
Showing posts from January, 2009

Youth Exchange Camp

          The Lions Youth Camp and Exchange Program (YCE)  The program gives young adults, ages 16-19, the opportunity to experience life in other cultures and gain new understanding of the world through travel abroad. Participants are encouraged to use this travel opportunity to represent their home countries and share their own culture while learning about and embracing a new one, forging the way to becoming young ambassadors for peace and international understanding.  Thalia Lions provide dinners for 25-35 youth each year at Virginia Wesleyan College, a small liberal arts college located at 1584 Wesleyan Dr, Norfolk, VA. Here they have a hearty meal and exchange ideas with Thalia Lions. This is just one of many activities in their month travels around Virginia and D.C. Sunday, July 9, 2017, 5:30 pm. The dinner was in the Virginia Wesleyan C...

Fruit Sale

The Thalia Lions Club 2016 Fruit Sale - trucked straight from the grove means unbelievably fresh fruit at a low price! Orders must be in by 7 Dec. C J. Citrus will deliver between 14 and 18 Dec with pickup at Lion Jack’s home - 845 Five Point Road. Virginia Beach, VA 23454.   Call Lion Jack   @ 481 9123 ( home) or 286 0222 (cell) .   4/5 Bushel Navel Oranges -           $37.00   2/5 Bushel Navel Oranges -           $24.00   4/5 Bushel Grapefruit -                   $32.00   2/5 Bushel Grapefruit -                   $20.00   2/5 Bushel Tangerines -                 $32.00   1/5 Bushel Tang...


The Thalia Lions Club twins with Skopje Macedonia 31 May 2012 Update : Thalia Lions host Guest from Twin Club in Republic of Macedonia, by Lion Nancy Watters, Thalia Lions Club:   Lion Teuta Krasnica Cuckova from the Lions Club of Skopje St. Pantelejmon, Republic of Macedonia   joined Lions Stan and Jeri Furman and Lion Filip Cuckova and Ana   Samolov Cuckova for dinner at the home of Lions John and Nancy Watters on May 31 st to celebrate the second year of twinning between the two clubs.   First Vice District Governor, Lion Stanley Furman presented Lion Teuta with both the Incoming District Governor’s pin and the International Governor’s pin.   Along with gifts of wine and woven textiles given to Lions Nancy and John, Lion Teuta presented the Furmans with a clay relief tile of Mother Teresa.   Mother Teresa was born in Skpoje, Macedonia, Teuta’s home.   Lion Teuta was in town for her son Filip’s wedding to Ana Samolov, a prospective Thalia member. ...


Lions History of the Ginkgo Tree Thalia Lions Plant Tree at 2011 Fall Conference Arriving at the recent Fall Conference of District 24-D (Oct 14-15, 2011), the Thalia Lions picked up their tree to plant (a nice Live Oak tree from the Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Services). A few minutes later, a chance encounter with the head grounds keeper of the Cavalier Hotel resulted in his request to add it to the Live Oak hammock on the grounds of the hotel. A few minutes later, the tree was planted. The above photo shows Tom Corso, the grounds keeper, with Lion John Watters of the Thalia Lions. (Photo by Lion Nancy Watters) April 13, 2010. Pictured above, with the planted gingko tree (carefully nutured during the winter) on the grounds of Paul's Garage in Virginia Beach, are the current owner of Paul's Garage, Lion Kim Vakos, Thalia Lion Jim Healy, and incoming 2010-2011 Thalia Lions President, Lion Steve Rosnov. (see May 2010 KnightsVision Article submitted by Li...


In response to LCI’s “ Lions in Sight Project ,” an initiative to get Lions out in front of the public to become more recognized, Lion Rich Roberts, at the January 6, 2010 regular meeting of the Thalia Lions Club, suggested the club adopt a strip of roadway and commit to picking up trash. This is an “ Adopt a Highway ” program through the City of Virginia Beach. The motion was made and the vote carried. In March 2010, the Thalia Lions Club pledged to the City of Virginia Beach to perform 12 clean-ups over a 2 year period on a 1.8 mile stretch of Bonney Road. The club’s assigned area runs from where Thalia holds meetings (Crowne Plaza Hotel, 4453 Bonney Road, Virginia Beach) to the intersection of Bonney Road and Rosemont Road. The City of Virginia Beach recognized Thalia’s efforts to improve the cleanliness of the city by placing signs at each end of Thalia’s area that display Thalia’s club's name. See 24D’s new " green blog " @ .

RAM / Homeless

The Thalia Lions Club Remote Area Medical (RAM) and Project Homeless Connect Committee Chairman is under the overall supervision of the 3rd Vice President for Community Services. July 2017 - Wise County RAM was very successful again this year. About 2000 patients were admitted during the weekend, and about 700 of those went through vision and hearing screening with the Lions. Districts 24 - D and 24-B screened 289 people on our vehicle, 24-A and 24-F screened the remainder. Several Lions from District 24-B helped staff our van, including their new DG Ann Ragland, so we had a good collaborative event with our future district partners. The people in the above photo are Lion Dr. John Watters, Stan Brock (founder of RAM), Lion Nancy Watters, Brennan Scott and Lion Fran Scott at the RAM Vision Clinic, Wise County, Virginia, Wise County Fairgrounds during the Jul 19 - 22, 2013 fourteenth annual RAM Clinic. See http://www.wkyt.c...

Recycle Glasses

At the Nov 17, 2021 Rgular Meeting, Lion John Watters announced that we are temporarily pausing our eye glasses recycling activities because of excessive amounts of glasses. A group of Thalia Lions work at the recycling center once a month from 10 AM to noon on a Thursday morning every second Thursday each month.- Southside Eyeglass Recycling Center at 2040 Broadmoor Avenue, Chesapeake, VA 23323 . The work involves sorting out, repairing, testing and packaging eyeglasses so that they are ready for distribution. The service project was reinstated Oct 8, 2009. Sep 12, 2013 - Thalia Club marking eyeglass strengths at the Eye Glass Recycling Center "Eyeglass and Hearing Aid Recycling - Free for You – Priceless to Them" Here's how you can help. You can drop off your old eyewear and hearing aids at one of Thalia Lions’sponsored collection boxes. Locations are as follows: Eye Glass Collection Locations (Revised December 15, 2011) 1. The UPS Store 3419 Virginia ...

Officers' Duties

The President shall - 1. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club. 2. Preside at all meetings and is chairman of the Board of Directors. 3. Issues the call for all regular and special Board Meetings. 4. Appoint the standing and special committees of this club and cooperates with chairmen thereof to effect regular functioning and reporting of such committees. 5. Call and hold regular elections. 6. Cooperate with the 24D District Governor’s Advisory Committee. 7. Co-sign club checks with the Treasurer. 8. Appoint a nominating committee to put together a slate of candidates so that an election meeting may be held no later than April 15. Goals of the President . 1. Attempt to have his club be a 100% (or greater) club by accomplishing the following:. (a) Promote and excell in the 24D Governor’s Achievement Program. (b) Comply with the Standard Leo Club Constitution and Bylaws and the policies of the International Board of Directors, and refrain from any action encouraging u...

President's Award

2009-2010 CLUB PRESIDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD APPLICATION In order to receive the Club President Excellence Award, each club president must have the club secretary fill out this form and have it approved and signed by the district governor. Charter presidents in clubs organized during the first six months of the fiscal year shall be eligible. In undistricted areas the Coordinating Lion or provisional region/zone chairpersons should sign the completed form. The completed form must be mailed to the English Language Department at International Headquarters, or faxed to (630) 706-9130, to arrive by September 30, 2010. The award will be mailed to the 2010-2011 district governor for presentation. In undistricted areas the award will be mailed directly to the coordinating Lions or directly to the 2010-2011club president. Requirements. Please confirm completion by checking the boxes and supplying requested information. 1. The club has furthered the association’s purposes and has adhered to the...

Melvin Jones

Lions International recognizes outstanding individuals by bestowing on them an award that is named for its founder, Melvin Jones. This Fellowship Award Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) was created in 1973 by Lions Clubs International (LCI) as the highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual's dedication to humanitarian service. Whether a Lion should be selected to receive a Melvin Jones Fellowship award is decided only by the Club's Melvin Jones Fellows, and then the identity of the recipient is only disclosed at an installation dinner. The Melvin Jones Fellowship is the backbone of LCIF. A recognition of humanitarian work, an MJF is awarded to those who donate $1,000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation was made by others. Melvin Jones Fellows receive an attractive lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter. Melvin Jones Fellows who make additional ...


  Membership Goals The responsibilities of the Membership Director as delineated in the Club By-Laws; The membership director shall be the chairman of the membership committee.  The responsibilities for this position shall be: (a) Development of a growth program specifically for the club and presented to the board of directors for approval. (b) Regular encouragement at club meeting to bring in new quality members. (c) Ensuring proper recruitment procedures. (d) Preparation and implementation of orientation sessions. (e) Reporting to the board of directors on ways to reduce the loss of members. (f) Coordination with other club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities. (g) Serving as a member of the zone level membership committee. Goals: 1. RECRUIT NEW MEMBERS: Host a Lions Open House .  Twice a year, organize an Open House, where Lions Members can invite friends, neighbors, co-workers and other potential Lions.  ...