vice District Governor; he is inviting other members to make visits with him so that the visit can be counted as a Traveling Leo.
* Fruit Sales: Lion Jim Healy- reported that the club made only $917.00 on fruit sales this year. Considering the necessary manpower, time, and effort put into the event, he suggests that the club evaluate the value of the sale for next year.
* Youth Activities- Leo Club –Lion Bob Perrine –The Leo club collected over 40 winter coats for Seton House and over 40 prs of eye glasses to be donated to the recycling center.
* Governor’s Ball – Lion Stan Furman –Feb. 6th, Saturday – 6 people are attending but all are invited to the cabinet meeting in the afternoon.
* Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center- Lion Ed DeLong – Our club works at the center every 2nd Thurs of each month from t0
* Special Project “ Lions in Sight: - Lion Jack Wagner and Lion Rich Roberts –The paperwork has been submitted and we are awaiting approval of the clean-up sight. We have requested the area from
Bonney Rd.
to Independence. (Adopt a Highway)
* Ginkgo Tree – Lion Kimberly Vakos-has contacted the city arborist and will have the tree planted by next month. She will photograph the event.
* Bland Contest – Lion John Watters – Thursday, Feb. 18th at Thalia United Methodist Church. The address is 4321 Virginia Beach, Blvd. 23452. (Across from Princess Anne High) All members are asked to attend if possible and offer assistance. This event will replace our second meeting of the month. Please be there at to help set up for the contest.
* Operation Homeless Connect- Lion John Watters – Mar. 3rd at Scope in Norfolk This is a District event and we are asked to participate. Members will be sent information by email concerning the event. see
* Sight Conservation – Lion Nancy Watters - Vision screenings have been scheduled for the last week of Feb. and the 1st week of Mar. A schedule was passed requesting volunteers. It will also be sent again by email. One date conflicts with Operation Homeless Connect.
* Hearing Conservation- Lion Jeri Furman –referred one request to another club and is working with the request of another person who has made contact for help.

Secretary’s Report- Lion Nancy Watters –
* Discussed the upcoming Region III meeting ( March, 11th) and the Leadership Conference on April 3rd. She encouraged all new members and officers to attend. It is important for new members especially to attend in order to meet the requirements to become a Proud Lion and participate in the New Member workshop offered at the Leadership Conference.
Lion Nancy read a thank you note from the Adult Learning Center for the Sight and Hearing Van event on Dec. 3rd.

Treasurer’s Report - Lion Vickie Kennedy

February Birthdays- Lions Ray Ashe and Lion Bob Perrine - $85.00 was raise for Lion Stan Furman to sing “Happy Birthday”

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman -50/50 -$31.00 – Lion Don Burson and $16.00 – Lion Dot Subsavage


* Feb 6th Saturday – Governor’s Ball ( reception, ball and poker fund raiser) - VA Beach
Resort and Conference Center,
2800 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach
(across the street from Hot Tuna)
* Feb 11th - Thursday - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at
2040 Broadview Avenue, Chesapeake

* Feb 17th – No regular meeting – Bland Contest next night
* Feb 18th – Thursday - Lions Special Meeting - Thalia Bland Contest Thalia United Methodist Church 4321 Virginia Beach Blvd 23452 - across from Princess Anne High School (request arrival at to help set up)
* Feb. 22nd Friday - March 4th Thursday - Vision Screening at Stratford Pre School, St. Aidan’s Episcopal
Church, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Kings Grant Day School, and Kids Town.
* Mar 3rd – Next Regular Meeting at Yukai Japanese Buffet
* Mar. 3rd.- Operation Homeless Connect – Norfolk Scope --
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting following the regular meeting on Feb.3, 2010 at the Yukai Japanese Restaurant,
1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB. The meeting was called to order at By President Lion Bob Perrine who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Bill Pope, Past Pres
Lion Roger Snell, Reg. member
Lion Dallas Divelbiss, Reg.mem.
Lion Ray Ashe, Reg.mem.
Lion John Watters, Reg.mem.
Lion Jim Healy, Reg.mem.
Lion Steve Rosnov, Reg.mem.
Lion Stan Furman, Reg.mem.
Lion Jerri Furman, Reg.mem.
Lion Brad Furman, Reg.mem.
Lion Dick Kreassig, Reg.mem.
Lion Ed DeLong, Reg.mem.

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at by Lion Bob Perrine –

* Lion Nancy Watters informed the members that there is $2000.00 that has been donated over the past several years to LCI and earmarked for Melvin Jones Awards. The club needs to nominate two candidates for the award to be presented on Charter Night. Discussion followed concerning those eligible and deserving. It was suggested that a Progressive not be awarded until every member has a Melvin Jones but no restrictions were made. Each member was asked to write two names on a slip of paper and submit them to the secretary. After tallying the nominations, a decision could be made concerning the awards.

* Lion Nancy Watters - Presented membership application for Linda Eggleston. Linda has completed the application, submitted a check for membership. She went to RAM with Lion Nancy and John this past summer and wishes to participate in Lions as an Affiliate member.
Motion was made and carried.

* Membership: Lion Nancy Watters asked if the Club wished to continue giving the Lion statuette paperweights as a Proud Lion award. The supply is low and more need to be ordered if we are to continue the practice. The cost is $8.95 or $9.85 each. The decision was made to continue the practice but to use the $8.95 Lion.

* The supply of Thalia Lions Ball Caps is also very low and need to be ordered by the dozen. Permission was given to place the order.

* Lion Ed DeLong moved that a letter of congratulation be written and sent to Lion Al Miller for earning a “Master Key Award” from LCI. The award is for recruiting 50 new members. The letter sent by Lion President Bob Perrine follows:

Feb 4, 2010
Lion 2nd Vice District Governor Alton A. Miller
521 Royal Palm Drive

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Dear Lion Al,

The Board of Directors of the Thalia Lions Club voted on February 3rd to recognize you on being selected for a Grand Master Key (50 members) by Lions Clubs International. Since your membership in Thalia predates my membership, I do not have firsthand knowledge of your contributions in building such a thriving and growing club as I have been chosen to lead, but from all the Board discussion you are well remembered.

Our club has learned that we can only grow by working hard on service to the community. By doing so we are now adding quality dedicated people to our ranks. We have learned “how” to grow. As a leader of 24D, I solicit your efforts in the future to be focused on quality (not quantity).

Yours in Lionism,
Lion Bob Perrine
President 2009 – 2010

Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

January 20, 2010
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Bob Perrine at at the Lions Medical Eye Bank Research Center Board Room with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Guests 7
Members 16
Percentage 66

Lions Eye Bank Tour
Dinner: (sandwiches, brownies, drink)
Videos about Corneal Transplants- Lion John Watters (during dinner)
General Meeting Called to Order: - President, Lion Bob Perrine

Introduction of Special Guest
* Lion Bob Donnelly – Leo Club Members: Selina Lara, Georgia McKnawn, Genalin Santorum plus one mother who is a prospective club member.
* Lion Steve Rosnov – Doug Craddock – prospective club member
* Lion Nancy Watters- Susan Sumnick, Linda Eggleston – both will to join as Affiliate members.

* Haiti Earthquake Donation – Lion Nancy Watters – considering the status of the clubs activity account and obligations for the remainder of the calendar year, Lion Nancy moved that the $1000.00 donation voted on by some of the Board be delayed until a later date when there is more money in the bank account. She further moved that individual Lions make personal donations to LCIF Haiti Fund designating Thalia Lions Club #9313 on their checks (see By doing donations in this manner, the club is given achievement points and donating club members will be able to use the donation as a tax deduction. The motion was discussed, voted on and passed.
* Sight Committee – Lion Nancy reported that preschool eye screening at three schools have been scheduled for the last week in February.
Feb. 22nd – Stratford Preschool (35 children)
Feb. 23rd – St. Aiden’s (17 Head Start children)
Feb. 24th and 25th – Emmanuel Lutheran Church (51 children)
A sign up schedule will be available at the next meeting.
* Programs Committee – Lion Steve Rosnov –Speaker for the Feb. 3rd meeting- Jamie Marcil is the speaker. Her topic is TACA – Talk About Curing Autism.
* Fruit Sales – Lion Jim Healy - All monies are not yet accounted. Please turn in any money that you still have as soon as possible.
* Bland Contest – Feb. 18th – All members are asked to attend and assist in the contest. Our club will host the region Bland tentatively set for March 27 or 28th. This year the suggestion is that we award medals instead of expensive plaques. Lion John has found a source of medals that are very inexpensive and appropriate for awards.
* Youth Activities (Leo Club) – Lion Bob Donnelly allowed the Leo president to report on their winter coat project. The club donated over 20 coats and items of warm clothing to Seaton House.
* Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – Visit to Franklin Lions Club, Forks of the River Community Center,
27002 Smith Ferry Road, Franklin
. Members scheduled to attend, please meet at Best Buy at , Thursday, Jan. 21st.
* Governor’s Ball – Feb. 6th - Those attending are Lions Bob and Barbette Perrine, Lions Stan and Jeri Furman, and Lions Nancy and John Watters. Lions Bob, Nancy, and Stan will attend the Cabinet meeting in the afternoon.
* Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center
– Lion Ed DeLong read a letter of appreciation for the $220.00 gift made to the center by our club.
- Nine members plus two members from the Kempsville Club (Lion Don and Dorothy Burson) worked 2 hours each at the center Jan. 14th.
* Special Project “Lions in Sight” – Lion Jack Wagner and Rich Roberts – Lion Jack reported that Lion Rich (absent) is continuing to make arrangements to find a sight for our club in the Adopt a Highway Program.
* Hearing Committee – Lion Jeri Furman – read letter of thanks and appreciation from hearing aid recipient.
January Birthday – Lion Bill Abdalla (Jan. 15th) absent
* Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

New Business - Lion Brad Furman made a motion for our club to participate in a summer picnic put on by a group Lion Brad is involved with called Business Networking International (BNI). Tickets will be sold to the event and all proceeds will go to the Thalia Lions Club (Lions Charity Foundation 24D in our Thalia’s name). Over 300 people are expected to buy tickets @ $10. Thalia will have a table at the event to get members and let people know about our club. We will be advertising on the radio both before the event and after the event to the public. The motion has unanimously approved by the club

No Raffle at this special meeting.

* Jan 21st Thursday - Traveling Leo to Franklin Lions Club, Forks of the River Community Center,
27002 Smith Ferry Road, Franklin
. Meet @ @ Best Buy, 217 Independence Boulevard, Virginia
* Beach in parking corner bordering
Independence Boulevard
Stephanie Way
* Feb 03rd Wednesday - Regular Meeting, Yukai Japanese Restaurant, 1952 Laskin Rd., Virginia
* Feb 6th Saturday Evening – Governor’s Ball - Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center, 2800 Shore
Drive, Virginia Beach (across the street from Hot Tuna) - reception with cash bar followed @ by
the ball followed @ by Black Jack and poker fund raiser. Make reservations @ 481-9000
* Feb 11th Thursday - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at 2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake, VA. Sort, repair, test and package eyeglasses so that they are ready for distribution. Meet @ at Best Buy,
217 Independence Boulevard, Virginia Beach
in parking corner bordering
Independence Boulevard
Stephanie Way

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

January 6, 2010

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Bob Perrine at at Yukai Japanese Restaurant,
Guests 9
Members 21
Percentage 87.5%
Social Mixer
Dinner Buffet:

General Meeting Called to Order: - President, Lion Bob Perrine

Introduction of Special Guest
* Lion Bill Pope – Scholarship winner – Regina Stallings and her mother, Debbie
* Lion Rich Roberts – Tasha Perry, friend
* Roger Snell – Pat Snell (Mum)
* Bob Donnelly – Rex Barre, friend
* Past Dist. Gov. Lion Bill and Lion Gerri Quinn – Little Creek Lions Club visitors
* Lion to be Filip Cuckov- Teuta Cuckova, mother from Macedonia

Introduction of Speaker – Lion Steve Rosnov
* Jim Kincaid retired from the army in 1988 and taught computer science at Stratton College for 10 years. He became more interested in gardening than in computers so in 2003 he became a Master Gardener and in 2005 a Tree Steward. Mr. Kincaid is a recipient of two cornea transplants from the Lions Medical Eye Bank. (1998-99)
* Speaker: Jim Kincaid – “Great Trees of Virginia Beach
Mr. Kincaid explained that there are three determinates of a Champion Tree. They must be identified, evaluated and measured. A tree becomes a “Champion” when it is the largest of its species in a specific area, i.e. city, state, nation. There are 19 Tree Stewards in Virginia Beach and over 200 trees on both public and private property have been evaluated. The mission of a Tree Steward is to educate the public about trees and to preserve their existence. There are 27 Champions in the state of Virginia but none on the National list at this time. None of these trees are in Virginia Beach. The formula to determine the size of a tree is height, circumference, and spread. Points are awarded in each category. Photos of the tree are taken for each season of the year. Mr. Kincaid presented a slide show of trees in Virginia Beach and described the location and points awarded to each. The following trees were presented: Pecan Tree, American Chestnut, Deodar Cedar, China Fir, American Beech, Ginkgo, Yellow Cucumber tree Magnolia, American Sycamore, Weeping Hagan Cherry, Swamp Chestnut Oak, Cherry Bark Oak, Willow Oak, Live Oak, Chinese Elm. To find a complete list of all champion trees in the U.S., per Mr. Kincaid, Google “Fig Trees Virginia.” Lion Ed Delong asked about Magnolia grandiflors in Va. Beach. Mr. Kincaid said that those trees are present but not included in the study because the largest was damaged in a storm and lost some of its size. Lion Ed is a member of the Historic Review Board of Va. Beach and has offered to identify certain trees and submit them for evaluation by the Tree Stewards.

Presentation of Scholarship Award – Lion Bill Pope presented Regina Stallings with the remaining $500.00 scholarship money. Regina is a student at University of Virginia with an “A” average. She is yet undecided as to her major.

Lion Stan Furman – Induction of Filip Cuckov as an affiliate member of the Thalia Lions Club.

Lion Bob Perrine – Presentation of Twinning Letter to Lion Teuta Krasnica Cuckova. Mrs. Cuckova was presented with a letter of request to her Lions Club President in Macedonia along with Thalia Club information, a
Lions Medical Eye Bank Medalion, and a Thalia Lions Ball Cap. She had previously been given a Thalia Lions Banner and a pin to take back to her club in Macedonia.

Lion Bob Perrine – Presented Lion Kimberly Vakos and Lion Otis Etheridge with a Proud Lion award certificate, patch, and lion statuette. He also presented Lion Vickie Kennedy and Lion Nancy Watters with Proud Sponsor award certificates and patches.

Committee / Special Activities Reports:
* Lion Bob Perrine – The Sight and Hearing Van event scheduled at Old Donation Church on Feb. 20th, 2010 has been cancelled.
* Lion Bob Donnelly – Youth Activities (Leo) – Because of the holidays, there has been no activity.
* Lion Steve Rosnov – Traveling Leo – two visits are scheduled, January 21, 2010,
- Franklin Lions Club, Forks of the River Community Center, 27002 Smith Ferry Road, Franklin. Mileage -20 points, 4 Lions – 27.5 points, Total points – 47.5. Lions Stan & Jeri, Bob Perrine, Richard Roberts
- February 9, 2010, Aragona – Pembroke Lions Club, Gus & Georges Spaghetti House,
* The next meeting will be at the Lions Medical Eye Bank on Jan. 20th at . Our tour is scheduled to begin at and will last about ½ hr. After that we will gather in the Eye Bank board room for our ‘dinner’ (sandwiches, cookies and drinks). During the dinner Lion John Watters, will show some videos of how corneal transplants are performed. The meeting will follow. It is suggested that we carpool if possible. Best parking is in the Riverside Pavilion parking lot of Sentara Norfolk General. Drive past
* Lion Stan Furman- Governor’s Ball is Saturday, Feb. 6th at the Virginia Beach Conference Center. Registration form may be found in this month’s Knight’s Vision. Please contact Lion Nancy Watters, secretary, if you are unable to retrieve a copy.
* Lion Ed DeLong – Eye Glass Recycling Center – next scheduled visit is Jan. 14th at Lion Ed reported that the club had turned in 185 pairs of glasses and 8 hearing aids for the month of December.
* Lion Rich Roberts – Lions in Sight Project – suggested that we adopt 1 mile strip of roadway and commit to the two year task of clean-up six times a year. Those are the requirements for the ‘Adopt a Highway” program through the City of Va. Beach. The motion was made and the vote carried. Lion Rich will proceed in getting an area designated to clean-up. One suggestion was
* Lion Kimberly Vakos – Ginkgo Tree – In talking with our guest speaker, Jim Kincaid, Lion Kimberly has decided that the tree will grow too large to plant in the median at Paul’s Garage. Mr. Kincaid will put her in contact with the city arborist to designate a safe location for the tree. She will give a follow-up report in Feb. with information that she learns.
* Lion Nancy Watters – Sight Report – In the first half of the Lion’s year, July – Dec., Thalia Lions Club has provided 17 eye exams and 21 prescriptions for eye glasses. That is over the total number for the entire previous year. Our club has 11 remaining prescriptions at Lens Crafters, 13 remaining eye exams with Dr. Crafford, and 6 remaining exams with Dr. Seim.
* Lion Stan Furman – LOVF tickets – Each club member was given a packet of tickets. Each book of tickets is worth $30.00 ( $1.00 per ticket) The cost of the book of tickets is $10.00 to LOVF and the remaining $20.00 per book is a fund raiser for the club. Members are encouraged to sell all of the tickets. Instructions concerning the drawing are printed on the tickets. Please fill out the tickets completely and turn in money with the ticket stubs for the drawings to the secretary. The seller of the winning ticket receives $100.00 so please put your name and club on the indicated line on the ticket stub. Please tear the ticket on the dotted line and give the purchaser the portion with the prize information printed on it.
* Lion Bob Perrine – Sight Impaired Scholarship – The 24D Charity Foundation has placed the $1,000.00 donated by Lion Bob Perrine into a fund designated Thalia Club fund so that we will have more control over candidate selection.

Lion Vickie Kennedy – Treasurer’s Report

January Birthdays – Lion Rich Roberts (5th) and Lion Vickie Kennedy (8th) - $52.00 was raised to hear Lion Otis Etheridge and Lion John Watters perform the most horrible rendition of Happy Birthday ever sung in a public environment.

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman -$34.50 first attempt, no winner. Second drawing was for $17.00 won by Lion Ed DeLong.


* Jan 14th Thursday - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at 2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake, VA.
* Jan 20th – Next Meeting at Lions Eye Bank (at Sentara Norfolk), reservations deadline Jan 13th!
* Jan 21st Thursday - Traveling Leo to Franklin Lions Club, Forks of the River Community Center,
* Feb 6th Saturday Evening – Governor’s Ball - Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center, 2800 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach (across the street from Hot Tuna)

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

January 6, 2010

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting following the regular meeting on January 6, 2010 at the Yukai Japanese Restaurant,
1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB. The meeting was called to order at by President Lion Bob Perrine who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Lion Roger Snell, Reg. member
Lion Kim Vakos, reg. member
Lion Filip Cuckov, reg. member
Lion Dallas Divelbiss, Reg.mem.
Lion Don Maskall, reg. member
Lion Ray Ashe, reg. member
Lion Bill Pope Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion John Watters
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Rich Roberts
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Otis Ethridge, Reg member
Lion Brad Furman
Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Ed DeLong
Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at
Lion Bob Perrine – opened discussion concerning price of meals at Yukai Japanese Restaurant. $15.00 only covers the food without drinks. The average cost of the meal is $16-17.00. The question was raised to determine if the club should raise dues to cover the excess costs or pay extra for individual drinks, (coke, tea, coffee, wine,)

After much discussion, the opinion of the members was that the meeting room and noise level was better than Hot Tuna or El Taco Loco. The motion was made by Lion Dick Kreassig and passed by majority vote to stay at Yukai and pay the extra drink expense individually. Lion Vickie Kennedy checked the financial status of the club and found that we are still within our projected budget for meals.
Membership: Lion Nancy Watters asked that the club drop Lion Randy Julian due to non- payment of dues. The motion was made and carried.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

December 2, 2009


The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Dec. 2, 2009, by Lion President Bob Perrine at at Yukai Japanese Restaurant,

1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Guests 4
Members 15
Percentage 65%

Social Mixer
Dinner Buffet:

Introduction of Special Guest: Lion Nancy Watters introduced Lion Teuta Krasnica Cuckova and her son, Filip, to the club by reading the following: Teuta Krasnica Cuckova is life career journalist in the Macedonian National Public Radio, where she worked from 1967 until her retirement in 2003 as the editor in chief of the health sector. As a student at the St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje she was active in the university newspaper the "Student Word." Even though she graduated with a law degree, her love for journalism was the main factor in choosing her profession. After her retirement from the NPR she became the chief public relations officer for the National Health Institute - University Clinical Center in Skopje. She has been awarded with many honors during her professional career among which the Yugoslav Presidential Medal of Labor, the Medal of Professionalism from the Journalist Union of Yugoslavia (and another one later from the Macedonian Journalist Union), the Golden Quill of Humanity from the Red Cross - Macedonia. Teuta is also very active in the non-governmental sector in Macedonia as she is on of the founders of the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, the Macedonian Women's Lobby, the Macedonian Center for Peace and Civic Initiatives, as well as the anti-cancer association Life-Spark. Lion Teuta is a Charter member of the Lions Club of Skopje St. Pantelejmon, Lions District 132 Macedonia. Lion Teuta is visiting her son Filip, who is graduating with a PhD in Computer and Electrical Engineering from ODU this month. Filip was invited to join our club and has agreed to become a member. His mother has requested that we “Twin” with her Lions Club in Macedonia. Lion President Bob Perrine thanked the guests for attending our meeting and recognized Mrs. Cuckova by awarding her a Thalia Lions Charter Banner and a Club pin.

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lion Steve Rosnov
Speaker: Lynnhaven River Watershed – Save the Bay - Helen Kuhns Our Guest Speaker tonight is Helen Webb Kuhns, Education and Outreach Coordinator, Lynnhaven River NOW. A native of Tidewater, born in Norfolk and raised in Virginia Beach, she has a deep appreciation for the Chesapeake Bay, its beauty and its history, and feels that the health of a community is closely tied to the health of its waterways. She graduated from Christopher Newport University with a Bachelors of Science in Biology with a concentration in Environmental Science. She has worked in an educational capacity in several of our local museums and the Virginia Zoo and helped spearhead several shoreline restoration projects to add local validity to the Zoo’s global conservation message. She has been with Lynnhaven River NOW for the last two years as the Education and Outreach Coordinator and works with schools, civic groups and organizations, promoting conservation of the Lynnhaven River, advising on environmental projects, coordinating Lynnhaven River Now programs and overseeing the Pearl School Awards Program. She is on the Board of the South Hampton Roads Museums Forum and the Steering Committee for the Hampton Roads Association for Environmental Educators and is an active member of the Virginia Association of Museums and Chesapeake Maritime Museum Consortium. Mrs. Kuhns explained that the Lynnhaven River Watershed was strictly a Virginia Beach Project because the Lynnhaven River is located entirely in this area. With three branches, it is 1/5th the entire size of Virginia Beach, 64 sq. miles. It is the first water system to feed into the Chesapeake Bay. Since early discovery, the Lynnhaven has been famous for its oysters. As people populated Virginia Beach, the River became polluted and shell fishing had to be stopped. There were several reasons that the system became polluted. Half of the people in Va. Beach live on the waterway. The water quality degraded as the population grew. Land is stressed by the existence of homes and run-off water from impermeable surfaces. Adding to the problem are dogs, geese, wildlife, toxins, fertilizers, boaters discharging waste, and septic systems. Any one of these factors can cause the river to be closed because of contaminated bacteria. Mrs. Khuns offered several ways to improve Lynnhaven River water quality, water retention systems on property, rain barrels, picking up after dogs. With 60,000 registered dogs in the city over 45,000 lbs. of dog feces is accumulated per day. So “scooping the poop” is one of the most important things is helping clean up the river. The City of Va. Beach now has only around 200 people on septic systems. That number has dropped from 2,000 five years ago. Fixing the sanitation leaks has helped. Boaters may no longer discharge waste into the River. The Lynnhaven has been declared a “no discharge zone”. One boat can shut down an entire square mile of the river with pollutants. Five years ago, only 7% of the river was safe. With the work done by the Lynnhaven River NOW, 39% of the river is open for fishing and use. Oysters are back up to 10% of its original status. Oysters are the single best way to purify the water. NOW picks up oyster shells from restaurants and uses them to bed and seed the river. They will take shell from private parties if called. Funding for the organization is through donations and a few city grants. There are 4 employees of which only one is full time.


Lions Bill Pope and Steve Rosnov have been exploring other meeting locations such as Surf Rider and El Taco Loco. It was decided that we would meet at the present location on Jan. 6th.

Lion Bob Perrine -We have identified a B+/A senior at Ocean Lakes High School who is sight impaired (20/70 corrected in both eyes). She is a daughter of hard working single mother who can not afford college. We asked Oceana-Lynnhaven-Golden Lions (services Ocean Lakes HS) if they would be interested in providing some type of scholarship. They were not interested. Lion Bob is exploring the possibility of giving money to the 24D Charity Foundation designated to that student. Several people in the club offered good suggestions. Lion Vickie Kennedy said that Ronald McDonald Charities might help. Lion Kimberly Vakos stated that she is initiating a nonprofit organization offering assistance to mothers needing tuition assistance for their children. Lion Ed DeLong said that we could assist this single mother in looking for scholarship funds as there are many available and documented by the Virginia Beach Public School system @ Lion Bob stated that he would continue to pursue this issue with Ann Beach, Sahara Gooding’s Teacher for the Visually Impaired (AATVI), the 24D Charity Foundation, and other good suggestions.

Advertisement for Fruit Sale – Lion Otis Etheridge- a notice will be in the Beacon about the Fruit sale at Birchwood Shopping Center. Dec. 11-12

Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Ed DeLong Dec 3rd) from Diabetes screening will not be done.
Dec. 10th – Every 2nd Thursday in the month is a regularly scheduled Eye Glass Recycling Center Trip.

Fruit Sale Delivery – Lion Jim Healy - December 10, around the fruit will be delivered to Lion Dallas’s home. Everyone is needed to unload fruit (189 boxes)
If you pre-ordered fruit, please pick it up at Dallas’s home that morning! If you cannot be there on Thurs. morning to pick up pre-orders, please make arrangements with Dallas to pick up your orders from his home at a later time. Do not pick up your pre orders at Birchwood Shopping Center!! Fruit Sale at Birchwood Shopping Center on (Dec 11th and 12th (10-10-4 Fri. and Sat. – Paper Bags are needed for separating boxes – Lion Roger will donate a tent for our use.

Youth Activities, Leo Club - Lion Stan Furman - Dec 03 at 2:15 Princess Anne High School cafeteria or lounge.- Official Induction of Leo Club Officers. Gov. Gary will induct new members and present the Charter to our new Leo Club. Everyone is invited to attend.

Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov- Our Club has reached the President’s Award goal but is behind in points for the district program. Lion Steve has several more trips scheduled in the near future.

Programs - Lion Steve Rosnov is attempting to schedule someone in the Returning Soldiers Program possibly in March. They may film for publicity and invite other interested guests to attend.

White Cane – Lion Vickie Kennedy (Nov 6 and 7th) Total White Cane Collection was $1,154.84 plus brooms and umbrellas

Region III Meeting - Lion Stan Furman (Nov 11th) – As part of the Lions In Sight Project, Gov. Gary wants each club to participate in an Adapt a Highway Program. This is a project initiated by the International President to be done the last two weeks of Jan.

Gingko tree –Lion Kimberly Vakos –reported that our tree’s leaves are turning yellow and dropping. She fears that it is not doing well but many members encouraged her that the tree is deciduous, and it is normal for it to die back this time of year and now is a good time to plant it. She will report further at the next meeting.

Special Project – Lion Ed Delong - World Music Competition LCI” International World Competition Anika Jenkins competed from our club but did not win. Next year the competition is in Classical Guitar.

Lion Stan moved to pay all obligations to donations now instead of waiting until next year.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters – Joint Zone Project –Sat. 5th at Salvation Army Rehab. (S&H) participating in the event are Lions Kimberly, Lions Stan and Jeri, and Lions Nancy and John. Morning hours 10-12. Lion Nancy read a thank you note from Lion W.T. Perkins for the Dry Erase board our club purchased for the EGRC. Lion Nancy also reported that through the ONE DAY EVENT at LensCrafters and Dr. Crafford, 7 patients were given exams and glasses free of charge to them and to our club.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Dec Birthday – Lion Jeri Furman (TODAY!) Lion Vickie sang “Happy Birthday” in the style of Stevie Wonder!! $43.00 was raised in bids against Lion Stan.

Raffle: Lion Stan Furman - 50/50 Raffle – 23.00 one drawing won by Lion Jack Wagner
Dec 03 () Traveling Leo - Poquoson Community Center,
49 Odd Road
, Poquoson
Dec 03 (10-2) Sight and Hearing Mobile Van –
4160 VA Beach Blvd
, Adult Learning Center
Dec 03 (after school) - Leo Club - Princess Anne High School, Official Induction of Leo Club Officers
Dec 05 ( 10-2) Sight and Hearing Van Joint Service Project with Town Center and Aragona Clubs at Salvation Rehab Center, 5524 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach
Dec 10 () - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at 2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake, VA.
Dec 10 (am) - Fruit delivery and help with unloading truck - 536 Cedar Lane, VA Beach 23452 (PICK UP PRE ORDERS) - Contacts - Dallas Divelbiss 233-6459 or Lion Jim Healy 464-2299
Dec 11 & 12th (10-4) Fruit Sale Birchwood Shopping Center,
3750 Virginia Beach Blvd

Dec 16 (6) Thalia Club Holiday Party, 2357 Haversham Close - Lions John and Nancy Watters' home
Jan 06: (6) - Regular Thalia Club Meeting - Yukai Japanese Restaurant,
1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

November 18, 2009

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Wednesday, November 18, 2009, by Lion President Bill Perrine at 6:30PM at El Taco Loco - 3333 VA Beach Blvd., VA Beach, Va. with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 7
Members 15
Percentage 65%

Call to order: Lion President Bob Perrine

Guests: Prospective members – David Holmes – Harold Knutsen
Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lion Steve Rosnov
Kenneth G. Rich - Regional Director, Southern Virginia, Virginia Wounded Warrior Program

Retired Sergeant Major Kenneth Rich joins the Wounded Warrior Program after working for General Dynamics as a senior operations analyst. He retired from the U. S. Army in June 2006 after 30 years in Army Aviation. In his last position, he served as School Sergeant Major for the U. S. Army Aviation Logistics School, Fort Eustis, VA. He has extensive experience as a community volunteer and has received commendations from organizations such as Army Community Service, Army Emergency Relief, the American Red Cross, and the March of Dimes. In 1994, he was named Hampton Roads Big Brother of the year for his work with the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program. In 2007, he was inducted into the Army Aviation Association of America Hall of Fame. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Touro University and is pursuing master’s degree aviation/aerospace safety systems.
Please see the attached flyer presenting all important information concerning the Wounded Warrior Program discussed by Mr. Rich at the meeting.
Business Meeting – President, Lion Bob Perrine

White Cane- Lion Bob Donnelly – Total collection from event - $1,154.78 – Nov. 6-7th Birchwood Shopping Center

Youth Activities, Leo Club – Lion Bob Donnelly – unrolled the new charter for the Leo Club. It will be presented to the Club tomorrow morning at their meeting.

Region III Meeting –Lion Stan Furman- Because of the noise in the restaurant, Lion Stan was asked to wait for the report until the next meeting. A bidding war erupted because District Gov. Gary Rapier’s parents were guests and the club felt that the Governor’s comments should be reported in their presence. $65.00 was raised in an effort to hold the report until the next meeting.
Sight and Hearing Van -is scheduled for Thurs.,Dec. 3rd at the Adult Learning Center
Sat., Dec. 5th Thalia Lions are requested to work with Aragonna and Town Center at the Salvation Rehab Center from 10-4.

Fruit Sale Orders should be turned in to Lion Jim Healy no later than Nov. 30th. Orders are to be placed on Dec. 2nd with a change date of Dec. 3rd. Delivery will be made to Lion Dallas on Dec. 10th (Thursday) Fruit
Sale will be at Birchwood Shopping Center on Friday, Dec. 11, and Saturday Dec., 12th.
Lion Jim Healy will schedule volunteers for the sale.

Because of the noise in the restaurant, it was decided to hold all other reports until the next meeting.

50/50 raffle won by Barbara Harris (Traveling Leo) $38.00


• Nov 19th (7:30 am) Breakfast Traveling Leo Virginia Beach Town Center Club, Courtyard by Mariott, 5700 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach.
• Dec 2nd - Regular Thalia Club Meeting – location? Guest Speaker Helen Kuhns “Save the Bay.”
• Dec 3rd () Traveling Leo - Poquoson Community Center,
49 Odd Road
, Poquoson
• Dec 3rd (10-2) Sight and Hearing Mobile Van –
4160 VA Beach Blvd
, Adult Learning Center
• Dec 5th (10-4) Sight and Hearing Mobile Van – Salvation Rehab Center (joint project with Aragonna and Town Center Clubs
• Dec 10th () - Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at 2040 Broadview Avenue, Chesapeake, VA.
• Dec 10th - Fruit delivery and help with unloading truck - 536 Cedar Lane, VA Beach 23452
• Dec 12th and 11th (10-4) Fruit Sale Birchwood Shopping Center,
3750 Virginia Beach Blvd

• Dec 16th () Thalia Club Holiday Party, 2357 Haversham Close, VA Beach 23454

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
November 4, 2009



The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on November 4, 2009, by Lion President Bill Perrine at at Yukai Japanese Restaurant,
1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Guests 1
Members 20
Percentage 87%

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Call to order: Lion President Bob Perrine

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lion Steve Rosnov

Speaker: April Richardson - Operation Blessing -April Richardson serves as the donor relations manager for Operation Blessing International. She first joined OBI over five years ago as a procurement manager where she was responsible to fill 60 truckloads of food and supplies weekly for the Hunger Strike Force, the feeding portion of Operation Blessing. April is originally from Tennessee. She moved to the Hampton Roads area to attend Regent University back in 1998. She currently resides in Chesapeake with her husband Paul. They are expecting their first child the beginning of November.

Operation Blessing was founded in 1978 and is better known internationally than locally. The organization partners with many other charitable organizations and operates in 105 countries around the world. Ninety nine percent of the donations and gifts to the organization go directly to people in need because there is a very low overhead. April covers 37 states and her boss covers the remainder of the 50 states. Operation Blessing has received the Forbes award and the Charity Navigator award. Only about 6 charities have received that award. The charity covers many areas of need. There are over 200 “feeding ground” locations that are open 3-5 days per week. By partnering with other organizations and businesses, Operation Blessing is able to provide services. About 95% of the food is donated to the operation and it is transported by tractor trailer to where ever there is need. There are four food warehouses from Virginia to Florida. Several NFL Sports teams support Operation Blessing and work at events where food is distributed. Micro Enterprise training is provided for people to learn income making skills such as sewing, farming, raising livestock. Medical and eye clinics provide necessary surgeries for cataracts, cleft palate, and other problems. Clean water is a major problem in many countries. Operation Blessing builds purification systems ($7500 each) and provides water wells ($1800 each) for many areas. Orphan Care is provided in many places all over the world to get kids off the street, give them a place to live, provide food and clothes and education. Operation Blessing has a relatively small staff as compared to many large charities. In Virginia there are approximately 55-60 paid employees. The principle method of operation is to partner with other businesses, charities, countries, and agencies to provide care for those in need. In the present economy, donations have drastically decreased but the need has increased.

Business Meeting –

Lion Nancy and John offered to host the Holiday Party on Dec. 16th. Potluck -
* Lion Nancy announced that Aragona/Pembroke and Town Center are sponsoring the S&H Van at The Salvation Army Rehab Center on December 5th from to . They are requesting volunteers to work in the van as well as do diabetes screening. Lions John, Nancy, Stan, Jeri, and Kimberly have agreed to participate. If anyone else in interested, please contact Lion Nancy.
* Lion Nancy failed to mention that the $18.00 meal charge for the people attending the Region III meeting will be added to their dues.
Lion Stan showed the club samples of short sleeve ($20) and long sleeve ($25) polo shirts. The shirts can be made with our club’s logo. There is a onetime stitch charge of $40 - $100 to make the pattern after which we may order as many or as few as we want with no extra charge. Lion Roger Snell
was charged in his absence to design the logo.
* Lion Jim Healy- reported the events that occurred at Hot Tuna requiring our meeting for tonight to be relocated. Feeling that Hot Tuna and failed to honor their commitment to the Club, Lion Jim, on his own behalf, wrote the management a scathing letter describing the events and expressing his displeasure at their “unethical” attitude. The Club members discussed possible reactions and decided to await a response from Hot Tuna before taking further action.
* Lion Bob Perrine reported that Yukai Japanese Restaurant charges $15.50 (include tax and tip). The non-alcoholic drink adds approx $3.00 to the bill. This extra charge will either have to be paid individually or club due will need to be raised. To simplify matters the extra drink charge for this evenings drinks will be paid out of club'sadministrative fund since no prior notice was provided.
* Lion Bill Pope reported that El Taco Loco would offer a $15.00 inclusive meal but there was a possibility that there may be an over flow of customers on Wed. night because it is “Kids Night.” It was moved and passed that we try El Taco Loco for the next meeting, November 18th.
* President, Lion Bob Perrine – asked the club to check the blog site for “words from LCI” concerning “Lions in Sight” @

* Extra Fund Raiser and Special Projects – Lion Jack Wagner – “Lions in Sight” is the emphasis for every club for the last 2 weeks in January. Each club is asked to put together a special project that publicizes Lions. Some suggestions involved Leo club member’s writing papers on some phase of impairment, or drawing posters or doing paintings for sale. However, Lion Jack suggested that since we have a direct connection with Ronald McDonald House, possibly Lion Vickie Kennedy could identify a need that would involve the Club. (paint a room- do yard work, etc.) Lion Vickie responded positively. Lion Jack’s partner in this project is our new member Lion Rich.
Music Competition – Lion Ed DeLong –Year of the Violin – the only competitor in District 24D is Anika Jenkins who is now studying at Julliard School of Music. Lion Ed needs to send the application, DVD on to the next level. She may be the only candidate from the state of VA. The national committee will decide how goes to Australia. It is required that she be sponsored by a club. There is no cost to the sponsoring club. Seven contestants will be selected to go to the International Convention to compete.
Lion Ed asked that Thalia sponsor Anika Jenkins. It was so moved and approved.
* Youth Activities, Leo Club – Lion Bob Donnelly – reported that the new club is moving along as expected. Six to seven students were working at the last session. There is no meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month.
White Cane – Lion Bob Donnelly – November 6,7th. Schedule is complete for both locations, BJ’s and
Collins Square
(Farm Fresh) it was suggested that a few brooms and umbrellas be brought to the site.
Region III meeting – Lion Stan Furman (Nov. 11th) the following people are registered to go to the meeting. Lions Nancy, Stan, Jeri, Bob I, Steve, Dallas, Vickie, Otis, Bob II. Everyone will meet at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Parking Area at so that we may carpool.
Fall Conference –Lion Stan Furman -was a great success. Lion John and Nancy taught course on HOTV eye screening, Lion Stan became certified in diabetes screening; Lion Jeri was trained in the S&H van. The international Director entertained for hours in the hospitality room and in the meeting by playing his guitar and singing.
Eye Glass Recycling Center- Lion Ed DeLong – (Nov. 12th) The Club allowed $100.00 to buy a Dry Erase Board for the center. Lion Ed bought the board for $66.64. He passed a sign up sheet and invited people to go to the center and to invite a friend to come along as well. He stated that it is a very good way to get people interested in Lions.
Sight and Hearing Van/Diabetes Screening – Lion Ed DeLong –the date has been changed from November 20th to December 3rd at the Adult Learning Center.
Fruit Sale – Lion Dallas Divelbiss – stated that the brochures will be here by the next meeting. The orders must be turned in by the end of November. Our orders must be placed on Dec. 2nd with Dec. 3rd as the change date. Fruit will be delivered to Dallas’s home on Thursday, Dec. 10th. Fruit will be sold at Birchwood Shopping Center on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th. Lion Nancy will send out more copies of order forms for those that did not receive them before.
* Gingko Tree – Lion Kimberly Vakos – asked that the club be thinking of another location for the Gingko Tree in case she has trouble with the city in acquiring her conditional use permit for Paul’s. Suggestions were Thalia Lynn Church, or Francis Land House.
District 24D is the first district internationally to become a 100% gingko tree district. Lion Houser Weiller donated enough trees for each club in the district.
Bland Contest- Lion John Watters – the date is Feb. 18th, Thursday. Lion John asked that we cancel the normally scheduled meeting on the 17th and count the Bland as a meeting. Everyone will be needed assist with the Bland. Lion Bob Perrine requested that Lion John Watters be sure to contact Irene Conlin concerning her blind daughter Elizabeth Conlin who wants to participate in the contest.
Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov – Three visits are scheduled: Nov. 1st – Surry County Club
Nov. 19th – Town Center (breakfast meeting) and December 3 at Poquoson Lions Club. Thalia is ranked 4th in the district for points as of the end of October.
* Sight Report: - Lion Nancy Watters –reported that from Jan. through Sept. only about 15 prescriptions and eye glasses were issued. From Oct. 1st through Nov. 4th, there have been 10 issued. People are truly feeling the economic crunch. It is necessary for the Club to buy another $500 Gift of Sight booklet and purchase another 10 exams from Dr. Crafford. ($360).

Secretary’s Report: Nancy Watters - Achievement Report total accumulated points for this year is 23,023.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy – see attached report

50/50 raffle: $20.00 – Lion John Watters; $17.00 – Lion Steve Rosnov


* Nov. 6th-7th – White Cane – Birchwood Shopping Center/
Collins Square

* Nov. 11th – Region III Meeting – Island House Restaurant,
17 Atlantic Ave. Wachapreague, VA

* Nov. 12th (10-12) Eyeglass Recycling Center –
2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake, VA 23323

* Nov. 17th () Traveling Leo – Surry County Lions Club
* Nov. 18th () next regular meeting at El Taco Loco ( where Frankie’s was located)
* Nov. 19th () Traveling Leo (breakfast) Virginia Beach Town Center Club, Courtyard by Marriott, 5700 Greenwich Road, Va. Beach

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
Official Minutes of the Thalia Lions Club Board Meeting
November 4, 2009 - Call to order:

Lion Nancy requested that the Board buy $500. Voucher booklet from Gift of Sight for eyeglass prescriptions and purchase 10 visits from Dr. Crafford for exams ( $360). The Board approved the request.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

October 21, 2009

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Bobl Perrine at at Hot Tuna Restaurant
Guests 11
Members 17
Percentage 77%
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Song: Lion Jim Healy - God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Ed Delong
Invocation: Lion Jim Healy
Call to order: Lion President Bob Perrine

Introduction of Guests:
* Lion Bob Perrine – introduced prospective member Richard Roberts, VT grad who is looking for a local Lions Club.
* Lion Bob Donnelly – introduced his son, Mike Donnelly who may be interested in joining the club and who helped with the Ronald McDonald House Project
* Traveling Leos – Norview Lions Club – Lion Jesse James, Lions Ed Millan, Butch Davenport, Gary Brukett
* Southside Lions Club – Lion W.T. Perkins, Lions Dick Knox, Jackie Gregson, Mary Davis, Connie Perkins

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lion Steve Rosnov – introduced Lee Ann Armbruster, a teacher of the visually impaired in the Va. Beach School System and founder of the Hampton Roads Chapter of Virginia Parents of the Visually Impaired.


Lee Ann began her presentation by describing her goals and job in working with the visually impaired. She teaches all grades, ages 3-21 in the Virginia Beach Schools. At present there are about 60 students in the system; 15 in eight different high schools, 16 in various middle schools and 29 in twenty two different elementary schools. So when she hears the most frequent question as a teacher, “What grade do you teach,” her answer is “all of them and in every school.”
Most all of the children are taught in regular classroom settings but may have varied other disabilities as well as being blind or having low vision. The standard for being visually impaired is 20/70 after correction.
The main goal of a TVI (Teacher of Visual Instruction) is to teach academic skills to those that are able and to teach non academic skills to those who may not be able to learn or function on a higher level. Therefore skills range from how to read to how to “spit.” Some very disabled children need to learn just how to use their eyes. One of the most difficult things to teach in social skills is how to face people when talking. Blind people are comfortable talking in any direction, even facing in reverse. But sighted people respond better when the blind person is facing them. Another step is to learn to put a toy down or let go of an item. If a child is blind the feeling is that once released it is gone. Sharing therefore becomes a very difficult skill that must be learned. Many times there is only one visually impaired student in the building. A feeling of total isolation sets the child apart and that feeling extends to the parents. Creating and sharing with a community of like parents and children is the goal of VAAPVI.
Mrs. Armbruster answered questions concerning available equipment and supplies for teaching blind children. She related that much equipment was very expensive but there were several types of Braille codes for use, i.e. music, math, science. Therefore a child needs a very good memory to use all. Computer training is very important and there are programs using JAWS. The Library at Bayside has a special needs library with books on tape machines and four track tapes. They also have “double vision books” (Braille as well as print to read with a sighted person.) Normally a child will not have a Seeing Eye dog until after he is mature enough to have good white cane skills.

When asked how Lions can help the group, Mrs. Armbruster shared that another club had helped buy one student a Perkins Brailler to have at home. High School students with low vision are always in need of scholarship help.
Lion Ed Delong suggested that the district should sponsor a scholarship for a low vision or blind student.

Mrs. Armbruster introduced Irene Conlin who has agreed to become President of the VAAPVI.

Mrs. Conlin works for Booz Allen Hamilton at Dam Neck Annex as a Computer Network Security Analyst. She is a graduate of TCC with an Assoc. in Science. Her field of study is Developmental Disabilities.
Mrs. Conlin’s daughter Elizabeth is congenitally blind due to Septo Optic Dysplasia – a medical condition with a broad spectrum of health conditions. People diagnosed with this condition always suffer from vision loss and a variety of endocrine disorders.

Mrs. Conlin thanked the club for the opportunity to relate her perspective as a parent of a visionless child. She emphasized that her goals in raising her child were the same a any other parent, she just had to be a bit more creative in approach. She wants Elizabeth to grow up, be productive, happy, and give back to society. Her love like any parent is unconditional.

In 1994, Elizabeth was born, a 9lb.7oz. 21inch healthy baby. The happy parents thought everything was fine and normal when the baby joined her 5 year old brother as part of the family. But things did not develop as planned, Irene noticed that she did not look directly at things and continuously shook her head. At her first “healthy baby” check up, the doctor pronounced her healthy and was about to release them from the visit. But Irene asked the doctor to take another look at her eyes. In only a few minutes, other doctors were asked in for the exam and a battery of test and vision exams were ordered. The diagnosis was optic nerve atrophy that would cause lifelong blindness. There were no answers as to why, no history, it just happened. The family became consumed with appointments to seek help. Whatever could be done was researched from Richmond to Baltimore. No opportunity was missed. After a year of searching, the stress on the family led to a divorce. Irene went back to school to learn how to deal with children with disabilities. Information available today was not available at that time so Irene felt totally isolated.

Elizabeth has a great mental capacity but because of the disability, she was not always included socially. The phone rang less as she became older. Irene described a “false popularity”, everyone spoke but no one invited. Until about the 4th grade, Elizabeth was able to keep up. She had special resource teachers, like Lee Ann Armbruster to teach her basic things like brushing her teeth and spitting. But by 6th grade and middle school the requirements and technology were greater. Mrs. Conlin remarried and had 2 more children and things had changed. While taking a computer class taught by a blind man, Irene realized that the difference in success for a person with disabilities was opportunity. She determined at that point that Elizabeth would have every opportunity and chance to become productive and functional. She is now in high school; playing flute in the marching Knight’s Band and has blossomed with beautiful social skills.

Virginia Association of the Visually Impaired reached out to the family and provides resources for parent training concerning government programs and available help. Circumstances in life, earning a living and raising disabled children wear parents down. Parents need this association to ventilate, share and learn from each other. It is a long difficult way to follow but these children need the same opportunity as any other child. Parents of the disabled want their children to have choices.

Mrs. Conlin’s story of her life with Elizabeth was very and impressive to the members of our club.

Temporary recess for dinner

Business Meeting – President, Lion Bob Perrine – reconvened

* Announcements:
- Special Function:

- New Thalia Club Brochures are now available!! Thank you Lion Roger Snell!!!
– Lion Bob Perrine read a very complimentary letter from District Governor Gary Rapier to Lion Bob Donnelly congratulating him on the formation of the new Princess Ann High School Leo Club.
- Lion W. T. Perkins thanked the club for the donation of the White Board to the Eye Glass Recycling Center He also asked the club to remember that the center is always in need of donations. He encouraged the club to continue to visit and work at the center.

Committee Reports:


* Special Function: Lion Nancy Watters –Pizza Picnic for VAAPVI – Sat. Oct. 17th. Joint Project with Chesapeake Host Lions Club. Participating members – Lion Nancy Watters, Lions Bob Perrine, Stan and Jeri Furman, Dick Kreassig. Total money spent to $129.98. (20 pizzas) All paper products drink mix, coolers, and cookies were donated by members. Fee for the park was $125.00 shared by Chesapeake Host ($75.00) Chesapeake Host had one member and one guest. Left over pizzas (7) and drinks were donated to Ronald McDonald House. Lion John and Nancy donated two 5 gallon coolers for the club to use at all functions where needed. Total man hours (15). Lion Nancy described how worthwhile this sponsorship was to all of the participants and encouraged all those members who were not involved not to miss the opportunity again. While the parents held the meeting, Lion volunteers and helpers played games at tables or took visually impaired children to the playground and explored. She thanked the speakers, Lee Ann Armbruster, and Irene Conlin for the opportunity to serve their organization and the children. Lion Nancy read a thank you letter to the club from the Hampton Roads Chapter of VAAPVI.

* Leo Club – Lion Bob Perrine read a very complimentary letter from District Governor Gary Rapier to Lion Bob Donnelly congratulating him on the formation of the new Princess Ann High School Leo Club. Lion Bob Donnelly stated that the Leo Club had held two meetings. All seemed to be very enthusiastic and eager to do service. Because of school restrictions they are not allowed to do projects outside the school without an advisor. They are presently collecting eye glasses and clothes to donate to Seton House and JCOC. The official induction of officers is December 3rd. Lion Nancy Watters – offered (9) MD24 Virginia Leo Pins to Lion Bob Donnelly for Leo Club use. The pins are very limited in number and will no longer be available.

– Nov. 19 Town Center breakfast meeting – four have volunteered.
- Nov. 17- Surry County – four scheduled to attend.
- Poquoson has extended an invitation for a Traveling Leo
– Dec. 3. Signups will be at the next meeting. Race is getting tough!!

–Total of 131 students screened
- 9 referred for further examination, 23 photo screened.
- Total of 56 manhours
– Participating Lions – Nancy and John, Steve, Stan, Jeri, Dick.
- Sunnybrook Day School owner- Joan Holmes presented the club with a $250.00 donation.

-->Leadership Development/Lions Information
- Fall Conference – Lion Stan Furman – reminded the Club of the Lions District 24 D 63rd Annual Fall Conference, October 23-24th, Holiday Inn, Virginia Beach. There is no registration fee for attending the District Meeting on Sat.
- Region III Meeting is November 11th at Island House Restaurant in Wachapreague, VA 23480 -$18.00 The members attending are Lions Bob Donnelly, Bob Perrine, Stan and Jeri, Dallas, Nancy, Steve, Otis, and Vickie.

- Thalia Lions collected 427 pairs of glasses, 6 hearing and aids this month.
- Lion Ed reported that the center needs a White Board and supplies and moved that the club donate those items up to $100.00. Motion passed.
- The next Eye Glass Recycling visit is scheduled for November 12th.

-->Fruit Sales: Lion Dallas Divelbiss – distributed order forms. Orders are due at the first meeting in December. -

* Membership – Lion Dick Kreassig – gave a pep talk to the club encouraging members to invite friends, family members, co workers and anyone else as a guest. Spouse membership is especially emphasized this year. With a program like we had presented tonight, convincing people to become members should not be difficult. Lion Dick is optimistic that we will reach our membership goal of 3 additional members this year. He also spoke of the requirements to become a Proud Lion and Proud Sponsor.


Secretary’s Report
– Lion Nancy Watters read a thank you letter from the Adult Learning Center for the Sight and Hearing (S&H) Van Project held there in September.
- Lion Nancy Watters read a letter informing the club that the S&H Van had been placed in the authorized charitable organization brochure for Combined Federal Campaign. Anyone making a contribution to CFC is asked to designate the fund toward the S&H Van Replacement. This major accomplishment is due solely to the efforts of Lion Sol Sherfey.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy.
* Activity Account Balance Oct 21, 2009 - $7,640.53
* Admin Account Balance Oct 21, 2009 - $2,938.00

Birthdays: Lions Stan Furman, Bill Abdalla, Dallas Divelbiss – Bidding to have Lions Jeri Furman and Jim Healy ended in a tie of $20.00 each so Lion Ed DeLong opened bids to hear Lion W.T. Perkins sing. For $8.00 Lion W.T. and his choir gave an unforgettable rendition of “Happy Birthday”!!

- Special: Lion John Watters admitted possession of a certain gavel with quite a fine patina. It must have been quite valuable. After a rousing bidding frenzy the gavel sold to it temporary owner, Lion President Bob Perrine, for $60.00.
- 50/50 raffle: $20.00 – Mike Donnelly; $22.00 – Jesse James


* Oct. 23, 24-Fall Conference – Lions District 24-D - Holiday Inn Exec. Center, VB
* Nov. 4th – Next Regular Thalia Club Meeting – Hot Tuna
* Nov. 6th-7th – White Cane – Birchwood Shopping Center/
* Nov. 11th – Region III Meeting – Island House Restaurant,

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at Hot Tuna Restaurant , on October 21, 2009, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at by President Lion Bob Perrine who acted as chairman, with the following board members and regular members in attendance:
Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Roger Snell, Reg. member
Lion Dallas Divelbiss, Reg.mem.
Lion Bill Pope Lion
Lion John Watters
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Bill Abdalla
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Otis Ethridge, Reg member
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Ed DeLong

The meeting was called to order at

Membership: Lion Bob Perrine asked that the club accept the membership application of Richard Roberts. The Club approved the membership application unanimously.

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
October 7, 2009

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on October 7, 2009, by Lion President Bill Perrine at at Hot Tuna restaurant, SE corner of Shore Dr. & N. Great
Neck Rd.
with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests - 5
Members - 13
Percentage - 59%
Introduction of Guests:
Lion Kimberly Vakos – introduced invited guests John and Janet Hancock – prospective members
Lion Bob Perrine – introduced guest Hank Halvorson – prospective member
Lion Steve Rosnov deferred introduction of Guest Speaker to Lion Mike Keelean, District Sight Conservation Chairperson.

Song - Lion Jim Healy - God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance - Lion Bob Donnelly
Invocation - Lion Jim Healy

Lion Mike introduced Lion Mary Durbin, District Special Needs Equipment and Health Issues by emphasizing the need to think of assisting the needs of anyone who is losing their vision as well as those who are blind.

Lion Mary Durbin identified herself as the “tech” person for the District Special Needs Program. She brought with her and demonstrated many items used to assist people who are blind or have low vision. Most are AC/DC operated or rechargeable though many are battery operated. Battery expense is an issue for those with low vision.Lion Mary explained that these items were costly and that the Department for the Blind and Visually Impaired could help very little unless the person was in school. Veterans programs for the blind, however, provide very good coverage. The present guideline for determining blindness is anyone with 20/200 vision. Anyone with 20/70 is denied a drivers license. Braille cards were available for club members and Lion Mary showed a 200th anniversary U.S. Mint collectable coin in memorializing the birth of Louis Braille. It is the first piece of tactile money coined by the U.S. Mint and is valued at $43.00. The U.S. Mint will donate $10.00 to the Braille Literacy Society for the purchase of each coin.

Temporary recess for dinner –

The business meeting was called to order at by Lion President Bob Perrine

Announcements: Lion Bob I called attention to a recent article “Lions in Sight” from LCI asking for an initiative from Lions Club for public relations activities during the last two weeks of January 2010.

* Gingko Tree: Lion Kimberly Vakos requested the club to purchase a memorial plaque for the Gingko tree that the Club will be planting at Paul’s Auto Service in memory of Paul Sutton. The plaque would cost no more than $150.00. Lion Roger Snell was suggested as a resource for information on the plaque.
Traveling Leo: Lion Steve Rosnov - As of the end of September the Club has earned 342 points, just behind the leaders. Lion Steve has a Traveling Leos scheduled for Surry County Lions, Oct. 20th. It was suggested by Lion Kimberly Vakos that a breakfast Traveling Leo be scheduled.
Youth Activities: Lion Bob Donnelly announced that the Princess Anne High School Leo Club charter has been requested from LCI and that the Club will be official as soon as the charter is granted. He asked that the Club purchase a banner to represent the Leo Club. The Leo Club has had two meetings. Students are bright and aggressive. There was a run-off election for President and V. President and a protest. Elizabeth Connors, 16 yrs. Old, is the new President. There are 14 members from freshman to senior class. Because school clubs cannot pay dues to anyone else their dues are considered internal for Leos.
White Cane – Lion Bob Donnelly passed around a sign-up sheet for scheduling members to work the White Cane event on November 6th and 7th. Lion Nancy Watters volunteered to request from a personal contact that permissions be granted at Collins Square Shopping Center as an additional site. The White Cane event was explained for new members and guest by Lion John Watters.
Ronald McDonald Project report: Lion Bob Donnelly announced that the Club fed about 35 people and left 15 dinners for residents, thus serving a total of 50 people.
Project Homeless Connect- (Norfolk Scope Sept. 30th) - Lion Nancy Watters reported that according to Lion Nancy Cranford, who was in charge of the S&H Van, there were 211 people logged with 150-180 screened. About 100 pairs of reading glasses were dispensed.
Sight Report: Lion Nancy Watters – Reminded the members that preschool eye screenings are scheduled for Sunnybrook Day School October 13-14 and Malibu Oct. 15. Eye screening and its purpose was explained for new members and guests by Lion John Watters.
Fall Conference – Lion Stan Furman – reminded the Club of the Lions District 24 D 63rd Annual Fall Conference, October 23-24th, Holiday Inn, Virginia Beach. There is no registration fee for attending the District Meeting on Sat.
Sight and Hearing Van/ Diabetes Screening, Sept. 26th, Myra Orbendorf Central Library- Lion Bill Pope reported that 43 people were seen. Nine were referred for hearing loss, eight were referred for glaucoma and at least 4-6 were referred for elevated sugar. Virginia Beach Town Center Club shared the cost of the van. Lion Bill will work with the librarian to see if the library will share the cost of the van for next year. The next event for the Sight and Hearing Van will be November 20th at the Adult Learning Center. Lion Ed DeLong will be coordinating that event. Lion Bob Perrine added that Lion Donnie Johnson with Aragona Pembroke Lions Club has agreed for a joint sponsorship of the Sight and Hearing Van at the Old Donation Church Health Fair,
449 North Witchduck Road
on Feb. 20th. The hours are from .
Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters
- The Achievement total for Sept. was 3,496 and the total for the year is 11,836. Excellent!
- Thank you notes were read from Ronald McDonald House for the dinner prepared by the Club and for items donated by individuals and from Lion Nancy Cranford with Oceanside Lions Club for participating in Project Homeless Connect.
- Old computers brought to the Fall Conference and donated to ARC for dismantling would earn the Club 100 points each for computer and 50 points each for monitor. Lion Bob Perrine has 15 or each from his church. Several members acknowledged that they had donations. Anyone wishing to donate those items who are not attending the Conference should contact Lion Nancy, Lion John or Lion Bob I.
- A case (minimum order) of Eye Glass Collection Boxes has been ordered from LCI. The cost with shipping is $77.43. Ten Membership Certificates with this year’s International President’s signature were also ordered at no charge.

* Lions Charity Foundation Meeting- Oct. 19, 2009 – Aberdeen Barn, 5805 North Hampton Blvd., Va. Beach – 6:0opm social, dinner, meeting – cost $18.00 (please enter on right side thru banquet door)
* Region III Meeting – November 11, 2009- Island House Restaurant,
17 Atlantic Ave., Wachapreague, VA 23480
Presidents & Secretary Meeting – Regular Meeting – Reservations due by November 1st.
* World Diabetes Day –Nov 14, 2009 - New Hope Baptist Church in Hampton is sponsoring walk/ride and Nov 15th there is a Lions Stride Walk (and ride) for Diabetes Awareness in Chesapeake. For more information contact Lion Ed Novak, Diabetes Awareness Chair 757 233 4810 or 757 268 4668

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Old Business: Lion Bob Perrine – motion tabled Sept. 2nd to co-sponsor with Chesapeake Hoseta picnic on
Oct. 17th at Fun Forest from for children of the Hampton Roads Chapter of Virginia Parents of the Visually Impaired. The motion was made to approve participation and approved.

New Business: Lion Bob Perrine – co-sponsorship with Aragona Pembroke Club to sponsor the Sight and Hearing Van at Old Donation Church Health Fair (see details in Sight and Hearing Van Report)
Motion was made and approved.

50/50 Raffle:
$20.00 – Lion Jeri Furman
$12.00 – Lion Nancy Watters


* Oct. 8th – Eyeglass Recycling Center –
2040 Broadmoor Ave., Chesapeake

* Oct. 19th -Lions Chairty Foundation Dinner/Meeting
* Oct. 21st.- Next Regular Thalia Lions Club Meeting – Hot Tuna
* Nov. 11th- Region II Meeting, Island House Restaurant,
17 Atlantic Ave., Wachapreague, VA 23480

(deadline for reservations Nov. 1st.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary
October 7, 2009

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at Hot Tuna Restaurant , Oct. 7, 2009, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at by President Lion Bob Perrinne who acted as chairman, with the following board members in attendance:
Lion Bill Pope
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Lion John Watters
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Otis Etheridge (reg.member)
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Kimberly Vakos ( Reg. member)

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at by Lion President Bob Perrine

* Lion Nancy Watters requested a check for $500.00 be approved for Gift of Sight – motion approved.

Lion Nancy Watters moved that initiation and membership dues be adjusted. Justification - LCI does not charge a $25.00 entry fee to second membership is a family and charges ½ the yearly dues for the additional member. It is hopeful that the price break will encourage couples or families to join the Lions Club. Motion passed. Revised rates are as follows:
- Family Membership – Initiation fee for head of household - $125.00
- Initiation fee for spouse or other household member - $100.00
- Quarterly dues for head of household - $75.00
- Quarterly dues for spouse or other household member - $70.00

Lion Steve Rosnov presented a broom order list because stock has been depleted. Order amounts to $2,314.75. Motion was made to approve order and passed.

Lion Bob Donnelly moved that the Thalia Lions Club purchase a banner for our new Leo Club. Price is $154.95. Motion passed.

Lion Bob Perrine asked for a motion to approve purchase of pizza’s ($180.00) for Fun Forest picnic co-sponsored with Chesapeake Host for Hampton Roads Chapter of Virginia Parents of the Visually Impaired. Motion was made and approved.

Lion Bob Perrine asked that a motion be made to co-sponsor the Sight and Hearing Van with Aragona Pembroke Lions Club at the Old Donation Health Fair on Feb. 20th, 2009. Motion was made and passed.

Lion Kimberly Vakos moved that a memorial plaque for the Gingko tree to be planted at Paul’s Auto Service in memory of Paul Sutton be approved not to exceed $150.00. Motion passed.

Meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

September 16, 2009

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Sept 16, 2009, by Lion President Bill Perrine at at Ronald McDonald House,
404 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Meeting was held at Ronald McDonald House and in-cooperated into a service project to prepare a meal for residents of the facility. Thalia Lions, notably Lion Bob Donnelly, his wife, Mary Ann, and son, Mike, prepared Lasagna, Caesar Salad, and Escarole Soup. Members and spouses contributed desserts. All food remaining from the meal was left at the House for other guests not in attendance to enjoy at their convenience.

Call to order: in family room by Lion President Bob Perrine

Introduction of Guests:
*Ms. Cindy Focke – Beacon/Compass –interviewing guests and Lions in service.
* Adrian James – Leo Sponsor –P.A. High School – interest meeting to be held 9/17/09 -
* Hank Halvorsen- prospective member invited by Lion Dick Kreassig
* Lions’ Spouses- Mary Ann Donnelly, Barbette Perrine, Marilyn Pope, Dian Rosnov
* Ronald McDonald House Administrator – Alyse Brown
* Ronald McDonald House Residents(12)– Many briefly shared their stories

Guests 20
Members 16
Percentage 81%

Program: Lion Vickie Kennedy introduced Alyse Brown, Ronald McDonald House Executive Director.
Ms. Brown showed a brief DVD about Ronald McDonald House. Several touching stories were shared by families who had been given accommodation at the house during family hospital stays. It was made quite clear that Ronald McDonald House provides a valuable service to many families from all over the U.S. There are 17 bedrooms with room to sleep approximately 50-55 people. The actual cost of a one night stay is $20.98 but guests are asked to pay only what they are able. The request is only for donations and not mandatory. Ronald McDonald House is truly the house that love built. It was opened on Dec. 10th 1981 and the mortgage has been paid off. It is now fully owned by the cooperation. Lion Vickie, who has just returned from the national convention in Chicago, described the various types of illnesses often seen at the House. Cleft lip and pallet, premature babies, pectus excavatum, water and sports injuries are common. The House works with other agencies such as Baptist Care Center and with local hotels when it is filled to capacity. Many organizations donate time, service and meals to the McDonald House. At this time there are 10 families registered for stay.

* Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Ed Delong – Sept. 26th (10-2) Central Library
4100 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Lion Jeri will be in charge of Diabetes screening. There are 6 people from Virginia Beach Center Club joining us in the project.
* Eye Glass Recycling –Lion Ed Delong –Last scheduled trip was cancelled. From now on we are scheduled from the 2nd Thurs. of each month from and we will be at the new location where the Sight and Hearing Van is stored. We are now allowed to hold the recycled glasses we collect until we make the trip and still are allowed to count the number on the achievement report for the month.
* Preschool Eye Screening –Lion Nancy Watters –passed around a sign up sheet for volunteers the week of October 12th for Sunnybrook, Malibu and Thalia schools.
* Project Homeless Connect – Lion John Watters – Sept. 30 – Scope Arena 215 E. Brambleton Ave, Norfolk – Thalia Lions are requested to assist.

New Business:
* Lion Stanley Furman asked the club’s endorsement in running for the position of First Vice District Governor. Lion Ed DeLong made the motion to approve, Lion Nancy Watters seconded the motion. The motion resoundingly and unanimously carried.

September Birthdays: Lion Dick Kreassig and Lion Stan Furman

Meeting was adjourned for dinner –

* Traveling Leo –Sept. 21st. Central Shore – Crossing Island House Restaurant, Wachapreague
* Operation Homeless Connect – Sept. 30th Scope Norfolk
* Sight and Hearing Van – Sept. 26th Central Library
* Preschool Vision Screening – Week of Oct. 12th
* Fall Conference – Oct. 23rd-24th
* Sight and Hearing Van – Nov. 20th- Adult Learning Center

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

September 2, 2009
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on Sept 2, 2009, by Lion President Bill Perrine at at Hot Tuna Restaurant

with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Guests 9
Members 18
Percentage 81%

Introduction of Guests:
* Lion John Watters introduced our special guests , four of whom accompanied Lion John and Lion Nancy to LAMP/RAM. Mick and Susie Sumnick, Linda Eggleston and her husband Steve, and Barb Iman and her husband Jim.
* Lion Stan Furman introduced 1st Vice District Governor Donna Weiler, and Cabinet Secretary Lion Donnie Johnson.

Song: Lion Jack Wagner – “God Bless America
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Roger Snell
Invocation: Lion Otis Etheridge

New Business:
* Ginkgo Tree – Lion Nancy Watters announced that the club would be given a Gingko Tree for participating in the Fall Conference and then moved that the club dedicate the tree in memory of Lion Paul Sutton. Lion Paul died this year and was a charter member of the Thalia Club. The motion was seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Lion Kimberly Vakos, the current owner of Paul’s Garage and Auto Parts and our newest member, has agreed to chair the Ginkgo Tree Committee. She will find a location for the tree and arrange the dedication.
Ronald McDonald House Meal – Lion Bob Donnelly is arranging the menu and in charge of preparing the meal. Currently the choices include a meat and veggie lasagna, Escarole Chicken soup and Caesar salad. Dessert is open for volunteers to supply ‘Italian Cookies.’ Our meeting will be held after the dinner on Sept. 16th.

Parents of Visually Impaired – Lion Bob Perrine introduced a motion to sponsor and pay for a picnic for this organization at Fun Forest in Chesapeake Virginia. The event is to take place in Chesapeake at the end of September or in early October and will be for 35-40 people plus whatever Lions participate. During the discussion Lion Dick Kreassig said he felt the club may be over extending itself and that we may get into a situation where anyone that comes along would ask us for money. Another Lion [name?] said that Lion Bob should get more information and address the issue at the Sept.16th Ronald McDonald House meeting. There was no second to Lion Bob’s motion and the motion was tabled.

* Traveling Leo – Lion Steve Rosnov
* Broom/Blind Made Sales – Lion Steve Rosnov –Sept. 4 &5th. Lion Steve appreciates the cooperation of the club in signing up for 2hr. periods. He is experimenting with the shift this year. Lion Kimberly and Lion Stan have volunteered to assist in moving brooms to and from Paul’s Garage.
* Diabetes Awareness - Lion Dick Kreassig- plans to piggy-back on the broom sale schedule and have a diabetes screening table set up. He has all the material and signs ready to set up and hopes that there will be a least one person during each shift qualified to do diabetes screening.
* Sight and Hearing Van – Lion Bill Pope – has scheduled the van for Sept. 26th at the Central Library. Six people from Va. Beach Town Center club will help and it is hoped that Diabetes screening will be done in the lobby of the library. Lion Ed DeLong has scheduled the van for the Adult Learning Center on November 20th. Lion Bob Perrine has scheduled the van for Feb. 20th at the Old Donation Church Health Fair.
* Eyeglasses Recycling Center- Lion Ed DeLong is still planning a trip to the recycling center on Sept. 10th. There is a possibility that the Chesapeake center will be open by that time.
* Sight Conservation: Lion Nancy Watters has scheduled the week of Oct. 12th for eye screening at Sunnybrook and Malibu schools. A sign up schedule will be available at the next meeting. About 4-6 people are needed at each screening session. Our RAM guests were invited to participate and have agreed to help.
There were 3 eyeglasses prescriptions and 3 exams authorized this month. Because 2 of the recipients were Medicare patients and examined by Rob Seim, O.D., at a $10.00 fee, the cost for everything was $206.00. A normal exam with Dr. Crafford is $36.00 and the LensCrafter voucher is $50.00.
* Project Homeless Connect – Lion John Watters – Sept. 30th Norfolk Scope. The Sight and Hearing Van will be sponsored by the Ocean side Lions Club and they are arranging the manning of the van. Volunteers will be needed to assist.

The meeting was temporarily recessed for dinner at
The meeting was reconvened at

Introduction of the District Governor by First Vice District Governor Donna Weiler- VDG Donna introduced District Governor Gary Rapier by describing something about him that she had recently learned. Lion Gary, a Deep Creek Lions Club member, met a blind person with a white cane in a local store. In talking with him, Lion Gary asked what was the hardest thing for him as a blind person and how could he help. The gentleman told him that the hardest thing was that he had to pay someone $50.00 to cut his grass and that was just more than he could afford. Since that time Lion Gary, even with the busy schedule of District Governor, has managed to mow that persons grass for free. With that short introduction, Lion Donna felt that there was nothing better to say than to suggest that our District Governor leads by example and that she was honored to be a part of his Cabinet.
District Governor Gary Rapier’s opening comments asked for club participation. After a series of questions, the club was asked to respond “and that’s the way the argument started.” He removed his red jacket and began…When the wife asked “What’s that on the TV?” I answered “dust!” The club responded. “When the wife asked for something that could go from zero to 200 in 30 seconds, I gave her a bathroom scale!” The club responded…..and the lines continued until all were engaged and participating.Engagement and participation are tools Lion Gary illustrated as he described his passion for Lionism. With each point, Lion Gary emphasized the importance of involvement and experience in developing motivation and passion for Lionism. A prime example of that principle is the guests present who were invited to participate in the RAM project. Lion Gary presented each participant with a “Believe in Why” plaque and complimented each for taking their time and money to be a part of the project. Lion Gary stated that he would like to clone the Thalia Club because of our dedication to activities such as HOTV and Diabetes screening. He passed around one of 4 Ginkgo pins given him by the International President to be awarded to worthy people. One pin had already been awarded to Lion Pat Kerr for identifying 4 people to attend the leadership school. The second pin, Lion Gary awarded to our club and placed it on the banner. The remaining two pins will be awarded to worthy Lions of his choosing. Thalia Lions Club was much honored to be the only club in our district to receive a Ginkgo pin.Lion Gary continued to describe how he became a Lions Club member without having the heart of a Lion. Basically it was to spend time with his father after he had lived in Maine for more than 20 years. The change happened when he worked in the Sight and Hearing Van and found that a young girl was actually blind in one eye. No one had discovered the problem before that time. The child had been wearing someone else’s glasses because she could not see well and parents could not afford the exam. That experience made Lion Gary a passionate Lion and as president of his club he impassioned his club. The club went from 9 members to 28 members. Now he never leaves his home without his Lions pin and he encourages everyone to do the same. Lion Gary firmly believes that service is the way to membership and the way to becoming a passionate Lion.

Secretary’s Report – Lion Nancy Watters
* Shared a Thank You note from the nurse at Malibu Elementary School and explained that the money we donated to the school was used to buy clinic needs not supplied by the school system.
* Copies of the Fall Conference registration were made available to club members and it was announced that if you register to please let the secretary know for the achievement report.
* The achievement report total for August was over 8,000 points. Our club has already qualified for the Governor’s Award and earned more points that any club in the entire 58 club district.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy .

The meeting was adjourned at

* Broom Sale – Sept 4th – 5th
* Eye screening – Week of Oct. 12th
* Sight and Hearing Van – Sept. 26th Central Library-Nov. 20th- Adult Learning Center
* Fall Conference – Oct. 23rd-24th
* Eyeglass Recycling Center – Sept. 10th

Respectfully submitted,Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

August 19, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Lion President Bill Perrine at with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.

Guests 20
Members 17
Percentage 74%

Introduction of Guests:
* Traveling Leo – Princess Anne Lions –Lions Eddie and Linda Ackiss, PDG Lion Gerry
and Lion Linda Hickey, Lion Linda’s sister, Becky and Lions Jim and Betty Oglesby.
Thalia Lions Scholarship winner: Rejina Stallings, Mrs. Debra Stallings, mother, and Mr. Alec Keck, grandfather.
Princess Anne High School Leo Club Adviser: Adrian James
Guests of Lion Jim Healy- Dave and Gloria Holmes
PDG Lion Doug Mueller and Lion Darlene (new member induction)
Guest Speaker: Lion Bud Warren
Hampton Pheobus Lions Club: Lion Jackie Crowe, Lion Karen Crowe, Lions Mary Smith, and Lion Les Granger (Joint meeting for new member induction.)

Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Bud Warren, Kempsville Lions Club, PDG, District 24D Treasurer - Crime Line
Lion Bud is on the Board of “Crime Line” and serves as chairman from 1990-1995. His district includes areas from Williamsburg, Suffolk, and Isle of Wight to Va. Beach. There are two full time detectives assigned to work with crime solvers. Reports are totally anonymous. Callers are given an ID number. If the call is determined valid, the information is turned over to the appropriate squad and the investigation is continued. Awards up to $1000.00 are given if efforts result in arrest. Many people make reports just to get the money while others refuse the reward. Calls are taken from disgruntled spouses, drug dealers, and others with ulterior motives but most are from good citizens.Rewards are determined every 3rd Friday of the month. The Board decides who will receive awards and how much. One of the detectives is given cash in an envelope and delivers it to the bank. One teller is given the information and a password for the day. To claim the money, a person must give their ID number and the password. Every effort is made to maintain the anonymity of the caller. Each city uses the same formula for determining the amount of reward. Severity of the crime and number of people arrested are factors.
Crime Line is a universal idea known all over the world by various names, Crime Stoppers, Crime Witness, and Crime Solvers. Started in 1982, a detective in Canada needed assistance in solving a crime and offered a reward with the promise of anonymity to anyone with information.Lion Bud offered interesting charts and statistics illustrating the success of the program in solving crimes and recovering property. (See attached) Crime Solvers is most proud of the arrest and of a carjacker who recently abducted a child in Va. Beach. The child was located in upstate NY within 24 hours. A recent article in the Virginian Pilot lists many of the successes of Crime Solvers including bank robberies, stolen guns, illegal drugs, and residential burglaries. Chief Jaycox of the Virginia Beach Police would like to have many more detectives assigned to the service. For its size Virginia Beach is the safest city in the country.Crime Solvers has a budget of $60,000.00 and has no government funding. From that budget, one detective and one board member goes to a training and publicity conference each year. This year it is in Australia. All office help are volunteers. The detectives are paid by the city but Crime solvers pays for all supplies and materials. Donations are from the community and businesses. Three major fundraisers are held each year, a golf tournament, a Mardi Gras, and a Pig Pickin.’ Lion Bud says that more board members are needed since they only have 21 of 30 positions filled. They look for the “3W’s” (Worker, Wise, and preferably Wealthy!!) Spending about 14 hours per week working with Crime Solvers Lion Bud says that his biggest job is fundraising.

Scholarship Presentation: Lion Bill Pope presented the first installment ($500.00) to Rejina Stallings of Princess Ann High School. Present were her mother, Mrs. Debra Stallings and her grandfather, Mr. Alec Keck. Miss Stallings graciously accepted the check and promised to keep our club informed of her academic progress.

New Member Inductions: Lion Doug and Darlene Meuller inducted two new lions into service.
Lion Kimberly Vakos sponsored by Lion Nancy Watters – Thalia
Lion Karen Crowe sponsored by her mother, Lion Jackie Crowe – Hampton Pheobus

50/50 Raffle – winners were New Lion Karen Crowe -$25.00, Lion Mary Smith -$15.00 and Lion Ed DeLong - $10.00

Temporary recess – – to allow the attending guests opportunity to exit before the business meeting.

Reconvene – 7:30

Traveling Leo Report: Lion Steve Rosnov –Schedule is made and many people have signed up for trips. To date 167 points have been earned.

Broom-Blind Made Sales – Lion Steve Rosnov – All slot were filled for Sept. 4th and 5th except for 12-2 on Sat. New Lion Kim Vakos volunteered to fill that spot.

Eyeglass Recycling – Lion Ed Delong- Members need to sign up for Sept. 10th trip to the Recycling Center to clean, grade, sort, and repair glasses. Lion Ed is planning a working trip the second Thursday of each month.
Meet at Best Buy at , work until and have lunch before returning.

Membership Report / Diabetes – Lion Dick Kreassig – all members are asked to invite people to visit the club and become involved in our service projects. Involvement is the key to membership. Lion Dick described his passion for the cause of diabetes because of his grandson, Scotty. Because it is necessary for members of the club to become certified to screen for diabetes at our project sites, there will be a training session at Lion Dick’s home on Mon. 24th at by Lion Darlene Meuller. We will screen at the broom sale so members are strongly encouraged to attend the session.

Secretaries Report – Lion Nancy Watters –

Eye Bank Dinner – 10 people attended

Committees – each member is asked to check his committee assignment for errors and report any to the secretary. No records of committee assignments were noted on the membership ledger for last year. If you can recount your committee assignments for last year, please let the secretary know as soon as possible.

Leader Dog –a certificate of appreciation was awarded the club for its donation to Leader Dog.

Pin Trader order - Only two orders have been requested for the 2010 Lions of Virginia Leo Pins, to be issued only at the international convention in Australia. If you wish to order a pin, please let the secretary know before the August 23rd deadline.

License Plate holder –only one is remaining to be purchased.

District 24D 63rd Annual Fall Conference – October 23-24. Please see the Knights Vision for registration forms or email the secretary for information.

Ginko Tree – The Ginko tree has become the symbol of this Lions year. Clubs are encouraged to plant a tree(s) in memory or in honor of a member. The club needs to discuss and if approved, select a public location, obtain permission if necessary and plant a tree during the week of April 24th (Arbor Day.) This activity is worth 100 points on the achievement report. Please be thinking about whether we should participate. To understand the reason for the selection of the Ginko Tree, please see the Lions Magazine August issue.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy

Blood Drive-
Lion Jeri Furman – reported that eight people from our club and families participated in the blood drive held Tues. August 17th at Temple Emmanuel. (19 manhours) Lion Jeri was in charge of the blood drive.
Because of the time, all other reports were deferred until the next business meeting.

Announcements and Reminders:
August 24th : Lion Dick’s Home – Diabetes Training
Sept. 3rd-4 th- Broom SaleBirchwood Shopping Center
Sept. 13 – Ronald McDonald House service project and meeting
Sept. 30 – Project Homeless Connect - Norfolk Scope
Sept. 11-13 Lions Multidistrict Leadership Training, Staunton, VA.
Sept. 24 – 26 – 33rd Annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, Memphis, Tennessee
Sept. 26 () Sight and Hearing Van at the Adult Learning Center
Next meeting Sept. 2nd, Hot Tuna – District Governor’s Visit!!

Aug 19, 2009

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at Hot Tuna Restaurant , on August 19, 2009, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at by President Lion Bob Perrine with the following board members in attendance:
Lion Kimberly Vakos
Lion Dallas Divelbiss (not a Board Member)
Lion Bill Pope
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion John Watters
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Ray Ashe
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Otis Ethridge
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Ed DeLong

Minutes of Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order at

Membership: Lion Nancy Watters stated that Lion Don Maskall had paid no dues since 12/07 Lion Ray Ashe had spoken with him but he had taken no action in settling his dues. Lion Nancy moved that he be dropped for non -payment of dues.

Affiliate Membership Dues: Lion Nancy Watters moved that the Affiliate Membership Dues be raised from $50.00 to $60.00 per quarter. The amount would include 3 meals. All extra meals would be at the expense of the member up to the amount of a regular membership fee ($75.00.) The motion was seconded and the vote carried in favor of the motion.

Advertizing Offer - Lion Bob Perrine offered a letter from Bayside Lions Club asking for participation if advertizing in the Beacon. The full page ad will run on Thursday and the following Sunday in late September or early October at a cost of $1,892.00. It will contain as much information on Lionism and its activities as possible without overkill. Our cost would be on a pro rata basis. It was decided that Thalia could not afford to participate in the advertisement.

Meeting Venues: Lion Bob Perrine –Two restaurants are requesting that they be allowed an opportunity to host our meetings, El Taco Loco, Panera Bread Bakery. It was decided that we are happy with Hot Tuna and there is no need to change at this time.

There being no further pressing business, the meeting was adjourned. ()

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary



July 15, 2009
The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on July 15, 2009, by Lion President Bill Perrine at 6:30PM at Hot Tuna restaurant with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song: Lion Ed DeLong- It’s a Grand Ole Flag/Thalia Fight Song
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Otis Etheridge
Invocation: Lion Dick Kreassig
Guests 6
Members 17
Percentage 77%

Introduction of Guests: Traveling Leo – Town Center Club –Lions Bambi Martin, John Stufflebeem, Mary Mathena, Bob Stone, and Pres. Ben Pendleton

Visiting prospective member: Kim Vakos of Paul’s Garage

Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Jim Reid – District 24 D Hearing Conservation Chairperson
Lion Jim reported that the ODU Hearing program is working well and that it had served 12 candidates from District 24 D Clubs. The necessary steps for hearing assistance have been greatly simplified. First the club must qualify the candidate by club standards. Then a Charity Foundation application must be completed. The application is submitted to Lion Sammie Reid. She will follow through making all necessary contacts and gathering information to provide assistance to the applicant. The club contact is responsible getting the Club Board approval and for providing Club billing information. The club contact person is also responsible for collecting a recommended $100 co-pay from the applicant. The co-payment is important to make the applicant more responsible for the hearing aid. The applicant is getting a customized hearing device, a custom ear mold, unlimited follow-up and a 1 year warranty. After the delivery of the hearing aid, the District Hearing Bank will bill the club $350. Further financial aid actions taken by the Charity Foundation will be based on the presentation by the Zone chairperson and his assessment of the financial situation of the club. Lion Jim emphasized that prompt payment is important because he is covering the expense out of pocket and needs speedy reimbursement. Out of the 12 club services he has provided only two have paid. For each applicant tested, the Foundation makes a $50.00 donation to ODU CHEAR. There are now 16 children in the CHEAR class. These children are hearing noise for the first time and Lion Jim is very happy to be part of the project. Lion Jim emphasized that some people could not be helped by hearing aids. Loud does not always mean better. He discourages bilateral cochlear implants in children because hair cell rejuvenation may provide treatment for hearing loss in the future. Cochlear implants for adults are less successful, but for a profoundly deaf child it is life changing.

Award Certificate: Lion Bob Perrine presented Lion Dallas Divelbiss a Certificate of Excellence from Lions International for completing the yearly achievement reports.

Youth Outreach: Lion Bill Pope thanked everyone for hosting in the Youth Exchange BBQ dinner at Virginia Wesleyan College on Sunday, July 13th.

Eyeglasses Collections: Lion Bill Pope reported that he picked up two eye glass recycling boxes from the library to be spruced up since the library has undergone improvements. Lion John Watters and Lion Bill Abdalla each took a box to repaint. Lion Bill also reported that the librarian was interested in having the Sight and Hearing Van at the Library sometime during the October or November. If successful, the library would be willing to split the cost for the event the next year. Town Center Traveling Leo, Lion Bambi Martin volunteered her club to join the project with Thalia and split the cost of the Sight and Hearing Van. Lion Bambi offered her phone number 718-8437 as contact person.

Lion of the Year Award: Lion Bill Pope presented the Lion of the Year Award traveling trophy to Lion Nancy Watters. Lion John Watters offered a brief history of how the trophy came to be. Lion Bob Klotz, recently deceased, found the “Lion sculpture” at a yard sale, donated it to the club and then president, Lion Brad Furman had it mounted on a stained walnut base and started the tradition putting a name plate of the Lion of the Year on the base and awarding it to the person to possess until the next year. Each year the trophy is passed to the person elected by the club as the Lion of the Year.

Lions Medical Eye Bank 30th Annual Dinner and Board Meeting: Lion John Watters reported that 10 people were registered to attend the event on Wed., August 12th at Norfolk Yacht & Country Club.

Region III Meeting: Lion Stan Furman reported that Thalia Club will host the August 13th meeting at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 5181 Princess Anne Rd., Va. Beach, VA. All club members were urged to attend. At least 3 people are needed for set up, 3 for clean – up and several for check in, raffle, etc. Please e-mail Lion Vickie Kennedy at for reservations. Several people volunteered to set up and tend bar.

District 24D Cabinet Meeting and Lions Mobil Sight & Hearing Unit and the Lions Charity foundation of Dist. 24D Meetings: Sunday, July 19th at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in the Brickhouse Auditorium. Refreshments will be served at 1:30pm and the meeting will begin at 2:00pm.

RAM/LAMP: Lion John Watters reported that there are 2 other couples attending the event with him and Lion Nancy. He anticipates that the experience will encourage interest in joining the club. Dates are July 23-26th.

Traveling Leo: Lion Steve Rosnov has made the schedule for the year and already has members signed up to attend the next three Traveling Leos. He is planning an effort that should earn the trophy for our club again.

Membership Report: Lion Dick Kreassig has provided our newest member, Lion Otis Ethridge with necessary information to encourage participation and is working with him on committee assignments. Lion Otis also has lots of support from his sponsor, Lion Vickie Kennedy.

Secretary’s Report: Lion Nancy Watters thanked everyone for cooperation and assistance in verifying dues and for their prompt payment.

Treasurer’s Report: Lion Vickie Kennedy passed out copies of a new way of presenting the financial report for this year which will make it easier to keep track of funds. Beginning balance for this year Administrative fund is $1,294.65. Activity fund balance is $5,854.28.

50/50 raffle: Winners were Lion John Stufflebeem ($15.00) Lion Nancy Watters ($9.00) and someone else ($5.00)

July Birthdays- Since none of the Lions were in attendance, observance was postponed.
Lion Randy Julian July 19th
Lion Rob Seim July 21st
Lion Don Maskall July 22nd.

Meeting Adjourned 8:19pm

Aug. 5th meeting is cancelled.
Next regular meeting, Hot Tuna, Wed. Aug. 19th.
Ronald McDonald House Activity Project – Sept. 16th.

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy M. Watters
JULY 15, 2009The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at Hot Tuna Restaurant , on July 15, 2009, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:30p.m. by President Lion Bob Perrinne who acted as chairman, with the following board members in attendance:
Lion Bill Pope
Lion Nancy Watters, Sect.
Lion Bob Perrine, Pres.
Lion John Watters
Lion Bob Donnelly
Lion Jack Wagner
Lion Steve Rosnov
Lion Stan Furman
Lion Jerri Furman
Lion Otis Ethridge
Lion Jim Healy
Lion Dick Kreassig
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Ed DeLong

Membership: Lion Nancy Watters stated that Lion Don Maskall had paid no dues since 12/07 and that he had not answered phone calls or email. She suggested that the Club consider dropping him from membership. However, Lion Ray Ashe wanted the opportunity to contact him personally before the Club took that action. The action will be revisited at the next Board meeting.

Initiation Fee: Lion Nancy Watters moved that the initiation fee for membership in the Thalia Lions Club be increased from $100.00 to $125.00. International Dues have increased and the amount would cover the cost of 1st quarter dues, LCIF dues, meals, ball cap, lapel name tag, and pin. Charges for other items like vests, license plate holders, etc. would be additional.
The motion was seconded and the vote carried unanimously.

Committee revisions: Lion Bob Perrine announced the following changes in committees and committee chairs.
1. Sight and Hearing Van would be combined with Journey for sight - chairperson Ed Delong
2. RAM and Project Homeless Connect – John Watters
3. Member Care, Health, Social Services and Greeters – Lion Ray Ashe and Lion Jeri Furman
2009-10 Budget: Lion Bob Perrine presented the proposed activities budget with breakdown of mandatory donations and expenses and discretionary donations and expenses. The following changes were decided:
1. LCIF was deleted in the expectation that there would be personal donations within the coming year.
2. Sight and Hearing Discretionary amount of $110.00 was deleted because the mandatory amount of $110.00 added to our previous pledge of $100.00 would almost meet the requirement for State recognition.
3. Bland Contest expense of $500.00 was added due to an oversight.
4. Ronald McDonald House project was added in the amount of $225.00. Money was moved from the Admin budget to cover the expense under Activities.
5. Virginia Association of Parents of Vision Impaired was deleted at this time and will be considered at later date.
6. Plaza Rescue was changed from a discretionary item to a mandatory item.
7. Princess Anne Scholarship would be paid using the interest from the Vanguard Reserve Fund as long as it does not invade the principle.

Fundraisers: The following changes were made:
1. White Cane income was projected at $3000.00 instead of $2,300 – An additional White Cane will be scheduled to account for the increase.
2. Broom sales income was projected at $2000.00 instead of $1,400. – An additional Broom sale will be scheduled to account for the increase.
3. LOVF Drawing was reduced to $900.00 rather than $1,500.00 – a more realistic figure.
4. $225.00 was moved from Administration budget to Activity budget to compensate for the Ronald McDonald House Project. Since Club members’ dues cover meals, there would be no member charge for the Project meal. If we are to count it as an activity, it must be paid for from the activity fund.
A motion was made and seconded to pass the Activities and Fundraising budget. The vote was unanimous to pass both.

Administration Budget – Lion Bill Pope presented the Administration budget and the following changes were made:
1. Charter Night Guest expense was changed from 2 meals ($64.00) to 5 meals ($160.00). There are 3 widows always invited and usually two presenters or one presenter and spouse.
2. $225 was deducted from meals to compensate for the Ronald McDonald Project.
A motion was made and seconded. The Administration budget passed unanimously.

Hearing Aid Assistance: Lion Jeri Furman requested that the Club pay $300.00 for a hearing aid for a person who was able to pay only $50.00 instead of $100.00. The Board approved the request.

Budget Approved by the Board of DirectorsSubject / # - Number of / Cost Per Number /
M = Mandatory (Budgeted Item) /
D = Discretionary (if funds available at year end) /
T = Total

Activities Budget – Expenses Outside Club
Tot Pledges Outside Club
District Diabetes Program / 22 / $3 / M $66
District Diabetes Camp / 22 / $3 / M $66
Sight & Hearing Van / 22 / $5 / M $110
Pledge for Sight and Hearing Van / / / M $100
Sight Conservation / 22 / $2 / D $44
District Picnic for the Blind / 22 / $2 / D $44
5K Fort Story April - Journey for Sight / 22 / $2 / M $44
District Parades & Floats / 22 / $2 / D $44
Food Bank Shelter / 22 / $2 / M $44
Youth Outreach / 22 / $2 / D $44
Youth Camp / 22 / $5 / D $110 / M $110
Bland Contest / 22 / $3 / M $66
Medical Eye Bank / 22 / $5 / D $110 / M $110
Eye Glass Recycle Center / 22 / $4 / M $88 / D $132
VA Hearing Foundation 22 / $2 / M $44
LCF 22 / $3 / M $66
Leader Dog for the Blind 22 / $2 / M $44
Lions of VA Foundation (LOVF) 22 / $2 / M $44
J.E.M. Kosjer Indigent Sight Care 22 / $2 / M $44
Tot Pledges Outside Club> M $1,046 / D $528 / T $1,574

Activities Budget - Thalia Project Expenses
Ronald McDonald House / M $225
Bland Contest (local) / M $500
Glasses and Eye Exams / M $3,200
Plaza Rescue Squad / M $125
Sight & Hearing Van Rental 2 / $150 / M $300
Hearing Aids 3 / $350 / $1 / 50 / M $1,050
Adult Learning Center Scholarship / D $600
Princess Anne Scholarship / D $1,000
Thalia Elementary Health Clinic / M $200
Malibu Elementary Health Clinic / M $200
King's Grant Elem Health Clinic / M $200
Youth Camp Parade of Nations / M $527
Total Thalia Project Expenses > M $6,527 / D $1,600 / T $8,127
Total Activities Budget Expenses > M $7,573 / D $2,128/ T $9,701

Activity Budget Income (Fund Raisers)
White Cane - $3,000
Broom - $2,000
Fruit Sale - $1,000
LOVF Drawing - $900
Umbrellas/ flags - $448
Ronald McDonald House - $225
Total Activities Budget Income > M $7,573/ D $0/ T $0
Activities Budget Debt > M $0 / D $2,128 / T $2,128
Carry over from prior year > $6,381
End of 2010 year surplus estimate > M + D $4,253

Administrative Budget – Expenses / # / per / Amount
Meals 300 / $15 / $4,500
Ronald McDonald House meal / 15 / $15 / $225
Guest Meals / 25 / $15 / $375
State Dues / 22 / $16 / $352
LCI Dues / 21 / $39 / $819
Postage / $9
Supplies / $50
Awards / $200
State Convention / 2 / $25 / $50
Governor's Ball / $0
President / Secretary Meals / 6 / $16 / $96
District Officers' Training / 4 / $5 / $20
Charter Night Guests / 5 / $32 / $160
Governor's Official Visits / 2 / $15 / $30
Flowers, card, donations / $50
Sate corp. fee / $25
District answering service / $20
District membership workshop / 2 / $22 / $44
Public relations / 1 / $22 / $22
Holiday party / $125
Total Administrative Budget Expenses > $7,172

Administrative Budget - Income
Dues - Active / 18 / $300 / $5,400
Dues - At Large / 3 / $116 / $348
Dues - Life Member / 1 / $78 / $78
Birthday Fines / $1,100
Total Administrative Budget Income / $6,926
Admin Debt (Income - Expenses) > -$246

The meeting was adjourned 9:16 pm

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary

Charter Night Program June 15, 2009,
Lion President Bill Pope
Patriotic Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of Special Guests
President calls for Recess for dinner
Remarks by outgoing Thalia Lions Club President
Lion Bill Pope
Presentation of Awards
Remarks by Guests of Honor
Lion PDG Clay Senecal
Lion PDG Barbara Senecal
Immediate Past President Lion Bill Pope
passes Gavel of Office to President Lion Bob Perrine
Remarks by Lion President Bob Perrine

District 24D Meeting – June 11th, 2009 - Khedive Temple, Chesapeake, Va. (Woodland Rd.) Those attending are Lions John and Nancy Watters, Lions Stan and Jeri Furman, Lion Bob Donnelly, Lion Dallas Divelbiss, and Lion Steve Rosnov.

District Governor-ELECT Lion Gary T. Rapier spoke to the new Club Officers after the meeting,
"Great seeing most of you at the District Meeting. I hope you enjoyed the evening. We are in for an exciting year, glad you are on board for the ride. Thank all of you for stepping forward in leading your clubs this year. Our District team , which I am very proud of, will be available to you all year long. We have made some changes in the Structure of the Zones and added two new Zone Chair positions. We have also deleted the Region Chair Position. The new 2nd VDG Lion Al Miller and Zone Chairs will assume most of the responsibilities that the Region Chair had. We handed out Secretary packets at this District meeting. If you did not get one, please contact Lion Donnie Johnson or your Zone Chair. In this packet is a CD with lots of information and resources for you to use. A copy of the District Governor's Achievement Rules for 2009-2010 is on there, also a PDF document about my Visions and Goals for the year. Please make sure you check these items out and offer input to me. Also on this CD is several documents that will assist you in reaching out to your community and find the needs that exist. This is very important, Lions need to be seen, need to be relevant in their own community. The Documents "Community Assessment" and "Making it Happen" will be the documents we will encourage you and your clubs to explore. This year we will be seeking ways to find the passion in what we do, and in some cases resurrecting the passion to actively serve. We believe that if you and your members are passionate about the programs and service you provide all year, others will join us to get the opportunity to serve and help. As leaders, please take a hard look at your club. If you are satisfied with the level of activity and you are getting new members seeking to join you to help, then we celebrate your clubs success and vitality. If this is not the case, then we would like to encourage and help you find your passion to serve. Your Zone Chairs will be contacting you soon. Please welcome them and allow them to offer their help. Personally, I will be available to all of you anytime. Call me anytime before 11pm or email me. I am very excited at the potential of this year. It is on the back of Passion that we will make great and wide paths through serving our community. It is our hope that when a citizen travels through our community, they will see that Lions have been there.Make sure you get in your request for my visit with you. You can mail them or e mail.Enjoy the Rest of June. Again, thanks for leading your club. You will do great!--Move to grow; Believe in why,
Lion Gary T. Rapier, District Governor-ELECT 2009-2010 District 24 D Virginia
757-469-5493 cell
757-967-9970 Work
757-487-5190 Fax

" The limitations we accept in our clubs, establish boundaries for our Lions experience."

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on June 3, 2009, by Lion President Bill Pope at 6:30PM at Hot Tuna restaurant, SE corner of Shore Dr. & N. Great Neck Rd. with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song: Lion Ed DeLong- It’s a Grand Ole Flag/Thalia Fight Song
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Bob Donnely
Invocation: Lion Stan FurmanATTENDANCE
Guests: 1
Members: 14
Percentage: 66

Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Bob Perrine–-Lion Jeff Jacobs, John M. White Youth Camp. Thalia Lions Club will provide dinner for the campers on Sunday, July 12th, Parade of Nations night. Jeff passed out a schedule for the evening and a list of campers by name, age, sex and country. Camp will start within 2 weeks and there will be 30 kids from 19 countries attending. One will be a US camper specifically chosen to interact with the others and answer questions that they would possibly not ask an adult. Students are placed in US homes for 2-3 weeks and become the total responsibility of the parent family. Formal consent forms are signed by their parents to avoid liability. The students are picked up from the airport and taken directly to D.C. to attend a baseball game. These kids are accustomed to soccer but know very little about baseball. From the ball game they are taken to the camp which is an hour’s drive from D.C. The camp is an old Boy Scout camp and is owned by 24D. It is very rustic. From the road where the bus stops with the students, it is a two mile walk to cabins. 2/3rds are girls and only 9 are guys but they all carry their own luggage to the cabins. One cabin is for all 21 girls and a counselor. The mattresses were all so old and infested that they were destroyed last year and the camp is looking for cheap air mattresses. Bug bombs must be burned all night lest the inhabitants be invaded. The lunchroom and restroom is about ¼ mile away. For the girls there are 4 spigot showers on the wall. Most girls shower in bathing suits. European customs are often much more liberal than in the US and many guidelines must be drawn. One major issue is smoking. About 50 – 75% of the campers smoke. The punishment is not worth getting caught. Patches can be given to those who cannot handle the habit. The primary rule of the camp is “no physical contact”. All rules are defined very clearly as soon as the campers arrive. Counselors assign seats specifically to avoid problems as soon as the campers are picked up at the airport. The slightest infraction is cause to send a camper home. What is acceptable behavior and language is also covered. Ages of campers range from 16 to 19. So it is important that they learn to lead as well as follow. Each night there are topics for discussion such as prejudice, religion, gay rights, etc. Nothing is off limits. All interaction is encouraged in an effort for campers to accept each other equally. Only English may be spoken. That avoids anyone felling left out. Usually English is no problem because most of these students have been speaking 2 or more languages for 5-8 years. Many of the kids come from very wealthy families, most with connections to Lionism. Living rustically sometimes becomes quite a challenge for many who have lived rather pampered lives. Many of these kids are the likely leaders of tomorrow. It is hoped that when they are in leadership positions in their home countries, they will remember some of the lesson of unity learned in the camp. The goal of the camp is to get them to stop looking at each other as different. Lion Jeff says that the “trick is to get them to like each other without getting them to like each other too much!!” The John M. White Youth Camp is in the top ten of all Lions Youth Camps, of which there are about 300. Activities are very structured with little down time. Campers only sleep an average of 5-6 hrs. each night. Some of the places the campers go include Bush Gardens, Water Country, Eye Bank, Holiday House, and Ropes in Wakefield. The Parade of Nations night allows the campers to talk about their country and offer their talent. Each camper prepares their presentation themselves and they have limited computer time for help.
The whole camp process is very expensive. The cost of the bus alone for a day’s activities is $1,000.00. Therefore time is extremely important. The camp needs support from the district. For the last 5 years the budget has not changed and the camp has managed to maintain the same expenses. That is because clubs like ours provide meals and make donations to defray costs. The experience of camp and the relationships formed are long lasting. Facebook has hundreds of hits from former fellow campers. Italy is having a reunion in 2010 for campers that wish to see each other again. Kids keep the contact going for years. It is evident that the Youth Camp has a very strong impact on the lives of the campers and is a very worthwhile Lion project.

President’s Announcements and Reports:

Application for Membership: Lion Vickie Kennedy offered the application of Otis Etheridge for membership into our club. Otis is an old friend of the club and is a published author. His check for $100.00 was accepted and the club voted him into membership.

Charter Night – Lion Nancy Watters that the Charter Night reservation was up to 27 people with three to yet respond. Guests for the evening are Fran Powell, Yvonne Smith, Nick Buonopane, and Lions Barbara and Clay Senecal. The Senecals will induct our new member, Otis Etheridge.

August Meetings – The club voted to have one meeting in August on Wed. 19th.

Umbrellas- Lion Jim Healy explained that we can get no more umbrellas to sell. Though we have a good supply (7-8- cases of 48 each) Lion Dave Harris’s club want to purchase100 umbrellas from us. The club voted not to sell the umbrellas to another club. *Later discussion suggested that Lion Jim offer the umbrellas to the Kent Club for $10.00 each. The club could then sell them for whatever price they choose.l

Service Project/Program – Lion Steve Rosnov suggested that on Sept. 16th we meet and provide a meal for the families at the Ronald McDonald House. The idea gained quick approval. Preparation for 10-15 people is involved.

Youth Camp Project: Please be at Va. Wesleyan by 5:00 pm on July 12th. Set up will be outside probably behind the dining hall area between the dorms. Tables and chairs will be provided. Lion Bill is ordering BBQ and chicken, cold slaw, potato salad and baked beans.
The following is a list of items and assignments:
Lion Bill Pope - Sterno, powdered lemonade, aluminum tray racks,
Lion Stan Furman – cutterly, plates, serving utensils, paper towels,
Lion Nancy Watters – trash bags, cups

Sight Report – Lion Nancy Watters offered the yearend report - 25 Prs. of glasses, 19 exams costing the club a total of $1,876.00. 7 recipients were from Luther Manor and 5 were students.

State Convention Report – Lion Stan Furman – Convention was well attended, 70 from 24D. The only club with more was 24A where the convention was held. The Constitution and Bylaws were changed to accommodate the election for District and Vice District Governors. District 24D was the only district where both candidates were running for both offices. Lion Donna Weiler was elected a 1st and Lion Al Miller as 2nd. The LOV raffle was won by someone in 24D and F.

Secretary’ Report – Achievement report was made for month of May.

Treasurer’s Report – See attached

June Birthdays - None

Raffle: 50/50 won by Nancy Watters - $22.00

Adjournment: 8:29

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy M. Watters
Secretary in training

· Annual District Meeting – June 11th Khedive Temple
· Charter Night – June 17th – Broad Bay Country Club
· No meeting – July 1st.
· Youth Exchange Camp Dinner- Parade of Nations – July 12th Va. Wesleyan

*amended June 6, 2009

Call to Order: 6:30 pm by Lion Bill Pope, President
Song: Lion Ed DeLong- Thalia Lions Club Song
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Bill Pope
Invocation: Lion Dick Kreassig
Guests - 0
Members - 13
Percentage - 59

Guest Speaker Lion Jim Reid was unable to keep the speaking commitment because of his wife’s illness.

President’s Announcements and Reports:

Donation - A donation of $100.00 has been made by Nancy Rantanen in memory of Lion Bob Klotz. The money will be sent to LCIF and placed toward a future Melvin Jones Award.

Virginia Beach Host Club requested permission to sell brooms year round at the 39 Cent Store at Birchwood Shopping Center. The Club voted not to allow the privilege because it infringed upon our sales venue and hurts our sales.

Bayside Lions Club –Lion Dudley Godwin asked permission for their club to sell brooms on the perimeter streets of our territory. The Club voted to allow permission because we do not go door to door and the privilege does not hurt our sales.

Broom Sale – Lion Bob Perrine reported the total of broom sales was $1,515.60 plus $33.00 in donations. It was suggested that the sale not be held on Mother’s Day weekend again because people want to buy flowers/perfume instead of brooms. It was also suggested that there be more than one weekend for broom sales and that sales continue until 6:00 pm rather than end at 4:00 pm.

Lions Youth Exchange – Lion Bob Perrine has arranged for Jeff Jacobs, director of the John M White Youth Program to speak to our club on June 3rd. He will answer any questions concerning our project to provide a meal for the exchange students on Sunday, July 12th for their Parade of Nations Night. The location is Wesleyan College, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
Lion Bill Pope has a commitment from Malbon Brothers to provide BBQ for about 60 people with all the fixings for a very reasonable price. The club must provide beverages and serve the meal. Items that need to be provided by the club are: wire racks for Sterno use, two ten gallon water coolers to be rented at @6.00 each for drinks, Two large lemonade powder containers, serving pieces, Sterno, paper towels. Total cost should be under $600.00. Lion Vickie Kennedy offered to donate Girl Scout Cookies from Ronald McDonald House for dessert.

Charter Night – Lion Nancy reported that most members had responded to the Charter Night information and that Lions Clay and Barbara Senecal had responded in the affirmative. It was also decided to invite spouses of deceased Lions. ( Fran Powell, Linda Gundel, and Yvonne Smith)

Vice District Governor Vote –Lion Stan asked that the club allow him and Jeri, our club representatives to cast the vote at their discretion. After much discussion a move was made Lion Ed Delong that the vote be cast for Lion Al Miller first and Lion Donna Houser second. The move was seconded. In the following discussion, Lion John Watters clarified the point that if the motion did not carry, the alternative was that the first vote would be for Lion Donna Houser and the second for Lion Al Miller. There would be no further need of a vote. The vote was 3 in favor of voting for Lion Al Miller first and 6 opposed. The decision is that Lion Stan and Lion Jeri will cast their votes for Lion Donna Houser first and Lion Al Miller second.

As of yet Lion Stan and Lion Jeri do not have registration cards to prove their eligibility as delegates. Lion Bill Pope will make the necessary contacts to rectify the issue.

Annual District 24D Meeting –The following people are slated to attend the last district meeting on June 11th at the Khedive Temple, 645 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320 (6-9pm): Lions Stan and Jerri Furman, Lions Nancy and John Watters, Lion Bill Pope, Lion Steve Rosnov, Lion Dick Kreassig.

Resignation – We were sorry to accept the resignation of Lion Carl Welch.

Announcements from the floor:

Lion John Watters asked if anyone would like to hear a program on the LAMP project. It has been suggested that we have more programs that describe Lions activities that are relevant to the community. LAMP occurs in July. After this year’s event, a program will be presented.
Discussion followed concerning programs that could be given by committee chairpersons in the club. Many committees have information that would be helpful and interesting if shared .
Lion Steve, who is in charge of programs for the coming year asked for clarification. There is still room for outside programs of interest but there are available speakers in the club who would be worthwhile. Lion Stan suggested that a meeting be scheduled sometime in the new Lion’s year at the New Lions Medical Eye Bank.

Lion Stan Furman – announced that there were 140 LOVF tickets sold this month. The total for the year is 980. He requested a check in the amount of $320.00 for the tickets to take to the State Convention. The club made $640.00 from the ticket sales.

Lion Vickie Kennedy asked the club to provide a “comfort meal” to the Ronald McDonald House. The date and menu is to be determined. Several club members answered enthusiastically. Lions Bob Donnley, Steve Rosnov, Jack Wagnor, Ed Delong, John Watters and Stan Furman all responded favorably.

Secretary’ Report –none
Treasurer’s Report – See attached

May Birthdays – Lion Brad Furman (1st) Lion Nancy Watters ( May 27th)Lion Jack Wagnor graciously sang Happy Birthday to Lion Nancy

Raffle: 50/50 won by Ed DeLong - $23.00

Adjournment: 7:52 pm

Reminders: Next regular meeting – June 3rd, 6:30 – Hot Tuna
State Convention – May 28 – 31 – Tyson’s Corner
24 D District Meeting – June 11, 2009 – Khedive Temple

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy M. Watters
Secretary in training

Brief, Informal Board Meeting – 8:30Lion Nancy Watters requested the purchase of 10 visits to Dr. Crafford for eye exams. -$360.00. Board appoved and the check was written by Lion Vickie Kennedy.

OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR CLUB MEETING MAY 6th, 2009The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on May 6, 2009, by Lion President Bill Pope at 6:30PM at Hot Tuna restaurant, SE corner of Shore Dr. & N. Great Neck Rd. with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song: Lion Ed DeLong- When You’re Smiling
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Jeri Furman
Invocation: Lion John Watters
Guests: 1
Members 16
Percentage 72

Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Steve Rosnov – Gino Colombara, Executive Director of the Southeastern Virginia Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association for past 14 yrs.

Mr. Colombara received the 2001 Virginia Beach Human Rights Commission Award for the support of human rights programs in the community. He was one of five Executive Directors in the country to be invited to serve on the National Alzheimer’s Association Management Team from 1999 through 2000. He became active in the Alzheimer’s organization because of his experiences in the late 1980’s as an only child caring for his father in his struggle with the disease. Mr. Colombara began by commending our Lions Club for its active engagement in projects and issues. He believes that such activity is a good delay or prevention to Alzheimer’s disease. He stated that it is a myth to believe that Alzheimer’s disease is a normal part of aging. It is a disorder of the brain that is fatal. Alzheimer’s keeps a person from performing normal daily functions. 5.3 million people in the U.S. and over 100,000 in this state suffer from the disease. There is a person diagnosed every 70 seconds in the U.S. It is the 6th leading cause of death. While other causes of deaths are on the decline, Alzheimer’s is on the increase. 20 years from now it is estimated that over 400 billion dollars a year will be spent for Alzheimer’s care, more than enough to bankrupt Medicare. Alzheimer’s affects more that the elderly. One out of 8 patients are 65 years or younger. In a recent Alzheimer’s support and education class started by his organization, one is 42 year old and another is 37. More and more people are in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Diagnosis of memory problems may take 1-2 years. He stated that there is no infrastructure for care for that group of people. Dementia is an umbrella term for all progressive memory loss. Seventy percent of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. Other examples are Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease, alcohol related dementia, vascular related dementia, and Lewy body dementia. All dementias lead to the same thing. A simplified description of the disease is that brain neurons build plaque and tangle creating gaps between branches. As the disease progresses the memory lapses are larger and longer. At present there are about 5 medications for Alzheimer’s disease that only treat symptoms and may delay damage for about 6 months. The goal is to stop the progression of the disease. Mr. Colombara offered a brochure with the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. He emphasized that the most common description of the disease by the patient is loneliness. Therefore a support network is extremely important to both patient and family. Many conditions such as vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, heart problems, may cause memory loss symptoms similar to dementia. Predisposition to Alzheimer’s can possibly be determined by genetic testing, protein analysis, and family history. There are 72 Alzheimer’s Chapters in the U.S. All services are free, e.g. respite care, education programs, family consultations, classes and more. The organization partners with law enforcement, Hospice, Safe Return, Medical Alert, Project Life Saver, Eldercare and many more services. It has a free newsletter provided to over 6000 individuals and is published on line as well. Mr. Colombara charged our club to become ambassadors for Alzheimer’s. It is a gray disease often sloughed off as “getting older” or “having a senior moment.” The earlier the diagnosis is made the better. He likes the motto “Hope for tomorrow and Help for today.” Research is nearing a cure, possibly within 5-10 years. Many good drugs are on the horizon that will stop of at least slow the progress of the disease. Mr. Colombara left us with lots of brochures and useful information including news of a Memory Walk and a “Sweet Memories” event in conjunction with Hospice to be held at the Cavalier Golf and Yacht Club on May 17th.

President’s Announcements and Reports:

Scholarship Selection - Committee met and selected students for both Adult Learning Center and Princess Anne High School. Winners were:
* Adult Learning Center – Skye Fibish (sp) $600.00 to be presented at the Convention Center Ceremony in May.
*Princess Anne High School – Regina Stallings - $500.00 will be presented to the student at the July meeting. $500.00 will be presented to her when she submits grade sheets showing completion of semester work.

Broom Sale – Lion Bob Perrine reported that he, Lion Steve, and Lion Jim would load the brooms to be sold early Friday morning and that the sale would begin at 10:00a.m. in the Birchwood Shopping Center Parking Lot. Please note the Broom schedule to verify your time slot for working. Club members were asked to take extra flyers and post them in as many public places as possible. Lion Steve has arranged for someone from the Beacon to interview a representative group of club members and to take pictures between 10:00 – 11:00 on Friday. The interest was generated by the editor of the Beacon who spoke to our group at the last meeting.

Lions Youth Exchange – Lion Bob Perrine has arranged for Jeff Jacobs, director of the John M White Youth Program to speak to our club on June 3rd. He will answer any questions concerning our project to provide a meal for the exchange students on Sunday, July 12th for their Parade of Nations Night. The location is Wesleyan College, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
Lion Bill Pope has a commitment from Malbon Brothers to provide BBQ for about 30 people with all the fixings for a very reasonable price. The club must provide beverages and serve the meal.
Jack Wagner moved that we approve the project and the following amendments were added.
The first meeting in July will be cancelled in lieu of the project; the number of people will be increased to 60 to include club members and spouses, and all leftovers including paper product, food, etc. will be donated to the Judeo Christian Outreach Center.

White Cane –Lion Steve Rosnov gave a comprehensive report on the White Cane collection broken down into hourly collection segments. Total collection for the two days was 1,042.50, plus $70.00 worth of umbrella sales. 5 Pairs of eyeglasses were also collected. (See attached report for more details)

Charter Night – Lion Nancy Watters reported that an email had been sent to all members asking for an RSVP for number of persons to attend and menu choice. The cost is $32.00 per person with a $15.00 meal credit applied to the club member. Cost for club member and non member spouse would be $49.00 to be billed by the secretary. Lion Nancy will add Lions Clay and Barbara Senecal to the invitation list.

Officer’s Training – Lion Nancy reported that she attended the leadership workshop along with Lions Bob Donnley and Lion Bob Perrine. The workshop was very helpful and a bit intimidating. Lion Nancy gave Lion Vickie Kennedy the 09-10 manual for the treasurer’s position since she was not able to attend the workshop.

Journey for Sight –Lion Bill Pope reported that Lion Dan Hurley had written a thank you note and included a picture of our members participating in the project taken by Lion Al Miller.

Secretary’ Report – Achievement report was made for month of April.

Treasurer’s Report made by Lion Vickie Kennedy

May Birthdays – Lion Brad Furman (1st) Lion Nancy Watters ( May 27th) acknowledgement delayed until next meeting.

Raffle: 50/50 won by Ed DeLong - $35.00

Adjournment: 8:25

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy M. Watters
Secretary in training


1 Next Regular Meeting, May 20th at Hot Tuna
2 Broom Sale, May 8&9, Birchwood Shopping Center

Brief, Informal Board Meeting – 8:30

Lion Nancy Watters requested the purchase of 10 visits to Dr. Crafford for eye exams. -$360.00
Board appoved and the check was written by Lion Vickie Kennedy.

The regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order on April 15, 2009, by Lion President Bill Pope at 6:30PM at Hot Tuna restaurant, SE corner of Shore Dr. & N. Great Neck Rd. with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song: Lion Ed DeLong- It’s A Grand Ole Flag
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Jim Healy
Invocation: Lion Dick KreassigATTENDANCE
Guests: 3
Members: 14
Guesdt Speaker: 1
Percentage: 64

Introduction of Guests:
Traveling Leo –Hampton Roads Blind Lions Club – Lions Evonne Greene and Jessie Olds
The Traveling Leo announced that they are having a Breakfast at Appleby’s at Lynnhaven on April 25th as a fund raiser. The money raised is to be used for computer software for the blind. Tickets are $5.00 each.

Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Steve Rosnov
Mr. David Schleck, Editor of the Beacon, The Virginian Pilot
Topic: His journalism career and discussion of the Beacon
* Mr. Schleck’s job at the Beacon is to edit and make assignments. A native of this area, Mr. Schleck attended Allanton Elementary school, Lynnhaven Jr. High and Cox High School. He graduated from James Madison Univ. in 1992. Just out of college, he took a job as a police reporter in the “quiet” little town of Lynchburg. Though most of his time there was spent listening to the police scanner, his very first case was a capital murder. Later he took a job covering religious news. In Lynchburg that meant Jerry Falwell. But at that time Falwell refused to talk to the press so he spent his time covering other parts of the religious community who appreciated attention. Taking a job with the Daily Press in Newport News, Mr. Schleck covered science and environment issues during the time of the space shuttle Columbia accident. Since Langley was under his coverage, he was expected to interview the engineer who had expressed concerns about the tiles on the skin of the space shuttle being damaged upon re-entry. That report made national news because of the accident and the fact that NASA had not acted on the expressed concern. Mr. Schleck found this assignment to be his most challenging. He was quite uncomfortable knocking on the door of the engineer who refused to be interviewed.
Mr. Schleck shared that his most rewarding assignment was with a Newport News couple who had a seriously disabled child. He spent a year with the family exploring their religious beliefs, their faith, and their doubts in expecting a healing for their child. When the job of Beacon Editor opened, David felt ready and considered it an inspirational challenge. He had always been familiar with the Beacon and liked the fact that the news was generally positive. Always eager to improve the publication, Mr. Schleck then asked the Thalia Lions for comments on the paper. He found that most of the members of the club have home delivery of the Pilot and the Beacon. He discussed the unusual numbering of pages in the Beacon and explained the reasoning. Since there are five locales in Va. Beach where the Beacon is distributed, the paper is customized in each local with the particular news of interest. Advertisers for each locale are also customized. Therefore the insert section of each local will be different and may have a different number of pages. Two areas being considered for the Beacon are a crime report listing burglaries and robberies and a milestone section listing awards and promotions sponsored by businesses. Because there are so many milestone listings, the Beacon is struggling with the ability to afford the printing of all requests. Though Mr. Schleck has a degree of ethical concern asking for sponsorship from the business community, he feels that it may be a necessary method of continuing publication.
* Q&A: The club offered several comments and compliments to Mr. Schleck concerning the Beacon and particularly noted Mary Reed Barrow’s Coastal Journal section. When asked if the Pilot was still profitable, Mr. Schleck assured us that the Pilot was doing well. By reducing the number of employees and by reducing the size of the paper, they have made adjustments to stay sound. However he explained that the Pilot was far behind in selling cost compared with other newspapers and that we would soon hear of subscription and advertizing rate increases.

President’s Announcements and Reports:
* Lions license plates and decals: Lion Bill asked for a count of the number of people with Lions licenses plates and decals. Only one person had a license plate and nine had decals on their cars. All those who had no decal were given one. We are given achievement points based on the display of decals and licenses plates.
* State Convention: Lions Stan and Jeri Furman will attend the State Convention at the Sheraton Premiere, Tyson’s Corner on May 28-31, 2009. ($99.00 per night)
* Broom Sale: Lion Bob Perrine will make a signup sheet available for those willing to work the broom sale (May 8-9) in front of B.J.’s at Birchwood Shopping center. He thanked Lions Nancy and John Watters, Lion Jack Wagner, and Lion Bill Pope for helping unload the truck and storing the blind made products at Paul’s Garage on Tuesday afternoon. Lion Bob made Broom Sale advertisements and price sheets available for all members to distribute to friends and businesses.
* Lions Youth Exchange: Lion Bob Perrine (see Board meeting minutes for information)
* Lion of the Year: Lion Bill Pope distributed ballots and a vote was taken to select this year’s recipient. Presentation will be made on Charter Night.
* Charter Night: Lion Nancy Watters reported that the date of June 17th was confirmed with Broad Bay Country Club and the deposit of $100.00 was made. Closer to the date, members will be asked for confirmation of attendance and menu choice. Lion Bill added that Lions PDG’s Clay and Barbara Senecal will do the installation of officers that evening.
* American Flag Fundraiser: Lion Jim Healy reminded the club that one of our greatest percentages of profit fundraisers is the American Flag kit. For $30.00, the kit includes the bracket, the pole, a 3X5 embroidered, weatherproof and non- furling flag. Our club earns $7.00 - $8.00 per kit.
* White Cane: Lion Steve Rosnov distributed the schedule for April 10-11. Because of work conflict, Lion Roger Snell was replaced on the schedule by Lion Bob Perrine. A collection sheet will be completed at the end of each shift so that records will be clearer. It is requested that workers wear Lion vests and /or Lion caps.
* Journey for Sight: Lion Bill Pope announced that we had five water boys and one runner.
* Meeting location: Lion Bill and Lion Bob Perrine asked for a vote on meeting at the Hot Tuna or at the Japanese Buffet. The club voted by large majority for Hot Tuna.
* Important Announcements from the floor:
- Lion Vicki Kennedy announced that her friend, Otis Etheridge, (who has visited our club on occasion) will have a book signing on April 26th at Chesapeake Conference Center from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. There will be a cash bar and heavy hors d’oeuvres. The title of the book is Daddy’s Boy.
- Lion Nancy Watters offered the Tail Twister’s “collection Lion” to the highest bidder starting at $10.00. The Tail Twister, Lion Stan Furman purchased his possession for $12.00. The lesson is that you must protect what you have lest someone sell it to the highest bidder!
* Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vicki Kennedy (see attached)
* Secretary’s Report –Lion Dallas Divelbiss – none
* Raffle: 50/25-25 Raffle won by Lion Roger Snell ($13.00) PLUS- Red Pouch money- $361.00 Congratulations to Lion Roger – he picked the JOKER and won the Pouch!! Lion Roger returned $60.00 to the Club as a donation!! Thank you, Lion Roger!!

Adjournment 8:15pm
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy M. Watters
Secretary in training

1 Next Regular Meeting, May6th at Hot Tuna
2 Broom Sale - May 8,9 & 10th. ( Lion Bob Perrine)
3 White cane sale – April 17th & 18th ( Lion Steve Rosnov)
4 Officer Training and New Member Orientation – April 18th – Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Center, Hampton – Lion Nancy Watters, Lion Bob Perrine, , LionBob Donnley are attending

OFFICIAL MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGThe Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at Hot Tuna Restaurant , on April 15, 2009, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:20p.m. by President Lion Bill Pope who acted as chairman, with the following board members in attendance:
Lion Bill Pope, President
Lion Nancy Watters, Sight
Lion Bob Perrine, 1st VP
Lion John Watters, Immediate Past Pres.
Lion Roger Snell member
Lion Steve Rosnov, Membership
Lion Stan Furman, Tailtwister
Lion Jerri Furman, Lion Tamer
Lion Jim Healy, 2nd VP
Lion Dick Kreassig, Director Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.

Minutes of Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 pm

Gift of Sight: A request was made by Lion Nancy Watters for a check in the amount of $500.00 to LensCrafters for Gift of Sight. Approved by vote.

Websites: Lion Bob Perrine suggested to the club that Lion Randy Jullian keep a free website for the club to be used as our presence in the public eye. The blog site that is kept by Lion Bob would generally be used for members of the club. The action was approved by vote of the membership

Committee revisions: Lion Bob Perrine requested that committee chairpersons should look over the committee description of duties. If the description is not accurate, please revise the description. The list of committees will be distributed by email. New members are asked to select the committees of their choice. If a member is on numerous committees, you may elect to remove your name. The effort is to help new members take a more active role in activities.

Youth Exchange – Lion Bob Perrine reported that our club has been asked to provide a pot luck meal for the Youth on July 12th at Wesleyan College. He suggested that we provide food for a total 50 at their Parade of Nations night. After some discussion, the board decided to gather a little more information before making a commitment.

The meeting was adjourned 8:40pm
Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary in Training
The Apr 1, 09 regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order by Lion President Bill Pope at 6:30PM at Japanese Buffet, Regency Shopping Center (formerly Old country Buffet and others) Laskin Rd., Virginia Beach, Va. with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.
Song: Lion Ed DeLong
Pledge of Allegiance: Lion Jack Wagner
Invocation: Lion Bob Perrine
Guests 5
Members 19
Percentage 86

Introduction of Guests:
Traveling Leo –James City Lions Club – Dave and Margene Hartsough, Bill Pritchard and Pete D’Agostino

Temporary Recess for Dinner at 7:10PM

Meeting called back to order at 7:30PM

Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Steve Rosnov

Guest SpeakerMark Gemender currently serves as the Public Works Operations Engineer for the City of Virginia Beach. He is responsible for the maintenance programs for all City owned buildings and infrastructure, excluding schools. He is a registered professional engineer in the commonwealth of Virginia and a graduate of Michigan State University college of Natural Science and the College of Civil Engineering. He has a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida and is a graduate of the Executive Studies Program at the business school at the University of Michigan. Mark is a retired Navy Captain of the Navy Civil Engineer Corps where he served for 26 years in various locations in construction, public works, SEABEE contingency construction and various staff positions. Mark and I have been good friends for close to twenty years since first working together in various seabee assignments . Lion

Mr. Gemender’s topic - Perspective on Maintenance in the City of Virginia Beach – The municipal infrastructure is a group of assets to be passed on to future generations. The asset management plan consists of five components – inventory, assessment, choosing the most cost effective maintenance repair techniques, availability of funds and a plan for the future. The responsibilities of the Public Works Department include streets, bridges, storm water dams and spillways and municipal facilities. There are 3500 paved lane miles, 62000 Signs and poles, 500 Signals, plus other associated items like sidewalks, curbs, gutters, paths, and the boardwalk.
The pavement management system is a model system because of intricate planning and forecasting. Repair maintenance is determined by the greatest need for the future. As an example, Mr. Gemender showed a graph that illustrated the maximum life of a road could be doubled if milling and overlaying is timed at the critical 14 year point. The idea of good maintenance costing less allowed the Department to be granted an extra 4 million dollar by the City Council for repair work. There are 54 structures, bridges, in city that require biennial inspections. Virginia Beach has 6 bridges in fair condition but also has two in poor condition. The worst is the Lesner Bridge but it is not “posted”, declared unusable. Controversy continues over the repair or the replacement of the bridge. Storm water assets are retention beds, structures, ponds and lakes. There are over 600 miles of roadside ditches, 200 off road ditches, 1000 miles of “D” grade pipes (very old neighborhoods). With GIS database inventories, the Department can assess changes in assets. The storm water bill was raised by 2 cents two years ago to improve the off road ditches from a grade of “D” to a grade of “C”. (Letters are ratings just as one is graded in school.) This year the City Council was briefed to raise the fee another 1 cent to raise the pipe and structure grade to a “C”. The Department employs 308 people with funding source of 26.4 million.

In summary, Mr. Gemender stated the the Department of Public Works, would continue to maintain strong asset inventory and asset management principles in maintenance practices, they would focus on existing storm water asset inventory, and they would use innovative approaches for pavement maintenance to save money. In subdivision streets, they would reduce full depth overlays in favor of thin overlays, sand sealing, and crack sealing/filling.
The Department will continue to project current asset value to obtain the best percentage of value for funding maintenance.

Tough questions were fielded to the speaker from club members concerning the preservation or destruction of the Lesner Bridge, hiring of outside engineering firms for advice, long-term storm management techniques, and availability of funds from taxes on trucking.

President’s Announcements:
Meeting Venue- Lion Bob Perrine – discussed the venue options available to the club, Hot Tuna or Japanese Buffet. It was moved and voted that we would hold our next meeting at Hot Tuna to get a good comparison before settling on a permanent venue.

Officer Training and New Member Orientation – LionNancy Watters, LionBob Donnley,Lion Bob Perrine, LionJack Wagnor are attending. April 18th – Sarah Hudgins Bonwell Center – The Club pays $5.00 per person.

Adult Learning Center Scholarship – Lion Ed DeLong spoke to the Director . Our club has previously awarded scholarships to those who were planning to go further with their education. Since most of those scholarships have been returned when recipients changed their plans, it was decided that the scholarships would be awarded to those who were still in the Adult Learning Center and needed financial assistance. To date there are 5 applicants for this year.

Journey for Sight , April 11th – Our club traditionally supplies water for runners. Members to participate are Lion Jim Healy, Lion Roger Snell, Lion Bob Donnley, Lion Jack Wagnor, Lion Ed DeLong, and Lion Bill Pope. Report time is 7:30 a.m.

LPGA Michelob Ultra Golf Tournament - Lion Bill Pope attended meeting with 24D Charity Foundation . The proceeds for the tournament have been steadily decreasing ( $40,000 to $32,000) The Foundation is searching for another fund raising project.

Regional Bland Contest- Lion John Watters reported that he and Lion Nancy attended the contest on the 21st of March. Neither of our club winners won at regional. But our first place vocalist won second and the top instrumentalist was our club winner last year, Anika Jenkins.

Charter Night –June 17th –Lion Nancy Watters reported that Broad Bay Country Club is willing to offer the same deal as last year, $32.00 per person. The menu consists of Grilled Rib Eye or Margarita Tuna, Roasted Red Potatoes, Seasonal Vegetables, Salad, Brownie Cheese Cake, Rolls, Coffee/Tea. There will be a vegetable/cheese/fruit tray with an open cash bar. Cocktails start at 6:00pm with dinner at 7:00pm. A $100.00 deposit is requested to hold the date and room. Each additional hour after 9:00pm is an extra charge of $100.00. (This item is to be negotiated before deposit is made.

Member at Large - Lion President Bill Pope reported that Lion Randy Julian is still a member at large and has a new phone number and email address – cell 757 589 1706 email –

Sight Report – Lion Nancy Watters reported that 3 prs. of glasses and 3 exams had been approved this month. The yearly gift to the three elementary schools is due and checks will be requested in the board meeting at the end of this meeting. The schools in the area are Thalia Elementary, Kings Grant Elementary, and Malibu Elementary. The Club usually presents each school with a check of two hundred dollars to be used by the clinic.

Eye Glass Recycling – Lion Ed DeLong reported that 221 prs. of glasses and 27 hearing aids had been collected and turned into the center.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vicki Kennedy (see attached)

Secretary’s Report –Lion Dallas Divelbiss – This is the beginning of a new quarter and bills for dues will be sent shortly.

Birthdays: none in April

Raffle: 50/25-25 Raffle won by Lion Steve Rosnov ($20.00) – Red Pouch money- $348.00 -No Joker was pulled!! Prize money is still available.

Adjournment 8:05pm

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy M. Watters
Secretary in training


1 Next Regular Meeting, Apr.15th at Hot Tuna
2 Journey for Sight - April 11 at Ft Story
3 Broom Sale - May 8,9 & 10th. ( Lion Bob Perrine to check on broom orders)
4 White cane sale – April 17th & 18th ( Lion Steve Rosnov)
5 Officer Training and New Member Orientation – April 18th – Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Center, Hampton – - Lion Nancy Watters, Lion Bob Perrine, Lion Jack Wagnor, LionBob Donnley are attending

OFFICIAL MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGThe Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at Denny’s Restaurant , on April 1, 2009, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:00p.m. by President Lion Bill Pope who acted as chairman, with the following board members in attendance:
Lion Bill Pope, President
Lion Nancy Watters, Sight
Lion Bob Perrine, 1st VP
Lion John Watters, Immediate Past Pres.
Lion Steve Rosnov, Membership
Lion Jim Healy, 2nd VP
Lion Dick Kreassig, Director
Lion Dallas Divelbiss, Secretary
Lion Bill Abdalla, member in attendance
Lion Stan Furman, Tailtwister
Lion Bob Donnley, member in attendance
Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas.
Lion Jerri Furman, Lion Tamer

Minutes of Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 8:15 pm

A request was made by Lion Nancy Watters for checks in the amount of $200.00 to the clinic of each of the three elementary schools in our area, Thalia, Malibu, and Kings Grant. The checks are customarily presented to the schools for their discretionary use in the clinic of the school.

A check in the amount of $100.00 was requested by Lion Nancy Watters for a Charter Night deposit for Broad Bay Country Club.

Lion Bob Donnely met with Gloria Harris, Old Donation Center principal and discussed the sponsorship of children to do reviews” for charities or nursing homes. The program is called Quest. No transportation is required by the club. Parents and volunteers will be responsible. These are 4th and 5th graders who would be involved to present short programs. Our Club would set the venue and act as a sponsor. Lion Steve Rosnov and Lion Ed DeLong volunteered to work with Lion Bob.

White Cane – dates were decided to be April 17th and 18th. Lion Steve Rosnov is in charge

Broom Sale – dates were decided to be May 8, 9, and 10.

Lion Jeri Furman announced that the cost of providing a hearing exam and hearing aid through ODU was $400.00. However the Charity foundation pays $50.00, the club pays $250.00 and the recipient is asked to pay $50.00.

The meeting was adjourned 8:40pm

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary in Training

The Mar 18, 2009 regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, of Virginia Beach, VA, was called to order, after a Social Mixer, by Lion President Bill Pope at 6:32PM with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.

· Guests 6
· Members 14
· Percentage 67%

· Song – led by Lion John Watters
· Pledge of Allegiance – led by Lion Carl Welsh
· Invocation – Lion Dick Kreassig

Introduction of Guests:
· Mary Ann Donnely, wife of Lion Bob Donnely
· Traveling Leo -Va. Beach Central Lions Club – Lions AZ, Karen Arcuri, Sandra Tatum, Anthony Emperioli and Al Miller.

Candidate for Vice District Governor. Lion Al Miller spoke briefly and asked that the club vote for him in the coming election. His main theme is “membership.” Lion Al presented the club president with a copy of “Proceedings of the US Canada Forum.”

Temporary Recess for Dinner at 7:00PM
Meeting called back to order at 7:30PM

Guest Speaker - Elyse Brown
Introduction of Guest Speaker by Lion Steve Rosnov - Elyse Brown, Director of the Ronald McDonald House, 404 Colley Ave., Norfolk. (Tours are available and encouraged.)
Ronald McDonald House is a global organization with 284 worldwide living facilities for families with ill children in any medical facility, not just CHKD. Tours are available and encouraged.
Accommodations are free but the charity will accept donation of $25.00 per night if the family can afford to donate. There is no financial check. The word of the client is sufficient. Families may stay as long as necessary. There are no restrictions on length of stay as long as children are under 18 years of age. The House can accommodate 17 families - about 55 people at one time. People come from all over the world to stay at the facility while children are being treated. The house is kept very clean and everything used to run the facility is completely donated – down to the paper products. Laundry facilities are also available with washing products donated. Some sponsoring companies are Marva Maid, Coke, Union Pacific, Bissel, and Kirby. Meals are only provided when someone comes to do it as a donation. All food must be prepared on the premises to insure safety. There is a wish list on the website for any person, organization, or church to donate food items or other supplies. The first house was started in 1974 by Philadelphia Eagle, Fred Hill. Mr. Hill formed a relationship with Ray Krop, founder of McDonalds and established the first McDonald House in Philadelphia. Ronald McDonald still contributes about 15% o f the 450,000.00 operating costs per year.

President’s Announcements:· Meeting Venue report, Frankie’s in Kempsville is only available on Thursdays. Regency Buffet - The price is $10.95 plus drink and tax & tip. With less than 20 people, a $20.00 fee room fee is required. The search continues for a suitable meeting place.
· State Convention - May 28-31, 2009 at Sheraton Premiere, Tyson's Corner - $99 per night
· Sign up for Officer Training - Pres, Sec, Vp's, new members orientation - April 18th - Sarah Hudgins Bonwell Center - Club pays $5 fee per person – Attending are LionBob Donnely, Lion Bob Perrine, Lion Nancy Watters.
· LionEd DeLong will take hearing aids and eyeglasses to the recycling center.
· Food Lion registration forms were passed out to enroll personal MVP cards for benefit of Lions Mobile S&H Van Unit.
· Lions Nancy & John Watters will attend the Bland Regional Contest Mar. 21st.
· Invitation to Diabetes Camp was given to Lion Nancy Watters to distribute to the school nurses in the Thalia Lions Club area.

Reports:· Traveling Leo – Lion Dallas Divelbiss- Because we are very far behind Southside Lions Club , we are doing no more Traveling Leos this year.
· Secretary’s Report – Lion Dallas Divelbiss - Two members are behind in dues but were not in attendance at this meeting.
· Treasurer’s Report – Lion Vickie Kennedy - see attached report
· Important Announcements from the floor:
- Birthdays: John Watters, Steve Rosnov, Bill Pope - Entire club sang “Happy Birthday” - Lion Al Miller was outbid.
- Raffle: 50/25-25 Raffle won by Lion Carl Welsh – Red Pouch money- $327.00 -. No Joker was pulled!! Prize money is still available.

Adjournment - 7:56pm

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy M. Watters
Secretary in training

Reminders:1 Next Regular Meeting, Apr 1, 6:30pm, Denny’s Restaurant
2 Journey for Sight - April 11 at Ft Story
3 Broom Sale - May 8,9 and possibly the 10th. ( Lion Bob Perrine to check on broom orders)
4 White cane sale – tbd

The Thalia Lions Club of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held a special Board Meeting at Denny’s Restaurant , on Mar 18, 2009, following the Regular Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:00p.m. by President Lion Bill Pope who acted as chairman, with the following board members in attendance: Lion Bill Pope, President; Lion Nancy Watters, Sight Lion; Bob Perrine, 1st VP; Lion John Watters, Immediate Past Pres; Lion Steve Rosnov, Membership; Lion Jim Healy, 2nd VP; Lion Dick Kreassig, Director; Lion Dallas Divelbiss, Secretary; Lion Bill Abdalla, member in attendance; Lion Stan Furman, Tailtwister; Lion Bob Donnley, member in attendance; Lion Vickie Kennedy, Treas; and Lion Jerri Furman, Lion Tamer.

Minutes of Business Meeting
1. Thalia Website - Lion Steve Rosnov has been looking into the website problem. – Lion Randy Jullian webmaster is no longer available. After investigation, Lion Steve found that the site webmaster must relinquish ownership. Luanne Goldrich of Innovative Designs actually owns the site. She has refused to offer any information. –Lion Steve’s recommendation is for the club to send a letter to request that the site be relinquished to the club or let it expire and start a new page. The cost is$106.40 per year. Lion Bob Perrine moved that we cancel the old website and go to Google for free web page. He felt that we need things that are pertinent to our club. The motion was seconded by Lion Nancy. The move was passed.

2. Donation - Dennis Free, Chief Deputy Sheriff of Virginia Beach, gave the club a check for $500.00 made to LCIF. It was moved, seconded and approved that the check be sent to LCIF earmarked for a Melvin Jones Award so that we can earn credit for the club.

3. Meeting Location - The search goes on for place to meet. Lion Bob Perrine asked for permission to negotiate with Hot Tuna. Their Early Bird Special goes to 6:30pm. Permission was granted.

4. Children’s Program, New Idea - Lion Bob Donnelly requested permission to speak to the principal at ODC concerning an idea to take their children’s program to nursing homes or other outreach places. The price would be a donation to the PTA. Participation could be part of the school service programs and would be a good outreach for the club involving parents, children, schools, etc. Bob Donnely stated the motion, Bob Perrine seconded and the motion passed.

5. The meeting was adjourned 8:17pm

Respectfully submitted:
Lion Nancy Watters, Secretary in Training
17 Atlantic Ave. Wachapreague, VA
Collins Square
Eye Glass Recycling Center: Lion Ed DeLong – Oct. 8, 2009 – Lions Ed DeLong, John Watters, Bob Perrine, Steve Rosnov, Bob Donnelly, Dallas Divelbiss – worked two hours each at the new Southside Eyeglass recycling center. The group received a thorough indoctrination of the center by Lions W.T. Perkins and Dick Knox as well as a lecture by Lion John Watters on optics.
Sight and Hearing Van - Lion Ed DeLong -Sight and Hearing Van scheduled for November 20th at the Adult Learning Center has been cancelled and will be scheduled for a later date. Joint sponsorship of the Sight and Hearing Van at the Old Donation Church Health Fair,
449 North Witchduck Road
on Feb. 20th between the hours are from is still scheduled.
Sight Report: Lion Nancy Watters –Sunnybrook Day School October 13-14 and Malibu Oct. 15. eye screening
White Cane – Lion Bob Donnelly the White Cane event will be November 6th and 7th. Lion Nancy Watters stated that permission has been granted at Collins Square Shopping Center as an additional site.
Traveling Leo: Lion Steve Rosnov
Leo Club
with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register.
27002 Smith Ferry Road, Franklin
Happy St.
Bonny Road
since it is in our area and near Paul’s Garage.
Colley Ave
on Brambleton in the right lane and then turn-in to the medical complex on the right. Keep left and the parking lot will be on the left. There is a ‘guard-house’ at the lot entrance, but no one will be in it. Park anywhere you can and walk across the street to the lobby of the pavilion. Take the elevator to second floor, turn left then left again to the end where the Eye Bank is located. Don’t be confused by the “Lions Eye Center” signs that will take you somewhere else. Alternate parking is in the parking garage past the pavilion. It may be labeled parking for the Heart Hospital. You can enter the Hearth Hospital and wind around to the Pavilion lobby.
4312 Virginia Beach Blvd.
- 4 Lions – 27.5 points - Lions Steve, Stan, Jeri, Bob Donnelly
1952 Laskin Rd.
, VB with those members in attendance as shown on the Attendance Record and Guest Register. Transcribed below is what happened at the meeting.


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